Robles Rejenn. Tlem12

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Week Number 2:

TLE M12 Marriage and Family Relationship

(Ms. Harriette S. Seguerra)
Name: Rejenn P. Robles
Year level: 2nd Year College
Course: BTLE-HE
Date Submitted:

Title: Essay
Rubric used: Essay Criteria
Things to do:
1. The following will help you understand the assignment:
- Writing should use formal language and correct spelling and
- Topics reflected upon may include any information covered in class
or in the readings that you have done outside of the lesson
2. You must answer the following questions in English.
3. Each of the questions is worth 10 points. The criteria for checking
will include:

• Depth of Reflection/Content 3 points

• Mechanics/Grammar 3 points
• Organization 2 points
• Format 2 points


5. Failure to follow the instructions will be marked NFI, which is
equivalent to zero. This activity serves also as your assessment.

a. What are the ways to help you to preserve that relationship? Give
examples or situations that depicts those ways. (In your own
There are many ways to preserve a relationship, and what you need to do is to do your
individual job in order to maintain a good one. That is why I believe the way to help you preserve
that relationship is to first maintain a meaningful emotional connection with each other by making
them feel that they are loved and making you feel that you are loved. Second, by voicing out what
you feel and by listening to what they say. Third, by being content with your partner and accepting
who and what they are. And lastly, having good communication is the best way to maintain a
good relationship. For example, when you are in a relationship, you need to give your trust to
your partner so that they will never feel that you don't love them. Then, every time you feel
something you don't know, tell your partner about it to prevent issues or problems and also lower
your expectations. Don't compare your relationship to others because each of us has a unique
relationship and then communicate with them by listening to and talking to them about your goals
and plans so that you can preserve that relationship.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
Week Number 1:
TLE M12 Marriage and Family Relationship
(Ms. Harriette S. Seguerra)
Name: Rejenn P. Robles
Year level: 2nd Year College
Course: BTLE-HE
Date Submitted:

Title: Essay
Rubric used: Essay Criteria
Things to do:
6. The following will help you understand the assignment:
- Writing should use formal language and correct spelling and
- Topics reflected upon may include any information covered in class
or in the readings that you have done outside of the lesson
7. You must answer the following questions in English.
8. Each of the questions is worth 10 points. The criteria for checking
will include:

• Depth of Reflection/Content 3 points

• Mechanics/Grammar 3 points
• Organization 2 points
• Format 2 points


10. Failure to follow the instructions will be marked NFI, which is
equivalent to zero. This activity serves also as your assessment.

a. As a future homemaker, how will you establish a healthy

relationship within your household? Your workplace? In your
community? Cite examples.

A healthy relationship is one of the most significant gifts we can always ask for. But how can
we possess or achieve it? I believe as a future homemaker I will establish a healthy relationship
within my household by always having good communication and connection with the people inside
the house. It is very important to maintain a good conversation despite the problems you face, so
that the connection between you and your partner or family is stronger. For example, when me and
my sister are having a misunderstanding, we see to it that we can communicate and discuss why it
happens and then ask for forgiveness so that we can prevent bigger problems. Then, in my
workplace, I can establish a healthy relationship by respecting my coworkers and the place where
I work so that we can create a friendly environment. For example, if one of my coworkers makes a
mistake at work, instead of judging and criticizing her/him, I should at least assist them in avoiding
that mistake and reflecting on whatever his/her decisions were. Then in the community, I can
establish a healthy relationship by interacting with my neighbors and connecting with them through
voicing my ideas and opinions on maintaining a secure and good community. For example, when
our barangay conducts a clean-up drive, I should extend help and interact with my neighbors in
order to create a healthy relationship.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7

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