Articulated Planning: Jacinto Dávila Ana Magaly Reyes

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Chapter 13
Articulated Planning
Jacinto Dávila
Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela

Ana Magaly Reyes

Freelance Consultant, Venezuela

The authors bring a notion called articulated planning that defies existing associations between cen-
tralised government approaches and socialism. With increasing availability of information and com-
munication technologies (ICTs), the authors argue that governmental processes can be facilitated and
develop more participative planning efforts towards developing e-governance in countries. The free
software and simulation tools can contribute to generate appropriate spaces for citizens’ participation
in, definition and supervision of government plans.

INTRODUCTION complex network of desires and needs, which is

impossible to serve by means of a central entity.
A “politically correct” argument, normally presented Sooner of later, sentences the argument, the bureau-
against socialist systems, is that central planning is cracies, established by the central power to process
an intractable problem, impossible to solve in any citizens’ requests, are overcome by that complex-
nation state with the minimal demands of modernity ity or, even worse, by upheavals led by frustrated
(Wikipedia, 2009). A complementary assumption citizens who do not trust those inefficient filters in
states that central planning is the only possible a clearly insufficient system.
choice for Socialism, from which one derives that Therefore, central planning, as required by a
socialist systems are doomed to intractability. socialist state that tries to organize production to
The argument (simplistically) explains that serve the needs of its people, is a futile exercise
modern nations produce, by allowing freedom of only conceivable by immature minds completely
choice and expression for its citizens, an extremely out of touch with the real nature of modern human
society: individuals have infinite needs and only
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-860-4.ch013 a free market economy, with all its lacks, can bal-

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Articulated Planning

ance those needs and individual aptitudes against the need to take a big number of actors and their
available resources. intentions into account.
In this chapter, we aim to challenge that argu- This complex human ability has evolved,
ment by attacking the premise that Socialism is in contemporary times at least, throughout a
equivalent to central planning, CP. We will de- number of variants and points of view, all at-
fend another approach to national or community tempting to improve its results. At the begin-
planning that we call articulated planning, AP, ning of the XXth Century, probably influenced
which is based on the intensive use of Informa- by the mathematical and positivist tradition,
tion Technologies, IT. In AP, centralism and all planning became the purely technical process
its bottlenecks are avoided by implementing a of calculating means to achieve certain, unprob-
distributed planning system that articulates re- lematic, ends. It used to be a very authoritarian
gional contents by intensively using computers activity: a central planner produced a plan that
and telecommunication systems. everybody else just followed, on the ground
AP is not quite an actual reality. However, with that the planner was the only expert (Ahumada,
the increasing availability of IT, specially under Jorge, 1969). Later, the anti-positivism move-
conditions of freedom, more and more steps are ment impacted all these practices and planners
being taken to make AP commonplace. We want began to take into account other possibilities,
to report on some of those experiences and also most of those having in common a problematic
speculate on others more elaborated possibilities set of goals, which created the need for some
with computational models and databases (Do- sorts of negotiation protocols to consider the
mingo, C. et al, 2006) to automate many funda- preferences of all involved: strategic planning
mental tasks in any exercise to articulate massive (Ansoff., I, 1965) was born at this stage. It also
collective contents and agreements. became clear at that time that planning must be
We must start, however, by admitting that there an open process, to take into account uncertainty,
is, indeed, a inherent complexity to Socialism, risks and instability in a changing environment.
specially in its more recent developments which In later times, interest have apparently shifted
declare a strong commitment to democracy and from the instrumental aspect of planning to
adopt a bottom-up governance strategy. Given the consideration of motivational strategies, spe-
size of human populations, when people want a real cially in enterprises that require the efforts of
and egalitarian participatory access to government, many people. We believe that the shift is only
a very efficient peer to peer, communicational apparent, because those calculating capacities
system and a very well organized (an distributed) are now applied to manipulating the will of
collective memory seem essential. the persons involved with those motivational
strategies. With the increase of computational
capacity, it is ever more feasible to analyze
THE HISTORICAL PROBLEM preferences variants and produce a plan that
OF PLANNING consider more sophisticated scenarios in which
actors try to maximize their own utilities in an
Planning seems to be a quintessential human abil- always open and permanent process of planning
ity. Every big endeavor requires some previous and production (Mintzberg, H., 1994).
thinking to guarantee success. But, when it is
about planning a national economy, it both gets
essential to any exercises that pretends rational-
ity in the productions of goods, and complex, by

Articulated Planning

THE TECHNICAL PROBLEM Rachelle (Ed),2001) is a must for many national

OF PLANNING governments, even those clearly aligned to a free
market economy (.ibid). It seems as if it has be-
A plan can be simply described as a set of ac- come clear that planning is fundamental for human
tions to achieve certain goal. Producing a plan is, communities although not necessarily related to
therefore, a matter of connecting that goal to those population density or some other demographic
actions in some reasonable way. Reason is invoke variable (.ibid, pg 15) but instead it turns out
in order to reduce the uncertainty of choosing ac- that “the decision to adopt national level plan-
tions at random, even though the very expedient ning is a question of choice by decision-maker
of projecting actions into the future means that and voters”.
uncertainty cannot be completely eliminated. Moreover, some national experiences tend
Even reducing planning at that simply descrip- to support the thesis that national level planning
tion is problematic from a mere technical point of does not imply central planning or a centrally
view. As (Chapman, D., 1990) established, (that controlled economy, but just the opposite. Mastop
form of) planning is a mathematically intractable and Priemous (cited .ibid, page 29) explain the
problem. However, a more realistic form of plan- preparation of the 2030 plan in the Netherlands:
ning must account for the preferences of those “the four major sectoral ministries, each of which
involved, that may be many, and a dynamic of has traditionally prepared its own sectoral plan,
goal-changing that naturally arises as a result are on the verge of espousing a new role. The
of many requests for action and many points of four ministries are Economic Affairs; Transport
view about what to do next. As if all these were and Public Works; Water Management and Agri-
not enough, there is also the need to interleave culture, Nature Management and Fisheries; and
planning and action. Continuous planning could Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment. The
be called the process wherein agents do planning latter is the ministry legally and traditionally in
while execute some actions. Those processes charge of land-use planning, and in all previous
are not entirely simultaneous, because at acting national plans it has taken the lead but coordinated
the world may change and those changes could poorly with the others. This time, each of the other
trigger new plans or, at least, a re-planning of three ministries has prepared a policy document
the previous. which, in effect, is a comprehensive alternative
The technical problem of planning is, therefore, conception to the national plan! One can therefore
even more complex in any realistic setting, not to anticipate that the debates about the 2030 plan will
mention a number of psychological dynamics that be based on new grounds and with new dynam-
could also take place among the agents involved. ics. Instead of a debate between a lead agency in
Any solution is bound to be of a complexity com- charge of comprehensive planning and sectoral
parable with any other higher human endeavor. agencies that in fact act as lobbies for their inter-
This could explain why many suggest that there ests, the debate will now be between alternative
is no real solution or that the solution is not to comprehensive conceptions, from different loci.
plan at all. Thus, the notoriety of poor coordination among
sectoral plans may have led the sectoral agencies
to realise that the best way to effect comprehensive
EMERGENT SOLUTIONS planning is by preparing it themselves!.” (.ibid,
pages 29-30). One direct outcome of that Dutch
Despite all those technical limitations, an endeavor planning process is the National Environmental
as complex as national level planning (Alterman, Policy Plan, or NEPP, now in its fourth realiza-

Articulated Planning

tion articulated as one of the international Green in turn by a hierarchy of objectives, actions, sub-
Plans (RRI, 2009). These are “working models actions and tasks. An achievement is established
of sustainability in action. Unlike conventional by means of goals (metas), the name used to refer
approaches that address environmental problems to, normally numerical, indicators or indexes of
in isolation of each other, green plans treat the success or failure.
environment as it really exists—a single, intercon- The process starts half a year ahead of the
nected ecosystem that can only be safeguarded for execution time, with each institution developing
future generations through a systemic, long-range its POAI, which is then fed into the system to be
plan of action”. The three Green Plans (USA and verified. Plans are evaluated after been verified for
New Zealand have their own linked plans) have structural correctness and then central government
apparently gather a lot of support: “More than allocates resources to the whole POAN, which
250,000 Dutch businesses are participating in must be expended in the corresponding year. Multi-
the plan through performance-driven covenants year projects are allowed, but must be approved
with government. These legally binding agree- explicitly and, nevertheless, financial resources
ments target emissions reductions, improved are allocated and reported yearly.
environmental quality of products, and energy The bottom up dynamic of the Venezuelan
conservation. Major reductions in pollution of air, POAIs and the impulse of some, e-government
water, and land have been achieved through the initiatives2 has, however, open the possibility for
plan along with a streamlined regulatory process what we want to call Articulated Planning, AP.
that is saving both time and money. The Dutch There is evidence that, with direct presidential
are reducing pressure on the environment even encouragement3, productive communities orga-
as their GDP climb.” (.ibid). nize themselves for planning.
One could say that the self-proclaimed first
world has the advantage of a better educated
and, therefore, very disciplined society. Once the FROM E-GOVERNMENT TO
politically inspired rejection to national planning SOCIALIST E-GOVERNANCE
has been overcome, those results as in the Neth-
erlands must be expected (Notice, however, that Planning, however, is not the only aspect of public
the overcoming of that rejection is not a trivial life that is being transformed and benefited by
move in a capitalist world). The third world, how- IT. As the UN states: “‘Electronic government’
ever, is learning fast. Venezuela, for instance, has – using modern information and communications
adopted IT strategies to support planning in the technologies to facilitate governmental processes
very rigid and bureaucratic structure of its public – is being used in many countries as part of reform
sector, inherited from past attempts to establish initiatives”4. Those initiatives, however, normally
a liberal, free-market oriented, society. National fall short of transforming the actual relationship
level planning and control is performed in Ven- between government and citizens. The same
ezuela by means of the SIPEG Nueva Etapa (New report concedes: “Most electronic government
Phase) system1, which is used by public agencies initiatives, however, have been hampered by an
all over the country to declare their plans and over-reliance on technology, too little emphasis
their achievements. There exists a Plan Operativo on building human capacity, insufficient intra-
Anual Nacional, POAN, National, operative, an- governmental collaboration and inadequate public
nual plan for the whole country, made of POAIs, consultation. Consequently, the focus has been
Institutional, operative, annual plans for each shifting from electronic government to electronic
agency. Plans are organized by projects, defined governance – using technologies to improve inter-

Articulated Planning

Table 1. Movement from e-government to e-

actions between governmental, non-governmental
and civil society stakeholders” (.ibid)
Thomas Riley, in Canada, makes the case for Government Governance
the transition from e-government to e-governance superstructure functionality
(Riley, Thomas B., 2003). He starts by going decisions processes
back to the original concepts citing Ketll (2002): rules goals
“Government is an institutional superstructure
roles performance
that society uses to translate politics into policies
implementation coordination
and legislation. Governance is the outcome of the
outputs outcomes
interaction of government, the public service,
E-Government E-Governance
and citizens throughout the political process,
electronic service delivery electronic consultation
policy development, program design, and service
electronic work flow electronic controller ship
electronic voting electronic engagement
Thus, the transition from e-government to
electronic productivity networked societal guidance
e-governance seems to be a movement from in-
ternal, self-serving provisioning of IT within the
government to creating and sustaining a platform
for the general public to actually participate in instance, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
public affairs and political action. Borrowing We have already mentioned some e-government
again from Ketll, Riley summarizes the move- initiatives5. But there are many more. There even
ment in Table 1. exists projects to develop new free and open ac-
Riley goes on to explain that that view of cess tools6. Ministries (Government agencies and
government has been inherited (in all the west- offices) have the own web services7. So does the
ern culture) from the views of sociologist Max Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia),
Weber’s theory of rule-governed bureaucracy publishing on line up to 250.000 sentences and
(Weber, Max, 1920). According to Riley’s reading resolutions and connecting, via email, the people
of Weber, bureaucrats tend to believe that the most involved8. Venezuelans can declare and pay their
important aspect is to comfort to the rules that taxes on line9. Identification10 and Social Health
make the whole government enterprise a rational Services11 are dealt with on line, at least partially.
one. That is, bureaucrats are concerned with the Country’s statistics are also (partially) available
“how”. Citizens, on the other hand, are actually on the web12.
concerned with goals and outcomes much more However, none of these systems actually open
than with how they are achieved. its corresponding institution to the scrutiny of
This realization now justifies providing people its goals and evaluation of its performance and
not just with the “e-means” to interact with public outcomes. There is only one, rather timid, effort
services (electronic service delivery), but with to allow citizen to complain and follow a case for
means to participate (electronic engagement), access to goods or services; originally a customer
supervise (electronic consultation) and control service agency (Indecu), Indepabis13 is now be-
(electronic controller-ship and networked societal coming a more comprehensive organization for
guidance based) governments. people’s rights defense.
This distinction between e-government and e- Moreover, despite the list of web-enabled
governance is crucially important to evaluate the institutions, there is almost no integration of on-
evolution from a traditional, liberal government line services. Perhaps one of the best examples
into a socialist and democratic one. Take again, for of the situation of the country is the SIGECOF14

Articulated Planning

(Integrated System for Management and Control e-governance. Let us point it out with a simple
of Public Finances). Currently under the control test: we ran a search on Google Scholar® for the
of the national office for public accountancy, combined terms “e governance”, “articulated” and
the system was originally designed in 1995, but “planning”15 in the year 2009. Out of 22 references
was only release “for production” in 2001, and retrieved, only one was an open access document
almost immediately abandoned, due to the lack (a study of the Chilean case16). All the rest were
of system’s counterparts in other public offices reports, articles and books on sale for a charge,
and of value-adding applications. It was brought some of them not fully available on electronic
back to service in 2006 and currently processes form. This is, of course, the traditional dynamic
up to 100000 requests per year from 12000 users. for the distribution of academic knowledge. One
All its users, however, are public servants and could wonder, however, if all the insistence upon
many decentralized public agencies do not use accountability and openness that appear on aca-
the system or any other system connected to it, demic documents on e-government, should not
for that matter. be preceded by corresponding academic exercises
Thus, it is fair to say that a country like Ven- transferring all that knowledge and experiences to
ezuela can evolve in the direction of e-government the communities under conditions of freedom, i. e.
without advancing in the direction of e-governance, that anybody could learn and use all the informa-
and even less, socialist e-governance. tion without having to pay first.
One could define socialist e-governance in such
a way as to include that view of governance that
put the actual power on people’s hands by means EMPOWERING PLANNING:
of participatory mechanisms in the execution and FREE SOFTWARE TOOLS
supervision of public projects, i.e people’s power. FOR MICROPLANNING AND
In a Socialism with a strong commitment to partici- MICROEXECUTION
patory democracy and, therefore, accountability,
public servant’s discretionary behavior should be Many of the advances in e-government are due to
constrained. This is to avoid that they concentrate increasing availability of supporting IT technolo-
on what they want (even if it is only following the gies. However, a real advantage for the adoption
rules of the bureaucratic state) “rather than what of these tools for a wider community is their
the citizenry want” (See Riley above). availability under conditions of freedom. Free
So, again following Riley, “If templates for Software is a huge step in that direction. With
routinized decision-making could be developed Free (Libre, Open Source Software or FLOSS,
for governance, and these could be loaded onto as it is sometime called17), users see their rights
the Net, these aspects of governance could be increased as anybody has access to the “know
built right into the social infrastructure and the how” of the planning tool and can adapt it to fit
arbitrary choices of government officials could be any specific circumstance. And, as we suggested
eliminated”(.ibid). A perfect memory of planning earlier, adaptability to circumstances is a crucial
and execution of projects could serve to produce requirement to make a planning process successful
that “routinized decision-making” and will also ad- against a very complex system dynamics.
dress the issues of goals’ supervision and outcomes There exist many of those software tools18. We
analysis by the people. These are the reasons for have had direct experience with three of them:
the proposal of the following section. Planner19, GanttProject20 and OpenProj21. The lat-
There is, however, another aspect that could ter seems to be in a higher stage of development
be hampering the progress of e-government and and it also has in its favour that it can decipher


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