Code Switching Research. My Final

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English as Secondary Language (ESL) Learners’ Perceptions on Code Switching

ABSTRACT: In every society, language plays a vital role in communicating with each

other as it allows speakers to expand their knowledge, deliver their ideas, opinions and

feelings. English, as a global language, provides a platform for communication for

people who speak the language. Due to the growing trend in linguistic globalisation,

bilingualism has become a very common phenomenon in today’s world. In bilingual

communities all over the world, speakers frequently switch from one language to

another to meet communication demands. This phenomenon of alternation between

languages is known as code-switching. This study mainly focused on the views of ESL

learners on Code switching. This study was guided by the following research questions:

What are the views of the ESL- learners on code-switching in the class? What are the

reasons of the ESL- learners of code-switching? What are the perceived effects of

code-switching to English learning? A qualitative research design was used for this

study. The population consisted of 19 students major in English of Ifugao State University-

Lamut Campus. Data was collected using questionnaire, it was sent to the respondents

through this online medium. It was found out that Code-switching has positive effects on

learning and teaching. It helps learners to understand difficult aspects of the lesson

taught. However, it discourages their mastery of English language.

KEYWORDS: Code switching, Views, Bilingual, English Language Learning learners.


The linguistic phenomenon of Code Switching (CS) refers to the mixing of two or

more language varieties within a single utterance or conversation (Tangco and

Ricardo ,2002). Early definition by Valdes-Fallis (1978), states that code-switching is an

interchangeability of two codes done by transfer, borrowing or mixing of words. Such

practice is common in the Philippines because of its linguistic diversity. According to

Dhykanaova (2015) code-switching in classroom instruction has recently received much

attention among Filipino scholars. More specifically, there is this move to view Code-

Switching as a resource for teaching and learning, and this proposal was initiated and

espoused by Bernardo in 2005. Code-switching is very common in ESL / EFL

classrooms throughout the world these days and students have positive and negative

attitudes towards code-switching of teachers in classroom (Abdolaziz & Shahla, 2014).

Teachers use code switching to make students understand difficult and new

vocabularies in the text (Obaidullah, 2016) . They use contextual reference using

their mother tongue to make the topic more enjoyable. Teachers switch code

when the level of English used in the textbook or to be taught is beyond the

learners’ ability or when the teachers have exhausted the means to adjust his

speech to the learners’ level. Majority of ESL learners think that they get benefit
because of teachers’ code-switching and it helps in learning a language in a

better way (Nordin &Sadjirin,2013).

According to Kustati (2014) Code-Switching help both lecturers and learners to identify

the relationship among language culture and education. Most frequently used function

of code-switching by teachers was metalinguistic since the teacher code switched to

translate and clarify difficult vocabulary and terminology. Another study also

recommended that the use of code-switching in classroom setting to improve their

learning behavior and attitude (Jogulo & Radzi, 2018). Accordingly to Bernardo, "a

holistic understanding of the socio-psycholinguistic reality of multilingualism in the

Philippines should make teaching and learning in Philippine schools, colleges, and

universities empowering in terms of efficient use of language in communication on the

part of the students (Bernardo, 2005)

Code-switching occur unconsciously as it is done by the teachers and is used as a good

strategy in explaining instructions, translating di fficult vocabulary, managing class,

giving background information and in reducing students’ nervousness Jingxia (2011).

Code-switching serves as a mean to provide low proficient learners with the

opportunities to communicate and enhance understanding of the lecture (Ahmad &

Jusoff, 2014). Some teachers suggested that code-switching is beneficial to relieve

anxious, nervous, frightened, and reluctant students as well as learners with low self-

esteem. Code-switching not only increase student’s comprehension and application of

the material.
On the other hand, Krashen (1985) insisted that the students’ L1 should not be used in

the classroom so as to maximize the exposure of the target language. The more the L2

exposure students receive, the faster the students learn Ellis (2005). Yataganbaba &

Yildirim (2015) also suggest that L1 should not replace L2. Some teachers are of the

opinion that code-switching should be used at beginner or elementary level only and as

the level advances it should be limited Horasan (2014).

Further, some studies oppose the positive view of code-switching in a

classroom. A study byOspanova (2017) exposed that the majority of the students

perceived code switching negatively hindering the process of learning within the English

medium. Most of the teachers’ attitudes towards their own use of code-switching is

negative, like the students, they believe that code-switching lead to weakness of their

English proficiency level (Dykhanova, 2015).

Yalun (2007) states that educators who are teaching at tertiary institutions especially at

the institutions where English is medium of instruction feel it is challenging to teach

student whose mother tongue is not English. This has forced them to use code-

switching in the teaching and learning process as a means to assist both themselves

and the students in achieving their education goals.

Despite the wide use of code switching in teaching in the Filipino setting, listeners would

perceive the speaker as an incompetent English speaker. He added, some academic

schools discourage the use of code switching and stress the use of English language.
This has created conflicts and tensions not only to educators and students but to policy

makers and administrators of institutions (Jogulu, 2018).

Many researchers have paid attention to the functions and role of code-switching in EFL

and ESL, although not much research has been conducted in English medium classes

in countries where English is a foreign language (Dhykanova, 2015). Moreover, there is

no study that investigates both teachers’ and learners’ views toward code-switching in

English medium classes in IFSU. Considering these circumstances, the present study

investigates code-switching in the classes where English is a medium of instruction. The

study is a trial to fill this gap. The research is anticipated to be useful for other

researchers investigating topics on English language use. Finally, it will increase our

knowledge of functions of code-switching and views toward it.

The result of the study is hoped to provide valuable information for the schools’ policy

makers, educators and all the other stockholders to gain deeper insights which will

enable them to scrutinize every possibility as to whether encouraging code switching

may improve or hinder the process of language learning. While this study attempts to

lead future researches on code switching, findings of this study are expected to

contribute in the perpetual pursuit of language instructors and educators.

It specifically aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the views of the ESL- learners on code-switching in the class?

2. What are the reasons of the ESL- learners of code-switching?

3. What are the perceived effects of code-switching to English learning?

II. Research Method

A. Design

A qualitative research design was used for this study, and it was taken in a form

of interview method. Nassaji (2015) states that qualitative research is more likely to be

conducted in language learning. Wyse, (2011) describes qualitative research as a

primarily exploratory research used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons,

opinions and motivations. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their

natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the

meanings people bring to them.

Lam (2006) affirms that the use of observation and interview can be a means of

measuring and obtaining attitudes and perceptions of individuals.

The study was participated by nineteen (19) BSED-English students of Ifugao

State University who were chosen through random and convenience sampling. Data

was gathered through messenger application as the questionnaire was sent to them

through this online medium.

B. Locale and participants

The respondents of this research were the English major students of Ifugao State

University. The group consist of 19 students, five (5) male, fourteen (14) female. The

allotted time needed for this study is about 10 months. The study was conducted at

IFUGAO STATE UNIVERSITY- Lamut Campus. Year 2019-2020.

C. Instrument

A researcher-prepared questionnaire which consists of three open-ended questions

relative to the study was used as data gathering tool. The questionnaire is attached as

Appendice A.

D. Data Gathering procedure

The research study underwent initial analysis for approval of the study and its

components, especially its methodology. The researchers then sought the approval of

the teachers for the conduct of study and also sought the approval of learners to

participate in the study.

Data were then gathered through structured interviews with open ended

questions to collect free information from the participants. However, due to pandemic

restrictions brought by the current virus, the questions were sent through messenger as

the technological medium of data gathering.

After the data were gathered, content analysis was utilized to analyze the data.
In the data analysis, the researcher will analyze and identify the data which were

gathered from the interview. The data will use the qualitative method by transcribing into

written transcript, and then identify, select, and also classify based on the analyzing

needs which was relevant to the topic of the research.

The Interview method will be used to find out more about reason of code

switching. Interview supported the data from the observation. The interview was

focused into the views of the teachers and learners about code-switching in classroom

discussion, what are the reasons of teachers and learners of code-switching and what

are the observed effects of code switching as a part of learning.

E. Ethical Considerations

To comply with ethical considerations in conducting research all participants were

provided with consent to participate in the research. The participants then willingly

participated in the study after they were approach by the researcher and the research

purpose and process will be explained to them. While it is common practice to request

written consent, Silverman (2009) states that highly formalized ways of securing

consent should be avoid in favor of fostering relationships in which ongoing ethical

regard for participants will sustain. The purpose of the research will be explained to the

participants. It will be further explain to them that their information would remain


III. Results and Discussion

The results gathered from nineteen (19) respondents through a structured interview

reflects variates of information regarding their perceptions on the code-switching in

English class.

Perceptions of ESL Students in Code Switching in English Class

1. Perceptions of ESL Students in Code Switching in English Class

Among the nineteen respondents, two general themes on utilizing or practicing code

switching in English classes were gathered. They view Code switching in a positive and

negative way.

Positive way.

Students’ view on code-switching use in classroom is advantageous because it serves

many functions to help them encounter the obstacle during teaching and learning


According to Participant 17, "code switching is an essential way of expressing

meaning in other language to exactly point out what is to be understood. It is effective

because people can have the opportunity to use 2 or more languages to communicate".

"I think code switching in English classes is somehow effective for the students to digest

more the lesson being discussed. I’m in favor for using it in every English classes as

long as the teacher knows how to let her students practice the language." said by

participant 18

"For me code switching in an English class is an avenue for self-expression especially

when students have the difficulty of stating their ideas using the English language and
it’s a manner of simplifying concepts to make things more understandable." Said by

participant 19

They pointed out that code switching is beneficial for learners as an avenue for self-

expression especially when students have the difficulty of stating their ideas/opinions

using the English language and its a manner of simplifying concepts to make things

more understandable. Moreover, Code switching is good for English classes, in such a

way that students were able to understand well what the teacher was trying to say

because not all student is good in English or understand English languages. It support

the study of Ahmad & Jusoff (2014) that Code-switching serves as a mean to provide

low proficient learners with the opportunities to communicate, express themselves and

enhance their understanding of the lecture. Code switching also gives benefits to

students. Whether talking to teachers or peers, students need to clarify what is being

talked so there will be no miscommunication (Moore, 2002). Furthermore, if they find it

complex to understand they will more likely switch to find what they are confused about.

Negative way.

On the other hand, some of them negated the practice of code switching in teaching

during English classes. Their views were also appeared during interview as shown as


Participant 13 stated that, "Codeswitching in some classes is not bad at all. But when

you use codeswitching in English classes, the term English doesn't make sense. You

enter this English class to be able to enhance your vocabulary, grammar, ect., so stand

by that. Let yourself train using English even it is not yet good."
"As an English student, code-switching is not recommended in most of our classes. Our

professors promote the practice and usage of the English language in our class

discussions and presentations. We were told that we need to be communicative

competent in the English language." Said by Participant 11

As an English major students, for me I think code switching should be avoided in

classroom and learning situations, some reasons including the followings: They tend to

made code switching every now and then even in English subjects. Their self

confidence or self esteem will not be develop due to same old practice of code


From the excerpt it shows that code switching in the English class discourage the

mastery of the teacher and learners in using the English language while it is ironic that

they are entering an English class. In accordance with the previous study of Krashen

(1985) insisted that the students’ L1 should not be used in the classroom so as to

maximize the exposure of the target language.

2. Reasons of Code Switching

The participants were also asked why they practice code switching in English class.

There were two general themes that the participants pointed out, it is to express

themselves better and for Comprehension.

Express themselves better

The participants code switch when they were not able to express their thoughts through

english especially when they don't know the term of a specific word in english.
Furthermore, they codeswitch for them to express their thoughts and ideas clearly for

they are not proficient English speakers. The reasons of code-switching in classroom

were also appeared during interview as shown as follows:

Participant 11 answered, "I do codeswitching when I really don't know how to

express/explain my self in English or when I forgot the words to say."

Participant 8 said, "I use code switching because Im not yet good in using the English

language, so sometimes its hard to explain something and so that my partner will

understand me."

From those two excerpts, students showed their intention to choose code-switching

over because they forgot English vocabulary to express their ideas or they did not know

other term in English so they had to switch.

Students might encounter difficulty to express their idea because of having limited

vocabulary size so they codeswitch.


"Well maybe when I use some words or maybe when I try to explain something and no

one most of the class doesn’t really understand and then I will switch to Indonesian just

for that sentence," said by participant 19

Based on above excerpt student employed code-switching in the case of translating

difficult words to his classmates. In certain way, he wanted to make his classmate

understood the words by explaining it in their first language. Simon (2001) states that

the student will use code-switching to fit others’ language proficiency

Participant 7 said, "One reason why most filipino teachers use this, is because they

consider some students who are not coping with the english lessons, and to help them

as well. That is the same reason for me as a student, wherein i use code switching to

express my thoughts well, whenever i find difficulty finding the word in english that i

wanted to deliver so that the other people will understand me better."

From the interview above the function of code-switching serves comprehension for

student. Teacher might already explain the material in English but to ensure students

understand teacher tried to explain in their first language because the message of the

material had to be delivered well. It goes on with the student they codeswitch so that

their partners were able to understand them better. The study of Ahmad & Jussof

(2014) elaborated that code switching increase student’s comprehension and

application of the material.

3.What do you think are the impact of your teachers code switching to your English


It was found out that code switching affect the fluency (the ability to speak or write a

foreign language easily) and accuracy (the quality or state of being correct or precise) of

the participants in learning the English language

Following qoutes prove this.

"I think this code switching hinder my learning in English language," said by participant


"It has a big impact for me because I will not able to practice English language if the

teacher code switch most of the time," said participant 5.

From above students perceived code switching negatively hindering the process of

learning within the English medium. Most of the students’ attitudes towards their own

use of code-switching is negative, like the students, they believe that code-switching

lead to weakness of their English proficiency level (Dykhanova, 2015).

"We can easily understood the lesson, but we english student also be pamper in the

that practice code switching, instead of the teachers to give motivations to push us to

practice to speak english," said by participant 3.

"As an English student code switching has its own advantage and disadvantage. It

encourages student to express their thoughts and ideas using another language aside

from English on the other hand it discourages the use of the target langauge," said by

participant 4.

Respondents give a view of the impact of the teachers’ use of code switching stating

that it helps them understand and learn better the lessons but also encourages them to

practice their first language instead of mastering the English language.

"In my personal experience, it allows me to enjoy and understand the challenging

aspects of the subject. Using English as a means of instruction is really beneficial for

me it is not always necessary since many students are still having difficulties grasping

lesson with English instruction. So basically, it has a positive effect for me because I

was able to participate actively during discussions," said by participant 18

This qoute implied that the use of code switching in a bilingual classroom seems

beneficial because it helps in explaining abstract concepts and in defining difficult terms
to students. This indicates that code switching makes explanations easy to understand

for the students by the teachers and it helps students to understand lesson contents.

From the passage it can be concluded that whether code-switching has valuable or

regretful opportunity in the classroom it has many role to help teachers and students

during teaching and learning process. Besides, teacher will not occupy other language if

it is not for the sake of teaching and learning process. On the other hand, it also hinder

the students in practicing the target language so the teacher will minimize the use of

code switching and it is only applicable in explaining difficult concepts only.

IV. Conclusion and Recommendation


In conclusion, ESL learners perceived that code-switching has positive and negative

effects of using it in the class. Participants perceive its usefulness in boosting

understanding of subject matter, it also an avenue for self-expression especially when

students have the difficulty of stating their ideas/opinions using the English language.

However, some learners viewed that code switching in the English class should be avoided

in classroom and learning situations, some reasons including the followings: They tend to made

code switching every now and then. Their self confidence or self esteem will not be develop

due to same old practice of code switching. Moreover, it discourage the mastery of the

teachers and learners in using the English language especially that they are in the English

Based on the findings, the reason why speakers use code switching during English

class is to help them better express their thoughts and ideas. With regards to teachers’

practice of code switching during English classes, some students see the benefit of this

practice as it helps them in understanding difficult aspects of the lesson as well as

enabling them to participate in lessons. It also helps them in making connections to their

prior knowledge, while it also encourages students to imitate such practice therefore, it

will not help in training learners in speaking the language proficiently.

Findings revealed that the teachers code switching have benefits and disbenefits to the

English learning of the participants. Code switching of their teachers allow the learners to

understand the lesson but it also hinder the students in practicing the target language.


The researchers recommend the use of code switching in a classroom learning

environment as per laid results of research that code switching help to ensure

understanding and learning of learners but should not be practiced from time to time

especially on an English class. It also help to set a pleasant and supportive relationship

between students and teacher.

Code switching also help the teacher to handover the material to the students

excellently. Teachers and students do code switching to discourse a certain topic, to

express feelings and loves, or to impress and encourage the audience.

Further, the researches recommend the conduct of in-depth understanding of the topic

by involving more participants and stakeholders to collect more data.


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Appendice A: Interview Questionnaire given to the participants

ESL teachers and learners' views on Code Switching.

Name: Date:

Year: sex:

Dear respondendent,

We would like to know your views on codeswitching in the class. Kindly answer the
following questions. There is no limit of answers and all answers are accepted. We
promise that all answers will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you, your cooperation is highly appreciated.

For students,

1.As an English student, what can you say about code switching in English class?

2. As an English student, why do you code switch?

3.What do you think are the impact of your teachers code switching to your English
APPENDICE B: Data Gathered from Respondents

Respondent 1:
Name: Moreno Malingay Jr.

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

- Of course students codeswitch to explain further the lesson or idea they want to
explain, not just students but teachers.
- we codeswitch because we have many language and that is normal.

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

- Because I cannot express my self in straight English especially when it is abrupt

- to clarrify my opinion
- for my partner to understand deeper what I'm saying.

3.What do you think are the impact of your teacher’s code switching to your English

- The impacts are

I used to it so I also do it,
It's sometimes not helping in my English learning.

Respondent 2:
Name: Emily Grace Lupai
Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

As an English major students, for me I think code switching should be avoided in classroom and
learning situations, some reasons including the followings:

• They tend to made code switching every now and then even in English subjects.

• Their self confidence or self esteem will not be developing due to same old practice of code

• As a future English educator it is very useful if as early as now they should be guided and
practice by the teachers to speak fluently for a betterment of themselves, and they will use in their
future careers.

2. As English student why do you code switch?

I do code switching in times when I cannot express my ideas and opinions, and when my listeners
cannot understand the word (i.e highfalutin words)

3.What do you think are the impact of your teacher’s code switching to your English learning?

I think this code switching hinder my learning in English language.

Respondent 3:
Name: Airheen Guinungo

Kindly honestly answer each question. There are no limit to your answer and no answer is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?
-Well code switching is good. Especially when you are in the middle of discussion or explaining your

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-I do switching in order to express my ideas and thoughts that I can't speak in english languange,
and to emphasize some important words that are easily understood by others.

3. .What do you think are the impact of your teachers code switching to your English learning?

-We can easily understood the lesson, but we english student also be pamper in the that practice
code switching, instead of the teachers to give motivations to push us to practice to speak english.

Respondent 4:
Name: Lynette Gano

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-As an English student code switching has its own advantage and disadvantage. It
encourages student to express their thoughts and ideas using another language aside
from English on the other hand it discourages the use of the target languages.
But then, try to minimize because as an English major, we are supposed to be one of
the experts in that language

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-I as an English major I code switch sometimes to freely express my ideas in a way that
it fitted the way I think.

3.What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

-As an English student code switching has its own advantage and disadvantage. It
encourages student to express their thoughts and ideas using another langauge aside
from English on the other hand it discourages the use of the target langauge.

Respondent 5:
Rachel Gano

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-For me its okay for us student to be better understand the topic because not all student
is good in English or understand English languages.
2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-To share better ideas in other code if you know that most of the student understand the
lessons. Inorder words to express your ideas in a launguage that most students know.

3.What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?
-It has a big impact for me because I will not able to practice English language if the
teacher code switch most of the time.

Respondent 6:
Sheila Panganiban

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-Code switching in classes may interrupt the focus of the listener and redirect his
interest of the topic being talked about. However, on the other side, is favorable in class
discussion for those who are struggling in straight English language.

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-As an English major, I do code switching also because I am addressing an idea that is
worth to ponder well in another language than the language i started to use.

3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

- Teachers using code switching in English learning can influence us as the students to
do the same, instead of practicing straight English however as a Filipino citizen, we
understand that as a more comfortable way in explaining the topic for better learning.

Respondent 7:
Edelle Grace Kimayong

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-Code switching in English classes are inevitably done in classroom settings here in our

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-One reason why most filipino teachers use this, is because they consider some
students who are not coping with the english lessons, and to help them as well. That is
the same reason for me as a student, wherein i use code switching to express my
thoughts well, whenever i find difficulty finding the word in english that i wanted to

3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

-Code switching is a flexible approach to students, however, if this is used daily, then
the students may be used to it, and will affect their learning in English language.

Respondent 8:

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

- As an english student, I think code switching in English classes is needed for further
explanation most especially when when we heard some deep english words for the first

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-Same answer in number 1

3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?
-The impact of the teachers using code switching can hinder me in practicing English

Respondent 9:

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-Code switching is good for English classes, in a way students are able to understand
well what the teacher was trying to say. However, if code switching is use everytime in
the class students wont be able to utilize and won’t be fluent enough to use the english

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

- I use code switching because Im not yet good in using the language, so sometimes its
hard to explain something and so that my partner will understand me.

3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?
-I think when teachers use code switching, I understand what they teach also it makes
me think its normal to use it in the class.

Respondent 10:

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-Code switching is important to every student even in english classes because not all
students are fully knowledgeable in using english terms, they might not able to express
themselves in english but is comfortable in using other languages.

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-I sometimes do code switching when I am not able to express my thoughts through

english especially in speech or I haven't known the terms of a specific words in english.
I may be an english student but it doesn't mean I knew everything about english,I prefer
to code switch rather than to betake myself in using english 'coz I might express wrong
3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?
-it is more understandable especially to students who are quite slow in understanding
english but it is hard for me to learn English language if my teacher do code switch most
of the time.

Respondent 11:
Smith Manzano

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-As an English student, code-switching is not recommended in most of our classes. Our
professors promote the practice and usage of the English language in our class
discussions and presentations. We were told that we need to be communicative
competent in the English language. Hence, EOP is a better avenue or platform for
practice. Only one professor of mine allowed the usage of code-switching because she
believed that we could be more comfortable in expressing ourselves with this. Likewise,
I believe in that sentiment.

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-I do code-switching because it became natural for me to include the linguistic forms of

the English language in a conversation or communication, especially during a casual
one. Also, there are cases that some words or phrases were more natural to be
articulated using our first language, while some are in our second language.

3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?
-When my professor allowed the practice of code-switching in our class, the class’ level
of participation increased. My classmates became more active and comfortable in
expressing their opinions and stand. I do believe that EOP is good, but there are times
that students need a breather like a code-switching.

Respondent 12:

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-Code switching is good for English classes, in a way students are able to understand
well what the teacher was trying to say. However, if code switching is use everytime in
the class students wont be able to utilize and wont be fluent enough to use the english

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

- I use code switching because Im not yet good in using the language, so sometimes its
hard to explain something.

3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

-I think when teachers use code switching, I understand what they teach also it makes
me think its normal to use it in the class.
Respondent 13:

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

- Codeswitching in some classes is not bad at all. But when you use codeswitching in
English classes, the term English doesn't make sense. You enter this English class to
be able to enhance your vocabulary, grammar, ect., so stand by that. Let yourself train
using English even it is not yet good.

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-I do codeswitching when I really don't know how to express/explain my self in English.

I am having a hard time in constructing sentences in English.

3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

-Codeswitching is a useful teaching tool in English Classrooms to facilitate teaching

and learning. Some English teachers especially in public schools are using
codeswitching. Because for them, students are not quite good in understanding English,
students are having a hard time answering whenever the teachers asked them using
English, sometimes it is also because of their community.
However, teachers who are using codeswitching to boost the English learning of the
student has a negative impact. There is a tendency that students might not get learn
English because their teachers tolerate them to use another language just to explain or
express themselves.

Respondent 14:
Inhumang Carolyn

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1. As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-Code switching is when the speaker alternates between two languages in a single

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-As a student code switching is often used because of the pressure that the students
experience when speaking.

3. What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

-Teachers and professors especially in the English courses does not allow code
switching. It is to maximize the fluency in speaking the English language.
Respondent 15:
Habilling Resen N.

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-Personally, Since I chose to be an english major I rather speak the language than code
switch. It would only depend on the classes you are in. Code switch is good to express
the thought freely but I shouldn't do code switch to practice my language skill, though I
might commit grammatical errors still it's part of my process to be proficient.

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-In relation to my 1st question answer I don't do code switch for my English classes. but
if my professor will let us do the code switch, Still I would have tried my best not to
commit. Haha sounds bragging but that's the truth besides it is for our own language

3.What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?
-If my teacher is the one promoting or like using code switch she/he might as well would
probably let her student do it. I mean its kind of not strict to stick on speaking the
language, her student would decode it as code switching is okay on her class

Respondent 16:
Tapo Janice Mae

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-I think code switching in English class is also a part of learning because given that this
language is not our L1 we need alternating language to substitute when we don't totally
express our ideas well.

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-I as an English major I code switch sometimes to freely express my ideas in a way that
it fitted the way I think and to clarify opinion.

3.What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

-Although they practice using code switching in class they think that the impact of code
switching to them is that they'll do it more often that sometimes they'll forget that they
should be the model of the Language especially to us, English majors.
Also learners will not master the target language in terms pronunciation structure

Respondent 17:
Joni Carino

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-What I can say about code switching is it is an essential way of expressing meaning in
other language to exactly point out what is to be understood. It is effective because
people can have the opportunity to use 2 or more languages to communicate. If having
a knowledge to speak more than one languages it is better to convey meaning.

2. As an English student why do you code switch?

-I code switch because I have known its importance. I generate benefits out of
communication demands. It is useful either as a teaching tool in EFL classrooms to
facilitate teaching and learning.

3.What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

-Speaking of impact for teachers, code switching has good consequences positive
effect and good outcome because usually students don’t have the full capacity to
understand what the teachers want to convey to learners so with this code switching it
may happen. Meaning of explanations by teachers sometimes it is difficult to grasp
because of vocabularies seldomely used.

Respondent 18:
Gano Elizabeth

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1.As an English student what can you say about code switching in English classes?

-I think code switching in English classes is somehow effective for the students to digest
more the lesson being discussed. I’m in favor for using it in every English classes as
long as the teacher knows how to let her students practice the language.

2.As an English student why do you code switch?

-To express my thoughts and opinion directly and clearly. My native language is
Ayangan so I am not used in speaking the language most of the time.

3.What do you think are the impacts of your teachers using code switching to your
English learning?

-In my personal experience, it allows me to enjoy and understand the challenging

aspects of the subject. Using English as a means of instruction is really beneficial for
me it is not always necessary since many students are still having difficulties grasping
lesson with English instruction. So basically, it has a positive effect for me because I
was able to participate actively during discussions.

Respondent 19:
Eileen Bugnay

Kindly honestly answer each question. There is no limit to your answer and no answer
is wrong.

1.As an English teacher, what can you say about code switching in English class?

-For me code switching in an English class is an avenue for self-expression especially

when students have the difficulty of stating their ideas using the English language and
it’s a manner of simplifying concepts to make things more understandable.

2.As an English teacher why do you code switch?

-I code switch to make concepts easily be understood by students. It is also my way of

breaking the monotony in class. Sometimes when the class is serious, I codeswitch to
make the mood light.

3. What are the impacts of your code switching to your students in their English
-So far, some if not most of my students are open to code switching especially those
who can learn and understand better. However, it has a negative effect for some who
have a high regard on English teachers. These students would expect that as English
teachers we should be role models on how we speak English-so that if u keep on code
switching are not a good English teacher for some-this relates now or affect how they
respect u as a teacher, they would associate intelligence with codeswitching when we
only want make concepts better understood, we are also being looked down for doing
so. I make it clear to the class codeswitching is a way to explain and simplify things not
to use English terms to impress our listeners.

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