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10/16/2020 Introduction | Part 2: Short and Long Cycle Experiments | Driving Digital Innovation through Experimentation | edX

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Course / Part 2: Short and Long Cycle Experiments / Introduction

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10/16/2020 Introduction | Part 2: Short and Long Cycle Experiments | Driving Digital Innovation through Experimentation | edX

In this part of the course we introduce the idea of an experimental cycle, describing its steps and its importance.

We start with A/B testing, which are simple controlled experiments that help the practitioner make a simple decision
by providing data on several alternatives (often 2, hence A/B). They are often used in contexts where performing the
testing is quick and relatively cheap, and where the goal that is being optimized is clear and easy to measure.

Because these conditions are often not met, we also need to understand more expansive approaches. These
approaches will let us examine a broader class of phenomena, but will provide less precision about what is occurring
as the phenomena unfold. We need to be able to wisely navigate the tradeo between the high cost of controlled
experiments, and the lower cost of other methods, when we keep in mind the di erences in information quality
provided by the di erent approaches.

We will investigate these concepts, by applying them to the context of online newspaper advertising, speci cally at
identifying web page design changes with the goal of improving revenue over the long-term. To do this we will need
to carefully consider the reader user experience in order to develop an understanding of how the design and user
behavior are associated, and how this ultimately is associated with revenue.

Learning Outcomes
In Part 2, you will:

1. Be exposed to digital publishing and advertising as an experimental context

2. Contrast an A/B testing approach with more complex experimental settings

3. Understand what these experiments are good at elucidating, and what they leave out

4. Experience (via the SIM) the unique challenges of running experiments with a digital product, and in a business

5. Describe what the Business Experimentation Cycle is, how it works, and why it is important

6. Di erentiate between the BEC and the scienti c method

Short and Long Cycle Experiments

Start of transcript. Skip to the end.

 PAUL CARLILE: We begin our

conversation about developing
a capability for experimentation at the
technical level… 2/4
10/16/2020 Introduction | Part 2: Short and Long Cycle Experiments | Driving Digital Innovation through Experimentation | edX

and start with A/B testing, sometimes

called a split run or bucket test.
A/B testing is a controlled experiment
that is generally
deployed as a single cycle experiment.
 0:00 / 0:00  1.0x    
Examining this will help us
acknowledge the tradeo s

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