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Bh oui bhushan iv) Padma shree 1) Sports Awards 4) Rayiv @andhi_khel Ratna _ sb) ArTun award (= Best Performance in last _ at years tart < jachary a award. iH eed a Rehired players) 1) National i Ee , : 1) Gan Pace age ae sat fey 3a tan eaasat Phaprl 254 vA tit oh Police medals:s\» ‘Scanned with CamScanner 16 3 nuit Pear el & Sinsh 1455899 Fen SH YW aR THAR A FT Sachin Tendulkek-(49yr5-) Dhondo _keshev Kuve (J00 Years ape) awe Saas 4804) = i Be ii) Aug aa= Dee T445 Bia baswA, Rotna Awardeess |i. 10) Li WO berivy - slebsen vilantled (i ssident & 24pm opndin ‘Scanned with CamScanner Women education 1416 find omen univers _& eure ___Rine ¥ sted) RE Patong ae tea ert eget handva Roy fla i cake d day en his Bday hothaen das. Tondon'- isa) | Pasty as ei ee ad Pd gp MBIA Behera DY Zakir Hussain - v4 President ye % aman: Kanes | Sanskrit Scholaienicy sei ateiions ape NE ¢ President a india Co" Part oP nda tlaone: Tail e taca w A Gino a i quove sfsT gos) 4 G7, 3, a meine bel Aaa Moa - W180. ; Phat gabe scien ane sed thie aah fer sd ‘Scanned with CamScanner 48 # + 4 Tamil Ador MG Ramachandran ae eal Neds Tiree iries) ge CiA90-1989 , 490-4, 1985-9 a = L ase. ‘i aad UI te 22 Dr BR: Ambedkar — a L Vee | Fit Yai aninister of Independent. Indian =~ | Nelson Mandela + 3% Foret ta get Bhorat Retna ae called African Gandhi at Leadet op Anti- Aparlheid movernent in S Alvica President of s. africa (1994-49) a # a een a, ewes Nabh feta gat - Home minister Bismarck of India Sonman (aad) Wb ie weed eR Nitin i Day 26] Morarti_Desai_- 4! pag op India (1999-99) a BIR Zot Honours AT discontinue SOT sat CAC saa ie ed ned He MT Giilign Hanoet CHishon-€-Pokidtany a = af pel) iby aid = ivi iy -2t AWA Kalam Azad= Fi ecco as 7 (bola linsT Asie Tae Si, 36 =—Foundet_op Tata group ~ Scanned with CamScanner ysis BIPM: Subulawmni + classical Singee of India AH chidambaram Subramaniam » 21g 3 Green Revaltion | (466 + Agricullure) eainist ee MopwAsstmd Bigs Golly aivsnobal root teageni_: bas ID Madan Mohan Malviya — 14)6 std gHu Atal Ghar Wseere FHKE tla ote cil © ad “uM goof 3 tise pil Ni gato! = trelg pcan puoi nog S | Nanay Bh. De gentile fariont® 23 Scanned with CamScanner {) enets7- 63-847. Nader enetay— ayy. rae Heeb a 132. é & ca a effort ot a a woe 2p al — Green energy | ele enelsy 2 Fly ache Coblectea (634). ; | Andvaid App 2. ASH Teac! 4 Ely_ash reduce Bee Grek Tiles, e04, Cement 4 ee Coe) > Pet cack methanal: economy — a s Biohue) Bh = ag = ~ Gal RIG Sut Pah ay WT Reta ie Rupdated + oy] eg ion PSingrauveptapinc NC 7 lnki-Lcg tnt sot tha en = foto : | - a aT MP ai. 5 Be TRS a Re oat ied Russia Ft Ae: oy | WW Sayrodistetnalnie Hebien) (upd) creke 4 a discharge) weheg = = _ cl 3s 4 I 2- || Mundr wer ir Guijara __j $620 Mu Pa largest Power bit it 9 Wale: Uses Seq udafer of Bay of kuch 4 spt a Ionia Fy | 3 [Mande Meya pleat ark sea tail 1 a 4 | Ghyll = 4005 Muh = | Ass nn Thetmad) ae ies plant ~ ec in Singrac a _.§ | come ‘ | lteter = ent Balletsh Meat can | ee | Tired = ashi 4 I Capacitj= ooo Mur os 5 Ht ih elS Regula Ap 4 He] tagsl sivbasl® wavs = be coh ee oe d “ pound ot hROOKB. es LPR 89 sibel et j etc - Set Tees ‘Scanned with CamScanner ns E Thermal Power station — Coc: ProWided mas Cchhatisy anh) Coad Ii es Lede Gapanly — 2440 Mi 2 heehee er Nes Re WIR ERT vow Coa) = Mitisrahy? govt- | Dadki Thetmel Plont ——> Sith Gautama Buddha aged. ep) ae Astunit: Iqqploro! ‘i hand Ssheapacily jek: os Demga Canad : : Leantols TE geiaav bar) We Fe Ge bases Tndic's first Thetma) Poited Stellan Hussain Seger) (Telangona) In zo th ayiz_ (Osman) 7 a4eraien| fs al Gabino : a | ote So Salt Can fi 1 (asa LensitlA yas stoke) a4 Types 3 ache 37 a Oat Lake $8 Sa rhe i pat sstecs seals) aul SSS BAST. ka stellt : sos nL i 4 Maharashte #) Lunar y eee d Scanned with CamScanner _ Saline ahi) chee aaa iijah wes tia (ale b Atos) odisha ength = 63 kr" oj depthes ms soi Hoe TY Raby Wetfond D ss laa tia Trani des eee Mee se eae legeonslalce > Selene, wSetee Lengi> dckm (longest Lake Pit) | tSallingdon island er WE st bed Yacing ny fae fre sar Nehry Toth BIH Keay PT TATE oe ie a ae Marong. dishict op Manip 4 7 Nowh east $F. only Freshiseteg ake” _ Floating National Park & agi Keibu) Lamjaa (ortd' only Nictionall Park)” 5 ADec ro! ‘Saline eA eke 3 xe ep. Rathes I Padvecd Pct caer pop India is produced Gotulism Backsial dieie | (Gaba), 3e id 4 f rf Pet Le Coed RTT se 1 204 high ellos ater lake ; ad © {osu k > Thelin Mvee Poser + Tt Gatro} tot ate ; fslake- + Labi Glas Famous for Tostitmes) 4 Howe bottey) = Stikina SS 4 | iE Hand Geaving Ay 4 Ohhighest in = Chatham jaan 4 Micki ge t+ ‘Scanned with CamScanner t_Lakes iin World : e | Border Lake + Casbean Sea Rucsi«, "alas Tran, mG. aaa, reat Teoma, eatin) at puis ate a TINEA lek = “Sod eee ( Bolivia plateau: lel oka Lenin Cue) (By) mehe «.°f Kanada Vea Bia as Sse eet — —~4 4 sil ike 2 [edteiaies Seu [Group op. Eiwe _Jeimt set es ; Ls Bot river eaing 2A usd! Andee | See enc Geet ened Se) iodgw) ps ax ; 1 Origin si eTEI TA MeV TP a2 sot Fim) ye 7a raat Gandhi Sagar Dam (oP) Rana Pratab Sagar (Rajasthan) \ 291s = » fied. piic} wil” svebiod P08F «(nese Mettur Div :- aves) yiver (Tamipledy) i Ste ed bes): 2) = a tom eee we “differedt ot shcka 8D) Hebeleneniow'’ < paQ bynheeel Ws AL 41% Kesnatatien® ~ Sev sual Nrot tr Can aed, a esKO/ obits wsbbiva. tess pak sot BPAY) vag ash gpapaeplea tm banc? _siinanid ah tea Aad? lah a aesmineRa ee a srediaelnte shel! < y ; 3 Pisa) sind wget aoe lel = bet is yk sha nwita _« ee ae dame! wptey oe erie 1 £- wor) vad $a: 2-Longeit |River_tn_Warld —» Nile _(66qskm) 3: Highest mowrfain Peak» | {lake Csutfece once) > thesia ica - See eee : S: Deepest _Lake > Lake Baikal : 4 Highest! dem > Tinping Edam (305m) _ re i 7 3 Largest} dam > Thre Gorges dom (Songhai chiia) if bn. 4 S LargestiMosque> _Messid Al favan ‘Cseud)) r ie Ass. 4 | Longe | Raine) Leer Tonal (Waviaty aWsikim) cd Ome © Zt 4 Rei) Tanne) —» Gothavd Tundel (Sailzeeland) 874k mo> oven 1 Highest @levation onlend S Mt. veges M2 Longer doz ina year > Tune 2) gPe inbrioe) 13 Shotbest day fy a yeok > 21Dec /dapec CRiceeT 2 gutort pawS 4 wert lesgest civpect (Land area) —» 780° hectare King Fed int Apa oad 15. tsowtd fe! Aitpet Cope Teetid)ns\ Hests-beld. Taceson Atte te (Beergie vs) 4 oo tba Ged VS EAs tuicint cts 4 13: asa Ap tre GP eaGh Raya? Benge z | [8- Lsortd Smallest Bird > Hoop bid Cte) wh 42 tasasTils I World| Jagat bd > Oobth — 4 2o- Wend [fallert buildig> Burj Kkelife (323% /Dubef Uae) my 21 _Werld| [onpet bly=ship Conel > sf. Lowrence See uday (Ui Gonads) - 22 busiesll Ship Canal» Germany -Denmete ( kzel Cenal) 22 _Wertd [etpert Cemetery» Wad) Al-sclem Cemefiy a 24 World leaped Church MRasibiea of out lady & pace Wabeencity ) a. a> Veheen diy —BS bancco pepslatior ae Vehcen : | 22 wert yom decp a J 28. Latyaaf dame — Singap sNefionad Shedim i 4 (24 Tallest fountain > torr kes fahsd Cee Zo. World [e one > Grand Canyon — 1 = Coloradariver ai ta Gat ft World Gul Pop Mexico - be se ig parece ses Diet Goyer (chine) Yanfoe vit a4 "Bis rear fend” 2 Hsertf opat Eig ee ented 5 Scanned with CamScanner 3S. Dhepes} Lake > Mike) Y 2 Talfhed Light hovse Jeddeh hight, (Seu) 34 Wolld Highest vroundats tape Hvala “Mavndain Tope > 47-_Worfd lee 7 Temples Anslcor wef Enaae Bonncia [15 4 [n India Lt bal lake > Sar -||Largert Salt oeteg lele > Oricse i chills (ake = 4 4 2 3:||Leading cy- producing County — chile eae _ $I catellile of Salar System Ganymede (Topic) Ss: 6 || Biggest Ainbus ja vsorld +» Airbus A320 2 _6.|| Weald largest flying bird = Albatross me | Largest Stadium by Capacity > Rvngarda stadium (Novh Kore) B-||Wortd ferpert Netione Park — > Greenland 9:|| Largest Library ja World > The Library op Congress Us) fo:|| Most populous ily is word Pepi shanghai Ww [Longet Conal CArtiticiel vit) = Grand Ganel (Ching) taf Lengert Pridgen world» Panjang urchen Grand Bridge Gis) 13-|| Longest Train Tonne| ts (ndig > pir pronje? Rail Tanne) sl] Highest peste fe Andaman d Hitabt Islond —» Saddlepea I5-[| State (a Indic _heving Srrellut Ates> Goa. 16 |Longat Gesfline tebe > Gujert 1 | Leput or (oy etea) > Andomen € Hicahet Islends tg. || Tayakudadi projet —> Seteval ts ee Us| Lared Penidsafad rivet im J : Scanned with CamScanner ey Gn say = NH-49 (kashwate a Kanzakyryadi ) ig biggest PiVeR island: Majuli Carghampars) Asam secpest oceg > Pacific Ocean ign State Smallet Coasthiie + Goa yest Timezone > France ved fe highest lake > TeLhamo (sitckim) Largest Rice producing Ciunfry 9 Archit ainda = 628! | Pal)—> Venezevla (Gakoni vives) i Volcano > Argentinns ye oJas del Salado gaat city in world» La Rinconada (Pets) _ i pert > Dacchenp Vedi (chin) first 4rbficie) Sabellite 20 Spubnik-T (uss) — = goloe| aires sodoeet Le (bio sit isles bc) [ov Pow Fo rete AthewipM S go eer _ (qu): eft zat eo qaovesiM 6 iebot dash ciao: st TEE TSAE ot pial splat ge pein fase eH Dau V4 Cpa octty vertid t -agiti aba to) sit . Scanned with CamScanner ‘} Decaq}e Bs Census 2011 (article 256) L Gurting of people is Cotfain ree Fa BD by Lord Mayo — And icohs ae ar aoa) FS Fest SC. Chendvame cana i raat Conan me GY) — arene — Serra Census cos Sabie “ 1 : . Lago: Aladg teacher ith Laptop. a ibn of India : (Jai crave) (274 an in the world) Se AEST Population OF World) ea = ° Pras 2-4 J of world "a = 2. Maherashire 00/-20n = 19. ) 19-9 cr ikkim 6 Makh jogsng 2 Mizoram ore a ion Low Population Stef i densilf + Courting ef People livwig in kn dred: (|High= + Bihar (1406 | km) 2-Rengel (1028) Ur § Miah! Delhi Cie Tet) St | Low Arunachal pradesh (13) rt) , Miter of Aj: Population dest Gsz) ‘ a ] i ~ > | Hish 2 kotele 9374 Se Ler ind * Sri Bihar +6 4% ap. (65%) 2 | akg aft ee one Froasn,9emi, Ser Siva or] Se usta Avy: Lfemey 2 74h me) UT Lakidep Geer) Mele : 827 Dadar Naee (Fe2%) Bs Rimele : 7 hatte Less Andman€ (e6h Nicobak MJE A gep> Rejadhen N-MALE, 2 mL PY 4d posh Yh: A Meghalaye (27:4) 2 Arunachal (26%) = 4 A Negeling (-0.6%) 2° kerala (F¥-9%) ed 1 UT 4. Dadat ENapot Mave (559%) > =F Latahudep (F6a1)- 4 Scanned with CamScanner 5 ei at jeerala (o#4) 2 Tarvilnicdy (596) hs apap tata? ana (894) > TEE (889) iH ee ovetalin Indic: GB) Othe Lege Pes (3 vee abi baleep (se: ances ai populehon Smet = indehel pradest _savie a Nejelive ope is Papudahio> + niuk> A tae Tors sip i ‘nat Biebecbe | Saadicn ebvi) ise sats Aros Beyysil 2g 2y Deg 2e1o Lmpertant rivers op world ¥ Longest mivet of word: Nile wer 6690 km : tony SE ne Aiea Continent hege. ae a ey say orig = vidlvie lake nggcomnPacvon — _ |] Ashiten dam Ugle end i Mediterranign sea 2k oY Nassex Tae Pe meas ej Origin + Tari Hill, ch ds zi LeDipt Mouth : - est ching Sea Gaile Gsastem) i Godeva Cis6sten) oo os || origin: Gaumuich glecist enigin: Tryrebbash er (sate) ered: Bed of Bengal Moh: fey of Benga cob Auiyebia Gr wae ofa AP Murray - Delay orig: Valder AUT ea |? Europe —> Volga rivet TAs OD caspian fea, oe. | Sod Ameticn > Amagen meet ( Onye: Anda mountain \ RAS ae mies Coan, jam é:— Amazon fora Equatosed eyla> c High Dease forest 4 t Rane tL C .» Freat Cee faye mot GG) bangs-ey Eatth 1 Largest rived op World: Amazon river (Flas From west fa Eat) Anaconda Amazon 4 War star é) 4 oy ale ad eT OD city osu eraT EY Used os Wee Wey engn: Sei zetbend Caray modh: Nooth Sea - peal alent: a tag siré > care ner [Goryeree (Africa ) 1 ml peat pice RE) AO ae crt = Limpope iat Care) = ITrapic 2 Concer Corb Yon) DOME BEE Mycbe meet Clade) > ‘Scanned with CamScanner bald: uplifted pad op land bfis water bodier: islet l= Rivet istond - -De- ar (io) = Ls: ; cae HOT ay : mar “mgali isla Tae anett met ule, i Brahorputrs ried (In Asem) Hmportant cilier locatea om sh aiice of invrers — 26km cx ( wells bhongest a —_ uae A sitogweodncgy Usiain . Loceéted jh MP on bank of so kshipre ‘vives ® FiveR x kumbh = Fair, Silk_and woolen clits exemt S| af sania 2 — Memos} Dhuandhar. rales fall “Narmada viver High Litetcte distnict of MP ©) tA ssesbiesti 2] Mpa ST High Couct Here &| \oprt eet | site alld _: ti Borie fort ef Godavari river Famine | hs Kkumbh fair > ef , Vijating Nase soe tsasisd she abamalA a) a j Sat awers Bank ep .Mahanadi\ | bans waiigledragt st | ] i ), — | Industry | rn nS iver) Pt 4 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Mancheitee _, Ahmedabad of Indi Sea 47. CWan pradvang area FEB TR) A 4 Mahara Cent % 2: Gujarah a eter woe “one Feri. Ola, iithedeali ering el (So 8) Epes symenchne op tartndia aya 4 ae Lspeod tult) svogossb : se8t tie soa. fad : Sout pl dete : eo ed aha sePreauition of plats fovape & oorbw i organic. Copland | iba, Mengres) sd Chemical ( Nitrogen, petassivm, phosphide) E ji eupsition : 1966-63 ( dusirp plen habe ‘ | ait ee | 1 of Green revolt adie : Midemingtag lisex sh - pothobod Por ction op india indi (Shad Rhond) = Aaiz Scanned with CamScanner 1994 National Fexilisen Utd he Naryef Largest produces In Indi oo Peni A Tami) Nadu (19%) & = uplist) “at ot Sioneereney nti lio ky pot, ii kage 1904 ~~ teeteatbeiChennaics svn 1913 + “Indian Cement Ltd» Parbandex | \¢ > tre aR A AT eT china a Mp chhdiegarh | Ge: 2 India Tes ‘Bath rndsh (ue) what -- = F Reasthen (Ut), AEP VRS CRD NEE Crary: peta EROS, WH. es eA ar Soe ce a] ree Fijs (454) mjil> 1832: Jeronpore (Lert bengal) SIA Neat Hysli river 1830-34: Kafkata -Relli-Guny : High product 1 .uvedt bengal (Sedarpare, Titsgarh) . ht beet (ii Goa nalpe phage Cesiibna: ices) CEkedg rvizaeted oagedt J tasjesdo 7 lac, Sypri_—ttinh (aha) ie erat Sans ; Hal» high pst dea ft pabelin —_ Mubeure FF Scanned with CamScanner Veeines of India und in Tundra region. ee ae House made ep Snow ~ iglee \ | Weapon Harpooh-> Rone spon) Fith ovo Kayak f 2 Kalhoti desest quorb {sds Baki detk Gwbi\StHO dwpeMenil> babdatet 4M igit-> Short fyorus : et Lizard ~ je / Basin of Congro vives . E Congo, kenya, Newytine heizid Shoot, dork Stain > ai_: found in Malasia Spructe — hig (TER 4a “He > Heiss Black 4 Cul, ‘Scanned with CamScanner &. kazzak Tribe Maya Tribe chs tae USA, Mexico, Gaslemala Cchina) @ Tribes of India Si ft Thara Tribe utlarakhond pov Sabny, : in Joint Family || Ruxa : Nainital, Dehradun = Raga * 4a AGXS' Mariage Sgsten, = Hindus” | whale : Chemnolj districk ef Uttarakhand t Mayloid Hpe © Arvel dadlod ¢ adude =. ‘ond : Largest Tibal grou sid . Mp. Tharkhand Chhattisgarh Orissa/Andhra - ‘Scanned with CamScanner ts Tan2aag Transport og India : | Stabilsed by Bitch Roilaene 7 25 pce 4 || estd: Igs3_ by Lord pula Be Se 7q7 Bust _tvain_Wwas tun blu Mumbai fo Trane Ggim) 4 ____|| Gal based) a |ast electic train (Feo ta2s) Asia HATE = de Mumbai te Harbour (6 km) | Raley te t O Railisg line os Relies junckon onthe basis eg broad ao 4 Reilssy sfafo> @ Nara gauge (0.90m) + Hilly Greed | Rejlide] Zone t © Moke gore (4m) © firad gaye (409m) > 20a oe Wa Longest Reiley line eee byetd > Trans Siberian 4289km (Russia) SL pehetsley To Rladivestoke Adi Bigatti kn Qibryyarh te Kangskomesi) (Vivek Express) | 4 + a 4 RB ~ Vande Bhart Express (Tamm Vikan) 4 ee ee 4 + || Rai way Junction J Toint_ Part op cliffevent hies = Indies largest: Mathures 4 Lsorcloyest: chicago ] ke : Plea > Suiting area i a > Gorakpur op) ~ ~ 1393 mote rere Whole area: a stad Grand fasmina) Reiley station (Newyane India's largest > es . Scanned with CamScanner ay zone olal (a) Railuiay Zones in India 4+ __ Soath togtel /B i _ a ke ed akhepTnare) LA: Southern Rail-s«y asd ia 2 4 New pak ‘chennai Railway : aa in 1998 7 tended Fram Maharaskita te karnafaka rn ashtra : Asials Larged Raikoay Timed: {@:sKire) om Kod kon Yeiley hest Raifcy Bridge: Reza [ope ie (24 chenas River) Conder Col ooay eS way Br we HG) aT Bay FF wy Ser é] an 2049 Port op Tndia A coastal area which Conduct %eanic Tra fais Thorp tedhel OFS FIP eae eS Fak tho Ligh te taps P Rivedp (enh, Tes DB ohite ‘Scanned with CamScanner wey 1 Kandla port a developed after partition of India a located in Gujarat 4 A " adetod. fieleon ,iddeahies Facthivers ~ |New name: _pt- Din Dayal _upadhayay port 4 2: Murbai pest Le Aiificied pot Shey Wa Shive Pork . 4 Chase Artic pot) | gat cy feces es 2 fovoeh : Bo eee oJ ‘Scanned with CamScanner f ort Sul ich op Kolkata pot ' joped Tobacco, Leather Asa called _Kamarajar Port Ld. neat, ed Post « India Whichis Conde? ty Puts el Company: aul share 5 32 share is pvt- in Po Scanned with CamScanner Gaec 2018 en Hurtage sites i Sinesce el Nations Educational " stientific and_cull UNESCO es b Sikes > coltyal Te S07 sifu > Natord The > mixe Description 2 (433 abarashira Raddhist Rock cut 1483 ‘ahavashtia Famous for Hindy, _ Buddhum,tain Terople j & Famous: Kailash Temple ‘€tisgeat Cave Temple) se lae3 Agra (up) bake CQuilt bj akbea) e com Maha), 1493 Agra (YP) 9 a G Arter Pitre Devra ag oF" :.. Temple. Iqa4 koiarci(atiscay. Mees Teaser Mahabalipuram 1434 Tamil vadu Pallav asp HT monyment ¢ ; aaa : Kaziranga Nation) Pare 1985 Assam. Tomei for. seig horn “Keoladeva Nabioned Pack 148s * Rajasthan Panahe Er eons, tae \ i Wetland Sanctueriel, eat ok ae SibeRign “Vanek. Yeretve, ClephaF Manas National Park gas Assam Famous For Tiyet (sat _Kamataks athe ie Scanned with CamScanner Siles Year place Descrptros 12+ Fatehpur Skit (486 Keonabatea, Wmedat chang, Fanch spy Up Dingn-€-49, dw hes Me Ehghie Gee 160 eS) E Ls: Greeting cla qs Tammi) sade (ala Brine Temple: f Pataca Monuments : Pia: 6 A i Kaanatatces ‘aa Asiatic black be | SRE leapar 4 bs : éoka tag | Sanchi_ (mp) (or aiblarctin area (ntasuys Delhi Enh es 4 Soe ake i topae ay i spy et ase ‘uttaraichand stor Master 2010 (Rapidinon Astronomi cd inshrumest Sum _cloce built 67 Tai stig h | a fa er alas, = tka, ori Ten hate? : San Matias Tetpats fain its a0 Rajasthan ORs Fate ai ie Genk garn “OD Rarthambor far Darter For Sarenya ser feat a HAE a ate aia et F Aimalazan Rete 2014 Hirachal Ee prt pial Pas ‘ i FM Nalanda Ghat a6 Bihae —— Oiteat-anrversity 3 —— i SAR ee . ? Baia National rare Sikkim Park Sangean a (Le Cobain) SIE : ~ 2ale i 4 ‘ : ane Th 209 Abaedstad Ge reh yk Mumba ed ORWP OE Fy Building ‘Scanned with CamScanner \e Dec 2018 : y Important and famous Temples oplndia {At Nenkateshioara Temple - Teg _ Th i. (Anahra pradesh) - le eft Temple of Word tm Farm « ‘ donation) Sh Byemarembhe Matilearjee—Sritailony (Andhra : Temple Kemelshy 4 Temple — Guisaheh (Assam), 4: Rodhgaye Termple > Grya'( Bihar ) => trond Heritete sie _ S:_Akshardham @ Swami Ness Delhi (Anauguraten by Apa Abdel Keloro __ Narayan Temple on 6Nov 205) &_Lelus Temple > New Debhi 3. Gaara Ake > Disarka (Gujaret) | eRe) | 8: Somnath Temple — __Frabhes patan Saurashtra (yarat) | 5. Kelikea mata Temple = Pavagarh (Gujarct) a. Palitana_ “Tarle = Titene (caasore ishict Gxjaret) Lv Amatnath “Temple > Tommaleitathiiies to | ne Vaishrodlevi Temple > Kars Gak) te Veerupaksh Tenge => Hompj (Karnataka) 7] Wend Heal pe site) 14. Hoysaleshwara “Temple > te oe Karnataka) ts: Si Meskamiit—Tapl2.Ud t Distt (Karnataka) al Taluk (carnataka) " gnglurw Karnataka _ gui saibabs Temple >. Sividih (Maharashtia) Dimbakeshar shiva Temple-* Nasik (MH) rs Temple > pune. (oan) _ Bheranreshwora Carissa) rf emple > KKondk ovisca ( world Heritage, fiz Temple > Amuitsor (Punjab) cle Tain Temple Ranakput CRajasthan fs 2 Tain Temple i> Moyst abu (Rajasthan) alas naicshi Terple =» Madurai (Temil Nady) Brihadeshtar Temple > Tanjavur a. ya cha shdue Murugan Termple Thirsch and Side (Tams | ted) Romani Swamj Temple —» Rarneswaram (Tw) Romensaram Temple) 34. Kawekshi Temple — Kanchi (Tw) = - Shove. Temple > Mahabaliputam CTH) Ralali Temple > Hydetahed (Telangana) 2 Thousand Pilla Temple — Handmkond a “Celanjene =) 44 “Tadvinath Temple = (Uttara khesd). +3- Kedeineth Temple — Uttarakhand HS Kesi Vishwanath Temple > Vatenssi (up) — dethaveter Temple > Ladi tps (vp) > fir Font jx Temple Variguatt Pp 5 e! i Ty Darl Fatge Scanned with CamScanner lapecaaie 4 International organisations and their Headquarters 4 ono) oa 2y oct 1448 tas og Re ee dec mys i mea UN Ices) i 2. United Nabisnd ‘Population. nals Vick 1969 Bt. | Fund (UNpF) i 2 \6 United Nations Women «| hess York 2610 ls. ions ae Peay A 16 Nav 19S ee Organisetion for a Paris 30 sep 1964 = | Gooperation and evelopment (0EcD) ; . E B United Netons Thaushiel dewdep Vie | 2 UNEDOY Bi. . : = 1 a CAEAY ~~ 2 are Aterae energy Agenty Vienna 24 Tol SH 5 Organisation oF pebroleum eRpettt Vienna be Sep 460. COED 5 ba i to Tat, Monetary find (aus) WeshrgFende BEDE TAI | trod Sank [Tot Bonk for ee - Buy yy | A] rece kyon & evelepmyet EBRD) sh din Ja Amnesty Tifetnabione aia ie ey | 13: Int: Maritime org anisetion BG tedden) tort de) a hay FA te. ee: 14 Gonsemers Infernationel (bende taba) | is: Gramonweat, of Nations London (460 (6. Lah Gourd of Tyshice Cros laque gs ic Fao ___ Rome. I6oct 194s asa Scanned with CamScanner (499 ig iict gtane ic Singshore sopaehion of Lslami te Hi i as ep lis (q6s5- fon. 26) __ ley April, 447 14g ch {g6- 15en 14157 laso INT oly (967 » 2 Hy es a ‘3 Dec 2018 Countries , copitels, cuvenci¢s =ppSeebtiss. aa \_capitel Parliaments _rrency aaa Rare i i Dollars A. - aM : ame “ bien Buryndi_ 4 224 vil CFA a _ Capow Ns BY sine : Egyptian Pownd i | Addis Abeba Ethiopian Birr Accra |» é Ghanian Codj_ | Naitobi Dead i Kenyan. hilly Libjan Diner LSE Mathew pee Bes Ye Moyaccan Biifian” CAA) LW Nata Rawandan franc Segchélleas Yipee A Shrillesg |) Saiyth APritan Rend capital currency ] Takata, Te hvay Sa BES, Amman i Nurtulten [actane’) 82. 2 Premegeagan Ui. entterean ben red ‘ South Eorecs Wen Qyvet olf eb Qa wejh) din A— Bishie Kyrgystan Sora ee Kualalempat Ringgit t Mele Maslis Rutia 4 si Ulanbtee | Mengehsn Tagreg— Mevideatel 1 Kyat a. 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Madvid Euro Stock bofrg krone Swiss Franc Bahamian Doll Brige oun Barbadian Dollar _ atten Canadian Delle Heoene Cussn pele Kingdon __ Tarasican eller Mexico ail- Mexican dell- Perama cite Pansmiss alow 1g. Vinided & Tasso Pock-fperia TET Dollar 5 5 @agessk oa aan _ USA Weshiyte DE 2 senate is Dalle _ Sasth American — i Argentina Ruenos Aires Argentine peso Braz jhe A 40 Brasilia Rrezilicn Ria) | t et Santiago | chilia peso é Bogcta. Lolymvbien peso i i Us dollar nit 13h Gavan 5 a Ue ___ Newva so] Urgua® pero an a ate}-145 cowthes Scanned with CamScanner | 26 Dec 2018 National parks in India. je : = “ StL Month Autiah “idlend Gh . 3: Mehdlama Gandhi Masine (143) H “ - 4: Middle button island ( (983) Uildlife Conseevation Act x S Mount Haniet — Ctgze) Ps = EB Og & South | Ruttan island (1983) ) j pea Ee camieie gig (1492) shale 4 oak a Rani Thonsi! marine (1996) q ~2-Galthey iNational park (1992) + Mol-lame National park (1498) & Giv Forest (i465) ‘ , See) zie oo EA) 4: Gug_kuchh mesine (1980). 4: Sultanpur (1489) 2k 4 Loox co oe. 4 Pinvalle Cia3%, res >: Indes Kila (2018) ea Gy Ganga Gata) Me tbat ae Gil baa ojo) ss The Ores} Himalayan (1984) ashmir. 4: Dachigam (98 ss temis (S99) (198 | es eG 3. kictwen (i981) i eet fer 4: Sabin Ali (1492) | Ree, a. ‘ 4 Betla (1436), i | © Randipuc (1999) | ek . 2 Banegghatt a lage A C1484 se TeefiLeten ‘shoe (2003) 6 Pombadum Shale (2003) ‘Scanned with CamScanner 'S Madhya pradesh 4 kanha (1455) ees 2 Madhav C1954) ——— 13: Randa Garb. (1969) _ i 4 4: Pench. Cn) E PE HEPES I SAY Chern Penna (iq) es 7 Sanjay (1981) 5 & | Sedpute (lal) - 3. 4: Mandla plects fossils (793) = Van vihet (1433). 16: Maharashtra RW 4e Tadghae Cass) 2 Sanjay Gandhi (469) a on 1475, = 4. Gvogamal) (1992) — Su! Chandali (2e04). = bus - eo | veo Manila es Gy 1 Keil Lanjao (1999) 2 Sitohi C1982) 2 Megha) aya ‘ 4 Balfa Krum C1486) 1-4 2: Nokree (1986) hi erm (es MpBor dia ke Gall PiMinbnsl Gay « q 2 Beton pi Bee mounts (192) “3 eS bi Sura & 6 Cecae) yt eSeatlewst Alte tyes. ey 3 Desert (ite) a == Chiaiy Scanned with CamScanner jo Dec 2018, fe S. Ranthembor (1181) 6. Mukunda Hills (2006) 4: Indra Gandhi 1939, a. Se Makurth: 200) 3 andan Reddy (1990) _ Vansthali (1994) _ % tiga (1394) 4 : ‘Y. Dudhise C1999) | Tim Korbett (1436) SRI: adname: Hailey 1497 G > Ramganye 146) > dim CovbetF ta oe S keilerk Eola j ie. ke =Cipimratas raz) é 23 aad ici mee) wi 3: Valley of flowers Cie) a (1483 : S Teldapara = Meas (ige6) a ay | a Me & Raya C1442). 5. Gorumara (aay) ‘Scanned with CamScanner FeAliomente op Different Counties : Resonant Gourley ES < India Naki __ Pakistan y Fran: Mies : : |) 4. _Bondstas oe ‘ Rundettt (Uppec hose 5) Congress. £ feuieep Rpelodehial Gp 4 ete 1 | a Tehagely = 8 Rashtriya _panchayet 4 3. Folketing ad Yio. a bari Fedeash Cond aid gt Jonal People's Congress ad Assisi 8h Se th : & See AL aa ie cif Guay "Scanned with CamScanner Communit party f chine Chine Silence + Unifed Neffone perty » feo a fu Congress, Nehoned Posty» Inkalhe Freedom feck Congrvatine Petty, Labour beat, Bi «relic i wich peeks las Choice es Muslim Leajve, Paticlun Peoplés Party _ Pakidan on 06 Jan 2049 aik Dances of India re Andhra pradesh: __Kuchipudi (classical dance) Andina natiam, Vilashi_natyam, Bharkekatpan, Veer natyam, Dappa ,Lambad , Kalattam 2+ Arunachal Pradesh: /Buiya, chala, Wancho, Pasi, Bardo chham, Ra veh bie war dance Assam + Bihy, Bichhua, Mahaas, Natpuja » Kabipyja, Hobjanai wets Satin» 6 ee ja, Panwaria , Ra Rakho-Bakhin, Kdligapal,Naga dance, Khelsepel , Taba| chongli, Thyumurw. 4 Toon, ‘a, De ih si pmmodni, Sagar, 2 i sd, r t i . dan ri vas aise Bhavaj ‘Scanned with CamScanner a 4 thumar, Duph» phag » Sand + Dharmal, Loo ® Haryana: : 9: Himachal Pradesh: thor’, Thali, chharhi, Tralidance dh A panoi, »Nat BA hal Tana} fe Mined ng Shido, A. it Chora Nach U1 Jammy & Kashmir : Rauf, Hikat wehdja! ee bs Dandi tad Gee ci 12_kammataka _: __Yakshéan, Huttari_, suggi Kunithas Kova,lansi | i 4 — Kerala Kothatali i Classica st oda. Teva = 14. Madhya pradesh | Tawara, Matki, Aada ig Nach, 4 Phulpati, she ; Grida_dan iy Ae 1s Maharashtra | Lavani, Ta koli, hk yDahikala Dashavtar why 6. Orissa t__odissi_ Classical) Siu saved) GhyimaraysPainka Munaviy chhaw Scanned with CamScanner 2p vltavalchand > Garhwali, kumayuni, Kajrl, Thora, Raslecla j Thora, Chapa, Jaila_ Nautanki, Rasleela 1 Kaji ak (classical ee ay si ukotthar Gloss) i Hla i 34. ee 2 __Nongkrem, Laho BD Pi pt eae aires = Mizoram i ikchua hail jam, Pa ee Scanned with CamScanner 13 ton20s9 Indian Music to Vocal Trust. Instrumental : i stan Isbintnts f Tat ii) Blowing insteuments — _ i Rd i t —h. Ahi) ea = omy 4. an Hindustani aati Bee eee ee a Classical music Classical music fc 4 ¢ an exbonents a - i a it khusvo. 1 Pb Ravi sh ikhil banerjec » { Gris) “Ustad Vilayat Khan, Ustad Rais k | i Ustad Sujad khan, ustad. Holin aly, on Deby chaudhary niishaat Khan, Anyshhs Niladri Kymar- thanka, 2 Tawla Usted shafat Abmed khan, usted Alioh rack, ustad Zakir Hussar khan, PE Ando Chatterjee, Ustad Tofy thay fe ee ciate te ean tints 3+ Flaten 8 Pt: Hari prasad chaurasia, Pannalal Gosh, Rony ge et it Navin kumar i 4: Sara Scanned with CamScanner Veena : S. Balachandran, Badraddin pe ustad Asad Al Pt shiv Kumar sharma, Bhajan Sepori , Rahul sharma, _Pe_snive emer taro. Ustad Rehman khan, Pt. Bhawanr Shankar- Gopal das, Chhatrapati Singh. i, agar. Zia _moinuddin 4 sthakur likens Sag, dr. Jagdish Singh STR Moorthy yD ER Man pe: Ram ates oe Ali_khon POR Ne Went Bt i BL] — Mehmood nig. ‘Blvie Dan Pk Sayart . Bose | ‘Scanned with CamScanner f i racing? Sawehar La} challenge Trophy s Hine ips Wold 2 Arches 2 _Fedetation Cup ae 3_Athlefcs. :_charmaunar Trophy ,. Federation cup Warld cup _ 4: Badminton + Agarwal cup, Ararit Diwan cup Asia Cups European, Lhiahim Rahimotullah cup, Konica Cup, Narand Cup, 2 omas Cup, Uber Cup, World tip, Yonex Cup : Rs 3 Tha Trophy +c Oupta Treph tection cy, LM: Anjunc Fond Trophy, William Tanes csp. 14 Tan 2099 2 trophies — | rate] Gave and ther related cups < ™P™ $§ Billiards + Arthur walker Trophy, Themes Gap. e 7 Bost vowing: Amesican cup, Wellington Trophy — a 8. Boxing + _Aspy Adjahia Trophy, | Val) Ibakat Trephy, Federation cyp $:_ Chess: _Neidu Trophy, kheton Tvephy, Lurace Trophy eres es Yphge std Cap. Lit 2 Crictet Anthony Dimallows Tephy, Benson Hedger rp, Rose 1 Trophy) C3 | Naidy Trophy! 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Rendlay Gald up af aachane| ; . thi Trophy, Sr4 Very Bap hey Trephy. hk g ‘ t Fedetahion “4p ev! dhe ints Dd aww tel | Pravtrso pewiel Trophy— Scanned with CamScanner a0 hy 3 AV Smooker * Team toutnament Asean Gp Asian ae Haslteste Lup, Serbi)|ion Cup Electr Ge i cup, Kamala Bemanjen cup uy VU Theat ip, World ep Chérsplaas oa eer ae Davis Gp, ATP berte Sup, (Et Gata ay es giles Nihecthes es sel Trephy 2 eee ‘Scanned with CamScanner Fi —~ _ 9. Bhara} Ralna - Indira Gandhi oe te transi Ausord— Ashapoorna Devi “Noble prige- Mother Tore cay guard — Bhanu Athaite Mt. Evecest~ Kachendti Pal chakra- Neerja Bhanct tadge °F S Gud- Fedina Iibr Ib Miss oniverse = Sashmifa Sen Scanned with CamScanner static Ok 28 Jan 2049 Air Transport of Ilia —» Tt isas started in 14) a Allahabad <> Nain : a Ait nda: Nafonaize in_1452 | Paisan Hany India _fallods Three air rostes Helicapler Service 4 4) Ammrilses. Keb) —» Moscad _\ Started in 14a J | Leced heliconfee * Point ot new places og Pet Zs iNew Delhi’ » also busiest Past of India - i Jan 249 tional Highwa 4 led a cea) govt) Gather of India canefuchon arqe_ oad Neftiork: _ Appraxima ly asi -tradtie op Indice js Camied bp. aC Snare See —_kangakumots i ~ longeat_voad Netware Length + 344s bet | 1A,4,2,3, joe ave Post op this Ne vs! highway “t's olf name wes NH- og - oa i... chimes Length = 280% Km mp iva Peek U2) Giles se 4, c aha ed —= eghalaya ——>_ Mizeram 3 143 Km 28 Jan 2049 NH-1A_Talandhat yi (666Km) esr meen eee a Neo) aU s =mish s di a depends on Agriculture, Tradere( Animal sicin Med ins plex) a= Monpas : Wellsetifed Tribeice! Armachel: 0 li Follouser of Auddhism « Prachia Aqriculiure 3 Rede: Assam Origin: Tibet/chie ¥pext ia 09 CraSfing — x 4, Devri Lives ak ng Brahampulvs river j Preea: Arunachal» Aséam Meghabaza 103 Gre built on oo Or Wy) Also Celebvate Agniulture achvibiey feshueds. S- Sai A uf mee Bic erie peal’ gralslan Ingres i ei Othe resign: MP, Andhra, Onsse, Uo a E = —interitia in Dorey 1 Brevel Courcjeous «opposes etmuneat Setlomadd Dropaiar ty Breueh Soersye i. Roe Ree Lord Gryallic te (ass0 | é \ ‘Scanned with CamScanner , water ways in India Thee ave UAL optically notified inlond weakens “am diya. = Duby Ne eee ; ait Coram andet Coast 1o4s fom Talangantt, Andhra, ‘Ge Tami] Wada, Pudacheny S)NwWS:— Talcher = phamra (Rrahrosni Fe Cenatehatit charbatin et Eo put Be | Ports of India Eaddean Coast Port 43 Significant. Sea ports ns Haldia fp Sel © habe 5 Gatemayeg Eaitern India Cte docte syste odishs , Weak Webtedn Ngo defn mune gan" Kandla CGujrct) Busiest richest Tqwahedlet nehvu Porty Maharashtre. 4 (old Nhav@heva) _ — ie “ Mumbai Pack Largest Past of India Tk af | Goa (Mormagsc +t) Zz ik a Mangstore (Arhificie!) é _Vainamy but Pot (Kar net sles) Manglore Scanned with CamScanner

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