The Behavior Of: Tarle 7.1

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Cpler r raus

a circu t refers to the

The natural response cf behavior (in terms of vollages
and curerts) af the circuit itsell, with ro eteinal souices ol excilation,

The natural response depencs on the r re C IN 1Usalel graphically in Fig. 7.2. Note thuit at

rature of tte cecut ale w 0 , we have the corrct intial condition as in E4 7.).As f increuses,
t e r a Ouces m 1ect, the cHCLt Fs g e ccreaes towaru zetu. The rapiuity wilh wich the v altuge

d responset only because of t e ene'gy decreises INeApresscd in lerms of the ime comstant, denoted by r, the

n i a y stored in the capecitor. lowercasc Cireek leticr tau.

The time constant of a cicut s the tme required for the e p o r * to

resporse to
ay ioa Tbctor of 1/e or 36 8 p e c e r t of ts e

This implies that at r , Eq, (7.7) becomes

0 368Vo

Vie Ve=0.368V
Figure 7. .2
The voluge response of the RC cicuit RC

In terms of the time constant. Eq (7.7) can be writien as

Values of V(D/V%e
witna calculalo it ecsy
vn/V,hown in ianie
o so wtha he
c n t ron l a e
ale ot vyV s
that the o l g e v ) is ess

Ihus, it ts customary to
7 e aictrVe ume constunis).
assume thut the capacstor is fully dischar ged (ar char ged) alter ive time

raty state when no chanees tale nle ih time Notice that for rry
o674 time interval al the voltage is reduced by 36.8 pecent of its pre vious
waluic. it T e0.6811. rEgaruiet o the value a .
rupidiy the v oltage decreuses, that is, the aster the response. This is
illustraled in Fig. 74. A cieuit with a snall time constant gi ves a fast

1stant gives a slo w response bea e il lak es longer ts sieady

state. At any rate, whether the time constant is sunall or large. the circuit
reaches sicady stte in v e e cnstants.
o With the veltage nn) in E4 (7.9), we can ind the current .

angent a


hus, the l a cuatunt ts the mitul ale al decay, r the ime Lakem lar/ Vg la decay irom

igure :
Ciupbical deterunaticn of the tu o fnd 2rt e ihe curve
comalanl ton he reprnc urve. alrs0,aa shawn an Fig. 7.3, The langent iniercepta widh the time aun att

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