Different Kinds Of:, Mountains

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Different Kinds Of

Landform’s, mountains, and bodies of water

They’re linked to destinations

At some point, these landforms, mountains, and bodies of water become linked to the
destination. When we travel and go to the destination we want to reach, we can arrive at
those places with the help of these different landforms and others, like, for example, the
different forms of land. What we use to reach our destination in this particular area are the
different kinds of land transportation, and those are cars, buses, vans, motorcycles, and
many more. In bodies of water, like oceans, rivers, or any other forms of bodies of water,
we can use boats, like yachts, cruise ships, and many more. That is why these landforms,
mountains, and bodies of water are linked to the destination. They are the reasons why we
reach our desired destination. These are also the sources of a travel spot or a destination
that people want to visit because of their beautiful forms, made by nature, so that when
we see them, we feel relaxed and amazed at how this world has been made. In other
words, this landform, mountains, and bodies of water were intended to be a good
destination, so they are linked to each other directly proportionally. We go to one of these
forms in order to reach it or arrive at that particular place. We can travel or reach it
because of these landforms, mountains, and bodies of water. That is why they are linked.
and also, our destination is one of these different forms, so they are really directly
proportional to each other.
2. Describe different forms of climate and its relation
to travel and destinations.


Hot Desert

a zone of climate characterized by hot and humid summers, and cool to mild
winters. These climates normally lie on the southeast side of all continents,
generally between latitudes 25° and 40° and are located poleward from
adjacent tropical climates. It is also known as warm temperate climate in some
climate classifications.




Temperate climates are generally defined as environments with

moderate rainfall spread across the year or portion of the year with
sporadic drought, mild to warm summers and cool to cold winters


High- Mountain

These regions are characterized by a lack of warm summers. Every

month in a polar climate has an average temperature of less than 10 °C
(50 °F). Regions with polar climate cover more than 20% of the Earth's
area. In this climate consists of cool summers and very cold winters,
which results in treeless tundra, glaciers, or a permanent or semi-
permanent layer of ice.
its relation to travel and destinations.

The relation between the different forms of climate to travel and

destination is that every place has its own unique climate that makes it
beautiful in its own way, which can persuade people to go visit that place
to experience what other countries have not experienced. Every
destination has its own creative way to seduce tourists and one of its
factors is the climate. The different climates make great sightseeing in
every country, like, for example, in winter, when your skin craves a place
that can make you feel warm, and you will visit some place or destination
that has that climate. You will enjoy the beach, feel the fresh and warm air
that can give you. That's why the different forms of climate have a relation
to travel and destinations, like in order to enjoy places because we literally
live in a different climate, every country makes a great tourist destination
for everyone to enjoy and makes them feel like crave to travel all over the
world in order to experience or see the different creations that we have in
every country and in every climate. Like in every climate also makes it own
beautiful result to its co

untry destination.

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