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The demonstrative adjectives “a” “an” and “the” are called Articles. They are used
to define whether something is specific or unspecific.

There are two different types of articles
a) Definite
b) Indefinite articles.

“A” and “An” are called “Indefinite articles” because they can only generalize a
 A boy.
 An orange.
 A car.
 An apple.

Uses of Indefinite Articles

1) Indefinite article “a” is used before singular countable noun beginning with
a consonant sound.
For example:
 A duck.
 A fish.
 A university.
 A European.
 A useful book.

2) Indefinite Articles “an” is used before a singular noun beginning with a

vowel sound.
For example:
 An inkpot.
 An umbrella.
 An enemy.
 An hour.
 An honest

“THE” is called definite article because it points out some particular person or
 The most talented student.
 The sun.
 The tallest man.
 The Earth.
 The Indus River.
Uses of Definite Article
1. The Definite Articles “the” is used when we talk about a particular person or
things already referred to.
• Has he returned from the club.
• I bought a fridge. The fridge was of white colour.

2. When singular noun is meant to represent the whole class.

• The dog is a faithful animal.
• The cat loves to drink milk.

3. Before the names of books and newspapers.

• The Dawn is published from Karachi.
• I recite the Holy Quran daily.

4. Before the names of things unique of their kind such as Sun, Earth, Moon.
• The Earth revolves around the Sun.
• The Moon looks beautiful.

5. With the names of rivers, seas, oceans, canals, group of islands, desert,
mountain ranges and a few name of countries which includes words like Kingdom
or republic.
• The Nile is the largest river in the world.
• The people’s republic of China.
• The Himalayas are in the North of Pakistan.

6. Before the superlative degree.

• The Indus is the largest river of Pakistan.
• She is the most talented girl.

7. Before the names of direction.

• India is in the east of Pakistan.

1. He is ______ honest man.
2. Is ______ Earth round like ______ball?
3. ______ Hindus worship idols.
4. He returned after ______hour.
5. She is ______ untidy girl.
6. He looks as stupid as an ______.
7. ______ honest man always speak______ truth.
8. This the ______ who picked pocket of ______ old man.
9. There was ______ fire in ______village last night.
10. ______ Ostrich was born in ______zoo recently. Many people went to
_____ zoo to see _______ baby ostrich.

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