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ANNAMALAI des UNIVERSITY DIGUSOITLOENEL LIGDHENGVESH|PHSLD (Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) DDE Examinations, May 2021 (for candidates admitted during the academic year 2012-2013 and after) Ggrenw girs Hoda Sapayser, Gi 2021 (2012-13 sdouronG upp oie UGS Csjémau Gubmaijecit wt Gt) Name of the Programme ULLO uglier Guus S41 MBA | Year 0) Registration Number of the Candidate: Us\ey st6sit |S4TM 21001502216 | Human Resource MaNAnemens} Second YEAR | Course (Subject) Code _ | prait eros 660 Course (Subject) Title srofien Guy StTRATEGTC MANAGEMENT| Date of the Examination Cayoy prot 2. 7 O08. ; 2021 Number of Pages Written 7 8 a Ours Sw oTUpHW vssHmisoit 2 A. Ar Aw Signature of the Candidate. Wiemeuy snaeGluTLULD 4 1M2\00\5022\6 ~ { Seevten A Up De¥ine Sinategy Ss ategsy is the ast ol Nhe eonpley A ak balile, as eons “to qain An ject, @) so Sisclecy isa peehenive roster plan that derexminates the lear term goals af Qn enterprise ce i mediating fox betucen the patterns In Streams of ag nizational decisions deal sith nvixenment: Pf? /'s rhea 6p cseating value. 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The final £ Tents dhe pnipcct ao) the al Stakeholders in The develapment of the crgaaizad | Consideration of the vesdus exp ne Poulson ment ae b fective (n Th Te cobtural £ramemack of ‘h, Crganization Pe ude the (foundation Po Hratgaic Qnalys!s tn A axgasization. min Stratepic Charrce State, C tile Lobe ally Creates 2 foundation fax trategic Che After analysis it 15 now earls Eder ct n Sts Cherce_/'S noxm aoe a th pe te. af electing Ke hese | le 4 ction Qrad it oe ba be oon the @ valuat, a) the duatlable tates ot tion. St ote re hay has Pree pas Sty that _inchud:. # fentsotion of tratepic options, Cvabiation LE at onal selecitio De ¢ 7 ; — pe Management thai 15 Concerned with Strat i ‘ inte action. ThG 7's fhe g ctyaksJafion Lahexe the SAvatepy ie Avanla ted achion. 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