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Melbert Relacion Lucido Grade 12- Socrates March 24, 2022

Work Immersion 12

RE(Resource Evaluation) Form

Type of source Related Studies

(Study of literature)

Title Attitude of Grade 12 SHS Academic Tracks Students Towards Speaking in


Author/s Donita –JaneB. Canceran

(Sto. Tomas National High School, Philippines)

Date Published July 23, 2018


Date Data Retrieved EARSS:the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System

[Internet].Bilthoven (Netherlands): RIVM.2001-2005[Cited 2007Feb1.]
Available from:

Melbert Relacion Lucido Grade 12- Socrates March 24, 2022

Media and Information Literacy 12


1. Are the article credible?What is your take of it?Discuss your views in terms of characteristics
of a responsible media user.

For me, as a viewer it is realistic because it shows and studied by the professional or a scientist.
In my views in terms of a responsible media user, a responsible media user is any person who
critically analyzes the information to which s/he is exposed taking into consideration a number
of different sources/media. An irresponsible media user is one who attends to only one
source/medium for information because they know it will reinforce their beliefs.responsible
user and competent producer of media and information should have these characteristics: Must
be Curious, general knowledge, and the ability to write.

2. Being a media information user, what scene of the clip is not supposed to be their?Why?
Discuss your answer.
For me the deployable air land exploration robot is not supposed to be their because,One of the
main issues in using a flying robot to navigate in small areas when walking is the surface areas of
the wings. On a flying wing shaped robot, in order to maintain flight the wings must be wide,
meaning that they cannot fit into smaller spaces.An issue in creating a fixed wing drone capable
of walking on the ground is with the morphology due to the different centre of mass
requirements for the two modes of locomotion. For this reason the DALER is equipped with
foldable wings, so much like the bat that inspired it, the DALER can walk on its haunches.

3. Why is it important to be a responsible media user? Discuss your answer.

As a media user we are Responsibly managing our social media use allows us to have the best of
both worlds. The prevalence of social media in everyday life offers a place to be kind to others,
find humor or create something meaningful.Media has evolved through the years making
people's life easier. One of the most effective use of media is on communication. Media plays a
significant role in sharing information across the globe. Media keeps people aware and updated
on important events and happenings. But in other hand, media also has it's advantages and


1. Is the video clip credible?What is your take?Discuss your views in terms of characteristics of a
responsible media user.

As a Facebook user, Facebook is generally not acceptable as a reliable source, as anyone may
create a page and add comments, and there is no stringent checking of a user's real name and
age so that, Facebook is not credible.As a user of this Website we must set our timeline so only
friends can see it. avoid making individual posts visible to 'friends of friends' and 'public' don't
share any personal details. remember, everyone may see which pages you like, so take care, and
if in doubt – unlike, and I believed that in this simple way, we must avoid an embarrassing
actions from other users.

2. Being a media information user, what what part of the screenshot is not supposed to be
there?Why? Discuss your answer.

A shut down its decade-old facial recognition system this month, deleting the face scan data of
more than one billion users and effectively eliminating a feature that has fueled privacy
concerns, government investigations, a class-action lawsuit and regulatory woes because it
automatically identifies users in photos and videos, citing growing societal concerns about the
use of such technology.

3. Why is it important to be a responsible media user? Discuss your answer.

We, as a user we must be responsible in using Facebook because a eesponsible digital

citizenship means taking part in online community life safely, ethically and respectfully. Good
digital citizens behave respectfully, protect their reputations and privacy, watch their tone, and
are sceptical.


1. Is the article credible?What is your take of it?Discuss your views in terms of characteristics of
a responsible media user.

Yes an information about MKV is credible because It's an open format with no licensing
requirements, so it's better supported in free software.MKV is the most universal and flexible
because thus far it can hold any type and number of video or audio codecs in addition to an
unlimited number of still pictures, subtitle tracks, and metadata files.To become a responsible
user, we must always think amd learn how to use this and how to operate to avoid malicious

2. Being a media information user, what part of the article is not supposed to be there?Why?
Discuss your answer.

In a mkv there can be several reasons behind a rough, jerky, or broken video. Reasons include
faulty SD cards, technical glitches, audio/video codec issues, outdated media players, corrupt or
damaged video files, unsupportable video file format, etc. Go to VLC Menu – From Tools
menubar - Select Preferences option, and for me that is one thing that can supposed to be not
there in mkv.

3. Why is it important to be a responsible media user? Discuss your answer.

We must be a responsible media user even in the mkv.We must wisely and mindfully. Don't
passively scroll. The biggest problem the study emphasized on why using social platforms can
make us unhappy is passively scrolling.Don’t be abusive.Be yourself, don’t pretend to be
better.Don’t spread fake news or anything which is not true.Behave like you’d expect others to
behave.Be kind, don’t spread hate, don’t judge.

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