Isekai Shoukan Wa Nidome Desu - A Compilation

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Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Kishimoto Kazuha
岸本 和葉
As the world of 〈Eclair〉is in danger as the war between the
Human, Beastman and Demon race is being waged, a man was
summoned to save the world, and he indeed save the world
according to his mission, and returns to the Human Country.
However, what was waiting for him was the trap of the Human
King, who was afraid that the Hero who acquired power would
take his position. Trapped, the Hero was put under transfer
magic, being born again as a baby in modern times.

16 years later, he spent his high school life under the name
Suzaki Setsu. He continued looking for a method to return to
the different world again, even if he is bullied for beeing gloomy
guy who always reads books, he continued looking for it non-

But suddenly he once again stepped on the soil of the different

world. Summoned by the hero summon of the Human
country……..this time along with his classmates.

“War again? Sounds troublesome, don’t wanna.”

Fortunately, he was summoned to the different world of 5

years later, slipping out of the Human country, he decided to
meet people such as the good old Demon King and the Beast

However he keeps on getting caught up in nasty plot, this is

the story of the former hero who doesn’t have the motivation.
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Volume 1 – On the Demon

1 Goldenagato |
Intro: Second Times in Different World
“You have come!! O Brave Heroes!” (???)

Ah, this is the second times I heard this line.

The first time is also this castle’s royal family, with the same
lines being told by the same princess.

However, compared to the first time, where I have no idea

who the people next to me are, but right now there’s
approximately 40 of my classmates.

My classmates are pretty shaken, some of the girls even had

frightened expression.

Since this is my second times, I could afford to be lenient.

Not to mention, this is kind of “what I had hoped for” kind of


2 Goldenagato |
The name of this world is 〈Eclair〉. The war between the
Human, the Demon and the Beastman intensified once, ruining
the world.

And――――――it’s the world that I had saved once.

Before speaking about this world in details, I think I should

tell about me, Suzaki Setsu first.

Dozens of minutes ago before I was summoned.

“――――――Oi!!Get me Yakisoba Bread, Gloomy Yuki” (???)

High school lunch break――――――My back is suddenly

kicked, sending me outside the classroom.

The guy who did it, I think he’s called Endo or something.
Recently it’s getting troublesome for me to remember the name
of a person one by one.

3 Goldenagato |
“Mine is cream bread!” (???)

“I want curry bread, Gloomy Yuki!” (???)

So troublesome…I have been asked by the guys whose name I

could hardly remember anymore. Should I just call them Endo’s
follower No.1 and 2?

Although I could just refuse them here, These guys who are
the bullies of the class would surely call me after school because
of my 「Impertinence」. It’s the most troublesome for me, and I
really hate it.

Silently taking out my wallet, I decided to just go buy them.

By the way, Gloomy Yuki(T.N:Nekurayuki) seems to be my

nickname. Hair stretched out covering my eyes, also not really
tall. I could only accept if someone were to said I obviously
looks like a gloomy otaku.

And then, for the Yuki part….

4 Goldenagato |
“Yuki-kun! What are you doing?” (???)

A girl with brown bob cut hair with a bit of extension attached
approached by running to me who’s going to buying something.
She’s my childhood friend who lives next door, also my
classmate Hanabashira Yuuhi. Slightly shorter than me, the
part that should curve out did curve out and the part that
should curve in did curve in, a stylish and pretty girl.

“Hm, Yuuhi huh? I’m going to buy something but……you

really did not stop calling me Yuki as ever.” (Setsu)

“That because Yuki-kun is Yuki-kun!” (Yuuhi)

Though you might have noticed, the Yuki part of Gloomy

Yuki, it came from this person calling me Yuki instead of Setsu.
Although Yuuhi calls me that as she mistook Setsu as Yuki at
first(T.N: His name is written as Yuki, read as Setsu), according
to Endo and co, they see it as an idol-like existence of the class
having a close relationship with a gloomy person even as far as
calling by nickname…thus I received bullied-like treatment out
of weird jealousy.

5 Goldenagato |
The class somehow see me as an eyesore. The boys envy me,
and the girls think I’m creepy…something like that? Not like I

To the Yuuhi who doesn’t know she’s the cause of my

nickname, some men and woman call out to her.

“Yuu, where are you going?” (???)

“Let’s get on the early line! My stomach is empty~” (???)

“Mizuki is the same as always.” (???)

The voice of the man and woman interrupted our

conversation, I also know that these guys are the one that stand
out in class.

The first one with the so-called two block hairstyle, an ikemen
with wild features, Kondo Jiro. his name sounds bitter but
nowadays it’s all about the look.

6 Goldenagato |
The second one is a twin tail girl and shorter than Yuuhi,
Asakura Mizuki. With a lively personality, as well as athletic
ability…. I’ve heard Yuuhi complain that she didn’t have the
brightest head though.

The last one is an ikemen that gives the image of a mild-

tempered man with longish brown hair. Harusaki Kouma is the
so-called perfect superman, a popular Riajuu.

[T.N: Pretty sure you guys know what Ikemen and Riajuu

They’re all my classmates, as well as Yuuhi’s friends. These

four people are always at the center of the class. By the way,
Yuu is what they use to call Yuuhi.

“Ah, yes! See you later Yuki-kun!” (Yuuhi)

Yuuhi returns to the classroom while waving at me.

Those three people get in between me and Yuuhi. Somehow I

7 Goldenagato |
think they’re glaring at me.

Thinking that they hated me, I went back to buy things.

――――――Say, why is Yuu being together with such a

gloomy person?

――――――Eeh? Yuki-kun is not gloomy you know?

I heard that kind of conversation at the end.

I bought all the bread asked using my own money. Its because
I don’t have the time to ask them one by one.

As they’re also asked me to buy the drink, I head to the

vending machine outside.

Is his favorite sweet coffee? Cafe au Lait? I bought it and

returns to the classroom.

8 Goldenagato |
And then, when I turn my sight towards the school ground,
the upperclassmen were playing soccer there. The soccer club
seems to be mixed, as a pretty good guy managed to pass the
defense, and shoot.

The ball that was kicked with a yell full of fighting spirit, is it
going straight for the goal…not, it passed on top, making a
beautiful arc and flew towards me.

I face it with both of my hands full with the breads and

drinks, which means I can’t stop it with my hands.

“Sigh…so troublesome.”

However, the ball which approached me, suddenly loses

momentum in front of me who’s sighing, and bounced on the

Now then, let’s hurry up and deliver these breads.

Lunch break is over, and the afternoon class begins.

9 Goldenagato |
Fortunately Endo and co were not offended. Therefore I could
turn on the power of my smart phone during lesson as usual in
peace. Blocking the teacher’s line of vision with the textbook, I
opened the site for the web novel on the internet.

The thing I’m looking for――――――Transferred to the

different world, the summoned-series novel.

…..More than 10 years ago, I got summoned to a different

world, and saved that world. I don’t tell anyone since nobody
would believe it.

More than 10 years ago…I who saved the world, got kicked out
from the world by the human country that summoned me.

Although I think that I might have died, growing up as a Hero,

I who had arrived at the realm of immortality can’t die from
normal way, thus I reluctantly have been flicked out with the
Transfer Magic.

…Though as expected I was surprised that when I came back

to the current age I had been reincarnated as a different human.

10 Goldenagato |
If I think about it, the king might have think that I would get
in the way. He may have thought that I would take his position
as king.

Well, there’s too many things I left on the other side as it was
too sudden.

Therefore I’ve been desperately searching since I was young

for a way to return there. I keep on piling though the book to
read during holidays.

Fortunately I still inherited all the power that I have as the

Hero, thus I spend most of my times during the holidays reading
the book. The reason why my power remains is a mystery.
According to the web novel, it seems to be something like
‘opportunism’. What a convenient word.

[T.N: ご都合主義. Separately it is called Convenient Principle,

not sure if Opportunism is really the correct word. I think its
close to Deus Ex Machina, but I’m not sure myself]

Still, I haven’t found a way to return. I keep on wasting time

11 Goldenagato |
with school life in this world, as I had no clue at all.

However, I can’t give up. Therefor I’ll keep searching on the

internet. Currently, the web novel is my best hope. I keep
searching for them at school, and will continue searching for
them after school with the house PC. It is for this purpose that I
don’t want to be disturbed after school.

[T.N: I don’t know man, I think the occult book had better
chance than the fantasy story written by otaku]

I take no notice of the teacher’s class, and keep on typing the


This is the part when I suddenly felt the sense of incongruity.

“……..The flow of magical power?” (Setsu)

I didn’t feel that flow of magical power for long, but for me to
suddenly sense it must be because of something.

12 Goldenagato |
The magical power should not be in this world, as I have
never come across an existence that can use it in the current
time. However, I feel the flow of such a magical power in the
classroom…and also at my feet.

(Don’t tell me!?)

“Uwaa!? What is this!?” (???)

One of the male student jumped.

Like a chain reaction, the voice came out from all over the

A huge magic formation shines beneath our feet….

This is the same thing as that time when I was summoned for
the first time――――――

13 Goldenagato |
(……….The world had not abandon me yet!)

Thus, the classroom is wrapped up in light, and now I would

be summoned again to the different world along with the

14 Goldenagato |
Chapter 1: To Be Useless
A few minutes after being summoned, all of us lined up before
the King of the Human country.

While the king rubs his excellent beard, he evaluated us.

“Fumu…the heroes from the different world have come. I am

the center of the of the human being, the person unifying
Destinea Kingdom, King Destinea. I welcome all of you.” (King)

[T.N: Not sure if his name is Destinea or every king use that
name once they become king. I’ll just use king]

The minister and knights around the king bow to us when he

said that.

… Somehow King Destinea aged a bit, his wrinkles increased,

looking like a respectable middle-aged person. Judging from his
appearance, around 5 years had passed?

15 Goldenagato |
“Thank you King Destinea. We will serve you, as I have come
here to fulfill the mission given.” (Kouma)

It’s Kouma, the hero of our class is the one that answered the
king…what an idiot.

The reason we got summon was told by the princess a few

minutes ago, and my classmate the part time female teacher
who heard the reason accept it with a touched feeling.

As the princess said――――――this country, and continent

are being attacked by the Beastman and Demon race.

The cause in unclear. The war that should have ended

suddenly starts again, as they got attacked.

Besides, the Beastman and the Demon race seems to have

made an alliance, pushing the human country to a hard fight.

To regain peace again in this country, I want to leave the role

of ending the war to the Heroes… feels like that kind of story.

16 Goldenagato |
Frankly speaking, I can’t stand hearing that wish.

Just because a totally irrelevant country is in a pinch, only a

fool would decide to stake his life for it.

I also turn them down at first.

――――――However, right now the group is different.

“Yes! If you’re fine with us!” (Kouma)

The hero of our class, Kouma gives a good reply.

Other people also nods with serious face too.

At least think about it a little….……when I tried to butt in, I

noticed magical power dwelling in the princess’s eyes.

17 Goldenagato |
(――――――is that Charm Eye?)

[T.N: Direct translation is something like Eye of

Enchantment, but the given Katakana said Charm Eye, so I’m
using that]

Charm Eye, it’s a bad magic that makes the opponent listen to
your wish…the important thing is that all of them had been
charmed by these eyes. By the way, it can’t be used to make
someone fall in love with you, it could only be used to make
whatever you said be easier to accept.

However………it needs considerable power to charm the

people of the same gender as you. It seems that the princess had
grown up in these 5 years too.

――――――At first even beginner’s class magic is dangerous

for her.

Well, Charm Eye of this level won’t have any effect on me.
Even Medusa’s Petrification Eye won’t work on me.

18 Goldenagato |
As for other people than me who’s such a charm doesn’t work
on them is…..

‘Why are you all so eager!?’ Yuuhi seems to be showing that

kind of panicked feeling. It seems Charm Eye doesn’t work on
her either.

I keep giving her my divine protection since we were small, so

needless to say mental interference magic won’t bear any result
to her.

…Yuuhi is the only human that I value almost as much as my

parents in this second life. I had been helped by that brightness.
Therefore, I promised on this life that I will protect her.

…Even if we’re not affected by the charm, just both Yuuhi and
me won’t be able to change the result of the majority.

And with that, we’re made to receive something like a magic

aptitude test because of Kouma(Idiot). The test is easy as you
just need to touch a crystal ball the size of a soccer ball. There
you can check the quantity of each person’s magic power as well

19 Goldenagato |
as suitable attribute.

[T.N: Author just put Idiot on top of his name. Basically,

written as Kouma, read as Idiot.]

Nothing will happen to the crystal if there’s no magic at all. If

there’s magic, and its Green, from there Yellow, Orange, Red,
Blue, Purple, Black, all the way to White, the color will come out
according to the quantity of magical power. Green is the lowest,
White is the highest. The average of the people in this world is
Orange. If talented Blue or Purple. Black is on a monster level…
something like that?

“Amazing!! Kouma-sama’s magical power is white!! The

suitable attribute is the 5 basic attribute including light!!”

The princess was jumping with so much joy towards the result
of Kouma’s test.

He seems to have quite the talent after all. Although the

magical power of the human in modern time could be quite a

20 Goldenagato |
lot, White is really on a monster level. He would be a
considerably influential person if he trains properly.

To say about the suitable attribute so that you can

understand, it’s possible to check that using the crystal gem if
you have some knowledge about magic. The magician of the
castle, as well as the princess and me knew this.

By the way, the basic attribute is Fire, Water, Lightning and

Earth, these 4 types. The hero that is receiving the greatest
admiration also has an aptitude for light magic as an addition.

Light attribute is particularly precious in this world. They’re

really going to overwork you hard later, you’re out of luck.

Although Kouma is great, the other people are also generally

overflowing with talent too.

Any group had Purple as the lowest…am I crazy in the head?

Kouma’s gang members are all Black with a little white mixed

21 Goldenagato |
in, all of them are above Black? Yuuhi is Gray. You can see that
it is almost White.

There are a lot of members with high amount of magical

power as well as a lot of suitable attributes. The normal of this
world is roughly just 1 or 2, these guys had at least 3 or more.
Yuuhi especially had the most proper attribute. She had 7
attributes, a monster level.

“Next one please!” (Princess)

The princess’s voice directed at me. I noticed that I’m the only
one that had not finished the test.

Uwaa…all eyes are staring…

“Put your hand on the crystal.” (Princess)

I put my hand on the crystal.

22 Goldenagato |
Although the princess is looking with eyes full of
expectation――――――the crystal had no color.

“Eh…? What is the meaning of this?” (Princess)

The princess is showing a perplexed expression.

The princess put her hand as a trial, the color changed

normally. Purple huh? She then raised her arm.

I understood it immediately, the eyes of the princess turn into

the eyes seeing garbage.

She’s a fierce woman that could change her eyes. I could still
see the strong image of mischievous kid in those days.

[T.N: Can’t really make out the 2nd line, Raw:目の変化が激しい


23 Goldenagato |
“Is your magical power 0…..well, such a person will probably
come too. Then let’s dismiss for today! Since each of you will be
provided a room, please use it freely!!” (Princess)

Kuhaha! Openly changing her attitude!

She didn’t even give me a glance either, as she goes

somewhere. If I look towards my back I would see the gaze of
my classmates ridiculing me. Especially the Endo gang who’s
smiling together.

Even the magician hired by the castle, 「Despite being a Hero」

could be heard to have been said.

…. What a pity, there doesn’t seem to be any good magician in

this castle.

The reason why the crystal does not change color when I
touch it, is not because there’s no magic power.

――――――The crystal ball of that level just can’t measure it.

24 Goldenagato |
That crystal doesn’t have the capacity to measure the amount
of magic power higher than White. Therefore the color can’t
change without being able to finish measuring it….. By the way,
my suitable attribute is almost all. I could handle all the
attribute a human can use without limit. All of them|It’s what
I obtained while I’m fighting.

[T.N: Not sure about last line. Raw: それも全部あいつらと|戦ってる


That’s how it is. Although I felt bad for the guys in the castle,
allow me to use this idea.

I want to get out of the castle as soon as possible, so I will use

the knowledge obtained from the summoned to another world’s

“――――――I’ll have them label me as useless.” (Setsu)

I mutters that in a whisper.

25 Goldenagato |
I’ll push the useless label, until I’m kicked out of the castle.

Then my free life in a different world will begin!! Since I only

fight during the first one, so allow me to play a lot during this
second times!

Thus, my plan of having me kicked out went underway.

26 Goldenagato |
Chapter 2: Training and Former
“Today’s training is up to here!! Please disperse and take a
rest!” (???)

A beautiful dignified voice sounds through the training area in

the castle’s garden. Equipping a breastplate that greatly pushed
up her chest beneath her clothes, wearing a skirt designed for
the female knight, is beautiful woman with wavy blue hair…the
voice of this woman greatly resounded through the training

27 Goldenagato |
28 Goldenagato |
Eruka Verso――――――is the name of this woman.

[T.N: Eruka or Elka, which sounds better?]

The purpose of the training this time is for everybody to

control their great power, and has been going on for almost one

The people who can’t shoot magic at first are now already a
splendid magician, with the given power their growth is very

Playing some part of this rapid growth is this beautiful female

knight with blue hair, Eruka.

Being a magic warrior, she’s a woman that fits her youthful

look being respected by the soldiers in the castle. The male
classmates had been captivated seeing her for the first time, and
I even heard some of the girls called her ‘Onee-sama” in the

29 Goldenagato |
That Eruka is actually my former companion.

Eruka the Magic Sword User of Solid Ice――――――she was

strong enough to have two nicknames spread.

[T.N: Raw said “ 氷土の魔剣士エルカ”, the first two kanji is for

Ice and Earth, which confuses me on what to name her, as later
on it seems like she’s only good with Ice, not earth]

That’s why I don’t understand.

Why is a person like Eruka being in charge as our trainer…she

should have gone to the front lines of the war as usual. Is there
some kind of reasons..?

―――――…well it won’t help even if I think too deeply about

it, the guys have gone up a few level thanks to her becoming our

Although I don’t care much about my classmates, I don’t want

them to die either. It’s a thing to congratulate for if it’s difficult

30 Goldenagato |
for them to die. On the contrary it’s going to be hard for them to
protect Yuuhi if they didn’t get stronger.

I join my classmates in returning to our rooms, and when I

return, there’s a guy who joined shoulders with me familiarly.

“Yo Gloomy Yuki, let’s review today’s lesson together.”

The bully Endo…and his followers.

I desperately endure myself from sighing, and went to the

usual spot to be thrown by these guys.

“Oraa!” (Endo)

“!…” (Setsu)

Endo’s kick enhanced with magic hit my belly.

31 Goldenagato |
Here is the back of the castle, it’s dark and there’s hardly
anyone passing here. Just think of it like the back of the modern
day gym.

I jump exaggeratedly at the same time as he kicked my belly. I

flung against the castle wall on purpose. I even put my
expression in agony pretty well, and let out a groan as naturally
as possible.

I’ve already took it to perfection for having done this for a few
days already, so although it didn’t hurt and not bother me at all,
Endo and his followers showed their ugly grins after being
deceived by my performance.

“We sure are lucky! For there to be such a good punching bag!
You guys do it too!” (Endo)

“Ou!” (Minion no.1)

“Just right when I want to try out the magic I practiced.”

(Minion no.2)

32 Goldenagato |
These guys are really good at no good things, as they start
adding new ways to assault me.

Having done this for a few days, I’m really in trouble here as
their attack doesn’t leave any wounds to me.

Against their weak assault, I really need to greatly pretend to

be injured. I burn myself using my own magic when their fire
ball hit, and also hit myself whenever I had the chance when
they hit me. Although it has started to frustrates me, it can’t be
helped that such minor details are necessary.

Once the Endo Family(lol) finally relieved their stress, they

will leave me on the ground after casting a weak Heal.

[T.N: Any lol in this chapter is from the author, not me]

Although I return as soon as the pain goes down, the

surrounding people didn’t said anything about my remaining
wounds. Although someone like Yuuhi might get worried about
me, unfortunately I haven’t met her at all recently.

33 Goldenagato |
For Kouma’s group which is the center of the class, they seems
to be one head stronger than the other classmates. Therefore
they we’re provided with a separate menu by a different person.
As they seems to be staying at a different place as special
treatment, we can never meet even if the training ends. Since
Eruka mentioned about them a few times, it seems that they’re
doing well.

“Ora! I’ll try a new technique today!” (Endo)

“You serious Endo!?” (Minion no.1)

“Nice nice!” (Minion no.2)

Oops, almost forgot. I am currently in front of Endo who’re

chanting an aria triumphantly, as a crimson red ball of flame is
formed. Heeh, isn’t that the arrangement for Fire Ball?

“Here I go! Corona Ball!” (Endo)

The magic shot straights towards me with considerable heat

34 Goldenagato |

The size is small but the heat is great. It might be able to

slightly burn me if it hits.

Now then, how will I take it?―――――When I relaxed my


Endo Ball(lol) was frozen solid in front of me.

“Ha?” (Endo)

Although Endo had a stupid, dumbfounded looks, I know who

the culprit is.

“You guys, you’re really looking for trouble doing this in a

place I can see huh?” (Eruka)

“E-Eruka-san…” (Endo)

35 Goldenagato |
Eruka the Magic Sword user appeared in a resolute manner, as
cold air was discharged from her hand.

Magic Sword User of Solid Ice, as you can see she’s an expert
in Ice element. Although she has a considerable skill as a
swordsman, her true forte is in Ice Magic.

“So, what are you going to do, Endo?”

“Tch… I’ll go back. I’m sorry Eruka-san, you don’t have to

worry since we’re just playing around.” (Endo)

“Is that so, then please be careful okay?” (Eruka)

“Yes~. Oi you guys too.” (Endo)

“Y-yeah.” (Minion no.1)

“Ou…” (Minion no.2)

36 Goldenagato |
The three people return to the castle. That’s some new things
they said to Eruka.

Well , for now I should say my thanks.

“Thank you very much.” (Setsu)

“I don’t mind. However, I would like you to protect your body

by yourself from now on. Since I’m not that free either.”


“How about you spend some effort to become a little bit

stronger? There should be some method to strengthen you
body. That way I’m not going to have unnecessary trouble
either.” (Eruka)

…Oh? Oh?

37 Goldenagato |
“Please don’t get in trouble if you can’t fight. Since this
country currently has no room for such a situation.” (Eruka)

Hoho… other words, they can’t afford to spend any extra

energy to use on some incompetent one.

Kuhahaha…….My Eruka(Slave) could have the habit of saying



“Kuhaha……..hahaha.” (Setsu)

“? Is there something funny?” (Eruka)

“―――――You have become considerably great now huh?”


“! Kyaa!” (Eruka)

38 Goldenagato |

A gust of wind suddenly raged and shake’s Eruka’s blue hair,

as her body floats in the air.

I pounced forward, applying a shoulder carry on Eruka.

Putting my weight, I fixed my arm below her shoulder.

“Wh-what are you doing!? Get away from me!!” (Eruka)

“The slave with such tongue against me(master) need to be

punished.” (Setsu)

“What are you saying―――――Hiin!” (Eruka)

I start spanking Eruka’s butt which is right next to my face

with my hand using all my might.

I take off the female knight order’s skirt, and keep on beating

39 Goldenagato |
the beautifully round butt.

*Paan! Paan! Paan!*

“Higi! Doing such a thing…..nGuh! Once I got away…..nHii!”


“Still with that tongue!? For such girl I’ll do this!” (Setsu)

I put more power into the spanking hand.

Although I kind of forgot about how to control my power after

a long time, the sense gradually returns, as I was able to deliver
‘the usual pain’.

“This…Ah! This way of beating….Hii! Don’t tell me…. Hiiin!”


“Huuh? Did you finally

40 Goldenagato |
remember――――――Eruka(Pervert)?” (Setsu)

“Aaah! Setsu-sama! ―――――nHiiin!!” (Eruka)

As a reward for having remembered, I finally hit her with all

my might.

She starts convulsing with *bikubiku*, she then approached

me once I lowered her on the ground to take a rest.

“Se-Setsu-sama! I really missed you, you know!? Every day is

so hard without you spanking me hard-bu!?” (Eruka)

I stop Eruka’s noisy mouth with my hand.

“Aah! Shut up, shut up!! I admit it’s kind of my bad…” (Setsu)

“Puhaa! It’s true you know!! Since I really don’t know what to
do when I heard that this country is forcibly sending you back

41 Goldenagato |
home.” (Eruka)

When I let down my hand for her to talk, her expression turn
darker while she talks.

“―――――…I kind of made you worry, but I’m back.” (Setsu)

“Welcome back――――――Setsu-sama!” (Eruka)

I hug Eruka tightly.

…This feeling again after such a long time. How to say it, I
finally felt like I’ve really returned to this world.

“Fuhi’ ……..finally after 5 years……Setsu-sama’s

smell…..fuhi’..” (Eruka)

……way to spoil the mood…

42 Goldenagato |
“Time for some punishment!!” (Setsu)

“Aaan!! Please stop grinding my head!!” (Eruka)

――――――Here, I’ll tell you some information that no one

knows, about Eruka Verso.

“This real pervert girl!!” (Setsu)

“Please stop grinding my heaaaaad!――――――eh? Somehow

it kind of felt good for a moment….” (Eruka)

She’s a genuine one through and through in this world.

A hentai.

Author’s note: I think a perverted girl is wonderful, how

about you?

43 Goldenagato |
Translator’s note: Depends, only if she’s a female knight with
a companion who loves explosions

P.S: Here’s a character design of Eruka in color

44 Goldenagato |
Chapter 3: I Want To Get Out Of The
――――――When I got summoned for the first time, the
country provided the me who is not that strong yet with 3
soldiers to accompany me.

One of them is Eruka.

The me at that time was unable to master my power yet, so

Eruka became my sparring partner.

Although it was difficult at first, once I gradually learn how to

use my power, I start winning one-sidedly after that.

It was at that time that Eruka awakened. The moment she got
send flying with my kick, she seems to start feeling great
pleasure from it for some reason.

Since then she starts receiving my attacks on purpose, making

her unsuitable for my sparring partner, so I start sparring with
the other 2 instead.

45 Goldenagato |
What happens with Eruka after that? She suddenly begged to
be my slave.

She who have awakened as a genuine true-M, starts crying as

she begged to be under me by all means. I give up, and give my
approval…. As I start making Eruka overwork just according to
her request, it was a matter of time before I awoken as a true-S.

[T.N: Don’t tell me u don’t know what those S & M means]

“Well, I was able to recall the old times like this….Eruka,

there’s something I want to ask you.” (Setsu)

“Yes! Whatever you want!” (Eruka)

I give my question to Eruka who had ‘become a chair’ for me

as punishment.

“What happened 5 years ago? Why is the war that I should

have ended taking place again?” (Setsu)

46 Goldenagato |
The princess didn’t say why the war happened.

She only said that they’re receiving attacks from the Beasman
and Demon race.

I don’t think that ‘they’ would set an attack without any


I have ‘ordered’ them not to start a 2nd war as it’s a pain in

the ass.

“That’s…it’s because of this country.” (Eruka)

“This country? Destinea is the cause?” (Setsu)

“Yes…surely 5 years ago, the war is over. However…although

Setsu-sama is Destinea’s power, fearing your popularity, they
forcibly sent you back to the original world.” (Eruka)

47 Goldenagato |
“…Tch, aah, I’ve roughly understood it――――――those guys
probably heard about that, and attacked in retaliation…
something like that?” (Setsu)

“It is as you imagine….” (Eruka)

The Kingdom forcibly ‘erased’ me, so those guys who adores

me won’t permit that.

This story finally connected my puzzle.

“Well…in other words, this is my fault?” (Setsu)

“It’s because those people adores Setsu-sama from the bottom

of their hearts….” (Eruka)

I’m starting to get itchy when she keeps on saying that.

But still….

48 Goldenagato |
“Another war is such a pain…just once is enough.” (Setsu)

“wai-…Setsu-sama….” (Eruka)

I have no more responsibility for this world. How to spend my

time selfishly now――――――

“That’s what I thought anyway…. Haah, well it’s not like I’m
not responsible for this at all… can’t be helped, shall I get
involved a little bit?” (Setsu)

“! Have you considered about participating in the war!?”


“Aah about that.” (Setsu)

“Yes, what about it?” (Eruka)

Participating in the war is totally rejected as it’s a real pain in

49 Goldenagato |
my point of view. Then, there’s only one thing I need to do.

“For the time being, I’m going to meet those fellows. I was
planning on going there anyway, plus the war might be over
depending on their moods.” (Setsu)

“Well, certainly…but I don’t think that will work….” (Eruka)

N? I thought that their anger would calm down once they

know that I’m in this world.

“Although I do thinks that the anger of those people would be

settled, but…for the current state, the human nation in this war
intends to take the territory of the Demon continent and
Beastman continent which they were unable to conquer
previously.” (Eruka)

“Huuh!? In other words…” (Setsu)

“Yes. They(human) intends to win the war.” (Eruka)

50 Goldenagato |
This is not a defensive war!? Not to mention it has become
more complex….

“In other words, the heroes summoned this time…” (Setsu)

“Yes. They were summoned to win. They’re going to explain

about this in the future, as I heard that they’re planning to
attack the enemy country…” (Eruka)

Did they intend to use me for that as well?

Although the human country wanted to gain the territory in

the last war, as the war has ended, the people might antagonize
them if they started the territory war again.

“So they’re welcoming the fact that the other sides attacked
first…something like that?” (Setsu)

“It is just as you imagined…” (Eruka)

51 Goldenagato |
The main point is they intends on using me until the very last.

[T.N: 要は最後まで俺を利用しているわけだ、舐めた真似してくれる. Might

not be that accurate.]

“We who acted as you attendant thought about methods to

stop that…but I still think the best way is for you to return to
Eclair….” (Eruka)

“You’re staying in the kingdom and pretends to work

faithfully aiming for my re-summons――――――is that your
intention?” (Setsu)

“Yes, although your form has become different now…that is

fine. If I use the boys and girls not knowing about the war, I
could even raise a revolt.” (Eruka)

[T.N: Not completely sure about the last line. RAW:知らぬ世界


52 Goldenagato |
Eruka said that with a smile. That’s a smile she put when she’s
telling the truth…did you seriously planning to cause a revolt?

“This country doesn’t learn their lesson…..they only troubles

Setsu-sama and use you…. I’m planning to end the war so no
further damage will occur… so I’m planning to do the same
thing again.” (Eruka)

“Yeah, as I thought this country is foolish as

usual――――――well, with this I’ve thought of some new
idea.” (Setsu)

“?” (Eruka)

I stand up from Eruka and said that. Or rather how long are
you going to crawl on four like that?

“I want to go out of this country.” (Setsu)

“…yes…I thought you’re going to say that.” (Eruka)

53 Goldenagato |
Eruka stand up and say that. I see, did she knew about my

“I’m going to have a trip at will without worrying about the

war…or that’s what I thought, but it’s going to get noisy when
there’s a war going on. I’ll give the punishment to those guys
who started the war again once I meet them, that would be
more mature of me.” (Setsu)

“Fufu that’s right huh.” (Eruka)

“Why are you laughing?”

“No, even if the outside appearance has changed, the inside is

still the gentle Setsu-sama after all…is what I think.” (Eruka)

“Huh?” (Setsu)

“You want to stop the war because of the people summoned

with you…right?” (Eruka)

54 Goldenagato |
“Nn?…well…is that really it?” (Setsu)

Well, although I do think I don’t want Yuuhi to get into any

dangerous situations, the other guys are just extras.

By the way, I’ve told Eruka that I’ve been reincarnated. About
how my name is still the same…… well, long live Opportunism.

[T.N: MC is mocking his own plot convenience…]

“Well, never mind about that.” (Setsu)

“Yeah…. So how do you indent to leave of the country?

Although as expected I think I don’t want to part with the
summoned heroes yet…” (Eruka)

“Aah, if it’s that it’s easy. I only need to push my ‘good-for-

nothing’ label. Then I will selfishly gets kicked out of the
castle.” (Setsu)

55 Goldenagato |
“I-I see…..however…with how you’re being assumed as a
good-for-nothing…it’s a bit painful for me…” (Eruka)

Her face was down while saying that it was unpleasant from
the bottom of her heart. I’m glad that you think that way.

“You’re the one who said I was weak a while ago though?”

“Hau!?” (Eruka)

The word she said before I revealed my true self a while ago, I
won’t forget for the rest of my life.

When I hit her while smirking, I had to stop because she gets
excited while apologizing. She’s really a true M.

“…Well whatever. So, I want you to interfere with the

thought of the princess and king, and I want you to be the one
kicking me out.” (Setsu)

56 Goldenagato |
“Aaan…more…-ah! Me!? That’s…saying that I would be the
one trapping you….” (Eruka)

“Once you managed to drive me out I’ll spank you 100 times.”

“Understood! This Eruka! I will play my part to the utmost as

Setsu-sama’s dog!” (Eruka)

――――――Too easy.

“Alright――――――after that…” (Setsu)

“Setsu-sama, shall we meet with the other 2 attendants?”


“N? Aah…that’s right.” (Setsu)

My other 2 attendants are also in this country. I certainly

57 Goldenagato |
wants to meet them.

“Should I show my face to those 2 first? Where are those guys

now?” (Setsu)

“〈Grein〉is raising different heroes from me.” (Eruka)

Ahh, Yuuhi and Kouma’s group?

“〈Tia〉is in the castle’s Magic Institute. She should be the

leader there now.” (Eruka)

“Heeh, both of them seems to have succeeded in life….

aside from me, that is.” (Setsu)

Nn? Somehow I don’t like it.

58 Goldenagato |
Here I am having terrible experience getting kicked and hit…
well, that’s from my own skill though.

“Setsu-sama, d-don’t tell me…” (Eruka)

“Let’s think of a punishment for a while….” (Setsu)

When I think about the upset face of those two, I smiled in


This time I noticed that I can really enjoy getting summoned

the second times.

59 Goldenagato |
Chapter 4: Former Friend and Invitation
The next day the training resumed with Eruka, so I decided to
slack on today’s training, and went to visit Yuuhi in the
different training ground.

When I peeped at the building from the nearby wall, it seems

that their training are on a completely different level from our
training ground.

Flight magic, cutting wind, fist that could leave a sound.

The four people there are performing various types of attacks.

And the opponent is――――――

“Come on! Narrow down the interval between attacks! This is

a party of 4 people! You won’t even leave a scratch on me if you
don’t synchronize your breath!” (???)

A blonde mild-tempered man wearing the castle’s armor. If 10

60 Goldenagato |
people look at him, all 10 will agree that he’s an Ikemen, it
seems that he and Kouma are a good match.

“Heeh, you’ve changed a lot in these 5 years, Grein.” (Setsu)

[T.N: Gu-re-in, I go with Grein as I don’t want it to sound like


The opponent of the 4 heroes is my ex-attendant, Grein


〈Sword Master Grein〉is his nickname. Although 5 years ago

he had an appearance of an innocent boy, he had become a fine
young man now. When I asked Eruka, it seems that he even had
a fan club. As expected of Mr Ikemen.

Grein perfectly fends off the attacks of 4 heroes. This really

makes his opponent who are monsters with magical power of
highest grade admired him.

The wild-Ikemen Jiro is cladding his fist with magic, using

61 Goldenagato |
taijutsu for close-range battle.

The twin-tail Mizuki has a dagger, having fast attack in close-

combat like Jiro.

The class’s hero Kouma has a shining golden sword, using

attack magic from medium range.

Holy Sword huh? As expected of the Hero.

The Holy sword is something like a skill that anyone could use
if the have the Hero title, and the strength of the sword depends
on the heroes.

Kouma’s sword is the most common 〈Excalibur type〉sword in

the heroes industry(?). The effect is Purification, Light Slash,
Physical Reinforcement, also an all-round magic reinforcement.
Indeed, it gives the hero-like feeling.

[T.N: Basically, MC is trying to say that the sword is the most

cliche holy sword among any hero’s story.]

62 Goldenagato |
…Since I also have the Hero title, I can also use the Holy
Sword for the time being.

――――――You may call that a Holy Sword…however.

A roaring sound breaks out from Grein’s training ground

while I was reminiscing.

In an instant a huge fireball appears in my view, about the size

of a 2-story single house.

The one throwing it is my childhood friend Yuuhi.

She’s a complete long-range magician type. It is evidence that

she has a considerable ability since she can shoot that magic and
still doesn’t run out of breath. She has considerably grew up
without me knowing.

However even that is still not able to damage Grein.

63 Goldenagato |
Tearing up the exploding flame, the figure of the scorching
Grein is not there.

That attack could probably even ‘cut’ the space, as even those
4 people had a bitter smile when he easily defended against that.

“That attack just now was not bad, it was good. Let’s stop here
and take a rest slowly for today.”

Grein had a smile while he said that.

The 4 people who heard that started to collapse.

It seems that they have been fighting with their full

concentration, so although there doesn’t seem to be any injury,
they’re really worn out on the inside.

“As expected Grein-sensei is strong…” (Jiro)

64 Goldenagato |
“My dagger didn’t even graze him…” (Mizuki)

That’s natural, he’s not an opponent for you who had just
obtained power for one week can do anything about.

…Well this is already out of standard for one week, but Grein
is more out of standard than you.

“Yuu, are you okay?” (Kouma)

“Yes, I’m fine! What about Kouma-kun?” (Yuuhi)

“If Yuu is okay, then I’m good too.” (Kouma)

The two starts talking as they drink the water that the castle
maid brought.

Kouma is glancing at Yuuhi drinking the water. I see, Yuuhi is

popular indeed.

65 Goldenagato |
Oops, I must mind my own business instead of other people’s
love affair.

I waited for when Grein is away from those 4――――――and

dash with all I got.

“What!? Guooo!?” (Grein)

“Huh? Grein-sensei?” (Jiro)

“Maybe he went to the toilet?” (Mizuki)

I instantly kidnap Grein, carried him on my shoulder and took

him to the back of a building which looks like a storehouse at a
remote position.

“You’re that kid without any ability!! Where did you get that
power…what are you planning to do!?” (Grein)

66 Goldenagato |
When I unload him at the back of the warehouse, Grein
instantly pulls out his sword with cautioned look.

Fumu, interesting.

I beckoned him with my hand.

“――――――Come at me.” (Setsu)

“Gu….Uooooh!!” (Grein)

When I let out a little bit of bloodlust out, Grein readied her
sword while having cold sweat and charged.

When I released the bloodlust just now, I just created a

situation of ‘kill or be killed’. Like this, it’s possible for Grein to
battle without much hesitation.

This appearance warned him to be careful, as it’s a technique

67 Goldenagato |
that I thought of to create a situation for him to forcibly take a
self-defense measure.

[T.N: Basically, instead of treating MC as a student, he makes

him thinks of MC as an opponent that he could not hold back

I dodged the sword slashing down, and observe him calmly.

I significantly raised my hand. It’s going to get chopped if I


Well, not like that would happen.

I managed the timing and catch Grein’s sword with my bare

hand. Of course I’ve applied it with magic reinforcement.

“Wha-!?” (Grein)

68 Goldenagato |
Grein had an astonished look on his face, and I moved my leg.

“I will remind you slowly…..of your fear…” (Setsu)

I have a smile that could only be said as evil if you look from
the side,

――――――and I kicked the area between Grein’s legs with all

my might.

“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!” (Grein)

Once I look at this Ikemen falling down while suppressing his

pain, fumu, I managed to see something good. Serves you right.

“Th…this technique….M- 〈Man Killer〉……to use this

means…” (Grein)

“Oh! Did you recalled it? This kick of mine.” (Setsu)

69 Goldenagato |
“C-could it be….S-Setsu-san…” (Grein)


“Ooooooiii!? Why are you fainting!?”

I shakes Grain who fainted because of the pain, trying to wake

him up. Is my kick really that effective…..

“Your balls?” (Setsu)

“It’s safe.” (Grein)

“My bad, I’ll try not to do that again.” (Setsu)

“No, I could only recognize Setsu-san right away thanks to

that.” (Grein)

70 Goldenagato |
This guy faints for a few minutes, after finally waking up, we
leaned against the wall of the building and start talking.

“To think that you would appear using the hero summons…”

“I’m surprised too. I’ve been looking for a way to return from
the other side…and can’t find a clue myself. It really is a
coincidence to have been summoned this time. (Setsu)

“Then let’s give out thanks to this coincidence…although we

checked the castle for a way to summon Setsu-san again…”

“Yeah, I heard about that from Eruka.” (Setsu)

“Ooh! So you have already met Eruka.” (Grein)

This guy too seems to have desperately tried to bring me back.

I’m glad they’re so obedient.

71 Goldenagato |
“Have you met with Tia?” (Grein)

“Nope, not yet.” (Setsu)

“Then please go meet her today. She still continue studying a

way to re-summon you.” (Grein)

“I see…then I guess I need to tell her properly that I have

returned.” (Setsu)

“Yes, she will be pleased. Surely!” (Grein)

I see, let’s go there to show my face at the end of the day. At

first I planned to do it tomorrow.

“Then shall we go there slowly――――――ah, that’s right.

I’m probably going to leave this place once of these days.”

72 Goldenagato |
“Really?” (Grein)

“? You’re not surprised.” (Setsu)

“Well it’s Setsu-san, I thought you might say that.” (Grein)

Am I that easy to read?

“I see…well I’m planning to cross the continent and met

‘those’ guys.” (Setsu)

“Ooh! Everyone will be pleased with that! But just that won’t
be able to stop the war you know?” (Grein)

“I’ve already heard about that from Eruka…” (Setsu)

Since it’s simple――――――I said that to Grein.

73 Goldenagato |
“Well, whatever. I’ll get going then, I’m glad to meet you
again Grein.” (Setsu)

“Me too…you have finally returned back. I’m really glad,

Setsu-san.” (Grein)

“Ou, later then. Ah, is it alright for me to ask you to take care
of Yuuhi?” (Setsu)

“? Yuuhi-san?” (Grein)

“Yeah. she’s my childhood friend from the other side. Please

use your position to favor her, as I’m going to punish you with
〈Man Killer〉again if there’s anything that happens to her
okay?” (Setsu)

“!…….I will keep that in mind.” (Grein)

I ask him again for confirmation, and parts with Grein.

74 Goldenagato |
Reunion after a long time is good as expected. It feels like my
suppressed personality up until now can finally be unleashed.

Finally the last one, as I’m going to meet with Tia, I decided to
return to the castle.

[T.N: POV change to Grein]

I, Grein Armony managed to meet him again after 5 years, and

I was overjoyed for that. As I decided to follow him before, I’m
certain that a huge hole appeared in my heart when Setsu-san

With the hole buried, I returned back to my lodgings in high

spirits after a long time.

On the way back, the heroes that I’ve been training, Jiro-kun,
Mizuki-san, and Kouma-kun rushed up to me from the other

“Where have you been Sensei!?” (Jiro)

75 Goldenagato |
“We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” (Mizuki)

Jiro-kun and Mizuki-san said that.

I remembered that I had disappeared suddenly, so I apologize


“Sorry, a friend visited me suddenly and I had to entertain

him.” (Grein)

Although ‘friend’ is not really the right term, I think that kind
of relation is not bad.

“So what are you here for?” (Grein)

“I want you to train us a bit more, can you spend your time a
bit?” (Kouma)

Kouma-kun had a serious eyes when he said that.

76 Goldenagato |
Although I made the afternoon as a rest because today’s
training is packed with actual combat, it might have not been
unsatisfactory for them given this situation.

“I don’t mind――――――There should be 4. Where’s Yuuhi-

san? (Grein)

Once I approved it, I noticed that Yuuhi-san that Setsu-san ask

to look after is not here.

“Ah, it seems that Yuu went back to the castle.” (Jiro)

Since Jiro-kun had said that, I was relieved.

“I see――――――then, shall we start our training?” (Grein)

To grant their request, we visit the training ground once


77 Goldenagato |
――――――I still have a slight pain between my legs.

[T.N: POV turns back to MC.]

“Oi Gloomy Yuki, where have you been today?” (Endo)

When I returned to the castle, I got caught by the troublesome


I really don’t have the time for this.

When I desperately hold myself from sighing, Endo joined

shoulders with me in an overly familiar manner as usual.

“You don’t think that you’re going to have a sweet time today
right? You should never have that attitude, so shall we be more
strict today?” (Endo)

Endo is grinning along….along with his followers.

78 Goldenagato |
[T.N: He’s saying he really can’t remember the name of the

Yeah yeah good job good job――――――When I desperately

endure from sighing,

“Wait a minute Endo-kun!!” (???)

A voice sounded causing us to freeze.

When I turn my face towards the source of that voice,

Hanabashira Yuuhi is there. While muttering that she finally
found me, she starts walking towards us.

“Ha-Hanabashira-san!? W-what business do you want from

me?” (Endo)

While Endo is confused meeting with Yuuhi’s pretty face, her

face hang down sloppily, and reply in an unpleasant voice.

79 Goldenagato |
“Ah, no. I have business with Yuki-kun. Therefore can you
lend Yuki-kun for a while?” (Yuuhi)

“Ah…yes.” (Endo)

Endo got shot with a single stroke… it was indeed pitiful.

“Thank you! Then Yuki-kun can you follow me?” (Yuuhi)

“Yeah….” (Setsu)

Yuuhi snatched me from Endo, and start leading my hand

leaving them. When I look back, Endo and co had the eyes full
of hatred. It’s amazing for human to be able to make such eyes.

After taking enough distance from them, Yuuhi separates her

hand from me, and suddenly jumped into my chest.

“Yahhou! Finally Yuki-kun after a long time!” (Yuuhi)

80 Goldenagato |
“O-oi.” (Setsu)

Yuuhi hugs me tightly. Her huge chest hits mine, changing it’s
form. Uwah, this is bad.

As expected some problem might ‘arise’ if I didn’t separate.

“Wai- get away from me for a bit…” (Setsu)

“Haaah~ Finally Yuki-kun after a long time~” (Yuuhi)

I got weakened for a bit and she starts putting all her weight
on me! H-her chest are..!

“I’m worried you know? They said Yuki-kun had no magic

power…how did it become like that?” (Yuuhi)

“Well…I managed somehow.” (Setsu)

81 Goldenagato |
“….I guess so, you seems to be fine and energetic…” (Yuuhi)

…It seems that I’ve made her worry. I’m slightly sorry for

“That’s right Yuki-kun! Do you want to go to town together

when we get our time off?” (Yuuhi)

“Town?” (Setsu)

Speaking of town, there’s one downtown of Destinea. It’s

considerably wide, you won’t get bored at there are many
interesting things.

It seems that Yuuhi visit me today for an invitation.

“How about it?” (Yuuhi)

“Yeah, I guess it’s fine.” (Setsu)

82 Goldenagato |
She came all the way here to invite me, so spending one
holiday for Yuuhi is cheap.

“Really!? Absolutely okay!?” (Yuuhi)

“I got it I got it.” (Setsu)

“Yay~!” (Yuuhi)

Yuuhi parts with me while doing a banzai. I’m not regretting

it even for a moment since the warmth is gone okay? It’s the
truth okay?

We have a bit of a small talk after that, reporting our current

condition to each other.

Yuuhi’s training seems to be hard after all when i heard from

her, as Grein’s training is efficient but only for the strong-

83 Goldenagato |
We decided to look for the right time afterwards and
separated, as I have some business to do after all.

“I’m glad we got to meet today! I managed to recharged my

Yuki-kun Energy!” (Yuuhi)

What the heck is Yuki-kun Energy.

[T.N: Just imagine Musukonium]

“It’s absolutely okay to rely on me when you’re in trouble!

Don’t break the promise of us going out!” (Yuuhi)

“Okay okay, I know already.” (Setsu)

‘See you later~!’ She runs off after saying that.

…Now then, I will not be able to leave this country until i

went around town with Yuuhi….

84 Goldenagato |
This is bad right?


I noticed it at that time.

While hiding in the shadow, Endo is staring at me with eyes

full of grudge.

85 Goldenagato |
Chapter 5: 3rd Person and 3 days
“――――――Phew…” (Setsu)

I came to the castle’s Magic Institute because it is said that Tia

Amulet, the last of my former attendants is there.

The atmosphere in front of the door seems to be quite

dangerous, but although I’m fairly hesitated to enter, I made up
my mind and opened the door when I noticed the bad smell. A
very nasty, bad smell.――――――

However its a strangely familiar nasty smell. If I’m not

mistaken, it’s the similar smell that always sticks to that
person’s clothes at that time――――――but it was not at this
dangerous scale.

I almost choked instinctively, so I kept all the smell away

from myself with wind magic. Although it’s already hopeless
that it had already soaked into my clothes, it become slightly
better now.

86 Goldenagato |
I can finally look at room, and find the one I’m looking for.

The room is really spacious when I see it again, and overall

dim, with distorted-shaped plant hanging on the ceiling, with
magic stone storing magic power rolling here and there. There’s
also a glass container containing mysterious liquid in it. Is that a
beaker? They are displayed on an appropriate table. There’s one
lying there, and when the content is dripping on the floor, I
heard a sizzling sound when the liquid touched the floor. Is that
acid? Is the one inside that thing acid?

The other side of the table also had a lot of beaker-like things,
and the lady which is my purpose is there.

The lady sits on a chair, working on something on that messy


When I approached to call out to her, the lady suddenly

turned and looked me in the eyes.

With purple hair that is grown until the center of her back,
expressionless eyes, and beautiful lips with a slight tinge of

87 Goldenagato |
red――――――and also having a young face and body. She
wears a huge unbalanced white robe, and a white shirt
underneath it.

This girl is none other than the last of my attendants, she

doesn’t change at all from 5 years ago, the figure of 〈Mad
Scientist Tia〉.

[T.N: Direct translation is Evil Professor, but I think Mad

Scientist fits better.]

This Tia just stares at me.

Until she finally opens her mouth.

“N…. ‘been a long time, Setsu.” (Tia)

――――――I’m really surprised. My body is shabbier than

before I was reincarnated. Even my eyes are hidden as I still
haven’t cut my long bangs yet… I really have no idea how
she could managed to recognize me when even my eyes are

88 Goldenagato |

“How the hell did you recognize me with this appearance,

Tia?” (Setsu)

“Setsu, I have the 〈Magic Eye〉, I’ve been traveling with you
for so long that I won’t mistook your magic power.” (Tia)

[T.N: Anyone got better name than magic power?]

That’s… I see――――――she’s a carrier of an extremely rare

magic eyes.

Just like it’s name suggest Magic Eyes refers to putting magic
power to your eyes. Various effect could be demonstrated by
putting magic power.

In Tia’s case for example, her eyes has the ability that could
capture the magic power in her view. It seems weak at a glance,
but there won’t be that many place to hide once your magic
power is caught in her view, so it’s ideal as a countermeasure for

89 Goldenagato |
surprise attack. Her eyes really helped us during our journey.

By the way, the Charm Eye that the princess used is a

technique than anyone can use if you have the talent and
training. Magic Eye is a power that mainly manifested when one
was born, so the Charm Eye that anyone could use are not
labelled as Magic Eye.

Although there are many powerful Magic Eyes, not that many
of them are left right now. That’s why the cause of how the
Magic Eyes are born is unknown 5 years ago.

“But you really didn’t change huh… still looking like a loli like
before?” (Setsu)

“Muu, I’ve properly grown slightly taller this time. A wizard

can’t grow up that easily.” (Tia)

“A wizard had a hard time growing old? Although it’s the first
time I’m hearing it…well how about you tell me how much you
have grown?” (Setsu)

90 Goldenagato |
“0.5mm.” (Tia)

“Isn’t that in the margin of error?” (Setsu)

When she heard my words, Tia had a displeased look and start
punching me with *pechi pechi* sound.

“Shut up, Setsu is mean like always.” (Tia)

“Yeah yeah, my bad.” (Setsu)

The head of the short Tia comes into contact with my chest.
Her appearance of *pechi pechi* beating my chest with her thin
hands, even after 5 years had passed since then, it can only be
said as childish.

“This part of you doesn’t change too.”

“Naturally, I won’t change that easily. Anyway…although I’ve

91 Goldenagato |
heard from Eruka that Setsu had come back to this world via a
summoning, why are you here?” (Tia)

“Aah, that because I’ve heard that you’ve been desperately

researching for a way to summon me again…. I just thought that
for the time being I should say thanks.” (Setsu)

“N, this degree is nothing. In addition, it’s cheap if I can meet

Setsu again.” (Tia)

Although I’m glad when she said that, it feels a bit itchy after

I felt uncomfortable somehow, so I shake my head and put my

hand under her armpit and lift her like during the old days. I sit
on a chair, and let Tia sit on my knee.

Tia doesn’t show any resistance when I carry her, as she just
leans her back on my body.

“N, as I thought, although the figure had changed, this

92 Goldenagato |
comfortable feeling is indeed belongs to Setsu.” (Tia)

She had a satisfied look as she puts her whole weight on me.
We usually took a rest like this under the shade of a tree during
our journey.

“That’s right, I want to ask what happened after you got

forcibly sent back home by this country.” (Tia)

“? Why?” (Setsu)

“I’m considerably interested at how your appearance had

changed. I didn’t learn much from Eruka.” (Tia)

“Is that so? …That fine I guess.” (Setsu)

I told Tia everything without concealing anything.

About having reincarnated, about how I looked for a way to

93 Goldenagato |
come back here, and about the summoned situation――――――

“15 years or more had passed in Setsu’s world. But this world
is only 5 years.” (Tia)

“That seems to be so…” (Setsu)

Well, it’s not impossible for the flow of time to be different

between worlds, since the boundary is different.

Remembering what I must tell her here, I opened my mouth


“Ah, while I’m here――――――.” (Setsu)

“You want to get out of the country?” (Tia)

“Like I said how the hell did you guys able to figure that
out…” (Setsu)

94 Goldenagato |
‘Because Setsu looks like he’s going to say that’――――――is
what Tia said.

Am I really that easy to read…?

“You’ve become readable after meeting those people and

ending the war.” (Tia)

“What are you, an Esper..?” (Setsu)

“However, there’s one thing I want to advise you at the

moment――――――.” (Tia)

“N?” (Setsu)

“That is――――――.” (Tia)

Dozens of minutes later, I who had a long talk with Tia looked
at the time and went out of her laboratory. At the end with her

95 Goldenagato |
saying “with this I could devote myself on experimenting on
normal magic” kind of leave an impression on me, so I kind of
felt slightly sorry. Since she spent a lot of time for my sake, as I
thought I need to do something for her soon. Also to Eruka and

And then, about Tia’s advice――――――

“…it’s fine if you made some mistake…seriously.” (Tia)

[T.N: Not sure about this one. Raw: ……出来れば間違いであって欲


Walking the long corridor illuminated with light, I start

walking to return back to my room.

In my head, the face of the person who got summoned

together with me before appeared――――――

In the middle of the night――――――

96 Goldenagato |
When everyone had fallen asleep, there’s someone visiting my

“――――――May I enter, Setsu-sama?” (???)

“Yeah, I’ve been waiting, Eruka.” (Setsu)

‘Excuse me’――――――Eruka who’s wearing some rough

shirt and shorts entered while saying that.

I tell her to sit on a chair, as I sit on the bed. I’m sorry for you
guys who are imagining some lewd things, there’s no such sweet
one this time.

“Did you managed to talk to them?” (Setsu)

“Yes――――――just like Setsu-sama’s aim, I was able to led

the king and princess to a conclusion of driving you out.”

97 Goldenagato |
“Is that so, you did well.” (Setsu)

I praised Eruka who did her work obediently.

“Tomorrow, they will call Setsu-sama to tell you about it.

You’ll be given 3 days to stay here.” (Eruka)

“So they want me to get out after that time huh, understood.”

“…Setsu-sama?” (Eruka)

“Hmm?” (Setsu)

Eruka had a doubtful look like she’s not convinced somehow.

“Why didn’t you just go all out at full power? You don’t even
need to care about endangering our position…” (Eruka)

98 Goldenagato |
“Either way it’s going to be troublesome…” (Setsu)

Well aside from that, it’s certainly possible for me to use the
method that Eruka said. I have the power to do just that.

“However, it’s no good then…” (Setsu)

“Why is it…?” (Eruka)

“It’s easy, because the pursuers will follow.” (Setsu)

“Pursuer..?” (Eruka)

To save their faces, this country will not just part with a
human that they’ve summoned so easily. Therefore it’s obvious
that they won’t let me apart from the castle even if I negotiate.
And it seems they don’t really want to part with the good-for-
nothing me just due to the fact that I’m a person from another
world――――――is the side of the story that I’ve heard from

99 Goldenagato |
Let’s say I go with that idea――――――forcing my way with
the country, that would be the proof that I have some strength.
In other words it would get leaked even when I was concealing
my ability… then the response of the country will be between
this 2.

1, They’ll send pursuers to search for me as a wanted man as

I’m a person who had resisted the country.

2, Desiring my power, they’ll send pursuer demanding

cooperation, proposing a negotiation.

Since that’s the conclusion I’ve arrived to considering the

thought process of this country, the possibility of them acting
differently from that is really low….

“――――――I see, the possibility of them sending pursuer is

really high.” (Eruka)

“Right? In short, since it’s a pain, I’m not going to force my

way.” (Setsu)

100 Goldenagato |

“Understood. But the current method also takes a
considerable effort too.” (Eruka)

“Yeah, that’s right.” (Setsu)

As it do takes time, it’s also a pain to have them kick me out.

“However, it’s only going to be a pain for now, as they won’t

have any reason to send out pursuers later on to chase me to the
other side.” (Setsu)

“Is that so…” (Eruka)

“It’s a hassle as it takes some time, bur I really want to

continue being treated as a good for nothing. So I want you to
look at me like that at that time.” (Setsu)

Instead of forcing my way and slip out, since it’s easier to just
escape safely with their help, I’ve been spending some time just
for the trouble.

101 Goldenagato |

“Well, although I do feels like going all out forcing my way,
being voluntarily kicked out is not that bad either.” (Setsu)

“I see…. With this I’m finally convinced.” (Eruka)

[T.N: basically, the pursuers are just an excuse as he could

easily handle them. He’s just doing whatever he wants right
now, that’s it, that’s what makes Eruka convinced.]

“That’s good then――――――ah, that’s right.” (Setsu)

A question floated in my mind in the middle of the

conversation, let’s ask casually.

“How did you pressed the idea of having me kicked out to the
king?” (Setsu)

“That’s, I just speak some ill things about Setsu-sama and…”


102 Goldenagato |

“Hou… and what exactly did you said?” (Setsu)

“Um….. something like 『That thing is a hopeless good-for-

nothing』, or 『It’s a waste to spend your time for such a good-
for-nothing even if it’s just a little』, also 『I can’t endure having
that good-for-nothing on the castle』….” (Eruka)


“Aahn…those are some good glaring eyes.” (Eruka)

“Haah…. What the hell are you saying about your master…?”

“But I’m just doing what Setsu-sama ask me to do.” (Eruka)

While it is certainly like that…ugugu, I’m a bit hurt having

someone said that about me…. Especially when a person close to
you called you a good-for-nothing.

103 Goldenagato |

“…Well whatever. Anyway Eruka, you did well. I’m quite
saved with this.” (Setsu)

“No no…but I’m going to get separated from Setsu-sama again

in a few days…” (Eruka)

“…I guess.” (Setsu)

Eruka had the job of training the heroes along with Grein. If I
make her follow me, they’ll definitely send a pursuer. Tia is the
country’s wizard. The same problem will occur if she

“Unfortunately it’s not possible to take you along, I’m sorry

okay?” (Setsu)

“No, Since I understood you point――――――the night have

grown late too, so I think I’ll head back to my room.” (Eruka)

“Yeah, thanks a lot for today.” (Setsu)

104 Goldenagato |

“Fufu, Setsu-sama is troublesome but is still gentle huh? Even
though it’s fine to use us more than this.” (Eruka)

Eruka raised from her seat with a smile.

“I’m not really that nice though…” (Setsu)

“You’re very gentle you know? I want you to rely and use me
more.” (Eruka)

“….Are you saying that because you’re getting excited?”


“Yes!” (Eruka)

This girl…with such a serious face.

It really makes it looks like her previous expression is just a


105 Goldenagato |

“Haah….since I’m tired from having to move around so much
today, I’m already sleepy.” (Setsu)

“Absolutely!! I’m glad that I got to be ordered by you!” (Eruka)

Eruka heads towards the exit of the room while saying


While she heads to the door, she looked back and opened her

“Setsu-sama…did you hear the story about ‘that’ person?”


“…Yeah, I heard about it from Tia.” (Setsu)

“I see――――――no, I’m sorry for asking about that. Good

night, Setsu-sama.” (Eruka)

106 Goldenagato |

“….Good night.” (Setsu)

After Eruka left, I thought about what Eruka had said.

“……what’s the point of asking me….

That person――――――that person should have died.”


[T.N: The gender is not confirmed, so I’m using that.]

[T.N: POV changed to third person]

At the castle’s corridor, Yuuhi who is Setsu’s childhood friend

had become unable to sleep as she thinks about her promise
with Setsu, so she had a walk around the castle.

(Going around with Yuki-kun~♪)

107 Goldenagato |

While thinking about such things at that time, Yuuhi became
strangely happy.

Setsu’s existence is considerably large for her, but she doesn’t

know why.

While strolling around the castle in high spirit, a door in front

of her suddenly opened.

(Uwah! They’re going to get angry at me in the middle of the


Going out in the middle of the night, Yuuhi hid herself in the
shade as she think she would obstruct whoever it is that coming
out. Erasing her presence, she tried not to get found. It’s very
easy for her to do technique like this considering her
overflowing talents.

Who came out of the door, was a woman called Eruka who
was training her classmate in a different training ground. She’s
a person of the same influence as Grein――――――Yuuhi had
that much of a recognition.

108 Goldenagato |

(Eruka….……right? What is she doing at such a time…)

“――――――night, Setsu-sama” (Eruka)


Certainly just now….saying ‘Setsu-sama’――――――

Yuuhi was at a loss. Setsu――――――in other words that was

Yuki-kun’s room, and a woman came out of it. Unfortunately,
for someone called Setsu, there’s only him out of all the

(What kind of relationship do you have….Yuki-kun)

Yuuhi at that time, questions and uneasiness began to swirl

inside her――――――

Author’s note: Possibility of a Shuraba.

109 Goldenagato |

Translator’s note: Shuraba is something like a scene of
carnage/blooshed. Currently it’s commonly used for quarrel
between love interest.

110 Goldenagato |

Chapter 6: The Promised Day
“――――――I will have you leave the castle.” (King)

A few hours after the meeting, I was called by the King in

Destinea Castle at dawn.

The Princess and Eruka are standing next to the king. The
princess is viewing me as trash as usual…. but although Eruka is
trying her best to look down on me, it doesn’t go that well as it
becomes a funny face instead. I guess it’s impossible for her who
takes great pleasure from being looked down upon by me.

“…May I hear the reason?” (Setsu)

“This Eruka, she doesn’t want to waste her energy teaching

someone without power. Although it is unfortunate, but I can’t
have you roam around freely inside the castle without any job
either.” (King)

That’s nice coming from someone who had abducted the said
person without permission…. well I won’t be saying any

111 Goldenagato |

unnecessary things, so I just listened silently.

“As expected I will give you some money to spend. I’ll even
give you the castle’s weapon if you want to be an adventurer.”

‘It’s impossible to be a master without any power

though’――――――the king didn’t forget to add that sarcasm

I’ve already been an adventurer from a long time ago though.

I’ll obediently accept the money, even though with my style I

won’t have any problem even without it. I don’t need any
weapon though.

“Although originally I want to drive you out of the country,

I’ll allow you to stay downtown if you leave the castle, since you
are a hero after all.” (King)

“…. Thank you very much.” (Setsu)

112 Goldenagato |

What the hell is this old man saying…

But I was saved as they didn’t kick me out of the country, so I

should be able to spend my remaining time at the town.

When I pay attention to Eruka, she looks at me and nods

slowly. Did you arrange that? I’m saved.

“Please leave the castle the day after tomorrow, and with this
our talk is over. You’re dismissed.” (King)

“Yes…” (Setsu)

While having a depressed atmosphere, I leave the throne


――――――I’m super happy on the inside though.

[T.N: POV changed to 3rd person]

113 Goldenagato |

After Setsu had left the throne room, the king who was sitting
on the throne issued a command to Eruka.

“Eruka, choose an appropriate amount of money to give to

that guy.” (King)

“Certainly.” (Eruka)

Once the king saw that Eruka has left the room, he faced her
daughter who had been having a death glare at the door which
Setsu had used to leave.

“Margaret, you’ll ruin your beautiful look if you keep on

glaring like that.” (King)

“――――――…even if you said that Otou-sama! Why did you

not decide to just drive that outrageous thing out of the
country!?” (Margaret)

‘Margaret’ refers to the name of the princess, while the

‘outrageous thing’ refers to Setsu.

114 Goldenagato |

She seems to be dissatisfied that Setsu doesn’t need to leave
the country.

“….It will only dirty the name of the heroes if you let that
outrageous thing step on Destinea’s soil! No…I’m disgusted to
have to call that as a hero!!” (Margaret)

Margaret’s face is distorted with anger, as her inborn magic

rose waveringly from her body.

“Since it was a strong demand from Eruka, I need to hear it. Is

there anything you are not satisfied with?” (King)

“That’s right!! … when I look at him it reminds me of that

person…the one summoned from 5 years ago!” (Margaret)

Setsu’s face when he got summoned appeared in her mind, as

Margaret felt that Setsu’s presence is similar to ‘that man’, so it
seems to make her considerably angry. Or more accurately,

115 Goldenagato |

“For him to be similar to our ‘real’ hero’s――――――”

“STOP IT!!” (King)

“!!” (Margaret)

When she almost blurted out the whole sentence, the king
stops her with a roar.

“Even if there are guards, we don’t know if there’s anyone

listening, so refrain yourself from such careless remarks.”

“I-I’m sorry, Otou-sama…” (Margaret)

Margaret lowers her head, seeming to reflect about it deeply.

The irritating atmosphere from a while ago also disappeared.

116 Goldenagato |

“――――――Back to the story, although you said that you
don’t like it that the person didn’t leave the country, this has
already been decided. It’s unwise to oppose the opinion of Eruka
who we left to train the heroes.” (King)

“I…. understand.” (Margaret)

She had a downcasted face and bloodstained hand from her


――――――fortunately, there’s no one who heard that


Having cool off her head――――――Margaret leaves the

room, after which the king remembers something from their

(That good-for-nothing man… if I’m not mistaken his name is


It is a name that you could say will provoke the king.

117 Goldenagato |

(The man who betrayed our Human country, the man who
‘stopped’ the war――――――)

“Fuh… there’s no way right?” (King)

The king shook off the thought that appeared inside his head.

For that man to return――――――there’s no way such a thing

would happen.

[T.N: POV still in 3rd person]

Endo passed the castle’s corridor along with his followers.

There’s still some time before the training, and it seems that
being unable to do anything to Setsu yesterday had increased
his stress.

“Man~ Still being stressed Endo?” (Minion no.1)

118 Goldenagato |

“――――――Shut it.” (Endo)

“Eh?” (Minion no.2)

Endo replied to his followers without hiding his anger at all.

“My days doesn’t go that well recently…it seems that I need to

add more punishment to that guy….” (Endo)

The figure of his beloved person and Setsu(Gloomy nerd)

embracing each other appeared inside his head. The current
head of Endo is full of hatred towards Setsu after witnessing

“Ah… Endo. It’s Gloomy Yuki.” (Minion no.1)

“Huh?” (Endo)

Just like his follower said, the figure of Setsu can be seen to be

119 Goldenagato |

walking on the other side of the corridor.

His hair is unkempt as usual, his eyes are hidden, with a

lowered back and small body――――――Endo thinks: ‘Why is
such a guy could be together with Hanabashira Yuuhi? I’m
better than him right?’, something like that.

―――――― ‘If Kouma then I could understand. He’s a perfect

man, there’s no factor that I can win from him.’

But for a gloomy guy to get along with her more than the
perfect man, Endo would never be able to allow that. It is
because of this anger that he bullied him――――――all because
of jealousy.

“I’ll embarrass you…way more than before!)

When Endo stares at Setsu, he who noticed him almost leaks

out a “Geh!”. His mouth really seems like it wants to form that

120 Goldenagato |

Endo seems to have noticed his distorted face. ‘He fears me’.
Elation overflows from him when he thinks that.

“Yoo Gloomy Yuki, what are you doing?” (Endo)

He forcibly joined shoulders, and his followers surrounds the

front and back to block him.

“……….” (Setsu)

“Oi oi where’s you greetings? Huh!?” (Endo)

“!” (Setsu)

Endo’s fist sinks into Setsu. Superiority complex start

emerging from him.

“N?” (Endo)

121 Goldenagato |

At that time, his eyes suddenly towards Setsu’s hand.

“What is this thing you’re carrying?” (Endo)

“!!” (Setsu)

He forcibly snatched it. It is something like a drawstring bag,

and it feels a bit heavy although small.

About 10 gold coins shone when he opened it. Endo who

learned about the currency of this world knew the amount.

“Around 100 000 Yen huh…where the hell did you get this?”

[T.N: Somewhere around $1000USD.]

One gold coin is around 10 000 Yen, with 10 pieces of that, in

other words its 100 000 yen. It’s a lot of money if you consider

122 Goldenagato |

the current age, so even Endo didn’t have that amount of

“…Since they think that I’m just a good-for-nothing that can’t

fight…the people of the castle decided to help…then various
people from the castle give me money…” (Setsu)

“――――――heh!” (Endo)

His mouth distorted wickedly.

“Then, this is mine.” (Endo)

He said that and put the drawstring bag into his pocket. He
felt really good somehow.

“Uwaah! You’re serious Endo!” (Minion no.1)

“Then let’s go buy some things to enjoy!” (Minion no.2)

123 Goldenagato |

His followers start making some noise, and even though it was
their voices that irritates him before, the current Endo accept
them pleasantly.

“That’s right huh! Then let’s splurge around town once the
training is over!” (Endo)

Laughing horribly, they leave the place and go to the training


The only one left is Setsu standing still in place….

[T.N: POV change to MC again.]

“Oh man~….” (Setsu)

[T.N: He’s saying this in playful manner.]

I saw Endo who leaves while having a vulgar laugh and crude

124 Goldenagato |


Although I’m just acting it, indeed taking away my money

without mercy is too much…. If it’s not me, they would have
definitely cried.

Well, when I think that this is due to the fact that I’m close to
Yuuhi, I came to see Endo as pitiful. His jealousy had been
coming out. Well, he’s bothering me instead of Yuuhi…it’s
probably useless, but that guy is really insensitive to other

[T.N: あいつ自分への好意には鈍感だし, can’t really figure out the

last line.]

“… Well I’ll let it go since I could just have them prepare that
money again, even though it’s a pain.” (Setsu)

“――――――Oh? Is that Setsu-san?” (???)

“… Grein huh?” (Setsu)

125 Goldenagato |

Its a pity that Endo is no longer here, but I met with Grein
who’s not having an armor. He’s a dazzling Ikemen as usual,
just go explode already.

“Why are you in such a place?” (Grein)

“Aah about that――――――” (Setsu)

Saying that the day of my leave has already been set, I also tell
him that I got robbed.

“The day after tomorrow huh…. However are you fine with
them doing things like that to Setsu-san?”

“… It’s fine, since they’re probably going to get screwed even

if I didn’t do anything.” (Setsu)

“… What’s with that?” (Grein)

126 Goldenagato |

From the knowledge I get from reading the novel on the
internet for such a long time, people like Endo mostly doesn’t
have a good ending.

[T.N: Like being left with broken limbs to get eaten by


In that way, staying true to his desire even when he is weak,

he’s going to hit his limit sooner or later. Once broken, to satisfy
his further desire, he’s going to start taking a road normal
people wouldn’t take――――――

“He’s going to ruin himself in the end, since there’s no easy

road.” (Setsu)

“? What do you mean by that?” (Grein)

“What makes the body is the most important.” (Setsu)

I didn’t say anything wrong. Since it’s easier to get what you
desire the stronger you become.

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“Ah, occasionally there’s one thing I want to ask.” (Setsu)

“What is it?” (Grein)

“――――――When is the next day off from training?” (Setsu)

“…. to think it would be today…” (Setsu)

I visited downtown with a tired expression.

Today is the 2nd day after the order to leave was given, in
other words, today is the last day of the time limit I was allowed
to stay in the castle. And today the summoned people is given a
day off.

――――――In other words,

“――――――Thanks for waiting, Yuki-kun.” (Yuuhi)

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“…No, I’ve just arrived too, Yuuhi.” (Setsu)

My childhood friend who I have promised to have a date with

downtown appeared before me….

That’s right, on the promised day given by the king, is also the
day of the promised date.

(Somehow it has become troublesome…)

Although my mood is falling, it’s not good to show my mood

in front of this girl.

――――――it’s the last day I was allowed to be in town, so I’ll

try to make some good memories even by force.

“Then, shall we go?” (Setsu)

“Un!” (Yuuhi)

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I line up next to Yuuhi, and start walking on the streets.

Today, I will go out of the country as soon as this date is over.

Let’s enjoy this town so that I won’t regret it, is what I


“Is there anywhere you wanna go?” (Setsu)

“……” (Yuuhi)

“.. What’s wrong?” (Setsu)

“! No! Nothing’s wrong! That’s right! Let’s spend our pocket

money on food and eat a lot!!” (Yuuhi)

“Y-Yeah…” (Setsu)

130 Goldenagato |

I have a feeling that Yuuhi is low-spirited somehow…have I
done something to her?

Could it be…

“That looks delicious! It looks like donuts!” (Yuuhi)

“Is that so… wanna try eating it?” (Setsu)

――――――did you noticed that I’m going to disappear?

“…This is fun, Yuki-kun.” (Yuuhi)

“….Yeah.” (Setsu)

Her face sometimes shows a lonely expression, but I can’t read

it properly――――――

131 Goldenagato |

Chapter 7: Is This A Shuraba?
“Now that I think about it your clothes is a bit different
today.” (Setsu)

“Eh! R-really?” (Yuuhi)

Yuuhi is wearing a bright attire, with the white floral design

on the dress, and a brown hot pants. Since she’s always wearing
training clothes during training(Thick and short T-shirt), it
feels a bit refreshing seeing her in other clothes after a long

“Mizuki-chan and I bought it when we have free time after

our training.” (Yuuhi)

“Aah, did she chose for you?” (Setsu)

“H-how did you know about that!?” (Yuuhi)

It’s been like that for a long time. If the clothes that Yuuhi

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wears really suits her, it’s absolutely a clothes that other people
chose for her.

“That’s because your fashion sense is the worst…” (Setsu)

“D-don’t say that!” (Yuuhi)

I remember that time when she goes out for a walk to the
convenience store while wearing jersey….Yuuhi’s fans will cry
if they see that.

“Y-Yuki-kun is also looking good! The clothes I mean!”


“…Is that so?” (setsu)

My current clothes is the so-called adventurer’s clothes in this

world. Since I had Eruka prepared that, it’s a long trousers with
enough room for both mobility and safety, a long-sleeved black
shirt, and also a brown jacket on top. Since the brown jacket is
processed from the skin of a low rank monsters, although it

133 Goldenagato |

have a high heat resistance, its a comfortable wear that would
not obstruct my movement.

Although the main reason I’m wearing this today is because

I’m going to leave town, obviously I didn’t tell her that.

“Where did you get it, that clothes?” (Yuuhi)

“…I got it from a person I get to know in this world.” (Setsu)

I’m not telling a lie here.

“S-so that’s how it is!” (Yuuhi)

“Yeah…” (Setsu)

Yuuhi is waving her arms around, her appearance is kind of

amusing today.

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“Are you in bad shape?” (Setsu)

“No! It’s different! Doesn’t that shop seems interesting!? Let’s


She runs ahead trying to deceive me.

Umu…Although I thought that I might be a bit dense, could it

be about that?

I can’t think of any other reason why she would have that
upset tone.

(….Should I question her later?)

It’s bothering me now that we’ve come here. Let’s ask Yuuhi
directly after this.

Even if there are times when Yuuhi shows her disruptive tone,

135 Goldenagato |

the atmosphere didn’t worsen. Although I am worried about the
cause of it, it’s not a thing I can carelessly ask without
destroying the mood.

“Kya!” (Yuuhi)

“Ooops!” (Setsu)

While I was thinking a bit, I support Yuuhi as she almost fell

down after knocking against a person.

I didn’t really notice but it seems that the surrounding people

had increased. It seems that we have come to the center of the
castle district.

“Are you okay?” (Setsu)

“Yes… thank you.” (Yuuhi)

136 Goldenagato |

“Ou…” (Setsu)

Yuuhi’s face is bright red…even I would get embarrassed

seeing her reacting in that manner.

――――――Since the woman that I am close with in this

world are only the ‘odd’ types, as expected this kind of reaction
feels refreshing by all means. Uwaah, I’ve probably been staring
at her….

“Just take care for a bit, since there are many people here.”

“Yes――――――” (Yuuhi)

‘Yuki-kun is gentle after all’―――――I had a feeling that I

heard Yuuhi mutters that line.

We pass the center of the town, and decided to enter an

available cafe with good atmosphere. Although there are a lot of
cafes at the center of the town, since that place are crowded, it’s

137 Goldenagato |

considerably noisy after all. As I thought, that’s a place that
only popular people would use.

Therefore there’s not that many people here, we enter a shop

with with the wood as the theme. We got two seats and orders
two coffees.

By the way, there are tea and coffee in this world too. There’s
no cola though.

“This is a good shop.” (Setsu)

“Yeah, although the shop in the center is noisy, it’s pretty

quiet and calm here…” (Yuuhi)

“That’s right…did the noise at the center troubled you?”


Yuuhi laugh with “ehehe”, raising my sense of guilt. This girl

is not that good with crowds, so I should have been more careful

138 Goldenagato |

“Did you calm down?” (Setsu)

“I’m fine now, the coffee is pretty good too.” (Yuuhi)

The coffee in this shop is certainly delicious. Delicious enough

to make it possible for someone coming for the first time to
think of coming here again.

The master is a quite middle age man, standing behind the

counter with an apron above a black shirt. Various cooking tools
lined up on the counter, as he prepares coffee carefully with his
boorish hand.

――――――Should I listen to her now that the atmosphere

had settled down?

“Say, yuuhi.” (Setsu)

“N?” (Yuuhi)

139 Goldenagato |

“…Is there something wrong? You’ve been absent-minded
here and there today.” (Setsu)

“Eh!? H-how did you know!?” (Yuuhi)

Although she’s been shaking too much from being upset.

“No, what are you saying now after all this time? You’re
always making that face.” (Setsu)

Uu~…” (Yuuhi)

“You didn’t want to say it that much?” (Setsu)

With her face bright red, Yuuhi is glaring at me with watery

eyes. I won’t get upset even if she’s glaring at me like that, on
the contrary I think it’s lovely.

“I-is it really okay for me to say this…?” (Yuuhi)

140 Goldenagato |

“Please tell me, as expected I’m anxious about it.” (Setsu)

“Uu….O-okay then.” (Yuuhi)

Yuuhi finally agrees, and then opened her mouth.

“Yuki-kun――――――Since you’re meeting with Eruka last

midnight, what kind of relationship do you have with her?”

…..Wow, did she saw at that time?

“I, you know…I kind of get anxious thinking about what kind
of relationship did you have…” (Yuuhi)

What kind of relationship…in other words, lover-like


…Let me tell all of you here so there’s no misunderstanding,

141 Goldenagato |

Eruka and I were never in a romantic relationship. Although I
do feel something like goodwill for her, I got transferred before
anything could happen. Even if the days are blurred after
coming home, there’s not even one time when it became a
special relationship.

Well if you consider the special relation in particular, it’s in

the meaning of master and slave. In a sense it might be a bit
deeper than a lover..?

By the way, since we’retalking about how it happened, I was

pretty normal until Eruka asked to be my slave.

“…No, it’s nothing like that between me and Eruka….” (Setsu)

“――――――Did you call for me just now, ‘Setsu-sama’…?”


…I broke out in cold sweat.

Suddenly hearing a voice I know, when I fearfully confirm the

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owner of the voice….

“…Yoo, Eruka.” (Setsu)

“What a surprise meeting you here, ‘Setsu-sama’.” (Eruka)

This girl! Not only did she not try to hide our relationship,
she’s also trying to emphasize it!?

“…Why are you here?” (Setsu)

“Because this shop is my favorite. Did ‘Setsu-sama’ likes this

place too?” (Eruka)

You’re only liking this place just now, oi.

No good!! I’m really having a bad feeling from this girl!!

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“!! Yuki-kun!! What does she mean by that!?” (Yuuhi)

“Wa-wait! Calm down for a bit!” (Setsu)

“Even if you ask what I mean――――――that’s because I am

Setsu-sama’s property.” (Eruka)

Sensei, please stop dropping those kind of bombs.

“P-property!?” (Yuuhi)

Yuuhi stands up from her chair trying to question me.

“Calm down!” (Setsu)

“That’s right, I am Setsu-sama’s faithful servant. I’m even in

charge of his personal care.” (Eruka)

144 Goldenagato |

“Personal care!?” (Yuuhi)

Certainly she’s in charge of taking care of me but it’s not like

that! Won’t Yuuhi get completely misunderstood from that!?

[T.N: Remember that she and 2 others were his personal


“To go that much….Yuki-kun! What did you do to Eruka-san

after coming to this world!?” (Yuuhi)

“I didn’t do anything! Therefore I’m asking you to calm

down!” (Setsu)

“You didn’t do anything? For me it’s because I begged you to

make myself to be yours.” (Eruka)

…Oi oi did you really need to go there..? This is going to be

bad you know?

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“!! Shouldn’t you and Yuki-kun have only met for a few days!?
It’s too light to make yourself to be his!!” (Yuuhi)

“That’s why I said to calm down――――――.” (Setsu)

“There’s no such thing as a short time! Setsu-sama and I have

been together for a long time alr――――――.” (Eruka)

“――――――How about both of you calm down right now?”



When I said that more quietly than the current voice, the
inside of the store is suddenly wrapped in silence.

The guests from far away got frightened, the men in my

surrounding faint, the women talking with their friends are
having some kind of toilet accidents.

146 Goldenagato |

[T.N: They pee or shat themselves, I leave that to you

Yuuhi who is near me doesn’t move and had become stiff,

while Eruka was kneeling while trembling herself.

――――――What I put into my words just now is bloodlust.

Normally you use them on your opponents in battle, but

having mastered it to the extreme, I could suppress a certain
space with my power.

Since they’ll likely die of shock if you mistook the addition

and subtraction, I suppressed it fairly so that the effect is low.
I’m sorry for having unrelated person rolled up in the effective

The power is enough for Yuuhi who have little to no

experience with that to feel it. Well, it is indeed effective on
Eruka. This girl would really fear me once I get angry.

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“Eruka, do you know why I stopped you?” (Setsu)

“No…” (Eruka)

“The reason is you. When people learn that the Magic Sword
user employed by the castle was having a deep relationship with
a worthless man, please understand how bad that is from my
point of view. Worst case, you might get killed if the King and
princess who really hates me know about it you know? Here is a
public place, reconsider your words, how much more dangerous
thing are you going to say? It’s not easy to deceive everyone you

…Do you want to make me lose my ‘important one’?” (Setsu)

“I-I’m deeply sorry…” (Eruka)

[T.N: ‘Important one’ is written in kanji, with ‘Eruka’ written

on top of it. Just Japan’s double meaning]

With her face down, I pat the head of the apologizing Eruka.

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Eruka is indeed an excellent woman, I don’t have to repeat the
same thing twice.

“It’s good that you have understood! …My bad, having to

lecture you.” (Setsu)

“No…I’m also lacking consideration…I’m the one who

neglects your creed.” (Eruka)

My creed huh―――――I barely remember it…

“Oops…Can we put this topic off for the time being, Yuuhi?
I’m sorry, are you okay?” (setsu)

“Y-Yes…” (Yuuhi)

Have you recovered yourself…they should at least let you

experience this during the training.

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I call out to Eruka again.

“Eruka, I’m sorry but can you use your money to buy me a
suitable change of clothes for all of us? I’ll pay the money later.”

“Y-Yes!” (Eruka)

I ask Eruka to stand up, and make her do some shopping.

Since this terrible scene is my responsibility, I have to clean it
up…although I depend on Eruka, There are some part that I
need to do myself.

“―――――I’m sorry for the uproar, I’ll pay for it no matter

how much.

That’s why, cant you guys keep quiet about this uproar?”

I ask with my best, and the visitors that are still awake nodded
on the spot in spite of being scared.

150 Goldenagato |

Now then, next should be about explaining this to
Yuuhi―――――I guess?

Author’s note: As expected, I can’t stand too much drama.

Translator’s note: Well, thank you for that.

P.S: Color pic of shuraba

151 Goldenagato |

152 Goldenagato |
Chapter 8: Hectic Country parting
“―――――Hmm……from where should I start the
explanation?” (Setsu)

Some time had passed from before, right now the only people
in the store are Yuuhi, Eruka and me. I felt bad for the other
guest, but I had Eruka used her Charm Eye to make them
promise not tell anyone about what happened inside the store,
and then had them go home. For the promise made with Charm
Eye, it will keep remaining inside the head even after you cancel
the eye unless in extreme circumstances. The wish of the
princess should still continue remaining in my classmates.

“…That’s right, first of all shall I speak about my relationship

with Eruka?” (Setsu)

“Yeah…” (Yuuhi)

The thing that I will speak about right now is, about how I
have come to this world, and somehow about my puzzling
master-servant relationship with Eruka. I’ll skip the part about
having reincarnated since it’s confusing.

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“What the heck is puzzling master-servant relationship!?”

Although Yuuhi’s question is reasonable, it’s hard to say that

it’s because she had awakened to M when I have a sparring
practice with Eruka. Sorry, Yuuhi.

“Let’s stop there, the important part is about when I’ve come
to this world right?” (Setsu)

“It’s amazing that you’re able to ignore it with such a straight

face…yeah, that’s right.” (Yuuhi)

After that I talked about having obtained powers from various

continents. And also the reason for incurring this country’s ill

And that from now I will go out of the country and meet some

“―――――As I though Yuki-kun want to go.” (Yuuhi)

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“…How did you know?” (Setsu)

“Somehow, you have this atmosphere that seemed like you

want to go somewhere.” (Yuuhi)

What the hell, am I that easy to read..?

Eruka nods with an “uhuh” at the side.

“Say…. can’t I follow you?” (Yuuhi)

“…No good. There’s still too many things you lack.” (Setsu)

“But! Even when I can fight!?” (Yuuhi)

Certainly the magic in Yuuhi may be called the top-class, but

the problem in this case is her ability.

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“You’re lacking experience, the experience of attacking and
killing a monster, the experience of killing an
enemy――――――” (Setsu)

The experience of killing a companion―――――I almost blurt

that out, but I stopped. This one only applied to me, there’s no
need for Yuuhi to experience that.

Although I don’t know how she perceived my sour look,

Yuuhi didn’t make a fuss.

“Then…what should I do? I …I want to be with Yuki-kun…”


…I think that I’m a proud man now that there’s a woman here
saying that to me.

Although I’m not planning to take anyone, I’ve intended to

suggest this.

“If you want to follow by all means…learn the basics from

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Eruka, if it’s her, Yuuhi will be able to be independent. Eruka,
can I ask you that?” (Setsu)

“It is Setsu-sama’s request. I’ll fill her with plenty of

experience as long as Yuuhi-san is ready.” (Eruka)

What a reliable woman she is…my view of her would have

changed if she’s not a pervert.

“How about it?” (Setsu)

“…I,―――――I want to be strong. So that I can go around the

world with Yuki-kun…Eruka-san, can I ask that of you?”

“It’s going to be tough you know?” (Eruka)

“I’ll do anything.” (Yuuhi)

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The clear will of wanting to be strong is reflected strongly in
Yuuhi’s eyes. Since she didn’t get affected by the princess’s
Charm Eye up to now, although at first her eyes had hesitation
without any purpose, right now her eyes are as strong as the

“―――――she passed, Setsu-sama.” (Eruka)

“Yeah, I’ll leave her to you, Eruka.” (Setsu)

“Leave it to me, I’ll bring her up as a magician that will be able

to burn up the continent.” (Eruka)

No…although I did say to let her get some experience…at most

just make it at the level of a city.

“You don’t have to go that far…after that is, that’s

right―――――since we still have time, to make up for the lost
time, let’s all walk together this time.” (Setsu)

“Un! It’s a promise!” (Yuuhi)

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The Yuuhi of today seems to have finally obtained a goal after
coming to this world.

“Is it evening already…” (Setsu)

The three of us left the shop to walk around town. Although

it’s true that I could no longer be in the country, I stayed a little
bit too long.

“Since I have to prepare to leave the country, since there’s a

place that I need to go to for a bit…. what the the two of you
wanna do?” (Setsu)

“A little…may I have a bit of time to talk with Yuuhi-san?”


Only the two of them?

“Okay. Then let’s meet again later.” (Setsu)

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“Yes” (Eruka)

When I see them again, it’s time to say goodbye…

Eruka leaves with Yuuhi who had become speechless.

Now then, I should finish my business early.

[T.N: POV change to 3rd person]

As Eruka and Yuuhi part parted with Setsu, they moved in the
town towards a quite place.

“Um…the talk?” (Yuuhi)

“Aah, I don’t have any important talk in particular. Just a

little bit about his story.” (Eruka)

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Eruka didn’t dare to use Setsu’s name here. She had learned
her lesson from before.

“He had a belief that is too naive to live in this world. That is
the reason why he got angry a while ago.” (Eruka)

“Belief…?” (Yuuhi)

“Yes――――――no matter how much he will be abused by

others, no matter how much he got neglected, even if he get
assaulted, he would never retaliate. However, if the person he
loved is exposed to danger, he will use every cards he have to
help…that is his belief.” (Eruka)

[T.N: Not sure which one I should chose, creed or belief.]

It sounds as if he didn’t care about what is done to him

without thinking of doing anything.

“Well it’s probably also because of his strength, since it’s

possible to say that he won’t get scratched with most of what is

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done to him. If we think of him at the level of a fierce animal,
it’s likely for us to only be a gathering of ants to him.” (Eruka)

“Yuki-kun…he’s that strong.” (Yuuhi)

“It can be said that he’s out of standard…However for the

ants, if they bite his companion, he will crush them with his
every effort…he’s a man with such a thought.” (Eruka)

At the cafe, Setsu didn’t worry about his true identity being
found out, it’s Eruka’s position he was worried about. If the
country knew about it and knew that she had a connection with
someone the country have a grudge with, the country will never
forgive Eruka. Even if she’s still Setsu’s former companion, no,
it’s because their viewpoint is very limited. Last night, it was
also considerably dangerous to have gone to Setsu’s room. Well,
Eruka won’t make the mistake of being found out. Although she
did get found out by Yuuhi…. it’s alright since she a girl who
didn’t get brainwashed by the princess, but if it was other
people it was a sure out.

She doesn’t want to go to war, she accepted the condition of

using her energy to the development of the heroes, in the castle.

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“We no longer have any need to stay in the castle anymore
too…” (Eruka)

Her purpose, for Setsu’s return have already been

accomplished in unexpected form.

“Can we follow Yuki-kun?” (Yuuhi)

“That’s no good, since the pursuers will chase if you follow

him.” (Eruka)

Although the country employs her to raise the heroes, it also

has the meaning of monitoring her at the same time too. They
don’t want to have any unnecessary extra thing related to
Setsu… they tried to be cautious of her to the point of watching
her at night, but with the war going on, Eruka managed to win
by pointing out the lack of staff.

“Well, it’s also pleasant seeing you guys grow, not to mention
there’s a little something we need to investigate.” (Eruka)

163 Goldenagato |

What they really need to investigate…it’s about a certain
person that Tia and Eruka had reported to Setsu.

That’s the only person that they really need to clarify by all
means, so it’s really important.

“That much… is it really that important?” (Yuuhi)

“At least… it is important for us.” (Eruka)

She starts speaking about the content.

“At that time, around 5 years ago…he who had been

summoned had befriend another person who had been
summoned along with him. I think they kind of clicked together
seeing that they’re from the same place. Both are getting
stronger, and although they’re starting to get familiar with this
world…I wonder where it had been different? One of them is on
the summoning country’s beck and call, positively participating
in the war…the other one is doing the opposite, escaping from
the country, and created a relationship with the Beastman and
the Devil tribe.

164 Goldenagato |

And then――――――they clashed.

“The person who tried to have the Human country win

marched into the Devil continent along with the army, planning
to wipe out the Devil tribe…. It was him who stopped it. To
defend the Devil tribe that he befriends, he clashed with that
person. At the end of the battle――――――He… killed that
person himself.” (Eruka)

It is a battle where the fight completely changed the

geographical features, Eruka remembers it well.

It is definitely a fight between heroes…but he is definitely a

hero among heroes, even when compared to the heroes of the
Human country, or the heroes of the Devil and the Beastman

“Although he got depressed for a while having killed a friend,

he barely managed to recover from suicide. 『There’s still a lot
more lives I need to shoulder』 is what he said with a wry smile.
The resolution to kill that her told you about before, even he
himself didn’t have it. He had lost it since then.” (Eruka)

165 Goldenagato |

“……” (Yuuhi)

Yuuhi became speechless. His past is much more fierce than

she could imagine.

“I and the others in this world are “used” to taking lives. Our
feelings are hardly moved no matter how many enemies we
buried――――――However, if he were to kill again this time, I
wonder what would happen…” (Eruka)

“…..” (Yuuhi)

Yuuhi still can’t utter a single word. On that side is about the
Setsu that she doesn’t know, so what she wanted to say had all
been lost.

“…Shall we go back to the story? The investigation that we

said are important, refers to that dead person.” (Eruka)

“….That person should be dead already right?” (Yuuhi)

166 Goldenagato |

“――――――that person might still be alive.” (Eruka)

“!?” (Yuuhi)

That person is alive――――――it’s a sentence that could

shook the country.

“There’s no conclusive evidence…..however Tia seems to have

detected his magic power. Although it was just for an instant,
we planned to investigate to clarify it…” (Eruka)

“If that person is alive…what will you do?” (Yuuhi)

“…I think that I’ll put an end to that person. That person is
too dangerous after all.” (Eruka)

Fortunately they had come to the more unpopular area.

Declaring to kill someone, it’s not funny if they got caught.

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“… Isn’t that dangerous?” (Yuuhi)

“That person is really intent eradicating the Devil and

Beastman tribe. The important person I’ve made in this world
had been deprived in the war――――――is what I heard from
him.” (Eruka)

In other words it’s revenge, and the reason why he

participated in the war at that time.

“If that person is alive…that person will participate in this

war for sure. If that person is there, he might have been forced
to kill each other again. Because I want to avoid that, I planned
to do what I said before.” (Eruka)

If that person is alive, she will kill that person before that
person is made to participate in the war――――――is her plan.

“――――――Oops, sorry. The thing I want to talk about is not

that kind of story.” (Eruka)

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“….?” (Yuuhi)

The heavy atmosphere disappeared from Eruka. Yuuhi was

taken aback and breathes out unintentionally.

“What I want to say to you, after you have become strong, I

want you to help supporting him.” (Eruka)

“Yeah… why are you asking me to do the obvious?” (Yuuhi)

“Am I listening correctly?” is what Yuuhi’s expression said.

Eruka changed her perception of Yuuhi. Even after hearing
Setsu had killed a person, she thought that her idea of him
might changed a bit, but that doesn’t seems to be the matter.

“Yuki-kun had helped me many times when I was in Japan.

Although the surrounding people give Yuki-kun strange looks,
he is really sweet and gentle. Since I’ve been protected all the
time, I was slightly glad when I learned that Yuki-kun doesn’t
have any power when we came to this world. I can protect him
this time――――――However he’s just concealing his power…
there are parts of me that are slightly disappointed. (Yuuhi)

169 Goldenagato |

Yuuhi could only laugh with a wry smile.

“So you want me to support Yuki-kun?” (Yuuhi)

“Yes…although I said that, since he is strong, I want you to

protect him in a different way.” (Eruka)

“Different?” (Yuuhi)

“I want to prevent him from taking lives as much as possible.

If we didn’t have any dangerous encounter, he will not show his
power. That is his belief after all.” (Yuuhi)

“In other words…. it’s about being strong enough to not have
any dangerous encounter?” (Yuuhi)

Eruka gives an agreeing nod. Once she became strong, she

would be able to support Setsu. There’s no better desirable
outcome for Yuuhi.

170 Goldenagato |

“I’m going to be strict on you from now on you know? Please
don’t expect to have any holidays.” (Eruka)

“Y-Yes! I’ll do my best!” (Yuuhi)

The two walked around town in the evening.

No one expects it at this time, that sooner or later, the name

of Yuuhi who had obtained more power than expected will
reached Setsu’s ear who had left the continent, and it even
arrives earlier than the name of Kouma who is the Hero that
wields the Holy Sword.

[T.N: POV changed to MC again]

After having separated from the two, I went to visit the town
outskirts. Although I don’t want to stay here for too long as the
neighborhood is not that safe, there’s no helping it since I have
business here.

The place I’m aiming for had a comparatively better peace and

171 Goldenagato |

order than the lower region.even if I said it was better, a pick
pocketing happen in front of me a while ago. The person got his
baggage snatched, but even that person snatched the baggage
from another person, so it’s like the thief’s stolen bicycle got
stolen. The first person sure is pitiful…since it was this messy,
shouldn’t the country do something to manage it more?

“It’s ragged as usual…” (Setsu)

The place I’m looking for is a bar. The signboard shows that it
was not yet open for business. Although it got a wooden
exterior, the aging makes it seems like it will fall apart at any
moments. The shop’s name at the entrance is barely readable.

『Baus’s Tavern』

[T.N: バウス or Ba-U-Su. I’ll change it later if I find better


Here is my destination.

172 Goldenagato |

Although I put a lot of effort to open the door, the door barely

“At least maintain it properly…there we go.” (Setsu)

I give the door a light kick and break it down. The door that
got blown away scattered in a mass inside the shop.

It really is a mystery how the shop is still not broken yet even
if I didn’t come and put some force into it. It is pretty sturdy
even if it looks ragged…judging from appearance alone it really
is impossible for it to not change at all for 5 years.

“WHO IS IT!?” (???)

My ears heard a good old nostalgic roar.

“You broke the door!! Do you want this to be your last joke
huuuh!?” (???)

173 Goldenagato |

What appeared from the inside of the shop is a large man who
exceeds the height of 2 meters. The brown tanned body is
swelled with forged muscle, moving about in his sleeveless
shirt. Anyway his face is stern, as the grizzled hair mixed with
white shows that this fellow is a guy passed his middle age.

“Even the roar is the same as before…old man…you never

listen…” (Setsu)

“Huuuh? That tone…. You… you’re Setsu?” (???)

“Been a long time, Baus. I’m breaking down the door as usual
to enter.” (Setsu)

“UOOOOOOHHH!!! You’re really Setsu!!?” (Baus)

In the excitement the large man keeps on slapping my back, I

know that this fellow hasn’t changed at all and kind of glad for

――――――Or rather it hurts so stop it already!!

174 Goldenagato |

“Hahaa~I see, you got kicked out of this world in that way.”

“Your way of saying it really pissed me off for some reason…”


I was explaining the reason that I disappeared from the very

beginning. Although Baus nodded while fixing the door,
everything he said really makes me feel offended somehow.

“Somehow it feels like you’re having a grudge on me….”


“Didn’t I have a pretty solid reason for that!? You occupy the
warehouse for 5 years and when you come you break the door
again!” (Setsu)

Ah, that’s right. I remember the reason that I came here.

“Please open the warehouse, I need to do some preparations as

I’m leaving this country.” (Setsu)

175 Goldenagato |

“We’re not finished talking about the door yet you shitty
brat…well, I’m going to open it now.” (Baus)

“Thanks” (Setsu)

Baus repaired the door moderately, and then opened a certain

door behind the worn out counter of the bar and entered. I
followed behind, entering the room in the interior.

The room was made to be sturdy that can’t be imagined from

its appearance. The floors are fine, and there’s no wooden
debris falling out from the ceiling.

“This place doesn’t change at all.” (Setsu)

“Your luggage is still there after all. Although the state of

preservation should be good, I originally planned to just get rid
of that junk-like thing considering the master.” (Baus)

“Yeah, everything looks fine. Everything looks just as it is.”


176 Goldenagato |

“‘Everything is fine’ my ass…” (Baus)

The old man’s complaint is reasonable, but I want you to

understand my position for having been transferred suddenly.

“Here it is.” (Baus)

Baus open a particularly large door in the room.

On the inside contains equipment like huge swords, shield and

bows, stern protective gears, shining ores, and gold coins that
are dazzling for the eyes.

All of this are the things that I had scraped up at that time.
I’ve been active as an adventurer one time, as a result I obtained
the money, equipment, and all the gems in this warehouse.

Why did I ask Baus to manage it? This guy used to be at the
top for human, being the strongest adventurer for the human.

177 Goldenagato |

“As I thought… this is more than what I earned in my whole
active career.” (Baus)

“I’m young after all, old man.” (Setsu)

“I’m still just 163 years old.” (Baus)

“Just how long is the average lifespan of this world!?” (Setsu)

Although I’ve know him for a long time, this is the first time
I’ve heard about his age.

Well when I think about it the age is not really that strange.
The amount of magic affects the vitality in this world. As you
can see, as Baus was the former strongest adventurer for the
human, the amount of magic he have should be quite large. He
always used the body strengthening magic. After his decline, he
retires from being adventurer and open the tavern for

“You’re noisy despite being my ‘apprentice’.” (Baus)

178 Goldenagato |

“You’re the one who always makes the noise you damn old
man.” (Setsu)

He’s noisy every single time.

…Well in a way, I am kind of like his apprentice. Although it

was really just a coincidence, this guy helped me who was acting
a little rash, and made me his apprentice. At that time when I
just became an adventurer, I think I failed and he helped me?

“…You’re mistaking some poisonous grass for medicinal plant

and ate it before vomiting.” (Baus)

“Oi…Don’t say that.” (Setsu)

Since it was a mistake that even a beginner wont do…I mean it

can’t be helped since that herb is delicious.

I swear since that time that I will never excessively eat the
medicinal herb that I pick up.

179 Goldenagato |

Like that, experienced adventurers start leaving their baggage
to the top-class Baus. If it’s this guy, taking care of the weapon is
his forte.

“Now then, talking is good too but quickly arrange your item
since I’ve open it.” (Baus)

”Oops, that’s right.” (Setsu)

I enter the warehouse, looking for my thing. This warehouse

is really large huh, is it magic?

“It’s the same principle with magic bag, or rather did you
forget that I made this myself?” (Baus)

“No…I didn’t forget.” (Setsu)

Magic bag…it’s a convenient bag that will change its capacity

according to the amount of magic of the owner. Depending on
the person you can even put an entire dragon inside.

180 Goldenagato |

“This one and this~?” (Setsu)

I check my own magic bag, and see the inside.

As I thought I still can’t see the bottom, even when I put my

hand inside, I can’t reach the bottom no matter how far I
pushed it.

Then I throw a gem inside, and reach out my hand again.

Something touched the tip of my finger. When I reached for it

and grab it, what came out was the gem I just threw.

…Well it’s that kind of thing, even if the capacity is so big that
you can’t see the bottom, if you imagine the thing you want to
take out and put your hand inside, it is easily obtainable. This is
a way that a person who created this bag do, but is there a same
device in this warehouse?

“Just close your eyes and imagine the one you need, it should
appear in front of you.” (Baus)

181 Goldenagato |

Although I was half in doubt, I close my eyes and imagine it.

Then I felt a presence of something changed in front of me.

“Open up and see for yourself.” (Baus)

When I open my eyes, a large sword in its sheath with the

length that easily exceeded my height appeared in front of me.

When I went to the Devil continent, I got this from the

Demon King. Although I had the Holy Sword as a Skill, it was
slightly inconvenient. Therefore I came to use this large sword.
The sharpness was perfect, even when I neglected it for a long
time. There’s little decorations on it, and as it is a double-edge
sword with black blade as it’s feature, I named it Kuromaru.

[T.N: Kuro=black, Maru= full circle/perfection, also a

common suffix for a Japanese male name.]

“You haven’t change at all, Kuromaru.” (Setsu)

182 Goldenagato |

“Don’t you wish you have a better naming sense though?”

I think Kuromaru is a good name.

“However, this place really got the same principle as the

magic bag…” (Setsu)

“Well I only take the magic used on the magic bag and give it
to the room. It took some time, but it works great.” (Baus)

Well, I guess it would work if you just used what was put on
the magic bag and apply it to the room instead.

I resume searching the warehouse. Why is there a puppet


Seeing me stopped working when I find something I didn’t

remember, Baus talked to me.

183 Goldenagato |

“You’re really the same as ever…as I thought you really
planned on taking revenge against this country.” (Setsu)

This guy suddenly start having a serious talk…

“Huh? Who the hell would do such a thing?” (Setsu)

“They transfer you out to the point of almost being killed you
know? Even your appearance had changed….” (Baus)

“…I didn’t even think about such thing.” (Setsu)

I’ve determined to settle down in this world a long time ago.

However, this country tramples on that decision, even taken my
life in Japan too. It would be a lie if I said I didn’t hate them.

“However, I’m the one who had killed the ‘hope’ of this
country. They would have to do at least that much… is what I
think.” (Setsu)

184 Goldenagato |

Another person who got summoned with me, we became
friend after we came to this world, we learn how to use our
power together, say goodbye, then repeats――――――really
living our lives.

That guy participates in the was as the legitimate hero of this

country, and I who left the hero duty got along well with the
Devil and Beastman. Therefore, I’ll never allow that fellow who
was going to murder all of the Devils with the blade without any
mercy. Although it was me who would be unreasonable if you
consider it from the human――――――

“This country is currently housing a few of my important

thing.” (Setsu)

Eruka, Grein and Tia were safe. The Demon King and the
Beast King is alive too, that’s enough for me.

Especially those three in this country, I as the leader got

discouraged a bit when I appeared before, but they’re always
being there for me.

185 Goldenagato |

“Haah… you really have no self interest as usual.” (Baus)

“That’s rude. And I do think about myself.” (Setsu)

What does that sigh really mean?

“I knew you would think like that…If it was me, I would have
tried to expose their action no matter what. You might think of
them as just a gathering of ants, but aren’t you the bit worried?
You need to at least try to get back at them…” (Baus)

I felt like anger was mixed in with Baus’s words here and

…Maybe this guy is also worried about me.

“Even if I do that, my surroundings will get dangerous once

they knew…after that there’s going to be a lot of people tracking
me.” (Setsu)

186 Goldenagato |

I’m amazed at what he’s saying right now. I’m not a fool, if
anything, it’s like he’s praising me and I got somewhat itchy for

“…It’s nothing much. If there’s anyone who tried to put their

hands on my thing, I’ll erase them for sure, that much is
enough.” (Setsu)

“That’s fine right? No matter what they said, the war didn’t
occur because of you.” (Baus)

“……” (Setsu)

“Forget it, there will be people who will think about

‘protecting’ you, so there’s no need for me to get angry here.”

I can’t really retort to that, so I just proceed with my work


I wanted to hear Baus’s opinion, but I can’t.

187 Goldenagato |

Probably because he said 「Do you understand?」.

[T.N: Yeah, not sure about this one.]

“You’re in the way, old man.” (Setsu)

“Heh, you’re the one coming here with trouble. I’m even in a
good mood right now to offer some help.” (Baus)

“Hah! Like I would need any help with this kind of thing.”

I’ve packed the herb that could be eaten, all that’s left is the
type of flowers that could make you fainted in an instant.

[T.N: Again, not sure about this, but pretty sure it’s wrong.]

“――――――Then it’s good, just get going already, you stupid

apprentice.” (Baus)

188 Goldenagato |

“….Yeah, I’m going, shitty master.” (Setsu)

I go out of the shop with the baggage. It’s time to open the
shop soon.

…As I thought when I speak to Baus, even though I’m being

treated like a child, for some reason I didn’t find it unpleasant.

(Maybe he’s something like a father figure for me――――――)

I shake my head to remove that ridiculous thought, and

hurried to the meeting place with those two. I’ve spent too
much time, the sun had almost set. Since the meeting place is at
the previous spot, I’ll arrive soon.

While running in the town, Baus’s words repeated in my


He talked about the continuation after the war, when I tell

him I won’t go 「killing」 anymore, he said;

189 Goldenagato |

『No-killing huh, I think that’s a good resolve, but don’t forget
that it might lead to your treasured one being killed you know?』

“…I won’t let that happen.” (Setsu)

While muttering that, I raise my running speed.

Killing――――――I recalled that act.

The feeling at that time, I don’t think I’ll be able to accept that
for my whole life.

“Yuki-kun!” (Yuuhi)

When I arrived at the meeting place, Yuuhi is already there.

However Eruka is nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Eruka?” (Setsu)

190 Goldenagato |

“She went back, seems that she still have to prepare for
tomorrow’s training. Were you in such a hurry that you’ve
forgotten? Since I’ll also be taking the basic training from
tomorrow on, it seems that it will be a full-scale training for
me.” (Yuuhi)

It can’t be helped if that’s the case, sometimes she acts like


Still, if it’s a battle training I might want to join a bit. There’s

a chance that I could send that stupid Endo flying.

――――――If I’m thinking about such thing, as I though I got

influenced by the old man.

“Yuki-kun, Where have you been? The sun had already went
down you know?” (Yuuhi)

“Today is the given date after all, I’ve prepared the tools for
camping.” (Setsu)

191 Goldenagato |

I tapped the magic bag attached to my waist when I said that.
Since the money, sword and food are all inside, I’m relatively
light right now. By the way, I divided the food with Baus. I got a
bit too much after all.

“I see…

I, I’ll become strong so that Yuki-kun don’t have to protect

me!” (Yuuhi)

What Yuuhi meant is something along the line of 「I wont

depend on you」, but in any case I’m glad.

Could it be that she heard about my belief from Eruka?

“I won’t meet any dangerous situation, so that Yuki-kun

doesn’t have to fight!” (Yuuhi)

…As I though she did heard about it from Eruka huh?

192 Goldenagato |

“Yeah, that’s right. Please do that okay?” (Setsu)

“Un! …That’s why…come back safely okay?” (Yuuhi)

“It’s impossible for me to get into any dangerous situation.”


While I said that, I cut my hair that have grown long with
wind magic. Although I don’t have much sense for it, the hair
falls on the ground. With the hair covering my eyes
disappeared, the view in front of me is cleared. Since I hate it
being unshapely, for now I just cut the one I can see.

Although I’ve been planning to cut if before, it kept on

growing until now before I noticed.

Well, this might be a good chance to leave with a new feeling.

“Is it weird?” (Setsu)

193 Goldenagato |

“No! It’s all right! You’re cool like always!” (Yuuhi)

…Even if I recall my face, it should be a mediocre face the

same as my previous life…well whatever, I’ll take that as a

[T.N: I think he’s saying his previous life also had a normal
face, not that his current face is the same as the previous one.]

When I tried to take care of the hair that dropped, Yuuhi

emitted a small flame from her hand, burning the hair that

“That’s a beautiful flame.” (Setsu)

“When you said that…somehow I’m glad.” (Yuuhi)

Yuuhi became embarrassed while saying that.

194 Goldenagato |

Her flame is a clean orange, it’s a flame magic with such a
clean color that I’ve never seen before.

The color really fits the evening sun(Yuuhi) which is her


“I’m proud of my flame magic the most. However, I really

didn’t want to use this power to injure a person.” (Yuuhi)

I don’t even want to use magic in the first place――――――is

what Yuuhi said.

“We’ve come to such a world…. it’s unpleasant but we need to

fight not matter how much we hate it…everyone else is also
training without question…I got scared of learning a technique
that could take a life.” (Yuuhi)

Having obtained that doubt…is because I didn’t let her get

affected by the Charm Eye. If I didn’t give her the divine
protection, Yuuhi might have not having such
fear――――――However that’s not good, absolutely.

195 Goldenagato |

“However, if I learn how to protect someone, if I become
strong…I think that I wont be scared anymore. That’s why, so
that I won’t trouble Yuki-kun――――――I want to be strong so
that I would be able to protect you.” (Yuuhi)

『――――――Forget it, there will be people who will think

about ‘protecting’ you, there’s no need for me to get angry

(Hah…it’s like I’m still in front of my master, just what is that


The old man’s smug face appeared in my head. You’re right

huh? That face won’t be good for business.

“Yuki-kun..?” (Yuuhi)

“―――――oops, sorry. Yeah, become strong so that you’ll be

able to protect me okay?” (Setsu)

“Un!” (Yuuhi)

196 Goldenagato |

“I see, I see…tei!” (Setsu)

“Ouch!?” (Yuuhi)

I flick my finger on Yuuhi’s forehead.

Her forehead is red while she glared reproachfully.

“It hurts…Why!?” (Yuuhi)

“Didn’t you said you want to protect me? You can’t even
prevent this much.” (Setsu)

“I-I see! O-one more time!” (Yuuhi)

Ah, I didn’t mean for it to be like that…

Still, I apologize to Yuuhi in earnest, and flick it one more

197 Goldenagato |


She prepared herself since it’s not a surprise attack this time.

“Ouch!” (Yuuhi)

My finger cuts the wind and hits Yuuhi’s forehead.

“It’s no use unless I avoid it!” (Yuuhi)

There’s nothing you can do to avoid a forehead flick… I let out

a wry smile seeing Yuuhi like that.

“Then, I’ll consider you pass if you can avoid it the next time
we met.” (Setsu)

“Really!? I’ll work hard!” (Yuuhi)

198 Goldenagato |

Don’t tell me she will only practice how to avoid a forehead

There’s no hope for her if she only focus on that…right?

The surrounding had already become dark when I noticed,

although it’s fun, it is time to go…

“Then…I should be going.” (Setsu)

“….Un, have a safe trip.” (Yuuhi)

I start walking towards the road that leads to outside of the

town. In front of it, a dark forest of the night had already

“Yuki-kun, I, you see…I really li―――――” (Yuuhi)

“Stop right there, Yuuhi” (Setsu)

199 Goldenagato |

I blurt that out suddenly, cutting Yuuhi’s words. Letting a
woman say it…it was downright out for me.

“I have women waiting for my answers here in this

worldーーーーーso many of them in fact, won’t you just hurt
yourself saying it to someone like me?” (Setsu)

‘So many’ is not really a lie…still, there are a few people I

think. I wonder why are they having that kind of feeling
towards me…

For Yuuhi… that is…I noticed her goodwill. I too would like
for it to happen―――――however I leave over too many of
previous engagements in this world.

[T.N: Engagement, as in, appointment kind of meaning, not


“But still, I――――――” (Yuuhi)

“Then, let’s do it this way.” (Setsu)

200 Goldenagato |

I didn’t allow her to say much more, I look back and said.

“The next time we meet, if the Yuuhi at that time are strong
enough that she could protect me――――――I will say this;”

‘You are important, please be together with

me’――――――something like that

Yuuhi after hearing me said that, her face had become so


Feeling happy from the bottom of her heart, she says in a

voice mixed with determination.

“…Understood. I’ll absolutely will make you say that. Because

I’ll become even stronger than Eruka!” (Yuuhi)

Ah, Eruka huh――――――That’s a good target…

201 Goldenagato |

No, isn’t it bad that she’s her aim? What should I do if Yuuhi
become a super-M…

“Y-yeah, please do your best!” (Setsu)

“U-un…” (Yuuhi)

The me who cant wipe out the uneasiness are at a loss for
words for some reason. It’s okay, it should be okay.

“Then, I’ll go! See you later!” (Setsu)

“Ah, wait Yuki-kun!?” (Yuuhi)

I start running as I couldn’t hide my unrest.

The cold sweat doesn’t stop!? Why….

202 Goldenagato |

“Guoooooohh!!! Calm yourself!!!!” (Setsu)

I run while shouting.

I immediately remember that I’ve said a pretty embarrassing

thing, even my face is red.

“Aaaaaahh!! Please let Yuuhi be saaaaafe!!!” (Setsu)

I worry about Yuuhi, which contradicts wanting to part from


Before long, although we will meet again…at that time, I

really worried that Yuuhi will become a super-M

…I really don’t want her to be a super-M….

203 Goldenagato |

Chapter 9: Since My Meal Will Taste Bad
[T.N: Yuuhi’s POV]

I, Yuuhi was just about to confess a few minutes ago. Even I

don’t know why in that timing. I guess I might be lonely from
parting with Yuki-kun.

Well he kind of leave the reply hanging…but when we meet

again, if I could avoid a forehead flick from him, Yuki-kun said
that he would then confess to me. Eh? How did it turn into
forehead flick? Well whatever.

“~♪” (Yuuhi)

So, I’m kind of in a very good mood right now. Although I

only felt uneasy when I came to this world, right now I feel

I’ve liked Yuki-kun for a very long time…I didn’t even know
exactly how long. When I noticed I already liked him, I don’t
really understand the reason. Some people said that love has no

204 Goldenagato |

need for reason, and I think that the current me understand

I’ve spent a long time with him. Naturally, Yuki-kun is

important to me, and I think that Yuki-kun also values me
greatly. However…no matter how close we are, I somehow felt
that he was not from this world.

And today, I finally able to know the reason.

Yuki-kun had lived in this world…and thought about coming

back here for a long time.

When I knew that, I really envied Eruka-san who speaks about

it. She knows about the Yuki-kun that I didn’t knew, just with
that alone I felt jealous.

I felt relieved when I learned that Eruka-san and him are not
yet lover. The reason I confessed today, it might be because I
wanted to be one step further than her.

205 Goldenagato |

…but Yuki-kun seems to be very popular in this world…what
should I do if there are many women by the time we met…

“…well, I’ll leave that to the me at that time.” (Yuuhi)

What would I think about it, I wont know as I am still not in

that situation yet. However…it might not be all that unpleasant.
Seeing as they are all people who came to like him, I think that I
might be able to get along well with them too.

――――――What should I do if she’s not a human?

Oops, I’ve been thinking while walking, I’ve already returned

back to the center of the town without noticing. Although it was
terribly bustling before, most of the shops are already closed
with almost no one here, there are only people at the bar.

I too must return to the castle in time for dinner…although I

might be a bit late, eating together with everyone is the best…
even though it’s just Kouma-kun and the others.

206 Goldenagato |

“Yuu!” (???)

A voice could be heard from behind me who is walking a bit


The only people that would call me Yuu is Kouma-kun and

Mizuki-chan, and not Jiro-kun.

When I turn around the one that stood there is Kouma-kun


“Huh? What’s wrong Kouma-kun?” (Yuuhi)

He should have been resting in the castle today like he said.

Since using the Holy Sword skill consumed a lot of stamina,
Grein-sensei had told him that taking a rest is important.

“No…I’ve been looking for Yuuhi since you didn’t show up.”

207 Goldenagato |

…huh? Didn’t I already tell everyone that I’m going shopping
today? Although it’s not possible to tell them that it was just
Yuki-kun and me since it’s embarrassing, I think that I did told
them when I go out in the morning…

“Let’s go back, Yuu. It’s going to be dinner soon.” (Kouma)

“U-un. You’re right.” (Yuuhi)

It’s a bit dark and I can’t really see his expression… but I think
he’s a little bit angry. I wonder if I did something bad?

“Let’s go?” (Kouma)

“――――――Eh?” (Yuuhi)

Kouma-kun grabbed my hand. Pulling it just like that, it’s not

like I won’t go even if you didn’t do that, so why would he act
that way?

208 Goldenagato |

“Say, Yuuhi. Do you want to go shopping with me in town on
our next rest day?” (Kouma)

“Shopping?” (Yuuhi)

Kouma-kun ask that without turning towards me.

Although I’m happy with the invitation, I’m going to be

coached by Eruka-san on the holiday. Since I already expected
that my holiday is no more after agreeing to that, taking a rest
on that day just because another business came up is
inexcusable. She’s abandoning her holiday with me too after all.

All of this is so that I can be with Yuki-kun, so although I’m

flattered that Kouma-kun invited me, I have no other choice but
to refuse.

“I’m sorry, my schedule is full on the holiday.” (Yuuhi)

When I tell him that, Kouma-kun just said “is that so? And
back down. Somehow I’m kind of felt bad for him.

209 Goldenagato |

“――――――You didn’t want to spend time with me because
you want to spend the holiday with that guy huh.” (Kouma)

“ ? Did you say something?” (Yuuhi)

“No…it’s nothing.” (Kouma)

Although I’m unable to hear it since it’s just a small mutter, I

didn’t pursue it since he said it’s nothing.

I felt his grip on my hand is getting stronger.

Although I want to ask him to let go since it hurts a bit, seeing

Kouma-kun’s face being too serious, I can’t say anything.

As I thought he’s acting a bit weird today, is how I felt.

That night, I asked Mizuki-chan about how Kouma-kun is


210 Goldenagato |

She said, “although it seems that he spend the holiday reading
a book and taking naps, but I heard him saying that he’s going
to look for Yuuhi who’s returning late”.

“Although I told him not to worry too much, 『What would

you do if she go to the dangerous place in the town!?』 is what he
keep on saying…as expected of Kouma I guess, so maybe he
went to town outskirts looking for you.” (Mizuki)

Mizuki-chan said that with an astonished look. I wonder what

she’s implying?

…I mean I’m not so careless that he needs to be worried. Well,

I did go to the town outskirts though.

N? …the outskirt?

Did he really come looking for me at the town outskirt?

(It should be around evening if he sets out looking for me from

the castle)

211 Goldenagato |

In other words, its at the time when Yuki-kun and I were
saying goodbye――――――

(…Don’t tell me he heard about that(confession)…)

My face turned red as soon as I thought about that, I’m at my

wits end in the room.

――――――Having other people listen to my first confession,

that is way too embarrassing.

I keep on thinking about what I should do, everyone else were

already fast asleep, I’m the only one awake.

Dark circles could be seen under my eyes when I came out of

the room the next day.

[T.N: POV change to MC

212 Goldenagato |

“Fuaaahh~~.” (Setsu)

――――――Inside a forest approximately around 100km away

from Destinea, I woke up in response to the morning sun that is
peeking from the gap of the trees.

I need to go to the port town first to cross the continent.

Although I should have already left the port town right


(Just where the hell am I…)

―――――I who lacked the composure after leaving Yuuhi

when I left the country just keep on running, and then I noticed
that I’m here. Although I saw maintained road used by
merchants on the way, as I keep on running nonstop without
care, before I noticed it I’m already in this forest without any

――――――In short, right now I’m lost.

213 Goldenagato |

Since I got sleepy by the time I noticed I’m lost, although I’m
sleeping in such a place, everything is fine since I’ve already
brought along tools needed for camping.

“What should I do now…I guess for now there’s no other way

aside from finding a road?)

I’m really regretting it now but I really should have brought a


Since I have Tia on our last trip, we never get lost because of
the convenient magic that she developed, but I’m alone this
time…I guess this is called careless.

Well worst case I could just jump high to fly up and look for a
town from the sky, but I might get mistaken as a flying monster

(I should move first, I might be able to meet other people who

knew something)

214 Goldenagato |

Although I could just follow the road once I found it,
unfortunately I have no idea which end should I walk towards,
well, its a win for as long as I met even one person on it…

While cling on such a slight hope, I collect the「Magic Stone of

Monster Repellent」 that I put around the bed. Just like its name
suggest, I put it since it keeps monsters out. Deciding on the
range and putting one each on a corner of a square area, I insert
my magic power into each one. I then create a barrier that could
ward off monsters according to the magical power. Although it
could still maintain the barrier even if it’s moved, the effect
disappeared once you pick it up.

“That’s the last one.” (Setsu)

I squat down and pick up the last one, and when I throw it
into the magic bag, a lukewarm wind blew on my face.

“N?” (Setsu)

“Burururu” (???)

215 Goldenagato |

When I felt displeased and look ahead, there’s a huge wild
boar whose head is approximately around my height. It’s whole
body is covered with brown fur, and it have two huge tusk.

This creature is what they called monsters that are in this

world… Apparently it approached as soon as I removed the
barrier, so the wind from before is the snort of this fellow.

[T.N: The words for them is 魔物(mamono). The meaning is

close to demon, but I just don’t want people to confuse it with
the Devil tribe, so I’m sticking with monster for now. Give
suggestion if you have better one.]

As I’m still not moving, the wild boar looked at me with the
eyes watching on a prey.

“What’s wrong with you, wanna pick a fight?” (Setsu)


No more discussion huh――――――

216 Goldenagato |

The wild boar greatly shook its head, trying to penetrate me
with its tusk.

I lightly dodge it, taking some distance from it.


“This one is 〈B class〉 I guess?” (Setsu)

About the B class, there are threat degree of the monsters in

this world. Rank is decided on how dangerous the monster is,
the lowest is E class, and then continue to D, C, B, A, S, SS, until
SSS. So the strength of a B class is somewhere in the middle.

By the way for the job called adventurer, they are also ranked
similarly. Although both the monster and adventurer are on the
realm of their own once they exceed S rank, the former-
adventurer Baus was actually an SSS-rank adventurer where
there’s only a few of them in the past.

Well even I managed to climb to SSS class in my previous life!

217 Goldenagato |

―――――Now then, enough boasting for now and let’s face
this wild board.

The wild boar is accumulating power while scratching the

ground with its foot. It totally looks like an engine warming up.

“…alright, it’s finally Kuromaru’s turn after a long time.”


I shove my hand into the magic bag in order to cut down this
guy in two with the sword.

Although I talk about the no-killing or my belief somehow

yesterday, monsters are not included.

although not all of them, but the monsters could be

considered as the enemy of all living creatures. These guys
basically doesn’t have a will, they attack any creatures aside
from themselves, living only on the feeding instinct. It’s a
relation of eat or be eaten. I also got used to the law of this
world which is survival of the fittest because of these guys.

218 Goldenagato |

“Sorry okay, as expected I still didn’t want to be eaten.”

I take out a large sword out of the bag, and unsheathe it. The
side blade reflects the morning sun and shines in black.

I faced the wild boar that unleashed the accumulated energy

in a dash, dashing forward in full throttle. That would have hit
for sure, if it’s not me that is.


I swing down Kuromaru from above towards the wild boar

who roared while dashing.

“There――――――” (Setsu)

The moment the sword hit the wild boar, it sinks into the
body like cutting tofu, cutting the body in two.

219 Goldenagato |

…The wild boar that had split in two falls in front of me,
rolling on the ground as a lump of flesh.

“Wew… you’re still as sharp as before, Kuromaru.” (Setsu)

To cut the not-so-soft bone of the monster, there’s not even

one nicked part on the edge of Kuromaru. Although I didn’t
heard much about the material, should I ask about it this time? I
am interested about it. I return Kuromaru ot its sheath, and
threw it into the magic bag. By the way, the sheath has the
ability for automatic cleaning, so a sword would be clean just by
putting it inside.

“Alright, I’m done with the exercise…. Let’s move for now?”

That is not addressed to anyone in particular…

I turn my back on the bisected wild boar, and start walking in

the forest.

220 Goldenagato |

The dead monster, it will turn into magic particles sooner or
later if you just leave it unattended, so there’s no need to
process it as it will be disintegrated in the air. It seems that it
won’t disintegrated if you take it from there, and it will rot in
the same way as normal creature. Although I heard that the
magic power in the ground seems to affect it somehow or other,
I don’t know the specific details.

“――――――Is that a road?” (Setsu)

Did I walk for one or two hours… when I make my way

through the forest, I finally found a road made of soil without
any tree around.

While I’m relieved for the time being, I go near it.

――――――around the place near the road, a woman’s

scream suddenly resounded in the area.

“Kyaaaaaa!!” (???)

221 Goldenagato |

“!?” (Setsu)

I hide my body behind a tree by the time I heard that scream,

checking the surrounding.

――――――over there..?

Towards the road that I see… one carriage falls down there.

Several men dressed similar to me fall down, their body

covered in blood.

Ugh…there’s even freshly-severed head…

Even though I didn’t kill, I’ve seen a lot of corpses that other
people killed, so I had a bit of resistance… but I’m still not used
to seeing severed head. It still make me lose my appetite, it’s an
unimaginable thing at the time I’m in Japan.

222 Goldenagato |

While I was preoccupied with the corpses, several man with
dirty appearances appeared with vulgar voice.

“Ora oraa! Take it quickly, you lot!!” (???)

“Stuff all the valuables in the bag!” (???)

“Oi, what should we do with this girl? She still a kid but her
look is pretty good.” (???)

“Please…stop…” (girl)

I see, bandits huh? 5 people… that’s a very radical bandits, the

band of bandits that I used to know avoid killing and work more
efficiently you know?

Although the merchant’s carriage seems to be attacked, who’s

that girl?

223 Goldenagato |

“Let’s sell her! Some weird noble somewhere would buy her.”
(Bandit A)

“That’s right!” (Bandit B)

“Then we’re really in luck! For us to have come around a

merchant with such weak guards!” (Bandit C)

“Please…. Please return my goods…” (Girl)

“Tch! Shut up!” (Bandit)

“Ouch!” (Girl)

――――――I’m shocked, that kid is a merchant?

Although the girl clung to the foot of the bandit telling them
to return her commodities, they just kick her flying.

224 Goldenagato |

“Oi! Don’t injure her from now on since she’s a product too!!”

“Cheh! That girl is the one that came to me touching me with

her hand!”

Although I really want to jump in on this, I think about it a

little bit.

The other party is such a troublesome fellow…or rather, from

the looks of it they seems to have other comrades. Dealing with
the other party is going to be a pain too…

“――――――But I can’t really call myself a man if I didn’t

help that girl here…” (Setsu)

It’s true that it’s a pain in the ass, but

“My lunch would taste like shit if I didn’t help out here!”

225 Goldenagato |

It can’t be helped, it would leave a bad aftertaste if I didn’t
help. I’ll keep on regretting for having not done anything.

I dash out from the shadow of the tree, and run towards the

There’s a great distance, but I arrived there in no time at all,

sending a surprise attack on the bandits by swinging my fist.

“Oraa!” (Setsu)

“Guh!?” (Bandit A)

It’s already too late when he noticed me, my fist had already
hit his back.

The bandit got blown away in the shape of a shrimp, rolling

on the ground.

226 Goldenagato |

Still, they’re weak… I didn’t even used magic enhancement
you know? Bandits these days are no good huh.

“Please don’t worry, your spine is safe and sound.” (Setsu)

I said that to the bandit that is groaning while lying on the

ground. Well he probably won’t be able to move for a while die
to the pain.

“What was that!?” (Bandit B)

“You bastard!!” (Bandit C)


As expected the bandits who noticed get ready for battle.

The two who are near pull out their knife, and threw
themselves at me at the same time.

227 Goldenagato |

“You didn’t even think about the combination…” (Setsu)

The two knives just thrust out straight foolishly, so I drops it

by beating their wrist before it reached my body.

Before the knife falls on the ground, I deliver a blow to each of

their abdomen with my fist using both of my arms.

“*cough*!” (Bandit B)

“Guh…” (Bandit C)

“Alright, now for the two at the back~.” (Setsu)

The two who received my blow in the abdomen are rolling on

the ground having trouble to breathe, so I go pay a visit to the
remaining two.

“Damn!! Let’s scram!!” (Bandit D)

228 Goldenagato |

“R-run!! What’s with this guy!!?” (Bandit E)

The remaining two judged that they’re no match for me, so

they turn their back and start to run into the forest. Their
judgement is the only thing that’s not bad.


“Naive, you want to escape?” (Setsu)

I put some power and kicked one of the rolling bandits and
then kicked another one towards the two who are trying to run

“What!? Stop screwing wit―――――guoh!?” (Bandit D)

“Gyaaah!!” (Bandit E)

“…and that’s a goal.” (Setsu)

229 Goldenagato |

I see their figures colliding and rolling in the forest, and I
couldn’t hide my laughter.

Although I tried going forward towards them, I felt something

weird when I stepped on the ground in front of me, and when I
looked under, there’s the first bandit that I knocked off, still
lying on the ground on his stomach.

“Oops, almost forgot about you♪.” (Setsu)

I grab the back of his hair, and lift him while dragging it.

Now then, allow me to play a bit more.

When I went towards where the others had fallen, the two
bandits who tried to escape before let out a smalls scream and
inched back.

Ohho~ They got real scared now.

230 Goldenagato |


“P-please wait… I’ll give back the luggage…P-please spare


The two people that I kicked flying had already fainted, they
doesn’t move an inch no matter what I do, so I ready my fist for
the rest.

“P-please…forgive me..”

“If you accept what the girls said just now, I wouldn’t have
poked my head into this…Yeah, be at ease as I won’t kill you.”

The man let a sigh of relief when I said that.

If a person who knew me well sees this, they would have likely
said that I would have leave them in 「grief state」. What a bunch
of rude people.

231 Goldenagato |

“Y-you’ll really overlook it?” (Bandit)

“My appetite will sharply decrease if I did that to you.” (Setsu)

I won’t allow any grudge over food…It is one of the major

desires of human after all.

[T.N: Sorry, can’t make this one very well.]

―――――N? It’s not really a grudge over food? Don’t sweat

the details.

These guys are like that too… I look at their face. You think
I’ll have an appetite looking at you!!?

Even if I said that…as expected in this case it’s a bit too much.

“But still, as a man I really hate a man who raise his hand on a
woman.” (Setsu)

232 Goldenagato |

The bandit’s face turn blue real fast.

―――――N? You guys used violence too right? Since if it was

Eruka, you’ll be out long ago.

“―――――so with that, let’s have a get together as a villain.”


N? Which one is the bad guy?

―――――Who knows?

At the very least I am not a hero.

“Please be at ease, I’ll only beat you to point that you’re

almost dead.” (Setsu)

―――――There’s already no consideration for the bandits

when I said that.

233 Goldenagato |

My thirst for blood is a bit too much there…they’re already
having a deep blue face…

“That’s enough I guess.” (Setsu)

I get the 5 bandits, and bind them to one of the tree with a
strong rope that I took out from the magic bag.

Well, if they’re lucky someone might helped them.

When I return to the road, the previous girl rushed to me.

“U-um!! Thank you very much for helping me!” (Girl)

She’s wearing a light blue dress, the hair that have some sands
attached is a little black, with a short forelock hair at the front.
Her face is small with lovely eyes. I guess she’s around 12-15?
People don’t really work as a merchant at that age.

234 Goldenagato |

“N, yeah it’s fine. Since I was nearby when they attacked after
all. By the way, there’s something I want to ask you.” (Setsu)

Even if I said that, when I’m in the middle of tying the thief,
that’s when it hit me that I should have asked them the way to
the port town.

“Fue? What do you want to hear?” (Girl)

“Yeah, I wanna go to port town. Do you know the way?”


“I-is that so!? I-I’m going that way too! If it’s there I know the
way!” (Girl)

Ooh! Alright, with this I’m no longer lost.

“That’s great. Please tell me at once!” (Setsu)

235 Goldenagato |

“U-um… although I could tell you the way…” (Girl)

…What? Even though I really want you to tell me the way


“W-will you please be my escort…?” (Girl)

“――――――Huh?” (Setsu)

――――――With that, it was the first encounter between me

and the young merchant Ruri.

T.N: Here’s a pic of the character design for Yuuhi, MC and


236 Goldenagato |

Chapter 10: How to Cross the Sea
――――――The girl who introduced herself as Ruri seem to
be an apprentice merchant.

Some time had passed since that time, we left those place after
I put the dead bodies of the murdered guard adventurers into a
hole which I made using Earth magic and bury them. This is
something like the manner of the adventurers, where you must
bury the dead body of your fellow adventurers. For the reason,
there’s the case of wanting to prevent the monsters crowding
the corpses from showing up, and it is to prevent them from
turning into undead under the influence of the magic power in
the area if the corpses are left unattended … are the two main
reasons. Although the first one is what it is, the second one is a
pretty difficult talk.

When a humanoid animal died and left unattended in the

nature, it will adsorb the magic power from the ground turning
them into an undead, that’s the common sense for the
adventurers. Although the undead in itself is just below C-class
if they don’t have a great magic power, there seems to be a case
of someone unable to lift their sword to fight as the friend they
have a good relationship with turned into an undead. To
prevent such a situation, it could be said that this is a necessary
work. It’s not a job where I could just say “It’s a pain in the ass”.
Once Ruri and I finished with that, I overturned the carriage
sideways to rebuild it, and I pulled the horse that somehow
stayed without escaping. Ruri grips the reins of the horse.

“But still… for a kid like you to be a merchant…” (Setsu)

“Don’t call me a kid! Didn’t I tell you many times already that
I’m an apprentice? APPRENTICE!” (Ruri)

Oops, that right.

This girl, Ruri used to accompany her grandfather who’s a

merchant, and she use to help him with the work, but her
grandfather seems to have died because of a disease several days
ago. Although she had acquired some experience as a merchant,
her grandfather didn’t allow her to be a full-fledged one until
his very last breath, saying she should still remain as an

“…But if I managed to deliver this brooch to the Devil

continent, even Ojii-chan in heaven will recognize me.” (Ruri)
[T.N: Ojii-chan(grandpa). Oji-chan(uncle). Take note kids, this
term might come up the next time you read manga/hentai]

Her aim seems to be delivering the brooch to a certain person

in the Devil continent. The person asked her grandfather to
repair it when her grandfather goes to the Devil continent
previously, so he accepted it at that time. He’s already received
the money, so all that’s left is delivering it.

“Ojii-chan died when he was going to send the brooch…

therefore I as his apprentice should properly deliver it.” (Ruri)

“…And once you leave while thinking that, you had such an
experience on the way…” (Setsu)

“Uuu…” (Ruri)

I look at the commodities piled up inside the carriage. Most of

them are miscellaneous goods, and although there are some raw
foods, the bags are packed with dried meat and other preserved
These seems to be a proper products, it seems that she
intended to do business on the Devil continent once she had
sent the brooch. I guess as expected from a merchant’s
grandchild..? Well that’s probably why she got targeted by the

“Although I give a request for guards… and I did managed to

hire some using the last of my funds, but I can’t employ
adventurers of higher rank” (Ruri)

It’s those murdered people.

“Well there’s no way I would be able to hire the high-rank

without offering a large sum of money…” (Ruri)

You need at least 3 months of salary to hire the S-class or

higher. Judging from their equipment, they seems to be a C-
rank party. Well it’s the kind of adventurers that you will be
able to employ if you splurge a bit of your money. To be frank
they’re on the level of unreliable.

“Um… although it’s good for me, is it really alright for you not
to get any reward?” (Ruri)

“Didn’t I said that it was fine? It’s enough if you just tell me
the way to the port town.” (Setsu)

While she gave me a ride to the port town, I accepted the duty
as her guard.

Since she had become alone, it really makes me hesitant to

just sprint and leave her unattended. It would be the worst if
she got attacked again and got sold after I’ve spend all that
trouble to save her…

“But…” (Ruri)

“Then please treat me to a meal once you’re done delivering

the brooch.” (Setsu)

“Eh!? You’re going to follow me there!?” (Ruri)

“N? Yeah… since my destination is also the Devil continent.”

If we’re going to the same destination, it wont be boring even

with all the long time spent. Since I’m really in that much of a
hurry to return…

“Is that so!? By the way, what are you going to do there?”

“I’m going to meet some friends. It’s been around 5 years

since I last met them.” (Setsu)

“I see…” (Ruri)

First of all I’m going to deliver my fist once we met… or rather

aren’t you supposed to be at that(Demon Lord) castle? What are
you doing being absence during the war…

(Well, I guess that’s fine? I’ll just wait for you while sitting on
the throne… kukuku)
I wonder what your face would looks like, seeing some
unknown guy sitting on your chair.

“Setsu-san, you’re making a really bad face…” (Ruri)

“Oops, my bad.” (Setsu)

I inadvertently start thinking about making fun of that person

by habit. Although that person got some bossy tone, the
reaction face is really interesting once you make fun of that

I start smirking again once I imagined that person’s teased

face, but then I sensed something in my head.

“Nー?” (Setsu)

“What’s wrong?” (Ruri)

I don’t know what…but I detected something.

“No… it’s nothing.” (Setsu)

“? Is that so?” (Ruri)

After that I searched for a while, but I didn’t managed to find


――――――And so the carriage drove all night, and we finally

arrived at the port town on the afternoon the next day.

“We have arrived, Setsu-san!” (Ruri)

“Yeah… what a great smell of the sea.” (Setsu)

Although I’ve been to the sea a few times in Japan, that was
when I’m still a kid. So its been a while since the last time I saw
this blue scenery that continues , so it’s very fresh to my eyes.
Once we enter the town, there are stores selling various fish,
and middle-age men shouting loudly trying to promote their
stores. Somehow it kind of feels like the market in Japan?

“Although I’ve come to this port town a few times already, I

still loved this atmosphere and the smell of the sea.” (Ruri)

Ruri’s eyes are sparkling, and start paying attention to the

shops spreading on the main street. As a merchant, you need to
take what other person are selling into account.

Although I’m not a merchant, I didn’t hate this atmosphere.

“Oops, while it’s fine to admire the town, for now shall we
check the schedule of the ship? We could also get lunch while at
it.” (Ruri)

“Ah, that’s right huh… it never hurts to be able to depart

early.” (Setsu)

Once we decided on our destination, we bought a whole

roasted fish on skewer for lunch, and then head to the seashore
that should have ships leaving while eating.

…N? Wait a minute.


“AH!!” (Setsu)

“Huh? There’s no ship going there you know? We’re at war

with them after all.” (Sailor)

Guoooooo!! As I though!!

“N-no way…” (Ruri)

Ruri dropped down remarkable on the floor..

It’s the same pose as mine from yesterday.

(―――――There’s no way the ship would move during war,

stupid me!!)

First of all, they will attack if a ship from the continent you’re
hostile with arrived… it can’t be helped no matter how much of
an emergency you have.

Not to mention it should be the same on the other side too…

At this moment the choice called the ship had completely


“The situation for transportation between continent would

remain for now, should just give up and return.” (Sailor)

“Uuu…” (Ruri)
In the end we need to go back the way we came from.

Even the horse that pulled the carriage seemed depressed

somehow. No, it seems that Ruri’s depressed state had even
affected the horse.

“…Stop getting that depressed.” (Setsu)

“That’s impossible you know… and to think that was my

chance to prove that I’m an adult.” (Ruri)

When I looked at her face that was on the verge of crying, it

really makes me wanted to do something.

Although there is that one method… hmm.

“Say, Ruri?” (Setsu)

“Yes?” (Ruri)
“There’s this one method, but…” (Setsu)

The atmosphere around Ruri changed when I said that, and

start asking me right away.

“What kind of method is it!? Please tell me!!” (Ruri)

“No… will you promise not to tell anyone?” (Setsu)

“I will absolutely not say anything!!” (Ruri)

――――――In that case

“Then, follow me for a bit.” (Setsu)

I pulled Ruri’s hand while her eyes are full of expectations, so

I decided to take her to the place where she’ll understood the
[T.N: Pulling a little girl’s hand while saying you’ll take her
where she wanted. Yeah, that doesn’t sound suspicious at all.]

“――――――I guess here is good?” (Setsu)

We walked along the shore for a while, and after searching for
a deserted place, I found a few spots that doesn’t have that
many people, and chose a rocky place. Here looks good.

[T.N: you’re getting more suspicious, MC]

“We have arrived.” (Setsu)

“Is it here… U-um…”( Ruri)

“N?” (Setsu)

Even though right now we can cross the continent, Ruri is

looking down and looked so stiff.
“What’s wrong?” (Setsu)

“T-that… the hand…”( Ruri)

“N?――――――ah, sorry.” (Setsu)

I’ve been holding on to her hand. It might have been

unpleasant for a girl going through puberty.

“I lacked consideration there, I’ll be careful in the future.”


“Eh!? No…yes.” (ruri)

N? Could it be, that she’s embarrassed with holding hand?

Hahaha, this girl.

“Yeah yeah, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” (Setsu)

“―――――Wha!? It’s not embarrassing.” (Ruri)

“I got it already, so just follow me.” (Setsu)

“You didn’t get it, right!? Setsu-san is a really nasty person!”


I apologized nonstop. This girl is the type that is really fun to

tease, so let’s make fun of her again in the future.

I went ahead of Ruri and advanced towards the rocks. There’s

a place I’m looking for.

“Oh, if it’s here―――――” (Setsu)

“Is there anything there?” (Ruri)

“Well, just wait and see… here we go.” (Setsu)

The place that I’m looking for is a point where the surface of
the sea water is really near that you can touch it. There’s a lot of
rocks making it moves in unstable form.

I crouched down, and touched the surface of the wave with

my hand.

“―――――Come forth, 〈Leviathan〉.” (Setsu)

Although I muttered that, there’s no change in the


“…Nothing happen you know?” (Ruri)

Although Ruri said that, it’s just that it’s ‘still’ hasn’t occurred

Although she might have not noticed anything, the wave

gradually turning more intense.
And a presence began to rise on the surface of the sea.

“Did you come?” (Setsu)

“Wha….what is….this…” (Ruri)

A huge dragon’s head appeared on the surface of the sea. The

head is covered in blue scales, sharp fangs in its mouth, and also
having long and narrow red eyes that had a shot of dignity
showing a dragon’s strength.

If you compare the size, just the head alone is the size of a
normal house. The size of the body is uncertain. I still haven’t
seen how long it really is…. but it’s going to be really huge for

“Yo, been a long time―――――’Levia-san’.” (Setsu)

“―――――Didn’t I asked you to stop that since that name

seems like you’re making a fool out of me? Setsu… where did
you go for 5 years? Didn’t you still have a promise with me?

“Sorry, there’s various things happening.” (Setsu)

[T.N: リヴァイアサン= Leviathan. リヴァイアさん= Levia-san. Both

spelled and pronounced the same(le-vi-a-san), but the first one
used Katakana while the second one use Hiragana for the “san”
which is the same way you put in behind someone’s
name(Setsu-san etc).]

The head of the dragon that appeared from the sea speaks
with the voice of a young woman.

Although the dragon’s face is expressionless, the corner of its

mouth rose up a little, somehow leaking some kind of happy

“Well I’ll forgive you, considering that I’m the sea god with a
heart as big as the ocean.” (Levia)

“I’ll tear off your scales.” (Setsu)

“I’m sorry.” (Levia)

Her high tone is still the same as ever… I wonder how, for her
to still not changed even when I didn’t come for so long, I’m
kind of felt relieved somehow.

“U-um… what’s going on…” (Ruri)

Oops, I forgot about Ruri.

I threatened the dragon to be quiet and asked her to introduce

herself. It’s clear that Ruri is still scared from a while ago.

“*Cough*…I am the god that manages this sea, the sea god
Leviathan. It is rare for me to make an appearance in front a
human’s child like you. Show some gratitude.” (Levia)

“Fu….Fueeeee!?” (Ruri)
[T.N: The words ‘god’ there is from ‘神’(kami) which is more
inclined for god, but since Japan’s version of then varies, it
might also means deity or something else. For the sea god, it’s
from “海神” or “kaijin”, which can be called sea-god or the
emperor of the sea. I’m not sure if I really should use the term
god here, where considering this is an isekai novel, the chance
of another type of god/goddess making an appearance is kind of
high so it might get confusing later on. Just a head’s up]

Ruri is surprised with both eyes opened wide. Since the name
of the sea god is pretty famous in this world, it’s no wonder that
she knew of her. However, the myths around her is just the
same with celebrity. It’s not that much of a story once you’ve
met the real thing.

Since the real myth is right in front of us, it can’t be helped

that she got that surprised.

“Well as you can see, I called upon an SSS-rank monster. The

sea god Leviathan. She got carried away easily, but she’s an
interesting person.” (Setsu)

“Wait a minute!! Who got carried away easily!?” (Levia)

Does she even know what ‘carried away’ mean, but should I
just ignore her here? It’s time to move on.

“S-Setsu-san called that!?” (Ruri)

“Yeah. This person is the method I’m talking about.” (Setsu)

“D-d-d-d-d-don’t tell me….” (Ruri)

“Now then, let’s get on top of her head.” (Setsu)

I said that while grinning, and thus Ruri released her second
cry for today―――――
Chapter 11: Going Along With the Sea
God, and the Threatening Shadow
“Okay, give me your hand.” (Setsu)

“Ah, yes.” (Ruri)

I got on the dragon’s head first, and pulled the still

dumbfounded Ruri’s hand and pull her up.

“Um, the luggage from the carriage…” (Ruri)

“Ah….” (Setsu)

Although I just noticed it, we stopped the carriage on the

other side of the rocky place. Even for a sea god it’s impossible
to put the entire carriage on top, not to mention the horse won’t
be calm either. However, the luggage is important.

“Wait here a bit.” (Setsu)

“Eh?” (Ruri)

I jumped down from the head, and head to the carriage.

Although it’s impossible for the horse since my magic bag can
only carry the luggage, I was going to collect as much as I can.

“Say, Ruri! Although the horse is good, can we leave it here!?”


Unfortunately, I can’t put living thing in the magic bag.

Although it’s alive, for example I can put living thing in the
magic bag if I cast petrification on it. Though I don’t understand
the standard too well, the one that moves seems to be no good.

“I-it’s okay!” (Ruri)

“Is that so-!” (Setsu)

Since we’ve been talking loudly since a while ago, the
surrounding have started to be aware of us. Although there’s no
sign of people yet, because no people should be here, other
people will come in time.

“What a pain, I’ll just bring them all.” (Setsu)

I separate the carrier and the horse. I brought close the open
mouth of the bag towards the carriage. Although the magic bag
is the size of a purse, by making them touch the open mouth, it
swallow the whole thing entirely. It swallowed the carriage as if
the bag momentarily became gigantic predator swallowing prey,
and then it return to the size of a purse again.

The horse is leaving. I’ve heard that it was possible for it to

live naturally once you set it free since the horse in this world
seems to eat anything, and since Ruri who is her owner said it’s
alright, it should should be alright.

“Alright.” (Setsu)

I collect the magic bag, and then board on top of Levia-san

again in a hurry.

“Okay, we’re good now, Levia-san.” (Setsu)

“And I told you to stop calling me that!! …Then, shall I

move?” (Levia)

“Ou. Ruri, please cling to me for a bit.” (Setsu)

“Y-yes.” (Ruri)

Ruri moves her hands to my waist, and then clings to it.

Although she’s still young, I felt the softness of her feminine
body and got me taken aback for a bit. I calmed down
immediately since I’m not a lolicon, after all I prefer a woman
that is a bit older and had a bit more ‘growth’ to them.

“Somehow I felt like you just thought of something really

rude…” (Ruri)
“Just your imagination.” (Setsu)

Apparently I’m very easy to read. I need to be careful.

“For the destination, is the Devil continent good?” (Levia)

“Yeah, how long will it take?” (Setsu)

“Around 4 hours―――――I guess.” (Levia)

By the way, it would take half a day in case of the ship, so it’s
pretty fast if you think about it.

“Alright, please proceed.” (Setsu)

“Be sure to hold on properly okay?” (Levia)

The dragon’s head leaves the rocky area. When the head
turned towards the Devil’s continent, it begins to advance
slowly at first, and then begin to accelerate in less than a few
seconds. We left the rocky place from a while ago in no time at

“It’s…fast…” (Ruri)

“Can you breath?” (Setsu)

Receiving the momentum of the wind, Ruri gasps for breath

and nods.

As expected, I lowered a bit, and focus the air around her. It’s
not just for ventilation, it can also secure air too. It’s no big deal
for someone like me that is good with wind magic.

“Eh? The wind…” (Ruri)

“Did it become easy for you?” (Setsu)

“Th-thank you very much.” (Ruri)

Seriously, it would be bad if she got weary before we arrived

to the other side.

Since she could relax now that I’ve intercept the wind, Ruri
began questioning me.

“I’ve been wanting to ask since a while ago…. How did Setsu-
san became acquainted with the sea god-san?” (Ruri)

”N? From a while ago.” (Setsu)

“‘From a while ago’ my ass!! Who’s the rude one suddenly

coming and punch me!?” (Levia)

“And who’s the crazy one rampaging at the sea disturbing

me!?” (Setsu)
Punching the sea god―――――Ruri had a dumbfounded look
on her face so I explain it to her clearly. At that time I payed a
lot of money to go from the Human Continent to the Devil
Continent by ship. The sea becomes rough for some reason,
we’re in a crisis of being overturned. What appeared from the
sea at that time, is this sea god.

“I was already pretty pissed of because of the war on land at

that time…” (Setsu)

For the war in this world, basically the one who controlled the
sea wins. This is because it is necessary to use the sea if you
want to travel to other continents. If you managed to land, the
magician could use the large scale magic called 〈Gate〉afterward,
which could be connected to the 〈Gate〉 in your own continent.
Then it became possible to move between 〈Gate〉. If the gate is
opened once, it take a considerable amount of time to destroy it,
so from the perspective of the attacked side, you can’t allow the
enemy to land. It can be said that you’ve already win if you can
open the gate.

In other words, for the early stage of the war, The sea will
become the battlefield.
So the sea god is being a total nuisance making it troublesome.

“At that time I don’t really know the way of the war… but
since I think it was an obstruction, I let this guy behave with my
fist.” (Setsu)

“No… even if you say fist…” (Ruri)

“Although I don’t really understand the principle, this guy’s

fist is really something else…” (Levia)

Well I have some connection with both the Demon Lord and
the Beast King.

I know some technique that could ignore your defense.

Although this guy is an adult too, she then goes 『I’ll let you
pass through if stop the war!』 to the point that it was
embarrassing. Since I’m planning to do just that, I was allowed
to passed smoothly when I conveyed it. This dragon girl is really
“Well, somehow she let me pass through, and I tamed this
fellow with various food, then she started following me.” (Setsu)

I omitted the part that I stopped the war to Ruri. It’s

confusing, and she might not even believe me. The part where
the Human country betrayed me… since the reason the war
ended had been fairly modified, it will be hard for Ruri to easily
accept it as the truth if I just blurt it out suddenly.

“Wait, who are you saying I’m trying to follow!?” (Levia)

Whoops, the sea god give some late tsukkomi.

Well, you’re the kind of cold-hearted guy that can be bought

with fried fish.

“You’re mistaken if you think I’ll just follow you because of

some fried fish!!

… But well, since he goes out of his way to give it to me, I

guess I don’t mind helping him out a few times when he needs
me?” (Levia)

…I only tried making fried food with the fish that I caught by
chance, but this fellow likes it very much, she starts trusting me
in no time at all. When I tell her that I want to do some test or
some request, she’ll agree to it without any hesitation at all if I
gave her fried food. I keep on serving fried food to her while
chuckling to myself, until she owes me a huge loan.

“Kuh… if I didn’t lose to the temptation at that time and

didn’t eat too much, I don’t really need to listen to this in this
way…” (Levia)

“What, you didn’t really need to listen to it in particular.”


“I-it’s impossible for me who is the sea god to have a debt!!”


“Is that so, so your promise with me is not that important to

you!?” (Setsu)
“Huh!? I-it’s not like I really think it was that important
anyway!” (Levia)

While she speaks that with awfully upset tone, the dragon’s
head shakes wobbly.

What’s with this fellow, you have the tsundere trait?

“What’s with you… even though you suddenly call after

disappearing for a long time, and you even bring a girl with
you… not to mention I just waited like a fool even when the war
occur…” (Levia)

… If you suddenly act like that even I would feel bad… well I
do felt sorry for leaving her waiting for 5 years.

“For that I could only say that I’m sorry. As an apology you
can ask me whatever you want. Only in the range of what I can
do though.” (Setsu)

“Eh!? For real!?” (Levia)

This time the head shakes joyfully.

Please control it soon because Ruri’s head had been shaking

since a while ago.

“Have you thought about it? You don’t have to rush about it
though.” (Setsu)

“I’ve already thought about it! Anything is good right!?”


“Yeah… if it’s something I can do.” (Setsu)

Seeing the brain of this dragon, I’m kind of worried about

what she would find interesting. But aren’t you a bit happy
there? Are you really the sea god(lol)?

“You’re amazing Setsu-san… really, who are you?” (Ruri)

“I’m just a worthless adventurer, it’s just that I have many
acquaintance.” (Setsu)

Although I know a lot of dangerous fellow, knowing that the

reaction of Ruri would be great, I kept my silence.

That reminds me, although I planned to go to the Demon

Lord’s castle, where will Ruri head to? For now lets ask her
where she’ll be heading.

“Ruri, where will you head to when you arrive at the Devil’s
continent?” (Setsu)

When she heard that, Ruri returns an unexpected answer.

“Uhm… Evil Barrow.” (Ruri)

“Evil Barrow…” (Setsu)

Evil Barrow, in other term is the Demon Lord’s castle.
Although it also include the downtown around the castle street,
that name is basically what you call the Demon Lord’s castle.

“You… are you going to the Demon Lord’s castle?” (Setsu)

“Yes! The client of this brooch seems to live there.” (Ruri)

She said that while taking it out of her pocket, a beautiful

brooch decorated with black jewel.

…I somehow felt like I’m familiar with it.

“…Can you show it to me for a moment?” (Setsu)

“Treat it carefully okay?” (Ruri)

“Yeah.” (Setsu)
I receive it, and try to check the backside.

If it’s the one I knew, there should be something written right


(You serious…)

Judging from the conclusion, this is indeed the brooch that I

know. Of course I also knew the owner.

What surprised me is that Ruri doesn’t know the owner.

“…you, did you try to send this brooch without knowing who
it belongs to?” (Setsu)

“Eh? Yeah… I don’t know the details because Ojii-chan only

told me the address…” (Ruri)

Ojii-chan… tell her properly would you…

What’s written on the back side of the brooch, it was a name.


[T.N: 〈デザストル・セレーノ〉(Dezasutoru Sere-no). Hit me up with

something better, but I think this one is correct.]

The one that sits on the throne of the Demon Lord’s castle
Evil Barrow, it’s the name of the ‘woman’ that lead all the

“You… this belongs to the Demon Lord Disaster you know?”


“Eh… Demon Lord?” (Ruri)

――――――After that, Ruri’s third cry resounded throughout

the sea.
While Setsu and co are moving on the sea, in the Demon
Lord’s castle that is their destination, along with Demon Lord
Disaster, stood a tall elegant male with refined appearance.

The Demon Lord who sits on the throne had a beautiful face
that would attract any men. All the meat is in the right place,
her foot having moderate flesh, having clear constriction, and
the intense chest that is held up with red dress that is about to
burst…. Her face is frighteningly well balanced, with red hair
that flows beautifully had been grown till the waist. The pale
skin which is the feature of the Devil brought about a
mysterious aspect from her.

“―――――Demon Lord Disaster-sama, have you decided on

an answer?” (???)

The man had a distorted smile as he asked the Demon Lord.

“…Really, will you grant my wish if I accept your demand as…

〈Teran Company〉’s power and mistress?” (Disaster)

“I promise… as long as it is within the power of me, 〈Teran

Sneeter〉 and the firm I lead, I will grant your wish.” (Teran)

[T.N: テラン・スニーター(Teran Suniitaa). Seriously, author can’t

pick a more punchable sounding name.]

Since that man’s smile is unexpectedly a doubtful one,

although Disaster is about to change her thought, she stand firm
in case he might really able to grant her wish.

“―――――Understood, I accept you demand.” (Disaster)

“Thank you very much, Disaster-sama――――――no, as

you’re going to be my ‘bride’, so should I call you Dezas now?”

[T.N: He just use デザス(Dezasu) which is short for Disaster. I

know, but Disas sounds kind of like some kind of Finland
canned fish product, so I’ll use Dezas.]

Teran went up to her, with his hand moved to her shoulder.

“I’ll listen to your demand once you became my ‘wife’, I will
also firmly grant your wish.” (Teran)

Disaster grits her teeth at the man’s indecent smile.

“That’s right… you don’t mind if I grant your wish after our
wedding ceremony right?” (Teran)

“Yeah… that is fine.” (Disaster)

“Thank you very much… well then, since we need to prepare

for the ceremony, I’ll leave for now.

――――――and I’ll come pick you up in the morning 4 days

later.” (Teran)

“Understood…” (Disaster)

Teran patted her shoulder a few times before reluctantly part

with her.

A slim man wearing a jet black robe enter and they passed
each other.

The robed man glared at Teran as the pass each other, but the
glared Teran just shrug his shoulder as he left.

“Maou-sama…” (???)

“Brad huh?” (Dizaster)

The robed man, with long black hair tied at the back and a
sharp look is called Brad. Blood colored horn grew on one
corner of his head.

“…Why did you accept the demand of such a man!? Aren’t you
already belong to ‘that man’?――――――” (Brad)
“All of this is for ‘that man’” (Disaster)

She said so with a regrettable expression.

Although she would endure it a while ago, she paid attention

to her shoulder that Teran touched. She really want to tear it up
and throw it away.

However she couldn’t do it. This dress, because Disaster’s

beloved person said she looks really good in it――――――

(Don’t tell me I’m going to hate this dress…)

Since she couldn’t remove the disgust no matter how much

she pays, resignation mixed in Disaster’s face.

“…I won’t accept it! Absolutely!!” (Brad)

“Brad…” (Disaster)
Brad heads to the doorway with an awfully angry mood.

He put his hand on the door of the throne room, and finally
looked back and said.

“Even for me… if possible I want to meet him again… however

I don’t want you to give your body for that…” (Brad)

His face is warped with a sorrowful expression.

He’s someone who understood Disaster’s painful feeling, and

is annoyed at himself as he cannot do anything.

She was not able to say anything to that Brad.

Until he had left the room, she was not able to look up.

(There’s no other way… to meet that guy… I got no other

choice but to do so to meet Setsu again…)
Disaster recalled her encounter with a man during the war for
territory that awoke her eyes.

And the parting with him who was considered to be a threat

by the Human country, and then sent back to his original world.

For a long time she though he’s still in this world. He didn’t
say anything and just disappeared.

She couldn’t cry when she heard the story. Thus she started
the war again as a retaliation.

(I want to see him one more time… so that is why)

The man called Setsu didn’t die, it was Teran that told her a
while ago that he had been transferred by the Human Country.
As he conveyed that, he also give a proposal.

――――――If you can be my wife, Setsu who is called

everyone’s hero, I will summon him again――――――
Demon Lord Disaster believed the story of such a sneaky man.

Her desire to cling to the small hope――――――too much, she

is requesting for Setsu.

Even if she had to be the belonging of other man, if she could

meet that man who she should no longer be possible to meet…

――――――Obviously she didn’t know, the man himself

didn’t stop wishing for a reunion, and has already returned to
this world.

And then, he’s on his way to this Devil continent.

When Setsu found out about this, although currently the man
called Teran had a dirty smile floating on his face, at that time it
would easily fall apart.

and here’s the character for Disaster that I found. (She’s on

the cover, so it’s not much for a surprise.)
Chapter 12: Just Eat the Squid Ring
“――――――”What’s with this guy?” (Setsu)

I muttered that as I see a huge squid that floats on the surface

of the sea in front of us.

We have been able to advance smoothly before, and now

we’ve already reached a position where we can see the Devil
continent. Just when we’re about to arrive, this squid had
jumped out of the sea.

“That guy is a Kraken, an A class.” (Levia)

Its a squid-like monster with high sounding name called

Kraken which attacks the moment when other creatures
entered their territory, and just as its descriptions, we were
attacked the moment we enter this sea area too, but――――――

“It’s an eyesore huh, with that attitude that insist on claiming

it’s their sea.” (Levia)
――――――The moment its body that is the size of a building
appeared in front of us, Levia shoots a water bullet from her
mouth, opening an air hole in the squid’s body.

The Kraken which had a big hole opened at the center of its
body struggled with its 10 huge feet for an instant, and then died
after a few seconds.

It is literally an instakill.

“There’s no other sea creatures that can beat you in the sea…
although I knew that, instant kill is not what I expected.”

“I am the sea god you know? This much is natural!” (Levia)

Her voice sounds so proud that I seem to hear an “ahem” from


Since it’s going to be annoying if she keeps on bragging, let’s

just handle it moderately.
“Yeah yeah… so, what to do with it?” (Setsu)

“…we can’t eat it?” (Levia)

“What!? You can eat this!?” (Setsu)

An attractive remarks came from Levia that seems to be

dissatisfied about something, I then unintentionally stare at the

Squid huh…

“…I guess I could make Squid Ring?” (Setsu)

Ooohー it’s been awhile since my last time in the Devil

continent.” (Setsu)

“I-it’s my first time… “ (Ruri)

[T.N: Ruri kind of usually ends her sentence with ‘desu’,
which is kind of her way of speaking politely. Should I keep it
there, or not?]

To avoid the eyes of others, we didn’t head towards the port,

and instead got off on a deserted sandy beach.

Ruri who had just gotten off was looking around restlessly
with a tensed state.

I also jumped off from Levia’s head, trying to feel this

nostalgic atmosphere.

First of all, unlike the Human continent, the amount of magic

in the air is huge. The reason why the devil being the specialist
in magic is said due to the fact that they grow up in such an

“It’s not that fresh for me since I’ve come here plenty of time
in my free time.” (???)
“N?” (Setsu)

I heard a voice from behind my back, and a girl with long light
blue hair stood there when I looked back. She looks perfect that
you might even think that she’s a model, she didn’t really have
any breast but her beautiful face makes it a trivial matter. Her
nose is straight, and she has a pair of huge eyes with red iris.
The clothes that she puts on are the one called Jinbei in Japan,
light blue in color. The bottom part are shorts with some space,
and her white feet extending from it are really attractive.

[T.N: Jinbei is the Japanese’s tradition summer clothes.

There’s a picture of her below wearing it]

“What, it’s just you, Levia.” (Setsu)

“You think I’ll just quietly go back into the sea after coming
this far? Not to mention… I also have a little business I have to
do if we go meet the Demon King…” (Levia)

…Although it seems that she has a reason, I don’t really have

any particular reason to refuse.
As you can see, she has a skill called 〈Human Form〉 that she
can use. It’s not really all that rare for the monsters in SSS class,
or rather it’s a pretty common one. Although her power should
still be the same even in this state, it seems that she would only
be an S class monster if you consider her characteristics. Still,
since there are rarely any S class monster, I can expect much
from her war potential.

“Are you okay, Ruri?” (Setsu)

“I-I’m okay… but are you really going to follow me till Evil
Barrow?” (Ruri)

“I have some business there too, so for now I’ll act as your
guard.” (Setsu)

I guess Ruri think I’m going to do something bad by going to

meet the Demon king, so she’s been asking me anxiously.

Since I’m already planning to meet that fellow, I almost forgot

that I am to act as her guard. So there’s no demerit of us going
“Then I guess it’s going to be the three of us… so what do we
do first?” (Ruri)

As it had took 4 hours, the sky had turned red.

Since you must prepare to sleep in the open, I want to cook

somewhere the Kraken that I’ve put in my magic bag.

There should be a village nearby, but…

[T.N: Keep in mind that the devils are at war with the human,
and they are three human right now(well, just 1 normal human,
1 OP MC, and a tsundere dragon. But you get my point).]

“Then there’s a village that I have a lot of influence nearby

here, I mean I landed here to go there.” (Levia)

“Is that so, then please guide the way.” (Setsu)

“Leave it to me.” (Levia)

Levia start walking and leads us.

Heading towards our destination, there’s weird forest where

distorted trees grow thick.

A few minutes after walking in the woods, on the other side of

the trees I saw buildings built from black tree.

According to Levia, it seems to be made from the trees

growing in this forest. Certainly the twisted black tree that I’ve
seen in this forest is black in color. Or rather how do you even
use that to make houses…

[T.N: We human usually use straight log tree for the woods to
make houses, not curvy type.]

When we came to the neighborhood, I saw high defensive wall

made from the tree surrounding the village. Since the magic in
the atmosphere is high in the Devil continent, the monster is
strong too, so it is used to prevent surprised attack,

“――――――Stop.” (???)

When we reached a distance where we could see the whole

village, a male guarding the gate to the village take a standstill.

The man is wrapped in gray armor, his spear seems to be well-


“It’s me. Can you let us through?” (Levia)

“Ooops… I’m sorry for being rude to Wadatsumi-sama. These

people are?” (Guard)

They’re my friends, can you let these 2 pass though?” (Levia)

“I won’t be able to refuse if they are a friend of Wadatsumi-

sama. Please, do enter.” (Guard)
“Thanks.” (Levia)

[T.N: The guard used 海神様(Wadatsumi-sama), where the

Wadatsumi mean sea god. It’s kind of sounds bad if I use sea
god-sama so I’m using that when people refers to her that way.]

She’s really acquainted with this place, we’re allowed to enter

the village without any precautions in particular.

“L-Levia-san is really great huh…” (Ruri)

“…Somehow it doesn’t feel that bad when it’s you who called
me that way… well, since the village is near the sea it’s pretty
easy to sink it if they offend me. (Levia)

For sure they wont offend you then… I guess if they did, she
could just raised a tsunami to swallow the whole region here?

Are you trying to scare Ruri?

“Even I won’t really do such a troublesome thing, it’s tiring.”

“I-I’m glad…” (Ruri)

“Just what do you really think I am…”

A dangerous woman who shoots water bullet from your

mouth, opening an air hole on anyone your meet?

The squid that we’re going to eat later is the proof.

“I humbly welcome you, Wadatsumi-sama and her friends.”


When we enter the village, we met with an elderly person

with small horns on the sides of his head. The devil’s skin is pale
as usual, at first I thought he look sickly, but seeing how the
person in question is very healthy, I lost my worry.
“Village Chief, I want to stay overnight here, but is that
okay?” (Levia)

“Of course. I will prepare with our utmost service.” (Chief)

Ruri kind of looks uncomfortable with the word ‘service’.

That being said, we’re just a friend of Levia, so even I have a
wry smile at the moment.

“Ah, that right, Village Chief. Can you lend a kitchen to this
man? (Levia)

“Kitchen, is it? You could use my house if you want, but…”


Using it? His eyes that glance from Levia to me seems to say
that. Although it kind of unpleasant, let’s just obediently return
his glance.

“What do you plan on making?” (Chief)

“Aah… I just want to cook some squid.” (Setsu)

…Squid? ――――――although he’s giving me a suspicious

looks, he still guides me to his house.

“Alright! I’m done frying!!” (Setsu)

“Y-yes!!” (Village Girl)

I let the village girl nearby carry the dish that I put on the

The deep fried squid cuisine is of course the so called Squid


Eh? Why does the giant squid become ring-shaped that can be
carried with a plate? You’re going to be bald if you worry about
those little details!! It just happened when I cut and fry it!
――――――So, why do I be the one having to handle all this
squid since a while ago…?

“―――――I’m sorry… I have to leave the cooking for the

party to you.” (Chief)

“If you’re going to say that then help me, Village Chief!!”

“But I don’t know how to cook…” (Chief)

“Gaaahーー!! Dammit!!” (Setsu)

At the Village Chief’s house, although I started cooking the

Kraken, the Village Chief who had seen it started to make some
commotion and began preparing for a party. Somehow, it seems
that they have taken some considerable damage from this
Kraken, as they can’t go fishing if it appears at the sea.

As we have subdued the Kraken which would allowed them to

start fishing again, the village decided to hold a party to
celebrate it.

And then I’m left to be in charge for the cooking of the party.
This is because of Revia too. Since she somehow pushed all the
dishes to me, somehow it turns into the entire village entrusting
it to me.

“…Even though she’s the one that wanted to eat it! Why am I
the one stuck with this pain in the ass job…” (Setsu)

I could have just refused, but it’s kind of hard to refuse it

when they have some kind of expectation from me.

I’m not that much into cooking when I was in Japan, but I
occasionally made various things like this as a hobby. I’m kind
of felt glad when my parents said it’s delicious, so it kind of
jump out of the range of a hobby. So I’m kind of slightly glad
that someone like Levia left me to be in charge of the dish. But I
guess I kind of got carried away.

Since troublesome things are troublesome, I’m considerably

regretting it right now.
I’m starting to get irritated at the squid’s leg that keep on
coming from my magic bag. I take out one foot at a time since I
can’t really cook all of them at once, but still, this is just the
second one.

I applied bread crumbs to the squid’s foot that have become a

mouthful ring-size for some reason, and then throw it into the
oil. I then continue cutting the foot again, and then I take out
the squid ring that have been deep-fried beautifully. Oil could be
seen seeping from the squid’s foot. Since I don’t really know any
detailed recipe, I just make it by coating it in breadcrumbs and
thrown into the oil.

“Setsu, I’m going to get tired of the Squid Ring soon. I want to
eat white fish.” (Levia)

I cut the foot in anger while Levia nonchalantly enters the


Although she should have known that I’m really busy right
now, for her to ask me to make some fried white fish, I grab the
deep-fried Squid Ring by hand, and then throw it into Levia’s
“Shut uupp!! Just eat this Squid Ring for now!!” (Setsu)

“Muga!―――――h-hooooottt!!” (Levia)

Waterーーーー!! Is what Levia keep on shouting as she goes out.

Reflect on that for a while.

[POV change to third person]

―――――While Setsu and co went ashore…

The man who got the promise of marriage with the Demon
King, Teran Sneater, is currently in a carriage through the
castle district.

It is not too wide in the carriage, as it seems that at only about

4 people could fit at once.

Other than Teran in the carriage, there’s a person wrapped in

jet-black robe. With the robe deeply covers the head, it covers
the whole body so that the characteristic of the body is not

“―――――It seems to be going well.” (???)

The robed person lets out his voice. It could be seen that he is
a man from his voice.

While Teran frowns at the strange man’s atmosphere, he

immediately started to float a big smile as he talks joyfully.

“You were right, I don’t think that it would go so well with

just using the story of that man called Setsu. However, how will
you do it? 〈Teran Company〉have no way to summon that man
you know?” (Teran)

What he said just now is a complete opposite of what he said

at the Demon Lord’s castle a while ago.

He had confronts Demon Lord Disaster, telling her that he

could summon the man called Setsu again.

“That part will be left to me. You just enjoy your life with the
Demon Lord as much as you can.” (Robe Guy)

“That’s what I planned on doing…. but I don’t like it when

you said it like that.” (Teran)

“… Who was is again the one that makes you able to get the
woman who rules this country?” (Robe Guy)

“… I know that already.” (Teran)

Teran understood that defying this man would be a mistake.

His attitude shows that he could erase him at any time if he

wants, and he’s sure that it is not a bluff.

“You don’t have to think of any unnecessary things. Just

prepare for your wedding. I’ll also participate on that day too.
Since I don’t want the Demon King’s subordinate to come and
disturb the scene after all.” (Robe Guy)

“Haah… if only you don’t look at people with that eyes full of
hostility… I think you need to fix that so that it won’t be a
hindrance.” (Teran)

“I’ll only protect you up to that day. After that you can go
back to business the same as always.” (Robe Guy)

“Understood.” (Teran)

“Then it’s good.” (Robe Guy)

The moment he said that, the robed man disappearance. It

was at the instant Teran blinked his eyes, he had disappeared
from the moving carriage.

[T.N: Sounds like Batman, but more evil]

“Fuuhーーー… As I thought, conversing with him really makes
me nervous.

For Teran who have been talking to hundreds of people for his
business, he’s having a cold sweat every time he talks to that
man. If he makes any bad remarks, there’s even a possibility
that his head would fly.

However, for him it really is worth shouldering all that risk.

“Well, everything is fine as that is the only way I would be

able to obtain that Demon Lord’s pretty face.――――――”

[T.N: Some huge company boss you are, thinking with your
lower head. I’m sure your company will prosper if you keep on
thinking with that head]

The carriage he rides continue to move through the city

A shadow is looking down at the carriage from a building. It is
the same robed man that was inside it a moments ago.

“As expected he’s really easy to use…” (Robe Guy)

While the man mutters that, he lowers his hood more.

(――――――As for ‘that person’… I’ve heard rumors that he’s

already back in this world…)

People going around town didn’t notice him at all.

Indifference… treating him like a ‘shadow’.

[T.N: Author kind of emphasize the word 影(Kage) which

means shadow. It could be a name for his organization but I’m
not sure yet. Just thought it was worth mentioning.]

(We exist for the sake of our master… I have to confirm his
existence… the hero called Setsu that is similar to our master)
The next moment, his figure disappeared the way he
disappeared in the carriage.

In a place that Setsu doesn’t know, threatening wind has

begun to blow hard in this world――――――

T.N: Picture of Levia’s character design that I found.

Chapter 13: Anger Ring
[Third person POV]

When the sun was setting and the view on the neighborhood
became worse, Brad Allegra, one of the Five Great Demon
Generals working under the Demon Lord Disaster, left the
Demon King’s castle and was in the forest near the sea.

(With this the transfer will be temporarily unusable…… It will

take two days from here to Evil Barrow, which should be plenty
of time, but if I do not hurry……)

Behind him is a faintly shining magic formation drawn on the

ground. If he were to leave that place, the magic formation will
eventually lose its shine.

This is the transfer magic formation and as its name implies it

is capable of transferring people and objects. Just by drawing
two magic formations on the ground nearly fulfills the
conditions of transfer, however the amount of magic power
consumed by magic formation is not common. Even for him
who hold the title of one of the five great demon generals, he
needed to fill the magic formation with magic power for several
days in a row in order to activate the magic formation.

(―――――――If it was possible for me to borrow the power of

the Sea God Leviathan, I may be able to rescue the Demon Lord)

The reason for him to come to the sea was to request aid from
the sea god.

(If it is her who holds a ‘special connection’ with the Demon

Lord Disaster……)

It is a fleeting wish, but he has nothing but to depend on this

so he observes the situation heavily.

The suspicious man called Terran held a mysterious

composure…… a kind of composure where his aloof attitude
didn’t break even in front of the demon king who holds the
Demon continent’s most powerful title, just where in the world
did he come from?――――――――

(It is certain that someone is working behind the scenes……

our plans to disrupt the ceremony will be hindered by that

They, the Five Great Generals, are making a plan to create an

uproar at the day of the wedding and rescue Disaster. They
thought of this plan to humiliate Terran on the spot, so that he
would never come near her again.

However, if the someone behind the scenes acting as his

guard, it would definitely hinder their movements. The fact
that Terran could speak whatever he pleases and be obstinate
became proof that there is someone behind him that can fight.

For that purpose, he decided to ask for assistance from the Sea
God who has a connection with the Demon Lord. Though her
strength would drop if the battle is on land, nevertheless she is
so powerful they can still entrust her assistance. From now on
the negotiations will depends on him for requesting the
assistance from the girl whose pride is really high.

“…….Hm?” (Brad)
When the smell of the tide became stronger, Brad noticed he
had heard noisy voices he shouldn’t be hearing from

Around this area there is a town…… or actually there is only

one village, he had moved around this area several times by
foot, but there had never been a bustling feeling such as this.

He suddenly became anxious and moved his feet towards the

direction of those voices.

It is just right as he was thinking it is a bit early to met the Sea

God. The reason he visited here during the night instead of
daytime was in order to not let anyone heard the conversation
between him and the Sea God, but as there is still time before
the sun sets, he thought about killing time.

When he approaches the village, for some reason he can see

the guards at the gate carrying a light brown, ring shaped object
in their mouths.

“Hey, soldiers.” (Brad)

“―――――Guh! Yo-you’re Lord Brad of the Five Great Demon
Generals! What brings you to this place!?” (Guard)

“Don’t mind me, why is the village this lively? As if something

like a feast is held……” (Brad)

“That’s right! The Great Sea God has subjugated the Kraken,
the natural enemy of us who live by the coast! Tonight we’re
having a feast with the Great Sea God” (Guard)

Brad understood from hearing the soldier’s words. Although

the Sea God being in this village was out of his expectations, it
saved him the trouble of calling her…… However there was one
more thing he became interested in.

“I understand the commotion then…… by the way soldier,

what are those light brown rings?” (Brad)

He had become interested in the plate filled with rings the

soldier is holding onto since a while ago. Based on just the smell,
it is similar to the one his friend used to make which he called
‘fried’ food――――――
“This seems to be called Squid Ring. It seems to be the body of
the Kraken covered with flour and deep fried, it is crispy and
delicious I tell you” (Guard)

While he was saying so, the soldier offered him a piece and he
threw it into his mouth.

After the crispy crunch, the taste of the squid wrapped in a

coat spreads in his mouth. Originally Brad doesn’t really put
these things called squid in his mouth, but he was surprised it
was this soft and it properly passed through his teeth. He
spontaneously swallowed the the squid ring before he could
finish enjoying the taste.

“This is… really good.” (Brad)

He received a shock ever since he put the thing called fried

food in his mouth. However the more he sees it and the more he
smells it, the more he receives the impression it is similar to
what he ate once before.

“It fills me with joy that it is to your liking, sir. This is created
by the person who came to this village with the Great Sea God
you know.” (Guard)

“Together with the Sea God..? (Brad)

A person who journeys together with the sea god and can
create the food that resembles to what he ate once before……
the face of one person arose in his mind.

When Brad enters the village, many tables were lined up and
furthermore, dozens to hundreds of the things called squid rings
he ate before are placed on the table.

The villagers are drinking alcohol while carrying the squid

rings into their mouths, it is really lively here and there.

When he advanced while being called sometimes, he finally

reached the person he’s looking for.

“Sea God Levia…” (Brad)

“Oh? Aren’t you Brad who’s with the Demon Lord?” (Levia)

Levia puts the squid ring down on a small plate, and then she
pick up something else that is of the same color but with a
different shape.

As for what it is, it is something that Brad is familiar with.

“Th-that is…” (Brad)

“Ah, Fried White Fish? I won’t give any to you though?”


How regrettable―――――Although he did thought that, that

is not the main issue here.

“Where is the person who made this!?” (Brad)

“Eh? He should be at the village chief’s house over there

but…” (Levia)

Brad forgot his business with Levia after hearing that and
starts running towards the house.

When he arrived in front of the village chief’s house, Brad

barged into the house without knocking on the door.

He head towards the kitchen at full speed while ignoring the

surprised village girls, and then flung open the door of the

“Who’s the one cooking the food here!!?” (Brad)

“Shut the fuck up!! Just eat the damn squid ring!!” (Setsu)

The moment he entered inside and ask that, a brown ring

jumps into his mouth.
“Mguh――――――――H-hot!!” (Brad)

[POV Change to MC]

I threw the squid ring that I just finished frying into the
intruder again. I’ve already fried the white fish just for that
troublesome girl a while ago. I have no room for another selfish

“―――――――――H-hot!!” (???)

“…N?” (Setsu)

But I’m starting to have doubts as the voice that enter my ears
is from a man’s. I thought that Levia had asked someone to
deliver the message but was I wrong?

Not to mention, did I ever heard this voice before..?

“Y-you bastard…to do this to me…” (Brad)

I heard a voice from behind me while I was cooking.

He sounds exactly like Brad who’s the subordinate of the

Demon Lord. I want to turn around and look but I can’t take my
eyes off the oil, and I really want him to do this later.

“Kuh… I thought for sure you would be Setsu…. It seems like

I’m just on a fool’s errand.” (???)

The man spats out my name mixed with anger, so I stopped

sending magic power to the magic stove that heated the oil and
looked back.

“Ah~ it’s Brad after all huh?” (Setsu)

I’m finally convinced after seeing that face. The splendid red
horn growing out of his head seems to be in good health. There
was a time when I tried pulling it to see if it would come off, but
that horn sure is sturdy.
“You bastard… how did you know my name?” (Brad)

Ah~…..I guess he wont recognize me since my appearance had

changed…. I guess he won’t remember that easily if I didn’t let
him learn with his body.

“Oh yeah, that’s right.” (Setsu)

I pushed aside the squid’s tentacles and put my hand into the
magic bag, and then took out the object I have in mind.

It’s a large sword that exceeds my height that I got from his
master. It’s Kuromaru.

Since this guy is present when I got this, it should be good for

“Th-that sword!” (Brad)

“Here, it’s the sword that your master give to me.” (Setsu)

I threw the sword and let him check it. Brad timidly received
it and checked the sword from top to bottom for a while and
threw it back.

“I-it is certainly the genuine 〈Schwartz〉…” (Brad)

“That is not it’s name!! It’s KU・RO・MA・RU!!” (Setsu)

Don’t call it with such a lame name!!

“To call it with that name…… so you really are Setsu…… ?”


“Long time no see, Brad. Your horn is interesting as usual.”


“S-Setsu…… You came back…!” (Brad)

As soon as he knew it is me he started shedding tears. Why is
this guy showing a face like he is completely relieved?

“――――――――I see, so Dezas did that” (Setsu)

“Yes…… Ah, could I have another helping of these squid

rings?” (Brad)

“It’s troublesome so go get it yourself” (Setsu)

When the feast started to calm down, I called Levia and Ruri
to the village chief’s house and listened to most of the situation
from Brad. Ruri was fast asleep though……

“When I had her drink some alcohol she started getting dizzy,
when I noticed she was already sleeping you know.” (Levia)

“So it was your fault……” (Setsu)

Ruri, who seems to be sleeping comfortably, is still a minor, so
it must be her first time drinking alcohol for sure. First of all, I
dropped my fist onto Levia who made it happen, then I thought
about what I have just heard.

“Terran Company huh…” (Setsu)

I heard the details about 5 years ago. Although the firm

doesn’t particularly stand out at that time… now the president
proposed to the Demon Lord huh.

“Don’t you go and use me as a pretext to get the Demon

Lord…” (Setsu)

I really want to ‘spit’ on him. It’s troublesome for me if he

take what is mine without permission.

“Oi Brad! When is the wedding!?” (Setsu)

“Mugu…… ngu…… it’s in four days!” (Brad)

Brad answered with his mouth full with the squid ring.

In four days… I can’t move today, so I guess that leaves me

three days?

“So based on your story, there may be a guard for this guy
called Terran?” (Setsu)

“Yeah… Although I can’t confirm it, there’s probably no

doubt about it.” (Brad)

So there is a guy with a degree of power enough to give the

powerless man leeway as an opponent against these guys. Well
if it’s only on ‘that degree’ it won’t be a problem.

“―――――――――Then, I guess I’ll just go and destroy the

whole damn wedding ceremony!” (Setsu)

I’m going to make him regret for trying to put his hands on
what is mine.
While I wrapped up my thoughts, I grabbed one of the squid
rings at the table in front of me and tossed it in my mouth.

Although it’s not the case every single time, it is the job of the
hero to help the princess after all.
Chapter 14: I’m Here to Save You
Author’s Note: Fast forward for a bit. And so with that, don’t
worry as you did not missed a chapter.

[T.N: Dezas’s POV]

――――――The day of the wedding….

I, who hold the position of the Demon Lord, am wearing a

pure white wedding dress in my room. The wedding ceremony
is held normally with us being in a room in the throne room.
Only my partner will be called and as it could cause chaos from
the abruptness, it is kept secret to the public.

A man named Terran had proposed requesting of me, and

began to advance the preparation at a terrifying speed after
having my reply.

My subordinates, the Five Great Demon Generals have been

earnestly opposing the marriage, but it was too late to go against
my intentions. Just by selling my body I could meet Setsu one
more time. Of course it is possible that I will be deceived, but it
is worth using my body for this.

Moreover Terran may be a nasty man, but as a merchant he

won’t lie. Naturally I will have my subordinates examine the
vicinity. After consideration, I have decided to offer myself to
him. Once married it is taboo to betray your partner in this
world. Even if you are a Demon Lord, this taboo does not

(fufu…… Setsu will laugh at me when he sees this appearance

of mine……)

That is what I think when I see myself in the pure white dress.
I myself like the colors black and red, and he too give praises to
my red dress.

(Which reminds me…… I wonder if that black brooch had

been repaired yet? At the very least I wanted to hold it in my

The pitch black brooch I received when he left the Demon

continent has even my name carefully engraved on its back.
There is no more than one of this present in this world and only
I have it . At the very least I wanted to grasp the connection
with him until the end of the wedding ceremony.

While I recall the brooch, there was a knock on the door of

this room. I guess it’s almost the time……

“Disaster-sama. It is time.”

“I’ll go now.” (Dezas)

I got off the bed I was sitting on and went towards the
ceremonial hall in the throne room.

I do not have the intention to hide or run away, everything is

for our benefactor and for the sake of meeting the man I

Nevertheless, while I still hesitate somewhat, I opened the

gates to the throne room and went through―――――
[T.N: Third person POV]

The bride entered the throne room. Even Terran, who is

waiting in front of the throne as the bridegroom, and those
participating as his company associates was charmed by her,
whose body is covered in a pure white dress. However, the five
great demon generals at this place are aware of her usual
appearance and her tastes and they did not show a very pleased

“…As expected it really doesn’t suits you, Disaster-sama.”

While playing with her deep blue hair that is grown until her
shoulder, one of the Five Great Demon Generals Lily Laveint (リ
リー・ラヴェント; ririi ravento) mutters such line. The man who
replied to Lily, was a giant who appears to be nearly twice her
size making her looked like a child instead. Bulging with muscle
without any excess fat, his whole skin was nearly black
compared to the pale Lily.

“For our Lord it has to be red and black after all, I just cannot
understand the hobbies of humans at all.”
His name is Ides Armicks.(イデス・アーミクス; idesu aamikusu) He
is one of the Five Great Demon Generals like Lily. The other
three are not at this place, two of them are supposed to be
keeping watch of the Human Continent. Depending on where
the battle takes place, the gate was entrusted to them and so
they could not attend. The problem the last person which is
Brad, the last time they met was 4 days ago.

“What has Brad been doing I wonder……? Didn’t he say he

was going to call the sea god and make a mess……” (Lily)

“We have no choice but to wait now, I still believe in him, see?
Rather than that, let’s keep searching for opportunities.” (Ides)

While Ides says that to Lily, he paid maximum attention to his


They are about to ruin the wedding ceremony. It is naturally

for the sake of not handing the Demon Lord Disaster to the man
named Terran. Even after tightly investigating him they still
cannot trust him. Besides, Lily and co. have the same opinion as
Brad; they don’t want Dezas to sell herself just to call back
Setsu. They think that, even if they were able to call Setsu back,
it will only be painful for him.
If there is something that will become a problem when
interfering with the wedding ceremony, it would be the robed
men near the walls of the throne room. The number of people
are four, three have light brown robes and one has a pitch black
robe. Their faces are hid deeply in the hood, but it feels that the
level of the man in pitch black robe is different among the four.

“So those guys are the guards…… Don’t go out unprepared,

you hear Lily?” (Ides)

“I know that, I’ll move when I see an opportunity, okay?”


Urging each other to be careful, the two blends into the

assembly hall.

[T.N: Dezas’s POV]

Ah, in front of my eyes is Terran with a disgusting smile

plastered on his face. He is wearing a suit with the same color as
this dress I’m wearing, and that strangely arranged hairstyle
really fuels up my disgust. But I have to get used to this, I have
to spend my entire life together with this person after all.

“―――――――You’re beautiful, Dezas.” (Terran)

Because he muttered those sweet words while brushing my

cheeks, these goosebumps won’t go away. Strongly stepping on
the floor, I fixed my body which is looking like I want to escape
from this place.

The moment I saw those eyes, I felt like tons of insects

crawling all over my body. It’s nothing but unpleasant to stand
in front of this man…… such feelings are dominating my body.

“Without further ado…… the kiss of vow”

The man with the appearance of a priest standing beside me

and Terran says this. I glared at the priest for not saying more
unnecessary things, but because he was too afraid to stand up I
stopped. The one who said that it is appropriate for us demons
to end weddings and the like with a kiss was that person, but by
no means was it widely practiced. However, I heard that
humans have ridiculous obsession about this. I heard from
another human there seems to be a ceremony where they end it
by exchanging rings. There is no meaning in wondering
whether or not the priest or this person is part of such
ridiculous obsession.

I’ve steels myself and returned Terran’s gaze.

When I matched my face to his, his face slowly approaches.

[T.N: Eew]

(It would’ve been nice if my first time was with Setsu at


While I have that kind of thought, I resign myself and close

my eyes.

Even so, I desperately resist my instinct to bend my face and

retain the posture to accept him.
As I can feel the breathing of this guy I can understand how
close he’s getting, it’s already at this point――――so I gave
up…… It was at that moment.

“AAHHーーーー! I can’t take it anymore! We’re doing this Ides!”


“Didn’t I tell you to calm down!? But I agree that this is as far
as my patience will go!” (Ides)

A voice I know comes out from the seats.

My subordinates there, Lily and Ides, appear to be trying to

cast magic.

[T.N: Third person’s POV]

Lily and Ides entered battle stance the moment Disaster’s lips
were about to be snatched away. They already don’t care about
opportunities anymore, the situation was too difficult to accept.
“I’ll go on ahead! Cover me!” (Ides)

“Leave it to me!” (Lily)

Ides strengthens his body with magic power and does a leap
towards Disaster’s location.

“Wh-what is!? P- protect me!” (Terran)

Surprised from his approach Terran lets go of her hand and

ordered the robed men who were on standby in the vicinity.
Responding to that order were two of the four robed men, both
of them light brown.


“You’re in the way! <Flame Lance>!” (Lily)

As the robed men leaped before Ides’ eyes, two flame lances
were fired from Lily and were approaching them.

It was shot in a position where it would hit his companion if

he evades, and the robed person―――didn’t evade it.

“Magic barrier!?” (Lily)

Lily let out a shocked voice from the magic formation spread
out to protect the two robed men. The so-called magic barrier
refers to a shield created from magic power. The magic barrier
itself is not unusual, it can be said to be a basic art when a
person becomes a magician. What she was surprised about was
its strength.

Naturally the magic just now is not a considerable magic for

Lily of the Five Great Demon Generals. The magic is at the level
of being as usable as breathing. For this reason she can fire them
at rapid succession, but it’s powerful enough to blow away B
class monsters.

It was shown that the magic is defended by the magic barrier

that’ instantly spread out by the robed men. It can be said at this
point that its strength is that of a A class or higher.

“How about this!! Hmph!!” (Ides)

Towards the robed men who defended the flame lance from
the sky, Ides attacked with his strong arm. His striking physical
body, which is unusual among the demons, broke the magic
barrier and struck the robed men to the floor.


“What, what is the meaning of this!?”

Terran’s merchant associates, who were petrified from this,

started running away at full speed. Without paying attention to
the people who were running away desperately, Ides advanced
towards Disaster’s position.

And over there, a person stands in the way.

“So I really have to be your opponent with this experimental
body…… it can’t be helped.”

“Move it!” (Ides)


Among the four robed men, the one wearing the pitch black
robe caught Ides’ extraordinary fist. The floor shatters from the
impact, but the large fist completely lost its strength after
intersecting with the black robe’s arm.

“Tch…… as one would expect from the Five Great Generals,

you have great strength.”

“Says the one who could stop my blow!” (Ides)

Ides again lets out a kick with his log like leg. However the
black robed man released Ides’ fist and bend his body to avoid
the kick.
“It seems this battle with the likes of you will be dragging on a
bit! <Shadow Pierce>!”

“What!?” (Ides)

[T.N: Nani!?]

As the man shouted, a black something came from the shadow

of the robed man underneath Ides and extends towards him.

“Uuuun!” (Ides)

Narrowly avoiding the thing by bending himself by reflex,

Ides strongly kicked the floor and added some distance from the
black robed man.

The thing that grew from that guy’s shadow is…… a thorn.

“Oh, so you dodged it by reflex…… as one would expect from

the five great demon generals, this degree of <Shadow Magic>
doesn’t work on you, now does it.”

“You bastard…… You possess a <Unique Magic>?” (Ides)

Unique Magic, that is a magic which suddenly came into this

world and is inherent to the person. As they are all strong
magic, they are strictly safeguarded and researched by the
residing country as soon as they are detected. Take one wrong
step and that they could rampage and it’s possible they may
blow away the whole city. If it became possible for them to
handle the magic they would release them under surveillance,
but they are never free without effective control.

In other words, it appears that this man is someone who can

handle his strong unique magic. By the way, Setsu have aptitude
in magic of all attributes, but he does not possess Unique Magic.

“Lily! Can I ask you for cover!?” (Ides)

“Sorry…… That’s a bit……” (Lily)

As it is a hard fight to do so on his own he requested for cover,
however Ides turned his head towards the voice of her in pain.
There was the figure of Lily, receiving magic attacks from
various attributes by the three brown-robed men surrounding

Lily is a demon who could not display her full power when it
comes to indoor battles. For Lily, whose strong point in battle is
basically to blow away all around her by magic with high
firepower, she could not fight the same way in the throne room.
If she does it poorly, she could potentially cause terrible damage
to the Demon Lord’s castle.

Conversely, the light brown robed men use this to their

advantage and repeatedly releases magic while keeping distance
to some extent. This kind of situation is definitely not good for

“Ugh……! What an annoying way of fighting ……!” (Lily)

“Kuh…… Lily! I’ll assist you” (Ides)

“Woah, is it fine to leave me alone?”

Noticing the bloodthirst coming from behind him, Ides leapt

horizontally and left the spot.

Instantly large black fist was swung downward at the place he

stood before. The floor of the demon lord’s castle shook along
with a thunderous roar.

“<Shadow Knuckles> …… As expected, I can’t bring you down

with such simple attacks.”

The black arm returned to the shadow of the black robe.

Unique magic that manipulates shadow, he instinctively

broke into cold sweat towards that magic that he had not heard
of before.

(Even I would inevitably received some damage if I took direct

hit for that…)
“Hmm, be that as it may…… because this has become this big
of an uproar, we have no choice but to take her to our continent
in order to continue the ceremony. All of you who have cause
the disturbance will not be invited, but let us eventually come
and see the complete change of the demon lord.”

“Complete change…… you say? You! What do you bastards

plan on doing to Disaster-sama!?” (Ides)

Ides raged towards the man who spoke those inexcusable


However the man began to speak without changing his tone as

if it doesn’t concern him.

“Come now, we won’t lay a hand on her…… However, that

man named Terran will naturally train her over and over until
she becomes his faithful woman, don’t you think? Without
being able to disobey him, the figure of her mind and body
gradually becoming his thing may be rather interesting,
right…… kukuku”
So that’s the reason for the complete change―――――Ides
says as if spitting it out. Something like their leader becoming
that man’s faithful woman. To them this is nothing but despair.
In reality, that man who is frightened beside Disaster would
seize a life like that.

(We have to at least prevent that!)

However, the current Ides is in a deadlock. Disaster, the

strongest fighting force, will likely not move. She is to become
Terran’s woman and has the objective of calling Setsu back to
this world. Currently there is chaos, so she couldn’t decide what
to do.

Lily could not move either. Even now the three men are
attacking her, so she is forced to struggle without moving.

(What can I do……!)

“The battle situation won’t change with you glaring at me

hatefully you know? Even so …… you are quite a bit reckless
aren’t you?”
“Tch!” (Ides)

Because he paid too much attention around him, Ides didn’t

notice him. The fact that the shadow of the black robed man
approached directly below him.

(He can even do that!?)

―――――――Thus he noticed it too late.

Away from him, Disaster called Ides’ name. Her hand clad in
magic power, perhaps she had decided to fight along with Ides,
but that too was too late.

“――――――<Shadow Pierce>”

The shadows of the robed man wriggles, growing countless

numbers of thorns. Those thorns with a pointed tip grew about
to penetrate Ides’ body―――――――――――
“――――――――Dosseeeeeeeeeeeei!” (???)

[T.N: Just some kind of battle cry]

Suddenly a thunderous roar rose with dust, a hole unfolded in

the ceilings of the upper floor of the throne room and the blue
sky can be seen. The remaining shadow thorns that grew
dangerously long returned to its original size as ordinary

Ides, who narrowly escaped from death, quickly took distance

from the black robe. However he only moved until that point.
While he pushed his way through the debris from the ceiling, he
looked at the thing that came out and stopped thinking. Because
it appeared to be a person, he stared at it and stopped moving.

―――――What appeared was a man who dressed like an

adventurer. He wasn’t really tall, his face has very few
features…… How to say, he was an unimpressive man.
However, what is in his hand is a black large sword that doesn’t
suit him.
“ Cough cough…… Shit, did I make a mistake somewhere?”

That man is brushing off the dust with the hand that isn’t
holding the sword. Basically the fact is he is holding the large
sword, which is larger than his height with those slender arms.
The people in that place is captivated at the unbalanced scene.

Among them there are three people, Disaster, Ides and Lily,
who noticed one particular thing. They are aware of the name
of that large sword he is holding.

Disaster, who noticed it earlier than the other two, spoke out
the name.

“That sword―――――― is that <Schwarz>?” (Disaster)

“Like I said stop calling this guy with that name!! It’s
Kuromaru now!!” (???)

The man shouted and pointed at the sword.

That way of speaking, and that naming sense to call the
famous sword Schwarz with such a name…… At that moment
the three people are overflowing with nostalgic feelings.

Disaster, who didn’t stop hoping to meet him again, is already

shedding tears and is staring at the man.

“Are you…… Setsu?” (Disaster)

“――――――――’Sup…… I’m here to save ya, princess.”


Even though his appearance changed, the man is smiling like

a mischievous child just like in the olden days. There’s no doubt
he’s their ‘hero’, Setsu――――――――
Chapter 15: Complete Victory
After hearing about Dezas’ marriage, we departed from the
village the next day. The deadline is three days including today.
Normally it takes two days to move so the grace period is one
day. Although we will make it in time during the ceremony, I’m
afraid that we may not be sufficiently prepared if we take the
battle into consideration.

For that purpose the method I took was the transfer magic
formation Brad used. If it’s Brad, we need several days worth of
magic power in order to activate the magic formation, but if it’s
my magic power, only one day’s worth is needed to activate
it…… like hell it is. I shared magic power with both Levia and
Brad, and we’re barely able to activate it.

I was clean without any magic power so I’ve decided to spend

all day sleeping, but being able to shorten the activation from
two days to one is great. Well, the next day we could barely
move, but thanks to that we were able to prepare ourselves to
some extent.

“――――――and that’s how I got here, any question?” (Setsu)

“I-I understand the gist of it…. But where’s Brad, Levia and
that merchant’s daughter that came with you?” (Dezas)

“If you’re looking for Brad, he’s there.” (Setsu)

“?” (Dezas)

When I point at the ceiling, Brad jump down from the hole.

“Brad!!” (Dezas)

“Are you alright, Disaster-sama!?” (Brad)

Dezas calls out to Brad when she saw him. Brad seems to be
relieved that Dezas is safe.

Conversely, beside Dezas I see a frightened man in a white

suit. Who the hell is he?
“You bastard… as I thought you really did return to this
world..?” (Black Robe)

‘As I thought’? What, did he actually anticipated my return to

this world?

I looked suspiciously at the pitch black robed man in front of

me. He’s totally a creepy guy. For now I guess this dude will be
my opponent?

“Then… oi Brad!! I’m leaving those brown guys to you, okay!?

You too Ides, go with Brad if you can still move!” (Setsu)

“Understood!” (Brad)

“Y-yes…” (Ides)

Although Brad moved at once, Ides seems to still looked

puzzled. Even so, because he seems to believe in me, he ran with
Brad while still confused.
“Then, I guess it’s time to beat your ass? The crime for
putting your hands on Dezas is huge you know?” (Setsu)

“…Although I’m not really the one who put my hands on

her… whatever, you’re the one that is going to get killed today!!
Allow me to crush you right here!” (Black Robe)

The black robed man bluntly release his bloodlust and took a
battle stance.

Huh… looks like this will take a while.

[T.N: POV change to Ruri]

I, Ruri, am currently standing in the throne room of the

demon king’s castle. As for why a poor apprentice merchant like
me is in this kind of place……

“Hey Ruri! Please keep yourself together! I’m here with you,
okay?” (???)
The woman next to me saying these reliable words is Levia-
san. She appears to be the sea god from the myths I have heard
since I was young. This ridiculous person is one of the reasons I
am stuck here.

“Even if you say that…” (Ruri)

“Get a hold of yourself! Look! Your work has come.” (Levia)

“Fue!?” (Ruri)

As Levia-san said so, I lifted up my face that was facing the


Here in front of me were devils running, clad in armor. They

might have heard the explosion sounds that Setsu-san had
caused earlier. Everyone had a serious face.

“You two! Move out of the way!” (Knight)

While holding a sword and spear, a man wearing an armor
that’s somewhat more extravagant than the others said that to
us. I wonder if he is someone like a captain?

“I haven’t seen your face around here! Are you the ones who
caused this uproar?” (Knight)

“Hmm…. I guess I’m indirectly related?” (Levia)

“Wha…. so you’re the one causing the ruckus!!” (Knight)

“No need to get so worked up. Ruri, can you pass it to them?”

“Ah, yes!” (Ruri)

That’s right, this is my job.

From Setsu-san’s magic bag that he gave me, I pull out a palm-
sized object.

When I passed it to the knights one by one, they accept it

while still remaining vigilant. I guess my harmless look is
advantageous at a time like this.

“…… th-this is?” (Knight)

“Croquette――――――is what it is called, but I guess you

should know of this right?” (Levia)

When Levia-san said that, the faces of the knights who

remained vigilant changed.

“This is, where did you get this!?” (Knight)

“The guy causing an uproar inside said to deliver these to you

all. ‘Eat this and wait for a bit’ is what he said I suppose” (Levia)
As Levia-san answers the knight captain-ish person’s
questions, everyone exchanged glances and made lots of ruckus.

“I-it’s Setsu-san’s croquettes!!” (Knight1)

“Did he come back!?” (Knight2)

“As I thought it’s good!!” (Knight3)

“You’re eating it too fast!!” (Knight4)

As there’s already some of them that already finished eating

the croquettes, it seems that we’re able to play our role without
any difficulty.

Our role is to prevent the knighs who heard the uproar from
entering. Setsu-san considered the fact that the enemy’s
strength will cause casualties, so he entrusted us with this task,
but I didn’t think that this deep-fried potato called a croquette
would truly stop everyone.
『I already tamed them with the deliciousness of croquette』

Is what he said while wearing a nasty smile, but it didn’t seem

like a lie.

Incidentally, the reason we hurried with the transfer magic

formation is so we could make large quantities of croquette, or
so it seems. It was very hard to buy the potatoes from the
market. But even though there were only troubles for me and I
wasn’t the one who made them, I still felt happy when they said
it’s delicious.

Or rather, is it fine for everyone to believe it is Setsu with just

one croquette? I’m concerned about this castle’s security.

“What is Setsu-san doing in the throne room? Currently there

is a ceremony taking place ……” (Knight)

“He came to get the demon lord back from that shitty man.”
As Levia-san answers the questions of the knights who
finished their croquette, the area began to turn noisy once

From what I hear, everyone opposes the current

marriage―――――or more like it seems that they strongly
oppose the one who will become her partner. Because of that,
there were some people who suggested assisting Setsu-san, but
Setsu-san himself told them not to come…… so we turned them

“Just wait here patiently, there’s still some croquettes left.”


“Oh, I’ll gladly accept them.” (Knight)

Once again I distribute the croquettes to everyone.

When I put one in my mouth, although I thought of

something impolite like it would have taste better when it’s still
hot, my hand doesn’t stop moving to eat the delicious potato. It
seems that in the world Setsu-san came from, they put this in
their lunch box and carry it with them. Let’s ask him to make
this for me next time…

[T.N: POV changed to MC]

I avoided the black thorns approaching in front of my eyes by

turning my neck. Then I got closer and swung Kuromaru
towards the black robe.

“Kuh……” (Black Robe)

That attack I made by swinging the sword widely on purpose,

ended up missing from a backstep.

“What a sharp attack…… I almost spilled blood there.” (Black


“…oh, eh, okay.” (Setsu)

‘You can’t kill me with just this’――――――is the kind of
vibes he’s shooting at me, but is it really a sharp attack?

“I shall go seriously as well! <Shadow Knuckle>!” (Black Robe)

A pitch black fist appears from the man’s shadow. It’s quite
big huh, it seems to be able to squash my body.

But I wasn’t particularly in a hurry, so I stared at it while

being disappointed that this degree is what he meant with being

“Haah!” (Setsu)

Together with a yell, I stopped the fist from the front with the
hand not holding Kuromaru. The momentum resounded with a
thud, but there was not even a single damage whatsoever.

“With one hand… tch.” (Black Robe)

“Oopsie daisy!” (Setsu)

I raised Kuromaru overhead and swung down to the black fist

that I stopped. The cut arm vanished and the black robed man
retreated from the wind pressure created by the sword swing.

“What kind of ridiculous bullshit is this……” (Black Robe)

“Yeah, I get that a lot” (Setsu)

“Wha!?” (Black Robe)

I instantly shortened the distance from the retreating man, I

drove a front kick into the guy’s stomach while his stance is still

“Gahah―――――!” (Black Robe)

Spitting out saliva and his breath, the man got blown away
and rolled away as he hit the ground. As I thought this guy is
not that strong. Did he really give a hard fight with that guy
Ides? The title of Five Great Generals is going to cry you know?

If he’s only this strong, then the other two probably didn’t
have to keep the soldiers away. It seems that it didn’t become a
scale large enough to get them involved.

“Gah…… Hah…… <Shadow Lance>!” (Black Robe)

While the guy is still kneeling, A huge lance that exceeds 3

meters grew from him.

That seems like it packs quite a punch, so it might be able to

injure me.

“Eat this…kuh!” (Black Robe)

“Just shoot it already.” Setsu)

“Haah!!” (Black Robe)

Together with a yell, the fired lance flew straight towards me.
It has enough power to easily open a hole in the demon king’s
castle wall. I can’t let him add any more holes here, because I
feel guilty for drilling up the ceiling.

“Tei” (Setsu)

I smacked the lance. With just that the lance is struck towards
the floor and the tip broke.

I take my eyes off the lance that had disintegrated into

particles, and showed a smile as a means of provocation to the
black robe guy that can’t conceal his jaw dropping even if his
face can’t be seen.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you have anything else above this

level?” (Setsu)

“Guh… what’s with that out of the norm power… to lightly

handle the power of <Shadow Lance> that is A-rank…” (Black

“Don’t you get full of yourself with just A-rank attacks, you
pitch black dude. Let me show you my SSS-rank punch.” (Setsu)

“Kuh……<Shadow Sphere>!” (Black Robe)

I lightly kicked the ground and got closer to the black robed
man and while I repelled the bullets the man hurled from his
shadow with my sword, and appeared in front of him.

I grabbed his arm before he kicked the ground to take distance

and I held it tightly so he won’t escape.

“Don’t you run away, no need to hesitate and receive this

punch.” (Setsu)

“Gah―――――――――” (Black Robe)

I let go of my sword and bashed the face of the black robe. He
was blown away together with a dull sound and he fell down at
the same place when I had him eat my front kick.

“You’re really something else huh, how long are you going to
conceal your true power?” (Setsu)

I asked a question to the black robed man who was collapsed

and letting out a groan. I am interested in the fact that the
strength and aura he holds are in no way proportional to each

Although I don’t have magic eyes, I’m somehow able to guess

the amount of enemy’s magic power from their aura. With this,
I see he appeared to be holding SS-rank strength, but when I
watch him fight, he is no more than an A or S rank.

“Hah…… Hah…… As expected from the out of standard

Hero…… so I can’t become your opponent in this current
state……” (Black Robe)

“This current state?” (Setsu)

“Sorry, but I will have myself withdraw from this…… I must
report about you to my master after all.” (Black Robe)

“I don’t know who your master is, but do you think I will let
you go away so easily?” (Setsu)

I picked up the sword I let go of and thrusted at that guy’s


”Fuh…… You bastard cannot rob me of my life…… Know that

that half-heartedness will become your undoing…… kukuku”
(Black Robe)

Saying that, the man disappears leaving behind only the black
robe. The black magic particles flutters in the surrounding, and
disappeared before long.

“Shadow magic‘s Shadow Clone? ――――――he really got me

there.” (Setsu)

So the weakness from before was because it was a clone’s

body, no wonder there was no significant response from him. I
brushed off the black particles while remembering the
irritation. The next time I meet him, I’ll give that master of his
a serious beating.

“――――――Setsu” (Brad)

“…… Oh, so you’re done there too?” (Setsu)

Brad, Lily and Ides came to me while each of them dragging

those brown robed fellow. They didn’t seem to have any
significant injury, so it looks like it’s a complete victory.

“For now, strip them off of all their possessions and

reveal――――――” (Setsu)

“Setsu!!” (???)

“Uwaa!!” (Setsu)
Just as I wanted to say to reveal their true characters, a weight
rushed on my back softly. The demon king Disaster, who looked
like a bride, embraced me as if to cover my body. Due to
reincarnation my body became completely different, my height
dropped down so the height difference between me and Dezas is
completely reversed. Five years ago I was the taller one.

Guh…… it became unpleasant.

“You’re not hurt anywhere are you?” (Setsu)

“None! I’m still pure!” (Dezas)

Yeah, I’m glad, so glad…… Don’t say that in public! Can’t you
see I can’t respond to that here!?

“Well, what to say…. Anyway, glad to see you again, Dezas.”


“…Yes!…Yes!” (Dezas)

She tightens her embrace. Looking at her trembling arms, I

knew that she had felt quite uneasy. On the outside she might
looks mature, but she’s still a girl on the inside. She must’ve felt
the danger towards herself.

“Still though… white really didn’t suit you.” (Setsu)

I said that when I see her dress. As I thought red or black suits
her more. I really felt uncomfortable seeing her wearing white,
so if possible I want her to return to her usual cloth.

“I thought you would say that…… this is more or less how a

bride should look like I guess” (Dezas)

She said so while putting a wry smile. Well, if I leave out the
color, she’ll look unreasonably beautiful now though……

“Hah… please wear a red and black wedding dress next time.”

I think I would really praise her if the dress is that color.

“Mu! By chance… is that a proposal!?” (Dezas)

She amazingly bit on my words and went and pulled my face

towards her. It was inevitable that it was painful from having to
look at a rather high angle. Stop, stop!
While I was enduring the pain, I opened my mouth.

“We-well if you really wish for marriage…” (Setsu)

Basically I have no intention of refusing. Although there’s the

question of like or not, if I like her I want to answer her feelings.
Besides, is there even a reason to refuse a marriage proposal
from a beautiful woman that would be unthinkable of in Japan?
―――――――――nope, there’s none.

Please understand, just like any boy, even I have a dream of

having a harem.

…well my mental age already exceeds 30 years though….

“R-really!? Ah, no… but…” (Dezas)

For an instant, Dezas showed a smile like a flower blooming,

but it instantly changed into a thinking expression.
“However, would it really be okay to accept the proposal now,
or should I propose to both of you at once….ughーーーー!! What
should I do!?” (Setsu)

“By ‘both’, you mean Roa…?” (Dezas)

Roa Leonail(ロア・レオネール Ro-a Re-o-nee-ru), that’s the name of

the daughter of the Beast King, the king of the Beastman
Continent. The Devil and the Beastman used to be hostile, but
the king and the king’s daughter are friends now. At first the
atmosphere is pretty dangerous, but it seems that they got on
friendly terms when they have a meeting along with me. They
seems to be pretty close now.

“Urghーーー… I-I’ve decided! I won’t propose yet!! I’ll propose

to both you and Roa!” (Setsu)

“Y-yeah…” (Dezas)

Dezas parts with me and tightly grasp her hand. I don’t know
how well she’ll be able to take it.
“Wait, are you guys all fine with this? Even though your
leader is going to marry someone like me……” (Setsu)

“If it’s something Disaster-sama decided” (Brad)

“That’s right isn’t it~We cannot go against her, right~” (Lily)

“Fumu, if Disaster-sama made the decision I will not object”


Brad spoke with a firm tone, but his face broke into a smile. In
addition, Lily and Ides spoke completely monotone and did not
even hide their broad smirk.

――――――These guys, even though they didn’t accept

today’s wedding ceremony to the point of acting violently……

“Well, I guess it’s better than you guys going against it…
――――――so, what should we do with that guy?” (Setsu)

When I asked that, everyone faced a certain direction.

“Hiih……” (???)

At that place there was a human man wearing a white suit.

The Five Great Generals certainly didn’t accept that man who is
to marry the bride, so he is a pitiful bridegroom.

The frightened figure who is holding his legs and is hiding in

the shadows of the throne, we couldn’t endure seeing such a
shameful figure.

“So I was about to become such man’s thing…… Now that I

think it over, it is frightening.” (Dezas)

It was cruel to say that, but even if she said that, it can’t be
helped since he looks miserable and dirty.
“Pl-please save me… just my life…” (Terran)

His teeth was chattering as he was going to beg for his life.

Desas and co seems to want to say to entrust me with his

punishment, so I sent my gaze at him.

I sighed and walked towards the man. Kuromaru is in my


“Yo, mister pitiful-bridegroom-deserted-by-his-companion,

how are you feeling?” (Setsu)

“P-please help me… if-if it’s money you want I can pay you…”

Shouldn’t he be asking of such thing to Dezas, the lord of the

I grabbed the carefully set hair of his and raised his face.

“――――――It can’t be helped, I’ll at least save your life.”


“! You, you really will!?” (Terran)

“Yeah, however――――――” (Setsu)

I thrust Kuromaru right beside him and said;

“――――――I’ll have you spit out every information you

know.” (Setsu)

There’s a bit of my bloodlust mixed with that thrust, so this

guy nodded many times even when he’s covered in runny nose
and tears.
Chapter 16 Ruri’s dream
“Take him away.”

“Yes sir!”

Terran exited the throne room, taken away by the castle


He was extremely tired when he left; I couldn’t sense any

vitality on his face. It’s like you dropped down from the peak of
happiness to all the way to the base you know, it was kind of

“――――――In the end, he didn’t have any decent

information. What is that black robe scheming……”

“That’s right…… I wonder what he planned to do by

approaching me.”

The first info I got out of that guy is that the black robed man
and he as a firm are trading partners . Terran firm primarily
deals with a wide arrange of goods, ranging from foodstuffs to
miscellaneous goods. Because their quality is reliable, there are
many from each nation who favour them. But that is how it
looks on the outside. Behind the scenes they seem to be dealing
with narcotics and distributing them to the big shots, that kind
of work.

And the one supplying the narcotics is the black robed man. It
seems that they are doing magic experiments to produce energy
and the narcotics were seemingly created as a byproduct by

“An experiment that produces narcotics…… I don’t see

anything good about this experiment that make people change
like this…… “

I took off the hood of the light brown robes who are lying on
the ground.

The head is full of cobs, the cheeks here and there are
discolored bluish purple, one eye is swollen so much it
protrudes halfway.
They might have been originally an ordinary human, I guess.
Now they’re unrecognizable though……

It seems they are the result of the experiments the black robes
are doing. Even Terran doesn’t know the full details, but it looks
like those guys are attempting to produce biological weapons.

I gently put back the hood. I don’t know what kind of people
they were before, but I don’t think they want to be seen in this
appearance even after they died.

“These guys…… I don’t know if they’re biological weapons or

not, but their strength is real.”

“I’m sorry, we could’ve been able to pull out more

information if we captured them alive……“

Ides and Lily, who are beside Desas, said so. It was reasonable
that even with their abilities it’s difficult to capture them alive.
It may become quite the miracle if those guys are mass
production models.
“I will be troubled if you tried to capture them and receive
injuries instead. None of you have any injuries so let us be glad
with that.”

Desas lets out her voice to the frustrated two.

Well, the throne room is pretty much ruined though……

Desas is a demon who is considerate towards her friends and
subordinates, so she is rather delighted that they don’t have any
personal injury I guess.

“In any case, we can’t leave these guys lying down like this I
guess…… Brad, can I leave this to you?”

“As you wish.”

As I tell Brad to bury them, he carried the brown robes and

left the room.

“With this it should be all right……Hmm? What’s wrong

“ …… Nah, it’s nothing.”

Desas spoke to me worried when I was pondering while

looking at the brown robes. What I’m bothered with is the
organization that created these brown robes. I couldn’t get
Terran to spill out the name of the organization or their plan,
but I’m worried about the existence who is called the “master”
by the black robed man who left at that time. And he also said
“As I thought” when I came to help these guys.

They anticipated my return to this world. In addition to that,

the “they will summon me, so marry her” plan regarding Desas
was brought up to Terran by those guys.

(It’s inconsistent…… but there’s way too little information I


“What is wrong, Setsu.”

As I was thinking again, Levia, who was next to me, looked

worriedly into my face. Next to her was Ruri, who was making a
similar expression.
“It’s really nothing, okay…… I’m fine.”

I still don’t know anything, I can’t let them get any more
worried about me than this I guess. I showed them a smile to let
them know there’s nothing to worry about.

“More importantly Ruri, don’t you have something you have

to deliver to Desas?”

“Ah! That’s right!”

In order to change the subject, I recalled the talk about Ruri’s

original purpose for coming here. Ruri searched in her pockets
in panic and upon finding the object, she rushed over to Desas
while holding it.

“Uhm! This is the item my granddad entrusted me with

delivering it!”

“I see…… this is……”

Desas received the presented item. It’s the black brooch I once
gave to Desas.

“Hm, I see it’s certainly fixed. You have my gratitude, Ruri

was it? So, why is it that you came to deliver this? Is the old

“Ah…… because of illness…… he already”

“ …… Is that so, I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay. It may be lonely, but I’m fine now.”

Ruri smiled as she said so. That smile shows loneliness as

expected, but it wasn’t gloomy. It looks like she really got back
on her feet.

“You really saved me though, I felt hopeless when the brooch

Setsu gave me broke――――――”

Huh? Didn’t I told Ruri about that? To Ruri, who was facing
this way with a surprised expression, I said this.

“That’s something I made. I also added the name in the back

you see.”

“Whaaaaat!? What kind of person are you mister Setsu!?”

What are you asking me after all this? After all, I was
summoned from another world ――――――

hm? Ah, I see!

“I haven’t told you who I really am!”

“Mister Setsu is the great hero who stopped the war five years
“Well, I wasn’t at the level of a great hero though”

“To us, Setsu is not only the person who saved our lives, he is
also our country’s benefactor I tell you!”

Why is Desas interrupting the conversation with a

triumphant look? To these guys I may be that kind of person,
but it’s only making me itchy.

…… Now that she told me, I even came to feel glad that I did
my best in my fight to the point it changed the topography

“Setsu was amazing…… like with that devilish hero,



“h…… I see, my apologies”

I stopped the conversation with Desas who looks like she’s
heating up. Ruri doesn’t have to know more than this. It’s a
story I don’t really want to remember.

“In, in any case! I should give you something as a reward,


Desas herself changed the somewhat awkward mood. Ruri

opened her mouth while still confused from suddenly changing
the subject back to work.

“No, I can’t accept that! I have already received the reward

along with the request after all……“

“That doesn’t matter right? Just take what’s been given to

you, okay?”

“Even you, Mister Setsu!?”

To be able to receive a reward directly from the honorable

demon king, I don’t think she has any reason to refuse it

“To receive more than the original reward is, you know…… as
a merchant, I……”

I see, it seems like she thinks she’s not qualified to receive it.
Even though she looks like a little kid, her way of thinking is

“Hey, what do you know, you can hold yourself back unlike
the brats from before. Just take everything you receive.”

I compromised with Ruri and patted on her head.

Her face became extremely unhappy. What is this, how fun.

“Gununu…… even though I’m already thirteen……”

“Aren’t you even an adult yet?”

In this world you’re considered an adult when you’re fifteen
years old. Alcohol becomes available at that age…… whether
there’s someone to protect you or not is another story. By the
way, marriage is only possible from the age of seventeen. If you
marry as soon as you come to age, you won’t be able to work
sufficiently and something like a bankruptcy could happen.

“Yo-you too, mister Setsu! You’re not that much older than
me you know! I don’t want to be treated like a kid by someone
like that!”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you lass, but I’m well over thirty if
you count my past life”

“Counting your past life is unfair you know!?”

Fuhahaha, how about that! This is a little kid

grandpa―――――― or not, yeah. Impossible. (T.N. He says ジジ
ショタ, literally jiji shota, ie grandpa shota)

“In my case you’re both children though……”

“Your mental age is at the level of a high school girl so shut
up, you!”

Even though she lived for several hundred years she doesn’t
have a shred of impression of an old hag, how did she spend her
life to stay like that? It’s not just her voice is it?

“I don’t know what this being called high school girl is

like…… but I feel like I’ve been made a big fool of aren’t I?”

Tsk, your intuition is sharp, as expected of the demon king.

I know I’ve been making a fool of her, but I’ll be troubled if I

have to yield myself, so I start changing the subject again.

Hey you! Don’t tell me I have to reap what I sow!

“Well, leaving aside the whole age thing, isn’t it easier for
Ruri to accept it if you decide what to give her?”
“It feels like the subject was changed…… Well, certainly that’s
also true…… umumu, I thought that properly bestowing her a
medal would be fine at a time like this, but…… that is not what
you want, now do you Ruri?

Hey, that’s what a highschool girl would say.

Some people in this country would cry if they know what

reward you’ve given properly until now, without a doubt.

“Isn’t there anything you wish for Ruri?”

“You mean, what I wish for?”

Ruri is suddenly asked and looks at me while trembling. Her

face seems to want to say “What should I do!?”

As expected, bluntly refusing here would leave a bad taste, so I

decided to give her an acceptable advice.
“Try to just say it, everything’s fine as long as it’s not

“Even if you say that……”

“Look, isn’t there anything? Like…… a dream or something”

When I mentioned dreams, Ruri’s shoulders twitched.

She may have some dreams. Before I thought about asking

her, she opened her mouth herself.

“If it’s a dream…… then I do have one”

While saying so, Ruri faced Desas with determination and

conveyed her dream.

“I――――――would like to have my own store.”

Torches were lit inside the pitch black room. Even though
those attached on the walls are lit, the room is still dim and the
feet are hard to see.

A long desk is placed in the middle of the room and sitting

around it are several men and women wearing a black robe.

Those robes were identical to the man who fought Setsu with
shadow magic several tens of minutes ago.

“ …… My clone body was taken down”

“Is that so, how was it?”

“It is just as you said, my master; that man lives”

“Hahaha! So he does! I knew it!”

The first black robe who opened its mouth had the same voice
as the man who fought with Setsu. The man who was in the
demon continent was a clone body manufactured here.

And the one conversing with him is the man sitting in the first
seat. His voice was neutral so it was difficult to know his gender
and with the black robe hiding both his face and physique, it’s
increasingly more difficult to know whether he’s a man or a
woman. However, it is obvious that this person is the master of
the group from that strange aura.

“Thank you for going there to confirm it, Kagerou.”

“It is no problem if it is at the request of my master.”

The man who handles shadow magic appears to be called

Kagerou. Kagerou returned the words of gratitude curtly. He
thinks that it is natural to fulfill his master’s requests, so he
considers words of gratitude as unnecessary.

The master knows of his mood from his loyalty, so he

delightfully opened its mouth.
“Just by using that demon king’s dilemma as a bait, we
skillfully lured him out like that.”

“There was the possibility of him not coming, but what do

you intend to do if that were the case?”

“If that happens then we will manipulate Terran from the

shadows and only recover our objective, which is the demon

”It is a backup plan that doesn’t create any

gaps”――――――the master says with a blank look.

“I understand now, as expected from master”

“Don’t praise me so much, Kagerou”

As the two people are having a conversation, a knock

resounded suddenly.
The sound comes from an iron door, which is the only
entrance and exit of this room.

“Oh, you can come in.”

“――――――My apologies for my rudeness”

The one who entered together with the permission of the

master is a young girl with blond hair which is shaking by the
wind. Wrapped in a high class dress, her facial expression is
slightly red, as if she’s a girl whose cheeks are reddened from

“This is Margaret, first princess of the kingdom of Destinea.

I’ve come to report the present condition.”

“Why Margaret, you are as beautiful as always.”

“Such, such flattery is, you see……”

Margaret’s cheeks are colored even more and she agonizes. No
matter how you look at it, it was the face of a woman who fell in
love. That should be expected, since this master is Margaret’s
hero, he is a Hero after all.

“And so? How are the summoned brave Heroes doing?”

“They are growing favourably. The <User of the Sacred

Sword> and his group are even able to dive into the <Cavern of

“Oh really now……”

This Cavern of sorrow is one of the existing dungeons in this

world. Several adventurers have established a rank for each
dungeon and this cavern’s difficulty is considered A rank.

“Since they were able to capture dungeons as far as B rank,

even S rank dungeons should be within their grasp before long
don’t you think?”
“That would be nice! If that is the case they may soon become
useful to us.”

The master talked as he got ahold of new toys and started

laughing. When the laughter lessened, he said that to Margaret
who showed a delightful face from seeing the laughter.

“I would like to receive reports from you again okay?


“Please leave it to me――――――Sir Touma” (冬真; kanji is

winter and truth)

Touma…… That is the name of the man who was summoned

together with Setsu before and also the name of the man who
was buried by Setsu.

After Margaret left the room, he called one of the black robes
in the room.

“Say Shironeko, won’t you head towards the beastmen

country for me?” (T.N. シロネコ; shironeko)

“ …… I understand -no desu”

As the black robed person called Shironeko was told this, she
begins to head towards the exit without asking for the reason.
It’s as if to say she wants to leave this place immediately.

“Wait, wait! I haven’t told you your job yet!?”

Touma was flustered and stopped her. As a matter of fact,

Shironeko has not pledged loyalty towards him so there were
various problems with her attitude.

“Shironeko! Please pay more respects to Master Touma!”

There was one person who felt angry from that attitude. The
person who shouted with a woman’s voice grabbed Shironeko,
who didn’t even look at her, by the collar.
“Calm down Luna. Let go of Shironeko.”(ルーナ; ruuna)

“Master Touma……”

As Luna was told by a quiet voice, she did as she was told
while she glared at Shironeko from within her hood.

“Shironeko, your job is to attack Setsu when he is in the

beastmen country. He went to the demon country, so the next
place will be the beastmen country after all. Attack during his
sleep if possible, I want him captured alive. In the case he
responds to your attack, retreat okay? He is someone you
absolutely cannot defeat from the front you see.”

“ …… I understand -no desu.”

“Don’t think about escaping just like that, okay? I don’t

particularly care what becomes of your little sister in the
beastmen continent you see…… “

“I’m not planning to run away -no desu. I will do as I am told -

no desu.”

“ …… right, that’s a good kid.”

After being conveyed the contents of her work, Shironeko

calmly left the room. Even though he threatened her with her
weakness, he saw her off with a good smile.

After Shironeko’s presence is completely vanished, Touma

gave orders to the other black robes.

“ …… Kuroinu, keep an eye on Shironeko. You can kill her if

she betrays us.” (クロイヌ; kuroinu; yes, these names)

“Yes, my liege.”

The black robed person called Kuroinu left the room as well.

Inside the room that decreased in numbers, Touma was

pleased with the fact he was able to let the course of events go
the way he had planned.

“Hahaha…… I will surely get my hands on you, isn’t that

right?…… Setsu.

――――――――――My beloved.”
Chapter 17 Ruri’s dream store
When Ruri said she wanted a store, Desas thought for a while
and easily approved of it.

“―――――― I see, so you wish for a store. If it’s just that then
suppose I can arrange it; however, mine authority is only
effective within Evil Barrow. A place like the human continent
is naturally impossible as well as the castle and outside the
castle town. Would that still be fine with you?”

“I don’t have any objections. Please arrange it under those


“I understand. Also, it’s about the size though……”

“In that case…… I would like to have a stall.”


Hearing that, Desas left her mouth open. Even I was

surprised, because I just thought for sure that a large shop is
what she clearly wanted.

Even if what she wanted wasn’t a large shop, stalls were the
smallest shops in this world. If you talk about its use, it would
be at the extent of restaurants setting up food samples to serve
as advertisement for their cuisine.

“The truth is that I do want a large store, but…… I still lack

experience and I’m not an adult yet like Mister Setsu
mentioned. That’s why, even if I receive a large store, I think it
would be too much for me to manage it.”

Upon hearing that, Desas and I showed a “So that’s how it is”
kind of face. If the shop is large, it won’t be just large, but the
management of it will be harder for sure. In that respect, a stall
should be sufficient for even Ruri to handle.

“I have acknowledged the matter of the stall however, what in

the world will you be selling? I don’t think you can sell decent
articles though……”
“About that…… I have a small request to ask of you mister

While Ruri said that, she looked this way. Is she going to sell
the merchandises she will request from me? I can’t think of
anything in particular though……

“Actually…… I want to try selling the deep fried food you have
made, mister Setsu.”

――――――And so.

“――――――Mix the potato and the minced meat and add the
bread crumbs to it, then add it to the oil and ta-dah! You got

“Ye, yes I do! I can somehow understand this!”

Today I’m in the kitchen of the demon king’s castle together

with Ruri. I think Ruri’s idea to sell deep-fried food is quite a
great idea. In that case it can sell well in a stall and it’s suitable
for after school students to buy and eat them easily. It doesn’t
seem like you can earn a large profit, but you will likely be able
to get a steady income with this. Well, I’m a novice at commerce
so I don’t understand and all, but…… I guess it’s a safe bet since
the one who can see whether things can sell well or not, the sole
merchant’s daughter Ruri said so.

“Then, if it becomes kind of this colour, take it out the oil in a

flash. Alright, this one’s good. Hey, it’s done! Here, take it!”

“Yes sir, right away!”

I put the croquette I took out on a dish and handed it over to

the waiter who is waiting for instructions.

“Even so, what an amazing dexterity do you have…… making

a dozens of portions in the blink of an eye……”

“We ain’t done yet I tell ya! Hey Ruri, you come help me out
too! We’re not done making them you know!”
“Ah, okay!”

I took out the chicken meat which is fried in another pot. This
food is the so-called chicken cutlet.

Right now the demon lord’s castle is holding a simple party

and the cooking duty is once again entrusted to me. When I was
just thinking I guess they’re going to ask me in the end, by no
means did I expect it to become a mess where I have to make
enough for all the members in the demon lord’s castle…… Well,
I can teach Ruri in making deep-fried food at the same time, so
it wasn’t a bad job if it’s done for her sake.

“It would be nice if we could have Setsu constantly make them

like this……”

“That is impossible for him for the time being.”

I have to visit the beastmen continent after all and then I plan
to go and pick up Yuuhi in the human continent.
“Well, once everything’s over I can go out with you for a bit

“You, you really can!?”

Ruri bit on my words harder than I expected. The oil is going

to splatter you know, pay attention.

“Let’s make you prosper by that time okay? Else it won’t be

worth helping you out after all.”

“Ah, yes! Of course! Running a shop together with mister

Setsu…… fufu”

While Ruri is frying croquettes, she is blushing happily. I’m

not so much of a person you should be glad with though……

“Oh…… this one’s also done. Sorry Ruri, but take this one
“Ah, okay! I will take it!”

I put the chicken cutlets on the plate properly and handed it

over to Ruri. I then moved to the pan with the croquettes,
substituting Ruri who left the kitchen.

I’m sorry that it gets in the way of her fried food practice, but
those bunches who are getting excited right now don’t really
want to eat cold food. Well, I wonder if the fried food this time
are done well or not.

When I was waiting for the croquettes to finish frying, I

noticed Desas entering the kitchen. Because it looks strange for
the demon lord to come to this kind of place, the cooks whom I
asked to be an assistant opened their eyes widely.

“Setsu, I’m sorry for entrusting you with the cooking……

originally I wanted you to do take it leisurely, but……”

“It’s fine, really. Well, it’s troublesome though. Still, you guys
eating and saying it’s delicious is …… it honestly makes me
“I see…… It has been a long time for me as well, so I’ve
already eaten one dish of Setsu’s croquette”

“You’ll become fat, you know”

“Ugh…… I’m doing exercises, so I will be all right”

When I warned her in a straightforward way, she started

rubbing her stomach while looking down. It’s amazingly lean.
Wouldn’t it be fine if she has a bit more meat on it is what I
thought, but I wonder; do only girls understand the reason they
dislike the extra meat?

“So what is it? I won’t allow you to steal some food you

“That’s not why I’m here! …… There is something I want to

talk about with you, you see”

Oops, looks like it was a serious conversation. I stopped with

the teasing and stopped pouring magic to the fire magic stone in
the stove I’m working on. When I confirmed that the fire
stopped, I asked the cooks to take care of the cooking for a

“What do you want to talk about?”

“ …… With Setsu returned here, we no longer have any reason

to seek vengeance towards the human country. So I will be
calling back the group responsible for attacking the human
country in person, but……”

“――――――Isn’t that what the human country is aiming for,

is that what you’re thinking?”

“Right, you do understand that well.”

I heard from Eruka that the human country is considering

using this war to attack both the demon continent and
beastmen continent again. If that’s the case, then I’m sure it
won’t be strange for them to aim for the moment they
withdraw. It’s because they will be fighting near their own
territory and their opponent is turning their backs on them
after all.

“Those people, they will see this opportunity to come steal our
territory again. If you see it that way, you can understand one
side of the current defensive battle.”

“Really…… Your opponent isn’t attacking?”

“Yes, they’re constantly on the defense. Thanks to that there

are no damage done on our side, but we could hardly deal any
damage to the other side as well. We’ve continued fighting for a
considerable time, but the gate not being open until this very
day is the proof of it. I can’t send out reinforcements carelessly,
because there is too little movement on the other side. I
periodically send off a ship with troops, taking turns with a ship
full of expired foodstuff among other things I’m doing.”*

That they’re not moving is ominous, really. Pulling back the

soldiers she mentioned looks like a pain as well.

”If it’s about withdrawing them, isn’t there only one choice
which is to draw them back while sending reinforcements to
protect them?”

“I also think that method is the only choice…… well, in any

case we have to inform the beastmen continent of Setsu’s return
don’t we? Even if my troops are pulled back, the beastmen
troops will remain”

“Yeah…… So, shall I go to the beastmen continent right away


“I would’ve liked it if you to took it more leisurely though”

Desas says so while making a lonely expression. With just that

she loses the most of the majesty of a demon lord. At times like
this, the best thing to do is to stroke her head for now.

“Ah…… You, are you not giving me the same treatment as


“Right now you’re the same as her you know? Well, you just
wait okay? I have to show my face to the other guys, but once
the war ends, I’ll take it very slowly.”

Desas looks unhappy from being treated as a child, but her

mood returned after hearing the last part of my words,.

“ …… That is right, information came in about the heroes who

were summoned along with you.”


I don’t really have much interest in that, but I wonder; how

much of a prodigy are they becoming? Only their abilities are
outrageous after all, those guys.

“I’m told that one Hero who does not possess a sacred sword
seems to be towering above the rest of the current Heroes.“

“They didn’t possess the sacred sword?”

So when it comes to talented people, there are those above
Kouma? As far as I can remember, his Excalibur type doesn’t
really look strong compared to the sacred swords I’ve checked
up until now. However, wielders of a sacred sword get
outrageous statuses on its own, it shouldn’t be easy at all for
capable people to become better than a wielder of a sacred

“This is information procured from an informant in Destinea,

but I have heard of a girl who use an orange colored fire magic. I
believe her nickname is the <Witch of the setting sun>?”
(Romaji:Yuuhi no majou)

Setting sun――――――Orange?

“Aah…… her.”

“Do you know this person? Nevertheless, hearing that she

exceeded a wielder of a sacred sword, we can’t make light of her.
We should be thoroughly vigilant of――――――”

“No, she’s fine, because right now she should be receiving

coaching from Eruka.”

“I see, from that ice woman. In other words she is your

comrade, is that correct?”

“Yeah, that’s how it is.”

Be that as it may, Yuuhi…… we’ve only been apart for a few

days, you know…… how much have your abilities increased in
this short time, this childhood friend of mine.

“Be careful though okay? The heroes summoned with me can

become a decent war potential after all. This war can be
overturned if you’re being careless, you know.”

“I shall take your advice to heart. However――――――They

won’t be like that person would they?”

“ …… that guy is special.”

What I’m reminded of is the smile of that gender fraud of a
shitty Hero. Even if I know he isn’t in this world anymore, it
feels like I’m constantly being watched. That guy’s existence is
that deeply ingrained within me as a trauma.

No…… He did become a companion, but…… well, I mean, It’s

because he’s a guy who’s dangerous in various ways――――――

“ …… I understand your pain.”

“No, stop Desas. A woman like you isn’t supposed to

understand that.”

“If it’s from the same sex, then I too have……well……”

“Thanks Desas, you’re someone who understands me”

That’s right, Desas is also beautiful of course. I bet there are

many who approach her calling her mistress and such. My bad
for acting like that. Let me cherish her with my whole life. And
then have her cherish me. That way we can support each other.
But I wonder why though? I end up feeling like that guy, who
I’ve dealt with with my own hands, is still aiming for me……
like I feel that his terror hasn’t ended yet……

“Hey Setsu? You’re staring you know……?”

“I’m all right…… I’m supposed to be all right”

If that guy was at least a woman…… Would I not be feeling

this terrified then, I wonder.

“Aaargh! No more! This conversation is over! Anyway, I’m

leave this castle the day after tomorrow! End of story!”

“Wha, wait! Is that not too sudden!?”

“I’ve made up my mind now so shut up!”

At any rate I want to forget that smile now. If I can think

about something else.

“I would have wanted you to take a few more days


“ …… well, that might drag on and on forever you see.”

If it becomes too comfortable for me, I won’t be able to leave

until I die. I also want to quickly see the faces of those guys in
the beastmen continent. Desas kept a unhappy face for a while,
but she eventually consented in the end.

“――――――I guess that is also true. If possible…… please

come back quickly. Won’t I……won’t I be lonely……”


So there’s this person here who’s calling herself lonely while

fidgeting embarrassingly. What is this cute creature, even
though she’s a demon lord.
Thus I’ve decided on my departure schedule.

However, the me at the time didn’t know…… that the guy

who became this much of a trauma to me――――――

――――――and I will meet once again.

Chapter 18 Depart, Evil Barrow
Ruri’s side

Today, mister Setsu will depart from Evil barrow. When I am

about to start preparing the stall I received for the very first
time in the castle town, mister Setsu comes here expressly to
greet me.

“Ruri, I’m gonna leave this place today, so yeah.”

Going to the toilet for a bit―――――is how it felt the way he

told me and I unconsciously opened my mouth wide for a
moment. During that time he searched his own pockets and
threw some kind of string shaped object towards me.

I checked the object I received while I’m confused and upon

closer inspection, it is a necklace. On the curiously shaped gem,
there is a white cord going through it. I inquire about the
meaning of the necklace and he said “It’s an accessory I’m
giving to people I’m close with in case we separate”. Speaking of
farewell gifts, is the brooch miss Desas is carrying also the same
as this necklace I wonder?
That makes me happy and somewhat ecstatic and mister Setsu
comes to look at me with unkind eyes. I get angry from that, but
this person would end up running away smoothly.

I feel like it would be like this if I had a big brother. His

attitude towards me too, it’s as if he sees me as his little sister.
The truth is, I want him to see me more as a woman though……

When I’m being teased and I start getting teary eyed, this
person would place his hands on my head. Mister Setsu’s hand
is warm and before I notice, he is stroking my head gently.
Actually he doesn’t do it very gently at all, but I don’t resist it.

“Well, you do your best with your stall okay? Once I return,
I’ll help you make it prosper after all”

While saying those last words, mister Setsu walks out of the
town and continued walking towards the gates. There were
many things I still want to talk about, but I will trouble him if I
restrain him here. I suppress the feeling of reluctance to part
with him and watch mister Setsu’s back until he disappears.
If I run this store together with him, I wonder how happy I
would become. For the sake of this newly made dream of mine, I
must make this store prosper and overcome mister Setsu’s

I put in my fighting spirit and prepared to open my store.

Actually, tomorrow is the opening of the store, but I will boldly
open the store today in the afternoon. I brace myself even more
and start putting my hands on the ingredients that was meant
for tomorrow.

“――――――The lot who got an accessory from me increased

by a lot didn’t it……”

While I’m recalling the part with me giving an accessory to

Ruri, I mutter a few words.

Basically, the accessories I give out contains my divine

protection. Although I call it divine protection, it’s something
unique that would invalidate attacks from the mind
interference series, invalidate a life threatening attack once and
it informs me when it falls into a crisis. I also wanted to put in a
bit more powers like body strengthening, but the jewels and
such used for storing them doesn’t have enough capacity to
store that much power.

Currently, the ones holding this accessory are the three people
who traveled together with me, Yuuhi, Desas and Ruri. There is
one more person joining them, but that person is in a place
distant from the three big continents, so I’m thinking about
introducing her sooner or later.

While I’m thinking about that, I arrive at the gates on the

outskirts. I receive a check from the soldiers guarding the gate
(can’t have criminals and the like leave this place after all) and
then I leave the town.

“――――――Well, aren’t you taking your time”

When I breathe in the outside air, I’m suddenly called out.

As I search for the owner of the voice, I find Levia standing at

the edge of the street.

“Yeah, that’s because I went to Ruri’s place. It would’ve been

fine if you had come together with me you know.”

“It’s fine, okay? I didn’t really want to act as the third wheel
between the both of you in your alone time.”

My and Ruri’s time? It wasn’t a farewell scene where you have

to pay that much attention to something like that, you

“Well, I will be having quite some alone time with just you, so
I should give at least this much time to her.”

While saying that, Levia clings tightly to me when I start


Speaking of why Levia is accompanying me in this trip, it’s

nothing more than because I asked her to. I’ll be moving by sea
and her strength is nothing to scoff at. She already intended to
return to the sea, so I had no reason to not go together with her.

Nevertheless, she’s quite honest today. Even though she

would always make a strange tsundere display……

“Which reminds me…… you remember our promise?”

“Hm? The thing about me doing whatever you ask? Have you
already decided?”

“ …… It’s because you properly remember these things that

you’re so sly …… you lady killer……”

I don’t know if she spoke in a voice so small so I can’t hear it,

but I can hear everything with my strengthened hearing, you
know? Can you not lump me together with those thickheaded

“Err, I have decided. I can ask anything, right?”

“Yeah, if it’s within my ability.”

If you request outside of that I’ll tear off your scales, so please
take care not to go out of range.

“It may be within your ability…… There was this wedding

dress Desas was wearing wasn’t there?”


It’s that dress that doesn’t suit Desas because it’s pure white.
Come to think of it, who should I entrust with making
something like the black and red dress? Should I get the usual
guy make it?

“That…… you see? ……I was thinking that, you know…… I

also kind of want to put on that dress……”

With her voice gradually becoming smaller, she unconsciously

casted down her eyes at the end. When she becomes honest, she
becomes cute doesn’t she. I want to hear something more
definite, so I pressed her further.
“A sea colored dress you see…… and above the sea we could
make a place with ice……”

“Oh, like that……”

“And then――――――wait, I can’t say something

embarrassing like that, you know!?”

Tsk, I thought I could enjoy this a bit longer…… Well in


“――――――you want to marry me.”

“Uugh! Don’t just go saying that so straightforwardly!”

I easily avoid the fist of anger she launches that’s cutting

through the wind like a roar towards me. That’s a rather strong
punch for a retort. Average people would break in pieces from
“Don’t dodge it!”

“No way”

I catch her fist and and strike her head with a chop. Levia,
who got struck, became meek while pressing on the part she was
hit at.

“Ugh~~~……*sigh*, it’s not good, is it? Being honest seems

so hard for me.”

Levia is suddenly drained of her strength, pushing quite some

weight onto my shoulders.

“Isn’t it unreasonable to think you can become honest

immediately…… so why again?”

“I mean, didn’t someone like Desas convey her feelings to you

in such an amazingly straightforward way? There are also many
others who yearn for you…… and it doesn’t seem like something
like my feelings would reach you, so……”
While saying so, Levia hides her face again.

…… How do I say this. To put it simply, even if you say things

like you’re dishonest or you have a hot-cold personality, it only
won’t get through if the other party is thickheaded…… On the
other hand it’s easy to understand for me, who likes to tease
people, but――――――

“――――――your feelings reached me so don’t worry, okay?

If you want to marry me, just say it and I’ll respond to you

Hey try saying it, try saying it――――――is what I instigate

her. Of course, it’s accompanied with a smug face.*

Levia, whose face is becoming increasingly red, tries to spin

some words while her lips quivers and becoming teary eyed……

“Wo, would you…… m, marry――――――

―――――as if I can say that so easily, you stupid!”

“Buhuo!? Hey, stop that Water laser!”

I ran all around while receiving a firetruck water discharge

like water magic in my face. Levia, who has become angry, ran
wildly without stopping for a while; by the time she stopped,
the sun has already gone high in the sky.

That’s strange, it was still morning some time ago thoughー

This was the moment I understood my departure didn’t stop

like usual――――――


In the center of the training grounds outside Destinea castle,

two girls are throwing violent magic at each other. One girl fires
stones of ice and the other girl fires flames resembling the
setting sun.

“Miss Yuuhi! Please pay more attention to your output! Even

though it erased stones this size, a flame that large is

“Ye, yes! Instructor Eruka!”

This time a somewhat repressed flame meets the stones of ice

the other girl fired once again. It comes in contact with two
stones and an intense steam is created.


(kuh…… This time it is too weak!?)

The stones that didn’t melt away broke through the flames
and hit Yuuhi’s cranium. Catchi a lump of ice about the size of a
baseball, she receives a strong shock to her head and collapsed
onto the floor.

“ …… Shall I leave it at this then. Are you alright, miss

“Yes…… somehow. Ow ow……”

Yuuhi gets up while pressing on her head. As a result of body

strengthening constantly being applied there were no
considerable damage, but it appears that the skin was cut.

“Uhm…… so the output wasn’t good, was it…… if I make it a

little bit bigger and increase its thickness――――――”


Her name being called all of a sudden, Yuuhi interrupts her

thoughts and turns her sight towards the direction of the voice.
There is the figure of Kouma, running towards her with all his

Kouma finally reaches Yuuhi, who is now sitting, and then he

supports Yuuhi’s body and applies the restoration magic Heal to
the cranium. Incidentally, restoration magic is a light attribute
magic, so for Kouma who has the aptitude in light attribute,
Heal is one of his field of expertise.
“Doing this kind of training during your day off again……
That’s why you’re this injured.”

“Er, yeah……?”

As Kouma heals Yuuhi’s wounds with a serious expression, he

lends her his shoulder so she can stand up. Yuuhi doesn’t
particularly need his shoulder to stand up, but she didn’t refuse
out of consideration and stand up as she was told.

“Return to your room like this, you should rest today.”


“Do you understand me?”

“ …… Yeah.”

“Then that’s fine.”

The two walks to their respective rooms. While leaving,
Kouma looks at Eruka and threw a gaze filled with resentment.
Without saying anything, Eruka watches their backs as they
walk away. As masochistic as she may be, she didn’t like that
kind of gaze.

When Yuuhi returned to her room, she was made to lie down
on the bed by Kouma. She could already move around like it was
nothing and in the first place, the training will still continue as
is. She wasn’t planning on continuing since it was stopped by
Eruka, but she couldn’t agree the way she was told by Kouma
and the way he forcibly took her away.

“Your daily training is also considerably harsh, isn’t it? To

receive a training that hard in addition to that is……”

“ …… Even then I have to do it.”


For the sake of being together with Yuki-kun――――――is

what she was about to say, but Yuuhi recalled the fact Kouma is
on Destinea’s side, so she stopped somehow. It’s because she
was strictly told that she is not allowed to talk about to anyone
with the exception to people approved by Eruka.

“ …… At any rate, it’s because I want to become stronger.”

“Is that, is that so……”

He showed a face that seemingly wants to say “I won’t

consent, even if you say that”, but Kouma doesn’t quite have the
courage to pursue any further than this towards Yuuhi’s

“ …… But you haven’t rested enough at all, let’s go to the town

for today’s holiday. Okay?”

“ …… Sorry, but I have to get more training.”

Being told this clearly, Kouma opens his eyes wide from the
shock he received and Yuuhi rises up on the bed without
worrying about him. She stands up as is and walks out of the
room. She is unsatisfied from the training from some time ago,
so she is thinking about earnestly requesting Eruka for
additional training.

The arm of that girl is grabbed by Kouma from the side.

While experiencing unpleasantness from being touched by a

man other than Setsu, Yuuhi turns her face towards Kouma.
What is on that face is an annoyed expression. And then he
turns his face filled with slight resentment towards her.

“Yuu, whenever you do your best…… it always has something

to do with Suzaku Setsu.”


Unintentionally being hit by the bull’s eye, Yuuhi is surprised.

Certainly in the olden days, when Yuuhi was doing her best, it
mainly had something to do with Setsu. When he is absent from
school, she takes his priority over herself when taking notes.
Afterwards, no matter how many errands she has to do, she
does it at a terrifying speed and then goes directly to Setsu’s
house. When he collapses at school due to lack of sleep from
reading too many novels, she would carry him to the school
infirmary by herself.

Being told she was someone who always tries her hardest from
the start, Yuuhi’s tenacity is mostly gained for Setsu’s sake.

“This time also…… has something to do with him, am I right?

Just what in the world is so good about that gloomy person!
Rather than him, I would absolutel――――――y!?”

Suddenly, a sharp pain runs through Kouma’s arm which was

holding Yuuhi’s arm. When he looks at it, the girl is grabbing
the wrist of his arm with her free hand. Filled with so much
strength that it would seem to make creaking sounds, she dug
her fingers into Kouma’s arm.

“Don’t speak so badly about Yuki-kun. Don’t speak so cruelly

about him―――――― even if it’s you, Kouma-kun, I will burn
you, you know?”

From her lovely, well-featured appearance, an unimaginable
thirst for blood struck Kouma’s body. His strength
unintentionally escapes and he is about to fall down, but his
arm that was grabbed is pulled up as is and he is forcibly made
to stand.

There is already this much difference made between Yuuhi

and Kouma. It was only a short time since Setsu was gone, but it
doesn’t mean Yuuhi’s bundle of talent would not grow when
receiving Eruka’s serious guidance.

Letting go of the dazed Kouma, Yuuhi decides to leave the

room now.

“I’ll train to the point that it won’t interfere with tomorrow’s

labyrinth training without you worrying, okay? So be

Leaving behind those words, Yuuhi leaves the room and closes
the door.

There was no concerns about that from Kouma’s point of

view, but even now he is standing there, doing nothing.

By the time he regains his footing after receiving the entire

bloodthirst from the one he loves, dozens of minutes have
already passed.
Chapter 19 Guild
It’s already been three days since we departed from Evil
Barrow. Even though we got lost here and there, we finally
reached the port city on the demon continent.

“Hmm…… It’s the nostalgic aroma of salty water, it really

calms me down.”

As she is the Sea god, Levia becomes more excited the closer
we get to the port city. Now she is in top form, walking in front
of me.

“Is that so…… I’m so glad for you……”

…… I am the opposite, my excitement hit rock bottom since

yesterday. There’s no indication it’s going to rise back anytime

“ …… Could you at least fix your mood a bit? There’s nothing

you can do about that, right?
“Ain’t that exactly why I just can’t get excited……”

This is about yesterday, when I was making a camp and I was

casually looking through my magic bag――――――

“――――――That magic bag of yours really does fit in


“Yeah, pretty much.”

I am beside the open fire, taking the tools I don’t quite know
anything about out of the bag and spreading them around.
When either of my hands enters the bag, nothing but unknown
objects roll out, but occasionally objects filled with memories
come out of the bag, making me feel nostalgic.

Why do I even have this thing that looks so much like a dog’s

“Hm? What is this?”


What Levia picked up is a card as large as a driver’s license. I

received it while I was filled with nostalgia.

“It’s a guild card from the time I was an adventurer. It’s what
you get when you register in the adventurer’s guild.”

“Oh…… but there is nothing written on it”

Just like she said, the guild card I have is blank, not even a
single symbol is drawn on it.

“It’s for crime prevention. If I don’t fill it with my magic

power, it won’t show anything. It can be abused if it’s stolen, so
as long as the owner’s magic power isn’t flown into it, it won’t
show any information, you see.

The adventurer’s guild is an organization for adventurers;

they’re in charge of almost anything from odd jobs in town to
subjugations of calamity scale monsters. Mainly the registered
adventurers have a rank attached to them and they’re offered
work depending on that rank. The work received can be one
rank higher or at most two ranks lower than your own. If for
example you are C rank, then you can receive B rank as well as D
and E rank works.

And lastly, the adventurer’s guild have a varying quality of

service depending on the rank. There are all sorts of convenient
things like the reduction to the prices at the arms dealers
related to the guild, residence being provided etc.

“―――――In other words, it’s a trick to prevent adventurers

from abusing the service of a higher rank by stealing the guild
card of an adventurer with a higher rank than themselves,

“That’s how it works. That’s why you do this


“What is wrong?”

I’m filling the card with magic power in order to show the
contents, but the card does nothing. If it was back then the
letters would have shown itself immediately……

“So it wasn’t true that that is the guild card is it? Is that a
different card or……”

“No, this is the only card item I have…… Wait, don’t tell me.”

In order to see the magic formation I have inserted into the

card, I focus my eyes. Basically, the things called magic item
have a magic formation created and inserted in them to give an
effect. The guild card also have a magic formation inserted
within…… or it should’ve been the case though.

“There really is――――――nothing”

The magic formation has disappeared. That means it’s just a

card without any other effect.

When I have understood that, a “now I’ve done it” kind of

feeling swelled up inside me.
“ …… It’s expired……”


If this guild card, which resembles a Japanese driver’s license,

isn’t renewed every four years, it will discard all data at that
point. It is a system originally created to draw out S class
adventurers and the like who have gained a great deal of profit
and have retired and also to push work onto adventurers who
have come out to renew their card.

The period of time I didn’t renew my card is five years and

naturally that means it is the same as passing the deadline and
so everything is erased.

“My, my…… SSS rank is……”

I am drained of my strength and I fall on all fours. My body is

crushed by the intense feeling of loss that assailed me. By the
complete futility of the time and labour I spent going up to SSS
rank that was no less than one year――――――This is the
biggest shock I received since I returned to this world.
“Can- can’t you just go up again from the bottom!?”

Even Levia’s encouraging words won’t reach the current me.

The night advances as is without her, who had never seen me
like this, knowing what to do with the me who isn’t moving on
all fours and me unable to recover no matter how much she kept
at it――――――

Even after entering the port city by foot, my excitement didn’t

go up. The voice of the old man trying to force a sale on his
fishes with a large voice didn’t enter my ears and the granny’s
voice who seems to be bantering with us entered my left ear and
left my right ear.

“For now we should stop by the guild, don’t you think?”


Either way I want the guild card. It’ll be my defeat if I give up

here. No matter what, I can’t be defeated by something like the
guild system. Even if, for example, I have to restart at E rank,
I’ll once again ascend to SSS rank――――――*sigh* ……
“Ah, isn’t this the place?”


I raise up my face from Levia’s voice and I see there is a

wooden two storied building. Seeing traces of repairs making it
unrefined here and there, but it is indeed the guild building that
appears in stories. There are basically adventurer’s guilds
everywhere you go, but this is the first time I visited this town’s
adventurer’s guild. It’s perfect for a new start――――――*sigh*

As we go in, the adventurers who are gulping down beer in the

guild tavern are staring a hole into us. What, within the many
gazes, many of them already captured Levia. It can’t be helped
since her appearance would make ten out of ten people look
back. I was stuck with begrudging looks for walking alongside a
girl of that level.

For now I’ll ignore all of these looks and head towards the
reception counter.
“Welcome to the adventurer’s guild! How can I help you

At the reception counter there is a ponytailed woman wearing

a red and white checkered apron. This apron is a popular work
cloth for receptionist women. It seems that it’s fine if it looks a
little plain.

“I’d like to issue a guild card……”

“Ye-, yes. Certainly sir!”

The receptionist falters for an instant from my unusually

negative aura. Being poked from the flank by Levia, I
reluctantly withdraw my aura.

“*sigh* …… If I had come here a year earlier……”

“? Uhm, excuse me, but have you passed the renewal

The receptionist picked up the few complaints I muttered.
When I said yes while looking down, the receptionist starts
saying something unthinkable.

“I can reissue the expired cards with one gold coin, you see?
That is only if you still possess the expired card though ……”

“What did you say!?”

I quickly jump at her words.

A gold coin is 10000 gold and in converted to japanese yen it is

also worth 10000 yen. If reissuing becomes 10000 yen, it’s
considered a lot I think, but it’s not that much money in my

“It’s a skill made about three years ago though…… It’s a magic
to restore vanished information, would you like me to reissue
the card?”

“Yes, and right away please!”

“Ce-, certainly sir”

I take out the white card from my magic bag and almost throw
it at her. Although the fruits of my labour is coming back,
something like 10000 yen is too cheap for this. Naturally I also
handed her one gold coin along with the card. I don’t know who
he was, but good job setting this up.

“Are, aren’t you glad with this……”


Whether it was really in good form or not, it can’t be helped

that the two of us are drawing attention. It’s a necessary

“Well then, the reissue is――――――――――――――――eh!?

SSS rank!?”

The information revives and the receptionist’s mind was

blown by the displayed rank. There are so few SSS rank
adventurers in this world that you can count them with the
fingers of both your hands, so this reaction is justified, I guess.

Maybe the receptionist’s voice was loud, but she makes a

commotion in the surroundings and the adventurers starts
making an uproar. This looks troublesome.

“Is the reissuing complete?”

“Ye- yes! Here it is, sir.”

“Thank ya”

When I fill the returned guild card with magic power,

information is displayed similar to just then.


Name: Setsu
Age: 23

Race: Human race

Adventurer’s rank…… SSS

Accepted orders…… “None”


My age have become strange…… It’s probably the information

from my old body as it is I guess. When I was sent back to Japan
I’m sure that I was 18 years old, so that’s why 5 years later I’m
23 years old. I see, it all comes together.

“Alright, my work here is finished. We’re going!”

“I’m coming I’m coming…… You’re really too excited now,

you know that? Good grief……”
While Levia is amazed, I leave the guild behind. I also thought
about looking at the requests, but it’s bad to take my time
looking for an interesting looking request, so I go outside
through the guild door just like that.

After Setsu and Levia left the guild, a big uproar was made
about his rank.

“Yo hold it there, that brat is an SSS rank? Ain’t that some
kind of mistake?”

“But you know, you can’t fake a guild card and would you
really fake it as an SSS rank on purpose?”

“Well, that’s true I guess……”

“More importantly, you saw the woman next to him right!?

What the hell’s with that face and style!?”

“That guy her boyfriend? Damn him!”

Many let out their complains about Setsu, from the violent
people reeking of alcohol to the people neatly putting on their

Within the uproar, a single girl was standing in the corner,

listening to the conversations. She has an appearance of a
typical adventurer, with a fair skin peculiar to demons and
black hair that is cut short evenly. She is likely around Ruri’s
age and has a pretty face with some remaining childishness.

“SSS rank…… if it’s such an amazing person then……I’m sure

of it”

The young girl stood up and started running after Setsu and
Levia. There was not even one person in the guild who took
notice of that.
Chapter 20 Young girl Amelle’s request
Being in a good mood because I got back my guild card, I kept
the amazed Levia company and tried out some of the foods at
the stalls. Even though I say that, it’s mostly seafood I can buy.
So I have eaten three different kinds of fish if I include the
skewer grilled fish I’m eating right now.

“Personally I would like to eat them fried though……”

“I’ll make as many as you want later, so stay with me today.”

She usually lives in the sea…… More like as the one who’s
controlling the sea, she may have already gotten tired of eating
fish and the like. That’s why she’s tryies new methods of
cooking and is charmed by the fried white fish. I do feel happy
when I’m told they want to eat my cooking, but can’t can’t she
just accompany my splurge out of good mood?

“So this fish doesn’t have any bones…… As expected of the

other world――――――hm?”
Just as I became surprised to the fact there are no bones in the
fish I’m eating, I feel a gaze behind me for an instant. The gaze
was different from that of hostility or grudge towards me for
taking along a beautiful girl. Looks like Levia has also noticed it
and is asking for my decision. Since it disappeared for an
instant, it could end with just receiving a glance from a person
hanging out in the street, but it’s clear afterwards that the
person is following us. But just like before, there’s no hostility
and there’s also no indication they’re in a hurry in starting a
conversation. It looks like the person is at a loss at what to do.

At any rate, I don’t like them following us, so I convey “To the
alley” to Levia through eye contact. She understood and goes
along and I went into an empty alley between shops.

“――――――Who’re you?”

I continue walking through the alley for a little while and

once I have confirmed that their presence reached the place, I
call out with my voice. The box stacked in the corner moves
with a jump and while I am a little on guard from the shadow, a
single young girl appeared. She sports easy to move
adventurer’s clothes and a shortcut black hair. She’s about
Ruri’s age, but her body is sturdier than Ruri’s.
“You got some business with us?”

“ …… I’m sorry for acting like I’m following you.”

The young girl first of all apologized meekly to my

questioning. Then when she finished speaking, she
simultaneously speaks while she lowers her head with all her

“But …… there is something I wanted to request of you at any

cost, won’t you please listen to me?”

After hearing that, Levia looked at me, seemingly wanting to

say “what shall we do?” The voice of the girl sounded extremely
sad. I feel like it was also filled with the determination to hang
onto anything.

…… At any rate, I don’t know if I want to try and hear her out.

“First of all, let’s hear what you want to say, whether we take
the request or not will come after that.”
“Ah, thank you very much!”

With a poof the girl raises her head and begins speaking about
the contents of the request while getting teary eyed from joy.

“――――――A group of lizardmen?”

“Yes …… They are attacking our village.”

Without changing locations, Levia and I sat down on a

suitable box and listened to her story.

This girl says she seems to be called Amelle.(アーメル;aameru)

She comes from a village deep in the forest and it seems she had
just left that village a few days ago. As an adventurer, she is
hunting down monsters around the village and because of that,
she says she had acquired some level of ability and she’s seems
to be C rank adventurer if we go by ranks. She is past an
apprentice adventurer and should now be at the level of being
able to challenge even subjugation requests without problems.
Attached to her belt is a short sword that’s used to a degree that
corresponds to her rank.
Thus the request in question appears to be a wish to subjugate
the monsters that attacks the village. Amelle said that her
village is near a dragon’s nest. The dragon’s nest is as the name
implies; a nest built for dragons to live in. Basically it’s a cave
and the hole of the cave is huge enough for a large creature like
a dragon to enter.

Even the worst of these so-called dragon species possess the

strength equivalent to an S rank monster. Even if they only fly
in the sky and breathe fire, they can become quite a threat. A
monster born from those dragons are called Lizardman.

The B rank monster Lizardman are born with the role of

protecting the dragon’s nest whenever the dragon leaves it. The
dragons have the habit to hoard expensive objects such as gems
in their own nest, so there are many people who consider
invading it. But the half hearted adventurers can’t win against
Lizardmen, so it isn’t that easy getting their hands on the
treasures within its nest. The problem is when the not so half
hearted adventurers turn up. Those guys would subjugate the
lizardmen and sweep away the treasures just like that. If it’s
done that way, the dragon who tried to move its treasure to a
new nest will catch the disastrous scene and it would rage and
rampage. Like that, the damage left by it will be considerably
large, so invading a dragon’s nest is basically made forbidden.
A group of lizardmen――――――Some people must have
noticed from the explanation right now. It’s because those guys
grouping up is something strange. Born as guardians of the
dragon’s nest, the lizardmen won’t move out of the nest as long
as nothing serious occurred. Amelle says that those lizardmen,
who aren’t supposed to move around, attacked and in a group
no less.

“I thought it was impossible as well…… but they really came


“ …… Do you know something like where they appear in the


“When I think about the direction they appeared, it looked

like they came from the dragon’s nest near the village. But that
nest should have been deserted because the dragon died so……”

In the case that the dragon died, it’s said that in addition to
the Lizardmen not being born, they will also leave the nest, so
in the nest only treasure remains. The adventurer who come
across that is incredibly lucky and just like that he could rise to
the top as a multi-millionaire――――――In rare cases there are
parties who would subjugate the dragon and snatch the
treasure. Like me…… well, I probably can’t say that’s
subjugation though.

“Lizardmen who came from a dead dragon’s nest…… is it?”

“What does that mean?”

Levia asks a question, but I myself can’t answer that. First of

all, it never happened before. But I didn’t particularly live that
long ago, so even if I say it never happened before, I can’t say if
that’s really true. At least I’ve never heard of such a case. Even
so, if you think about it normally, something like that is
impossible. If it’s true that something like groups of lizardmen
springing forth from the nest when the dragon died, many
villages should have without a doubt been destroyed up until
now. If it comes to that, then naturally the subjugations of
dragons will be restricted. Since that’s not happening, it means
that it’s never happened before.

“How is the current state of the village? It ain’t supposed to be

easy to stop something like a group of B-rank monsters.”
“Right now we have blocked the Lizardmen’s route and only
people with enough strength are holding them back.”

So a strategy not involving group battles. They could surely

continue protecting the village by taking turns.

“We also have a soldier with strength comparable to A rank

adventurers, so whenever that person fights, many lizardmen
are killed, but…… the number of lizardmen just won’t

“ …… So there’s no end to them?”

A game I played before also had that kind of element …… A

place where you keep fighting opponents for as long as you stay
there. In the game they will stop appearing if you finish some
objective, but――――――

“I …… think there is something in that dragon’s nest. If we

can get rid of that……”
“You’re entrusting us with the role of getting rid of that thing,
is that what you’re saying right?”

“Yes …… It’s because I heard that you were an SSS rank

adventurer…… Won’t you be able to do this request?”

If you’re talking about a group of B rank monsters, you really

won’t be able to put a dent on them if you’re not an S rank I
guess. Whereas charging into the dragon’s nest overgrown with
lizardmen would end up with you being chopped up by their
sharp talons.

At first I even thought that Armelle is going to trick us, but

this girl’s eyes itself are very serious, showing no intention to
lie. I do understand it’s true, yet if I abandon her here, the food
from then on will become bad like that time I felt with Ruri.

I crossed my arms and thought about it. I’ve already decided

my answer is “I’ll help,” but…… I’m also curious about this
phenomenon myself. But I also have to go to the beastmen
continent you know…… well, I don’t think it’s a problem if it’s
just a few days though.
“Please…… If this goes on the village won’t be able to make
mead anymore……”

“Wait, what did you say!? Mead!? Your village makes them!?”

“Huh? Ah…… yes, they do make them.”

Mead, as its name implies, is wine made from honey. It’s also
the first alcoholic drink I enjoyed in this world. Back then when
I was summoned here, I was more or less an adult here and that
increased the necessity of coming in contact with alcohol. There
were many recommending grain wine and Tia Maria and
everytime time I tried drinking those, but couldn’t finish most
of them due to my undeveloped tongue. At that time, the
beverage I was holding by coincidence was mead. First of all, the
sweet taste stood out at the beginning at least. But it’s not heavy
and the aftertaste is refreshing and easy to drink. The faint
yellow liquid has an exquisite amount of honey dissolved to the
point that it displays the ease of drinking it.

Come to think of it, I haven’t drunk any meas since I came

here. I can’t let this situation stop the production of honey
liquor. At that point, the little bit of hesitation I had
disappeared in an instant.
“I’m gonna help you for sure, Amelle. Leave your village to

“Re- really!? Ah, no I mean――――――Will you really help


Beside me, Levia glares at me as if saying “That is at best a

trivial reason to go there don’t you think?”, I ignored that and
Amelle and I held each other’s hands.

“Then once again――――――I’m Setsu. Nice to meet you. As

you already know, my rank is SSS.”

“*sigh* …… I am Levia. I didn’t register as an adventurer so

this isn’t exact, but I believe my ability is no less than S rank.”

“Ah, I’m Amelle! I’m pleased to be working with you! Mister

Setsu, miss Levia!”

Since we couldn’t introduce ourselves before, we did a proper

self introduction. In addition, Amelle introduced herself once
again. She once again heard our ranks and seems to be grateful
for that, but Levia frowned from “miss” being added to her
name. Just let her. I mean, you also allowed Ruri to do it too.
Well, Ruri’s polite speech being the cause is something I clearly
understand, but Armelle’s polite speech felt forced here and
there. I guess that might have bothered her.

“Then, shall we let you lead the way? To that village or



Amelle replies with a wide smile and with her in the front, we
leave this place. We were fine if we leave right away, but she
said she wanted to do some preparation so we ended up going
along with her to do some shopping. I wonder; when was the
last time I used things like a healing potions…… I already can’t
remember it, you know. By the way, I have potions with a name
like highest grade healing potion in my magic bag. Shall I give
one to Levia and Amelle just in case?

Just as I was at the point handing the highest grade potion to

Amelle, who finished her preparation as an adventurer, her legs
gave out and she couldn’t move for a little while. Is there
something else she should be tell――――――

Wait, could it be that the highest grade potion is actually


I translated it as honey liquor,(ハチミツ酒) but should I go with that or mead, the actual name of alcohol
made of honey? I refuse to call it honey sake because sake could mean anything that’s alcohol. At least
the kanji 酒 means alcohol. It could also mean Sake too, but what we call Sake is made from rice.
Chapter 21 The pupil in the village
In the forest that is at the core of the demon continent of all
the forests in the continent, a certain village was assaulted by a

“――――Ugh! Substitute with me!”

“Got it!”


His body clad in armour, the sturdy man moved to the back at
the same time the instruction was given. Another soldier
squatting there plunged in and stopped the sword of the
grotesque figure that was screaming in front of his eyes. The hit
that was swung down was heavy and the soldier reflexively bent
his knee.

Behind the grotesque figure, similarly grotesque looking

figures formed a line. Those figures are called
<Lizardman>―――――― B rank monsters known as the guards
of the dragon’s cave. Their height appears to be 2 and half
meters, their arms extending from the scale-covered body is
thick and in that hand, a curved sword is grasped. The shape of
their head is no doubt that of a dragon and drool is spilling out
between those sharp teeth.

The Lizardmen are currently attacking a certain village.

However, due to the swift response done from the directions of
the A class adventurer who is residing in the village, they were
unable to attack from front of the village.

This so-called swift response are measures such as narrowing

down the entrance for the attack with the use of earth magic.
The village is identical to the village Setsu and co visited a few
days ago. Its surroundings are covered with a wall. Regardless of
whether the residents are excellent or not, there was nothing to
criticize about their strength. The entrance for passing through
the wall is nothing more than the front gate of the village. In
other words, as long as they control the gate, they can protect
the village.

“Ramell, stay still just like that!”(ラーメル;raameru)

“Ugh! Miss Alize!”

The lizardman’s blow continues its pressure on the youth
called Ramell, despite him being on his knees. Standing behind
him, woman preparing her rapier called out to him. Just as he
was told to, he stopped moving and the rapier wielding woman
called Alize, while raising magic power within her, began

“With the savage and wrathful hellfire, burn my adversaries!

<Flame Lance>!”

The flame lance that was fired from the hand that was stuck
out, flew over Ramell, bore through the head of the lizardman
and subsequently pierced through the similarly built beings
behind it in one hit.

“That was great miss Alize!”

“I’m happy of your praise, but now is not the time! I’m
entrusting my back to you!”

Alize deals with the lizardmen by using the shining silver
rapier she holds. Occasionally she makes use of magic to fires
flames, decreasing an amount of invading lizardmen.

For certain, she is this village’s sole rank A adventurer and

exclusive soldier Alize Ifrille. (アリゼ・イフリール;arize ifuriiru) The
moment she comes out is the moment of despair as far as the
lizardmen are concerned.




Amelle’s dagger catches the temple of the E rank monster

Goblin, ending its life. As a C rank adventurer, her movement is
relatively light. Her use of that short sword stands out and
watching her movement feels good too.

“Your dagger skills are great”

“*exhales* …… Thanks.”

I call out to Amelle who took a breath. Two days has passed
since we left the town and this girl has surprisingly already
opened up to us. Stopping with that unreasonable use of polite
speech and talking with general speech is the proof of that.

Right now we are advancing inside a dense forest. A one way

trip to Amelle’s village takes three days and if we raise our pace
we could arrive there in a little over two days. Luckily, the
monsters aren’t very strong, so it’s enough with just Amelle.

Thus, since we advanced well, the place of destination will

soon be in front of our eyes she says.

“Just you wait honey liquor, I’ll save you right away”

“That’s all you’ve been saying the whole time……”

Don’t be so disgusted, Levia okay? Because you too will

become addicted to it for sure once you drink it.
“The village…… it would be nice if they’re safe……”

“It should be fine, with the way they’re defending it.”

According to Amelle, the village is surrounded with a wall like

the last village she visited; one entrance in the front of the
village. That entrance is made thin using earth magic, to the
point a single lizardman can squeeze through. Their intelligence
isn’t a big deal; if there is a hole that even a single one of them
can fit in, they won’t break the nearby wall. Conversely, if the
village is completely surrounded with a wall, they will destroy it
in order to go inside. It seems that the village’s sole former A
rank adventurer Alize or something came up with this plan,
that’s quite an excellent plan.

But that name Alize…… where have I heard of that one


“Say that Alize, what kind of person is she?”

“Eh? Uhm, she’s a beautiful woman with bright red hair and
she’s a rapier user…… fire attribute magic is her forte……”
――――――She somewhat resembles an acquaintance of mine
doesn’t she……

“And she’s very gentle…… and she’s cool, she’s gallant, she’s
modest…… I admire her very much”

――――――Hm? It doesn’t seem like it’s my acquaintance

after all. The Alize fellow I know of is a ferocious and conceited
young girl after all, moreover she doesn’t have the strength of
an A rank adventurer either. I hope she’s doing fine.

“Oh hey…… We can already see it, you two, that’s my village.”

What we see inside the forest is a wall made of earth.

Wherever they are, villages in the demon continent all have a
wall with a certain typical shape. We follow Amelle with a
naturally high pace and face the front of the village.

When we get closer to the front, we could see the figures of

the monsters attacking the village.
“Squirming disgustingly like ants aren’t they…… well, first of
all, let’s go and ensure the village’s safety, shall we?”


When I say that, Amelle turned her face to me and showed a

“why?” face. We probably wanted to go directly to the dragon’s
nest, but something like the village being annihilated is possible
while I’m fighting there after all. Then I won’t be able to drink
honey liquor.

I unsheathed Kuromaru from the magic bag, passed by Amelle

and threw myself into the lizardmen.

“It’s ant extermination time!”

I went and rapidly cut down the guys who noticed me. those
dragon scales are lacking in front of Kuromaru and I cut down
several heads off their bodies in one swing.

Conversely, the lizardmen swung down their curved swords
without hitting me, ruthlessly cutting down air. Then the next
instant I end their lives by cutting through their waist. After
such slaughter advanced for a little while, the figures of nearby
monsters disappeared.

“――――――This, what is …… “

After completely dealing with the nearby lizardmen, a young

man in the direction of the village walks while dumbfounded.
Behind him is a woman with red wavy hair accompanying him.

“Big bro!”

“Uoh!? Ah. Amelle!?”

Amelle who finally caught up with me, jumps at the young

man. The young man catches the girl while tottering a bit and
looks at the girl with a surprised expression. It seems like
they’re somehow siblings since she’s using Big bro. If I look
closely, they do resemble each other.
“Are you the one who took down these lizardmen?”


The red haired woman began talking with me.

――――――It really does feel like this woman is my


“I see, so you are the adventurer Amelle was looking for. If I

look at the fight just now, you appear to have at least the
strength of an S rank adventurer.”

“Yeah, something like that. By the way, are

you――――――crybaby Alize?”

When I ask that, the woman’s face suddenly became red and
she set up the rapier she’s holding.
“You, you bastard…… where have you heard of that

“Wait!? Miss Alize!?”

The dignified atmosphere from some time ago completely

changed and Alize’s hair floats from the anger…… or actually
the shame and she stepped on and unleashed a lunge with
everything she had.

“Woah there.”

I pinch that rapier with my left fingers and diverted it beside

me. I swept Alize, who thrusted with the same amount of force,
away from her feet and she falls on the ground. Then I sit on
Alize, who got up on all fours.

“You bastard! If you think it will just end with me being

exposed to such humiliating experience――――――”

“Since when have you been able to point your sword towards
your master? You crybaby.”

“Kuh…… Again with that name…… hm? Master?”

“I remember back then you would wield a rapier randomly

and annoy me. And then when I get angry you would
immediately get teary eyed. And when I praise you instead, you
would cry in joy…… good grief.”

“N-n-n-n-n-n-no way…… Could you possibly be…… Master


I stand up and stuck out and showed her Kuromaru without


“I’m SSS rank adventurer Setsu. Please treat me well, okay?

Miss A rank adventurer Alize.”

“P- please treat me well…… Master.”

The former pupil of mine, Alize Ifrille, forces a smile as much
as she could to me who’s showing a boorish smile, as she calls
out the name she used to call me while showing her tears,
perhaps from the fear of thinking I’ll never show myself.


It was when I was traveling to the demon continent with the

three of us――――――

When we were searching for requests in order to raise funds

at a certain adventurer’s guild, an extremely cheeky red haired
little girl cut in front of us. Her long hair was gently wavy, the
sorry looking armour attached to her was brand new and on the
sword handle there’s only a few traces of being held.

That obviously novice adventurer looking girl cut in front of

us and submitted an S rank request. Well, the reception desk
naturally snapped, but in the end she threw a tantrum and
shouted “I’m strong so I can do at least this much!” From that
conceit, the thug like adventurers in this place are about to take
their hands out and use force, so I approached the little girl and
“If you can win from me, I’ll let you take that S rank request,

is what I said.

The little girl who heard that stopped her tantrum, turned
around and with a delightful looking smile shown on her face
she accepted the match.

“I won’t lose to a weak guy like you!”

I felt a little bit angry to the girl who said those provoking
words, so I completely beat her up――――――I mean, taught
her the difference between our strength. My strength at that
time was SS rank. Of course I adjusted my strength and
punished her to the point she understood she’s being toyed

I gave her a vicious beating and used restoration magic on her

as she was crying from the pain with hardly any voice coming
out and threw her outside. The big incident of the day ended
like that.
On the next day, she once again showed her face in the guild.

“I’m begging you! Let me be your pupil! No I mean, please let

me be your pupil!”

We, who was there to report our achievement on our request,

were amazed and it unsurprisingly sounded troublesome to me
so I refused, but the little girl even so desperately requested it.
While screaming something like wanting to become stronger in
order to protect her village, she clung onto me. She was really
annoying and troublesome, but she got the idea of continuing
this troublesome act for as long as she’s not my pupil.

“Master Setsu, you should make her your pupil already!”

“Tha- that’s right!”

“I also think you should.”

The three attendants of mine gradually lost their patience and

finally came to petition to me in desperation. Well, she even
prostrate herself the whole night in front of the hotel room
we’re staying in, you know……

And so, I got myself a pupil and the little girl accompanied us
in our travels for a while.

――――――That is who is Alize Ifrille.

Character image Alize Ifrille
Chapter 22 To The Dragon’s Nest
“――――――What do you think you’re doing to miss Alize!?”

“Wait Big bro!?”

Did you get angry at what I’m doing to Alize? Amelle’s big
brother pulled out his sword and leaped at me.

“No stop, Ramell!”


Since I have the leeway to dodge the sword he swings,

Iobserve his swordsmanship. His movements are better than I
thought. Though it’s a village in the forest, the soldier’s levels
seem to be extremely high. …… No, it’s possible you can get this
strong from this kind of forest. That’s because the forest is by
nature a habitat for monsters.

“Please release me, miss Alize! I will protect you!”

“No, that’s not what I mean…… You can’t oppose that

Hey pupil of mine, what do you think I am. And then that
Amelle’s brother is saying some pretentious stuff. Yeah, he’s
more like a Hero than I am, like really.

Well, my bad for letting you say that line, but you’re never
gonna hit me by swinging that sword desperately you know.



I wielded my sword and drove a fist into the now defenseless

body. Of course I went extremely easy on him, I held back to the
point I’ve blown him away to at most a dozen of meters.

“Aah…… don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Seeing Amelle’s brother lying down silent, Alize muttered
those words. The little sister Amelle had a stunned expression
on her face. From the looks of it, that big brother seems to have
fallen in love with Alize, but this may have made him look
uncool. I guess I should apologize to him once he gets up.

“What are you doing all of a sudden, knocking out


“Don’t say that Levia, I more or less did a service to the village
after all.”

Levia got here afterwards and I gave her some explanation

why this happened.

Well, the other party was the one who jumped at me, so at
least that shouldn’t be my fault.

“I’m sorry for my big bro?”

“I apologize for the village soldier, master.”

“You don’t have to worry about that, okay”

I returned my true feelings to the two who apologized looking

apologetic. Well, you’d kill the guy who would treat the person
you like that way, even I would kill the guy. Rather than that,
there’s something I want to ask.

“Rather than that, we’re thinking about going to the dragon’s

nest as is, but can we though? Is it already fine to go?”

“! That’s how it is, the help Amelle called out for was master,
wasn’t it?”

I see, Amelle already told them she called for help. It looks like
we can settle this without any strange explanations in that case.

“If that’s the case then why don’t you enter the village once?
Mister Setsu and miss Levia don’t know the way, right?

“Oh, that’s true”

Now that you mention it, I don’t know the way.

“Well then, why don’t we intrude ourselves in your village for

once? Well, the lizardmen will advance again if we stay for a
while though……”

“That’s right, the lizardmen are…… Is it fine if I place a

barrier in this village?”

Even though I say barrier, it’s only placing the monster

repelling gem at the camping grounds at the village

Afterwards there was an incident where Amelle was surprised

by my monster repelling gem and fell down, but I’ll omit the
details. Though even with the highest grade potion Amelle was
a bit too surprised.

Oops, I forgot what I was about to do. I have to pick up

Amelle’s big brother.

“First off―――――master, welcome to the village I’m living

in. It is very reassuring that we are receiving your help this

“Well, I’ll be saving this village by today okay? And in

exchange for help, mead please.”

If I can secure the safety of the mead, then it’s all fine for me.
As long as they have that, I’ll do some garbage cleaning with the
group of lizardmen and the like. …… Well, even if they don’t
have the liquor I won’t change my plans though……


“Big bro, it’s not good glaring at Setsu so much, okay?”

This is Alize’s house guest room and sitting there is Levia and
I one side and Amelle and Alize on the opposite side. And the
one not sitting in the chair, but tied up with a rope on the
ground is Amelle’s big brother Ramell.

That Ramell has been glaring at me the whole time just now.
The breastplate he has on is dented by me back then, but he
himself has no external wounds. Even I have properly healed
him at least.

“I wanted to offer you our hospitality with the whole village,

but unfortunately I’m following the treatment of injured

“I really don’t mind it, doing that with the whole village is
just troublesome.”

Moreover, to me it’s just lizardmen extermination work. It’ll

only bother me if they go out of their way to respect me for that
after all.

“So, show us the way then, Alize. Let’s finish up the

troublesome parts right away.”
“Yes, I’ll arrange the preparations for departure at once.”

“Uhmm…… I want to go too, but can I?”

Amelle called out to Alize who got up and started her

preparations. When Alize heard it, she distorted her face and
stopped it.

“Even a single lizardman is hard for you isn’t it? You’re a C

rank and I’m A rank. It’s too dangerous.”

“But…… I hardly have a chance to go together with such an

amazing person and…… I too want to become an amazing
adventurer, you know!”

When told like this, Alize unconsciously pondered with a

bewildered expression. She probably understands her feelings,
since she also wanted to go along with our S class request in the
beginning and relentlessly threw a tantrum.

“Well, the one fighting will be none other than me and I think
it should be easy if it’s Levia protecting Amelle, ain’t that

“That, that’s right! Miss Levia is amazingly strong you


“Somehow I’m steadily left behind in this conversation, but

I’ll tell you I have more than enough leeway to take care of one
person. I’ll pridefully do so.”

“ …… Is that so? In that case, I guess I will approve of you

traveling together on the conditions that you won’t do anything

“I did it!”

Amelle received permission and began to jump up and down

with delight. Is it something to be that happy about I wonder? I
was never in the position to go along with someone so I can’t
Ugh, that Ramell guy’s face becomes even unhappier now that
his little sister is coming along with me.

“Wait! I’m also going with you, miss Alize! You don’t know if
that man is really going to help us after all!”

He stood up still bound to show his intention to come along

and distrusts me without hesitation. What a real pain in the ass
is he.

“My master is not like that, so you will be standing guard in

the village as usual.”

“Eeeh!? No why!”

Alize vetoed him accompanying us and he threw a tantrum

just like his little sister…… As expected of siblings.

Afterwards a terrible argument unfolded between the two and

it finally settled just when we were about to get tired from it.
“*Sigh* …… In that case then I shall remain in this village as
well, is that fine with you?”

“Eh!? Miss Alize is going to stay behind in the village!?”

Just when the compromise was taken out, Ramell’s face

changed into a smile. If it’s guiding us to the place, then Amelle
could do that too and it’s probably a good idea for Alize to stay
behind in the village to prepare for the worst case scenario. I
can’t say Lizardmen survivors won’t appear. Ramell should be
happy just because she won’t be going together with me. He’s
already a man in love in my eyes, it’s a bit scary you know.

“If Alize says so then it should be fine, shall we go then in that



“Leave the guiding to me!”

“My apologies, I’m unable to do this without taking master’s


“As long as you can give me some mead, then I don’t have a
problem. More importantly――――――after this I’m gonna
have you tell me why you’ve become this weak, okay?”

“gh…… As expected, you have already noticed it.”

Of course I have, you’re my pupil after all. I mean, in the first

place you’re far slower when I compare you with the olden days.
You should be holding the strength of an SS rank and what
you’re showing is really at the level of an A rank. At first I
thought you were pulling my leg, but from the mood I
understand it’s serious.

“When this matter is settled, I will explain it to you.

“ …… I see.”

I couldn’t say more than that. I do have concerns about this,

but I don’t have that kind of relationship with her. Let’s ask
again if I still remember it.

“Then, depart”

We three finished our preparations and left Alize’s house in

high spirits. Just you wait my mead, I’ll save you right away.


About an hour of walking after departure…… we’ve hunted

the lizardmen who have turned scarce and as far as we can see
right now there aren’t any of those guys here. Then we finally
arrived near the dragon’s nest.

“Shall we go up from this place? We can see the dragon’s nest

there from up high.”

“Got it”
Following Amelle’s instructions, we climbed up the large
hillside. On the other side of the hill, there are lizardmen
swarming like cockroaches.

The hole I can see within the group of lizardmen must be the
dragon’s nest. I’m sure of it, seeing that those guys are coming
out from there.

“Uhm…… both of you can wait here, okay?”

“What, you mean you’re not letting me act violently?”

It’s Levia who seems a bit unsatisfied, but your current role is
to be Amelle’s guard, isn’t it? I won’t let you rampage, you

“You do your work. This time simply doing this alone seems
just more efficient. Well, I’ll quickly finish this and come back.”

“Sure sure, please do it quickly okay?”

“Yeah, roger that――――――”

I answered in a rush, ran up to the stupid lizardmen who

haven’t noticed me and struck them with



“Is there something wrong, miss Alize?”

“No…… It’s nothing.”

Ramell, who is standing guard at the entrance, showed

concern towards Alize who is similarly standing guard near
him. Alize held her own shoulder and stopped her slightly
trembling body.
The reason her strength dropped from SS rank , the cause is
certainly a type of trauma, however――――――

“It may get chilly, be careful.”

“That’s right, catching colds and such is terrible after all!”

Alize somehow couldn’t let go of this unpleasant premonition

from some time ago and she softly traces the shoulder she held
onto. The shoulder has a trace of a strange heat and there is a
fresh scar attached to what was once the source of her trauma.

(It would be nice if his worries would end this absurd


After Alize gently stroked her shoulder once more, she

returned her concentrated on her work as gatekeeper.

――――――The current her did not expect that the things she
received before like her trauma will once again appear from
now on.
Chapter 23 Dragon Raid
“Here we go!”


I cut down the lives of several lizardmen just by properly

swinging Kuromaru around. This is the usual work. Well, you’ll
have fun if you consider yourself being unparalleled.

“Well, this really does get boring even by playing around.”

Nevertheless, these swarming fellows are making me

disgusted and maddening. I already don’t want to see any more
scales for a while now.

“‘Kay, how about I quickly go smash up the ringleader!”

I mow down the lizardmen who continued to group up by

releasing a rotational cut. After I did that, I put all my strength
into my feet and jumped.
At the landing point I mow down those guys again, loaded up
my feet and jumped once again. Once more I repeated that and I
finally arrived at the front of the cave that was made in a cliff
hidden by many trees.

The place around the hole is especially dense with those guys.
I cut them all down in one go by swinging Kuromaru around
two, no three times, but they’re coming out from inside like
cockroaches. They really are infinite aren’t they, these

(In that case…… a one point breakthrough it is)

When I dodged and passed through the lizardman’s attacks,

which can’t be seen unless it’s in slow motion, I once again put
strength into my feet and instead of going up like last time, I
leaped forward. Together with the explosive sound of my
kicking to the ground, I pushed out and I stuck out Kuromaru in
front of me, completely destroying the lizardmen standing in
the way.

The dragon’s nest is quite huge for the dragon who is living in
it. The entrance is suitable for them, but the size is so wide it’s
like it’s made for baseball. Normally this hole would look like it
would crumble if it’s emptied, but dragon scales are implanted
here and there, so the hole is reinforced because of that. There
haven’t been any talks about the dragon’s nest crumbling up
until now, so the hole should be quite strong. In that case it
sounds like I can act somewhat violently but……

“ …… The hell is this?”

The interior of the dragon’s nest. I’ve been kicking the ground
many times over since then until I became stiff and what I
found in this place is a violet sphere. The size is that of my body
and I feel a vaguely ominous presence.

(That’s an incredible amount of magic power…… does this

rival that of a magic pool?)

There is this phenomenon called magic pool, where the magic

power in the air end up gathering. When that happens, the
nearby monsters will become stronger and a massive amount of
them will gush out, but……

(This thing is different from the magic pool…… the gathered

magic power is too much and most of all it’s strange that
nothing but lizardmen are appearing.)

It’s obviously something artificial. No matter how I think

about it, the outbreak is unnatural and this sphere is too
perfect. The magic pool is more unstable and it’s something that
would disappear from just a strong wind blow…… When you
take that in mind, you’d understand the abnormality of this and
stabilized thing with a round, well ordered shape.

――――――oops, I’ll think about that later.


“How annoying!”

The head of the lizardman who was brandishing the curved

sword without thinking, flies away.

First I should try and do something about that sphere. Will it

stay there if I cut it?
I raise my sword high overhead and pour magic power in

“Flying Blade…… heave ho!”

As I swing downward with all my strength, a shockwave like

object can be seen flying from the blade.

Flying blade――――――Like the name implies, it’s a

technique that fires off a blade. It’s actually a slash though……

If you can use magic power in this world, then firing off a
slash by itself is simple and anybody could do it if they raise
their magic power and fencing skills to a certain level. Well I’m
telling you this first, there are no guys who can do one that can
cut open this absurdly high ceiling.

The slash advances while gouging out the ground, destroys

the obstructing lizardmen and approaches the sphere while
occasionally scattering smoke, bisecting it just like that. The
purple sphere that is separated in two dispersed in the air and
disappeared while scattering about the saved up magic power.
…… and, at the same time.

“ …… Crap, even the nearby lizardmen went up in smokes……

what’s happening?”

I’m completely dumbfounded from the sight in front of me for

a while. There were so many lizardmen here and now not even a
shadow can be seen from them anymore, what is here is nothing
but the traces of the slash I produced that went all the way up to
the ceiling.

Normally you wouldn’t think this would happen either. It’s

unnatural that the monsters who appeared by the influence of a
magic pool would disappear because the magic pool
disappeared. That’s because the relationship between the
spawned monster and the magic pool is severed the moment the
monster is spawned.

But what about this case? This is the first time I’ve seen this
phenomenon where the the created monsters also disappears
because of the disappearance of the magic pool, you see? I can
only imagine that some trick is involved in this after all……
“Well…… no use thinking about this here when I’m tired, I

For the time being I ought to report the things I’ve done, I
guess. It’ll be fine if I don’t clean up this nest afterwards, either
way the floating magic power will dissolve eventually.

I walked a little quickly and returned to where Levia and

Armelle is waiting because I felt like I’ve spent some time here.




I wonder if there is anything left if I collect the raw materials

of the lizardmen…… when I was thinking of such frugal
thoughts while I was walking, Levia and Armelle came running
from the other side.
Levia feels a bit impatient and Armelle’s face is extremely
pale. From seeing that I can understand that not some trivial
matter happened.

“Did something happen?”

“ …… A dragon you know.”

“ …… what?”

“Like I said! The owner of this nest, the dragon, has returned!
Moreover, it flew towards the direction of the village!”

…… That thing’s kind of bad news.

I was under the impression that the nest being strangely

flooded with lizardmen is most likely the act of a person or
something――――kind of like that right?
I didn’t completely stop the destruction of the village, did I?
And above all, the mead is in danger.

“We’re really not getting any break here! If that’s the case, we
have return fast or it will be bad you know!?”

“Right! We’re going back quickly!”

Carrying Armelle who is slightly shivering from the fear, I

kicked the ground with all my strength and started running.
There’s quite some distance, but I should be there quickly if I go
all out.

(Tch ……Too much magic power piled up inside so I didn’t

notice the situation outside at all ……)

If I didn’t destroy that sphere, I would’ve noticed the dragon’s

appearance. There’s nothing I can do about it at this point of
time, but the timing is the worst.

I’m thinking maybe it’s some kind of scheme――――――

“Now’s not the time to think about these things…… gh!”

I strongly kick the ground to the point I’m sinking into it and
accelerate even more. Since Alize is there, I want to think it’s
going to be fine, but……


“The lizardmen are……”

“ …… They vanished, didn’t they? I don’t know how he did it,

but…… as expected of master.”

“ ……”

About the time Setsu’s group left in a hurry from the

appearance of the dragon, time passed in the peace that hasn’t
been seen in the village for a long time. That is to be
expected――――――it’s because the monsters that were around
the village up until now completely disappeared. The village is
preparing a feast with great joy and both Alize and Ramell felt
completely relieved.

“Hm? You’re pouting for some reason. The village finally got
their peace from all this trouble, right?

“ …… You won’t understand, miss Alize.”

As a matter of fact, every time she talks about Setsu, Ramell’s

mood becomes worse. This is an inevitable emotion for a man in
love. As a matter of fact, what is in Alize is respect towards
Setsu and nothing more than that, but men at this point of time
will have complicated feelings about that.

“? I don’t really understand. Whatever, shall we go in soon?

The frightening lizardmen are already gone as well, it seems.”

“Carelessness is dangerous you know, miss Alize!”

Alize subtly distorted her face from being warned by a man

with a lower rank than hers. Alize talking about going back
never meant she was off guard; the reason she said so is because
the presence of nearby monsters completely disappeared, but
he, the still inexperienced one, couldn’t just take off his

“But the presence of monsters are already――――――”

“In that case I myself will stand in front of the gate for a
while! Miss Alize, please take a break before me!”

This blockhead! Is what she was about to say in anger, but she
somehow controlled herself. She wanted to suggest to wait for
Setsu’s group’s return while drinking tea with just the two of
them, but Ramell wanted to show his dependable side. He
unexpectedly continued the conversation towards the direction
he’s facing. He still didn’t know the fact he had this once in a
lifetime chance and just completely blew it.

“Is that so…… I understand.”

Alize left the place behind while she felt disappointed for not
being able to spend time with him and conversely thought
earnestly why she felt that way. If I think about it, I feel like I’ve
always been spending my time with Ramell is what she thought.
Alize wasn’t aware of herself that she was becoming more and
more attracted to Ramell. She didn’t even realize that she’s
completely in love. Because of her not having such experience,
she unconsciously boasts a considerable thick headedness.

(Speaking of which, I have to prepare the mead I’m handing

over to master……)

Suddenly recalling that, she interrupted her thinking. While

thinking things like how the ones from that house were
delicious and such, she started walking inside the
village――――――at that time.

*Shiver*! (Zoku; onomatopoeia for chill or shiver, or



A chill suddenly ran through her whole body. An unthinkable

presence is approaching…… is what she immediately
understood. When she unintentionally looked over her
shoulder, the direction of the dragon’s nest…… from there a
single shadow was seen flying towards this place.

“D…… dra………… gon……”

Alize unintentionally grasped her shoulder. The fact was her

old scar from before felt terribly painful.

…… To her, dragons are the cause of her trauma, and thus……

A symbol of despair.
Chapter 24 Giving up is strictly forbidden
She met this despair called the dragon about three years ago.

The period of time she was journeying together with her

master Setsu had already passed by long ago and she, whose
abilities grew remarkably, finally she was trying to increase her
rank to S.

At the time, the request that provides the S rank promotion

test was posted in the guild. The subject is the [subjugation of
one flying dragon], a typical request for an S rank test and there
is also a fact that adventurers of S rank and above can be called
<Dragon slayers>.

As a general rule on dragon subjugation is that it is forbidden

to take independent actions. Within this world’s species, the
dragon is without a doubt one of the species species with the
highest abilities. They are said to be impossible to crush solo
unless one is an SSS rank adventurer. There is that much
difference between SS and SSS rank however, let us put that
aside now.

Without running away from the custom, she also received the
request together with A class adventurers she was on good
terms with to some extent. Along the journey the girls imagined
their own figures becoming an S rank and loosened their
cheeks, but when they arrived at the location of the dragon’s
den, they simultaneously trembled in fear.

What is in that place is one flying dragon. Appearing to have

noticed the girls approaching, it went out of the dragon’s den.
When the dragon took a glance towards Alize’s group, it spread
its huge wings and soared. The vibrant red scales covering its
body is too beautiful, all the creatures wouldn’t be able to take
their eyes off of it and every being would seem to
unintentionally prostrate themselves before it.

What the girls were feeling was an overwhelming sense of

powerlessness. Their appearance of them recalling their ideals
and enjoying themselves and such up until now was nowhere to
be seen, they were just in a daze and looking at this <beauty> as
if it was food.

Perhaps Alize’s group like that was reflected as an eyesore to

the dragon, but when the dragon suddenly roared, it spread its
wings again and approached the girls. In contrast with the
dragon who is preparing its claws and is descending, the
members at that place was standing there without moving.
Alize――――――was the exception……

“U- uooooooh!”

Shaking her body that was shrinking with fear, Alize drew out
the rapier she was wearing. Magic power crawled into the rapier
and with a thrust instead of a slash, she fires off a flying blade.

The flying blade pushes itself straight through the space and is
up until now her best execution of the flying blade. That attack,
which would open a hole through the average monster, surely
made a direct hit to the dragon’s face.

――――――However, that is all it did.

The dragon, whose face received a thrust, didn’t show even

the slightest hint of faltering and as it landed on the ground, it
mowed down the closest one, Alize, like garbage.

Together with a pain that would make one lose consciousness,

Alize rolled over the ground. Several trees were mowed down
and when she was able to notice, she saw she was nearly 100
meters separated from the dragon.

The reason Alize could move must have been because of the
upbringing of the un-Hero like Hero. When sparring, he
constantly hit her with a sense of intimidation equal to that of a
dragon. At first it resulted in an everyday occurrence with her
waist giving out and her fainting and such, but if it is repeated
she will get used to it as expected and she herself is aware that
she had become stronger against that intimidating air. That was
largely the reason for being able to move in this place.

Although she could move, on her own she is hardly a

challenge against the dragon. Being blown off this far and
receiving damage should be good proof of that. Her arm is
broken and her leg as well. She is already not in the condition to

While remembering the anger of not having aptitude in

healing magic, she strongly resented her hand which is no
longer able to hold her rapier. She didn’t know what she was cut
with, but her shoulder had a large gash, blood flowed out
endlessly. As if hitting that wound with anger, she pushed her
hand clad in fire.

While groaning, she showed bitter tears on her face.

――――――In the corner of her view, she saw one of her

friends who went with her being eaten.

Although it was burned, she somehow succeeded in stopping

the flowing blood.

――――――Now another one of her friends was crushed by

the dragon’s arm.

Alize stood up somehow and attempted to go and assist them,


――――――The female warrior, who was bright and cheerful,

was pierced by a giant nail.
She couldn’t put any strength in her foot and immediately
crumbled down. She couldn’t put any strength in her arms to
catch her body and just like that, her body was completely
nailed on the ground.

――――――The cute mage, whose strong point was support

magic rather than offensive magic, became a lump of meat
under its tail.

“Move, move” she continued to order her whole body, but her
body didn’t show any sign at all of obeying her. That was to be
expected, her body instinctively refused to obey. Throwing
down the gauntlet to that dragon…… acting like she’s dying
before its own eyes.

Thus, the time had finally come.


This day, the ones who had come to this place were six people
including Alize. Currently four people have died. And then……
the last person, a kind hearted male swordsman who had always
been heartily drinking alcohol and laughing, has――――――

――――――now been eaten.

In the end, the dragon returned to its den as it is and Alize was
the only person who was left behind in that place. Going around
inside her head was the face of the last person, the male
swordsman, and her tears overflowed.

It can be seen that Alize’s eyes were clinging onto something.

“Please help me” is what those eyes are indicating.

That is the source of the girl’s trauma. An overwhelming

defeat due to overwhelming power, losing her group of friends.
It was discovered afterwards, but the dragon they came across
didn’t appear to be the subjugation target. After they left the
guild, that information fell into the guild’s lap.

The dragon that was supposed to be the subjugation target

was killed by a much higher rank dragon and that higher rank
dragon ended up settling in that den, or so it seems. In other
words, they were expected to fight a much lower rank dragon.
It seemed as if the girl was blown away from the beginning,
left the dragon’s domain and in the end finished without

Alize, who was even unaware of that, ended up thinking she

was taken for a small fry who was not even worth killing as far
as the dragon is concerned.

While seeing off the dragon who killed the invaders and
returned satisfied, she fainted together with fear and

Afterwards, the girl was sheltered by a merchant who had

heard the uproar and approached it and her injuries were also
healed by restoration magic. With this case, the ineptitude of
the guild’s side took form of a small problem and Alize received
a large amount of hush money.

Alize was told that the S rank promotion test will be put on in
the future, but she was no longer in the mental condition to
advance to S rank. There is no willpower remaining to face
them again within Alize, who experienced the terror that is the
Alize left the town and returned to this village without
mentioning this to anyone. Each time she holds the rapier, she
relives the scene of that time and without being able to practice
sufficiently her strength started weakening, however recently
her fears was able to fade gradually. It was because she was
encouraged by the man she had met called Ramell.

However, this did not mean that the fading fear had


“Ah…… aah……”

Alize’s leg shook in fear.

Flying in the sky above the village, a dragon is looking down

on the villager with angry eyes and with the overwhelming
sense of intimidation, those villagers’ courage diminished. That
dragon is dropping its height little by little and then it landed
inside the village. The building caught under that large build
was crushed and the villagers trembled with fear.
“There are still children in there who can’t move from their

Someone shouted. The other villagers panicked from the

sudden dragon invasion and ran in every direction. The soldiers
who were standby in the village were barely able to remain
there, but there were no hints of anyone going to help move
those children.

I have to escape――――――

Alize and the guards were the same. The word escape floated
across inside her head. Judging from appearances, the dragon
looked like it was at the same level as the one who trampled on
the guy and the girls several years ago. Although the color of the
scales are different, the style of physique somehow resemble the
dragon at that time.

The dragon moved its neck, looking around the vicinity as if

looking for a prey. And then――――――Alize was in its sight.

A spiritless voice came out of the girl. What the scene looks
most like is the representation of a frog being stared at by a

The dragon found its prey and with its still angry eyes it
moved its foot and took a step.

“The kids are still living!”

At that time, someone shouted so and faced the dragon…… to

be exact, he faced the building that was being crushed beneath
the dragon and started running.

“Ra, Ramell!”

The one who started running at full speed without drawing

out his sword is the village soldier who has feelings for Alize,
Ramell. He was always that kind of man. If someone of the
village was in danger, he would come to aid them, disregarding
both his abilities and position. If you look at him positively, he
is heroic and if you look at him negatively, he is reckless…… he
is a man you would repeat this over and over. Even so, it was
Alize who was somehow able to support him up until now.

――――――however, only this time it is different.

The dragon notices him and sent its gaze towards him.

With only his movements were stopped. The always brave

and reckless him is, with just one…… glare.

There is that much difference between man and dragon. The

overwhelming difference in strength would first crush his
spirit. His willpower, before he faced against fear like he has
done until now, completely broke.

And then in this situation, there are no targets as easy as a

human who stopped moving.

“Ru――――――Run away!”
Alize forgot her fear and shouted. However it never reached
Ramell who was staring dumbfoundedly at the dragon, so he
never ran away. The dragon mowed down once like it was
brushing off dust. A sudden gust sprang forth from the swung
arm and pushed Alize’s body. The girl who couldn’t open her
eyes from the strong wind, covered her face with her arms and
then she was finally able to open her half closed eyes.

…… Ramell’s figure was not there. As soon as the gust stopped

and she finally searched for him in front of her, that fell from
the sky.

“Ra…… Rame…… ll”

She didn’t know how high up he was launched, but there was
a considerable time between his figure vanishing and him
falling down. Fallen down beside Alize, he had his arms bent in
a strange direction and there was a not so small amount of blood
spilling from under his armour. Alize couldn’t approach him
who did not even twitch. Ramell’s life was already gone. The
fact that his magic power couldn’t be felt anymore is good proof
of that. Alize was afraid to take off his armour and to ascertain
With this, the girl once again had a friend killed by a dragon.

However, what arose was different from that time.

“ ………… How dare you.”

Alize drew her rapier and took one step forward.

“How dare you…… do this to Rameeellll!”

With her face dyed with firy, Alize started running with a
raging spirit. What was there was no fear, but pure anger. It’s
because Ramell’s existence within her was so large it blew away
her fears. She was that attracted to him.


Against the overwhelming unreasonableness, Alize fires

random flames with chantless magic, which she is weak at.
Unsure what to think of the attack which absolutely didn’t take
any consideration in magic power distribution and the like, the
dragon commences its flight while catching the attacks
throughout its body.

“Don’t you run awaay!”

Towards the floating giant body, the girl kicked the ground,
jumped and plunged her rapier into that face.



In the moment the rapier struck the scales, it broke at the

center. It was Alize who lost her weapon, but as a result of
moving out of anger, she left it to her instincts and grasped the
floating tip of her rapier and thrusted it into the dragon’s eye.

For the first time the dragon’s shriek was heard. Rather than
being pleased about crushing one of its eyes, Alize started
plunging the remaining part of her rapier in the other eye.



However, the dragon defended against it by shaking its head.

Thrown out into the sky, when Alize rearranged her body
position in the sky and landed, she simultaneously


kicked the ground once again and jumped before the dragon’s
eyes. When she held the rapier as to thrust into the other eye
again, it ended in a failure with the dragon swinging it’s arm
this time.

The girl who got assaulted by the large arm, flew horizontally
like that and finally stopped after penetrating several houses.
“Gah…… haah…… haah……”

Inside the house where the citizens already ended up taking

refuge in, Alize breathed out blood. “How dare you not dying,
me” she says as showed a bitter smile.

(I know I am no match for it…… hah, it’s frustrating, isn’t it)

The difference in fighting power was clear, she knew she

could not win. Even so, before she noticed she moved at the
instant her special someone was hurt. It can’t be helped that she
held fear when her friends were done in, but this time it was

(So I was…… this drawn to that man)

It seems that the girl’s heart was stolen by Ramell to the point
it painted over her fears. Therefore――――――she was filled
with frustration. Towards herself, who could not even take
down her loved one’s enemy.
“So I can…… still move”

Fortunately, the girl’s body was not broken. She could barely
move her body, but several of her ribs were probably broken……

“If I can move then……!”

She whipped her aching body and started running. This

degree of injury was an everyday occurrence during the time
Alize was with Setsu’s group.

Jumping out of the house, she ran towards the still floating
dragon. The dragon turns one of it’s eyes dyed in anger, but
Alize disregarded it and continued to run.

The dragon fluttered its wings, attempting to blow away the

girl with the occurring wind. However, the girl did not stop.
She frantically moved her feet strengthened with magic and
approached towards the front of it.

Feeling more and more irritated from that, the dragon it filled
its mouth with magic power. Their race’s characteristic
weapon, it is the appearance of <Breath>. Some breathes out fire
and there are various individuals who can fire devastating
beams, but it’s said that a superior dragon has the power to
partially destroy a city.

Thus this dragon is that kind.

“Hah…… Breath is…… as intense as one would expect”

Energy is accumulating into its mouth, which can even be

seen at a distance. The dragon’s magic power is comparable to
several times that of the girl’s.

I won’t make it in time, I will be struck before I approach it.

Alize had such convictions. Once she completely believed that,
she herself stopped running. It was an attitude of resignation.

“But…… Just the village――――――I will protect”

What made her become strong was for the sake of this village.
It was for the sake of protecting this village. It was for the sake
of giving the village that is threatened by the strength of the
monsters in the vicinity, a peace of mind. Perhaps when the
breath is fired, not only the girl, but also this village may

“Only thaaaat!”

Alize circulates her remaining magic power in her whole

body. The dragon’s breath is aiming at her. In that case, if she
could stop the whole breath……

(Well, that would be impossible I guess)

She knows how much is her remaining amount of magic

power――――――That’s what she thought. As a matter of fact,
it was as she said.

However, if she could be a shield even a little bit, a part of the

village may possibly remain.
She already overcome her fears and the dragon is no longer
something to be afraid of.

(If I have to say my regrets…… it would be not being able to

give the mead to master, I guess)

“What am I thinking at this time” Alize unintentionally


“Forgive me master, for being a weak pupil.”

“Yeah you really are, you idiot pupil”



Simultaneously when Alize let out a stupid like voice, a

torrent of energy was fired from the dragon’s mouth.
“Have you forgotten the adventurer’s rules of my school? I
should have told you those, shouldn’t I? Giving up is strictly
forbidden――――――is what it is!”

The main current of energy, the beam suddenly altered its

course to right overhead. What vanished into the skies,
extinguished just like that as the energy coming from the
dragon’s mouth was running out.

“Aw man, I’m a bit too often late in making my entry these

“Ma, master!”

Standing there was Setsu, the man farthest from being a Hero
in this world, and now the one closest to it.
Chapter 25 Those wings, a nuisance
Holy shit, that was close. Looks like I was barely on time……

I look at Alize behind me and brushed off her shoulder. The

village suffered no damage, what with me sending the dragon
breath flying into the sky.

“Ma, master……”

“My bad eh, for being late in dealing with it”

Seeing that I went to the dragon’s nest, it was my mistake for

not considering the risk of its owner returning. I heard of a
similar story where some adventurers challenged a nest with no
dragon inside, subjugated the lizardmen inside it and took the
treasures out. And the moment they left the nest, they
unexpectedly stood face to face with the dragon who just went
out by chance. Why do these inconvenient events happen with
pinpoint precision I wonder……

“No…… That can’t be helped, but……”


“Plea- please let her down soon.”

“ …… Ah”


I remember I was carrying Amelle on my back. She’s pretty

exhausted and her eyes are going round…… I guess she won’t
become useful at all like this. Well, I’ll apologize for running
with all my strength, but the village will vanish if I was even a
little slower, so please forgive me.

“I guess I should treat her to a meal…… Just a sec Alize, hold

Amelle for me please.”

“I, I understand――――――ieh!”
“W-! Hey!”

Alize’s body crumbles down the moment she received Amelle.

Looking at it closely, her body is tattered. It guess she’s already
at the point she could barely stand up.

“I’m sorry…… for being a little late in catching her……”

“This guy’s a high rank species even among the dragons. You
can’t do anything about that, it’s fine”

I cast the healing restoration magic <Perfect Heal>. With this

magic that perfectly heals every wound as it name implies, the
external wounds on Alize’s body vanished completely.

“It should be fine with this.”

“Tha- thank you very much”

“Don’t mind it――――――So, I’m gonna kill this thing a


I run towards the dragon who was charging his breath again.
Us having a leisure conversation is good and all, but that breath
is already charged up thanks to that.

“Don’t you go pointing what’s coming out of your mouth this



The moment the dragon fires its breath, I jump up and kick its
jaw up. The lump of magic power spilling from the dragon’s
mouth once again disappear into the sky, causing an explosion.

A heat wave comes sweeping down on us, but I won’t be

blown away with this amount and also, the village is safe since
the explosion happened quite high up in the sky.
I land in accordance to gravity and I then jump once again. At
the same time I unsheath Kuromaru from my magic bag.

“Those wings are a hindrance, huuh!?”

I cut a wing of the dragon who was still flinching from the
kick in the jaw. The hard scales were utterly useless and the
large build of the dragon falls to the ground at the same time a
single huge wing fell.


“Yo, how does it feel to fall down to the same height as a

human being? Oh, mister proud dragon.”

I land while I shake the dragon’s blood off Kuromaru.

“Well, if it’s up to me, dragons and the all are just lizards with
wings grown on them, right?
“Ga…… Gaaaaaaーーーーー!”

Oops, did he get angry?

Because dragons are highly intelligent, they can even

understand our language. Somehow he’s feeling angry. Well,
it’s obvious though when they’re being called a lizard.

The dragon who couldn’t fly anymore goes to strike me with

its proud, strong arm. I intentionally don’t dodge it and try
catching the blow with Kuromaru. A heavy weight is
transmitted to my whole body, but that’s all it does.

“I knew it…… So you’re just an ordinary lizard ain’t ya!?”

With Kuromaru, I force back the arm I caught with all my

strength. With the sudden resistance, the dragon has his arm
repelled and its body rises against his will, exposing his
defenseless stomach.

“You’re full of openings, you know.”

I then release a <Flying blade>. This time it’s stronger than
the one in the cave.

While cutting up even the ground, the slash flies forward and
bisects the dragon whose posture was broken, and vanishes into
the back. I accidentally blew away both the village gate and the
wall in one go, but let’s get them understand that it’s better
than the village getting annihilated.

“――――――You ended that too quickly……”

“What, did you just get here?”

Levia comes walking beside the bloodied corpse of the bisected


“That Flying Blade passed right beside me when I was running

with everything I had, I was surprised you know.

“Aah, that was my bad”

If she gets hit by that while she’s not in the sea she’d probably
die, won’t she? No well, if it’s her, I think she could defend it

“So, you’ve already solved the problem right?”

“Yeah, I guess. Hey Alize! It’s over now!”

“As, as expected of master……”

Says Alize with an amazed voice, seeing the dragon split in

two. In one of her arms, there is a fainted Amelle and her other
hand is connected with the hand of a small boy.

“That kid is?”

“There are broken houses over there, you see? This child lives
in that house.”
According to Alize, she helped the kid out back then when I
was fighting. But her face became gloomy midway her story.

“? What’s wrong?”

“ …… The one who told me this child was alive was

Ramell…… However, Ramell is――――――”

“I see.”

I turned towards the collapsed soldier who is somewhat

separated from my sight. I can notice it from the armour, but
that’s definitely Ramell. But there’s no presence of magic
power, his life had ended.

“He tried to save this child…… and got seen by the dragon.”

Saying that, Alize’s appearance was gloomy. I thought from

the bottom of my heart that I’m glad Amelle fainted. A relative’s
horrible way of death is not something you want to see.
Ramell was always brave …… and even this time when nobody
could move, he was the only one who went towards the
dragon…… And then……”

Tears gathered in Alize’s eyes.

“Say Alize, you liked Ramell didn’t you?”


The moment she confessed, tears flowed through her cheeks.

It was at a pretty early stage when I noticed Alize’s feelings.

Her making a lively face when talking with Ramell is proof of
that and Ramell himself likes Alize to the point of flaring up
even against me.

…… It’s an awfully bad aftertaste, excessively bad.

“ …… Say, what if Ramell is still alive…… would you marry
with that guy?”

“ …… What are you saying? That kind of fable――――――”

“Never mind that, just try and answer me okay?”

When I say that with a somewhat strong voice, Alize jumped

up and trembled. And then, after showing a bit of hesitation,
she began talking with a reluctant look.

“I would like to…… marry him. It’s impossible to do it

immediately, but…… I would have liked to be in a relationship
with him.”

“So you like him that much, right?”

“ …… Yes.”
…… fuh, there’s no choice then if it’s like that.

“Is that so, then wait just a little. Because I’m going to be
waking up Ramell now.”


“If I use this fella I’ll have a shot at it.”

While saying that, I take out a test tube like thing with some
liquid out of my magic bag.

“A handmade resurrection medicine, it’s quite effective you



Telling them I need a place to use the medicine, I went to the

forest outside the village while carrying Ramell. It was quiet
within the forest where the lizardmen have disappeared and I
hear nothing but the rustling of leaves with the exception of the
occasional the bird’s voice I’m hearing. Nobody was following
behind me. It’s because I also told them there are several
considerably important steps when using this medicine and I
don’t want those to be known.

After taking enough distance from the village, I lay down

Ramell on the spot. And then then medicine I was holding I
would――――――jokingly throw it away.

“ …… Like there’s such a convenient medicine.”

When mentioned the resurrection medicine and showed an

appropriate potion, Alize ended up being deceived and made a
glad looking face. I can’t say I felt guilty when I saw that. Levia
had some thoughts about my appearance, but it looks like she
noticed the lie.

“Well, reviving him…… is a fact, but…… I don’t really want to

use it though.”
Despite grumbling to myself, I place both of my hands in front
of my body.

“Wake up――――――<Gluttony>”
Chapter 26 Gluttony
“Now, let’s…… see here”

I look at the body of Ramell, who is lying on the ground, with

not even a single wound. His bent arm has returned to normal
and there are no torn flesh, as if nothing ever happened.

“His armour is really in the way”

I undo his worn armour and I place my hand on his chest.

“It would be nice…… if you come back”

To be honest, this method doesn’t have any proof that shows

you’ve done it properly. I made no blunder up until now, but
I’ve only done this several times. There is also the worst case

…… well even so, I don’t really want to see my pupil’s sad face
“I’m also giving my all, so you go all out too……”

I put together my hand palms above Ramell’s chest and got on

my knees. While tasting the feeling of becoming a protagonist of
a medical drama, I commence a cardiac massage like



Alize came running at full speed after I got back some time
later while carrying Ramell on my back. She shows a really
worn out expression, so she must’ve been very anxious.

“Master…… is Ramell……?”

“Yeah…… he’s fine for now, his heart started beating.”

Ramell’s heart is by no means beating loudly. Alize also took a
breath of relief from the fact he is breathing quietly.

Thank you very much……. Master.”

“What are you talking about, he’s my pupil’s lover. I would do

at least this much for you.”

“Wait, he is not my lover yet!”

Wow, not yet…… huh.

I smirked, Alize’s face went deep red as she snatched Ramell

and she then separated herself from me while holding him like a
knight carrying his princess. What’s up with that, I was just
teasing you a little.

“Heeey, let him sleep more okay. He got quite weak after all!”
Regrettably I couldn’t return his lost blood and physical
strength. I don’t think he will be in a dangerous condition, but
Ramell is looking pale, even now.

“I…… I understand that! Uhm…… So master――――――”


“――――――generally, how much does that medicine back

then cost?”

Is it very expensive――――――is what Alize came to ask.

Uhm…… Honestly it would be fine if I just tell them what I did,
but that would ruin the mood now wouldn’t it…… Moreover,
I’ll also be troubled if they think I could revive anything and

“It’s homemade, so the cost ain’t a big deal. Well, there’s only
one of those though.”

“Then all the more I have to!”

“It’s fine. Its a medicine that’s better not to exist if that’s true.
I, its manufacturer himself, was bothered with treating
someone with it, you know. If you think about it, reviving the
dead is generally taboo isn’t it?”

“That is…… certainly true, but”

“That’s why this will be the last time. I won’t be making that
medicine anymore and I won’t be playing with life like this
anymore. That’s why this time I will make it like [Ramell didn’t
die and got his wounds healed with recovery magic. That’s why
there’s no compensation].”

“ …… I understand.”

With a slightly unconvinced expression, Alize left. The lot

who escaped from the village started to return and if you don’t
look at the broken gate and the gouged ground, you could even
say they’re starting to return to the original form of the village,

“――――――You used that didn’t you?”


Levia comes walking. I can even see a somewhat angry like


“How’s Amelle?”

“She is with the villagers.”

“Is that so……”

“And so, you used that, didn’t you?”

Her voice changed a little into an assaulting one.

“ …… Yeah. How did you know?”

“Your magic power is somehow nearly gone, so I immediately

knew. It had happened before as well.”

……She got me there. Ain’t I seen through?

“Once awake it won’t stop eating until it is

full――――――<Heteromorphic type> sacred sword,
<Gluttony> …… You hoped you could completely feed him with
almost all of Ramell’s wounds, but I understand it will not get a
full stomach with just that amount. What did you sacrifice

“What I fed him wasn’t that big of a deal, you know…… my

magic power was enough.”

“That is a lie. I can see right through you, you know?

That’s right. I recalled I’m terrible at poker faces.

――――――<Heteromorphic type> sacred sword <Gluttony>,

it’s the power that woke up within me when I was summoned to
this world as a Hero. It’s different than for example the
<Excalibur type> from Kouma, one of my classmates who got
summoned together with me back then. It’s sinister and no
matter how I say it, it’s a sword that looks like it’s used by
someone like the demon lord.

While there is naturally a differnce in appearance, the

difference between <Excalibur type> and <Heteromorphic type>
is the very large difference in its ability. The former is an ability
which raises your physical and magic power as well as largely
strengthening the light attribute. The latter doesn’t strengthen
your physical ability, attribute or increase magic power, but
instead it possesses some sort of strong ability. My <Gluttony>’s
ability is as it’s meaning implies, [eat anything]. It can even eat
space if I take a sweep at it and it can also eat the physical
strength of your opponent depending on the amount they have.
This time I let it eat Ramell’s wounds, restoring his body and by
giving his heart stimulus again, he could be revived.

But this method comes with quite severe conditions.

First off, lost limbs won’t return. And then blood and physical
strength won’t either. That’s why this time we were quite
barely on time. Ramell’s bleeding was quite bad after all. No
matter how much his body returns to its perfect state, there’s
no saving him if there’s no blood. There was a big chance that
even Ramell wouldn’t make it in time.

And then――――――the most important thing.

<Heteromorphic type> requires also a large compensation as a

result of having a powerful ability.

In <Gluttony>’s case, the sword will eat the area around it if I

don’t let it eat its fill, completely depleting the place of its
features. I don’t think there will be anything left around me if I
leave it to eat something for even a few minutes. I thought that
this time it would annihilate the village and all unless I give him
something else for it to eat.

In order to fill <Gluttony>’s stomach completely, the things

that were eaten…… those were most of my magic power as well
as my memory up until my first summon. In other words, the
memory I had of my previous existence living in Japan. Because
of that, I can’t recall the events before the time I was summoned
to this world for the first time. Even the faces of my family and
my friends in those days won’t come to mind.
“Memories――――――I see, and you are fine with that

“Yeah, the me from that time is already a dead existence after


It’s strange that I was holding memories of my old life in the

first place. To be exact, I was reborn the moment I was sent
back from Eclair, but personally I think that the moment we
were summoned here it would be similar to dying. Besides, the
memories of those times are already not needed anymore.
Lonely things may be lonely, but it’s a true fact that there will
be no problems even if those are lost.

“If it were to eat my magic power as well…… wouldn’t you be

able to settle this without doing that?”

“Aah…… probably, yeah.”

“Would you just rely on those around you a bit more……

You’re taking on too many burdens yourself. Saying because
you’re strong…… There is no need for you to take on so many of
them is there?”


“Moreover, I too am not weak, so excuse me for only being

carried by you.”

While saying so, Levia put her hands on my chest and let her
magic power flow in me. My decreased power was being filled
by Levia’s and it turned to what it was to some extent.

…… Somehow, I’m completely taken aback by Levia. When I

was thinking why I want to [protect] such a strong woman……

Protecting them because they’re important is natural, but

she’s――――――they’re not only existences to be protected by
me. They’re strong, stronger than I think.

“Hah…… Oh, well…… aren’t you reassuring.”

“It’s true, you know? Whatever you say, I am the sea god after

Separating her hands from my chest, her smiling face can be

seen expremely sparkling. Well, being cared about and being
protected once in a while probably ain’t a bad thing either, I
Chapter 27 Who is the mastermind?
“Are you really…… going already?”

“I still want to stay at the village though……”

“My bad, we also have a purpose in our trip, so yeah”

After staying for a little while, Levia and I are now standing at
the broken village gate. We’re planning to leave this village. If
I’m asked why we’re suddenly leaving, it’s because I want to
quickly meet up with the people in the beastmen continent.

When we told them that, the villagers all gave us their thanks
and handed over several barrels filled with a large quantity of
honey liquor. All of them are now in my magic bag.

The only ones who are seeing us off are Alize and Amelle.
Ramell still hasn’t regained his consciousness and the villagers
are busy repairing broken buildings and the like.
“Is that how it is……

I’m glad I met you, mister Setsu and miss Levia. The other
adventurers all gave up when they heard the story, so…… if you
haven’t gone to that guild, it would’ve been the end of this
village. That’s why I’m glad we’ve met.”

“――――――That so.”

It’s because you won’t meet an adventurer who can take on

hundreds of Lizardmen…… Me meeting Amelle is a miracle. The
story is far too good to be true, but I thought that there’s plenty
of that if it’s this fantasy world. Well, I can’t deny that
impression of it being a little too good to be true……

“Master…… I’m really thankful for what you’ve done for


“Yeah…… don’t worry about that, okay? Besides, he’s my

pupil’s lover, so helping him is natural, don’t you think?”
“Lo-, Lover!? No…… We’re not yet……”

“Oh…… Not, yet, huh?”


Upon noticing that she dug herself a grave, Alize hung down
her head with a bright red face. We laughed, seeing that. I
wonder if it was as a reaction to the tension up until now, but
especially Amelle laughed with a loud voice.

“I expected nothing less of Setsu’s pupil…… how

interesting…… fufu”

“Haha-! …… hey wait, what do you mean by that Levia?”

“Hahahah…… This cracks me up……”

“Yo-, you’re laughing too much Amelle!”

This time Alize’s face becomes even more red from the
bashfulness of becoming a laughing stock. More like, I did say
something impolite without hesitation, didn’t I?

“My bad, my bad. I guess we teased you too much”

“You can say that again…… Really.”

“Well, that’s that…… Convey your feelings seriously, okay?

This time it went well, but…… we don’t know about next time
something happens, okay?”

“ …… Okay.”

My question must have made Alize recall the time she saw
Ramell collapsed. Having your important person collapse will
pierce your heart after all. Moreover, lots of regret will remain.
If possible, I want Alize to become even stronger with this
time’s incident as source of encouragement for the sake of not
letting that happen.
“I’m…… considering retaking the S rank test. I’ll be more
diligent…… In order to protect the village the next time.”

“ …… Is that so.”

I’ve listened to her past. And also the trauma from the S rank

But her eyes are holding a strong will. In that case I can feel

“Hahaha…… Not good! My stomach is hurting……ugh!”

“How long are you really going to keep laughing, you!”

Speaking of Amelle who is next to her, she kept laughing for

some time now. If you keep laughing like that you’re going to
have abdominal muscle pain you know? Are you okay?
“What a cheerful girl…… Well then, time to go.”

“That’s right.”

Splendidly ignoring the exchange between Amelle and Alize,

we walk outside the village. Feeling responsible for the ground
that is gouged miserably, I’ve gone under the broken gate while
making the ground flat with some light earth magic for the time

“Ah! Aren’t master and Levia leaving already!?”

“Come again, you two! Ah…… Not good, I still can’t stop
laughing…… nfu, fufufufu.”

“Would you seriously stop it now! I’m sorry master! Please

come again anytime!”

“Oh…… Okay. See ya”

We waved our hands and spoke our words of farewell.
Actually, for how long are you going to laugh, this Amelle

However, this time there’s still quite a few questions

remaining…… In the end, what is that mysterious magic pool?
Moreover, even the blunt story about the dragon suddenly
appearing is [too well done to be true]……

“You’re making a long face you know? Even though we

received the liquor you had your eyes on with great pains……”

“Hmm…… I guess. There’s something I’m thinking about a



“No, well, I felt for a bit like today’s story is too good to be
true you know……”

Especially that dragon appearing nearby. When I think about

it now, that dragon really appeared suddenly. If I’m told it’s
flying speed is exceedingly fast, then that’s one thing, but the
fact that I didn’t sense it until I barged into the nest is, if
anything, strange.

――――――That dragon’s appearance is, it’s as if it was


“ …… Summon?”

Inside me a single suspicion emerged.

“Say Levia”

“What is it now?”

“The time when the dragon appeared, Amelle’s started

looking unwell right?”
“Yes, and?”

“That look, when did it start?”

Levia turns her doubtful gaze towards me when I asked about

it. She had a face like “what is he saying”……

“Anything you know is fine, so when was it?”

“ …… I wasn’t looking at her the whole time, so it’s vague,

but…… the moment the figure of the dragon appeared from
beyond the mountain she had a terrible color on her face. When
I saw that I also noticed the dragon.”

Wait, from beyond the mountains you say? The mountains I

saw around that time weren’t that large. I mean, there’s none at
a range significant for me. And then the time my perception
wasn’t effective was only the time from when I destroyed the
magic pool until I got outside. In other words, with just a short
time the dragon flew over us and headed towards the village.
…… It’s impossible. I have confidence in sensing presences.
No matter how you put it, I’ll notice a higher dragon species
getting near me even if I don’t want to. If that’s the case,

(Then I should consider the dragon as a summoned being……)

For the dragon to be summoned…… If it’s performed at the

time I couldn’t sense its presence, then it would mean that the
summoner must know my existence and furthermore, it must
be someone who could grasp the timing of the ineffectiveness of
my perception. In other words…… even that magic pool is
related to this…… Or at the very least to the extent that
someone would roughly know when it breaks.

The moment Amelle looked pale was before the moment the
figure of the dragon could be seen. And then, Levia noticed it
even later…… Amelle’s rank falls short to Levia. Even if it
exceeded in my presence sensing…… it’s full of strange points.
In other words…… one would need quite a lot of magic power to
summon that kind of dragon. If one loses a large quantity of
magic power in one go and loses their physical strength, then I
can understand the timing of Amelle starting to look unwell.

If she’s the main culprit of everything, then most of it would

come together consistently.

“ …… Levia, we’re going back to the village for a bit.”


I made a U-turn with my heel and returned to the village. I

have a bad feeling about this. Taken aback, Levia became
confused and ran after me, but her legs stopped when she was
on the verge of catching up to me. My feet also…… stopped.

“――――――What is that.”


“――――――Ahahaha, not good! Again, my laugh is……”

“Hey, isn’t it about time for you to really――――――”

In order to assist them in the repairs, both Amelle and Alize
had gone towards the village buildings. However, Amelle
couldn’t stop laughing since some time ago. It was vaguely a
mocking like laugh, but Alize felt angry.

“Sorry, sorry I said! I can’t help it can I!――――――

――――――I mean I already expected you won’t become

anything like lovers with big bro.”

“ …… huh?”

“――――――Invoke <Area summon>”

Suddenly, Alize’s field of vision was completely dyed white.


“This is…… Summoning magic?”

I muttered while looking at the light dome wrapping around
the village.

I vaguely recognize the magic formation written with

geometrical characters surrounding the village and from within
my memories I spoke the name of the magic.

“<Area Summon> …… Wasn’t it a magic that moves the living

beings that are inside the sphere enclosed by the magic
formation to another location?”

“I’ve also heard of that magic…… but…… to cast it on the

whole village is……”

If I’m not mistaken, Area Summon can transfer as many

living things as they want as long as you’re inside the magic
formation. (By the way, the magic theories of sending and
summoning is roughly the same, so as a result, summoning
magic includes transfer.)

But the problem is its range. The wider it is, the more magic
power is taken from the user. Ordinary summoners can at most
create a range of about two tatami mats. (a surface of about 3.65
m² or 1.91 by 1.91 m)

And what’s with this? This user has enough magic power to
wrap up one village. And what’s more, this guy has quite the

“ …… Once the light fades out, we’ll investigate the village.”

“Yes……I guess”

――――――Nobody will be there either way though……

I stopp right when I was on the verge of saying that.


Standing above the steep cliff where one can overlook the
village, was the young girl who was supposed to be in that
village, Amelle. However, her appearance was not the figure of a
demon, but of a human.

She pleasantly watched the deserted village and showed a

smile that was similar to the smile towards Alize some time ago.

Next to her quietly appeared a somewhat small figure.

“――――――You’ve done a good job didn’t you, Melua” (メル

アー ; meruaa)

“Ah! Master Touma! …… Oh, it’s a thought body”

The Hero who was once summoned to this world, Touma was
there. However, that was a projection and only his thoughts
existed in this place.

“I’m sorry for not being able to praise you personally. But that
was a really magnificent work you’ve done for me.”
“Oh please…… this is natural if it is for Master Touma.”

Formerly Amelle, Melua conversed with him with a face full

of smiles. As if she was a maiden in love……

“But you were able to pull off an Area Summon after

summoning a dragon, weren’t you? Aren’t you supposed to be
completely out of magic power?”

“Ehehe…… That’s because I had an unexpected present, you


Upon saying so, the girl took out a test tube looking thing
from her pocket. What was inside was air.

“So that’s how it is…… the highest grade potion, its effect is
large restoration to physical strength and magic power. This is
something Setsu had given you right?”

“I really didn’t think I would be given salt by the enemy.

Thanks to that I was able to execute our plans earlier, so it’s fine
right? If I would proceed normally, the execution of our plans
would be tomorrow onwards after all.”

“That’s right isn’t it? You’ve properly sent all the villagers to
the royal castle’s basement, haven’t you?”

“Yeah! I’m talented with summoning magic you know!”

Melua talked about her magic boastfully. What Setsu had

realized was correct; the one who summoned the dragon was
her, and that magic pool was her original magic, <Point

“I know, your magic is splendid!”


“And so…… were there any useful looking human resources?”

“Let’s see. Miss Alize can be used. It looks like she didn’t do
much activities as an adventurer recently, but I think her
abilities can become S rank if she redoes her training. Big br……
Mister Ramell is decently strong I guess? The rest is not bad I
think. I think they can be sent off as <Magic soldiers>.”

“Yeah, that will be plenty. Especially there being an S rank is

great, it looks like we’ll be having some good war potential.”

Touma, who made quite a dangerous remark, gazes at the

village which is ruled by the silence spreading from below the
cliff. To be more exact…… he was staring wholeheartedly at the
figure of a single man investigating the village.

“ …… Setsu, I will be bringing you back soon. I will slaughter

all the demons and beastmen who had snatched you away from
me…… and then I will take you back. That’s why, wait for me a
little more, okay? I will absolutely come meet you……!”

When he judged that he spoke the words resembling his

determination, Touma’s thought body already disappeared. And
then the Melua beside him was already no longer there.
Nobody had noticed anybody had been at that
Volume 2 – On the Beastmen
Chapter 28 To The Beastmen continent
――――――Beastmen continent…… It is a continent where
mainly beastmen live in, races that are like a unity of humans
and animals. These beastmen possess beastlike ferociousness
and instinct.

Their physical strength are high compared to humans and

demons, but in exchange the amount of magic power within
them is not so much.

Instead of saying in exchange, it is a handicap equivalent to

being unable to use the convenience called magic, or having
difficulty in using them.

In order to compensate for such handicap, the beastmen

possess skills that is characteristic to their race.

In the case of felines, they can acquire skills which would

strengthen their body’s flexibility, leg strength, nails etc. As for
the canines, they can acquire skills which could strengthen their
olfaction, leg strength and special vocal chords.
They use those skills freely and compete with the other races.

There are doesn’t exist any races anymore that would look
down on them for not being able to use magic.

Currently one beastman had just put their foot in the

continent of such beastmen.

The body was concealed by a black robe and the head covered
by a hood until only the shape of the mouth could be faintly

Judging from the shape of the mouth, the gender is likely


Because her body was small, one would get the impression
that she was young.

The moment she started walking in the port town of the

beastmen continent <Leo Port>, she took off her hood.
What is attached to her head was a pin and mere white cat
ears, and the girl’s hair itself was completely white.

Her face still looked childish and she appeared to be the same
age as Ruri, who was with Setsu for a while. She could be called
a junior high school student by Japanese standards.

An old man selling the fishes he had fished in a store called

out to that girl.

“Ooh! If it ain’t Shironeko! Come take some of what I just

fished today!”

“I will take it -desu”

The black robe wearing girl called Shironeko was given fresh
fish who were jumping around even now.

“Oh! If this isn’t Shironeko! Come take some of our

vegetables, okay!”
“I will take it -desu”

This time the middle-aged greengrocer lady threw in several

types of vegetables.

The girl took everything in her hand.

“Woah there! If it ain’t Shironeko! Take some of our meat,

will ya!”

“I will…… not take it -desu”

“It ain’t good to be picky ya know!”

“I, I understand -desu”

On the stacked bags in her arms was put a bag of fresh meat by
the butcher’s assistant.
Shironeko made an unpleasant face, but endured it one way or
another and once again started walking.

When the girl walked in the city, people would greet her.

That is because Shironeko was currently the strongest in this


A beastman’s instinct is to be fond of someone stronger than


For that reason the residents of the city respected her and
loved her.

Despite being respected, their interaction felt like she was

being treated as a child, but perhaps her appearance was to
blame for that.

Shironeko held a large quantity of bags and went towards a

tiny house on the outskirts of the city.
“I’m home -desu”

When she nimbly used her foot to open the door to the tiny
house, she carefully went in so as not to drop the bags.
The room inside is spacious enough for at most two people to
live in and there are absolutely no unnecessary furniture.

This is the house of the one who is popular in the city,


“Mineko, I’ve just returned home -no desu”

Shironeko called out to the girl on the bed in this cramped


“Welcome home, big sis”

Lying on the bed, a young girl with long black hair called
Mineko responded to her voice and lifted up her body.

Judging from appearance, she would look older than

Her long black hair was disordered and jumped up here and
there, but she boasted an exquisite innocence and her well
featured face felt adultlike.

And then, the black cat ears growing on her head looked

However, no matter how one perceives them, they won’t

realize from Shironeko’s appearance that she is the older sister.
“You don’t have get up -desu”

“I feel good today so I will be fine you know”

Mineko who said so had a cheerful appearance, but her body

appeared weakly.

As a matter of course, she is currently being afflicted by an


There was an illness that gradually weakened the body, its

origin was unknown.

Even the city doctors had given up hope and couldn’t grasp
the hope of curing her for about several years.

“First of all, today you will take the medicine too -no desu.
Yesterday’s medicine was gone, so today we received new
medicine -no desu.”
“I’m sorry for having you do this every time…… big sis”

“You’re my little sister, so you can act spoiled -no desu.

Mineko, I will absolutely find a way to cure you -no desu.”

“ …… okay”

Mineko smiled.

Shironeko may be a slightly unsociable girl, but this time she

showed a seemingly sad smile on her face.

Shironeko took out a bottle with black beads from the pocket
of the robe she was wearing.

She opened it and dropped one bead on her hand.

It’s as large as a tablet in Japan.

“Swallow this -no desu”


Together with water created by a simple water magic, the

black bead went inside Mineko.

“ …… I will absolutely return you to your energetic body -no

desu. Not medicine that only delays the symptoms, I will find
proper medicine -no desu”

“Big sis…… Please don’t do anything unreasonable okay?”

“I won’t -no desu. I am――――――strong -desu”

Shironeko stared at Mineko with strong eyes.

At that time, Shironeko’s ears responded to something with a

“ …… some work has come in -no desu. Mineko, I will be away
from home for a little while, so lie down in bed -no desu”

“Okay, big sis”

She softly stroke Mineko’s head once and left the house.

Walking to the port town once again, Shironeko glared

straight towards the direction of the sea.

In order to save her beloved family, her younger sister, she

will turn her fangs to one man today――――――


“You can see it now――――――the beastmen continent”

“Hm…… Yeah”
Lying down on the Levia’s head who is advancing on the sea, I
feel nostalgia upon seeing the beastmen continent in front of me
and unintentionally leaked out a stupid voice.

“Uhhee, how nostalgic” (T.N. Any stupid sounding english

word I could use for uhhee?)

“I’m no good at appearing like beasts though……”

“Endure it okay, endure…… Your cat ears are dog ears you

“What does that matter……”

It looks like this girl doesn’t understand the merit of animal


Even though it would have increase your cuteness by 20% if

even you put it on, how wasteful.
“At any rate, are we going to directly look for the lion king
when we arrive at the beastmen continent?”

“Yeah, we have to end this troublesome war and make it

easier to spend time in this world.

…… and track down Alize.”

“ …… You’re right.”

I was able to confirm the fact that everyone in Alize’s village

was dropped somewhere because of Area Summon.

After that we frantically investigated the village, but I

couldn’t even find a single person.

We investigated the surroundings of the village just a little,

but they’re not there either.
I understood they were kidnapped.

The problem is, to where.

“ …… Wouldn’t it be nice if they’re in the beastmen


I murmured softly and grasped my fist tightly.

“――――――We’re here”

I put my feet on the deserted coast that’s separated from the

port town.

Levia also changed herself into a human form before she

stands out.

“It’s been five days or something since we left that place!

Either way, I so want to lie down on a bed since a long time. We
couldn’t do anything but sleep outside these days after all.”

“That would be fine, I like soft beds, you know.”

“Then, how about we try and stay at an extravagant place for


As I walk in high spirits, Levia walks together behind me.

The air at the beastmen continent is different from both the

human continent and the demon continent.

It feels like it smells a little of animals, but if you get used to it

it will calm you down rather than become troublesome.

We started going forward while we breathe in the air of this

place since a long time, but we stopped after taking three steps.


“Nyaa” “Nyaa” “Nyaa” “Nyaa” “Nyaa” “Nyaa” “Nyaa”

Lining up before us are a cat, a cat, a cat, a cat, a cat …… (one

of them is spelled nuko, not sure if intentional or a reference to
a certain manga)

There were all sorts of cats ranging from small to large, but
every one of them is looking at us.

Why are we welcomed by cats right after we have gotten

here…… ――――――
Chapter 29 That’s how it is, you stupid
“How, how cute……”

Levia beside me murmurs so while watching the various cats

lining up.

Sure, what’s cute is cute, but I’ve never seen this scene up
until now at least.

While feeling a little uneasy about this, I carefully observe the


Then cats were lined up with even spaces between them and
the type of cats are varied. Within them are also children and
their eyes are all facing our way.

(Those eyes…… they’re a little strange)

The cats lined up with even spaces and staring is strange, but I
can see the eyes of those guys are somewhat modified.

“Ain’t this…… visual link?”

Visual link――――――one of the Subordination magic. It’s a

magic where you yourself can see what the creature that has a
master/servant relationship with you is seeing; it’s the basis of
subordination magic.

Incidentally, the race who are extremely good with

Subordination magic are the beastmen. Beastmen can easily
communicate with creatures the same as themselves, like the
canines and dogs. There is a limit to how many links you can
make using subordination magic, but for now I’ll leave that

(This number of subordination magic…… if these are all

connected to one person, then this guy could be a considerable
master……? If the person is a beastman, then that means they
have more magic power than average in spite of being
Beings with lots of magic power while being beastmen are
scarce but there are several numbers of them. Naturally, those
people are always influential people. The problem is, why are
they acting like they are standing watch for disembarking
people like this though――――――

“Setsu, something is here.”


Levia called out to me who was being watched. Exactly as she

said, a girl walked out from the front. From seeing cat ears on
her head she seems to be a feline and those ears and hair are
white. Although her body is smallish, I don’t know for sure
because of the body wrapping around her body.

Hm? Black robe――――――

“Levia, get ready for a fight”

“That robe, it looks like the same as the guy who was in the
demon lord’s castle using shadow magic.”

“ …… I see”

When I confirmed Levia being alert, I concentrated so that I

won’t avert my line of sight from the cat eared girl.

“ …… I wish you would stop no desu”

“ …… hah?”

When I carefully watched her, the girl walked to about 20

metre distance and talked.

“If I’m stared at so much I will feel embarrassed no desu,

that’s why I wish you would stop no desu.”

“Oh, okay……”
What is with this girl……Her face went slightly red and she
averted her eyes from me, as if she’s really feeling embarrassed.
It’s as if she didn’t have any signs of attacking, so I instruct
Levia to loosen her alertness. Of course I won’t have her release
it completely.

“ …… You, are you surely mister Setsu desu?”

The girl still seems to be a bit embarrassed, but she really

looked at my face properly and asked a question.

“ …… How do you know my name?”

“I have received word from the Beast King no desu. The Beast
King and his entourage are currently preparing for your
welcome party, so he wishes for at least one day time.”

“The beast king did?”

I tried to match my gaze in order to make sure it was

authentic, but the girl didn’t try to, from embarrassment again.
( …… Is this some kind of scheme? There are many points to
doubt on, but……)

Why would the beast king be aware of the time I would land
here? Besides, why wouldn’t he send a proper soldier, it doesn’t
look like there will be any end to it if I raise up all my doubts.


“ …… Either way our departure will be tomorrow, right?”

“That’s pretty much it…… “

In the end, it became a talk about us not going to the beast

king immediately and resting in a hotel for a day.

“If I receive your acknowledgement, I will look after your

belongings in accordance to the Beast King’s instructions no
desu. I can also introduce you to a good inn no desu.“
“Ah, that is an attractive proposal.”

“Hey hold on there……”

Levia responds to the good inn part. That definitely got me

interested, but hey, what are you going to do if it was a trap……

“You won’t be able to sleep comfortably while you’re

concerning yourselves with traps and whatnot, right? Try
thinking about it seriously.”

“ …… that’s also true.”

I persuade her in a low voice so as to not let the girl hear it and
Levia then understood. Even though I want to rest in a bed after
so long, I’ll lose my interest if I won’t be able to rest because I
have to stay vigilant.

“My bad, eh. I’ll be going to the inn of an acquaintance of

mine, so I won’t be needing a guide, yeah”
“ …… Is that so, I understand no desu”

As expected, that’s a lie. I don’t know such an inn.

I’m a little worried about today, but it seems like she accepted
for now.

“So is it fine if we go to that guy’s place tomorrow during the


“That guy……?”

“Yeah, the beast king you know, the beast king.”

“ …… That’s right, we would like you to come tomorrow

during the day desu”

The girl says so with a dumbfounded look. What gives? I only

called the beast king that guy and you’ll be this surprised about

Well then, I must be going desu, we will be waiting for you

tomorrow desu.”


As the dumbfounded expression ended, the girl gave her

farewell and took the cats with her. Levia beside me showed a
regretful face, but let’s not mind that.

“We’re going too Levia, we have to go to the inn quickly.”

“*sigh* …… I guess.”

From now on, cats and dogs will come out as many as you like,
that’s why don’t worry about it, okay……

“ ……“

At a place separated from the beach, Shironeko stared fixedly

at the target, Setsu and one other girl.

(As expected…… introducing them to an inn by an unfamiliar

person and having them follow her recklessly is impossible

In the case that they do tell her to introduce them to a hotel

and accompany her without being on guard, she would have
intended to accommodate them in the chosen hotel and attack
them in their sleep. The plan was naturally a failure and
Shironeko immediately came up with the next action.

(He is someone powerful enough to be able to call the beast

king with “that guy” …… I can’t be careless desu )

There are no beastmen who does not know of the abilities of

that beast king. And there are also no beastmen who would not
follow that beast king. That is because beastmen are attracted to
strong people after all. And the battlemaniacs among them
would continue challenging the beast king in a fight. That is
because fighting strong people is also something they look
forward to.

Shironeko too sprouted a considerable desire to want to try

fighting with Setsu, but she had to throw away that desire for
the sake of protecting her important person.

“Even if I have to attack you in your sleep…… I must defeat

you no desu”

The girl averts her eyes from her own slightly wavering heart
and moves her legs to the direction of the town Setsu and Levia
is heading towards――――――


The inn at the heart of the port town in the beastmen

continent, “Lion’s beloved bower”―――――― This is the inn
we will be staying in for today.
The price is reasonably priced, but the interior is quite
beautiful and the served lunch was at a level I can’t complain

“*exhale* …… For now, how about we go to our room.”

“ …… I guess we could.”

We leave the inn’s dining room. The interior is pretty, the

food is also good …… the problem would only be the stares
around us.

(Well, I guess it’s because they’re in the middle of war now)

I’m starting to forget about it somewhat, but right now the

beastmen are in the middle of a greatly admired war with the
human continent. For that reason the beastmen’s public
opinion on humans are harsh no matter where you go out to.

(Even just by taking up a hotel you can profit from this……

this way)
Did they plan to harass us in a petty way? From large
proportion of available rooms we were passed on the cheapest
and the smallest room, but it shouldn’t be enough to bother us.

If I can sleep on the bed then I’m fine with this.”

Without hesitation, Levia dived into the bed. There are two of
them in this room so in short, a double room. We didn’t act like
we’ll be taking two rooms because we’re man and woman. It’s
wasteful above all.

“Shall we take a short break for now……”

Since I didn’t particularly have any bags I carry, I soon

jumped on the other side of the bed. Aah, it’s so soft…… this is

In spite of the sun still high in the sky, my consciousness fell

into deep slumber


“ …… It’s here desu”

Late at night. It’s the period of time where the lights go out
and the drunkards are strutting about in the city. Shironeko is
standing in front of the “Lion’s beloved bower.”

When she went in through the elegant door, a canine man

who is the innkeeper here beckoned the girl.

“ …… Where is that couple desu?

“They’re in the corner most room on the second floor. Here,

it’s the key.”

Shironeko received the key to the room and thanked the man.

The girl already proposed cooperation to every person in this

city. She also knew they were in that inn, because the people in
the city had told her.

“I don’t think attacking them in their sleep is really a good

way to do this though……”

“I know no desu. But…… No matter what I have to defeat him

no desu.”

“ …… Yeah, it’s for your little sister after all.”

Beastmen like fighting, therefore they like it fair and square.

But before fighting, they love family more than anything. For
instance, even if they have to use cowardly tactics, they will use
them as much as they have to if it is for the sake of their family.

“I’ll have the lots living in the neighbourhood take refuge. We

confirmed that those guys started lying on the bed in their
room. And eh…… please try not to break too much, okay?”

“I will handle it carefully……desu”

Because they were so cautious some time ago, she thought
they may be vigilant eight or nine out of ten cases even now,
that is what is in Shironeko’s mind. Perhaps…… it would
become a fierce battle.

“ …… I’ll be on my way desu”

The girl carefully ascended the staircase so as to not make any


(――――――It’s here desu)

While walking through the second floor hallway and using

her nature so the wooden floor wouldn’t make strange noises,
she finally arrived in front of the intended room.

(If I can end this with one blow…… would be fine though)

While embracing such fleeting hopes, she tried thrusting the

key into the doorknob.

(Huh…… it doesn’t fit)

The key didn’t go into the doorknob. It seems the shape was
somehow incorrect.

(That innkeeper…… made a mistake desu? Kuh…… In that


Shironeko took some distance from the door and prepares


(I will barge in and assault them in one go…… It’s alright, I

memorized that man’s scent desu ……)

She put strength into her legs. She lowered her waist and
crossing her arms horizontally in front of her face. Then she
used a lot of magic power for a beastman and spread it
throughout her whole body. Due to that, even her sharp nails
extended noticeably and was furthermore increased in

She thought about confirming Setsu’s scent at this place just

in case, but there were the scent of various things everywhere,
so she couldn’t catch his smell. Even while experiencing a light
anxiety, Shironeko immediately shook off that anxiety. She will
understand all the same when she goes in. As long as she could
distinguish the bed the instant he notices her, it will be fine.

“I will end it…… in an instant desu …… ngh!”

Shironeko kicked with so much strength it broke the wooden

floor and approached the door instantly. When she swung her
prepared arms just before the collision, the door became small
pieces of fragments, made noise and fell down.

Shironeko jumped to above the bed with her nail still holding
that sharpness.

(Which bed desu …… ugh!? ――――――Wait, where?)

Shironeko jumped up and noticed it. In the two beds in this
room, the beings that were supposed to be in
them――――――were not there.

(It can’t be…… a trap……?)

With the enemy she stabbed with her nail not there, she
arrived at that possibility.

“If it’s like that――――――”

“That’s how it is, you stupid cat!”

“Oh no!”

Right before she got her feet on the floor, Shironeko was
assaulted by a dropkick from right beside the place she prepared
to land at.
The girl instantly crossed her arms in front of her body and
after she received an unexpected impact, she flew through the
windows and towards the street.

“I was careless …… desu!”

Shironeko, who dropped to the ground along with the

window glass, rotated once midair and landed on her four legs
like a cat jumping from a tall place.

A dull pain shot through the moment her hands stuck to the
ground, but thanks to her being strengthened by magic power,
the pain didn’t prolong so much.

“I really didn’t think the citizens would even cooperate with

you, you know? Though it makes it easier to go on a rampage

And so――――――I’m gonna have you throw up everything

about the black robes okay?”

Setsu jumped out from the window and unsheathed his black
large sword from his magic bag.
Chapter 30 Say that earlier
“Why …… were you able to do a surprise attack on me desu”

The white haired feline had her hands and feet on the ground
and asked me who got down on the ground. Looking at her
magic power flowing through her nails, this must be her
fighting style.

“It was a petty trick you know, and you got caught in it, hook,
line and sinker.”

When we arrived at the inn, we went to take a nap on the bed

just like that and as preparation for the night, we used the light
attribute magic <Illusion>. This magic uses the refraction of the
light and possesses the effect of disturbing a person’s

“It didn’t fit in the keyhole right? That wasn’t the inn’s
mistake, but simply you only mistaking the room.”

The room this girl went in was the one before our room. With
<Illusion> making the recognition of the hallway vague, it can
make the optical illusion that the hallway ends over there.

――――――Be that as it may.

I never thought the people from the inn would cooperate with
this girl. But I can understand that now.

(She’s…… quite strong)

If I have to speak with ranks, she should be in a spot between

SS and SSS rank…… she will be defeated by the perfect Levia,
but she’s at the level where she can win right now.

I’ll tell you now, but there aren’t so many people this strong
you know. That’s why the beastmen cooperates with her.
Because they love people stronger than themselves.

By the way, beastmen are creatures where the number one in

every race takes up command. Because of this simple thought,
the strongest in the continent becomes king and everyone living
there respects and follows him or her. They’re much easier to
understand than demons and humans, who think about
troublesome things and care about inheritance and lineage.

“I was trapped…… desu”

“Looks like you understand. And so…… this is sudden, but

how about you let me hear the purpose of you black robed
people okay?”

“ ……”

“Oh? Cat got your tongue?”

Without saying anything, the white haired feline sharpened

her senses quietly. She’s obviously ready for battle.

“Hah! At least answer the question!”

Flipping the earth with four legs, the white haired feline
leaped towards me with a figure close to diving. At the same
time I parry her swung arm with Kuromaru and swing it


Unable to stand firm in mid air due to jumping, the feline girl
used her nails as a shield, but she was pushed away by the power
from the attack from the side.

Thrusting her nails into the ground and reducing the force,
the girl rearranged her posture while frowning from the pain
given by the impact that broke through her.


“Oh, you can still stand.”

With a facial expression mixed with half desperation, the
white haired feline once again kicked the ground and leaped. I
observe her movements well while I sometimes stop and
sometimes dodge the striking nail attacks she unleashes.

“I tell you, those impatient attacks won’t hit!”


Because of her excessively large movements, her distinctive

characteristic, which was her speed, had lost its meaning. The
muscles meant for speed were completely useless.

“It’s too pointless, you catgirl!”

I easily go through the nail dance, leaped to her bosom and at

the same time I thrusted the grip of Kuromaru towards the
defenseless body.

And the instant she stopped moving, which was my aim, I
seized the collar of the white haired feline’s robe.

And then――――――


I throw her right behind me. The white haired feline who was
thrown into the air suddenly couldn’t move smoothly and
struggled while floating in mid air.

The next moment after I threw her, I grab Kuromaru and

pour a small amount of magic power into it. Raising it overhead,
I’ve decided on my aim and lightly swung down.

“<Flying blade>――――――ngh!”

It’s a flying slash whose scope is the same as the one I

unleashed in the dragon’s nest, but it goes towards the white
feline while gouging the street in front of the inn.

The girl who couldn’t try to dodge in mid air wrapped her
arms around her body and twisted her body. And then the
moment it collided――――――


When just the twisted part of her body revolved in the air and
her extended nails touched my <Flying blade>, the sound of
clashing then played especially from her nails. But the girl’s
body deflected the slash from its route and the <Flying blade>,
not budging even when hit by the nails, pushed on as it is. When
it looked like the innermost house of the street is going to be
destroyed in an instant, a suddenly appearing water wall
interrupted its course in order to protect the house.

The <Flying blade> collided with the water wall and the water
shook like it has the elasticity of of a gum, reducing the force of
the slashing attack completely and dispersing it. When the duty
of the water wall ended, which is to protect against my slash, its
form crumbled, became a pool and disappeared.
“Yeah, my bad Levia.”

“<Water wall> …… at full power……ugh! Stopping your

<Flying blade> is difficult, so don’t use it so much, you

“I got it, I got it……”

I meekly apologize to Levia who was standing on the house

that was going to come in contact with my <Flying Blade>. I had
her prevent damage to the houses and the like from the fight
right now, but it looks like it’s a bit of a heavy burden for Levia
who isn’t submerged in water.

“Not coming with the two of you…… are you underestimating

me desu……?”


The white haired feline girl who escaped from the <Flying
blade> scowled at me as she gets battle ready on all fours. Or
rather, I’m getting pretty tired of calling her a white haired

“I’m not underestimating you or anything though? I just suck

at teamplay.”

It’s because it’s hard to move freely when someone joins me in

a fight, at least in my case. If it’s that trap of a gay hero bastard,
then he may be able to stick with me, but it’s possible that the
other people would get dragged into my attacks and collapse

“ ……”

“Oh and hey, I want to hear your name, so please tell me”

“ …… Why desu?”

“Don’t glare at me like that, it’s not like I wanted to get along
with you. I simply wanted to know, that’s all; my battle
opponent’s name”
Upon hearing that, the white haired feline opened her mouth
after thinking for a bit.

“――――――Shironeko desu”

“Huh, ain’t that a nice name.”

It’s a secret that I didn’t think so.

“I’m Setsu, I’m probably the strongest man in this world.”

“I didn’t ask for it desu……”

“Aw, don’t say that…… It’s the name of the guy who’s going
to make you submit to me after this you know?”

“Be silent…… desu!”

“gh…… seriously?”

The moment I’m told to shut up, a transformation was called

to Shironeko’s body. The cells on her whole body shines and at
the same time, the shape transformed from a humanoid to an
animal. Her form changed to pointy ears, slit eyes and a long
shaking tail.

Around the time the light settled, the figure of the lovely girl
wasn’t there. What is there is one cat―――――possessing a
beautiful white fur and even more sharply strengthened nails
on its hand, it was a figure that feels mystical rather than

――――――It’s just that she’s unreasonably big.

“ ……… haah!?”

Wait wait wait wait! What does this mean!?

“It’s <Animalization> ……desu”

“I know that!”

<Animalization> ――――――A skill only beastmen can handle

and a skill where one changes into a figure where her or she can
reveals its full strength on the table. Basically any beastmen
who stacked up training can use it and the level of that ability
scares other races. When using it, their physical ability raises to
several stages and it greatly amplifies their magic power
depending on the person. And…… not surprisingly, that figure
is that of an animal. A canine would transform into a dog and a
feline into a cat.

Following this story, Shironeko undergoing <Animalization>

isn’t something to be surprised about. The problem is…… her

“Why are you this huge……? Shouldn’t beastmen using

<Animalization> be transforming into an average sized animal?

In other words, a canine were supposed to become a size who

can be kept in Japan as a pet and the same goes for felines.
Nevertheless, the power within them are higher than their
humanoid counterpart with a large difference so you can’t be
careless, but……
“When I trained myself it became like this desu”


Could it be that their sizes become this large just from having
power!? Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen the
animalization of the beast king and the bunches around him,
have I…… I got separated as I made a promise to fight with the
beast king too……

“The idle talk ends desu!”

“W-! Oops…… “

I dodged the arm that’s like a log unleashed to mow me down

by jumping a little high.

When I look at Shironeko as I jumped up, I saw an unpleasant

“Ugeh…… a <beast cannon>, really?”


I push Kuromaru in front of me to hide my body. When doing

so, an invisible impact that was like a collision of a huge iron
ball ran through and I, including Kuromaru, was blown way

If I remember correctly, <Beast cannon> is a bombardment of

voice pressed together that is used by beastmen. It can even be
called a roar. It’s a skill where they amass air in their
strengthened lungs, pressed together by the vocal chords and
fired in a straight line together with a loud roar.

“This bastard…… gh”

I use wind magic in midair. I use magic that makes scaffolding

and forcibly kick the air. After cutting down the force I was
blown away with and landing on the roof of one of the houses, I
started running at the same time.
“You little…… If you shoot something like that <Beast
cannon>, won’t the neighbourhood be in big trouble!?”

“I already had the neighbourhood residents evacuate desu!

There are no people in the surroundings desu!”


You’ve got to be kidding me…… These things――――――

“――――――say that earlier!”


I jump towards Shironeko from the roof. When I try to strike

overhead with all my strength with Kuromaru, it was then
defended by the sharply strengthened nails on her foreleg.

“Out of my way!”
After getting my sword defended against, I quickly reversed
my cut and with all my strength, I throw up the nails from
below. Then I landed in front of the defenseless Shironeko and
released Kuromaru from my right hand.


“Don’t you think we could have fought to our heart’s content

from the beginning if I knew that!?”

I swung my released right hand and with an open palm I

strike Shironeko’s face. It’s the so-called face slap.

Receiving a strong impact from her side, the girl was blown
away horizontally and her face sunk into a nearby
Chapter 31 I won’t leave her alone
“――――――Is it over?”


Levia jumped down from the top of the roof and landed beside
me. Shironeko, with her head sunk into a house, couldn’t move.

“There’s no sign of moving though……”

“ …… How about I pull her up and check for now?”

I walk closely towards the large Shironeko, grab the hair on

her head and brace myself. Together with what’s small
resistance for me, her head came out with a pop and when I
release her head a dull sound was made upon landing on the
ground. When doing so, her body shined and returned to her
original humanoid form.

“She…… fainted, didn’t she?”

“I, I don’t remember hitting her with that much strength

“It’s because you’re always bad at moderation…… it’s high

time you are more aware of yourself about this……”

I’m completely shocked…… even though it’s like this, I put in

a lot of effort in this you know?

“But I give up, I wasn’t able to hear the things about those
black robes……”

I touched the black robe of Shironeko who’s lying face up. As I

expected, it’s the same robe as that shadow bastard no matter
how I look at it. I’m sure she’s involved with those guys.

“I’ll temporarily strip off all of her


I unintentionally leak out my voice from suddenly getting hit

on my head with something. Is it maybe this stone that fell
down nearby?

“Setsu…… we’re surrounded you know”


I look around us and got surprised. Male and female beastmen

of all ages are standing in order to surround us. It seems like
they’re the people who live here……

“What’s up with you?”

I ask the brat who’s probably the guy who threw the stone.
The brat glared at us with full of anger on his face.

“How dare you do this to Shironeko!”

“Ah? The one who started was this girl you know?”
I object to the brat who said something extremely

“A guy who charged into us with the intent to kill is someone I

can’t leave alone as one would expect, now can I?”

“Shut yer mouth! Just die obediently!”

Hey, would you listen to me old man……

I glared at the old man who was spreading the shouts behind
the brat.

“Why are you showing this attitude…… this man won from
this child didn’t he? Wasn’t it the beastmen who has respect for
strong people I wonder?”

“I do have respect for this man! But it’s a different story this
A cat eared old lady answered Levia’s question. What is this
“it’s a different story”.

“If you’re not defeated then Shironeko will, you know! ……

Shironeko’s…… little sister will……”

Little sister?

I thought about the problem from the old man’s words, who
for some reason began to cry in frustration.

“――――――My bad eh, won’t ya please let me take it from



The one who pushed his way through the crowd and showed
his figure was a single man.
“You’re the owner of the inn aren’t you?”

“Yeah. Everyone, please break up this fight…… We can’t win

from this guy at any rate can we?”

When he said that, the residents bowed with frustrated faces

and left this place one by one. Every one of them made a facial
expression as if they abandoned hope, but……

“Are you going to explain this?”

“Yeah, we’re going back to the inn for a little while.”

Saying that, the innkeeper carried the collapsed Shironeko

and walked towards the inn.

Levia and I looked at each other’s face and then decided to

follow the guy for now.

“Hum…… I knew it, my liege’s beloved man is out of standard

isn’t he……”

A person was watching Setsu following the innkeeper on the

roof of a house not far from there. With a high pitch voice, the
person wears a black robe and has put on a hood, but one can
understand the person is a woman from her characteristic

“Nevertheless, if she’s even done in easily this way, we

wouldn’t be able to dispose of her after all.”

While Kuroinu’s gaze is aimed at Shironeko who was being

carried away on his shoulder, she gave a harsh judgment. As a
matter of fact, it wasn’t that she was given the order to dispose
of her should she be defeated. But from her perspective, who
entered the group with high loyalty towards Touma, she
considers others as useless if they’re defeated and that is plenty
of reason for her. And so, the woman called Kuroinu is a woman
who thinks that people who are useless to him should stop
“That’s right…… I may as well dispose of her along with her
bothersome younger sister. As punishment for being

Saying those last words, Kuroinu vanished into the city of

night with light movements――――――


“――――――Younger sister?”

“Aye, Shironeko’s got a younger sister”

We gathered in a room in the inn we were staying in. We and

the innkeeper are sitting in a chair and Shironeko is lying on the
bed in the room.

“What’s wrong with her?”

“ …… She’s taken as a hostage, her younger sister Mineko that

“By who?”

“The black robe wearing lots. Those guys are often seen in
this city and each one of them have a strange mood hanging
around them, ya see.”

I knew it…… so it’s those black robed bunch.

“It’s not that the hostage is even kidnapped.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Mineko got a sickness, where her body gradually loses

strength and it sounded like there is no hope for her to get cured
from it. There seems to be medicine that could slow down its
advance, but……”
“ …… I see, so the ones who have them are the black robed
guys right?”

“You got that right. And the orders they left her seems to be to
attack you.”

Wait, so that means that Shironeko attacked me without

meaning to attack me. Really, intentionally aiming for me. I
knew it, the black robe leader is…… I don’t even want to think
about that――――――

“? You’re looking pale, Setsu.”

“ …… Yeah, I only accidentally remembered the face of the

guy I don’t want to remember for a bit.”

“Are you fine with going on with the conversation?”

I shook my head to brush off bad thoughts. It’s not like it’s
decided that that guy is alive, it’s fine if I don’t mind it while
there’s no proof.
“Yeah, please go on”

“Got it. And then, we wanted to cooperate with her.

Shironeko is nearly the strongest in this region after all,
everyone would bite if they could be of use to her.”

“And so you evacuated didn’t you?”

“Aye, everyone was worried about her and hid themselves in

the end.”

I see, so that’s why they completely surrounded us in no time.

“Even I sold you out to Shironeko and I think that’s the worst
thing to do as an innkeeper. Sorry about that.”

“It’s already fine though…… even so, I have the feeling there
were an awfully lot of guys who would carry Shironeko’s
shoulders though……”
“It’s because it has to do with her younger sister Mineko……
Shironeko and Mineko being a an outstanding pair is their
feature. The tag team of those two managed to add a wound on
the great Beast king.”

Hey, that’s pretty amazing. Putting a wound on the beast king

would become proof of their ability being at least SSS rank in
this world. This world’s kings, with the exception of the human
country Destinea, are both out of standards. Those two people
probably won’t be defeated even if one hire several SSS rank
adventurers. And one SSS rank won’t even be able to leave a
single wound on them. If I say this much, you should be able to
easily understand the strength of the two.

Well, I don’t intend to lose if the two kings come at me,

but…… I would at least get hurt.

“If they can become the strongest together, then we won’t

have a choice but to respect both of them, don’t you think?”

“Well…… I guess.”
“At any rate, Shironeko won’t be able to taste freedom as long
as she’s threatened by her…… If her illness is suddenly healed
someday, it’ll be a different story, but ……”

“ ……”
I silently stand up and walk up to Shironeko. The girl who is
making a regular sleeper’s breathing is like the embodiment of
childishness who hasn’t matured yet. I quietly carry her in my
arms. The princess carry one. Nevertheless, she’s light and yet
how is she so strong? My travel companions Eruka and Tia, the
demon lord Desas and Alize the pupil. Does every one of them
hold that kind of power?

Hm? Levia? Her real form holds a mass that suits her
strength, so she doesn’t count.

“Say, where is her house?”

“It’s, it’s on the outskirts, but…… are you gonna carry

Shironeko there?”

“Yeah. I was able to get a bit interested in this after all. Levia,
we’re going.”

The sky is starting to turn slightly grey. It looks like we talked

a lot, the night is about to end I guess. Fortunately we took
plenty a nap so we don’t feel sleepy.

“If we start walking now, we’ll arrive there around the time
that little sister gets up won’t we?”

In any case, she won’t be getting up, so it’s not necessary to

hurry. But…… there were some things I want to think about. I
want to walk a bit to sort these thoughts out too.

“Well then innkeeper, we’re going. You haven’t taken the

money when you sold your guest right?”

“Heh…… I guess”

Tch, so he got away with that―――――― is what his face is

saying while he averted his eyes. I think his business spirit is
quite the thing you know? While me and Levia showed bitter
smiles, we left behind the inn. My arms got tired so I quit the
princess carry, carry her on my back and then walk through the
silent neighborhood.
“Why are we going to this child’s house?”

Walking beside me, Levia came to ask while peeping at

Shironeko’s sleeping face.

“ …… If it was up to me, then I’m thinking I may be able to

save that younger sister.”

“*sigh* …… So it’s like that.”

She breathed an amazed sigh to my answer. That’s not

surprising, I’m again planning to do what I was told not to do a
few days ago, after all.

“I won’t stop you anymore okay…… since it looks like it’s


“Yeah, my bad. But――――――isn’t it fine if I protect at least

a single family?
Abandoning a family suffering in front of my eyes is……
something I can’t do――――――
Chapter 32 I have no choice but to do it
“Huh…… I am……”

“‘Sup, so you’re up now”


Within the morning air, Shironeko, who was jolting on my

back, woke up. Surveying her surroundings with half opened
eyes, she stiffened after my response which opened her lovely
eyes wide open to her limit when she understood she is being
carried on my back.

“Why…… are you? What happened to the fight……”

“The outcome is your loss. Then after you fainted, I got to

hear your circumstances to an extent. I’m told you have a
younger sister, right?”

“ …… Are you really planning to lay your hands on my sister

desu!? Only that isーーーーーー”

“Even I won’t do that so would you just calm down?”

Levia who is walking beside me was holding down Shironeko

who’s acting violently. I squeeze my arms that are holding her
legs and fixed it more firmly.

Shironeko, who is held down with a strong force, seems to

understand she’s really no match and gradually lost strength in
her body.

“What are you going to do…… to us desu……?”

“I ain’t gonna do nothing okay? Or is it like that? Do you wish

for it somehow?”

“That’s not it desu! But I aimed for your life no desu ……”
“Aah, so it’s about that.”

When I boldly called aiming for my life as “that”, Shironeko

got startled and opened her eyes wide. Her facial expression
then became noticeably sad afterwards.

“So you mean my attacks…… were not worth being feared of

desu ……?”

“Hm? Aah. Well, something like that I guess.”


Hey…… it isn’t something to be sad about, is it…… though I

think it’s also my bad for saying that plainly.

The person who made her like that couldn’t offer words of
encouragement to Shironeko who released a gloomy aura more
and more, but Levia followed me up instead with an amazed
expression .
“ …… This man is out of standard in various ways, so don’t
mind it okay?”

“That…… I’m aware of desu ……”

I’m aware of――――――Hearing those words I mutter “So I

really am” while sighing.

“Shironeko, we’re not going to fight anymore as long as you

don’t do anything. If you do, then I’ll go along with you until
you’re satisfied but…… it’s troublesome so it’ll help me if you


“And so…… Well, our lives were aimed for more or less. I’m
pretty much whatever, but Levia could’ve been injured. When
thinking about that kind of risk, I can’t release you as is.

I think that if I say something a little threatening then she’ll

become a little afraid, but I can see a strong will in her eyes. As
if saying her strength is unrivaled and she won’t lose with her

“I won’t do anything to you, but that only has physical

meaning. I won’t use violence, but…… I want you to answer my
questions obediently. I won’t do more than that, you

Shironeko nodded, urging me to continue.

“All right…… then I’ll be frank. I want to ask about the boss
who’s threatening you two. What is…… that guy’s name?”

“ …… That person…… is called Tohma by his companions

desu. I didn’t have a close relationship with those people, so I
don’t know it precisely desu though……”

I unintentionally dropped my shoulders in disappointment

towards the name that flew out of the girl’s mouth. Towards me
who blatantly lost all my excitement, both of them turned their
line of sight that’s saying “what’s wrong”.
“What is the matter with you suddenly?”

“Nothing…… it’s just that I felt down from being hit by the
worst possible expectation, is all”

Tia, Eruka…… What you said was true you know. Grein, that
guy’s alive you see, moreover he made a strange organization
and is aiming for me. What should I do? You guys, think I can
go along with you from hereon?

The face of the three companions of mine who are currently

lively in the country Destinea emerged in my mind. It’s fine if
it’s only now, but I feel like wanting to be by their side.

“I’m already nearly despairing, but …… I’ll ask just in case.

That guy’s appearance is?”

“He’s also wearing the same black robe like us so…… I haven’t
even seen his face desu. But he has a small build and is
extremely thin, as if he is like a girl desu. Ah, his voice is also
Yeah, that’s settled. I was hoping I’m probably mistaking him
for the wrong person, but that hope broke down too easily.
No…… I mean, to think he really is alive…… I even dealt him
the finishing blow with these hands. Even now I don’t know if I
actually felt it.

Basically, <Sacred Sword> wielders acquires immortality as

they raise their abilities. Even if you got yourself a fatal wound,
you resurrect at the moment before the torch of light vanishes
and the concept of lifespan and existence of illness become

When the Hero in games die they revive don’t they? It’s kind
of like that.

But, there is a way to kill those monstrous Heroes.

That is a fellow sacred sword wielder, in other word fighting

them with a fellow Hero――――――

A <Sacred Sword> can destroy another <Sacred sword> and in

doing so, the owner loses their immortality. If I have to change
my way of saying it, it’s like depriving them from their Hero
qualifications. In other words it means that they cannot retry
like a Hero in a game can after a Game Over. I don’t quite
understand the theory behind it, but either way it seems that
the <Sacred Sword> holds quite some power in this world.
Especially…… the point that it makes the person’s death
irrelevant is――――――

But this talk…… including even the talk about Touma has one
clear contradiction.

Touma and I prepared our respective <Sacred Sword> and

fought. And then when I killed that guy, I was sure Touma’s
<Sacred Sword> was broken by my <Sacred Sword>.

I remember it, the feeling of <Gluttony> stabbing that guy’s

heart is…… the feeling of snatching away a life is――――――

“――――――Setsu, are you alright?”

I came back to reality from the vortex of thoughts with Levia’s

uneasy voice. While I lightly contemplate on worrying her, I’ll
think about the present time and push away all my useless
thoughts into the corner of my mind. I’ll put off thinking about
how that guy revived and finish what’s in front of me for now.

“Yeah…… I’m fine.”

“I see…… Ah, isn’t Shironeko’s house that one I wonder?”

Levia returned to her usual mood and in the direction she

pointed at is a single isolated house built. The house that is in a
place a little outside of the city is surrounded with many trees
and I can’t deny the minute lonely impression it has.

“It’s that desu, over there my sister is also……”

“*exhales* …… So we finally arrived.”

When the morning glow passed and the sky started to become
blue, us three arrived at Shironeko’s house.

Facing the door to Shironeko’s house, I knock on the wooden

door. There was no response.

“I think my sister is sleeping desu. It is almost time for her to

wake up desu.”

“That so. Well, it’ll be fine if we just enter right?”

“Yes desu.”

As she got off my back, Shironeko unlocked the door and

when the door opened, the three of us entered the house. It’s a
house that didn’t really give off a novel impression, but the
interior is beautifully ordered and although it’s small, it’s not
enough to think it is cramped.

When we looked around in the house restlessly, something

was moving at a high speed by the bed inside.


“Get away from big sis, you human!”

Something was moving at high speed, interrupting Shironeko

when she wanted to say something…… No, she’s a feline girl
with fluttering black hair, but she leaped towards me with her
sharpened nails overhead.

“Woah there……”

I instantly stopped my thinking from the abruptness, but my

body, which reacted instantly, grabbed the arm that was swung
down, I moved my feet and successfully held her down on the
floor. Having a light body weight, I could easily steal her body’s

“Mineko, calm down desu, these people aren’t bad people

She talked as if to persuade this girl I held down and her

resistance weakened.

“ …… If you says so, sis……”

“This girl is your younger sister?”

“Yes desu, my younger sister Mineko desu”

No, no matter how you look at it, Shironeko would be more of

a younger sister, but…… is it bad if I retort to that? When I
unintentionally looked at Levia, she silently shook her head. I
see, so it seems it’s bad for women.

“Yeah, my bad. Holding you down like that…… Here you go”
I confirm there was completely no resistance and then move
away from Mineko. Having lost her restraint, she stood up
while sweeping away the dust on her clothes.

“I’m Setsu and this one here is Levia.”

“I’m Mineko. Sis Shironeko’s younger

sister――――――*cough*! *cough*!”


In the middle of our self introduction, Mineko suddenly held

her chest like she’s in pain and she completely crumbled down
from her knee.

That’s right, they did say she had an illness that weakens her

“Mineko! It’s all because you acted violently desu! Rest in the
bed quickly desu!”
“I’m, I’m sorry *cough* …… Sis…… *cough cough* ……”

Shironeko gave Mineko her shoulder and let her lie down on
the bed inside. When the painful and violently coughing girl
was made to drink water, the painful expression gradually

“ …… Is this progressing faster than we expected……?”

“I guess…… to become like this from that amount of


Seeing Mineko lying down, we say that.

Shironeko is frantically nursing the girl who still has a little

painful expression. Even you see something like this, even I,
someone who finds things troublesome, would as

“I have no choice but to do it, huh……”

Chapter 33 Surprise attack
“I’m sorry desu …… Mineko doesn’t really trust humans……”

Shironeko was nursing the girl, but she explained Mineko’s

behavior back then. I told her not to mind it and observed
Mineko’s condition.

Despite the fact her coughing stopped, her breathing is rough

and she looked pale.

“ …… Say, what if I told you I may be able to cure her

illness…… what will you do?”


When I asked that, Shironeko turned her head with an earth-

shattering look and grabbed me.

“You can do that desu!? I beg of you desu! Please help Mineko
The face she was making when she grabbed my clothes and
petitioned was different from the warrior’s face of the brave
beastman who fought me back then. Right now it’s the face of a
pure girl who is thinking of her family…… I’ve seen a similar
face just once before.

[Please Yuki-kun! Help me!]

“――――――Yeah, I’ll help you out……”

The childhood friend who once relied on me and requested

my help and the current Shironeko are overlapping closely. I
stroke her head in order to give her a peace of mind and then I
stand beside Mineko.

I glide my hand on her beautiful skin that’s without even a

single pimple, searching for the origin of the illness that is
destroying her body.

“Oh light, expose the wicked existences――――――<Break

By having that aria, I unleash the magic that will examine the
target’s health. It’s better to recite the aria if you have the extra
time for it. It’s because you can expect more results from it than
without an aria.

( …… Hm?)

The light is sinking into the bloodstream and the flow of

magic power inside the body and it attempts to finally reach at
the origin of the disease, but it couldn’t find anything. More
like…… an entire body of black mist like thing exists as if
corroding the whole body and I completely couldn’t see the
fundamental root of it.

(This feeling is…… tch, are you serious)

That illness that’s destroying Mineko isn’t something simple.

A more threatening black repulsive thing…… that Touma

“――――――<Cursed magic>”
“Wai, wait a minute desu! Does that mean……”

“? What is that, this <Cursed magic> you’re saying.”

<Cursed magic> ――――――a unique magic that carries

improper effects and is used by Touma as a Hero. Just by
touching the target, the user would be able to give the other
person a <Curse> he/she creates. The type of <Curse> can be
anything, varied from movement restricting curses to
something that eats the person’s body like an illness.

Because using it cost a lot of magic power due to its utility,

using it consecutively being impossible is a relief, but with that
demerit included, there is an excessive benefit from it.

If a curse is attached to you, there will be almost no way to

undo it anymore. It may somehow be fine if you gather dozens
of light magic specialists and have all of them continue casting
purification magic, but……

“That bastard…… Ain’t he both the one who handed over the
medicine and the source of this illness…… Shironeko, please
show me Mineko’s medicine for a bit.”

“It’s, it’s this desu ……”

In the small bottle she handed to me are many black beads.

When I took them out and smelled it, it has the same smell as
the Sei〇gan that helped me out during my time in Japan.

“――――――Geh, you fucking kidding me, ain’t this totally


I threw the bottle in my hand outside. It flew out from the

empty window and at the same time when the bottle disappears,
the sound of glass breaking can be heard.

“Hol…… Is that fine!? Isn’t that Mineko’s medicine……”

“That thing’s a medicine that’s only effective on illness! It has

zero effect on a <Curse>!”
The curse is dangerous, particularly only Touma’s curses are
absolutely bad to get. Right after you receive it, your body that
got stuck with it will be violated as he pleases.

Even Levia who was pointing her reproachful eyes to me went

silent after hearing phrase <Curse>. It doesn’t look like she
understood <Curse> well, but she understood the dangers when
I got this upset with just that.

“That can’t be…… what did I accompany that person for up

until now desu ……?”

“ ……”

There was nothing I could say to Shironeko.

She took actions she thought was right, but she understood
there was no meaning even if she didn’t become an enemy. The
medicine she went all the way to receive it was unnecessary. It’s
because Mineko can’t be saved with the medicine she
Shironeko, who clearly understood that, held Mineko’s hand
who is lying in bed.

Without looking at the girl who looks like she’s about to let
out tears of regret, I faced Mineko once again.

“You can…… cure her……desu?”

With tears showing in her eyes, Shironeko turns her eyes

towards me as if she’s relying on me.

I once again stroke her head and smiled at her so she could
have a peace of mind.

“Yeah, leave that to me”

Separating my hands from her head, I held my hands out

towards empty space.

Suddenly, a space in the air cracked.

From the empty hole in the empty space, a sinister magic

power blew out, filling the room.


Affected by the magic power, Levia and Shironeko’s body

crumbled on the spot.

It means the magic power gushing out is too strong of a

stimulus for the two.

If it was outside, the magic power would spread and shouldn’t

result to this, but unfortunately the inside is easily filled with
magic power.
The sinister magic power gushing out in large quantity filled
the room and the face of the two of them became pale. If I don’t
finish this swiftly then these guys will be in danger.

“Hey, come on out”

Suddenly, a sword grip appeared from the hole in the air.

When I grip it and pul it out, the saved up magic power inside
was dragged out along with the sword I’m pulling and it took
form as the blade portion of the bladeless sword.

The hoarded magic power held its form and becomes a slightly
curved blade. Black magic power is coiling around it and
covered the whole sword.

What is here is not wickedness, but simple <Craving>,

wanting to indulge itself in exhausting simply everything, it’s
the appetite of the <Heteromorph type> sacred sword <Hungry

The person who haven’t gotten used to the frank desire

recognizes the craving as irregular and will completely reject it

The current Levia and Shironeko is exactly like that, their

body is unconsciously showing signs of separating themselves
from the sword.

If possible I want them to get used to the magic power from

this lump of cravings, but even Levia who has seen it several
times now is affected like this, so I’ll put off all of that for now.

“Now it’s――――――time to eat”

I stabbed Mineko’s body very deeply with <Gluttony>. There

was not even a single sensation of going through flesh, my
sword simply penetrated the girl’s body.

Shironeko opened her eyes wide and looked at me, but I kept
eating the curse.

When Mineko’s curse is fading, <Gluttony>’s stomach

swelled. The mouth went around until every corner in her body
and ate until the curse runs out completely.

<Gluttony> …… Official name being <Hungry fang> is, I seem

to have repeated a lot of times, but with its meaning as it is, eats

From inorganic substances to organic matter, from gas to

liquid, magic power or mental strength…… to life

(It really doesn’t look like I’ll come to like this)

I thoroughly think so, looking at my sacred sword or demon

sword crunching the strong curse as if it was nothing.

It’s too unreasonable. You can call this thing that eats up
anything that comes in front of its eyes, a lump of

This thing that eats without concerns of it being righteous or

evil. Do I, who is more or less summoned as a Hero, have the
right to use it I wonder……?

――――――Well, I’ll use it though.

Not using a useful item is being stupid, like pearls thrown

before swine.

Eat shit to being Hero-like.

So I’m aware of the inhumanities.

[――――――You have unreasonable power that can carry out

your will, what are you doing by not using it? You should wield
it more freely.]

“ …… To think I actually recalled the words of the guy who

placed the curse himself here……”

The face of the crossdressing bastard, who similarly has an

unreasonable power like me, emerged in my mind.

In order to blow away that guy who shows a smile that’s

inedible even for <Gluttony>, I ate up the entire curse at the
very end, from the top of the head to the tip of the toes, without
leaving a single trace of it――――――


“Wow…… My body is light……”

“Is your condition fine?”

“It’s extremely fine. I feel full of strength all over my body!”

It’s several minutes since then. With the curse completely

eaten up, the phenomenon of Mineko’s body being weakened
stopped. Her decreased physical strength was regained to an
extent by making her drink some recovery potion, now she’s
recovered enough that she doesn’t feel pain from getting up and
walking around.
“I’m glad for you desu …… Mineko …… I am really …… Uuu”

“Oh really! Don’t cry so much big sis!”

The now lively Mineko stroked Shironeko’s head who is

sobbing with joy and began cuddling her.

Still, no matter how I look at it, I can only see them as older
and younger sister in reverse, is it really not good if I retort to
that at any cost?”

“Thank you for your hard work”


Levia lined up beside me and gave me words of appreciation.

She nonchalantly took my hand and half of her magic power

she parted with was added to mine.
Warm magic power flowed into me, my slightly fatigued
appearance flew somewhere far away by that comfort.

――――――This time, <Gluttony>’s stomach is somehow

filled up to its sixth portions after it finished feeding on the
curse. With that guy’s curse being that strong, I guess it meant
it was firmly rooted.

It helped me a lot that the remaining portion could be

supplemented with half of my magic power, but I may have to
set up a countermeasure to the curse next time.

For <Gluttony> …… <Hungry Fang>, beside the compensation

for not stopping until it has a full stomach, there is a loss of
effectiveness when it becomes full.

It’s natural. No matter what you say, it’s stomach is full after
all…… furthermore, you can’t stuff it in.

When you think about it from that weakness, it means that it

can eat at most two curses of this scale.
It can become hungry again in a just a few minutes, but if, for
example, the situation is in the middle of combat, you won’t
have that extra time.

If there’s a method to allow us to avoid the curse somehow or

another, it’’ll be settled…… well, it won’t go that smoothly.

“――――――Well, we can now think about the troublesome

part I guess…… . How about that, Shironeko. With this there’s
no need for you to associate with that bastard Touma, you won’t
attack us anymore right?”

“Yes desu …… *sniff*(gusu) …… Thank you very much desu


“There there” Mineko said while she strokes Shironeko’s

back, who was giving us her thanks while crying away.

With this they will spend their time peacefully again I guess.
It’ll be nice if they won’t be used by strange groups again
In any case, we’ll be going back to beast king’s place. I’m a bit
tired, so shall we go on a trip tomorrow―――――

“――――――Troubling isn’t it, getting this into this mood as

if saying the issue is settled like this……”

“Ugh-! Big sis, watch out!”


In the corner of my sight…… in just an instant, a shape of

something flying was reflected.

There were several of this something which had a black

luster. Those things rushed on towards Shironeko and Mineko
by this form of perfected surprise attack.

It was fatally unexpected that even Levia and I couldn’t

instantly react.
Even so, I reflexively swung my arm and knocked down
several of these things. When it clashed onto the ground, the
sound it carried was a metallic clank.

I turned my consciousness towards the remaining of those

things that didn’t hit me rather than the sound.

Shironeko was in a blind spot and Mineko was in a place I

could barely see.
Mineko pushed away Shironeko. The things that went
towards the girls, at the same time Shironeko collapsed onto the

――――――ran very deeply into Mineko’s chest.

“――――――ugh! Outside!”

I shout without thinking. I was trembling considerably from

being unexpectedly hit by a complete surprise that was made
possible from the distraction.

I jump out from the window from where those black

something flew into.

I moved to prevent the second wave, but fortunately there

was no second wave.
The time was still far from noon, on the ground that was
illuminated by the sun that still hasn’t reached the peak, that
person was there.

“Hey…… So it was you, the one who threw those dangerous


“That is true though? Ah, I wasn’t able to kill Shironeko……

even though I meant to take care of the useless……”

A black robed woman answered. Her hair that looked like it’s
black piled on top of black was tied to the back and on her head
there were dog ears. Her mouth was concealed by a black cloth,
so her face can’t be seen.

“You are our master’s beloved person…… as for me, I hate you
so much I may go mad from jealousy, but…… By my master’s
order, I plan to constrain you and take you away.”

“Who is gonna get caught, you pitch black bitch. That guy you
call master, I’m gonna smash his woman looking face ’till it’s
warped, so look forward to that”
“ …… I shall take back my words, allow me take you back after
I punish you until you don’t know that idea of yours anymore.”

The woman took off her robe and showed the whole picture.

A footwear similar to fishnet stockings from black clothes, the

cloth concealing her mouth appeared to be tied on the back of
her head with the remaining cloth floating to her back.

Isn’t that the well known japanese…… thingamajig?

“――――――<Kunoichi> Kuroinu …… here I go.”

Introduced in Japan, the type of people whose forte is

assassination and espionage――――――the ninja.
Chapter 34 Maritime
“Gafuh……” (act of coughing blood)


Blood started flowing from Mineko’s mouth, staining red the

shape of her mouth.

Sticking on the girl’s chest were kunais, weapons frequently

used by one that is called a ninja.

The caltrop shaped blade is pierced halfway in and the clothes

on her chest was dyed red.

Throwing up blood from the mouth means that there should

likely be a large internal wound.

(Not good……! I can’t do anything with a wound this deep……!

Seeing the pierced kunai, Levia resented her lack of power in
recovery magic.

The girl who could only heal bruises and gashes at most, is
currently only able to gaze at Mineko.

“ …… Only Setsu can……!”

There is nothing Levia could do for Mineko; however, Setsu

could do it with recovery magic in any way he liked.

Even if it was impossible to use <Gluttony>, he should be able

to heal this wound.

Leaving behind Shironeko, who completely changed from

shedding tears of happiness to that of sorrow, Levia jumped out
from the window.

To save Mineko, there was no choice but to have the black

clothed woman and Levia fight and Setsu to go into the girl’s
“Setsu! Step aside!”

At the same time Levia’s feet were planted onto the ground,
she fired off her magic.

An enormous water cannon that could swallow a person of a

small build was heading towards Setsu and the black clothed




With one grand swing with Kuromaru, I knock down all the
kunais and throwing stars that came flying from every angle.

“Aren’t you an extremely violent man……gh!”

“Says the woman who has a more fitting character for that!”

Since a while ago this woman’s attacks are exactly at the

freaking places I have a hard time handling them.

She also goes cutting in my thoughts by attacking me, so it’s

hard to move about.

(Shall I just ignore them instead and just mow her down?)

I don’t particularly get much damage at the places I’m hit,

but…… as expected I won’t just forgive her if she accidentally
hits my eyeballs and such.

I wonder if my opponent knew, she’s been aiming at my face

once out of many.

She really has a disgusting way of fighting.

Persistent and disgusting.

“Tch…… So I have to prepare for damage and――――――”

“――――――Setsu! Step aside!”

I reflexively leap to the side.

While a water spray was spreading from my back after

jumping, a gigantic water bullet was flying.

“Wha…… kuh……<Flame Art・Heavy wall>!” (enjutsu・


The water bullet that is heading straight towards Kuroinu hit

the wall of flames that appeared right in front of the woman’s
eyes and scattered about water vapours around the area.

Because of the water vapours drifting like smoke, I couldn’t

see Kuroinu.

In exchange, the one who is now beside me is Levia, who is

most likely the one who shot the water bullet just now.

“Doing something so dangerous…… what are you going to do

if it hits me, huh?”

“You won’t die from it even if I hit you, right? More

importantly, I’m substituting you, okay? I’ll have you go treat
Mineko, since I’ll be taking care of the puppy over there.”

I look over my shoulder and look inside Shironeko’s house.

I can tell there’s signs of bleeding even from this distance and
I’m sure that’s what made Levia jump out with a serious look.

“ …… I guess. Leave Mineko to me, so I’ll leave the dog to you,

okay? It looks like she can use magic and some weird technique
The flame wall from before was different from the flame
magic in the way the magic power is poured when using it.

That it’s not a normal magic I’m sure of but…… well, I can’t
think of anything other than ninjutsu skills that ninja’s use, but
does this world have ninjutsu though?

“I understand that, you know. You go over to Mineko’s side

quickly, since I’ll quickly take down the puppy.”

“ …… Don’t be careless okay? The you right now


“Who do you think you’re talking to? I am the Sea god aren’t
I? Just because the dog can use a little strange technique doesn’t
mean I will be defeated. Can you quickly go now?”

“*sigh* …… I got it, okay.”

I turn around with my heel at that place and headed back to

the house.
I don’t think Levia will be defeated, but it will be a hard fight I

In order to cure Mineko’s wounds quickly and go to Levia’s

aid, I jump into Shironeko’s house from the window.

“Hey Shironeko! Move your hands aside!”

“ …… Eh?”

Holding Mineko in her arms, Shironeko grabbed her body

because she was trying to stop her blood somehow.



At that moment, an even larger amount of blood spew out of

her mouth and dirtied our clothes.
I put my hand on the wound that was overflowing with blood
and begin my treatment.

“<Perfect Heal>!”

A strong light dwelled within the hand I held down and it

filled Mineko’s body.

The wound is more serious than I had thought.

Her heart is safe, but one of her lungs was damaged very

(To make matters worse, did she actually add <Regeneration

Obstruction>……ugh! This is going to take a while……)

The ability called Regeneration Obstruction is, as its name

implies, an ability which slows recovery of the inflicted wound.
It can work with a sword clad in magic power and it’s even an
assassin’s indispensable skill.

Although originally, <Perfect Heal> would heal you instantly

as long as you’re not dead, these wounds are merely gradually
closing at several hundred times the normal speed, too slow
compared to the usual several thousand times the speed.

“This must make that pup…… SS rank I guess”

Attaching this level of <Regeneration Obstruction> to these

weapons is evidence of her considerable ability.

If that’s how it is, then the current Levia is going to have a

hard time, what with her current abilities being S rank.

“Setsu! Will Mineko be fine desu!?”

“ ……”
I guess sending this girl to help Levia now won’t be useful……

“I won’t let her die as long as I can do this, you know…… So

shut up and just watch.”

Either way, if I can quickly heal Mineko then I will go back

her up.

It really takes several minutes until these wounds finish

recovering but――――――

(Go all out until then, okay …… Levia)


(――――――or something like that…… is what he must be

thinking I suppose)

Levia was predicting Setsu’s current thoughts while repelling

the kunais flying from the other side of the steam with her
palms clad in water.

“ …… You. I can assume you are the sea god Leviathan from
the nobleness of this magic power however…… Why are you in
such a place? And why are you lending a hand to that man?
Shouldn’t the sea god be meant to be in the sea?”

“Look, I have a debt to pay to that man. Moreover, it is pitiful

seeing the sisters separated like that. And lastly, it’s not like I
would particularly be in the sea you see――――――where I am
is the sea is what I mean.”

The steam cleared up and Levia launcheed water bullets from

her hand towards Kuroinu whose figure was revealed.

Kuroinu ran while throwing kunais and approached the girl

while repelling the bullet sized water bullet with those kunais.

“Frontal attacks and such will not hit me!”


Kuroinu shortened the distance in an instant and slashed at

Levia’s throat who had her eyes opened wide.

She thought blood spraying out will decide the outcome, but
what gushed out of her throat was a transparent liquid.

“Body substitution!?”

“It’s the same with Setsu…… you can’t simply decide the
outcome directly from the front!!”


As Levia’s body made of water repelled the attack, the real

body right behind it unleashed a palm heel on Kuroinu’s

“And another”

“Don’t…… underestimate me!”

The other hand was set out, but that was defended with
crossed arms.


(Wha-, it’s heavy……!)

Levia’s palm heel had considerably more power than Kuroinu


The girl couldn’t kill off the impact and was thrown greatly
back as her body was bent.
(To think the Sea God would have this much power on the

Kuroinu received an even more shocking reality at the same


If one would name a dreadful part of the Sea God, then it

would be the attack with an overwhelming mass using the
infinitely existing water of the sea.

Furthermore, if the Sea God is submerged in the ocean water

or some kind of principle, her might would increase.

One ought to be vigilant from attacks with water as well as the

attacks with her tail unleashed from the body of the dragon that
attained superhuman strength.

But that is a talk for when she is submerged in ocean water.

With this ground currently not containing any ocean water,

the Sea God was not supposed to have this much strength.
“Why are you…… hm?”

Kuroinu bent her body, put her hands on the ground and with
a backflip, she prepared her stance as she lands.

At that time she slightly grasped an uncomfortable feeling;

she felt something from her feet on the ground that is clearly
different from until some time ago.

“This is…… it’s muddy!?”

“Oh my, you actually noticed haven’t you?”

Her feet sunk into the ground from her body weight and a
light brown muddy water seeped out from below.

And what stimulated Kuroinu’s canine nose was a fragrant

odour of salt water from that water.
“See, if there’s no seawater here, then I can just make it and
spread it around. I wonder, why hadn’t I notice this kind of
method up until now?”

That is absurd――――――

Kuroinu regretted that she had made a mistake in measuring

the ability of the existence that is called a god.
The mud was already spread all around and the seeping water
is rapidly increasing in volume.

“With this, it should be fine even if it is restored a little, isn’t

that right?”

Saying that, Levia’s figure changed.

Scales emerged on her arm and and from her shoulders, the
scaled arm transformed into irregular shaped dragon arm.

A certain power can be felt from those large blue arm that had
slightly disrupted the balance of the slender woman.

“Waiting for Setsu’s assistance is unnecessary. In the name of

the Sea god, I will take you down right here.”

Kuroinu trembled in an instant from the intensity of the sea

god, who spoke that sentence in the form of a girl.
Chapter 35 Sea God VS Black Dog


Kuroinu avoided the arm swung by the Seagod by leaping



(This, this is nonsense……!)

Having her balance broken because of the wind generated by

that gigantic arm, Kuroinu fell down shamefully, dirtying her
body with the muddy soil.

No, it is already difficult to call that muddy.

The clear ocean water has already filled up to the knee, to the
point it felt like walking is tough.

“Look at you! Trying to challenge I, the Sea god Levia at that

level is laughable!”

“Tch……Don’t underestimate me! <Water art・Prison>!”

Kuroinu stood up, put her hands in the water and poured
magic power into it.

Upon doing so, the water around Levia rose up and in an

instant the prison completely enclosed her.

“Special magic power is kneaded in my <Ninjutsu>. Opposing

it with magic won’t be that simple you see.”

“And then――――――<Lightning Art・Sting>!”

A lightning spear materialized crackling and charged in

Kuroinu’s hand.

As she kicked the bottom ground within the rising water level
and leaped up, she threw that spear towards Levia.

“I have heard that ocean water conducts electric shocks easily!

With this it’s over even for you, Sea god!”

“……I’m being underestimated aren’t I.”

Not even showing any concerns over the approaching spear,

Levia took a swing with the arm which didn’t change into a
strange shape.

In doing so, the water prison broke its shape without even the
slightest resistance and started enveloping the girl’s
surroundings in a vortex.
“Ocean water is like a part of me. I don’t even need to use
something like magic in order to manipulate it.”

Coiling like a vortex, the ocean water moved and spread itself
to catch the spear.

The spear assaulting from the opposite side lost its power to
that thick layer of water and became static inside the water.

“Wha-……but if there is even a little water, then the electric

current should――――――”

“Didn’t I just tell you that the ocean water moves the way I

Levia’s surrounding was……filled with dried ground.

As if giving the impression of being fenced, the water couldn’t

penetrate that parched land.
“If you take away the water that’s muddied from the ocean
water, it would dry, wouldn’t it?”


“Look, this time you are the one in danger aren’t you?”


Kuroinu had realized.

The fact that the spear was emitting electricity even at that
present time.

And…… the fact the current will also be flowing in the ocean
water under her feet.

“This is bad……! <Flame art・Giant Cannon>!”

An enormous furiously blazing sphere was dropped onto the
ocean water from Kuroinu’s hand.

The water vapor wrapped up the woman together with the

sound of evaporating water.

Her field of vision was blocked, but when she relied on

intuition and stretched out her legs, her feet would touch the
ground and she would be able to successfully leap in mid-air
once again.

“Ooh……You dried the ground with fire didn’t you? You

handled that well, despite digging your grave with your own

”What are you making that calm looking face for!?”

Despite losing her cool, Kuroinu concentrated and threw a


Not long ago she lost her cool due to Levia’s strength being
beyond her imagination and ended up releasing single attacks
like she was being strangled, but Kuroinu originally possessed
some composure due to her occupation that is called a ninja and
had gradually been regaining her pace.


As she knocked away the approaching kunai by manipulating

the water, Levia turned her gaze towards Kuroinu.

However, the woman had already vanished from midair.


She reflexively knocked away several kunais that suddenly

came swooping down beside her with her arm that had returned
to her original form.

Subsequently, a kunai flew from a different direction and

Levia twisted her body to dodge it.
Again from another direction and then again from another
direction came Kunais flying towards her.

However, Kuroinu’s figure was nowhere to be seen and she

could only hear the slight sound of kicking the water.

“Tch! Quite the shrewd one aren’t you!”

Levia dodged in the beginning, but she grew impatient from

the exchange of kunais that didn’t show any indication of
ending at all, mowing down all of them at once with her dragon

“How careless of you!”


Kuroinu leaped into the opening that was created from the
stiffness caused by the instant after she finished swinging her
Levia was surprised by the girl who was thrusting her kunai
towards her defenseless body, further delaying her response.

However, was that, as expected, an aspect of the Sea god?

Before she could think she moved by instinct, keeping her still
human arm in front of her body in order to defend against it.

If there were any lacking aspects in this response, then it

would be the one where her dragon arm still hadn’t sprung


Deeply stuck into the place closer to her wrist than her elbow,
the kunai moved forward without stopping, reaching Levia’s

If it weren’t for the guarding with her arm, how many of her
internal organs would it have damaged?
In that respect, it could be said that her guard was useful just
for the fact she was able to stop no more than its tip.

“So you could even defend against this……however!”


Kuroinu twisted the stabbed kunai with all her strength.

Each time blood gushed out of her arm and an even larger
amount of red liquid was streaming from the flank under that

If she had her dragon form, then she would have been able to
let this degree of injury end with a mere bruise.

However, that is different when in a human form.

Nearly losing her consciousness due to the intense pain

emitted by her arm and flank, Levia strenuously gritted her
teeth and endured it.

“Not admitting defeat are you……ngh! In that case, I’ll go

even dee――――――”

“Don’t you get…… carried away!”


Enduring the pain, Levia swung down her dragon arm.

Unable to bear it, Kuroinu released the kunai from her hand
and took evasive action, but because of the force of the
downswing that was unleashed from a sense of desperation, she
was greatly blown away to the back.

“Now you’ve done it, you mutt……ugh”

“You’re saying quite a lot of rude things aren’t you?”

“The one who is rude is you though……I am a god you know?”

Levia pulled out the pierced kunai while bearing the pain and
tossed it aside.

And then she manipulates the ocean water at her feet,

applying it to her wounds.

Upon doing so, bubbles spurted out of her wounds and those
openings started to gradually shrunk.

“……Aren’t you being troublesome, adding regeneration

obstruction there.”

The girl who boasted absolute strength in the ocean could

cure the injuries she received on her body just by submerging
herself in ocean water.
Although that does not reach <Perfect Heal>, her self healing
ability rivaled those of the undead type monsters.

Even if she possessed such miraculous self healing ability, it

could not overcome the regeneration obstruction.

Seeing her own body whose best effort was only to stop the
blood at best, Levia breathed a sigh.

“At any rate, you are quite fast aren’t you? I could barely
follow you with my eyes.”

“I am surprised you were able to follow me you know. High

speed movement is my specialty you see.”

Said Kuroinu as she stood on top of water.

It appeared that her shoes had some sort of secret, but Levia
didn’t seem to have realized that.
“So you can also do that?”

“An ability to adapt that is worthy of a ninja is necessary, so


“I don’t know well this thing you call a ninja, but……for now
it is my turn isn’t it?”

“W-! What!?”

From the surface of the sea Kuroinu was standing on, water
that was wriggling like tentacles coiled around her ankles.

Even if she tried to separate from that location, the water

coiled around her didn’t move as if it became like glue.

“Violent dogs will be tied on a leash……And then here, drink

Levia calmly put up her dragon arm to the sky.

Upon doing so, the water on the ground started to gather just
above Kuroinu, producing a gigantic water sphere.

“This is……I am in trouble.”

Kuroinu showed a face of resignation to the ruthless size of

that water sphere.

The water restraining her legs showed absolutely no signs of

loosening and there was no time left to take evasive actions
anymore if it were to loosen――――――

“――――――<Sea Fall>”
Chapter 36 An interesting story
A specially large water sphere had struck onto the restrained

The sphere that raised a large splash together with a

thunderous roar, became ripples and rocked the surface of the
muddy water.

“――――――You’ve put up with that rather well, didn’t you.”


Kuroinu, who was supposed to be in the center of it, was safe.

She was considerably blown away from the place she had been
standing some time ago, but she had no large injuries upon
receiving the impact that could have crushed the human body
without remorse.

Levia herself had put quite an amount of power into her skill,
so she couldn’t hide her surprise about the fact she did not take
her down.

(Ugh……!I put my <Water art> in effect at the last moment,

so it went well ……That ended up taking away all my

Just before Kuroinu collided with the water sphere, she

narrowly invoked an <art>.

The skills she specializes in, <arts> like <fire art> and <water
art> are so to speak magic for the purpose of opposing magic.

For instance, in contrast to the <Flame Lance> magic that

shoots out a spear of fire, <Art> has a skill called <Fire Art・
Sting> which would first produce the fire, alters it into the
shape of a spear and then shoots it out.

What is important here is that in contrast to magic where two

processes are required, which is producing a spear of fire and
shooting said spear, <Art> requires three processes; producing
the fire, shaping it to a spear and then shooting it out.
Looking at this, <Art> would not look superior.

However, <Art> has a strong advantage which is large enough

to make it free from the handicap in that process.

That strong point is the fact that when the <fire> is

operated……in other words just when <Fire Art・Sting> is shot,
she does not have to use the fire she herself have produced.

If there is fire in your surroundings, it would be possible for

her to manipulate that and produce a spear out of it.

And so, the magic shot by your opponent is no exception to


Such as manipulating her opponent’s flames and firing it

back, letting the produced water sphere burst above her head,
fighting back their lightning by letting them self-destruct; it’s
an ability that demonstrates immense power against magic.

This time, Kuroinu used <Art> and succeeded in slightly

shifting the water sphere’s falling point.

Although Levia’s skill was magic, it was an attack using the

sea water ruled by her and as a result, she was unable to
manipulate it perfectly and avoiding a direct hit was the best
she could do.

After Kuroinu let her body accumulate damage from receiving

the impact of the water rivaling that of an explosion despite it
not being a direct hit, she somehow managed to stand up,

Her knees were shaking, but her eyes hadn’t lost her vigor.

However, it was still a fact that there was no way in avoiding

her current state.

(Kuh……At this rate I won’t be able to receive the satisfaction

in dealing with Shironeko, to say nothing of capturing that man
alive in accordance to my liege’s commands……)
“I am a little peeved that you weren’t killed, but…… it looks
like it is already over.”

Turning towards Kuroinu who didn’t move after standing up,

Levia stuck out her hand.

A fine grain of water can be seen in the palm of that hand and
she planned to shoot that to her heart.

“I am sorry to tell you this, but I won’t be doing something

like not robbing someone of their life like Setsu does. So
properly……die okay?

Drops of water rushed out, focusing on a single point.

Kuroinu slowly looked at those drops flying at high speed, like

it was in slow motion.

(I have been defeated haven’t I……I can truly not move my

It was already too late for <Art> as well.

Without trying anything, she looked at the water bullets being

sucked up into her chest.

“――――――Hey hey hey, don’t you get done in, you dog


Kuroinu raised her voice in surprise.

When she thought she had heard someone suddenly calling

out to her, the water bullets approaching until in front of her
eyes were knocked down to the surface of the sea.

Before they noticed, the owner of the voice had stood between
the two, carrying a two meter long spear in his flank.

“Heh, been a little while, oh great Sea god.”

Levia was surprised. That man called out to her like he knew

Which wasn’t surprising since, although he wasn’t well

known to Levia, he was a man who was at the very least an
acquaintance to her.

“I see……we were deceived, weren’t we.”

“Oh, please don’t call it something disgraceful like being

deceived. I told ya the story out of kindness, ya know? You were
able to save the two cat sisters thanks to that, am I right? And
besides, I’ve only let ya stay in the inn after all.”

The owner of the inn――――――that man who had offered

information to Setsu and Levia, was now standing in her way.
Due to him showing a bold smile, it made his uncanniness
look better.

“So, does that mean you also came here aiming for Shironeko
and her sister’s life? Depending on your answer, I shall
submerge you as well, do you understand?”

“Ooh, scary! If the Sea god says it, then it won’t just become
wordplay, huh……Well, don’t worry about that, my objective
ain’t those cats.”

“What then?”

“Ya should have become aware of it a little right?

――――――It’s you, Sea god Levia.”

Upon hearing her own name Levia increased her wariness and
glared at the man in silence.

“Ya seems to have seriously guessed it, seeing that ya ain’t

surprised……Well, kind of obvious if ya understand yer own

“……How much do you know?”

“Don’t have the obligations to tell ya but……I know as far as

how to use your existences.”

Said the man, still showing a bold smile.

Levia glared at him and bit on her molars from seeing the bad

“Well then……let’s have ya come with us if ya don’t wanna

get any painful experience――――――”

“――――――That’s an interesting conversation you’re

having. Let me in on it, will you?”

The instant the man stepped forward to take Levia with him,
a large splash of water rose up along with a black flash.

The man who instantly leapt away with a backstep succeeded

in avoiding a direct hit of that something, but he took the splash
of water with his whole body and his field of vision was blocked.

“Oh Cra――――――”

“Take this!”

A black ray that cut off the soaring sprays of water cut up the
man’s body in surprise and made the splash red. He distorted
his face in pain, but he took distance with another big backstep
before the follow-up came.

“Tch……already done with her treatment?”

“Yeah, thanks to you”

Who stood there when all of the splashes fell down, was Setsu
who was supposed to have gone to treat Mineko just some time

Blood was streaming from the stomach of the guy who was
the innkeeper.

I planned to cut at it a little deeper, but his physical ability

was better than I expected.

He did get some damage, but he looks far from being

incapable of fighting I guess.

“So you really were allies to those black robes, I couldn’t help
thinking it was suspicious you know.”

“What was that? You want to say you were on guard since the

“Yeah. Because your lines were simply suspicious.”

『At any rate, Shironeko won’t be able to taste freedom as long
as she’s threatened by her――――――』

“The time we were listening to your story, we should’ve been

talking about this unknown black robe and despite that you
pointed out her gender to me. Of course you probably have
checked her gender under some circumstances, but it was
reason enough to be suspicious of you.”

To put it simply, it’s like that 『information only the offender

can know』 thing from detective dramas and stories.

Talking too much so as to not make them turn doubtful eyes

on you and unintentionally…

“To think he killed him by striking his head……”

…ending up digging his grave with something like that,

something like that I think.

“Hah haa……so it’s like that. That was my bad……I should’ve

been a little more careful with my talk. But what about it? Even
if ya got cautious, ya let me get near ya didn’t ya?”

“It’s got nothing to do with that. Either way I’m smashing you
here. Whatever happened, the result will be the same, you

I swing Kuromaru two to three times and set it up in

suspension with one hand.

I confirm that Kuroinu who got her stamina shaved off can’t
move anymore and point the tip of my sword towards the man.

“Well then……come here”

This instance, in this instance I thrust the large sword

Kuromaru and the man releases an attack, putting his weight on
the spear――――――
Chapter 37 Crisis

The man’s spear rebounded along with his arm.

The fact that it was repelled by my blow and didn’t separate

from his hand was unexpected, but it doesn’t change the fact
that there’s an opening.

I send him flying with a kick in his defenseless abdomen and

he rolled on the sea whose water level has fallen due to Levia
stopping the fight.

“Wh- what nonsensical superhuman strength……”

“I get that often. Actually, do you even have time to rest?”

In no time I fire a <Flying blade> towards the man who stood

up gasping.

The man held his spear horizontally to receive that blade

where I held back my strength moderately, but he couldn’t stop
the attack and was forced to fall back with the soil stuck on his
feet and all.

That spear of his is pretty good.

There doesn’t seem like there were any weapons that could
catch my flying blade right from the front.

And the man is also quite a powerful guy.

If levia fights him like that, then she’ll probably be defeated

along with the mutt.

“Ain’t doing half bad, you. What’s your name?”

“Haah……haah……tch, it’s Saiga” (サイガ;saiga)

“Hmm……I’m……Well, you already know me even if I don’t

tell you.”

Shironeko also knew of me, so I guess all of these guys know

me too.

They’re the subordinates of that shitty hero after all.

“So, what’re you gonna do now Saiga? It’s not like I won’t
overlook this if you take that black dog with you and pull back

But of course I’ll have them leave behind information and just
punish them a little so they won’t easily attack us after this.

“If you allow me to say……gh!”

“Leave it, Kuroinu! It’s different if the two of us are in top
form, but we’re gonna fall together in this situation……”

Looks like the situation is clear on Saiga’s side.

As for Kuroinu’s side……yeah.

Those eyes are those who have completely pledged her

allegiance towards that guy.

Now that I think about it, I remember there were many of

those guys like her at the time I was in Destinea.

Especially that princess had it the worst.

These kinds of people would use any tricks up their sleeve to

accomplish their commands.

(It’s going to look troublesome in the distant future I

guess……I was thinking about sending them back beaten the
hell out of, including a declaration of war towards Touma,
but……how about I just beat the hell out of them and imprison

Such disturbing thoughts crosses my mind.

But letting those guys loose who would probably do anything

if ordered, even suicide bombing is, well……

“Saiga!? We haven’t accomplished our orders yet, you

understand!? Withdrawing despite that is……”

“Are ya stupid!? Ain’t we just talking about pulling back


“We will be keeping our liege waiting in that case! I have to

erase those useless sisters here now……”

Useless sisters means……Shironeko and her sister I guess.

It means Kuroinu’s target isn’t me but those two, but
personally I feel she could postpone the useless sisters thing.

I bet decent information wasn’t given to the woman who was

only threatened with her sister as hostage either way, so there’s
little risk that information will be passed on to us.

“Well, if you’re going for it then I’ll be your opponent

though……what’s it gonna be?”

I thrust Kuromaru and show a sharp look towards the two.

Kuroinu shivered once and stepped back and I hear a gasping

sound from Saiga.

It seems like they ended up getting quite the cold feet.

“Wa- wait……I’m pulling back. Let me pull back. We ain’t

fighting you no more.”
“What, is that so? In that case, answer me some questions a
bit. I am overlooking this after all, you see.”

I say it while stressing the overlooking part.

I’m gonna let them feel some humiliation as much as possible.


“I’m telling you, lay it off, girl! Wha- what is it you wanna

Saiga held down Kuroinu who lost her cool and was about to
spring at me.

Aren’t you glad you stopped her?

I was really planning to take one of her arms if she really

sprung at me.
“First off, I want to know your aims. What is Touma aiming

“That, that person’s aim is to erase the demons and beastmen

from this world.”


The hell is that about?

I just got told something so outrageous I now regret asking it

quite lightly, you know that?

“Wha- what is he doing that for?”

“That person told me it was for your sake……annihilating the

races who have seduced you Setsu and living together with you
in a world with no nuisances left or something like that……”
“……That rotten yandere bastard……”

For that reason he’s going to bump off two of the three large

He’s going off somewhere like always……

(What to do……Now that it comes to this, I’m getting worried

about Desastre and the others in the demon continent. If I do
this badly, then the bunch of black robes could go and attack
them while I’m here in the beastmen continent……that’s why
our side will face danger if I let them go. Is there no choice but
to believe in the strength of Desastre and the others and hope
they will get through this?)

By no means is there any proof that they will attack

immediately, but sooner or later the problem will stand in our
way I guess.

I have to contact Eruka’s group somehow and ask them for

some cooperation in――――――
“……Keh! Don’t ya go showing us an opening! <Transfer

“W-! What!?”

The moment I turned away my attention with my thoughts,

Saiga took out a shining stone from his bosom and crushed it.

The moment it broke, lights hit the two of them and their
bodies flashed.

<Transfer stone> is, like its name implies, a stone with

transfer magic entrapped within.

If you break it, you can warp to a place you have in mind
which is similar to the transfer magic.

“Tch! So you were carrying that kind of thing”

“Hah! What a slack! Finally, let me tell ya something good!
While you guys were carelessly paying attention towards us like
this, the gangs on the human continent are already starting to
attack the demon continent!”


“It’s about time for their attack to start! We’re going to their
place, see ya!”


The smugly smiling Saiga disappeared along with the light

and the figure of Kuroinu behind him was also gone.

All that was remaining on the ground where the water is

completely pulled away were those footprints of theirs.

What I’ve done is get taken by surprise and letting them go in

the end and such.
I think hard about what that guy had said at the end.

(Right now……wait, that’s a bit too fast you know? Is what he

said true……? If it is then that’s bad……I’m not sure I can be in
time on foot. It’ll take more than half a day if I get on Levia and
I’m sure things will get in our way before we get on land. Even if
I scatter about those hindrances, it’ll also take time to get to Evil
Barrow from there……)

It’s hopeless if I only look at the situation.

The chances are big that I won’t make it in time even if

Desastre and the others fight bravely.

Shall I borrow the transfer magic circle from the beast king?
No, I’ll be completely spent on magic power if I do that.

“What to do……Seriously, what should I do……”

I keep puzzling it over in my head which is unlike me.

Fuck……So I really have no choice other than the transfer
magic circle.

I guess the problem with magic power will work out somehow
if I just drink a potion.

“Levia! Let’s go until the beast king for a bit

and――――――wait, what’s wrong?”

Even though I called out to her, Levia was looking towards the
distant ocean without saying anything.

She’s been silent since a while ago, could it be because she’s

been staring at the sea the whole time?

“Hey Levia……”

“Sorry Setsu. I don’t think I can go with you to the beast

king’s place.”
Levia muttered so without looking this way.

“I’m――――――thinking about going off on my own for a

Chapter 38 At that time
A few days before Setsu and Levia landed on the beastmen
continent, the classmates who remained in the human country
Destinea had gone to a dungeon called <Cavern of Sorrow>.

Dungeons are towers, forests or caverns that can be divided by

strata or depths. When it was created and by who has not yet
been explained to this day and the origins of the treasures
generated within the dungeons too haven’t been explained.

If one were to speak about what is known is that monsters of

specific ranges of strength appear inside each dungeon and in
the deepest part lies in wait the strongest monster of the

The fact that their strength is settled within a fixed range is

fairly important and thanks to that, one could determine the
difficulty level of the dungeons.

This <Cavern of Sorrow> is A rank difficulty level.

Considering that the highest difficulty level is SSS, an A rank
dungeon, which is one step away from S rank that’s designated
as inhuman, could not be captured without the corresponding

“Oh hot boiling lava! Burn away my foes and melt their lives!
<Magma Ball>!”


The red, boiling hot ball Endou fired hit a wolf-type monster
and ended its life by burning its body away.

“Great as always, Endou!”

“Got them all in one hit ‘till now didn’t you!”

“Ha, ha, ha! It’ll be like this if I deal with em!”

While raising a slow laughter, Endou once again fired a
magma ball and ended the life of another monster.

While Endou’s followers A and B were getting excited once

more, a male student was glaring as he fell on his bottom after
being burned by the heat of the magma ball when he
approached to kill that monster.

“You okay, Nemoto……?”

“Ah hot hot……It’s you Ueda. My bad, but can’t you apply
some Heal on me?”

“Sure……Oh healing light <Heal>”

The male student called Ueda applied Heal on the place where
his arm was burned.

Fortunately it wasn’t burned that severe, so as a result it could

be healed even by Ueda whose healing was not quite his strong
“Are okay? Nemoto-kun”

“Oh Kanzaki. Somehow, yeah, thanks to Ueda.”

Near those two, the girl named Kanzaki held out her hand and
Nemoto grabbed the hand to stand up.

“I’m glad. Even so, Endou and his gang are getting more and
more carried away aren’t they?”

“Yeah, they are……damn, if I was stronger than them……”

The one with the highest ability was Endou if one were to
exclude Kouma, the current <Wielder of the sacred sword> and
his party.

He had completed several original magic that was evolved

from existing magic and each of them were powerful.
Although it will not go as far as unique magic, those were
considerably useful in anti-personnel and anti-monster fights.

“We’re going you all! Don’t drag us down, you hear!”

Endou who was in a good mood from being flattered by his

entourage, commanded his classmates in this place.

Even when everyone glared at him disgustingly from the

bottom of their hearts, it wouldn’t reach him as he advances
while laughing loudly.

“Tch……He’s annoying, really.”

“Well, this time we could do it with ease thanks to him, so

let’s bear it just for a little while, okay?”

“That may be true if you put it that way, but……*sigh*”

While Nemoto was being pacified by Kanzaki, Ueda, while
sighing, followed behind Endou.


“<Rock smash fist>!” (Gansaiken)

On another place, at the labyrinth boasting the difficulty level

of S rank, the <Spire of the Emperor>, Kouma’s group was
moving forward.

The attack from Jirou, whose natural muscles expanded

furthermore due to harsh training, pulverized the body of the
Rock Golem.

“Hold on! Don’t go litter the whole place too much with
shards, okay!?”

While dodging the fragments of the Rock golem scattering in

its surroundings with magnificent agility, Mizuki shook her
prideful twin tails with her dagger hand and quickly approached
the magician type monster Skull Magician that was standing
further in.



Mizuki’s dagger seized the base of the skull magician’s throat

just before it could brandish its prided wand and unleash a
magic. Being a monster with only a dirty robe put on over its
bonemade body, the Skull magician’s neck bone which
connected the head with its body was pulverized and so it was
annihilated without doing anything.

“Me bad, me bad. But did we finish them all with this?”

“Don’t relax yet, watch your surroundings!”

Jirou and Mizuki had relaxed after taking down the enemies,
but they once again took on a vigilant posture after Glain’s
reprimand as their attendant.
Kouma who had already slain two Skull magicians behind
them was already cautious to his surroundings without being

“Yuu, you didn’t get any injuries?”

“Eh? Ah……Yup.”

Yuuhi had been behind Kouma the whole time in the form of
being protected by him. The battle had already ended before she
could do anything herself and so she honestly felt bored.

Rather, the fact is that she had already captured this labyrinth
solo in the first place.

They had been continuing to advance for a few hours after

entering the labyrinth, but what Yuuhi had been doing was
medical treatment for the three who were going through
blunders as well as searching for enemies.

Kouma had been fighting throughout these several hours to

protect her and had stubbornly not allowed Yuuhi to do battle.

The longer it went on, the more stress she accumulated.

And yet if it was me, I could go through this with just a single
hit on each of these dungeon monsters and without any injuries
too――――――she thought.

“? Yuu, are you okay?”

“Ah, sorry! It’s nothing.”

Yuuhi reproved herself for letting it show on her face and

once again followed them as they started moving forward.

(*sigh*……Could this not end any faster I wonder)

(……Well, this must be extremely boring for her)

While seeing the girl stifling a yawn, Glain showed a bitter


“Everyone, well done returning here safely!”

The throne room of a certain castle in Destinea, the

classmates who have gathered there after returning from the
labyrinth are standing straight and listening to the princess.

(This is also going to be boring I guess……)

Unable to be charmed by the girl, Yuuhi ended up feeling

bored from the princess’ long story.
She desperately stifled her yawn and when she received a
sharp look from Elka standing behind the princess, Yuuhi
properly stretched her back.

She recalled the thing about avoiding eye contact with the
king and princess, who are prejudiced against Setsu, as much as
possible. She put on a sense of reflection and lightly returned a

“――――――Elka, they were able to capture the Cavern of

Sorrow today, is that correct?”

“Yes Your Highness, here is the proof.”

The conversation spontaneously headed towards today’s

accomplishments and Elka who had entered the dungeon as
their attendant displayed the tusk of the <Dark Hound>, the
monster in the deepest level of the dungeon, as proof of
completely capturing the dungeon.
“This is splendid, everyone. Well then, how about Sir
Kouma’s party?

“Yes Your Highness. The capture of the dungeon has been


What Glain displayed was the scale of the Emperor Dragon.

This too was the so-called item drop of the monster in the
highest floor of the <Spire of the Emperor>.

“Wonderfull! With this everyone is A rank and above and

Kouma’s group is S rank and above in ability!”

Princess Margaret raised a shout of joy, but as a matter of fact,

A rank difficulty level is something an A rank adventurer could
capture solo, so it does not mean that they, who have challenged
them in a group, have all reached A rank in ability. Naturally,
this is the same for Kouma’s group.

The princess had inadequate understanding in that area.

“……Margaret, it is about time, is it not?”

“! That is so, isn’t it Father……The fact of the matter is that I

have gathered all of your tired self here today.”

Being urged by the king sitting on the throne, the princess

talked while looking around all of the classmates’ faces.

“The demon army’s soldiers attacking here in the human

continent have begun pulling back in order to procure supplies.
Thanks to the soldiers who have staked their lives to defend
against their landing, the damage on our side were few and
simultaneously they have secured the time to train you. I
believe it is about time we ought to start our counterattack

Counterattack――――――Everyone in that place gulped their

breath to that word.

“You should already be aware when I tell you this much,

should you not……? We hereby declare we will be raising the
signal fire for our counter attack to the enemies of our soldiers,
the soldiers who have died a noble death. And finally to the
demons and beastmen who have thus far acted violently as they
pleased! Departure will be tomorrow at dawn! Until then, please
arrange your personal equipment and prepare for battle! That is

“Da- dawn……?”

Somebody muttered.

The sudden declaration of counterattack from the princess.

The war that had approached before their eyes without giving
them time to accept had caused unrest to not so few of them.

(……Could this be a chance to escape?)

Except for only one person, Yuuhi.

Chapter 39 Night before departure
Being abruptly informed of the departure for war tomorrow
morning, each of the classmates were in different states.Some
becoming flustered and pale, some already calmly considering
what they ought to prepare, some showing excitement as they
imagine the battlefield they will approach……Each of them
spent the last night before departure as they pleased.

“Yuu, can I talk with you for a bit?”

“Hm? Kouma-kun?”

In front of Yuuhi’s private room stood Kouma. After having

already decided to consult Eruka and Grein on devising the
means of escaping at the time of war and also finishing her
preparations without taking up time at all, Yuuhi now passed by
Kouma towards her room.

“What’s up? Done with preparations?”

“Yeah, preparations are already fine. I felt like wanting to talk

with you a little before I go to bed, Yuu.”

Hearing that, Yuuhi grimaced at an angle where he couldn’t

see her face.

As a matter of fact, she wanted to quickly go to bed and

prepare for tomorrow, but she felt ill-humored from being
unable to do so because of Kouma.

For the time being she had him sit in the chair in her room
and then she also sat in another chair she had put for herself.

“Hmm……well, okay then, what shall we talk about?”

“How about tomorrow’s matters or something?”

Yuuhi was having problems with that choice for a

conversation between a man and a woman in the evening, even
as a joke. But she didn’t have any particular reason to want to
deepen her relationship with Kouma, so she obediently joined
that conversation.
“Tomorrow……we are going to kill people, right?”


Demons and beastmen differ in appearance, but what’s inside

possesses a proper intention.

According to the conversation, Kouma appeared to be

hesitating in the act of killing.

(Huh, so it’s that kind of conversation)

Yuuhi was struck by an indescribable feeling of

disappointment upon listening to that conversation.

It must be a tedious conversation from the perspective of the

girl who was indifferent to fighting demons and beastmen from
the beginning.
The point that differs between Kouma who doesn’t want to
kill and Yuuhi who is indifferent to killing is that Yuuhi would
make her move even against, for example, her classmates if it is
for the sake of her important person. She who had received
training from Eruka for the sake of being to Setsu’s side had no
wavering emotions on killing.

“Hesitating is bad you know, Kouma-kun. You have no choice

but to fight if you don’t want your important things taken away,
you know? Kouma-kun, you’re like the leader of the class so
yeah. If you hesitate, then everyone will end up unable to move.
That’s why, do your best okay?”

Yuuhi intended to cheer up Kouma in her own way.

She is gradually growing apart from her classmates, but if

Kouma, Jirou and/or Mizuki get injured then she would feel
anger in her own way.

“……You’ve really changed since coming to this world, didn’t

you Yuu? How do I put this……you’ve become strong.”

Changes in one’s own mental state is not quite something one

is able to notice themselves.

Becoming thoroughly tempered by Eruka and having

aggressively come in contact with parts of this world that by no
means could be called beautiful, she had grown resolute and
strong before she had noticed.

Kouma was reminded of that and Yuuhi became happy on the


Thinking that she’s getting closer to Setsu, her cheeks became

just a little softer.

As a matter of fact, if she were to compare her mental level

with Setsu, who had become unable to perform an act of
robbing a person of their life, then she had already overtaken
him, but Yuuhi wasn’t perceptive enough to even realize that.
“Even though I said you’ve become strong, Yuu……I don’t
want you to do anything dangerous. If possible, I’d like you not
to depart to war either……”

“……That’s impossible, you know that.”

Kouma’s wish would never come out.

It would likely be possible to use some flexibility if one is at

least not in Kouma’s party, but Yuuhi, an important fighting
power of the humans, would never be allowed not to go.

“I know. That’s why I will protect you Yuu, even by

exchanging this life of mine. That’s why, please don’t leave my
side when we’re at the demon continent.”

“Eh……ah, ‘kay”

The eyes of Kouma, who had said those lines as he grabbed

Yuuhi’s shoulder and looked straightforwardly in her face, was
filled with a feverish gaze.
If an ordinary girl was here, then she is almost likely to
become his victim of love.

Regretfully, Yuuhi’s heart didn’t move even the slightest


“Okay then……It’s about time for me to go. Let’s do our

best……in the fight from tomorrow on.”

“‘Kay, good night……”

After Kouma left her room, Yuuhi did not move for a while,
worrying about something at that place.

(Don’t leave……he said. This is bad, I won’t be able to easily

separate that way……)

Her plan, which was to leave the war for a while with a proper
reason, was rained down a little with Kouma’s words just then.
If she were to be near him, then she would be unable to
prepare the condition for her to separate from her classmates.

Even if she were to rely on Eruka and Grein, the two could not
be on the battlefield.

They were able to live in the castle now because there was a
condition for them to not participate in the war so as to not let
them ally with the other races.

Eruka and the others had told her they would ignore those
condition and come running when the necessity arises, but as
long as the matter of the supposedly dead Hero hasn’t cleared
up, they could not afford to separate themselves from the castle.

That is to say she could not afford to acquire their assistance

for something of this level.

(Well, I can still play that by ear, right?)

“Have no choice but to take things as they are,” Yuuhi said

and so she crammed all her problems into the corner of her
mind in one go and went to her bed. She wasn’t so tired from
capturing an S rank dungeon, but she was told by Eruka to go to
bed earlier than usual, so she closed her eyes and slowly
submerged in the ocean of sleep.

The next morning, they were seen off by many people and
departed Destinea with an army of 5000.

What awaited them was something they were unable to

imagine while they were living an ordinary high school life, a
battlefield named hell――――――
Chapter 40 Departure of each
“……That bitch Levia……”

I’m walking on the highway to the town the beast king is

living in.The surface of the ground was only maintained evenly
and I can see from the weeds showing its face here and there at
the edges, that it hasn’t been maintained for a while.Not sure,
but this area fits the beastmen race.Now that I think about it,
the roads on the human continent is properly paved I guess.

“Even if she was going, I think she should’ve discussed it with

me a little more. Right, you girls?”

“E- even if you ask us……”

“We don’t know desu”

Mineko and Shironeko who were walking behind me showed

a forced smile.
As for why they are with me and how I parted with Levia, we
will have to go back to the scene from yesterday――――――


I’m thinking about going off on my own for a


I asked Levia why when she said that.

“I’m immediately going back to the demon continent. It’s

because I can dive when I’m on my own and so I can also arrive
there in less than half a day……”

“Can’t you just pick me up? Those guys ain’t weak and they
shouldn’t lose in half a day. If I’m there……”

“You aren’t perfect either. As far as I can hear from the

conversation, that Hero called Touma and the black robes are
supporting the side of the humans, isn’t that right? If it is like
that then even you won’t know how it will end up, would you

She’s got a point……If that bastard Touma’s aim really is

destroying the demons and beastmen then those guys should be
allies of the humans.

If it’s like that then I’ll end up having to fight both Touma and
the relatively strong black robes.

Touma and I……don’t have that much difference in strength.

I was able to confirm the fact I’m stronger at the time I killed
that guy last time, but at that time I was flat out of magic power
and though I wasn’t completely in tatters, I did bear quite some

If at that time I was careless, even a little, then the outcome

would probably reverse instantly.

Speaking of carelessness, I just let our enemy just now escape.

The current me didn’t have enough grounds to respond with
“It’s better if I go along.”

“You got a point……If my summoned classmates and the black

robed bunches join hands, then……they probably won’t be
stopped even if only I’m there.”

All I’m able to do is buy some time I guess.

In that case I can see defeat firsthand.

“But if that’s the case then even if you go there it wouldn’t

even ma――――――”

“I know that. The fact I won’t be as reliable as you even if I

go…… That’s why ……won’t you let me request of you a little?”

I couldn’t do anything but just agreeing to the words of Levia

who was saying it masochistic-like.

“Thanks. The request is…… I want you to send in

reinforcements from this beastmen continent, Setsu.”

“It’s reinforcements?”

“That’s right. It’s not something you cannot do, right? Given
your popularity.

I guess the beast king will surely move for me if I ask.

Like, he should lend me the maximum of their military

strength even if that guy doesn’t move himself.

“But do we have to go that far? If we combine the two major

powers, then no matter how many black robes and Heroes there
“――――――You know I, I want those black robes
annihilated……And that boss person called Touma as well.”


Something similar to hatred was burning in Levia’s eyes.

If it’s like this then she probably won’t be open to discussion I


“You’re not going to tell me those circumstances of yours, are


“Right now is……it’s not something I myself want to talk

about. That’s why don’t ask me about it if you can.”

“……Roger that.”

So it’s not something I should press questions about that

much, huh……That should be the case right?

Women have many of them right? Things they don’t want to

be asked about.

Even men have those so there’s nothing to do about it right,


“Well, I understand what you want to say. You also told me

that you’re relying on me…… and your wish too so I’ll move
that way. But now that you’re going ahead, protect the demon
continent properly, you hear?”

Because it won’t be a joke if the war is lost already the

moment I arrive.

“I know……Also if you would let me say another selfish thing

to you……As soon as possible please, okay?”

I unintentionally burst into laughter at Levia who said that

with something like a bitter smile.
Can’t be helped then; I have to get through with it faster than
usual and go help them.

“Fuh……I got it then. Okay then……”

“Right, see you over there.”

“Yeah, see you.”

Levia and I returned each other’s greetings in a hurry.

I can’t waste time here.

We’re still in the morning, so let’s go to the beast king’s place

today and tomorrow.

Borrowing the transfer magic circle to the demon continent is

going to take three to four days……Endure it please, Levia and

“Hm? What’s up, Shironeko?”

Right when I was about to depart immediately, I stop when I

was called out by Shironeko.

“I, would like to thank you desu”

“Me- Me too!”

Shironeko gave me her thanks and Mineko also put up a voice

in order to rival her.

If it weren’t for this situation, it would be an attractive topic

right away, but……

“I’m fine right now, thanking me at another time would

“In that case I will follow you desu.”


“Me- me too!”



And that’s how Levia and I are going off on our own, I take
along these two kittens? Two people? And head towards the
beast king’s place.

It’s decided that Shironeko and Mineko will be joining me as

fighting power.

It seems that they’re going to participate in the war on the

demon country as thanks.
As far as I’ve heard, the two are an outstanding combination
and they appear to be quite the powerful people somehow.

They’re beings you would have no objections to in becoming

your allies.

“The beast king huh……it’s been a long time, like really.”

It’s been five years already. It was the same at that time with
Desastre, but you just can’t help getting these feelings can you?

“Setsu, who is stronger desu? You or the beast king?”

“Ah? That’s always been me you know?”

“So it’s always desu……”

I’ve responded to that battle loving guy’s wishes and

competed as many times he likes, but I’ve never lost to him.
The times I bore injuries was far more often than with the
others though.

I never lost, but I’ve often gotten something like one of my

arms stained with blood.

“Well, the beast king is quite strong. Strong enough to want

that guy’s own strength if possible though……”

If both the demon king and beast king are present, then we
should be able to turn the tide in one go even if the progress of
war is pushed to one side.

The king’s strength isn’t just for show.

“Oh――――――it’s in sight now.”

We advanced by foot for a little over a day and had reached

the place very quickly.
Ahead where the trees part, <Royal capital Regdam>, a town
built on the vastly stretched plains, revealed itself in front of
our eyes. *(レグダム: regudamu)


In the waters between the beastmen continent and demon

continent was a shadow swimming at a great speed.

(……I couldn’t say it, there is no way I can tell him……)

Levia grumbled with a sour face as if she swallowed a bitter


“That Desastre and I are……important pieces for the sake of

achieving the black robes’ goal……”
Chapter 41 World tree castle
“Miss Shironeko and Miss Mineko, what important matters
do you have in the royal castle today?”

“I don’t have any important reasons desu. I’ve come to greet

the great king for a moment desu.”

“We haven’t shown our faces recently either, so……”

“I see, and your friend over there? He seems to be human

judging from his appearance, but……”

“He is someone like a friend and master desu”


The castle town gates one always have to pass through in

order to enter the royal capital Regdam.
The scenery of the castle town that is built with trees on the
whole, different from the human race or demons and stretching
to the beyond, lets me feel nostalgia together with a strong
smell of nature.

“……That soldier, is it fine for him to be surprised with round


I ask a question with an amazed voice to the cat sisters who

passed through the gate with almost free admission due to their

There were all sorts of things I could retort to, but for now I’ll
listen to their story.

“The fact that we got a master must’ve been quite devastating,


“Us sisters have always been alone with the two of us desu. If
we were to suddenly bring a master then they would be bound
to be surprised.”
“Nono, just hold on a bit, you two.”

Why have I become their master?

It’s actually limited to specific races among the beastmen, but

I’ve heard rumors about guys who even have masters that way.

Rather than that, I’ve been earnestly requested by the

daughter of the beast king Roa to be her master and thereupon
I’ve heard the story of that sort of behavior.

They say that becoming a pet to the one you’ve been beaten by
(in this case, any races are fine)…… having them own you so to
speak, would make you feel happy or so it seems.

But no matter how much I have associated with the total M

Eruka, I never had the urge to own her as one would’ve
expected. Also, I still didn’t seem to have experienced that sort
of twisted craving from then on, so I’ve politely declined.

I’ve endured the begging for a while though……

“Setsu has beaten me desu. Becoming my master is natural

“I haven’t approved of it, you know……”

“Excuse me, mister Setsu……But putting it another way,

won’t we become your identification!?”

“Hm? ……Now that you mention it.”

They’re right. No matter how famous these two may seem to

be around the beastmen, my figure must be standing out quite a
bit in this town where there are practically no visiting humans
due to being in the middle of war.

It doesn’t seem like there aren’t any of those guys who would
put some blame on you and pick a fight either according to

But, by doing this and spreading the story of me being the

master of the two, it will become proof that I am stronger than
these two.

“If it’s like that, then……well, I’ll accept it.”

“Thank you very much. Please endure that position for a

while, okay? ……It looks like big sis wants you to be her master
from now on though……”

“Letting go of a master this strong is wasteful desu. I can boast

with my friends desu.”

While saying so, Shironeko linked her arms with me.

I sense a fragrant odor of a female that will stimulate males

from the body of this girl who’s glued to me, but I ignore it for
now .

More like, what, do these guys have the habit of boasting

about their masters?
Normally, the master is supposed to the one boasting about
their pet……

“……Well, let’s talk about that afterwards, okay? More

importantly……It’s huge as always”

With Shironeko properly attached to me, I look up at the

front of the huge tree that‘s standing towering over the
surroundings, boasting a gigantic size that a multi-storey city
building won’t come close to.

<World tree>――――――

Being the largest and longest living tree in this world, it is the
world’s largest building that is shouldering the castle of the
royal capital Regdam. In the tree, passages and rooms are spread
like an ant colony and the knights protecting the castle,
personal doctors, the beast king’s relatives and also the bunch of
people he’s pleased with are all living inside the tree together.

They should have shaved quite a bit of the inside in order to

make that much space.
But the world tree hasn’t even become unstable, not even for a

Cutting this down would probably be next to impossible even

for me and Touma.

By the way, it’s different from the world trees in various

fantasy games; it looks like a tree from top to bottom.

The foliage doesn’t have the effects of reviving dead people

and you can’t fully recover your allies’ physical strength with its
sap either.

It doesn’t possess any particular magic either, it’s pretty much

a normal tree. As if there’s no romance.

“World trees in fantasies are supposed to have quite an

important role though……”

“I don’t really know this thing you call fantasy desu. But there
aren’t any important roles for the world tree.”
“There’s the residence of the beast king and his entourage

“Yes it does desu. The world tree is important after all desu.”

……No, that’s not what I mean.


“――――――Would you look at that, some nostalgic scent

have come over.”

The room on the highest floor of the world tree castle.

It is the throne room and a throne was put in it.

“Daddy, what’s up?”

“Hey! You’re a girl, so it’s not daddy alright?”

“Doesn’t matter riight?”

A man with a strong build sat on the throne.

His golden hair spread roughly and those eyes of his are so
sharp he would seem to be able to take one’s life with just a

However, contrary to such boorish appearance, he gave a

warning to the girl who was gnawing on bony chops while
sprawling in front of his eyes in order to gently rebuke his

The girl has similar golden hair like the man, extending until
below her shoulders. It was left unkempt, but she had no

Her body was minutely tanned, her busts were moderate and
the other proportions were closely constricted; not even a single
bit of excessive fat could be seen.

Her face took after the man in some way and there doesn’t
seem to be any harm even if they were called parent and child as
one would expect.

No――――――the two are actually parent and child.

“Roa, really……you’re also the daughter of the beast king,
what are you trying to do by acting like that……please act a little
more like my daughter, okay?”

“You too daddy. You have the position of the beast king, so
that’s why you should talk in a little more majestic tone, okay?”


Beast king Regulus……He, the acting king of the beastmen and

owner of absolute power, was at a loss for words from his
daughter Roa’s splendid counter.

“More importantly, you heard me saying what’s up, didn’t


“More importantly……well, whatever. Roa, you can’t smell it?

This scent.”

Roa twitched her nose after being told, but there wasn’t
anything particular she could smell.

“Hm~ I wonder if I just can’t tell.”

“Okay, it sounds like you still lack special training I see. Go

check on the lower floor for now. The guy you’ve missed is here,
you know.”

“A guy I’ve missed?……Okay, I’ll be going there for a bit.”

Even though she looked at Regulus doubtfully, Roa put the

half eaten meat on the plate on the floor and started walking out
the room.

Just before leaving the room, Roa swiftly looked back towards

“Don’t steal my meat, okay!?”

“I don’t need it! Just hurry up and go!”

“Then it’s fine!”

Upon saying so, Roa finally left the room this time.

In the now silent throne room, Regulus sank very deeply on

the throne.

“……Never thought you would be alive, Setsu……”

――――――Thinking about the fact I can fight you again

made me excited, you know……

The beast king laughed.

In order to express his excitement. The excitement of having

another meeting of a formidable opponent, his rival under his
The beast king laughed loudly.

In order to digest the joy of being able to see him once again.
The close friend he thought he could never meet
Chapter 42 Daughter of the beast king
We even succeeded in gaining free admission for the entrance
to the world tree with Shironeko and Mineko’s faces.

If they don’t do a check besides physical appearance so far,

then I feel like they would end up allowing easy trespassing with
something like a disguising magic, but there is their useful sense
of smell.

It means they could instantly judge if it’s the real one or not
with that outstanding sense of smell of theirs.

“Place got a good atmosphere like always.”

“Even humans understand desu?”

“Humans like places surrounded by trees like this too,


This castle which is made by gouging out the tree itself has
wooden walls, floors and ceiling of course.

I can say I like baths made out of wood more than those made
out of stone and so I think the scent and feel of this sort of tree
is nice.

“Oh, more importantly, is the beast king still upstairs like


“Yes, at the top floor desu.”

It’s not like I really have much time either, I can’t take my

Shall I show my face right away then?

“Okay then, shall we――――――”


Suddenly a shout reverberated inside the castle, interrupting

my words.

Everyone unintentionally looked towards the owner of said


What is there is a blonde girl with a healthy skin color.

Needless to point out, she’s the daughter of the beast king

Regulus Gold, Roa Gold.

“Yo- You! This scent……!”


I knew it, so she found out even when my appearance has

The next moment, Roa kicked the floor and instantly
appeared in front of me.

And then I perceive the shape of a fist approaching me from

the corner of my sight.

“You’re still……Naive!”


I seize that fist, sweep her legs and hold her down on the

“Mister Setsu!?”

“It’s fine, it’s kind of like our greeting.”

“Dang it!”
When she was about to raise her body in order to stand up, I
interfere on that by taking on a mounting position.

And then I reached the nape of the startled Roa with my hand.

Touch, touch.


I stroke it as gentle and rustlingly.

I’m aiming to use my palm to give a peaceful touch, different

from tickling with your hands.

Upon doing so, Roa’s expression rapidly crumbled, her

strength gradually left her body and her expression changed
into a charmed one.

“Funyaa~~~don’t……This hand technique is, I knew it~~”

“Long time no see, you washboard kitty. Here here!”

“It’s Setsu~~~~nyaaaa”

It’s like I’m stroking a cat.

I’ve done this dozens of times, but for some reason her body
still seems to remember it even after five years have gone by.

I play with it even more and that body of hers ended up

becoming so languid she couldn’t stand up anymore already.

Does it feel that good, what I’m doing……

“Sis, did you see that? That daughter of the Great Beast King,
Roa was led around by the nose……”

“Stroke, stroke……I’m jealous desu……”

“That’s not where you should be looking at, you know!? Sis,
get a hold of yourself please!”

What are they doing a comedy skit for, these girls……

What I’ve come to know these days is that Mineko has the role
of the straight man with Shironeko being the useless one.

It’s unexpectedly balanced.

Wait, this is not the time for that.


I have to work it out with this girl too before long――――――

“Where have you been loitering around all this time, Setsu!”
“My bad, my bad. Got lots of things happening in the human
country for a while, you know.”

“I know that though! ……We heard you were forced to return

to your former world so we were worried, that’s why……wait,
don’t stroke me! Stop i-……fuwaa~~~……”

“Interesting like always aren’t ya.”

I stop the loud mouth from talking with a little stroking.

It wasn’t even my intention, so can’t you overlook it for me?

“And that’s how I returned here, so please forgive me. I’ll

properly return your worries, okay?”

“Nyaa……O- okay, I get it, so stop your stroking noow……”

Oops, I forgot to stop my hand.

I withdraw my hand just before she’s unable to stand

It took Roa a few minutes to stand up earlier.

Now we’re on the way towards the room the beast king is in,
it’ll be difficult if she sits down in the middle of this hallway.

“Fuuh……And so, what’s wrong with you, Shironeko and

Mineko? It looks like you’re here with Setsu, but……”

“Various things happened……”

“Setsu became our master desu. That is why we are together


“Huh!? Setsu! Are you saying you can become Shironeko’s

master even though you won’t become my master!?”
Shironeko, you bitch……stop saying unnecessary things.

Explaining it is quite troublesome, but I have to explain it to


“I didn’t actually become one you know. They just declared it

on their own.”

“Then me too!”

“Didn’t you hear me? I’m not even taking applications for
something like pets.”

Things like disciplining and all, I already have my hands full

with just that total M ice woman.

Go to other people for that as much as you can……No, don’t

go to anyone for that after all.
“For now, let’s leave the conversation for later, okay! For
later! I have something I have to talk about with the beast king
right away!”



Hum, she’s a good, disciplined cat.

Her race is leo, but well, they shouldn’t be that much different
since they’re related to cats.

And the one who disciplined her this far is me.

It’s because she was treated as a trouble maker due to her

being a wild lioness tomboy……Now she has become someone
who is greeted with a smile by the people in the castle and who
can return their greetings with a smile.
How should I put this, I’m also very happy of this change of

Well, her wording is a mixed with fierceness and gentleness

and sometimes it becomes funny.

That’s a fun aspect of hers I guess.

“Speaking of which miss Roa, what sort of relationship do you
and mister Setsu have? I have heard of the story that he was the
Hero of five years ago, but I couldn’t read about that part at all,

“Hm? Relationship between me and Setsu?”

Oh right, I did talk about myself on our journey here.

I guess you can’t help but get curious about the relationship of
me, the former Hero, and Roa.

“That’s right……Setsu was, you know, amazingly strong since

that time. The time he took along his three companions and
went to the beastmen continent, we were also at war and it was
an extreme time where it was pretty much like 『It’s humans!
Kill them!』, so Setsu and the others were also attacked.”

They went at me with dozens of people you know, those

soldier looking guys.
Well, of course……

“Setsu ended up annihilating those in the blink of an eye. And

then I who was a naughty kid at that time had……wait, did you
two know I was a naughty kid?”

“Your nickname wild lioness even reached us desu.”

“Uwah……It’s one thing to say it yourself, but this is


It’s because this girl at that time was famous even in the other
continents from having the position of daughter of the beast
king, to say nothing of the beastmen continent.

On a sidenote, Shironeko and Mineko seemed to have started

to make a name of themselves after I was sent back.

“Well, whatever. And so I heard there was a strong guy and I

challenged him to a fight. The result was a crushing defeat
If I‘m not wrong, I have memories of it being a single blow
from a cross counter when she was about to spring at me.

I ended up treating her the same way as the other small fry
soldiers at that time, didn’t I?

“Now that I think about it, that was the first time I lost to
anyone besides daddy……And so I was charmed by Setsu who
had beat me and decided to walk arm in arm with him. I
would’ve wanted him to be my master if that was possible

“Who’d go do that sort of bothersome thing?”

“So stingy aren’t you? Like always.”

That being said, I don’t feel like getting a pet.

Though even if master means master, I’ll think about it if it’s

a husband type of master
“Didn’t you two accompany him for the same reasons?”

“I lost against Setsu desu. That’s why I want him to become

my master desu”

“I haven’t personally fought mister Setsu……But still, he is

my lifesaver so I’m thinking about using this body of mine for
his sake.”

“That’s what they said, Setsu. Popular aren’t you?”

“Yes, yes.”

Roa went elbowing my side.

It didn’t feel bad being told this much, but I still don’t
understand their thinking.

Humans wouldn’t even think about following the guy they

lost against after all.

The difference in sense of value between the races really is


“We already arrived while we were talking about that”

Roa stopped her feet and at the same time we also stopped

In front of us is a wooden double door.

This also takes me back.

“Daddy, I’m coming in――――――”

“Miss Roa!”

A man’s voice called out from behind us in order to stop Roa

who has put her hands on the door.

“What, it’s just you Ruga.”

I look over my shoulder and who was there was a young

canine man.

He’s got a burly figure and a handsome face.

I guess the beastwomen won’t leave this guy alone. He’s

someone of considerable ability, with his conduct and the
pressure I feel.

“What do you want with me? I’d like to ask you to make it as
brief as possible.”
“What do you want with me, you say……you, are you
planning on letting a human meet the beast king!? We are at
war, you know that!?”

Oh I get it, this guy’s quite the stubborn guy.

Because I’ve been with these three, we haven’t been dragged

into unnecessary trouble up until now, but from the eyes of a
guy who have some ability and is at a level to talk back to Roa,
interfering with my being here is natural I guess.

A troublesome guy appeared after coming here……

“Even Shironeko and Mineko are together with a human,

what is the meaning of this!? I’ll have you explain this to me!”

“Before that, who are yo――――”

“Sis, this person is the wolfblade(roujin) Ruga you know.” (ルー

ガ; ruuga)
“Aah……Now that you mention it there was such a person

“Forgetting about me is……I can see your memories are quite



“Si-Sis, restrain yourself”

Uoh! Shironeko’s looks became dreadful when he made fun of

what’s inside her head.

I should remember this……wait, more importantly.

“Old man (roujin), right? First of all I just have some business
with the beast king, so I’m not thinking of doing anything in
particular……” (老人: roujin: old man)
“You bastard……You just insult me didn’t you……?”


Wolfblade (roujin)……old man (roujin)……Ah, that was

certainly my verbal slip――――――wait, isn’t the nuance the
same!? You can’t condemn me for this can you!? It depends on
how you catch it right!?

“Do you want me to erase you, human――――――”

“Stop it, you stupid.”

“……Why are you protecting a human, miss Roa?”

Roa stood in between me and Ruga.

A clear hostility was released from Roa’s eyes to that guy.

“You’ve got it backwards, I stopped you in order to protect
you. This human is my future owner……no, wait I mean. The
human who will become my master. Even if you say you have
enough strength to become daddy’s right hand man, you won’t
be able to beat this guy.”

Hey, what’s up with that “owner” part? While you’ve been

saying master and have been mixing in a different meaning to it
up until now, your desire to be owned is completely showing
you know. Quit that please.

Ah, more importantly……Beastking’s right hand huh……I

thought he was like a powerful person from the streets.

“……What did you say? Wait a second please, miss Roa. Your
master……No, husband is supposed to be me isn’t it?”

Ah? What’s this guy saying?

“As I have spoken with His Majesty the beast king, I have
triumphed in a duel with you and I should have the rights to be
wed to you.”
“Tha- that’s, well, my physical condition was a little……”

“That excuse does not apply between beastmen!”

“……Tch, would you just shut yer hole! Who would want to
marry a nagging son of a bitch like you, ya dumbass! Next, dare
say something funny in front of Setsu! I tell ya, he’s gonna tear
ya a new one, just see!”

While saying “we’re going,” Roa grabbed my hand and opened

the door to the throne room.

Ruga was taken aback from the sudden return of her tone
from the olden days and being disparaged, he stood stiff and

The four of us took our opportunity to finally reach our

destination, the throne room.
Chapter 43 Clash of personal feelings
“What is it you’re saying……that that weakling of a human is
better than me who will become your husband……?”

Ruga stood unmoving in front of the throne room.

He loves Roa.

That well ordered appearance of hers, her thin but strong


If he was to be frank then he would have wanted a little more

chest on her, but if one looked at that style of hers which
attained a magnificent balance, such problems wouldn’t matter
at all.

Her hips were somewhat of a size that can easily deliver and
that too was to his liking.

And above all……that strength of hers.

A girl who was like the embodiment of his likings, that is Roa

However, he had learned from that woman a little while ago

that there is a male she considered likeable.

If he was a beastman stronger than himself, then he could

accept it for now without giving up.

But, the male was a human.

An existence who should be inferior to them, the beastmen.

Just by having that next to the woman he loves was

Something like being wedded to that was absurd.

“I won’t allow this, human……I shall make you realize I am

more worthy for her……!”
At the time the flames of jealousy spread in his eyes, the black
fire tattoo engraved in that bare shoulder was seen releasing a
faint light.


The throne room is as spacious as always, I really missed this.

But before I reflect upon my nostalgia, I got curious in the

words from Ruga back then.

“Hey you……what that guy just said……”

“Ah! It’s not like I became that guy’s woman okay!? Re-

That’s not……Well, I’m also curious about that though……

What I’m most curious is about is the part Roa lost in a duel

“Ugh! Mister Setsu, the front!”


Thanks to Mineko’s words, I have noticed the fast

approaching lust for blood.

I already reflexively caught the fist I would call a lump of

enormous power just as it literally approached in front of my

A weight that made a thud assaulted my whole body and the

floor dented from the pressure.

The world tree shook from the shock caused the moment I
caught the fist and screams on the lower floors could be heard.
“Hah……! Ain’t this a little extreme……for the first greeting in
five years? Right? You lion bastard……!”

“Ku……hahahahahahahahahaha! It is you Setsu! Even if your

appearance has changed, it’s really you! I’m happy……I’m really
happy you know that……!”

The blonde man steadily put in strength in his fist.

This guy is the continent’s ruling beast king, Regulus Gold.

That power, the physical ability exceeds the demon king

Desastre and that body is even tougher than the top quality
armor that humans can create.

“That’s some beastly strength you got there, damn it.”

“In that case, don’t you think you also got strength to spare


I loosen my strength once and bend my knees slightly.

And then this time I correct my strength in one go and also

using the spring of my knees to force back Regulus.


“Here, it’s payback.”

I throw a fist towards him while he is staggering.

He seems to have barely put up his guard and stopped my fist

with his palms, but that wasn’t some punch you could hold
down that way.
The impact broke through the back of his hand towards his
body and it blew those stockily muscled body towards the
throne behind him.

Destroying the ornaments around the throne and all the dust,
the world tree castle shook once again.

“Fuuh……I still won’t lose, from you at least.”

“Aah, geez……As ever the same aren’t you, daddy and Setsu.”

“Shoock desu.”

“Sis, that isn’t something you should be saying, you



“Kuhahahahahahaha! I ended up losing again! Looks like your

arms hasn’t grown dull Setsu!”

“I didn’t pick up a way of training just to grow dull so easily

after all. More importantly……Been a long time, Regulus.”

“Long time no see, Setsu. Have you been well?”

“I ended up having my appearance changed, but well, I’ve

been so-so.”

“Well I’m glad about that!”

Said the beast king on his throne and laughed again.

This guy is……well, he looks well, so I guess I don’t have to

ask him.

So, I see that you’ve come to greet us, but……you seem to have
some other business as well. I mean, you even took along such
strong companions with you.”

That reminds me, Regulus should know about Shironeko and


After all, the two of them had gotten this guy injured.

“Pretty much. My bad, but if I were to be frank, then the

greetings was just an extra. Coming here to borrow some of
your strength is my real intention.”

“Strength? You are?”

“Yeah. You know that the demon continent is on the offensive

against the human country right now, right?”

“I learned of that this morning.”

“Really. And so, not just the human continent’s Heroes or

something, that son of a bitch Touma is probably acting as the
human’s armed forces too.”


Listening to those words of mine, Roa shuddered and

Regulus’s eyes became even more serious.

“So he’s alive, that guy……”

“I’m not sure about the circumstances there, but for the time
being I’m pretty sure that some outrageous fighting power is on
the other side. It’s frustrating, but the confidence in handling
that many of them well is something I don’t have.”

“And there’s where we come into play, right?”

I explain that I’d like a large military force if possible, but I
add that I don’t need half-baked strength since they will become
a burden instead.

The enemy military strength is competent.

Guys with no actual strength will lose their lives in front of

my eyes if I bunch them up.

If that’s the case then it’s better not having them from the

“……I would’ve liked to go there, but hearing that

explanation, we’ll be in a situation where those guys would
come to the beastmen continent some day. If Touma is really
there, then it would be easy for him to change their focus to our
place. It’s impossible for me to leave this place.”

“I figured as much……”

Any country would be in a dangerous situation if the king goes


Besides, the king is the strongest among the beastmen and

demons, unlike the human one.

If that strength goes absent, then it’ll turn into a big once in a
lifetime chance in the eyes of enemy nations.

“I will go with you. You don’t have any complains with my

strength, right?”

“Yeah Roa, I’d like you to come……I mean, come with us.”


Roa happily smiled broadly.

Are you that glad that you’ve been ordered?

It’s the same with Eruka, but it’s hard to understand those

“Mineko and I are expected to go desu.”

“Is that so? What, don’t have quite the fighting power here?”

“I think the amount of people is a little on the low side.”

I’m sure we have enough strength.

But at the very least I want one more with strength close to
SSS rank―――――

“―――――Your majesty, the beast king! I cannot permit that!

I’d like you to reconsider!”

Suddenly the door to the throne room was thrown open.

Who entered is that old man……I mean, wolf blade man
named Ruga.

“I’m sorry, but I let myself eavesdrop your conversation!

Listening to such present situation, your majesty can absolutely
not give permission to decrease the beastmen continent’s
military strength!”


Regulus made an indescribable expression towards Ruga who

suddenly came in and shouted around.

“We may have certainly formed an alliance with the demon

continent now, but we had been originally mutual enemies! We
should have no need to use a part of our military strength for
their sake! Not to mention it’s inexcusable to have our biggest
fighting power go!”

……Well, he’s kind of right.

What happens with the demons has nothing to with them in
the eyes of those who think the most of the beastmen.
Furthermore, if they help them and fall into crisis themselves,
then that would be horrible to look at as well.

The opinion of these guys are relatively quite honest.

“Once again, I’d like you to reconsider! Your majesty!”

“Hmm……Ruga’s view is certainly right. I would have done so

if it was just an ordinary human’s request, but it’s different if it
is a request from Setsu of all people you see……”


Looks like Ruga was shocked by Regulus’s indecisive attitude.

He probably must’ve thought he would immediately accept

his opinion.
To think he wouldn’t accept his beastman view and accept the
request of the human me…… or something like that.

“Is your majesty weighing the human’s request to my

opinion……? This dainty human without a fragment of

“Look here, you asshole―――――”

“That’s right and I’ll add that I’m thinking more about
listening to Setsu’s request.”

“What……did you say……?”

Interrupting Roa’s angry voice, Regulus spoke the words that

bore his heart.

Yeeaah……I have a hunch that this is going to become

something troublesome somehow.
“You didn’t hear me? I want to listen to this human’s request.
More so than your opinion you see?”

“Wh-……Why would you!? You, with the position of beast


“You see, a beast king is what the strongest becomes. I didn’t

particularly become the strongest in order to rule over the
continent. I just wanted to fight strong people, that’s why I have
become strong. Then I was arbitrarily made beast king and now
I’m sitting on such an impressive chair. Well, I am able to have
this good life after receiving this position. I do love the
beastmen continent enough that I will protect it my own way
though. But, if you ask me which is more important: the
beastmen continent or this old human friend of mine, then my
choice is just a little tilted towards Setsu.”

“Wha……Then your capacity as a king is……”

“That’s right, I don’t have the capacity to be a king. You think

you can endure having the likes of a king who would pick his
friend over his country? And so, if you have any complaints
about it, then I shall hand over this chair anytime.
Only―――――――if you can win from me that is.”

Ruga stiffened and choked when Regulus glared at him.

That guy would also say something cruel.

A guy who could win from you, that very person itself would
be an irregular of this world.

If Regulus is a special being in terms of strength, then

someone like Ruga would be similar to an ordinary person.

An ordinary person cannot win from special.

As long as you don’t desire power even at the cost of your life
that is――――――

Well, if you let me say it, then I think that this guy is just not
ruling as a tyrant is better than nothing.
There’s basically nothing but guys who would do as they
please when it comes to those who become king just through
strength or connections after all.

“*sigh*……But your opinion is also correct, Ruga. That’s why

I’m troubled you know……hmm, let’s see there……Ah, then
Setsu, try a duel with Ruga a bit.”


The one who responded wasn’t me, but that Ruga fellow.

I……vaguely expected that, to tell you the truth.

“And I will listen to what the victor says. Don’t you think this
is quite the beastman-like method of deciding things?”

“Me, against this human……?”

Shit, what a troublesome thing you brought up, you lion

Can’t I just beat him up and end it in this place?

Ah, lion bastard’s eyes are saying no, annoying.

“――――――Fine then.”

You’re really fine with that?

“I shouldn’t lose to the likes of such human. I shall show you a

flawless victory”

“Good. How about you Setsu?”

“……I’m fine with anything. I’d rather do this than arguing

with words.”
Talking nonsense here is a waste of time and it’s easy if I can
make them agree by sheer strength.

I’m not really enthusiastic about it though……

“……Miss Roa.”


Ruga, one of the people concerning this duel, turned towards


Roa put herself slightly on guard towards that serious

expression of his.

“If I win from that human over there, will you make me your

“………………Okay. If you win, then I will accept my loss in
your duel against me before and obediently tie myself to you.”

“……Thank you, miss Roa.”

What are you saying, Roa?

Why are you looking at me after you finished speaking?

Actually, Ruga you too bastard; the hell you doing, inserting
your personal feelings in a fight with your country’s resources
on the line?

At the time he expressed such personal feelings, I――――――

“Hey Regulus, we’re starting this quickly got it where’s the

place we’re doing this right now got it I’mma send this fuck
flying――――――wait, what are you laughing at!?”
“Kuh……kukukuh……I got it I got it, let’s do this right away.”

Tch, what an irritating way of laughing.

But I don’t care about it if we can start right now.

I’ll beat you up right away.

I’m not letting this son of a bitch take Roa, she’s


Chapter 44 Conclusion?
The city Regdam of the beastmen country.

And what is at the center of it is a facility that was prepared as

a place where those who like fights could regularly test their

According to my knowledge, that resembles something that is

called a Colosseum.

『Get ‘em! Ruga!』

『Tear the likes of that human to pieces!』

And a large number of disparagement was sent towards me

who is standing right in the center of that colosseum.

“Hey wait a minute……That lion bastard……hasn’t it become

overly serious?”
A large number of beastmen filled up the audience seats and
they are waiting impatiently for the fight between me and Ruga
to start.

We planned to quietly bring it to an end in private at first, but

Regulus went and prattled,

『We might as well invite citizens as spectators and enjoy


Or something like that.

What should I say……It’s kind of awkward.

“Hmph, got cold feet, human? After all, you’re an inferior


“Aah, yeah……I guess.”


I, who had been intently polishing my ignoring skills up until

now, didn’t move a budge when I was being stirred up like that.

Or maybe I should say it became troublesome thanks to me

losing quite a bit of my motivation.

At first I considered seriously smashing him, but I wonder if

it’s better to just let me finish it with a single blow before long if
it becomes so much like an away match.

If I do at least that much, then even the audience should

become quiet.

“Alright already……let’s hurry up with this.”

“I’ll paint your face with tears……!”

Something’s being eager, but I ignore it, ignore it all the way.

We are facing each other in the center of the colosseum,

mutually standing ready.

Well, I have both of my bare hands dangling down though……

“You bastard…… are you underestimating me?”


“……I’ll kill you”

Oops, that made him unnecessarily angry.

(Well, it’d be fine if he’s not just all talk though……)

“Are the both of you ready for this!?”

Inside the colosseum, the voice of the culprit of all this

The audience seats was wrapped up in silence for a moment

by that voice and Ruga’s expression quickly changed from anger
to that of a keen warrior.

“Well then, shall we soon start this huge man to man fight
where my beloved daughter, Roa Gold is at stake!?”

Cheers of joy echoed around together with those words.

Uh huh……shut up.

But making those guys shut up is also fun I guess.

“Are the both of you good to go? Well then――――――begin!”


A man, probably the one being the referee, showed the

starting sign between us.

And then, almost simultaneously, Ruga’s sharp nail on his

arm approached me.

“Whoa……now now, aren’t you fast.”


But still, his speed isn’t such a big deal.

It’s easy enough to grab and stop that arm.

“Is this all you got?”

“Kuh……There’s no way that’s all……!”

I sense he was going to pull his arm, so when I let my hand go

of it, Ruga kicked the ground and took some distance from me.

He’s faster than I thought, maybe I can enjoy this a little.

“Change of plans, I’m gonna play with you just a little bit.”

“You……Why youuuuuu!”

I did notice that I sounded awfully like a baddie, but it doesn’t

change much from what I’m going to do, so I relished the
feeling of the villain’s role to my heart’s content.


“――――――It went different from what I had imagined, but

it’s fine this way.”
While overlooking the two opening the fight at the center of
the colosseum, Roa began to converse with Shironeko and
Mineko sitting beside her.

“What do you mean with it went different from what you had

“At first……I actually thought about instigating Setsu by

becoming the betting target. I already knew that he cherishes
me in the end, so then I thought maybe he will put his all into
this. We kind of made him lose his strength because of daddy
making it such a big deal……But Ruga is stronger than he
thought, so it looks like he feels like wanting to fight him a
bit――――――or rather play with him.”

“A schemer desu”

“Tahaha……I only got the result alright I’m telling you”

Being praised for going to the wrong direction, Roa showed a

forced smile.
From her perspective, having it go according to her own
expectations was the most ideal as a matter of course.


“It’s pitiful desu”

“Hey Sis, you’re too frank about this……”

“Well……of course it’s like that”

The opinions of the three were in agreement.

All of them were regarding to the act at the center of the

colosseum, which couldn’t be described as a fight.

The cheers had already ceased and the spectators were looking

“――――――Done already?”


Not even three minutes should have passed since then.

Right now, Ruga has his knees on the ground.

“Ri- ridiculous……This is impossible……”

“At least look at reality I tell you.”

The guy was certainly faster than I thought.

He even has the power, I can even accept it a little if I’m told
that he’s Regulus’s right hand man.
But that guy, he’s not reaching him with even a single finger.

Specifically, he would get instantly killed, there’s that kind of

difference between them.

……That’s why there’s something I can’t describe.

“Hey Roa! Did you really lose against this kind of guy!?”

I ask Roa who is sitting in the audience.

She was surprised from suddenly being called and turned

away her face like she was embarrassed.

“Uhm……That time…… was female’s day, you know……I was

a little sluggish, so――――hey, don’t make me say so much!”

Female’s day?
Female, you mean a woman’s thing right――――――Ah, I see.

It’s that thing us men don’t understand.

“You……Were you really glad about winning against a woman

who was in bad shape……?”

“Shut up……! Silence!”


So you refuse to listen……

The nail he swung had been cutting up the empty air without
hitting me even once.

A vein was showing on his face and he knows the fact he is

losing very much to me.
“Adventurer’s guide, always stay calm……wait, you’re not
even an adventurer, so I guess it’s meaningless.”

“Uoooooo! <Flying nail>!”

Ruga raised his arm overhead.

What was released after that were four beams. It’s a skill that
uses the same school as <Flying sword> and it is difficult to
parry the bigger the number of beams made by one swing.

“Your ability in that aspect is pretty low though.”


I mow down all four in one go with my right arm and that
made Ruga lose his angry expression and have a surprised
expression pasted on his face instead.
It’s different when you focus your attack on one point, but if
he neglects power by giving preference to hitting me, then he
won’t be able to put even a single injury on my body in the first

It doesn’t mean I’m going to directly receive it just because

that’s so though.

“What if you undergo <Animalisation> soon? Your specialty

should come from there right?”

“Gh! ……I don’t care even if you regret it, you know!?”

It’s kind of standard that characters who say that would get
done in right away though……

Ruga who went on all fours was wrapped up in light and was
transforming that physique of his.

(……That wasn’t surprising……right?)


Not sure if I should say just as I thought, but……Ruga’s

<Animalisation> is a wolf.

That physique of his is a size smaller than even Shironeko’s


If I remember correctly, it’s about having strength only giving

you <Animalisation> and the difference in strength being shown
in that physique as well.

So if you think about it straightforwardly, it means that this

guy is weaker than Shironeko though……


The black wolf leaps at a speed several levels faster than

Although I said he’s a size smaller, its size is at the level of
being able to push my body down with just one leg from the
looks of it.

“You got quite the nerve saying dangerous words there.”

I dodge under Ruga who was approaching before my eyes and

go below his abdomen.

And then I lift him up as is.


“How lightweight……heave……hoooo!”

When I throw him from my shoulders, Ruga struck his back

hard on the ground several times and stopped as he got slapped
onto the walls of the colosseum.
“Gah……Hah……How did he……with one attack……”

“How about it? Ready to accept your loss?”


Even this guy should be able to understand it, the fact he can’t
win from me.

You’ll understand if you look at his mortifying-like


Even though he himself has been going all out, his opponent
didn’t even take out his weapon.

How much of his pride must that have broken off of him.

Well, I’ve been aiming for that though.

“Let’s end this, give it up.”


Ruga lowered his eyes and hung his head.

I guess we finally have decided the match with

Chapter 45 Pandemic
I don’t want to admit it.

Midway I understood my strength does not work against this


However, having a beastman be defeated by a human is


For this reason it is impossible for me to admit defeat.

I have hung onto that with desperation.

I am completely out of both magic power and stamina.

But the man doesn’t have even a single one of his breath
I realize the difference in strength.

Even so I cannot accept this.

Miss Roa……That the man suitable to be her husband would

be him is something I will not accept.

That is my woman……she’s mine――――――

『Hum……It looks like you’ve gathered quite a lot of love and

hate haven’t you?』

Who could this be……?

Even though there shouldn’t be any person who would call

out to I who is hanging my head down……beastmen are cruel
towards the defeated.

There should be no one who would call out, especially to me

who have been overwhelmed by a human.

But this voice is……it is like I can hear it directly from inside
my head for some reason……

『I don’t even want to know the beastmen’s habits, but you

want that girl don’t you? Then, is it fine to give up in this

It’s not fine……but a frontal attack against him is――――――

『Really now……for what reason did you think I have

implanted that <Treasured Tattoo>?』

Tattoo? What are you talking about?

『Ah, that’s right……Sorry, sorry. I’ve made it invisible so it’s

not like you can see it I guess. Well, it looks like Setsu has seen it
What have you bastard been talking about until now……?
Who the hell are you?

『Hm? Me? Uhm, let’s see there……A passing shaman or

something along that line I guess? Do you want that girl at any

I do want her……however……

『You want her even if you would put your life on the line?』

……If it gets me the girl……Then this life, I shall hand over as

much of it as you want.

『It’ll be enough as long as you have that resolve, I will grant

you the strength』

……Why are you doing something like that?

『You know I, I also have something I want at any cost. Life,
fortune, dreams, partners, whatever I must sacrifice, I want
that. And I will get that by you winning from that man. Well, it
means this is an agreement of interests. I will provide as much
strength as you like if it is for the sake of you winning it. That is
why――――――make sure you win, okay? No matter what you
have to sacrifice for it……』


“What is it now?”

Ruga is acting strange for some reason.

I take a step back as a precaution and suddenly the tattoo on

that guy’s shoulder wriggled.


The wriggling tattoo spread throughout Ruga’s whole body
while releasing some ominous miasma.

A black pattern surrounds his whole body and then that guy’s
muscles began swelling, slowly changing even that physique of

(This magic power……so it was that bastard Touma after


The miasma that is overflowing from Ruga is without a doubt

the same thing as Touma’s cursed magic power.

Where the heck did this guy come in contact with that guy……

No……There’s no use in even thinking about that, is there?

That guy’s a phantom; you won’t know where and what he is

involved with.
It shouldn’t be a mysterious thing at all even if he has
connections with a beastman all the way here.

I mean, he’s at least involved with Shironeko.

At any rate, he really has the nerve to get involved with that
racist guy……

Does that mean he’s driven that much into a corner?


“Oops……Ain’t got the time to think about unnecessary stuff I


The tattoo that was spread on the whole body faded bit by bit
into that guy’s body.

On the other hand, that body ended up dyeing black as it

melted into him. Right now, the former parts of Ruga has
become more difficult to find.

His upper body has become misshapen from the expanding

muscles and it has become unbalanced with his unexpanded
lower body. Both his arms are put on the ground to regain

His image is close to a gorilla, but……it was better when he

was a dog……

“……But I guess it’s tough”

“Gaah! Gaaaah!”

Sorrowful tone of voice was also mixed in Ruga’s shout and

before long, blood began overflowing from his mouth, probably
from his throat being torn.

Even so, his screams wouldn’t stop.

What a painful thing to look at, this scene……

“Tch……I have to do something about――――――wait



He’s fast, you can’t compare him to just a while ago.

He closed the distance the instant I turned my mind away and

came striking with his stout arms.

It’s good I took up a defensive posture by having my arms

crossed, but he’s more powerful than I expected so he struck me
on the colosseum walls with just that brute strength of his.

“Koho-……hey, that hurts a bit”

『Oooh! That’s the waay!』

『Attack, attack!』


The spectators are an easy-going bunch.

They can’t see Ruga’s changes as anything but becoming


“Setsu! Isn’t that Touma’s!?”

“I know! Roa! You don’t have to come down, got it!”

“Eh!? A- alright……”

I stop Roa who was about to jump out.

I might get her injured after all at this rate……

Considering that punch just now, the current Ruga should
have the power and speed rivaling that of the beast king.

Nine out of ten, that should be caused by the power up from

that tattoo.

And if that’s something Touma gave him…… then it shouldn’t

end with just a power up.

I think I said it before, but he won’t reach the beast king or

demon king’s level if he doesn’t wish for power and expend his

They hold talent to stand on the top and on top of that they
are powerful people who have repeatedly worked hard enough
shave off their lives.

In other words, that talent……or rather the lack thereof

keeping Ruga from reaching them means……

“That guy……he’s burning away his fucking life……!”


The guy’s muscles tore at the end of its swelling and blood
began gushing out here and there.

But the torn parts were immediately regenerated and then a

different part got torn, which were also regenerated

It repeats the astounding cell division and it seems to be

increasing his strength in a second by instantly performing
destruction and regeneration.

I’m neither good nor bad at physical education, but it should

be identical to the theory of muscles becoming stronger.

Doing that in such speed, his body can’t survive it.

“Don’t start saying disturbing things, you!”

I unsheathe Kuromaru from my magic bag and start running

towards Ruga who transformed into a grotesque thing.


I slouch and parry the arm that was swung in order to mow
me down and then I go to towards his chest.

“That’s dangerous ya know!”


I try to swing up with Kuromaru and cut Ruga’s arm off.

This should break his balance and make him unable to

“Wha……! Instantly regenerating it.”


That plan of mine was an utter failure; his arm suddenly grew
from the opening and hit my right side as is.


Even I can’t let myself get sent flying the second time.

I toss away Kuromaru, hold the big arm twice the size of my
own body with both my hands and stand firm by putting
strength in my feet.


I sweep away his arm and once again I slip into his body to
kick his body flying.

There’s also a wall nearby, so Ruga’s body sunk deeply into

the colosseum wall.


“……No damage……huh?”


No, maybe it was a little effective, just that he immediately


Even so, I had planned in putting in quite some strength into


“W-! Crap!”

Ruga raised a warcry.

At the same time, a jet black wave was released from that
guy’s body and spread in its surroundings.

The state of the audience who were covered in that quickly

became strange.

『What is……this……』

『My body feels heavy……』

『It’s, it’s painful……』

“Isn’t this <Pandemic>!?”

<Pandemic>―――――― One of the fiendish skills Touma
uses. It’s a skill where the one who had a curse planted on
becomes a source of infection and would spread the curse
around them. Since the guy isn’t planting the curse personally,
it would need quite some time until the curse is complete, but
even so it will cause the audience to have poor health where
they won’t be able to move.

I can pop off this level of curse with my own strength, but if
the guys in the surroundings are all basked in it for a long time,
then it’ll become a serious incident.

“It’ll be bad if I don’t crush him right away……!”

But ……Killing Ruga with my own hands is……

I know it’s not the time to be fixated on things, but……even


“Mister Setsu!”
“!? Mineko!?”

Mineko was dashing to the stadium.

Why can that girl move normally?

“Sis, Lord beast king and miss Roa suddenly collapsed


“Tch, so those guys are no good either…… Why can you


Mineko, who jumped next to me only looks a little unwell, but

it didn’t look like there’s any strangeness in her body

Even though she’s come this close to it, why though?

“Well……I do feel a little sluggish, but it’s dozen times better

than the time I was violated by the curse.”

“……Oh that’s how it is.”

Antibody against the curse……By continuing to be ravished by

a powerful curse for a long time, Mineko’s body has probably
become quite strong against cursed magic.

It wouldn’t be strange if her body has made antibodies, since

there are many of them that work similarly to pathogens,
especially those that give negative influence to one’s
constitution like this.

This is……a blessing in disguise.

“Mineko……lend me a bit of your strength.”

“Eh? Ah, okay!”


We face Ruga who is still raising his warcry and spreading the

I’m going violently……for just a little longer, okay?

Chapter 46 Smashing
There are only two ways to stop the one who had ended up
becoming the source of <Pandemic>: either the person who
invoked the magic cancels it himself or you make the body
suspend its biological activity.

But this guy must probably have two curses invoked.

One of them reinforces his physical strength and makes him


This must be the tattoo that’s on the guy’s shoulder.

The other one is this <Pandemic>.

It’s an extremely troublesome thing if it’s like this.

His regeneration ability is too high so killing him won’t

happen with ordinary methods and using only half my strength
would end up with our side getting done in instead.
If it’s me then with one blow――――――no……

“Tch……! Mineko! I’ll stop that guy’s movement! That’s

why……smash that guy’s head please.”

“Eh!? O- okay, I understand!”

Mineko accepted my unreasonable demand even though she

was surprised.

No matter how much his regenerative powers are, you can’t

expect him to live if he loses his head.

The source of the curse must likely be in there.

Actually, the first person Touma made to rampage came to a

stop with his head in very small pieces.

If it’s like that, then……it should be enough with Mineko.

“We’re going!”



I bring down my body and rush forward towards Ruga.

When I’m about to approach in front of his eye, that strong

arm of his was pushed out towards me.

“Ya got the nerve!”

I see all of his arm that he couldn’t skillfully use from being
too close and lop it off from the visible elbow part.

Cut off and made flying, the arm danced in the sky and
dropped on the ground, but that arm of his immediately started
But I won’t let that happen so easily.

“<Swallow Overturn>――――――gh!”

A genuine sword skill that takes careful aiming, which is

unusual for me.

I swing all the way down from a slant, cutting off Ruga’s arm
and thigh.

“Ugh! Take this!”

Next, I swing up the swung down sword by using my knees to

spring up.

Ruga who was cut in a V sign lost both his feet and arms and
as a result of losing his support, he collapsed face down.

“Do it!”
“Yes! <Heavy Leg>!” (重脚: jyuu ashi)

The time from collapsing until he’s completely regenerated.

Mineko matched her timing on that and drove an axe kick

towards his head.

<Heavy Leg> is a technique that’s said to charge magic power

and drive it all into one’s leg.

It’s an elementary technique that can usually be used if the

one has magic power.

Even so if it’s Mineko’s strength, the ability to smash Ruga’s

head should――――――

“!? Ugh……”

“Hey! What happened!?”

Mineko, who had her heels driven into his head had her face
dyed in pain.

On the other hand, Ruga was unhurt and didn’t even let out a
voice of being writhing in pain.



“Look out!”

Ruga had all his four limbs regenerated and stood up.

And in doing so, his arm was swung and it grabbed Mineko.
While I lop off his arm with Kuromaru again, I took her and
separated from that place.

“Did he get your leg?”

“Yes……That body is too tough……”

I put down Mineko I have been carrying and apply recovery

magic on said leg.

The injured leg was immediately healed, but to think he was

able to endure this girls’ <Heavy Leg>, what freaking strength
does he have…….

We had been attacked by monsters on the way here too and

I’ve also seen Mineko’s way of fighting.

The <Heavy Leg> in this occasion was supposed to have the

ability to pulverize an S rank monster effortlessly.

To be able to endure that, this guy is probably genuinely

rivaling the beast king.

“You have anything better than <Heavy Leg>?”

“Yes……But a buildup becomes necessary for smashing that
head. Also if we don’t stop his movement, then doing it reliably
is a little……”

A buildup and restraints huh――――――in that case.

“I can use that magic then……I haven’t really used it much so

I’m worried about it, but.”

I didn’t want to fight using magic in the first place after all,


Ruga probably wasn’t pleased with our exchange, he raged

even more, skillfully used his big arms and started running this

It’ll be fine if I can match his timing though……。

“Oh Earth, Origins of Mother Life, capture those resenting
us――――――<Earth Bind>!”


Because it was magic I’m not used to, I had it invoked with a
complete aria.

The timing was fortunately just right; the dirt hand grown
from the earth twisted around the guy’s foot and hands that
extended more and more and entangled his movement.

Ruga who had the freedom of his body stolen struggled, but he
couldn’t successfully shake loose the dirt arms due to those
pointlessly developed arms of his.

The earth arms which gradually coiled around his arms

maximized its strength in response to my magic power.

Having them strongly biting into his body, Ruga who had
perfectly rendered unable to move about, brought up a groan
after putting up his last resistances, perhaps painfully.

“He’s completely restricted……! Mineko!”

“Yes! <Cat Legs>……!”

Mineko took up a crouching start behind me and her legs

transformed into the appearance of cat legs.

Must be a type of <Partial animalisation>.

A technique that changes only a part of one’s body to an

animal through precise control in power.

Mineko’s animalisation is, of course, a cat.

And so those cat legs ――――――


look tough enough to jump up five times her own height.


Taking a long jump, Mineko jumped up to in front of the eyes

of Ruga who is rendered unable to move and drove that knee of
hers into the guy’s face.

The head which had all of her strength transmitted to without

spare, bursted open along with a sounds of something being

While flesh and blood scattered, a single headless figure was

complete there.
Chapter 47 Reunion, and expectations
“Fuuh……It’s over huh?”

“It looks……like it.”

Ruga who lost his head didn’t move.

As a result of smashing the source of <Pandemic>, damage

shouldn’t be spreading any more than this.

Everyone should be able to move before long.

It’s better to purify them with light magic just to be sure, but I
should go tell that to Regulus later.

“To think Mr Ruga would turn out this way……did something

“This guy……was used. By that inhuman son of a

『Hey wait, isn’t inhuman a little cruel though?』



That’s right, reflexively.

I move Mineko behind me and cover her.

I can’t let this guy get near her.

I can’t let the owner of this voice get near her.

『Is that kid that important? Is she――――――Setsu』

“……Long time no see, you shitty bastard.”

He stood there before I became aware of it.

He stood there on top of Ruga’s corpse.

In ashen hair, red eyes and skin that’s as white as it is creepy.

He has skin color that’s different from the demons; I feel

nothing but discomfort from that skin of his.

He’s wearing the same clothes as the black robed bunches, but
he had taken off his hood so you can clearly see that face of his.

It hasn’t changed from five years ago――――――A face where

you may end up believing if he’s called a young lady.

It definitely confirmed that this guy’s the person himself and

it was a hard fact that I can’t do anything about disproving it.
“Why the hell are you here……! Toumaa!”

『Oh now, would you not shout so much? Isn’t this our
reunion after several years?』

This man, Kamishiro Touma, his appearance unchanged since

five years ago, is now standing here.

『――――――Though I say that, my body isn’t actually here.

The feeling that you want to hold me in your arms as soon as
you could has been greatly conveyed to me, Setsu……but I’m
sorry okay? Our real reunion will be a little more in the future.
Do your best and bear with it until then, okay?』
“Stop messing around, you fuck!”

I take a swing with Kuromaru without thinking.

Even though I’m certainly supposed to be able to bisect him,

that blade slipped through that guy’s body withouteven a single

『That’s why I’m telling you, this isn’t an object. I only used
the coordinates of this corpse and sent my thought body here.』

“Tch……You really have the nerve making fun of people”

『It’s one of my expressions of love to you, you see』

Always having the nerve to say things that would make the
hairs on your body stand on end.
While showing the usual vague smile, this guy threw a
genuinely passionate gaze towards me with not even a single

Even that hasn’t changed after five years.

“This voice……! It’s the same as the person who put the curse
on me……!”

『Well well, long time no see, Mineko. You sisters both really
have the nerve to double-cross me. Even though I took the
troubles of thinking about taking you both in as a comrade
despite being a beastman.』

“I can’t believe it……! You have been tormenting me and my

big sister!”

『You didn’t fix those very defiant looks of yours, so there’s no

helping it, is there? Even I didn’t really want to do something
violent, you see? Besides, I told you I would release you from
that if you continued cooperating with me, didn’t I?』
That’s a lie.

I saw Touma had looking diagonally upwards for an instant.

It’s this guy’s habit whenever he makes up a lie.

I know that, especially because I had a fight with him to the

death……It’s the only part of this guy that’s easy to understand.

『Well, whatever. I’ll just dispose of you if you’re telling me

you will side with Setsu. Only I can be near Setsu. I’m sorry
Setsu……I’ll soon erase that female cat and then be by your side,


“You talk too much, who’s going to allow that?”

I hold Mineko who was behind me tightly like I’m embracing


This girl, Shironeko, Roa too, anybody else, I can’t let any of
them be erased.

They’re undeniably already my important people.

“Mi- mister Setsu……”

『………………How envious……envious, yup, I’m envious of

you, Mineko. Say, why though? Setsu. Why would you not hold
me tightly? Couldn’t you treat me more preciously I wonder? I
can do so much more for you than that sort of woman you
know? If you wish for it, I will look after all of your daily life. If
you wish for it, I will even look after your nights! Is that still not
good? Is my body not good after all? Things like gender is
irrelevant I tell you! If there’s love between us then it doesn’t
matter at all! Hey, listen Setsu. Come to my side. I will make
you happy. The demons and beastmen who have deceived you.
I’ll destroy them all for you, so let’s live together with the two
of us, with just the two of us, okay? At a quiet place where
nobody will come――――――』
“That part’s what’s not good, you yandere bastard.”

I interrupt Touma’s words and thrust at him with one hand.

My body refuse to listen to anymore of this.

“If you lay your hands on my companions anymore than this,

then I will kill you with these hands of mine. I’ve already killed
you once, killing you twice wouldn’t change much I bet.”

I don’t know how he revived himself, but if I had failed to kill

him, then I have to properly kill him once more.

Once, I had taken responsibility of the life of the person called

Kamishiro Touma.

Taking responsibility of his life until the end should be my

“It took all of my effort until now just to take responsibility of
your life, but it’s a different story if you’re alive. Once more……
I’m going to set things straight and take responsibility of your
life once more.”

『……You really won’t understand me the ordinary way, do

you? Fine, If you wish for it……then shall we go for it? Right
now I’m in the demon continent. As you have already known,
we’re in the highly acclaimed war. If you’re coming, then it’s
better to come quickly, you know? My subordinates will also be
participating in person after all.』

His subordinates must likely be those black robes.

I’m aware of the abilities of those guys.

For that reason I don’t want to pay attention to this guy and
quickly go.

“I get it already. I’ll be going lickety split, so stay put and

『fufufu……’kay, I’ll be waiting. This time I will for sure……
win you over to my side』

Leaving behind those words, Touma’s figure became dim.

That guy was showing a bold smile until his figure was
completely erased.

Acting like he could afford to like always……annoying


“Mi-mister Setsu……Uhm……”

“Hm? Ah, my bad.”

“It’s, it’s fine……”

Come to think of it, I forgot I was holding Mineko tightly.

After separating, her face was flushed red and she flap-flap
fanned her face with her hand.

That appearance of hers was a little charming and for some

reason it felt like my anger receded and I was able to calm
myself down.

“Thanks, Mineko. I was able to stay calm for a bit thanks to


“Me, me too……I was a little happy……desu.”

Humm……the appearance of her looking down with her face

red is stimulating me quite a bit.

I knew it, I really can’t let them get erased by Touma.

This girl too or anyone for that matter, I can’t let those guy do
that to them.
“Are you two okay!?”

“Are you okay desu?”

“Roa, Shironeko……I see you’re all fine”

The two who have descended from the audience seats, though
they look a little unwell, have already become able to move

“I’m mostly fine now. But still, that just now……”

“Yeah, it’s the bastard Touma.”

“I knew it……”

Roa’s facial expression turned vicious.

This girl is also one who knows about that guy’s terror.

Her body trembling a bit can’t be helped I guess.

“That is……the same voice of the human who ordered me

desu. ”

“Yeah……That’s how it looks like, big sis.”

These two must also have things to think about.

They’ve been completely coerced and used after all, from the
looks of it.

“――――――This has become quite the incident.”

“Regulus……Are you fine too?”

“I’ve been able to move since quite a while ago so I’m fine.
I’ve also heard the whole conversation.”

He seems to be walking with composure, is that a situation

where I say “as expected of him”?

Just to be sure, I apply light magic on everyone and

completely purify that curse.

“What to say about Ruga……if I only hadn’t propose this sort

of fight……”

“No――――――it should happen either way. “

It won’t be easy to escape from Touma, seeing that he’s got a

curse planted on him.

Sooner or later he’ll be made to rampage without any prior

notice and thus he would have his appearance changed and be
made of use.
As far as that guy is concerned, he must have been the perfect
chess piece the moment he fell in love with Roa.

He would even use love, that’s the cruel part of that guy.

“Let me do his burial. And you all will……”

“Go to the demon continent. ASAP.”

I will go and stop them.

And then quickly put an end to this war.

“Okay. If that’s the case, then let’s prepare the transfer magic
circle. It shouldn’t take so much time, but I’d like you to wait
for a bit.”

“Got it. ”
If I can transfer, then I expect it’ll be much faster than
crossing the ocean.

If it’s like this then I feel that I can go there before the black
robed bunches begin to act violently.

Still, there’s a lot to worry about.

Yuuhi, who’s supposed to have been made to participate in

the war, Levia who went a step earlier towards the war and
Desastre who was first to be aimed at.

I’m begging you, I want you all to be safe.

(They…… will be going already I guess)

There’s people who are relieving that anxiety of mine a little.

If my expectation is――――――if my hope is right, then those

guys should already be heading towards the demon country for

“I’m counting on you……you three.”

Chapter 48 Threat of the battlefield
A few hours before the fight started between Setsu and the
wolfblade Ruga in the beastmen continent.

Inside the castle of the human continent’s kingdom of

Destinea, the research institute of Tia Amarette aka the magic

Within were figures of three people.

One was the owner of this chamber, Tia Amarette.

The other Elka Versoe.

And the last was Glain Armony

The three were standing on a large magic circle――――――a

transfer magic circle to be accurate.
“He has finally come out of this formal castle hasn’t he……”

“I am able to perfectly percept Touma’s magic power. This

castle had served its purpose with this.”

“You are relentless aren’t you two? I am getting quite

attached to this place however.”

Thus, with the existence called Touma appearing on the front

stage at last, their objective, the confirmation of Touma’s
existence has come to an end.

Since it had come to this, they had no need to collect

information using this castle as a base.

In other words――――――it meant they have become able to

move freely.

“If master Setsu is here then I can feel attached to any place,
you know?”
“In other words, if there’s no attachment because he’s not
here, then……”

“That is how it will be.”

It was Elka who declared so with a firm expression, but as a

result of the contents of her words having substance, Glain
turned exasperated and let out a sigh.

“If Setsu is here then anywhere is fun. That’s why, let us

quickly go to Setsu’s side.”

“Tia, you are also nearly always like this……But I suppose I

am of the same opinion on that point.”

The transfer magic circle began to shine.

It is on standby for invocation and it was a signal that it could

immediately fly.
“For now we participate in the war, arrange the
extermination targets for the human soldiers, discover a gap
and recover miss Yuuhi. Don’t forget, okay?”

“I know. It would be nice if master Setsu is there……”

“No problem. Even if Setsu couldn’t come yet, I will go with

the resolve to end it before he does.”

Glain forced a smile towards the reliability of the women’s


It couldn’t be helped that he ended up wondering why despite

being a man, he doesn’t have any dignity like this and that the
women were strong.

“Now then……Mister Setsu must be depending on us as well,

so……shall we go?”

Now, three strong people went towards the battlefield.

It was not that Setsu could use telepathy with them.

And yet, they had a long and close relationship and they are
connected to him strong enough to understand what they desire
from each other.

The military strength that can shake the world were all
present in the demon continent.


“Fuuh……Setsu really hasn’t changed.”

“Have you finished making your appearance, oh lord of


“Yup, thanks for waiting, Kagerou. Everyone.”

Above the enormous cliff where large drops of rain were

falling, were standing in a line seven men and women wearing
black robes.

At the heart of them was Touma.

He had the same appearance as the thought body Setsu had

seen some time ago.

“The beastman really was useless as expected……To

embarrass master Touma……”

“Now now, calm down Luna. I don’t mind it after all”


“You’re all useful to me, aren’t you?”

He asked and all of the black robes nodded deeply.

There were even people among them who showed a smile
from being relied on.

They love Touma that strongly and have pledged their

allegiance to him, to the point that they would die if they were
told to die.

“Let’s see……Now, shall we go then……people who have been

rejected by the world.”

Now, in accordance with Touma’s command, the six reapers

were released in the battlefield below the cliff.

While displaying the fight for supremacy between the human

and demon soldiers, the death agony of the demon soldiers
began to reverberate.

Just about this time, the battlefield in which its balance had
been maintained, finally began to show an inclination.

“Now! Trample them down for me please! My adorable toys!”

The laughter of the maddened Hero, reverberated through the

On this day, rain was falling――――――


“So, so strong! Somebody stop her! Stop this girl!”

Why――――――am I here?

“You bastard! That skin and horn should be of a demon! Why

are you attacking us!?”

“This brethren murderer is gyaa――――――”

Why――――――did I stab one of the same race?

“We can’t stop her! Surround her and kill――――――”

“Private first class!”

I pierce the crown of the noisy man.

I burn down those soldiers in my surroundings with magic,

draw out the rapier continuously and stop his breathing.

“I- it’s a redhaired woman! A redhaired woman holding a

Rapier! She has a scar on her shoulder! Bring her down with
maximum priority! Don’t let her go right after her Majesty!”

“I, I can’t stop her! Gyaa!”

What――――――in the world am I doing?

My consciousness is blurry.
Whatever I was thinking about since a while ago, I can’t bring
it together.

Where is this place?

For whose and what sake am I fighting?

Why does my arm continue to thrust out my rapier?

Another person died.


Help me.




Someone please――――――

“――――――STOP ME”

A redhaired demon woman suddenly started breaking into the


Smeared with the blood of the same race, the girl whose
whole body was completely dyed red loitered alone on the

What was in her vicinity were corpses, corpses,


Loitering around with no expression, with a vacant

expression, the girl shed red tears.
The blood on her body ran down from the rain and those tears
vanished before long.

Or perhaps――――――what was flowing from those eyes of

hers may not have been tears.

It’s because she was changed so she could not harbor those
emotions anymore.

Even so, she cried and screamed.

From her heart――――――from a deep, dark and confined

place somewhere.

“She’s here! It’s that woman!”

“Brethren murderer bitch! Die here!”

“What’s that guy beside her!?”

Preys have turned up once again.

Her body moved naturally.

For the sake of those, to kill them.

Besides her were soldiers standing unnoticed.

Those bodies were twice the size of hers, soldiers who were
wearing unrefined armor and numerous magic circles.

<Magic Soldiers>――――――It’s the name of the arms of war

to be handed down in the world afterwards.

“――――――LET’S GO, RAMELL”

The girl muttered.

As if in agreement to that, the magic soldiers began moving.

Around the time the black robed reapers appeared, a different

threat began moving at the corner of the battlefield――――――
Chapter 49 Disquieting movements

“What’s wrong?”


One of the rooms of the world tree castle. We who have plans
to go to the demon continent have been taking a rest for a while
here until the arrangements of the transfer magic circle is

I think I’ve said it before that large amounts of magic power is

necessary for a transfer magic circle.

Hence there’s the disadvantage that it’s useless at times of


Even if you leave it fully charged to remove the disadvantage,

it’s not something you would accumulate in case it’s used by
accident or abused.

The counter-measure they took against that is by replenishing

it with a certain amount of magic power and so they can finish
it with a quick charge at the time of use.

Even if beastmen don’t have much magic power which is

typical to their race, it shouldn’t take more than a few hours
after the battle with Ruga, so it should be completed soon……

“I’m also worried about Desas really……Whatever you say,

she’s the demon king so yeah, won’t she be targeted more

“You have a point I guess……”

I don’t think she’ll be attacked so easily if it’s her, but

depending on the movements of the black robed bunches, there
is a possibility that she will instantly come to danger.

I won’t be able to deal with it if I still haven’t started moving


“Well……the five demon generals are also there and she

herself is very strong. It should be fine for the next while. “

“I think so, but you know……”

“Besides, I’ll notice it if there’s danger approaching her life.”

“Aah, so you’ve given her that kind of thing too.”

Roa said and she stroked the black choker worn on her neck.

The choker and brooch I’ve given to Roa and Desas has an
original magic inserted that I created from scratch. It reacts to
the danger of the owner’s life and will in turn signal me.

Basically the kind of accessory I’ve given has this embedded to

it and the fact that it isn’t responding at the moment means that
everyone can be said to be safe.

On a side note, the people I’ve given those are Yuuhi, the
three companions, Desastre, Ruri, Levia, Regulus, Roa……there
are more people, but they have no reason to go somewhere like
a battleground, so the ones I ought to be worrying about are the
lots I named.

Ruri is a merchant so she won’t be fighting, but that doesn’t

mean that she won’t be in danger, seeing that she’s living in Evil
Barrow and the enemies will be marching there.

I’m worried about the others, but I’m worried about Yuuhi
the most.

That girl’s kind hearted, so she may show sympathy towards

her enemies even on the battlefield and may see something

If Elka and the others are going towards the demon continent
like I expect them to and protect her, then I can have quite a bit
of peace of mind though――――――
“Merchant! Water please!”

“Ah, yes!”

Ruri, the very young merchant was frantically carrying the

requested baggage, even while mud is stuck on her clothes that
has become wet from the rain.

The girl wasn’t fighting just like Setsu expected, but in this
way she had been serving the demon army as the supply squad.

Ruri, an acquaintance to the demon king Desastre, was

entrusted with the supply role by the demon king herself while
being human and thus she had been running around the

She had favorably managed the stand with the deep fried food
Setsu passed down to her and with the reason that the soldiers
“are able to eat Setsu’s cooking,” they made it their favorite
store and they’ve gotten on good terms with her.
She also has decent skills as a merchant and with the soldier’s
trust in her, her ability in taking action and her tact, Ruri being
elected as the supply squad leader was, in a meaning, inevitable.

At first she came across other supply squad members who

were dissatisfied with being pointed at by a human much
younger than themselves, but due to her tact, accurate
instructions and how hectic the battleground had been, they
could no longer feel things like dissatisfaction――――――or
perhaps, they don’t even have the leisure to feel it.

“Squad leader! The medical squad is requesting clean clothes

and tools for first aid treatment because there are too many

“So it means they don’t have enough recovery magic anymore

then……if so then those are inside the tray of the carriage. As
for clean clothes, clothes are put in a bag so it doesn’t get wet by
the rain. You could get others lend a hand, so please take some
magic recovery potions to the medical squad. It’s just in case,
but I think it’s better than nothing, so. ”
“I understand!”

After receiving her instructions, the young agile figured

member dashed to the supply area. Ruri too ferried across the
water casket she was holding to the knight who had come
requesting it.

“Thank ye! Wait, it’s heavy!? Missy, you’ve been carrying


“There’s a trick on how to carry this, you know! You’ll master

it even if you dislike doing business on your own.”

“Really……ain’t that amazing. Oh right, thank you!”

“You’re welcome!”

The girl ran once again.

Behind the battleground, a lone merchant was supporting the
battling soldiers.


“Mitsuki, are you okay?

The human side’s stronghold, built on the demon continent.

It has become a place for medical treatment of injured soldiers

and a rest area for those who were forced to retreat temporarily.

Among them were also the figures of the Heroes and each of
them were looking unwell.

“So-Sorr……in front of people……I……ueh.”

“Don’t be unreasonable I tell ya……just throw up everything

Having seen the many deceased in front of her eyes, Mitsuki
had various emotions mixing in since a while ago. She was
unable stop feeling nauseous and could not separate herself
from the bucket of filth.

Nestling close to the girl who earnestly continued to throw up

was Jirou who was similarly summoned as a Hero.

He too may have come to see various things on the battlefield,

but he was comparatively in a better state of mind.

The mind of he who had been involved in combat sports like

boxing and judo was quite tough compared to those of the same

“Hey! Pull yerself together!”

“Sorry Endou……”

“I, I don’t feel so good……”

Endou and those followers of his were quite defeated as well.

It was Endou who was rebuking the followers, but he himself

looked unwell.

“*sigh* ……shit……why are we looking like this……”

“Endou-kun and the others, are you all right? I’m here with
water. ”


When he noticed that the person who had come pouring

water was Yuuhi, Endou immediately stretched himself.

“Want some?”

“Ye, yes please!”

Endou took in his hand the cup Yuuhi was holding and drank
it like he was greedy.

Just by receiving water from the opposite sex he yearned for

and being treated kindly by her, he recovered his cheerful
expression. Yuuhi who didn’t notice Endou’s health turning
back felt relieved that he was at least looking well.

“Let me know if there’s anything, okay?”

Not being led to fight thanks to Kouma, Yuuhi had been

working in the stronghold as the one in charge of odd jobs.

Endou looked reluctant to part with her, but because she still
have things to do, she immediately left the place with the rest of
the water.

“Yuu……Aren’t you going to rest?”

When she was about to carry water to the others, Kouma
hindered her.

He was looking at Yuuhi like he was somewhat upset, but

fatigue is showing on that face.

Kouma himself took down a considerable amount of people

and so his mind was somewhat enduring it.

“But I hardly fought, you know? That’s why I have to do


“Even so, you should rest! These chores aren’t something you
should do Yuuhi!”

Because Kouma unintentionally let out a loud voice, everyone

there looked his way.

“I will be protecting you. That’s why you can hide yourself

behind me on the battlefield, and you don’t have to do these
things either.”

The girls were bashful and the boys admired Kouma who said
something a game character would say.

Yuuhi too couldn’t say anything.

Being deeply moved――――――was not the reason.

Great delight――――――was not why she couldn’t either.

It was because she helplessly became “disgusted” with him.

(These times……Yuki-kun would actually praise me)

Yuuhi have had numerous friends since long ago and due to
that she had been involved with various people.
In that process, she had often helped people and had become
idolized by even more people.

Whenever Yuuhi gives a hand to someone or saves someone,

Setsu would praise her.

What he had there was an upfront respect for her.

Naturally there were also praises from those around her.

The girl called Hanabashira Yuuhi is a kind-hearted girl they


However, her heart, as a matter of fact, wasn’t particularly


She is simply just kind within bounds of common sense.

She is kind so she would help people――――――is not how it


Setsu had praised me when I saved someone……In the end,

the girl called Hanabashira Yuuhi helps people and would work
for people in order to have the man called Setsu praise her.

To praise is namely the part where he acknowledges her.

Because he loves Yuuhi, Setsu would acknowledge and

support her actions.

Because he loves Yuuhi, Kouma would try to protect her

without acknowledging those actions.

There lies a difference that can’t possibly be shortened.

Yuuhi is anything but a weak woman.

The strength that seems to want to protect rather than be

protected, that is what she possess.

Kouma who had become beyond overprotective is nothing

more than a hindrance to Yuuhi.


“Where are you going!?”

“I’m going to breath in some fresh air……I’d like to be alone.”

“Oh, okay……

Being put in an unexpected conspicuous bind and losing her

mood to perform her chores, Yuuhi passed by Kouma and
headed outside.

Jirou who had seen the whole scene called out to the surprised
looking Kouma.
“……Aren’t ya a lil’ overprotective? Kouma.”

“I……don’t want Yuu to face any dangers”

“I understand that feeling of yours, but……She’s also strong,

you know that? She ain’t be getting done in so easily I tell ya.”

“You can’t be sure of that, can you!?”

An angry voice once again resounded in the stronghold.

Finally, Jirou stood up and struck his fist towards the face of
Kouma who didn’t think much about his surroundings.


“Open your eyes……Look”

A small scream was raised from their surroundings.

Kouma rolled on the floor, became dumbfounded and couldn’t

move, with an appearance saying he didn’t understand why he
was hit.

Jirou grabbed his collar and raised him to connect their gazes.

“I understand your feeling of being worried about the girl you

like and not wanting to expose her to danger! But you know, is
Yuu being safe good enough for you!? How about the others!?
There are already people hurt, you know!? It’s frustrating, but
the strongest among us is you! Everyone is relying on you!
Thinking of constantly worrying about Yuu and neglecting
others!? I’m not gonna let ya!”


“Can Yuu not even fight……we should have included her and
protected the others who are bad at fighting, don’t you

Kouma began to feel embarrassed and turned his face away

from Jirou.

“……Sorry Jirou. I probably wasn’t calm for a bit.”

“……No probs. My bad for hitting ya.”

Jirou stepped back from above Kouma and stuck out his hand.

Kouma took that hand to stand up and lowered his head to the
surrounding classmates who had been looking worriedly.

“Sorry, I’ve made you anxious.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

When Jirou also apologized after Kouma, each of the
classmates return to their rest, feeling relieved.

Especially Mitsuki who is close to the two; she noticed the stiff
atmosphere during that time and now she stroke down her
chest in relief.

“I’ll go see Yuu.”

“Heyhey wait, going now would be awkward don’t ya think?”


“I’ll go for ya. And then apologize to her okay?”

“I got it……I’ll leave it to you.”

He actually knew the awkward part? Kouma decided to leave
it to Jirou.

He sat on the chair and waited for the two to return.

However――――――however long he waited, the two didn’t

come back.


A little moments before.

Having slipped out of the stronghold, Yuuhi covered herself in

a raincoat so as to not get wet from the rain and walked outside.

The air that smells of gunpowder and rain is somewhat

intense, but it appeared to be very much better than the air
submerging the inside of the stronghold.
(Kouma-kun……Is kind of getting a little in the way.)

She understands his feeling of worrying over her, but that was
overdoing it in every way.

Yuuhi, who wanted to quickly try and meet a demon who

knows Setsu and visit the other side, couldn’t stand it with
Kouma’s existence being a hindrance.

“I wish I could just up and leave like this……”

She muttered as she kicked the stones under her feet and
immediately abandoned the thought.

There were too many people surrounding the stronghold.

Her leaving on her own will absolutely be seen like this.

Yuuhi and the others were forbidden to take independent

actions, so if their figures are seen leaving on their own then
they may be brought back.

“*sigh*……I guess I should go back now――――――”

“La-lady Hero!”

The moment she felt calm and tried going back inside the
stronghold, she was stopped by the voice of a knight running
from the other side.

He looked like he was excessively impatient, it made her feel it

wasn’t just a trivial matter.

“What is wrong?”

“That, that is……the five demon generals have appeared

and……right now I am going to request support from the

The five demon generals, that name was also told to Yuuhi.

Ability of at the very least SS rank and above, they are five
subordinates under direct control of the demon king.

Strong people where troops of ordinary soldiers will never be

enough for has finally revealed their figures on the battlefield.

“I alone have confirmed it, however……our current situation

is that our forces are annihilated and……”

“And which way is it?”

“It is that way――――――pya-!”

Suddenly, Yuuhi took hold of the soldier’s neck and the

soldier lost his consciousness.
“Thank you very much.”

After supporting the unconscious soldier and leaving him on

the ground, she shook her arm that was coiled with crackling
electricity to erase that electricity.

To Yuuhi who can use magic of various attributes, this much

was a child’s play.

Since it looked like the soldier suddenly collapsed, the nearby

soldiers who were keeping watch rushed towards them.

“What happened to him!?”

“It looks like he somehow accumulated fatigue, please carry


“Yes ma’am!”
When Yuuhi saw off the two soldiers carrying him, Yuuhi
started running in the direction where the five demon generals

(The five demon generals……I’m sure those people


The look-out had thinned out and as a result, Yuuhi vanished

into the forest without being called to stop by anyone.

“――――――That girl……where does she think she’s going?”

Except one. Jirou who went out shortly after her, discovered
her retreating figure and similarly entered the forest.
Chapter 50 Now, onto the battlefield
“<Shadow Lance>!”


The black spears unleashed by the black robe wearing man,

Kagerou pierced through the demon soldiers.

The soldiers had surrounded him, but he escaped before they

could begin their offensive with a magic that let him go into

“Do- do something about him!”

“He, he’s too strong!”

Kagerou surveyed his surroundings uninterestedly after
mowing down the soldiers with a gigantic fist.

“Even though we released our main forces, are the demons

still thinking of holding back?”

He could not find any satisfaction in his mind with the groups
he could kill in his spare time.

He was about to swing his shadow fist again, but at that


“<Flame Lance>!”


Kagerou reflexively jumped to the side.

The place he had been standing at all this time was pierced by
a flame lance and in no time another flame lance flew towards
the place he escaped towards.

“Twin magic!?”

He separated that place by rolling in panic and soon the lance

pierced the ground beside him.

Perhaps he was grazed; the edges of his robe was burnt but
there was no damage.

“Fuh, a tough looking person has shown up!”

“You don’t have time to rest, you know!”


Realizing the bloodlust behind him, Kagerou leaped forward.

“<Destructive Fist(Haken)>!”

Together with a thunderous roar, the ground shook.

Kagerou who had his feet on the ground was distracted by the
shaking and had gotten himself in a difficult situation where he
had to cancel his previous magic

“I knew ordinary methods won’t do.”

“It will be better than it being unsatisfying.”

“You bastards……so you have finally appeared.”

Who showed their figures were a petite girl and a man of large

Those two were close aides of the demon king who have
previously confronted Kagerou――――――
“One of the five demon generals, Lily Lavent. We meet again.”

“One of the five demon generals, Ides Armicks ……Here I go,

black robe.”

“It’s not black robe, my name is Kagerou. ……Two demon

generals, no shortage in opponents there!”

Kagerou took off his black robe and revealed his appearance.

He possessed black hair and on that well ordered face was a

large scar.

“Heh!? Isn’t he quite the hot guy!?”

Lily kneaded her magic power and Ides readied his fists.

Kagerou took out and readied the sword concealed behind his
The powerful tops, prided by both their armies, collided here
at that time.


A magic fired by Brad, one of the five demon generals, burned

a human soldier.

“You can’t take me down with mere toys!”


He jumped over a blow from the magic soldiers approaching

from behind and landed on that shoulder.

He plunged the red knife in his hand into the base of the
magic soldier’s throat where the armor is thin and that soldier
fell on its knees after convulsing.
(So appearance-wise it’s a puppet, but the fact blood comes
out means it’s a living thing?)

When he pulled the knife out, blood spurted from the base of
its throat.

The magic soldiers who rushed on as soon as they had come to

the battlefield, had the strength of several ordinary soldiers.

They were no significant foes to Brad of the five demon

generals, however they must have become quite the amazement
on its own way, thanks to them being in numbers.

“So first I should take down the puppets.”

Brad cut up his palm and the blood overflowing from there
emerged and floated on top of his hand.

“<Bloody Bullets>”
The suspended blood divided itself and was fired towards the
magic soldiers as if they were bullets.

The spheres of blood that had hit penetrated the armor and
pulverized the head which is the control tower of the body.

The magic soldiers whose functioning ceased crumbled down

and the human soldiers who had seen that regretted
underestimating the existence of the five demon generals.

“The magic soldiers were easily……ugh!”

“Te- temporary withdrawal!”

“You think I’ll let you get away?”

When Brad readied his red knife, the blood flowing out of his
palm coiled around that knife.
“<Bloody Saber>”

The gathered blood was stretched thinly by his magic power,

transforming the knife blade to unimaginable length.

He swung that thin and long firm blade with all his strength
and the human soldiers were easily bisected.

And then―――――after sucking up the blood of those soldiers

and stretching even more, the knife reaped the other soldiers’
lives by the roots.

“Did I get them all……No”

Brad turned around.

There was a raincoat wearing young girl whose looks were not
often seen.
(……She’s strong)

Brad judged with a glance.

That she had a level of strength similar to his.

He had a premonition that he wouldn’t lose, but even he

would bear seriously injuries.

“You bastard……who are you?”

Brad asked and the young girl began approaching him.

There was no hostility in her approach and while some

wariness was remaining, Brad allowed her to approach him.

“I am Hanabashira Yuuhi. I don’t have any intentions to fight,

okay? I only want to talk a little.”

There were no signs of her lying.

With this occasion, Brad judged she was one of the summoned
Heroes of another world.

The fact that it was an unusual name in this world, the fact
she had unusual looks and the fact that she looked still green
despite possessing mighty strength. There should be no doubt
that she is a Hero.

“It depends on what you will talk about. With that


“Setsu……Do you know of a boy with that name?”

“Gh!……Fine then, we change our locations for a while.”


This time, Yuuhi made a fist pump in her mind.

She had heard it from Eruka that the five demon generals
knew about Setsu, but it was a gamble whether they would
accept a conversation with her just by revealing that name.

Yuuhi seems to have broken through the first hurdle, so she

felt relieved.

“Then, let’s go―――――”


The instant Yuuhi was about to walk away with Brad, a voice
she knew of called out to her from the back.

There was Jirou standing with a look of shock.

“An acquaintance of yours?”


“Yuu! Why are you together with a person like that!?”

Jirou walked up to them.

Yuuhi, who had a troubled look for an instant,

instantaneously erased that look and―――――

“Noope, don’t know him.”

―――――released an orange blaze towards Jirou.

“Ugh! Aaaaagh!”

With his body covered in flames, Jirou struggled and rolled

over on the spot.

The blaze weakened by the rain and the wet ground, but
Yuuhi’s flames weren’t so weak as to vanish from that.

“Let’s go.”

Yuuhi immediately turned her eyes from Jirou, turned her

back and walked away.

“Isn’t he your comrade? Is this fine?”

“I don’t know that sort of person, you know. And even if I

do……he’s just a nuisance right now.”

Brad was surprised.

He immediately understood that this man and she were


What was surprising was that he couldn’t sense any sort of

intentions in Yuuhi’s eyes.

“……Hmph, such an eerie woman.”

“Don’t be so rude to mee……”

The two walked, heading towards the demon’s military camp.

Hanabashira Yuuhi’s treachery was conveyed by Jirou; he was

rescued by soldiers who happened to pass by him and although
he had received light burns on his whole body, he received
medical treatment and had hung onto his life.

“――――――is our current status!”

“I understand, you may stand down.”

“Yes ma’am!”

Sitting on the throne of the demon castle, Desastre let the

soldier who had come to report the progress of battle stand
down and deeply pondered with her arms crossed.

It became a very wonderful scene where her large breasts

were highlighted by her crossed arms, but fortunately only two
women including her were in that room, so there were none
who could desire this.

“Strong demons serving as soldiers, puppet soldiers that could

not even be taken down with three soldiers and then the black
robed men……is it. So although they still have not entered Evil
Barrow, coming this far will be a matter of time.”
“The situation isn’t good, is it?”

“*sigh*……It is as you have said, Levia.”

Standing next to Desastre, whose hardships didn’t die out due

to her position as king, Levia produced water and gave some to

“My gratitude for your troubles……”

“A king’s position is also terrible.”

“Fufu……well, it does not look like my worries are petering


Desastre laughed in a self-deprecating sense.

The wars in this world was strongly like Japan’s Warring

States period; the army who defeats the king becomes the

Desastre whose life was targeted by all soldiers will wear away
her mind, no matter how much she is a king of demons.

“The awareness of my responsibility that it will be our defeat

if I am defeated, while taking considerations about the safety of
my comrades; am I truly someone who would be defeated with
just that?” Desastre cursed at her own inexperience.

“The number of those black robes don’t match with the

number of fighting power who could oppose those people……If
all five demon generals are at least present……Uugh! What are
those two doing!? It’s not like they have lost their lives I

The beastmen-demons allied forces had headed towards the

human continent a long while ago in order to attack them.

Among them were the remaining two of the five demon

However they have come to understand from the fact the
humans were attacking the demon continent like this that the
allied forces were annihilated in an instant.

She should have accumulated a considerable fighting power

and kept it in check so that the human army could not come out
of their continent, but she didn’t believe from the beginning
that they would be crushed so swiftly.

However that seems to be the truth; proof is that none of the

remaining soldiers have returned.

Those two didn’t appear to be safe either.

“But the fact they didn’t return means they’re dead aren’t
they, I wonder?”

“No……they will be the last to die. They err……they have

their moments when they act a little selfish, but I am certain of
their abilities. I am almost certain that they have escaped
There may have been circumstances where they could not
return――――――continued Desastre, but if that is the case
then they should somehow get in touch with us, Levia thought

It would be a different story if their circumstances didn’t even

allow for that……

“If only they are here we could turn it around……kuh, I

suppose they should be hiding, considering the inevitable.”

“How should I say this……quite the unique people are they.”

“They are also troublemakers you see……the ‘I’m begging

you, I only wish you not to bring poor results’ sort of people.”

Levia once again handed over some water in silence to the

crestfallen Desastre who hung her head.

“If we endure it a bit longer, then Setsu and his party should
come. Once that happens we will turn the tide of battle upside


With the name Setsu, vitality returned to Desastre’s eyes.

To the current Desastre, no, the entirety of the demons, Setsu

was their hope.

In actuality, if only he arrives, then they could call this battle

their victory.

That is why we hold out for now. It won’t even be a laughing

matter if we end up defeated at the time he comes.”

“That’s how it is. Not to mention if we were to lose―――――”

Desastre stopped speaking.

It’s because she noticed Levia exposing her anger, clenching
her teeth enough to make sound next to her.

“I will not let them……the black robed group do as they like. I

will absolutely slaughter them all.”


Desastre too felt the same.

If the girls were defeated……then they would be utilised by


They absolutely had to avoid that from happening.

The reason why was―――――

“We can not let them cause it……! Something like the
<Demise> that is……!”
―――――because this world, would come to an end.

“Setsu, preparation of the transfer magic circle is done.”

“Great. Thanks Regulus.”

“Don’t worry about it. I won’t accept the fact that a country
we are bound by alliance are in a crisis either. After this I will
also dispatch soldiers from here as reinforcements, though it
will be by boat.”

“Really. Then I’ll rely on them on the cleaning up, because

I’m going to end it before those guys are there.”

“Isn’t that quite the thing to say.”

While having a frivolous talk with Regulus, I wake up the cat

sisters who were thoroughly sleeping like a log.
Roa who had been relaxing her body in a corner also noticed
us and came this way fit for battle.

“Listen, we’re going! You sleepy heads!”

“Eh……ah! Yes, yes Sir!”

I’m still sleepy desu……”

I produce a water ball and throw it at Shironeko who looks

still half asleep unlike Mineko who immediately began
preparing her appearance.

“You awake?”

“Perfectly desu”

Shironeko scowled at me with half open eyes, but the one who
is in the wrong is the shameless you.
While she who got wet by water is drying her clothes in her
spare time, we head towards the transfer magic circle.

“You all, you’re ready this?”


“I’m going out now, daddy.”

“Don’t do anything excessive, you hear me?”

“I know, I know.”

Each of us are properly checking our equipments.

The outfit of the cat sisters didn’t change from the usual.

They were adventurer-like clothes that resembles mine.

Roa is wearing an outfit with little cloth area as if to make the
most of her ability to move.

Some time ago she wore and randomly invited me in this

equipment, so I made her faint in agony with a poke in the

Sure it’s sexy but still cute, but it’s somehow different being
shown suggestively.

I knew it, it’s the shyness you know, shyness.

In contrast to the equipment of the three, I’m carrying

Kuromaru on my back and it indeed has the feeling of a heavy

I feel anxious about it since it looks like the tip would scrape
the ground with my height, even if I carry it diagonally.

“……How about you put that in your magic bag?”

“Roa, you don’t get it do you? This way will feel more like a
battle don’t you think?”

“Is that, is that so?”

Shironeko and Mineko, don’t look at me with questioning


Carrying a large sword on his back is a man’s romance you


……In any case, with this the preparations of all of us are in

good order.

“Alright―――――Now, let’s go you girls.”

The transfer light wrapped us up who are standing on the

magic circle in the middle of the room.
With this, we plunged into a battlefield large enough to
remain in history.

Here……in this war, I myself will decide to tear off the

shackles called my creed.
Volume 3 – Compilations of war
Chapter 51 They start to move
The war of humanity and the allied forces suddenly

The situation where the allied forces attacked and the human
army defended crumbled instantly; as if they were saving up so
much power, the humans advanced to the demon continent in
one breath.

The result: the warp device for sending in soldiers, <Gate>

was installed and in the twinkling of an eye and the demon
army turned to defense.

With the situation where the beastmen could not participate,

their function as allied forces were roughly ceased and the
demons were starting to be pushed little by little towards their
capital city Evil Barrow.

It is due to lack of fighting power……due to having no fighting

power who could oppose the group of black robes who are lead
by the former Hero Touma accompanying the human side.
However this time, the fighting power who could oppose the
human’s military strength was arriving at the demon continent.

Alize Ifrille had been wandering about on the battlefield with

a group of magic soldiers.

Whenever she discovers demons she would slaughter them

without argument and she walks with that body dyed in spurts
of blood.

However, such girl too was surrounded by soldiers this time,

trying to greet the time of reckoning.

“Alright! You’re mine!”

While the arriving soldiers becomes the rust on Alize’s rapier,

one soldier who evaded that cut her arm off from the elbow.

When losing one’s arm, one would have their balance

It is much better than having her arm taken including her
shoulders, but Alize was certainly unsteady.

“Go! Attack now!”

“This is the end for this traitorous demon! Drop dead!”

The soldiers cut towards Alize with a furious expression.

Besides her were dozens of demons in the battlefield who were

considered traitors.

They were cut down at an early stage and what was left was
only Alize Ifrille.

However, that last one was strong, too strong.

It may have been a short time, but she was that Setsu’s pupil
after all――――――
“The, the puppet soldiers are going that way!”

The instant the soldiers’ swords was about to capture Alize,

they were mowed down by a large arm along with their swords.

One damaged magic soldier stood in the way in order to

protect her.


“Hey! What are the lots restraining the puppet soldiers


“Not good! They’re completely destroyed! Those guys are


The troops who were suppressing the surrounding magic

soldiers in order to take down Alize were destroyed.
Weapons amounting to fifty bodies came surging with the
force of surging waves.

Due to the overwhelming power where three soldiers could

not even compete with one of them, the formation reversed



The magic soldier called Ramel by Alize carried up the injured

girl and took refuge in the back in order to slip into the other
magic soldiers.

The demon soldiers who were about to chase after them

fluttered about in the air by the arms of the front row magic

“Damn it! With this number……”

The colors of despair floated on the soldiers who not only
could not take down the traitor who became a threat, but also
fell into a crisis in an instant.

The demon soldiers in this location counted 50 and the

number of magic soldiers were also close to 50.

The fact the magic soldiers whose military strength is thrice

that of a soldier are the same number means essentially that it’s
a difference of 50 against 150.

In this situation that would stand for a so-called checkmate.

“At the very least……We sacrifice ourselves and hurt


However, the demon soldiers changed.

Their determination to offer those lives of theirs to the demon

king was by no means weak.
Burning with fighting spirit, the soldiers held their sword and
charged at the magic soldiers while raising a warcry.

Between such soldiers, a gust of wind was set out with the
speed impossible to see.


The demon soldiers doubted their eyes.

The magic soldiers which were that much of a threat did not
move even a twitch.

No……they could not move.

Their bodies were wrapped in a lump of ice and even their

strong arm which mowed down many soldiers stopped, unable
to do anything.
The demon soldiers who were prepared to die unintentionally
dropped their sword by the spectacle in front of their eyes.

“……I’m a little anxious putting them down in ice. Glain, I’ll

leave the rest to you please.”

The woman who stood between the soldiers and the magic
soldiers that are put down in ice, called out to the blonde man in
the back.

“Elka’s way of handling people is also rough……”

<Flying blade>――――――

The blonde man released <Flying blade>, a technique to fire a

slashing attack, from an Iai stance.

The slashing attack which was supposed to be swung lightly,

instantly bisected the 50 nearby ice statues and broke them.
“Both of you are breaking them too quick. You couldn’t secure
even one.”

“Oh my, I’m sorry Tia.”

“I want to capture several bodies for research, so cooperate

with me, okay?”

“Y-……you all are……”

The man and woman who instantly killed the magic soldiers.

And then the young girl who tied the magic soldiers with
magic chains and mounting their shoulder.

The soldiers recognized them.

“――――――Hero Setsu’s elite guards, Elka Versoe, Glain

Armony and Tia Amarette, have come now in order to assist the
demon king Desastre.”

Elka, the woman whose blue hair shook, showed a very

reassuring smile towards the soldiers.

“Jirou! What happened!?”

“Move! I am treating him!”


What was carried into the stronghold the Heroes were taking
a rest at was Jirou’s body which was bearing a full body burn.

Kouma and Mitsuki rushed over at full speed, but the girl
whose forte was restoration magic dropped to her knees in
order to remove them.

“Oh sacred light, heal the resenting impurities! <High Heal>!”

A warm light poured out from her hand, the hand of the girl
called Sawada, and it wrapped up Jirou’s body.

Jirou who could not let out a single voice had finally started to
speak feebly by the <High Heal>.


“Are you okay Jirou!? Sawada!”

“I know!”

Another <High Heal>.

With several Heals piled up afterwards, Jirou’s burns

disappeared and he finally had come to regain consciousness.

“Ugh……This place is……?”

“It’s the stronghold! Jirou!

“The stronghold……?”

“What in the world happened to you……Jirou.”

Jirou raised his body and viewed his surroundings,

confirming his situation.

His half-awake consciousness gradually began to recover and

around the time it cleared up he remembered what happened to
his body.

No――――――he unintentionally remembered.

“I……went after Yuu and……an enemy demon was together

with her so…… I thought about hel――――――”

“Yuu did……? What did you say Yuu has done?”

“Tha-, that’s right……Yuu has……Yuu has! Yuu has betrayed

Jirou’s voice resounded in the stronghold.

The surroundings were baffled by his flustered state which

was different from his usual.

“What are you saying Jirou……Are you still not completely


“I was burned by her! Yuu went together with the demon


“Would you cut it――――――”

Kouma reflexively grabbed Jirou by the collar.

He stretched the burned tattered clothes and and glared at

those eyes of his.

And he unintentionally made him shorten his words.

“She has betrayed! Us!”

There were no lies showing in his eyes.

There were no traces of him being manipulated by anything.

He was flustered, but that did not mean that his head had gone

Kouma didn’t know, but Jirou’s eyes seemed to show that he

was betrayed by someone he trusted.

He became unable to say anything, so the classmates at that

place were making noise.

The popular girl called Yuuhi who talks to anyone in class

without any discrimination, has a bright smile and a kind
personality. It was impossible for them to believe that she
would do something like betraying them.

However……Jirou didn’t seem to be lying, even in their eyes.

“Is it really true……that Yuu betrayed us?”

“Yeah! That’s why I was attacked!”

“How about the likelihood that she was manipulated by a

nearby demon?”

“That’s! ……I, I don’t know.”

Kouma questioned Jirou in order to remonstrate him.

He too began to feel doubt and anxiety, but that is because it

was not definite.
If Yuuhi was manipulated or threatened――――――

“……Let’s go find out. We will find Yuu and ask her.

Depending on the situation we may have to defeat her and
preach, but……if she is being manipulated――――――then
we’ll definitely save her.”

Mitsuki stood up holding her weapon similarly to Kouma who

also stood up and took his sword.

As if getting hooked by that, the classmates also stood up one

after another.

Everyone wanted Yuuhi to come back.

“Where did Yuu go?”

“……I’ll also go. I can lead the way and I also want to make
“……Got it. But you’re recovering, please don’t do anything

Though staggering a little, Jirou also stood up and put on a

new raincoat for battlefield use.

“Judging from the direction they were heading, we will

probably catch up with them quickly if we cut across the

“In that case I’ll cut open the path with my sacred sword.
Everyone, let’s gather up and go for a one point breakthrough!”

After rushing out of the stronghold, they started hurrying

with Kouma and Jirou in the lead.

Ignoring the resting voices of the soldiers who have defended

the stronghold, they vanished in the direction of the battlefield.

Not knowing that it had the worst possible future from then
Chapter 52 Intensifying war

Brad who was advancing in order to avoid the battlefield

stopped walking.

Yuuhi who was walking behind him also stopped by that.

“This magic power……an extremely reliable group seems to

have come for us.”

“Ah, it’s miss Elka and the others.”

On the other end of their gazes, Elka and her group had been
fighting in that direction, though they were too far and hadn’t
yet entered their field of vision.

Brad who did not consider that Yuuhi knew them was
surprised to being responded to the contents he tended to
mutter in soliloquy.
“You are acquaintances to Elka Versoe and her group?”

“Yup, the one who trained me was miss Elka after all.”

Hearing that, Brad understood Yuuhi’s behavior.

Elka, Glain and Tia were the gang of three who once visited
the demon continent together with Setsu.

Never mind the five demon generals at the time, even the
demon king Desastre was surprised to the extraordinary
fighting power of the three humans.

(It was strength I could understand considering the fact

they’ve been spending time together with that monster(Setsu),
but……if this woman is raised by such group then I can
comprehend her attitude and strength I suppose.)

“? What’s wrong?”
“No, it’s noth――――――gh!”

“What? You’ve been sinking into silence and making a grim

since a while ago……”

Even while being looked at with a quizzical look, Brad was

unable to restore his stiffened expression.

“Yo- you! Can you not see this hideous magic power!?”


“It’s in the direction of Elka’s group!”

Yuuhi guessed it wasn’t a trivial matter, seeing him disturbed

who she had a cool impression of and she concentrated her
sense towards said direction.

“……Not good, my sensing ability is too lacking so I don’t get


“Someone possessing hideous magic power is heading towards


From the start, Yuuhi had specialized training in fighting

power and thus she was taught the minimum detection skills.

The minimum means the degree to not get suddenly stabbed

in a dungeon or a free for all fight, it’s not a high level skill
where they could grasp the location of a being separated from
her by several kilometers.

And conversely if one were to ask why Brad knew, then it is

because the horn grown on his head is executing its role of a
high performance magic power sensor.

The reason he is in the position of the five demon generals is

because of his magic power, martial arts, search ability and his
diverse support skills rather than his combat skills.
“Hideous magic power?”

“It gives off this impression as if the magic powers of several

races are mixed together……if I have to give an example, it’s
close to a chimaera created from parts of every animal.”


It’s a name close to irrelevant to Yuuhi who didn’t really have

much to do with amusements called manga or anime during the
time she had been living in Japan.

She thought she had seen such name once when she borrowed
a fantasy novel in Setsu’s room, but she didn’t remember the

“It’s suspicious……I can’t let them do as they please.”

“If it’s miss Elka’s group then isn’t it fine?”

“I’m not worried about them, but……If I don’t ascertain it,
then it may put lady Desastre in danger.”

“Eh!? You’re actually going!?”

Yuuhi stopped Brad in a panic who unexpectedly walked

towards that direction.

She ought to have been thinking about currying favors to the

demon army in order to not become enemies with Setsu, but if
she were to be left behind by him then she would end up in a
situation where both armies would turn into her enemies.

In order to prevent that from happening, it was necessary for

her to have Brad lead her to the demon headquarters.

“I didn’t say I will leave you behind did I? However I

somehow feel ill at ease taking you, who still hasn’t established
any of our trust, with me to fight.”

“……you still don’t trust me do you?”

“These so-called humans are quite the crafters after all. Your
actions until now could likely be part of your tactics to destroy
all of the demons from the inside.”


“I frankly don’t want a joint struggle. If you want some level

of trust from me, then……right, there is a little something I’d
like you to do for me.”


Brad turned around and pointed towards the direction they

were coming from right now.

As usual Yuuhi’s detection ability wasn’t high, so she didn’t

know anything just by being shown that direction.

“It appears they are your former comrades you see? You have
brought along an extremely troublesome group of people with
“……Ugh geez……They’ve already found Jirou-kun”

Her expectations that they will be a little later in discovering

her because the place she left was quite separated from the
stronghold was entirely overturned.

“They are quite far away, but unlike us who are proceeding
discreetly in order to not get unnecessarily inquired about, the
group seems to be directly cutting through the battlefield. They
will immediately catch up with us, you see?”

“……I get it, so you’re telling me to confine them, right?”

“No, not confine. Render them unable to fight.”


“I am not telling you to kill them. Either way it appears you

didn’t kill the man a while ago either; even you have
compassion have you not?”
It’s fine not to kill them――――――is what she was told, but
his nuance told her to knock them about until they’re half

She should have resistance in killing her former companions

as one would have expected, so Yuuhi would refuse if she, for
argument’s sake, was told to kill them.

Even if he won’t end up trusting her, then she will think

about a different way at that time.

Her mind was not a scene of carnage yet.

The chains called compassion was restricting Yuuhi.

While she depended on it, she thought adversely to that at the

same time.

(I’m embarrassing myself feeling hesitant to this……I won’t

be able to catch up to Yuki-kun like this)
Yuuhi felt angry towards herself.

Towards herself who could not reach the target Elka

presented, not even a single step.

Towards herself who felt hesitation.

“――――――Okay. I’ll do it.”

“……I see. I’ll call the soldiers here on the way. Allow me to
hear your way of fighting from them.”


“I am counting on you.”

Brad turned his back towards Yuuhi and started running.

Already her gaze were pointed towards her past comrades, the
chains of her heart.

“Okay then――――――I’ll go and lightly burn ‘em.”

Yuuhi lightly muttered so, but those eyes of hers were very
serious and for some reason housed Setsu’s face.

The war intensified and sooner or later even this place should
be wrapped up in violent flames of war.

The war was finally approaching the final scene.

“Haa……haa……damn it!”

“Huh? Is that all?”

“Quite dissatisfying. Being a let down is also his strong point

with this.”
That man, Kagerou was on his knees breathing roughly.

There were no large injuries on his body, but there were

countless tiny wounds and in contrast with that, the two of the
five great demon generals did not make even a single rough

“How could……not a clone, but the real me be

overwhelmed……!? You bastards never had this kind of
strength before!”

“You know that’s……because even we weren’t real at that

time, you see.”

Upon saying so, Ides and Lily showed a fist and a staff

On the gloves put on Ides’s fists, a complex magic circle rose

on the surface and on Lily’s staff was inserted a magic power
reinforcement magic stone which was strong because of its
“I see……so those are the weapons of you bastards then.”

“That time was also the wedding ceremony and so we didn’t

have it with us so you wouldn’t get wary of us.”

“It’s been a while since I had gone all out, my <Me Ricansack>
is also overjoyed.”

The demon king Desastre personally created and granted

them, the five great demon generals, weapons specialized to
make the most each of their special abilities.

For Brad a red knife, <Blood Clot Knife>.

For Lily a white staff, <Staff of White Conjunction>.

For Ides a glove incorporated with protrusions and magic

circles, <Me Ricansack>. (メ・リケンサック; me rikensakku: according
to wikipedia, merikensakku is a different word for a brass
knuckle or knuckleduster, they either wanted to go with
american sack or ‘Murican sack)
Each and every one of them were national treasure class
articles and one which ingredients Desastre personally had gone
and gathered.

Those who wear this and fight were literally on a different

rank compared to their barehanded counterpart.

“Now then, we too do not have the free time, it’s about time
we settle this.”


Ides unleashed his fists aimed at Kagerou.

An invisible shock ran through the air as if befitting the

expression of “rupturing the atmosphere”.

Kagerou jumped.
And at the same time, Lily released magic from her staff.

“<Flame Lance – Gatling>!”

Countless magic circles manifested instantly and from those

even more <Flame Lance> was released in turbulent force.

<Flame Lance> is not a weak magic.

In addition to that, <Gatling> was originally an application

magic that is appended to basic magic like <Fireball>.

Her magic which is the combination of those two was

something even the king would be amazed at.

“Damn! <Shadow Wall>!”

Kagerou who just dodged Ides’ attack, gave up on dodging the

lances and grew a pitch black wall from his own shadow.
Appearing to be a rather strong wall, the struck <Flame
Lance> immediately dispersed.

However to his regret……it was a large quantity.

“Take this and this! There’s more of where that came from!”

So the tyranny of numbers is this.

The rain of lances struck the wall without an end.

And as for the wall, its surface was gradually shaved off and
before long it opened a hole.


Finally one flame lance penetrated the wall.

Seeing the lance stop in front of his eyes and sensing the
collapse of his wall, Kagerou ran off towards the back.

Somehow finishing the exchange of magic, he thought about

getting out of her range.


“Turning your back away and running off……If you’re a man

then meet your enemy directly!”


Ides who went around and cut him in, thrusted his fist
towards Kagerou.

Although he instantly twisted his body and avoided a direct

hit, his body was easily blown away just from being touched a

“Oh shi――――――”

Being blown off, Kagerou once again entered the range of the
flame lances.

Due to the damage from getting hit and his posture being
broken, he could not get out of the way.

The <Flame Lance> made a direct hit and a thunderous roar


Lily grasped a positive response.

“Gah……haa……haa……I see……to think they have gone this


Kagerou put both of his arms on the ground and looked down
on his body full of burns.

The damage was great and intense pain ate into his body.

“Now then……You must hate suffering any more than this.

We will end this soon.”

“Haa……haa……You’re right. I have to……end this soon.”

The damage on him was great, even standing up was

difficult――――――however, there was still confidence in
victory in his eyes.

The two reflexively stood ready to that expression of his.

They who were convinced in their victory altered their

thinking and turned vigilant to the max against Kagerou.

“What are you saying? Are you giving up?”

“Yeah……I give up. Killing you bastards like this that is……
Honestly I didn’t think I would have this hard fight so far,
but……that I would have to use this.”

Said Kagerou and he pulled out the sword on his back.

And then Ides and Lily became surprised.

The were supposed to have the advantage.

Despite that……Seeing that jet-black sword blade, their

instinct feared it

“――――――<Limit Break>”

This moment, the visions of victory within them crumbled

Chapter 53 Monster Tamer Melua
“Uwaa……How awful. Breaking the dolls I took the trouble to
make into pieces.”

Elka and co who defeated the horde of magic soldiers, pointed

their swords at the person in black robe coming out riding on
the shoulders of a differently colored magic soldier.

That, whose presence was like many different kinds of magic

power being mixed together, looked at the wreckages of arms
scattered about nearby and let out a insincere like voice.

“Nearly all of the manipulated demons are also defeated, so I

have to replenish them again you know.”

“I do not know your circumstances, but……if you are the very

person who have created these weapons then I have something I
would like to ask in anticipation.”

“Hm? Like what?”

“What happened to that female demon?”

Said Elka as she pointed at the being near that.

A demon woman who had lost an arm and had her once lovely
red hair stained with mud.

The three knew her.

They moved together for a short while and they had taken
care of her in many things, so they could not forget her.

“This? This is, you know, what I discovered at the time I was
hiding in some demon village. She was strong so I wanted her
and kind of made her into my little doll.”
Character illustration Melua

She said while taking off her hood, and upon doing so her still
childish and innocent human girl’s face was revealed.

Dense bloodlust of the three assaulted such innocent girl.

That bloodlust was so dense and frightening, the demon

soldiers behind them reflexively fell on their backs.

“Aha! Don’t make a scary face so much, okay! Hm? Could it be

that you were acquaintances with this girl? With this Alize

“……She was a friend you see.”

“That’s how it is! I’m so~rry! But you know in that case then,
if you become my puppets……you can become her friends again
you know?”


The black robe girl stretched out her hand.

Upon doing so, the vacant eyed Alize started moving.

She readied her rapier in her one armed state and ran on the
muddy ground.

Running through without getting stuck in the mud, she

jumped and thrusted a hit towards Glain with her weight put on

“Such thrust won’t get through me.”

He caught that with the hand wearing a silver gauntlet.

He then threw Alize whose movement was stopped in mid air

towards the girl.

“Waaoh……Even though this girl is quite strong even among

my puppets……As one would expect from the people who
possesses strength close to a king while having a human body.”

Alize who was treated gently and thrown away adjusted her
body in mid-air and landed next to the girl.
And then, at the moment she was about to run off again, the
girl commanded her with her hand.

“Stop there, Alize-chan. Facing them recklessly would kill

you, you know.”

In accordance to her words, Alize stood still with her rapier

set up.

The girl nodded in satisfaction and pulled out a knife from her

“If one is not good then two and if even that is not good then
steamroll them with numbers I’d say!”

With that knife the girl, without any hesitation, cut her own

“W-!? Are you planning on committing suicide?”

Elka’s group were surprised, but the girl stared at the gushing
blood dropping on the floor with a grin.

The blood extended because of the muddy ground and falling

rain and before long it created a reddish brown ground far and

“The rainy day spreads the blood for me so it saves me the

trouble. It didn’t really take much to be completed.”

When the girl placed her hand on the wound, that wound
vanished without a trace, as if the blood gushing out until then
had all been an illusion.

Seeing that, Tia noticed.

“……What gushed out on the ground right now wasn’t

blood……it’s magic power.”

“Coorrect! This knife is a little special you know, it lets magic

power gush out from the part it cuts. Well just like blood
vessels, the volume that comes out seems to change depending
on the place of your body though.”

The blood――――――or rather magic power that was spread

on the ground gradually faded into black and before long it was
dyed pitch black.

From that which was dense and deepened enough to be sucked

in, numerous sinister magic power could be felt.

Numerous――――――presences of enormous monsters that


“This, is bad”

“It’s too late!”

Tia noticed the threat of this first, but it was already late.
The girl called out to the ground.

“Come out, come out! Everyone!”

The ground shook.

While hearing the flustered voices of the demon soldiers

behind her, Elka instantly released a <Flying blade> towards the

She understood the threat of this from Tia’s words.

Its strength was not at the level of Glain’s, but an extremely

well placed slash was approaching the girl.

“This arm……”

Glain dropped down a little and lined up with Elka.

An enormous arm gradually exposed its full picture and
revealed its hideous looking figure.

What appeared from the black soil was a red gorilla that
appeared to be 15 meters tall.

And then……there were several monsters beside it.

“The S rank monster Death Kong, the similarly ranked Death

Snake, Death Lizard and in addition to those an SS rank flying
dragon……and it’s a fire dragon type to boot. It’s amazing that I
would collect all three of the <Death> Series, right?”

What crawled out of the ground were nothing but enormous

and dangerous monsters.

The flying dragon in particular is even stronger than the

dragon Setsu took down in Alize’s village before.

“You know, I was acting like a monster tamer and at one point
I had become a little famous as <Monster Tamer Melua>,
but……You don’t know? I guess you don’t know.”

“……<Monster Tamer Melua>……An SS rank criminal who

sold atrocious monsters in the black market for a bargain and
held shows of human slaves being brutally killed by monsters.”

“Huuh? You do know me!”

“I have gone to the black market in order to study magic, so I

have seen you several times. Enough to finally recall after seeing
that black ground. If I’m not mistaken, that is <Monster Hotel>”

“That’s correct! I keep the monsters I have caught and tamed

in my body. Though I say that, it feels more like I created a
different dimension inside my body and isolated them there.”

Plenty of such people exists.

For instance concealing weapons inside one’s body so one can

assassinate their foe, it can also be said to be an indispensable
skills for when caught as a spy.
To be accurate it is another dimension produced with magic
rather than inside the body, or in other words a type of <Space
Magic>. But if there is someone sensitive to presences, then they
would somehow perceive the presence of weapons inside the
opponent’s body so they would be easily seen through.

No struggle would be able to separate that presence from the

inside of the body, at this moment it can be thought of as a type
of defective magic.

The method to connect to another dimension is where you

have to expressly create a <hole> with blood or magic, which is
also a reason it is called defective.

Incidentally, the reason why Melua wasn’t suspected by Setsu

at the time she was close to him was because she left the
monsters inside her other dimension in a different location.

“I see……That was the cause of the mixed uncanny presences,

isn’t it?”

Muttered Elka, as she looked at the monsters, each raising a

war cry filled with power.

The soldiers withdrawn to the back were completely terrified

by the monsters whose precise strength was revealed in ranks.

There were no intentions on making them fight from the

start, but seeing the state of the soldiers who couldn’t even run
away, Glain calmly breathed a sigh.

Even Glain and his group could stand against groups of S rank
and higher while protecting a large number of people.

“Tia! Guard the soldiers in the back! The ones in front of us

are for me and Elka!”

“Eeh……I also want to go forward.”

“I’ll even treat you a cake, so please!”

“I shall obey.”

“Tia, you’re a rear guard in the first place aren’t you……”

Tia who voiced her dissatisfaction in not being able to fight in

the frontlines became submissive through confectioneries and
so Glain and Elka started running towards the monsters.

“There is no later for you guys! Go!”


The two went at the enormous rushing monsters without


Tia jumped off from the bound magic soldier she was on and
took up a natural stance to block the way in front of the
“Glain, the Death Kong in front of you if you please! I’ll go for
the Death Snake!”


When they confirmed each of their preys, Elka kicked the

ground and revolved over the Death Snake.

“Get sewed on the ground! <Icicle Drop>!”

Above the trajectory of her fluttering about in mid air

appeared a magic circle with the diameter size that carefully
matched her.

When the gorgeously dancing Elka landed behind the snake

and thrusted her sword to the ground, gigantic blocks of ice
revealed its figure from the magic circle.

The tips of the blocks of ice were pointed sharply and the
vigorously protruding tips pierced the Death Snake, sewing it to
the ground in an instant.

Having numerous large holes opened on its body, the Death

Snake raised its voice and writhed.

When Elka slightly twisted the thrust sword, the lumps of ice
also moved the same way, tormenting the snake even more.

Several seconds later, the Death Snake easily died.

“Don’t think S rank level monsters……can stop us.”

Pulling the sword from the ground, she thrusted it towards

Melua who was looking at her in surprise.

“<Flying Blade>!”

The <Flying Blade> released by Glain put in a cut on Death
Kong’s body.

“As expected of a Death Kong, so this level doesn’t work.”



The enraged Death Kong swung his strong arm.

Glain dodged it and released a <Flying blade> when he had the

opportunity……However, its skin was as tough as he expected
and he could not inflict a fatal wound with a lightly released
<Flying Blade>

“This is not the time to hold back I suppose……”

While dodging the arm that was swung recklessly in rage,

Glain clad his sword with magic power and put strength in his

“<Flying Blade・Cutting Petals>!”

Glain swung his sword just once――――――is what it looked


The next moment, countless sword cuts ran through Death

Kong’s body and made a red flower bloom in the air.

Seemingly already died, the Death Kong lied on the ground

face down without raising even a single shriek.

“My sword is called a <Light sword> you see……you couldn’t

see it could you?”

Sheathing his sword, Glain muttered while looking at the

fallen Death Kong.
Chapter 54 Marionette Magic
“Both of you, you defeated them too quickly”

“Lady Tia……”

“Everyone, step further back, you will get dragged into it.”

“Kuh……yes, ma’am.”

The death lizard who had begun charging some time ago was
pinned down by a protection magic circle created with just one
of Tia’s hands.

Above her was also the flying dragon, amassing enormous

magic power within its mouth. A sign of Breath.

With her current situation where she is protecting the other

soldiers, she didn’t have the courage to catch that as expected
and so she made the soldiers fall back.
The soldiers who could not do anything showed regret in their


It appeared that the flying dragon in the sky had gathered its

Its head curved back greatly, it set itself up to spit it out.

“I don’t want to be covered with whatever will be vomited out

of your mouth……―――――― Power of rejection, become a
wall to bend the current, stop the flow and repel


At the same time its Breath was released, a protection magic

circle was unfolded by Tia’s high speed chanting.
These magic called protection magic are roughly equal of
importance to body reinforcement magic in this world.

It also has the meaning of performance, but it also has the

significance because it influences the other’s way of life.

Basically, people study attribute magic first, then afterwards

select either reinforcement magic or protection magic.

People who have chosen reinforcement magic generally take

the road of magic swordsman who makes use of their body.

Elka is an example of that.

Conversely, the people who choose protection magic generally

takes the road of a complete long range type of mage who
ceaselessly throw magic on the spot.

Without any sort of body reinforcement, they would produce

walls with magic circles and defend against opponent’s attacks.
Tia is no doubt this type of person.

Rarely moving herself, she would burn, beat and stab their
foes on the spot.

She would defend against an attack from their opponent and

shoot once again.

That is Tia’s fighting style.

Incidentally, because Glain did not really have any aptitude

towards magic, he was a through and through swordsman who
had only learned body reinforcement magic due to his control in
magic power.

Never could he show anything like ice, he could not even

deploy a magic circle.

“I’m returning it, all of it.”

The flying dragon’s flame ball that hit <Reflect> splendidly
rebounded together with a high-pitched noise and directly hit
the dragon.

Being a fire dragon type, it would never receive flame damage,

however it appeared to be no more than a little surprised.

“……I have grasped the strength of all of you. It’s about time I
end this as well.”

Looking at the Death Lizard who still could not approach

without ramming the magic circle and the flying dragon who
once again began gathering its breath, Tia softly sighs and
began her chant.

That is with her mouth and with a single empty hand.

“Thunderous heaven, deeply overlapping thunder clouds, like

the wrath of god who trembles all, attend to the one who will be
pierced to extinction by thy unchanging, ruthless eyes
『A flash of wind, a flash enough breath to cut bodies, an
invisible flash, a sonic flash, life severing blade consolidated to
that flash, my wish is but one, cut my adversary――――――』

Tia’s mouth spun words and her one hand lit with a magic
light filled out a magic circle in the air.

Written Aria――――――A high class technique high ranking

mages utilizes at times when one could not speak the words. As
a result of filling out a magic circle in the air instead of speaking
it out, its speed until invocation is naturally overwhelmingly

In Tia’s case however, she would still have time left even if
she slows down her chant and let it complete together with the
movement of her hand.

In this world there doesn’t exist any beings who surpasses her
chanting speed, be it that Setsu or Touma.

“――――――<Zeus’ Judgment>”
『――――――<Aiolos’ Wind>』

Thereafter was without a doubt an instant.

Lightning came down from the thunderclouds that appeared

suddenly, piercing through the flying dragon.

An unseen blade of wind released from the magic circle

bisected the Death Lizard.

These events happened in mere moments――――――

The monsters which were considered to be calamities in this

world fell by the hands of a single girl.

“Parallel chanting……”

Muttered one of the soldiers.

Parallel chanting is as the name implies, a technique to chant
separate magic simultaneously with mouth and hand.

It is an impossible skill if one is incapable of written aria in

the first place, usable only by a handful of people.

Setsu naturally could not use it either, but Tia goes even
further, being a master of three line parallel chanting.

This time, she completed two SS rank magic while

maintaining protection magic, though it was not chanting it.

It was a skill that allowed her to attain top class power in

controlling magic as well as it capitalized on her magic eye that
can see magic power.

“And I’m done”

With a concluding face, Tia dusted off her hands with claps.
“Wha-……My toys are……a- annihilated?”

“You know by looking don’t you?”

“Elka, it’s not good if you don’t let her at least escape reality.”

“That was rude of me.”

Already……were the only ones protecting Melua the magic

soldier she was sitting on, Alize Ifrille and another magic soldier
standing beside Alize.

There were still monsters inside her, but even S rank were no
match for them, so summoning any more than this had no

If she had a monster that strong, then she would have let it
fight a long time ago.
“What are you all……Are you really human?”

“Indeed we are. Ordinary humans who could be together with

the monstrous person we long for.”

“I don’t get it……What? Are you saying you’ve become that

strong through your own effort……? Are you saying you worked
hard and became like that……? Even without remodelling or


“I don’t get it……I don’t get it at all!”

Shouted Melua. She cut her wrist and once again created a
black hole with blood.

The monsters that crawled out rushed on Elka’s group in


“It’s useless.”

In the order they approached them, they became encased in

ice, cut down and torn and sliced by the wind.

“G- Go!”

Melua jumped off the magic soldier and brought out an order
to attack them.

At that time the monsters were already annihilated and only

corpses rolled on the ground.

“A vain struggle is it……”

Glain’s sword ran and with a single sweep he made short work
of the magic soldier.
The weapon which was bisected from its shoulder without
being able to do anything became unable to move anymore on
top of the monster corpses.

“This isn’t supposed to……I still……”

“I don’t know your circumstances, but……I will have you

defeated here.”

Glain closed his distance to Melua and swung down his sword.

Just before his sword cut her in two, Alize thrusted herself in
between them.


Unintentionally, Glain stopped his sword.

He received a flashback on the days he spent with her and

Setsu and hesitated.

“Kuh……Back off!”

Pulling back his sword, Glain drove a kick into her.

However, the decisive time has already been given to his


The last magic soldier who furthermore had thrusted itself

before Alize had received the kick with its body as if covering
for her.

The armor transmitted the feeling of dense flesh to him.

“I knew it……its inside was a person……”

The feeling at the time Glain cut a magic soldier wasn’t that of
cutting an inorganic substance, but no doubt that of cutting a

He couldn’t hold that confidence――――――no, he didn’t

wanted to hold that confidence, but this made him change.

And so, the truth rose even more with the fact he made skin
contact and experienced the feeling of flesh.

These must be the bodies of demons……likely being made to

fight for the human side like Alize and were imprisoned inside
such dolls.

The magic soldiers he had seen until now had identical sizes,
but Glain predicted ordinary demons were inside and perhaps
there may be children in there.

Anger welled up.

However, those thinking time was fatal.



Alize readied her rapier.

Glain recalled her rapier was quite polished.

He noticed Elka’s voice, but his defense won’t reach in time.


Melua raised her voice.

She unintentionally clutched her fist, that was how perfect

the timing of Alize’s thrust was.

His chest was pierced by the rapier――――――the moment

that was thought, Glain’s body fell on the ground.


“Please don’t get careless! ……gh”

Elka thrusted away Glain by a hair’s breadth and defended

against the piercing sword.

Instead the rapier’s point grazed her shoulder, flesh was

gouged out and blood came out.

“Forgive me! How about your wound!?”

“It’s just a scratch, so I’m fine. More importantly……”

“Aha-……Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!”
Melua was laughing.

A laugh that was like it was letting one feel fear, like she went

Alize who missed the decisive moment and the magic soldier
who could not move except for twitching――――――Even
though it should have been hopeless no matter how one thinks,
she didn’t stop laughing.

Laughing, as if she was convinced of her victory.

“Is there anything strange?”

“Aah, I laughed and laughed……Nono, I think I even saw a

chance of victory with this. If I could wish for it, I would have
wanted to put it a little more deeper though……”

“What in the world are you――――――”

“<Marionette Magic>―――――――――<Puppet Play>!”

“W-!? Unique magic!?”

Glain immediately put himself on guard.

It is because he noticed the magic Melua had used was a

unique magic.

Unique magic are valuable magic in this world that isn’t

possessed by anyone but one person, and there are terribly
powerful ones as well.

For that reason he was being cautious, but nothing happened

with Melua pushing out one of her hands.

Then, is it a bluff……Glain thought and he ended up feeling

let down.
To put in other words――――――he lost focus.

“Glain! Beside you!”


Tia who was behind him called out.

The next moment, Glain’s armor was crushed and a single cut
entered that body of his.

And then bright red blood gushed out……

Without knowing what happened, Glain saw Elka swinging

her sword at him.

“Now! It’s time for the end of the play!”

Together with Melua’s voice, Elka once again held her sword

――――――and swung down on Glain who was on his knees.

Chapter 55 Yuuhi dog
Around the time Elka’s group started their battle, at another


“You’ve finally arrived here, everyone.”

The place Yuuhi was in which seemed to be a somewhat

cleared plaza, finally Kouma’s group and classmates have
arrived there.

The field of vision was poor by the rain, but they mutually
took off the hood of the raincoat and confirmed their faces.

“Why……are you on that side?”

“It’s simple, you know Kouma-kun. I am siding with the

“Why……? Why are you siding with them! Yuu!”

Shouted Jirou, unable to bear it.

He wished that it was a lie, he wished that she was


However her gaze was straight as an arrow.

Her strong eyes filled with definitive conviction let them

understand whether it was true or false that she was sane.

That was hopelessly――――――sad.

“Yuu……You got a reason for this don’t you? Talk to us……

You’ve always gotten along with us……with the four of us and
the class, didn’t you……”

“Reason? Ah, that would be……”

Yuuhi once again thought about the reason for her to be
hostile towards them.

However she thought and thought, but all what appeared was
Setsu’s face.

If he sides with the demons, then she would also go to the

same place.

If he sides with the humans, then she would also fight

together with those currently in front of her.

If he sides with the beastmen, then she would not be in this

place, but in the beastmen continent.

If he doesn’t side with anyone, then she would be next to him

who would be walking freely.

In other words, her reason was because she wanted to be near

Setsu who was her everything and everyone.
But, saying that in front of so many people is, as expected,
something she was reluctant to do so.

“……Well, I’ll tell you if you can win from me.”

Yuuhi stopped talking any more than this and then orange
flames spouted out from her whole body.

That was the combat ready Hanabashira Yuuhi nobody knew.

The raincoat she was wearing immediately dried and burned

out and the special combat uniform produced for Yuuhi
revealed its figure.

A short pants and clothes that were based around the color
white and a chest protector attached to it; the classmates has
never even once seen that appearance of hers.

With heat resistance that can withstand even her powerful

flames and yet being mobile, those clothes which would not
easily let an attack through would show its appearance when
Yuuhi has decided the opponents she must take down.

“Do we really……have to fight?”

“If you don’t fight――――――you will just die, you know.”

A ball of fire appeared above Yuuhi’s head.

That which was shining in orange gradually became gigantic

and before long it released a sun like presence.

In an instant the words were stolen from Kouma’s group.


“Gh! Kouma! We’re doing this!”

“Ye- yeah……Got it.”

Being hit by Yuuhi’s clear intent to kill, each of Kouma’s
group reluctantly took their weapons in their hand.

Although Kouma was hesitating until the end, he perhaps

hardened his resolve at the end and looked straight towards


He drew out a golden shining sword from the empty air.

It released a sacred light, seemingly wanting to say “This is a

sacred sword.”

Yuuhi looked at everyone standing ready and smiled


“That is good――――――”
――――――I’ll also show my full strength.

She said as the last part of her voice was drowned out by a
mysterious voice.

“Aaaaah! I ain’t making iiiiit!”

Someone was falling from the air while shouting with a loud

That person landed a little in the center between Yuuhi and


“Ow ow……I knew I would get numb from that height.”

“……Yo-, you’re……”

Everyone here knew him.

They didn’t instantly notice it because his hair was cut and his
appearance changed from the time they were in Japan, but it
was certainly the man they also knew.

Being summoned, having no abilities, expelled in a few days

and rumored to have died by the roadside, one of the


“Ooh, it’s Yuuhi. Long time no see.”

Suzaki Setsu, had landed on this continent.

“This is bad”

I’m currently in the clouds.

Even though I was supposed to have transferred from the

beastmen continent, why am I in such a place?

And also what happened to Shironeko, Mineko and Roa?

I, who’s in the middle of a glorified fall, was thinking of

nothing but those sort of things.

Apparently the cause is that the guy who invoked the transfer
magic circle kind of made a mistake with the transfer

I was in a hurry, so a certain level of mistake can’t be helped.

But how is it that I got transferred higher than the clouds?

If I fall down like this then I think I can put my feet on the
continent right below, but……Is this really the demon
Mmhhh……I can’t really see with the rain……


While I was doing all that, I already got close to the ground.

If I’m this close then I won’t be on time in casting floating

magic and even if I do it’ll be a crash course to the ground
without me being able to drop enough of my speed on time.

“Aaaaah! I ain’t making iiiiit!”

I twist my body out of necessity and forcibly landed on my

two legs.

My knees went numb, but nothing else anywhere.

But someone would have died if it wasn’t me you know……

“Owow……I knew I would get numb from that height.”

It feels strange that I would only get numb from falling down
from that height even if I say so myself.

“……Yo-, you’re……”

Oops, I’m surrounded I guess.

Or actually, they’re all my classmates on a closer look.

Them being here means this is the acclaimed battlefield on

the demon continent.


Which means, this girl is also naturally here.

“Ooh, it’s Yuuhi. Long time no see.”

I look over my shoulder and at that place was my always

familiar childhood friend Hanabashira Yuuhi.

Because the quality of her magic power became unbelievable, I

couldn’t immediately notice her.

Extremely difficult training must have been――――――



Letting out a stupid voice, I staggered forward.

Yuuhi suddenly jumped at me, so I didn’t try to avoid her.

“Ye- yeah……What’s up?”




“Ye- yeah!”

“Yuki-kun Yuki-kun Yuki-kun Yuki-kun Yuki-kun Yuki-kun

Yuki-kun Yuki-kun Yuki-kun!”


Yuuhi rubbed her face on my chest, sniffed me and ran her

fingers through my body.
The itchiness and her head scraping on me is a little

“Yuuhi, separate a little from――――――”

“I don’t wanna!”

“That’s quick!?”

Yuuhi’s frolicking didn’t stop.

Even my face was rubbed by her cheeks while she was at it, it’s
about to turn into a situation we can’t shown to the public.

Uoh……don’t rustle my hair……also don’t squeeze my chest,

give me a break already.

“Kuh……Yuuhi! Stop!”


Yuuhi’s movement suddenly stopped.

Yuuhi, who didn’t want to stop that much, began doing

nothing and kept still at a terrifying level.




“Oops, you’ll get dirty like this……Stand up”

“……turn around”




“Turn right”


“Another turn”




“Ugh……The hell is thiis!?” (T.N. I think this was a reference

to some comedy show called ばーん)


“I’ve become healthy!“

“Your hand”


“Your second one”

“Say woof.”



“No way……what are you trying to make me do in front of

everyone, Yuki-kun……? But if it’s an order――――――”

“What!? What are you talking about!?”

I don’t want you to react to a strange part. This was a solid


Or rather why is only the part you talked back on so

typical……how old are you……

Nevertheless……This is that right? A dog.

Hanabashira Yuuhi, has become a dog.


I came to see that girl’s face as she says『I have trained her as
your faithful dog. Please feel free to use her as you see fit』 with a
triumphant look.

Elka isn’t an M except towards me after all……It looks like

she’s been doing as she pleased quite a bit.

“Yuuhi, how were you trained by Elka?”

“If I’m ordered by Yuki-kun, then I would show absolute


“Alright already, I get it.”

Elka, I shall praise you for not polishing Yuuhi into the miss
pervert like you.

But Yuuhi wasn’t this kind of girl.

Yuuhi was a japanese who could say no.

What are you doing, breaking that into something else……

“? What’s wrong?”

Aah……dog ears are growing on Yuuhi’s head……I can

actually see a tail……

I guess she’ll be in for a punishment, that extreme woman.

Chapter 56 Come play with me
“So Yuuhi, explain the situation.”

In order to get to the main question about now, I gave Yuuhi

the order.

I somehow came to enjoy giving out orders.

“Okay! Uhm, let’s see――――――”

Uhuh uhuh. To sum it up, when Yuuhi tried to side with the
demons in order to not antagonize me, these classmates chased
after her she said.

“Ah! Come to think of it, miss Elka and the others have come

“Aah, they really did come for me.”

I expected no less from the three, they did what I wished for.

“It looks like they’re fighting over there right now. But an
enemy who held strange magic just now went to the teacher’s
group and――――――”

“They should be fine. They’re absolutely not losing this.”

They’re a gang of three who can fight equally against demon

king Desastre and beast king Regulus. Whatever their
opponents, they won’t lose.

Above all, they’ve always been fighting together with me,

their win is already set in stone.

“――――――Oh really……Yup, if you believe in them, then I

believe in them too, Yuki-kun.”

“So I――――――can send those guys flying right?”

“……Hey hey, you Gloomy Yuki.”

The one who pushed away the still absent minded Kouma and
also Jirou and Mitsuki while he was at it and appeared with a
vein popping in the head was Endou.

Looks like he’s unable to stomach me like always.

“Long time no see Endou. Nothing’s better than to see you


“Shut up you gloomy bastard……!Get your ass away from


“It’s not like……I’m the one getting close to her though……”

Yuuhi should be clinging on my arm, no matter how you look

at it.
Wait, stop smelling me.

“……gh! Shut up! You’re manipulating Yuuhi-san aren’t you!?

Such gentle Yuuhi-san couldn’t have betrayed us! That’s right
Kouma! It’s all that guy’s fault! That must be it!”

“……Suzaki did?”

Kouma was listening to Endou’s words.

I don’t mind him having a wrong guess from my point of

view, but from these people’s point of view it would be natural
for me, who suddenly appeared at a hostile situation, to look
suspicious if you think about the fact I was driven out of the
castle and then returned like this.

Endou’s opinion is completely caught in his personal feelings


“But you, you’ve seen me being invited by Yuuhi on a date,

didn’t you.”
“Eh?……No way……”

“Tha, that you see! You must have manipulated her into doing
that right!? To make what I saw into a good thing! I’m sure as
hell about that!”

Doesn’t even have good ears……Well, I knew that though.

Well it can’t be helped after hearing it, it’s something I knew

from the beginning.

Also Yuuhi, it ain’t the time to be blushing.

“Now that you mention it……the time in Japan……Yuu was

getting along well with Suzaki-kun, I thought it was strange.”

“Being together with a weird guy like Suzaki, even I have a

problems with it.”
“……Refusing my invitation and going out with Suzaki was
also because she was manipulated, wasn’t it……”

Thus were Mitsuki, Jirou and Kouma’s comments.

They actually mentioned our time in Japan, looks like you’ve

been greatly talked about aren’t you, me.

I also have the problem with the fact I can’t deny it though.

“Right!? That guy manipulated everything! I can’t think of

anything but that!”

Endou shouted and the other classmates gradually began to

show wariness towards me.

Seems I’m really hated, even though I haven’t done a single

fucking bad thing……should I have been a little more attentive
to fashion?
In that case I wouldn’t have been called gloomy I guess.

This is what you call being too late, I guess.

“Gloomy Yuki! Free Yuuhi-san immediately!”

“……is, what they said though?”


Yuuhi went in front of me as if protecting me.

Oh woah……she’s angry.

“Be silent for a bit”

All of a sudden, orange flames gushed out of Yuuhi’s body

A flame which swelled up large in the twinkling of an eye,

rushed on towards Kouma and the others like a tidal wave.

The thickness of the flames didn’t amount to much, but they

were suddenly attacked from that sphere and with immediate

It’ll certainly eat up everyone like this, but Kouma, holding

the sacred sword leaped forward even though he’s drenched and
gave instructions.

“Everyone, get together in one spot behind me!”

The group who could respond to that instruction carried the

group who couldn’t respond and promptly gathered behind

“Cut open――――――<Excalibur>!”
Kouma swung his sacred sword and a slash thrusted out while
scattering light particles, cutting open the flame wave.

By doing so, they went right between the flames that divided
in two and successfully avoided it.

That attack, though it had a showy effect, is a type of <Flying


A hacking like attack lacking any sharpness from lack of

skill……This won’t hold a candle to slashes like Glain’s
captivating ones.

“Yuu! What are you doing!?”

“Don’t talk badly about Yuki-kun any more than

this――――――Next time I will really kill you.”

Kouma choked up his breathing.

The bloodlust Yuuhi released caused that.

I’m surprised. She who lost her nerve from my bloodlust

before I departed is now releasing bloodlust herself.

It’s an unthinkable intensity and unthinkable development.

Let’s praise Elka later after all, I’ve decided to refrain from
doing the unreasonably gentle punishment and with all my
might, slap her ass.

But before that.

“Yuuhi, switch with me for a bit.”

I move Yuuhi out of the way.

I don’t really think much towards these guys.

It’s because whatever was done to me was no skin off their


But now I’m just a little pissed off.

It’s the first time feeling hatred towards these guys.

These guys aren’t looking at Yuuhi.

If they’re really Yuuhi’s friends then they should’ve been able

to at least understand that she hasn’t been manipulated.

They see being friends with Yuuhi and being companions with
Yuuhi as nothing but a type of status.
I can’t help but get pissed off at that.

And more than anything else――――――I can’t stomach the

fact Kouma asked Yuuhi out on a date.

“You all, come play with me for a bit.”

I’ll give them a punch.

And while I’m at it, I’ll return Endou and his gang what
they’ve done to me until now.

“You piece of……! Are you telling us that just because you
have that big ass sword you can win from us?”

“If you’re my opponents then it’ll be more difficult to lose you


“Wha-!? ……What the hell are you getting carried away for!

Endou got easily provoked.

As ever the pipsqueak, but in contrast to that Kouma is calm.

He’s no fun.

“……Suzaki, if you free Yuu and apologize now you will be


“Says the fake Hero. The one who’s saying sorry and
apologizing should be you.”

“Have you become a rash lunatic…!?”

Each of them finally took up their arms.

The hostility of 30 people struck me.

The one who couldn’t agree to it is only Yuuhi.

“Wh-, why aren’t you letting me do this for you!?”

“Because I want to to do it, okay?”

“But Brad said he’s leaving it to me!”

“That guy’s request is nothing. You’re not going to disobey

my order are you?”


Being stabbed by her weak point, Yuuhi said nothing.

But I didn’t overlook it.

That there’s only tiny bit or relief mixed in that expression of


“……You don’t have to fight those guys, okay?”

“Bu- but”

“No buts. I…… don’t want you to forget that compassion of



I stroke Yuuhi’s head who is looking blankly.

To make my words easy to convey, even if a little.

“A Yuuhi who fights without mercy ain’t something I wanna

see. If you’re always smiling energetically nearby, then that’s
fine. Push all the painful things towards me. Whatever it is, it’ll
be fine if it’s me.”

I separate my hand from her head and thrust Kuromaru at

Kouma and co.

Attacking your comrades who you have laughed together with

can’t possibly be not tough.

You aren’t supposed to be able to do so with a decent mind, to

say nothing of killing them.

The ones who can are only people who have become mass

Only people who have come to be unable to feel anything

towards a person’s death.

I don’t want Yuuhi become such a person.

I shall fight in that case.

I, who can fight without killing them, no matter the


I, who pour my all into not taking away a life――――――

“But, but even so――――――”

“If you can’t agree with that either, then……”

I’ll present a new option to Yuuhi who still seemed to want to

say something.

That’s about what I can do now.

“Play with that one over there for a bit please.”

“Over there……?”

Right behind us was a single figure of a person wearing a black


Spreading serious magic power, Yuuhi immediately noticed

her enemy.

“You are Setsu I presume. I have finally found you.”

The black robe who approached us took off their hood and a
well-featured face of a woman appeared under it.

It’s a human girl, her stature’s on the high side and her long
purple hair dangled until near her waist.

“What brought a beauty like you here? An invitation to play?”

“Of course, in order to kill you who resents Master Touma.”

“Oh really now……”

My satire was answered seriously……Wouldn’t it have been

better to make it more grandiose?

“My name is Luna. There is no particular need to remember

it; after all, you will die here either way.”

Luna or something displayed her hands.

This is an odd magic flow, something I didn’t expect is


――――――Oh, before I put myself on guard.

“Let’s change locations for a bit”

Yuuhi approached before Luna’s eyes.

The next moment, her flames bursted open.

An explosion attack mixed with wind and fire after high speed
movement with wind magic huh? She’s become really strong

Nevertheless, she obeyed really honestly didn’t she……I

thought she was going to complain a bit more.

“Who are you……!”

“Yuki-kun’s lov――――――chi- childhood friend!”


Luna was pressed by Yuuhi’s explosion and separated from

this place.
Yuuhi’s amazing to release this big explosion, but Luna who
was avoiding it at the last moment also has good agility.

As expected of the black robes, ordinary methods won’t work

on them I guess.

……I dare not touch Yuuhi’s statement.

“Now then……How about we start as well?”

Chapter 57 Desire to monopolize
“You…… You know who that person was and you’re trying to
make Yuu her opponent……!?”


Kouma looked at me like he’s looking at an unbelievable


“You idiot! Miss Luna is a leader of the human army you

know!? Fighting such a person, Yuuhi-san can’t possibly win
can she!?


Is that so. So the black robes were entrusted with their

leadership huh.

Of course they would. No matter how strong one is, they

won’t be trusted if the others don’t know their identity.
But the fact Elka and the others didn’t tell me anything
means…… that the state has done something I guess.

“Get out of my way Suzaki! If we don’t stop Yuu now she’ll

end up dying!”

“Nah, it should be fine. If it’s the current her then she can win
even against that girl.”

“…… What are you saying?”

“More importantly, you’re going to worry a little more about

yourself won’t you?”

If they don’t become more serious, then instant killing would

be too bland.

Well, I am in a hurry though.

Should be the same for Kouma and the others.

“Let’s start right away, you’re in a hurry right?”

“Why you…… Despite being a Gloomy Yuki, you’re being

conceited! <Magma Ball>!”

While a vein popped up, Endou leaped out and shot a large
clump of lava.

Was that the completed form of the magic that was used
before? It’s a technique close to a unique magic that uses
Endou’s distinctive magic power.

But it’s slow.

Slow enough for me to have enough time to go around the

classmate’s back.
“Did it work!?”

“No it didn’t!”

Together with an explosion near the ground, the puddle of

water vaporized.

Endou saw that vapor and said something stupid so I told him
where I was.

“Wh-! Behind us!?”


Mitsuki realized it first and showed a response, but that too

was slow.

If their opponent was someone who had the intent to kill,

then half of them would have died this instant.
“Ranged group get back! The close quarter group are the

Jirou’s instructions scattered around.

Doesn’t seem like they’re conceited enough to challenge me

one by one.

“Come at me”


A male student whose name I don’t particularly remember

came leaping at me with a sword.

Continuing that, the bunch who went towards left and right
started their attack from both sides.

Your coordination is fine and all, but what do you think

you’re doing by leaping all at once, you guys.

“Take this here!”

I swing once with Kuromaru.

The lightly swung Kuromaru mowed down the leaping guys in

one fell swoop.

“Don’t go all at once! Remember the things you acquired in

the dungeon exploration!”

Shouted Kouma after seeing the guys groaning on the ground

after being mowed down.

Hearing that, the vanguards immediately stopped their

movement and each of them started moving separately.

No, he saw it was falling apart and took proper command.

In proof of that, they perfectly shifted their timing and started
their attack.

“Take this!”

“Woah there……”


“Here here”


“Try and hit me~”

I dodge, warp and repel the pushed out fist, swung sword and
thrown knife.
Although I was surrounded by ten people, nobody could touch

If it’s like this then I rather prefer monsters.

“Why can’t I hit him!?”

“Who knows? Aren’t you guys just slow?”

“Why you!”

Even if you get worked up, things that can’t hit just can’t hit.

Oops, now that we separated, the rearguards are chanting


Shall I make them sleep before I’m attacked?

“Here, <Thunder Floor>”


The electricity that was released from the soles of my feet

burned the classmates.

It was fortunate that a pool of water was made thanks to the

heavy rain.

Thanks to that the electricity flowed well even with a small

amount of magic power.

“Magic! Go!”

“<Wind Dagger>!”

“<Flame Lance>!”
“<Water Cannon>!”

“<Stone Rain>!”

“<Thunder Lance>!”

Together with Jirou’s voice, magic was fired at the same time.

Quite a lot of them, I should go around again and――――――


“Think I’ll let you…… run……?”

The nameless classmate who shouldn’t be able to move by the

electricity grabbed my foot.

What looks is he giving me…… persistence and fighting

spirit…… and what else? Something mysterious was inside this

No, it’s not just him, it’s everyone.

What in the world did they do to them……?

“Wait, it’s not the time for that I guess”

I forcibly swing away the hand that caught my foot and clear
away the magic that approached right before me with

I intended to dodge that but I wasn’t on time for that I guess…

――――――Speaking of which.

Why do these guys go this far for Yuuhi’s sake?

The fact that Yuuhi clearly has her awareness should’ve been
obvious to whoever was looking at her.

And yet they’re fighting with the reason that she’s

manipulated by me, but isn’t it strange that not even one person
was suspicious of Yuuhi?

That and they’re trusting Endou too much.

(No… that’s not it. Everyone is placing too much trust in


She’s certainly loved by many of them.

I’ve always been near Yuuhi after I reincarnated, but I’ve

never seen anyone who hated her.

I heard people who we’ve never met at all were friendly to

It was abnormal to be frank, to be loved even by unknown

Is there something――――――about her……?

“Well, whatever. Putting it off for later.”

It’s a topic where there’s no point in thinking about it.

I’d like to check that after we finish this up, but right now
let’s play with the guys in front of me.

“Outta the way! I’ll do it! <Magma Ball>!”

“You got no technique do you.”

I brush away Endou’s Magma Ball he unleashed the second

Seeing his own magic burst and scatter in mid-air and then
falling on the ground to create water vapor, Endou stiffened.

“It’s a lie… right……?”

“…… Everyone, take refuge”

Having seen that, Kouma gave instructions while he came out.

The others who valiantly came out were two: Jirou and

And incidentally Endou who was at the front and didn’t move.

If it were the other people, then they probably won’t be able

to perform an attack as good as the Magma Ball back then.

If so, then I agree with Kouma who judged that they’ll be

useless in this fight.
The classmates who looked like they want to say something
were reluctant, but maybe they understood their own strength
since they stepped back.

“Ah, if you’re going back then take these guys with you.”

I grab several of my classmates who are collapsed behind me

and throw them.

From a sideglance, Jirou caught all of surprised people, killed

their momentum and let then on the ground.

All with one hand, huh. Not bad eh.

“Hold it you, even if it was a joke, they’re still classmates you

know. Couldn’t you treat them a little more careful?”

“In that case, then don’t gang up on me and torment me with

all of you please. I’m just one person you know?”
“My bad, I don’t have any sympathy for the guy who put his
hand on Yuu.”

“Really, well I don’t need any of it though.”

While we were talking about those things, the people escaped

in the direction opposite of me.

They seem to be on guard against me, but I’m not going to

chase them really.

Bye bye, peeps whose names I don’t know.

“Nevertheless Kouma, letting all of them escape was a good

decision. If Endou’s Magma Ball doesn’t get through, then they
can’t can’t become opponents if they’re not us.”

“I wonder if I’ve done something unforgivable to everyone.”

“There’s no helping it! It’s easier to move this way, you

What’s remaining are three of the four life-havers and one

dunce, huh…… That works.

“It’s pitiful for the guys who were declared as useless isn’t it-”

“I think it’s better than dying.”

“That’s true though.”

Me killing anyone’s not gonna happen…… No, there’s a once

in a thousand chance; if there’s that many, then they may get
engulfed and at least one may get into an accidental death.

The amount of people dropped now, so I won’t have to get

troubled with that part.
“――――――Here we come, Suzaki”


Kouma and Mitsuki’s figure disappeared.

They’re quick… I can see Glain’s style.

I stopped the Excalibur of Kouma who appeared beside me

with Kuromaru and then I stop the attack from Mitsuki’s dagger
from the other side by grabbing her arm.

They’re fast was what I said, but that’s in a within bounds of

common sense kind of meaning.

They’re still sluggish from my perspective.

These two looks surprised, but it appears these weren’t their

winning bet.
With the perfect chance where both my hands are occupied,
Jirou appeared in front of me.

“Eat this! <Tekken Seisai(Iron fist punishment)>!”

The magic power filled fist hits my stomach.

The foot he stepped with rocked the ground, creating a small


The attack with high firepower from good coordination was

pretty good…… but.

“You should have gotten Glain to give you a bit more proper

“Wha- …… are you kidding me”

I didn’t even twitch.

As I expected he didn’t seem to think it did no damage, so
Jirou reflexively pulled back his fist.

Before they separate, first I fling away Mitsuki I caught and

then hit Jirou hard with my free hand.

Mitsuki who I flung away from me scowled at me while she

got up and Jirou was lying down on the pool of water, groaning

“Ji- Jirou! Suzaki…… !”

“Where did you get such strength is it?”


It’s because you look like you want to ask that.

Even I would be curious about it if our positions are reversed.

“Weell, not gonna tell ya though!”


I forced back Kouma with Kuromaru.

Originally, Kuromaru is at a level where it would be instantly

cut into pieces by a sacred sword, let alone holding down the
sacred sword. But Kouma’s sacred sword is still hardly

It’s just a stick that discharges power.

Excalibur, which would continue to shed light, will for the

first time acquire its sharpness by condensing the light in its

And thus us Heroes would arrive at a higher place.

If I were to say what I want to say then――――――it means
it’s not worth talking about it to the inexperienced Kouma.

“――――――Why are you supporting the demon army?”


Kouma asked me as he took distance and readied himself.

“We were supposed to be requested to help the humans and

take up arms….. And yet, why are you on that side? Why are
you trying to take Yuu along with you?”

“…… Hmm, that’s right.”

The reason is that the human me got along well with those
guys, but…… I don’t think that’s all.

Simply said, letting Touma do whatever he likes pisses me off

and I have to kill him once more.

And above all I hate the human country.

And if I were to add another one, one reason that’s limited to

this place――――――

“The big reason is that I have people important to me among

both the demons and the beastmen. If the humans are going to
try hurting them, then supporting them is natural right?”


“Also personally, I can’t stomach the fact you asked Yuuhi out
on a date.”

“…… You mean…… that’s the reason for taking her along
with you?”

Think I’m going to leave Yuuhi alone in a place with a guy

who would try to put his hands on her? Is what I’m saying.

Well…… I do know Yuuhi refused the invitation from a guy

with ulterior motives.

Also that she’s not as weak as she looks.

That’s why I also know that there was never a time when she
went out together with a man except with me, just because she
was asked out.

Even so…… I doubt this guy will stop asking her out, because
he loves her.

Even I you know, have that healthy desire to monopolize.

“I like Hanabashira Yuuhi. I love her very, very much. I won’t
hand her over to you, I’ll defeat you here. That’s all.

“…… Thank you for the easiest to understand reason. In that

case I cannot lose either.”

There’s no compromise in this.

That being the case, we can only fight.

I set up my Kuromaru and Kouma readied his incomplete


There’s no signal.

Even so we kicked the ground at the same time.

Our swords then clashed and sparks fell――――――

Chapter 58 <Sword Defensor>

Kouma was blown away and rolled over on the ground.

Eventually he stopped and daringly threw away the raincoat

he wore that probably became troublesome and stood up with
his sacred sword thrust on the ground.

“Kuh……Why is there such strength……”

“How does it feel? Being defeated by the guy you’ve been

ridiculing with incompetent and gloomy and all that.”

I close the distance in one go and swung down Kuromaru with

the feeling of giving an additional attack to a weakened enemy.

Kouma somehow defended it with his sword, but he couldn’t

bear the weight and went on his knees.

“Must feel frustrating don’t you……Hey, try say it! That it’s

“Don’t you under……estimate me!”

“Woah there”

Kouma parried Kuromaru by tilting his sacred sword and

thrusted the sword towards me while still on his knees.

It’s a good attack, but I catch that with my palm.

With the sacred sword unable to go through even my palm,

Kouma looked shocked.

“How can that……”

“Too bad eh.”


I strike the shoulder of Kouma who stopped his movement

with the back of Kuromaru’s blade.

I’ve adjusted myself, but it felt like his collarbone broke.

(This guy really is inexperienced……)

I thought, watching Kouma who crumbled down.

Neither I nor Touma would even take damage from this level
of attack.

Because there’s one of the abilities of a <Sacred sword>

wielder, the <Sword Defensor>. (聖剣の鎧; lit. armor of the
sacred sword)
This is an ability that by far exceeds <Reinforcement Magic>
which reinforces the body by flowing magic power throughout
our whole body.

First, weapons won’t penetrate.

One is able to stop killing weapons like swords and bows and
the like with their skin.

I don’t quite understand the principles of it myself, but well,

please think of it as our skin becoming hard when magic power
flows through.

Although it doesn’t perfectly protect you from blows, magic

or attacks that can inflict damage to the inside, one can obtain a
defence where one won’t object even if you call it invincible.

In proportion to that, the magic power consumption becomes

nasty if you invoke it continuously, so I normally don’t use it
and invoke it depending on the necessary timing.
For example, Kouma’s thrust just now.

That was me invoking <Sword Defensor> on my palms and

receiving the blow.

And on the other hand, Kouma receiving damage could say it’s
because his isn’t complete.

Even if I say my blow was weak, it doesn’t serve its purpose if

his bones break at that level.


“You’re also too slow to heal.”

Another ability of a wielder of the <Sacred sword>, that is

<Sword Thrill>. (聖剣の加護ソードスリール: lit. divine protection of
the sacred sword; soodo suriiru) (TN. can’t find the proper
western word for this, anybody got a clue?)
This ability is most straightforwardly, an ultra-regeneration
of injuries.

The ability lets you instantly recover from all external

wounds, damage to your body, restrictions due to magic, or
things that bring about bad effects.

What’s different from recovery magic is the point where even

if, for example, you die, then you can revive instantly.

It’s just that it consumes magic power.

I’m not sure about it, but apparently you can die if you drive
out an illness without magic power, <Sacred Sword> wielder or

A former <Sacred Sword> wielder seems to have died that

way, but that’s a story I heard through hearsay so I don’t know
it well.

Well……In the famous RPG that starts with Dragon, the Hero
can revive right? I’m saying such system is also in this world.

There are abilities besides those but……well, I don’t think it’s

necessary with this guy as my opponent and he doesn’t look like
he can use it yet.

“What’s wrong? You’re already healed right? Get up.”


Holding his shoulder, Kouma stood up.

He readied his sacred sword, but its light is dimmer than

before and he’s backing away.

He’s frightened, clearly.

There’s no fighting spirit in his eyes and when I take a step

forward he takes a step back.
I guess he doesn’t know what he can do.

He never expected his sword not to pierce his opponent.

He never expected his body to get injured.

His body is being controlled by his fears from his first intense

This guy has already become useless.


I swing Kuromaru, aiming for Kouma’s head.

In order to rob him of his consciousness, this time it’s even

weaker than the last one.
Kouma didn’t move――――――but,


“I won’t let you do that to Kouma!”

Jirou and Mitsuki stopped that blow.

In that opening, Endou who was supposed to be on his knees

until now moved and carried Kouma back under his arms.

“……Get out of the way.”

“I won’t! I can’t let you beat Kouma here!”

“That’s right! He’s an important friend of ours!”

Their eyes are serious……Wow, these guys are annoying.

“Both of you……”

“It’s frustrating, but you’re the strongest among us. There’s

also the matter in the future and we can’t just lose you alright?”


What are they saying, these people.

The villainish part is how I usually act, but being shown such
friendship drama in front of my eyes gives me the creeps.

“Get up quickly! We’re gonna knock down that creepy guy!”

Kouma’s sword released a strong light.

That which was more dazzling and brighter than before

gradually breathed light in that sword.

And then――――――the sacred sword <Excalibur>, that had

locked up all its power inside its edge, was complete.

“Excalibur……I see, you weren’t in your complete form until

now……but if it’s now then!”

“Here we go!”

It really turned into something troublesome……

Being surrounded by friends like a protagonist in a story,

Kouma awakened into the real deal.

There’s a great difference between that and his incomplete

power until just a while ago and his magic power is
incomparable too.

……It’s a pure white blade unlike mine, but I’m a little jealous
of it.

“I guess it’ll be bad if I don’t go a little more seriously”



Sweeping away the two holding back my sword in front of me,

I tried to leap at Kouma and――――――

“Too slow!”

I reflexively curve my body.

The sword tip grazed before my eyes.

Appearing in front of me in an instant, Kouma swung his

sword at a speed that can’t be compared with that from a while

“You’ve gotten pretty fast haven’t ya!”

“Thanks to you, my body is light!”

I also go just a little more seriously and devote myself in


There are as many chances for counter attacks as I like, but

with Kuromaru I doubt I’ll be able to cause any damage to the
current Kouma……
I know that his <Sword Defensor> is fairly complete.

The sharpness of his sword is also several times――――――

Shall I also draw out my sacred sword?

No……I would end up killing him if I do it untactfully and I

also don’t know how many would get mixed up and eaten.



I parry the sword and thrust my fist into Kouma’s abdomen.

A dull sensation transmitted into my hand in spite of having

my fist reinforced with magic power.
Kouma opened his eyes wide from being counterattacked and
bearing damage albeit extremely small, and flew back in

The other three rushed towards him.

“Are you alright Kouma!?”

“Yeah……but still, even though I’ve attacked this much, to

think not even one attack connected is……”

“What could he be……”

Some composure could be seen in the faces of the four.

Kouma is an equal match to me……is what he must be


He has the nerve to think,

that he can win,

against me.

“I have some plan……the three of you, please lend me your


They gathered together and began their discussion.

Well, usually I would do a surprise attack, but let’s wait this

time, like a common villain.

“――――――Got it right!? Good, let’s go!”

Kouma, Mitsuki and Jirou rushed out.

Kouma is naturally the fastest, but Mitsuki was also fast.

Behind them is Jirou and behind him is Endou.

And among them……I’ll shut down Kouma first I guess.

“<Magma Lance>!”


The instant I try to swing Kuromaru, a large dark red lance

came flying towards me.

It’s on the fast side, but not much of a big deal.

When I brush it away with one hand, a large part of it fell on a

pool of water and steam rose from it.

(Oh crap……so this was their aim)

“I, you know! I detest you! You gloomy Yuki!”

From the other side of the steam that’s rapidly reducing my

sight, Endou called out.

Yeah, I know even if you don’t tell me, I don’t like you either.

“Always making a blank face! And you ain’t never going

against whatever we tell you to do”


What, you wanted me to go against you?

“And that attitude as soon as you’ve come to this world! It’s

sickening you know!”

I sweep away the magma lances like crazy.

Steam rises each time I do so, my vision is already pure white.

“Huff……huff……The likes of you!”

It’s a stupid bastard……firing continuously and causing

himself to have short of breath.

“You think I’ll let the likes of you have Yuuhi-san!?”

“……Is that so!?”

A lance of unthinkable size appeared as it pierced through the


Did he muster the last of his power? I can’t hear that

annoying voice of his anymore.

I grab that lance with one hand and crush its tip.
My right hand is a little hot……it pierced my <Sword
Defensor> in the end huh.

Well……it was a great shot.

“Now where was I……”

The last lance fell on the ground and steam rose together with
the sound of evaporating water.

That time, I hear a swoosh-like cut sound on my right. When I

put Kuromaru in that direction, clang! I hear the metallic sound

It must be a knife, guessing from the lightness of the sound,

it’s probably Mitsuki’s attack.

I hear sounds of footsteps from the direction the knife flew

At the same time, something is shining at the inside the
opposite side of the water vapour.

Considering the location, it’s Kouma and Mitsuki……If it’s

like that then Jirou is the finisher just like last time then.

So Kouma pretended to be the one who decides the outcome,

but it’s surprisingly Jirou……I’d think they would know his
attacks won’t reach me, but……

When the light and footsteps approached until they’re nearby,

a knife and fist comes from left and right and――――――fist?

“Take this!”

I noticed after stopping the knife and fist.

The owner of the knife was, not surprisingly, Mitsuki.

However, what was releasing light wasn’t Kouma’s sacred
sword, but Jirou’s only light magic.

Which means the one coming from the front is――――――

“With this――――――it’s settled then!”

The man who is capable of injuring me……Kouma.

The tip of the sacred sword that protruded, was sucked into
my defenceless body ――――――――――――is what didn’t


I have grabbed and stopped the edge of Excalibur.

The point of his sword won’t even reach me.

Furthermore, Jirou and Mitsuki have collapsed left and right
of me.

“You guys really thought you could defeat me with such cheap
tactics……? It was obvious, you idiots.”

It means that it’s obvious they would decide the fight with

In the end, Jirou’s attack can’t get through me after all.

Next, Jirou using light magic was too foolish.

As long as magic power is used, it will get caught by my magic

detection no matter how inferior it is.

That’s why I didn’t worry about being dodged and thrusted

my fist into Mitsuki and Jirou’s abdomen and made them faint.
And then caught Kouma’s blade――――――In order to show
off the difference in strength.

“It’s kind of over-optimistic trying to win with a power that

you awakened in this place, you know that? This place isn’t that
convenient you know.”

Difference in power is difference in power, how much you

suddenly become stronger, it’s not something that just covers it.

A great difference is created between me and Kouma, in

strength, skill and also experience.

He may have awakened his sacred sword in the eleventh hour,

but it didn’t cover that difference.


“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”

I ask a question towards Kouma who sunk into silence.

I thought he’s surprised, but it seems different somehow.

Kouma looks at me――――――or more accurately behind me

and thinly smiled.

“We’re counting on you――――――Endou!”

“Got it!”


What came out behind me――――――from the steam was

Endou who I thought couldn’t move anymore back then.

Perhaps he must’ve pretended to have fainted and went

around behind me.
Even so……why hadn’t I felt his magic power?

“Go to hell! <Magma Hammer>!”


Together with the sound of something breaking, a gigantic

boiling magma hammer hits me at super point blank range.

Kouma already stored away his sacred sword in another

dimension and carried away Mitsuki and Jirou.

I stop the lump of magma with both hands.

It’s a lump of outrageous magic power and to makes matters

worse, <Sword defensor>’s magic resistance isn’t perfect.

My hands is getting a little hot.

“All of our magic powers are put in Endou’s magic! Don’t
think you can stop it!”

So that’s how it is. The reason I didn’t notice Endou getting

closer is because his magic power ran dry.

The sound I heard of something breaking before this lump

was released back then……Should probably be the sound of a
magic stone being crushed.

I’ve heard there were magic stones that stores magic.

If that’s the case then it could contain everyone’s magic power

and Endou can fire magic even in a zero magic power state.

It’s a good strategy……is probably not the time to say……!


This isn’t good……I’m being crush――――――

“Huff……huff……serves you right.”

“Are you okay, Endou……”

“Yeah, my magic power’s only spent after all……I can get up

right away.”

Kouma lent his shoulder to Endou who collapsed and escaped

from inside the steam.

He left him at the place Jirou and Mitsuki was resting and
once again confirmed the location he was in from the outside.

He couldn’t see well from the steam, but he was certain he

was inside.
Endou felt a definitive response and Kouma too had
confirmed where he was about to be crushed by the lump of

“Did he……really die?”

“Heh……he got what he’s coming for.”

Kouma thought he shouldn’t talk like that to a man who was

their classmate, even as a joke, but he himself fought with the
intent to kill and noticed it was like a pot calling the kettle

It was the man who brainwashed Yuuhi, dying is

natural――――――having such conclusion, Kouma justified his
own deeds and was made to agree.

“More importantly you, is it fine not to go to Yuuhi-san? She

probably became sane again.”

“……What are you going to do. Endou, even you


“It’s fine, okay! ……I’m fine with it. You’re suitable for Yuuhi-
san……That’s why I’m fine with it already. Go already, once I
can move again I’ll also go.”

“……Got it.”

Kouma who could still move cleared away the aftertaste of

victory and began walking towards the direction Yuuhi had

It was――――――that moment.


The two instantly turned pale.

Shoulders were heavy.

By the terrible pressure, Kouma went on his knees and Endou
twitched and became unable to move.

“Aah……my bad. I’ve been underestimating you a little, you


Perhaps to them, it was the voice they least wanted to hear in

the world right now.

From inside the steam that was still enveloping, he

Chapter 59 Q&A Session
Heroes are really outrageous beings.

That’s because whatever they do, they’ll get this strong in no

more than about a single month.

When you try and be in their presence, you’ll understand the

feelings of the nearby people who look at me or Touma.

So out of standard aren’t they……like really.

That’s what I think when I look down on my uninjured body

even though I was swallowed by lava.

Only the clothes on my upper body became useless.

This won’t do, I’m almost half-naked.

Even Heroes would get embarrassed all the same though.

Damn it……what shall I do with those two?

The man called Endou Ryuuji is, in any case, an ordinary

human being.

Getting ordinary grades in elementary school and middle

school, and test results were always average.

An ordinary boy who never earned anything but third place in

a foot race during sports day.

His dislike towards himself changed and he took effort and

entered high school in a somewhat higher ranking.

That was where he met by chance――――――――the girl

called Hanabashira Yuuhi.
She was just like the sun.

The sun floating in the sky who would come in contact with
even the crowds of weed like himself with the usual cheerful

He fell in love at first sight.

He tried starting to approach and talk to her, but what

gathered around Yuuhi were flowers, different than the weeds.

Kouma, who was renowned as the coolest boy in his school

year, the petite and cute Mitsuki, who was very popular by the
boys and Jirou, who brought people together with excitement
and his trustworthiness…….

What is more, the smart student council president whose

glasses suits him, a handsome youth who entered as a junior and
was a model, a boy of the same school year with plenty of sexual
experience and even boys of other schools harbored love
towards her.
Endou gave up halfway……saying the ordinary him can not
win against them.

And the finishing blow was the figures of her and Kouma
walking on the road that’s illuminated by the setting sun.

They were too matching, his heart broke.

He gave up on her and a few days later……he witnessed Yuuhi

talking with a single male student, also by coincidence.

Who was there was neither Kouma nor the other

flowers――――――――Suzaki Setsu, the “bottommost in social
standing” in terms of position. A boy who was like withered
weed, the weed among weeds.

Seeing that, Endou felt anger.

The boy who was called gloomy, eerie and even unpleasant,
treated the words of the girl who was an existence like the sun
to them as he saw fit. Endou noticed the first feelings inside of
him……his urge to kill.

From then on he turned Suzaki Setsu into his enemy.

Instigating him with “Gloomy Yuki” and kicking him around

as a gofer.

There were also times he struck his stomach or stepped on his

head as he was crouching.

And he, who was laughing doing that……currently has his

head stepped on by that boy.


“Come to think of it, I had this done to me a lot right? By


It was one blow.

Just when he thought he appeared from inside the steam,
Endou received an impact on his stomach and fell down.

The intense feeling of oppression and intense pain rendered

him unable to move and made him crouch.

With him gasping, his face was pressed to the ground and
some mud entered his mouth.

“I ain’t bearing any special grudges against you. Whatever was

done to me neither hurt nor itched after all.”

Setsu’s stepping power wasn’t high.

However, Endou couldn’t stand up.

“Reason why I’m stepping on you like this is because I got

curious about how you felt when you stepped on me. Hey
Endou, it surprisingly doesn’t feel bad, this……the looking
down part is better than anything else. Did you have that kind
of feelings too?”

Even though Endou was disordered and agonizing in pain, his

face went red from anger.

He put in the strength to stand up, but he was stepped on

stronger than before and he sunk further in the soil.

“How amazing, you……Despite having neither magic power

nor physical strength and your body is hurting. Do you hate me
that much?”

Setsu tormented Endou by grinding with his foot.

Even if he was screwed even more into the ground and mud
entered his mouth, Endou didn’t stop glaring at him.

“I understand you, I hate you too you know. That’s why I’m
stepping on your head like this. Let’s see, what should I do
now……break your arm? Cut off your legs? Even if I gouge out
your eyes, it’ll be fine if I go for one. If it’s just that then I can
still do it without problems, right me?”

Setsu thrusted Kuromaru before Endou’s eyes.

This moment, Endou harbored “fear” towards him for the

first time.

He’s conscious about what he picked a fight with.

This man is a monster, I shouldn’t have come in contact with


Regret swelled up……he currently thought from the bottom of

his heart――――――――that he was too foolish.

“So……where should I start?”

The next moment, Endou’s consciousness was spontaneously

“……aw, that sucks”

He fainted just by me pointing a smile towards him for a bit.

I should’ve done it over for a bit, but let’s be satisfied with just
making him regret it.


“So, what are you gonna do?”

I call out to Kouma who had his sacred sword ready and isn’t

Even though you could say I was defenseless when I was

stepping on Endou, this guy didn’t move even a single step.

My impression is that his spirit is already broken.

Like I thought, he’s going to get cold feet if their greatest
attack was stopped without injuries.

Well, I don’t care about this guy’s condition, I have something

I want to ask of him.

“Well, if you’re not coming at me then that’s fine, just listen

like that. Answer me honestly to the things I’m about to ask

“Wh, why should I……”

“If you’re not answering then it can’t be helped, I’ll kill this

To threaten him, I thrust Kuromaru to Endou’s neck.

The fact that I won’t kill is something Kouma doesn’t know.

It should be enough of a threat in that case.

“St-, stop!”

“Then answer them, honestly of course.”

“……I understand”

Alright, this is good.

“Okay then, first question, those black robe lots, if I

remember rightly you said they were leaders or something
right? Tell me all of their names and abilities.”

“Why should I……”

“Because it’s necessary. Just tell me.”

“O, okay.”

Before he talked back with something, I press Kuromaru

strongly against Endou, urging on ahead.

If I try to summarize the explanation that came from Kouma’s

mouth, there are eight black robes.

Names are Kagerou, Luna, Bildos, Kuroinu, Saiga, Melua,

Lume, Gaia.

Each of them has unique magic, but they weren’t revealed or

so it seems.

It’s probably, but…… the one who uses <Shadow Magic> or

something seems to be Kagerou.

I’ve already met Saiga and Kuroinu didn’t I? In front of

Shironeko’s house.
Now that I think about it, I couldn’t confirm their unique

Next is Melua huh……if my expectations are right, then she

must be that one……

“――――――――Now, the next question, it’s the location of

the black robes.”

“I, I don’t know……Even though I say those people are

leaders, I haven’t gotten any commands. They have the
authorities, but…… All of them should be running about freely
on the battlefield. Ah, but one is protecting the king of the
human continent. Another one……One of them is also marching
onto Evil Barrow alone on a horse.”

“On a horse……Evil Barrow? He’ll get done in before he

reaches the demon king’s castle, like that.”

“That person appears to have an ability that makes sure he

won’t……I don’t know it in details though.”
What is this, he’s useless.

His target should be Desastre, but……how rash, picking a

fight with that woman is like going to his death.

Which leaves me――――――――if I knock down the six black

robes in this place, then it’ll settle this battlefield.

No, if that guy’s also here……

“Next, do you know of a guy who looks like a little girl?”

“Wh, who is that……?

“Hmm……I’ll ask differently. You haven’t seen any other

black robed guys?”

“I, I’m 100% sure there are only eight leaders! I don’t know
anyone else, okay!?”
He――――――――ain’t lying I guess.

That guy didn’t come?

No, he can’t possibly not come.

He should appear somewhere……probably when the battle’s

about to end.

“Well, whatever……”

“Are we done……? Release Endou please”

“Yeah, then I’ll give you my last question.”

The thing I wanted to ask the most was still left.

Something more important than the information of the

enemies I’ll be making.

“You, you invited Yuuhi to a date. Is that true?”


“Answer me.”

“Ye, yeah……It’s true――――――gah.”

In the middle of Kouma’s answer, my fist caught his cheeks.

I ended up hitting him unintentionally……Uhee.

Uwa, he ended up fainting.

“Well, whatever I guess.”

I carry the fainted Endou and Kouma by gripping their nape.

I carry Mitsuki and Jirou while I’m at it and put all of them at
the base of a large tree inside the forest.

Leaving them alone while exposed in rain looks bad to me too

after all.

I tie them……no I don’t have to tie them up. They can’t do

anything either way.
Chapter 60 Earth God Gaia
“Now, what to do.”

The fight with Kouma’s group is over, so I’m thinking about

what to do next.

My current objective is to crush the black robed bunches, but I

ought to go to Yuuhi for now I guess.

I spent a little too much time in this and that girl should be
fine, but I can’t make light of unique magic users.

Shall I just wait and see for now?


The moment I took a step towards Yuuhi and the other, I

perceive a hint of something flying with great force from behind
me and leap to the sides.
Upon doing so, the place I had been standing until now was
struck by something.

Judging from appearances, it looks human shaped, but……

isn’t this the same thing as the raincoats Kouma and the others
were wearing?

His hair is black and short and from his good physique, it
should be a young man.

……This appearance, he might be a classmate.

Why I don’t have proof of that is because this guy’s face

doesn’t have trace of its original shape.

It’s smashed……must be struck many times over.

He’s not breathing like one would expect.

“Hmph……Just when I was going around to kill fools who
were escaping from the battlefield, I come across an interesting

A voice called out to me when I was checking the corpse.

What is behind me is a young man.

I have never seen his face and I shouldn’t have seen that
appearance of his either, but only that voice I do know.

“Are you Kagerou?”

“I don’t know who you heard that from, but……that’s correct,


“Properly wear a black robe please, I got confused for a sec,

I kick the ground hurriedly during my words and approach

And then I strike with Kuromaru in a surprise attack sense.


“I’m different from before you though……I’m being


“……ugh, really now.

Kagerou stopped Kuromaru with a black sword.

I thought about settling it with this attack, but it doesn’t seem

like I can do that so easily. Now that I think about it……I do
recall this guy at the wedding ceremony being a clone body.

“Gh! Or rather, are you disguising that black sword or

something as Kuromaru!? I’m gonna wreck that thing!”

“Try it if you can! With that swords that’s only big!”


I took some distance and swing Kuromaru through centrifugal


Kagerou proceeded to parry that with the one handed black


I’ve put quite some power into it, but it splendidly diverted.

Tch……You mean I really can’t go with ordinary methods if I

go against these guys?

“……You’re a man I can’t get along with.”


“Why do you bastard, despite having this much strength, care

about other people?”

“Huh? You’re saying things I don’t quite understand.”

“I’m asking why you are protecting the weak!”

Kagerou used the momentum of my sword curving and struck

back with his sword.

When I lightly kick the ground to avoid it with a backstep,

Kagerou shortened the distance, not allowing me to escape.

The swords once again got together, turning into a fierce


“The weak you say……What are you talking about.”

“Since a while ago you bastard have been pointing your
consciousness behind you. There’s something……someone
which would be bad if it’s found by me, isn’t there?”

“……Now let’s see here.”

Strangely perceptive, this guy.

I’m sure I laid down Kouma and the others behind me.

It’s about this guy who’s killing the fleeing classmates, he may
just kill them while he’s at it.

I already squeezed out the information, so they already served

their purpose, but……

“Well, if I lose these, then my important girl will be sad. My

bad for ya, but you’re gonna let me take on ya while protecting
Even if I say it like I’m giving a clear explanation, Yuuhi
would feel sad if Kouma and the others die.

There’s no need for me to purposely make her sad.

Besides, a handicap of this level is like nothing.

“Important girl……so it’s for the sake of your comrade.”

“Hah! For the sake of comrades, you’re making me laugh! I

move for my sake. I don’t want to see her sad face, that’s why
I’m protecting them.”

In order to not see that, I have to protect the lots behind me.

If that’s the case then it’s a cheap price, I’ll protect them

An idea that’s far away from something like a knight in

shining armor, or a Hero.

Those things are more suitable to guys like Kouma who thinks
of their companions, are honest and shining.

That’s why I don’t have to be a Hero or a knight in shining


I don’t even want to be a great hero who saves everyone.

It’s just, I’ll only protect the guys whom I’ll be troubled with
if I don’t have them around.

“And so, I can’t get along with you punk. That’s why I’ll beat
you. That fine right? Being self-centered.”

“Hmph……Only that part……isn’t something I don’t

Our opinions met and then diverged.

His and my sword once again noisily collided within the


Together with the sounds of explosions, two women covered

ground. One who continued raising explosions and one who
continued dodging them, the two never stopped those
movements until they were at a nearly deserted location.

“How obstinate, you……and I even have to deal with that


“I can’t just allow that you know? I have to crush poisonous

insects who aim for Yuki-kun.”

“I’m a poisonous insect you say……!?”

The seething anger from being disparaged boosted Luna’s

magic power tremendously.
While calmly looking at that scene, Yuuhi turned on the calm
flames on her hand.

I am an exterminator! One who kills that damned insect……a

messenger of justice, do you understand!? In the name of master
Touma, I will crush you as well as that damned insect

“……I’ve decided. I will seriously kill you.”

The battle between the woman who released violent anger

and the woman who calmly burned the hellfire of wrath had

“This presence……!”

Desastre reflexively rose from the throne. That face of hers

was not like the serious look until now; it was covered in joy.

“You’re finally here Setsu. I can see it even from this range.”
“Yes, moreover his former companions and even Roa……”


“She is an important friend of mine. She is very strong you


“Really……That’s reassuring.”

The face of the two who were inside the demon castle turned
very bright.

With just them being here for them, the situation of the war
was already in the process of changing.

It was certain that the demon’s side was approaching victory

without end.

Perhaps because they believed that……the two were unable to

notice someone quickly approaching.

Suddenly, a hole was made on the floor of the throne room.

Fragments of the broken floor scattered about inside the room

and dust flew.

“W-!? An enemy attack!?”

“Uhehe……lucky! Quite lucky aren’t I, discovering the two of

you altogether!”

What appeared from the hole was a young, green haired girl.

By no means did it mean she was not tall, however that

innocent facial expression looked very young.

Furthermore, a tattoo is put under her eye, which brought

about even more of a mismatch.
Ominous――――――――that is how she was if one were to
express it in a single word. Finally, the black robe put on her
body made clear that she was an enemy.

“I think you understand, buut……I’m going to have you let me

bind your bodies, so there!”

“Hmph……quite pretentious are you not, despite having a

human body. Just try it if you ca――――――Levia?”


Levia was looking at the young girl with a surprised look.

And simultaneously she clenched her fist so hard, blood would

seem to permeate out of anger.

“Why……are you on that side……Earth god.”


“Eeh? It’s my choice which side I take right? Right……? Miss

Sea god and miss Sky god.”

“I see……so this one is the earth god.”

Having been called the sky god, Desastre spoke that name
with a look like she chewed on a bitter bug.

“That’s right, I’m the earth god Gaia. So, nice to meet you, my
big sisters.”

Said the young girl who called herself Gaia, while showing a
lovely smile.
Chapter 61 Each starting their battle
There were once two gods who made this world.

One is the god of creation.

She created all things from nothing and developed the world.

The other is the god of destruction.

She destroyed things that becomes an obstruction to the

development and similarly developed the world.

The world becoming its “Complete form” was a matter of


The god of creation went mad.

Precisely at that time, she began massacring the “people” born

in the world.

When the “people” fell down to half their numbers in the

twinkling of an eye, the god of destruction finally began
stopping that massacre.

The battle between fellow gods began.

The battle turned violent, but they constantly competed over


There the god of destruction hit upon the idea of borrowing

the strength of the “people”.

At the end of the long and violent battle, the god of

destruction, borrowing the powers of the “people,” had finally
succeeded in sealing the god of creation.

And then, worried for the seal to be lifted, the god of

destruction prepared three keys to the seal.
Two of them dwelled inside the “people” and another one
dwelled inside a “monster” which has no concept of lifespan.

They were called respectively the “Earth god”, Sky god” and
the “Sea god,” and each of them possess great strength in order
to not lose the key.

The earth god and sky god are, in accordance to the lifespan of
the “people”, taken over, generation upon generation.

The sea god has continuously watched over that.

And like that, they continued to protect the seal to the god of

As long as they weren’t endangered that is.

Until the earth god Gaia turned against the sea god Levia and
sky god Desastre――――――
“Really, you all are……planning on reviving the god of
creation aren’t you?”

“That’s right! You know all of the “people” of this world!

We’re gonna get everyone killed!”

Contrary to her words, Gaia smiled innocently.

Levia turned lightly cold to that facial expression of hers.

(If I properly found this child and managed to speak with

her……no, never mind this talk. It’s a little late for regrets.)

Levia has the duty to worry over the other keys.

For hundreds of years she continued that duty and this time
was her first blunder.

It was impossible for her to not feel regret.

Even so, Levia renewed herself.

It is because the younger sister beside her was looking


“……we can not afford to commit a blunder for our

generation, now can we.”

Desastre took a step forward.

Levia also tried to match up with her, but Desastre held her

“I shall go from here.”

“Hey wait! You don’t have to do this on your own! Not to

mention you are the king, don’t you know that!?”

“I will not be bested”

“That’s not what I……hnng! You know what, fine. Just do
whatever you like!”

Levia looked at Desastre’s face warped in ferocity and


She can’t be stopped at this point, and going as far as

exterminating her enemy is――――――

“Fufu……be relieved. There is not in a million chance of a

defeat for I, the demon king”

Desastre’s hair changed from the lovely red to a beautiful

golden color.

Matching with the rise of her magic power inside her, her
body began sending out crackling electricity.

“humph……are you maybe underestimating me? The one who

ends up dying is yourself though, poor you!”
“Says the likes of a human. The likes of you don’t have any
such privileges to put up a mask in front of I.

“<Flame art – Cannon>”


The flame bullet let loose by the black haired woman,

Kuroinu, shot down the demon soldiers.

Upon taking a glance at that, the girl flipped her robe and
directed herself to the battlefield.

Incidentally, unlike the time at the beastmen continent, she

had the shape of a human.

It was the same with Melua, but all the people in black robes
were basically, with the exception of Shironeko, human beings.
Running parallel besides such woman was a single

“Saiga, what has happened with your post?”

“I caught up with ya. There were only a few soldiers so it was

done instantly.”

The man who mowed down the oncoming soldiers with his
spear, Saiga so answered.

“Even so, it won’t do to be apart from your post would it?”

“Well it’s fine ain’t it!? You’re happy to see me right?

“That is……well, I suppose that is true.”

Saiga reflexively leaked out his voice.

What he said as a jest ended up being affirmed and now he

was quite shaken.

“If you are here then I can leave my back to you after all,
Billdos or Luna would be even better, but……It would help
having even you on this occasion.”

“……What, so that’s what you meant.”

“? What about it?”

“Never mind!”

He faced away and swung his spear to vent his anger.

Saiga was also a man. The woman he likes was here.

What the woman said raised him and then pulled him down.

“*sigh*……Ah, right you know, once we defeat the demon

king, let’s go have some meal together.”

“Excuse me? ……I don’t think there will be any place to do so

once that revives.”

“Before its revival I mean! We should have at least some time

don’t ya think?”

“Well……if you’re fine during that time.”


Saiga this time wielded his spear gleefully.

Each fallen demon soldiers were pitiful.

Seeing such Saiga, Kuroinu anxiously let out a sigh.

(That’s why I feel anxious with him……particularly the part

where his emotion shakes easily)

“Keep coming, ya demon insects!”

Spreading his voice, Saiga instigated the demons.

A lone demon soldier who felt anger towards that did a suicide
attack and was thoroughly sent flying.

The soldier who was about to be thrown to a tree like that was
caught by someone.

Saiga and Kuroinu knew of these people. The soldier who was
caught peered into the face of the young girl who caught him.

“You……all are……?”
“……I’m letting you down desu.”

The young girl let down the soldier and ordered him off to the

“Aren’t we lucky, right big sister.”

“I’m glad desu. To meet you first.”

What was there were two girls: a black and white one.

They transferred together with Setsu, the sisters who has won
fame on the beastmen continent――――――――


“Good afternoon desu. Kuroinu, Saiga.”

Towards the cat sisters in front of them, Kuroinu showed a
look of hatred and Saiga a forced smile.

Excitement ran through the soldiers who have heard their


The unluckiest sisters who had put a wound on the beast king.

There were scant people who did not know them, even among
the demons.

“The cats who plastered mud on our honored liege……

meeting you here is convenient! I will erase you, skin and all!”

“Shut the hell up desu, fake dog woman. Hey Mineko, say
something desu.”

“Eeh……Why are you bringing it to me……

Mineko, who never thought she had a right to speak was

However, she seemed to have something she wanted to say, so

she immediately put on a serious expression.

“Well……Even I have saved up some pent-up anger after being

thoroughly used, so……don’t expect that you can just simply

“You damned prattling cats!”

“Here I go desu”

“Good grief……you women are scary!”

“Stop him! Whatever it takes!”

“You think we can lose!?”

The soldiers swarmed a single well built man. Although that
man was wearing a black robe and was a

――――――he had lipstick on him for some reason.

“Oh my……it was a good attack, you all……buut, it’s a little

lacking, isn’t it!?”

“Wha, what is!?”

Swords struck him and spears hit him.

But his body was neither cut nor pierced.

“Moore……Bring more things that lets me feel!

The man took a single swing of his fist……that alone bid the
lower body of the soldiers goodbye to their upper body.

Seeing that, the other soldiers stumbled a step or two from

that bizarre spectacle.

“Come at me more! Like you’re letting I, Billdos tremble from

the heart of my body! Your biggest attack, give it to mee!”

Towards Billdos showed a look of ecstacy, the soldiers

completely lost their fighting spirit.

Their instinct was telling them not to come close to this.

“What’s wroong!? Here! Here!”

“Kuh……temporary withdraw――――――”

“――――――――aaaaAaAAAAAAH! I’m gonna die!”


Right between the soldiers and Billdos, someone fell down.

They seem to have splendidly landed on their feet, but they

painfully stroke their feet.

“Owow……I, I didn’t die! It was a close call! I was in danger!”

“Yo-, you are……”

“Hm? Aah, I’m glad. I arrived at the battlefield for now.”

Said the blonde young lady as she felt relieved seeing the
nearby demon soldiers.

Ro- Roa Gold……daughter of the beast king……”

She was someone who originally wasn’t supposed to be here.

The soldiers were naturally surprised, but at the same time

felt relief.

The mood in this place had already become hers.

Hmm~ You’re the beastmen princess aren’t you. I don’t know

why you are here, but what bad luck~ If you were the beast king
then I would’ve wanted to fight, but……I’m not interested in

Billdos looked surprised in the beginning, but lost interest the

moment he understood it was Roa.

“But I am gentle, soo……if you scurry back home to the

beastmen continent right away then I won’t do anything. Now,
women are an eyesore! Go immediately!”

“Ah? Who are you? How gross.”

“……I take it back, I’ll kill you.”

A vein rose on Billdos’ face.

And then he approached Roa while cracking his knuckles.

“What, you’re an enemy? That’ll be just right! Just when I

wanted to act violently with all my strength!”

Roa also prepared her hands.

Again on a battlefield different from everyone, each of them

were about to start their battles――――――
Chapter 62 Limit Break
“I won’t let you! <Ground bomb>!”

The earth between the kneeling Glain and Elka who was about
to swing down her sword suddenly bursted open.

It was a small explosion, however it was done plenty

unexpected; Elka stopped her swing and jumped back.

“Tch, I thought it was settled though.”

“It won’t go so easily.”

Tia rushed over to Glain.

In order to apply recovery magic on the wounds of he who

was groaning, she applied force on his wounds with her hands.
“Sorry, because recovery magic isn’t really my forte……”


She could handle an unthinkable amount of magic, however

she has only one thing she wasn’t skilled at, which was the
recovery magic.

It was a problem of not having aptitude in the first place, but

even so she could control elementary level magic and so she
would raise the amount of healing with large amounts of magic

Even so, elementary level is elementary level.

It was limited to regenerating the surface of Glain’s quite deep

wounds to prevent blood from flowing out, without going as far
as letting it recover completely.

“You can’t move for a while, so.”

“Tia……going against three people on your own is……”

“I’m fine, I will use that when push comes to shove.”

“……At least don’t do the unreasonable……”

Letting Glain sit in that place, Tia stood in front of the three
with an unusually serious expression.

“Hm~? Feeling like doing it on your own? I don’t care even if

you die you know?”

“……Chatty person.”

“Tch……even though you’re just a brat, you’re getting on my


Chewing down the “You’re one too don’t you think” retort in
a gulp, Tia invoked the power residing in those irises, her magic

Those eyes, which are capable of seeing the streams of the

magic power that’s invisible to the naked eye as well as its form,
could clearly capture the “something” put on Elka.

“Threads……threads are going inside her body……”

“Gh……So you were a possessor of the magic eye……”

From the wounds that was made on Elka’s shoulder, invisible

threads were entering that body.

Those threads were occupying her right half and a part

reached her brain.

And then the other side of the thread was connected to

Melua’s fingertips.
Threads similarly entered Alize’s body, but unlike Elka, it was
laid out on her whole body.

A considerable amount of threads entered her brain as well.

“<Marionette magic> is……a body control magic.”

“……That’s right. My unique magic can directly control a

person’s body. It’s a magic where, as long as I can make a wound
on them, I can take over their nerves just by letting a thread
invade there and make them move the way I wish.”

“It’s not good if there’s no wound?”

“Even though you understand that. That’s how it is. I have to

create a wound and put a thread in there on top of it.”

Put a thread in it――――――Tia put that into consideration.

If that thread could move like tentacles, then Glain sitting in
the back will end up being controlled.

However there was no indication to that.

She could guess from that that she could not scatter threads.

If that is the case

(Alize’s rapier……as I suspected, threads are coiling around it)

The trick must be when that rapier penetrates the body, the
thread will enter from there.

Naturally those threads too were connected to the girl’s


“Well I guess you found out about that part too. If I coil the
thread around the sword like this, I can put in the thread the
moment she makes a wound, isn’t that right? Well if I could
make the wound a little larger, then I could’ve let it go in even
deeper though……I thought I was a genius when I came up with
this, you know!”

“Certainly……a genius in cunningness.”

“Oh, don’t praise me……And then, if I do this it’ll be even


Melua touched Elka’s sword.

The threads swiftly coiled around the sword and in the blink
of an eye, a sword that is, in a sense, painted with poison was

“Okay then, can you fight against these two while protecting
that person I wonder?”

Melua showed a savage smile and tilted her head.

Beside her were two allies who readied the swords which
touching them would spell the end.

Because they’re not even conscious that the threads were

entering their brain, persuasion was impossible.

Behind her was the injured Glain.

It was a situation close to being cornered.

At least, Tia had yet to come up with a plan to overcome this


Let alone thinking of a plan, she was just absentmindedly

looking at just a single point.

“What? Are you actually escaping from reality? Well, don’t

sweat it, I’ll make you just like these two in a minute!”
The two held aloft their swords and leapt towards Tia.

Tia did not move.

Only a single expression spilled out.

“Been a while”

“――――――――Yes, it has been a while.”

“W-!? Behind me!?”

Melua looked back from the voice that came from behind her.

However it was no use.

Because a red knife had already pierced the center of the girl’s
“Surprise attack, as expected of you”

“She was full of openings, so I did it unconsciously you see.”

“Gough……no way……since when……”

Blood flowed from Melua’s mouth.

The two who were controlled stopped their movements on the

spot and crumbled down.

The owner of the red knife, Brad pulled out the knife from her

Blood flowed over from the wound and Melua fell forward.

“I noticed Brad coming from behind, so……in order to make

sure you don’t perceive his presence the whole time, I
continuously emitted weak magic power. You looked like you
were immersed in puppet control, you were splendidly

“Gough……no, no way……”

Brad swept away the blood on the knife.

Seeing that, Tia bore a question.

“? Not going to put in the finishing blow?”

“No……this woman can no longer be saved. Her magic viscera

is also destroyed. Now there is only death awaiting her.”

Magic viscera――――――an essential bodily function for

refining magic power.

It is said that a human has one in their chest, the demons have
them throughout their body and the beastmen has it assimilated
to their heart and it is said that the reason that magic were a
demon’s forte was because they have many of those magic

There seems to be some differences between people, but

Melua’s magic viscera seemed to be in the typical chest.

If that were to be destroyed, then one will become unable to

refine their magic power successfully and they won’t be able to
use magic as long as they don’t let it get treated by somebody.

Having her magic viscera destroyed in this situation, it won’t

even be an exaggeration to say she was already dead.

“There is no need for me to deliver the final blow. If you have

some resentment, then how about you take a stab?”

“……I’m fine. More importantly, we have to cure the bodies of

the two.”

Tia approached Elka and Alize and checked their conditions.

Brad too went near the two after glancing at Melua.

“Gah……gough……You think I can die……”

However, he reflexively stopped his feet by the suffering


Tia also responded and looked at Melua. She who was lying in
the center of the puddle of blood tried getting up while gasping.

Blood poured out from her chest each time she put strength
into it, her body was heading close to death.

She had reasons to not be defeated.

For the sake of Touma, who was her leader.

For the sake of being at his side until the end, as his game
She would do anything if it was Touma’s command.

She infiltrated the brainwashed village and continued to show

a forced smile she did not want to show.

For the village, she even pretended to be an adventurer.

She even lowered her head to that man she couldn’t resist to
kill, to Setsu.

Because he told her to do it like that, because everything was

the leader’s command.

Even now that was how it was.

Because he told her to kill, Melua can not lose.

She has to take everyone’s life, even by sacrificing herself.

“-haha……I’ll kill……everyone……gh! Gahah……Li- limit……
<Limit Break>!”

The voice full of madness resounded in the vicinity.

“Hey hey, is that all!? Oh mister Kagerou!”


He should’ve known that it is going to end up like this.

By the time Kagerou noticed, I had already come out in the

offensive and cornered him.

This guy even has the nerve to challenge me with this level of

Is what I think as I look at the guy who’s been blown away

each time he struck Kuromaru.
“Hey……How about you give up by now? Go back and call
Touma here, fighting with you anymore than this will only get

“Fuh……hahaha! That’s right, I’ll give up. Fighting like this

against a formidable enemy like you is sheer stupidity! Let me
go against you with all my strength!”

What’s that?

Suddenly breaking into a laugh……what’s he scheming?

Setting up his black sword, Kagerou shut his eye and started
kneading his magic power.

What in the world is he going to do……I even feel like wanting

to watch it for a bit――――――――――――

“I shall give you darkness as well――――――――――<Limit


Wait wait wait wait wait!?

He can use <Limit Break>!?

That was unexpected……!

I firmly set up Kuromaru and take a vigilant posture.

<Limit Break>――――――――the ultimate weapon that

would allow only humans to destroy one’s own limits.

By grandly opening up the magic power circuit that is spread

from the magic viscera to the whole body several times, one will
come to be able to control large amount of magic power in one

Upon using it, the outrageous magics that you generally can’t
use become temporarily usable.

Of course, the burden on your body won’t be the usual

because of the magic circuit being forcibly opened, but in part
the acquired strength is tremendous……it’s originally supposed
to be a technique you can finally obtain after continuing a blood
sweating effort for several years though――――――――who is
he really?

“This is the second time I’ve had this form ……Originally this
form isn’t supposed to look like this, but to fight you, I’m
prepared to even shave off my life!”

Magic power blew out of Kagerou’s body, covering the guy.

The magic power that began to gradually hold a dark form

became a jet black armor and it was completed.

“<Skia Armure> ――――――――Shall we go for our second

round then, you monster.”
(影騎士団の鎧; armor of the shadow knight’s order)
Chapter 63 Brother And Sister Illusion
A sound of something being dragged out could be heard.

Tia who reacted to that sound, saw blood gushing out from
Elka and Alize’s body.

“Gh! Elka! Alize!”

Tia unusually raised her voice.

She tried rushing over, but motion was where she was
weakest at.

She could not possibly be in time to hold the collapsed two in

her arms, but Brad moved in her stead and stopped the two by
holding then in his arms.

“Brad! What of the two!?”

“I’m looking now!”

Brad was an all-purpose demon who mastered support magic.

Although he could not be called a specialist, his analytical

magic would easily clarify the conditions of the two.

“Their muscles are in pieces… their insides have some

damage. It’s a relief that their hearts are safe, but…ha! This

Brad gulped while aiming the analyzing light towards the

body of the two.

A portion of the brains, both of them were damaged there.

It was not that severe for Elka, but he understood that it was
noticeably damaged for Alize.
(If it’s like this…)

Even in this world, the brain was an essential organ of a

person’s body.

If one is injured there then not only will their bodily functions
not answer, even their magic power refining will not respond.

Elka aside, Alize’s damaged state were so that even if she were
to recover with recovery magic, after-effects may remain.

At the time Brad so judged, Tia looked at their bodies.

Melua’s threads that was projected in her magic eye some

time ago could not be seen.

“They were pulled out…? If you do something like that, then.”

“Haha…Ahahahahaha! Serves you fucking right!”

Melua raised a loud laughter.

She was standing firmly on her two legs, discharging dense

magic power.

The wounds on her chest was closed and if one were to

exclude the blood on the mouth and clothes, nobody would
think Melua had been injured.

“You…I’m supposed to have destroyed your magic viscera.”

Brad asked while applying high recovery magic on the two.

People whose magic viscera was destroyed should have

become unable to refine magic power well.

Despite that, magic power was flowing through Melua’s body.

Brad could not understand.

He already averted his eyes from the fact she possessed two or
more magic viscera’s.

“Ehehe……I, or rather all of us have our bodies toyed around

with. We’ve been injected with dozens of drugs and in my case
the heart, lungs and magic viscera have each increased by one.
Isn’t that awesome? I’m already a monster right?”

She was smiled.

It was a mad smile, but for some reason she smiled

sorrowfully and then painfully.

“Even this unique magic you know. They tried out some
research result on us and I’ve gotten my hands on it because I
survived that. Really, it’s because I thought about dying. Ah,
but Kagerou was natural I think? Well, whatever.”

Melua explained while manipulating the marionette threads

with her hand.
Towards the sublime background released from her mouth,
Brad and Tia shook considerably.

“I don’t want to think what would’ve happened to me if I

didn’t get to meet master Touma.”

Melua placed both hands on the ground.

The overflowing magic power ran through the earth,

completing one magic circle.

“<Chimaera Summon>!”

The ground shook.

Tia reflexively made her body quiver.

By the magic power of the gigantic monster that appeared

from that magic circle.
“I didn’t keep this fellow inside me, you know! As a last resort
I would use a summon magic like this! I had to rely on master
Touma to control it through!

The monster called Chimaera consisted of a lion’s head, goat’s

body and a snake with venomous fangs as a tail. Beside those
were wings and also tusks growing on the abdomen; appearance
wise it was a living creature who could not be called anything
but a monster. Those forelegs were seemingly large enough to
easily crush Brad and the others and just by touching they could
be rendered incapacitated.

“But if I use <Limit Break> like this, I can also control this

Melua jumped up.

She landed on the head of the chimaera with both hands.

“<Perfect Marionette Doll>!”

『Guooooooo! 』

The chimaera let out a painful warcry.

Threads began to overflow from Melua’s fingertips and

slipped into the chimaera’s head.

Simultaneously, threads began to link itself to her body.

Those threads continued to increase in quantity and finally

the chimaera’s head and her lower half became united, in a
literal meaning.

“I’ve connected my brains with this kid’s nerves. If I do this,

then I can operate this kid like my own hands and feet.”

“Gh! Avoid it!”

The Chimaera’s arm was swung.

That which was approaching at an astounding speed

unbefitting to its size was certainly able to catch Tia.

However, Brad held her and the injured two in his arms and

They were quicker out of the way than the arm was swung,
but it was impossible to avoid the wind pressure.


They were thrown to the muddy ground.

The three were safe because of Brad not letting go of the

hands that carried them, but he himself was hit strongly in his
back, choking in his breath.
“Hahahahaha! Unsightly and clumsy! Look……You’ll die if
you don’t dodge you know?”

Flames could be seen inside the chimaera’s mouth.

Brad gasped and clicked his tongue.

Those flames should have the power beyond SS rank looking

at the density of the magic power.

Even he won’t be able to easily defend against that.

“…I will do it.”

However, at this moment Tia was in this place.

Tia stood up and began her chant.

“I have no other way to cancel it…except with this. Oh brave
stream of water, blessings and calamities, source of all that is
mother Water. Oh piercing, striking and crushing waters of
calamity, lend us your strength now and strike our
foes――――――――<Undine Blast>!”

Above Tia’s head an enormous magic circle was formed.

Simultaneously with the chimaera’s flames being fired, a

raging stream of water appeared from that magic circle.

Upon colliding, the two magic counterbalanced each other in

mid-air, raising the sound of an explosion.


“Did it pretty good didn’t you!…We can shoot as many times

we want you know!”


The next flame had already accumulated inside the chimaera’s


Seeing that, Tia made a sour look as if she ate a bitter bug.

There’s too little time to fire water while chanting that much
in rapid succession as expected and she won’t be able to be in
time even if she were to possess the magic power for it.

Even so she has no other choice but to do it.

It’s instant death if her side gets hit even once.

If Tia blunders, then all four would wind up dead.

“Now! How long will you be able to endure I won…der…h…

“? …What?”

The moment she tried shooting the flame, Melua’s movement

abruptly came to a stop.

From her state where she stuck out her arm, that movement
of her gradually became sluggish.

As if her body was solidifying――――――――――――

“――――――hmph, it finally showed effect.”

That time, Brad mumbled.

Standing up with a disgusted look, he lined up beside Tia and

looked up at the chimaera.

“W- why…is my body…slow…”

“You can hardly move anymore isn’t that right? I became
anxious when you fused with this giant thing, but I’m most glad
it worked.

“? What in the world are you talking about?”

Among them, the one who understood everything was

naturally only Brad.

Neither Melua whose body’s freedom suddenly ceased to be

effective, nor his ally Tia; they could not understand anything
of this situation.

“When I did a surprise attack on you bastard in the beginning,

I stabbed you with this red knife.”

What he took out was a red knife.

It was a dark red, shining and frighteningly beautiful knife

that sucks blood.
“This is <Blood clot knife>. On the surface there is a special
poison that seeps out with my magic power. I had it enter your
body during that surprise attack.”

A liquid dripped drop by drop from the knife.

That was a red liquid, but it was thinner than blood and
lighter in color.

“This is a poison that hardens blood like stone. With a small

quantity it is only effective enough to dull a foe’s movement,
but if I stab you deeply like back then and stab you in the center
of your body on top of it, then it is easy to do something like
transforming the blood in your whole body into stone.”


Melua could no longer understand his words.

The chimaera which the girl was controlling completely

stopped its movements and crumbled down from being unable
to support its body.

“It’s regrettable, but you’ve already reached your limits. You

can… no longer hear anything, I suppose.”


Melua could no longer speak.

However, her eyes that she could still move a little caught the
figure of a single magic soldier at the end of her vision.

Because the exterior was tattered, a single man was trying to


The man’s name was Ramell.

It was the man who was convinced he was the brother of the
currently dying Melua, no, Amelle.
It was supposed to be memories that was inserted by magic,
but even at this point of time, Ramell was pointing a look of a
family towards Melua.


He himself was tattered.

The damage from being kicked by Glain back then must have
been great.

Even while blood is flowing from his mouth, Ramell called

her, his sister’s name.

Why is that person looking at me with those eyes I wonder.

Even though I deceived him, even though I did something

Even though I even did something unreasonable to his
beloved miss Alize.

Why is he looking at me with such gentle eyes I wonder.

Your little sister is an illusion and our family was make-


Despite that, why?

Come to think of it――――――――

The everyday life I spent with those people… wasn’t bad I


Aah, it would’ve been nice if I really was his little sister.

If I was then I bet I wouldn’t have needed such strength.

More――――――――like a normal

“Good bye, monster tamer”

On top of the crumbled down chimaera, was a figure of a

young girl extending her hand like she was wishing for
Chapter 64 Life
This guy’s freaking annoying.”

I grumble as I watch the unhurt Kagerou even when he

received a hit from Kuromaru.

“I told you it doesn’t work didn’t I?”

He only swung his sword in return.

I catch that with a single hand and beat his stomach with my
freed hand.

But it felt dull.

From what I understand, this black armor absorbs all energy

and turn them to 0.
Why my attack wasn’t being effective was because it turned
its kinetic energy to 0, but even attacks laden with magic or
magic power were no good.

It seems it also absorbs magic power, but you could simply say
it’s some material that fully absorbs powerful impact.

“It’s useless!”


Once again I turn my body away from the swung sword.

You know what, I give up.

I don’t have a plan to break through my current situation.

Doing no damage even though I put quite a bit of my strength

into hitting him means it’s not even worth considering if it’s
not an attack that’s near my full strength I guess.

If you ask me if I would crush him if I put out my full

strength, then I can only answer with probably, but……if I
attack Kagerou with my full strength, then he’ll die.

That’s bad.

Right now I won’t be defeated, but I won’t win either. My

plans of instantly defeating him and come to other people’s
assistance collapsed.

“fuh……as expected of the man recognized by my liege,

different from those insects!”


“If I remember correctly……they’re called the five great

demon generals?”
Kagerou’s expression is that of ridicule.

You don’t mean this guy……

“You……what the hell did you do?”

“Even if you ask me what, I’ve only killed them is all I can say.
There should be a corpse of a giant and of a tiny girl lining up on
the dirty ground, you know?”

“ ……”

The five great demon generals were defeated?

Physically it should be Ides and Lily.

Those two were strong.

But I can understand.

If this guy fought wearing this armor then they could not
hope to win.

They actually don’t have any source of damage from the fact I
couldn’t deal any damage to him.

In other words, his words are real――――――――――

“It’s not something to be sad about, you bastard will soon

suffer the same fate!”

“……Shut the fuck up.”

I dodge the sword and kick Kagerou’s chest to make him step

“Hmph! This much is――――――――what?”

The guy noticed.

That he himself was kicked and was made to take distance.

That he himself received impact.

“……muttering this and that, just shut up. You, what have
you fucking done?”


“What have you done I said! Aah!?”

Before he could say something, I hit Kagerou’s face hard.

He who fell on his ass finally understood I guess.

That his armor couldn’t absorb my attacks.

“Eat this!”


I strike him with Kuromaru.

Kuromaru who tried to catch that couldn’t kill off the impact
and was blown off greatly to the back.

Damn it.

Making me feel my anger boiling. It’s not enough, this level of


More, with enough strength to break him――――――――――

“Ha, haha! Now we’re talking!”

I quietly raise Kuromaru overhead towards Kagerou who rose

It’s still not enough to X this guy.

My magic power crawled onto Kuromaru.

Before long that increased to a thickness where white could be

seen and it made the ground vibrate from the magic power’s

“――――――――――――just die.”

“Gh! <Dark Robe>!”

His face instantly becoming pale, Kagerou wore a new dark

aura over his body.

“These two layers are difficult to do as expected, but……with

this, I will no longer receive you bastard’s attack

Yeah, shut up.

I want to silence him right now, no, I’m going to silence him
right now.

The magic power I’ve poured into Kuromaru is already

reaching its limit.

An instant――――――――the sound in the surrounding


“――――――――――――――<Flying blade – Sever>.

One straight line ran the earth.

“I’m glad, you’re alive.”


Kagerou was standing.

He may be bearing a deep gash from shoulder to toe and he

may have spit a large puddle of blood, but he is still standing.

“You shifted the tip with your sword and protected your head,

At his feet, the cut edge of his one handed sword was dropped.

Judging from the cutting sensation it should’ve been quality

goods at the level of Kuromaru.

And so the shadow armor, to think it prevented a bisection.

I think the cause was that my head cooled down before I had
completely swung down and ended up putting some leeway in
it, but I really didn’t think it could stop this much damage.

This guy is strong, no doubt.

This guy’s probably the strongest among the black robes.

“Even with my <Limit Break>……I can’t reach you, is that

what you’re saying……”

The cut armor broke and fell.

At the same time, Kagerou fell on his knees.

His knees on the ground, he looked up in the sky.

“Kill me.”

It was a voice that gave up everything.

“If I could get rid of you here then…… it would have be fine

“You’re too greedy, you idiot.”

If you want to kill me, bring along 50 Kagerous.

I don’t feel like losing though.

“Well, you probably know this, but I don’t kill.”

Even I didn’t think blood would rush into my head this much
just then.

To think……that I would go as far as thinking about killing


There’s still anger, not so much right now though.

For now I want to quickly head to the two. It’s about those
two, they may still be breathing.

Worst case……they’ll be saved by me.

“I’m in a hurry, but I’m the one being troubled if you die like
this. I’mma treat you so stay still.”

Even so, I’ll be troubled even if Kagerou dies.

If it’s this level of injury then I shall do it quickly.

It doesn’t look like this guy’s putting a resistance either so it

should be fine if I heal him and tie him up.

“……You, why won’t you take someone’s life?”

When I was applying recovery magic while thinking of the
future, Kagerou’s voice put me back to reality.

“I’ve heard from my liege that you don’t take a person’s life.
From the beginning when you came to this world all the way
until now……if that is so, then why won’t you kill someone?”


……now that he mentioned it, what was the reason again?

It’s true that I thought I don’t want to take responsibility of a

person’s life anymore at the time I killed Touma.

But, I haven’t killed a person before that either.

In this cruel world, I stubbornly refused giving and taking life.

How heinous of a guy he is, I won’t kill him.

How much I couldn’t stomach the guy, I haven’t killed any.

Why……if I’m asked, why though?

If my previous life in Japan was the cause, then I won’t be

able to recall it anymore.

But suppose that was the case, then I think I would’ve talked
about it with somebody.

Something like this happened, that’s why I won’t take away

life……or something.

I don’t have any such memories.

I feel that this reason……the reason I don’t kill people is

carved in a much deeper place……a place deeper than my heart
or memories.
Well…… I guess it’s not something I can recall at this place

“Even I don’t know it myself.”

I say while binding the treated Kagerou with a rope knead of

magic power.

And while I’m at it I take out a magic stone out of the magic
bag and put it into the rope that has become a roll wrapping
around him.

This is a magic sealing stone, he shouldn’t be able to use any

magic for a while.

“Well, aren’t you glad I was your opponent? If it were

someone else you would’ve died.”

“……There is no merit in living for me who has been

Kagerou hid his face.

“We are people that are created. As weapons to destroy

various tribes, as tools of war…… If we’re defeated then we lose
whatever value we had.”


What’s with this guy, it suddenly got so heavy.

These sort of stories are basically what I don’t want to hear.

It’s useless and I’ll be left unable to say anything.

It’s because I won’t be able to sympathise no matter how

much he kept at it.

It’s because this monster(me) can’t feel any sympathy towards

“……I don’t know your situation, but…… Well, living is better
than ending up dying I think.”

Death is accompanied with horror you can’t do anything


I have already died once so I get that.

The time I was lured into a trap and was forcibly sent back to
Japan, I felt my own body dissolving inside the main current of
an enormous magic power.

Eventually everything completely dissolved and my

consciousness vanished.

That time was scary in any case.

I, who became the strongest and had no scary things,

harbored terror.
Excuse me if I’m going to taste that again.

“For now, we’ll start with you apologizing to the demons and
having them forgive you. If it’s just a bit then I can plead with
you so there. And then I’d say go out and eat some meal. A full
stomach is the root of happiness you know?”


Kagerou said nothing.

He must have various things to think about.

“Oops…… I have to find them soon and heal them……”

“…… They’re dead you know.”

“Who cares. They’re alive, those guys.”

My intuition is saying so.

Those guys are tougher than humans and the like.

“Tell me the place where they fell right away. You don’t have
any rights to veto any――――――――”

“――――――――――This isn’t good, you know Kagerou? You

have to fight until you die.”


I responded to the voice I heard right behind me…… And

reflexively, swung Kuromaru.

It was a single, unadjusted swing.

That guy grinned broadly.

“Look――――――――Your liege’s in a pinch you know.”

But, who I killed was……

“…… Thanks Kagerou. Thanks to you I was saved and I was

able to make Setsu take away “a person’s” life.”

Sprays of blood scattered around.

Kagerou crumbled down while looking at his own chest. I,

completely cut his heart and lungs and he who lost his life……
slowly…… began losing body temperature.

“Now Setsu――――――――――show it to me?”

Touma looked at me and laughed.

Without looking at Kagerou who moved himself and acted as a

wall, he looked at me.
Kagerou is dead.

I killed him.

Touma use him as a wall, no that’s not it.

My blade, my blade murdered him.

I killed him――――――――――with these hands of mine.

I took a life, with these hands, I, I,


“Ah…… Aah…… AAAaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaah!”

Chapter 65 What was carved into my soul
『Setsu(節), there’s something I have to tell you』

In the pure white space was a still very young boy and a pretty
woman who looked like his mother.

I am floating and overlooking the two from above.

Where could this place be?

My head strangely hurts when I look at them.

It’s as if I’m forcibly digging up my memories――――――――

――――――Is that so. this is…… Memories of the time when I

was neither Setsu(セツ) nor Setsu(雪). (TL: 雪 setsu is how he
went by in current life’s Japan; セツ is how he is called by
everyone in the world he’s currently in and currently he’s called
節 which you could also speak out as setsu)
It’s my previous life that I fed to Gluttony.

『Even though I say that, I bet you’ll end up forgetting it even

if I tell you now I guess…… That’s right, I’ll carve it into your
soul. 』

Mother put her hand on the chest of the very young me and

『……You are my son. And I think you will bump into a lot of
suffering because of that. You should have the options at the
necessary hour and there will come a time where you will rob
someone of their life. But you should do what you yourself want
to do. 』

Mother’s voice penetrated.

It has the feeling of having each of the parts that made me

confirm it.

『Beat up the fellows you want to beat up and protect the

fellows you want to protect. You’re going to become strong
enough to be able to do that』

Said mother with a smile that is bad enough that it feels good.

『But, you have to keep a promise with me』

She shortly put the other hand on my head while saying so.

While slowly patting the head of the very young me’s head,
mother continued.

『You have to, rob one “person” of their life, only a single one
before you die. You won’t become ―――――― if you don’t. 』

Noise ran for an instant and there was a small part I couldn’t

Isn’t that part like the most important part…?

『Not killing is wrong and killing too much is wrong too. If you
don’t kill, then your soul will disappear along with your death.
On the other hand, if you kill too much then you’ll be degraded
to a regular criminal and then I’ll have to perform the last rites
to your death. You don’t want that do you? 』

The very young me didn’t understand what this was about.

Of course he didn’t, the current me doesn’t understand it


“Well, you broke your promise and ended up killing two

people though~”


When I noticed, my consciousness went into the young me.

The woman’s way of talking stopped being like that of a past.

This girl, she’s talking to the current me.

Not to the young me, but the me who now has ended up
killing two “people”……

“You who end up robbing two people of their lives has to be

shown the way to your death by my hands. And why I have to
do this is…… You don’t know do you?”

“…… Of course I don’t.”

“You don’t have to know, you will be dying here in any case.”

The woman’s thin arm extended towards my throat.

Her hand was a little cold.

The body of this young me doesn’t have the strength to brush

off that hand.
Even if that’s the case, I can’t struggle and escape.

If she…… If this person says it’s the end, then it’s already the
end of me.

“……Don’t make it very painful please, mother. I hate pain

even at this age.”

“Hmph……Despite not remembering it at all…… you did well

calling me something like mother.”

“Even if I lost my memory, I’ll still immediately know you’re

my mother. Even if I lost my memories, the fact that I was born
from your womb, the words you’ve given me, your teachings
too, all of them is carved onto my soul. You carved it in there
didn’t you?”

Souls and stuff, it’s vague whether they’re honest or not.

Even so, I remember it, in spite of losing my memories of my

previous life.
I remember that this person is my mother.

At a place much deeper than my heart, much deeper than my


“Why did I forget about it…… that the cause of me not killing
people was my mother.”

“……The time I talked to you about this was that time with
that body of yours after all. It isn’t unreasonable to not
remember. Even so, your soul should have remembered about

I look at my mother’s hand touching my chest.

I see…… She can carved it on me that way.

“……I……have violated your orders I guess. Then so it really…

is inevitable for me to be erased…”
Honestly, I still can’t comprehend the size of the matter.

Why only I can’t kill two people, I couldn’t accept it because I

could not catch the important part.

But, I couldn’t bring myself to oppose her.

Even if I go against mother, I probably won’t be able to win.

This person is not standing in the same place as us.

“If you’re doing it, then do it in one go please… You can do

that right?”

“……-haha! You’re really my kid.”

Mother separated her hand from me, sat cross-legged and

laughed as she struck her knees.
She’s terribly mannish and yet like a parent.

“I can erase you anytime, so~. Let’s reminisce for a bit. I can’t
recover your lost memories, but I’ll talk about what kind of life
I… no, our family lived.”

“ …… Yeah, please.”

If my life ends either way, then I’d want to hear about myself
in the end.

About the time I was a “person”.

Yeah…… it doesn’t matter anymore

What happens afterwards, what happens to those people……

none of it――――――――――――

――――――――――――――matters anymore.
“<Flying Lance>!”

From Saiga’s pushed out spear, a thrust of magic appeared.

Shironeko twisted her body and intersected with that. Then

she got in his bosom.

(Wha-…… I knew she’s fast)

The nail that was swung towards Saiga’s defenseless body,

Saiga defended it by forcibly bringing back his spear.

Both of them were repelled together with high pitched sound

and each of them took distance.

“Fushuu…… “

Having slowly taken a short breath she had held in, Shironeko
slowly sharpened her senses.
Because Saiga understood that Shironeko was slightly the
stronger one, he could not carelessly leap upon her.

She was grateful for that and though it was little by little, she
was able to turn her consciousness towards Mineko.

(Well, I don’t even need to worry about her desu……)

At the corner of her sight, the figure of Mineko kicking away

Kuroinu’s stomach was projected.

“Gahah…… “


When Kuroinu flinched from having received a powerful

dropkick in her stomach, she perceived a high kick following up
on that.
The surprising part of Mineko was the part where she throws
a follow-up with only the twisting of her body and her physical
strength in spite of floating due to having done a dropkick.

And unlike Kuroinu who rolled unsightly on the ground,

Mineko landed firmly on the ground.

“Don’t get carried away… You lowly cats! <Flame art –


“You say, but aren’t you a dog…… ”

Kuroinu got up and shot out an enormous flame sphere.

That which came flying straight towards her, Mineko

watched it calmly and immediately saw through it.

“<Heavy Leg>!”
The roundhouse kick filled with magic power caught the
flame sphere.

Receiving the impact from right beside it, the flame sphere
flew away to the side without hitting her.

“…… It didn’t break…… I guess I need more training……”


Kuroinu was impatient within her mind.

It was because although she had a trump card, there was a

chance that it would be overcome as is because she was being
pressured in this situation.

While that may be true, she would certainly be defeated if she

end up using her trump card and she couldn’t bring her down
even for an instant.
At the very least it was out of the question if she couldn’t stop
her movement.

(It is annoying, but…… I will call Saiga for cooperation



“…… What are you doing?”

Suddenly, Saiga fell down beside her.

From the fact he was out of breath and there were small
wounds on his body, she could see he was attacked quite well.

“Tch…… Scratches all over my body, dammit……”

“Miserable aren’t you”

“Right back atcha, aren’t ya pretty flustered there?”

“Gh!…… Shut up, you.”

A little after Saiga fell down, Shironeko landed beside Mineko.

Naturally, she was uninjured unlike him.

“Why did you come flying, big sis……”

“It was an airbattle desu. That aside, that boy called Saiga or
something, he’s quite good desu.”

“…… Looks like it.”

When the elder sister finished the fight with minor injuries,
Saiga’s ability was acknowledged.
And of course Shironeko also acknowledged the strength of
Kuroinu who fought with Mineko and still hadn’t collapsed.

“…… A drawn out battle might be bad desu.”


“These people, they’re absolutely hiding something desu. I

want to at least…… take down Kuroinu desu.”

“…… Okay.”

The glint in the eyes of the two sharply glared at Kuroinu.

“We’re doing that desu”

Bloodthirst of the two calmly preparing catgirls had enough
intensity to make ordinary men faint.

Enough to make Kuroinu and Saiga reflexively take a step


“Operation, Nyan nyan hide and seek――――――――desu”

Chapter 66 Unsatisfying
“It will be bad if this goes on like this… Saiga, I’m going to use

“You… But doesn’t that use up almost all of the magic power
you have? Not to mention it takes time until you can cast it…”

“You are here for that reason. Guard me until I cast it, I ask of
you. At the very least… I will kill one person.”

“Tch… I get it alright!?”

Saiga leapt before Kuroinu.

Kuroinu quietly put her hands together and closed her eyes.

(As long as this spell of Kuroinu settles it, victory will be

close… Problem is whether I can suppress those two or not
though… Well, not much to do other than make it work out I
He swung his spear once and resolved himself.

Unlike his lackadaisical thinking, that conduct of his was

brimming with fighting spirit.

“――――――――Here we go desu.”

Shironeko and Mineko jumped out.

Shironeko’s nail approached Saiga who readied his spear in

front of him.

“Take this!”

Having caught those nails, he released a thrust like that

towards Mineko who tried to slip through from the sides.

Being interrupted suddenly, Mineko did avoid the trouble, but

she lost momentum and so she took distance once.
Shironeko whose nails were defended, pulled back her hand
and unleashed her nails once again.

“Heh… my eyes have gotten used to it now!”

“Is… that… so desu!?”

The nails and spear collided, raising high-pitched sound.

While Saiga was bluffing, he took a glimpse towards his back.

There was Kuroinu, still showing no signs of moving.

“Still not done, Kuroinu…!?)

A boisterous dance of surging waves of nails. Already had it

become difficult to defend against uninjured and so several cuts
were put on him.
Even so, he could not take distance.

It is because he could not bear it if his defenceless ally were to

be robbed of her life in that opening.

However, that had no relation from the cat sisters’


“<Heavy Leg>!” (TL I really need a better name for this.)

“Damn… it!”

He caught the dropkick of Mineko who had slipped through

the nails and had jumped for a surprise attack.

Unable to break off that impact, he was blown away several


“Ow, that… hurts…”

Saiga stood up while wobbling and once again readied his

There was still some distance to Kuroinu, I should be able to

endure if it’s for a little longer.

A scene that was seemingly laughing towards the current him,

spread before his eyes.

“Hah… You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

There was something flying about at high speed before his


Because the sound of kicking the ground resounded all over

the place, he did not know their locations accurately.

Saiga at least knew Shironeko and Mineko was flying about

because those sounds simultaneously resounded at two places,
but to his regrets he could not grasp their figures. And

A body blow from one of them grazed his body.

With just that, Saiga was taken aback and stumbled a step or

“What is this strength…”

“<Cat Hopper>, don’t think it can be repelled desu!”

Applying <Partial Animalisation> to their legs, kicking the air

with outstanding leg strength and jumping about like a
superball was the true identity of this technique.

The flying about in the first place would have instantly blown
ordinary men into smithereens if they were to think about
coming in contact with their body.
Saiga who endured one attack could say as expected, but…


Surging waves of body blows assailed Saiga. Human masses

hit his shoulder, feet and stomach at great speed.

He already dropped his spear and could do nothing but protect

his head with his arms.

However, Saiga endured and continued to endure it.

“gh! Saiga! I’m doing it! Please pull back!”

“Hah… Finally… Huh. ”

The good news came in.

Saiga reflexively showed a relieved expression.

He mustered the last of his strength and leaped towards



Mineko who stopped her bounces leaked out her voice for
letting him escape.

One of <Cat Hopper>’s weak points was that it would backfire

when it could not do a targeted attack.

This technique, while excelling in power, range and ability to

restrict, was difficult to aim due to high speed movement.

Constantly knowing only roughly each other’s location,

Shironeko and Mineko could not stop running into each other
at the time they devised this technique for the first time.
Becoming in sync, it finally took a complete shape, but its
weakness was too much to erase as expected.

However, they had overlooked something

“I’m counting on ya… hit ‘em hard!”

“Even if you don’t tell me…!”

Kuroinu stuck out her hands in front of her.

Mineko felt a premonition that was unpleasant enough to

make her hair stand on end.

However she wasn’t at a distance where she could put a stop

to it anymore.

(We won I guess…)

Even while gasping, Saiga was convinced of their victory.

And after he let go of his strength like that, he noticed.

(Huh…now that I think about it…where did that Shironeko

girl go off to?)

“It is the end, <Time Magi――――――――――――――”

It is the end for you――――――――desu.

The voice came from behind Kuroinu.

It was too late when they noticed.

The sharp nail bore the neck of the girl who tried to recite her
spell, and red splashed about.
Neither Saiga nor Kuroinu couldn’t respond to it at all.

“Nyan nyan hide and seek, was a great success desu.”

Shironeko, who slipped out of <Cat Hopper> in between and

hid behind Kuroinu without being noticed by anybody, looked
down on the collapsed girl with a self-satisfied look.

Saiga who was absorbed in guarding didn’t notice the fact the
two sounds turned into one.

Kuroinu who was refining magic that needed large amount of

magic power, could not possibly suspect her who erased her

Above all, the fact that Mineko constantly moved and talked
and that Shironeko’s presence perfectly vanished was the
number one deciding factor.

“Hey… Kuroinu…”
Saiga held up the fallen Kuroinu in his arms.

She already stopped breathing.

All she was doing was spitting out pools of remaining blood in
her body.

He was too dumbfounded.

No, it was that sort of hit.

Shironeko’s hit carried the resolution to settle it with this and

was able to become deadly.

On the battlefield, the one who has decided on that wins and
the one who could not prevent that loses.

Kuroinu had lost.

“You are next desu. If you surrender quietly, then I will at
least give you a painless death desu.”

The nail that drove Kuroinu to her death was placed on the
base of Saiga’s throat.

“Damn it… what happened with our plans to go out eating…”

Saiga was shedding tears.

He mourned for the death of the one he loved.

“I’m gonna kill… you all”

And then he was filled with anger.

“I’ll kill you by ripping out your intestines, I’ll kill you by
opening holes in your body, I’ll kill you by gouging out your
eyes! I’ll never forgive you!”
“! I feel the same… desu!”

Her nail moved.

“ <ST magic>… Needle!”


Shironeko reflexively pulled back her nails and leapt back.

Countless needles that appeared breaking through the clothes

of Saiga’s back, pierced the place she was in a moment before.

Those needles extended and chased after Shironeko who

should have escaped to the back.

“What… is …-h!?
Shironeko continued to leap towards the back.

The needles did not continue to stretch ahead.

Even if she tried to dodge to the sides, it changed its path and
chased after her while bending repeatedly.

“Big sis!”

“You go die too!”

Saiga’s arms literally extended towards Mineko who tried to

stop him.

Mineko who was struck suddenly bend backwards, but her

throat was caught as is.

“Gah… this is… unique magic…?

“Drop dead… you damn cat!”


The strength of the arms clutching her throat strengthened.

During her suffering, Mineko felt her own thoughts fading.

Kuroinu and Saiga had been associated the longest among the
black robes.

They who were also victims of the “Human weapon”

manufacturing scheme of the humans had been acquaintances
from the time of that research.

They mutually encouraged each other and sometimes had

squabbles as well.

Since that time Saiga had an unrequited love for her, but
there were no signs his feelings were transmitted.

Him going along with Touma was also because Kuroinu said
she was going to follow him.

There was no point in any of it if she wasn’t there.

He would not have any reasons to fight if she wasn’t here.

Even so, at the very least he won’t be able to settle down if he

didn’t kill these two who killed her.

“Let go of Mineko desu!”

While being chased by the needles (They were already

tentacles instead), Shironeko headed towards Saiga.

The needles’ chasing speed could not catch up to her.

“Shut up and die!”

Together with rough words that no longer had any

sophistication, needles once again flew from his back.

“My <ST magic> lets me stretch and contract anything as I

like! You ain’t got no place to escape!”

(Kuh… this is bad… desu.)

Shironeko pondered while she somehow continued to ward

off the assailing needles.

“This is bad” was not towards the fact these needles were
excessively hard and could not be severed by her nails.

(Mineko losing her consciousness like this is bad desu…!)

“Die! Die already!”

“ … Ugh.”

She was losing her consciousness.

Perhaps her neck would break at this rate, so she would avoid

However, what Shironeko was worried about was not that


“Saiga! Stop desu! If Mineko loses her consciousness like


“Aah!? Shut up!”

Even more strength filled his arms.

Staying conscious was the only thing Mineko could no longer

Though that is the case――――――――

“Like this! Die! Die――――――――――――”

“ …… Grrrr…”

“Die! Die! Di… e… wait what?”

Saiga’s stretched arms, disappeared.

Holding those arms in the mouth was a large cat.

The cat who seemed to be able to trample him under its feet
like that, spat out on the ground like it was garbage.

“Grrrr… “

“――――――――Even though Mineko’s great at partial

animalisation, she is bad at animalisation desu. That is why if
she end up fainting during a fight, she becomes an
uncontrollable beast and rampage… desu.”


“Oh he already can’t… hear it anymore… desu.”

There was the figure of Saiga who was instantly pummeled to


His face had already been crushed and although at first abuse
was mixed in, now nothing else besides sounds of hitting could
be heard.

“Mineko is five times as strong when she becomes like this

desu… my condolences desu

The cat who had his blood dripping off her black fur, roared
towards the rainy sky.
Another battle had concluded on another battlefield.
Chapter 67 Clothes of Evening Flames
“An insect after all! Could this be all?”


Yuuhi who was fighting Luna, grew tired of attacking now.

The reason was simple.

None of her attacks reached her.

“<Evening Shot>!” (夕弾; yuudan)

“It is useless! With your social standing of an insect!”

Yuuhi released a human sized flame sphere, but that could not
hit Luna in any way.
In front of her eyes, all of her attacks dropped down.

“As long as I have this <Gravity Magic>, you can’t win against
me, you know.”

The <Evening Shot> crushed on the ground did not exhibit its
actual effects and dispersed like that.

Having observed that state, Yuuhi began thinking while

checking her remaining magic power.

(I shot five times until now… whichever angle I shot, it got

crushed… If the place with strong gravity surrounds her like a
barrier, then my attacks really won’t reach her… hitting her
with an attack that can’t be crushed would be… outside her
awareness… shall I go around the back then)

Concluding the gist of her thoughts, Yuuhi broke into a run.

Her legs strengthened by magic power was quick, exceeding

that of humans.
(She is fast isn’t she…)

In reality, Luna felt a sense of danger from this situation.

Her magic was unique, but it happens to have a weakness.

First, in exchange of crushing anything, it was limited in

range and scope.

It was easy if it is a level of creating a barrier of gravity around

herself, but depending on the scope one can increase gravity at
about two locations.

The range was at most 10 meter.

At that range it is possible to instantly press the enemy.

Except, it was impossible to catch the current Yuuhi moving

around at high speed.
Originally Luna had never shown that much of a result on a
single horseman.

Her true worth was shown for the first time with an ally.

The one who created this situation was none other than
herself and she had to take responsibility and crush Yuuhi, but
she was already cornered into a situation where she was forced
to use her trump card.

(Kuh… it is difficult to hit my enemy if there is no one who

could obstruct their movements for me…!”

Luna invoked her spell.

The downpouring rain became stronger only in that section

and the ground there was indented.

However Yuuhi was no longer there.

Even so, she smiled sneeringly.

“Behind me isn’t it!?”

“ …!”

Just like she thought, Yuuhi attacked from the back and was
trying to release her magic.

However having easily seen through those thoughts, that was

as Luna wished.

“I will certainly be late in invoking my spell if you get right

behind me! But it would be a different story if I knew you were
coming from there you know!”

If her magic was invoked late, then the scope will not be large.

If that is the case then she had no other choices but to predict
her enemy’s movements in order to hit them.

There she indirectly exposed the fact there was an opening

behind her on a routine basis, letting them aim for it on

And like that the insects who jump on


“Will be killed like this! <Gravity Hammer>!”

It was too late when she thought about escaping.

Yuuhi who stopped her feet for attacking, was immersed in

outrageous pressure from right above her.

“Gu… uugh…”

“Struggling is pointless. You won’t escape from that

gravitational pull.”

Her body sunk into the ground.

Sounds of her body breaking began to be audible, she seem to

be becoming one with the ground before long.

“Now, break”


In the end, Yuuhi’s body was completely crushed.

It was a shocking sight to see… however an unusual event


The body of the girl who was supposed to be crushed, began to

No that was not it.

That body was fire.

That which was thought to be Yuuhi’s body dispersed and

vanished on the ground.

“――――――――You completely got caught by my <Flame

clone> didn’t you?”

“A- above me!?”

Luna raised her head.

Right above her was Yuuhi.

“If your magic increases gravity, then I’ll be safe right above
you right?”


If the opponent challenges to a mid-long distance battle, then

Luna would display immense defensive ability.

However, if they brought the battle to short distance even

once and chose to go right above her, then her magic will
become almost powerless.

The reason was because if she were to use <Gravity magic> to

her opponent right above her then even she would end up
crushed herself.

“<Evening Shot>!”

She released an intimate Evening Shot.

Along with a certain sensation it detonated and raised water


“It was effective… right?”

Having landed after taking some distance, Yuuhi waited for

the steam to clear up.

The Evening Shot had certainly hit.

However there were no sensation of having robbed her of her


“As long as you can’t confirm their death, don’t let your guard
down,” this was one of Elka’s teachings.

And then, sure enough, Luna was alive.

“Haa… haa… this… inseeeeeeeect!”

“Even though you’re more like an insect with that much


Perhaps she barely shifted the direct hit; the right half of her
clothes was burned out and with the exception of bearing
terrible burns here and there, there were no conspicuous
external injuries.

The damage was severe.

However her eyes were burning with anger and will to fight.

“I will absolutely kill you… ! <Limit Break>!”

“Wha-… !?”

Together with a shout of anger, Luna’s magic power gushed

out like an explosion.

Her appearance did not change.

However Yuuhi grasped a clear sense of discomfort.

“My body is… being pulled from the sides…?”

“<Parallel Gravity>…! You will be falling to the sides from

now on!”

It felt as if the ground was slanted.

Yuuhi’s feet easily lost resistance and began to fall


“Ugh! <Air Walk>”

Having nothing nearby to hang onto, Yuuhi immediately
landed on empty space.

<Air Walk> is a magic that enables you to walk on air.


“Such useless resistance! It does not apply to my world!”

The gravity was once again changed for Yuuhi.

This time her body began falling towards the sky.


At that time, Yuuhi felt impatience in this fight for the first
Falling towards the sky additionally means falling towards

She hadn’t heard the story that there was space in this world,
but she could at least see stars.

Although she hadn’t done so as expected, neither Yuuhi, nor

even Setsu felt like living in outer space.

“Gravity is absolute power! Fall like that… in whichever way!”

Once again Yuuhi made use of <Air Walk>.

However, Luna was not one to allow for that.

“It’s pointless!”

Once again the gravity changed and Yuuhi once again fell to
the sides.
In addition――――――――

“Even insects couldn’t expect such movements could they!?”


After Yuuhi landed three times with <Air Walk>, Luna

suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

A high speed movement making use of the direction of

gravity; it was a technique she, who manipulates gravity, could
make use of like breathing.

“<Heavy Leg>!”

An ax kick strengthened by magic power was struck at Yuuhi.

Although she avoided a direct hit with her arms, the direction
of gravity was changed as well, greatly breaking her posture.

“One more!”

There the <Heavy leg> of her other leg bursted.


With the ax kick towards her abdomen that turned

defenseless and the gravity that had returned to normal, her
body struck the ground with high speed.

An impact that could stop your breathing.

If it was Yuuhi who had just come to this world then she
would have died through this attack.

(This is bad…! My insides and bones are hurting… I have to

“I’m not done yet!”

Without the time to recover, Yuuhi’s body separated from the


Towards the girl who began falling towards above once again,
Luna too began falling down with normal gravity direction.

In other words, due to the twofold gravitational pull, it means

the two were approaching each other with quite the

“It’s the end! <Gravity Break>!”

A kick with all her might that rode the twofold gravitational
pull caught Yuuhi’s abdomen.

Intense pain that seemingly could make one lose

consciousness ran through her and the damage towards her had
finally accumulated to a dangerous area.

Ending the direction of the gravitational pull in a timely

manner, Yuuhi was again struck to the ground.

Creating a large dent on the ground, she spat out large

amounts of blood through her mouth.

Never mind her internal organs being damaged, she knew

something ruptured.

She could no longer move her body.

――――――――――So Luna judged… however.

“Ah… guh… that hurts you know…”

“Yo-you… you can still move… !?”

Her bones were crushed and her internal organs destroyed.

Even then her judgement of her being incapable of combat

was mistaken.

“ … My bones were broken many times over by Miss Elka”

Many times were her internal organs destroyed.

Many times had she lost her limbs.

Many times was her body burned and frozen in ice.

Many times was her body torn to pieces.

“I had her once destroy just about everything of my body. I

even had gotten… something insignificant like this, but it
wasn’t something where I can’t move.”
“A-are you… a monster?”

“ … Nope, that’s wrong.”

This much was far off from a monster.

He, whom she loved and continued to run after, was a


Yuuhi wanted to become that.

She wanted to become a monster in order to be by his side.

She wanted to become the greatest woman who can support


“I’m not a monster. That’s why… you will lose against a

Yuuhi’s magic power set a vortex inside her body.

That gradually increased in size and eventually it overflowed

the inside of her body.

And then it began burning.

“――――――――――<Limit Break>”

Yuuhi’s whole body went up in flames.

Flames coiled around her body and began changing its shape
as though it were clothes.

They were clothes of orange colored flames.

“<Clothes of Evening Flames>”

Finally flames glimmered even from her skin.

Her hair too flickered like flames.

That which made one sense beauty and terror, was exactly
like the sun.

“What… are you hurting yourself by wrapping yourself in

flames? Your trump card is terribly rowdy isn’t it!”

Having landed slowly on the ground, Luna put on a brave

front even while dripping in cold sweat.

Yuuhi wasn’t perturbed, she just had a blank expression.

“――――――――――――――Want to try out?”

Luna instantly applied strong gravity on Yuuhi from the sides.

Take distance at any rate, her instincts told her.

If it was now where she had used <Limit Break>, then there
wouldn’t be any distance limitation.

If she fought long range then she should be able to win safely.

These instincts and thoughts were proof of the fact she held
fear towards Yuuhi, but Luna’s pride was not low enough to be
conscious of.

“It’s useless you know”

However, Yuuhi did not even twitch at that place.

“Wh- why!?”
“Because my body right now is… made of flames”

Yuuhi said with an expressionless face.

Unlike the magic like <Evening Shot> where she condensed

and then released high energy, her body was now the very
massless flames itself.

The flames itself had no weight so in other words, it is hardly

influenced by gravity.

“Wha- what about it! If that is the case then you can’t even
put your hands on me can you!?”

“… You still haven’t noticed?”

“Hah… what are you say――――――――――”

Luna was about to laugh away through her nose, but she
noticed in the middle of it.

The fact that the rain that was downpouring so much, didn’t
hit her body at all.

And then… the fact that the ground that should have turned
swampy was dried up.

“No, you can’t mean…!?”

The air had already become high in temperature.

That too still continued to rise.

“Because this magic turns me into flame, I become unable to

move at all. In exchange I’m able to strike up the atmospheric
temperature of this place to one where people can’t live.”

Temperature where falling rain evaporated in midair and

even pools of water dried up immediately.

At the point the water evaporated, the atmospheric

temperature had at least exceeded 100 degrees.

“Wha-what… that much won’t dry me up you know!”

It was a level where ordinary human beings would instantly

die, however Luna was different.

She, whose body was repeatedly modified over and over, had
become impossibly strong from her skin to her constitution.

So long as it’s not dropped into flames, her skin shouldn’t


That was how it was supposed to be.

“H- huh?”
Luna went on her knees.

Before she knew she lost not just the strength to stand up, but
even the strength to use <Gravity Magic>.

Even though the atmospheric temperature hadn’t reached the

vital limits yet.

“Breathing, is tough right?”

“Ugh… “

She became unable to breathe.

No, she could breathe a miniscule amount of oxygen.

However, it had become difficult to breathe enough to be able

to move decently.
(Could it be… the oxygen in the atmosphere is…!?)

“Fire won’t burn if there is no oxygen right?”

Luna noticed something dreadful inside the dimly working


Oxygen was fundamentally limitless.

There was supposed to be that many living things, but oxygen

supply won’t make it to this place.

Right after it is supplied, Yuuhi would end up using it as her

own fuel.

“Haah… haah…”

Luna crouched.
Sweat gushed out and simultaneously evaporated, but just by
repeating that didn’t lower her body temperature.

Finally even her clothes began burning up, her skin already
began bearing burns.

The strength to shake it off or separating from this place, she

no longer had that in her body to do so.

“Even though… I can’t… lose…”

Her body turning ablaze, Luna began muttering incoherently.

“In order to be acknowledged… by master Touma…”

“… ”

Yuuhi didn’t say anything anymore.

Even seeing her appearance did not move her emotion, she
didn’t let her emotions move.

It was because she would not be able to maintain shape if she

let her emotions move, due to this magic that turned her body
into flames.

That was why, she could not say anything.

While noticing the possibility that she could have been on the
opposite side, Yuuhi did not open her mouth by any means.

“To be… by… master… Tou… ma… ‘s side…”

Finally, she caught fire from the inside.

Yuuhi watched her, who turned into a lump of flames whose

single mutters could no longer be heard, until she burned out.
“You’re… like me you know.”

Perhaps the form of feelings towards her loved one must have
been something she had understanding of.

In front of the lump that had become charred remains, Yuuhi

muttered the few words.
Chapter 68 Sky god’s attack
“ … How overwhelming.”

So Levia muttered in regards to the spectacle spread before

her eyes.

“Is that all human? Hey, try standing up.”


Gaia had her knees on the floor of the throne room.

She glared at Desastre looking down at her in front of her, but

her body was numb and could not move.

“Even telling the current you to stand up is harsh is it…

Someone who could receive my lightning and move decently
does not… Ah, there is Setsu for one.”
“He is an exception you know.”

“I suppose that is true as well. Cough! Someone who could

receive my lightning and move decently does not exist.”

Due to her correcting herself she had lost some of her majesty,
but what she said was true.

In reality, Gaia who received lightning to her body

immediately after the battle started could not fight properly.

If one were to speak what she could do at best――――――――

“Don’t… get carried away!”

She could do nothing other than producing rocks with <Earth

Magic> like this and release them towards Desastre.

Human-sized rocks appeared in mid-air and flew at high speed

by Gaia’s magic.

Those completely caught Desastre’s position.

“That does not work”

However, such simple attacks could not pass through the

demon king.

*crackle crackle* Her whole body began to discharge

electricity and a transparent membrane like substance
expanded around her.

The membrane emitted electricity and discharged the instant

a rock touched it.

Gaia turned her eyes away from the excessive light, but the
rocks lost their energy in the meantime and fell on the floor
without hitting Desastre.
“<Thunder Veil> … it’s an impenetrable magic that turns
physics ineffective you see? Shallow attacks won’t be able to
crush it you know.”


Gaia groaned towards Levia’s words.

Since a while ago she had done several of these shots, but the
attacks showed not even some signs of piercing it.

“In that case then this! <Stone Hammer>!”

“Gh! …Oh.”

Desastre looked above her head and raised a voice of


What appeared above her head was a gigantic stone hammer.

She could see that the floor of the room would disappear if it
hits like that.

“If you can stop this, then you will be crushed by its mass like

“<Thunder Veil> certainly can’t defend against that… but.”

The stone hammer collided with Desastre’s <Thunder Veil>.

Once again it emitted electrical discharge.

And by that, the hammer stopped its movement instantly.


“Look! Get crushed by it like that!”

“ …”

In accordance to its mass, the hammer began falling down.

Just before she was crushed, Desastre smiled sneeringly.

“The concept is not bad, but… you won’t reach me with this.”

Desastre caught the stone mass with one hand.

Together with heavy sound, the stone completely stopped its


“No way…”

“Did you think that I, the demon king, could not even do hand
to hand combat?”
Even if there were people who challenged she who was also
called the ruler of demons and was close to reaching her, there
were none who could actually reach her.

Even if she could not reach the beast king with simple
physical ability, Desastre had enough strength to fight normally
with him when she is strengthened by magic power.

“<Thunder Lance>”

Desastre released a spear of lightning from the hand that was

holding the stone and broke through the lump of rock.

Seeing the wreckages of her own magic scattered about

nearby, Gaia reflexively bit her lips.

“Now then… is it my turn to attack now?”

Desastre’s golden hair became an even deeper in color and

sounds of crackling was raised.
And then she calmly pointed one hand towards Gaia.

“<Thunder Serpent>”

Released from that hand was a disorderly moving lightning.

It moved freely through the air and on the ground and moved
towards Gaia.

“Ugh! <Wall Guardian>!( 土壁の巨兵ウォールガーディアン; earth wall

giant soldier) ”

Gaia deployed magic at once. It created a large Golem made of

soil before her eyes.

The lightning hit it from the front and sides and vanished
together with a thunderous sound.

“Ooh, you handled that well…. But, how about this?”

Desastre pointed that hand towards the sky.

Allow me to return the favor! <Thunderbolt>! ”


Gaia noticed a large thundercloud had appeared above her


And then she also noticed she would no longer be on time to

fire some magic.

“You will die if you don’t avoid it.”

From the thunder clouds which continued to make

thunderous sounds, an extra large thunderbolt was released.

A thunderous shock and impact resounded in the room.

That impact was so fierce that Levia, who had been watching
at a distance, reflexively averted her eyes.

“… I thought… it was a direct hit.”

“Haa… haa…”

Even so, Gaia was alive.

“Hrm, so you undid the numbness just before it and managed

to evade it on time. You are rather difficult to deal with.”

Gaia reflexively clicked her tongue from Desastre who made

just a somewhat disappointed face.

Although her barely avoiding it was good, her whole body was
quite hurt by the thunderbolt’s explosion-like impact she
received nearby.
“Haah… Even though I may be fighting that Setsu or
something person… To think I have to use it in this place…
*sigh*, how difficult.”

“… What did you want to say?”

“That I’ll go serious for a bit too!

The quality of magic power Gaia possesed changed.

The refined magic was larger than the time she handled earth
magic, and also hotter.

“It looks like there’s a kid who can use similar magic to mine
among the summoned Heroes, but… I have to show him the
original user you know.”

From the under her feet, something simmering and boiling

oozed out.
That something burned away the carpet that was spread out
on the floor in the blink of an eye and threw up the room

“… Lava is it”

“Correct~! My magic was unique, but its ability isn’t that

different from Unique magic, you better not be careless.”

While saying so, Gaia released a lump of lava with one hand.

“It’s futile.”

Naturally that was defended by the <Thunder Veil>.

However, Gaia already unleashed a new technique.

“I can at least know something of this level isn’t good! That’s

why… I do this!”
“Ugh… Again doing something bothersome…”

Reflected before Desastre’s eyes was a scene of a wall of dark

red lava drawing near her.

No, it was not a wall.

“<Magma Wave>! How about it? You can’t avoid it right?”


Certainly as Gaia had said, there was nowhere to escape to.

The tidal wave of lava reached to the high ceiling of the

throne room and was completely closed from one wall to the

(Levia behind me should be able to do something about it with

water. So the problem is I… as expected even <Thunder Veil>
can’t defend this mass)

Desastre was calm.

Trembling was simply unfitting for a ruler, but it was as if she

was a different person from the frail self when Setsu

(It would be difficult to escape. In that case…)

“Hey, are you alright?”

“Worry not Levia, you worry about yourself.”

Desastre glared at the tidal wave of magma approaching

before her eyes and spoke a certain magic.

That time, Gaia who was on the opposite side of the wave, was
half convinced of her victory.

At the very least this attack would deal damage to her enemy.

If that was the case, then even the demon king should have
trouble fighting.

(Now then… How will it turn out?)

So she thought that time.

Suddenly a portion of the magma wave bursted open.

Lacking time to be surprised, Gaia noticed an impact from her


“――――――――Unpreparedness is one’s greatest enemy.”


Her whole body clad in electricity, Desastre was there, sinking

her fist in Gaia’s flank.

Unable to understand what happened, she was blown away to

the side like that and rolled on the ground.

“What… is…?”

Gaia rolled until she struck the wall and while she clung onto
the wall she somehow stood up.

She understood the fact she was sent flying from the place she
stood moments ago and Desastre was standing at this moment.

The problem was, how did she break through the magma
The magma wave struck on the floor about this time, melting
the stone floor.

She would still understand if she was approached after the

magma wave disappeared just like now.

However, Gaia heard the sound of something bursting open.

…Upon closer look, Desastre was full of burns all over her

With the sound from before and seeing her body, Gaia
somehow guessed it.

“You can’t mean… You broke through that with all your

“Quick-witted aren’t you. That is right. It was unexpectedly

thick, I was surprised you see. I thought I was in danger for a
Desastre broke through the lava wave with magic that would
transform her body to lightning for just a moment.

The sound of explosion before was the sound of that moment.

However the wave was thicker than she thought, and what
caused her to be frightened must be the fact <Electrification>
was about to expire.

(… This is bad. My ribs are broken)

Conversely, Gaia was made to stand in a predicament by

Desastre’s attack.

Unlike the other black robes, Gaia did not receive any body

That was because she was a being called the Earth God and
because Touma expressly brought her along from another
Being called an Earth God meant she was by far stronger than
ordinary human beings, but if her wound recovery is not quick,
then she would not have many internal organs and neither
would her skin be durable.

And above all, she could not use recovery magic.

If she could not overcome this situation and join her allies,
then she could never recover her bone fractures.

As for Desastre, she had already healed most of her wounds.

Demons originally had high vitality and their healing ability is

even higher.

If it is minor injuries then it would be cured in several


(In order to beat that person… I can only settle it with one
Gaia had plainly reached her limit in this offense and defense.

She was feigning appearance, but the damage on her broken

ribs were considerable.

On top of that, the pain that was eating into her body recalled
her certain events and was driving her into a corner even

(Geez… don’t make me remember what I don’t want to)

Gaia fervently shook her head, but she was unable to clear
away just those memories in any way.

The girl was born in an ordinary household.

Back in those days the strength as an earth god was hidden

inside her body and as such she spent a peaceful and good life is
what even the current Gaia thought.
That time she spent her time like usual as well… was what she

“Hey! Pack her in right away!”


“Hmm! Hmm!”

Gaia who was sunbathing in the garden of her house was

brought to a horse carriage by the hands of men who suddenly
appeared and was abducted with vain struggle. The destination
where she was taken to was… the slave market.

“Re-, return me to where my mom is!”

“Right, what shall we do with the aforementioned slave?”

“Ah… deliver that one to the <Terran Company>. They’re

doing human subject research or something over there right?
They may need those you know”

Gaia complained towards the slave dealer who abducted her.

Even if she continued to be ignored, until her voice went

hoarse, until just before she was sold, she continued to shout
with hoarse voice.

And then, right before she was sold, one of the slave dealer’s
associates finally responded to her.

“Do you want to go home that much?”

“O-, of course!”

“Kukuku… you’re also a pitiful brat. You don’t have a home to

go back to. You see, you――――――――were sold by your real

Gaia’s house was, at a glance, a regular house.

However, the country’s taxes increased and the family finance

was in dire straits.

It was doubtful whether they could even eat tomorrow.

And there, both parents――――――――sold her own

daughter, Gaia.

After she being bought by a noble, Gaia recalled the time she
was kidnapped while laying on the bed in order to become the
pervert noble’s plaything.

That time, her parents were watching her from inside the
She merely thought they would watch over her.

She saw them, that’s why she thought they would

immediately search for her even if she were to be kidnapped.

“But… it was wrong.”

Murmured the little slave girl, dressed in underwear on top of

a high-grade bed.

Those eyes were not eyes watching over their child, those
were eyes to ascertain their child was properly abducted.

“It would’ve been fine… if they just die.”

Spontaneously a curse left her mouth.

At that time, her heart was already controlled by hatred.

“Listen to what I say! You slave!”

“Sor- sorry! Don’t do anything painful!”

“If you don’t want me to do it, then move like I told you! Who
do you think is feeding you!”

The noble who bought Gaia kicked her stomach.

It made bone breaking sound.

“Ow… It hurts…”

“Hmph! I’ll enjoy myself in the night just like always. I’m
looking forward to it.”

Leaving those words, the noble left.

Gaia moved to the corner of the room while crying and put
herself on the wall in order to take even a little comfortable

No longer was there any place on her body that hadn’t been

She must also have a fever, since she felt dizzy as well.

“Just die… everyone… just die…”

Until the noble came back in the evening, Gaia single

mindedly continued to murmur like she was cursing them.

Spending such living, several years passed.

And then on a certain day after several

“Ple-please stop! It was wrong of me, so!”

“Even when I told you to stop… you never stopped for me did

“It really was wrong of m――――――――”

The sound of something being crushed reverberated across

the neighborhood.

“ … This is fine right? Master Touma.”

“Yep, good work there.”

Gaia destroyed the head of the noble who thoroughly turned

her into his plaything with her fist clad in stone.

With Touma, who suddenly appeared in front of her,

destroying the slave contract and teaching her the way to use
her power, Gaia had finally once again gained her freedom.

“I feel guilty of saying something like this just when you’re

free again, but… I need you. Will you cooperate with me?”

“Of course! You’re my hero Master Touma! If it’s for you I’ll
do anything!”

“Really… Thank you.”

Touma embraced Gaia.

With just that, her heart felt fulfilled.

She loved this man who saved her and needed her.

“For the sake of Master Touma… I can’t lose.”

Gaia slowly pushed out her hands in front of her chest.

Ignoring the pain on her bones, she poured all of the magic
she currently has into her hands.

“Can you defend this I wonder? Miss Demon King.”

“… Hoh, try me human.”

She concentrated all of her magic powers into her palms.

Towards the accumulation of enough magic power to shake

the earth, Desastre reflexively shuddered.

(To think she possessed this much magic power…)

She grew excited.

Desastre finally deemed Gaia a formidable enemy.

“Come at me… I will break everything.”


Gaia firmly stepped on her feet.

And then――――――――――

“<Gaia Cannon>!”

What was fired was a current of lava.

That which was scaled to swallow a person in the blink of an

eye approached Desastre while melting the floor.

That much heat and power did this attack possess.

“Go die!”

“It’s not a bad attack… however.”

Before anyone was aware of it, Desastre was holding a bow.

<Tonnerre Arco>(天神の魔弓トネールアルコ; Sky god’s magic bow)

――――――――――――This bow was a special weapon that
was constantly stored in a personal airspace that she created
with magic.

“Frankly, it is a let down.”

An arrow made of lightning was drawn by Desastre’s hand.

The magic stone embedded beautiful mould of a bow bent and

raised a chafing sound.

“――――――――――――<Zeus Ira Velos>” (雷神一矢ゼウス・イ

ラ・ヴェロス;Thunder god’s arrow)

The arrow was released.

The lava burst open.

The arrow that advanced straight through the center of the

lava course, repelled all of it, pierced Gaia’s stomach and broke
open the wall behind her.

“Ga… hah… no, no way…”

“The fact that you made me use this bow is something you can
be proud of.”

Gaia, while throwing up blood, moved back staggeringly.

However no longer was there a wall for her to push her back on.

Gaia missed her footing and was thrown outside from the
broken wall.

Desastre saw that silently with her own eyes and turned

Behind her stood Levia, watching slightly regretfully towards

the opening Gaia fell through.

“ … Did she die?”

“Perhaps, I suppose. This room is on a higher floor than one

would expect. Without any magic power, she will hardly escape


Levia briefly stayed silent and continued to look at the

opening Gaia fell through.
“Goodbye… my little sister”
Chapter 69 Royal pressure
“Aahn~! That’s good! Let’s hit each other more!”

“You’re grossing me out!”

Billdos and Roa were punching right in front of each other.

It was an ordinary scuffle when seen from the sidelines, but a

foolish person will become a lump of meat just by taking even a
single step.

“Your fist, is really lovely! Buut… it is a little lacking isn’t it?”


“<Strong arm’s body>”

Billdos’ arm raised a bellow and started to attack Roa.

She was able to ward off or stop the blow until now, but only
this time she leapt to the sides and barely dodged it.

“Oh dear me hn~, what a good judgment.”

When he finished swinging his fist, the ground ahead bursted


That strength was the Fist Pressure(拳圧), in other words a

shockwave caused with a fist.

Until now, Billdos’ arm did not have enough strength to do an

attack without coming in contact.

If Roa received it head-on like before, a serious injury would

be inevitable.

“My intuition is on the good side you know!”

Roa who somehow dodged it, released relentlessly a kick to
Billdos’ defenseless body.

“<Steel Body>”

However, the one who received the damage was her.


“My magic is <Body Magic>. My ability is as you can see, is an

ability where my body features and constitution can be freely
changed you know!”

“Ugh… so a Unique one huh?”

Billdos’ body became hard as though it was steel.

Its strength was so high that it retained composure even if it

received a kick from Roa who had confidence in her power.
“On top of that, I can do something like this too!”

“Oh no――――――――”

“<Superhuman body>!”

Roa’s feet was seized by his arms.

Billdos’ arm muscles bulged greatly and she was flung away
just like that.

“No way…”

Roa could not hide her surprise towards that overwhelming


She was flying at great speed and ended up plunging into a

nearby forest.
She smashed several trees, was thrown onto a tree slightly
thicker than the surrounding trees and finally stopped.

“Kahah… it… fuckin’ hurts”

The air in her lungs squeezed out, Roa gasped in anguish at

short intervals.

By the time she finally calmed down, Billdos stood already

before her eyes.

“Oh my, it’s amazing that you aren’t hurt after receiving that.
Could you be doing better than I thought hn?”

In reality, Billdos was surprised.

First was the fact she lived after receiving this throw.

And then, though she had damage, the fact that she did not
have outstanding injuries was an unusual experience for him.

“Of course I do… I am the beastking’s

daughter――――――――――wait, I’m gonna quit after all. I
quit, I’m done!”


Suddenly Roa shouted while scratching her head

“I’m already tired of being obedient. I was told it’s better to

put on an innocent face, but I’ve had it with this. Nobody is
looking and it should be fine if I do it like before.”

While saying so, Roa combed up her hair roughly.

Her eyes seemingly becoming sharp, her expression that had

innocence was overwritten with a violent looking face.
“You suddenly went rough didn’t you hn~. What? Did you get
upset hn~?”

“Shut the fuck up you muscle prick, I’m gonna smash your

“ …Who~ are… you calling a prick!?”

Once again applying <Strong arm body>, Billdos released a


Calmly seeing through that directly heading towards her face,

Roa seized his thick arm with her slender arms.

“Eat this!”

She twisted in order to have his arm go downwards and flung

him up with a knee from below.

“Go to hell!”

Together with words at point-blank range, an upper kick was

released after lightly jumping up with her pivot leg.

That kick neatly settled it on Billdos’ head, splendidly

breaking even the neck.

“My hand…I mean, foot struck home, fuckin’ idiot.” (T.N. I

don’t know how to properly translate this. What she said was 手
応え……いや、足応えありだボケ, with 手応えあり literally meaning
“feeling a response in your hands”, or in other words “it’s
effective”, but she changes hand to her feet)

It goes without saying that the neckbone is an essential part

for a human body.

That being broken means that however much muscle one

possesses, the person will reach death as long as no urgent
medical treatment is given――――――――is what was
supposed to be.

“Aahn~… it was a totally numbing kick hn~.”

“ … hey what the hell.”

Roa cursed while landing.

Billdos, despite his neck broken, moved and talked.

“To think that I, who is supposed to have the perfect body,

would have his neck broken right… I was surprised

Billdos moved his hand to his head and forcibly returned his
neck to his original position by moving it as is.

When it seems like it made a cracking sound, his neck started

to move like his neck never had a fracture.

“Hah, you a monster or something?”

“Geez! That’s rude isn’t it!? From my perspective, you who

would die from a broken neck is more of a monster. If the neck
and the like returned to its original place then it would
immediately stick to it wouldn’t it?”

While saying so, Billdos touched his elbow bone.

Together with the rumbling sound of the bone again, his

elbow began to move the same as before.

“ … just kidding, well no matter how you think of it, I… no,

we are more of a monster I guess. Our visceras increased, our
bones multiplied… Someone like me would instantly get well
even if you break my bones, you know? So~mehow it became

Said Billdos just slightly sorrowfully, while opening and

closing his hands.

“Who cares, ya great big fuck. Doesn’t matter what

circumstances you have, it doesn’t change the fact you tried to
put your fuckin’ hands on Desas and Setsu.”

I’m gonna beat you to death――――――――――Roa kicked

the ground and leaped.

“*Chuckle*… that is fine. Not like I thought of having you give

sympathy to us!”

Billdos too prepared to go meet her.

“<Blazing upper body>!”

His body suddenly bursted into flames.

His surroundings became high temperature at once and the

pool of water under his feet began to evaporate.

“M~e~, whose body is smeared with flames! Can you come

near me I wonder!?”

Those flames were strong; it burns if one came near and it’s
unknown how one will end up if one touched it.


“Shut up!”

Roa plunged in with the same momentum and beat the

stomach of the burning Billdos.

He who was sent flying all the way back from that could not
understand for a moment what happened to him.

“If it’s that level of flames, then I won’t flinch ya know.”

… It wasn’t that she did not bear any burns.

Her whole body had a slight degree of burn and particularly

the burns on her right hand that hit him were terrible.

However Roa was not agitated.

“I am the daughter of the beast king ya know. Getting this

level of injury isn’t enough to make me get nervous ya know.”

“Hn~… not bad.”

Billdos stood up and erased the flames put on his body.

“Then how about this? <Poison breathing body>”

He grandly sucked up breath and breathed out a violet smoke

from his mouth.
The trees that touched that smoke could be seen to wither in
the blink of an eye.

“This poison has a lethal rate of 100%! Even you’ll be out if

you’re touched. Now then, what will you do!?”

“… “

Even if the poison was soon drawing near, Roa was calm.

From her state with her body strength drawn out and a
natural stance was taken, she strongly stepped with her foot.


Just before the poison smoke touched her, all of the fumes
around Roa was suddenly blown off and vanished.

“Say you… know about <Royal Pressure>?”

Roa got out of her stepping posture and asked while taking a
relaxed stance again.

“That is the power that’s handed down to us Leos, apparently

a mysterious power that’s different from magic power. Because
it can’t be used by anyone other than Leos, research didn’t get
anywhere, so we don’t know anything except simple theory.”

In the past――――――This was an extension to the sense of


In the past――――――Like magic, it can pass through things.

“I myself don’t know it well, so I can’t do anything difficult.

But if I make it simple…it ‘ll look like it lets me hold a mass of

Roa puts her hand towards Billdos.

“<Royal Impact>”


Billdos’ body was suddenly blown away by an unseen


Although he corrected his posture in midair, his mind was

somewhat in disorder.

(This attack… if she fires it continuously I won’t be able to

endure hn~)

Only one, only the sense of crisis towards this attack strongly
remained, and the moment Billdos had his feet on the ground,
he rushed out.

The act of dodging an unseen attack is difficult, even for him.

“<High speed body>!”

Billdos moved at a speed several times the usual and instantly

took Roa’s back.

Immediately invoking <Strong arm body> and hurled a fist

towards her.

“I can read ya ya know! <Royal Impulse>!”

“What did you say!? Guh――――――――”

However, just before his fist hit, Billdos was blown off
together with a sense of a wall being pushed to his body.

“<Royal Pressure> works in any direction. I don’t have any

blind spots, wherever I’m attacked from”

“… what a bother.”
Billdos stood up.

Due to a wall-like something was struck to his whole body, his

whole body began to feel pain.

(A complete defense and invisible attack… Should that not be

foul play? For now I should earn some time, time to

“Ya look like ye’re thinking about something, but I won’t let
ya. The next attack will be the end of ya”

Roa converged her senses onto her fist.

Seeing that hand, Billdos thought――――――――――this is


“Gh! <Limit Break>”

Billdos felt a premonition that was unpleasant enough for
chills to run down his spine and invoked his trump card.

“<Death Guide Body>! I don’t know what you’re about to do,

but the current me is invincible! Whatever you do, it’s the end if
you touch me!”

His body dyed black.

This magic probably had the simplest explanation among his


At any rate, anything that touches his body dies is the only
explanation one can give.

It is the most plain technique among the black robes, but its
fiendishness does not have a different proportion to it.

Whatever comes the moment it touches him it dies.

That goes the same for magic and even weapons.

The moment it touches Billdos, whichever magic and

whichever weapon, it will disappear from that place.

(Avoiding it would probably be intense isn’t it. I will catch and

kill the attack with my body like this and in the opening
afterwards, thrust out and touch her! That would be the end…
now, come!)

“ … I’m not sure, but… looks like you’re not gonna avoid it I

Roa drew her fist.

Billdos, whose body’s motor skill fell due to <Death Guide

Body>, never had the intention to avoid it from the beginning.

… that was, the turning point of victory and defeat.

“――――――――――――――<Royal Fist>”

The fist that left behind sound was released.

The fist that took in <Royal Pressure> reached Billdos, in spite

of having some distance.

And then, it opened a large hole in his chest.

“… Oh my?”

Blood overflowed from Billdos’ mouth.

The center of the blackened body a large hole was opened

gaping wide.

While a large volume of blood spilled out, he fell on the

His heart and lungs blown away, Billdos lost his life in an

Even his regeneration abilities was not strong enough to

repair an essential body part.

“ … My bad. <Royal Pressure> isn’t even magic power, not to

mention unidentifiable. It looked like you tried to do
something, but doing something about an existence you don’t
know about is impossible to anybody.”

Her voice could no longer reach Billdos.

Even so, Roa had something she wanted to convey.

“If only you avoided it… it could have been your win.”

Roa murmured so, while grasping her arm that was shedding
drips of blood.
Chapter 70 Most atrocious and evil
“Ugh… n…?”

“Thank goodness. You woke up, Elka.”

Having opened her eyes, Elka immediately understood the

fact she was under a large tree and the fact the fight with Melua
was over.

“Your body should have been completely recovered. You can

get up now.”

“Brad… I see, you’re here as reinforcements aren’t you?”

“I believe the reinforcements should be you however… well,

that is how it is.”

While being supported by Tia, Elka rose her body.

And then she saw Alize lying beside her.

“Alize is…”

“Already normal. It’s just, damage may remain in her brain

due to that monster tamer.”

After defeating Melua, Brad immediately began the treatment

of the two.

He who could handle any support perfectly easy, was excellent

in recovery magic and the wounds on Elka whose <Marionette
Magic>’s corrosion was relatively shallow, had succeeded in a
complete recovery.

However, Alize’s brain bore considerable damage as well.

Even if her wounds were cured, it would not be strange if

there were impairments remaining in her brain in the
“Glain is going to finish off that giant being now.”

Where Brad was pointing at stood a giant monster.

It was the Chimaera who became unable to move, having lost

the brain that was Melua.

Now, that body was bisected and dropped on the ground.

“*Fuh*… Ah, Elka, you woke up didn’t you. That’s good,

that’s good.”

“I apologize for causing you trouble.”

Just now, Glain returned from finishing off the Chimaera.

On his back he was carrying a man.

“Hm, who is that man?”

“He is the content of the puppet near Alize. He tried not to

separate from her, so I wonder if he is perhaps Alize’s

That man, Ramell was unconscious.

The injuries that stood out were at the level of fractured ribs,
discoloring were found here and there on his body and countless
strings entered both his arms and legs.

There were serious injuries, but his breathing was stable and
it did not look like there was anything unusual with his life.

(… that discoloring… where did I… )

A little while later, Brad recalled.

(The man who proposed to Lady Desastre… he was called
Terran or something. It’s the same as the robed men who were
together with him… I see, the contents of those puppets were
remodeled people… they have done something extremely
disgusting and evil.)

Brad reflexively clenched his fist.

A short while later, he recalled what he ought to be doing.

“Oh right… let me treat that man as well, please lay him down


Like he was told, Glain laid down Ramell on not too wet grass
under the tree.

“What shall we do from now on?”

“That’s right… my injuries have already healed as well, so
shall we search for Mr Setsu as soon as Elka is recovered?”

“I’m already fine. I will stagger a little due to anemia, but that
is all, so.”

Saying so, Elka stood up.

It seems there were no lies in her words, she showed them

firmly stepping on the ground.

“Let me go as well.”

“But Brad. If you leave here, then what will those two do?”

“I will request their recovery from the demon soldiers on the

way. These two are demons as well. It seems they’re also your
allies, so I will have them taken to the demon king’s castle.”
Having finished Ramell’s treatment, Brad stood up as well.

“Now then… shall we go?”

The four started running.

They harbored anxiety towards the fact they could not feel
Setsu’s magic power even when they searched, but they ran
through the battlefield, relying on Elka’s mysterious sense of
smell that could percept only Setsu.

(Which reminds me… what happened to that girl called


“Gh… haa… haa…”

While passing some time, Yuuhi returned her body to flesh

and blood.
At that moment she went on her knees, breathing heavily.

It was the result of changing her body into flames once and
then reconstructing it, the injuries she received from Luna was
not the cause.

“I knew I would be a little… tired”

Her <Limit Break> was strong, but its consumption was

proportionally intense.

If she were to lose her concentration, her own body would

scatter, so the exhaustion of her emotional strength was more
than she imagined.

She was even forbidden to use it for a long period of time by


“…I can’t… voice any complaints right?”

Having rested reasonably, Yuuhi stood up.

Her magic power and physical strength was at around 30%,

but she had to return to Setsu’s side.

“If it’s Yuki-kun, he should have ended it long ago already… I

have to go after him.”

While lightly strengthening her body with magic power,

Yuuhi ran off to the location Setsu was at.

“Desas, what will we do from now on?”

“Let’s see… shall we enter the frontlines as well?”

Said Desastre as she headed towards the terrace on the throne


“Why are you trying to go to a dangerous place yourself…”

“That is… obviously because I want to meet Setsu is it not?”

“… You’re… really honest aren’t you?”

I’m a little jealous of you――――――――――

“Hm? Did you say something?”

“No…it’s nothing”

Levia shook her head even while her face was dyed a little red.

“Fine, if you’re going then I’ll just be going as well.

Besides――――――――――the war…will probably be over

“? Why do you know?”

“How much longer do you think I’ve lived than you? It’s
intuition of a senior you see, intuition.”

“Hum, that seems reliable.”

While smirking, Desastre jumped out from the terrace.

Connecting that, Levia jumped out as well.

“ … uuhng…”

Touma was troubled.

It was due to the fact he could not in anyway put his hands on
Setsu who was wrapped in a light sphere in front of him.

Going insane with having killed Kagerou was a work of his

However, taking this sort of defense measure was beyond
even his imaginations.

Incidentally he currently had tried all sorts of means and all of

them were repelled.

Even <Cursed Magic> did not succeed.

“I’m stumped… maybe there’s nothing left but to draw out

my sacred sword.”

Touma racked his brains over it, but he could not hit upon a
good idea.

At the time he reluctantly tried to draw out his sacred


“Y- you are!”

“Hm~? Huh, aren’t you the five great demon generals. I’ve
heard that you were killed by Kagerou though.”

“We- we won’t die so easily you see.”

What appeared there were Lily and Ides.

They were standing there while borrowing the shoulders of

other soldiers.

“Is that it… so you didn’t die. Then there’s no helping it. I’ll
kill you then.”

(…This is bad…)

Cold sweat ran through Lily’s face.

In their current condition they could stand up at last.

If the soldiers who were told to head to Yuuhi’s location have
not discovered them, then they would be likely dead at this

Although they narrowly escaped death by first-aid at the last

moment, they were simply not in a condition to fight.

“ … Everyone evacuate.”

Within the straining atmosphere, Ides murmured standing


“Wha… Sir Ides! What are you saying!?”

“We’ll fight too! All of us!”

The soldiers revealed their dissatisfaction to those words.

However, Lily commanded that.

“Even if everyone says they will fight, it won’t result in any
hindrance to that man. I won’t approve of you dying in vain.”

“That is right. If it is us, then we may be able to earn some


“Bu, but that’s…”

“It’s an order.”

Ides threatened.

The soldiers whose body shook with a start stepped back in a

frightened state.


“You think, I’ll let you run away?”

Everyone in this place stopped their feet.

In instant the place was dominated with terror, enough to

make some of the soldiers faint by the thirst for blood emitted
by this man.

There were many among them who were not aware of

Touma’s existence.

That conversely was the cause they were late in standing

ready in evacuation.

“Run away!”

Lily leapt and stood like a shield for the soldiers.

“Immediately report the existence of this man to lady

Desastre! That is your duty!”
It was naturally a wall out of desperation.

Whether even this could earn a second against


“Even though it’s useless… now――――――――die.”


Touma’s hand pointed towards Ides and Lily.

Even though it was a hand that should be pointed at them

carelessly, the magic power accumulating there hid enough
strength to make them simply vanish.

“! …you monster!”

“Bye bye”
Ides and Lily prepared themselves and closed their eyes.

Seeing those figures, the soldiers finally recognized their

mission and began escaping with all their strength.

However, it was already too late.

Faster than they could get away, the magic in his hand was

“Haaaah! <Heavy Leg>!”


Aiming for Touma from right above, a foot was swung


He pulled back his hand just before he released his magic and
jumped back.
“We won’t let you escape desu”

A silhouette commenced an attack in pursuit there.

That person who instantly shortened the distance, released an

attack of raging billows with nails stretched long.

“That’s dangerous you know… don’t frolick so much!”

“! Tch…”

Without that attack hitting him, Touma extended his hand

towards that person while avoiding it.

Promptly sensing the danger, She barely dodged it by jumping

towards the back.

“And I was at a such a good part… stop it, Shironeko and

“Don’t screw around desu.”

“I won’t let you do whatever you like anymore!”

Mineko and Shironeko lined up.

Ides and Lily watched it with a dumbfounded expression.

“You are…”

“For the time being, we’re here as reinforcements desu.”

“You two look injured so leave it to us now please.”

“Ugh, I, I’m sorry okay!?”

The two stepped back as they were told.

They were powerful people as well.

They held judgment where they would consider escape if they

understood their strength was not effective.

“What business do you two traitors have? I’d like it if you

don’t get in my way.”

“The traitor here is you desu. I cooperated because you said

you would give me Mineko’s medicine. And that is what

“Isn’t that the fault of the deceived?”

Touma showed a boorish smile.

Having seen that, Mineko grasped her fists tightly enough for
blood to ooze out.
“With what feelings did my sister… cooperate with you, do

“I don’t care. It’s not like I had any particular interests in you.
Your strength had utility value, that’s all. My interest is… all
poured into Setsu!”

While saying so, Touma embraced the sphere Setsu was in.

Without the sphere showing even a slight movement as usual,

he showed just some lonesome expression.

“*sigh* … Even though I pour in my love like this, Setsu won’t

respond to me so easily. Even though he could’ve just become
mine soon…”

Touma, licked that sphere.

The two who saw that appearance, instinctively got

“Inside that… is Setsu…?”

“You don’t mean… You――――――――――”

“Woah there, don’t misunderstand Shironeko. It was not

because of me that he became like this. Setsu himself has done
all of that.”

There were no lies in those words.

However it was inevitable for them to be doubtful and so

Shironeko and Mineko could not trust him.

“Well whatever, more importantly… why did you know he

was here? I erased my magic power and Setsu was wrapped in
this ball, so none of his magic power can be felt anymore.”

It was not as if their magic power can’t be felt by another

person if there was a person as powerful as Touma.
It was not that Setsu could not do it, but at the very least he
would not pretend erasing it as far as wrapping himself inside a
sphere in this manner.

Even so, his magic disappeared firmly.

In other words, this place should not be felt.

We can use our noses desu.”

“Oh I see, that’s how it is.”

Even if it was washed away by the rain, if they used their

sense of smell that could be strengthened freely with magic,
then it would be easy for them to find Setsu.

In other words… she, who was similarly a beastman, as

“I found yaaaaaaa!”

“Ugh! You’ve come too, I knew it!”

Roa who suddenly appeared right above him released a fist.

Touma stopped that blow and flung her towards the back.

Just before she was struck to the ground, she was caught by a
man who came sliding.

“That was close… Oh! Ain’t you Glain!”

“Good grief… your habit of plunging into something from the

olden days is beyond help, Roa.”

Glain released Roa.

Beside him stood Elka and Tia in a line.

“Ides! Lily!”

Brad arrived at the same time, but went towards the two who
were resting their body in the back for medical treatment.

Without putting out his hand to that, Touma looked at Elka

and the others while showing a faint smile.

“It’s the full force isn’t it, everyone. If it is like this, then it
looks like my allies are annihilated.

“Allies… You shouldn’t be one to say that. Just a game piece,

is the only manner you should have thought.”

“How rude… I’m properly thinking of them as allies.

Convenient ones…that is.”
“As ever the sleazebag.”

Touma laughed delightfully towards Tia’s one word.

“Well of course. I shouldn’t be kind towards anybody besides

Setsu, don’t you know? And even if I treat them
kindly――――――――――――it’s because it’s a necessary act.”

Agitation ran through everyone.

The people they fought with, were at least saved by Touma,

yearned for, revered and fought with the resolution to offer all
to Touma.

Anybody would imagine that the reason they became like that
was because they received Touma’s kindness and love.

And this man negated them all.

He trampled their feelings.

Those who have exchanged swords and fists with them had
been struck by that person’s feelings and beliefs, so they would
end with feeling more troubled than anybody else.

“Someone like you is――――――――――”

“That’s why… All of you as well, don’t even think about


Touma’s thirst for blood controlled the surroundings.

Touma slowly spread his hands at the center of the group who
reflexively prepared themselves.

“Because there’s no need for me to be kind to any of you.”

That fear slowly corroded them.

“Before Setsu wakes up… I will clean this up.”

The most atrocious and evil Hero, began his

Chapter 71 Reunion of Heroes
“What is… this magic power…?”

While running through the battlefield, Yuuhi shed cold sweat.

Even she, whose magic perception was not quite her forte,
immediately understood its dread.

“I can’t feel Yuki-kun’s magic power…! What on earth is


Yuuhi raised her running speed.

To head towards the location of the excessively strong and

dreadful magic power――――――――――

“What is… this…”

Desastre and Levia who finally appeared in the frontlines
could not believe the spectacle before their eyes.



What came into sight first were the tattered Brad and Tia.

The sisters Shironeko and Mineko rolled towards the center,

raised a groan and could not move even a twitch.

Glain and Roa bore burns on their whole body and Elka was
trampled on her head by somebody.

“gh… That man was like that isn’t he…!”

“Huh~? You’ve come, you two. I wonder, didn’t you know you
were targeted? Well, it saves me the trouble so it’s fine though.”

While kicking away Elka he was trampling on, Touma turned

his body towards Desastre and Levia.

(… These people should be exhausted as well… And yet he is


His body had no injuries, not even dust.

On the contrary, those who challenged Touma had serious

wounds upon serious wounds.

With this much, one could see how out of standard he was.

“So, you two will be playing with me next right?”

Along with an innocent smile, Touma rushed

“Well, my memories with you is kind of like this I guess.”

“That so… I’m quite the ordinary guy huh?”

“Nono, you ain’t ordinary. First your way of thinking is

different from the masses.”

Mother scratched her head while saying so.

Sure, when my mother who can do something like this is

around, I shouldn’t be an ordinary person.

But that’s not what I mean.

“That’s not it… even I had a mother and a father… a family I


I’m thankful for my life in my second family, but it honestly

didn’t feel like a “family”.

The important parts didn’t change but it felt like a connection

like this is slim.

And it made me realize a monster like me also had a time

when I was a “person”.

“I thought I shouldn’t have… forgotten it.”

“… Like really. You fucker with no filial piety.”

While saying so, mother dropped her fist on my head.

It hurts.
It’s been a long time since I felt pain.

Even then… It’s not a bad feeling.

That’s right… I’ve been scold in this way before didn’t I?

“Now then… It’s about time right?”

“… Is that so.”

My mother stood up.

I resolve myself and look at her.

“I ask you to at least do it in a way I don’t suffer.”

“… Hmph.”
My mother extended her hand to me while averting her face.

And then she――――――――――――

“My bad, that just then was a lie.”

gently stroked my head.


“No I mean… I did say it quite seriously but you know… me

having to get rid of you was a lie.”

…I think a little about it.

After that, simmering anger heartily gushed forth.

“Heeey what the!? My! What about my resolve!?”

“Ah, well, sorry about that, sorry.”

I grab my mother’s clothes and shake it.

But all she did was laugh foolishly and there were no signs of
her reflecting on it at all.

What the hell, I ended up showing an incredibly serious mood

there you know.

“Well just think about it, my son.”


“That part is just the spitting image of

me――――――――――No, try counting it properly I tell you.
Did you kill two people?”

“Huh? I’m going through this because I killed them right…

Wait, what?”

“That Touma guy, did he actually die?”

That’s right… I planned on killing that guy.

Isn’t he still alive?

Haven’t I properly seen him when he appeared in front of my


Wasn’t it sure that he was neither an undead nor an


“After that guy was dealt the finishing blow by you, he got
medical treatment by the humans at the very last moment. And
afterwards, to make sure he didn’t get aimed at by the demons
or beastmen, he was sheltered deeply in the castle. He
camouflaged it by going as far as carefully making his
“ … then.”

“Have you guessed it? In other words, what you killed was
only that man called Kagerou. You didn’t kill two people.”

I reflexively crumble down from the knee.

I ended up feeling relieved from the core of my body.

And then afterwards, a hearty laughter filled my heart.

“Hahah…hahahah! What is this…I ended up… feeling


“Well, this is, what, divine retribution for forgetting about us

on your own.”

I won’t be able to say anything if you tell me that.

Mothers are unfair.

“But don’t forget. You can’t kill a “person” anymore. There

won’t be a next time you know. I repeat, don’t kill the Hero
whose face looks like a girl, get it?”

“ …Isn’t that guy… a monster just like me?”

“You’re both ordinary brats from my perspective. You’re not

something outrageous like monsters.”

――――――――――True, we’re just brats from this kind of

mother’s perspective.

I’m a little bit happy about it.

That there’s someone who could call me, who could call
Touma a “person”
“ …that girly one too is an idiot who’s losing his head over his
love for you. Setsu, if you have even a little ounce of
emotions――――――――go rescue him. You can do that,

My mother asked me while showing an evil face.

That kind of face… is really just like me.

“That much is obvious. After all I’m the strongest.”

Nobody can do the things I can’t do.

I show the same evil face and provoked my mother.

“Hmph, what I expected of my son. Then, gonna go back


“What, so in the end your business is just to warn me?”

“There’s also the reminiscent talk though.――――――――Ah,
and also…”

The white airspace was crumbling down.

My consciousness was slowly falling into the deep hole.

Before I lose my consciousness, my mother talked to me in the


“You. Since you came to this space, you had a moment where
you just stopped caring about anything right? Keep reminding
yourself of that feeling, you hear me?”

“What are you――――――――――”

“See you, you stupid son of mine!”

With the appearance of my mother thrusting up her thumb at

the end, my consciousness was completely wrapped up in

“Water wall!”

“It’s useless you know!”

Levia expanded a large wall of water.

However, Touma knocked a ball of fire on it and made it

instantly evaporate.

It did not settle with just that, the flames directly assailed


Desastre leapt from one side, held Levia in her arms and

The flames grazed Desastre’s foot, inflicting burns on that



That burn was quite terrible and Desastre, who should have
been immediately cured even if she was burned by magma, was
groaning in agony.

It was excessively severe and it did not even regenerate.


“My foot got crushed…!”

“Did you just become unable to move with just that? I knew
you’re not a big deal even when you’re called demon king.”

As usual Touma was unhurt.

His facial expression contained boredom and that was

mentally cornering Levia and Desastre.

(There is this much difference…!? We’re already


“Ms. Elka!”

At that time, a young brown haired girl ran past the two and
rushed over to the collapsed Elka.

“Ms. Elka… Mr. Glain and Ms. Tia even…!”

“Hmm? You’re one of the summoned Heroes aren’t you?”

“H-! You did this!?”

That girl, Yuuhi flared up at Touma.

Just after she finally arrived trembled a little from fear, but
she fixed her eyes straight on him

“A strong girl aren’t you. The type Setsu seems to like.”

“Yuu…hi…please… run.”

“Ms Elka!?”

Elka only raised her face and called for Yuuhi.

She was tattered enough that there were no place without

injuries and breathing was seemingly difficult as well.
“That’s why… I’ll kill you now. Together with that sow!”


Touma’s hand was pointed at Yuuhi and the others.

Having seen that, Levia and Desastre was flustered.


They shouted, but the girls could no longer be in time to do



A magic that would blow them away with a single blow was
fired―――――――――― it was that instant.


Somewhere, the sound of something breaking could be heard.

That sound continued and the origin of that was discovered

“… Setsu?”

The light sphere Setsu was wrapped up in began to break in


Similar to how a small bird emerges, those crackings


And then――――――――――――

“Argh! It’s suffocating, dammit!”

An arm sprung out.

From there, crunchingly, the sphere began to be torn.

“I’m thankful that you protected me, but… it’s a little too
hard, mother.”

Setsu appeared from inside.

Having completely extracted himself from the shell, Setsu,

after seeing Touma standing in front of his eyes, grinned

“ ‘sup… Long time no see, Touma.”

“Aah… At last, at last you’ve come out for me, Setsu”

It was the moment the two Heroes, who once fought in the
same way, faced each other in the battlefield.
Chapter 72 Sacred Cannon
A story of the time Setsu and I was summoned to this

“Setsu, why are you so calm about this?”

“Hah! Hah! …Ah? What is this about so suddenly?”

Setsu was single mindedly swinging a wooden sword.

Those eyes of his that didn’t hold any hesitation was even
eerie from my point of view that time.

“I mean… even though we suddenly came to a world we don’t

understand… You already adapted to it. You seem like you
already know what you should be doing you know”

“Uhmm… Let’s see..”

Without stopping the hand swinging the sword, Setsu said.

“What I ought to be doing… first of all I have to get stronger

right? The world looks like it has monsters and demon kings
and stuff. You don’t wanna die either right?”

“ … I err.”

I was hesitating to say it.

That when I was in Japan, I thought I wanted to die.

“I don’t get it, but if you say you don’t wanna die, then I’ll
protect you.”


“You’re a fellow from the same village, right? It must be fate,

let’s get along okay?”
“ … I can?”

It was the first time I met someone who said something like
that for me.

Grey hair and red eyes; due to this kind of appearance, I never
had anyone say gentle words to me.

Even my parents said I was creepy and did not come close.

That’s why, it was the first time.

I felt my heart beating and warming up.

“Of course you can, Touma”

He… called my name with a gentle smile.


“Oh, looks like you took that girl down, Yuuhi.”

Judging from her appearance, Yuuhi doesn’t seem to be hurt.

More importantly――――――――

“Got done in pretty flashily huh, you guys.”

I say towards the bunches who are on the ground.

“Haha… I’m ashamed.”

“Fucking strong you know, this guy…”

Glain and Roa was forcing a smile.

Most of them are hurt pretty badly, but I guess there’s no one
here who’ll be dying anytime soon.

Hm? What, Ides and Lily are alive.

I guess I lost what worried me for now.

“Yuuhi, Levia. You can still move right? Gonna leave the
healing of the guys on the ground to you two.”



After seeing the two starting their movement, I face Touma

one more time.

“You really have the balls to hurt these guys… ey? Oh

“ … I knew it, you won’t gently call me by my name like

“Of course I won’t. You, you do know what you’ve done


He hurt a lot of people.

He crushed their feelings with his foot

And above all, he hurt my companions.

“I know. But, this is all for your sake!”


“It’s strange that you and I who love each other aren’t
together! But you’re not in the wrong. It’s the fault of the
demons, the beastmen and a part of the humans who are
deceiving you! They’re necessary sacrifices to rescue you, you

… going fucking mad like always.

“Rather… that brown haired girl over there called you with
Yuki-kun didn’t she?”

“Ah? What about that――――――――――――”

“Why is it that she is… calling my Setsu by a nickname so over


Touma pointed his hands towards Yuuhi who was in the

middle of treating Elka.

Yuuhi noticed that, but she’s already too late.

An extra large fireball was fired.

If I remember correctly, Yuuhi’s forte was supposed to be fire


If it’s her then she should get a little damage, but Elka who
was in the same place would die for sure.

“Oh no you don’t”

That’s why I wedged myself between the fire and Yuuhi and
the rest and bisected that fire with Kuromaru.

“Ugh! Don’t get in the way!”

“The one doing unnecessary stuff is you. You can just fight
with me, okay?”

The chopped fire dispersed in the sky and vanished.

The two don’t seem to have any damage for now.

“They’ll end up getting rolled in if we fight like this… Hey

Touma, we’re gonna change locations.”

“ … Why do I have to go out of my way to do something to

your advantage?”

“If you ain’t listening to me… then I’ll force you.”

I kick the ground and instantly shorten the distance.

I swing down Kuromaru as is, aiming for Touma’s body.


Touma drew out a one handed sword from inside his black
robe and caught it.
With my unadjusted attack, the ground caved in.

“I still have more power than you I guess.”

“As ever… that animal strength…!”

“We’re changing places right away! Here!”

I kick up this guy who became entranced despite stopping

Kuromaru with my foot.

With the attack that created an opening, Touma was launched

up high in the sky.

I also jump up to chase after him.

““<Air Walk>””
We landed simultaneously in midair.

The ground can be seen far below.

“You’re really… not going easy on me are you”

“You’re not in a position where I will go easy on you don’t you


“Well, that is true… though! <Saint Lance>!”

Touma produced a spear that was grandly shining in his hand.

It’s a magic that’s like the backbone of light magic, but when
Touma uses it then it’ll become several times as large.

“What I need to do once to make you a man just for me seems

to be to beat you once!”

I stop the lance with Kuromaru.

The lance that was created with light magic is a lump of

energy condensed of sacred light.

It’s not something that can be stopped so easily.

“Unghh… Grah!”

I somehow repelled it right over my head.

The lance which went and flew right above me, bursted in the
sky after flying upwards to a certain height so that it scatters its

“… Are you done warming up?”

“I could ask the same thing.”

I reply and then Touma pointed his hand to the open air.


The airspace broke and a sword handle appeared.

“Fighting you won’t get anywhere if I don’t have this after


A sword that, unlike Kouma’s sacred sword, held a pitch black

edge was grasped in that guy’s hand.

Even though it was a sword that was shining in the


“I know that your sword is user unfriendly. I’m sorry, but I’m
going to have this end before you can draw it out, Setsu.”
“Try and do it then… if you can!”

I kick the sky and get closer to Touma.


Similarly Touma kicked the air and quickly approached me.

Kuromaru and the sacred sword clashed, spreading

shockwaves as far as the eye can see.

“The sky is… cut open…”

Having finished her treatment, Desastre murmured while

watching the sky.

The two were exchanging blows with their swords in the air
and each time they do, the thick rain clouds covering the sky
scattered away.
“Good grief… they’re on a different level aren’t they.”

Beside her, Levia said like she was amazed.

Everyone in this place was made aware of the difference

between themselves and the two.



“You think you can win from me with power!?”

I swing down Kuromaru from right overhead.

Touma was not in time to have each arms on his sacred sword
and guard, so I was able to hit his shoulders.
Touma who was knocked down below, created a scaffold with
<Air Walk> and once again got back to the height I’m in.

“I knew I won’t get in enough damage if you have <Sword


“It’s simply painful though!”


Countless number of light spears appeared around Touma.

They’re on the same scale as the one that was beaten in the
beginning, but there were about 40 at a glance.

“There’s no escape!”

I cut off those spears that were all fired at once and sometimes
stop and avoid them.

“Damn… it!”

There are too many of them.

One of the spears slipped through my guard and reached my


“There, impact”

The other spears then took the opportunity to come and

attack the chink that was created there.

“Gh… that fucking hurts man!”

I swing my arm and mow down the blast.

My field of vision cleared up, but Touma’s no longer there.

“Up here Setsu――――――――――<Flying sword – Sever>!”


Touma was right above me.

If that guy swings his sacred sword, then a <Flying sword>

will be fired with a sharpness that’s carried to the extremes.

(Not good… If I defend it with Kuromaru then Kuromaru will

end up getting bisected…!)

I thrust my hand into my magic bag right away, took out a

sharp sword which I don’t know when I got my hands on, and
stopped the blow with it.

Although I naturally strengthened it with magic, that sword

was easily cut and even a cut was put on my body.


While blood is dripping from my shoulders, I regain my

posture in midair.

Sacred sword wielders have one more ability, or rather a

special characteristic.

When they attack a sacred sword wielder with their own

sacred sword, then that would make <Sword Defensor> invalid.

Because we have that, sacred sword wielders essentially can’t

be taken down without another sacred sword wielder.

“Huh? Isn’t your arm getting dull?”

“Hah! Say whatever you want!”


I throw away the cut sword and once again re-equipped


I kick the sky to get closer to Touma and then I swing down
Kuromaru without hesitation.

“<Swallow Overturn>!”

“That’s all…!”

I release <Swallow Overturn> which is a technique where you

swing down and slice up, but it was entirely defended by his
sacred sword.

However, the time I sliced up, I successfully repelled Touma’s

sword upwards.
“Oh no!”


I throw Kuromaru up and then drive my fist several dozen

times into Touma with all my might.

<Sword Defensor> has a delicately low stance against strikes.

Since I can’t thoughtlessly draw out my sacred sword, I can

only attack him like this.

“Gah… Kuh… That hurts you know!”

The pummeled Touma impatiently tried to release magic from

point-blank range.

Having sensed that, I quickly fall down and catch Kuromaru

that came falling.
Touma also moved a little and caught his sacred sword that
came falling down.

“Heh, your face turned out pretty good there.”

“Ugh… how cruel, beating the hell out of me.”

Touma’s face became a little swollen.

It immediately healed through his self-healing ability, but the

fact he receive damage should be certain.

As for the wound on my shoulder, it’s also healing so we’re

even right now I guess.

“It can’t be helped then… I don’t like fighting sluggishly so…

shall we up the pace a little?”

Touma pointed his sacred sword towards me.

His magic began to fill the sacred sword and the black aura

“<Form Change – Sacred Cannon>――――――――――――”

“… What is that.”

The form of the sacred sword <Excalibur> changed.

First gigantic and then long.

Touma held the gigantic gun under his arm and pointed its
muzzle to me.

“It’s the <Sacred sword>’s new possibility, Setsu. Now, it’s the
second stage!”
The trigger that was joined by the hand he had next to it, was
Chapter 73 What Setsu could not do
“Setsu… are you really going?”

“Yeah, I’m already quite strong enough already, I wanna look

around the world.”

At Destinea castle, inside the room that was given to us, Setsu
and I were facing each other.

It seems he’s leaving this country.

“I’ll ask you again, won’t you come along with me?”

Setsu asked me that.

But… I――――――――――

“Sorry, I’m still… afraid”

“ …really”

I can’t be like Setsu.

My fighting strength is still low and I can’t control my sacred

sword decently either.

I’ll end up becoming a burden to Setsu like this.

“But, if… if I become tougher… will you come meet me that


“Yeah, sounds good”

Setsu held out his hand.

I grasp back that hand.

“I hope we can go on an adventure together one day”

“I hope so too”


Yeah, see you――――――――――

Having said that, Setsu jumped out from the windows.

I… remained, on my own in this Destinea――――――――



I bend my body to the side.

A shining something passed through the place where my body
was at until now.

And then an explosion resounded.

“That can’t be fucking true… hey”

The top of a far, far away mountain exploded and


Blowing away a mountain from that distance isn’t a simple

feat, whichever magic you use.

And that gigantic gun pulled that off single-handedly.

No wait, it pulled that off just by pulling a trigger after all. So

I guess single-fingeredly.

“This ain’t the time to be thinking about something like that!”

A shot of that scope was fired many times.

While kicking up the sky, I dedicate my mind to make him

shoot upwards somehow.

At any rate, each shot was fast.

“Mh… I’m not hitting you… then… how about this?”

“Wh- why you little”

The muzzle that has been pointing at me until now, was

pointed right under him.

There, those guys are――――――――――

“Fuck you!”
I kick the sky with all my strength and leap between them and
the muzzle.


I put Kuromaru up as a wall and catch that shot.

I hear an unpleasant sound from my beloved sword.

The momentum of the bullet was strong and I drop down

towards the ground without any resistance.

(I have to stop the momentum somehow…!)

I apply magic reinforcement on both my arms and push the


I finally kill off the momentum just before I reach the ground
and then I fling it up with all my strength.

Afterwards I was struck to the ground and had trouble


This is bad, I used an absurd amount of willpower…

“Yeap.. as I thought, you did it well… Then, what about if I do

rapid fire?”

“ … you serious?”

Still pointing the muzzle at me, Touma put in magic power.

This is bad, even I’ll end up having to endure it if I’m struck

several dozens of times of that.

“*sigh* … No choice but to use it I guess.”

“Rush shot!”

I stretch my hand into the empty sky.

At that time, plenty of light bullets filled before me.

“Eat greedily――――――――――――<Hungry Fang>”

The story of Setsu deserting the human country spread in a


“That sort of man is not a Hero…! Capture him as soon as you

discover him!”

The king was in a fit of anger.

Perhaps that’s justified, because he went and took along three

of this country’s future military strength.
Just losing a Hero is quite a serious blow.

“Master Touma, haven’t you heard anything where that man

had gone to?”

Her Highness the princess came asking me, but I answered


“Who knows? When I noticed he was gone…”

“ … You have finally drawn it out haven’t you… Setsu”

“Tch… To think I’ll end up using it so quickly…”

I succeeded in having Gluttony eat everything at the last


My body got grazed a little, but no problem.

“Gluttony… you still can eat right?”

I call out to Gluttony that’s in my hand.

Gluttony appeared to be saying he haven’t had enough yet and

the tongue came out of the mouth that ran through the center
of the edge.

“As ever the frightening sword isn’t it…”

“I’ve come to see it as cool lately though… First off, I’m

returning the favor!”

I brandish Gluttony and pour in magic power.

“Flying blade – Eat>!”

Touma quickly leapt towards the side, but he was a little slow.

The pitch black <Flying blade> took one of Touma’s arms.

“Dang it…”

While grasping the arm that’s flowing with blood, Touma

groaned in pain.

“It looks like that giant gun is absurdly heavy. Your

movement is slow.”

“ … So you saw through it.”

While smiling bitterly, Touma filled his eaten arm with


Light particles gathered there and in the blink of an eye his

arm regenerated.
“A lost limb really has intense magic power consumption”

Touma said while confirming the sensation of using his arm.

<Sword Thrill> will regenerate your body, but at the same

time it would take a lot of magic power too.

All the more for something like a lost limb.

It’ll cause you to be out of magic power and you’ll become

unable to combat if you weren’t us.

“Now then… it looks like you’re about to become serious

about this so… shall we go to the final scene?”

“Heyhey… already?”

“Well, if I’m to be frank about it, the consumption of this

sacred cannon and what I’m trying to do is intense altogether.
That’s why I want it settled in a short, decisive battle.”

… If it’s like that then I have no reason to go against it either.

If we could reach the end with a swift attack, then that way
it’s not bothersome and better too.

“Now that I think about it… you still haven’t seen this do

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s one more territory I’ve reached in the five years you
weren’t here you know”

I didn’t know about <Form Change> either.

How much power has he created in these five years?

“Let’s go――――――――――――――<Limit Break>”

“――――――――――――Wait what?”

Touma’s magic power was amplified like an explosion.

What did he say? Did he say <Limit Break>?

“Why… can you use it?”

All of his magic power concentrated to the sacred cannon or

something and it swelled its large build even more.

Before long it transformed like it was covering the guy’s body

and muzzle like things were installed on his whole body.

Another gigantic muzzle was installed to one of his arms, sure

enough calling that appearance a <Fortress> would be
“<Sacred Fortress> ―――――――― it’s unexpected is it? Me
learning <Limit Break>”

“Yeah… like really”

I could feel an absurdly strong power.

My instinct told me of the danger of each of those muzzles.

This guy is… bad news.

“Well, try to eat it, okay?”


One of the muzzles spouted fire.

The bullet sucked into my stomach and opened up a hole.

I couldn’t see it.

I could even say completely nothing was reflected in my eyes


Blood flowed from my mouth.

I regenerated with <Sword Thrill>, but it took quite some

magic power.

“The shot’s power and speed isn’t something to be trifled with

right? Conversely that’s just all, but… it’s simple therefore
strong――――――――is what I think”


It’s really strong.

An attack of a speed even I can’t see, words can’t describe the
threat of this.

My situation dropped rock bottom in one go.

“Now, shall I go rapidly then!”

All of the muzzles pointed at me.

“Oh for fuck’s sake!”

To make sure the others aren’t hit, I separated myself from

that place.

“Yuki-kun… it’s turning into him being on the defense.”

“If he’s attacked with that high firepower, then even Master
Setsu will become like that.”
Elka looked worriedly at Setsu who was earnestly avoiding the

“Bu- but Yuki-kun would win right!?”


“It may be a little hard for him.”

The one taking over the word was Glain.

“That <Limit Break> is simple and consequently powerful.

Even if he approaches, there would be too many muzzles for
him to approach and separating himself from him will make his
aim more accurate and so he would be avoiding with all his
might… He can’t break through if he doesn’t have some plan to
overcome it.”

“No way… The- then if Yuki-kun also go <Limit Break>

“ … He can’t use it.”

“ …Eh?”

Glain looked bitter.

All of those who knew Setsu from before, looked down.

“Mr Setsu… can’t use <Limit Break> for some reason”

“No- no way…”

“The cause is unknown. He practiced many times over, but

only Setsu could not use it no matter what he did”

Yuuhi received a shock from Tia’s words.

Then he won’t have any means to break the


“Even so… Setsu will be fine”

Said Desastre.

“I have never seen a moment where that man was defeated.

That is why, it will be all right.”

Words without any basis at all.

However, it held absolute faith in Setsu.

Yuuhi became ashamed that she was worried about Setsu.

Right now what he needs isn’t worry, but faith in him.

It was because the people here including Yuuhi could not even
take a step into that battle.

“Yuki-kun… do your best…”

“Damn it!”

“Aren’t you getting exhausted soon?”

A bullet grazed my cheek.

It’s hot, I can feel burning pain.

While running up the sky, I’m shedding cold sweat.

At this rate it’ll be painful.

If I miss my footing even a little, if he breaks my composure

even a little, I’ll be instantly filled with holes.
(What to do… something to break through…”

My right hand grasping Gluttony and my left hand Kuromaru,

I think about it.

First of all, I can’t do anything with Kuromaru.

I can use it as a wall when push comes to shove, but I judged I

can’t have expectations for its offensive abilities.

Gluttony, I can no longer rely on anything but this.

As long as I can settle that, then I should be able to take down

that guy.

However, if there’s no clear opportunity, then I can’t use that.

“Somehow… I have to create the chance…!”

“Hey you! You’re continuously avoiding too much, you

Kuh… amount of bullets increased…

“There! Impact!”


My right shoulder was blown off.

That which was my arm and also Gluttony was dropping to

the ground.

Gluttony is the one thing I absolutely can’t lose.

I kicked the air with all my strength and take a nosedive.

I forcibly regenerate my arms on the way and catch Gluttony.


However, Touma’s not one to let that go.

He immediately decided his aim and the muzzles were turned

towards it.

“<Lock on>!”

It was not one muzzle, all of the muzzles was aimed this way.


What was fired was an ultra-dense beam.

(This isn’t the situation to economize Gluttony!”

Gluttony has a concept of a full stomach.

If he ends up eating an absurd amount of magic power, then

he’ll end up unable to eat anymore.

In other words if he eats a beam of this scope, then half of his

stomach should be satisfied.

He still hasn’t used his <Cursed Magic> and I don’t want to

use it as much as possible.

In this case… it’ll be gone.

“Open it up big!”

The mouth that was on the edge of Gluttony was opened very
I put in magic power into the sinister miasma breathing sword
and swing it.

Gluttony who was struck at the beam began preying upon


“Gh! His eating ain’t keeping up!”

The mass of the beam is too big.

It doesn’t fit the size of Gluttony’s mouth.

At this rate…

“Fucking bullshiiiiiiiiiit!”

My body was simply swallowed, by the stream of excessive

Chapter 74 Hope and Despair
“What!? That man is in the demon army!?”

The king’s voice resounded.

I was listening to him and was dumbfounded.

“How, for what reason?” my head was in chaos.

“Setsu… You…”

Betrayed us…?

Why are you on the enemy side?

I’m still in this country and yet…


“Is it the fault… of the demons?”

They’ve deceived you didn’t they?

Otherwise you, who said would come protect me, should

never become my enemy.

The demons… are evil.

All of them, all of them I will


The king and the others turned to look at me.

I wonder, what kind of eyes was the me at that time seen


“I will… kill everyone.”

I have to save Setsu――――――――――

“I guess I did it.”

Touma murmured while being a little out of breath.

The muzzles were spitting out fumes and the barrel had heat.

(I can’t attack for a while now that I’m like this… I’m glad this
settled it)

A gigantic crater was made on the ground and clouds of dust

came out from it.
The cloud was especially dense in the center, he could not
confirm the Setsu’s figure who should be in the center.

However, Setsu’s magic power could no longer be felt.

He should not have died.

At the very least he should not have any magic power left.

Touma’s magic power was also exhausted, but it was not like
he could not fight.

With this, Touma’s victory was clear.

(… First point is to confirm it I guess)

Touma slowly descended to the ground.

The movements of him who changed into a fortress was slow.

Just to be sure he moved with his feet off the ground and
finally arrived at the center of the crater.

That time――――――――

“――――――――――Finally you’ve come inside my range for

me eh?”

“Gh! Setsu!?”

The clouds cleared up

Inside the crater firmly stood Setsu.

His feet were stepping firmly on the ground.

“This is bad!”

“Open it much wider! Gluttony!”

Setsu thrusted <Hungry Fang> to the ground.

When doing so, the edge opened its mouth.

And then the ground too――――――――opened its mouth.

The time is finally here.

In order to not let Gluttony eat any more than this, I let it eat
the beam on purpose and due to that it took nearly all my magic
power, but that’s my problem now that it’s come to this.

“From the looks of it, you can’t attack for a while, so you
shouldn’t have any way to avoid this anymore!”
An attack with all my might using Gluttony.

The ground got cracks and those tore the earth.

The fissure spread out larger than the crater Touma created.

“<Earth Eater>” (すべてを喰らうもの; One who eats all)

“Wha- what is this!?”

The ground began to spread like a large mouth.

The earth gradually began to be dyed black and before long it

grew fangs.

This is a powerful technique that will eat up everything, a

characteristic of Gluttony.

Touma ran up with <Air Walk> trying to run away, but he’s
slow due to being burdened by that large body.

The large mouth made by the earth rose and went to close its
mouth in a dome shape.

“I can’t let you escape now can I!?”

The size of its mouth spread out even further

“Wait! Setsu! Forgive me, okay!?”

“Too bad, I got no reason to forgive you”

The mouth was completely shut.

I could no longer hear Touma’s voice.

“It’s my win, you fucking idiot”

“Why are you… on their side, Setsu?”


It was raining this day too.

Setsu and I were holding our swords and faced each other.

At the center of the battlefield, while our comrades from both

countries were watching over.

“You too, why did you participate in killing demons and

beastmen? These guys aren’t even evi――――――――”

“They tricked you didn’t they!? They’re plenty of evil!”

I yell.

Setsu doesn’t understand anything.

He most likely has been brainwashed by them.

“You’ve come to love me haven’t you Setsu!? And yet it

shouldn’t be possible for you to become my enemy!”

“ …Wait what?”

He still doesn’t understand me.

“Setsu, I like you. I like you enough that I can give you my
everything. That’s why, let’s go home together okay? Let’s find
a place nobody can find with the two of us and become one,
okay? If it’s us then we can become happy you see! I mean, you
said you will protect me for the rest of my life, didn’t you!?”

Setsu is mine.

I won’t hand him over to anyone.

I’ll even massacre those who stand in our way.

I won’t let them split us up anymore!

“Come, let’s go together?”

“――――――――――You have a few screws loose, you”

Setsu took out his sacred sword.

It doesn’t look like words will undo their brainwashing.

Then, I have no choice but to turn him obedient.

I don’t want to do something violent.

But, if it’s for the sake of obtaining you, then――――――――

“I will hurt even you, okay?”

“Bring it on then, you big son of a bitch!”

That’s right… we began our fight like this.

“… Where am I…?”

“You woke up?”

Touma who I laid down on the ground finally woke up.

Incidentally the ground returned to how it was before… or

actually the crater is still there, but we’re in the center of it.

“Why… am I aliv――――――――”

“What I let Gluttony eat was just your magic power and an
hour of your consciousness. Because he gulped down the entire
ground, Gluttony’s stomach nearly swelled up. I couldn’t afford
him to eat any more than that anymore.”

It’s the truth.

He would not eat anything more than that.

I’m really glad it did not end up carelessly killing Touma.

“Leaving that aside. You, why didn’t make use of your

<Cursed magic>?”

If that was used, then I probably would have lost.

If he applied even a curse that stops my movement, then I

would be showered completely by that beam and annihilated.

“ …It’s not I didn’t use it, it’s I couldn’t use it.”

Said Touma and he looked through his pockets.

And what he took out was a gem.

It was a lovely white fist-sized gem.

This is the most important item for my objective. I applied my

best curse on this one piece of gem. It’s for exploiting an
existence that will appear when the blood of Desastre, Levia and
Gaia is absorbed by the gem and then breaks.
“ … Why did Desas and Levia’s name come up? What is this

“This is… the gem that is sealing the god of creation. The god
of hopes that will come destroying the “people” in this world
you see.”

Touma said while showing a bitter smile.

I don’t understand what he’s talking about, but the reason the
black robes were after Desas and Levia seems to be caused by
this gem.

What is this god of creation though?

“Well… I already lost, so I don’t need this anymore.”

He threw away the gem.

The gem fell at a slightly separated place and made a thump.

“I’ve had enough. I’ll be satisfied if I’m going to be killed by

you. It doesn’t look like you will become mine in the end after

“Of course I won’t. I’m not gonna love a guy. And also… I’m
not gonna kill you.”

I said while scratching my head.

More like, I don’t have any ways to kill him either.

“Say, I want to ask you one thing. Why won’t you kill people,

“… I’m not sure about it. But, killing for me is bad. At least
killing more than one person.”
Touma showed a face like he didn’t understand, but that can’t
be helped.

Even I’m not sure about it after all.

“That’s why I won’t kill even you… at most, you’ll be making

up for your crimes inside a cage the demons will guard.”

“ …hahah, that’s harsh”

Touma laughed.

It was a genuine smile I haven’t seen for a long time.

“Haa… the sky looks nice.”

That’s true.
The sky is cleared because of our fight, so a beautiful blue sky
spread out.

I guess you can say it’s the sky of victory.


“Ooh, Yuuhi. And the rest of you too.”

My group turned up in the distance.

They’re recovered from their injuries, so I’m feeling relieved

for now.

“I’m so glad you’re safe~!”

“Woah, don’t jump at me so suddenly”

I embrace Yuuhi who came leaping into my chest.

When I did so, the somewhat angry looking Elka and Tia too
came clinging to me from the side.

“Mhh, Master Setsu, be a little affectionate to me as well


“I want to sit on your lap”

“Aah, I get it, I get it alright?”

I say and shake myself free from the three.

Upon doing that, next would be――――――――

“In that case, then pat me!”

“Pat me desu”

“Hey! Big sis and Ms Roa, you’re frolicking too much!”

Two cat girls came jumping onto me.

I splendidly sidestep that, let them lie on the ground and then
stroke the stomach of the two at the same time.

“Uhih! Wai-! Setsu! Sto-! Aahahahahaha!”

“Uuh~! Setsu stop… desu! Kufuh!”

“You girls be happy with this”

It’s a full blown tickling attack.

They won’t move for a while with this.

“B- big sis… I’m sorry Mr Setsu, for my big sister troubling
you again…”

“ … You’re really a good girl aren’t you”

“Heh!? Is that, is that really so…?”

The part of you being shy from being praised is cute too you
know, Mineko.

Your stock right now is taking a sudden rise.

“Hahaha, you’ve become quite the amazing one haven’t you,

Mr Setsu”

“ ‘Sup Glain. I’m glad you guys are safe too”

Glain, Brad and also Ides and lily.

Everyone’s safe.

Hm? Come to think of it, those two are――――――――

“Touma. Have you resigned yourself?”

Desastre asked Touma who was lying down.

“Yup. I understand what I’ve done myself. But, now that I’ve
been rejected by Setsu, I don’t care about just about anything
anymore. If you tell me to atone for my crimes then I will atone
for it as much as you like. Dying is… a little impossible though.”

“Even if I were to be able to kill you, I will not let you die you
see. Reflect inside the jails of mine country and properly
reevaluate how evil the deeds you have committed for the rest
of your life.”

After saying this much, Desastre stepped back.

Continuing on that, Levia went forward and called out to


“I don’t have that much resentment towards you, but there is

one thing I want to ask. Answer me.”

“ …Go ahead”

“That <Seal stone>, where did you get your hands on it?”

Levia said, pointing at the gem Touma threw away.

“Aah, I’ve heard an adventurer discovered in an ancient ruin

somewhere and I bought it when it was sold in an antique shop.
Whether the adventurer really had discovered it is a mystery,
but my opinion is something like that for the time being. Then
afterwards I analysed it, investigated history and arrived at the
god of creation”
“I get it… I guess”

Levia was racking her brains.

It was too convenient of a coincidence.

To begin with, that <Seal stone> was something that existed

somewhere humans could not go to.

Who in the world carried that out from such


“First, I have to collect that gem――――――――――wait,

where is?”

Levia noticed the fact the <Seal stone> that should have been
there until now was gone.

“What’s the matter?”

Concerned about her state, Desastre stood in line beside her.

It was that moment.

“ … huh?”

“Ga… ah…”

From Levia and Desastre’s abdomen, a knife protruded.

Behind her stood a mud-stained Gaia.

“Wh- why you…!”

“Aha… Ahahaha! Master Touma! I’ve done it!”

The stabbed knife was pulled out.

The blood dripping from the two knives was spilled onto the
<Seal Stone> that was at Gaia’s feet before anyone became
aware of it.

“Ehehe. With this, Master Touma’s wish will come true


“Stop it… Gaia. We lost…”

“Use my life with care, okay!?”

“Stop it… Gaia!”

Touma and Levia’s frantic voices unable to reach her, Gaia

pushed the knife to her neck.

“With this… it will revive right!? Our hope for despair!”

Blood spurted out from Gaia’s neck.

The blood of the girl who collapsed with a smiling face,

*splash splash* sprinkled on the <Seal Stone>.

In doing so, a disaster occured to the <Seal stone>.

“Yo- you can’t… the god of creation… is reviving!”

The <Seal Stone> floated up and sucked up the blood that fell
on the ground without even a single drop remaining.

Before long, the stone, which took in enough blood until it

became bright red, began to cast a dazzling light.

Enough luminescence to dazzle the eyes of Setsu and the

others who noticed the disaster and rushed over.

The light soon dimmed and what was


“Hum… it smells of “mankind”, my natural enemy”

Was not a “person”, but “something” possessing a woman’s

Volume 4 – On the Human
Chapter 75 Descent
The god of creation is one among a group of absolute

The one who is the god who had created this world and who
governs “creation”.

Without her, there would be no development and there would

be no decline either.

If such god as she were to go mad, then there would no longer

be any means for her to be stopped.

Gods hold power that would not shame its name and refer to
those who exist in a different dimension.

Therefore, the act of bringing down the god of creation

<Creasyl>, who had descended to this world now, was
impossible for them, beings of lower dimensions.
They could do nothing but be merely frightened by that
mighty power.


I reflexively lost strength in my knees.

This woman is bad news.

She was dyed pure white, starting from the angel’s raiment
like thing she is wearing, her skin and all the way to the tips of
her hair.

I could not feel anything from the blue eyes that was attached
to just that single color.

No thirst for blood, no anger, no other emotions, nothing.

That’s out of this world and frightening.

Run away, run away, is my instinct shouting to me.

With the current me out of magic power, it’s clear I won’t be

able to win against this woman.

Even so――――――――Only those guys have to.

“Elka! Glain and Tia too, hand over all of your magic power!”

“Gh! Yes!”



The three who quickly read my intentions rushed over and

poured magic power in me.
But, this isn’t enough.

“Roa, Shironeko and Mineko, I’m asking you too!”

“I don’t really understand but… leave it to me!”

“Roger desu”


The three beastmen too came filling my magic power the

same way.

I’ve restored a lot of it.

With this I should be able to hold it out for a little time.

“Brad! Get Desas and Levia! I’m counting on you for curing
the two, Yuuhi!”


“Okay Yuki-kun!”

Brad quickly moved and separated, carrying the two who were
stabbed with a knife in the abdomen.

Yuuhi rushed over there and immediately began their cure.

“And so… everyone leave until you’re quite far away. This
girl’s… on a different dimension.”

I can’t feel anything from this woman, no magic power, no

ambition to overpower others.

If it’s just that, then she’ll just be seen like she’s weak.
But that’s not it.

Not feeling magic power is impossible.

Living things should have magic power as long as they breath

in this world.

Then… what is she?

Even if I glare like this, she isn’t moving at all.

It feels uncanny, but I’m also grateful.

In the meantime everyone else finished taking refuge.

Who is here is just me, Touma and the white

“Hum… you grasp mine existence, youngster?”

“Gh… just a little yeah.”

Honestly speaking I can feel the woman’s existence just a little


Can I call it her presence… If it’s Yuuhi and the others, then
they won’t notice her even if she approach them from the back I

If it’s me then I can barely tell whether I know or not.

Either way, anything’s fine except for this place.

“So you can grasp the presence of a god… What an odd


That time, black chains came out from the pit of her stomach
and spread to the whole body.

The being whose body was entangled, was soon completely


Is that, Touma’s?

“God of creation <Creasyl>…! By my curse, obey me!”

The collapsed Touma extended his hand towards the woman.

Is it this? The reason he said he couldn’t use <Cursed magic>


It was a curse that was put together in an absurdly complex


If I get hit by that, then even I’ll become helpless you know?
“Human… do not be conceited.”

However, he couldn’t hold onto her with that.

Just by exerting some strength, the curse chance broke in


This is… they’re on a too completely different scale.

“It didn’t work after all…”

“Will the mere creature inferior to even insects… disappear

here and now?”

That woman pointed her hands towards Touma.

Seeing that, I immediately release a small fire ball to her face.

Without trying to avoid it, she took it in her face just like that.

She shouldn’t get any damage from that, but it’s a chance now
that her field of vision isn’t working by the smoke of the fire.

I kick the ground with all my strength, carry Touma and take

I can’t possibly part with her now.

“Setsu… why are you…”

“It’s because I’m… helpless against that woman alone”

I pour half of the magic power I got from Elka and the others
into Touma.

“It looks like that woman can’t stand us. And so, she’ll bump
us off at this rate.
Even if I wanna stop her, I probably can’t win alone”

If that’s the case, then there’s only one thing to do.

“Lend me your strength,

Touma――――――――――――――――it’s a joint struggle”

I can only make the guy who can fight together with me… into
an ally.
Chapter 76 Inferior Creatures
“I don’t have any rights… to veto right?”

“Of course you don’t, you idiot. Right now your life is mine.
Go work like a horse as much as you can”

I pull up Touma and I’ll fill him with half of the magic power I

With him receiving magic power, <Sword Thrill> activated as

well and the wounds on his whole body were healed.

“Well… I guess it’s not bad if I’m going to be worked hard by


Touma lined up with me.

A strange sense of security filled my heart.

Oh I see, I’ve forgotten it for a long time.

So this is the feeling of fighting together with someone.

“I’m relying on ya, gofer”

“I hope you can take back at least that nickname!”

I unsheathe the jet black greatsword Kuromaru that I put

away in the magic bag.

Touma also took out his sacred sword and kicked the ground
at the same time as me.

“Inferior creatures… do not try to appear clever”

When the smokes covering her face disappeared, the god of

creation <Creasyl> or something watched us dreadfully
My feet unintentionally froze.

Even though I don’t feel the strength or intensity, what is this


Is this what a god is?

But that has nothing to do with me.

If this woman says she’s going to bump off my companions

then I can just bump her off first.

I’ll protect them like that, now and from now on too.


I strongly step on the ground and push my body forward

At the same time I raise Kuromaru overhead and strike
Creasyl ――――――――――――is what was supposed to have

“Hum, it has gotten cracks, but it is a fine sword. However the

user on the other hand”

What is?

What happened?

It clearly feels out of place.

Why is that woman holding my arm and Kuromaru?

Why is my arm gone from the elbow?

Violent pain came attacking me due to my right arm being
torn off.

I unintentionally crumbled down to my knees.

“You are a hindrance. Disappear from my sight”


An impact to my chest.

My bones made sounds of breaking and my body went flying

with a force that blew me away dozens of meters.


Touma caught me.

But he couldn’t kill off the momentum either, and so both of
us rolled on the ground.

“Gah… hah…”

I was probably kicked.

I couldn’t see it at all, but it felt like I just barely grasped the
mere instant her feet moved.

It must’ve been a harmless kick to her.

But to us it’s nearly a fatal wound.

My ribs and lungs got damaged.

I finally regenerated including my arm, but I couldn’t even

take a breath until then.
If you don’t have regeneration powers as much as us, then you
won’t be able to endure even one attack like just now.

What should I do, what can I do to beat someone like that?

“How dare you… hurt my Setsu…”

“Hey wait!”

Touma walked towards Creasyl with a terrible expression.

I also went after him in a hurry.

Also I’m not yours.

“The one who can hurt Setsu is only me! I’m going! Setsu! I’m
going to kill her!”
“Your logic is strange, but… well, I agree with killing her! You

I strongly kick the grounds again.

This time I gather magic power in my eyes and reinforce my


If I can see even a little bit, then I can cope with it.

I’m already not thinking about pacing myself anymore.

My few remaining magic powers, to my whole body.

I go with the plan to take her down before I take my next


“But first! Gimme back that sword!”

I come close in order to snatch away Kuromaru.

Creasyl was expressionless like always, but she leaked out a

single “Hoh”.


When I stretch my hands towards Kuromaru in her hand, she

also stretched her hand this way.

This time even my heart could end up being taken out.

But, I can see it now.

It’s quick, but I can still see it.

I twist my body and dodge the hand.

Wrapping it up just like that, I cling onto the arm that was
holding Kuromaru.

“Give it back!”

And then strike my fist towards her wrist.

Her strength weakened a just a little.

After snatching away Kuromaru like that and jumped back

once, I jump again

“Making light of me…!”

Creasyl sent only a gaze this way and her body was still
pointing forward.

I unleash a thrust with all my strength there, but my sword

stopped the instant I hit her skin.
“So tough…”

“Are you already done?”

“Not yet!”

Touma came attacking from the other side.

Creasyl stopped his sacred sword with her body.

I match that timing and drive my sword one more time.

But, Creasyl did not move.

“You insects seem to be lacking in your brains. You thought I

would move from just that?”

“Yeah… You won’t move I guess. But!”

An elementary level fire magic <Smoke>.

Touma poured that on Creasyl in his spare time.

It’s just a smokescreen, but with this her field of vision is


If her vision is turned useless for even a moment then her

response will be delayed.

“Setsu! Let’s do it!”


““<Flying blade – Sever>!””

We drive our strongest <Flying Blade> at a super point blank

It was an attack with nearly all our magic power poured into.

If this is no good, then I won’t have any skills that can

accomplish anything until my sacred sword <Gluttony>
becomes hungry.

We quickly jump back and take distance.

There we can finally take a breath.

“Huff… Huff… we got a hit didn’t we…”


There was a dull feel, but there should be a hit for sure.

There was also some feeling of cutting flesh.

It’d be nice if there’s even a little damage――――――――――

“――――――――――I am surprised, you insects”


Creasyl appeared from within the smoke.

On both her shoulders were certainly wounds, though


However there’s no blood flowing out.

Light particles gathered and in the blink of an eye they were


“To think that this me would be injured. It seems I have

looked down on you a little. Now then, shall I as well use a little
of my strength?”
You weren’t using strength with that?

Don’t say something ridiculous, you bitch.

“And that was the best we could do!”

“She’s coming!”

Creasyl’s hand was pointed towards us.


We took evasive movements to the sides.

And then a thunderous roar resounded at the place we were

standing just a moment ago.

I rolled over again from the wind pressure that sprang forth.
“Something! Something fell down and… gh!”

When I somehow recovered my balance and stood up, I

immediately understood just what fell there.

It was a gigantic pike.

Its height should be close to a skyscraper I guess.

The tip is sunk into the ground and it stretched all the way up
in the sky.

I would be bound to the world of the dead in one attack if I

didn’t dodge it.

“Touma! You alive!?”

So that guy’s fine… I’m not hurt either, but it honestly came
from my heart.

This woman is able to drop this down in an instant.

She may be able to let pikes of this scale drop down like rain if
she were to make a serious effort in it.

We’ll have no chance in winning if it’s like that.

Everyone will disappear.

“Now, how far will you insects endure


That moment, I saw that woman’s arm dropping on the


Just like the time an object that was attached with glue
coming off, that tough of a woman’s body crumbled down.

“ … As I thought, blood is lacking. I can not squarely do a

single arm swing with a young girl’s life”

… I’m not sure about this, but is this a chance?

“It cannot be helped. I shall collect the lives of those two



Creasyl determined her purpose on something.

At the end of that gaze should be Desas and the others.

Even an idiot would know what she’s aiming for.

Creasyl lightly kicked the ground.

She was fast despite that.

But I have to stop her.

If I don’t stop her, they they’ll be killed.

“You think I’ll let youuuu!?”

I ran in order to get in her way.

Maybe this was a miracle, but when I thought I could not

possibly make it, I was able to cleanly stand in front of her.

“Gh! You insect…”

For the first time I’ve seen her surprised face.

But I don’t care about something like that now.

Without hesitating, I hit Creasyl with Kuromaru.

“ … you are somewhat dangerous, insect. Disappear here and


“Wha… Kuro… maru…”

Kuromaru, who hit Creasyl’s shoulder, cleanly broke at the


While the broken pieces danced in the air, her hand extended
towards me.

Light completely filled my field of vision.

And then――――――――――――――my consciousness


『Troublesome are you not… damned brat』

What I heard at the end, was the voice of a girl I’ve never
heard of.
Chapter 77 God of Destruction
“Gh… hnn? … Where am I…”

I spur on my body to stand up as it’s complaining about the


What entered my field of vision in the beginning was the

sunlight filtering through many trees.

Looks like I’m inside a forest somewhere for some reason.

(The pain on my body ain’t going away at all… did I run out of
magic power?)

When I try touching all over my body, I didn’t find even a

single wound.

But maybe the damage remained; it hurts as if something had

run into me.
“ … That’s right! I――――――――”

I suddenly recall everything that happened to me.

I got defeated by that goddess called Creasyl or something.

The broken Kuromaru was left in my hand and that made me

realize that’s the truth even when I hate it.

It was my complete defeat.

“God… dammit!”

I spontaneously hit the ground with my arms.

I’m worried about those guys.

That I’m alive is a miracle itself, but there’s no meaning if I

lose even one of them.

I have to go.

I have to return to that place right away and protect those


“Just when I thought you have woken up at last, where do you

think you are going, stupid man?”


A voice I don’t remember hearing of called out to me when I

stood up.

No, that’s not it. I’ve heard of this voice somewhere.

That’s right, the time I got showered by the light released

from Creasyl’s hand――――――――
“What are you being stupefied about! This way!”

When I was taken aback and then turned around, I saw a

single kid leaning against a tree there.

Flowy black hair and jet black eyes with no highlights.

She’s the spitting image of that woman, except for the body
and color.

Her looks and all, if I’m told they’re twins then I’d likely
believe it.

Except, a black t-shirt and shorts from top to bottom, I’m

honestly doubting her taste.

“What is it? Do you have complaints over my garments?”

“Gh! You… don’t read my mi――――――――”

“It is showing on your face, you stupid man!”


My head got hit, ow――――――――――――it hurts?

“I may have overused my strength and have become short, but

I am a god despite my appearance! It is simple for me to do
something like erasing you alone!”

“Gh! A god… I see! So you’re that woman’s ally then!?”

I promptly ready my broken Kuromaru towards the shouting

little girl.

I know it’s already useless, but I can bear an attack even for a

It’s the worst situation, but I’m going to survive no matter

what it takes.

I’ll kill this girl.

I’ll kill this girl and survive.

Wait… why am I thinking about killing her?

… I see, so it’s because they’re not “people”.

If it’s “gods” then I should be able to kill them.

“I’ll kill you!”

“Wait wait wait! Wait I am telling you!”

I reflexively stopped my hand just before the broken

Kuromaru touched her.
What is this girl, she’s feeling unreasonably frightened you

“I am the god of destruction <Destroia>! The one who act as

the opposite of that god of creation <Creasyl>! I have tried
threatening you my boy, but I do not feel like fighting you!
That’s why, lower your sword okaaay!?”


When I try putting Kuromaru closer, she went “Hiih!” and

covered her face.

Okaaay… This kind of girl act as the opposite of that Creasyl?

“ … Take it easy with the jokes, okay brat?”

“It was no joke! What a rude brat! I am already tens of

thousands of years――――”
“Shut up”

“Hiih! I’m sorry!”

When I put Kuromaru closer again, this girl became

frighteningly docile.

For argument’s sake even if she was a god, then I wonder if

it’s fine for an undignified person like her.

“E- even though I saved you my boy… could you not at least
show me some gratitude *grumble grumble*”

“ … hey, tell me that story in full detail.”


Hae? My ass.
This girl actually said something now that I can’t overlook.

She saved me?

“Fu… fu fu fu! Have you become interested in hearing my

story!? In that case let me present you! Why you, my boy, are in
an unknown plot of land! And why I am this adorable, I

“Shut up, hurry up and talk”

“Ugh… you will be damned like that you understand!? I am

God you understand!?”

Hum, is her face contorting and being close to tears her au


Wait, this isn’t the time to be doing something like this. I have
to quickly get information out of her.
“So what is it about? I’m in a real hurry”

“I- I understand that, alright… I’m thinking about telling you

what you’re most curious about from the beginning. If I were to
say it in a sentence, then every one of your companions are safe,
my boy. Not a single person have died.”

I reflexively crumbled down from my knees.

I’m so glad, they were saved.

If they’re alive now then I won’t ask for any more than that.

“Everything is due to my――――――”

“And then?”

“ … Someday you really will be struck with retribution, my

Shut up, it’s because I met a dangerous god that came and
attacked like that.

It’s more unreasonable to show respect you know.

“Well fine, I shall explain from the beginning. First, it’s about
that god of creation <Creasyl>, but she was the partner who
created this world with me.”

“ … it’s suddenly grand, the hell”

“We are gods after all. Well, the creation of the world was
doing favorable. She creates all things, I destroy the excess
objects. We developed the world this way.”

“ …”

“And then on a certain day, without any notice, “people”

appeared. I did not particularly care about that level of
happening, but she did not seem to approve of it… Well, she
began a massacre of the “people”.”
What a terrible story.

“What, did she not like them that much?”

“It looks like she could not approve of things to spread in the
world beside those she had created. Even that was too much for
me and so I stopped her. I could not kill a god, so I reluctantly
applied a seal on her.”

“ …So, that was broken just then… you say”

“Just then? What are you saying? Three days have passed
since you were defeated by her, you know?”

“ …huh?”

Three days…? I’ve been sleeping for three days…?

Considering all that, neither my magic power nor wounds

have been healed.

It’s not something I can possibly believe.

“Banish, that you have received, is a <Divine skill> that can be

used by any gods. Its effect is erasing the target from this world.
You should have originally disappeared after receiving that. So
I, who was revived at the same time Creasyl’s seal was broken,
came in to your rescue. With me negating her Banish and
hurling you towards a remote place, I saved you.”

“… And how is that related to me sleeping for three days?”

When I ask that, the god of destruction or something turned

away and began to speak with an awkward look.

“We- weeell~… To tell the truth I thought about coming to

save you stylishly and sealing Creasyl again you see and… erm…
I bungled and I wasn’t able to offset Banish and… it took away
most of my powers and your magic power… The result is I failed
the divine skill I thought about using, transfered you away and
your body has become unable to use magic…you see”
I’m amazed beyond words.

I see, it’s no wonder I couldn’t refine magic power.


“You’re fucking kidding meeee!”

“Hiih! It was my fault! I’m sorry!”

“I’m grateful for being saved, but you know! I can’t fight that
woman like this can I!?”

“I- I will return your magic power with my remaining divine

power! Be patient for a while!”

“Aargh! Fuck man!”

Then… I won’t be able to fight decently for a while?

Damn it… what is this, and I thought I could take it easy after
going through the trouble to end the troublesome war…

But I’m also a little relieved.

Even if I fight Creasyl now, I can make an excuse.

It’ll end without me being held responsible for it.

I became unbearably disgusted of me who end up thinking like

that and strongly clenched my fist.

“ … Creasyl went to a certain place to fully regain her powers.

She must have felt a sense of crisis to the fact I appeared…
Without touching your companions, she is stabilizing her
powers in a certain place at the dead center between the three
continents. That place is isolated and none can approach it.”
“Then… if it’s now”

“It’s impossible. Because she should have spread a strong

barrier. You can not tear it down and even I, with this body, can
not tear it down.”

…So there’s nothing we can do about it?

Is that really so? I wonder if we really can’t do anything.

Can’t we do anything until the woman regains her powers…

“――――――――Let us go, drooling youngster”

“Aah!? Where to!?”

“I don’t know where. But, if you have the time to be hesitant

here, then look if there’s anything we can do. You are in
perfectly good health, will you not do at least that?”
“ …Tch”

A grumbling sound didn’t come out either.

It’s vexing, but this pipsqueak has a point, I’m just giving up
on that.

Shall I move then, now.

That person should most likely be distracted too.

If those guys are safe then linking up with them for now
should be good I guess.

I don’t want to waste time.

“Your magic power should return slowly when I am with you.

I am guessing that it will take around two to three months until
she returns to her heydays… she is not one with the personality
to make compromises, so I think you could likely use the three
months freely.”

“Three months huh… I can do anything right?”

“Yes, you can do anything. If you put your mind to it.”

“ … Very good”

This ain’t the time to become timid I guess.

What about her being a god? I’ll do something about her, this
time too.

I’m absolutely going to make her regret starting a fight with


“By the way, what is your name?”

“It’s Setsu. Nice to meet you, Stroh”

“Mhm, Nice to――――――――wait what do you mean,


“Destroia, Stroh from the middle. It’s a good name right?

Since it’s also easy to call you with”

“ … You do not seem to have any naming sense do you”

Destroia/Stroh at first address Setsu with お前さん(omaesan) which could be translated normally as you,
but also “my dear” like between wife and husband or an older person speaking intimately to someone
that’s on a lower…level? Age? etc. So I went for my boy, since I figured it makes sense for older
men/women to say that to younger men they get along with. Tell me if you have a better suggestion
Chapter 78 It’s not impossible
“I shall be hiding my figure for a brief period. The time I once
again appear in front of you insects will be when it is the end of
you ‘people’.”

How long have I been absent minded since Creasyl said that
and disappeared?

When I noticed, the girl called Yuuhi was crouching at the

place where Setsu vanished, crying.

I hate all the women who approach him, but for some reason
only right now I can’t feel anything and feelings of sympathy
welled up curiously.

I could not longer feel Setsu’s magic power anywhere.

He vanished. He completely vanished.

Tears didn’t come out. For some reason I was completely

cooled off from the depths of my body and my mind was awfully

In order to thoroughly accept that his death was “the way it



About an hour elapsed since the fight between Touma, Setsu

and Creasyl.

The beastmen arrived as reinforcements, the human soldiers

were restrained altogether and the decisive battle on the demon
continent ended in victory for the allied forces.

However, the fact they were left with reasonable sacrifices

and above all the disappearance of one man was why none could
propose to attack the human country.

The clout of the man called Setsu was large enough to move
In good and bad meaning.

And so, if one were to ask what that central personage of the
world is doing now――――――――――

“Hey, hand over your clothes”


He was single-handedly strangling robbers.


“If you’ve learned anything from this, then don’t be doing

anything evil again, got it?”

“I got it! Boss!

“Good, now go”

“Yesser! We’re going, lads!”

I got clothes for my upper body from the robbers who

attacked the carriage of a small merchant.

I’ve been walking in the forest for a while, but I’ve been
topless you know.

I’m glad these guys happened to be here, but if I enter even a

single city like this I’ll instantly be a criminal. That was
dangerously close.

“You’re not hurt are you, pops?”

“Ye- yeah… You saved me. I have to offer you some reward
“Aah, it’s fine I tell you. More importantly, can you tell me
the closest city from here?”


The attacked merchant pops racked his brains for a while over
my question and came up with several candidates for me.

“There is a city if you go south of here. It seems they are

greatly thriving by some labyrinth. However it should take a
day from here. There are places you can go in several hours,

“What is it then? Don’t be biased please”

“ … There’s a village in the north. It’s a largish village.

There’s an inn there as well so you won’t be worried about
living there.”

“Oh, ain’t that place nice”

For the time being I’d like a place to calm myself down.

It’s a huge deal, not being able to use my magic bag because I
ended up losing my magic power.

I managed to fasten the broken Kuromaru on my back with a


I’d like a backpack and it’s better to have a change of clothes

too I guess.

If that’s the case then there are no options other than going to
that village which will probably take me ten minutes if I go on

Ah, I can’t use magic, but I’ll make it work out today
somehow with just my physical ability.

“It’s just… I myself came from there, but an illness is

spreading widely over there you see…”

“Yes. We don’t know the cause, but it seems to be an illness

that will rapidly break down your body. Mainly the children
and the elderly develop the illness. … My daughter developed
the illness too you see. Now I’m about to go call a skilled doctor
from the city.”

Illness… a disease huh.

I know some of the diseases in this world in general when it

comes to knowledge, but there’s no name that comes to mind.

That it affects children and gramps and grannies means it’s

the natural enemy of weak-bodied guys I guess.

… well, it got nothing to do with me.

“If you cherish your body then it’s better not to go. Several…
dead have already turned up”

“ … That’s quite unpleasant”

If dead people turns up then that changes the story.

With my current situation without magic power, I’m a little


If I look at this pops looking all alive, then a short term stay is

‘ …Setsu, we shall go to that village’

“ …?”

Stroh who was beside me suddenly opened her mouth.

By the way, this girl who’s a god doesn’t seem to enter
ordinary people’s field of vision as long as she doesn’t try to
intentionally show her appearance.

Her voice can’t be heard either it seems. Ain’t she pretty much
a phantom, this girl?

‘I have a clue as to the true color of the illness. If they match…

then it should at the very least be an incident that is involved
with us gods’

It’s settled then.

Or rather, there’s a guy in trouble in front of my eyes and yet

ending the conversation with “Keep at it then okay~” is painful.

If it has to do with gods, then I can’t possibly not stick my

nose into it.

“I’ll go to that village for a bit pops”

“He, hey! I just told you it’s dangerous――――――――”

“I’ll do something about it, aight?”

“ …!”

I leave behind those words and run towards the north without
looking back.

Around the time I could no longer see the pops’ figures, Stroh
who was calmly keeping pace with me looked into my face for
some reason.

“ … You are a mysterious man”

“Ah? What do you mean?”

“For some reason your words give sense of security. As if it

will become reality when you say so…”
She keeps saying things I ain’t sure of.

It’s the usual thing from my perspective.

“If I say I’ll do something about, then I’ll do something about

it. Even Creasyl, I’ve decided to whoop her down. That’s why, I
will absolutely whoop her down.”

There’s no such thing as impossible if I put my mind to it.

Because the world is made that way.

Chapter 79 Unseen Conclusion
“What did you say!? They are… defeated…?”

“Yes, Your Majesty…”

“Touma… What of Touma and the others!?”

“Perhaps they were caught by the demons…”

“Ugh… It is fine, retire”

“Yes Your Majesty!”

The king of Destinea racked his brains over the worst news.

He had never thought they would be defeated.

Even he sufficiently understood the threat of Touma and co.

Naturally the demons had reasonable military strength.

However, it was a fact that he thought they could simply

eradicate the demons who had not united with the beastmen.

The king reflexively hit the throne towards the naivety of his
own thinking.

“Lord Father…”

Princess Margaret showed tears seeing such figures of her


And yet she wiped her tears and watched the king with a
strong look.

“Lord Father, Ser Touma could not possibly be defeated so

easily. Surely he must have some intention. For example, being
caught on purpose and then counter attacking from the

“He could have that in mind I guess~:

“ … ! Rume!”

Before they were aware of it, on the throne stood a boy

wearing a black robe.

He was the last one among the group of black robes Touma
had gathered, Rume.

“You… where have you been?”

“What are you saying? I’ve been here the whole time. In this
room that is. More importantly, it’s better if I don’t move until
Touma-kun begins his move again. It’ll be bad if I get in his way
somehow after all”
“Ye- yes…”

Those in this place are aware. That the man called Kamishiro
Touma is an out of standard monster.

That they could not possibly understand him and that he

simply manage to do it.

However, they were yet to be aware of it.

That an existence had appeared who was even more out of

standard than that Touma or their natural enemy Setsu.

And that currently a crisis was drawing near


“ ! Get down!”

Rume leaped off the throne and went on the ground while
holding down the king.

Margaret responded immediately and squatted on the spot.

Immediately after, a thunderous roar resounded.

The large door to the throne room fluttered about inside the

Perhaps some explosion occurred, smoke broke out at the

entrance to the room.

From inside it, two young man and woman slowly made their

“Why hello… Your Majesty the king of the humans, moreover

Your Highness the princess too”
Showing a crooked smile, the man said in a rough tone.

They knew the two were demons from their pale skin.

The man has unkempt blond hair, black pupils in his red eyes
and the woman sported a simple ashen hakama on her body and
her hair was tied to the back in a single bundle. (*hakama)

They brought about a bizarre atmosphere and had a presence

that would not let one blink.

“De- demons!? What happened to the guards!?”

“They are sleeping about now… Don’t know if they’ll wake up



“… “
The surprised king stepped back and Rume took a step

The princess noticed herself being taken aback as well and

began refining the magic power inside her body.

“If you’re demons, then it means you’ve come to take the

king’s head right?”

“Isn’t that a given?”

“Even so… with the two of you… Although we’ve sent the
majority of our military strength to the demon continent, there
are still a fair number of soldiers left. Brave aren’t you?”

“Hah… No matter how many small fries you bundle up, you
won’t win against the Great Me you know. Don’t talk so
conceited, you small fry”

“ ! … You really are reckless aren’t you!”

Magic power gushed out from Rume.

The dense magic power filled the interior of the room.

However, the two did not even quiver.

“My name is Rume… A warrior who will now get rid of small
fries like you”

Guessing from that magic power, his ability would be SSS


He had far more magic power than even Kagerou.

“ …Tch, he went and gave us his name… how about the

Amazing Us give them our names for once?”

“Is it necessary? Doing that”

“Oh don’t be so unfriendly, there’s what’s called “getting in
the mood” right?”

“Hum, point taken”

They, even while their body was exposed by the enormous

magic power, took a step forward.

“The Greatness that is Me is Jion, one of the five great demon


“I’m called Ramina, one of the five great demon generals. You
don’t have to remember it”

Simultaneously, magic power sprouted from the two.

That filled the room in the twinkling of an eye, repainting

Rume’s magic power.
“Wha-… you…! You were of the five great demon generals!?”

“Look out eh, the Magnificent Us are… a higher rank than the
other three you know”

Rume reflexively took a step back by Jion who showed a smile

soaked in madness.

As if to substitute him, Margaret stepped forward while


“If, if you say you are of the five great demon generals, then!
It is impossible for us to send you back from this place! <Flame
Twin Lance>!”

“Would you look at that… quite the heroic princess”

Margaret’s magic held quite the power.

She had guidance from Touma and those around him and so
her magic has clearly achieved evolution.

Setsu being surprised in the beginning was also because her

growth was remarkable.

The flame lances too should outdo an S rank in power alone.



The two flame lances were split right in half at the same time.

No, they were cut.

The flames whose power was erased, extinguished as it fell

They stood there with their appearance unchanged.

If there was one single change, then it would be the point

where Ramina has put her hand on the blade worn on her waist.

“Hey, leaving the princess to you. This Great Me will deal

with that small fry kid.

“Good, leave her to me”

Ramina nodded and with a kick, moved in front of Margaret’s



“<Turning leg>

Ramina’s backwards turning kick struck the surprised

Receiving it squarely on her abdomen, her body broke
through the walls and tumbled towards the king’s bedroom next

“Don’t go take two minutes okay?

“I don’t need it, that kind of time”

Confirming that Ramina chased after Margaret, Jion turned

towards Rume.

“Now then, shall the Great Me put an end to this as well?”

“Don’t… take me lightly!”

Rume swung his arm.

Upon doing so, the carpet spread in the room wriggled and by
turning into the shape of a fist, it attacked Jion.
“Woah! What the hell is this?”

“My magic is <Room Magic>, I can freely manipulate the

things in the room! Well, it’s useless outside, so I’m left here
during the war though!”

“A unique, really… bloody annoying”

While revealing such complains, Jion sidestepped the

countless fists.

As far as he was concerned, he could avoid attacks of that level

of speed while chatting with somebody.

However, just before he slipped out from the carpet’s range

his feet was entangled by the carpet’s fur.

“Hah! Caught you!”

The carpet’s fist simultaneously attacked the place he fell

down after losing balance.

“Guh… Why you… bloody annoying!”

Being beaten all over his body, Jion tore off while taking
damage and managed to withdraw.

When he escaped the range of the carpet, this time his instinct
informed him of danger.

“Don’t get crushed!”


Jion rolled to the sides so that he avoids the chandelier.

Thinking that he would get caught if he went to the direction
of the carpet, he rolled to the direction of the wall this time.

However, Rume had firmly read his thoughts.

“It’s better to be more cautious to your surrounding you

know, Mister demon”

“Huh? Gah――――――――”

On the wall were set, paintings prepared by the king.

Those paintings went off the wall and now their frame struck
Jion on the back of his head.

Even more paintings began attacking Jion who fainted in


“Kah… this is… going from all sides…”

“Haha! Sturdy aren’t you!? But I don’t have that much free
time either. I’ll settle it in one go, okay?”

<Limit Break>――――――――


“Haah… haaah…”

“It isn’t my hobby to make fun of my opponents. If you

acknowledge defeat in good grace, then I won’t even take your

Margaret, while coughing blood, glared at Ramina.

Her internal organs were likely damaged.

However her eyes did not die yet, though she could barely
“Do not make light of me please… I am the princess of the
proud Destinea, I will not yield to any demon”

“Proud… is it. It isn’t my hobby to talk much of what others

do, but… calling yourselves, who summoned unrelated people
from another world and making them fight, proud is…
somewhat laughable”

“Are you, are you insulting… us!? <Fireball Field>!”


The angry looking Margaret unleashed her magic.

No, she activated would be correct.

That magic has been there until now.

“You use interesting magic. It isn’t my hobby to expressly put

my feelings into words, but I am surprised to this”

“Take this!”

Surrounding Ramina floated countless number of fire balls.

In a word it was a trap and these fireballs gathered towards

the center at once.

Avoiding it was a herculean task and at this rate, Ramina

would without a doubt be burned to cinders.

“ … not enough”

However, the fireballs never reached Ramina.

It was the same with the flame lances from before.

Before they reached her, all of the fireballs were cut and


“So you can’t see it. It isn’t my hobby to bear hopes of another
person, but… this is, as expected, a disappointment”

This time, Margaret blinked. She accidentally blinked.

Her field of vision was blocked for an instant and then when
she regained light again――――――――her upper body was
waiting in the sky.

“What is…?”

Unable to recognize for a while that she died, she earnestly

pondered why she could not stand.
And when she captured the figure of her own lower body, she
finally recognized her death and Margaret slowly closed her

She will never again open her eyes.

“ … It isn’t my hobby to speak of the dead, but… think of your

own deeds in the world of the dead, oh princess”


“Gah… haah… To think… this Amazing Me is…”

“Hahah! Aahah hah hah hah ha! You’re surprisingly weak

compared to that big mouth of yours!”

Jion had a gigantic sword go through his body.

It was a sword made of steel that was not in this room.

“My <Dream Box> can produce anything depending on my
imagination! Like letting the sword that’s gone through you
grow even more!”

“S- stop… I beg you…”

“Too late in begging for your life! Die!”

“Ugh ――――――――――――”

“<Dark Flower>!”

From inside Jion’s body, more accurately from the center of

the sword, pitch black steel thorns protruded from all

That instant he quickly changed from person to a common

object and turned into a black flower that dripped bright red
blood, as if he was a work of art.
“You can’t possibly defeat me, can you… I’m more than
Touma-kun, even that Setsu person! Because I can kill them if I
feel like it you see!? Ahahahahahahahahahaha!

“Aha… hahaha… aha…”

“Well aren’t you in a bloody good mood… Being able to have a

good dream is best above all”

Jion softly muttered while looking down on Rume who was

on his knees with hollow eyes.

“Rume! Rume! Why will you not move!?”

“Aah, save your breath. This guy won’t come back anymore. I
used that kind of magic.”
Even when he kicked down Rume from the side, he only

Perhaps dreaming very well, that laughter of his appeared to

be a good feeling from the bottom of his heart.

“Are you done, Jion?”

“Sure. You were fast too”

“It isn’t my hobby to talk too much about the dead, but… it
was a terrible disappointment, I’ve ended it with a single

“Whaa! It’s cruel! How cruel. Much more so than the

Spectacular Me”

The king drew back.

They are abnormal, he dreaded the appearance of these two
and the feelings of wanting to be separated from this place ruled
over him.

However, there was no way for him to escape.

“*sigh*… but with this, we finally succeeded in our “hide your

figure in a free for all fight, kill the enemy’s king when they’re
off guard and take all achievements strategy” right?”

“ … It isn’t my hobby to complain about what you have

decided, but couldn’t you change that name in one way or

“It’s your bloody fault you can’t come up with anything right?
Isn’t it fine, a name similar to that guy’s naming sense?”

“ … I guess, that person is stronger than anybody, but I don’t

feel he will lose in regards to naming things”

Taking a sidelong glance towards the two who began idle

chatter, the king began to run around to the back of the throne.

There was a secret pathway that goes to some hidden stairs

and it is made for him to escape for emergencies.

He could not let go of that chance.


“Mh, don’t run away”

“Gi…Giih! Aaaah”

Being lopped off from below his knees, the king lied down on
the floor.

The secret path was still distant.

“Oh hey, aren’t you glad that the carpet is red… this way you
won’t mind it even if it gets dirtied with blood.”

“Hi- Hii…”

“Die, a noble death”

――――――――――The scene the king saw last was Ramina’s

katana gleaming for a mere instant.

“Phew, we got a good souvenir, so shall we go home about

now? Lady Desastre will be overjoyed with this”

“We may be scolded for doing something arbitrarily. If that

will be the case, then I will force all responsibility to you and
run away”

“About that eh, oh miss Ramina… Good company on the road

is the shortest cut right?”
“ … It isn’t my hobby to deny one’s words right in their face,
but I think you’re wrong”

While continuing their conversation at their own pace, they

left the place.

What remained, was only a boy who still kept on laughing and
the headless body of a man.
Chapter 80 Magic Sword of Diseases
“So it’s this place…”

“Yes yes, this is quite the lackluster village don’t you think?”

A short time after meeting the merchant pops, we arrived at

said village.

Seen from the outside, the village was completely gloomy and
brought about an atmosphere where you would never want to
approach if you just happen to pass by.

“Let’s go in and see for now I guess. Even trying to figure out
the solution is outta the question if you don’t know the cause”

“That is right. I too have yet to possess any positive proof”

Stroh seems to have a rough idea on the cause of that illness,

but she won’t tell me.
Just that it looks to be related to gods, but what shall we do if
it’s an ordinary infectious disease?

Well, we’ll be making sure of that starting now though.

Once we enter the village, I see figures of young men sitting

down and resting on the walls of houses that are all over the

It didn’t seem likely that those guys are attacked by an


When we walked while looking around, one of the

aforementioned guys came up to talk to us.

“… You a traveler?”

“! Yeah, kind of like that”

“Oh really. Then it’d be better if you leave quickly you know.
This village is already finished”

“… A disease is spreading right? Can I ask you about it in


“Heh, you’ve got strange tastes. Alright, we’ll be grateful if

you could at least tell outsiders about this.”

His detailed account goes like this.

Few days ago, one of the children suddenly became bedridden

by a disease.

They seem to be coping with it within their ability from the

fact that the symptoms resembled a common cold, but they
didn’t recover at all and not only has the symptoms gotten
worse, the surrounding people seemed to have started catching
it as well, he said.

By the time they noticed the seriousness of that fact, nearly all
of the children and elderly have become bedridden and so it
seems to have spiraled out of control.

Right now they’re pressed with dealing with the sick and
they’re nursing them somehow with a shift system where the
guys rest at times and nurse them this way.

“… The situation is pretty bad huh”

“That I agree”

For the time being, we picked an inn.

The innkeeper’s lady and his daughter are also bedridden by

disease it seems. And though the person himself is quite
weakened, he forcibly accommodated us so we paid him a little
more money at least.

Well… I can’t use the magic bag because I lost my magic

power, so it’s money I received from the robbers back then.
“So, were your predictions right on the money?”

“Roughly… so, I suppose”

“Then tell me soon ‘kay? This disease and gods, just where is
the connection between them?”


Stroh got off the bed she was sitting on and leaned outside the

“… As I expected, it is here”

“Ah? What is?”

“Rejoice youngster, for I finally possess positive proof!”


Stroh who felt proud for some reason, took my hand and
rushed out of the inn.

While I was running through the village while being

dumbfounded, this girl finally stopped her feet at the center of
the village.

“He-hey! What is this about!?”

“It’s here, at the center of the village”


She hasn’t explained anything to me at all since some time


I began thinking about punishing her with a head grind if she

ain’t snapping it out and at that moment――――――

“Come out. You are here, are you not?”

“――――――――――Oh good heavens, if it isn’t the Great

God of Destruction…”

I unintentionally stepped back.

Before I was aware of it, a kid was standing there.

Possessing a poisonous dark violet hair, it was expressionless

which broke their childishness in pieces.

“ … <Magic Sword of Diseases Phellibus*>, so it really was

your deed” (*病魔剣フェリブス; feribusu, can’t find anything
through google as reference so I pulled out a name that sounds
like it. It’s could also be translated as illness magic sword.)
“I never would have thought I would be caught this quickly,
Great God of Destruction. You look like I appear to be your first
sacred sword isn’t it?”

“Ah? Sacred sword?”

Hearing the words I couldn’t overlook, I reflexively slipped in

a word.

Speaking of sacred swords, they’re weapons that surpasses

human intellect and dwell in humans summoned from another

Touma and I and while I’m at it Kouma; in other words,

people called Heroes possess one.

Is this kid saying he has one of that?

“You’re wrong, Setsu. This person does not have a sacred

sword. Your principles are wrong. This person… this person
himself is a sacred sword.”
“ … Wait what?”

The hell is that, I don’t get it.

Wherever you look at this brat, he’s a human being.

I do feel a bizarre atmosphere, but I can’t consider it a sword

no matter how I look at it.

“ … Great God of Destruction. It appears this man is rather

slow on the uptake. If I do this, then you should be able to
understand, don’t you?”

“Ugh! Cease it!”

I immediately stick out the broken Kuromaru that I carried on

my back.

It made a thick sound and when I noticed, I was rolling on the


“Wha- what was that!?”

My arms are feeling numb.

Not so numb that I can’t move them, but it’s difficult to put in
my strength.

When I immediately stand up and look in front of me, that

guy stood with one arm turned into a single edged sword.

“Oh dear, you’ve defended well against that”

“Setsu! Don’t be negligent!”

“Ugh! What’s up with this guy!?”

I’ve never seen a guy who could transform his arm into a

Or rather, he actually blew me away, though I don’t have

magic power.

If it’s power then he might compare with Touma even.

“Existences the Great God of Creation Creasyl had produced in

order to exterminate “mankind”, us sacred swords are those
existences. We are in a sword state by nature, but when there is
no owner like this, we can exist by acquiring the body of a
person. Well, as expected our strength will drop however”

Sacred sword? Creasyl? This is bad… was I this dimwitted?

As a matter of fact, I try to sort out the words of the guy I

can’t understand in my own special way.

But it’s no good. Is it fine that a sword can talk?

“Setsu, what you should be thinking about is how to take
down that person. As long as you don’t destroy this person, rest
will not visit this village”

“Aah!? I’m telling you it’s going too fast I can’t follow! Put it
in an easy to understand way!”

“This person in front of your eyes is the cause of the illness! If

you defeat it, everyone will be HAPPY! OK!?”

“Oh, Ooh… That’s easier to understand…”

I got the jitters from her tone turning plain so suddenly, but
my head has caught up to the state of affairs for the time being.

Let’s get the detailed information later from Stroh. Right now
I should just take down this guy.

Or actually I don’t care! First I’ll knock down this guy for
starting a fight with us!
“It appears you intend to fight. The Great God of Destruction
being my opponent makes it quite hopeless for me, but I am still
in the middle of a mission. Allow me to cut you off, gentleman”

“Just like I want it then!”

I strongly step on the ground and leap towards that Phellibus


When I strike him with Kuromaru from overhead, Phellibus

took a swing of his sword from his own body and stopped it.

That sword was distorted, this is also poisonous.

… Or rather, he could stop it normally? I’m kind of shocked


“What a heavy blow for one with mankind’s body. How about
I proceed without being negligent as well?”

I’m being forced back.

When I stepped back while keeping my posture, Phellibus

softly placed his hand on that sword of his.

“Invade, <Phellibus>!”

I have an intense bad feeling about this.

A violent miasma began to pour out from that guy’s sword.

My instinct is telling me not to touch that.

“You cannot! Setsu! The current you cannot resist it! Step
back this instant!”
“I already… know!”

I blow away the approaching miasma by using Kuromaru as a

fan and then take a backstep.

When I did so, I saw Phellibus kicking the ground.

“I cannot say simply stepping back is a good plan, now can I!”


I use Kuromaru as a shield.

And then that guy’s lunge hit the center.

Heavy, and it’s just an ordinary lunge.

Receiving an intense driving force, my body was blown off

right towards the back.

I broke through a house before long and my body struck the

floor inside.

“Gah … Hey, what the hell… and this ain’t his full

My whole body hurts.

There aren’t any outstanding wounds, but I’m covered in


Well, if it’s just this much then it’s nothing to be shocked

about. The problem is whether I can receive a blow of that guy’s
full strength.

It should frankly be impossible. Even now my arms became

quite numb.
Probably, those guys have divine power, though miniscule.

That must’ve caused them having the same atmosphere as


So, what was it again? If you have divine power you’d move to
a different dimension level or something?

If only I had at least magic power is what I ended up thinking.

But there’s no helping it then. As long as I can move, I’ll try

going against the guy.

“*cough* … *cough*…”


“Huh… Mister… who are you?”

My feet stopped at an unexpected place.

It must be the daughter of this house, there’s a kid in the bed

with hollow eyes.

Face is red, she got quite the fever from the looks of it.

… Right, so this is a kid who is affected by the disease.

“My bad, did I wake you up?”

I softly stroke the head of the kid who tried to get up and put
her back to bed again.

This is awkward, I completely broke the wall. Let’s fix it later.

And then, I have to cure the disease of these people of course.

“Does it hurt?”

“Yup… a little”

“Really――――――――Just you wait, I’ll be making you all

healthy again soon”

These kids so small are suffering.

If that’s the work of that Phellibus then…he can’t complain

about it.

“Thank you… mister…”

“Don’t mention it”

… seems like she’s asleep.

She’s probably not quite conscious from the high fever I

I’m almost sure she was talking deliriously.

But still, this kid made a face like she wanted to be saved.

I’ll just give it a try.

No need to be afraid of him, even I have a sacred sword so


“ … I have it too don’t I, my sacred sword”

Chapter 81 <Drawn Sword>
“Now then, next will be you then, Great God of Destruction”

“ …”

Even when pointed with the sword that was spilling a violet
miasma, Destroia ignored Phellibus.

Her eyes were just directed towards the house Setsu had
disappeared in.

“So you can afford to look away I see. If it is the current you,
then even I can defeat you――――――――”


“A mere likeness of a sword… can even gain victory against

Phellibus reflexively took distance.

The god of destruction he knew of was a symbol of power so

overwhelming one would completely crumble away by merely
approaching her.

Now she does not even look like what she used to be.

She was supposed to not even look like what she used to be,

(What am I being afraid of, me… If it is the current Great God

of Destruction, then there is even the possibility of her having
less divine power than I do. And yet… No visions of me being
able to win is coming to me…)

“You certainly do not have to be so frightened of me. The one

who will bring you down will not be me”
“Excuse me?”

“Hey, come out now”

From the house a hole was opened in, Setsu appeared while
kicking away blocks of wood.

His clothes were torn everywhere and he seems to have

received some damage, but his way of walking was steady.

“Haah… It’s my turn next right?”


“You look full of energy”

“Of course I do”

What the hell are you grinning about. I’m gonna sentence you
to a tickling punishment, you know Stroh.

“Oh, what’s wrong? Herbivore face. Is it that unexpected that

I’m all fine?”

“ … I am surprised. Never did I think you would look so

healthy you see. But, what do you mean to do with that broken
sword? With that dull a blade you won’t cut me even if you were
to hit me”

To call this boy dull… Well, he at least called himself a sacred

sword, he should at least have the strength to talk big.

Or rather, I actually experienced his strength.

“Well yeah, I can’t kill you with Kuromaru. But you know,
this ain’t my only weapon you know.”

“ …?”
I hold out my hand to the empty sky and call its name.

“Feed yourself, <Hungry Fang>!”

The airspace broke and from the center, a sword grip


When I grasp it tightly and pulled it out, miasma flowing out

from the crack gathered and became an edge with a large

“Wha… what is… that”

“A sacred sword thing like you”

I thrust Gluttony towards Phellibus.

Right now it’s quite hungry.

It should be able to consume him if he’s like this.

“Are you saying… A thing like that is a sacred sword…?”


For some reason he’s saying something I don’t really get.

They’re fellow sacred swords, so shouldn’t he remember at

least its name?

“Well, got nothing to do with me. You better be on guard for

me aight? … Here I go”


I grandly swing Gluttony.

I bit off one of Phellibus’ arms from the base when he
immediately tried to dodge.

“What a fiendish…!”

“Come on, come on!”

While scattering blood from his shoulder, Phellibus dodged

my continuous attacks.

Blood actually comes out, I don’t really get this.



I once attacked with Kuromaru as a feint, but he defended

against it.
And then with the opportunity I created I stab him with

Phellibus, who got the side of his stomach perfectly bit off,
couldn’t endure it and leaped back.

“ … I see, you’re strong”

“Nothing’s gonna happen even if you praise me you know. I’d

rather you just submit your life”

“ …”

Phellibus silently glared at me.

Those eyes were eyes aiming for something.

It pretty much felt like an sign that he would overturn the

battle in an instant so long I give him that chance.
“In that case” the instant I decided on the

“What was that, what was that!?”

“What was that sound just then!”

“It came from here!”

Something happened what I didn’t consider at all.

Several of the village guys are running from the other side.

This is bad, even I won’t be able to protect them.

“You guys! Don’t come!”

“Ah, you’re from back then――――――

I shouted, but the guys who didn’t know the situation just
kept running up to me.

I had a bad feeling about this, so I moved in front of them.

“A good opportunity! You’ve caught your attention to

something unnecessary!”


I can protect these guys if they’re here.

But this wasn’t a good plan.

I ought to have buried him with one attack.

“――――――――<Drawn Sword>”
He chanted some phrase.

Upon doing so, his figure transformed very fast and both feet
swelled in an elliptical shape.

His lower body that soon transformed, became a gigantic

cluster of countless things sticking out like an octopus pot.

“<Drawn Sword>… The sacred sword’s appearance when it is

drawn out of their scabbard. Its meaning is as it is, but it is their
completely released state so to speak, where they expose their
true figure. This person’s ability has become even more

“Hey what the hell…”

So you’re saying the monster that spreads diseases has


No, until now he was restrained I guess.

The feelings I’ve got about this is the worst of all up until

“Before he becomes troublesome… One attack!”

“It’s too late. <Sick Mist>”


A thick fog spouted out from the hole on Phellibus’ octopus


I swing Gluttony and erase what’s falling onto me… but.


“Wha- what is… this…”

“Cough… cough”

The guys, probably from completely basking into the fog,

squatted and coughed up blood.

What the hell is this… isn’t this pretty much poison now?

“My <Sick Mist> makes every disease inside those who inhale
it several times more brutal and make them attack them.
Hereditary types, infectious types, all of them are equally
possible. It is just that, they are all nothing but of lethal

“How savage are you…!”

“Do you have a way to escape from this?”

I suddenly lost my strength and went on my knees.

And at the same time, I vomited blood without being able to

endure the nausea that filled in me.

I look at the back of my hand that’s on the ground and saw

countless red rashes rising up and my whole body felt itchy.

My body feels so hot like I’m being roasted and finally I fell on
the ground and I could no longer put any strength in my body.

“Even if you don’t inhale the fog, viruses and germs drift
about in the air. Your defeat was decided the moment I turned
into this state”

“God… dammit…”

This is bad, I’m actually starting to lose my consciousness.

Those guys…aren’t moving either.

Did they die? Have they all died?

Stop it, it’s annoying.

Who do you think has to deal with this afterwards?

Stop freaking dying one by one.

(What is this… What am I thinking right now?)

If I destroy that low quality bastard, then those guys might be


It’s faster to kill the guy if it means not having my work

(What is… going on now, these thoughts)

“Wh… why can you stand up?”


When I noticed I was standing on two legs.

My body feels so light it feels frightening, what the hell’s

going on?

No, whatever. Doesn’t matter anymore.

Nothing matters anymore.

First, how about we erase that guy… he’s in the way.

“You… what in the world…”

“ …”

One step, I advance in front of him.

Nobody could even respond.

Even though I should be approaching in front of his eyes,

Phellibus could not even capture me in his field of vision.

I slowly thrust Gluttony in his chest.

“Gah… wha…? This cannot…”

“――――――――――――――――Good bye”

The sound that could be heard was only the sound of chewing.

Gluttony relentlessly ate about everything, the guy’s

hardened expression, his crooked face.

By the time Gluttony ate his fill, there was no longer anything


“ … Much appreciated for your work, I suppose”

“Right… ”

Stroh struck my back and the heaviness of my body slowly


By some mystery, my body is in extremely good shape.

As if that much pain were all a lie…”

“ …”

“ …? What would be the matter?”

“No … It’s nothing”

That feeling of not caring about anything… I felt like I’ve

experienced it somewhere.

If I remember correctly, it was the time I was summoned in

that airspace I’m not sure about by mother――――――――

“Heey! Are you truly alright!?”

“Gh! Ye- yeah… don’t worry about it alright?”

After properly dealing with Stroh who directed a doubtful

glance, I head towards the collapsed guys.
The looks of the guys lying on their back is painful, but I’m
right now more worried about the physical condition of the
guys in the village.

It would be nice if it’s resolved by killing Phellibus though…

Chapter 82 Departure – First Half
“I will explain it once more, Phellibus is a sacred sword forged
by Creasyl. There are many swords beside him, but even I do
not know of their exact number. Speaking of their
characteristics, they have high lethal potential against


A little after defeating Phellibus, we returned to the inn.

The villagers have completely recovered their condition and

now they’re trying to recover their lost strength.

As for the guys who received Phellibus’s influences at point

blank range, there doesn’t seem to be anything unusual going
on with their lives, though they haven’t recovered their

Being thanked as a great hero who rescued the village in the

end, I decided to take food and some money and leave this
village early because it’ll look like I’ll get restrained in the
village and have various troublesome things.

Though I say that, today we’ll be staying at the inn and we’ll
depart tomorrow.

“In other words it’s, what, sacred swords are weapons of mass
murder created by the idiot Creasyl in order to kill people right?
And then they hide themselves at the same time she was sealed
and due to her being revived, the sacred swords would also be
brought back, is what you’re saying.”

“What, so you do have reasonable understanding.”

“ … My head isn’t on the bad side from the start you know”

I’d get lost like that when I get shaken though.

“Well, what you said is good. The problem is――――――”

“That those monstrous sacred swords fellows may be
rampaging around the world, right?”

“… Do not steal my lines”

Even I would shiver if the world’s rampaged by those guys

who have that much power.

I’m glad I took down Phellibus this time.

They’re probably going to be quite a bother in the long term

and it’ll be that much of a great disaster if they can even move
while distributing illnesses.

“No, wait? Why did Phellibus not move from here?”

If he has that much strength, then he could contaminate this

village to extinction in the blink of an eye and if he then invade
a different… yes, large city, then the extermination of the
humans would be instantly――――――――――
“ … He must not have wanted to interfere with the other
sacred swords. Considering his divine powers, his powers are on
the lower-middle side among the sacred swords. If he were to
dabble with the humans on other sacred swords’ jurisdiction in
an inferior position, then it is possible for him to provoke their
anger. The one who breaks in that case would be Phellibus after

“ … So the sacred swords are, in a meaning, protecting the

humans in their own jurisdiction, huh?”

“In order to kill them with their own hands that is”

What an extremely nasty lot.

Or rather, you saying he is even the lower-middle one…?

“Well, I did arbitrarily define their strength with simple

combat potential. Phellibus was a sacred sword with troubling
abilities and he would be a little more superior if he could only
display his specialties”
“Even so… there are those above him?”

“ … There is a group called the <Seven Sacred Swords>. If you

humans would go against those… You had better consider
yourselves dead. They’re Creasyl’s supreme masterpieces after
all, they’re extraordinary”

Seven Sacred Swords… huh.

At least they’re out of the question for the current magic

powerless me.

If I happen to come across them, then I’ll die for starters.

――――――I won’t die, yet. I can’t possibly die.

“We’ll make breaking sacred swords all around our current

goal and… Hey Stroh”
“What is it with you, being so serious”

“Can’t you share divine powers with me?”

“ … hum”

Huh? I only said that relatively half-jokingly though.

Seeing Stroh being quite seriously troubled, I got somewhat

filled with expectations.

“ … Distributing divine power… should be impossible”

“Oh what the hell, don’t go getting my hopes up, for crying
out loud”

I reflexively hang my head.

“To begin with, my current divine powers are only a drop in
the bucket. It is not an amount I can transfer. It’s just…”


“ …You may be able to awaken the divine powers within you”

“… What?”

My thinking stopped for a moment from the too abrupt


“N- no… Awakening divine powers… should be impossible.

I’m not a god in anyway you know?”

“You should have a one in million chance. Moreover, you are

able to handle divine power even with a person’s body. As
evidence is that you are handling a sacred sword that contains
divine powers after all, though in small quantity”
“ … Gluttony and Excalibur have divine powers too?”

“Certainly. Now they are lending you ownership and

recognition, but they are all originally things created by
Creasyl’s hands. Her divine powers are kneaded in them.”

Now I get it, so the reason that wielders of a sacred sword can
obtain strength that’s in a different league is an act of a god.

… She’s pissing me off, that bitch.

What, you’re saying we got strong thanks to that woman?

What do you mean Hero, fucking shame.

No, what’s more shameful than that is that I thought I became

stronger with my own strength.

“ … Although I say that, it is plenty possible that nothing

awakens even if you practiced, so you may pointlessly waste
nothing but time. Will you still do it?”

“Of course I will”

“Oh, good. An immediate reply I see”

If the possibility is zero, then I would reject it without any

room for consideration.

But if there’s even a little possibility, then there’s enough to

win by doing it.

I’ve already decided to do what I can do. So it’ll become a lie if

I don’t challenge it here.

“Alright then. You seem to be serious about this as well, so let

me awaken the divine powers within you in seriousness as well”
“I’m relying on you Stroh”

“Could you not at least call me master!?”



“Hmph… Sleeping so comfortably…”

Night, Destroia sat on the bed and was overlooking the

sleeping Setsu.

His expression is bad, his speech is also bad, but only when he
is sleeping does he show a face that suits his appearance.

“ … Humans and the like could not simply reach the point of
handling powers of a god”
While looking at that immature face, she leaked out words

Those were words that negated everything she had said some
time ago.

“Who can handle divine powers are only the descendants of a


Destroia got off the bed and looked up in the sky from the
windows of the room.

“Setsu … is your child after all is it not?”

It was a sky blackened as if one could be absorbed in it.

No matter how much the stars and moons are giving off light,
that darkness would not fade.
Destroia began to ask a question to the sky.

“Is it not――――――――――――――――――Oh god of

Chapter 83 Departure – Second Half
Early morning, I was at the village outskirts.

“Are you already going?”

“Yeah. I’m not someone who can waste time too much, so

Around the time I was going to leave this village, several men
of the village came to see us off.

“Thanks for the food and bed, you helped me out there”

“It’s fine, really. I don’t understand the whole thing at all, but
the village is saved because you were here. You are a benefactor
to the village”

“Treating such person coldly would be a disgrace to this

village after all!”
I reflexively smiled to the smiling faces of the good natured

I fix the backpack, filled with food and camping tools, on my

back and turned my back towards the village.

“Bye then, I’ll drop in if I’m nearby again alright?”

“I’ll be waiting for you anytime, okay!?”

“Come again, you hear!”

While lightly waving my hand, I leave the village behind.


“So the large city is this way…”

According to the guys at the village, there is large city if I go
straight on the road of this grasslands, or so it seems.

For now it’ll be good to aim for a harbor, where we have more
options to return to the demon continent.

There shouldn’t be any boats in that large city, but it should

have a way to go to a port city.

Looking for something like a carriage would probably the


I’m probably faster on foot than a carriage even with the

current me, but I know I’ll lose my way because I don’t know
much about the geography of the human country.

In this case, a stable carriage would be better.

…Oops, that aside.

“ … How long are you gonna sleep, you damn god”

“I’m sleepy… zzzzz”

“It’s already bulky with just the bag, so get off of me!”

“Mh… a piety-lacking man are you not…”

I’ve been letting her sleep on my shoulders the whole time

until now, so I would like her to at least thank me instead.

Reluctantly separating her hand from my head, Stroh started

walking beside me.

Even so, I’m starting to have doubts on the fact this girl is a
god, seeing her walking while dozing off and her unkempt bed

“Being this unkempt… I know you’re erasing your figure, but

you should at least pay attention to your personal appearance.
The foundation is fine after all. Also, you stayed up late
yesterday, didn’t you? Next time I’m not gonna do it ‘kay?”

“M- mhh… That you would preach to me, a god…”

“Your reply”


I squat and adjust Stroh’s hair.

As long as I can use magic then I would have done it in one

shot by using fire and water, but since I can’t use it, I have no
choice but to do it by hand.

Lightly combing her hair with my fingers, I managed to

smooth over it.
“It’s still jumping up, but it should be something like this.”

“ … You are quite at home at this are you not?”

“Ah? Well… I’ve always been doing something like this after

It has always been like this with my childhood friend Yuuhi,

starting from my reincarnation until I returned to this world

The whole time when her slovenness was at its peak, from
elementary school until around middle school, I had been fixing
her bed hair which turned upward everyday.

Due to that, I’ve gotten familiar with it.

Speaking of which… right now she’s become quite the

levelheaded person isn’t she…
“What is it now, making a face like you’re lost in thoughts”

“No, never mind”

I stand up and once again start to walk on the road.

And when we walked ten minutes like that, changes could

finally be seen on the grassy plains.

“Hm? What the heck is that…”

A carriage was stopped at the side of the road.

“Even the horse has luggage, but… is nobody there?”

“! Hey Setsu, I can hear sounds of battle from the other side,
you know”

When I went around to the other side of the carriage, there

was a boy who looks like the owner of the carriage, fighting
several small figured monsters.

Those monsters are… goblins I guess.

Their ranks on their own are the lowest D, but since they
move in groups, they would jump up to a rank equivalent to A,
depending on their numbers.

Right now their number is five. Enough to make or not make

them barely C rank.

“Kuh! Why you!

The man seems to have a hard fight.

Judging from the sword he’s holding, he must be close to an

amateur. He doesn’t have much in the way of battle experience I

“Well, I guess I’ll save him then”

I take out Kuromaru that was fastened to the rucksack and

then cut in between the boy and the goblins with a kick.

“I’m lending you a hand”

“Wuoh! Tha- thanks!”

I decapitate the heads of the goblins, who stiffened in

surprised from my sudden appearance, with Kuromaru.

I cut up the heart of another one before they calmed down.



“I dunno what you’re saying you know”

They finally recognized me as an enemy, so I cut down the

two goblins, who leaped at me, in one go.

When the goblins who were bisected up and down fell on the
ground, the last one became afraid, turned his back and ran
away from us.


“Think I’ll let you go!?”

Well, it would be fine even if I let him go, but… it’ll be

annoying in that case after all.
I’m glad I hid a knife inside the jacket-like clothes that I newly
got from the village, just in case.

The current me will be helpless against long ranged attacks, so

for now I will be relying on these guys.



I throw the knife I took out and it cleanly stuck into the crown
of the goblin’s head.

It did the trick, even if I say so myself. I may be able to make

them eat this when they’re bothering me.

“So one hit out of five thrown is it… Well, you hit nicely
compared to your first throw”
“… Don’t tell me”

My hand just slipped, it ain’t like I’m absolutely hopeless at it.

“Wow! You did it, brother! Thanks!”

“Hm? Aah, it ain’t such a big deal. More importantly, why are
you pulling the carriage alone? The monsters around here looks
weak, but it’ll get difficult if they come in numbers like now,
you know? You have to get escorts…”

“About that… I’m something like a courier, but I was tricked

by the escort adventurers just before departure and they went
and only took away my money… but I had no time to find new
escorts for the goods I’m transporting, so I reluctantly went out

“Oh I see…”

When commissioning escorts in general, it’s popular to pay

them thirty percent before departure and the rest after arriving.
Commissioners putting in complaints and not paying were
why they made this way of doing things.

But still… That they would run away from a safe commission
with nothing but these kinds of small fries, quite the cowardly

“… That’s right! You! Won’t you become my escort!? I’ll pay

you the proper remuneration of course!”

“Ah?… Hmm, I can’t give you a decent answer because of our

destination, you know?”

“It’s fine I tell you! You guys are aiming for Lacria that’s
ahead, right? Passing through this road can only mean that
place! I’m also going there after all!”

If I’m not mistaken, the name of the large city I heard from
the guys of the village was Lacria.

If that’s the case, then accepting this guy’s commission would

even seem good.

If he’s giving me remunerations, then… if it’s now where my

wallet is light, it may be better to accept it instead.

“… Alright then, looks like we have the same destination after

all. I’ll protect you until the city”

“Really!? Noーthat would be helpful! Now that that’s settled,

let’s depart!”

“Before that, can you let me put this one on the carriage?”

I ask while putting my hands on Stroh.

This girl can’t fight… or more like she won’t fight, so I’ll feel
more at ease if I can guard him outside on my own.

“If you need a fare, then you can take it off of the

“Nono that’s unthinkable! You saved me from the beginning

after all. Letting one companion take a ride is just fine!”

“Big-hearted aren’t you. Well, we can’t afford it right now, so

that saves us”

“Don’t mention it! Then missy, come this way!”

Being called, Stroh went on the boy’s back.

He’ll probably be surprised when a brat like her has that way
of talking… since she looks perfectly like a little girl on the

“Here, get on here”

“Thank you, uncle!”


“Heyhey! It should be brother for me right? Uncle’s still too

early for me you know!?”

“Ehehe, sorry brother!”

“You’re cute so I’ll forgive you! Dahahahaha!”


“Hm? What’s wrong? Standing still there. Let’s go already”

“It’s nothing… there was something I couldn’t understand


Come to think of it, that girl’s tone was a performance isn’t


“Wow! You guys are amazing, travelling as brother and


“It ain’t that amazing you know”

The road on the grasslands is still quite long.

In the meantime I glossed over Stroh’s relation with me.

Parent and child is impossible and if we were to go as

complete strangers, then a modern person’s intuition would
ring alarm bells so I gave up on that.

Our haircolor is nearly identical, so brother and sister is the

best in the end, I guess.

“You’re so young and doing well… Someone like me is…”

“? Did something happen?”

“No, never mind”

What a strange guy.

Well, it doesn’t matter since it’s farewell once we reach the

city either way.

No need for me to learn unnecessary stuff.

Oh, by the way, this guy’s name seems to be Gullus. (グルス;

gurusu; if you have a better name for this, tell me)

“Oh, there’s someone actually in front of us”

When I look closely at in front of us after being told, I see two

They aren’t monsters… A man and woman I guess.

When we got a lot closer, I could see well what those two are.

Demons, both of them.

And I know these two.

I knew them… enough that I would at least unconsciously


“Hey, that carriage there, won’t you let us ride on it a little?

We will pay you money you know?”

“You, you two are demons aren’t you…”

“Hey hold on a minute, you’re not telling me that you’re not
letting us get on just because we’re demons, right? Can’t
stomach it, something like that”

“It isn’t really my hobby to do something like threatening,

but.. it would trouble us if you don’t let us on just this time.”

The woman reached out to the katana that she wore on her

Seeing that, I stand in front of Gullus.

This woman’s sword cuts are… bad news.

“Hey wait, Ramina and you too, a little much bloodthirst

here… Let’s go cool. We won’t put you in any harm as long as
you give us a ride. You guys don’t have any need to argue with
us either if we don’t start anything. Right?”

“That, that’s true, but…”

“Then the conversation would be easy. Give us a ride and we
pay some money for it”

“ … A- alright”

Gullus swung his head front and back.

And because of that, the woman kept her hand away from her
katana, and I separated my hand from Kuromaru too, which
was fastened on my back (The rucksack is carried by Stroh
inside the carriage).

“You narrowly escaped death, didn’t you boy”

“ … Thanks”

The demon man and woman passed beside me and boarded

the carriage.
Honestly, me narrowly escaping death can’t even become a

Fighting against these guys with the way I am now won’t end
safely for me.

Jion and Ramina of the five great demon generals… they’re

guys I want to fight the least.

He has enough strength to compete fair and square with us

Heroes in the worst case.

They’re without a doubt the demon’s highest military


Why are they here…

“Let’s go quickly, alright!”

“Su- sure thing!”

A voice came out from the carriage and the carriage once
again started to move forward.

What is it I wonder… I’ve been told in the former days that no

decent thing happens when it comes to those two.

In other words, if I’m pushed to say


“ … I got nothing but bad feelings about this”

I mutter as I hide my face with my hands.

Chapter 84 Belief
“So, what do you think? Is that man our target?”

“Yeah… No doubt about it. That he had an escort was beyond

what I expected, but we find the proper time and kill him,

Inside the carriage, the two demons were having a dangerous


“Don’t use dangerous words too much. The kid will be afraid
of us, you know?”

“I think she is already scared though…”

“Hmm! Hmm!”

Destroia, who was also on the carriage, was bound and her
mouth plugged by Ramina.
This way, she would be unable to let the two outside know of
the current situation.

(What rude people… That they would cover my mouth, I will

let them receive retribution for that… Setsu will, that is)

Having lost most of her powers, she had nobody to rely on

beside her companion.


“Mr Setsu… can I leave this carriage to you for a bit?”

“Ah? What’s wrong?”

Gullus was having cold sweat.

I can only see him as having bad physical condition, no matter

how I look at him.
“Got something bad somewhere? In that case, you should rest
in the carriage…”

“No… I, I wanna calm down! I’m gonna go all out to the other
side for a bit!”

“O- oh, okay…”

I was taken aback by the excessive angry look.

While thinking that he could’ve just said so earlier in that

case, I take the reins and let the carriage on standby.

But unfortunately, there were no thickets around here where

one could seem to hide in.

When I saw Gullus running until he was quite far away, the
demon guys went off of the carriage from the back.
“Ah, sorry. The coachman have some stomach pain, so the
carriage will be resting for a bit――――――――”

“Tch! He bloody suspected us! We’re going Ramina!”


“ … What?”

The demons started to chase after Gullus with astounding


The lady called Ramina put her hand on her katana.

… Don’t tell me, they’re aiming for Gullus?

“Don’t really know what’s going on, but… like I’m gonna let
you do that!”
I kick the ground and chase them as well.

It’s fine, they’re not really running seriously.

Even the current me can catch up with them quickly enough.

“Uwah! Stay away!”

“Don’t get away, you bloody bastard!”

“Bravely pass away in peace”

Good, I’m on time.

I wedge myself in between Gullus and them and stop Ramina’s

Iai cut with Kuromaru. (TL. in case nobody knows, Iai is a
sword fighting style where you cut by drawing your sword from
the sheath and immediately putting it back in its sheath in a
single smooth action, like you never drew your weapon in the
first place.)


“You can’t have you ignore his escort you know…!”

“Wow… So you can stop Ramina’s blade huh?”

I forcibly swing away my arm and take distance from Ramina

and Jion.

My arm became fucking numb.

I can’t stop it that easily after all, that sword of hers.

“Hey Jion, this man isn’t an ordinary person”

“He doesn’t have any magic power when I look at him and I
didn’t think he had such power, but… don’t get careless, okay”

“Of course I don’t”

These guys… their self-conceit disappeared in the blink of an


I give up, this is difficult to handle.

Worst case, I won’t be able to drive them away if I don’t draw

out Gluttony.

“Hey, what did you do?”

“I, I didn’t do anything! I’m unrelated to them!”

Gullus is feeling completely frightened and didn’t even try to

run away.
It’s too difficult to handle them like this…

“It’s not you didn’t do anything, right? You’re Destinea’s first

prince after all”

“――――――――――Wait, what?”

This guy’s… a royalty?

“I’ve dealt with your father, the king, and your younger sister
Margaret. What’s left, Prince Gullus, is only the likes of you”

“Ple- please stop…”

Wait a minute… when the hell did you do something like


These guys really don’t do anything decent.

That the war had ended is a good thing, but what are they
trying to do, making the human country fall into chaos.

It’s going to get rough if we don’t get away from this country
quickly if it’s like this.

“By killing you, we will seize flawless victory for the demons!”

“Hih, wait――――――――”

“Damn it!”

I once again stop it with Kuromaru and force it back.

Like usual, what a sword speed she got… I just barely made it,
you know?

“This man! Even if you do it again…”

“Don’t heat up. This escort certainly seems to be doing well,
but… the points is, we just have to settle it with our likely

The hand of the man called Jion pointed our way.

This guy’s magic is bad news, the current me can’t resist it.

“This is our only way huh!?”

I take out two knives from under my jacket.


Jion recited his magic.

I immediately pierce my foot and Gullus’ shoulder with a



“This guy…! He just, my magic on first sight…”

Jion’s specialty magic is a bewitching magic that would

imprison people in an eternal nightmare.

Those who receive them will never again return to the real
world as long as there aren’t any interference of some sort from
the outside.

You can resist it with magic power, but it won’t even become
a contest with average amount of magic power.

That’s where these knives come into play.

Bewitching magic are things that puts the enemy into sleep
when I investigated thoroughly into it.

That’s why you will keep your consciousness awake by

receiving pain.

If I was late even a little bit, then we would be inside a

neverending dream.

“Why you… You do get what it means when you’re defying us,
two of the five great demon generals, don’t you?”

“ … Who doesn’t get it is you guys I’d say…”

I stand up while taking out the knives.

I kick up the dropped Kuromaru, grabbed him and thrusted

him to the two.

“You’ve been acting selfishly didn’t you? You’ll be scolded

again by Desas if it’s like that you know”

“Gh! You human! Calling Lady Desastre in such way,


“I’ll let you check my sword, so just notice it already”

I toss Kuromaru.

The two were cautious and didn’t receive it, but a surprised
expression floated on their face after seeing Kuromaru, which
was fallen on the ground.

“This is… Schwartz…!?”

“It’s broken, but… isn’t this definitely that sword…”

So they finally noticed

This sword is what I got from demon king Desastre and Desas
herself had once used it.

Naturally, they should be aware of its existence and should be

aware that this sword had gone to me.

“No, but… by the hands of the humans five years ago, Mr

Setsu was…”

“Don’t tell me… You”

So they finally noticed… With this we can somehow get out of


“You snatched it away from Setsu didn’t you!? This sword

that is!”

“Wha- hey wait!”

Jion leaped with an angry expression.

So he took it that way. No, my appearance changed and right

now I can’t prove it with magic power either, so it can’t be
helped though…

Or rather, that I was thought to be defeated was wholly


“Oh fuck you! Like hell I would be defeated so easily!”


Before Jion’s arm could touch me, I elbowed his chin.

And then two fists to his body which was bent back.

When he is about to blown off to the back, I grab his arm and
then pull him down to the ground.
I put both arms behind his back, hold his head and press it to
the ground.

With this I completely sealed Jion’s movement.

“Bloody-! Release me!”

“Stupid idiot, you’re a magic expert despite appearances, so

can’t you see you can’t possibly win against me with hand to
hand combat?”

The field Jion is weak in is close combat.

It’s the result of making light of training, thinking because the

enemy will end up inside a dream either way.

Well, he’s plenty strong even with just his bewitching magic,
so it’s problematic though.
“That speech and conduct and those movements just now…
Are you truly sir Setsu…?”

“Yeah, I can’t really explain the big picture myself, but you
can bet I’m Setsu. I already met Desas and the others. If you
can’t believe me, then you can ask away at them.”

“ … No hints of lies I can see. Jion, it seems this man is the

genuine sir Setsu”

“ … First, get off of me, I won’t act violently anymore”

Do they really believe me? These two.

Even if they can’t believe me, it’ll be more than a conversation

at this rate I guess.

I slowly get off of Jion and take just some distance.

“You have no proof after all, that’s why answer a few of my
questions. It will depend on those answers”

What the hell, that’s so annoying.

But I guess the conversation won’t continue if I don’t do it…

I urge him ahead with silence.

“First question, your best cooking is?”

“Anything deep fried”

“ …Second one, Lady Desastre’s favorite food”


“ … Last one, Setsu and Desastre were engaged, when?”

“I don’t remember doing something like that face to face”

When I finish answering all the questions, Jion turned to

Ramina after thinking for a bit.

“Can we believe him with this?”

“Don’t ask me. But… at least I believe him”

“Huumm… Well, even if you were to deceive us, I can still go

and give you some injuries in this place… Alright, we’ll
recognize you as Setsu.”

“Phew… Finally”

Honestly, if we’re going to fight like this then I could have

lost, so that saved me.

But still, having no magic power is quite inconvenient.

Maybe it’s better to restrain myself for a while from meeting
people who hasn’t seen this appearance of mine.

“Alright then. And so, hand over that guy to us please”

“ …Ah?”

“Not “Ah?” Didn’t I just tell you that one’s one of the royalties
of the humans? In that case, you, who is Setsu, don’t need to
protect him right?”

… That’s true.

As an escort, I have to protect this guy who’s scared behind

me, but I’d like to avoid turning this into a fight with Jion and

Excuse me for having to turn this into a fight against

Even so I don’t think it’s a good idea to frankly let them kill
him here.

Speaking of which, these guys killed the king and all them

In that case, isn’t it it fine to capture Gullus and take him to

the demon continent?

“I don’t mind giving him to you, but――――――――――――”

When I told them those things, they obediently approved.

We immediately tied him with rope on the carriage and then

Jion and Ramina watched over him.

As for movement, I drive the carriage and Stroh, in perfect air

state, kept riding the carriage with those guys.
If we continue like this, then we should get to Lacria without

Would be nice if we don’t get involved into some trouble

Chapter 85 Demon King Castle Assault
“A bright red flower when I slice off the head~ Coming out
gush gush, cutcut”

Demon king castle entrance.

One can only enter the castle, which was surrounded by a

canal, by passing the bridge in the front.

A lone girl approached the soldiers who were standing to

protect that bridge.

“Hm? Little lady, you’re human? It’s dangerous to be in a

place like this you know?”

“Fresh meatーcutcut!”

The soldier, who talked gently to her, died with his head
bidding farewell to his body.

“Wha!? You!”

“Lots to cutcut!”


The two soldiers who rushed up after seeing that, were sliced
vertically in half and died.

“E- Enemy attack――――――――――――”


The soldier who broke into a run to inform of the emergency,

was turned into pieces and died without realizing.
The clothes on her chest and her shorts were stained and her
black pigtail hair was dyed a darkish color with that spurt of

“Ahaa… A loot of flowers… more, moore”

The girl, while swinging, crossed over the bridge, where

pieces of flesh were scattered about, and entered the castle.


There was a reception room in the demon king castle.

Glain, Elka, Tia and also Brad were gathered in this room.

“Now then, what shall we do from now on?”

There were no people in this room who could respond

immediately to the question Glain asked.
Demon king Desastre and Sea god Levia were currently
unconscious due to having their blood and powers taken by

Yuuhi was disordered and was not in a condition to get out of

her room.

All beastmen present went on the reinforcement boat and

temporarily returned to their country in order to think about a
counterplan with their country.

Ides and Lily of the five great demon generals had been
completely recovered from their injuries, but they were out in
order to clean up the battlefield.

The ones who could currently discuss fairly were only the four
in this room.

No, it was three to be accurate.

“Elka… Elka!”
“ …Yes?”

Even when Glain called her, Elka’s response was very weak.

Her expression shows she’s fatigued and would seem to

collapse anytime soon.

“Elka, you don’t have to force yourself. If it is difficult, then

rest in your room.”

“ …Are you all… fine with this? That master Setsu…

disappeared in front of our eyes…”

Elka recalled the scene of that time and covered her face.

From her perspective, she had come to lose him twice.

The mental shock of that must have been immeasurable.

“It’s difficult you know. During the night I would be sad and
my tears would come out. But, I’m trying to forget it. Because at
this rate not only Setsu, but also everyone else may disappear”

“ …”

Elka understood Tia’s word inside her mind.

It’s better to think earnestly about what’s before their eyes

before grieving. This was a hopelessly sound argument and so
Elka’s feelings became frantic in not accepting those words.

Switching over and thinking about fighting despite having her

loved one disappear was not something she should be able to do.

“Elka, don’t overdo it. After all, now it’s an exchange of ideas
since we can’t come up with a countermeasure. You can just tell
us if you have any opinion on this”

“ … I understand”
Elka hung her head and the initiative was completely placed
on Brad.

“Good, putting order the current situation first. Creasyl

disappeared in front of us, but we don’t know when she will
start her attack. And lastly if she attacks, we won’t stand a
chance with our current fighting power”

“It doesn’t seem like magic would pass through her. It’s only
my impression though”

“I guess it’s not significant enough to test it, that much at


Brad pointed his face to the ceiling and closed his eyes.

It was a habit of his whenever he would think about things.

He was working his head as is, but he did not come up with a
good idea for this one time as he expected.
Silent thinking wrapped up the four.

That time, hurried sounds approached from the corridor


“Lord Brad! Is Lord Brad here!?”

“Calm down, what happened?”

Who violently opened the door to the room and rushed inside
was a soldier patrolling inside the castle.

His hurry was not the usual; sweat was dripping and his whole
body was trembling.

“I- it’s an intruder! We could not put even a dent and now
she’s moving inside the castle!”

“What did you say… What about her traits?”

“It’s a girl… she’s short and we can’t see her as anything but a
child, but she’s cutting up the whole body with puzzling and
mysterious attacks…”


From soldier’s manner of trembling, Brad somehow judged

the invader’s threat.

And what he thought next is the expectations that facing her

alone may be dangerous.

When he looked over his shoulders there, Glain and Tia had
already stood up and gone towards him.

“The two of you, come along with――――――――”

“No Brad, we ask you to lead the evacuation of Elka and the
other soldiers”
“It’s better if a demon like you would give instructions so we
won’t have the damage increase anymore than this”

“But! If you cannot defeat her with the two of you…”

Speaking up to that point, Brad closed his mouth.

The two had already gotten ready for battle.

One should have considerable resolution and persistence to

stop this.

“It’s alright. If it is hopeless for us, then we will buy time so

get reinforcements please”

“We probably do not need it though”

“ …Alright”
Brad, seeing Elka who was beyond the gazes of the two,
answered such.

She was being flustered, without understanding this situation

even now.

Leaving her in such condition would be extremely dangerous.

“That that cool woman would turn this way…”

“That’s why we’re entrusting her to you alright?”

“Right, leave it to me”

The two leaped through the room and ran towards the
direction the soldier pointed towards.

“Come, we’re going as well”

“Uhm… What is happening right-”

“We will talk later. Come with me for now”

Pulling Elka’s hand, Brad too left the room behind.

That time, they were not aware of the mysterious thunderous

roar resounding on a floor higher than where they were in.


“Smell of blood… we’re almost there!”

“She’s here…!”

Beyond the direction of their movement, smell of blood was

drifting about.
Something was tumbling, colliding with the corridor.

It was the head of a helmet wearing soldier. There was no

body on it, only bright red blood was gushing out of it.


Glain, having a bad feeling about this, readied his sword at


When he thought he saw sparks flying around along with a

metallic sound resounding, his body was blown off and knocked
down into the corridor.

“What is…!”


Tia ran up to him.

Being held up by her, Glain rose his body and established the
cause of it.

“His head didn’t fly, chop offーsplatsplat. Ahaa”

“You’re the invader?”

“That’s not my name, I am <Severing Sword Ripper>. Cut,


The figure of the young girl who named herself “Ripper,”


Glain promptly held Tia in his arms and readied his sword

Metallic sound once again resounded.

However, this time Glain’s body caught up and instead of

being blown off, he switched to locking swords with her.

“That hand…! A full body weapon?”

“Ahih! You stopped me! I can’t cut I can’t cut!”

Unfolding what was locking swords with Glain was the young
girl’s hand beyond her elbow.

Even her fingertips were turned into blades and let loose a
metal luster.



Tia released a fireball from point-blank range and the sword

lock was over with Ripper being blown away.
Taking distance, the two somehow recovered their posture.

Ripper laughed while slowly swinging and staggering.

“It wasn’t effective…”

It was certain she shot a weak spell so they themselves won’t

get dragged into it, but receiving a fireball from her, who was
human’s strongest class of spellcasters, and not having damage
was somewhat of a shock to her.

“Red ball, flickering in front of my eyes… is waarm!”

“Tia get down!”


Tia nodded and got down. At the same time, Glain rushed out
and attacked her with his sword clad in magic power.
Ripper drew one sword from the center of her chest and
struck him.

The swords of the two met each other.

However this time, it did not make a metallic sound.

“What… is…”

“Ahih, bright red flower. So pretty~”

His sword was bisected and Glain, who had the flash of a
sword struck from his head to his crotch, split left and right
while scattering large quantities of blood.

Seeing Glain who turned in two, Ripper’s facial expression

turned full of smiles and only her laughter resounded in the
If one were to speak of Tia, who looked at her dead companion
without being taken aback…

“That may be a more troubling ability than I thought”

She was… endlessly calm.

That would be on par for the course.

Because Glain… was standing behind Ripper.

“Did you grasp her sportsmanship?”

“Yes, thanks to you of course”


Glain’s sword gleamed.

This time, blood gushed out of Ripper’s back.

Her body fell on the floor.

What was there before was not the bisected Glain, but a mere
wooden doll.

“Don’t say anything like it was dirty, alright? We humans will

sadly not survive if we don’t use tricks like these, you see?”

Their positions now reversed, Glain’s blade was thrust before

Ripper’s head.
Chapter 86 Shooting Star
<Decoy>. That was the spell Tia used this time.

By harvesting the genes of the target, one can copy the

spitting image of said figure and reproduce up to a certain
degree of their physical ability. It is impossible to see through it
if one does not have great observing eyes.

At the very least it is natural to not be able to see through it

for Ripper, who did not know anything about Glain.

“Now then, how about you tell me what you are. You don’t
want to die at that age do you?”


Glain’s sword was pressed to Ripper’s head and a string of

blood was flowing.

Tia too constantly raised her magic power and was in a

posture where she could release a powerful spell at any time.

There were no longer any place for her to escape.


“ …it”


“I hate it… I hate not being able to kill youーーーーーーーー!”

Glain’s action was precise.

He cut off the carotid artery of Ripper, who began to try

acting violent, with the sword that was pressed on her.

No, to be accurate, he tried to bisect her head.

(What is this!? It felt like I was slicing off iron!?)

If he had the mind to do it, he could easily do something like

cutting metal.

However, as exactly stated “if he had the mind to do it.” A

sword that tried to cut off soft flesh was unable bisect Ripper
who is able to transform her body into a sacred sword.

“Ah… ah… lots of red”

Even so, the carotid artery was cut.

Large amounts of blood spilled on the red carpeted floor.

Ripper was stumbling.

It was already supposed to be a fatal wound, but Glain felt a

helplessly “bad premonition” to that appearance.
(It’ll be bad if I don’t kill her here…!)

“Aah! Die already! KILL!”

<Drawn sword>――――――――――――

Having murmured that, Ripper’s body shone.

What was there when the dazzling light was settled, was
Ripper’s figure who had grown various shapes of swords from
her whole body.

Each of the lovely sword blades were claimed to be famous

swords comparable to legends.

“There are no wounds… did she reconstruct her whole body?”

Tia invoked her magic eye and analysed the instant her
appearance changed.
Glain and the others did not know, but calling the sacred
swords <magic swords> that possess some divine powers would
be accurate.

They are only called a sword with magic power and they
possess large amounts of magic power.

And the <Drawn Sword>’s principle itself is similar to the

<Limit Break> called by humans.

As a result, Tia’s eyes could see large amounts of magic power


That Ripper’s magic power were temporarily disordered and

that it reconstructed her.


“Gh! Tia!”
That speed, even Glain barely followed her with his eyes.

If Tia had not made sure to deploy a magic barrier, countless

swords would have gone through her body.

However, the impact was immeasurable when her body was

blown with that speed.

Naturally, a light human being like Tia could not hold out and
could only be blown away.

“Th- there is a barrier you know…!?”

Glain was surprised by the fact the barrier, which was there in
order to kill off the impact, was not being able to accomplish
any of its intention.

The blown off Tia collided with the wall several meters
behind her and turned the surrounding walls into rubble.
Being pinned under that rubble, there were no signs of her

Glain rushed over to her as soon as he could, but the merciless

sacred sword did not allow that.

“One moore!”


Running around the floor, Ripper attacked him from all


Glain could no longer follow the excessive speed with his eyes
and he somehow handled her movements through prediction
that came from experience and intuition.

(The situation is getting worse and worse…! I have to do

“Aah! I hate it I hate it! I hate not being able to CUUT!”


<Sword Grove>――――――――――――

Ripper put her hands on the floor.

After a moment of vibration upon doing so, objects identical

to the swords grown on her body leaped from the floor where
Glain was standing.

“Below me…!”

Glain jumped in order to separate himself from Ripper.

The swords grew as if to chase after Glain and drew near in
order to skewer him.

Having judged that continuing to flee would not be a good

plan, he daringly broke into a run.

“If they’re chasing after me, then I can just go around!”

With feet strengthened by magic power, he ran in order to

draw a circle around Ripper.

The swords continued to chase after him as usual, but the

instant he went around to her back, Glain used his blade on

While she had her hands on the floor, she did not try to

“I got――――――――――――”
“I~diot! <Sword mountain>”


From Ripper’s surroundings, swords protruded.

He promptly protected his vitals taking in the swords, but

being unable to defend all of the gathered swords, several
swords went through Glain’s body.

The sword blades did not stop its stretching and raised Glain
in the air.

Being stuck, he could only cough up blood in mid-air.

“Gahah… I’m beaten now, I guess”

“Cuut, CUUT”

Ripper struck the swords that were going through Glain.

The vibrations were transmitted and tormented him who had

wounds all over his body.

His beloved sword was repelled at the time he protected his

vitals, so now he no longer had any weapons either.

“Come down and be cut!”

The stretched swords went to return to its original sizes.

Meaning that simultaneously Glain’s body would approach

the floor.

Ripper grew a sword at the place of his heart.

“Gi~mme your heart”


She showed a simple-minded and mad smile.

Giving him the shivers, cold sweat ran through Glain’s face.

And then, the extending sword reached his


“I’m asking you anytime now…Tia!”

“Aye aye sir~”


A fireball directly hit Ripper’s body, blowing her away to the


In that gap, Glain grasped and with all his strength, he broke
the swords restricting him.

Having gone down on the floor so as to not hit the extending

swords, he immediately went on his knees and roughly began
regaining his breath.

“If you could do that, then you could’ve just done so from the

“I didn’t have that kind of opportunity you know… It took my

all to even just damage her”

Tia stepped up to him and peeked at his hand.

Both Glain’s hands were stained with blood.

With this he could not expect enough strength to grasp a

“And so… are you done preparing?”

“ ‘Course, I’m good anytime”

Tia, while stained with dust, made a thumbs up with a reliable


“Don’t get in my way---! CUT!”

“I’m afraid it’s already the end. You won’t be able to kill us”

Compared to Ripper who came glaring with an expression of

anger, Tia replied with the usual lack of expression.

And then, when she put her hands together in a smooth

movement, she muttered one phrase.
“<Limit Break>”

Tia’s magic power swelled up.

The feet of Ripper, being pushed back by her pressure,

reflexively came to a halt.

And then, the fact she came to stop her feet this

―――――――――――Was the greatest cause of her defeat.

“The ultimate state of magi, <Infinity Heart>”

Magic power that went visible spat out from the central part
of Tia, whirling around her.

It would be appropriate to call that amount of magic power

“in a different league.”
The current her exceeds even the magic power of that Setsu
and Touma.

“Ugh, irritatingーー! Cut! CUTCUT!”



A flame lance that suddenly appeared made a direct hit to the

abdomen of Ripper who tried to rush out.

“Boom, boom”

“Gyah! Ou-!”

A chasing Ice lance and thunder lance hit the blown away girl.
“Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom”

“Gih! Gya! Gu! Ugh! Gueh!”

It was like a scene where she was continuously hit by cannon


Each time Tia waved her finger, the lance series spells, which
are specialized in power, took form and attacked Ripper.

The baffling part of that would the part where it would

impact simultaneously whenever she waved her finger.

By nature, spells are built up by aria or arialess and it is cast by

speaking its name.

In other words, if one does not undergo several processes, the

spell would not be cast.
In her case, she ignored the whole process and was unleashing
spells in short intervals.

No doubt, that figure of hers was no doubt the “ultimate state

of magi.”

It was the place magicians have their eyes on, the ideal form.

“What do you mean, ultimate state of magi… You’re just

forcibly hardening enormous magic power, randomizing the
attribute and ignoring the process aren’t you? It sure is
unexpected, but you can do it since your magic power is gushing
forth like spring water”

If one were to represent the current Tia’s status with an

example, she would be closest to the status of a boxer who just
doesn’t think of anything but throwing their fists, without
thinking at all whether they would use their right or left fist,
twist their fist and in what angle to drive in.

Moving their right and left arm as they please and according
to the time, the twist and angle would change.
In other words, the current Tia is just recklessly pushing out
her fist.

The process and considerations had no connection to that, she

was only attacking, without thinking about anything.

“Ugh… it’s become painful…”

“This place is getting small. Let’s go outside”

“No! I will kill you here!”

“Listen to what others say”


Dozens of lance series spells appeared and continuously

assaulted Ripper.
Her body was pushed to the back in each direct hit and it
commenced its chase even when her back was on the wall.

The time it exceeded hundred, or two hundred and the demon

castle was was finally unable to bear it, with Ripper’s body
being blown outside.

Even when she was thrown out in mid air, the spells did not

This time, the flame lances directly hit her from below and
launched her up, like she was being rescued.

Several dozens of lances continued afterwards and Ripper was

stuck floating in the air, far away in the skies.

“Noー! I don’t like this placeー!”

There was nothing in the vicinity. This situation would be

Ripper’s greatest weak point.
A place with obstacles and ground would be the best terrain
for her style.

However, here was the sky, terrains be damned.

“This is what I held in reserve. I will show you something

good in the end”

Tia raised both her hands.

Her appearance there was not one like before, where she was
crudely attacking.

A delicate and beautiful magic circle was assembled at the tip

of her field of vision.

Above the clouds, at the blue stretching sky.

“This is the end. Star magic――――――――<Shooting Star>”

It suddenly appeared.

Brushing away the clouds and dropping directly down, that

was no doubt a meteorite.

Its size was enough to flatten the entirety of the demon king


“Bye bye”

With no means to try anything, Ripper collided with the


The temperature that stone possessed burned the girl’s body.

Ripper was screaming, especially at the beginning, but her

voice gradually turned softer and became inaudible before long.
What remained was just the meteorite that was dropping
down straight to the castle.

“Is this… going to be alright?”

“It is alright, I can erase it”

When Tia once again held up her hands, the meteorite turned
into a lump of magic power, dispersed and vanished.

And that moment, Tia crumbled down.

When Glain reflexively caught her and looked into her face,
he saw her eyes were closed and her chest was going up and
down painfully.

“ … I knew this isn’t something you can really use, since you
become like this every time”
“I seriously can’t… do this anymore…”

“*sigh*… you can say that again”

Glain spurred on his pained body and headed to the upper

floor while carrying Tia on his back.


At the time Glain and co were battling Ripper… On the upper

floors of the demon king castle was――――――――

“Huumm… It appears Ripper has lost hasn’t she… This looks

bothersome to do”

In the thin corridor where explosive flames and black smoke

were drifting about stood Brad and Elka, and also a man clad in
a red robe.
“Oops, pardon me. My name is <Explosive Flame sword
Xplode>. As the foothold to mankind’s downfall, allow me to
blow you up from this warrior’s stronghold”

The second unforeseen sacred sword assaulted

Chapter 87 Night
Brad saw it.

That the wall that was cut by the sword the man held in his
hand had exploded.

He immediately put his thoughts in order.

(Perhaps… we won’t be a match against this man. I should at

least let Elka escape. I have no other choice but to buy time and
wait for Tia and Glain to come up…!)

Brad put Elka behind him and slowly, but steadily began to

Elka was even now all shaken up and so couldn’t help but not
be part of their fighting force.

“Oh? Are you escaping? Oh that won’t do… How about you
face me squarely for a little?”
“Unfortunately… We are not fools to challenge a match we
cannot win”

“Hm… well that’s alright I suppose. Even I would like my

preys to oppose me a little you see!”


Xplode kicked the floor.

Brad thrusted Elka away and leaped into a nearby room.

“So you’re letting your companion escape then!”


Brad stopped the swung down sword with his knife.

“You touched it didn’t you?”

“Gh! Don’t tell me!”


Brad, who was burned on his whole body, tumbled down the

Although he jumped back immediately, his body got covered

in burns.

“This is bad… I will be unable to move if I receive a single hit


The pains on his body was saying so.

He somehow got up, but he was no longer able to move as

“See! It’ll be over instantly with that state of yours!”


Brad rolled on the floor and managed to dodge his sword.

However, the sword hit the wall and exploded, blowing him
away again.


“You did well avoiding that… However, even if I want to savor

the fight for a long time, our Almighty Creasyl’s orders are
absolute. How about we keep the playing around moderate and
begin extermination soon?”

“Creasyl… I see, so you’re that one’s companion”

“Companion… Or should you rather say child? Well it won’t

matter. Because you will be heading to your death here after…

Once again the sword was swung.

However, its speed was unlike before and even Brad could not
move so promptly.

This time it will be a direct hit, is what he thought,


“Hey you, did you just say Creasyl?”


There was a person seizing Xplode’s arm from his side.

That was the arm of the girl who secluded herself in her room
up until now and came out when the wall was destroyed.
The girl, who bore overwhelming hatred toward the god
called Creasyl, burned Xplode’s arms with black flames.

“Gh! Gyaaaaaaaah!”

“You’re noisy, stop making noises”


She gripped his head as he collapsed, and raised it.

That bizarre spectacle made Brad’s body tremble.

“Yuuhi… Why are you-”

“My mind’s made up, Brad”

Black flames rose from Yuuhi’s body.

Her eyes were gloomy and hollow.

However, only light of hatred was firmly lodged into it.

“It was Creasyl who killed Yuki-kun… then I have to give an

eye for an eye… I’ll burn away all and all of her companions”

“S- stop it pl――――――――――――”

“The setting sun has sunk… It’s

already――――――――――night time, you know”

<Flame Night>.

The black flames wrapped up Xplode’s whole body.

Although his screams were heard for a moment, he was

rendered inaudible, perhaps due to his throat being burned
The flames destroyed his body simultaneously with the burn.

When the flames were settled before long, there were neither
dust nor ashes remaining.

“I’ll kill everyone, Yuki-kun… And that totally rotten woman

who hurt you, I will torment her and kill her to the end, just

The black flames flickering on her body was clear as if it were

the night sky, and frightening enough so that nobody would
come near her.


“Hey aunty, I want another one”

“Me too”
“I’d like to have more as well”

“I will be having another as well”

“Sure thing! You all can eat well don’t you?”

We are having our meals at a not-so-big restaurant inside the

city of Lacria.

As for Gullus, we rented a room in the inn and locked him up


Incidentally we rented two more rooms for us.

It’s all of the money we converted from the treasures that

Gullus packed into his carriage though.

I’m a devil? I can’t hear you.

“Hey Setsu… so we first have to stay in this city until
tomorrow right?”

“Yeah. It’s already spread that the king is killed, so it’s chaos
around here. There may or may not be one carriage a day. At
worst we will stay here tomorrow too.”

“*sigh*… we’re going back quickly and then take it easy


“Jion, you could not just have forgotten the existence of

Creasyl and such do you. After all, you have just heard of it
some time ago.”

“Yes! I get it already, alright!”

Jion shouted and then forcibly threw the meat on the plate
into his mouth.

It’s not that he is angry, this is how he usually acts.

“Maybe there is some sacred sword hiding somewhere in this
city. But if we go and meddle with all of them, then no matter
how many lives we have, it won’t be enough, right? So here we
can do nothing but wish we pass through this place without
them being in this place”

“That’s right. I’m worried about Lady Desastre too. I want to

request a bout with the sacred swords by any means though…”

“Give me a break. Right now none of us can fix any wounds

you know”

Jion’s quite right about that.

We don’t have any healers, seeing that I don’t have any magic

I’ll manage somehow if I use Gluttony, but this boy’s my

trump card.

I can’t possibly use him so easily.

“I do not quite understand, but you do not have anything to
do in this city, do you? In that case, can we not return to the inn
already? Setsu, I want to go to bed already”

“You oversleeper… Well, whatever. ‘N so, we’re going back,

how about you two?”

“I’ll be loitering around the city. We finally got money we can

use freely, might as well do some wild merrymaking, eh”

“I’m thinking of going to see the guild for a while. There may
be some gossip there and if there are delicious commissions, I’ll
take one as a warming up”

“That so, got it then. Then, see ya at night in the inn alright?”


We pay the price of the meal and Stroh and I walk on the road
to the inn.
“Saay, is it really possible? Carrying divine power that is”

“I do not know. I can only say there is merit in just doing it”

Hearing that answer, I scratch my head.

How should I say this, it’s uh… lackluster.

It can’t be helped since she doesn’t know the result either, but
vague things really do feel itchy.

“That aside, you go to bed properly from today on alright?

You have trained throughout the night and it will trouble me if
you collapse”

“Ah… I get it”

It was five minutes later when we arrived at the inn.

When we pass through the large double door on the front, a
lively girl greeted us from inside.

“Welcome! Oh, it’s the people from room twelveーwelcome

back then!”

“Hey! Show some proper respect, Mira!”

“Aah, it’s fine. Having at least this much energy would give
you more relief too, missus innlady”

“Is that, is that so? Well if you say so, Mr customer…”

“So reasonable!” The girl who said that and thrusted a thumbs
up to me is Mira, the daughter of the husband and wife
managing this inn.

Brown pigtails and a petite body.

From what I hear, she seems to be around thirteen years old.

And yet she’s frivolous and would actively speak with

customers like us.

She seems to be the popular figure of this inn and

contributing to their earnings at this age fills me with awe.

“What about the other two? They are in a different room, but
they’re your companions right?”

“Yeah, said he was going to loiter around the city. It’s

bothersome for me, so I’m going to sleep in my room.”

“Oh, I know those people! You call them useless people!”

“Shut up, leave me alone”

That right now was relatively effective you know, to my


I lightly poke Mira in the head and go up the stairs to our


Looks like she went “boo-boo” behind me, but I ignore it.

“You look like you were enjoying the time which involves that
girl do you not, my boy… Don’t tell me my boy… You prefer
young girls?”

“Sorry, but I ain’t a lolicon. It’s just… Her atmosphere

resemble hers a bit you know, that of my childhood friend”

Brunette, plenty of energy and yet sociable.

Just that much could be nothing but a coincidence, but they

resemble each other for some reason.
“Or rather, don’t you go showing your figure until you enter
the room alright? They’re gonna charge us don’t you think?”

“ …Stingy are you not?”

It’s fine as long as we have money, so naturally to reduce the

hotel charge, I had Stroh go in a state where she won’t be
recognized by people.

“… I guess I should look just in case”

Changing my mind before I enter my room, I open the door to

the neighboring room.

“Hey, how you feeling?”

“ … It’s the worst”

Who was inside was the bound Gullus.

He’s tied to the room’s support, he shouldn’t be able to go out
of this room as long as he doesn’t have any sharp tools.

“Well, when we hand over you to the demon king, I’ll ask her
not to do anything bad to you alright? If you’re cooperative that

“ …”

“See ya then, I’ll come again”

He shut his mouth, so I leave the room and this time enter my

Now then, how about I do what she told me and sleep until
the night――――――――――――
Chapter 88 Inaudible screams
“Bartender! Another cup! Fetch me more alcohol!”

“Hey now, demon lad, you sure can hold your liquor”

“I’m absurdly strong against alcohol, you know”

Evening, Jion dropped by a bar that was greatly crowded even

for this city.

If one were to say his criteria for choosing this store, that
would first be the fact that there were a large variety of alcohol
and also because he fancied the broad-mindedness of their
customers where they accept anyone, even demons and

“Or actually, easygoing bunch of guys aren’t you humans

here, even though your king has been attacked…”

“Well, not like we can do anything about it you know, let

nature take its course”

“That’s right, not to mention there are lots of adventurers in

the bar here after all. They make a living by hunting monsters,
so it ain’t got much to do with them”

“Oh that’s how it is…”

While the marketplace and means of transportation were

moving busily, only this place was like the usual. And who were
annoyed with the bizarre situation in this place should be the
sort of humans who are involved with it, is what Jion thought
from the conversations with the customers who have been
drinking together with him before he was aware of it.

“More importantly lad, you got to this city today right? That
case, be careful for the streets at night eh. Maybe you would
suddenly end up dying you know”

“Ah? Are even Ghostmen appearing here?”

“If it was that then it would’ve been exterminated ages ago.
Even we’re said to be more able than our colleagues in other
cities, we ain’t getting our ass kicked. Problem is, there’s a
cutthroat of completely unknown ability and character in this

The man took nearby coins into his hands and put them
separately on the table.

“A few days here, corpses of townspeople kept getting found

in the early morning. It seems there were famous fellow
adventurers among them too. There were two patterns, the
guys were either crushed or chopped up. What didn’t change
seems to be that every last one of them died instantly”

“Huh… so there’s a guy here who’s been doing something


“Even an acquaintance of one of my acquaintances was done

in ya know!? What’s happening, dammit!”

Another man drank up his alcohol.

The man who spoke about the incident did not look well

“Hey hey, don’t go say something in a drinking place that’ll

make it a drag”

“Ah, right, sorry. It ain’t like I was trying to intimidate you.

It’s just that it’s vexing that guys who drinks plenty like you lad
would get into a dangerous situation ya see…”

“Heh, me in a dangerous situation eh…”

In one gulp, Jion drank the overflowing alcohol in his hands.

The surrounding customers made a stir from the quite strong


“A guy who would let me feel a sense of danger? I’d like to try
and see that! If there is such a guy that is!”
While basked in the cheers of the customers, Jion worked
through another tankard.


“Hm, a random attacker”

“Yes. That’s why, please don’t walk in the city late at night,
alright? The bar and this guild’s vicinity are bustling even
during the night, so it will be relatively safe there, but they can
leave behind an incident at places that has not even a few signs
of life after all.”

“Thank you for your warning. I do not have a hobby of taking

a stroll in the dead of night in the first place after all, allow me
to go back about now.”

“Alright, take care!”

Having been shown out by the guild receptionist, Ramina left

the guild.
Today she easily handled the subjugation quest of a large
monster, who made its nest near the city, and obtained money
that would let her enjoy life for around a week.

Perhaps as a result of the quest being originally one that ought

to be accepted together by a group of ten or more, a certain level
of tired feeling wrapped Ramina’s body.

(With this, I would be likely able to sleep comfortably today…)

With the evening sun partially sunk, she walked through a

moderately dim street towards the inn.

She thought about taking the head of the random attacker

from the rumors she heard in the guild on the occasion he were
to appear, but fortunately or unfortunately, he did not appear in
front of her.


“Good, everybody seems to have fallen asleep”

“We don’t have to do this midnight in particular, do we?”

“This operation needs considerable ability of concentration,

you see… If we do it during this period of time, nobody would
hinder us”

“Well… that’s true”

“Come, we are doing this quickly! The more time we have, the

“Of course that’s true”

Around the time the town was asleep, Stroh and I was facing
each other on top of the bed in our room.

Jion still hasn’t come back.

Must still be drinking probably, that guy.

I mean, I’ve never seen him drunk…

Ramina is sound asleep next room around this time.

She seems to have accepted a job in her own way.

I wonder what she’s warming up for.

Gullus should be in the same room, but… well, it got nothing

to do with me.

“Let us begin then. Come, show me your hand”


I obediently held out one of my hands.

“ …Excuse me, both hands”

“Say that earlier”

I eventually held out the other hand too.

Stroh grabbed them with her own hands and closed her eyes.

“You too close your eyes. From now on until I say it is fine,
never lose your concentration, alright?”


“First I will circulate my divine powers inside you. Just feel

that for now”

“ …”

I feel something flowing into my body that lost all magic

No, wait. This is――――――――――――

“Hey Stroh”

“ …”

“I ain’t feeling anything, it’s like I ended up losing my heart”

I feel my heart, my emotions rapidly dying off.

I’m already no longer caring about anything.

This is… I’ve experienced this a few times until now didn’t I?

“That is fine. Divine powers can only be handled by gods. In

other words, the current you have artificially become a god.
Gods do not possess emotions and such at all. After all, such
things are unnecessary for ruling a world”
“ …”

“So you can no longer even think, I will temporarily separate

from you”

Stroh separate her hands from mine.

I gradually regained my consciousness at the same time her

divine powers left my body.

No, I was conscious, but that’s the closest way of saying it.

“How is it? The feeling that you lost your emotions”

“It didn’t feel good. That aside, you said gods don’t possess
emotions, but you and Creasyl possess them don’t you? What is
that about?”

“Yes, it is because we had mind-boggling amount of time. If

we live long, then emotions would sprout”

“ … It can really sprout?”

“What is it? Are you saying you have been living longer than
many thousands, many hundred millions of years?”

Stroh came asking that while grinning.

It’s irritating, but I can’t do much if I end up being told that.

But if I go as is, then I will end up losing my emotions even if I

luckily get my hands on divine powers.

I hate it, even if there’s no helping that.

“Be relieved, you are living with emotions, so you will

immediately return to normal even if you lose them… I have no
conclusive proof however”
“ …”

“Su- such things can be done afterwards! In any case, for now
we repeat this and awaken the divine powers within you,

“O- Okay…”

With my hands being held and being filled with divine

powers, I once again had my emotions erased and continued to
receive divine powers, literally free from obstructive thoughts.


“Haah…haah… Serves you right, you idiots”

While Setsu and Stroh were training, Gullus had cut the rope
with the knife he carried undercover and escaped.
The knife he used was something that was handed down for
generations in the royal family and can change its shape by
responding to the magic power of one of the royal family.

It was inevitable for Setsu and co to not have noticed it, since
he made it miniscule, hid it inside his body and took it out as

Underestimating him because they used a magic filled rope

was their mistake.

It is impossible for an edged tool, that was at the level of being

handed down in the royal family, to not cut a commercial rope.

“I have to do something as is and return all the way to the

royal capital… I’ve gone through the trouble to escape without
being killed, I cannot let my blood be eradicated…!”

This town is vast.

If I go through this path that’s a little separated from the main

street, then it should take them some time.

If I go through the main street, it will be a straight line until

outside, but seeing that the risk of being seen by someone is
high, I have no choice but to take this path.

“I will escape the city before morning! Until


“Target discovered, I will kill”


Gullus reflexively caught his breath.

What suddenly appeared before his eyes was a large man who
easily crossed over two meters.

The moonlight illuminating Gullus was covered by the

excessively well built body.
“Understood, we approach yet another one of our Great
Creasyl’s ambitions”


Before he was aware of it, a woman was standing right behind


She was the exact opposite of the man in front of him, but her
sense of intimidation was not different at all.

He ended up being held between such bizarre existences.

“I shall bring God’s judgment to the detested


“S- stop! I am a royalty you know!? From the beginning, you

cannot even-”
“Noisy, Human nature”

“-approach m――――――――――”

The hammer of the giant man went down.

Gullus, who was struck by the strong fist, was struck to the
ground and died, scattering just about everything.

A considerable sound should have resounded, but not a single

resident of the city noticed.

The wind whirling around them did not let that sound leak
out at all.

However, that did not work for one’s line of sight.

“What the hell are you doing!”

“Hey, aren’t these guys the rumored attackers!?”

What appeared in that place, was a pair of adventurers who

were drinking with Jion at the bar.

In order to protect the important city, they prepared

themselves and began patrolling late at night from today on.

This time, there were adventurers patrolling other places, but

there is no other way but to describe them coming to this place
as unlucky.

“Another hateful person appeared”

“Let me pass judgment next. Judgment to the hateful


“What are you grumbling about! Raising terrible havoc to the

city…I’ll kill you!”
“Let’s go!”

The two drew out their swords and started running towards
the source of the random attacker incidents.

“You’re an eyesore”

However, their feet were suddenly cut off and were dancing in

Their bodies which lost their support collapsed onto the


“H- huh?”

“H- hii!”

Blood gushed out from their legs.

And then, the next instant their head was flying.

They opened their eyes and did not even notice they died.

However, the woman was just standing.

“Pitiful… is mankind this brittle?”

“This much would not be enough to cause trouble for that

person would it? For the one currently closest to the <Seven
Sacred Swords> … for the even more hateful person, let us
continue to hide ourselves in this city today”

The two people, no, swords disappeared into the city of night.

And then, inaudible screams resounded somewhere else

Chapter 89 Investigation
I push my way through the crowd and witness the disastrous
scene within them with my own eyes.


Early morning, there was an uproar so Ramina and I rushed

out of the inn.

At that time, we noticed Gullus had already escaped from us

and so we arrived at this place along with a bad premonition.

And just as I thought, the corpse there was that guy’s.

I heard the story of the random attacker from Ramina along

the way and so I was also able to understand how this happened
to him.

“He was a man not worth worrying about from our

perspective, but… we only spent time awkwardly together so I
feel complicated about this”

“ … I guess so. But… I did consider if didn’t he die or


It was a horrible way to die.

He was broken to the point you won’t know who he is if he

had no clothes on him.

If he had stayed still… then I’m sure he could have been able
to at least live normally.

“Hm? Isn’t that Jion over there?”

Where Ramina pointed towards was Jion, gazing at two other

corpses at this place.

He kneeled down near the two and didn’t try moving.

“Where have you been until now, Jion?”

“I’ve been drinking at the bar until morning. Don’t worry, I’m
not drunk you know?”

“Say, these guys were your acquaintances?”

Jion didn’t answer immediately.

“ …Who knows, I wonder if I can go as far as calling them…

acquaintances. We got along drinking together yesterday
evening. They were good natured, good people you know… If
only I went along with them”

He spoke in a quiet tone.

There were feelings of guilt mixed in that tone of voice.

This guy should have things to think about too I guess.

“Say, Setsu”

“What up?”

“ …I’m going to look for the criminal for a bit. I won’t be able
to keep my anger at this rate you know… That’s why, can you
wait with our departure?”

“I don’t mind that, but… the me right now won’t be useful

even if I help out you know?”

Because I don’t have any magic power after all. I don’t think I
can even decently handle the searche.

If we can look for them by using just our feet, then they
should’ve been discovered a long time ago.

“You don’t have to. You seem like you have something to do.
Ramina, can you help me?”
“ … Fine. I’m going to feel uneasy what kind of absurdness
you will do if you’re alone after all”

“That’s my partner for you”

“Who would be your partner, I’ll kill you”

Showing a nihilistic smile, Jion took Ramina along with him

and went out of the crowd.

As their companion, I should chase after them I


“You carry out your objectives right away alright. Whatever

you’re perpetrating, it will always change something. We have
expectations for that”

I tried to chase after them, but I reflexively stopped my feet.

Their figures aren’t there anymore.

“Keh…what do you mean expectations”

Doesn’t that mean I have to answer their expectations if they

say that much?


“Uhm… what I’m buying is an onion and… potatoes and”


Huh, why am I shopping at a place like this…

As I recall, I was taken along by Mira because “I looked free”

she said and before I realized, I was at the marketplace.
“Hey! Mr Setsu, hold it properly!”

“Sure sure…”

Putting the bag with plenty of foodstuff on both my hands, I

follow behind Mira.

This town’s marketplace is moderately large.

This is something I knew afterwards, but this city seems to be

near the center of the human continent, and it has quite the
circulation of goods.

In other words, there are many people gathering here as a


A murder in a city like this huh… I think they would usually

be arrested right away.
“sigh… It’s always hard you know. I make a round-trip every
week when we didn’t have you here Mr Setsu”

“That’s hard for you, won’t the day end with just this?”

“Yes it would, you know~! But I enjoy helping mom and the
others, so…”

The inn lady and the others must be happy having such a good

I’d also be fine with a kid like her when I make my future kids.

… Looking at the women around me worries me though.

“That was the last shop, so let’s go home quickly!”

“Sure sure…”
Pulling my hand holding the bags, we ran through the road to
the inn.


“We’re back!”

“Welcome back. Mr Setsu, sorry for having you accompany

her as well… I don’t know if I’m thanking you with this, but let
me make your dinner extravagant, so-”

“You don’t have to, really. I had fun too”

I hand over the bags and let the inn lady accept it.

“I-it’s heavy isn’t it…”

“Yeah, quite so”

“And holding these bags lightly… Mr Setsu, are you a well-
known adventurer?”

“No, I am an adventurer, but I’m not well known. Don’t

worry about it much”

I take the bags I gave to Mrs inn lady and carry it to the

“Where can I place this?”

“Really, thank you for anything and everything… Then it’ll be

helpful if you leave it around there”

I put the foodstuff at the mentioned place and move my arms


When I look out over the kitchen, I understood that there are
many things there that have many years of experience and have
been used with great care.
I’ve chosen a great inn even if I do say so myself.

“Ah, it looks like you were responsible for helping us, Mr

customer, so… Thank you very much”

“It’s fine I tell you. It is true that I was free”

The old man appeared in apron and accurately divided the


This person is skilled at cooking and is sociable too.

Or rather, this family have really good people.

Being able to manage an inn of this scope with three people on

top of it speaks of the good skills of these people.

Mira’s shopping went smoothly too, considering her age.

“You guys are amazing you know. I was right in choosing this

“Hearing you say that makes me very happy”

“I’ll help you out again if there’s anything. We won’t be

staying long, but I’ll take up at least physical work”

“Thank you very much. By all means, please”

Turning my back to the old man’s delightful smiling face, I

return to our room.

Inside it was one idiot god sleeping like a log with her stomach

“You follow the example of the people of this inn! ”

“Ow! What do you think you are doing!?”

I slap her stomach and wake her up.

I didn’t particularly mean to wake her up, but she’s pissing me

off so it serves her right first of all.

“Don’t go sleep so slovenly. Hide at least your stomach”

“What? Do you sexually crave even my stomach?”

“Who is gonna get excited to some kid’s stomach? Stop saying

stupid stuff and sleep with your stomach covered”

“Mh… truly like a mother are you not…”

Come to think of it, would gods catch cold?

Well, doesn’t really matter, if she stops being slovenly.

I entered the other bed and submerged my consciousness
towards the night.


The next day, nothing happened in particular.

Corpses have been found again, but how have Jion and
Ramina been doing?

If they can’t solve it in a day, then this likely means there’s a

real troublesome enemy.

When I asked Stroh for the chances of them being a <Sacred

Sword>, the chances itself seems high.

She just can’t sense their presence so she doesn’t seem to have
any proof of that, or so she said.
“We don’t really need to sleep that much, so… Shall I try
investigating it during the daytime at least…”

“You say that, but the one detecting them will be I, is it not…”

Stroh and I are in front of the inn.

If I were to say why this girl is getting involved into this, it’s
because the theory of the <Sacred Swords> being the criminal is
most likely theory.

There were not even one witness and their ways of murdering
them were peculiar.

If they are a human being, then they should’ve at least used

magic power and it’s impossible for Jion and Ramina to not
have noticed that.

If it’s like that, then I can only think of them as the criminals
behind it.
The only one who could grasp their presence is Stroh, so no
matter how much of a sleepyhead she is, I’m gonna have her
help me.

“Well, it’s fine. Even I cannot permit the sacred swords to do

as they wished. We find them quickly and break them”

“Oh, so you’ve gotten motivated then. Good, first we’ll hit it

from around the crime scene”

Where we headed to first is the place where Gullus was killed.

It’s already tidied up completely clean, but they haven’t gone

as far as fixing the dent on the ground.

“That’s some amazing power adjustment… looks like he

struck him alone with precisely enough power to crush him”

Judging from the dent on the ground, it became like this with
one attack.
The current me will be incapacitated if I receive it, I’m sure
about it.

“Don’t you know anyone who can do something like this?”

“I do happen to know of some, but I do not know which.

Unfortunately, their numbers are quite large. They could easily
do at least this much”

“I guess so…”

I had a bout with a sacred sword once so I know, but Phellibus

had quite the superhuman strength.

But in this case, it felt like he was struck with something

gigantic, doesn’t it… not superhuman strength and so on. No,
there should be several people who fall under that.

Honestly, it wouldn’t be strange if there’s a hammer looking

sacred sword.
I mean, Touma’s excalibur did turn into a gun after all.

“The other corpses are… Chopped up if I remember correctly.

That one makes it hard to find just the sword with that”

We headed to the other locations afterwards, but in

whichever place we were, the situation was the same.

We tried going to the latest location, but there were no magic

powers left behind.

This at last made it very likely that it’s the work of the sacred
Chapter 90 Battle Commences
Around four days has passed since then.

Me and Stroh’s side of investigation stagnated and I didn’t

know where Jion and Ramina went off to.

Not finding their corpses should mean they’re alive, but

where they are and what they’re doing is…


“What’s wrong, Mr Setsu?”

“No, well, I thought it’s been dangerous lately”

“Right? It’s scary right? But I have you here, so I guess I’m
The moment right now is the evening, when Mira and I
finished our extraordinary shopping and were returning to the

It goes without saying that the reason I’m following along is

to be her escort.

I thought, wouldn’t it be fine if we just go tomorrow? But it

seems something that’s by any means necessary.

Well, if I’m with her, I could at the worst let her escape, so I
should be able to manage somehow.

“If the random attacker appears, make sure to protect me


“Yeah, I’ll protect you even if it changes my life, so don’t


“Tha… thank you…”

She’s a matured brat I guess, if her face turns red from that.

Hm? Did I use “matured” correctly? Well, whatever.

As we talked about things like that, the inn was already before
our eyes.

“Ah, mom and dad”


On a closer look, the inn lady and the old man was standing in
front of the inn.

I wonder what they’re up to at a time like this.

“Mom! Dad!”
Mira started to run.

That time, I felt something out of place in their facial

expression and stopped her by holding her shoulder.

“Hm? What’s wrong, Mr Setsu?”

“No well… For some rea――――――――――――”

“We begin…”


Interrupting my words, the inn lady muttered something.

And with that, the two did not even make a twitch.

And then from behind them, a tall woman with silver hair,
that was like reflecting the moonlight, made her appearance.

At the beginning, I thought she’s just a customer.

But she wore an angel’s raiment like thing and seeing those
terrifyingly transparent eyes, I was convinced.

That this woman is a sacred sword.

“Setsu! Get away from them!”


I responded to the voice that came out of nowhere and jumped

back while carrying Mira.

When I did so, a gust of wind raged through the place we were
standing up until now.
The next instant, a few hairs of my bangs danced in the air.

“Jion, you helped me out there”

“You’re welcome… Don’t let your guard down, these guys are
quite dangerous”

Jion and Ramina was standing on top of the left and right

When I saw who the two were staring at, both Mira’s parents,
I could feel it clearly.

These guys are sacred swords too, just like I was afraid of.

“Oh, you seem to be quite the expert, aren’t you. Aero, Quake,
release your figure”

““Yes Ma’am””
“ … What a disgusting outcome… this is”

When the silver haired woman said so, the inn lady’s
appearance changed that to a pea-green haired woman wearing
a robe of feathers, and the old man’s appearance transformed
into a tawny muscled tumbling doll.

There were no traces of the two in either of them; I can’t see

them as anything but entirely different people.

“ … We’ve been searching the locations of the places where

the incidents had happened”

“And then you know… most of the incidents happened around

this inn. There were several exceptions, but the random
attackers basically appeared at a fixed distance from this inn.
That’s why I thought about watching this neighborhood, but…
Suddenly it’s a bingo”

I see, but I can’t believe it though.

The two people who were that nice are the random attackers?

The uncomfortable feeling won’t disappear whatever I do.

“Dad…? Mom…?”

That aside, the one I’m most worried about is Mira.

This is far… too cruel.

“Aah, both parents of that girl have died long ago. The were a
hindrance to our plans, you see”

“A… aahh…”


The silver haired woman told us of a ridiculous fact.

What does she mean by that?

I’ve guessed that they’re sacred swords, but can they pull off
those human-like movements?

There is something here, I’d say.

“Dad is… Mom is… Ugh”


I hold up Mira from collapsing.

“Tch… You scums, so you really are sacred swords?”

“Oh, I’m surprised. I see you are aware of our existence. Then
I shall give you my name, I am <Mirror Magic Sword Mirage>. I
am the one who will exterminate you “mankind” in the name of
the Almighty Creasyl”
“Is that so… In that case, I won’t hold back in beating you to
death then”

I hide Mira under a nearby shelter and prepare for battle.

Kuromaru is unfortunately inside the inn.

I don’t have the leisure to go and fetch him.

“So you will fight me? Very well. Then you shall have to
defeat these two”

“You will not do so much as to cause trouble to lady Mirage”

“God’s judgment to these fools”

The two who were Mira’s parents prepared themselves. Two

at the same time huh? Annoying.
But, I have reliable companions here too.

“Hey wait a minute, you aren’t ignoring us are you?”

“I shall request a short bout with you”

In order for Jion to take up the muscle tumbling doll and

Ramina the woman, they stood in each of their respective ways.

“Leave these guys to us!”

“I’m leaving the center to you”

“Heh… Sure thing guys!”

The two set up their attacks and separated the two sacred
swords left and right.
Looks like they feel like fighting while separated.

If it’s like this then I can just take on Mirage.

“Hmph… You split them in two groups I see. That too is fine”

“What are you spewing so calmly. You’re gonna die you


“I am? That is impossible. The likes of you “Mankind”… don’t

try to appear smart, do you understand?”

That woman’s intimidating air struck my body.

Now that I’ve practiced divine power, I know it.

This one has more divine power than Phellibus or the two
other swords just then.
In other words… she’s overwhelmingly strong one among my
foes until now.

“I am requesting you, show me that you can struggle for a


“Sure, I will struggle enough that I will bite off your head
even when my limbs are torn off!”

I break into a run without hesitation and release my fist

towards Mirage.

She caught it with one hand and then slashed at me with a

beautiful sword that appeared in her other hand.

Since my arm is caught, I can’t escape to the back.

If it was me since a while ago, it would’ve been The End here.

But the me right now is different.

“I won’t let you kill me that easily”

“Gh! … Oh”

I also catch it with one hand.

Seeing her blade being stopped by the palm of my hand,

Mirage raised her voice.



Both my arms are occupied, but I still have my legs.

I jump up and drive my knee into her chin.

It should have damage that would normally lead to a fatal
wound, but sacred swords aren’t just for show.

She loosened her arm and let me escape, but she did not even

“Hah, it felt like I kicked lead.”

“It seems I have mistaken you somewhat. I can see you are not
an ordinary insect”

“I’ve been a Hero despite appearances you know, don’t lump

me with those around me.”

That was already just past glory though.

I don’t need such glory in the first place.

“Hey, how about you go <Drawn Sword> soon? Else the one
who dies quickly will be you”

“So you are aware of <Drawn Sword> …Very well then, I shall
show you. I will thoroughly beat you here, insect. I have decided
it just now”

Mirage readied her sword.

The way she gathers her powers isn’t common.

I may be doing something unnecessary I guess.

But this is fine.

If I can’t at least defeat this one, then me fighting Creasyl

from hereon would be a pipedream.

“<Sword Draw>――――――――――――――”

“How dare you stand in our way, inferior swordswoman”

“Stop talking nonsense. I don’t know who you are, but you
tried to bite the husband of our master. Have you prepared
yourself for that?”

The woman type sacred sword called Aero and Ramina was
facing each other.

Ramina’s hand was already drawn to her katana and was

perfectly prepared for battle, where she could draw it out at any

“Foolish… As I thought, I, <Wind Magic Sword Aero> shall

root out you insects”

“Hm? Is that your self-introduction? Then let me introduce

myself as well. I am one of the five great demon generals,
Ramina Sephyr. I shall have you firmly remember that until a
few minutes after you die”


“Oh hateful one… it seems you are one who wants a fitting

“Ah? Me, die? That’s impossible I tell you”

At another place, Jion and the large man called Quake faced
each other.

However, in contrast to Quake who was putting up reasonable

tense impression. Jion very much took his usual aloof attitude.

“You, are you making light of me?”

“It’s not like I’m making light of my enemies. Even I have

decent resolution when I do something you see”
Jion, nonetheless showed a smile.

As if he was a schemer who had everything gone smoothly.

“Aah, come to think of it, I have to introduce myself before

that. I am one of the five great demon generals, Jion Lace”

“ … My name is”

“Woah, yours is fine, you don’t have to introduce yourself. I



Quake’s field of vision warped.

No, his eyes were turning around.

Having lost his sense of balance and became unable to even
stand, Quake reflexively went on his knees.

“――――――――――――it’s already over for you after all”

Chapter 91 Who cares
“What is this…”

“You didn’t notice it did you? I’ve already finished preparing

by the time I met you all”

Quake’s body would no longer move.

He had been trying to move earnestly, but he did not even

twitch as if his nerves had been tied together.

“My spells are what’s called “Kill on First Sight” you see, I
won’t lose first of all against those I meet for the first time.
Because none of them will notice they have fallen to my tricks”


Quake could do nothing but believe his words.

Even with <Drawn Sword>, which releases his original
strength, the body of the current Quake did not respond.

“My spells are illusion spells… is how people tend to think,

but that’s wrong as a matter of fact. That’s not all it is to be

Jion pushed out his hands and raised his finger.

Upon doing so, the unmoving body of Quake smoothly stood



“Suggestions or hypnotism, simple guys can even do

brainwashing. What you are caught in right now is suggestion.
The suggestion that you can’t move out of your own will.
Interesting right?”

Jion brought down his hand.

Upon doing so, Quake collapsed to the ground like he lost

And once again he was unable to move.

“Guh… nuooh…”

“It’s useless even if you struggle I tell you. The suggestion is

inside you, it’s over once you’re caught in it”

It surely is an unpleasant sensation.

I know I have a body below my head.

However it would not move, as if it isn’t mine.

“Now, from here on out it’s going to get even more

“Wha- what do you plan on doing…”

Jion took out a knife.

And then he sat down on Quake’s body and stabbed him with
that knife.


“See, it doesn’t hurt right? I had your sense of pain sleep for a
while. Well, that’s just all though”

The knife was taken out, but Quake did not feel any pain at

What he did feel was the feeling of an unpleasant foreign


“So, from here on out is the real question… can you think of
why I’m playing around without killing you?”

“Wha- what do you want to say…”

“To put it simply, I’m thinking about having you talk about
anything and everything about what you will be doing after
this, you see. You understand, don’t you? I want information”

Jion thrusted the knife to Quake’s head.

His expression was like the devil, combined with his


“Guh… Like who in hell would talk to the likes of you!”

“Yes, it’s fine, going like that. You will tell us everything
either way. Unrelated to your will that is”

Quake instantly opened spun his talk.

However, the next instant it opened greatly.

He could no longer close it.

“You lost my patience with what you all have done. Don’t
think you can die comfortably alright, tumbling doll…”


“First Iai, <Fang>!”

Are you saying you will cut me with that sort of long sword!?

It was an Iai cut where she slashed vertically instead of

horizontally, while bringing down her body to her side.

This attack, which was an “offensive” Iai technique rather

than a “Waiting” one, was called Fang, from its offensive stance
which carried gravity and its form which would set its teeth
from overhead.

However, Aero easily stopped the attack with her own sword.

“You can not make me kneel with a weapon as light as that …

Now, this time it is my turn”


Aero forced Ramina back and knocked off her sword.

The wind, which was her strength, blew violently in response

to that.


That wind blew Ramina away and subsequently put cuts on

her body.
You are sturdy it seems. Else I would have ended it with that
attack now”


Blood flowed from all over her body.

Fortunately the cuts were not deep and none were fatal.

Except she could not at all ignore the blood she was
continuously losing.

“Now, how much would I cut you before you die!”

“… Third Iai”

Aero swung her sword and once again released wind edges.
The moment when those struck Ramina’s

“<Blinking beat>”


――――――――Dispersing all of those, Ramina appeared

before Aero’s eyes.

<Blinking beat>, this technique was a short range, ultra high

speed movement technique which utilizes a rush by the quick
draw of her sword.

This too was not a “Waiting” technique, but an “Offensive”

one and it is to approach enemies, who are vigilant towards Iai
and not getting near, within the beat of an eye blink and
decapitate them.

However this time, Ramina used this only for the movement.
The reasons for doing so was that there was no time to put the
katana back to its sheath, and

“<Heavy Iron Long Sword>”


it was in order to drive this heavy blow into her.

Aero was blown away sideways.

In spite of managing to be in time to protect herself with her


Having reorganized her posture while rolling, she noticed her

own arm was numbed.

It was as if she was struck on the side with a gigantic hammer.

<Heavy Iron Long Sword> was not Iai, but a common sword

It is a technique which breaks the weapon or otherwise send

damage to the arm holding it by hitting the opponent’s weapon
with the back of the sword.

Except that would be a longsword of a novice.

If it was Ramina doing it, then she would transmit her magic
power well to maximum efficiency, making it possible to have
its heaviness raise several dozens of times.

She began to strike her katana with a might extraordinary

enough to create the illusion as if it was a greatsword used by a

“How was it, it was heavier than you imagined wasn’t it?”

“Kuh… But, it seems even you could not end it safely I see”
“ …”

However, Ramina increased her injuries just in order to

produce this attack.

She did go through Aero’s gale.

No longer were there woundless places on her body.

“With that body of yours, what can you do? If you receive a
wind edge once more, you may definitely die this time”

“ .. If I would die from that…”

Ramina sheathed her katana and lowered her posture in


“And I’m able to take your head, then that would be fine.
Because I’ve been entrusted to do so”
“ … That spirit of yours is praiseworthy. But, it is impossible
even for me to hand over my head”

The wind swirled around Aero.

That was a premonition that pushed her to an even higher


“I will bury you with all my strength. ――――――――<Drawn



Mirage’s figure changed.

Her body wrapped in a silver foil dress, countless gigantic

mirrors are floating around her.

What are those mirrors…?

I have a bad feeling about this for some reason.

“What is wrong, are you not coming here?”

“Heh… Shut up, I’m about to go!”

It can’t be helped that I’m hesitating.

In order to search for her natural shape, I’ll challenge her

from here.


“Your proactive attitude is good, but this is a bad move you


A mirror thrusted itself between the fist I stuck out and

I won’t reach her like this, but if I blow away each of these

“A mirror… reflects all”


Reflected on the mirror was me.

No, that’s natural, but… what is it, this uncomfortable feeling

I have.

It’s as if… the me inside the mirror is also coming


“Gh! Guah!”

The next instant, I was blown away far to the back along with
pain on my fist.
What was that just now?

The sensation wasn’t that of hitting a mirror.

A fist hitting a fist, it’s closest to that kind of feeling… wait,

don’t tell me.

“Hey what the hell… it exist? That kind of ability?”

“So you noticed. Yes, my ability is to reproduce all who is

reflected on the mirror. If you strike the mirror, a fist of similar
power will be released and if you release some magic power,
then it would be offset. This is the absolute shield that protects

I knew that she is someone who uses mirrors based on her

name, but it’s a more troublesome ability than I thought.

Or rather the mirror’s reaction speed is probably the biggest

Even if I thrust at the openings, it probably would be defended
right away.

It’s still incomplete, but… should I use that already?

“What are you being in a daze for. If you do not come, then I

“Tch! Let me think about it at least a little dammit!”

The mirrors lined up to enclose me.

I’m being on guard and <me>, who was reflected there, began
to move by himself.

No, wait wait… why can the me in the mirrors move on his

“They’re partial bodies that perfectly copied your abilities.

Fight to your heart’s content”

“Damn it… Doing something annoying like that!”

Countless me’s rushed at me.

They’re fast. Saying it myself is kind of there, but they’re fast.

I somehow manage to deal with the two who came from the
front and stop the fist of the me who came hitting me from

But, I was put in nelson hold by another one who went behind
me again.

“You fucker! Let go of me!”

Probably because his power rivals mine, I couldn’t slip away

at all.
Damn it, like this――――――――


Another me struck me while I was restricted.

It fuckin’ hurts.

Well of course it hurts, since his physical ability is the same as


“Now, it’s dull, but let yourself be beaten to death like that. I
cannot continue to mind you after all”

I could hear Mirage’s voice from far away.

This is bad, I’ll retire instantly like this.

“Heh… That’s right isn’t it. This ain’t the time to be stingy”

I put strength into my stomach.

I have to show it soon, the fruits of my training and all.

I recall one of Stroh’s words.

‘Do you understand? If we are talking about the way to use

divine power, then it is not so much different from using magic

First I refine divine power.

‘Your divine powers are still insufficient. That is why,

circulate only what is necessary on the necessary parts. If
perchance… there is an enemy you cannot defeat even with
Divine power… to my whole body.

‘Clad your whole body in divine power and for one hour…
become a god’

My emotions are disappearing.

Before it disappeared… I set up my goal… to defeat Mirage.

Right now it’s fine if I just keep that.

As long as she’s defeated, then that’s fine.

“You… why can you use divine power!?”

Mirage was surprised.

What is she so surprised about?

“Who cares, something like that”


By the time she noticed, I have struck Mirage’s stomach.

Chapter 92 Unlucky
At the center of the violently blowing squall stood Aero.

She was clad in a green dress, and the sword was not in her
hand anymore.

“What is that… You threw away your sword?”

“Threw away my sword? Don’t talk foolish. My sword is all

this wind”

Like a conductor, she swung her arms.

And as if abiding that, the wind sprung forth and began to

enclose Ramina.

“<Storm Bringer>”
“Not good!”

Ramina released an iai cut.

One attack with maximum power put in.

However, cutting up the wind current, which has turned into

a wall, was already beyond her power.

“Tch… it didn’t work”

“It’s futile. You cannot cut the wind”


Little by little, the wind walls drew near.

Despite not yet touching them, new wounds had already

begun to appear on Ramina’s body.

“Now, die in obscurity within”

The wind wall increased its speed at once and swallowed up

Ramina, who was inside it.

Pitifully, her body was turned into pieces by the tornado that
is equal to many blades swirling around… is what did not

“So you escaped from above after all!”


Ramina escaped by jumping up.

A tornado basically means that there is an enclosure in the

It is difficult to call it an enclosure due to having been
narrowed already, but she had at least the time to be able to
escape in an instant.

However, Aero naturally anticipated that.


The blade of a gale made an assault towards Ramina, who

could not move around in mid-air.

“Air Walk!”

Ramina chanted Air Walk against that.

Kicking the air, she avoided it to the side.

She was grazed due to the widely spread attack, but it did not
make a direct hit.
And then she kicked once more, instantly drawing near Aero.

“Second Iai, <Twin Fang>!”


<Twin Fang>, an Iai technique, whose speed is considered the

best and whose purpose is to hit with certainty.

Firstly, a regular Iai cut would be released and secondly, it

returns once to the scabbard and this time an iai cut is released
once again with the opposite side.

By doing those series of actions rapid enough to do it in one

breath, it would make one feel like they were cut

Originally it’s a technique that makes use of force by stepping

strongly on the ground, but Ramina performed that in mid-air.
Despite that being the case, her swordsmanship was beautiful
and powerful.

Aero, after being fascinated for a moment, came to her senses

and defended the first attack with her arm.

However, the blade reached her body before she could deal
with the second attack.

A shallow cut was made close to below Aero’s chest, making

her spill blood.

In response to Ramina, who tried to do another follow up

attack upon landing, Aero dodged the attack by leaping behind.

“I didn’t think I would be injured in this state…”

Aero was somewhat shaken.

Originally, she should have defeated her by the coordinated
technique back then.

However, the result was that they were splendidly avoided

and she was attacked until she bore a wound.

She had not experienced fighting this long with “mankind” in

the past.

“However, your feet are already useless, aren’t they”

“ …”

Ramina’s right foot was cruelly full of wounds just by looking

at it, by the wind she was grazed with when she escaped the
tornado and dodged in the air.

Her left foot had few wounds and could move sufficiently, but
keen movements were no longer possible.
“If you kneel now, I will send your head flying instantly. But if
you still feel like fighting… don’t think you can die so easily”

Aero’s intimidating air emitted the highest pressure until


Receiving from the front, Ramina extended her hand to the

sheathed katana without turning away her straightforward

“Throwing down a fight is impossible for me. I shall have you

accompany me to the end”

“ … So you want to die”

Ramina took an Iai stance and sharpened her senses.

It was in a manner where no unnecessary strength was put in,

and which did not let her feel the pain on her wounds.
“If you want to suffer then just as you wish! I will cut your
limbs one by one and slowly mince your body!”

“ …”

Aero released a gale of the largest scale so far.

While putting large cuts even on nearby houses, the bladed

gale drew near Ramina.

“ … Final Iai, <Zero>”

Ramina strongly stepped forward with her left foot.

Blood spouted out the instant she stepped the ground on her
right foot, but she did not look like she minded it.

With smooth movements, the drawn katana was swung as it

held a white radiance, cutting the wind and bisecting Aero’s
body, who was not in a location where the katana could ever


What she recognized was that the wind she released was cut
and dispersed.

As if an unseen cutting attack had bisected only Aero’s body

without scratching the nearby houses at all.

The short moment until she fell to her death, Aero continued
to ponder to the true shape of that technique.

In the end, she was unable to learn of its true shape, even
when she completely lost consciousness.

“It seems you couldn’t see it, I’m relieved. I can still fight
from here on”
The timing when Ramina sheathed her katana and half of
Aero’s body dropped to the ground were simultaneous.


The next moment after sheathing her katana, Ramina lost all
her strength at once and fell on the ground.

“I lost… too much blood I guess… I can’t move. I hope Jion

and Setsu are alright…”

While resting her body face up, Ramina continued to worry

over the two.


“Gah… Hah”

“ …”
I kick the face of Mirage who has fallen down.


I put one punch onto her body when she greatly bent
backwards and timing her bending forward and her face
sticking out, I drive a high kick on her face.

I grasp Mirage who was flying to a side road with earth-

shattering speed, push her to the ground and strike her face.


Barrage, barrage, barrage.

Not minding it despite denting the ground, I did nothing but

strike her.

This woman’s mirror shields and my copies finally caught up

when I did so, so I smash the mirrors and roundhouse kicked
one of my copies to death.

When I killed one, its figure returned to the mirror and

disappeared. I see.

“B- be damned”

“So tenacious”


When I kicked her stomach, she flew while gouging out a

straightened path.

Is it about time for the residents to notice the disaster and

come out? Well, whatever, doesn’t matter.

“Haa… haa… You, what is that power…”

“Does it matter? That kind of question that is”

I close the distance with a kick, hold Mirage’s head and struck
it on the ground.

A spiderweb shaped crack spread, and a groan leaked out from

under my hand.

I raise “that” up and sink it to the ground many times over.

“ … You’ve gone quiet”

“ …”

Around the time cracks started to appear even onto the

nearby houses, she finally stopped groaning.

Did she die? If she fainted, then I’m gonna have to deal the
finishing blow――――――――――
“Gh… Haaaaaaah!”


Suddenly opening her eyes, Mirage pointed the palm of her

hand towards me and began packing energy.

Is this divine power?

“Think I’ll let you?”

“Guh… Just this much!”

I once again struck her to the ground, but her hand was still
pointed at me.

I thought about brushing it away, but the next moment my

field of vision was dyed in light.
I broke through a second storey house and revolved in mid air
after been blown away upwards.

My upper body was burned here and there. I also feel some

But it’s not so much to make a fuss about.

“Struggling in vain eh?”

“Haah… Haah…”

When I landed and returned to where I was with a kick,

Mirage was glaring at me while breathing with her shoulders.

She’s already tattered.

According to Stroh, sacred swords don’t seem to be able to

regenerate themselves.
In other words, if I inflict this much damage on her, then I
have essentially won.

More importantly, one more attack might be plenty with her

in this state.

“Are you prepared?”

“Fuh… The one who should be prepared would be you”


The next instant after I held doubt on her words, I suddenly

lost strength in my whole body and went on my knee.

“ …Don’t tell me, already…”

Gradually my emotions are coming back inside my head.

I haven’t fought for three minutes yet and yet I used up my
divine powers.

This is strange, I’ve come to have plenty of it from the few

days of training here and yet…

“From your calculations, you should have a little more time to

move isn’t it? But, you are yet unfamiliar with the way to use
divine power. If you use it that violently, then I would expect
you to reach the bottom soon. In truth I have hardly gotten any
damage in the latter half, you see”

“Damn… it…”

My body is heavy.

But I have to stand up somehow.

Even she should be bearing quite the damage.

If it’s now, then… Gluttony will work.

“Come! <Gluttony>!”

I grab and pull out the sword handle that appeared from the
empty sky in response to my call.

Its ominous blade manifested and drool dribbled from its


“So you still carry some hidden power”



I swung Gluttony, but it didn’t hit.

Not good, I’m too slow.

Mirage’s movements were awkward, but much better than

someone like me.

“I’m returning the favor”


Mirage’s foot sunk into my stomach.

By the time I noticed, I was sent flying, back to the road where
I kicked her flying.

My body finally touched the ground and rolled about several


Then I noticed that I returned to all the way near the inn.
How far have I been sent flying, me…

“Mr Setsu!”

“Gh… Mi- Mira…?”

Mira, who was hidden under cover, rushed over to me who

had fallen senselessly.

I see, so she woke up.

Then I have to get her to escape quickly…

“Mira, there should be a black haired kid inside the inn. She’s
a companion of mine, so go and hide at her place for now”

“No I can’t! You should go too Mr Setsu!”

Mira pulled my arm after I managed to stand up.

But, I shook her off and readied Gluttony.

Because Mirage is already closing in on us from the front.

“Hmph, you are also the tenacious one I see”

“ … Screw you”

This bitch… her wounds are already gone.

Do swords these days have regenerative abilities?

Not to mention her garments… huh?

Something feels out of place here doesn’t it?

‘Unlike you “Mankind”, sacred swords possess neither
recovery spells nor self repairing features. They are originally at
most “objects” after all. There are no other methods to repair
them beside restriking them again’

“That’s why… it’s over once you give them a mortal wound…”

If I recall, that’s what Stroh said.

That’s why her wounds are impossible to heal.

No, well, it’s her, so she may have said something careless,

“ …”

Just for a while, the worst assumption came to mind.

I hang my head and lowered my arms.

“What, are you giving up? That is not even unreasonable. I
was surprised that you used divine power, but your body is that
of “mankind.” You cannot win against us”

“Mr Setsu…”

Mira was shivering in fear behind me.

I grit my teeth and thrust


――――――――――――――――into Mira.

“H… huh…?”

“ … So I was right”

Mira held a knife in her hand with a blade beautiful enough to

reflect our faces.
That knife stopped just before it was stuck on my back.

I pulled out gluttony with my back turned to her and confirm

Mirage in front of me.

“To think that that body was a clone”

Cracks entered Mirage’s body and it then crumbled together

with the sound of a breaking mirror.

After it went that far, I properly look over my shoulder and

once again overlook Mira, who was the mirror magic sword

She, who had fallen down face up and was grasping her
wound, was unquestionably the inn’s daughter Mira.

“How… did you know?”

“I’ve heard sacred swords can’t fix wounds that are put on
them. First it felt out of place when she appeared unhurt. And…
I thought that it was strange that both parents were a sham and
yet only the daughter is genuine”

If both parents were those two swords, then of course they

should come out as a random attacker at night.

And if they come out every day like that, then even the
daughter should notice it.

Then the two swords would consider such daughter a


No, they should consider her a hindrance even if she didn’t


It’ll be an emergency even if they’re suspected by one person.

That’s why they would first kill, since it’ll be a problem if

they’re suspected.
That’s all they have to do if they do the job of a random

But, Mira is alive.

If that’s the case, then there’s only two possibilities I can

think of.

The possibility that she can suspect them and so they left her

Or… the possibility that someone changed places with her.

“Your ability is handy you know. If you feel like doing it, you
can copy appearances, personalities, everything. The disguise of
the two were your work too right?”

“ …That’s right”
If they have her ability, then it’s possible to copy personality
and appearance to them and sound like the spitting image of

In that case, what’s most likely would be that they were


“It was my intuition that put on the possibility that you were
the main body. I think I’m really glad I was right”

“What if… I had been the genuine one?”

“At that time I can just bring you back to life. Gluttony has
that kind of power too”

If I kept fighting the clone like that, then I would have lost.

That’s why the cause of her defeat was merely the fact she let
Mira approach me.
“So unlucky, aren’t you”

Right, she was unlucky.

Chapter 93 Didn’t feel like I won
“Hey the bloody, haven’t you been acting too violently

Jion looked at the houses where large holes had been opened,
and let out a voice of surprise.

The residents inside did not even show signs of waking up, to
say nothing of having injuries.

“I’ve put the people around here under hypnosis so it won’t

turn into an uproar, but… I guess it’s going to be an uproar
either way once it’s morning”

The people did not come out even after hearing the
disturbance, because Jion put the area into deep sleep with his

Unnecessary victims would appear around this time among

the residents who would have shown signs of commotion if he
hadn’t done so.
“Whoops, I have to get Ramina quickly I guess”

Confirming the appearance of Ramina who he could see in the

distance, Jion ran past on top of the roof.

He checked the direction Setsu was at with a glance, but their

fight seems to be over already, so he ignored him.


“Hahahahahah… I’m defeated”

The wound on Mira, aka Mirage, was deep.

I didn’t consume her with Gluttony just in case, but she

should be losing her life soon enough with the deeply opened
wound on her stomach.

“ … You’re not gonna show me your true figure?”

“Aah, that’s right…”

The sound of mirror breaking resounded from Mira’s body,

and turned into the appearance of Mirage who I had been
fighting with just some time ago.

Her drawn sword state seems to have expired, so the mirrors

aren’t floating anymore.

“To think that I, the closest to the <Seven Sacred Swords>,

would be defeated”

“ …You’re not going to copy the personality or tone?”

“Of course I won’t. I have no reasons to blush at you”

I can’t understand… sacred swords.

These guys basically can’t see us humans as anything but

extermination targets.

It can’t be helped I guess.

The one who gave the order to them is a god after all.


“Ah? Is there something funny?”

Mirage laughed while blood streamed from her mouth.

That laughter of her was just like she triumphed for some

“No, I thought held out admirably, you see… thanks to that

I’ve completed it”

The sky was supposed to be spreading where her line of sight

was at.

Something was floating on top of this town.

On a closer look, that’s the shape of this town.

In other words. ――――――――――

“A gigantic… Mirror…!?”

“Hahahaha! I’ve finally completed it!”

A mirror is floating in the sky… What’s reflected is this

Town…? What if she let the mirror drop as it copies its mass?

“Don’t tell me, you…!”

“Preparing a mirror of this scale requires much effort, you

know. But, this will be the end for the humans of this town…
and you altogether!”


Not good.

If she lets that kind of thing fall, then it’ll be too much for
Gluttony to eat all.

“You mean you’re dropping a part of the city!? You’re fucking

kidding me!”

The scales are too different.

I completely let down my guard.

This bitch did quite the fucking thing.

“I was thinking it would take several days to create this… if I

am able create many fellow travelers even on my own, then I
cannot just die and leave it like this”

“Just die quietly!”

What should I do?

It’ll be a bad ending for sure at this rate.

Shall I use divine powers again… No, I can’t destroy a part of a

town even if I were to use it.

“So I’ll be finished… here? ”

Even I’ll die from something like that.

It’s hopeless, it looks like it’s going to crumble down.

“Hey, what is that foolish face for? I will not be able to laugh
at all then”

“… You”

Just when I was on the verge of feeling overwhelmed, I was

called to a stop by a voice I’m familiar of.

Who was standing behind me was Stroh, who has been hiding
until now.

Her expression being her usual made me I completely forget

about our desperate situation.

“You have quite the nerve to do something troublesome to

me, mirror”

“Th- the Almighty… Destroia”

When Stroh scowled at Mirage, Mirage’s body trembled as if

she was afraid of her.

I’m forgetful, but even she’s a god I guess.

… One much higher than someone like me.

Experiencing this unbearable feeling, I clenched my fist.

“Even, even if you come out this late! This town is finished!
Now! It begins!”

Buildings, streets and the ground appeared from the

enormous mirror.
The “town” slowly fell down, accompanied with its mass.

“Dammit! If it’s like this, I’ll even use all my life force

“Stop, you fool. There is no need for that”


Stroh held her hand to the sky.

“Things that appear from Mirage’s mirrors disappear if its

circuit to her is severed. That is why it is instantly resolved if
you do this”

When she lightly swung her hand, something made a sound of

crashing in the sky.

The next instant, Mirage’s face was dyed in despair.

“No this can’t be… my… mirror is…”

“I destroyed the “connection” between you and the mirror.

Your intentions will no longer reach it”

The town that came out of half the mirror vanished.

Not even a fragment remained and before long each mirror

extinguished and the starry sky above it made its appearance.

“In order to release that which you reflect, one has to

completely drive it out of the mirror. In that case, if you destroy
the root of your powers before that… Oh how mysterious, I
canceled your ability”

“No this can’t be…”

“You were not aware of it were you? That you yourself have
such a weak point”
Stroh stepped up to the dumbfounded Mirage.

“That is natural. After all, I had created those weak points in a

way that Creasyl would not find out, so that I am able to stop
you sacred swords at any moment”

“Cre- created…?”

“ …The hell does that mean”

“It is simple. These sacred swords are what Creasyl and I have
created, you see”

The one who created the sacred swords was Stroh…?

Hey wait a minute, I never heard of that.

“Hey! If that’s the case, then you should’ve told me the weak
point at the time with Phellibus and this time too! I wouldn’t
have a hard fight if I knew of it would I!?”

“ … You really are a strange one. Normally it would have been

the time for you to snap at me and say ”You were Creasyl’s
companion too!?” is it not?”

“I don’t give two shits about that! If you are her ally now too
then I wouldn’t have forgiven you, but there’s no problem if
you turned into her enemy. More importantly, answer my

Her past isn’t anything I care that much about.

There’s no need to complain about it if she’s an ally now and

more importantly I’d like her to explain about the fact that she
didn’t tell me their weak points right away.

If she gave me difficulty for a stupid reason, then I’ll give her
some punishment for it.

“Hmph… Well, whichever weak point, you cannot hit it if you

are not I after all… there is no use telling you”


“R- really really!”

Hmm… if she insists it’s true even when I approached her in a

head-grinding posture, then it seems fine to believe her.

“At, at any rate! I can easily turn the sacred swords

ineffective! That time with Phellibus, there was no need for me
to show my hands since I expected that even you could win”


Well, that’s true.

That time, it looks like I handled divine powers just for an

instant, so I’ve been practising even now while relying on the
feelings back then.

If that didn’t happen, I probably couldn’t have even fought


I will absolutely not say thanks to this girl though.

“ … Oh, God of Destruction, why are you hindering us? You

were once… a friend with the Almighty Creasyl were you not?”

“A friend… I was. For that reason, I have to stop her rampage.

I will knock her once and restore her senses”

Stroh’s eyes were serious.

I could feel a will in there to believe and not doubt a friend.

Only today you’re cool, Stroh.

“ … It is pitiful… Our Almighty Creasyl… is not… going mad…
The lady… her anger…”


“Forgive… me… I… was unable to handle… my mission… Al…

mighty… Creasyl”

Light faded from Mirage’s eyes.

And then, her body shone and what remained after it faded,
was a beautiful sword that’s broken.

“So you ceased your breath… How is it, your impression of

defeating a sword closest to the <Seven Sacred Swords>”

“… Didn’t feel like I won”

“I suppose so”
I lost to her at the end of the end.

If Stroh wasn’t here, then I would’ve been a flattened corpse

by now.

It’s my loss. My defeat.

“Damn it…”

This might be the first time I felt mortified like this and
thought I wanted more power.

I tightly grasped my fist, strong enough for blood to ooze out.

Chapter 94 Son
In the end, we left the city in order to escape the next

The city should be in uproar around this time.

But the random attackers are gone and it’s become peaceful,
so I’d like them to let us off for that.

There were times along the way where we were lost, but
turning our physical fitness into weapons, we arrived in around
two days.

And now――――――――――――

“ …You’re really going to stay behind?”

“Yeah, we’re gonna stay in the human continent for a while

Human continent’s harbor.

It’s the same city where Ruri and I departed on Levia’s back a
few weeks ago.

“Looks like your resolve didn’t grow dull”

“ … I know that there are guys I can’t win against at this rate
after all. There are things I should do in this continent in order
to get stronger”

“Tch… I get it. Then, I’ll properly tell Lady Desastre of your


The two boarded the ship.

If I also board this and go back to the demon continent, then

may be able to give those people some peace of mind.

But, I’ll be dead weight by linking up with them as I am now.

“How pathetic of me…”

“Do not be so pessimistic. We are going up against a god after


“ …”

Stroh’s words may be quite right.

But still, the I feel embarrassed when I called myself the

strongest of the strongest.

It seems stupid to act all arrogant around them.

People who are still stronger than me are properly there.

“Still, I ain’t satisfied about it”

“About what?”

“About the fact I’m not the strongest you know”

I turn my back to the departed ship and start walking.

If I can’t win now, then I can just train and come back.

If it looks like I can’t win even with that, then I can just train
more until I gain the confidence that I can win.

I can just become the strongest again.

“Right then, shall we go!”


Our destination, the place called <Shrine of Collapse>, where

they worship this girl, the god of destruction Destroia.

If we go there, then Stroh’s powers would seem to return to a

certain degree.

When that happens, my divine power training will be more


“Just you wait Creasyl… for the powers of the former

<Monster> that is”

I clap my face and increase my walking place.


“Are your wounds really fine? You could’ve just heal it with
Setsu’s Gluttony you know”

“Wounds like mine won’t fill up that one’s stomach. And

besides, relying on him everytime will turn us weak”

“ … I guess so. We… may have depended a little too much on

that guy”

Ramina and Jion recalled above the sea how much they had
entrusted Setsu until now.

How much they, the demons depended on him.

“Now that I think about it, he had always gone out fighting in
the frontlines at any time. We just look at him and be amazed in
the backline, it really is strange right?”

“Yeah. He is out of norm, but he is just like us “Mankind”. He

can’t live without assistance”
Jion sighed while viewing the sea.

That sigh contained a type of decision.

“It can’t be helped then. I’ll try reforging myself a little again I

“I’m of the same opinion. I’ve been thinking about secluding

myself in the mountains after a long time.

It wasn’t that even they had no attachment to strength.

They had no such things as special abilities, but they

frantically became this strong.

And then from hereon too they would go mad anytime if it

was to become stronger.

Nobody had given up on becoming the strongest.

“Heh, aren’t you motivated! Then I

“Ah~ so it’s you two~. The guys who defeated Mirage that is~”


That voice came from the sky.

There was something before them when they looked up.

They didn’t understand what that something said.

But in an instant they understood.

That this something was on a higher dimension than them.

“Uhmm. How shabby~ if she got defeated like this, then us

<Seven Sacred Swords> will look weak doesn’t it? I’d like her to
spare us from that you know~”

“Gh! You’re a sacred sword――――――――――――――”

“OKay okay~ Don’t make a racket, don’t make a racket~”

The something clapped their hands.

His memory was vague around this part.

First a moment of silence.

And then an explosion and shock.

The ship was gravely damaged as if it was crushed, and sailors

and luggages were thrown out.
Jion and Ramina, being thrown out by the sea which began its
tempest, earnestly put the something that was in the air into
their field of vision while they were losing their consciousness.

“Bye bye”

Its appearance was a black haired boy, still very young.

But that smile, which looked like it was attached to him,

planted a distinct fear into their continuously vanishing


“*sigh* it’s slowly getting boring. Don’t you think so? Touma-

“ … I suppose you are right”

“Oh no~You don’t have to be respectful and all. You don’t
want to pay respects to me do you?”

“If you understand that then won’t you stop it with that over-
familiar attitude?”

Sorry sorry――――――while saying so, Touma smiled.

This is the demon lord castle, underground prison.

Inside that prison were the figures of Touma and Kouma

meeting each other.

As a result of being surrounded by walls knead with magic

power restricting minerals, they could not use magic well.

But there no restrictions in particular beside that, Touma

should be capable of escaping even now.
Even so, Touma did not do so.

His behavior looked like it was no different from usual, but

his mind was in tatters.

He no longer had any willpower.

“You’re pitiful too aren’t you. You lost all your companions,
am I right?”

“ … You really don’t know anything?”

“Sorry no, I don’t know anything. My direct subordinates

have all died, including Gaia, and there was not one person who
could move your classmates. They didn’t die… is what I think
though. Don’t you think they’re most likely kidnapped?”

“Why… do you think so?”

Touma put up three fingers to that question and began to
answer it.

“First, there were no traces of them. If they were killed, then

bloodstains or residual magic power, evidence of being killed is
supposed to be left. Those things not being there means at least
that they weren’t killed in that place I think”

Except that’s an argument if there is no one with abilities that

can scatter away their traces like Creasyl though――――――he
added and went to his next point.

“Next, there are no eyewitness testimonies. Your classmates

are not a small number at all. One should need a certain amount
of time if they’re going to get rid of each of them. Meanwhile,
it’s very likely that someone have witnessed them if it’s during a
busy war. But not even one of that sort of information has
appeared until now. At this point, wouldn’t it fine to say they’re

“ …”
Touma’s argument was on point.

It would be a different story if even a single bit of piece of

flesh was dropped, but there were literally no traces of them.

I understood and accepted his argument that they were

abducted with this. Or rather I want to accept it.

Your friends are dead and such; nobody would want to

consider that.

“And lastly. It has nothing to do with this directly, but… I

know of an organization who desired just one, just a single body
of an “Otherworlder”.


The contents he recited were as follows.

Its corporate name was <Terran Company>.

It was a major company that had business with Touma
himself before.

The president Terran has now become an empty shell like an

invalid, but the company itself remains.

The latest information he knew was that the company

president was no longer Terran, but his younger brother.

And the fact that he harbored deep resentment towards the

demons who had captured his blood relative…

“If they’re thinking about revenge against the demons, then

they must be strengthening their military strength by
developing their prided biological weapons. And your
classmates would be good material for those experiments, don’t
you think?”

“ …! You’re kidding me!”

Kouma butted his head on the bars with excessive anger.

Blood flew from his head along with the sound of a bang, but
it immediately healed.

“… I want to go… save them”

“It’s not like I’ve gotten proof of it, so no being hasty okay?
Besides, the current you is definitely going to lose. You
mastered too little of your powers”

Kouma clenched his teeth.

His words were too correct.

“In that case… please train me”


After striking the floor with his fist, he stood up with vigor.
And then fixed his eyes straight at Touma and said that.

After being overcome with surprised for a while, Touma took

a breath and then spoke.

“*sigh* … Why do I have to do something like that for

someone other than Setsu I wonder~?”

“Even you want to beat the god don’t you!? You resent her
don’t you!? In that case, I can become a fighting power if you
make me stronger! Even if I won’t reach her, I will no longer
hold you back! How about it, these conditions!”

“ …”

It was honestly not a negotiation Touma would want as a

matter of fact.

He imagined whether he would create a useless person and

lose his time.
But he strangely did not hate his strangely proactive attitude.

(Setsu would… say the same thing I bet)

Touma stood up and went to the bars.

And then just like that, he held the bar and spread them left
and right.

“There we go…”

“He- hey…”

He slipped out of the prison and walked before Kouma’s eyes

on the other side.

“How about we start with this first, just spreading the bars
and escaping. Easy right?”
Though just merely, it was a moment where light was born in
Touma’s eyes.


“Tch, we’re out of eggs… hafta go buy some later”

“ … You honestly don’t suit the housewife look, do you”

“Shaddup, I’m already a veteran despite my looks”

The woman in apron with black hair and bad looks put out tea
to a beautiful pink-haired woman, who anybody would be
jealous of, sitting on a chair in the living room.

The pink-haired woman took a sip, put it down and breathed a

sigh of relief.

“More importantly, what will you be doing? Your son has

become something a little interesting hasn’t he?”

“Yeah, something annoying that is. Clinging onto that god of

destruction and divine power training eh… it should be
impossible for him at this time”

“I know right?”

The black-haired woman sat on a chair and drank tea.

The figure of her heartily crossing her legs and drinking it by

grabbing the teacup from above was manlier than the men
around there.

“As long as he ain’t clearing the conditions, the dam holding

back that fellow’s divine power won’t break down. At this rate
he’ll get stuck fighting the whole time with that morning dew
looking divine power”

“But Destroia is aware of those conditions, no?”

“She should know I guess… But that’s a gamble. If he clears it
as soon as he can, then there’s even the chance of him losing
power. If he’s afraid of it just because of that means he ain’t
gonna look like an enemy to those <Seven Sacred Swords>

She raised up her teacup again and drank.

When she moved away her hand, a mother’s expression was

shown right after.

“Well, I can just kill him if he fucking tries to do something

unnecessary, so I guess I’ll leave him to her for a while. You too,
what are you gonna do with that girl? Ain’t she pitch black?”

“Yuuhi? That girl is alright. She will display more power the
more excited she grows after all. Now she is strong enough just
to be able to protect herself, so that is alright”

While saying so, the <Goddess of Beauty Aphrodite> smiled.

<Death> drank another mouthful of tea, seemingly
uninterested in it.

“Not going along are you~”

“Even if you say that, you gave too much blessings to her even
though she’s not even your daughter. You’ll age sooner or later
you know?”

“It’s fine if I age. She is my big sister’s important child after

all… I will give her as much as I like if it’s something I can give”

Aphrodite’s expression was that of an older sister thinking of

her younger sister.

Seeing themselves, who were <gods>, being eager in raising

children or being for their family members, Death smiled again.

“Seems like we both have our own share of troubles eh”

“We really do, our worries are not going away”

The two looked at each other’s faces and made a strained


“That’s right. I’m thinking about us going there for a while

too you know…”

“Eh? With the whole family?”

“Yeah. My husband and daughter are dying to see him.

Besides, if that guy were to <Awaken>…”

“I suppose”

Death’s face looked stern and apologetic.

She was unable to decide whether to pick her standpoint as a

parent or as a god.
She read out her feelings that said so.

“Properly decide on it okay? Whether you

would――――――――――――――――bring back Setsu-kun or

“Yes, I get that alright?”

Death stood up, once again opened the fridge, and thought
shall I make something fitting to eat? She then remembered she
had run out of eggs.
Volume 5 – The Seven Sacred
Chapter 95 Words of the beginning and
the end
The island at the center of the three continents.

There was a remote and solitary island where none had

entered since a few days ago.

――No. To be accurate, none were able to enter.

Except by turning into ornaments called corpses.

At the center of the island was a large structure.

It had a temple-like structure and each stone were

mysteriously large.

It had several floors inside and the top floor had a window
large enough to be able to see the other side of the sea.
From that window, god of creation Creasyl overlooked the

“… How is your condition, Lady Creasyl”

“ ‘tis not bad. I finally am in the mood to put the world in my


Creasyl stretched her hand.

On her hand, she already seized the world.

“The world is in my hand. I can destroy it at any time”

“We, the <Seven Sacred Swords>, too have made


Hanging their heads behind her as she grasped tightly her

hand were seven human figures.
“We will begin. Go destroy any cities. I am raising the beacon
of massacre”

“Gihyahya! In that case, I will go!”

Who stood up was a tall man with a peculiar pointed red hair.

He raised a vulgar laughter while sending a sharp look at


“You know, I want all the most delicious parts! That’d be fine
right? Almighty Creasyl!

“Mammon is it… Very well. You go”

“Gihya! Alright!

The man called Mammon jumped off the top floor as is and
turned small until he vanished.
“… Will it be fine to let that man go?”

One of the sacred swords saw off Mammon and opened her

“I do not mind. His suicidal tendency is manageable. Left

alone, he should come bring several heads of human leaders”

Creasyl turned around and created a throne behind her.

Sitting on the boorish and pointless ornament-lacking throne,

she spoke the words of the beginning.

“Now―――― ‘tis the end of the age of mankind”


“That fool Creasyl… so she began her move”

Destroia murmured while facing the direction of the solitary
island, where Creasyl was at.

“And yet our side is likely to take yet more time――”

Behind her was a shrine inside the forest.

Inside the shrine was Setsu’s figure on his knees on the worn-
out throne, his arms bound in chains and his head hanging

His eyes were closed and he did not seem conscious.

“When necessity arises, I will――――no, I should have

confidence in him”

Destroia entered the shrine.

Seeing Setsu’s “completion”, she closed her eyes in


“I will not let you end the age of mankind――――Creasyl”

Chapter 96 Challenge
“――Are you ready, you three?”

Glain turned his head and asked, when they were about to
leave the demon king’s castle.

Behind him stood Tia, Elka and Yuuhi, each giving their

“I’m ready”

“I’m… fine…”

“Let’s go quickly. I don’t want to let our prey escape”

Tia was her usual self.

Elka still wasn’t in her normal condition, but she was able to

Yuuhi already had the eyes of a murderer.

(Ye~s… I have a lot on my shoulders)

Glain showed a forced smile and scratched his head.

The current Yuuhi would likely do a suicide attack the instant

she discovers her enemy.

Of course, Glain himself should be able to stop her, but he

could not bear being treated as an enemy.

“But we have no choice but to go, so…”

“I won’t hesitate”
“I know. Let’s go then, to god’s place that is”

The four began walking.

Towards the center of the solitary island, where Creasyl was

said to be at.


“Good good, they’re gone”

“ … Is this fine? Really?”

Seeing the four departing some time ago, Touma laughed with
an evil face.

Kouma, who was conscious of the fact that they had escaped,
still appeared to be unable to make a bold move.
“If we don’t go now, when will we? For what sake did you

“ …I guess so”

Kouma sighed, nodded and went forward with his

determination renewed.

Having seen his appearance in satisfaction, Touma too went


“Alright then, Mr Handsome. Let’s quickly go kill a god”

“Please properly call me by my name”

The two departed the castle as well.

The two no longer cared about the fact that the demon king
castle was in an uproar from the fact two prisoners had escaped.

“Sis, we should leave soon”

“I’m going now desu”

At a certain deep ravine, Shironeko jumped down from a

gigantic object as she was called by Mineko.

The wounds on her increased by countless numbers, which

reminded her of the intensity of the training they had been
doing here for a short while.

“Geez, miss Roa is waiting you know?”

“I know desu”

The two lined up and headed to where Roa was waiting at.
In the place they were in, SSS class monsters with overall
length exceeding 30 meters were rolling around.

“You’re late, bitch. Did you fuckin’ sleep again?”

“That’s not it desu. It’s last minute adjustment desu”

“Well, that’s fine though”

The waiting Roa called out to Shironeko in a rude tone.

She seems to have made sure not to endure the disorder on

her tone.

“Daddy still can’t get out of the country, so only we’ll be going
okay? That’s enough right?”

“Of course”
“I mean, I wasn’t training to show off!”

Roa then faced down and took a deep breath.

“――Alright, shall we go then! To knock down god!”

The departures of each.

All aimed for the solitary island in the center, for the sake of
killing a god.

The time has come for mankind to challenge a god.

Chapter 97 Challenge to God

It was by chance that Creasyl noticed that something had


A tiny silhouette appeared on the plaza below the temple she

herself was sitting in, where the sacred swords were running

“You all, prepare for impact”

Being given their instructions like that, the seven sacred

swords bent over on the spot.

Immediately following, the ground shook several times in a


“What is happening!?”
One of the seven sacred swords, the Lustful Sword Asmodeus

Looking outside, there were countless gigantic smoking rocks.

The wreckages of the sacred swords scattered around

displayed the size of the damage.

“The likes of rats are…”

Creasyl expressionlessly looked down on the human beings

standing on the rock.


“Clear the way!”

The center of the solitary island. Together with Roa’s war cry,
the sacred swords were all blown away at once.
“Out of the way desu”

With one swing of her arm, Shironeko finished off the blown
away sacred swords.

“Big sis! Please make sure not to get separated from us so


Mineko kicked open the head of the sacred sword who was
creeping up behind Shironeko.

“Step aside”

Yuuhi’s black flames destroyed all of the sacred swords.

“Elka! Are you good to go!?”

Glain said while strangling a sacred sword.

“I, I’m good!”

Elka’s magic put the surrounding sacred swords in ice.

However, she left one behind and exposed her back.


“――That was dangerous you know,

The sacred sword of Touma, who was further in the back,

saved Elka from her crisis.

Touma caaught the head of the sacred sword which revolved

in the air.

“Why, why are you all…”

“Leave the trivial talk for later! Right now we’re annihilating
them aren’t we!?”

Having dealt with Glain’s question, Touma had his sacred

sword transform and take the shape of a cannon.

When he fired with it, it blew away all the sacred swords who
were there in a straight line.

“I am his chaperone though…”

“You too…”

Kouma, who was hiding behind the gigantic meteorite, made

his appearance and cut down the sacred swords around him.

“ … Sorry, I can’t move”

“Ugh! Tia!”
The sacred swords tried to swarm Tia who was concealing
herself under the meteorite.

Glain blew those away with all his strength and quickly
rushed over to her.

“I used up nearly all of my magic power just by dropping the

meteorite with everyone on it… I won’t be of much use in
fighting like this”

“No, this is more than enough. You’ve done so much work for
us after all”

The action they performed this time was, in one phrase, a

surprise attack from the skies.

They descended on the solitary island by riding on Tia’s

<Limit Break> star magic, <Shooting Star>.

This enabled them to stand on the solitary island relatively

safely without being targeted during their landing.
Surprising the surrounding sacred swords and successfully
removing the vanguards was great.

“I will guard Tia right now. Everyone! How about we

somehow clear a path to Creasyl!?”

“Who do you think you’re asking!”

Roa reliably shouted, linking up midway and participating on

the operation.

Everyone had strong will shown on their faces, it will honestly

be alright if I leave it to them, Glain believed.

Except only Elka would be――――


“Ye- yes!”
“ … Don’t overdo it”

Elka quivered in surprise once towards Glain’s voice.

It worked out now, but he would not know if they will

eventually be attacked by even stronger sacred swords.

Glain wanted to give support, but he was putting his all as

Tia’s guard now.

“We just have to lighten Elka’s burden then, right!? In that

case, leave it to me!”

The one who shouted at such time was Roa.

She crawled on all fours, and kicked away the sacred swords
surrounding Elka in an instant.

Even Glain and the others was unable to catch that speed of

“We also kept up with training you know. Got enough room to
support at least one person alone!”

“ …How reliable. Alright! Attack!”

On Glain’s command.

All ran off at once towards the temple in the center.

On the way, Elka apologetically called out to Roa.

“I’m sorry… for holding you back”

“No, even your strength can be turned into fighting power

you know, It’s just, please put in some more effort in it okay?”
“ …”

“Switch it up, because this is a war for revenge”

Roa’s fist filled with hatred broke the sacred sword in front of

Elka too learned from that and turned the surrounding sacred
swords into ice, having her facial expression returned


“ … This is not good. All of you, we’re protecting Creasyl”

“Lustful Sword Asmodeus”, who observed the group of people

heading this way in full force, called out to the seven sacred
swords waiting behind her.
“Hmph, don’t order me around”

Said “Prideful Sword Lucifer.”

“Shut up. We know even if you don’t tell us in detail”

Said “Wrathful Sword Satan”.

“What are you behaving as our leader for? Even I want to take
control you know”

Said “Envious Sword Leviathan”.

“ …How troublesome”

Said “Slothful Sword Belphegor”.

“I’m hungry”
Said “Gluttonous Sword Beelzebub”.

Asmodeus was irritated by her Seven Sacred Swords allies

who each showed their responses.

“All of you!”

“I am in charge of anger remember? Stop taking that position,

I’ll kill you you know?”

“ …Then work properly! Disperse!”


Those of the seven sacred swords abided to Asmodeus forcibly

taking control, while looking reluctant.

They were Creasyl’s swords.

They could not get caught in to some trivial position

“You’re all in position then!”

The seven sacred swords moved in order to stand at the

vertices of a perfect hexagon around the temple.

Within the forest or rocky area, the sacred swords put their
hands on the ground.

“It’s incomplete because Mammon isn’t here, but let’s do it!”

““““““Six Awn Barrier!”””””” (六芒結界)

The sacred swords’ voices were uniform.

When each position appeared to shine, those light traveled the

ground and reached the center that was the temple.
As soon as it painted a hexagon around the temple, a wall of
light erected from there and enclosed the temple in the blink of
an eye.

It appeared to be completely covering above it and it did not

seem possible to invade from the sky.

If one wished to undo this barrier, there would be no other

way but to defeat the seven sacred swords――――


“What is this, this wall!”

Roa struck the barrier.

However, it was unyielding.

“Step back”
Yuuhi hurled black flames to strike the barrier.

Still, the barrier did not sway.

“Breaking through it is impossible?”

“We may be able to destroy it if we put in all our strength, but

I don’t know what will happen afterwards if we use up our
strength here you know?”

Everyone sunk into silence to Touma’s words.

At this rate, they will be unable to reach Creasyl.

“But this is quite straightforward isn’t it?”

Touma said, and pointed at the line of light connecting the

vertices of the hexagon barrier and the outside.
“I see, so you say the one who spread the barrier would at the
end of that line?”

“I have no proof of this, but that’s probably it isn’t it?”

Touma affirmed the opinion of Kouma.

At this point, everyone’s new objective was decided.

“If we divide ourselves as is, then we would be exactly six

groups then”

Roa, Shironeko and Mineko, Kouma, Touma, Elka and Yuuhi.

They were certainly six groups.

“How about we try crushing every one of them?”

“ … I don’t want to agree with your opinion desu”

“Sis, this isn’t the time to be saying ――――”

“But… I think that is fine too, so I will join”

“――――Clever little kitten aren’t you”

Most of the people there held ill feelings towards Touma.

Except, currently they were obstructive feelings.

This was a battle to avenge Setsu, the loved one of everyone.

“Then, let’s split up!”

By Touma’s instructions, everyone separated from that place.

Touma, who was running towards one of the lines, calmly
began to analyse the current situation.

“Hmm… I would’ve wanted Glain to come in this situation,

instead of Elka though…”

Protecting Tia who could not move should be a heavy

responsibility for Elka.

For that reason, Glain stayed behind, but Touma could not
consider that as anything but naive.

They ought to win this war, even if they were to cast away

Tia was the sacrifice for that sake.

The winning chances should be higher if he left her behind in

that place and let her persevere by herself.
But Glain did not do so.

“Naive… Both Setsu and his comrades”

As a result of suddenly recalling Setsu, Touma cheeks


However, he immediately refocused his mind.

Before him stood a woman with a clearly different atmosphere

surrounding her.

“Ooh lala, an adorable boy has come”

“It looks like you’re part of the barrier then”

The long haired woman wearing a pink dress bowed with

“I am the sword of the Almighty Creasyl, Lustful sword
Asmodeus. I will take captive all of you who are trying to
approach her”

“Thanks for the introduction. I’m Kamishiro Touma and for

the sake of he who I love, I’m here to kill all of you”

Asmodeus took out a distorted one handed sword and Touma

readied his black Excalibur.

The start of the battle between mankind and the Seven Sacred
Swords has just begun.
Chapter 98 Meeting
Kouma ran inside the forest.

Towards the light, and cutting down any sacred swords

attacking him on the way without wasting any of his breath.

And then he finally arrived at a clear space.

“So you’re the one who spread that barrier”

“Hum… You do not question me thoughtlessly”

Said a white haired man as he turned his head.

He was a tall and quite an impressive man with a wide cloak.

However, he understood that the airspace that occupied the

place around him was seized by this man.
“The creatures called humans have always been like this.
Convinced that they themselves are the highest. What
arrogance, the summit of the world are not the likes of you
humans. It is our god, the Almighty Creasyl. And

The man looked up to the sky and spread his hands.

He behaved as if he believed that all the words he just spoke of

were true.

However, Kouma also faced him with an indomitable and

dignified attitude.

“ … The summit of the world and such don’t matter to me. I

will defeat you. That’s all there is”

“Quite the conceited human aren’t you――――I can see the

need for punishment”

Both his arms still spread, the man rose to the air.
“I am one of the Seven Sacred Swords! The Prideful Sword
Lucifer! The one who rules over pride!”

“I am Kouma… A trivial senior high school student”


Yuuhi was running through a rough rocky area.

She was clad in black flames and instantly burned away the
flesh of those nearby.

And what awaited at the end where she continued to run

towards, was a man with long and smooth black hair.

There was deep crease between his brows and his eyes were

He was wearing clothes based on red and black, and grasped in

his hand was a sinister double-edged sword.

“You’re the key of the barrier?”

“Oh shut up. Think about it yourself before asking someone”

The irritated looking man pointed the sharp glint in his eyes
towards Yuuhi.

However, that did not make Yuuhi falter.

“It doesn’t matter whoever you are. I’ll just kill you either

“Aaah, so noisy and annoying! You’re making me feel


Yuuhi prepared herself and so did the man.

The emotion that rose on both of their expression was one,

“I am one of the Seven Sacred Swords, the Wrathful Sword

Satan. I shall hear your name”

“I have no name to give you. You’re going to die either way, so

it’s fine right?”

“ …I’m definitely going to kill you”


“I’m hungry~, I’m hungry~”

“ … What is that desu? That over there”

“It’s dangerous you know…”

Where Shironeko and Mineko’s eyes pointed towards was the
appearance of a girl who reached her “arm” to the sacred
swords around her and ate their body with the “mouth” on the
palm of her hand.

Her arms bent like tentacles and due to her palms having a
mouth, they had oval shapes.

“Aah, it’s mankind, I haven’t been able to eat any of them

recently… Should I eat some”

“She’s coming desu”


Her arm stretched.

The two took care of it safely, avoiding her by separating left

and right.
However, the trees behind them were bitten and eaten by the
mouth and turned into a vacant plot of land.

“ … We can’t be touched by that desu”

“We won’t simply finish this … easily would we”

“Aah, I haven’t eaten trees for a long time either. Delicious”

Forgetting that she aimed for the two, the girl began eating
the trees.

In doing so, the trees of the forest vanished in the blink of an

eye and a large plaza was made in the blink of an eye.

“But, I want to eat mankind too… Say, can I eat you? I can’t
control myself though”

“I’m sure I’m not delicious desu”

“I don’t think that’s the problem though…”

There were no feelings of tension in the conversation, but

their facial expression were serious.

The two once again calmly evaded the arm which went back
to its target.

“Let’s go desu”


“I’m hungry~”


“Uwah, so only I get to go against someone like you? I’m so

jealous of the other sacred swords, I won’t be able to enjoy
anything like this”
“ …Are you the key to this barrier?”

“That’s right, so?”

In front of Elka stood a boy.

The boy gazed at Elka with round eyes.

And then let out a sigh.

“You’re a small fry right? I easily understand that you’re the

weakest among the humans who have come attacking us”

“Whe- where could you…”

“Your eyes are too cloudy. You’re not watching me. You’re
distracted, kind of like that”
The boy scratched his head hatefully.

“You clearly understand that you’ll be going against me and

yet, why aren’t you watching me? I’m going to become jealous
you know?”

“Shut up! I can fight”

“Then will you show me the proof? That you can fight for a


The boy moved in front of Elka’s eyes in an instant.

If it was her until now, she would’ve seen everything.

However, the current Elka could not even perceive him.

“I am the Envious Sword Leviathan. The sword who is going
to kill you”

Leviathan clapped once.

The instant the two hands touched each other, a shock sprung
forth and blew away Elka.


“Hey! So that barrier will go away once I beat you up right!?”

“ … The troublesome has come. I don’t want this”

“What, slovenly man ain’t ya”

Ahead of where Roa headed to was the figure of a man lying

down on bare ground.
The man gazed at Roa in a languid state.

He stood up without any changes before long and readied his

sword which he took out while still hunched back.

“It’s troublesome, but it’s for the Almighty Creasyl so… let’s
finish this quickly, okay? The barrier will dissolve if you kill me
you know”

“Heh, aren’t you quick on the uptake. Then let’s do it”

On one hand, a forever languid man.

On the other hand, a ferocious girl showing fighting spirit.

The two terribly contrasting people faced each other.

“I’m the daughter of the beast king, Roa Leonail”

“One of the Seven Sacred Swords, Slothful Sword Belphegor.
Aah… just giving my name is troublesome”
Chapter 99 Pride

“Hey, what’s wrong human”

Each time Lucifer swung his arms, Kouma rolled left and right
like a ball.

They were supposed to be casual attacks, but the ground tore

up and squalls arose with a single attack.

Kouma somehow stood up by freely making use of the Hero’s

regeneration ability, but he showed no signs of being able to
attack even once.

“You have no might I see. Well, you could say this natural
seeing that you are before me however”

“Damn, damn it!”


A shockwave directly hit Kouma.

However Kouma, while bearing a whole body blow,

immediately released a flying blade.

It went straight towards Lucifer.


Lucifer just gazed at it and did not try to avoid.

Having managed to put his posture in order, Kouma looked at

that with a face full of surprise.

The flying blade hit Lucifer directly like that――――

――was, how it appeared to be.

“It was a good counterattack, but not one worth parrying for”

“Wha- what…?”

The flying blade passed through Lucifer’s body.

The flying blade flew off in the sky as is and dispersed in


The attack that was sure to have hit him did not hit him.

It was shocking enough to warp Kouma’s expression.

“That’s a good expression, human. How is it? This is the

power of the seven sacred swords, this is the power of pride”
“Damn it!”

The composure lacking Kouma once again unleashed a flying

blade without listening sufficiently to Lucifer’s words.

However, Lucifer did not move as expected.

“It is futile you know”

That flying blade once again passed through Lucifer and it

ended with it just putting large scar behind him.

“My ability, Superbia Judge, is a power that would not accept

any attacks with the exception of those I acknowledge. Human,
there are no worlds in which I would parry your attacks, it

“Stop, stop making fun of me!”

The enraged Kouma released flying blades in succession.

A great number of the strongest flying blades until now

headed towards Lucifer.

“I am telling you it is futile”

Of course, all of those slipped through Lucifer, and stopped

only to chip the ground behind him.

“I’m not done yet!”

Kouma again held his sword aloft and swung his sword twice.

Lucifer saw that and sighed.

“It’s the one thing that fools remember well”

Lucifer would not move.

The flying blade was supposed to have passed him as is.



“<Flying Blade – Light>!”

That flying blade emitted strong light in front of Lucifer’s



Lucifer reflexively covered his eyes.

However many the attacks had passed through him, he could

not avoid so far as the effects to his senses.

“You impudent…”

His eyesights gradually returning, Lucifer removed his hand.

However, his eyes have recovered and he wasn’t covering

them and yet, his vision did not improve.

What was covering his vision was a cloud of dust hanging

around him.

“I see, so it was his second attack”

Kouma, at the time he released the Flying blade – Light,

released another flying blade.

However, he would not build up this much dust with a mere

flying blade.
What became of importance there was the new special skill
Kouma had learned.

‘Attribute addition’, a skill that would add attributes onto the

flying blade to display various effects.

What robbed Lucifer of his vision in the beginning was the

light infused “Flying Blade – Light,” a flying blade that would
emit a flash.

And what raised the cloud of dust blocking his field of vision
was “Flying blade – Wind”.

Kouma shot this at Lucifer’s feet, blowing up a cloud of dust in

his surroundings.

As it was not a naturally occurring cloud of dust, it was

possible to control it until a certain degree, and it was easy to
make it float around Lucifer.

However, no matter how much he robbed Lucifer of his field

of vision, he was proof against his attacks.

And this level of attack was unable to earn him more than a
few seconds.

“Humans are just as I thought, shrewd creatures”

Lucifer displayed his ability.

Upon doing so, a squall broke out, and the cloud of dust was
dispersed in the blink of an eye.

His vision cleared up and the figures of Kouma became clear.

“ …What is that, that appearance of yours”

“I’ve bought myself time… To turn into this mode, I needed

some time”
Kouma’s appearance changed.

He was wearing a silver armor and held his sacred sword in

one hand.

And on his back, swords shaped similarly to the sacred sword

was lined up in a circle.

Furthermore, there were two of those similar to that circle in

the surroundings.

Kouma stood there, carrying a total of three circles of swords.

“<Form Change – Sacred Wheel>” (聖刻の天輪)

Chapter 100 Semi-animalisation
The battle between Satan and Yuuhi.

It was duly appropriate for the word “One-sided.”

“No this can’t be… that this me would!”

“Shut up”


Black flames directly hit Satan’s body.

Satan’s body, whose whole body was already scorched, began

to show signs of danger.

“You’re being stubborn, won’t you die already?”

“Stop joking around with me!”

Shaking off the black flames, Satan swung the red sword held
in his hand once.

The red slashing attack he released headed towards Yuuhi.

“Is this all?”

Yuuhi brushed away that slashing attack with her fist clad in
black flames.

The slashing attack which dispersed in the sky vanished into


“Wha… at…?”

“Next would be my turn then”

Seeing Yuuhi with her hands spread, Satan’s instinct was

It will be bad if I don’t avoid it――――it said.

“ <Dusk Garden>”

It was a mere instant.

The ground, with Satan at the center, instantly blazed up.

Intense heat ruled the vicinity.

On the other hand, the penetrating cold-like black color

inspired fear.

Satan leaped up at once.

He avoided it before it turned into a burnt field… was what he



There was nothing below the knee of his right leg, which
kicked the ground when he jumped up.

The black flames flickered and burned on that body part.

Satan hurriedly brushed away those embers.

“Don’t make fun of m――――”

“Stop talking, really”


Yuuhi shortened the distance in the instant that Satan’s

consciousness was pointed towards his foot.

Yuuhi’s jumping kick clad in black flames pierced the body of

the defenceless Satan.

Spitting out all of the air, Satan was blown away after
receiving violent propulsive force.

He bounced several times and eventually stopped.

“Just die, you’re in the way”

“Guh… Hahaha…”

Satan stood up while trembling.

His face was smiling.

Except, a vein was firmly popped up on his head.

“Aah, I’m completely mad now… I will absolutely kill you”

Satan’s body was enshrouded in dark red aura.

That aura gathered at his lost leg and formed a new leg.

Moreover, it revolved around his whole body and began

healing it

“My rage’s ability is ‘Ease Accel’. It’s an ability that converts

the anger I feel into power” (理不尽なる怒気; Irrational wrath;
iisu akuseru, if anyone knows what words she wanted to choose,
let me know)

“ …”
Yuuhi did not follow up on it.

No――――she was unable to.

The power surrounding Satan was like the difference between

heaven and earth compared to before.

If she were to jump in now, Yuuhi would be sunk in one


“Now, die”

Satan held aloft the sword where dark red aura had gathered.


“I’m hungryyyyyy!”
“Mineko, avoid it desu”


The two easily avoided the arms that were moving like

However, Beelzebub firmly followed the movements of the


“Kuh, why you!”

“Touching it is dangerous”

“Eh? Uwah!”

Mineko quickly pulled back her foot which she tried to kick
away the arm with.
A mouth appeared on Beelzebub’s arm on the place where
Mineko tried to kick as well.

Naturally, the mouth in the palm of her hand did not vanish.

“Avoid it desu!”


Due to Mineko pulling back her foot, the arm continued to

attack her.

Even so, she was not a weak girl to get caught by that.

She nimbly took distance and once again recovered her

posture after being separated sufficiently.

“Uugh, a little more”


The arm returned.

It appears Beelzebub herself too judged it was futile to pursue

any further.

Except, now that the arm returned to Beelzebub, it had

become difficult for Shironeko and Mineko to attack her.

“Mineko, are you warmed up desu?”

“ … Yes, about now”

The two loosened their bodies a little and focused their

consciousness onto their body.

As they did, their limbs transformed into those of cats, and cat
whiskers appeared on their faces.
Both arms put on the ground, the two switched to a
quadruped walking form.


The ground kicking Shironeko moved in swiftness.

Shironeko shortened the distance in the blink of an eye,

moved behind Beelzebub who could not chase her with her eyes,
and swung down her nails――――
Chapter 101 Loved one
“Hmm, I’m stumped”

Touma, while hiding on the other side of the tree, glared at

the woman standing at the center of the plaza.

“It is useless even if you hide, you know!”


Lustful sword Asmodeus stretched her hand towards the place

Touma was hiding at.

When she did so, the soil under the tree where Touma was
leaning against bulged, and the roots were exposed on the

With cracking sounds the roots were severed, and the tree
And then it flew at high speed towards Asmodeus as is.

Touma too, who was hiding behind the tree, suddenly floated
and began flying towards Asmodeus.

“This is bullshit!”

Touma thrust his sacred sword to the ground and managed to


His body merely floating, both shoes that Touma was wearing
came off and flew towards Asmodeus.

No, if one were to state it accurately, they were “sucked up.”

The shoes that hit Asmodeus’ body were annihilated on the


The tree where Touma was hiding at was already destroyed.

“My Lust Hole(無差別なる誘惑;Indiscriminate allurement) is a
law ignoring ability. No matter how much you give resistance,
this attraction force of mine you cannot escape!”


Eventually, his sword came out of the ground, and Touma’s

body was pulled to Asmodeus in a straight line.

“This is the end for you!”

Asmodeus cut up Touma, who was approaching before her

eyes, with the sword she was holding.

A definite resistance being transmitted, Asmodeus was

convinced of her victory.

“No really, that is a really interesting ability you got”


Asmodeus turned around.

There stood Touma.

And beside him laid the Touma who was cut up before.

There were “two of them”.

“You got caught in quite a simple trick too, my hypothesis

that you can’t perceive magic power is correct like I thought”

Said Touma and immediately following it, the collapsed

Touma turned into particles of light and disappeared.
“A, a clone…”

“Correct~. The real me was farther away you know. To sound

out your ability that is”

Touma spoke up while fiddling with his sacred sword in his


“First, your ability can only pull something from one place,
also from a nearby place. I think perhaps only the place your
hand is pointed at. Even if you can pull things from all
directions, I can see that it’s the type of ability where its suction
power would go down”


Asmodeus did not respond.

Her expression merely stiffened, increasing the credibility of

Touma’s revelation.
“Also, you can’t pull in nothing but living things towards you.
If trees or shoes, things lacking in consciousness touches you,
then they would probably get disintegrated to particle levels. If
it were to destroy human beings too, then you would’ve had no
need to expressly cut my clone after all”

There Touma paused his words and pointed an expression of

sneer towards Asmodeus.

“In other words, it means that your ability is not a big deal
you see”

“As if I’ll let you say that!”

Asmodeus pointed her hand towards Touma.

However, Touma already vanished from her field of vision in

that instant.

“If I move at high speed like this, then I won’t get caught so
easily right?”

A voice came from behind her.

Asmodeus leaped forward at once.

However, she was shallowly cut at her back, and blood

fluttered about in the air.

“And it could’ve been over immediately if you just let yourself

be killed here~”

“Say whatever you want!”

Asmodeus immediately pointed her hand towards Touma.

This time she had the definite sense of having captured

“I caught you!”

“――I told you it’s useless”

Touma left his body to that gravity.

Touma was pulled at a terrifying speed, but he wasn’t


Not only that, he pushed out his sacred sword forward and
pointed the sharp glint in his eye to Asmodeus.

“If you consider you sacred swords as living things, then it

means my boy here is also living, right!? In that case, I’ll stab
you like this!”

“ …ugh!”

It was too late for her to stop.

Touma continued to be sucked up by Asmodeus, and his
sacred sword went through her with great force.

“ … I will take at least one attack”


Touma looked at Asmodeus with an expression saying that he

doesn’t know what is what.

The sacred sword certainly did go through Asmodeus.

She should have gotten damage.

However, both her hands was put on Touma’s shoulders.

“This ability of mine is one for pulling the target to a range

where I can invoke my true ability. And here you are within the
range of that ability”
“Gh! Let go of me!”

Touma struggled, but it was already too late.

Asmodeus’ hands did not move, and Touma was unable to

take distance.

“I shall make you love me”


Touma tasted a sensation of electric current running through

his whole body.

A cruel feeling of loss, like his inside was being remade.

And then the feelings of “Love” towards the woman in front

of him was created.
He saw anything and everything of Asmodeus as charming,
and he began to feel hunger that he would consider everything
to make her his.

“With this, you are no longer able to oppose me. That is

because the target of who you ought to offer your love is me
alone. You will never be able to do any acts of betraying me.”


Touma shed tears from seeing Asmodeus.

And then he pressed his head on the ground and began to


“I’m sorry! I’ve been crazy until now! I’ve been rude again and
again, I sincerely apologize to you!”

“Fufuh, you look great don’t you!”

Asmodeus stepped on Touma’s head.

She moved her foot, and Touma’s head was gradually being
buried in the ground.

Touma nevertheless kept apologizing.

――――Saying, I won’t be able to bear being disliked by you.

――――Saying, I won’t be able to live without you.

“What, what should I do… to get you to forgive me…?”


This time it was Asmodeus’s turn to sneer at him.

While showing a sneer, Asmodeus declared the merciless.

“Then――――commit suicide by cutting your stomach with
your sacred sword”

Touma’s body trembled.

Touma got up as he looked up at Asmodeus with frightened


And then he picked up his dropped sacred sword, stuck out his
arm and put the pointed tip in front of his stomach.

“That’s a good boy. That’s right, I will give you a reward at

the end”

Asmodeus put her hand on Touma’s chin and pointed it up.

When she brought her face near his, Touma’s face was dyed
“The best farewell gift for the nearly dying you”


Asmodeus’s lips drew near Touma’s lips.

During that slow movement of hers, Touma’s head was ruled

by happiness.

And then, their lips touched――――

“Like I thought, kisses are too much for me”


was what did not happen.

Releasing his saved up magic power instantly just before their

lips touched, Touma cut Asmodeus upwards diagonally with all
his strength.

While scattering large amounts of blood, Asmodeus’s body

was cleaved in two and dropped on the ground.

“Wh- why…”

“I’ve come to like you, but like I thought women are too much
for me, you know? Physiologically that is”

Touma stood up and thrust his sacred sword at the crown of

Asmodeus’s head.

“I have a man I have decided in my heart. He is someone who

I could only think about from the beginning you know”

“What about… your love for me?”

“It’s about as much as a small cup I guess?”

The sacred sword went through the crown of Asmodeus’s


That instant, a cracking sound echoed nearby, and

Asmodeus’s body began to crumble.

“Oh, sacred swords have an interesting way to die don’t they”

“ … Just killing me won’t possibly let you reach Lady Creasyl

you know”

The crumbling Asmodeus sneered at Touma as her last

moments of resistance.


“The slothful sword Belphegor… belongs to a different class

from us seven sacred swords. Struggle as much as you can…
inside your despair”

“ …”

Her smile kept afloat in her last moments, Asmodeus’s body

completely ceased to exist.

In that place was a sword.

It was the sword that Asmodeus was holding until some time

Touma stepped and crushed that sword

Along with breaking sounds, the sword broke and was

reduced to ashes.

While viewing the ashes being swept away by the wind,

Touma scratched his own head.

“It’s more absurd to worry about them you know. Setsu’s

allies that is”


“――――Hey, get up you small fry. I’m getting quite tired of

the bullying too”

“Haah… haah… Wh- why!?”

Roa kicked the slothful sword Belphegor’s head flying.

Belphegor, having stopped after prancing several times on the

ground, looked for Roa with frightened expression and his
breathing feeble.

She was already in front of his eyes however――――

“Hmph, what a boring guy”


Roa grabbed Belphegor’s head and raised him.

Belphegor raised a voice of anguish from the pain from his

head being clamped tightly.

“It’s about time for you to sleep!”

And when she threw Belphegor onto the ground, the ground
caved in greatly, along with thunderous roar.

Belphegor could not do anything but convulse.

“Don’t underestimate the daughter of the beast king ‘kay?”

At the center of a gigantic crater.

The sole girl standing there, said so with not a single sweat on
her face.
Chapter 102 Original Character
“How weak… Too weak”


Elka supported her weight by stabbing her sword into the


Breathing heavily, sweat ran on her forehead.

“Not even one of your attacks is working against me while I

haven’t exercised my abilities. If you receive my attacks, it’ll be
over in one hit. I’m letting you dodge them now, but how long
will you hold out I wonder?”


Elka grasped her sword tightly from her excessive regret.

Even in this situation where danger to her life was drawing
near, she could not completely concentrate.

Whatever she tried, Setsu’s figure floated inside her head.

( …If I die like this, will I be able to go to Master Setsu’s side, I


Her thoughts fell in a dark direction.

Even if Elka were to be defeated here, her other allies would

be able to take down this sacred sword, who took on the
appearance of a boy.

Even if Elka were to die, the final results would not change.

“I was unable to… defeat my enemy, right?”

Finally, Elka gave up on thinking.

She chose to die here and release anything and everything.

When she let go of all her strength, the figures of Yuuhi clad
in black flames floated in Elka’s mind.

(What I thought in my last moments is my apprentice’s

completely changed appearance… this isn’t like me)

She tried to laugh at herself on her own, and opened her

mouth――That moment.

“――――No that’s wrong”

In whispers, Elka so muttered.

“Yuuhi is right”

Elka pulled out her sword from the ground.

She brushed off the dirt off the sword by swinging it left and
right, and then raised her face.

“I… didn’t accept the fact that Master Setsu had died”

Tears ran along her face.

She did not want to accept it, she did not want to admit it.

Setsu is alive, that was what she wanted to think.

“Nothing but monologues since a while ago, you’re getting

creepy~. What happened?”

“ … You’re all irresistibly detestable”

Cold air began to drift about at Elka’s feet.

“Yuuhi fully accepted Master Setsu’s death. That’s why she
has been that angry”

The atmospheric temperature dropped in her surroundings.

Frost began to descend on the soil and tree leaves.

“It was a simple thing once I have completely accepted it”

In Elka’s eyes burned a light that had not dwelled in there

until now.

That would be, her intent to kill.

A cold, then hot emotion.

“Detestable… The god of creation is, and you are, detestable”

“… Hey, you’ve got good eyes now haven’t you”

Elka’s heart was completely wrapped around in the hatred she

had suppressed.

She wants to kill the boy in front of her eyes, Leviathan.

She wants to kill the ringleader of all, god of creation Creasyl,

with her hands.

Her feelings of hatred which lost its destination before she

was aware of, discovered where they had to go.

“――I’ll kill you”

“Just try!”

Elka kicked the ground.

Leviathan moved to ready his sword.

“Too late”


Elka caught and held the arm that was holding Leviathan’s

And then Elka violently thrust her own sword onto

Leviathan’s thigh.

“What are you doing――――”

“Stop crying”

Elka twisted her sword.

Naturally, blood began to overflow from Leviathan’s thigh.

She appears to have struck the bones as well, from the fact she
felt something hard from her sword.

Unimaginable pain assailed Leviathan.

Leviathan, who raised soundless screams from that, was

completely petrified in that place.


Elka pulled on Leviathan’s arm.

Elka drove a jumping knee kick to Leviathan’s face as he fell

The force of the pull and kick combined, and sounds of bones
breaking came from Leviathan’s face.

“Gyahi-… Y- you”

“I won’t let you go”

Leviathan’s body was once again pulled.

Elka never released his hand.


Releasing her hand from the sword thrust in Leviathan’s

thigh, Elka drove a fist in his face.

Sounds came of flesh being smashed.

“Not yet… Not yeet!”

“Don’t make fun of――”

Ice covered Elca’s fist.

That raised her destructive power.

Her hand that held Leviathan’s arm were both covered in ice.

In order to never let him escape.


Elka raised a warcry.

And simultaneously, surging waves of fists was driven into



Glain cut down the sacred sword in front of him with one

“Phew, we’re almost done with this I guess”

“Good job”

Those many sacred swords were cleanly swept away by Glain.

There were at least no sacred swords in his visible range.

“So what’s left is to wait for everyone to solve the barrier for
us, isn’t it”
“ …Elka, I wonder if she’s alright”


Glain was made short on his words from Tia’s impulsive


However, that too was an instant.

He immediately showed a smile and opened his mouth.

“Elka would be fine, you see. After all, the strongest among us
is Elka”

“――Now that you mention, that’s how it’s been”

Tia muttered as if she had recalled.

Before, she had often conducted sham battles with Elka.

The scores of that was,

“Had 169 fights, 0 wins, 152 losses and 17 draws for me”

“It’s somewhat the same for me too. Ah, come to think of it,
do you remember?”

Glain, while mentioning that, shed cold sweat.

Seeing that, Tia guessed what he wanted to say.

“Tia, she had that impression when she was with Mr Setsu,
but originally she was――”

“――a damned total S”


“Come on, please make more sound”

(This, this girl…!)

The storm of fists did not stop.

Leviathan’s body was fairly sturdy from a sacred sword’s


Him still keeping his consciousness and enduring it was proof

of that.

However, although one might say he did not bear any fatal
wounds, damage was accumulating.

His arm was sealed and, due to being struck without a pause,
he could only raise his body.
He still had his right arm, but he overused it in his guarding
and so it had already become tattered.

In this inescapable situation, all Leviathan could do was

merely enduring it.

The timing for Elka’s hand to stop from fatigue and finishing
her attack.

He could do nothing but bet on that timing.

Naturally, Elka understood that.

Receiving a severe counterattack if she were to stop her

attacking hand was obvious.

Therefore she continued pushing out her fist.

The damage would seem to be scarce, but they were not


However, this would not lead her to defeating him.

She would not win at this rate.

(That… doesn’t matter to me though)

――already, had Elka’s objective been changed inside her.

What Elka seeked now, was to warp the facial expressions of

the god of creation and the sacred swords, including Leviathan,
through pain.

Currently, the face of Leviathan, who continued to be hit

without being able to do anything, was warped awfully.

Seeing that expression, a pleasant feeling rose through Elka’s

(This feeling, I had forgotten about it for a long time)

Her expression slackened and slackened.

Elka became conscious of the fact her face came to look like a
child who discovered an unbreakable toy.

Except, now she wanted to break the demon in boy’s


“Would you――cut it ouut!”


That time when it seemed like he would be completely sealed,

Leviathan roared.

Elka reflexively dissolved the ice and pulled the sword that
was pierced in his thigh.
The next instant, dark red flames wrapped up Leviathan.

“Aaah, hot! Hot! That’s why I hate it! Using this power that


The dark red flames swirled around Leviathan.

If Elka did not escape like that, then she too would be
swallowed by that flame.

(No wait… that flame is burning the person who invoked it


A pained leviathan’s voice was heard.

A flame that could make even the sturdy Leviathan raise a

If Elka had received it, then she may likely be reduced to ashes
in an instant.

“ <Envy Flare(Purgatory emotions)>, I won’t forgive you

Chapter 102 Flames of Jealousy
“Aah, hot hot! Damn it! It’s all your fault!”


The firepower of the flames gushing out from Leviathan rose


That firepower warmed up the tip of Elka’s nose, who

should’ve taken distance from him, and it made her go even
further back without enduring it.


Leviathan pushed out his arm which was clad in flames.

In doing so, dark red flames filled up Elka’s field of vision,

along with an explosive sound.

Immediately, Elka jumped sideways.

What Leviathan released was a gigantic flame sphere.

After avoiding that, Elka felt a sense of discomfort in her arm.

“This is…”

Elka avoided it by leaping to her right.

The body part which was the closest to the flame sphere at
that time was her left arm.

“You can’t use that left arm of yours anymore, can you?”

Elka’s left arm let out violent pain and heat.

It appears to have been burned by the flame sphere.

(It didn’t touch me and yet, this power… it’ll be over for me if
it hits me directly doesn’t it)

Elka stood up and applied ice magic on her arm, wrapping up

all but her joints with thin ice.

Fortunately, her fingers weren’t burned so much that it had

welded together.

It did not change the discomfort, but she still seems capable of
moving them.

“Such first aid treatment will immediately become useless you


Leviathan created ten flame spheres the size of one’s head

around him.
Elka readied her sword and entered a counterattacking


The flame spheres began to move.

The slowly and unsteadily moving flame spheres hunted

down Elka.

“<Ice Wall>!”

Elka swung up her burned arm and made a wall of ice appear.

One of the flame spheres that was approaching her from the
front made a direct hit to it and raised water vapors.

(This will――――gh!?)
Elka was surprised the moment after she thought that she had
defended against them.

A hole was opened in the wall of ice.

Elka immediately kicked the ground and jumped right behind


From the hole in the wall, dark red flame spheres came
rushing through.

Based on their numbers, she had defended against one or two

with the wall.

Elka, who had quite the confidence in its defense power, could
not hide her unrest to that reality.

From the other side of the water vapor, Leviathan’s voice was

Thereupon, the flame spheres that began heading straight

towards Elka, dispersed in order to surround her.

Facing the flame spheres coming to attack from all directions,

Elka thrust her sword to the ground.

“<Ice Dome>!”

From the ground around Elka, ice rose up.

It immediately took form of a ceiling and became a globe

shaped shield surrounding Elka.

And inside of that, another dome of thick ice took form.

First, the flame spheres made impact with the outer dome.
Due to not really being able to create a thick one, an explosion
attacked Elka.

She was protected from that by the other dome that was
formed inside it.

After pulling through the attack, Elka erased the dome.

That action had altered Elka’s fate.

“The heat-!?”

Elka built an ice shield towards where she felt the heat.

The next instant, that ice shield evaporated.

(This is not good!)

While she was surrounded by water vapor and her vision was
blocked, Elka continued to attack by creating ice pebbles.

From the side where she felt heat, sounds of evaporation was

“ <Flying sword – Ice>!”

Elka released an ice attribute endowed flying sword towards

that direction.

It contained a large amount of magic power, and changed into

an explosion after it hit something.


This time there was nothing to protect Elka.

The explosion that blew all of the water vapor blew away


Having rolled on the floor, Elka managed to get up while

raising a groan.

And then Elka noticed.

The presence of someone right behind her.

“It’s checkmate I guess”


Leviathan’s arm extended towards Elka’s forehead as she

stood up in hot haste, and his fingers touched.
In response to Elka who immediately took distance, Leviathan
showed a faint smile.

“If I had hit you with a flame sphere, then it would have been
a mere instant, but you know, my mind won’t settle down that
way. That’s why I’m going to have you die in torment”

Elka, having taken distance from Leviathan, noticed a sense of

discomfort in her body.

Her body was releasing a severe temperature.

“The feelings called jealousy you see, is simply irrational.

Everyone possess them in no some small numbers. You should
have some too, from a tiny jealousy, to a large one”

Being told with a slow tone of voice, various scenes floated

inside Elka.

Tia, sitting on Setsu’s lap.

Desastre, being pure in front of Setsu.

Yuuhi, whose being cherished by Setsu was easy to


The others too: Levia, Roa, Shironeko and Mineko.

The figures of women with the exception of herself being near

Setsu floated in her mind.

Elka… felt jealous to those women.


The next instant, red flames gushed out from the joints of
Elka’s body.

They emitted temperature which she could never ignore,

burning Elka’s body.
“Jealousy would turn into flames and burn your

The energy of the flames were weak.

However, the heat was equivalent to the flames whirling

around Leviathan’s body.

Her whole body being burned, Elka grimaced in pain.


Before she lost consciousness, Elka managed to cast her magic.

She considered extinguishing the fire by freezing her whole

body for a mere instant.

“It’s useless you know. Your body isn’t its ignition source”

A soundless scream.

From under the ice covering her body, fire gushed out.

“Farewell then, with this it’s over without me being jealous

Chapter 103 Ice Demon
“Elka, You are strong, but… there is something you are
definitely lacking as a soldier”

“What, what do you mean by that!”

I flared up at the lance corporal.

In order to become a Destinea kingdom soldier, I became a


Reason being that I have talent with swords while being a girl

In addition to this, I also have talent in magic.

I didn’t want my life as an ordinary village girl end, but I

don’t think it was that strange for me to set my eyes on being a
“Your talent in the sword is second to Glain, who is trying to
master only the sword. Your talent in magic is second to Tia,
who is similarly trying to master only magic. Being endowed
with both of those, you would not lose if you were to do sham
battles. You’ve been maintaining first place with overwhelming
score. It’s amazing”

The lance corporal who usually doesn’t really praise people,

praised me.

It doesn’t mean I’m not happy.

All the more I couldn’t agree to the result.

“Then… Why can’t I become a soldier!? Glain and Tia have

become one! So why!”

“ …”

I wasn’t able to graduate as this year’s soldier-in-training.

The other soldiers-in-training, people who have worse scores
than me, could graduate and yet, only I can’t fight as a soldier
starting next year.

I don’t particularly like battles itself.

If I can’t fight, then I wouldn’t mind.

It’s just that my pride, which became somewhat inflated after

my talent had awakened through several years of training,
insisted on feeling cheated on.

“――――If you want to know the answer, come to the

training school afterwards. I shall tell you everything there”

“ …I understand”

It doesn’t seem like he is willing to answer it here now.

I reluctantly accepted it and decided to first leave this place


Time went on and then, choosing a suitable time myself, I

carried my feet to the training grounds.

The wall-encircled training grounds held plenty of space to do

a sword match.

Near the walls were lined up swords for training purposes,

and shields and armor were leaning against the walls.

It’s nostalgic.

I too have shed tears, blood and sweat here.

“You’ve come”
“Lance corporal…”

At the center of the training grounds stood the lance corporal.

I felt some doubt.

Why was the lance corporal looking at me with eyes filled

with thirst for blood?

“――Here I go”


The lance corporal kicked the ground and instantly shortened

the distance.

I was taken by surprise and reflexively bent my body.

The lance corporal’s sword passed through the place where
my upper body was at until then.


“Gh- ah!”

The lance corporal’s sword is what is called a bastard sword,

which you have to handle with two hands.

It’s powerful and long.

Seeing off the sword that passed right above me, I leapt
behind me with all my strength.

It’s because I saw that he raised the sword overhead, leaving it

to brute strength.

While I perceived the sword being swung down at high speed,

I barely avoided it.

Few strands of hair danced in the air.

“You’ve dodged it well!”

“Wa- wait――――”

It’s no good, he’s definitely coming to kill me.

The sword packed in bloodthirst was raising fear in me.

If I don’t kill him, I’ll be killed?

The lance corporal thrust his sword.

I avoided it by moving my body sideways and bending my

body like the letter K.
It was a combination where I was often defeated by the lance
corporal in sham battles during my training.

However, it’s much sharper than during my training.

Of course, he must have been going easy on us during


But if it’s the current me…

“Hah, hah…”

I saw through the sword that was swung splendidly and

swiftly, and dodged it.

By avoiding it while swaying back, I kept enough distance

where I can barely get hit.

And then.
(Gh! Found it!)

Feeling the object I had made into my objective beforehand, I

flipped it up with all I had.


It was a sword.

With one hand I grasped the sword that was flipped up behind

I set it up next to my body as is and parried the oncoming

lance corporal’s sword.


When I parried it, of course the lance corporal’s posture

That was a chance which I can’t ever let escape.

I drove the sword into the defenseless torso.

I drove… into it.



However, something occured beyond my expectations.

The lance corporal held my sword with one hand.

I had cut him with a real sword, so blood was flowing from
the lance corporal’s hand which caught it.

He seems to have released just one hand from the two handed
sword, strengthened it with magic power and stopped it.

It’s a drastic move that you would never do under normal

circumstances, and your hand could get taken away if you make
a mistake.

“So you still don’t understand what you’re lacking!”

The lance corporal brandished his sword towards the shaken


It was with one hand.

He was raising the two handed sword overhead with one


I could say nothing but as expected of the lance corporal.

It’s just that this isn’t the time to be respecting him.

I will end up dying if I don’t escape soon.

My sword was grasped tightly, so I wasn’t able to escape as is.

I reluctantly release my hand from the sword and

immediately took distance.

Wind pressure attacked me just by having the two handed

sword pass by me.

“I won’t let you escape!”


The lance corporal came to throw the sword, which he had

caught with his hand, at me as I took distance.

I was unable to dodge it well from being shaken by the wind

I twisted my body, but it felt like the sword had sunk into my


My back hit the wall behind me, sewed on it like that.

My breath escaped me, and I grimaced from the pain.

I felt raging heat on my shoulder.

When I moved my body to escape, blood flowed from my

shoulder together with the pain.

“Wh… why…”

“If you don’t want to die, then resist”

The lance corporal stood in front of my eyes.

This time he brandished his sword with two hands.

I’m going to die.

At a place like this, without graduating from soldier-in-


(I don’t want that…)

I’m afraid to die.

I don’t want to die.

If that is so then――――

“――――I’ll kill you!”

I put magic power to the sword stuck to my shoulder and froze
it to the core.

And then, when I put strength to move my body, the remains

of the sword scattered along with the sounds of breaking.

I did a first-aid treatment on my shoulder wound by freezing

it as is.


His sword was swung down.

I then, without hesitation, dove towards the lance corporal.


I escaped it by a forward roll towards the lance corporal’s side,

and then I began running.
My objective, the swords lined up near the wall.

It would be impossible to fight the lance corporal directly if I

don’t have any weapons.

At any rate, first a sword.

“So restless!”

The lance corporal came chasing from behind me.

This is fine, I’m somewhat better when it comes to speed.

Finally arriving at the leaning swords, I grasped the sword

that was the closest to me.

And then I just threw it at the lance corporal.

“You impudent…!”

The lance corporal repelled it with his own sword.

A metallic sound resounded.

However, it was already checkmate.


“What ――――”

I was holding another sword.

And then, hiding in the shadow of the thrown sword, I

quickly approached the lance corporal.

He noticed, but it was already too late.

My heart was quiet.

I will be cutting off the life of the lance corporal after this and
yet, I felt terrifyingly calm.

As though my heart was seemingly frozen.

“Please die”

“Are you kidding me!”

The thrust sword was stopped by the lance corporal’s sword.

But this is fine.

The instant my sword met his, both swords were frozen over.

Then the next instant, just like the sword from before, they
broke along with cracking sound.

“It’s over”

Only I was aware they would break.

For that reason, the one who moved immediately was me.

Without hesitation I dove in and created a simple sword by

putting ice on my hand.

Of course I covered it with magic power.

If I thrust it like this, then it should be able to pierce the lance


I executed that without hesitation.

What I aimed at was his heart.

I thrust my arm aiming for that.


――the place where the sword was stuck in currently was his
right chest.

I did not come in contact with the heart.

The lance corporal seems to have moved and avoided it.

However, it’s clear that the battle is over.

The lance corporal can’t fight anymore.

“It’s done, isn’t it?”

“ …Glain?”

Glain appeared beside us.

He carried up the lance corporal without saying anything in

particular and then began to walk out of the training grounds.

“I have to carry the lance corporal to the medical office”

The lance corporal didn’t say anything.

It looks like he has fainted.

“It was a good match. I’ve been watching from the sidelines
you know”

wasn’t I able to able to graduate?

I ended up asking Glain.

In the end, I wasn’t able to understand why I couldn’t

graduate in this place.

I guess I will be leaning on this topic until the lance corporal is

healed with recovery magic.

“ …You know Elka, you’re too gentle, aren’t you?”


Glain talked without looking this way.

“I wonder if it means you can’t become heartless. Even the

fight just now should have reached conclusion when you
warded off the lance corporal’s sword. If you hadn’t hesitated
there, then the lance corporal should have been unable to do
anything like catching your sword. The lance corporal was
worried about that part, you know”

“ …”

I wasn’t able to say anything.

Because it was on the mark.

It wasn’t like I was conscious about it.

No, precisely because I wasn’t conscious about it, it must’ve

been shoddy.

“But the battle at the end was different. You had the intent to
kill――――No, you didn’t even have the intent to kill him. It
was like you took away all your other emotions, similar to a
device that executes only its objectives. Why so suddenly?”
“ … I don’t know. Except I had this feeling like my heart was
frozen the whole time”

I don’t feel anything now.

But the me until some time ago felt cold anyways.

“I think your gentleness is also a strong point. That’s why we

wouldn’t want you to lose that. But I believe that feeling will be
your weapon from here on out, Elka”


Saying so, Glain took out a paper of fine quality from his

He then handed it to me as is.

“ ‘Please hand this over to her if she defeats me’ said the lance
corporal. Congratulations on your graduation, he said”

“… Thank you”

I took it.

While thanking the lance corporal, who risked his life to fight
me for me.


“Why… Why did the fire disappear!?”

“ …”

Leviathan raised his voice.

The expression of Elka, who had been suffering until now,

was terrifyingly peaceful.

As if it was frozen over.

“ <Coldhearted Mind>――――Right now, I have frozen my


Elka would not harbor any emotions as of now.

One could say she had gone into a state close to the deified

Her objective, to kill the sacred sword before her eyes.

“Jealousy, anger, the current me doesn’t feel either”

“You lost your feelings of jealousy… and that’s why the fires
have disappeared!?”
Elka, while cladding herself in cold air, silently put her hand
on her chest.

“ <Limit Break>――――”

The temperature around her instantly dropped.

The cold wave that was released explosively froze everything,

from the ground to the trees.

“<Sacred peak of the Ice Demon>”(氷魔の霊峰; Hyouma no


She was certainly one reigning above ice.

Perhaps lacking in judgment, Leviathan’s fire grew weaker in


Leviathan took a step back.

The atmospheric temperature dropped even more in the

meantime, and Leviathan felt the chill despite being burning.

“Let’s end this. I won’t enjoy it while I’m like this”

“Don’t, don’t get full of your――――”

“<Ice Prison>”

Elka thrust her sword to the ground.

In doing so, it trembled at Leviathan’s feet, and gigantic ice

pillars appeared around him.

The roof was then created with ice, completely enveloping

“Don’t think you can imprison me in a cage like this!”

Leviathan struck a pillar with his fist clad in flames.


“Eh… Wh- why…”

The instant Leviathan struck his fist, it made a sound as it

broke from his elbow.

While looking at the remains of his arm that had dropped in

pieces, Leviathan stepped back.

“What happened…”

“Do you know there is a limit to low temperature?”

Elka spoke from outside the cage.

“No matter how much you lower the temperature, it will stop
at a certain point. It is what is commonly called absolute zero.
My <Limit Break> is――――”

――――to remove that limit value called absolute zero.

“Ah, AAaaah!”

Leviathan’s body began to shiver.

The flames no longer had a trace of its intensity left.

His legs froze, and then broke.

Leviathan fell face down.

When he did, his body completely clung onto the ground.

“Its weakness is that it would not lower the temperature

anywhere but the part that is enveloped like this, but… Well, I
guess your ears should hardly be able to hear anything, so the
explanation is unnecessary, isn’t it?”


All Leviathan could do was leak out a groan.

Finally, even the flames wrapping his body froze over.

“Die unshapely within the freezing cold air”

The ice prison broke.

Leviathan was crushed by the lumps of ice pouring down.

A sound resounded of ice breaking around him.

His flames of jealousy would never be lit again.

Chapter 105 Soul-Heart Blade
“Hoh, your appearance has become showy hasn’t it?”

“――――Here I go”

Kouma set up his sword and leaped at Lucifer

Lucifer, without even putting on his guard, merely looked at



Kouma shouted, and the nearby two collections of swords

floating in a circle spread out widely.

All of those were pointed at Lucifer and simultaneously flew

“Did you think I would react to that level of attack?”

Without even taking a single step, Lucifer stared at the swords

from the front.

As if it was natural, the swords slipped through Lucifer and

stuck to the ground behind him.

“I don’t think I would… Burst scatter!”


Once again Kouma’s instructions soared.

The next instant, the swords stuck on the ground illuminated

and caused an explosion immediately after.

The scale of the explosion was fairly large, large enough to

produce a crater on the ground with a single sword.
Dozens of explosion of those was caused at a fixed interval.

(Even if attacks aren’t effective, how about a situation where

you can’t breathe by the explosions!?)

After being swallowed by the explosions, Lucifer showed no

signs of coming out of the explosion.

Kouma looked at it while shedding cold sweat.

Soon, the explosions stopped.

Smoke wrapped up the vicinity because of the explosions;

Lucifer was nowhere to be seen.

“――The idea itself is not bad… but. It is meaningless to me”

“ … So it didn’t work after all”

The smokes were blown away in an instant.

Lucifer appeared to have blown it away by swinging his arm.

There was not a single dust on his body, let alone wounds.

“Give up. I am already tired of this”

“No, wait… I haven’t started yet”

Kouma was forcing a smile.

“I didn’t really want to use it, but if I’m not resolved to die, I
won’t be able to take you down”

Putting above him his hand holding his sword, Kouma

“<Limit Break>”

Suddenly, a flash took place that filled up one’s field of vision.

Lucifer reflexively narrowed his eyes.

“―――― <Soul-Heart Blade – Meikou>” (命光; meikou;

life/destiny light)

The flash lessened, and what was grasped in Kouma’s hand,

the source of the light, was a sword shining in gold.

That sword felt divinity, but Lucifer felt a sense of discomfort.

“Hum… That sword, I can’t feel any sort of pressure from it,
but what do you plan on doing?”

“You will understand that soon”

Kouma held aloft the sword.


His command resounded.

As he did, the dozens of swords from floated from the ground

from around Lucifer and returned to Kouma.

(So they did not get broken during the explosion…)

Even while thinking, Lucifer did not try to move.

What is Kouma doing? Lucifer himself had become curious.

“There is one thing I’d like to say”

“This technique, even if it does not hit without you
recognizing it and even if you did recognize and react to it, I will
no longer be able to move. It’s literally an attack with
everything of me put into it”

Kouma closed his eyes once and then opened it.

“However, it will be my victory if it hits. That is all I will say”

“――――Hmph, interesting!”

A smile floated on Lucifer’s face.

He spread far his arms and exposed his body to Kouma right in
front of him.

“Try to make me recognise it! Oh, weak human!”

――――that would help me out.

Kouma muttered in a voice silent enough for Lucifer to not
hear it.

This technique, which would release all of his powers, meant

he naturally ought to fear the fact it could be dodged.

Hence, he said he would take it head-on for him, which is why

one of Kouma’s worries had disappeared.

(Next would be if it gets recognized… No, I guess it’s useless

thinking on that point)

Does Lucifer think he can accept the attack or not?

I won’t know unless I attack him.

Kouma resolved himself

“Here goes!”
The swords floating around Kouma shed a dazzling light.

And then he fused them with the sword he held aloft, one by

(! … Just by fusing one sword, its pressure became several

times stronger I see)

Lucifer calmly saw through it.

The swords that lined up in several circles, were fused to the

sword one by one even now.

And then, the final sword fused.


The golden light once again filled Lucifer’s sight.

And then――――

“Wh… at…?”

The light ceased.

And then, Lucifer’s body crumbled down.

One line ran from his right shoulder to his left foot and
immediately after, it slipped.

Sound of flesh falling on the ground was made and Lucifer

who was split in two looked up to the sky.

“Gah… haah… haah…”

Kouma, who had swung his sword, went on his knees while
out of breath.
Using the sword he pierced the ground as support, he looked
at Lucifer.

“So it means I unconsciously… recognized it. Your technique”

“Is… that so? I’m not sure about that though…”

Lucifer laughed, while feeling that his own body was


“Hahahahaha! I have been defeated! This Me!”

“What… are you laughing for…”

“No, no such thing as me being defeated by mankind has ever

happened after being created by Lady Creasyl, you see. I am
tasting a new feeling!”

Lucifer was laughing heartily.

It was an area of conversation that Kouma could possibly not
understand, and he no longer even want to hear Lucifer’s voice.

“You have my gratitude, Kouma was it? In the end, even I

have lost my pridefulness”

“ …”

Leaving behind those words, Lucifer vanished.

While silently seeing off Lucifer as he turned to dust, Kouma

recovered his shaking arms and legs.

“――――If you had fought seriously from the start, then the
key to the barrier here would’ve been a hopeless cause”

With fatigue remaining in his body, Kouma left that place.

He took one last look at Lucifer’s remains and went ahead.

“To not do any proper attacks even once, you were too
prideful, you know”
Chapter 106 Conclusions of All

“Your strength increases by anger?”

Satan’s screams resounded.

Yuuhi said in a cold voice, while tightly holding Satan’s head,

pressing it on the ground and burning it.

“I’m sorry, but it looks like my flames also have that sort of
property. The angrier I get, the more this flame would――――”

――――grow in viciousness.

In an instant, the intensity of the black flames coming out of

Yuuhi’s hand became stronger.
It scorched even the dark red aura wrapping Satan’s body, and
began to burn his body, his soul.

“No matter how fast you become or how strong your abilities
become, none of it matters before me”

Satan’s skull cracked.

Astonishment ruled over Satan quicker than that he agonized

from the pain by the unimaginable grip from her slender arms.

“You… Where did you get such power――――!?

“I have nothing to say to you at all”


The intensity of the flames and Yuuhi’s grip reached a

remarkable difference in strength compared to before.
Satan too was unable to stop his screams.

Inside his hazy consciousness, Satan felt something at the end

that he could not believe.

“Why… do you… have divine pow――――”

“Good night”

The next instant, Satan turned into black ashes and


Not even a single dust remained there.


“Id hurds! Id huuuuurds!”

“I knew it, if we attack at places with no mouth, we can injure

Shironeko, who had slashed at Beelzebub in the back, told

Mineko while withdrawing from that place.

“She’s not as all-purpose as Mr Setsu’s sacred sword isn’t she”

“If it’s like this, then――――”

The two vanished.

They moved at a speed unrecognizable by Beelzebub.

The arm with mouths too made fruitless efforts, unable to

follow the swiftness of the movements of the two.

“Looks like we will finish right away -desu”

The two slipped into Beelzebub’s chest.

They swung their arms with sharp nails grown on it and

thrust them to Beelzebub’s body.

“Please di――”

“Juust kidding”

“W-!? Sis! Get back!”

Mineko immediately shouted.

Shironeko caught her words with amazing reaction speed, and

reflexively took distance from Beelzebub.

Mineko did the same and lined up with Shironeko.

“And I was so close~”

“ …So you could do something like that too -desu?”

A large mouth was opened on Beelzebub’s body.

That mouth, whose tongue was spread out and drool dripped
down, was the same as the one on Beelzebub’s arm.

If they had continued to thrust their arms, their arm would

have been bitten off.

“I’m so hungry, I’m already… at my limiiiiiiit!”

“She’s coming -desu!”

The two separated left and right, avoiding Beelzebub’s
approaching arm.

Due to naturally having two arms, they split in two like that
and chased after Shironeko and Mineko.

(So fast!)

Mineko was surprised.

Beelzebub’s arm was moving roughly at the same speed as the

semi-animalised Mineko.

It could not catch up with her speed.

However, Beelzebub’s arms was not a “simple” palm.

What moves around like a rope from her shoulders was

entirely Beelzebub’s mouth.
If she were to end up getting surrounded, then she would no
longer have any way out.

(I have to move carefully――――”

“Mineko! The second arm is-!”


It was Shironeko’s scream.

By the time Mineko noticed it, it was already too late.

Surrounded by both arms, her situation turned into one

where the palms would attack from left and right.

Shironeko, who had become free as she was no longer chased

at, ran towards Mineko, However, she could not be in time.
“Thank you for the meal!”

By the two hands, Mineko was crushed――or not.

The body of Mineko which was eaten by the hands, blurred

and disappeared.

The arms, which had lost its destination, stiffened on the



Beelzebub looked like she did not understand what happened,

tilting her head.


Shironeko caught Mineko, who had appeared beside her.

Mineko’s legs were tattered and could barely stand.

“Shadow Cat is a technique you can’t use if you’re not in your

completely animalised body -desu! If you use it semi-animalised,
your feet would…”

“I didn’t have … the time to animalise you know”

Mineko said while breathing faintly.

Shadow Cat――――

It was a secret technique that the two had thought out, which
would undo their leg’s limiter and move at ultra-high speed.

It was possible for them to move at a speed to leave behind

after-images, and this time she succeeded in not letting the
surrounding arms recognize just the fact that she leaped over
Originally, this technique was one to perform with an
animalised body.

They would not even execute it in their flesh and blood.

In the case one used it semi-animalised, the muscles on one’s

feet would be torn to pieces and, if severe, one’s bones would

Mineko’s feet, though not broken, had been given serious

damage to the nerves.

She must have become nearly useless in battle.

“Mineko, go rest -desu. I’ll do the rest”

“No, sis. I’ll do my best a little longer… I’ve got a strategy”

Mineko whispered into Shironeko’s ear.

Beelzebub, who had finally noticed that Mineko had avoided

her at this time, once again moved her arms.

“I’ve~ found you!”

“Let’s go! Sis!”

“I will go with your strategy -desu, Mineko!”

The arms stretched towards them.

Mineko decided to go on all fours and use her arms as well to

move around.

Considering the original body functions of a cat, this manner

was easy to move around with.
However, due to her legs that are naturally bearing the role of
her hind legs being worn out, she could not possibly put out the
speed from before.

(That’s why I will――――gh!)

Mineko mustered her strength with her whole body, and

strongly kicked the ground.

Due to her disappearing into the sky for an instant from her
excessive jumping strength, Beelzebub lost sight of Mineko.

By process of elimination, her attacks went towards the

remaining Shironeko.

“One of you disappeared, but… well, doesn’t matter, as long as

I can eat her later. Right now I’ll eat you~!”

“Come at me -desu”
Shironeko’s face was calm, but she felt impatience in her

In this strategy, Shironeko had to finish her preparations

until Mineko comes down.

For that reason, it would be a match against time from here


“I have no choice, but… to do it -desu!”

Shironeko made a great starting dash.

She dashed through the ground with speed incomparable

from before.

Beelzebub’s arms could not catch her as they were chasing

her, despite attacking with two.
“Uugh~! So fast!”

(About now -desu…)

After looking up for a while, Shironeko concentrated her

consciousness on her own body.


The running Shironeko’s body underwent changes.

A giant white cat.

That was the current Shironeko’s figure.

She had gone through training since then and her size during
her animalisation had become twice of that from before.
It was at the level of being able to flatten a human being with
one arm.

What Shironeko performed after becoming a cat was――――.

“<Beast Cannon>!”

When Shironeko approached in front of Beelzebub, she

opened her large mouth and breathed out a lump of voice.

Turning into a large lump of power, the beast cannon headed

towards Beelzebub.

“So I’m gonna eat such a strange thing, right!?”

However, such an attack should naturally not work on


In fact, Beelzebub tried to attack it with the arm where she let
mouths appear.

At this rate, the beast cannon would end up getting eaten.

“It isn’t something that simple -desu”

There, the beast cannon changed its trajectory.

Immediately after it suddenly lowered its angle, the beast

cannon hit the ground.

Thunderous roar resounded in their vicinity.

The violent shock ran through the ground and it splendidly

blew out a cloud of dust.

Beelzebub was surprised.

Because the ground at her feet was suddenly blown away.

Being blown into the air, Beelzebub calmly gazed at the


“You may be trying to deal damage to me by throwing me to

the ground, but it won’t be effective on me. That is a story if
that is the case!”

Beelzebub stretched her arms towards the ground from the


The two arms firmly supported the ground, and Beelzebub

stabilized her body.

“This time I will go eat you alright――――”

“I think that’s already impossible”



That time, a voice resounded from the air further above


Mineko had returned.

Mineko, who had invoked animalisation and turned into a

black cat, struck Beelzebub with her arm, large enough to crush
people flat as well.

Due to it being a sudden happening, Beelzebub did not have

the time to open her mouth and so she received the intense blow
as is.
“Cat Hammer!”

While being trampled down by Mineko, Beelzebub fell down.

Beelzebub was then crushed at the center of the hole.

Being struck to the floor and, to make matters worse, crushed,

Beelzebub could no longer move, possibly because all of her
bones and internal organs had been destroyed.

Silence visited the vicinity.

“I’m glad you’re now able to control it -desu”

“I’ve been practising you know. But still, I knew she couldn’t
eat up something bigger than her own body’

The strategy Mineko had thought of was first for Shironeko to

destroy her footing.
In doing so, Mineko would end it by crushing her at the center
of the crater after falling down from right above her.

“I’m sorry, but we know of a much more dangerous sacred

sword -desu”

Seeing off the glutton disappearing without saying anything,

the two went back while dragging their feet.

With this, all the keys to the barrier had been successfully
Chapter 107 Ten Seconds
“The barrier…”

“Seems to have disappeared hasn’t it? Everyone has done


With a sharp glint, Glain glared towards the temple where

Creasyl should be.

“Tia, you’ve recovered somewhat, but…”

“It’s fine, I will go too”

Tia seems to have recovered her magic power considerably;

her expression has become as it was before.

“We’re not going to wait for the others?”

“I did consider that, but if we let Creasyl escape here, then it’ll
become troublesome. She should likely not escape, but… Let’s
exhaust Creasyl with us. And from there――――it will be a
battle of attrition”

The two walked towards the center of the temple.

They tried to start the final battle.


“Hey, we will be going soon. Creasyl’s presence is fairly

strong. It will be trouble if she were to move from the location
she is in now”


Tearing off the chains wrapped to his body, a man showed up

from inside a temple.
The man wearing a black costume looked up expressionlessly
to the sky.

“It’s been a while, to be outside”

“It has――――not been three months, but you have been in

there for a long period of time. Your body hasn’t grown dull has

“You’ve made me train so harshly, you know there’s no way I

would grow dull. We’re going, enough chit chat”

“What a cold man. Well, I do agree however”

A black girl laughed.

The two began to walk alongside each other.

And beyond there…

“Gihyahya! Just when I thought there was some strange
presence here, I see a strong looking guy there! I hit the

“ …Who are you?”

Who was there was a slender man.

He had an eccentric appearance and his presence was clearly

not human.

“I am the avaricious sword Mammon! And I desire your life!”

“Oohoh, the perfect thing has come hasn’t it? Setsu, how
about you try out some of your abilities?”

“Try out――――right”

Setsu faced Mammon.

“Liberate my desires! For your everythiiing!”

“You’re noisy”


Setsu instantly closed in on the shouting Mammon and held

his head in eagle grip.

An astounding grip assailed Mammon.

He felt the sensation of fingers eating into his skull.

Mammon raised soundless screams.

“Gii… ah…”

“Trying it out on this kind of opponent is kind of impossible,

don’t you think”

“Setsu’s hand shone for an instant.


As the light settled, a figure was there of Mammon, whose

upper half of the body had vanished.

The feet of Mammon that remained, fell down pitifully on the


“I couldn’t erase everything I see… I’m bad at divine art no

matter what I do”

“It is because you are one of mankind, it is inevitable that you

would not be familiar with it, do you not think so? Do not
overestimate yourself in your battle with Creasyl”
“I get it already”

Setsu kicked away Mammon’s feet and created an open place.

Destroia lined up behind that.

“<Transfer Gate> ――――Open”

Before the two, a large gate appeared.

Boasting a size where an entire dragon could pass through, the

gate opened while letting out an earth tremor-like sound.

The inside was overflowing with light.

“――――Just you wait, Creasyl. I’m going to kill you”

The two vanished inside the gate.

The gate closed before long and disappeared from below.

What remained here was nothing.


(What is this… this sense of intimidation…!)

Glain and Tia ascended the temple staircase.

A sensation assailed the two like weight had been attached on

their feet each time they ascended a step.

And then, they finally put their feet on the final step.

“So you humans would stand on the same height as I”

A flash, and an impact.

Without knowing what was what, the two rolled to the


“Tia! Thanks for helping me!”

“That was dangerous. We’re going to run first”

“I know!”

A thin, transparent membrane covered the bodies of the two.

That was an anti-magic barrier that Tia had casted.

By endlessly turning the impact to 0, the lives of the two were

From the collapse of this temple.

Within the rubble that were coming down like rain, the two
ran through and managed to escape from the rain.

When they turned around, a figure could be seen above the

temple which flew like it was split open.


“That is your place. The place of human and god ought to

have this distance”

Creasyl looked down to the two while floating in midair.

Those eyes did not have any emotions, and seem to be looking
at mere inorganic substances.

“Why have the sacred swords I have created disappeared, and

why are you before me?”

“Isn’t it because the sacred swords that you’ve created were

inferior goods?”

“Hum… I see”

Glain had the uncomfortable feeling of there being a gap in his

conversation with Creasyl.

That would be there being a difference in class whether

willingly or not; Glain noticed that he was shedding cold sweat.

Ever since the first time they encountered Creasyl, they had
considerably increased their abilities as a result of repeating
their training.

For that reason, there was something they understood.

The fact that Creasyl had already become a perfect bodied

As usual, they could not feel any strength from her.

However, they expected not to feel magic power or killing

intent, but they felt an air of intimidation to the point of

“In other words, it means I could just produce a somewhat

higher level sacred sword”


As Creasyl pointed her hand down, drops fell on the ground

from her hand with a plop.

And then, two human figures appeared from that ripple.

“They’re sacred swords that are stronger than the seven
sacred swords. How you will struggle is worth seeing I suppose”

“ …Even though you’re not interested in it”

“Hoh, so you do understand. I do not care what rubbish would

do. That is why――――this would be a modest jest, to the dying

The expressionless man and woman, two newly created sacred

swords, ran off towards Glain and Tia.

And then――――

““Out of the way!“”

Glain cut off the head of the male sacred sword, and Tia’s
magic went through the head of the female sacred sword.
“It would be better not to make light of humans, god”

“If this is all, then I won’t feel like I can lose no matter how
many of them will come”


Having the sacred sword she brought forth instantly killed,

Creasyl seem to be holding slight interest.

She slowly descended.

Her feet still not on the ground.

“You have yet to become my threat, however… interesting, I

shall play with you for a while”

“So you finally feel like fi――――”

“Here, this is the end”

Immediately following that, blood sprayed from beside Glain.

Without time to be surprised about, Glain felt an

uncomfortable feeling in his chest.

“What… what is this…”

Glain noticed the blood flowing out from his mouth.

When he timidly looked down to his body, large amounts of

blood spilling out from his chest entered his eyes.

And then, a fist-sized stone appeared from inside his chest.

“I have given you ten seconds for your sake, be grateful”

While looking down on the two collapsing inside a pool of
blood, Creasyl so said, looking uninterested.
Chapter 108 Blazing Assault
(What the… What happened!?)

Glain and Tia saw from under the rubble that their own
clones collapsed.

Just in case, they had created a substitute with Tia’s clone

producing spell, when Creasyl’s vision was blocked by the

While the collapsed clones were turning back into wood in

front of Creasyl’s eyes, Glain exchanged glances with Tia.

(What do you think?)

( …Likely, it’s Creasyl’s powers of creation. She may have

created a stone inside our bodies and disrupted it from the

( … How do you say we should oppose that?)

The two conversing in whispers, sighed towards the problem
in front of their eyes that was grandly blocking their way.

Creasyl gazed curiously at the block of wood which had been

the clones.

(It doesn’t look like Creasyl can perceive magic power. She
probably hasn’t realized that we are here either)

(So if there is an opportunity to take advantage of… it would

be that part)

The two nodded and leapt out of the shadows of the rubble.

Creasyl noticed the them by the sound and slightly raised the
corners of her mouth.

“I see, so it was substitution”


Tia invoked an explosion spell on the ground.

Together with an explosion, the pebbles and soil danced

around and covered Creasyl’s field of vision.


“<Flying blade – Cutting Petals>!”

The spread flying blade assailed Creasyl.

Creasyl hit that depressingly.

“How dull. Do the likes of you think your powers would be

accepted by I?”
(So it doesn’t work…!)

Glain held Tia by in his arm under the cover of the cloud of

“Temporary withdrawal!”


Remaining held like that, Tia began to converse in a voice low

enough to not expose their position.

“Glain, listen”

“What’s wrong!”

“I think Creasyl’s power is likely a coordinate type of power”

“Coordinate? They’re spells that are invoked after specifying a
location wasn’t it?”

Glain asked, while once again hiding in the shadows of the


Tia similarly stood beside him and spoke of Creasyl’s situation

“Yes. I think she likely had specified the coordinates of inside

our bodies and created a stone there. If she were in a state where
her field of vision isn’t functioning like just now, then Creasyl
would be unable to attack. We should end it instantly if possible
and we should be able to kill her if we’re hiding like this”

“ …We certainly can”

When the smokes cleared, there was Creasyl with unchanged

attitude, floating in the air.

Letting her eyes swim around her, she looked to be searching

for Glain and Tia.
“First… let’s separate from this place. The current us won’t be
able to oppose her”

“Agreed. Link up with everyone?”

“That would be best. If that’s decided, then we should


“――――What a bother, I will just blow away all around me”


Creasyl put up her hand in the sky.

She must likely be trying to create something in the air, Glain

and Tia predicted.

(This is not good!)

Glain immediately reacted and grabbed Tia by the scruff of
her neck.

An intense premonition of death controlled Glain.

And then――――

“Ice Lance!”


Ice lances directly hit Creasyl’s face.

They did not seem to have put in any sort of damage at all, but
it attracted her attention.

“Who is this?”
Creasyl looked around, but the being who released the ice
lances was nowhere to be seen.

“Glain, Tia”

“! Elka!”

Elka appeared in the shadows of the rubble where the two

were hiding.

As expected of her intelligence, she seems to have understood

the situation and hid herself nearby.

“I understood that you two were hiding and doing a wait-and-

see from the fact that you two have no injuries that sttood out,
but… could you let me hear the details of the situation?”

“Yeah… It’s good that you’ve come to us. First, exposing our
figures in front of Creasyl is not good. Creasyl can create objects
at a specified location, so we would die by having her create a
stone inside our body if we’re careless”
“Meaning that our attacks won’t be effective at all”

“――――So it’s hopeless?”

Elka forced a smile.

Glain and Tia laughed awkwardly.

It did not mean that the three were joking around.

They were thinking of a way to break through the situation


“I see, so it’d be the same if she can’t follow with her eyes

“Gh! Roa!”
When the three were discussing, Roa stood beside them

“Be back in a bit” leaving behind those words, Roa leapt from
the shadows of the rubble.

She had astounding speed.

At the very least, Elka and the others in this place could not
catch sight of her.

“What is this?”

Creasyl noticed the sound and look at the direction Roa leapt.

At that time, Roa had already gone around, right behind


“Shut up!”

Roa jumped, trying to drive her grown nails into the scruff of
her neck.

The swung down arm went straight for Creasyl’s neck――――

“Hum, you are fast for a human body”


Roa’s arm was caught by Creasyl’s hand.

Creasyl was not looking at Roa’s direction.

Even so, that arm was firmly caught before her nail reached
the nape of Creasyl’s neck.
“Let go――――”

“Begone, you insect”

Creasyl put her other hand before Roa’s eyes.

(That’s what blasted away Mr Setsu…gh!)

Glain, Tia and Elka, having noticed <Banish> leapt out to

rescue Roa somehow.

Without knowing that it was a trap.

“Hmph, you have finally appeared”


When the three tried to jump, something unbelievable could

be seen in Creasyl’s body,

Those was an “arms.”

Three arms were pointed towards Glain and the others.


Glain tasted the feeling like time turned slow.

Light of death began to leak from Creasyl’s hands.

All of them were convinced of their own deaths.


Immediately following that, a pillar of black flames came
flying from the air.

That pillar swallowed Creasyl and released intense heat

around it.

“Is it Yuuhi!?”

Glain above him.

There was Yuuhi, floating in the air and clad in black flames.

“I will kill you! I will absolutely kill you!”

“This is bad… We’re going away!”

“Gh… Got it”

By Elka’s instructions, the three withdrew from that place.

Yuuhi put up a gigantic ball of flames.

If they had remained as is, then they would’ve been swallowed

up unsparingly.

“Ah… hot…”

While enduring the pain in her arm which was swallowed up

by the flames, Roa tried to pull out her arm somehow.

And when she did, she pulled it out without difficulty,

completely unlike just before.

While grimacing from the pain, Roa distanced herself from

that spot.

“Roa! This way!”

Elka’s voice resounded, and Roa moved in that direction.


Yuuhi shot the gigantic ball of black flames.

Perhaps her movements prevented by the fire pillar, Creasyl

was not in a state to avoid it.

The fire, made a direct hit on Creasyl as is.

Chapter 109 Are you human?
“――――I am surprised”

Creasyl appeared from inside the fumes that sprung forth by

the black flames.

Her clothes were scorched in several places, and her cheeks

and fingers were a little burned.

Those held meaning, in that Yuuhi’s attack was effective on


“To think that a human could injure I… You, are you a mixed

“Shut up!”

“ … Those called humans appear to turn deaf ears to I”

Yuuhi spread out ten-odd flame spheres and fired them
towards Creasyl.

Creasyl defended by creating a wide barrier before her eyes.

“Creasyl… refused to take the attack?”

Glain watched that scene while being astonished.

Creasyl possessed a completely slash-proof body that was

beyond human intellect.

Yuuhi was about to reach that Creasyl.

“We are here now -desu”

“This is… what is this situation?”

“Judging from appearances, that girl looks to be challenging
the god on a one on one, but――――Geeze, go walk by yourself

“I, I can hardly move anymore! I would’ve walked if I could!”

“You’re so hopeless…”

“Everyone! So you were all safe’

The whole group who went to destroy the locks to the barrier
had returned.

Kouma was walking while borrowing Touma’s shoulder, and

one could perceive a fatigued expression, but he seems to be

Glain was relieved for the time being.

“Right now, Yuuhi is pinning down Creasyl. The only one
who currently could cause damage to Creasyl is Yuuhi”

“Glain, even you can’t?”

“Sadly, I was completely brushed off with one hand”

“Yuup… Then it should be impossible for me too. I could do

small attacks at long distance, but it’s probably meaningless too

Touma wracked his brains, but there was only one conclusion
he reached.

“――――We’re going to go around to support her after all.

Kind of like putting in some help when it looks like that
woman’s losing”

“ … That’s reasonable”
“Damnit… So we can’t do anything?”

“Roa, you can’t move”

Roa’s hand had practically turned into charred remains on the


It could only get healed little by little, even when combining

Elka’s recovery magic and Tia’s magic power.

(This much power… how did that woman fire those? It

doesn’t look like stuff you can shoot at no risk though…)

Touma looked at Yuuhi fighting with black flames and

analysed her calmly.

The flame’s intensity clearly surpassed human intellect.

It was identical to Creasyl’s body.

However, he could still perceive magic power from Yuuhi’s

That was proof that Yuuhi was still human.

(There’s no way that she could pull off that kind of trick in a
human body… Well, I don’t care if that woman dies, but if she’s
going to break down, I’d like her to do so after she kills Creasyl)


Creasyl caught the black flames head-on and noticed that her
body was pushed back.

“Are you bringing me to the ground…”

By being attacked from higher up in the sky, Creasyl was

pushed towards the ground.
Having grown impatient with Yuuhi not running out of
breath and brushed away the flames by strongly swinging her

A gust of wind devastated her surroundings.

It reaches even Yuuhi; pebbles and wreckages that were rolled

up by the wind attacked her.

“You’re irritating!”

Yuuhi scorched those with black flames before it reached her.

When the wind settled down, Creasyl was no longer to be seen

below her.


“Do not rise above me. You insect”


Yuuhi responded to the voice by turning her head and as soon

as she did, her vision turned dark.

“Fall to the ground”


A feeling of pressure where something pressed down her

whole body.

Yuuhi dropped to the ground without being given the time to


“Go sleep there. I shall permit you to make this your


Creasyl said as she put her feet on a gigantic pillar she had

Yuuhi appeared to have been flattened by this pillar.

“Mankind opposing a god itself is madness. It would do well

for all mankind to etch this into their minds. I am a God, the
one who rules all”

With both arms spread, Creasyl looked up to the sky.

Far below such woman.

At the space between the ground and the pillar, black flames

“I’ll kill you…”

It was a slightly weak voice.

However, Creasyl caught her words by chance.

She looked down immediately.

“I’ll kill you!”

“What did you say?”

The flames climbed up the pillar.

Creasyl floated in midair and separated herself from the


The pillar was instantly wrapped in flames the tip of the

flames that Creasyl slightly failed to dodge had scorched her
“Gh… It … felt hot to me?”

Creasyl looked at her slightly burnt foot, feeling somewhat


The gigantic pillar, whose material was like marble of the

Earth, was blazing thunderously even now.

Eventually it was destroyed on the inside by the black flames

and, unable to maintain its shape, it crumbled down.

There below, Yuuhi was glaring at Creasyl.

“I will absolutely kill at least you!”

“――――That appearance… You, are you truly human?”

Yuuhi’s body was dyed half in black.

Charred remains would be a correct expression.

Inside the black were red muscles, and those turned into a
light source like charcoal fire, flickering slightly.



Yuuhi noticed the fact that she lost half her body’s senses.

She was able to move but, perhaps her sense of pain and touch
were paralyzed, she did not feel anything.

“It looks like there is excessive power in the bodies of men.

You must be shaving away your lifespan as much as you use

“ … Even if I die, I will at least kill you”

“Can you not say anything else? A trifling insect”

“Shut uuuuup!”

Yuuhi let flames spout out from her feet and flew up in the air
along with an explosion.

Due to literally explosively high speed, she jumped instantly

right above Creasyl.

“<Black Bomb>!”


Yuuhi threw a black sphere towards Creasyl.

The instant the black sphere hit Creasyl, it rose a black

Being pushed by the impact and knocked back in mid-air,
Creasyl’s expression warped in viciousness.

“This is anger… it’s been a long time since I felt anger… you

“Go down already, Creasyl!”

The powers of the god of creation, and the flames of hatred of

the girl.

Those will finally be witnessed directly――――

Chapter 110 From the Beginning

“There, what happened to your energy from before?”

A marble pillar that came flying down sunk into Yuuhi’s body.

It was heavy, solid and quick and yet there was some interval.

Its size was at body height, but that was even worse for Yuuhi.

It did not hit her whole body, but it struck focused on one

Due to that, the damage affected even the center of her body.

“You are being unrefined”


Creasyl’s backhand lodged in Yuuhi’s face as she blazed up the

pillar which she had caught with her body.

An air rupturing *pang* resounded, and Yuuhi was blown

away, plunging into the sea of rubble.


The sea of rubble was immediately covered in black flames

and turned to dust.

At the center of that stood Yuuhi.

What was struck was the blackened cheek.

It was crumbling like genuine charcoal, and fragments of it
fell down.

It must likely had been Yuuhi’s skin.

“What is wrong? Is it terrifying that your body has completely


“Gh! I don’t care! I will give at least my body for this!”

“Hah! Fool!”

Creasyl ridiculed Yuuhi’s shameful sight.

Yuuhi no longer had words she could say calmly, only sending
out flames recklessly.

As far as Creasyl was concerned, that seemed to be of great

“It is an interesting emotion. Hatred is it… Did something let
you feel hatred?”

“Shut up! Be quiet!”

“I will not. Human, trying to do such things like reproving I,

know your place”


When Creasyl thrust a finger above her, a marble pillar

protruded from the soil below Yuuhi.

That directly hit Yuuhi’s body and launched her up high.

Over her head as she fluttered in midair, a gigantic pillar

appeared once again.

“Now, how will you avoid it?”

The giant pillar fell down in accordance to gravity.

Yuuhi bit her lips to regain her consciousness that she was
about to lose, and pointed her hand upwards.

She tried to burn it with her flames again, but that time.

Suddenly, the pillar exploded in very small pieces.

“――――Phew, we did say that this side will support, so we

have to put in at least this much work, right?”

“You insect…”

On top of a mountain of rubble somewhat separated from the


There was Touma, boldly set up the sacred cannon on his

The pillar’s explosion just before seemed to be Touma’s doing.

“Woman! It’s annoying, but I will cooperate with you now! I’ll
shoot down attacks that looks like would hit you! That’s why
I’m leaving the attack to you!”

“Gh! ‘Kay!”

Being saved from a dangerous spot in front of her eyes, Yuuhi

regained her composure somewhat.

Yuuhi was able to put her feet on the ground and then she
jumped, aiming for Creasyl.

“You’re in the way! You filthy insect!”


Touma escaped that place by rolling.

At the place Touma was until a moment ago, a fist-sized stone

If he had not moved, the stone would have grown from his

(Alright, there’s plenty enough timing to move)

There is some difference in time from coordinate designation

of her powers of creation and her crucial invocation… I think,
Touma conjected.

Being able to dodge it while holding the sacred cannon which

made his movements slower after invoking means that he
would not be able to be hit if he were to move around.


Creasyl flipped away the black flame attack at point-blank

Creasyl was swallowed up in the explosion, but it did not put

much damage on her.

However, to Yuuhi this attack just now was nothing but a


“I’ve caught――――you!”


Yuuhi lept from the center of the explosion and grappled

Creasyl’s body.


And then, Yuuhi, along with her body, wrapped up Creasyl

with black flames.

“Hm, You…”

“This way… I will set you on fire!”

Creasyl created several knives in order to stick them to

Yuuhi’s back.

As if they were sucked up, the knives went towards Yuuhi.

“I told you I’m not letting you!”

However, they were scattered away by Touma’s shelling just

before it hit.

“In that case” she tried to attack with her arms, but those
arms too were repelled by his shelling.
“This sacred cannon of mine has reached the point through
training where it can hit anything I see. I will absolutely not
miss, you know”


Creasyl looked at Touma, looking annoyed.

At that time, Touma had already escaped from that place.

“Burn… to death!”

The charred remains on Yuuhi’s body corroded her body.

Without caring about such things, Yuuhi strengthened her

firepower even more.

Creasyl, without trying to do anything, relaxed her body.

“――――Are you satisfied?”


(Not good!)

Touma had a bad presentiment about this, and immediately

covered himself with full magic power.

Immediately following it, a flash that fully covered his sights,

wrapped up the world.

A thunderous roar, and an earth tremor.

The mushroom like smoke that appeared abruptly on this day,

at the center that was the solitary island, everyone came to call
it the Mushroom Cloud.

“What… happened…?”

When Touma got up, intense pain that gave the illusion that
all of his bones were broken ran through his body.

Several bones were actually broken.

Other than that would be a whole body burn and beating.

Those were regenerated at ultra-high speed by the Hero’s

constitution, but his recovery was somewhat slow.

The total amount of damage must have been incredibly high.

“Everyone is…”

Touma looked around him.

It appeared that Touma was at a place separated from the
center of a gigantic crater.

None of the others were nearby.

There were signs of magic power outside the crater.

Touma had grasped that they seemed to have survived, but

that they had fainted.

“So this is one attack…”

He conjectured that the explosion just now was what Creasyl

had caused by releasing her powers.

It was just that the scale was too unbelievable.

A small city would have been roughly destroyed by this

“So you survived, you are tenacious for an insect――――or is
it precisely because you are an insect that you are tenacious?”


Touma grasped the fact that despair was occupying his heart.

Above the center of the crater floated the uninjured Creasyl.

The attack that Yuuhi put her life on the line for did not seem
to be effective at all.

You, and the insects scattered about at my feet, seem to be

interesting people for mankind. However, they are merely
entertainment in mine perspective. I have enough of this

“ …Now I get it”

――――It meant that from the beginning, it had been a futile

Touma went on his knees and feebly dropped his arms.

The sacred cannon that was scattered nearby dispersed in


Near the center of the crater, Yuuhi was lying around, her
body already nearly completely charred.

She seemed to be breathing, but they were faint breaths.

In Touma’s opinion, it would not be strange if she were to die


Perhaps she had tried to offset the explosion with her

common-sense-ignoring black flames; her carbonisation seemed
to have become more severe.
“I shall praise you in the end. Using a human body and
injuring me, only that is worthy of my praise. For your final
moments I shall put you to sleep, along with this island”

Creasyl put her hands together.

Comprehending the end of all, Touma closed――――his eyes.

Chapter 111 What a Hero Is
I thought I will always be together with Yuki-kun.

When Yuki-kun disappeared in front of my eyes, the world

inside me ended that one time.

Despair and sadness instantly descended, and something made

a breaking sound.

All that was left in me was anger and bloodthirst towards


I don’t want to spend even a second here in this kind of world

with no Yuki-kun, but only Creasyl I won’t forgive.

That’s why, wait for me okay, Yuki-kun?

“Because I’ll… go over there… and take this woman… with me


Yuuhi stood up.

She was ragged and the skin on her whole body had come off.

Her magic power must have been empty already.

She should not have the strength left to stand up.

Except, Yuuhi stood up.

While pointing her vacant eyes towards Creasyl.

“I will absolutely… kill you”

“ …”

Creasyl swung her arm.

A shockwave broke out, and it blew away Yuuhi while turning

over the ground.

Yuuhi rolled on the ground, and while groaning she stood up.

“U- uugh…”

“Why do you not resign yourself?”

Once again her arm was swung, and Yuuhi was sent flying.

Even so, Yuuhi went towards Creasyl while crawling.

“――――I don’t know, really”

Even if she were to be blown away and blown away, Yuuhi
went towards her.

Her feet had already been turned to a strange direction; she

would not be able to stand up anymore.

She was moving towards Creasyl with just the strength of her

“Gh! Irritating!”

When Creasyl swung her arm noticeably more grandly, Yuuhi

flew up high.

Just before Yuuhi crashed into the ground, the figure of a

person appeared below Yuuhi.

“Here, we go”

“This isn’t the time for me to be resting while a girl more

injured than me is fighting, is it”

“You, have you not resigned yourself?”

Touma slowly put Yuuhi on the ground and faced Creasyl.

“Sure, I did give up. Anything I do against you isn’t going to

be a threat. But I’m going to die either way right? In that case
I’m thinking about taking just the stance of opposing you to the

“ … Doing pointless things”

“It’s pointless, but if I don’t do this, then I won’t be able to

face Setsu”
So said Touma and laughed.

“Let me resist with all my strength. With my all put into it.

“――――Mankind are incomprehensible creatures”

Creasyl swung down her arm.

She did not seem to have any intentions to deal with Touma
and the others immediately.

“This world is one that I have created and raised to maturity

along with mine companion. Humans are harmful insects that
have appeared suddenly from nowhere. They were not what I
have created”


At that point, Touma recognized anew that there was a wall

that could not be crossed over between him and gods.

The presence or absence of emotions is something essential to


Without emotions, Touma’s biggest reason for living, which is

that he loves Setsu, would disappear.

That would be effectively death for Touma.

“ …Suddenly appearing, mankind began to covet the world”

――――Coveting in gluttony.

――――Unmoving as a sloth.

――――Going mad in lust.

――――Burning in envy.

――――Contending in pride.

――――Pursuing in avarice.

“And then they unreasonably feel anger”

Creasyl pointed at the faintly breathing Yuuhi.

“To judge human sins, I have created the seven sacred swords
of grave sins. To remove all that mankind has created, other
sacred swords were created under human tools or natural
phenomenon, and they moved in order to eradicate mankind.”


Creasyl cut off with that.

“Mankind had never died out. How it was settled at the end
was that they gently persuaded even the god of destruction who
was mine companion, and I was sealed away”

Creasyl’s look was vicious in any way.

“This time I will exterminate you with mine hands”

“… Why are you telling us these things now?”

“ … I wonder why. Thanks to you all, I have learned

something called emotions, that is why――――perhaps. Also
my sole companion had told me. To ‘convey those who will die,
the reason they will die’ ”

Hearing that, Touma forced a smile.

I was an idiot for expecting that we may have had a path to

survival, even a little.
Rebuking himself that way, the reality was the other way

“Then… I will …give you the reason you’ll… die too”

“Y- you!”

Yuuhi rose up beside Touma.

She was not in a state to be able to move at all, and yet she
seemed to be moving forcibly through willpower.

“Really now, try telling me, insect”

“You… killed Yuiki-kun… You killed everyone’s beloved…

Yuki-kun. You destroyed…! My world! That’s why…! I’ll kill
you! You will die!”

“ …How illogical”
“I think we’re the same in that regard. Excuse me from being
killed at your convenience, seeing that we’re not created by

Creasyl instantly sank into silence.

And then silently pointed her hand to the two.

“If that is the case, then logic would be with I, a god. Even if I
were to make you disappear, you would not have any
complaints, would you?”

“Heh, I’ve got too many of them, you know! But…”

We can’t do much about that, can we――――

Touma summoned his sacred sword to his hand and stood on

the ready.
It’s the final stance that I can do precisely because I’ve given
up on everything.

All Yuuhi would only do was trying to crawl towards Creasyl.

“Farewell, fools”

Creasyl’s hand radiated light.

That was the sign of <Banish>.

While Touma was showing a resigned smile, while Yuuhi was

glaring at Creasyl with a look steeped in anger, their final
moments awaited them.

And then――――

Suddenly, chimes resounded in the vicinity.

“ …What was that?”

“ …?”

The three at that place solidified and shaken.

Even Creasyl was shaking.

The chimes gradually got louder and eventually it began to be

heard at a volume like it resounded nearby.

“… What… is that?”

Yuuhi pointed at behind Creasyl.

There, a gigantic gate appeared.

“A- absurd! Why is this gate here!?”

Creasyl turned her head and shouted.

Touma couldn’t take in his situation, but decided to carry

Yuuhi first and take as much distance as possible.

“We’re moving back!”

“B- but!” “Come on!”

While Creasyl was shaking, the two succeeded in


They did not realize their wish of getting out of the crater, but
they took distance within their capacity.

And with this distance, they would be able to grasp what that
gate would bring about.

“This world is not supposed to be under the jurisdiction of

that god!”

Facing the gate, Creasyl shouted.

That gate did not answer, but instead slowly began to open.

Even while opening up, the chimes continued to resound, and

the sound finally stopped when it was completely open.

And then, the figures of two people appeared from within.

“There is too much time difference with the transfer gate! It

would not have made any difference had we moved by flying
normally, you know!”

“Ain’t this practically the second time I’ve opened this!? Just
be grateful that it was actually a success!”

“You, you are…”

The two noticed Creasyl’s voice and pointed their faces
towards her.

On one side was Creasyl’s old companion.

And the other one was a human who Creasyl herself supposed
to have erased.

“Ooh, Creasyl. It has been a long time, as always you have

taken an outrageous body”

“De- Destroia…!”

The other man clad in a black costume, stole Touma and

Yuuhi’s gaze rather than Creasyl’s.

“ ‘Sup, all of you alive?”

Yuuhi shouted.

Touma wordlessly crumbled on the spot.

Tears went along his cheeks.

“You’re too late, you know… hero”

The man who appeared from the gate, Suzaki Setsu, glared
directly at Creasyl.

“Long time no see. Shitty god”

Ferociously pulling up the corners of his mouth, Setsu so said

like he was provoking her.
Chapter 112 Troublesome insect
“So the one who saved you was Destroia…”

“You got it after seeing it, right? Thanks to you, my body’s in

good form”

Setsu slowly began to walk and moved up to in front of

Creasyls’ eyes.

Both sides began to glare at each other, and then Setsu opened
his mouth.

“That reminds me, there’s something I have to pay you back


“I do not remember having given you anything”

“But you have. Here, payback”

“Gah ――――”

Setsu drove his fist into Creasyl’s face.

Creasyl who had never received any sort of impact, now

bounced on the ground, blown far away.

“This is my payback to you for getting hit by your <Banish>

and losing various things. Now, let’s start. You want to kill
mankind right?”

“ …”

After finally stopping at the edge of the crater, Creasyl headed

back to before Setsu with one step.


Touma, seeing the spectacle of Setsu sending Creasyl flying,

was reflexively taken aback.

“Amazing… He blew away Creasyl that far with one blow…”

“I have trained him after all, of course he would”

“Wh-!? You’re?”

“I am the god of destruction, Destroia. The god who formed a

pair with Creasyl. As for my position, I would be your allies.
Now, let me see that girl’s body”

Destroia went down on her knees beside the collapsed Yuuhi.

Yuuhi continuously breathed heavily and she has fallen into a

state where she could hardly be called conscious.

She was wandering around the space between life and death,
where she could die before long.
“――――I see, it is compensation for using too much of her
life. She will not hold for long like this”

“… Can she be saved?”

“Let me try”

Destroia put her hand on Yuuhi’s body.

Black light leaked from there and began to wrap up Yuuhi’s

whole body.

(She overused its destructive properties… And the

compensation for that is the destruction of her body’s
constitution. That she hadn’t destroyed her internal organs is
preferable. I can rescue her in any case, but――――hm?)

As she probed into Yuuhi’s body, she noticed a certain

(Hum… This girl surprised me. Just when I thought I felt
miniscule amount of divine powers, she is a human who
received that one’s divine protection. It would seem only her
life has been protected by that divine protection. Of course she
lived in this body)

“Say, will she really be alright!?”

“Ah, yes! I will heal her immediately even if you are not
worrying about her. My powers are the destruction of all
creation! This will be done if I just destroy the ‘compensation’
itself that she is bearing”

“Destroy the ‘compensation’?”

Immediately following that, the sound of something breaking

resounded in Touma’s ears.

The sound was seemingly heard from Yuuhi’s body, so Touma

observed her body.

Thereupon, the carbonisation surrounding Yuuhi’s whole

body returned to her original skin in the blink of an eye.

Her expression too turned calm and she completely regained

consciousness in the end.

“Hn… huh…?”

“You’re awake. You should not move for the time being. Your
magic power and physical strength has yet to return after all”
“What- what about Yuki-kun…!”

Yuuhi grasped at Destroia.

While looking surprised, Destroia requested Touma for

“Hey. If you’re looking for Setsu, he’s there”


Touma forcibly tore off Yuuhi from Destroia and pointed

towards the center of the crater.

Seeing Setsu there, Yuuhi stroked down her chest as if


“I’m so glad… it’s really Yuki-kun…”

Tears began to flow after some delay, and Yuuhi then wiped
those away.

“I, I have to go back him up!”

“You should stop that”


Destroia stopped Yuuhi from trying to get up.

“The battle starting from now on is not a matter you humans

can step into. If you do not want to die in vain, stay put and
watch them here”

“But! Even Yuki-kun is a human――――”

“That is not correct”

Destroia denied Yuuhi’s words before she finished saying


Yuuhi felt the significance of her clearly different atmosphere

from her attitude.

“Watch it properly. That is a fight between inhuman beings”


“So you have cast away your humanity”

“I guess. I gave it a go in order to kick your ass, you know? Got

nothing to say about that?”

“I shall say that you are a fool. Because――――”

――――while it may be true that you have hastily acquired

divine powers, you will not reach a god.

Creasyl unleashed a fist onto Setsu’s body.

Setsu grasped that and grandly held up his other arm.

“Who won’t reach gods you say?”


“Take this!”

With the arm he held up, he hit Creasyl flying in the face.

Instantly closing in on Creasyl who was sent flying again,

Setsu held her head and slammed her against the ground.

“Come on, try telling me where I can’t reach. You damned



Creasyl kicked Setsu in the flank and blew his whole body

As he managed to stop after bouncing on the ground a few

times, Setsu sneeringly smiled seeing Creasyl with a look of

“Nice one, that uncomposed face of yours! I’ve always wanted

to see that face, you know!”

“You inseect!”

Creasyl and Setsu approached each other and simultaneously

sent out their fists.

Both caught each other’s cheeks, blowing each other away left
and right.

At this time, Creasyl was considerably shaken by the fact that

she herself was clenching her fist in earnest against a human

“What’s wrong, shitty god!? It got no effect, you know!”

“You’re being haughty――――you insect!”

Creasyl put her hands towards the sky.

Upon doing so, tens of thousands of swords appeared on the

whole surface above Setsu.

“It is over for you!”

Those swords simultaneously poured down with their tips

towards Setsu.

Each one of them a size larger than a greatsword, even the

current Setsu would not be able to get out of it safely.

However Setsu, without even showing any particularly

flustered behavior, calmly opened his mouth.

“I keep getting underestimated you know――――come!


When Setsu held his hand up in the air, a part of his black
costume detached itself and began to produce a different shape
in his hand.

That which held a long and large, beautifully curved blade

was something called a scythe.

People’s opinion were split between whether or not to call

that, which held a curved grip and a large mouth along the
blade, a sickle however――――

“It’s a feast here! Gluttony!”

Towards the skies, Setsu swung Gluttony.

When he did so, the line that Gluttony had traveled dyed
black and remained in the air.
The black space in the air grew large fangs and opened

The jet black mouth lay in wait for the incessantly raining

“What… is that…”

The mouth that opened in the air ate all of the swords
dropping in its range.

Setsu, being under it, was of course uninjured.

He looked at Creasyl with a triumphant expression.

“Thanks for the meal, please ask this guy if it was delicious or

By the time the mouth that appeared in the air made a burp,
every last one of the swords had disappeared.

Setsu put Gluttony on his shoulder and kicked away the

swords that were stuck nearby.

He moved Gluttony below the swords dancing in the air, and

the sickle ate the falling sword as it is.

“No matter how much you try to create something, this guy
will eat every little bit of it. Come without holding back alright”

“――――It would seem that I have not taken you too lightly”

Creasyl glared at Setsu, looking entirely not negligent.

It seems she had finally regained her calmness and had

prepared to face the irregular being called Setsu.
“I shall recognize you as an enemy. Introduce yourself”

“Ordering me this late in the game…Well, whatever. It’s

Setsu. Starting now I’ll be killing you. Best regards eh”

“God of creation Creasyl. I shall establish you as a

‘troublesome insect’, and liberate some of my powers to keep
you company. Be grateful”

“Well thanks for that!”

Creasyl produced a silver sword in her hands and kicked the


Setsu readied Gluttony and charged.

The two powers collided, and shock flashed――――

Chapter 113 Signs of a God
“Cease, Creasyl!”

“Why are you stopping me? Destroia”

There was a mean to stop I from trying to destroy the human


It was Destroia, the being who built this word together with I.

“Humans have lives, they have hearts! I have learned various

things from humans! It will trouble me if you erase them!”

“Emotions? What is that? Is that something essential?”

Destroia single-mindedly raised her voice.

What could this mean?

She was a quiet one several years ago and yet, now――――

――――Destroia appears similar to a human.

“ … Do you understand? Humans are the sole beings birthed

in this world outside of mine intentions. There is the possibility
that they would completely change this world into one different
form what we had imagined”

“Even if they did, do you not have the capacity to accept that

“Capacity? I do not quite understand. I am making this world

that has been entrusted to I into one as shown. That would be
the ideal, and also the mission bestowed to us from ‘Heaven’,
was it not?”


Is Destroia not pleased with something? She grasped at me.

“A miscalculation may be a miscalculation, but humans are a
pleasant miscalculation… I will not allow you to kill them”

“You have fallen, Destroia”

“Say whatever you like! Do not erase the humans! I will not let
go until you say so!”

“ …Alright. If you go so far to say that, then I shall keep them

alive now”

“Tru- truly!?”

Destroia’s face cleared up.

She relaxed the strength in her hands grasping at I as well.

Destroia is mine companion.

Such companion was this desperate.

I felt slightly motivated to try listening to her.

“ …However, if the humans perform deeds that establishes

some sort of harm, then at that time I shall dispose of them. At
that time it will be futile even if you were to stop me”

“Ah, alright…”

I would not be able to bear overlooking them and letting them

destroy something like the quite nearly completed ecosystem.

That time, I ought to mercilessly erase the organisms called


Even if it means separating mineself from Destroia.

“Do not forget, we are gods. Gods serving ‘Heaven’. ‘Heaven’

has bestowed us this world. We are to give this world its ideal

“ …I know”

“Then it is fine”

We left this place.

Destroia too should return to normal after another hundred


She has been living for far too long; you will have such
delusions at least once.

Destroia is an excellent woman.

She will surely recover.


Collision of power and power.

Each time the sword and sickle struck against each other, the
ground shook and the crater hollowed further.

Dust were blown off, and the sun shone only on the place they
were in.



Setsu’s swung sickle cut off Creasyl’s clothes.

“And again!”
Turning his body around, Setsu once more swung his sickle.

Creasyl avoided that, but several strands of her hair fluttered

in the air.

“You’re flapping around too much, you know. I ain’t gonna

care if you turn into a buddhist monk you know”

“Hum… certainly this is an illogical situation”

Creasyl undid her stance once and then her figure changed.

Into one where her waist-length hair was cut to the tip of her

The white garment-like clothes shrunk and clung tightly on

Creasyl’s body.

They were clothes emphasizing her inhuman figure.

“This would be easier to move”

“But your majesty has disappeared you know?”

“A god who is concerned with their majesty is second-rate. A

god has to show overwhelming difference, whichever figure
they are in”

Setsu moved towards Creasyl’s back and swung the sickle.

And before the sickle hit her, Creasyl disappeared.

“Gh! Tch!”

The sickle that he swung and missed gouged the ground.

Setsu did not hide his surprise to the fact he could not follow
“You are too slow”


Suddenly an impact from right beside him.

Setsu reflexively guarded it with his arm and yet his body was
slammed at the edges of the crater at a vanishing speed.

Another large crater was created at the edge of the crater.

At the center of that, Setsu groaned.

“Hey, wait a minute… This ain’t what you told me”

While getting up, Setsu looked at the arm he guarded with.

That arm was smashed mercilessly and had become warped.

The bones had not achieved its function as a bone.

“Healing this is gonna take several seconds, huh”

“And believe I will grant you several seconds?”

“ …I know right!”

Setsu swung the sickle behind him with one arm.

The owner of the voice that he should’ve from behind him,

was no longer there already.

“Hey, what is wrong? Is your words the only thing you are
strong at?”

(You’re just… too… quick you know!)

Creasyl moved around Setsu, but he was unable to follow her
with his eyes.

However, there were no signs that Creasyl was running.

“So this is you walking!?”

“Wrong answer”


Setsu swung the sickle one round around him, but there was
no effect.

Instead, the jumping Creasyl’s axe kick captured the crown of

Setsu’s head.

The impact that reached even Setsu’s fingers slowed him and
by the time he noticed, he had bent down to the ground.
“Understand it. This is the height of a god”

Creasyl tread on Setsu’s face.

With just that, the ground shook.

Setsu groaned and grasped Creasyl’s foot.

“Move… it…”

“I cannot hear you”


Creasyl moved the sole of her foot and trampled Setsu’s head.

“I shall crush your head like this. Pitiful insect”

“――――Hey Stroh”

While grasping Creasyl’s foot, Setsu grumbled.

Destroia, who was at a distant place, responded to those


“What is it? Are you giving up already?”

“Shut up… It’s already fine about now isn’t it…!? I ain’t gonna
stand a chance with this body you know”

“What are you talking about?”

Creasyl pointed her face towards Destroia.

Destroia merely showed an evil smile.

“――――Alright, very well then. You do understand the time
limit do you not?”

“Of course I do… The time limit is――――”

““――――Ten minutes!””


Suddenly, light covered Creasyl’s field of vision.

For an instant she closed her eyes, and when he opened again,
Setsu was gone from under her feet.

And then, Creasyl’s balance broke and she fell on her knee.

“What is this…”
One of Creasyl’s legs was gone.

It was completely gone from around the middle of her thighs.

“Are you looking for this?”


When she turned around, there stood Setsu, holding one of

Creasyl’s legs.

Unhighlighted jet black eyes and expressionless face as if he

had put on a mask.

At the very least a being with everything, excepting the

appearance, different from human who was fighting with
Creasyl until some time ago.

That sort of impression is what Creasyl received.

“ …What did you do?”

While growing a leg, Creasyl asked.

“I only cut off your leg. It’s not that much of a big deal you

While throwing away that leg around there, Setsu answered.

“Why… Why are there signs of a god coming from you!?”

“You know why don’t you?”

Setsu said, as he got behind Creasyl at a speed she could not

respond to.

“I’m also like you”

Creasyl’s head fluttered about.

Throughout her revolving field of vision, Creasyl clicked her


“So you… became a god”

“That simply looks to be the case”

Setsu said with an emotionless voice as he cut Creasyl’s neck

with a single stroke.
Chapter 114 Gates of Hell
“――――In any case, I will have to believe that you have
become a god”


Creasyl’s body materialized from her neck as she revolved in

the air.

Rather than regenerated, Creasyl stood on the ground

uninjured enough that one would end up believing her if she
said she had not been cut from the beginning.

“Do you know the way to settle a fight between fellow gods?”

“ … Gods are superior existences that are close to concepts.

That is why――――”

“They won’t die with external wounds. Only way to settle it is

to seal one of the two.
Creasyl looked at Setsu in the eye and spoke.

“You, who have become a god, could not be killed by external

wounds either”

Setsu’s pulverized arm had returned to normal.

As if to demonstrate that, all external wounds to a god ‘would

come to be nonexistent.’

“Who will be the first to engrave a <seal>… Come, we will

start the fight of fellow gods”


Creasyl once again created a sword, and Setsu readied his


The two gods collided, and the world shook.

First and second swing of the sword and sickle.

The island, unable to withstand the shaking, produced


The third and fourth swing.

The weather affected, the clouds covered the sky in an

instant, and then cleared up.

The fifth and sixth swing.

The shocks released from the solitary island affected the sea,
giving birth to tidal waves.

Like a natural disaster.

Everyone perceived the end of the world and looked up at the


――――Hear me, Setsu.

While swinging my sickle, I recalled Destroia’s words.

“You are unable to kill a god”


I was dumbfounded, unable to understand what I was told


“You cannot kill gods”

“… Then how do you say I can take her down…”

“Sealing them you see! Sealing them! Confine your opponent

with your own strength! Just like what I have done to Creasyl!”

It’s good and all to be told that, but I don’t know the workings
nor the way to seal gods.

“You will have to seal Creasyl, my boy. Except――――”


“You cannot use seals, my boy”

It felt like time stopped.

“How do you say I can take down Creasyl then!?”

“Argh! Even if you have come to be able to use <Banish>, you

still would not be able to use <Seal> yet, do you not agree!?”
Sure, I haven’t learned <Seal> yet.

Or rather, I wasn’t taught in the first place.

How is this girl going to make me able to win, despite not

having even a month left?

“I shall put it bluntly. A beginner to being a god will take

around a hundred years until they will be able to use <Seal>”

“――――A hundred years!?

I unconsciously shouted.

I thought I misheard her.

“At the time you become a god, you will reach the point to be
able to use <Banish>, which is the basics of divine art. However,
you would not be able to learn beyond that point if you do not
do not spend months and years after becoming a god”

“So it’s impossible… no matter what?”

“Yes. At the least hundred years. At times some take even two
hundred years”

The weather had become quite ominous.

I completely confirmed that there are no effective hits on

Creasyl with this.

It’s not about feeling at ease if I could send her flying.

“――――Be relieved. If it is you, then there is a solution”

“You have been granted <Gate> as powers of the god of death.
An example of this is the transfer gate connecting to another

“ …You’re well-informed”

When I said that, Destroia slipped out a chuckle.

“I have an acquaintance among the gods of death. An old



“In any case, your powers of <Gate> is powerful enough to

rival Seal. If it is merely to reach the point to be able to open a
gate, then you should not need even a week”

If you have that power, then you may be able to kill a

Destroia muttered, with a barely audible voice.


“…My bad, I can’t use <Seal>”


The pair who were locking swords, shoved each other and
took distance.

Creasyl looked surprised towards the words Setsu had said.

“You came here merely with ordinary Banish?”

“That’s not true you know? I wouldn’t have challenged you if

I had no chance of success”
Creasyl pointed her puzzled look towards Setsu.

Setsu calmly fixed his gaze on Creasyl and slowly pushed out
his hand.

“The power of <Gate> granted by a god of death. <Otherworld

Gate> connecting world to world. <Transfer Gate> connecting
place to place”


“――――<Hell Gate>, connecting to Hell”


Creasyl experienced something called the chills for the first

time since she was born.

Her body instinctively tried to go down, and she forcibly

stopped that.

“I will open the gate starting now”

“You, you think I will let you!”


Creasyl was aware of the existence that was called <Hell


For that reason she lost her composure and clutched at Setsu.

His neck grasped, Setsu was pushed down.

“It’s already too late”

Setsu pointed at behind Creasyl.

Creasyl looked back.

There, a black gate of bones tied in chains was erected.

Yuuhi and Touma, who were human, could likely only judge
the ill omen of this gate by its appearance.

Creasyl, who was a god, could understand the true nature of

this gate.

That this was something that should not be in this world.

“<Hell Gate>――――Open”

A deep chimes that was yet different from the time with the
transfer gate resounded nearby.
Groan-like sounds were mixed in, and black miasma began to
drift nearby.

“Why can you use this gate!?”

“Reluctantly, but I am like a god of death. It’s an ability of a

god of death, don’t you think? This thing”

The chimes gradually grew and going hand in hand, the

chains of the gate were removed.

And then, while sending heavy pressure, the gate began to


“On the other side of this gate is the hell where the dead
thrive. Those who are able to exist in hell are only ‘dead beings’.
In other words, living things that pass through the gates of

――――will be forcibly turned into a dead being.


Creasyl raised a warcry and pressed down Setsu’s head.

It seems she was trying to activate <Seal>.

However, Setsu was unperturbed.

Because he knew it was too late.

“The dead hates all things. They especially hate living things
as necessary, and if the gate opens, they would try to take in
nearby living things. Even a god would not be able to win
against a direct death would they?”

“Close the gate!”

She shouted at Setsu with a strong tone, but he did not show
any signs of closing the gate.
Of course, it is because Setsu is not interested in closing it.

“Get along well with the dead, you hear me”

“Stop iiiit!”

The voices of the dead resounded deep inside.

The gates opened completely, and several gigantic arms

spread from within.

“Do not come near me!”

They began to move towards Creasyl.

Creasyl released her hands from Setsu, turned around and

produced a wall.
However, the countless arms slipped through that.

“Don’t come here!” “It’s unfortunate, but resistance is futile”

Finally, Creasyl’s body was seized by the arms.

Creasyl twisted her body to try to escape, but even more arms
twined around, not letting her escape.

“Release… me…”

Creasyl’s body was pulled into the gate.

When she was completely pulled to the gate, the gate slowly
began to close.

The laughter of the dead resounded inside the gate.

“Goodbye, Creasyl”

And then, the gate closed.

Chapter 115 Good to see you in good
“So you will kill them… no matter what?”

“Of course I will. The humans have destroyed one of the

ecosystems. It would be unbearable if I let them loose any more
than this and change the shape of the world.

I brushed aside Destroia, who stood in mine way.

I have to exterminate the humans.

The humans who have exterminated the animals I have

created, by any means necessary.

“ …In that case, it cannot be helped”

“Do you understand? Then assist I. We will exterminate them

without even one remaining”
It seems that Destroia finally understood I.

Even she who was touched by humans must have regained her
self-awareness of a god.

That is what I thought.

“There is no longer anything aside from parting from you, my



“I have to protect the humans”

By the time I noticed, I was blown away.

What happened?
Did she not understand me?


“Allow me to seal you! Creasyl!”


For the first time in mine life, I felt the emotion called anger.


“So it is over…”


The gate began to vanish.

Destroia got close to Setsu’s side and watched it.

“ …Creasyl was a genuine stubborn one among us gods”

Respected the rules and constantly maintained her self-

awareness that she was a god.

Considered following orders and moving according to that to

be the most important.

That was the god of creation called Creasyl.

“That is why she could not forgive the irregulars called

humans and disavowed them all. Who was originally correct
was… that woman”

“ … Humans too didn’t want to be killed from unintentional

trespassing you know. The one who’s right is you. We would’ve
died if you weren’t here”
“I am glad that I… was able to protect you”

Destroia smiled.

Her heart was somewhat saved too it seems.

“Come to think of it, what about Yuuhi and the others?”

“Aah, I had them escape. They should be leaving this island


“Thanks for the help”

“You’re quite yearned for, a――――ren’t… you”

“? What’s wrong?”

Destroia’s face turned pale.

Nervously, Setsu’s face also turned towards the direction
Destroia was looking at.

“… hey, what the hell”

There stood Hell Gate towering over the surroundings.

It was genuinely the same thing that Setsu had opened before.

Without the chimes resounding, the gate began to open by


“――――cannot… die”

“The hell is going on here”

There was a figure of a person trying to forcibly open the gate.

Creasyl, she was trying to open the gates from the inside.

“It did not completely close I suppose…”

Destroia muttered.

Setsu lamented his own blunder.

In order to quickly close it, he gave the command to the gate.


“It’s not closing…”


The gate would not accept his command.

“Is it because it isn’t the gate that I made to appear?”

This gate was a gate that Creasyl tried to wrench open from
the inside.

As a result of the gate being made to appear forcibly in doing

so, it was unconcerned to Setsu’s wishes.

In other words, Setsu’s instructions would not reach this gate.

“This world… into the ideal… world…!”


“Hey Stroh”

Destroia walked towards the gate.

Without responding to Setsu’s voice, she stopped before

“Quite absurd force of will have you not? Creasyl”

“Des… troia…!”

“Just how obsessed are you, to come crawling from the next
world? I am honestly in admiration”

Destroia smiled at Creasyl.

Creasyl scowled at her, full of hatred.

“Stroh, it’s dangerous there”

“Setsu… I, had planned from the start to die after killing


Setsu caught his breath.

Creasyl showed a shocked face.

“It was a closely guarded secret, but this is enough already. I

shall impart you, the reason humans were born.

After collecting herself for a while, Destroia opened her


“Humans were not born by chance. ――――A god brought

them forth”


A certain god was brimming with curiosity.

They brought forth various creatures and concepts, let them
loose and watched the course of events.

That was that god’s reason for living.

On a certain day, the creatures that were allowed to develop

for a long time, finally gave birth under this god’s guidance.

Their name was called ‘Human.’

This god made plans to send their masterwork that was the
‘humans’ to various worlds and watched over their growth.

One of the worlds they had an eye on was the world that was
made by the god of creation and god of destruction, called

The first they approached for a discussion was the god of

The god of destruction rejected it at first.

It was because she had heard that ‘humans’ did not know how
to develop and would cause irregularities.

The god of creation, who she built the world together with,
would hate that above all else.

She rejected, saying that she would likely not accept it.

The worst coincidence that occurred here was that this god
who made the ‘humans’ was the supreme god in the <Heaven>
where gods resided.

Being ordered by the supreme god, the god of destruction

ended up accepting them reluctantly.

However, if they tried to propose it to the god of creation,

then she would have tried to oppose immediately.
The god of creation would flare up, even if the other party was
the supreme god for example.

In front of the supreme god was the god of destruction, god of

creation are like babies.

The god of destruction did not want to see the god of creation
gradually disappearing.

For that sake, they decided on a course of action where she

would not inform the god of creation of their act of releasing the
humans to the world.

They decided that they would be the result of chance.

The results; even if they were the result of chance, the god of
creation did not approve of them.

The god of creation tried to exterminate the ‘humans’ that

were the experiments of the supreme god.
If they end up being exterminated, then the god of creation
would provoke the wrath of the supreme god.

Nevertheless, even if she were to tell the truth, the god of

creation would just flare up at the supreme god.

Either path would lead to the god of destruction losing her

important friend.

And, above all, the god of destruction had taken a liking to the

After much agonizing, the god of destruction decided to seal

the god of creation.


“These are the details of the matter”

“That is… how is that related to your reason to die?”

“She had been opposing this much. The supreme god too have
noticed the circumstances of this world. Likely, Creasyl would
be dealt with before long”

The surroundings sank into silence.

“ … That the matter until now had become big was due to my
willfulness. I thought I might as well take responsibility along
with Creasyl”

“――――Do not jest! Saying you would die with me for such

“We are companions. That is plenty enough a reason”

Destroia put her hands on Creasyl’s shoulders.


When Setsu tried to give command to the gate to close

somehow, he suddenly crumbled down.

(Ten minutes…! I’m out of time!)

The highlights returned to Setsu’s eyes.

At the same time he lost his divinity and returned to a body

close to human.

He would not be able to control the gate this way.

“Stroh! Stop it!”

“Now, let us go, Creasyl”


Destroa tenderly pushed Creasyl’s shoulders.

Little by little, the two entered the gate.

“Thank you, Setsu. The everyday lives with you, my boy,

was… well, not bad!”


The two completely entered the gate.

The gate began to close, as if satisfied that its target had

returned and furthermore an extra had entered.

And then the gate completely clos――――



Suddenly, along with a thunderous roar, the door opened.

At the same time, Creasyl and Destroia was thrown outside.

As Setsu was amazed at the spectacle, a figure appeared from

inside the opened gate.

“Don’t speed up your death, you idiots. This gate isn’t made
for repentance, you know?”

Setsu remembered that figure.

Or rather, he could not mistake her.


“Yo, stupid son. Good to see you in good health”

It was Setsu’s mother, the god of death, Death herself.

Chapter 116 Conclusion
“Death… Why are you here…”

“No, well, I found out there are a couple of idiots trying to die
as they pleased, so I came here in a rush to put a stop to that.
I’m glad I got here in time”

Saying that, mother laughed.

I didn’t know what’s what and just watched in a daze.

“Welp, I’m just like someone transporting another though.

Hey! Come out!”

“Geez! I didn’t hear anything about going through Hell!”

“Can’t do much about that, had to drive out these two either
From the gates appeared a pink-haired woman wrapped in a
white veil.

She is an unworldly beautiful woman.

She is probably one of the gods, though…


Creasyl muttered.

This isn’t good, I’m being left behind here.

“She’s a messenger from ‘Heaven’”

“God of Creation Creasyl, I will be taking you to ‘Heaven’ as a

criminal god”
“ …”

“Wa-, wait!”

Who flared up at Aphrodite’s words was not Creasyl, but


“I will atone for my crimes along with her! That is why,

lighten Creasyl’s sentence――――”

“That I can’t do”

However, before she could finish her sentence, Aphrodite cut

her down.

It’s obviously unpardonable.

Honestly I still have some mixed feelings to the fact that

Creasyl is alive.
“Wh- why…”

“Why you ask, tell them at least the charges”

“I suppose. How do you suppose to divide a sentence of

working at the heaven’s dining room for two thousand years?”


Stroh let out a stupid voice.

I did too.

I thought I misheard it.

“You’re, you’re fucking kidding me mother! This woman tried

to annihilate the humans you know! You’re not supposed to
agree with something like that!”
“Agree or not agree, it’s already decided”

“So you’re just gonna allow it!?”

“ … You really don’t know, huh”


Before I was aware of it, mother placed her arm around my


Being pressed down from there, I was unable to straighten my


“The fucking bastard of a supreme god stopped his research

on humans. Any god, no matter how many humans they would
try to kill, won’t be charged with heavy punishment anymore.
Since they are more or less the supreme god’s creations, a
punishment will happen if you try to kill them though. Even so,
this is the heavier side among the punishments that happens in
relation with humans”
“Yes, but!”

“Understand it. That’s what the value of humans are”


I was unable to say any more.

I understand it because I stood at the same height as a god


That there is a difference between gods and humans that you

can’t do anything about.

That you can never win against a god with a human body.

“I, I am…”
“Aah, sorry, but I’m not listening to your opinions”


A black hole appeared at Creasyl’s feet.

Maybe because she was taken by surprise, but Creasyl, unable

to resist, ended up falling down.

I rushed over to that hole right away.

“Damn it!”

By the time I tried to look into the hole, the hole had already

I punched the ground.

My anger that had no outlet smoldered in my chest.


“Destroia, you manage this world as things are――――or so I


“M- mhh…”

The conversation went on and on.

If something like this has been decided, then… for what sake
did I wish for power?

“ … And so, Setsu”

“What now…”
Mother began to talk to me looking somewhat apologetic.

I changed my tone by the attitude that didn’t fit my confident


“It’s about you obtaining divinity once. I’m aware that you
have various reasons for it, but――――”

“ …What is it that you wanna say”

“To put it bluntly, you can’t stay in this world after possessing


I don’t know what’s what.

With my head in chaos, I repeated what I heard.

“You say I can’t stay in this world…”

“The gods responsible for this world has been decided you
know… gods with the exception of those can’t overstay. Since
you dunno what could happen if more than the regulated
number try to stay, while even one has enough influential
power to shake the world”

I recalled my fight with Creasyl.

Natural disasters should have happened.

“For- forgive me Setsu… I had planned for Creasyl and I to

die, so I had thought to leave the world to you as our

“ …Now I get it”

If Stroh says it like that, then I can only understand it.

I was resolved to become a god by my own will after all.

“In, in that case! Is it not possible to set Setsu into the frame
when Creasyl is gone? How about that!”

“ …I can’t do that either. It ain’t like Creasyl was removed

from her responsibilities of this world after all”

“Is that, is that so”

Stroh was visibly dejected.

Don’t start feeling sorry for me.

And besides, it should be useless even if we’re being any more

unreasonable than this to a decision.

“――――Alright. I’ll go”


“Thanks eh, Destroia. For taking care of me”

I stood up and looked at my mother.

“You’ll at least give me the time to explain to the guys around

me right?”

“I got you at least that much. I couldn’t get you anything

other than just enough time to greet them though”

“ …That’ll be enough”

I started walking, in order to leave the island.

What will I say, to those guys?

Because I’ve become a god, I’ll be leaving this world.

It feels indescribably stupid, but not much choice but to say

that I guess.

It’s depressing.

Just about everything is.



Being called out by Aphrodite, I turned around.

“There is a child who I am considering taking along along

with you, you know”
“Oh really now”

“I think you will be pleased with it as well. That child’s name

Final Chapter It’s my third time
I opened my eyes in my room.

My body was startlingly light.

I got up and looked over my body as if my bad condition until

now was like a lie.

“What has happened…?”

Beside me, Levia woke up as well.

It appears everything is over.

Our vigor that was sucked away by Creasyl had all returned.

That is proof of everything.

“It seems to have ended”

“… So it seems”

The two looked at each other’s faces and smiled.

Soon the heroes will return.

We have to get ready to welcome them back.

Having gone back to the demon lord castle town, I headed

towards the demon lord castle while gazing at the state of the

Due to my fight with Creasyl, houses seems to have collapsed

and fires have occurred.

Fortunately, there were no signs of casualties.

Maybe because I’ve become a god of death, I’ve become
susceptible to those sort of signs.

For now, it gave me some peace of mind.

It’ll be unbearable in all sorts of ways if it had become a great

disaster where hundreds of people died from this.

“Hya~, look, Setsu. That tower over there is broken about


“ …Keep it quiet, why don’t you”

I cautioned Stroh who had been following me and making

noise for some reason.

When I look at her like this, she really does appear as nothing
but an ordinary brat.
“Mh! You thought of me as a brat now, did you not!”

“How did you kno――”

“It’s showing on your face, you fool!

We somehow had this kind of back and forth before too.

“Be captivated… after making fun of me!”

Stroh turned around on the spot.

I unluckily ended up blinking at that timing.

“How is it, this is the original me”

“ …huh?”
After I was done blinking, I was surprised by the scene in
front of me.

At the spot where Stroh was until now stood a tall woman
waving about her long black hair.

The woman looked at me with a triumphant look.

“Fufufu… It seems you do not have the words to an

excessively beautiful woman I see!”

“That weak-headed-sounding talk, you’re Stroh alright”

“What do you mean, weak-headed! Despite being a new god!”

I poked fun at her in a hurry.

It’s embarrassing that I ended up being captivated by Stroh

even for an instant.
Let’s take this fact to the grave.

I don’t know whether or not gods have graves though.

“Just when I took the trouble to show my original



Stroh, as she was protesting, suddenly shrunk.

It’s her usual tiny size.

“ … I am out of time. With my current divine powers, I can

only be in my perfect body for several seconds”

“So you still can’t turn back, huh?”

“I will proceed patiently. The time granted to a god is an
eternity after all”

… I see, eternity huh.

“? What is the matter?”

“――――Nah, it’s nothing. Let’s go, they’re waiting”

I hastened my steps.

If a god’s time is eternal, then I would have to attend at their


No, that’s wrong.

That time I will bless their deaths.

At the very least, like a god of death. I could also make up and
tell them the splendor of death.

And so, I’ll show them excessive favoritism.

I arrived at the demon lord castle, and the first place I headed
to was the room where Desas and Levia is in.

We’ve defeated Creasyl, so I think they should likely have

gotten better, but…




When I opened the door, I suddenly felt an impact on my

It seems I’ve been jumped at.

There was Yuuhi and Touma grasping at me.

“Welcome back, Master Setsu”

“Welcome back Mr Setsu”

“ ‘come back, Setsu”

“You all…”

Inside the room were Glain, Elka and Tia.

“Don’t go makin’ us worry! Setsu!”

“I’m glad you’re safe”

“You, you’re… really alive, aren’t you Mr Setsu…!”

Roa, Shironeko and Mineko too.

And then――――

“Thank you for coming back, Setsu”

“Thanks to you, we’re as you can see”

“Desas… Levia…”

Desas and Levia stood up from their bed.

They seem to be emaciated, but their expressions aren’t bad.

They seem to be in good health.

“Welcome back, Yuki-kun”

“Welcome back, Setsu”

Said Yuuhi and Touma, who were clinging onto me.

Heat spread and something welled up in my chest, but I

endured that in one go.

It doesn’t have to be now to tell them that I have to leave this

world immediately.

There’s one thing that I have to say before that.

It’s the most important thing.

“――――I’m back”

I, Desastre, am thinking about putting on record the

conversations thereafter.

Elka, Glain and Tia who had returned to the demon lord castle
once, said they will return to the human continent and had

I was told that all of the royalties in current human country

has been killed, and they could not fulfill its function as a

Now, my subordinate Jion and Ramina who had caused that

returned, riddled in wounds, and are now under recuperation.

“We were born and raised in Destinea, so first we will

contribute to its reconstruction”

Saying so, Elka has currently become the country’s minister.

She seemed to have strong endorsement from the soldiers and
citizens of the country.

There was the fact that they assumed our side in the battle,
and I myself was worried that they would go through a bitter
experience, understanding people would understand them.

A king supported by an earnest human like Elka should

become a good king who would not miss his path.

“I wonder if I… should return to the order of knights as well.

The army shouldn’t be functioning currently either”

Glain thereunder, assumed the post of knight commander.

He currently seems to be supervising newcomer soldiers as

well as the order of knights who are maintaining public order.

He is a man of gentle nature, but an emotionally strong man.

His image of being yearned for by his subordinates comes to

“I will research magic. Ones that will let civilization develop


That was what Tia said, but…

Mh, this is unexpected.

Tia has somehow become sovereign of the country of


The royalty is gone and the people that could be entrusted

with the role of the sovereign were gone as well.

Therein, they seemed to have accepted Tia, who had minister

Elka’s endorsement and had high contributions towards the
The accumulation of her magic research seems to have shown
their effects.

… Actually I did not think she could become queen with just

Likely Elka must have done something behind the scenes.

That woman is capable.

She should easily be able to do that much.

At any rate, our relationship with the human country has

turned favorable.

“I’m gonna train more. Gonna have to succeed daddy’s

position eventually you know!”

Roa too is living in good health in her country.

She seems to be studying now in order to become queen.

…However, it does not seem like classroom lectures are in her

nature, so she would slip out and seclude herself in the

She seems to be having such everyday lives.

I too think classroom lectures do not suit her.

Her reason for secluding herself in the mountains was because

she was unable to compete at all in her fight with Creasyl, she

That mortification is easy to imagine even for me.

Her vassals have been worrying so they told her to do it in

“I will be taking my time resting-desu”

“We didn’t have a conspicuous way of life in the first place, so

we’ll live peacefully from now on”

Shironeko and Mineko returned to the beastkin continent.

It would seem that they are living quietly.

When they occasionally show their faces here, they would

both basically lie idle.

I do not think this is what quietly means, but at times like

these I would leave them refreshments and return.

We occasionally come to show them our faces as well, but

generally for the large public bath.

We do not have an unknown relationship and we do rent it

out, but I would like them to stop shaking off the moisture off
their bodies in the dressing room.

The dressing room becomes flooded all the time after all.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like going back to prison anymore.
I did make a promise with this kid”

As for Touma… It cannot be helped, but I have decided not to

put him back to prison.

I have some faint hopes that he will no longer make any

sinister designs, but ――――well, it should be alright.

He had said that he would keep company with people Kouma

has been looking for.

For some reason, he is searching for his “classmates” that

I do not quite understand, but I heard that they were the other
Heroes that had been summoned together with him.

It seems he had once cooperated with us in our fight with the

god, so I too have decided to search for them.

It would be nice if we do not get involved into something

troublesome, but I have an awfully bad feeling about this.

“I’m returning to the ocean. I am more or less a dragon


Levia too has returned to the place she originally ought to be.

Currently she is protecting the voyaging ships and the like and
cooperating with the fishermen.

Once in a while she would show her face in the demon lord
castle, but she often comes with a smiling face.
She must surely be enjoying her current way of life.

She would let me ride on her head whenever she feels like it,
but it feels unexpectedly good.

“I beg you! Please allow me to reside here! I have no place to

live in!”

Finally, the face of the “self-proclaimed” god of destruction

saying that and crying to me floated in my mind for some

She seems to be Setsu’s benefactor according to her story and

as a result of Touma’s testimony to that, I have decided to rent
her a room in the castle.

And so, she would periodically come to listen to the

development of the world.

It appears that she often wants to know the situation of the

world as the god managing this world, she said.
She said that she would be able to have an unobstructed view
of the world once her divine powers returns so she would then
leave, but I personally find her an interesting girl so I would not
mind if she stays here forever.

She somehow has the pleasantness that resembles Setsu.

Having written this much on paper, I put down my pen.

I loosened my stiffened shoulders and stretched my body.

I have to go soon.

Today is the day everyone will gather in the demon lord castle
after a long time.

“I will be able to meet him too”

I spontaneously grinned.
It has been a few months since we have met.

I am gradually yearning for him inside my heart.

He has gone from this world, but he would come once he has

Previously, I assumed I had been bereaved of him and had

become desperate.

However, now it is different.

He is far away now, but he is certainly there.

At a place where he can meet us.

“*sigh*… this is annoying”

I sat on a gigantic chair and cursed.

It’s already been several months since I’ve been forced to

succeed in my mother’s position of god of death.

I heard that she was full of intentions to bring me back to the

modern era and make me succeed at the point when I awakened
the god of death within me.

It means it was her decision from the beginning that I would

be working here.

I don’t think it can be helped that my mother can’t exempt me

from that.

Time passed after getting a job and I’ve gotten used to it in my

own way, but the sky is constantly gloomy here and I can’t
grasp the feeling of morning and noon.
Whether it’s day or night now.

Or more like, I’ve been relatively busy enough to not mind

such things either.

“Yush, you go to hell. And you to heaven then”

One by one I give directions to the floating transparent

humans before me.

The humans who received my directions entered the gates of

hell or gates of heaven behind me and go down the world of the

(Ain’t this like Lord Yama’s job…)

I’m made to do the screening I’m not sure of with just my

The condition was mainly that the somewhat evil humans go
to hell and innocent humans go to heaven.

It’s annoying.

To be honest, it’s annoying.

“Hey, work hard, you stupid son!”

“If you’re just watching me, then go help me!”

I shouted at my mother who was nibbling on potato crisps

while lying relaxed behind me.

While she pushed this kind of work to me, she herself is living

An inexcusable mother.
“You’ve come to feel a lot of your emotions now haven’t you?
Despite just sorting them indifferently until now, you know”

“Well I am originally a human being. It came here right away

nicely once I recall that”

Until a little while ago, I wouldn’t have gotten angry like this

Apparently it would’ve been better for my mother if I hadn’t

recalled, but it was a relieving feeling in my perspective.

Being able to be angry and laughing like this is really nice.

“I’ll be yelled at so it’s a real nuisance though”

“You’re the real nuisance! At least go do this somewhere else!”

They’re shocking days for my mother.

When I think I have the same blood running in my veins, it
becomes scary, doesn’t it?

Let’s make sure that my future self won’t become like this.

“Yuki-kuun… no wait, God of Death~!”

When we were having such argument, suddenly a voice

resounded that was calling for me. From the other side of the
row of the dead came running a brunette girl wearing a black
costume over her body.

“I really don’t mind it I tell you, calling me with Yuki”

“Well, you know~, I was like I want to call you that way at
work. The feeling of being able to divide public and private is
attractive right?”

Yuuhi smiled bashfully, saying something off the mark for

some reason.
Currently I had Yuuhi take up a secretary-like position for me
due to Aphrodite’s favor.

Yuuhi seems to be the daughter of Aphrodite’s relative and

seems to have received various blessings from Aphrodite

For example the blessings of love.

It seems to be a blessing where people who have harbored

good feelings towards Yuuhi even once would have those
feelings of theirs become fixed.

So even if they’re betrayed, they would not come to hate her.

It wasn’t effective to me in the first place, having the blood of

a god running in my veins.

Well… Me coming to hate Yuuhi is not going to happen even

in the worst case though.
As a result, Yuuhi’s existence have somewhat gotten to know
divinity due to those blessings or so I heard.

We’ll be too late after something strange occurs when she is in

the world where humans live.

For that sake, in order to keep an eye on her state, she wanted
to put her by my side.

Since I have no reason to refuse her, I accepted her.

‘n So, we arrive at the present time.

“Attractive or not, did something happen?”

“It’s not ‘did something happen,’ Yuki-kun! It’s almost the

appointed time, you know!”

“Eh, you serious!?”

I snatch away the clock that’s been used as my mother’s
pillow and checked it.

I hear mother’s lecturing voice, but I don’t care.

“Not good, it’s almost time! Let’s go Yuuhi!”


“Hey! What about work, you two!?”

““We leave it to you””

“Stop bullshitting me, you fucking――――”

My mother was approached by the dead and was no longer

It’s retribution for forcing your work on me until now.

Serves her right.

“It’s been a long time, so I’m looking forward to it!”

“…Pretty much yeah!”

It’s our first time in several months, huh, meeting them.

Actually we wouldn’t have been able to meet, but there’s the

matter with Creasyl, so we’ve been allowed to go to that world
as a special case.

My mother seems to feel sorry for me in her own way for the
fact that Creasyl’s punishment was light.

She directly negotiated in heaven and firmly promised us

Creasyl’s prison term extension and our freedom.
――――I’m grateful on that point, but only the fact that she
pushed this work onto me is one I won’t forgive.

My mother should suffer again in a long time.

“ …It’s different from that time”

I recalled the time when I wanted to return to the world they

were in and frantically searched for a way to do so.

At that time I had no hope, felt anxious everyday and had

always been encouraged by Yuuhi.

Now I’m also encouraged by Yuuhi, but everything else is

completely different.

As long as I force my work on someone, I’ll be able to cross

over worlds with my strength anytime.
I’m busy and it’s bothersome, but I’m not anxious.

I take Yuuhi’s hand and opened the otherworld gate.

“Let’s go――――my third time to another world!”

“Uh huh!”

I stepped inside, inside the gate overflowing with light.

Towards the other world, where they’re all waiting――――.

Author's Note:

Thank you for staying with this work “It’s my second time
summoned to another world” for this long.

I’m conscious that it ended quite suddenly, but continuing at

this point has become impossible due to circumstances, so I’ve
taken the privilege of concluding it with the current episode in a

There is also the fact that this is a serial story of nearly two
years and it’s something I’m deeply impressed with as an author

Maybe it’s because it’s also my work that will let me make a
great leap, but I’m currently having a particularly deep
emotional attachment to it, and I honestly don’t want to let it

However, I think I ought to be glad again to be able to allow to

conclude it like this, so allow me to close this as another
foothold for me to leap with.

I intend to submit a sequel as yet another work, but the story

of It’s my second time summoned to another world is truly over
with this.

Truly thank you for your support until now.

And, please look forward to Kishimoto Kazuha from here on,
together with her other works.
After Story
Sequel Introduction
“Aah, today’s valentines, huh?”

While watching the state of Japan, I casually muttered such


I sighed just a little bit at the sight of cheerful guys and girls.

The people in the other world don’t know valentines.

So my only hope would be Yuuhi though…

“Thanks for waiting! Yuki-kun!”

“Welcome back~… Geh, don’t tell me, did you just-”

Hanging in Yuuhi’s hand was a supermarket bag.

It’s one from the supermarket in that area, no matter how I
look at it.

“It is valentines day today after all! I’m going to put all my
effort into making it!”

“The chocolate…?

“Uhuh! The chocolate!”

…I have a bad feeling about this.

Yuuhi headed to the kitchen with skips.

Well, the kitchen in this room is just floating around there


I’ve been spending quite a long time in this room, but there
are still more mysteries here .
“So wait for me, okay!? I’ll make the Yuuhi Special!”

“… Sure”

Yuuhi said and searched for ingredients.

――――To be honest, Yuuhi is bad at cooking.

Whatever she makes, she’ll usually mistake the heating power

and so,scorched black substances would come out.

I’ve taught her sufficiently, but you know, ultimately there

was no signs of curing that until now.

I’m worried about this.

I’m super worried about this.

“Uhmmm, there’s probably not enough of what’s me after

“You- you don’t have to add such twist to it you know? The
basics are important if anything, you know?”

“That’s true but, uhmm…”

This is not a good trend.

This is an act that must not be done by someone who is bad at


She can destroy the dish by putting in a unique twist.

“Ah, that’s right! Let’s go to the other world for a bit!”

Sequel Chapter 1
“Otherworld Gate – Close”

“It’s been a while, isn’t it? Coming over here!”

I entered the other world from nearby the human country

where we would not really be suspicious of.

They can’t misuse it, but I closed the otherworld gate just in
case and then once again breathed in the other world air.

“It hasn’t changed either huh, this world”

I’ve always been just watching, so it’s really been a long time
since I’ve stepped on this ground.

I even have the feeling that I’ve gone back to the countryside
“So, what are you going to do, coming to this place”

“Fu fu fu… I was thinking of going to collect a fantasy

ingredient, you see!”

“A fantasy ingredient?”

“It’s another world, so I thought there’s at least that much


“I see, so no plan, huh?”

She seems to have come to this world while not knowing if

there is a phantom ingredient or not.

Oh well.

Searching it from the beginning would be again a strange

thing to do.
“In that case, since we’re nearby, shall we go and ask in the
human country? I wonder if we’ll learn something if we ask the

“You’re going to meet Tia aren’t you?”

“She also has extensive knowledge after all, that girl”

If it’s Tia, the world’s most prominent magician, then she

should at least be aware of places where you can gather unusual

“Alright, let’s go”


First would be a carefree walk to the human country.

After walking for about an hour, we finally arrived at the
human country.

The inspection has become quite simple too; we were able to

enter smoothly.

“It’s nicely crowded here”

Only a little time passed yet since they switched kings and yet,
it’s amazing isn’t it…”

The streets hardly changed, but the expressions of the citizens

are somewhat bright.

Tia told me something like she reduced taxes, but she must’ve
reduced it quite a bit.

“Now then, shall we go and meet such savior of a king?”

“We got no appointment, but would that be fine?”

“Well, it’s us, so they wouldn’t do us anything bad”

What does she think the king is?

But she’s my companion, so if it’s impossible now, they

should let us meet later.

We went to the road that leads to the castle where the king
should be and after a while, we arrived at the castle gates.

“Identify yourselves!”

“We cannot let those unauthorized pass!”

We were stopped by the gatekeepers when we tried to enter

just like that.
Come to think of it, the castle should’ve met with an attack at
that time with Creasyl.

Naturally they would reinforce their security system.

“Erm, we’re acquaintances of the king, so couldn’t you let us


“You thought we would simply let you pass after being told

“You won’t I guess”

Uhhm, no appointment is no good like I thought.

… No, it looks all right.

A man came walking here from inside the castle.

“Eh! Mr Setsu! You’ve come!?”

“Yoo, Glain! Are you well?”

I pat on the shoulders of Glain who came rushing to me.

Having become commander of the knights, his facial features

has become even more seemingly steadfast.

Seeing his healthy skin, his current life seems to have


“I am of course doing well. Ah, this lady and gentleman are

people closely related to us. Let them through”

“Sir! We apologize for our rudeness!”

You’ve done well educating them.

They’re performing this job well without cutting corners as a
‘business’, and they did not even put in their personal feelings.

“Looks like you’ve been really working well, Glain”

“Well, just within my capacity. Have you two come to meet us

on a whim?”

“Well, that too, but…”

“We came here to look for some unusual food! I thought there
should be plenty of them if we look in the world over here!”

“I see! In that case, Tia should be well-informed”

Just like I thought.

But Glain’s expression turned instantly worn out the instant

he spoke of Tia’s name. What is this situation?
“ … Did Tia do something?”

“No… Tia is doing her work properly. She hasn’t neglected

her work, but… She is often away, you know”


“Yes. After she properly performs her work, she disappears.

She is the queen, so I’d like her to sit on her throne if possible

“That can’t be possible”

“Yes, that is why Elka and I take charge of sudden audiences.

Occasionally important matters come in, so there’s a need for us
to brace ourselves you know?”

Is that why he’s worn out?

“Well, we do know where she is though”

“There’s one possible choice right?”

“Yes. Since we are already here, shall I guide you there?”

Yuuhi and I began walking behind Glain.

Towards Tia’s magic research institute――

Sequel Chapter 2
Tia’s magic research institute hasn’t moved from the place
where I went to show my face quite a while ago.

“Tia, you’re here, aren’t you?”

Glain knocked on the door and asked.

However, no voice returned.

“Isn’t it fine to enter already?”

“ …I suppose”

This time I stood in front of the door and opened it as is.

The inside was filled with a strong odor of some medicine

mixed in the usual dusty smell.
It was Yuuhi’s first time coming here, so she’s holding down
her nose out of severity.

“Tia! You’re here, aren’t you?”

I shouted while entering, but still no answer came to me.

There’s presence

It’s not that she’s not here, so she must be in a state where she
can’t respond.

“Yuki-kun, over there”


When we looked for Tia inside the dim research institute,

Yuuhi pulled me by the hem.
When I shifted my attention to the direction Yuuhi pointed
towards, there was Tia collapsed in a heap on the floor.

I was flustered just an instant thinking something had

happened, but the place around her chest was moving up and
down regularly.

It looks like she’s just sleeping.

“*sigh* … To actually sleep in a place like this”

I approach Tia and held her up in my arms like you would a


She’s been sleeping on the floor and yet, she’s showing a calm

Doesn’t look like I will be able to get others to believe me if I

introduce her as the queen this way.
“What will you do? It looks like she’s fast asleep though…”

“I guess I’ll carry Tia to her room… Glain, lead the way


While carrying Tia in my arms, I followed after Glain to her


Her room, as we arrived while avoiding as much attention as

possible, was not at all extravagant; instead it was a cramped
room that has the same dusty smell as the research institute.

“Is the queen’s room really this cramped?”

“Yes. She insisted that she couldn’t settle down in a spacious

and extravagant room, you see”
“That’s so like her, but the room’s unbearable… Heave-ho”

I put her self-indulgent(in a sense) Majesty the Queen down on

the bed.

She looks like she’s sleeping well, but I confirmed faint shades
around her eyes.

“ …Glain”

“What is it?”

“Are you, Tia, and if unlucky Elka too, properly sleeping?”


My question was answered by silence.

“I see”

“Usually we wouldn’t have done anything like work until we

cut down bedtime, you know? But there were some various
things lately”

“Huh, sounds interesting. Let me hear about it a bit”

“It’s not something for us to cause you trouble with, you

know Mr Setsu?”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m asking you out of

“ …I understand. If you insist, then there’s something I’d like

to show you. But we can’t possibly leave Tia be, so after she
wakes up first――”

When Glain said so, Yuuhi raised her hands for some reason.
“If you have something to talk about, then I’ll watch over
Miss Tia. I myself have some business with her, so yeah”

“ … That, is so isn’t it? Alright. We will leave this place to you

then, Yuuhi. If Tia wakes up, please tell her to return to the


“Thanks. Then, Mr Setsu, shall we go?”

“Sure. Behave yourself, Yuuhi”

“Geez! I’m not a kid, okay!?”

While laughing at Yuuhi, who made an angry face that’s not

scary at all, Glain and I left the room behind.

“And so, did something happen?”

“ …Disappearances has been repeatedly occurring in the castle
town. We’ve been pressed for time with its search and


“Yes. But it’s not that there were no clues at all and depending
on the missing person, we’ve even confirmed signs of battle or

“At the very least there’s no doubt that it’s the work of people

“Yes. However, we’ve already confirmed damages that is

approaching fifty cases and yet, we have yet to arrive at the
offender’s specifics”

“What about traces of magic?”

“For some reason I could not confirm them. Even though they
clearly have been used”
Could not confirm traces of magic…huh.

If they invoke considerable magic, then you would be able to

confirm the vestiges of those in the surroundings.

It shouldn’t be possible to not have reached the offender from

the vestiges if they have expert knowledge, much less Tia.

But they couldn’t do that.

In other words, it means that they did not use magic.

“Several concerning points appeared, so I’m thinking about

going to see the traces in those places with you Mr Setsu”

“Oh I see. Alri――――”

That moment, when I tried to acknowledge.

Sounds of an explosion resounded that shook the entire castle
from the direction we came from.

“Glain, my bad, but we’re putting off looking at the vestiges”

“Yes, so it seems”

We went back to the path we took.

When we did so, Yuuhi came out of the room completely

changed in combat uniform.


“Sorry, Yuki-kun. It doesn’t look like I can keep my promise

to not act violently”

Yuuhi glared outside from the hole she created with her own
When I looked at the same direction as we ran to her, a man
wearing a white costume was floating.

His face was deeply covered and wasn’t really visible.

“Who are you?”

Yuuhi asked.

“――I am one of the sanctuary association. I have come to

receive that woman behind you”

Behind us… In other words the man said he nominated Tia.

“What business do you have with my Tia, you”

“That has no relation to you. If you obediently present the

woman, then I would save only your lives――”
That time, a bullet of red flames passed right by the man.

Who released it was Yuuhi who showed an angry expression.

“You’ve picked a fight with the wrong person, you”


The man took off his hood.

Under his hood was a face with not even a single strand of

Hair, beard, eyelashes, eyebrows; this guy has none of them.

“For the sake of all to find their way to God… Blood be upon
the pitiable lambs”
The man pointed his murderous impulses towards us.

And then I slightly felt something from the man.

I’d like to laugh it off that it can’t be true, but it’s the truth
seeing that I felt it in front of my eyes.

“Yuki-kun… Is this… ”

“Yeah. It’s turned into something strange alright”

The thing that I felt from that man was the power called
divine powers that only gods could possess.
Sequel Chapter 3
“Glain, step back for a bit”

“ …Okay”

With a mortified expression, Glain moved back to a location

where he could protect Tia.

I understand his feelings, but human beings with no divine

powers has no effective techniques against a divine power user.

Those who can really fight with them are currently just me
and Yuuhi.

“Get ready, you”

“There is no need for readiness!”’

The man pressed his hands together in prayer and then freed

Upon doing so, a shining spear appeared between his hands.

From the fact that that itself gave off hints of divine powers, it
is probably made of only divine power.

If I were to stop it with a normal weapon, it’ll break in one


“Gate, Kuromaru Mark 2”

I opened a small gate with my privilege as a god of death, and

took out a jet black greatsword.

It’s my partner with whom I lived through in the other world.

It’s been broken once, but now I’ve remade it by mixing in my

divine powers and remodeled it to suit me, having become a

“Yuuhi, please support me from behind. And when the worst

case happens, get the two behind us”

“Okay, I just have to protect them right?”

“Yeah. Here I go!

I thrust Kuromaru towards the man.

The man stopped that with his spear, but due to the difference
in divine powers itself, he was blown far away to the back and
he flew outside from the hole Yuuhi had made.

“It’ll be difficult to fight if we do it here. Here we can swing to

our heart’s content”
I jumped out from the hole while putting Kuromaru on my

It looks like he flew out behind the castle.

When I looked down while I was in mid-air, I was able to

witness the moment the man slowly stood up.

“Come at me, skinhead”

“You bastard… Who are you”

“I’m working as a god somewhere. You’re being arrogant


I instantly moved in front of the man and struck him with


He immediately tried to stop it with his spear, but I have

already grasped what kind of strength he has.

Kuromaru who I swung straight down severed the spear and

deeply cut open the left half of the man’s body.


“I’m the head of the household. You’re not going to guard it

with that level of divine power”


The man went on his knee while bleeding in large volumes.

Game, set, match.

However, when I approached him to make sure of it and get

information out of him, the man suddenly began laughing loud.
“I see, I see! So you are the god of death at the time of the war
of gods and men! It is an honor to be meeting you!”

“ … You, what are you”

“We are the sanctuary association, an organisation who

conducts research for the sake of bringing forth a god with
human body. We will control divine powers that are beyond
control of man and approach godhood while possessing human
powers. It is this great association that makes this possible!”

“Really now, those people have forgotten who they are

haven’t they”

“Let me tell you. We will surpass you living gods before long.
And then we will force out the gods who are in the sanctuary!”

I drove a kick into the man’s face.

The man grandly bent backwards, blown away and stopped

after bouncing on the ground several times.
“I ain’t gonna let you do such a thing. Or rather, there’s no
way you can do that, don’t you think?”

“Kuh――――Kahahahaha! I wonder about that…”

This guy, he’s quite tough like I thought.

Although I’m going easy on him because I can’t actually kill

him, it’s strange that that kick only did just this little damage.

“I shall first… show you, the god of death! How I will force
you out of the seat of gods!”

The man’s divine power skyrocketed.

And this is――――his magic power too?

“Limit Break”

The injuries that the man bore were healed in the blink of an

And then the next instant, a shining robe wrapped the man’s

That robe appeared to be created by combining divine power

and magic power.

No doubt should I call him the coexistence between man and


“This is the celestial robe that we embody! The one to get

ready should be you――――”

“You talk too much!”

I put in divine power and swung Kuromaru.

With just that I cut apart the robe and sunk the blade in the

When I swung it out as is, a bleeding even more severe than

before occurred on the man’s body.

“You ain’t gonna reach us with divine powers like that. And
I’m still at the tip in the world of gods, you know? If you can’t
stop my blows then you’re not even going anywhere”

“Impossible… the celestial robe is…”

“Must be the mistake of the stupid robe. Sorry that you’re

dumbfounded, but you’re gonna have to let me restrain you”

While saying so, I reached my hand out to the man.

That instant, I had an extremely bad feeling about it and
jumped back.

There was something wrong with the man’s look.

No, I wasn’t talking about how he looked strange from the


“I was unable to accomplish my mission… There is only

death, to the useless”

“What do you think you’re saying by yourself!”

I judged what the man was trying to do, and kicked the
ground in order to catch him again.

“Long live the Almighty Man-God!”

I won’t make it―― the next instant I thought so, a flash that
won’t let me open my eyes, and a shock broke out from the
center of the man’s body, and a thunderous roar that would
rupture my ears resounded.
Sequel Chapter 4

I took a breath like I was relieved.

Bastard, making me feel freaking nervous… Although the

scale of the explosion was limted as a result of me immediately
covering it with divine power, it made a large crater in front of
my eyes.

While it was sudden, there were not even a single trace

remaining of him.

“It turned into something troublesome”

While scratching my head, I started walking back to the


When doing so, I noticed that Yuuji was running towards me.
“Yuki-kun! Were you alright?”

“You thought I could lose?”

“I’m glad! But, what was that…?”

“We don’t know anything right now I guess. They said

sanctuary or something, but… never heard of it”

“――We never heard of it either”

Glain appeared when we were talking.

His expression was quite serious and anxious.

“Except that I can understand why there were no traces of

magic with this”
“ … Meaning that the missing cases that happened at the city
is very like to be the deed of these guys then”

“Yes. And it’s a fact that it will be difficult to take

countermeasures against this. We currently don’t have any
means to oppose divine power after all…”

“I guess. … Can’t be helped then. We’ll help you out for a


I tried to say that when the next instant, I suddenly got a call
on my smartphone that I had in my pocket.

Why can I use my smartphone in another world you ask?

It’s because it’s a special smartphone that makes use of the

powers of my gate.

When I looked at the screen, I saw mother there.

“Hello, what’s up mother?”

‘Hey, idiot son. Can you move right now?’

“Ah? …Well, if it’s just a bit”

‘Then, go to the celestial world. It’s gotten into some minor

trouble there’

“Huh!? What is this all of a sudden!?”

‘I’m leaving it to you’

“Ah, hey! … The hell was that about?”

The call was arbitrarily cut off; I could no longer hear my

mother’s voice.
“ …Sorry, but I’m going to the celestial world for abit. Yuuhi,
will you stay here for me?”

“Got it! I’ll protect everyone if anything happens”

“Please do. Glain, don’t be too rash”

“ … I’ll do my best”

“That’s fine. See you then”

I swung my arm and made a gate appear in front of me.

Celestial world gate. It’s a gate that leads to the place where
the gods reside.

The gate opened along with chimes, and then I stepped inside.
Confirming that the gate closed behind me, I once again took
a view at the scene spreading in front of me.

A gigantic sanctuary made above the clouds.

This is the place where the gods live, the celestial world.

“ … What is this”

However, the scene in front of me was more than that.

Sounds of explosions resounded many times over, and the

place around the sanctuary bursted open.

A group of people that had grown wings seems to be doing an

attack at the sanctuary.

“So this is what mother’s talking about…”

I unsheathed Kuromaru and flew towards the sanctuary.

What kind of villain would do something like starting an

attack at the residence of gods?

“Stop it!”

I approached one that tried to start their attack and bisected

that person.

The people noticed that a hindrance appeared that instant

turned their face towards me all at once.


That instance made me surprised.

I remember the faces of these people

“Why are you all in a place like this…”

Former classmates of me and Yuuhi.

No matter how and from where I look at them, those faces are
all theirs.

I’ve heard they ended up missing during the war with Touma,
but why――――

“――Divine power, confirmed. Commencing attack”


As soon as they noticed me, those guys started their attack on

me at the same time.

I immediately used Kuromaru as a shield after attacking the

enemy when they dropped down their guard, but I received an
unexpected attack and was blown far away.


Although I didn’t receive any damage, I broke through the

sanctuary walls and flew inside.

This power that blew me away, I really did feel divine power
from it.

This isn’t good, my head’s in chaos.

“… I have to do something about this now either way――wait,


The instant I stood up and tried to jump out in the air, I felt
this feeling of losing strength and ended up going on my knees.

I looked around me and it looked like this is a prison.

If this is the place where they keep gods who had commited
crimes in custody, then I would agree that I would end up losing
my strength.

If they were after this place, then I won’t stand a chance, no

matter how much of a god I am.

I have to get out of here quickly――

“ …Who are you? The insolent one who has plunged into mine


In the dim room was the figure of a person.

I hadn’t noticed them due to my strength being sealed.

However, I heard this voice somewhere.

I strained my eyes to look at the face, and was shocked.

“You…! Creasyl!”

“You are… To think that we would end up meeting at a place

like this”

Who was there, was the god of creation who was my fated
Sequel Chapter 5
“You… So you managed to get confined in a place like this?”

“Hmph, so you have come to settle your fight with me?”

“Ah? Why would I? That was my victory though”

“Wha-! Do not jest! It is impossible that I, one who is above

humans, would be defeated!”

“Huuh!? That you’re here and I’m outside is good


A thunderous roar resounded that shook the entire sanctuary,

as if to erase my shout.

The attacks of those guys have actually gotten even more

“What is happening? Answer concisely”

“Why you… acting all arrogant”

“What are you muttering about? I am more distinguished

than you”

“You really have the nerve to be saying that so shamelessly,

hey. Tch… people who I don’t know well have come attacking.
In this sanctuary that is”

“What scoundrels… That they would invade mine castle”

“It ain’t yours, okay!? More importantly, the hell are the
other gods doing?”

“Who knows. I have no knowledge over that as I am captured

in prison”
“Actually, I heard you had restaurant duty you know?”

“Today is a holiday”

Don’t go giving criminal gods holidays, you celestial world…

“――*sigh* can’t be helped. For this occasion, you help out


“What? This I, be your help? What joke is this?”

“I don’t wanna ask you either. But in addition to this number,

these people can even use divine power. If you play an active
role here too, then your punishment may get lighter you know”

“ …Unavoidable”

Creasyl stood up and began to loosen her body.

This woman, I can see she’s become much rounder with her
restaurant duty after some time.

“You stay out of this. I alone is sufficient”

“You’re kidding me. I’m also monitoring you at the same time
you know”

“What an unpleasant person. I will erase you beforehand”

“That’s my line you idiot. ――Let’s go”

We leaped out of jail at the same time.

We approached those near us at high speed and kicked them

flying first.

It doesn’t matter anymore that they were my classmates.

They’re already history.

I immediately knew once I looked at them again.

That they’re already beyond the point of going back to

human… of regaining their reasoning.

“In that case, I’ll have to make it more comfortable for


They’re more than acquaintances to me.

For that reason I will bury them in one attack.

So that they won’t be made use of by anybody any more than


“Do not order me”

I repelled several light balls and handed over this place to


Creasyl held out her hand towards several classmates who

stopped moving.

Divine powers that could send the shivers… I honestly don’t

want to go against her ever again.

“Do not move from there, you blasphemers”

Said Creasyl, and the heads of those she held her hand
towards suddenly burst open.

From the place where their heads were originally at, a large
stone tumbled down.
It’s the power of [Creation] from coordinate designation.

When I was fighting with her, I had to at least move around.

“What are you being absent minded for? I will erase you as
well if you do not move”

“Oops, now that’s impossible”

I kicked the air and with even higher speed I cut off their

I’ve gotten familiar with the way to use this body that has
been altered into one of a god.

If I put my fighting style I originally fostered together with

this body, I don’t feel like I will lose as long as my opponent
isn’t by far a high ranking god.
“Did you actually watch me properly?”

“Keep prattling”

When I inclined my head, a stone appeared at the place my

head was just a moment ago.

“Are you trying to kill me?”

“Had you died from just this, I would not have permitted you
to be equal to I”

“You reaally are arrogant!”

We turned aside at the same time.

We unleashed banish towards the each enemy who
approached our respective backs.

It’s a divine skill that deletes the target from this world.

I was still low in skill when I fought with Creasyl, but now it’s
as you can see.

“Do not imitate me”

“That’s my line”

The people who basked in the light of banish disappeared.

We took down half of them in these few seconds, but it

probably seems like we’ve defeated no more than mass
production types.

There are a few guys with especially big presence still in the

Before long, one of them slowly moved towards the front of


“You guys retreat. I’ll do it”

“Gh… Long time no see huh, Endou”

“Yeah, long time no see, Suzaki”

Who was there was Endou who once bullied me.

I don’t know why this guy has his senses.

However, when I saw magma boiling up from his palm, I

knew that this isn’t the time to be thinking about that.
“I’m sorry that this is right after we met, but… die”

Boiling red hot magma spread over my entire field of

Table of Contents
Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu
Volume 1 – On the Demon Continent
Volume 2 – On the Beastmen Country
Volume 3 – Compilations of war
Volume 4 – On the Human Continent
Volume 5 – The Seven Sacred Swords
After Story

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