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Page 2 of 17 rere SSN: 14404 Rev: 00 PRODUCTION R Honeywell PROCESS SOLUTIONS: SYSTEM LAYOUT fumis—Uniind Sene #4 4000-01(8800mmm) as o ao So Pug not f- aw Ge ‘Back Welling Serr #24031 Seanner "2280 SIR W7004 side-nount ne <—_ . ost | —T Ht = strvereay 5 5008 fanss Winder Sene #3 4000-01(6500mm) avs ae] i ie i, i i opis Burpuoy rf —————————————— tin] ou th Ld i SPECIALS Nowe 4404 ‘vancouver (CENTER SUPPLY Note: Attached Materials BOM lst the 4031 a8 Seanner #1 Honeywell Page 3 of 17 ‘SSN: 1444 Rev: 00 PROCESS SOLUTIONS NETWORK IDENTIFICATION Server ID #: (cefauit is Server: System NumberDAVING}) 14404DAVINCI NO SERVER NAME CHANGES ACCEPTED AFTER 19-Nov-07 FIELD DETAILED NCDE ASSIGNMENTS (Name fas an entry imitof 18), SERVER WAIN SERVEREU, ‘STATION ‘STATION | STATON [STATION ‘WANE WEASUREMENT LAW “Taa0eDAVINGL TA TA 1A NA NAME PROCESS LAN 7 FIELD IP ADDRESS a i ‘QUALITY SERVER [PRINTER [RIP BaP [ PRE] PRP ‘NAME MEASUREMENT LAN ALLANCEVEW NA. RA rf [7 [NAME PROCESS LAN — 7 FIELO IP ADDRESS Looe Honeywell PRODUCTION RELEASE Page 4 of 17 PROCESS SOLUTIONS SSN: 14404 Rev: 00 ‘SCANNER / PAPER MACHINE INFORMATION ‘Orentaion for completing this section is while standing in front of real locking upstream foward headbax or wAnd) Tending Sie of Machine: Right Measurement in #1: Right merger ofsheet& Standanize se: Let ‘Scanner Cable Side: Left Bi positon of Rope: Right ‘Does Rope resrit movement of Heads? Yes Number ofl ow Resolution Profle Bins: 6 Number of High Resoluten Profle Bins: 00 igh escationbin with at scanner 5 om ‘SCANNER DMENSIONS (SCNR #18 fst Scanneron te Process, e.g, WecPress) SONR#1 SCNR #2 SONR#3 Units “4000 4031 ‘000 Sconnor Namo UnWind Back Weting Windor Max Web (©) 2400 2400 2400 nm Cable End () (56mm min Safely Cleer) 1800 300 1800 arm Distant Ena (K) (Bdrm min Safety Gear) 1300 700 1300 nm Toa) 5500 4000 5600 rien Head Gap 100 264 100 am Stest Angle ° ° 0 Degrees Water Show Upstream of Scanne’? No No No (YesiNio) Kerosine Jot at Scanner? No No No (YesiNo Maximum Arion! Temperature: 45 6 45 “0 General System Power 230 VAC, 60 HZ Note: Attached Materials BOM lists 4031 as Scanner # 1 Honeywell Page of 17 PROCESS SOLUTIONS ‘SSN: 14404 «Rev: 00 ODUCT INE PRODUCT: Coated Fine (SCNR # 1 is 1st Scanner on the Process, €.9, We+-Press) SCANNER SCNR#1 SCNR¥2—SCNR#3_—_UNITS 4000 4094 +4000 UnWind Back Wetting Winger Bass WeigntRange 22-88 82-188 so-107 GoM Coat Weiaht if Coste) 7 2 45-70 GSM Moisture Rarge 25-15 25-75 25-75% Nominal Moisture 56 50 6% Caliper Range : 3 €0-200 irons Ash Range 6-3 - 63% Opacty Range : 2 2 % ‘Smoothness Range f : : % Porosity Range 3 3 = Mactine Speed 7 Min Max ¥ Paper Grado 7 Max# Color Grades Product Constivents which influence gauge selecton, Reference SD Fomn for Description: INFORMATION NOT SUPPLIED YesNo CarboniRenjcle YesNo ‘Carbon Bleck YesNo Broke Used YesNvo Inorganic Dyes Otherimportat factors: YesNio Molecular Bound Water Pesent YesNo ‘Water Repallent Used [ASH constituents o % Clay 100 %CaCOs 0 % Tir 0 %NgsiOz 0 % FeO2 0 4% Other (lease specify) Measurement Range: 0 ‘shin % (Ash/DWT) LabAshingTemp and Time: 900 °c 60 Min, TAPPIT 211- It specifies 525°C incineration, “until combustion is complete”, usually 30-60 mins. TAPPIT 418~ It specifies 800°C incieratlor, “unt combustion Is complete”, usually 30-00 mins. Honeywell IAC Production Release Date: 08/2007 QCS System integration : Fees Fronts 2500 West Urion Hills Drive ‘System Status: Production Phoenix, AZ 35027, USA ‘Disposition Build At Early MkModeis —_Qly Code Mig Modslt Mfg Part Description LatNbr Special Site Shipmert AMI -Server Bay Enclosure 1 09500105 Environmental BAY FOR PE200, FAN COOLED AM 1 1 09799507 FAN, PAGODA, TOP MOUNT, 230 AM 1 1 09811602 UPS Assy 1000 VA, 230Vae 50/60 He ont 1 (09836300 Enel. mounting for 1000 VA UPS ont 1 09874007 APP ENG, PE2900, 2003 SERVER ont 1 (09883301 RAPID RAIL RACK KIT FORPE290¢ GNI 000 1 09884301 KIT, TOWER TO RACK CONV, DELLPE2900 GN 1 5000 1 09887501 Network Switch, FTE Compatile, 230 VAC wt soxssaw 1 09508505 ALLIANCE. VIEW SERVER, W2003 Nt 5085-HW 1 (09883301 RAPID RAIL RACK KIT FORPE290¢ GN i SO8S-AW 1 09884301 KIT, TOWER TO RACK CONV, DELLPE2900 GN 1 ‘Sub Lacation: Comm - Communication 5000 1 09785701 RS#85/422. Nonsyne/Syne Communication AM/DVSer_ GN. 1 5000 1 (0982000 Serial Link Assy fx Da Vinel Server (toh Digiboard, © GN. 1 Location; GN 1 -General Equipment Sub Lacation:Serv- Server 000 098€0400 20° Cable, Da Vine! Monitorrkeyboardimouse counectiv GN. 1 5000 (09883700 Monitor, 19" Desktop LCD W/O Touchsereen Nt soss-W 098€0400 20" Cable, Da Vinci Monitorfkeyboard/mouse connectic GN. 1 5oas-4W (09883700 Monitor, 19" Desktop LCD W/O Touchsereen Nt ‘Sub Lacation; Samp. - Sample Equipment 38 1 09715400 Sample Strrer - Blecrie GN 38 1 09732700 ‘Test and Alignment Fisture forthe 2238 SSIR Type on GN 1 Location: GN 3 -General Equipment ‘Sub Location; Samp. Sample Equipment 3000 1 (09808800 Sample Stirrer RWT for Pree Pik & 2050 Head VGN 3 4000 1 09814700 Scanning sample fixture (1 persystem, Env. or Prec. GN 3 Location: HD 1 -Head and Gauges Sub Location: N/A - Not Apalicable 238 1 (09223803 Ref. lnfalRed Moisture Sensor3 ch, IRS HD 1 238 1 09714100 Air curtin DLE. kit for 238 SSIR uD I nie 1 (09724500 ‘Sheet Deflector fr Light Products HD I n38 1 (09867400 2238-03 SSIR, SDAQ Converson Kit HD I Samp - SampleEquipment 2238 1 09767400 Accy, Kt glass encased sampls (per 3 TR's) uD 1 Report: PRI2I0-00 ‘TOPS - Product lease System Honeywell IAC Production Release Date: 06/14/2007 QCS System Integration Page: Pago 2 0f 6 2500 West Union Hills Drive System Status: Production Phoenix, AZ 85927, USA _ | Stems: 1406 Changeét © Revion 0 Disposition Bai AC arly Mk Model: Qty Code Mig Modeld__ Mfg Part Description LotNtr Special Sit Shipment Location: HD 1 -Headand Gauges ‘Sub Lozition;Samp - Sample Equipment 2238 1 CALPKG Calibration Package HD I ‘BW 2 -Basis Weight Sensor Locatio Sub Locwions N/A = Not Applicable 2013 09120113 Bt D.Plus $9 Kr85 HFG.tinch Gap BW 2 42013 (09813300 RTD Source Temp sensor for Bw: Plus BW 2 HD 2-Head and Gauges ‘Sub Location; WA = Not Applicable 21s 1 09221500 Sheet Width Sensor, Outboard, If Reflect. HD 2 ais 1 09728202 Deflector, Pointing the 2215 Beam 15 tothe Left(Heac HD 2 pais 1 (09856300 Cable for ext Edge Detect, Head 2107-10,208.4106 HD 2 2252 1 09225205 °Z" Axis Gauge inch Gap HD 2 2256101 09225611 Air Gap Temperature Sensor, P-Fak head HD 2 4000 1 09210710 _PreesionPak head $9, Da Vinci sanner HD 2 4000 2 (09713702 PhugKit- Caliper Ash Sensor 4.5" Universal) HD. 2 4000 2 0971370 PlugKit - Sheet Temp Sensor HD 2 4000 1 09814800 PlugKit - IB edge detect (2107,4:06) 2 plugs HD 2 4000 1 (09519901 Single sheetdeflector Sinch for Head IV 2107 HD 2 4000 1 (09861500 Std Hed airwipe w/St Flim, Da Vinci (S6V),PAIR HD 2 4000 1 (09869000 Cont Board set F 4000-00 HD 2 4205-1 1 (09420501 Moisture sensor Std InftandPus 2/4inch Gap HD 2 420541 1 (09853600 Adaplor, Hi power to Low Power Moisture Head, DaV HD 2 ‘Sub Location: Samp - Sample Equipmeat 4000 1 CALPKG Calibration Package uD 2 Location: EW3-Basis Weight Sensor ‘Sub Lotion: N/A Not Applicable 4201 1 09420115 wt D Plus S9 Kr85 HFG inch Gap BW 3 20-13 (0981330) RTD Source Temp sensor for But Plus BW3 Los ED 3 -Head and Gauges ‘Sub Lecation: N/A - Not Applicable 2215 1 (09221500 Sheet Width Sensor, Outboard, IR Reflect. HD 3 25 1 (09728202 _Defletor, Pointing the 2215 Beam 15 to the Left-(Heac HD 3 2215 1 (09858300 Cab for ext. Edge Detect, Head 2107-10,20 & 4100 HD 3 2252 1 (09225205. "2" Axis Gauge dinch Gap HD 3 225610 1 09225611 Air Gap Temperature Sensor, P-ak head HD 3 Report: PRP310-00 TOPS Production Release Sytem Honeywell LAC QCS System Integration 22500 West Union ilils Drive Phoonix, AZ 85027, USA Production Release System Status: Production | System: 1440 Changef: 0 Revisions Dispsttion baa At Barty MuNodett Oty Cale __MIwMoield Mig Tart Dseition Lowber Speci Sie Shipment Location; “HD 3-Hlead and Gauges ‘Sub Locatin:NV/A. = Not Applicable 4000 1 09210710 recisionPsk head $9, Da Vine seanner HD 3 4000 2 0971372 FlugKit-Caliperor Ash Sensor (45" Universi) HD 3 4000 2 09713704 Mug Kit~Sheet Temp Sensor HD 3 4000 1 09814800 Flug Kit- IB edge detect (21074165) 2 plugs HD 3 4000 1 09819501 Single sheetdefNecior.Sinch for Hex! 1V 2107 HD 3 4000 1 09851500 Std Hid airwipe w'SLElim, Da Vite (S6V), PAIR HD 3 4000 1 09859000 Conf Board set F 4000-00 HD 3 4205-1 1 09420801 Moisture sensor Si InfrandPlus.2i4inch Gap HD 3 4205-1 1 (09853600 Adaptor. Hi power to Low Power Noisture Heed, Da VHD 3 Sub Locaton:Samp - Sample Equipment 4000 I CAL PKG Calibration Package uD 3 4205-1 U 09767600 Acey. kit» gless encased samples (fer 3 18) HD 3 jcstion; SC 1 -Seamner Sub Locaton:N/A = Not Applicable 2238 1 09709400 Head Mount, Side + 6inch Down 2d. Mounted down: SC 1 4031 1 09716503 Master AirRegulstor, 10 CFM (2per Sent) sc 1 Sub LocaionsWEF —- Waterford Suppliet 4031 1 P 09403100 Single sided U-Beam Scanner 08329903 with remote WE 1 4031 1B 09785020—_Rowertrack for SSIR scanner We a ‘Sub Locaton:PMP - PMP/MSS 4031 1 66580800681 PMP for 4031 SSIR Senr sca Locations SC 2-Seamer Sub Locaion:Dew - Amy from Vancouver BC 4000 1 09400001 Precision Scanner integrated PCLPP box W/PPAK DV 2 000 1B O9716913 inch Gap Are ,Da Vine seanne:(*/-43degrangle) DV 2 £000 109851300 Air Furge inlet Kt, Da Vinei Seam Dv 2 000 1 P—_ 09855100 Powertrack, 4000Scanner, leftard swing PMP endbe DV 2 ‘SubLocaion:NiA Not Applicable 4000 2 (09716303 Master Air Regulator, 10 CFM (2per Sen) sc 2 4000 1 (09795200 Inserts, Fnalsh lxThernVinteliscaVQ Switch & Radi SC 2 Location; SC 3 Scanner ‘Sub Locaton:Dew - Asvy from Vancouver BC 4000 1 P——99490001 Precision Scanner integrated PCIEMP box w/PPAK DV 3 4000 1B 09716915 _.Ainch Gap Are JDa Vinei seanner(+/-45 degr angle) DV 3 Report: "RP21040 ‘TOPS Production Release System Honeywell IAC Production Release Date: os 12007 Page: Page 4 a6 QCS System hitegration 25CO West Union Hills Drive System Status: Production Pheonix, AZ 8:027, USA Solem 404 Changott 0 Reviints 0 | Dispostion sata AL Karly MkModelé: Qty Code Me Model#_ Me Part Description LauNbr Special Se Shipmest Location: $C 3-Scanner ‘Sub Loation:Devr~ Assy from Vancaaver BC 4000 1 P—— 69861300 Air Purge Inlet Kit, Da Vinci Scanner pv 3 +4000 1 P——_ 69865190 Powertrack, 4000 Scanner, lef hind swing PMP endbe DY 3 ‘SubLoation;N/A - Not Applicable 000 2 (09716503 Master Air Regulator, 10 CRM: @ per Sent) sc 3 000 1 09795200 Inserts, English IsoTherm/Inte liscan/Q Switch & Rack SC. 3 Location: IW 1 -S/W Tapes /Disks/Documents Sub Lowtion:N/A = Not Applicable soo 1 9870000 Complete Manual set on CD for he "DsVinei"Produet FW 1 s08s-L, 1 09872403 AlliaceView Licease for3 Cliets FW sosssw 1 09854101 RAES/W License card FW I 59003001 09388007 Software, QCS RAES, for EPKSR301 FW. 59003001 09880701 Performance MD 3.00 for RAE $ Fw 3900-300 09881903 EXPERIONPKS R301 - LITEFOR RAES FW. 5900-300 1 = P_——EPLBASEQ Experion "Lite" License for QCS-HPSSW Onder = FW 1 5900300 1 = P_——«R3OO-NotelEP-D\L,P-BASE Requires License, HPSSW Oder = FW 1 Location: SW 1 -Software Features ‘Sub Lostion:N/A - Not Applicable sx4si0 1 09532410 Link licence and port to Alliarce partne’s DCS System SW 1 53245202 09532420 Link icence and port to Alliatce parine’s Non DCS 8) SW 1 5716 1 09571600 Historical Trending swt 590-DA 1 095900DA Advanced Gauge and Data Analsis (Color Mep and 31 SW 1 sour 1 9591200 Advanced Roll Set sw soai It 09594100 Decoupled Moisture Control sw 5942 I 09594200 Additional Moisture Control swt 3945 1 (99594300 Auto Steam Reduction (Dryer Shutdows} swt soar 1 (09594700 Coordinated Speed Change Ceatol sw 5965 1 109596500 Coater Regulatory and Cost Weight Control sw so70 1 (09597000 Same Spot Measurement sw 033786001 05978000 PCBA,RADLIGHT VF,TYPE2 Skt osaiigo1 1 05411901 PCBA,TOUCH PANEL, QWITCH DECODER,TYPE3. SP 1 054356001 05435600 PCBA,FRAME CONTROLLE RDAUGHTER SP 1 3433800 93435800 PCBA,CONTACT VO ISOLATOR se 54363001 05436300 PCBA,POWER SUPPLY/FVC SP 1 Report: PRP2 0-00 TOPS - Production Release Sytem Honeywell IAC Production Release QCS System Integration 250 West Union Hills Drive Sysiem Status: Production Phoenix, AZ 85027, USA 14404. Changes: Disposition Date: 0811/2007 Page: Page $ of Bulla MieModetts Qty Code __MfgModel#_MfgPart Description LotNbe Sposa Location; SP 1-Spares ‘Sub Location:SP Spares 054364001 0543640) PCBA,LOGIC,END BELL TERMINATION sp 1 22000137 22900137 CONT, TEMPERATURE, S6VAC,THERM IN,10A OL SP 1 400002281 40000228 POWER SUPPLY,DUAL, #/12V IA OR #/15V0.8A SP 1 36002201-19) 1 '56002201-100 PCEA,LOW PASS FILTER 64 CHANNEL spl 541002726 1 6541002726 POWER SUPPLY,450W 5,12,-5-12V OUT sP oa 36812001 (08681200 PCRA,ETHERNET,802.3, ISA/AT,1OBASE-2/T COM SP 1 7040001 08704000 ENCODER ASSY SP 1 8733703 08733703. ASSEMBLY, AC MOTOR CONTROLLER 40000-F SP 1 Location; IK 1 -Instaltatlon Kits Sub Location: NVA - Not Applicable 1K09223803 1 1K09223803_SINGLE-SIDED IR SEN, K 1 1K09403106 1 1K09403100 DAVINCISSIR SCANNER Ki Location: IK 2-Inetallation Kits ‘Sub Location: N/A. - Not Applicable 4000 t 1K09722501 WATER COOLING, QUADKAFAC HEADINSTALL IK 2 4000 1 1K09723601 MULT! SENSOR HEAD SUPPCRT KIT K 2 1K09400001 1 1K09400001 PRECISION SCANNER | K 2 1K09420113 1 1K09420113 DIGITECTORPLUS,KR8S K 2 1K09716503 2 1K09716503 MASTER AIR REGULATOR K 2 IKO9716915 1 IK09716915 _AOCHD GaP, +/-5) DE K 2 Location; IK 3-Installation Kits Sub Location: N/A - Not Applicable 4000 1 1K09722601 WATER COOLING. QUADRAFAC HEADANSTALL 1K 3 4000 1 1K09723601 MULTI SENSOR HEAD SUPPCRT KIT kK 3 4205-1 1 1K09799500 Moi Std IR Sample K 3 TKo9400001 1 1K00400001 PRECISION SCANNER 1 K 3 1K09420113 1 1K09420113DIGITECTORPLUS,KR&S K 3 1K09716503 2 IK09716503_ MASTER AIR REGULATOR K 3 TKOSTIO91S 1 1K09716915 40¢ HD GAP,#/-50 DE K 3 Location: ML 1-Manials = Not Applicable 4205-1 1 40019901 Precision IR Moisture, User's Manual ML 1 MuL09221500 1 4408150) MANUAL,MOD 2215 SHT ML 1 ML09223802 1 144072302 MANUAL,2010 SCANNER ML 1 I 4408080) MANUALMOD 2238-XX S ML 1 Report: PRP2'0-00 “TOPS - Production Release Sytem Honeywell IAC Production, Release Dates Otay QCS System Integration ERO PEES 2500 West Union Fils Drive System Status: Productior Phoenix, AZ 85027, USA _ i 14408 Change: 0 Revision Dipontin Buta AL early MEModdl —_Qly Cole MfgModal_ MigPartDesrpton Latte Site shipment ‘Location? ML 1 -Mansals ‘Sub Location:N/A = Not Applicable ML0940001. 1 46018100 PRECISION PLATFORM ML 1 ‘MLI9403001 1 446023000 PRECISION PLATFORM ML 1 MLi940)001. 1 6510020192 MANUAL DA VINCI OPE ML 1 ML09403100. 1 6510020193 MANUAL 4031 SCANNER ML 1 MLGs20113 1 46000730 PRECISION PLUS BASIS. ML 1 MLO420113. 1 510020197 MANUAL RADIATION SA ML 1 Mo9429501. 1 42000852 TR MOISTURE SENSOR W ML 1 ML09429501. 1 46000314 MANUAL.INFRANDPLUS M ML I MLO9S09106. 1 <5001I3 DAVINCI AND COMMONS ML 1 ML09383007 1 46028000 RAES FOR EPKS R300 ML 1 ‘MLI9583007 1 446028200 DOCUMENTATION KIT, ML 1 Repert: PRP211-00 TOPS Production Release Spent

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