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1. What do you mean of passive and active measures of security?

Active measures are the physical barriers, security lighting, use of vaults, locks
and others.
. Passive measures are those that will dates man from committing such acts for
fear of being caught, charged in court, or get dismissed. Security education programs,
investigation, fire prevention seminars, personal security checks are example of passive
2. What are the different types of physical security barrier?
1. Human barrier – security guard and employee of the establishment.
2. Animal barrier - trained dogs.
3. Natural barrier - a geographical feature like rivers, mountain and trees, etc that
delay the entry of the intruder more difficult.
4. Energy barrier – an electrical or electronic devices used to provide assistance
to guard personnel like lighting and alarm system.
5. Structural barrier – features constructed by man who tends to delay the
intruder like fence, walls floors, ceiling, etc.
3. What are the different kinds of alarm system?
1. Metallic Foil or Wire - In building or compound, all possible point of entry can
be wired by using electrical charge strips of foil or wire. Any actions that will move the foil
or wire breaks the circuit and activate an alarm. Metallic foil is used in window or glass
surfaces. Doors and window can be equipped with magnetic or spring activated contacts
which will sound an alarm when the door or window is opened.
2. Photoelectric or Electric Eye Device - A light beam is transmitted at a
frequency of several thousand vibrations per second. It is connected by a wire to control
station and when the intruder crosses the beam, he breaks contact with the photoelectric
coil which thus activates the alarm.
3. Audio Detection Device - Supersensitive microphone speaker sensor is
installed in walls, ceiling and floors of the protected area of any sound caused by
attempted force entry is detected by the sensor.
4. Vibration Detection Device - The vibration-sensitive sensor is attached to
walls, ceiling or floors of the protected area. Any vibration caused by the attempted force
entry is detected by the sensor.
5. Microwave Motion Detection Device - A pattern of radio wave is transmitted
and partially reflected back to the antenna. If they strike a moving object, they return at a
different frequency which results in initiating an alarm system. It is very effective for
protection for interior areas.
6. Ultrasonic Motion Detection Device - Consist of trans-receiver, amplifier and
control unit. Any motion within protected area causes an activation of alarm signal.
7. Capacitance or Electrostatic Detection Device - The body capacitance of any
intruder who enters the field unbale electrostatics energy of the field which in turn
activates the alarm system. It can be installed on a safe, wall or opening therein to
establish an electrostatic field around object to be protected.
4. Who invented the lock especially the cylinder lock?
Linus Yale Jr. (April 4, 1821 – December 25, 1868) was an American mechanical
engineer, manufacturer, and co-founder of the Yale Lock Manufacturing Company. He is
best known for his inventions of locks, especially the cylinder lock. His basic lock design
is still widely distributed today, and constitutes a majority of personal locks and safes.

5. What is Personnel security?

Personnel security protects your people, information, and assets by enabling your
organization to: reduce the risk of harm to your people, customers and partners reduce
the risk of your information or assets being lost, damaged, or compromised have greater
trust in people who access your official or important information and assets.

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