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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Chapter I:
The March Begins
♦ Climax ♦
Automata City Guardsman CR 1/3

Heiron Lifegiver
Jezrene the Quickeye CR 12
Heiron Lifegiver CR 13

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Chapter II:
Fighter Thug CR 1/2 The Unswerving Path
♦ Build-Up ♦
Arriving in Town
Cauldronborn CR 3

Thief Thug CR 1/2

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Chapter III:
♦ Build-Up ♦
The First Attack
Tacharim Knights CR 3

Tacharim Workers CR 1/3

Yeth Hounds (4) CR 3

The Rendering Works

Guards CR 1/2 Alchemists CR 1

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Yissa Nyclar CR 5

Denrac Grundarein CR 6

Sethetis CR 9

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Chapter IV:
Politics of the Beasts
♦ It Begins ♦
Pristine Lake
Alisiphone CR 7

Kr’klCkl CR 2

♦ Build-Up ♦
The Dogs and the Druids
Dogs (wild) (200) CR 1/3

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Following the Chain

Wemics (200) CR 3

Breath of Life
Breath of Life CR 28

Avariel (1,000) CR 1/2

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

The Brigand Camp

Brigands CR 1

Chapter V:
Modron Madness
♦ Build-Up ♦
Modronoid Xaldra CR 3

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Ildurn Grimm CR 4

♦ Climax ♦
Valran Stonefist CR 6

In the Home of the Wizard

Modronoids (7) CR 1/2

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Chapter VI:
Law in Chaos
Yet Another Attack
♦ Build-Up ♦
Blue Slaad (one per PC) CR 8
On the March
Red Slaad (one per PC) CR 7

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

♦ Climax ♦
Torrenth CR 9 Chaos Imps (2d4) CR 2

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Chapter VII:
The Modron Judge
♦ Build-Up ♦
Sarex Fighter CR 6

Sarex Cleric CR 6

Sarex Wizard CR 6

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Sarex Thief CR 7

♦ Climax ♦
Zone II: Bleakshadow
Tharick Bleakshadow CR 11

The Proposition
Trictacalus CR 7

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Hrava CR 7

Chapter VIII:
Camp Followers
♦ It Begins ♦
Taraere Illsmiser CR 11
Into the Abyss
Vrock (2) CR 9

♦ Build-Up ♦
Armanite (6) CR 7

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

The Glabrezu’s Lair

Narithulitan CR 13

♦ Climax ♦
Vilinathraxes CR 17

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Chapter IX:
♦ Build-Up ♦
Aach CR 13

Bat Swarm CR 2

Cryvistin CR 9

Into Undermountain
Red abishai (2) CR 8

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Harpy (2) CR 4

Large Spiders (5) CR 1/2

Paellistra CR 8

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

♦ Climax ♦
The Big Escape
Marraenoloth CR 13

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Hydroloth CR 8 Chapter X:
The Flower Infernal
♦ Build-Up ♦
The Inhabitants
Tacharim Guards CR 1

Tacharim Knights CR 3

Doran Blackarm CR 12

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Valran Stonefist CR 13

Chapter XI:
The Last Leg
♦ Build-Up ♦
The “Easy” Way
Rigus Soldiers CR 1/2

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Left Eye Knights CR 7

Rigus Captain CR 5

The Ride Through Acheron

Typical Goblin Guard CR 1/3

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Regrilias CR 5

Winter Wolves (15) CR 5

Typical Duergar CR 1/3

Steelbiters (15) CR 3

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

The Mines of Marsellin

Achaierai (6) CR 5

Bladelings CR 12

Undead Hobgoblins (200) CR 1/2

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

New Monsters
Modron Traits

♦ Climax ♦
The Dark of Craggis
Craggis CR 10

Monodrone (Base Modron) CR 1/2

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Messenger Monodrones

Tridrone (Base Modron) CR 3

Duodrone (Base Modron) CR 1

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Winged Quadrones
Quadrone (Base Modron) CR 4

Pentadrone (Base Modron) CR 5

♦ ♦
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Decaton (Hierarch Modron) CR 8

Nonaton (Hierarch Modron) CR 10

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Octon (Hierarch Modron) CR 11

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Septon (Hierarch Modron) CR 13

Hexton (Hierarch Modron) CR 14

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

Quinton (Hierarch Modron) CR 16

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

New Spells

New Magic Items

Wondrous Items
Cloak of Channel Resistance

New Templates

Creating a Half-Modron

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion of “The Great Modron March”

♦ ♦

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