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Module Study Guide

Academic Year 2021–2022

PU390-Rooms Management

Level: 5

Credits: 20

Academic Partner: IIHM/IAM

Copyright © 2021 University of West London
Permission granted to reproduce solely for the purpose of teaching and learning at the University of
West London and its approved academic partners.
You are provided with study materials for your personal use only. You must not share these with
others or upload them to websites. Any student who is found to have shared materials, particularly for
personal gain, will be subject to disciplinary action if appropriate.
Table of contents
Key team contact details ............................................................................................................... 4

1 Module overview 5
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5
Module summary content and aims.................................................................................. 5
Learning outcomes to be assessed .................................................................................. 5
Indicative Contact Hours .................................................................................................. 6

2 Assessment and feedback 7

Summative assessment grid ............................................................................................ 7
Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning outcomes ................................... 7
Learning materials .......................................................................................................... 13

3 Things you need to know 14

Engagement ................................................................................................................... 14
Key team contact details
Module Leader Jayanti Jayanti
Subject Area & School/College London Geller College of Hospitality & Tourism

Phone 02082312483

Location St Marys Road WK.02.002

Module/Course Administrator Ricky Sehgal

Phone 0208 231 2333
Location HT.GF.004

Subject Librarian James Concannon

Phone 0208 231 2251
Location PE.02.007

The Course Leader overseeing this module is Ariane Lengyel, and can be contacted at
The Head of Subject overseeing this module is Louise Gill, and can be contacted at
The Dean of the College responsible for this module is James Edmunds and can be contacted at
The External Examiner responsible for this module is Alisha Ali, Principal Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam
The Academic Partner Link-Tutor responsible for this module is Patrick Muigai, and can be contacted
1 Module overview
Rooms Management is at the core of hospitality operations. This module intends to equip the student
with a management awareness and understanding of the dynamics of this challenging and
continually developing area of operations, more specifically concentrating on the Front Office and
Housekeeping departments. Like all modules, this one expects you to take an active role in its study.
Please do not hesitate to ask for guidance or assistance should you require it. Good luck and I hope
you will enjoy this module.

We have introduced UWLFlex – our new, online, flexible learning platform.
UWLFlex has been designed to complement face-to-face learning and build on our reputation for
excellence in teaching, learning and student support. We will be able to deliver a university
experience that is more collaborative, active, and relevant for an increasingly digital world thus
enabling us to provide you with an improved student experience. UWLFlex will provide you with an
enhanced range of online tools, to help facilitate your learning whether this takes place primarily on
site or online.

Module summary content and aims

This module aims to provide the student with a knowledge and understanding of Rooms
Management issues and themes. The student will be able to apply these themes and issues to a
range of hospitality operations and establishments.

Summary of Content:

• The role of the room’s division

• Pricing and performance

• Price and Tariff design

• Capacity management and marketing

• Introduction to Revenue Management

• The guest experiences

• Management functions of the housekeeping department

• Health and safety/risk management

• Operational planning and resourcing

• Environmental issues

Learning outcomes to be assessed

LO1 Explain the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing areas make to the business
LO2 Demonstrate and apply principles of pricing to the rooms product and evaluate the potential
benefits of effective practices to profitability.
LO3 State and evaluate methods used to optimise profitability as applied to a fixed capacity
inventory, recognising dynamic growth in related technological developments
LO4 Identify the expectations of customers from diverse markets and explain how providers of
accommodation meet their needs through the effective delivery of customer service
LO5 Select appropriate control approaches, systems, methods and techniques in relation to
various rooms operations.

Indicative Contact Hours

Teaching Contact Hours 42hours

Independent Study Hours 158 hours

Total Learning Hours 200 hours

2 Assessment and feedback
Summative assessment grid

Method of
Submission &
Word Count or Pass Indicative
Type of Assessment Weighting Date of
equivalent Mark Submission week
Feedback (refer
to BB)

Submission in
Written Turnitin &
Assessment Feedback within 20
1500 60% 40 Week-6
working days
(Individual Essay)
of submission

Written Submission in
Assessment Turnitin &
Feedback within 20
2500+500 40% 40 Week-12
(Group Report working days
of submission

Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning

2.2.1 Assessment 1

Assessment task: Individual Essay

The following learning outcomes are assessed in this assignment: L01, LO2 & L03

Weighting: 60%

Date/time/method of submission: Please refer to Blackboard for hand in date details

Word count or equivalent: 1500 words

Write an essay on the following:

“Each guest has a price. It is imperative to understand consumer behaviour to offer the right
price at the right time through the right channel while monitoring the demand and adjusting
rates”. Evaluate this statement in light of the theories and concept discussed.

Assessment criteria: These express the criteria against which achievement of the learning

outcomes will be assessed.


Include a word count at the end of essay. You must stay within 10% +/- of the word count

(1500 words)

Essays must be written in essay format – Introduction, main body, conclusion, and references
(no headings or bullet points)

You must include relevant academic theory – minimum 10 sources including books and other
academically sound sources

You can quote examples from the hotel brands to support your findings.

All references must be in Harvard Convention.

Marking scheme:


Has a detailed knowledge of major disciplines and an awareness of a variety of

ideas/contexts/frameworks which may be applied to this. CONTEXT – 25%

Simple but unpredictable or complex but predictable contexts demanding application of a wide
range of techniques.

ANALYSIS/ SYNTHESIS – 20% Can reformat a range of ideas/information towards a given



communicate effectively in a format appropriate to the discipline and report practical procedures
in a clear and concise manner with all relevant information in a variety of format.
100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0

KNOWLEDGE AND Extensive range, depth Clearly defined range Clearly defined range Comprehensive and Has good working Moderate range with Poor and limited
and complexity of and depth of relevant and depth of relevant relevant detail but knowledge and relevant some relevant use of relevant
UNDERSTANDING – 30% relevant material material in all areas material in most areas lacking depth in some detail but lacking depth material, little depth material
Has a detailed knowledge of major areas in most areas
disciplines and an awareness of a
variety of ideas/
contexts/frameworks which may be Meets all theoretical Meets all of the Meets all of the Meets most of the Meets most of the Does not meet some Does not meet
applied to this. learning outcomes theoretical earning learning outcomes learning outcomes learning outcomes of the learning most of the
comprehensively outcomes well well. competently. outcomes learning
comprehensively outcomes

CONTEXT – 20% Shows detailed All relevant concepts Most relevant Understands most Understands some Understands concepts Very limited use
application of relevant are covered and concepts are covered concepts which are concepts which are but application is of concepts and
Simple but unpredictable or concepts and theories to applied and are and applied and are related to study. related to study. incomplete theories.
complex but predictable contexts issues of study relevant to the area of relevant to the area of Application is
demanding application of a wide study study not given or
range of techniques. considered

Uses extremely detailed Uses detailed and Uses many relevant Uses mostly relevant Uses some mostly Limited and not all Minimal use of
and relevant examples. relevant examples. examples examples. relevant examples. relevant use of examples.

ANALYSIS – 10% Well integrated study Well integrated study Largely integrated Largely integrated Shows an acceptable Mainly descriptive, Wholly
within depth critical with critical analysis study with a good level study with some level level of analysis some level of analysis. descriptive
Can analyse a range of information analysis of critical analysis of critical analysis
within minimum guidance, can apply
major theories of the discipline and
can compare alternative
methods/techniques for obtaining

SYNTHESIS – 15% Clear evidence of Able to synthesise A Able to synthesise a Able to reformat a Able to reformat basis Shows some ability to Unable to
synthesis/creativity and range of information range of information range information to information to a given reformat a range of reformat data to
Can reformat a range of a highly methodical towards given purpose and can be creative in given purpose purpose data but not always fit the given
ideas/information towards a given approach to use of more and can be creative in terms of format appropriately for the purpose.
purpose complex information to terms of format given purpose
suit given purpose
COMMUNICATION AND Always communicates Always communicates Always communicates Usually communicates Meaning is clear and Meaning is largely Does not
effectively and effectively in an effectively in an effectively in an format conforms to basic clear but use of communicate
excellently in an appropriate appropriate appropriate requirements. May language and format effectively.
HARVARD REFERENCING appropriate format/language. format/language. format/language. either lack detail or is inappropriate. Unclear and
– 25% format/language in a Always presents Usually presents Usually presents include a considerable rambling. Does
clear and concise information in a clear information in a clear information in a clear amount of irrelevant not use
Can communicate effectively in a manner. and concise manner and concise manner and mostly concise detail. appropriate
format appropriate to the discipline manner format/language.
and report practical procedures in a
clear and concise manner with all
relevant information in a variety of
Articulate, fluent, Articulate, good Articulate, good Lacks coherence in Largely correct Poor structure/flow Unstructured,
formats. excellently structured, structure and flow, structure and flow, places but is well structure, grammar and and with grammar/ fluidity,
grammar and spelling grammar and spelling grammar and spelling structured. Grammar spelling, lacks a spelling errors that considerable
accurate. accurate. accurate. and spelling accurate. coherent structure/flow impede clarity. spelling and

All sources cited, All sources cited, All sources cited, All sources cited, Most sources cited, Acknowledges Little or no attempt
consistent and thorough accurate use of largely accurate use of largely accurate use of some minor sources but many to acknowledge
use of Harvard Harvard referencing Harvard referencing Harvard referencing inaccuracies in errors in style and and reference
referencing system and system and system and system and referencing and omissions in sources, wholly
bibliography bibliography. bibliography. bibliography. bibliography. bibliography. inadequate
Timing and methods of feedback: Written feedback will be provided within 20 working days of
the submission date. All marks are provisional pending approval by the assessment board.

2.2.2 Assessment 2

Assessment task: Group Report (Maximum 4 per group)

The following learning outcomes are assessed in this assignment: L04& L05

Weighting: 40%

Date/time/method of submission: Please refer to Blackboard for hand in date details

Word count or equivalent: 2500-word report + 500-word individual reflective essay

Assessment criteria:

• All students must contribute equally in the preparation, investigation and report submission.

• It is therefore imperative that you all cross fertilise at all parts of the process as if some

students do not know the reports content this will impact the whole of the groups final report


• It must be completed in report format and follow the below template when submitting

• You must investigate all the areas required.

• You must include academic theory throughout your report and use the Harvard convention

throughout the report.

• To complete this assessment successfully it is important that you carry out an extensive

secondary research in advance about all the required aspects. You will need to meet in

your groups of four in advance and plan your research strategy. You will need to have

undertaken secondary research on the topics listed thoroughly.

It should be well presented in appearance, without spelling or grammatical errors and

figures, charts and tables used as appendices to enhance visual appearance

• You are free to reflect on the best practices adopted by specific hotel brand.

• You must include relevant academic theory – minimum 15 sources including 6 books and 6

other academically sound sources such as journal articles as well as relevant websites.

• All references must be in Harvard Convention

• Include a word count at the end of the report. You must stay within 10% +/- of the word

The assignment briefs

The assessment requires you to carry out an extensive secondary (desk) research. You are

required to carry out fact finding research on the following:

Paradigm shift in the role of Housekeeping in post Covid-19 world.

• Product and process adaptation in hotel housekeeping department (This may include design
considerations, new normal practices in HK operations, innovative HK products, technological
advancements, environmental initiatives).

• Challenges in operational planning to ensure productivity maximisation and meeting the

new/changing customer expectation.

Required Marks

Executive Executive summary (250 words max) 15%

Introduction – report content

Discussion of the In this section you should present your findings from 35%
Findings and reference books, journals, and websites.
supporting literature The subjects you must include are:
• Paradigm shift in the role of Housekeeping in
post Covid-19 world
• Product and process adaptation in hotel
housekeeping department (This may include
design considerations, new normal practices in
HK operations, innovative HK products,
technological advancements.
• Challenges in operational planning to ensure
productivity maximisation and meeting the new
customer expectation.

Conclusion and Based on your investigation provide 5 practical 25%

Recommendations recommendations that can be adopted by the hotels
in housekeeping management and planning with
supporting discussions and evidence. (Unique
recommendations rather than general points which
are already getting practiced by most of the hotel
chains) ---Analyse what is not done in terms of
process and product that can be adapted by the
Harvard referencing In text and list of references should be in Harvard 10%
convention – minimum 12 sources to include books,
journal articles, professional press articles and
relevant websites

Appendices Any evidence collected should be submitted in the 5%


Individual Please complete the individual reflection and 10%

evaluation form.
reflective essay (Individual

Timing and methods of feedback: Written feedback will be provided within 20 working days of the
submission date. All marks are provisional pending approval by the assessment board.

For guidance on online submission of assignments, including how to submit and how to access online
feedback, please refer to the UWL Blackboard student-help pages at:

Learning materials
The reading list for this module is available on Blackboard in the module area and online by searching This shows real-time availability of books in the library and provides direct links to
online resources, recommended by your lecturer.
Remember to log into Blackboard daily to receive all the latest news and support available at
your module sites!
Subject guides (subject-guides-libguides) are also available to help you find relevant information for
assignments, with contact details of the Academic Support Librarian for your School.
You are reminded that the University applies penalties to students who commit an academic
offence, in which case the Academic Offences Regulations will be used to deal with any cases
of academic misconduct including examination offences, plagiarism, use of ghost writing
services and other means of cheating to obtain an advantage.
3 Things you need to know
Teaching at UWL during the academic year 2020-21 will be conducted using the UWLFlex model
and may involve a range of on site and online teaching and learning activities. Whether you are
engaging with teaching and learning activities on site or via the UWL Virtual Learning
Environment, we expect the same level of commitment and engagement from you. If you are
unable to attend scheduled on site or online activities or complete activities in the time frames set
out, you should let your tutors know. You should aim to stick to assessment deadlines; if you are
concerned that you will not be able to complete your assessments on time, you should talk to your
tutors. Your engagement, whether online or on site, will be tracked and if we see that you are not
engaging, we will get in contact with you. However, we encourage you to let us know if you are
struggling so we can work with you to find solutions and get you back on track as soon as
possible. Give yourself the best possible chance to succeed by engaging with the full range of
learning and teaching activities available to you.

3.2 Need help, just ask

The University recognises that there are times when you may encounter difficulties during your
course of study and provisions are made to help you. If you are struggling with meeting deadlines
please talk to us, whether it’s your course/module leader, personal tutor or any member of staff,
speak to them so they can get you the support you need to succeed. You can extend your
deadline if you have a good reason why you are not able to submit a piece of coursework on time.
You will need to contact your course leader before your deadline, who will guide you on how to
apply for an extension. An extension will allow you an extra 10 working days. If an extension is not
sufficient and circumstances beyond your control are preventing you from completing your
assessment, then you can, apply for mitigation. You will need to contact your course leader, who
will guide you on how to apply for mitigation. Please remember late submission without extension
or mitigation will result in penalties depending on how late it is, see University Academic

You are reminded that the University applies penalties to students who commit an academic
offence, in which case the Academic Offences Regulations will be used to deal with any cases of
academic misconduct including examination offences, plagiarism and other means of cheating to
obtain an advantage. You are encouraged to seek advice from the Students’ Union Advice
Service; UWLSU support you with all aspects of your academic experience by providing advice
and guidance to ensure you are fully informed of the academic regulations set out by the
University as well as advocate for student views.

You are expected to behave in line with UWL expectations, irrespective of whether your
interactions with staff and other students are in person or online. As you will be engaging with
others online and a range of online materials, it is important to consider how to stay safe online
and ensure your communications are secure and appropriate. If you have any questions about
how to manage your online UWL activities, please contact your module leader.

If you have an issue about the module, you should speak to your Module Leader or Course Leader
informally in the first instance. Your Course Representative can also raise your concerns at
Course Committees, which take place each semester. If you are unable to resolve it informally,
you should refer to the Complaints Procedure which is outlined in the student handbook and
consult the Students’ Union about it. The University aims to ensure that issues are resolved
informally as quickly as possible to have minimum impact on your studies.
3.3 Getting support for your studies
Throughout your course of study, you will have access to a wide variety of sources of support
depending on your individual circumstances and needs. Your first point of call for getting general
academic support is your Personal Tutor. As well as approaching your Module Leader with any
questions specifically related to your module and your Course Leader with questions on your
Course, do contact your Personal Tutor or Apprenticeship Support Link Tutor for academic advice
in relation to your studies and your academic development.

Apart from the University-wide support framework, which encompasses the Module Leaders,
Course Leader, the Subject Librarian, and your Course Administrator, you will also have at your
disposal the UWL Engagement Team. The Engagement Team offers One-to-One Academic
Support opportunities and Academic Skills Workshops throughout the year, helping you to develop
skills relevant to your degree. Workshops include for instance Essay Planning and Writing; Critical
Thinking; Reflective Writing; Group Work and Presentation Skills. Maths Support and English
Language Support opportunities are available too. For more information email or to register for
weekly updates email or you can visit our website to find out more
about the support offered by the Engagement Team, such as Peer Mentoring or online academic
skills resources

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