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Case Study Assignment

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Institutional Affiliation

Case Study Assignment

1. Answer to Question 1

Kurt Lewin’s planned change model entails three main organizational change processes.

The three processes include; unfree, change, and refreeze processes.

From the Royce Consulting case study, most of the managers are against the shift to “hoteling

system” due to the possible loss of prestige attached to their current offices.

The partners, on the other hand, view the shift as an economical approach which would help the

organization in saving a lot of money on the renting costs.

One effective means of convincing managers to accept the shift to the “hoteling” system is by

stressing to them the advantages that they would reap as managers working in such remote


1. According to Lewin’s change model, the first stage of change creation is the unfreezing

process (Cummings, Bridgman & Brown, 2016). In this stage, stakeholders in an

organization such as the managers are informed of the need for the proposed changes

(Cummings, Bridgman & Brown, 2016). The partners would, therefore, convince the

managers that “hoteling” system become more productive compared to the traditional

system, then all managers would receive pay raises for their excellent remote jobs.

Additionally, the partners should convince the managers that they (managers) would

benefit more from the new system due to improved productivity. The “hoteling “system would

incorporate the use of modern software that eases centralized communication among remote

managers and the head office. This would, therefore, encourage real-time communication

regardless of where the managers are.


2. Based on Lewin’s change model, an organization must first challenge the original

beliefs of all stakeholders and encourage the adoption of new approaches in the

organization. The partners should, therefore, encourage the managers to have a wider

view of the planned changes. The managers should, additionally, view the move as an

innovative approach towards the continued rise in the rental charges (Daft, Murphy, &

Willmott, 2010).

3. Lastly, the managers would convince the managers that the change process requires

patience from all, and that all managers would take part in decisions making processes to

ensure that the planned change benefits all. Ample time and effective communication

encourage collaboration and proper understanding among stakeholders regarding the

need for the planned changes.

Royce consulting should, therefore, adopt the planned change model in its transition from a

physical office system to the “hoteling” system.

2. Answer to Question 2

The organizational culture at the Royce consulting supports the decision for the required

change. Royce’s culture is client-centered, and the leadership understands all it takes to move the

organization from one level to the next in terms of customer satisfaction, organizational

expansion, and growth. Organizational culture brings all employees together by aligning all their

individual goals to the goals of the entire corporation (Taylor, Santiago, & Hynes, 2019). An

organizational culture, therefore, ensures that all stakeholders work towards a common goal.

According to Royce consulting, all managers, partners, and employees are encouraged to work

towards the satisfaction of the customer’s needs. The same culture would, therefore, encourage

all the stakeholders involved (partners, managers, CEO, and employees) to support the new

“hoteling” system. Based on the organization’s culture, such changes are meant to help the

organization meets its goals, and the primary goal it has as a consulting firm is to satisfy the

client’s demands.

The Royce consulting CEO’s commitment towards articulating the company’s values and

goals reassures that managers and all stakeholders of the company’s readiness to adopt change.

Effective leadership provides more confidence to all stakeholders on the feasibility of the

proposed change and the possible benefits that the organization would achieve from such. The

leadership at the Royce consulting should, therefore, train managers on how to handle their tasks

remotely, and educate them on how to maximize their office hours in such a “hoteling” system.

3. Answer to Question 3

Based on my analysis, the Royce consulting firm would benefit more when the partners

proceed with the plan. First, the consultancy firm would spend less in terms of renting costs

should the partners proceed with the plan. According to the information obtained from the case

study, the organization’s overall variable and fixed costs were high, so, additional renting

expenses for the newly recruited managers would reduce the organization’s profit levels. The

first aim of any firm is to minimize all the total costs and to maximize profits with the available

limited resources. The time spent by the manager in offices is few compared to the duration they

spent on the client’s workplaces. It is, therefore, economically reasonable for partners at Royce

consulting firm to proceed with the change plan.

Additionally, should the partners proceed with the plan, the organization would not incur

the forecasted cost-control strategies as it expands. The remote workplace would also reduce the

office boredom among managers and therefore, improve their overall productivity. The remote

workplace also reduces the additional office expenses such as purchases of office stationery and

daily expenses in terms of meals and transportation. The move towards a “hoteling” system

would, therefore, benefit the consultancy firm economically (Eddleston & Mulki, 2017).


Cummings, S., Bridgman, T., & Brown, K. G. (2016). Unfreezing change as three steps:

Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s legacy for change management. Human Relations, 69(1), 33-60.

Daft, R. L., Murphy, J., & Willmott, H. (2010). Organization theory and design. Cengage

Learning EMEA.

Eddleston, K. A., & Mulki, J. (2017). Toward understanding remote workers’ management of

work-family boundaries: The complexity of workplace embeddedness. Group &

Organization Management, 42(3), 346-387.

Taylor, A., Santiago, F., & Hynes, R. (2019). Relationships among leadership, organizational

culture, and support for innovation. Effective and Creative Leadership in Diverse

Workforces (pp. 11-42). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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