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Volumetric flow is set by adjusting a control valve. At a constant applied pressure, the volumetnric flow is
directly influenced by the position of the control valve. This relationship between control valve setting and
volumetric flow can be determined either by means of physical equation or by experiment. This results in
the definition of a system consisting of the “valve” eith the output variable “volumetric flow” and the
input variable “control valve setting.”

A closed-loop control is a process where the controlled variable is continously monitored and
compared with the reference variable. Depending on the result of this comparison, the input variable for
the system is influenced to adjust the output variable to the desired walue despite any disturbing influences.
The feedback results ina a closed-loop action.

The volumentric flow (output variable) is to be mantained at the predetermined value of the reference
variable. First a measurement is made and this measuremtne is converted into an electrical signed. This
signal is passed to the controller and compared with the desired value. Comparison takes place by
substracting the measured value from the desired value. The result is the deviation.

B. Imagine that you are riding a bike, explained and create a block diagram of the
process as a controlled system. Is that a closed-loop or a open-loop?
It is considered an open circuit since if it is an outdoor circuit there are factors that cannot be controlled



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