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Economics and Accounting Journal

Vol. 3, No. 3, Sept 2020

ISSN 2615-7888

Received: July 9, 2020; Revised: Aug 17, 2020; Accepted: Aug 27, 2020; Published : Sept 30, 2020



Putri Nurmala1*, Meisnawati1, Nguyen Thu Trang3

Universitas Pamulang
James Cook University
* pnurmala@gmail.com


The research objective was to examine and analyze the Influence of Auditor Client
Tenure, Company Growth, Auditor Reputation, and Leverage toward Opinion Audit
Going Concern. This survey was conducted at Manufacturing Companies registered on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2013-2017. The data used in this study is
secondary data with sampling using purposive sampling method. The data analysis
technique used is descriptive technique with a quantitative approach using descriptive
statistical tests, multicollinearity test, logistic regression analysis, and coefficient
determinant. Based on research has been conducted, the authors note that the
auditor client tenure is not effect significantly to the opinion audit going concern, the
company growth is not significant influence to opinion audit going concern, auditor
reputation has a negative significant effect to opinion audit going concern,
and leverage has a significant effect to opinion audit going concern.

Keywords: Auditor Client Tenure, Company Growth, Auditor Reputation, Leverage,

Opinion Audit Going Concern

* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

1. INTRODUCTION opinion of the business in progress

and the opinion of the business in the
Today, competition in the asset. If financial states are generally
business world is increasingly fierce, accepted, they will be declared valid,
it is a boomerang for Indonesia if you decide, if you convey a
which is experiencing a decline in business opinion on the march of the
performance in various fields, company if there are doubts about
especially in the economic field. the continuity of your business.
Other problems arise, such as the In this case, the auditor is
increase in unemployment caused by responsible for explaining the
depleting work. problems that cause the company to
Financial statements as a accept an opinion from the company
structured representations of the because the opinion is a piece of
financial position and financial news for the company. The opinion
performance of an entity. The of a company in operation issued by
purpose of financial statements, the auditor to a master company that
namely providing information on there are doubts on the part of the
financial position, financial auditor about the sustainability of the
performance, and cash flow bodies business of the company. The
that are useful for most users of sustainability of the company is
reports in making economic influenced by internal and external
decisions (PSAK No. 1, 2012: 1-3) factors. Internal factors are factors
quoted by Andini and Mulya (2015 ). that originate in the company itself,
Financial statements as a main for example, the quality of human
tool for companies to inform the resources, financial conditions,
condition of a company to internal internal control, etc., while external
and external parties of the company. factors are factors that originate in
In the Statement of Financial the company such as market
Accounting Conceps (SFAC) No. 1 conditions, policies governmental,
explains that the main purpose of monetary conditions, etc.
financial statements is to provide The users of the financial states
information that is useful in making believe that companies that receive
decisions for both business and company audit opinions in operation
economic purposes. Offering quality can predict the break. The inverters
information is necessary because this suelen analyze the financial situation
can positively influence capital of a company before investing in the
providers and capital holders as well company. If a company receives an
as other stakeholders in inferring audit opinion of a company in
decisions both in investment, credit, operation, the inverter will refrain
and other resource allocation from investing in these companies
judgement that will increase overall and inverters that inverted will
market efficiency. withdraw their capital. The company
The auditor has full responsibility audit report in operation and
for the opinions that give direction to information for investors, where the
the entity's financial status, both the disclosure affects the reaction.

* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

The problem that arises at times is According to Agoes (2012) it

the difficulty of estimating the revealed that the audit is “A critical
continuity of life of an entity. and systematic examination, by an
Therefore, the independent auditor independent party, of financial
may experience a state of dilemma demonstrations that are prepared by
between morals and ethics while the administration, together with the
issuing an audit opinion of a records that contain the evidence of
functioning company, so it may be support, as the objective of to give an
that the company declares itself in opinion on the regularity of financial
quicker because there are so many demonstrations”.
inverters canceled your inversions. The survival of the company is an
The phenomenon in this study is important framework for which
that in 2015, one of the concerns the company, mainly
manufacturing companies in the investors. Investigators will do an
consumer goods industry sector, PT. analysis of financial demonstrations
Davomas Abadi Tbk. (DAVO) was before deciding to invest. Assim, or
delisted by IDX on January 21, 2015. auditor has an important role as
According to Hoesen, BEI's Director intermediary two interests two
of Corporate Valuation, this was investors, as two interests of the
because the issuer experienced a company as provider of financial
condition that negatively affected the demonstrations. When auditing the
survival of its business. From the data, or the auditor concentrates on
above phenomenon, giving a going determining the information recorded
concern audit opinion which is bad as work reflects the precision of the
news for a company, has an impact economic events that occur during
on the decline of share prices, the accounting period (Arens, Elder,
difficulties in increasing loan capital, and Beasley, 2008).
mistrust of investors, creditors, A declaration of the auditor is
customers and employees of the expressly by means of an audit
company's management. The loss of opinion, using the audited financial
public trust in the company's image demonstrations, the users of the
and management of the company financial demonstrations can make
will have a very significant impact decisions in an appropriate way
on the company's survival in the according to the current situation.
future. Client Tenure Auditor is a period of
Auditors have an important role to alliance between the public
play in closing the gap between the accounting firm (KAP) as the same
interests of investors as users of audit committee. Either way of
financial states and the interests of losing a high tax will make the
companies as users of financial auditor hesitant to express an audit
states. Inverters and other users rely opinion of operational continuity.
more easily on corporate data on Therefore, the independent auditor
financial states reflecting will be affected by the duration of
performance and the condition of the the relationship as the auditee's own.
company and receiving a fair opinion It is considered that the reputation
from the auditor. of the public accounting firm (KAP)
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

influences the audit opinion of client permanence, or the growth of

operational continuity. KAP as a the company, the reputation of the
reputation of four large is considered auditor, the advancement of the audit
to be better independent of audit and opinion of operational continuity.
quality than KAP as a reputation of However, the results of these studies
four large for audit opinion of still show inconsistencies. The
continuous concern. The objective of this study is to re-
advancement is a measure of how examine the influence of the auditor
much capital the company has raised client's permanence, or the growth of
to guarantee the life; How much the company, the reputation of the
more than dvidious in relation to the auditor and the advancement of the
patrimony, major or risk of the audit opinion of operational
company will not be able to pay continuity.
dvidious years creators. Mutchler (1985) and Alichia
Going Concern the viability of a (2013) affirmed that auditors many
business entity and a press assumes times issue audit opinions in progress
us corporate financial reports so that, in small companies because the
if a company experiences the auditors affirmed that large
opposite business condition, it will companies can solve the financial
cause problems (Petronela, 2004) in difficulties faced by small
Rahman and Siregar (2012). An companies. Big companies have
operational continuity is also known more financial difficulties than small
as continuity, in which the premises ones. As large companies have easier
you have, you foresee that your access to obtain funds both in the
efforts will continue indefinitely form of loans from creators and from
(Rahayu and Pratiwi, 2011). A other external sources of financing.
continuity audit opinion is an opinion Isso is confident that large
issued by the auditor to determine companies receive potential sources
whether the company can maintain of financing.
its business viability (Rahayu and A true, or complex, operational
Pratiwi, 2011). continuity problem continues to
The auditor is not responsible for exist, therefore, factors such as a
the survival of the company, but for definitive benchmark are necessary
the performance of audits, the to determine the continuity status of
survival of the audit must be taken a company and its consistency of
into consideration or to express factors must be tested so that in a
opinions. Not so much, or a problem fluctuating state of economic
that auditors frequently face or situation, you I can still foresee
provide opinions on operational continued worry.
continuity and that survival is very Based on the background above,
difficult to foresee, which is why the authors are interested in
many auditors experience a moral conducting research by taking the
versus ethical dilemma or provide title "The Influence of Client Tenure
opinions on operational continuity. Auditors, Company Growth, Auditor
Various studies have been carried Reputation, Leverage on Going
out on the influence of the auditor Concern Audit Opinions".
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

2. LITERATURE REVIEW evidence objectively about

statements of economic activities
Jensen and Meckling (1976) and events to determine the level
revealed that the agency of compliance between these
relationship as a contract in which statements with predetermined
one or more people (principal) criteria and communicate the
asked the other party (agent) to results to interested parties (Anita,
carry out a series of works in the 2017).
principal's name which involved The auditor is responsible for
the delegation of some authority giving opinions about the
making decisions. keagen reasonableness of a financial
authority. Main evaluation of the statement so that the principal or
performance of the agents shareholders are confident of the
(administration) through the performance of the agent or
financial performance that is management that can be seen
reflected in the financial states of through the financial statements.
the company. In certain situations, Brigham (2011) revealed that
there may be manipulation of the theory of signalling is an action
financial states due to the fear of taken by the direction of a
agents (management) to reveal company that gives instructions to
information that is expected to investors on how to see the
damage it. If it indicates that the direction of the prospects of the
preparation of financial statements company. Companies with
in a situation like this is not based favorable prospects will try to
on the actual situation, you should avoid selling shares and try each
not perform if the principal expects new capital needed by other
it. Things like this trigger an means, including the use of
agency conflict, so an independent money. The theory of signalling
third party, a public accountant, is explains how a company should
needed. The task of the public give signal to users of financial
accountant (independent auditor) is states. This week is in the form of
to provide services to assist the information about what he has
financial states prepared by the managed to accomplish the
agent (administration), with the owner’s wishes. The signal may be
final result in the form of an audit in the form of promotions or other
opinion. The agents use the information that indicates that the
auditor's services, which the agents company is better than other
need to give legitimacy to the companies. The theory of the señal
financial status of the company. explains that the managers dan
The ASOBAC audit (a señales to reduce the asymmetry of
statement of basic audit concepts) information. Managers provide
cited by Messier et al (2014) information through financial
explains that auditing is a states that they apply accounting
systematic process for obtaining policies for conservatism that
and evaluating the auditor's produce higher quality gains
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

because this principle prevents H2: Company growth affects

companies from carrying out an toward Going Audit Opinion
act of increasing earnings and Concern
helping users of financial states H3: Auditor's reputation affects
presenting gains and liabilities. of toward Going Concern Audit
quality so that it can be concluded Opinion
that you are of the great theories H4: Leverage affects toward
can be used in the financial Going Concern Audit Opinion
investigation or in the H5: Client Tenure Auditors,
investigation of accounting Company Growth, Auditor
management. Reputation, and Leverage affects
H1: Client Tenure Auditors affects toward Going Concern Audit
toward Going Concern Audit Opinion

3. RESEARCH METHOD The dependent variable in this

study is a going concern audit
This research is opinion, which is a modified going
a quantitative study with concern audit opinion given by the
an associative type (relationship), auditor if there is any doubt about
which is research that aims to the company's going concern
determine the relationship of two ability or there is significant
or more variables. The population uncertainty over the company's
in this study are all survival in running its operations
companies are listed on the Stock (SPAP, 2001) followed by Nanda
Exchange. The sample used is the and Siska, (2015).
manufacturing This variable is measured using
industry company registered a dummy variable. The going
during the period January concern audit opinion is coded 1, if
1, 2013 to December 31, 2017. the auditor finds uncertainty about
The sampling process used the survival of a company.
purposive sampling method. This Meanwhile, non-going concern
method is a sampling method audit opinion is coded 0, if the
based on consideration of certain auditor does not find uncertainty
criteria (Amalia, 2016). The regarding the survival of a
company-specific criteria (auditee) company (Siregar and Nurmala,
in this study are as follows: 2016).
1. Manufacturing companies listed The independent variables in
on the IDX. this study are Auditor Client
2. Manufacturing companies listed Tenure, Company Growth, Auditor
on the IDX for the 2013-2017 Reputation, Leverage.
period. a. Client Tenure Auditor
3. Companies that issue audited Auditor client tenure is
financial statements in 2013-2017. measured by counting the number
4. Companies that all required data of years in which the same KAP
are complete. has conducted an audit
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

engagement with the auditee. The statistics, assessing the entire

engagement year starts with the model, assessing the feasibility of
number 1 and is added by one for the regression model, the
the following years Amalia (2016). coefficient of determination,
b. Company Growth classification tables, hypothesis
Company growth is the testing. According to (Ghozali,
company's ability to maintain its 2013), this method is suitable for
business continuity. The research where the dependent
company's growth can be seen variable is categorical (nominal or
from how well the company non-metric) and the independent
maintains its economic position by combination of metric and non-
measuring the profit growth ratio. metrics is the case in this study.
The formula for calculating this Logistic regression analysis is used
ratio is as follows: to test whether the variables of
Current year's sales t - Last year's auditor client tenure, company
sales t-1 / Last year's sales t-1 growth, auditor reputation,
The greater the value of net leverage affect going concern audit
sales owned by the audit gives an opinion.
indication that profit after tax is Hypothesis testing in this study
one of the auditor's considerations was conducted using logistic
to issue a going concern opinion in regression. Logistic regression is a
Wardhani (2017). special form of regression analysis
c. Auditor's Reputation with categorical variables and the
Auditor reputation describes KAP independent variables are
measured by using dummy categorical, quintinious or a
variables. If the auditor is KAP combination of the two. Logistic
and affiliated with KAP Big Four, regression is used to test whether
it will be given a value of 1, but if the probability of occurrence of the
it is not included in the KAP dependent variable can be
affiliation, The Big Four will be predicted by the independent
given a value of 0 in Alfiani and variable. This test is performed
Nurmala (2020). using logistic regression because
d. Leverage the dependent variable data is
Leverage shows the proportion of categorical data and the
the use of debt to finance independent variable data is ratios.
investment (Sartono, 2001). The Logistic regression analysis
leverage ratio in this study uses a techniques do not require the
debt to asset ratio in order to assumption of data normality on
measure how much the company's the independent variables
assets are financed by debt. This (Ghozali, 2013), and ignore
ratio can be calculated as follows: heteroscedasticity (Gujarati, 2003).
The calculation of logistic
regression analysis in this study
The data analysis technique in used IBM SPSS version 22
this study used logistic regression statistics. The logistic regression
analysis techniques, descriptive
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

model used in this study is shown Α = Constant

in the following equation: β₁ - β₄ = Regression Coefficient
OGC = α + β₁ ACT + β₂ PP + β₃ ACT = Client Tenure Auditor
RA ₃ + β₄ L + e PP = Company Growth
Information: RA = Auditor's reputation
OGC = Dummy variable going L = Leverage
concern audit opinion e = Residual Error

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0.05, then the null hypothesis is
4.1 Logistic Regression Test accepted meaning the model is able
Results to predict the value of the
4.1.1 Test the Feasibility of the observation or match the data. Based
Regression Model on the table above obtained a
statistical value of 0.416 where the
Table 4.1: Feasibility Test Regression Model value> 0.05. It can be concluded that
Hosmer and Lemeshow Test the research model is able to predict
Step Chi- df Sig. the value of its observations or match
square the data.
1 8.183 8 .416
Source: SPSS data processing V.22
4.1.2 Assess the Overall Model
(Overall model fit)
Testing the feasibility of the model
has a basis for decision making that
if the statistical value is greater than

Table 4.2: Test the Overall Model

Iteration Historya,b,c,d
-2 Log
Iteration likelihood Constant X1 X2 X3 X4
Step 1 1 133.723 -.261 .000 .003 -1.263 .640
2 129.217 -.579 .000 -.004 -1.403 1.214
3 127.626 -.888 .000 -.014 -1.383 1.815
4 127.465 -1.019 .000 -.018 -1.383 2.081
5 127.465 -1.029 .000 -.018 -1.384 2.102
6 127.465 -1.029 .000 -.018 -1.384 2.102
a. Method: Enter
b. Constant is included in the model.
c. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 165.153
d. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because parameter estimates changed by less
than .001.

Source: SPSS data processing V.22

* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

Based on the above table, the So it can be concluded the table

initial value of -2 Log Likehood is above shows a good regression
obtained 165.153, then the next -2 model.
Log Likehood shows a value of
127.465, which means a reduction in 4.1.3 Logistic Regression Results
the value of -2 LL (Log Likehood). that are formed

Table 4.3: Logistic Regression Test

Source: SPSS data processing V.22

From the logistic regression test table point of Company Growth, the
above we get the following Auditor Going Concern Opinion will
regression equation: decrease by 0.018 if other variables
Y = -1,029 + 0,000X1 - 0,018X2 – remain. Auditor's reputation of 1.384
1,384X3 + 2,102X4 + 0,472 means that for each addition of 1
point of Auditor's Reputation, the
From the above equation, it can be
Going Concern Audit Opinion will
seen that the constant is –1.029
increase by 1.384 if other variables
meaning that if all the independent
remain. Leverage of 2.102 means
variables are equal to zero, then the
that for each addition of 1 point
Going Concern Audit Opinion will
leverage, the Going Concern Audit
be worth -1,029 Furthermore, the
Opinion will decrease by 2,102 if
client client tenure is 0,000, meaning
other variables remain.
that for each addition of 1 point
Client Auditor Tenure, the Going
Concern Audit Opinion will be down 4.1.4 Partial Test / Test t (Variable
by 0,000, if other variables remain. in the Equation)
Then the Company Growth of -0.018
means that for each addition of 1

Table 4.4: T Test

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
Step 1 X1 .000 .000 1.344 1 .246 1.000
X2 -.018 .101 .032 1 .857 .982
X3 -1.384 .482 8.255 1 .004 .251

* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

X4 2.102 .736 8.154 1 .004 8.181

-1.029 .472 4.747 1 .029 .357
Source: SPSS data processing V.22

Based on the table above, it can 1.384 with a significant level of

be concluded that: 0.004 <0.05, then H3 is accepted,
1. Client Tenure Auditor Variable which means Company Growth has a
has a regression coefficient of 0,000 significant negative effect on Going
with a significant level of 0.246> Concern Audit Opinion.
0.05, then H1 is rejected, which 4. Leverage Variable has a positive
means the Client Tenure Auditor has regression coefficient of 2.102 with a
no significant effect on Going significant level of 0.004> 0.05, then
Concern Audit Opinion. H4 is accepted, which means
2. Company Growth Variable has a Company Growth has a significant
negative regression coefficient of - effect on Going Concern Audit
0.018 with a significant level of Opinion.
0.857> 0.05, then H2 is rejected,
which means that Company Growth
has no significant effect on Going 4.1.8 Simultaneous Test (Omnibus
Concern Audit Opinion. Test)
3. Auditor Reputation Variable has a
negative regression coefficient of -
Tabel 4.5: F Test

Based on the table above it can be Based on the results of the

concluded that the significance level analysis and discussion that has been
of 0,000 <0.05, then H5 is accepted, carried out on a per problem basis
which means Auditor Client Tenure, using logistic regression analysis,
Company Growth, Auditor several conclusions are obtained:
Reputation, Leverage together have a 1. Client Tenure Auditor Variable
significant effect on Going Concern does not significantly influence
Audit Opinion. going concern audit opinion on
manufacturing companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the
period 2013-2017.
5. CONCLUSIONS 2. The Company growth variable
does not significantly influence the
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

going concern audit opinion on Based on the results of the

manufacturing companies listed on research that has been done, there are
the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the several suggestions that can be made.
period 2013-2017. Suggestions that can be conveyed
3. Auditor Reputation Variable has a based on this research are as follows:
significant negative effect on going 1. Future research should add other
concern audit opinion on variables that are thought to have an
manufacturing companies listed on influence on going-concern audit
the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the opinion, both external and internal.
period 2013-2017. 2. Further research can examine the
4. Leverage Variable has a types of companies other than
significant effect on going concern manufacturing companies listed on
audit opinion on manufacturing the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
companies listed on the Indonesia 3. Can add the number of research
Stock Exchange in the period 2013- periods more than 5 years.
2017. 4. The company management should
5. Client Tenure Auditor Variables, analyze the client tenure, company
Company Growth, Auditor growth, auditor reputation, and
Reputation, Leverage together have a leverage.
significant effect on Going Concern
Audit Opinion.

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* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com
EAJ (Economics and Accounting Journal) - Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2020 – Nurmala, Meisnawati,

Wardhani, D. F. (2017). Pengaruh Garmen dan Tekstil yang Listing

Prediksi Kebangkrutan, di BEI periode 2010-2015.
Pertumbuhan Skripsi. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu
Perusahan dan Kualitas Audit Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya.
Terhadap Penerimaan Opini
Audit Going Concern (Studi
Empiris pada Perusahaan

* Corresponding author’s e-mail: pnurmala@gmail.com

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