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Unit 2 Grammar

Grammar: Present continuous

1. Look at the pictures. Use the words to write sentences. Use the
present continuous.

1. the dog / play / a ball – it / sleep

2. the horses / eat – they / run

3. they / watch / TV – they / play / tennis

4. the cat / sleep / in the sun – it / climb / a tree

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5. Dad / read / the newspaper – he / listen to /

6. Sarah / do / her homework – she / take / the

dog / for a walk

2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. waiting / for / we / the bus / are

2. are / on / the students / the coach / getting

3. spaghetti / dinner / Harry / making / for / is

4. on / listening / the radio / to / I / am / music

5. eating / the cows / grass / are

6. is / the cinema / Olivia / going / to

3. Complete the sentences with the negative present continuous

form of these verbs.

climb - do - listen - sleep - take - watch

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1. Tom ___________ to music at the moment.

2. It’s 11 pm but I __________. I’m at a party.

3. My parents __________ TV. They’re in bed.

4. Tom __________ his homework. He’s in the bathroom.

5. The cat __________ the tree. It’s on my bed.

6. The children __________ the bus.

4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the

present simple.

1. My friends and I ____________ [go] on the school trip today.

2. I ______________ [watch] TV at the moment.

3. We _____________ [have] a great time here at the zoo.

4. Christine’s horse _____________ [jump] over the gate.

5. Look! Those sheep ______________ [look] at you.

6. Helen ___________ [eat] a pizza with her friends.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1. Look! The dog and the cat _____ in the garden.

A. ☐ are playing
B. ☐ is playing
C. ☐ play

2. I can’t come to the cinema now. I _____ my homework.

D. ☐ ’re doing
E. ☐ ’s doing
F. ☐ ’m doing

3. Look! That’s Katie. She _____ a black horse.

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G. ☐ rides
H. ☐ ’s riding
I. ☐ ’re riding

4. Be careful! A bird _____ your sandwiches!

J. ☐ eats
K. ☐ eat
L. ☐ is eating

5. My friends and I _____ on a school trip today.

M. ☐ are going
N. ☐ is going
O. ☐ am going

6. They _____ to a CD.

P. ☐ listen
Q. ☐ ’re listening
R. ☐ is listening

6. Look at the pictures. Use the words to write sentences. Use the
present continuous.

1. Joe / take / photo

2. Jenny / feed / horse

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3. the ducks / swim / across the pond

4. the cat / climb / tree

5. Woofer / sleep / my bed

6. the cow / eat / grass

Grammar: Present continuous questions

7. Choose the correct answer.

1. Is Helen playing with the dog?

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S. ☐ No, she doesn’t.
T. ☐ No, she aren’t.
U. ☐ No, she isn’t.

2. Are you having fun?

V. ☐ Yes, I are.
W. ☐ Yes, we are.
X. ☐ Yes, we is.

3. Are the puppies sleeping?

Y. ☐ No, they aren’t.
Z. ☐ No, they isn’t.
AA. ☐ No, they don’t.

4. Is your sister riding a horse today?

BB. ☐ Yes, she do.
CC. ☐ Yes, she is.
DD. ☐ Yes, she does.

5. Are you and Steve eating hamburgers?

EE. ☐ Yes, I am.
FF. ☐ Yes, we is.
GG. ☐ Yes, we are.

6. Is Caroline making her bed?

HH. ☐ No, she isn’t.
II. ☐ No, she doesn’t.
JJ. ☐ Yes, he is.

8. Use the words to write questions. Use the present continuous.

1. you / do / your homework?

2. what / Harry / look for?

3. where / you and Diana / go?

4. who / take / the dog / for a walk?

5. what / the goats / eat?

6. the students / wait / for the coach?

9. Write the correct short answers.

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1. Is Mum cooking dinner? [Yes]

2. Are the sheep watching us? [Yes]


3. Am I talking to Mr Green? [No]


4. Are you and your brother waiting for the bus? [No]

5. Is the horse jumping? [Yes]


6. Is John going on the school trip? [No]


10. Look at the pictures. Use the words to write questions and
short answers. Use the present continuous.

1. Mrs Smith / feed / the cat?

2. Peter / ride / a horse?

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3. the cat / sleep / in the sun?

4. dad / read / the newspaper?

5. the horses / eat?

6. they / play / tennis?

11. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B.

1. Who ___ waiting for the coach?

KK. ☐ is
LL. ☐ am

2. ___ Tom taking the dog for a walk?

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MM. ☐ Is
NN. ☐ Are

3. Where ___ we going now?

OO. ☐ am
PP. ☐ are

4. What ___ the dog looking at?

QQ. ☐ is
RR. ☐ are

5. Where ___ I sleeping?

SS. ☐ am
TT. ☐ are

6. What horse ___ Jenny riding?

UU. ☐ is
VV. ☐ are

12. Complete the questions. Use the present continuous form of

the verb in brackets.

1. What ________________ now, Jane? [you / do]

2. Who ________________ a model boat? [make]

3. ________________ dinner? [Mary / cook]

4. What ________________? [the pigs / eat]

5. ________________ a good book? [you / read]

6. ________________? (it / rain)

Grammar: Present simple vs present continuous

13. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B.

1. Tom _____ the zoo now.

WW. ☐ is visiting
XX. ☐ visits

2. Tigers _____ in Europe.

YY. ☐ aren’t living
ZZ. ☐ don't live

3. My friends _____ for the bus at the moment.

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AAA. ☐ are waiting
BBB. ☐ wait

4. The crocodile _____ across the river now.

CCC. ☐ isn’t swimming
DDD. ☐ doesn’t swim

5. Where _____?
EEE. ☐ are kangaroos living
FFF. ☐ do kangaroos live

6. We always _____ the monkey house.

GGG. ☐ are visiting
HHH. ☐ visit

14. Correct the verb forms in the sentences.

1. Is your sister feeding the monkeys every day?

2. Who cleans the elephant house now?

3. At the moment the students visit the wildlife park.

4. What are eagles usually eating?

5. Are meerkats living in holes in the ground?

6. I’m always starting school at nine o’clock.

15. Complete the short answers.

1. Does your dad work at the zoo?

No, __________.

2. Is Philip cleaning the elephant house?

Yes, __________.

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3. Are you and your friends going on a school trip?
No, __________.

4. Do you like bats?

Yes, __________.

5. Do kangaroos eat meat?

No, __________.

6. Is the shark sleeping?

No, __________.

16. Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present

continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I normally _________ here with my mum, but she isn’t here today.

2. Now we _________ the insects and the snakes. [watch]

3. I usually _________ to the monkeys’ cage. [go]

4. Today we _________ at the monkeys. [not look]

5. Mum __________ the insects and snakes with us today. [not visit]

6. She never __________ to the snake house. [go]

17. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present

continuous form of these verbs.

feed - fly - live - play - read - visit

1. Kangaroos __________ in Australia.

2. The students __________ the zoo today.

3. The man usually __________ the tigers in the morning.

4. I __________ a good book at the moment.

5. Bats normally _______ at night.

6. The cat __________ with a ball now.

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Grammar: Must
18. Match the situations 1–6 with the advice A–F.
1. I can’t swim. A. You must clean it.
2. Our car is dirty. B. You must do your
3. The teacher is angry with me. homework.
4. My room isn’t tidy. C. You must have lessons.
5. There’s no food in the kitchen. D. You must do the shopping.
6. I’m always tired in the E. You must go to bed early.
morning. F. You must tidy it.

19. Write about six things you must do at home.







20. Look at the pictures. Use these verbs to write sentences

about Katie. Use must.
do - feed - get up - go - make - take - wash


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21. Use the words to write sentences. Use must.

1. we / set / the table

2. We / feed / the cat / now

3. the students / read / the book

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4. I / tidy / my room

5. Lucy / clean / the monkey house

6. we / cook / dinner

22. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. at / get up / Fred / six o’clock / must

2. the dishwasher / must / I / load / dinner / after

3. feed / we / the cat / must / now

4. the car / must / they / clean

5. must / to / Max / school / today / walk

6. make / must / they / their beds

Grammar: Subject / object pronouns

23. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B.

1. What time is ____?

III. ☐ he
JJJ. ☐ it

2. There’s a good film on tonight. Can ____ watch it, please?

LLL. ☐ me

3. My dog is called Spotty. I often take ____ for walks.

MMM. ☐ he
NNN. ☐ him

4. There are no buses to town. Please can you take ____, Dad?

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OOO. ☐ me

5. Katie works with the giraffes at the zoo. She’s feeding ____ now.
QQQ. ☐ they
RRR. ☐ them

6. We’re going to the zoo. Do you want to come with ____?

SSS. ☐ we
TTT. ☐ us

24. Circle the mistake(s) in the sentences. Write the sentences


1. Peter and I are at home. They’re watching a DVD.

2. Where’s Mary? I can’t find him.

3. Look at that animal! What is he?

4. We’re going to the zoo. Do you want to come with them?

5. Tom and Mary are my cousins. We’re visiting it.

6. My sister loves horses. She often reads books about they.

25. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B.

1. My favourite animal is the monkey. ___ like its long tail.

VVV. ☐ Me

2. Can you drive ___ to school, please?

WWW. ☐ we
XXX. ☐ us

3. I love tigers. ___ are very beautiful.

YYY. ☐ They
ZZZ. ☐ Them

4. Where’s Peter? I must give ___ this book.

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AAAA. ☐ him
BBBB. ☐ her

5. Sarah loves meerkats. She always watches films about ___.

CCCC. ☐ it
DDDD. ☐ them

6. Where’s Betty? ___ can’t find her.

EEEE. ☐ We
FFFF. ☐ Us

26. Write these words in the correct list.

she I we they him her them

Subject pronouns

Object pronouns

27. Choose the odd one out.

GGGG. ☐ he
HHHH. ☐ she
IIII. ☐ we
JJJJ. ☐ them

KKKK. ☐ it
LLLL. ☐ him
MMMM. ☐ he
NNNN. ☐ us

OOOO. ☐ they
PPPP. ☐ she
QQQQ. ☐ me
RRRR. ☐ we


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TTTT. ☐ him
UUUU. ☐ we
VVVV. ☐ they

WWWW. ☐ you
XXXX. ☐ we
YYYY. ☐ them
ZZZZ. ☐ us

BBBBB. ☐ me
CCCCC. ☐ her
DDDDD. ☐ them

28. Complete the sentences. Use subject and object pronouns.

1. There are two baby tigers at the zoo. I want to see ________.

2. Tom has got a dog. ________ takes ________ for a walk after school.

3. We want to go to the cinema. Please can _______ drive _______ there,


4. Bats are strange animals. ________ sleep in the day.

5. Where’s your brother? I want to talk to _______ .

6. That’s my friend Emily. ______ sit next to _______ at school.

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Answer Key
1. The dog isn’t playing with a ball. It’s sleeping.
2. The horses aren’t eating. They’re running.
3. They aren’t watching TV. They’re playing tennis.
4. The cat isn’t sleeping in the sun. It’s climbing a tree.
5. Dad isn’t reading the newspaper. He’s listening to music.
6. Sarah isn’t doing her homework. She’s taking the dog for a walk.
1. We are waiting for the bus.
2. The students are getting on the coach.
3. Harry is making spaghetti for dinner.
4. I am listening to music on the radio.
5. The cows are eating grass.
6. Olivia is going to the cinema.
1. isn’t listening
2. am not sleeping
3. aren’t watching
4. isn’t doing
5. isn’t climbing
6. aren’t taking
1. are going
2. 'm watching
3. 're having
4. is jumping
5. are looking
6. is eating
1. A. are playing
2. C. ’m doing
3. B. ’s riding
4. C. is eating
5. A. are going
6. B. ’re listening
1. Joe is taking a photo.
2. Jenny is feeding a horse.
3. The ducks are swimming across the pond.
4. The cat is climbing a tree.
5. Woofer is sleeping on my bed.
6. The cow is eating grass.
1. C. No, she isn’t.
2. B. Yes, we are.
3. A. No, they aren’t.
4. B. Yes, she is.
5. C. Yes, we are.
6. A. No, she isn’t.

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1. Are you doing your homework?
2. What is Harry looking for?
3. Where are you and Diana going?
4. Who is taking the dog for a walk?
5. What are the goats eating?
6. Are the students waiting for the coach?
1. Yes, she is.
2. Yes, they are.
3. No, you aren’t.
4. No, we aren’t.
5. Yes, it is.
6. No, he isn’t.
1. Is Mrs Smith feeding the cat? No, she isn’t.
2. Is Peter riding a horse? Yes, he is.
3. Is the cat sleeping in the sun? No, it isn’t.
4. Is Dad reading the newspaper? No, he isn’t.
5. Are the horses eating? No, they aren’t.
6. Are they playing tennis? Yes, they are.
1. A. is
2. A. Is
3. B. are
4. A. is
5. A. am
6. A. is
12. Suggested Answers:
1. are (you) doing
2. is making
3. Is Mary cooking
4. are the pigs eating
5. Are you reading
6. Is it raining?
1. A. is visiting
2. B. don't live
3. A. are waiting
4. A. isn’t swimming
5. B. do kangaroos live
6. B. visit
14. Suggested Answers:
1. Does your sister feed the monkeys every day?
2. Who is cleaning the elephant house now?
3. At the moment the students are visiting the wildlife park.
4. What do eagles usually eat?
5. Do meerkats live in holes in the ground?
6. I always start school at nine o’clock.
1. he doesn't

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2. he is
3. we aren't
4. I do
5. they don't
6. it isn't
1. come
2. ’re watching
3. go
4. aren’t looking
5. isn’t visiting
6. goes
1. live
2. are visiting
3. feeds
4. ’m reading
5. fly
6. is playing
1. C. You must have lessons.
2. A. You must clean it.
3. B. You must do your homework.
4. F. You must tidy it.
5. D. You must do the shopping.
6. E. You must go to bed early.

1. Students' own answers.
2. Students' own answers.
3. Students' own answers.
4. Students' own answers.
5. Students' own answers.
6. Students' own answers.
20. Suggested Answers:
1. She must take the dog for a walk.
2. She must make her bed.
3. She must feed the cat.
4. She must do her homework.
5. She must wash the dog.
1. We must set the table.
2. We must feed the cat now.
3. The students must read the book.
4. I must tidy my room.
5. Lucy must clean the monkey house.
6. We must cook dinner.
1. Fred must get up at six o’clock.
2. I must load the dishwasher after dinner.

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3. We must feed the cat now.
4. They must clean the car.
5. Max must walk to school today.
6. They must make their beds.
1. B. it
2. A. I
3. B. him
4. A. me
5. B. them
6. B. us
24. Suggested Answers:
1. We’re watching a DVD.
2. I can’t find her.
3. What is it?
4. Do you want to come with us?
5. We’re visiting them.
6. She often reads books about them.
1. A. I
2. B. us
3. A. They
4. A. him
5. B. them
6. A. We
Subject pronouns
I, she, we, they

Object pronouns
him, her, them
1. D. them
2. C. he
3. C. me
4. B. him
5. B. we
6. A. I
1. them
2. He, it
3. you, us
4. They
5. him
6. I, her

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