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Name of the Teacher: _________________________________________________________

School: ____________________________________________________________________
Grade Level: ________________________________________________________________

Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST).



Domain 1- Content Knowledge and
Domain 2- Learning Environment
Domain 3- Diversity of Learners
Domain 4- Curriculum and Planning
Domain 5- Assessment and Reporting
Domain 6- Community Linkages and
Professional Engagement
Domain 7- Personal Growth & Professional


(Beginning, Proficient, Highly Proficient,
Distinguished Teachers)
1. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum area

2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning

3. Positive use of ICT
4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy

5. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other

higher-order thinking skills
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
7. Classroom communication strategies
8. Learner safety and security
9. Fair learning environment
10. Management of classroom structure and activities
11. Support for learner participation
12. Promotion of purposive learning

13. Management of learner behavior

14. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
15. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds

16. Learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents

17. Learners in difficult circumstances
18. Learners from indigenous groups
19. Planning and management of teaching and learning process
20. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
21. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
22. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
23. Teaching and learning resources including ICT
24. Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies

25. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement

26. Feedback to improve learning
27. Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key
28. Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and
29. Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community
30. Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative
31. Professional ethics
32. School policies and procedures
33. Philosophy of teaching
34. Dignity of teaching as a profession
35. Professional links with colleagues
36. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
37. Professional development goals

I. Barangay Location

1. Distance from the City (in Km) _______________

2. 2. Distance from the College where enrolled ______________

II. Demography

1. Population: ____________

2. Number of Households: ____________

3. Number of School-going children: ____________

III. Physical Features (Please check)

1. Lowland __________
2. Upland __________
3. Mountainous __________
4. Coastal __________

IV.Facilities (Please check)

1. School _________ 7. Cooperative Store _______

2. Community Center _________ 8. Church/Chapel _______
3. Plaza _________ 9. Electricity _______
4. Health Center _________ 10. Drinking Water Supply _______
5. Market _________ 11. Reading Center _______
6. Road Network _________ 12. Others (Specify) _______
V. Agricultural Resources (Please check)

1. Rice fields _________ 7. Forest trees ___________

2. Cornfields _________ 8. Bananas ___________

3. Sugarcane Fields _________ 8. Root crops ___________

4. Coconut palms _________ 9. Live stocks ___________

5. Fruit trees _________ 10. Fisheries ___________

VI. Commercial Resources (Please check)

1. Sari-sari stores __________ 6. Factory ____________

2. Trading center __________ 7. Machine shops ____________
3. Rural banks __________ 8. Beauty parlor ____________
4. Cooperative stores __________ 9. Bookstore ____________
5. Carinderia/Restaurant __________ 10. Others (specify) ____________

VII. Common Means of Transportation (Please check)

1. Jeepney _________ 5. Bicycle ____________

2. Bus _________ 6. Horseback ____________
3. Tricycle _________ 7. Animal driven transpo ___________
4. Trisikad _________ 8. Others (specify) ___________
VIII. Development Programs in the Barangay
1. Brigada Eskwela ___________
2. Clean and Green ___________
3. Gulayan ng Bayan ___________
4. Peace and Order ___________
5. Others (please list) ___________

IX. Annual Community Activities (Please check)

1. Barangay Fiesta _____________

2. Community Festival _____________
3. Sports Festival _____________
4. Search for Miss Barangay _____________
5. Christmas Celebration _____________
5. Others (please list) _____________

Interview of the School Teacher

Your second concrete experience will be to visit the school in the Community which you surveyed.
Interview (via online) a Resource Teacher.

In your interview, you may ask your Resource Teacher the following questions:

1. What school activities do you conduct that allow participation of the people in the barangay?

2. Are there community activities that you, as teachers join? Please name. Do your pupils also join these activities?

3. What learning do your pupils gain from the participation?


4. What does the community benefit from joining in your school activities?

5. As per observation, are the lessons that you taught in the school transferred to the homes or the community?

6. What community resources have you used in your teaching?


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