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Reachon Eugineeving i RENE! & “Ledwes tu 14 _ Ths week's lectwes shall coved bu Following, : S Shoidtomelic Table Si. Some we Pal ole Rarkors Slt. Pavauekey Oc sh2. Net wole chauge for tue reachon , F SA. Puamely e Sa. Convesioa, X_ “Cor Xe) 6.2. Stoletdommie Table | | Sah este, pee, PAR ee | 7 Batch veators a _ a — —— — _ $$ — Scanned with CamScanner Right, let us begin : S Steicliomebie Table | Galery .we oleserbed how the vate of reachon aN. is veloted 45 concenbahon aul heurpevahve . Today we will we shoichianebie tables ala with “the defirihers of conconbahon , ad the _ concesMation as a Ruchon of een x, Hence we will ther have bee vate of feotk'sr,— On , as a Fucker of conversion. [eu Sone wselal defaikous - _ (Before ve look at the shoichtonelic table , | weect to eRe : Scanned with CamScanner Siti Buametey Be ge | j > Spetes Far shee As Op = Fo Trg: Fer shewes B: Og = - fe ies Feo Fro Le Cho Coo Ye Yao fe lows — reoders = Yeo a Scanned with CamScanner _ For re feackrs: Vie wo cothnaous Hoos f'orouk> Scanned with CamScanner — s. aNet mole clauge for the veach'on : A+ &@ —» €c + £h Scanned with CamScanner _ mols of A veacked mols 0. Scanned with CamScanner i — of A reached Then awols of B| B “veacked : = Ge tae Formed = | mob of @ veaskeo 2. Fao X’ Lmols of Cc ferme im 3 FaoX [wols of DB Forme = 4+ FroX Scanned with CamScanner _ mols of A ceatked = Fa wols mols of Don i _ — — = | i ee ua | | | Scanned with CamScanner ee 4 ED . + 2 NoX a Scanned with CamScanner 5+ Vobmevic Plowvales or + liquids 4 ses For Flow Reactors a Flow St - reauber T pe = “Por bgyid phase, Flow rears The velomebic Flow vale is coustant 2 Fer _ gas phase 1 flow teabor s For gas phase veackons the Volumebic Plow rahe - vasies with cawesion ard the equahor“relahorship is qlver by + - — — Scanned with CamScanner a ee Feo-4+& gx al Poo a = Frotdpoy = — A + Re —~ SC. + £D ee ~ Pox = -BFieX +e PieX + se Fee _ Aut: leaving the veaclor = a eleing _ Cat. ven recor ia veachor ed, A entesing) + Cost Pimed ~ veacker In Ceaclos 7 Scanned with CamScanner IT now generate the sboichiomelvic table. look at the Flow reackrs aad then Tsai Sboichionehic Table : Flo reactors + CsT@, pre, fh Consider the veach'on : 2, | amt. renckeel formecl Shewes| Tavbal [Change Remaraing A_|_ Fro FroX | a= Fao-Fox | Ca = fa Ge) : Ue Lit ex eo Fao Ci-x) G Cts BE 1 Cao= Fro proN 2 Scanned with CamScanner Tnikial | Change Reming Concenbah'ion | BEX) Fe = Foe-EheXl Gn Fe | gs ah. 26. 7 |e Rex] lips ee Cg 2 FolOe-~x) [a Co = Cro C6~ EX) | gases v= US Grex BE L Co = Fre (On = ex) Molt exd ee (Note: C is Brmed hence—plus. sign) |. Pligg: Ue Fe (Qe + &x) Us [Ges CoO 45K) os ~ ax gees: Uz ub (ex ER C= Fao (& + Sx) We Ci tex) fe = Cao (Be. + =x) — Cr ex) Be PT Tas Scanned with CamScanner L ~Shests Tika | Change Remaining Coxe “Go. Foo |+4f4.X | Fo = Foot Shox ,- |fes | |B = 86h + She o : “a+ FroS! R= Fae (On + 4X ys: aus —— |@k Fis} —— _ __|_Ca = Fro (On + £x) ee - _ ese | _ _ Co = Cao( Bo + = - - 7 v= alex PR |Cy = fron + EX) | Cire BE = Cn On SX) hr ex\ BE Scanned with CamScanner | Chow neal to lenow all LLese equahots “the equations la tee vavious the equations so often yo wlll cally: >) _ Scanned with CamScanner rea @ “e _ Sheeses b : = «Bo —s ¢€C + £D —Syb.X + & NaoX + g NaoX Fhikal | Change Rewaia'ag Conceabation —_B__| Nao [=o | Ni = Nao—Nbex’ a Na > Nao Ci=x) gases Vat lvexy ee Cx = Nao Ct-x) : Vo (trex) fe Cae Co Cx) Cex ee CNete : fe 2 Res) - Scanned with CamScanner @® “| Spevies Tikal Change Peraining Concenbation [8 Neo = BMbtex’ | Ne= ee — Nb» Ca = Ne Neo = Eero] Ne= Nao Og ~ Enel a Np =e (%-2)| bigs: V= Vo Gp = Nao On - &x) Vo Ca = Cow (On ~£X) gas : Ve Vols ox BE Cy = Nrco(Oe -X) Cy = Cro (0g- EX) Cre Be Ne = Neo + SNbK Co = Ce __|Ne= GeNho tMpo Mi x) lis 1 V= Vo C. = Naw n+ Xx) [ee Co (8.4 EX) | gue: V= Vel oo Be Ce = Nao (& + EX) Ve Ct ex) BE Ge Ce(a+ CER Scanned with CamScanner @ Now, shdy le cau Zaihel Charge | Revaling | Concenbucion | Mo [ran Nu=Nbo +EnaxX | Cp = No - thes — |Nb= Oythe + tbe | — |_8s Nao Nb = Nao (Ons) | _ Nis} ———|— lis: We Ve oye) | a eh) be i | co= Ge (Cn +24) oo goes: Ve Vo Gvex BE | Ca = Nbc (Oo +x) Voli exe for both Uigudd- We shall now wate the Cacerbahor equahon Br lined - A oan more 4 fohase reactors ond gas— phe eachars Io x Scanned with CamScanner ~ Concealvakon Cquakon 2a irenwors: - A+ ke —. 2c , 4D - a: ‘e+e 7 = Gas Phase = = Ve : V2 VET = Coo (8; + YX) ~ Scanned with CamScanner ® Just to summovize all the wok that was coused So fer : L. Tybodluch'on 2. Types of veachor 21 Batch 2.2. CSTR 3. Reackion Linetios Bil. “Types of reach'ons Bit Homogeneous veachons 3.12. Heterogeneous veachons - — 3.2. Reachon rate + homogeneous reachons = —(A rates of veackon wake + hekevogeneous reachous : -@! th Design Equation Cor General Mole Balance Equahon = GmBE) Scanned with CamScanner ep & Sheidvomebvte Table a sie Sane weil defluitions Site Parameter OF S42. Net mole change for the reauion, f $3. Parameter € S44, Conversion , NS Volumetvie Plowrate 2 0 = Moats A gases 8.21 Steichiomebic Table S211, Sfoichionehbic table : esTR, PFR, PBR $12.2. Striciowebc table. bath rea chors covered We have now covered petty mach, all the —|{ fendenonbal theos that ou need to start gd J? Solving 4 reachou engineer ag problems. “golue some problems so you _ equchous ave Scanned with CamScanner

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