Election Review - CCCLXXIII

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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  rsklaroff@gmail.com
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 March 27, 2022 – Pesach Massacre

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCCLXXIII] – Ukraine Refutations

These cites explain why the USA must support providing aircraft ASAP to Ukraine, and
the reader is invited to try to detect sophistry or fallaciousness in anything therein:

CCLXVII *Ukraine “Study Guide”

CCXCVI *Ukraine Update
CCCIX *“Catch-Up Ball” - Foreign Affairs
CCCXXI *Ukraine
CCCXXX *Ukraine & EU
CCCXXXIII Action Items
CCCXXXVII Defeat Putin Now
CCCXXXVIII *Ukraine Feedback - A
CCCXXXIX *Ukraine Feedback - B
CCCXLVIII *Ukraine Action-Items
CCCLIII *Brandon vs. Ukraine
CCCLVI Candid 2020 Update
CCCLVII Trumpism and Russia
CCCLX Ukraine Redux
CCCLXII “Close Ukrainian Skies”
CCCLXIII Ukraine Litmus Tests
CCCLXIV Ukraine Egg-Heads
CCCLXVI Ukraine Lamentations
CCCLXXI NATO/Brandon Fizzled
CCCLXXII Again, Putin must lose

A long-term friend forwarded an article that counseled capitulation to Putin rather than
defeating him because Western ideology [not armies] initially invaded Ukraine; it argued
Russia views Ukraine to be its historic heartland—dating from medieval Kievan Rus’,
which they consider the origin of their people—but, by this logic, Kiev should conquer
Moscow. Also, why Pope Francis claimed “There are no just wars” covertly undermines
Ukraine [“a Marxist pretends to attack Marxism”]. In addition, that Russian troops killed
their commander constitutes feel-good info. Finally, it’s probably misdirection to believe
the claim of Russia's general staff that the invasion’s objectives have been “Mainly
Accomplished” and that Phase II is starting; Putin covets Kiev [aided/abetted by Belarus].
It’s necessary to complete a probe of the bases for opposing support for Zelenskyy
[fighting to preserve Western Civilization] by addressing how the media are portraying
crimes against humanity, It’s unfortunate that Brandon is an overseas gaffe-machine
[leaked Critical Information, and Stuck His Foot Straight in His Mouth in a Way That Could
Set off WW-III, and told US Troops in Poland They’re Going to Ukraine (noting also that
some of “you” have been there) and told US Servicemen in Poland that the Declaration
of Independence is “Corny”]. But this unifying posture obscures a major GOP schism.

The Ukraine crisis splits the right as “The Times is Putin us on.” The Federalist channels
“paleo”-type conservatives (with roots in the 1930s) by opposing empowerment of
Ukraine by honoring Putin’s threats to the EU/NATO/USA of using nuclear weapons and
invading Poland/Lithuania; accused of being Putin’s mouthpiece, it smears facilely those
who refuse to cede agenda control as risking WW-III. This reprehensible conflict recalls
Carville’s 1992 adage that those who set the narrative emerge victorious. It’s necessary
to jettison both ideology and worriment that Brandon’s polling could rise, for the
survival of the Judeo-Christin Ethic is threatened by the Sino-Soviet “New World Order.”

No where is this battle more palpable than on FNC, with Tucker Carlson routinely rising in
opposition to Sean Hannity; each has supporters, both on prime-time and elsewhere.
Simply maintaining operational silence by claiming “this wouldn’t have happened were
The Donald to be the POTUS” doesn’t suffice, for Brandon’s slow-walking support for
Zelenskyy places everyone in peril globally, not just in the European theater.

Illustrative of how the Dems are quietly observing this conflict is how Marc Lamont Hill
avoided addressing this issue on the Black News Channel, which shut down operations
(according to the LA Times) only two years after its launch (and will file for bankruptcy);
it had aspired to be a 24/7 national news network committed to covering the Black and
Brown communities. So the final week was focused on the SCOTUS nominee, with his only
cryptic comment about Ukraine being “We need to know the text before we can assess
the context and derive the pretext.” [Brandon/Harris aren’t the only word-salad users.]
Remember, Hill is a Farrakhan acolyte, and both have advocated for extremist anti-USA
policies (such as emptying the jails); thus, he found himself uncertain as to what posture
to adopt in a fluid environment (among Dems, who support Brandon’s being anti-Putin).

The FNC show with Brian Kilmeade and Gen. Jack Keane was a bust in terms of detailed
discussion of how Ukraine would win; the opener with Sen. Cotton was more informative
and nothing thereafter transcended the usual concern that Brandon is dilatory and has a
tendency to ad-lib gaffes [Brandon Ended Warsaw Speech With Call for Regime Change
in Russia]. Those who praise a new USA/EU bond, are reminded of how a comparable
claim was emerging eight years ago, accompanied by the same anti-corruption prognoses.
USA/NATO seem not yet to be enlightened as to the threat to the current “world order.”
Indeed, one wonders how many more humanitarian tragedies must befall Kyiv before the
Western World “gets it”; Ukraine apparently must be destroyed before it can be saved,
recalling the infamous mantra invoked when Vietnamese huts were being napalmed.
A clearer military picture is captured in the following piece, reprinted without editing:

Ukrainians frustrated by U.S. Reluctance to Transfer Anti-Ship Missiles,

Other Weapons

One month after the start of the Russian invasion, Kyiv’s calls to the U.S.
and European NATO countries to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine have
grown softer. Ukrainian officials are now laser-focused on a new, more
attainable ask: more weapons from the U.S. and other Western allies with
which to launch attacks on Russian positions.

Washington’s slow effort to provide these weapons to the Ukrainians has

frustrated leaders in Kyiv, notwithstanding U.S. claims that the
administration is moving swiftly and effectively to shore up Ukraine’s

During a virtual appearance at an Atlantic Council webinar today, Andriy

Yermak, the head of Volodymyr Zelensky’s presidential office, expressed
appreciation for weapons transfers from Washington. “But honestly,” he
added, “we need more, and need quick.” Yermak also rattled off a list of
weapons his country is requesting, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft
missiles, small arms, and heavier systems, including multiple rocket
launchers and long-range artillery.

Ukraine needs the capability to break through Russian lines to recapture

territory seized during the invasion, said a source who speaks regularly
with senior Ukrainian officials, as President Biden rallied NATO leaders in
Brussels yesterday and prepared to visit Poland. But the White House is
reluctant to give Kyiv the weapons to do that.

“There’s no interest to really give Ukraine counteroffensive capacity. Until

that happens, Putin’s game in Ukraine will not change,” the source, who
was granted anonymity to candidly discuss the Ukrainian leadership’s
perspective, told National Review. “The administration actually thinks that
by not provoking Putin you’re de-escalating. Well, quite the opposite.”

Counteroffensive capabilities also include tanks, planes, anti-ship missiles,

and high-altitude missiles. During an address to a NATO summit on
Thursday, Zelensky requested 1 percent of the alliance’s stocks of those
systems. “The only thing I ask of you after this one month of war,” he said,
preempting a potential objection, is “please do not tell us that our army is
not up to NATO’s standards.”
The Ukrainians have shown that they can do all of the fighting themselves,
if President Biden and other leaders empower them to do so. Ukraine has
begun some small counteroffensives in recent days, according to
the Institute for the Study of War, which is tracking the conflict. Mounting
those counterattacks matters immensely for any negotiated settlement
reached between Moscow and Kyiv. Moscow’s advances have been stalled
in some places, but the Russian forces have still made alarming progress in
recent weeks. If Ukraine doesn’t hold Russian-occupied territory when the
talks reach a conclusion, it might be forced to cede much of it.

Although the Biden administration has moved to provide Kyiv with some
$2 billion in security assistance, including $1 billion in the past week, the
focus up to now has been on Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and Javelin anti-
tank missiles.

While that’s made a significant difference on the battlefield, there’s been

a reluctance to provide more, as shown by the administration’s headline-
grabbing refusal to help Poland transfer MiG jets to Ukraine because the
planes are “offensive” in nature. The White House has said that it’s wary
of transferring weapons that could be perceived by the Kremlin as
escalatory, leaving Kyiv in the lurch and Warsaw unable to act.

Washington’s hesitancy can also be seen in the glacial pace of getting

weapons to Ukraine. According to a senior administration official
who briefed reporters yesterday, the U.S. has — one month into the
Russian attack — “started consulting with allies on providing” anti-ship
missiles but also noted “there may be some technical challenges with
making that happen.”

Ukrainian officials still want Soviet-era jets, such as the MiGs, and it’s
unclear where their latest requests for tanks stand. Reached for comment,
the National Security Council referred NR to the White House’s previous
comments on weapons transfers and the senior administration official’s
comments on discussions about anti-ship weapons and other systems.
Meanwhile, any pressure from Congress on the administration is likely to
be negligible for now, if recent history is any indication.

Biden’s move to waive sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline last year
prompted strong bipartisan opposition. Nevertheless, when legislation
was introduced to reverse Biden’s move, the White House’s allies in
the Senate voted it down. In the days immediately following the start of
the invasion, of course, the president revoked the waivers, effectively
killing the pipeline.
The source with knowledge of the Ukrainian government’s thinking said
that Ukraine has also noticed that Senate Democrats are reluctant to break
with the administration to back the transfer of counteroffensive weapons.
But the person said that it will take place eventually: “Unfortunately, it’ll
take another 20,000–30,000 lives before that happens. It will happen. It’ll
just be when a lot of people are dead.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this week that, according to U.S.
assessments, Putin’s forces have committed war crimes, giving an official
designation to blatant Russian atrocities. The administration has signaled
a willingness to speak out against Moscow’s barbarism in Ukraine, but it’s
been much too slow to give the Ukrainians the means with which to push
forward in a new phase in this war.

The aforementioned friend [who had circulated the article suggesting that Ukraine’s turn
to the West had justifiably provoked Russia] conveyed a viewpoint that was annotated:

Are you for the Neo-Nazis of Ukraine that I wrote about recently like you
seem to wholeheartedly support the Jew-haters who back Trump while
speaking up against Jew-hatred as a Jew?

no, but gotta get hitler before we deal with stalin

Forget about Biden whom you constantly refer to as Brandon. Are you
hiding from something? If anyone in the future reads your writings, and
they don't know who that Brandon is, you are sowing the seeds of
confusion. You keep trading positions.

defined in past; illegitimate

Trump and Biden both dealt with Putin and Xi. Trump praised Putin,

no, he said he was smart

Xi, Kim Jon Un, and many others, and now you are against Putin?

he's trying to destroy western civ. This is an excerpt of what will go out
tomorrow {the sentence from page one was conveyed verbatim}

I voted initially for Senator Ted Cruz who really stood up to Jackson who is
running for the Supreme Court.

so did i, and he shudda been appointed to the scotus

Do you think that Trump could do the same thing politically?


Trump put his foot in his mouth too many times when he was in office.

was single-handedly fighting culture wars

McCain wasn't a maverick compared to Trump. McCain served his country

in uniform.

McCain imported the Steele Dossier, part of the deep state.

Did Trump? NO!

nor did i

One more thing. Confused about Mastriano? I'm not. I don't kiss Xtian
asses that use my culture to advance their goyishe aims!

he's an ethical monotheist, honest, and focused on undoing 2020 [unlike

the others]

So? "Russians consider Ukraine their historic heartland, dating back to

the medieval Kievan Rus’, which they consider the origin of their people."
You are quoting the article to say what? Putin wants it back?


So? You typed, "By your logic, Kiev should conquer Moscow." How do you
deduce that?

the slavs started in ukraine

You are way off base. Moscow should control Kiev (the Russian spelling)
diplomatically, but that did not seem to work because the Liberal element
in Ukraine elected a Jewish comedian to run their country.

Moscow shouldn't control another country, let alone its capital.

Read the article, or do you just skim pieces because you have no time to
really read between the lines? Are you playing two sides against the
middle? That's like "bullshit."

i excerpted the key-point and refuted it.

Look up the meaning of that word on the Merriam-Webster on-line

dictionary. A few quotes are "to talk foolishly, boastfully, or idly," "to
engage in a discursive discussion," and last, but not least, "to talk
nonsense to especially with the intention of deceiving or misleading." I
made it clear where I stand when I sent out "The West Invaded Ukraine."

i know, and you ignore the fact that it's an independent entity that should
be able to sculpt its own destiny.

To follow is a personal “pincer” effort to influence two facets of what’s been diagnosed.
First, recall a potent response was advised after amplification of a campaign to undermine
election integrity efforts, dramatized by the ambush of Sidney Powell And Rudy Giuliani:

Dems harass Republican Election Lawyers via Election Lawfare; David

Brock detailed efforts to cancel conservative attorneys engaging in
election challenges to " bring the grievances in the bar complaints, [and to]
shame them [by making] them toxic in their communities and in their
firms.” THEREFORE, in light of recent revelations, WE MUST

Second, that Trump hadn’t articulated what he’d do regarding Ukraine was annoying.
For example, during yesterday’s rally in Commerce, Georgia [during which he endorsed
seven primary candidates], he re-cited voter fraud in 2020 [although he didn’t mention
the video of the suitcases underneath the table skirts]; yet, he only attacked Brandon on
Ukraine. Note that he endorsed John Gordon for Attorney General, a fresh entry.

Functioning as a “free agent,” I spoke directly/firmly with two people who were going to
interact with The Donald. Liz Harrington [his spokesperson] was at a Mastriano Rally a
fortnight ago [with her husband and baby], and she was given an oral/written message
regarding these two issues. During Garland Favorito’s Zoom call a week ago, John Gordon
[he was fantabulous] was strongly encouraged to raise these priorities while discussing
Trump’s upcoming endorsement. I didn’t seek/receive feedback from either conduit.

But Trump subsequently supported the US providing provide MiGs and drones, adding a
classic conclusion: the US should put Chinese flags on F-22 jets and “bomb the shit out
of” Russia. I cannot claim he experienced an attitudinal readjustment due to my input,
and I don’t know whether an anti-lawfare strategy is now being formulated, but I can
convey relief that The Donald has weighed-in with endorsement of helping Ukraine WIN.

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