IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Topic TECHNOLOGY - IELTS Fighter Hỗ Trợ Học Tập

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IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam

Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756



1. What technology or equipment is used in most workplaces nowadays?

Ever since the Third Industrial Revolution, technology has seeped into virtually every aspect of society,
including the workplace. I think that nowadays, offices and companies employ a wide variety of devices
and equipments, ranging from a simple fax machine to big databases capable of storing an astronomical
amount of information. However, I believe it is the computer that is the most universal and the most
useful because it enables workers to effectively perform various tasks: from composing emails, finding
information to organizing data and creating presentation.

Vocabulary Pronunciation Meaning

to seep into /siːp ˈɪntə// thấm sâu

employ /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ sử dụng

astronomical /ˌæstrəˈnɑːmɪkl/ số lượng lớn, khổng lồ

universal /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsl/ phổ biến toàn cầu

perform various tasks /pərˈfɔːrm ˈværiəs tæsks/ thực hiện nhiều nhiệm vụ khác nhau

2. Does technology help workers, or does it make their lives more difficult?

I think that technology is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, there’s no denying that technological
applications greatly assist workers in their fields: take data organization for example. In the old days, this
was done by hand, and could possibly take weeks to complete just one category. These days, however,
employees only need to input all the data into the computer. At just the touch of a button, the computer
will do all the heavy lifting and all of the data will be neatly categorized based on the criteria needed. On
the other hand, indeed technology would present a challenge to workers. In order to effectively utilized
these complex devices and applications, they have to possess concrete understanding of how such
machines work. For example, to use Excel or Words, employees often have to undergo training course
that will take up a lot of their time and effort.
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

Vocabulary Pronunciation Meaning

double-edged sword /ˌdʌbl ˈedʒd sɔːrd/ con dao hai lưỡi

to assist /əˈsɪst/ hỗ trợ

touch of a button một cái nhấn nút

heavy lifting (n) /ˌhevi ˈlɪftɪŋ/ những công việc nặng nhọc

to possess concrete understanding /pəˈzes ˈkɑːnkriːt ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ sở hữu kiến thức chắc chắn

3. What effect does new technology have on employment?

New and novel technology often faces accusation of creating waves of redundancies, resulting many
people living on the the breadline. This is true to some extent as technology has eliminated the need
for human workers, especially in the labor-intensive industries. However, when one door closes
another opens. For every job it takes, technology creates another career opportunity in different fields. For
example, while automated assembly lines doesn’t require human intervention, it relies heavily on
technicians and engineers to maintain and, when there’s a breakdown in the system, fix it.

Vocabulary Pronunciation Meaning

redundancy /rɪˈdʌndənsi/ sự dư thừa

on the breadline /ɑːn ðə ˈbredlaɪn/ nghèo rớt mùng tơi, túng thiếu

eliminate the need for human worker loại trừ nhu cầu về công nhân là người

labor-intensive industry ngành công nghiệp sử dụng nhiều lao động

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