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Jallen Ross C.

Fernandez 2COM3
2020135719 2/2/22
By: Resil Mojares

Thesis: The Philippine folk traditions show a wide variety of forms.

I. Native Varieties of Narrative:

A. Simple Narratives
1. Simple narratives are short.
2. It is constituted by a single episode.
3. It is composed of a limited set of incidents.
4. It may be a part of a complex narrative.

B. Complex Narratives
1. Complex narratives are long.
2. CIt is constituted of a large series of episodes.
3. It is a whole cycle of tales.
4. It may be constituted of a whole series of simple narratives

II. Difference of Folktales and Ballads from Epics: Length

A. Folktales and Ballads
1. Folktales and ballads are generally short.
2. They are constituted of relatively few plot elements.
3. Folktales and Ballads are usually told in prose like in most tales.
4. They could also be sung in verse-like ballads.
B. Epics
1. On the other hand, epics are long narratives.
2. Epics are narrative cycles in verse.
3. These are often a combination of music, dance, ritual action.
III. Difference of Folktales and Ballads from Epics: Function
A. Folktales and Ballads
1. Folktales and Ballads are used for entertainment.
2. These are also used for social indoctrination.
B. Epics
1. Epics, on the other hand, are used for rituals.
2. These are also used for cultic functions

IV. Typological despcription by E.A Manuel

A. The sheer density of the epic.
1. Microepics - A complete song or story of an epic cycle with lines ranging from 1,
000 to 1, 500.
2. Macroepics - The epic cycle that may run from 50, 000 to 60,000 lines.
B. Oral Existence.
1. Epics are orally created, performed, and transmitted by local bards.
C. Chanted or Sung in verse as a medium.
1. Its musical complement may be from a flat recitative to relatively more complex
2. There can be an instrumental accompaniment present.
3. There can also be elements of dance and ritual actions in an epic performance.
D. Telling of supernatural events
1. Narrates heroic deeds by heroes with magical attributes.
2. It may also refer to historical events.
3. Traditional epics are mythic; the hero is moving in a world where the ordinary laws
of nature are suspended.
E. Certain seriousness of purpose
1. It embodies or validates the beliefs, customs, ideals, or life values of the people.
2. It also presents a sense of the general shape of tradition

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