Emmett Till IB History HL Assignment

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The significance of the emmett till case 

2. Introduction 
3. Conclusion
4. Consent in art 
5. The harm 
6. Emmett till significance 
500 words

Explain whole situation, The results of the court case and the difference in between the treatment
between the north and south, inspired the Montgomery bus boycott, example of white supremacy,
the public of the corpse and outrage (international outrage) which caused black unity and scorn for
the north,

IIn 1955 a 14 year old boy named Emmitt Till was murdered …

Although the lynching of Emmitt Till was significant, the circumstances around his death made it

Dangers of white supremacy or racism and white privilege, his death sparked the movement which
changed all black lives in America for the better. A symbol of black history. Institutionalised racism in
America now.

The video of explanation of the painting not only about a woman loosing her sun but also being
confronted with white stuff. African Americans feel they are suffering and you cant make it yours.
She painted something that wasn’t hers. Again a white person taking away from black people.
Cultural appropriation. And white supremacy. Always white people do suffer but it not them same

The Emmett Till case became significant because it showed to what extent racism in the south was
harmful and how there was a difference in the treatment towards blacks in the north, it also caused
the upsurge of activism for black civil rights, Emmett Till was a 14 year old black boy that lived in
Chicago. n the summer of 1955, Emmett Till and his cousin, Curtis Jones went to visit his great uncle,
Mose Wright in Mississippi. On the evening of August 24, Emmet and other teenage boys drove to a
store that was owned by Ron Bryant and his wife, Carolyn Bryant. A young Till was boasting that he
had dated a white girl back home in Chicago, consequently the boys dared Till to ask the cashier
female white cashier (Carolyn Bryant) on a date. Till went inside the store to buy some gum and
upon leaving he supposedly said ‘ bye baby’ and wolf whistled to the white female cashier (African-
American civil rights) . At the time Carolyn Bryant’s husband was out of town and when he came in
town he and his brother in law went to Moses Wright’s house (Till’s uncle) and took Emmett Till.
They brutally beat the young boy, shot him in the head then dumped his body in a river. The reaction
of the Southern men to what Emmett Till supposedly said or did to the white cashier showcased the
brutal treatment of southerners towards blacks, it also showed that people from the North
experienced a more lenient version

The Emmett Till case was very significant to the black Civil Right’s Movement because it
showed to what extent racism in the south was harmful how there was a difference in the
treatment towards blacks in the north and inspired a change in public opinion that caused an
upsurge of activism for black civil rights.  Emmett Till was a 14 year old black boy that lived
in Chicago, so he was not familiar with the racism in the South. In the summer of 1955,
Emmett Till and his cousin, Curtis Jones, went to visit his great uncle, Mose Wright, in
Mississippi. On the evening of August 24, Emmet and other teenage boys drove to a store
that was owned by Ron Bryant and his wife, Carolyn Bryant. A young Till was boasting that
he had dated a white girl back home in Chicago, consequently the boys dared Till to ask the
cashier female white cashier (Carolyn Bryant) on a date. Till went inside the store to buy
some gum and upon leaving he supposedly said ‘ bye baby’  and wolf whistled to the white
female cashier (African- American civil rights) . At the time Carolyn Bryant’s husband was
out of town and when he came in town he and his brother in law went to Moses Wright’s
house (Till’s uncle) and took Emmett Till. They brutally beat the young boy, shot him in the
head then dumped his body in a river. The reaction of the Southern men to what Emmett Till
supposedly said or did to the white cashier showcased the brutal treatment of southerners
towards blacks, it also showed that people from the North experienced a more lenient
version of the jim crow laws which was not well known until after the coverage of the Emmitt
Till case. On September 19nth began the trial for Emmitt Till’s murder and by the 23rd the all
white, male acquitted the two men for murder after deliberating for less than an hour.The
jury claimed it would’ve reached its decision even more quickly ,despite overwhelming
evidence that the defendants were guilty, had it not taken a soda break (History) The
trial showcased white privilege.The acquittal caused national and international
outrage The media was documenting the trial and NAACP used it as a fundraising tool to harness
support for the civil rights movement, also the mother decided to have an open casket, so the
mutilation on her dead sons body, inflicted by whites in a supposedly constitutional American, was
laying bare for the world to see. 1955 was during the baby boom, so a lot of young people, especially
young black people were inspired to become activists.

and helped spark the American civil rights movement.

Till’s mother said that, despite the enormous pain it caused her to see her son’s dead body
on display, she opted for an open-casket funeral to “let the world see what has happened,
because there is no way I could describe this. And I needed somebody to help me tell what it
was like.”

African- American civil rights:

“Emmett Till.” African American Civil Rights Movement,

“Emmett Till Murderers Make Magazine Confession.” History.com, A&E Television

Networks, 13 Nov. 2009, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/emmett-till-murderers-

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