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Why Study the Media: The Texture of to the possibilities, of communication, both

Experience by Roger Silverstone within and against the taken-for-granted in our

everyday lives, we will fail to understand those
> Why do we use media? lives.
● We use media for pleasure,
information, comfort, security, > Berlin’s characterization is principally a
continuity of experience, and methodological one; the “why” necessarily
intensity of the experience. involves the “how.”
> Surface of the Media Culture:
● It is sufficient for those concerned to > History is to be a humane undertaking, not
sell. scientific in its search for laws, generalizations
● The surface is often insufficient if we or theoretical closure, but an activity premised
are interested in what media do, as well on the recognition of difference and specify and
as what we do with media. It is also a realization.
insufficient if we wish to grasp the
intensity and insistence of our lives with > There are other metaphors in the attempts to
our media. grasp the media’s role in contemporary media;
> Media are central to our everyday lives that we conduits (a channel for conveying water or
must study them other fluid/ like a pipe.) They offer more or less
● Study them as social and cultural, as undisturbed routes from message to mind.
well as political and economic
dimensions of the world. ● We can think of them (conduits) as
● Study them in their ubiquity (the ability languages, providing texts and
to be anywhere) and complexity. representations for interpretation.
● Study them as contributors to our ● We can also approach them as
variable capacity to make sense of the environments, enfolding us in the
world, to make and share its meanings. intensity of media culture, cloying,
> We should study media in Isaiah Berlin’s containing, and challenging in turn.
terms, as part of the “general texture of
experience” — A phrase that touches the > McLuhan sees media as extensions of a
grounded nature of life in the world, those man—like prostheses. Although it enhances
aspects of experience which we take for granted both power and reach, it is also both disabling
and which must survive if we are to live and and enabling as become progressively entwined
communicate with each other. in the prophylactically social.

> The media are now part of the general texture > Metaphors (that are used to understand
of experience. communication) are useful but we need to go
beyond them.
>If we are to include language as a medium, this
would ever be so, and we might wish to consider > The answer to my question will involve
the continuities of speech, writing print and tracing media through the ways in which they
audiovisual representation as indicative of the participate in contemporary social and cultural
kind of answers to the question I am seeking for; life which involves an examination of media as a
that without attention to the form and contents, process.
>To understand media as a process, involves a > There is no single theory of media to be had.
recognition that the process is fundamentally (it is a terrible mistake to look for one.)
and eternally social, is to insist on the media as
historically specific. >What we want is to apply what we have come
to understand, to engage with those w who
> Media(s) are changing and have changed may respond and encourage reflexibility and
radically. responsibility.

>To understand the media as a process also > Study of media must be a relevant and humane
involves a recognition that the process is also science. Therefore, the answers to the questions
fundamentally political or strictly politically earlier will be premised on a sense of
economic. complexities that are substantive,
methodological, and moral.
> Meanings that are offered and made through
the various communications that flood our > Media are daily; constantly present in our
everyday lives have emerged from institutions lives. (Radio, newspaper, telephone, etc.)
increasingly global in
Their reach and in their sensitivities and > In the mundane world, media operates most
insensitivities. significantly in such a way that they filter and
frame everyday realities through different
> The power of these institutions, the power to representations, by providing touchstones
control the productive and distributive (fundamental parts), references, and
dimensions of contemporary media, and the maintenance of common sense.
correlative and progressive weakening of
national governments to control the flow of > Common sense is where we must begin,
words, images and data within their national neither singular nor undisputed
borders, is profoundly significant and
unarguable. > The media depend on common sense; they
reproduce it, appeal to it, but also exploit and
> There’s a constant tension between the misinterpret it.
technological, the industrial and the social, a
tension between the technological— a tension > It is through common sense that we are
that must be addressed if we are to recognize enabled; to share and distinguish our lives from
media as indeed a process of mediation. others.

> Institutions do not make meanings, they offer > Our lives as human beings constantly move,
them. Institutions do not change evenly; they and as we do these things every day, we are
have different life cycles and different histories. always accompanied by media; watching tv.
Reading newspapers, etc. And these media
> We study media because we want to answer activities links us altogether who also do the
the questions like who mediates the media? How same things.\
do we understand media as both content and
form? Etc.
> Our experiences with media are often fleeting . 2. Ordered according to norms and
(quick, easy to disappear) classifications that have stood the tests
of time and society.
> What Silverstone is trying to say is contrary to 3. Interrupted by unexpected events like a
what Manuel Castells (1996) which is “space of catastrophe, its own vulnerability, or by
flows” in simpler terms it means that it is a its own inevitable lack of coherence.
space that is organized and created by the 4. Acted out and acted upon.
constant movement of people, goods and
information over large distances. The space of > Kirsten Hastrup suggests that “imagination
flows is not so much organized to move things springs from the body as well as from the mid.”
from one place to another, but to keep them Which implies that the body is the material basis
moving around. In the space of flows, arrival for experiences. (As stated earlier, media is like
becomes elusive, virtually indistinguishable an extension of our body.)
from departure.”
> Psychoanalyses are:
> For Silvester, we (humans) move too in media ● Forceful - disturbing and non-rational
spaces both in reality and fiction. And to ● Blurs reality and fantasy/fiction/troubles
STUDY THE MEDIA is to study these ● Shift from clinical theory and practice to
movements in space and time to study their cultural critique
interrelationships. ● Way to think about feelings
● Cognitive in orientation
> To study media is to study them in their ● Behavioural in content
contribution to the general texture of ● Challenges sociological reduction
experience, then certain things must follow: ● An approach to reinforce a sense of
● > The first one is to recognize the complexities of media and cultural
reality of experience, for they are real without closing them down.
including media experiences.
> We must be able to distinguish reality
from fantasies that are brought by > Experience, both mediated and media,
media. emerges at the interface of the body and psyche.
> this is where we can say that our
common sense as media users is > Our stories, our conversations are present both
challenged. in the formal narratives of media (news reports,
● > The second one is to enquire more documentaries, etc.) and everyday tales (gossips,
deeply into what constitutes experience rumours, casual conversation, etc.)
and its shaping.
> Media are central to the process of making
> Experience is shaped, a matter of both identity distinctions and making judgments; they mediate
and difference. It is unique, shareable, physician the dialectic between the classifications that
and psychological. shape experience and experience that colours
> Experience is: classifications, then we must enquire into the
1. Framed by prior agendas and past consequences of such mediation.
“We must study the media.”

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