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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey

RANRAN BIAN, University of Auckland and Pingar

YUN SING KOH and GILLIAN DOBBIE, University of Auckland

Top-k nodes are the important actors for a subjectively determined topic in a social network. To some extent, a
topic is taken as a ranking criteria for identifying top-k nodes. Within a viral marketing network, subjectively
selected topics can include the following: Who can promote a new product to the largest number of people,
and who are the highest spending customers? Based on these questions, there has been a growing interest
in top-k nodes research to effectively identify key players. In this article, we review and classify existing
literature on top-k nodes identification into two major categories: top-k influential nodes and top-k significant
nodes. We survey both theoretical and applied work in the field and describe promising research directions
based on our review. This research area has proven to be beneficial for data analysis on online social networks
as well as practical applications on real-life networks.
CCS Concepts: • Information systems → Data mining; Social networking sites; • General and reference
→ Surveys and overviews;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Top-k nodes identification, social network graphs
ACM Reference format:
Ranran Bian, Yun Sing Koh, Gillian Dobbie, and Anna Divoli. 2019. Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Net-
works: A Survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 52, 1, Article 22 (February 2019), 33 pages.

In this fast-paced digital age, people around the world are now more connected with others than
ever before. Of the many communication and collaboration channels, social networks have be-
come very popular among different communities. The general public frequently use connection
social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, to express opinions on trending topics. Marketers
construct informational networks to observe consumer buying behaviors. Research collaborations
are recorded in academic networks such as Digital Bibliography & Library Project (DBLP), which
is a bibliographic reference on major computer science publications.
A social network can be modeled as a graph that consists of nodes and edges. Each node repre-
sents an actor, while each edge shows a connecting relationship between two actors. Intuitively,
the representation of nodes and edges varies accordingly to interested actors and relationships in

This work is supported by Callaghan Innovation, under an R&D Student Fellowship Grant, contract number: PTERN1502.
Authors’ addresses: R. Bian, Y. S. Koh, and G. Dobbie, School of Computer Science, University of Auckland; emails:,,; R. Bian and A. Divoli, Pingar; email:
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ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 1, Article 22. Publication date: February 2019.
22:2 R. Bian et al.

the network. For example, in Twitter, each user can be represented as a node, while an edge is
formed when there is a “following” relationship between users X and Y. Furthermore, each tweet
(a posting message made on Twitter) can also be a node. An edge exists between tweet A and B, if
B is a retweet of A’s message (i.e a tweet message forwarded by someone else). In viral marketing
networks, each consumer can be a node, while an edge is formed if a consumer successfully per-
suades another person to purchase a new product. In DBLP, individual nodes represent different
academics, while edges indicate that the connected researchers have published a paper together.
An important factor for an organization’s success is the ability to advertise their products to
potential customers. To do this efficiently, the organization may want to know who are the high-
priority customers that should be targeted. Top-k nodes identification in social networks is an
extension of this question. Identifying key nodes can be useful for increasing product adoption
rates in advertising or searching for domain experts. Research in this field has received a lot of
interest due to three benefits: (1) It brings order to search results so that the contributing nodes
can be ranked by their significance, authority, and/or influence; (2) it can be utilized to increase
the efficiency of marketing and advertisement campaigns; and (3) its ability to improve the utility
of gathered information.
Nowadays, with the massive amounts of data available, it is not always practical to analyze
everything in a dataset due to resource constraints. Instead, sometimes, it is more effective to
explore the most significant or influential actors (the top-k nodes) in a network. In this survey, we
review and classify the current work on identifying top-k nodes in social networks. As seen from
existing literature, this research area has applications to different domains, such as advertisements
in viral marketing (Kempe et al. 2003), information circulation (Gruhl et al. 2004), and domain
experts search (Zhu et al. 2015; Subbian et al. 2016b).
Since the first algorithmic formulation of the top-k nodes identification problem in 2001
(Domingos and Richardson 2001), there have been a large number of publications on various
kinds of algorithms and applications in this area. With over a decade of research, it is time to
perform an overview of this field and examine what more can be done in this research area. First,
we provide general descriptions of concepts that are used extensively in the rest of this article.
Please note that more detailed descriptions of these concepts are provided later in Sections 2.6, 2.7,
and 2.8.

Topic. A topic is the area of user interest and can be used as a ranking criteria for identifying
top-k nodes.
Top-k nodes (T ). Top-k nodes are the k important actors for a subjectively determined topic
in a social network, where k is a user-specified integer.
Top-k Influential nodes (I ). Top-k influential nodes are the k actors that are capable of gen-
erating maximum influence and widest information spread to their connected nodes in a
social network, where k is a user-specified integer. Top-k influential nodes will sometimes
be shortened to influential nodes in this article.
Top-k Significant nodes (S). Given a particular topic, top-k significant nodes are the k actors
whose intrinsic attributes are most relevant to the given topic in a social network, where k is
a user-specified integer. Top-k significant nodes will sometimes be shortened to significant
nodes in this article.

1.1 Related Surveys

In comparison with other related surveys (Lappas et al. 2011; Sun and Tang 2011; Guille et al.
2013; Probst et al. 2013; Riquelme and González-Cantergiani 2016), our work has three distinct

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:3

(1) We extend the focus from either influential or significant nodes to a broader concept—the
top-k nodes. As a result, our survey includes not only research on influence maximization
but also studies on identifying the significant nodes in social networks.
(2) As opposed to some existing surveys, e.g., Riquelme and González-Cantergiani (2016),
which focuses on only one type of social network (Twitter in this case), our work reviews
related work in a wide range of social networks, such as Amazon, DBLP, and Wiki.
(3) More comprehensive and recent literature are reviewed and an extensive coverage of the
subject is provided, i.e., applied work in different application domains, and top-k influen-
tial nodes identification in dynamic social networks, which were not addressed in previous

1.2 Contributions
Our main contributions are summarized as follows. First, we define an extended concept, top-k
nodes, to provide more comprehensive coverage of the field. Second, both theoretical and applied
work of identifying the top-k nodes are reviewed and classified in a novel way. Finally, some
promising research directions are discussed based on our survey.

1.3 Survey Organization

In this article, we conduct a high-level overview of the top-k nodes identification algorithms,
methodologies, and applications. With a rich body of literature in this area, we organize our discus-
sions into the following four topics: (1) top-k influential nodes identification, (2) top-k significant
nodes identification, (3) applications of identifying top-k nodes in various networks, and (4) re-
search directions. The remainder of the article is also organized in the corresponding four sections
(Sections 3 to 6). In addition, we provide some preliminary concepts in Section 2 and conclude the
survey study in Section 7.

We introduce the social network–related preliminary concepts, followed by traditional node cen-
trality measures and then different influence diffusion models for identifying top-k influential
nodes. Finally, formal definitions of influence maximization, influential nodes, and significant
nodes are provided. In addition, relationships among top-k nodes, influential nodes, and signif-
icant nodes are discussed.

2.1 Social Network

In our survey, social networks contain two concepts. First, it is a network of social interactions and
personal relationships. This kind of social network existed long before the likes of Facebook and
Twitter and has mainly been used to describe entity relationships. Early research on this type of
network was conducted by social scientists. It has become an important research area in computer
science in recent years. Second, social networks are profile sites or virtual communities where
users can share interests and ideas or discover friends through posting comments, messages, and

2.2 Static Network versus Dynamic Network

As dynamic networks evolve, new nodes and edges will be introduced. An example of this is shown
in telecommunication networks, where transient links are added between two participant nodes
based on texts or calls between them. These dynamic networks with transient interactions can be
represented as graph streams; however, due to high computational complexity and disk storage
requirements, these graph streams typically require real-time methods. In contrast, static networks

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have fixed topology, structure, and information, which can be treated as a snapshot of the dynamic
network at a distinct time t. Therefore, offline computational methodologies can be applied on
these static networks (Aggarwal and Subbian 2014).

2.3 Social Network Graph

A social network can be modeled as a graph G = {V , E}, where V is a set of nodes {v 1 , v 2 , . . . , vi }
and E is a set of edges {e 1 , e 2 , . . . , e j }. In the network graph, V represents actors and E represents
social interactions and relationships between the actors. For example, when an edge e j exists be-
tween nodes vl and vp , the two corresponding actors are considered connected/related to each
other. Neighbour nodes of vi is represented as N = {n 1 , n 2 , . . . , nm }, which refers to all nodes that
are directly connected to vi . Social networks will be described occasionally as network graphs in
this article.

2.4 Node Centrality Measures

In existing literature, a number of node-based centrality measures have been proposed and defined
for evaluating the importance of nodes in selected network graphs. As this survey focuses on
identifying top-k nodes, we introduce two of the measures that are relevant to this survey.

2.4.1 Degree Centrality. Historically first and conceptually the simplest node measure is degree
centrality, where a “degree of a node is the number of edges the given node has” (Wasserman and
Faust 1994). Degree centrality cvi of node vi is defined to be the degree of the node (Equation (1)):

cvi = deд(vi ). (1)

In the academic collaboration network (Figure 1), the degree centrality of Diana node is 4. From
the perspective of traditional social network analysis, a node with a larger degree centrality is
normally considered as more important.

2.4.2 Closeness Centrality. “Closeness centrality is defined as the average length of shortest
paths between node vi and all reachable nodes of vi in the network graph” (Wasserman and Faust
1994). The closeness centrality is represented in Equation (2):

v j ∈R\v i dist (v i , v j )
Closeness (vi ) = . (2)
|R| − 1
Given that R is the group of nodes that can be traversed from node vi and that R contains the node
v j , the function dist returns the length of shortest path between node vi and node v j (Tseng and
Chen 2012). The shortest path indicates the minimum number of edges connecting two nodes.
In the academic collaboration network (Figure 1), the shortest path between Diana and Lucy is
1 rather than 2 (Diana-Celina-Lucy). Following Equation (2), we can calculate that the closeness
centrality of Diana node is 1. From the perspective of traditional social network analysis, a node
with a smaller closeness centrality is normally considered more important.

2.5 Influence Diffusion Models

Since influential nodes are an essential component of the top-k nodes, we introduce two influence
diffusion models that are widely used for exploring influence of nodes. When modeling the “spread
of an innovation through a social network graph G, each node vi can have either an active (an
adopter of the innovation) or inactive (not yet an adopter) status” (Kempe et al. 2003). Two ground
settings for influence diffusion models discussed in this article are

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:5

Fig. 1. Academic collaboration network.

(1) vi has monotonically increased tendency to become active as more of its neighbour nodes
nm (previously defined in Section 2.3) become active.
(2) vi can switch in only one direction: from being inactive to being active.
The influence diffusion model progresses as follows for an initially inactive node vi : With the
unfolding of this process, an increasing number of vi ’s neighbour nodes nm become active. At cer-
tain points, this might influence vi to become active and vi ’s decision might subsequently trigger
a status change of the remaining inactive nm . The process runs until no further triggering can
happen (Kempe et al. 2003).
The Linear Threshold (LT) model (Granovetter 1987) and Independent Cascade (IC) model
(Goldenberg et al. 2001) are two of the most basic and widely studied influence diffusion mod-
els. The LT is receiver-centric where the core idea is to find out whether a node can be activated
given a fraction of active neighbour nodes, whereas the IC model is sender-centric and focuses on
individual node’s activation attempts on its inactive neighbour nodes. Therefore, the two models
reflect different views on the influence diffusion process.
2.5.1 Linear Threshold Model. In the model, a node vi is influenced by each neighbouring node
nm according to a weight wvi ,nm . For any inactive node, vi , we select a threshold θvi between the
interval [0,1]. The value θvi represents the weighted fraction of vi ’s neighbour nodes nm that must
be active for vi to become active, and this represents the tendencies of nodes being influenced by
neighbouring active nodes, becoming activators themselves (Equation (3)),

wvi ,nm ≥ θvi . (3)
nm act ive neiдhbour of v i

Given a random set of active nodes, A, and random thresholds, θvi , for each inactive node, the
diffusion process will begin to iterate in deterministic and discrete steps. For each iteration, t,
all nodes that were active in steps t − 1 or lower will remain active and if the total neighouring

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weight, nm , for a target node vi exceeds its threshold θvi , vi will be activated, and this process will
continue until no more activations are possible. (Kempe et al. 2003; Granovetter 1987).
2.5.2 Independent Cascade Model. Also starting with an initial set of active nodes, A, the in-
dependent cascade model performs diffusion based on the following randomized rule. For a given
iteration, t, if a target node, vi , was activated in step t − 1, then it will have the chance to activate
each inactive neighbouring node, nm , based on a history-independent probability pvi ,nm . If vi suc-
ceeds in activating nm , then nm will become and remain active in steps t + 1 onwards, repeating
the same process for its neighbouring nodes and vi will no longer be able to influence the network.
(Kempe et al. 2003; Goldenberg et al. 2001).

2.6 Influence Maximization Definition

Based on the influence diffusion models described in the previous section, the influence maximiza-
tion problem is defined as follows.
Definition 2.1 (Influence Maximization). “Influence maximization is an optimization problem,
which requires selection of a good initial set of active nodes A. The influence of A is measured by
the number of active nodes at the end of an influence diffusion process. The influence maximization
problem aims at finding a k-node set of maximum influence” (Kempe et al. 2003). The meaning of
active nodes varies with interested topics. Possible meanings can include but are not limited to
adoption of a new research area, purchase of a recommended product, or receiving a new piece of

2.7 Influential Nodes Versus Significant Nodes

Given the influence maximization definition in Section 2.6 and the definition of Topic in Section 1,
we formally define top-k influential nodes and top-k significant nodes.
Definition 2.2 (Top-k Influential Nodes). Let G = {V , E} denote a social network graph, where
V = {v 1 , v 2 , . . . , vi } is a set of nodes and E = {e 1 , e 2 , . . . , e j } is a set of edges in G. We define top-k
influential nodes as a user-specified number of vi that leads to maximum influence spreading to
their connected nodes in G.
Definition 2.3 (Top-k Significant Nodes). Let G = {V , E} denote a social network graph, where
V = {v 1 , v 2 , . . . , vi } is a set of nodes and E = {e 1 , e 2 , . . . , e j } is a set of edges in G. We define top-k
significant nodes as a user-specified number of vi , whose intrinsic attributes are most relevant to
a specified topic in G.

2.8 Relationships among Top-k Nodes, Top-k Influential Nodes,

and Top-k Significant Nodes
A given social network can contain a wide array of topics, such as “who are the influential users?”
and “who are the subject experts?” From the perspective of viewing the network under the context
of a single topic as opposed to the set of all possible topics, we illustrate the relationships among
top-k nodes (T ), top-k influential nodes (I ), and top-k significant nodes (S). When we consider only
a single topic for a given social network, if the topic is more relevant to influence maximization of
k number of nodes to their connected nodes, then the set of top-k nodes will be the same for both
top-k influential and top-k significant nodes, we define this as the Top-k Influential Nodes Scenario.
However, if we view the topic based on intrinsic attributes (such as authority or representativeness)
of k number of nodes rather than their influence on neighbouring nodes, then the top-k nodes will
be the same as the set of top-k significant nodes, which we define as the Top-k Significant Nodes

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:7

Scenario. From the perspective of all possible topics in a social network, top-k influential nodes is a
subset of top-k significant nodes, denoted as I ⊆ S.
In a viral marketing network, each existing or potential customer is a node (actor), while an
edge is formed between two customers if they have social connections. Topics of interest such as
“Who can promote a new product to the largest number of people?” are examples of influence
maximization on groups of customers and can be considered as examples of Top-k Influential
Nodes Scenario, whereas topics that are focused on non-influential properties of the nodes such as
“Who are the highest spending customers?” are examples of the Top-k Significant Nodes Scenario.
To further illustrate differences between the Top-k Influential Nodes Scenario and the Top-k
Significant Nodes Scenario, we employ an academic collaboration network graph (Figure 1). In the
graph, each node represents an individual academic. An edge between two nodes exists if there
is a research collaboration between the two corresponding academics. Red and green rectangles
indicate two separate research communities A and B in the network. The table in Figure 1 shows
information derived from the academic collaboration network: The number of collaborators each
academic has and the research community that a particular academic belongs to. Based on Figure 1,
we provide examples of the Top-2 Influential Nodes Scenario and the Top-2 Significant Nodes
Scenario below:

Top-2 Influential Nodes Scenario. Topic of interest: Who are the two most influential aca-
demics in the network? By having the largest numbers of collaborators, Diana and Celina
will have a higher chance of promoting new research ideas to co-workers than others. In
this case, Diana and Celina are the top-2 nodes, the top-2 influential nodes, and the top-2
significant nodes.
Top-2 Significant Nodes Scenario. Topic of interest: Who are the two academics that represent
all existing research communities in the network? In this case, Jack and Diana are the top-2
nodes as well as the top-2 significant nodes. Despite being an isolated researcher, Jack will
still be selected as one of the top (significant) nodes due to his unique representativeness of
the research community B. While the most-connected node, Diana, in research community
A is the top (significant) node in her community.

In the academic collaboration network (Figure 1), when the topic of interest is more relevant to
maximum influence (promoting new research ideas to collaborative academics), Diana and Celina
are the top-2 influential and significant nodes. However, when the topic of interest is shifted to
find the total number of communities in the network, the concept of influential nodes is no longer
applicable, and Jack and Diana become the top-2 significant nodes in the network.


As we progress further into the digital age, there has been a steady increase in the importance and
influence of social media and networks. The ability for users to share their thoughts, statuses, and
activities in these social mediums has established a new level of connectivity between different
groups and niches of people, such that a single user can influence millions of their followers.
Hence, it would be of interest for companies to select these influential individuals as their initial
user group to produce the greatest level of coverage when advertising their products.
We start our survey with approaches for identifying influential nodes. Different kinds of
approaches for identifying influential nodes are reviewed in Sections 3.1 to 3.4. In addition,
Section 3.5 discusses a relatively new research area: Identifying Top-k influential nodes in dy-
namic social networks. Table 1 provides an overview of research work covered in this section.

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Table 1. List of Some Approaches for Top-k Influential Nodes Identification

Category of Approach Related Research

(Kempe et al. 2003) (Kimura et al. 2007)
(Leskovec et al. 2007) (Chen et al. 2009)
(Ilyas and Radha 2011) (Chen et al. 2012)
Centrality Measure
(Kim and Yoneki 2012) (Wei et al. 2013)
(Tang et al. 2009) (Liu et al. 2010)
(Barbieri et al. 2013) (Aslay et al. 2014)
(Wang et al. 2010) (Subbian et al. 2014)
Network Content (or Topology)
(Zhou et al. 2014) (Chen and He 2015)
(Subbian et al. 2013) (Zhuang et al. 2013)
Dynamic Network
(Subbian et al. 2016a) (Subbian et al. 2016b)

Fig. 2. Core idea of greedy algorithms for identifying influential nodes.

3.1 Greedy-Based Approaches and Improvements

One important category of approaches for identifying influential nodes is based on greedy algo-
rithms. “The core idea of the algorithm is to calculate the influence of each individual, and take
turns to choose the node maximizing the marginal influence value until k number of influential
nodes are selected” (Wang et al. 2010). Figure 2 illustrates this core idea in a procedural way: The
process of influential nodes identification begins with analysing the nodes’ influence and then it
iteratively maximizes the influence of an initial set of nodes. The final goal is to obtain a group
of initial nodes with maximum influence, which are the influential nodes. To describe the process
of information propagation, the majority of work reviewed in this section use influence diffusion
models (Kempe et al. 2003; Leskovec et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2010), such as the Linear Threshold
(Granovetter 1987) or the Independent Cascade model (Goldenberg et al. 2001) (previously de-
scribed in Section 2.5).
In 2001, Domingos and Richardson (2001) were the first to explore information and influence
propagation as a computational problem. With their proposed probabilistic solution, they designed
viral marketing strategies and analyzed diffusion processes using a data mining approach. Two
years later, Kempe, Kleinberg, and Tardos (2003) categorized the problem of finding the most
influential individuals as an optimization problem. Additionally, Kempe et al. provided the first
provable approximation guarantees for the influence maximization problem, where the influence
propagation process is modeled to reflect the effects of “word of mouth” for the “promotion of
new products” (Kempe et al. 2003). When identifying top-k influential nodes, we are interested
in finding the most influential “mouths” that can generate the largest possible influence cascade.
The problem statement contains two sub-problems: “The most influential mouths” describes the
problem of finding the top-k influential nodes, whereas “generate largest possible influence cas-
cade” corresponds to the influence analysis and maximization problem. These two sub-problems
are both incorporated into Section 3.

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:9

Kempe et al. define influence maximization as “a problem of identifying a small set of seed
nodes in a social network that maximizes the spread of influence under certain influence diffu-
sion model” (Kempe et al. 2003). Although there are various models for influence propagation in
network graphs, the authors (Kempe et al. 2003) choose the Linear Threshold (Granovetter 1987)
and Independent Cascade (Goldenberg et al. 2001) models (previously described in Section 2.5) in
their research. On the basis of submodular functions, the proposed analysis framework demon-
strated that the natural hill-climbing greedy algorithm that achieves “a solution that is provably
within 63% of optimal” (Kempe et al. 2003). In conjunction to the provable guarantees, experiments
were also conducted to show that their approximation algorithm significantly out-performs node-
selection heuristics based on degree and closeness centrality (previously described in Section 2.4).
One of their major findings observed that focusing only on clustered centrality-based nodes may
not generate maximum influence. On the contrary, targeting nodes with most possible additional
marginal gain results in superior performance over the two centrality-based heuristics.
Following their research on influence maximization through a social network (2003), Kempe
et al. (2005) define a natural and general model for the influence propagation process, termed the
decreasing cascade model. The model begins with a set of “active” nodes that spreads influence in
a cascading way depending on a probabilistic rule. Their problem statement focuses on choosing a
target set of individuals for initial activation so that the cascade process is able to result in a largest
possible active set. Kempe et al. provide provable approximation guarantees for selecting a target
set of size k using a simple greedy algorithm in the proposed decreasing cascade model. A research
direction described is to investigate which are the most general influence diffusion models and
what provable performance guarantees can be achieved for those models. Kimura and Saito (2006)
proposed two natural special models (SPM, SP1M) of the IC model (Goldenberg et al. 2001) such
that they can effectively compute the number of influenced nodes given an initial set of influential
nodes. Similarly to Kempe et al. (2005), the authors also provided provable performance guarantees
for the simple greedy algorithm in the proposed models. Their experiments with large-scale social
networks demonstrated that when using the proposed two models for identifying influential nodes:
(1) They can provide close approximation to the IC model if the propagation probabilities between
links are small, and (2) they can be scalable and much faster than the IC model.
Leskovec et al. (2007) developed a “lazy-forward” optimization method for choosing a group of
nodes to detect out-break, i.e., the spread of virus, as early as possible. Their proposed algorithm,
Cost-Effective Lazy Forward (CELF), greatly reduces the number of calculations on the node influ-
ence propagation, which gains up to 700 times more efficiency over the simple greedy algorithm.
Chen et al. (2009) attempted to further improve the efficiency of identifying influential nodes from
the following two directions: (1) Develop new algorithms (NewGreedy and MixedGreedy) on top of
the simple greedy algorithm. However, this resulted in unremarkable efficiency improvements, (2)
designed a new heuristic algorithm: DegreeDiscount, which is more efficient and scalable than the
greedy strategy. However, the DegreeDiscount heuristic is a derivation of the Uniform Independent
Cascade model where propagation probabilities of all edges are identical.
DegreeDiscount’s limitation is later addressed in a study by Chen et al. (2010) with a new heuris-
tic that accommodates the general IC model (Goldenberg et al. 2001). The authors underline two
critical weaknesses with existing influential node discovery techniques: (1) Existing algorithms
have poor scalability, thus will perform poorly with large-sized graphs, i.e., Kempe et al. (2003)
and Leskovec et al. (2007); (2) these algorithms have either low scalability or have un-influential
initial nodes and therefore have low influence spread.
To resolve these two issues, Chen et al. adopted a simple tuneable parameter for users to control
“the balance between efficiency (in terms of running time) and effectiveness (in terms of influ-
ence spread) of the algorithm” (Chen et al. 2010). Their solution results in a more efficient greedy

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Table 2. Comparisons of Some Greedy-based Approaches for Identifying Influential Nodes

Heuristic Performance
Approach Scalable
approach guarantees provided
Simple greedy (Kempe et al. 2003) No Yes No
Improved greedy (Kimura et al. 2007) Yes No Yes
CELF (Leskovec et al. 2007) No Yes No
NewGreedy (Chen et al. 2009) No Yes No
MixedGreedy (Chen et al. 2009) No Yes No
DegreeDiscount (Chen et al. 2009) Yes No Yes

algorithm when selecting nodes in each iteration. When comparing the performance of their algo-
rithm with existing techniques such as simple greedy (Kempe et al. 2003), their results were shown
to be (1) more scalable with linear growth in running time beyond million-sized graphs, while oth-
ers are exponential, and (2) faster execution time and spread of influence for both real-world and
synthetic datasets.
Chen et al. (2010) closed an open question left by Kempe et al. (2003) by proving that influ-
ence computation in the LT model (Granovetter 1987) is NP-hard. In addition, the authors showed
that “computing influence in directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) can be done in linear time” (Chen
et al. 2010). Based on the fast computation in DAGs, Chen, Yuan, and Zhang proposed a “scalable
influence maximization algorithm tailored for the LT model” (Chen et al. 2010).
Narayanam and Narahari (2011) developed a novel way of discovering influential nodes in social
networks with the Shapley value concept (Shapley 1950), which is commonly used in cooperative
game theory. The ShaPley value-based Influential Nodes (SPIN) maps the information diffusion
process to “the formation of coalitions in a cooperative game” (Narayanam and Narahari. 2011).
For computing the network values of each node, Shapley values are used to determine the marginal
contributions each node makes to the influence propagation process. The experiments with both
synthetic and real-world datasets showed that SPIN works comparatively well as the simple greedy
strategy (Kempe et al. 2003) for maximizing influence yet by consuming much less running time.
Liu et al. (2014) provided a bounded linear approach for identifying influential nodes in large-
scale social networks. A quantitative metric, termed Group-PageRank, which can be computed in
near constant time, is also proposed to address the scalability issue of the influence maximization
problem. The authors developed two “lazy-forward” greedy algorithms based on the bounded lin-
ear approach and the Group-PageRank, respectively. The evaluation results showed that the two
greedy algorithms can effectively and efficiently identify influential nodes with both of them being
scalable for large-scale social networks.
We compare some greedy-based approaches for identifying influential nodes in Table 2. The sim-
ple greedy algorithm (Kempe et al. 2003) provides the first-ever provable performance guarantees
for the influence maximization problem. However, it is computationally expensive and not appli-
cable for large-scale social networks, and later approaches address the efficiency and scalability
limitations. The improved greedy algorithm proposed by Kimura et al. (2007) achieves a large re-
duction in computational cost by removing edges that do not contribute to information diffusion
and does the propagation on a subgraph. The CELF algorithm optimizes the simple greedy al-
gorithm using the “submodularity property of the influence maximization objective” (Leskovec
et al. 2007) to reduce the number of calculations on the node influence propagation. Chen et al.
(2009) proposed three different algorithms: NewGreedy, MixedGreedy, and DegreeDiscount. The
key idea behind NewGreedy is to eliminate the edges that will not contribute to influence prop-
agation from the original graph to get a smaller graph and performs the influence diffusion on

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 1, Article 22. Publication date: February 2019.
Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:11

the smaller graph. The first iteration of MixedGreedy employs the NewGreedy algorithm, while
the remaining iterations use the CELF algorithm. DegreeDiscount assumes that influence spread
of a node is increased with the increase in degree centrality of the node. The authors suggested
that DegreeDiscount should be adopted when efficiency is essential, while MixedGreedy can be
used for identifying influential nodes when maximum influence spread is a priority (Wang et al.
2010). An interesting fact shown in Table 2 is that scalable greedy-based approaches lack prov-
able performance guarantees. This interesting fact is also described as “algorithms applies various
heuristics without provable approximation guarantee” (Song et al. 2017).

3.2 Centrality Measure-Based Approaches

In terms of influence maximization, some research in Section 3.1 experimentally demonstrated that
their greedy-based approaches out-perform traditional centrality measures, such as the degree and
closeness centrality (Wasserman and Faust 1994) (previously described in Section 2.4). However,
there are existing approaches for identifying influential nodes using centrality measures. In this
section, we review new centrality measures that have been shown to be more effective than tra-
ditional measures for maximizing influence.
Ilyas and Radha define centrality as “a measure to assess the criticality of a node’s position” (Ilyas
and Radha 2011). The ability to find influential nodes is shown in many existing methodologies,
such as Eigenvalue Centrality (EVC) (Bonacich 1987). However, these techniques often target a
single set of influential nodes and cluster them within one neighbourhood of nodes. This does not
reflect the properties of social network graphs, where there could be multiple influential neigh-
bourhoods. The approach proposed by Ilyas and Radha (2011) uses Principal Component Centrality
(PCC) to form social hubs, groups of nodes in a network, whose centrality scores are higher than
their neighbours. While EVC forms a single cluster of nodes with the highest centrality scores,
PCC considers additional factors, such as the weighting of eigenvectors, when computing central-
ity of nodes. The authors applied both EVC and PCC to real-world datasets (i.e., Facebook and
Orkut) and found a significant increase in the number of influential neighbourhoods discovered.
Chen et al. (2012) underlined the issues with using traditional centrality measures for influential
node identification. Degree centrality methods are simple but irrelevant, while closeness centrality
methodologies are inapplicable for large-scale networks due to the computational complexity and
running time. The authors then proposed a semi-local centrality measure to balance between both
centrality measures. Their results on four real-world networks showed much faster computational
efficiency while providing more effective results than degree centrality methodologies. However,
this methodology was not compared with greedy-based approaches for mining influential nodes.
Kim and Yoneki (2012) studied the problem of maximizing influence diffusion through social
networks. The authors underlined the weaknesses of existing techniques that use arbitrary node
propagation and proposed the Influential Neighbors Selection (INS) scenario to select the most
effective group of neighbouring nodes to propagate. Four selection strategies were proposed, and
the results showed that highest degree selection had favorable results for short-term diffusions but
random selection performed better in long-term scenarios. Highest weight and volume selections
showed similar results to highest degree selection, but the additional communication costs meant
they were less favorable.
Based on the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory (Dempster 1967; Shafer 1976), Wei et al. (2013)
proposed a new evidential centrality measure for identifying influential nodes in weighted net-
works. Their approach considers not only degree and weight of nodes but also status of the nodes
in a weighted network. By experimentally comparing with other measures such as the degree
and closeness centrality, the proposed measure showed comparative performance for identify-
ing influential nodes. Again, the evidential centrality was not compared with any greedy-based

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Table 3. Comparisons of Various Centrality Measure-based Approaches

Identify influential Identify

node neighbourhoods influential nodes
PCC (Ilyas and Radha 2011) Yes Yes
Semi-local centrality measure (Chen et al. 2012) No Yes
Four selection strategies (Kim and Yoneki 2012) Yes Yes
Evidential centrality measure (Wei et al. 2013) No Yes

approaches for top-k influential nodes identification. This common trait of centrality measure-
based approaches attracts our attention to the issue. Future methodologies in this category need
to compare performances with greedy-based approaches to be more convincing on effectiveness
and efficiency of their proposed measures.
The techniques presented in this section showed many similarities. Both Ilyas and Radha (2011)
and Wei et al. (2013) evaluate centrality measures while using Susceptible-Infected related models
to evaluate the performances of their proposed models. The evaluation of traditional centrality
measures (degree centrality, betweeness centrality, and closeness centrality) was also a common
theme in the work by Chen et al. (2012) and Wei et al. (2013), and both studies present heuristics
that outperform these centrality measures in terms of influence diffusion while maintaining lower
computational complexity. Kim and Yoneki (2012) adopt the IC model to select the most influential
neighbours of a node. Experimental results on two evaluation metrics were presented. The first
metric was Pearson correlation coefficient between closeness centrality and the proposed four
selection strategies. For the second metric, those selection methods were compared against each
other by computing the ratio of the number of activated nodes to the total number of nodes in
the network. The similarities and differences of these approaches are summarized in Table 3.

3.3 Topic-Based Approaches

In a viral marketing network, top-k influential nodes are those that, when convinced to adopt
a product, shall influence others in the network and lead to a largest possible number of new
adoptions. Although real-world product purchasers have different degrees of interest on various
topics, e.g., some customers are only interested in the latest smart-phones, while others tend to pay
more attention to new computer models; however, both the greedy and centrality measure-based
approaches are topic blind. In this aspect, the two kinds of approaches treat all possible topics in a
network as if they were the same and focus only on general inherent attributes of nodes (such as
marginal influence gain or centrality measure value) regardless of any particular topic or context.
This problem is addressed in Tang et al. (2009), Liu et al. (2010), Barbieri et al. (2013), and Aslay
et al. (2014), and we review these topic-based approaches in this section.
The Topical Affinity Propagation heuristic proposed by Tang, Sun, Wang, and Yang (2009) de-
scribes the topic-aware influences in large-scale social networks. This tool allows users to perform
meaningful and valuable influence analysis on real-world datasets by (1) finding the influential
nodes on a given topic and (2) identifying the social influences of the neighbouring nodes for a
particular node. The authors accomplish this by integrating learning algorithms into their Topi-
cal Factor Graph (TFG) model. The features of the TFG model allow users to find both the local
information of nodes (such as topic-level influences and next most probable propagation) and
global information (connectivity between any two nodes). In conjunction with these components,
the authors adopted distributed learning techniques to train the TFG model due to the size and
complexity of large networks. The programming model, Map-Reduce, partitions large social net-
works into subgraphs so multiple machines can process and collect values associated with nodes

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:13

in both internal and external subgraphs. When adopting the TFG model with real-world datasets,
their results showed that the distributed learning approach has good scalability performance, and
topic-level influences can improve the performance of influential nodes finding.
Liu et al. (2010) focused on investigating how to mine topic-level influence in heterogeneous
networks. The authors solve the problem in two steps: (1) They proposed a model that combines
the “heterogeneous link” (Liu et al. 2010) information with the text associated with nodes in the
network to determine topic-aware direct influence, and (2) from the direct influence that was vali-
dated, a topic-aware algorithm was proposed to determine indirect influence between nodes. Their
experiments with Twitter, Digg, and citation networks showed that the proposed approach can un-
veil useful influence patterns in heterogeneous networks.
Barbieri et al. (2013) extended the traditional IC model (Goldenberg et al. 2001) to be a Topic-
aware Independent Cascade (TIC) model. Their experiment results showed that the TIC model
can describe real-world influence–driven propagations more accurately than the state-of-the-art
topic-blind models.
As a first step toward enabling social-influence online analytics in support of viral marketing
decision making, Aslay et al. (2014) proposed an efficient index for a general type of topic-aware
viral marketing queries. Given the computational challenges related to the enormous number of
potential queries and some other aspects, the authors employed a tree-based index, INFLEX, to ob-
tain a solution for a limited number of possible queries. Their experiment results showed that with
the index, the targeted queries can be answered in milliseconds instead of several days compared
to existing offline computation methodologies.
Zhou et al. (2014) explored topic or preference-based top-k influential nodes identification in
social networks. The proposed mining algorithm, GAUP, finds influential nodes on a given topic
in two stages; First, by computing user preferences and projecting them into a “reduced latent
space and a VSM-based model” (Zhou et al. 2014). In the second stage, GAUP utilizes the greedy-
based approaches, e.g., CELF (Leskovec et al. 2007) to find influential nodes for a particular topic.
When evaluated with an academic network, GAUP was shown to maximize influence spread for
a given topic.
Although identifying topical influential nodes in social networks is an interesting research di-
rection, there has not been significant research performed in this area. From three different aspects,
Table 4 compares four topic-based approaches reviewed in this section.

3.4 Network Content or Topology-Based Approaches

With the increasing quantity of content in social networks, it is possible to conduct content-centric
mining of influencers. In this section, we review network information- (or network structure) based
approaches for identifying top-k influential nodes, which provides a different perspective from the
topic-based approaches.
Community-based Greedy Algorithm (CGA) (Wang et al. 2010) takes the community prop-
erty of mobile social network (MSN) into consideration. Two major components of the CGA are
(i) an algorithm for community detection and (ii) a dynamic programming model for choosing
communities to identify influential nodes. Wang et al. extended the Independent Cascade model
(Goldenberg et al. 2001) to account for the edge weight of MSNs and provide provable performance
guarantees for CGA. In terms of efficiency and approximation error rate, CGA is proven to outper-
form some state-of-the-art greedy-based approaches for identifying top-k influential nodes. Simi-
larly to Wang et al. (2010) and Bozorgi et al. (2016) also utilized the network community structure
in their research. A community-based algorithm, INCIM, was proposed for identifying influential
nodes under the Linear Threshold model (Granovetter 1987). To summarize, the network commu-
nity structure is used to find the influential communities, while a node’s influence is determined by

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Table 4. Inputs, Outputs, and Characteristics of Various Topic-based Approaches

Work Inputs Outputs Characteristics

• works for large-scale
• a social network
• a prior topic distribution topic-wise user-to-user
TFG (Tang et al. 2009) • ability to find both the
for each node (inferred influence strength
local and global
information of nodes
a probabilistic model for
Topic-level influence an heterogeneous social the joint inference of the
topic distribution and
mining in heterogeneous network with nodes that topic distribution and
user-to-user influence
networks (Liu et al. 2010) are users and documents topic-wise user-to-user
• a log of past more accurate
proposed TIC model by
TIC (Barbieri et al. 2013) propagations descriptions of influence
extending IC model
• model parameters driven propagations
a directed social graph
where the edges are a set of users that should
• answer queries online
associated with a be targeted in a viral
INFLEX (Aslay et al. 2014) within few milliseconds
topic-dependent marketing campaign for a
• based on the TIC model
user-to-user social given topic
influence strength

a combination of its local and global influences. Their evaluation results demonstrated that INCIM
outperforms other approaches, such as the simple greedy algorithm, in the quality of the identified
influential nodes while maintaining a reasonably low running time and memory consumption for
large graphs.
PageRank (PR) (Brin and Page 1998) and Topic-sensitive PageRank (TSPR) (Haveliwala 2002)
were originally proposed for the purpose of ranking webpages. However, in recent decades, a
number of research on identifying influential nodes adopt, extend, and integrate PR or TSPR into
their own methodologies (Chen and He 2015; Weng et al. 2010). Some existing research utilize PR
and (or) TSPR in their experimental comparison analysis (Romero et al. 2011; Weng et al. 2010).
Therefore, we briefly introduce the core ideas of these two algorithms: PageRank applies academic
citation literature and orders webpages by calculating the number of citations and backlinks. De-
tailed descriptions of the PageRank algorithm can be found in Page et al. (1999). PageRank has
been often adopted in research for identifying influential nodes due to numerous reasons: First,
in a graph composed of tens of millions of webpages, each webpage can be represented as an in-
dividual node; Second, Brin and Page (1998) state that “a page can have a high PageRank if there
are many pages that point to it, or if there are some pages that point to it and have a high Page-
Rank.” As, correspondingly, for top-k influential nodes, a node can have a high influence if there
are many nodes that directly connect to it or if there are some nodes that directly connect to it and
have a high influence. In 2002, Haveliwala (2002) proposed Topic-sensitive PageRank by comput-
ing multiple PageRank vectors, biased using various topics, to capture more accurately the notion
of importance regarding each particular topic.
Romero et al. (2011) acknowledged the importance of user passivity when finding influential
nodes in social media. The proposed general model for influence analysis uses the concept of pas-
sivity in a social network and develops an algorithm for quantifying the influence of all the nodes
in the network. Their method utilizes the network structural properties as well as the diffusion
behaviors among users. The influence of a user is determined by both the size of the influenced
audience and their passivity. It is claimed that the model outperforms other measures of influence,
i.e., PageRank (Brin and Page 1998) and degree centrality. The authors stated that high popularity

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:15

does not necessarily imply high influence. A similar opinion is also expressed in the greedy-based
approaches such as Kempe et al. (2003).
Subbian et al. (2014) questions the lack of actual social value of network collaborations in in-
fluence diffusion models and defined individual social capital as social value generated through
collaborations with peers of high influence. Through their proposed algorithm, SoCap, they were
able to find influencers based on the hypothesis that people with high social capital indicates high
influence within a network. Due to this, SoCap differentiates itself from other measures of influ-
ence, e.g., degree centrality and PageRank, as it finds high social value nodes through multiple
collaborations. Unlike the greedy-based approaches, SoCap does not use any underlying influence
diffusion models. A value-allocation model is also developed to compute the social capital and
allocate the fair share of this capital to each individual involved in the collaboration.
A Context-Aware and Trust-Oriented influencer-finding method (Zhu et al. 2015), named CT-
Influence, incorporates social contexts, such as the preferences of participants with the social re-
lationship and trust between participants. The experiments with two real-world datasets showed
that CT-Influence greatly outperforms SoCap (Subbian et al. 2014) in terms of effectiveness and
efficiency for identifying influential nodes.
Chen and He (2015) take hostile relations in Online Social Networks (OSNs) into consideration
when integrating the PageRank algorithm (Brin and Page 1998) on signed OSNs. The authors
used the integrated PageRank to discover influential nodes in OSNs with both friend and hostile
relations, which correspond, respectively, to positive and negative edges on signed networks. Their
experiment results for selecting top-k influential nodes on real-world datasets indicated that the
proposed method performs better than some algorithms, such as the original PageRank (Brin and
Page 1998).
In this section, we reviewed network topology or content-based approaches for identifying top-
k influential nodes. The network topology–oriented methods focus on exploiting the community
structure property of social networks. The content-based techniques tend to extract various as-
pects of information from a given social network, such as friend and hostile relations, user passiv-
ity, social value of collaborations, the preferences of participants, the content or topic of tweets, and
so on. For the presented techniques, we notice that PageRank was a popular comparison technique
and a Twitter dataset was frequently analyzed. We provide comparisons of techniques discussed
in this section in Table 5.

3.5 Identifying Top-k Influential Nodes in Dynamic Social Networks

In the previous four sections, we have addressed literature on top-k influential nodes identifica-
tion in static social networks. This section discusses the existing work on identifying influential
nodes in dynamic graphs, which is a relatively new research area. The associated computational
challenge is a major difference in the two network settings of static and dynamic networks. Static
social network can be considered as a snapshot of dynamic network, which cannot fully repre-
sent some characteristics of real-world social networks, such as continuous network topology
change, high-speed data transmission, large population of participants, and uncertain information
diffusion processes. More computational resources are potentially demanded due to these distinct
characteristics of dynamic social networks.
Aggarwal et al. (2012) are among the first who study influential nodes identification in dynamic
social networks. A stochastic approach is designed by the authors to identify the information flow
authorities with two types of methods: a globally optimized forward trace approach and a locally
optimized backward approach. In addition, methods for determining the approximately optimal

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Table 5. Comparisons of Various Network Content or Topology-based Approaches

Network Network
Approach topology-based content-based Key Characteristics
approach approach
• community detection
CGA (Wang et al. 2010) Yes No • dynamically select communities to find
influential nodes
• influential community detection
INCIM (Bozorgi et al. 2016) Yes No • the influence of each node is determined
by its local and global influences
• signed social networks
• friend and hostile relations are represented
IPR (Chen and He 2015) No Yes
as positive and negative edges on signed
networks respectively
the topical similarity between users and the
TwitterRank (Weng et al. 2010) No Yes
link structure are both taken into account
determines the influence and passivity of
IP (Romero et al. 2011) No Yes users based on their information forwarding
SoCap (Subbian et al. 2014) No Yes captures the individual social capital
considers the social trust and relationships
CT-Influence (Zhu et al. 2015) No Yes between participants and the preferences of

release points for a given pattern of information spread are also proposed. The performance of
proposed methods was evaluated on both DBLP and ArnetMiner citation datasets.
Zhuang et al. (2013) underlined the influence maximization problem in dynamic networks as
probing nodes in an unobserved network. The Maximum Gap Probing (MaxG) algorithm was
proposed to provide an approximate optimal solution to probe a subset of nodes that can best
unravel the actual influence diffusion process in the network. The authors claimed that MaxG is a
general method and can be directly used to guide online marketing decisions in social networks.
Experiment datasets used for evaluating the performance of MaxG were constructed from Twitter
and the coauthor network of ArnetMiner. Unlike in MaxG, which focuses on probing a subset of
nodes in a dynamic network, Han et al. (2017) adopt a divide-and-conquer strategy to capture the
global evolution of a dynamic network by only probing the most active communities. Extensive
experiments were conducted by the authors on Epinions, Slashdot, Twitter, and Inventor networks.
A content and network-based flow mining approach for dynamic influence analysis is proposed
by Subbian et al. (2013). In their research, sequential patterns were dynamically mined from a
combination of the keywords and the dynamic network in the social stream. These were then
used to discover the most influential nodes in a dynamic and evolving network. Three years later,
the authors develop an algorithm, InFlowMine (Subbian et al. 2016a), to determine flow patterns
through content propagation on the dynamic network structure. The identified patterns were
utilized for determining topic- or network-specific influential users or their combinations. Un-
fortunately, not all OSNs can provide sufficient context for discovering information flow patterns.
Hence, this streaming method cannot be generalized for finding social influencers across OSNs.
Three datasets were used in their evaluation experiments, which are Twitter, DBLP, and US patent
Vadoodparast and Taghiyareh (2015) focus on maximizing product adoption in dynamic net-
works by proposing a multiagent framework named MAFIM. The framework contains two kinds

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:17

of agents: modeling agents and solution provider agents. A dynamic network is viewed as consec-
utive static snapshots by these agents, and according to a selected budget assignment policy, each
snapshot obtains its share from the budget defined by the sales manager. Their experiment re-
sults on real-world dataset, such as Slashdot, demonstrate that it is more effective to launch many
short-lived campaigns rather than few long-lived ones.
Subbian et al. (2016b) proposed the first general keyword-based influence query and tracking
model for streaming scenarios. With the constant evolution of topics over time, which potentially
results in different identified influencers, the authors developed a method to maintain real-time
influence scores of users in a social stream based on topic and time-sensitive information. The core
idea of the method is to track information flow patterns in a treelike data structure across various
paths of the network in a context and time-sensitive fashion. The data structure facilitates one
pass computation of influencers for different contexts.
A Dynamic Independent Cascade (DIC) model and the concept of adaptive seeding strategy
were proposed by Tong et al. (2017). Using a simple greedy algorithm, the authors provided a
provable performance guarantee for their solution based on the DIC model. Additionally, an effi-
cient heuristic algorithm with better scalability was also introduced. The superiority of the adap-
tive seeding strategies was demonstrated by empirically comparing with the state-of-the-art non-
adaptive seeding approach (Kempe et al. 2003) and random strategy. Two kinds of real-world social
networks used in their experiments were Hep and Wiki. Hep contains academic collaboration data
of co-authorships in physics, while Wiki includes the Wikipedia voting data (Jure Leskovec 2010)
from the inception of Wikipedia.
Song et al. (2017) designed an algorithm, called UBI, to solve the influential node tracking on
dynamic social network problem. The core idea of their approach is to start from the influential
seed set that was identified previously and implement node replacement to maximize the influence
coverage. Three datasets evaluated in their experiments are mobile, HepPh, and HepTh networks.
A very recent technique proposed by Wang et al. (2017) adopts the concept of sliding window to
maintain “a set of k seeds with the largest influence value over the most recent social actions.” The
authors collected two real-world datasets, Reddit and Twitter, for their experiments.
Since many social networks, such as Twitter, are often available only in the form of social
streams of user activity, there is a surge of recent research on social streams. However, our sur-
vey indicates that a very limited amount of work has been done on identifying top-k influential
nodes in dynamic social networks. Among them, only a minority provide a provable performance
guarantees (Tong et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2017; Han et al. 2017) or empirically compare their pro-
posed methods with dynamic network–oriented approaches (Wang et al. 2017; Han et al. 2017).
Three major categories of techniques presented in this section are (1) overall structure and infor-
mation diffusion of the dynamic network focused approaches (Aggarwal et al. 2012; Tong et al.
2017), (2) network content or content flow patterns-based approaches (Subbian et al. 2013, 2016a,
2016b), and (3) identifying influential nodes in dynamic networks by modelling a subset of the net-
work with the subset being a set of nodes or communities (Zhuang et al. 2013; Vadoodparast and
Taghiyareh 2015; Song et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2017; Han et al. 2017). We conclude Section 3.5 by
presenting two facts that exist among these works:

(1) Model Change: Traditional influence diffusion models (such as IC (Goldenberg et al. 2001)
and LT (Granovetter 1987)) have a static network structure and edge propagation prob-
abilities. Although they are widely used in the greedy-based approaches for identifying
influential nodes, they are not adopted in dynamic network settings. Instead, more flexible
models are proposed to accommodate dynamic network structure and edge propagation

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(2) Content-Centric Method: Network content, such as information flows and topic- or time-
sensitive data, are well incorporated and utilized in approaches for identifying influential
nodes in streaming social networks.

3.6 Section Summary

Since the first formalization of finding the influential actors problem by Kempe et al. (2003), there
has been an increasing amount of research and development in the area. An interesting phenome-
non observed is that the focus of this research area has been shifted from efficiency and scalability
to dynamic networks in recent years. With various features provided by a wide variety of algo-
rithms, applications will be required to select suitable algorithms to accommodate for its specific
problem domain when mining top-k influential nodes.
Node and edge attributes have also been an underlying theme for top-k influential node identi-
fication. The research by Chen and He (2015) was based on friend and hostile attributes between
nodes in the network, creating positive and negative edges on signed networks. Zu et al. (2015)
incorporates social contexts into the network analysis, integrating humanistic factors into the
properties of participating nodes.


In this section, we focus on literature relevant to significant nodes identification. By reviewing
recent work, we hope to shed some light on this research area.

4.1 Effector-Based Identification and Bridge Nodes

When we find nodes in a social network in a particular activation state, such as when a certain
topic is popular, we can often observe the subset of root nodes that propagate the information and
activate the neighbouring nodes in the network, known as effectors. Unlike influential nodes that
focus on centrality measures, effector nodes are key connectors in a network due to their property
as bridges between peripheral nodes and groups even when they might not have a high degree of
neighbouring nodes themselves and, therefore, if removed, usually cause networks to be fractured
and disjoint.
Given a social network graph G and an activation vector a, Lappas et al. (2010) defined k-
effectors to be the set of nodes, once activated, that cause an activation pattern that is as similar as
possible to the activation procedure observed at a. The authors proved that the k-effectors problem
can be solved in polynomial time for social networks represented as a tree. This is accomplished
through a dynamic programming approach by specifying the maximum k-effectors of sub-trees
under one of the two following approaches: The root of the sub-tree is included in the set of effec-
tors for the next recursion and then recurses on children with (k-1) budget. The second approach
does not include the root and the children are recursed with k budget. With the method described,
the authors were able to extract the most probable active tree that spans all the active nodes of
the network. Using this, they could identify the optimal set of effectors in the social network tree,
and, in return, they were able to extract interesting observations on the network and interactions
between significant nodes.
The research by Li et al. (2017) attempts to identify sets of star nodes (which are also the signif-
icant nodes in this case) based on the scale of connectivity loss if the nodes were removed from
the network. The authors account for typical immunization methodologies, such as acquaintance
immunization, and performed analysis on two generic social networks. The authors discovered
that certain immunization strategies, such as selected immunization, cause entire networks to be
disjoint if the targeted star nodes were removed, while random and acquaintance immunization
provides less destructive results with better running times. This methodology separates itself from

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previous work, such as that by Lappas et al. (2010), as it views effectors from a different perspec-
tive. Immunization strategies are more generally adopted to prevent outbreaks and, in this case,
to identify the loss of connectivity in the network if the top-k significant nodes are removed.
Borgatti (2006) underlines the weaknesses of top-k node identification using centrality-based
approaches, where they do not account for key players’ role in a network’s cohesiveness. The
author proposed a model that ranks significant nodes by both their centrality measures (KPP-Pos)
and loss of graph cohesion if removed (KPP-Neg).
Borgatti’s (2006) research incorporates concepts from Lappas et al. (2010) by valuing a signifi-
cant node’s centrality while also weighting the consequences if the node was breached. Similarly
to Li et al. (2017), this research underlines the importance of the top-k effectors from a loss of
network connectivity perspective. This concept has also been described by researchers such as
Musial and Juszczyszyn (2009) as bridge nodes. In their research, Musial and Juszczyszyn describe
bridge nodes as anchoring nodes that connect peripheral nodes with the rest of the network and, if
lost, can cause diffusion loss between nodes in the network. The authors conducted an experiment
on the Thurman office social network in an attempt to identify and extract bridge nodes and their
properties. From their results, they have established that the bridge nodes were usually nodes with
the highest social position and can be categorized based on their neighbouring connections with
peripheral nodes or cliques.

4.2 Authoritative-Based Identification

With the significant growth of the Internet, the ability to find sources of information with high
levels of quality and authority has become increasingly difficult. With many Online Question and
Answer portals facing this problem, there has been an emergence of research aimed to distin-
guish the top-k set of significant nodes (or authoritative users in this context). Farahat et al. (2002)
analyses documents scattered in the World Wide Web and determines the reliability and author-
itativeness of these documents based on textual, non-topical cues. In their research, the authors
discovered that when querying certain subjects, documents found by PageRank (Brin and Page
1998) were sometimes uninformative and even controversial. To estimate the authority of docu-
ments more accurately, the authors combined the analysis of textual content of documents with
its linguistic features and found that this approach was often able to rank authoritative documents
produced by professionals and subject-matter experts higher than PageRank.
Zhang et al. (2007) attempts to identify a set of users with high expertise on a Java Forum. In
their research, they evaluated several network-based ranking algorithms such as HITS Authority
(Kleinberg 1999) and separated users into five expertise ratings. From their results, they found
several behavioral patterns among users of different expertise levels, such as newbies making
few posts and experts answering other users’ questions while asking very few themselves. These
asker–helper interactions overlap with several properties of effector-based identification where
information from a single source (which in this case, is knowledge of the answer to a specific
question) is able to activate downstream lower-level users.
Jurczyk and Agichtein (2007b) present authoritative node identification in a more controlled
environment. The authors crawled through almost half a million questions on Yahoo! Answers
portal with three million corresponding answers in the attempt to estimate the authority of users
while using the HITS algorithm (Kleinberg 1999) as a baseline. For each question, the authors
extracted the number of answers, the sum of the answers’ voted values, and the average number
of stars of the best answer’s author and drew comparisons between each of these categories based
on the Pearson correlation coefficient. What they found was that authority was easier to identify
in particular subject domains and using votes and stars produced results based on the popularity

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and quality of the feedback, respectively. Unlike the research by Farahat et al. (2002), Jurczyk and
Agichtein’s dataset contains several properties that the authors leveraged.
Unlike scattered documents in the World Wide Web, the datasets from Zhang et al. (2007) and
Jurczyk and Agichtein (2007b) separated questions into distinct subjects and domains, which re-
duces the possibility of irrelevant nodes or answers being found for a particular query. Second, with
each question, there exists a set of user-defined properties (such as the Voting and Star system in
Yahoo! Answers) that exposes a new layer to evaluate the quality and authority of a particular
node, underlining the value of useful node attributes to users and researchers. All of the research
presented attempts to identify top-k significant nodes from various angles, but the effectiveness
and accuracy of the algorithms are heavily influenced by the dataset and its attributes.

4.3 Academic Datasets

In terms of identifying top-k significant nodes, there are some other studies investigating the sig-
nificance of researchers in academic co-author networks. Nascimento et al. (2003) investigated the
co-authorship graph obtained from all papers published at SIGMOD between 1975 and 2002. They
utilized the evolution of minimum closeness centrality scores as the ranking criteria to evaluate the
significance of authors. Moreover, Liu et al. (2005) built a weighted directional model to represent
the co-authorship network, for which they defined AuthorRank as an indicator for the prestige
of an individual author in the network. Under the assumption that program committee members
can be regarded as prestigious actors in the field, their results are validated against conference
program committee members in the same time period.
The evaluation results showed that the use of AuthorRank has clear advantages over tradi-
tional centrality measures, e.g., degree and closeness metrics. Zhou et al. (2007) acknowledge the
remarkable success demonstrated by graph-theoretic approaches for ranking networked entities.
However, they also pointed out that the majority of the methodologies can only be utilized on
homogeneous networks, such as the citation network. To rank significant authors and documents,
Zhou et al. proposed a framework for co-ranking entities of two different types in heterogeneous
networks. Their method couples two random walks into a combined one to co-rank authors and
their publications using information retrieved from several networks: the social network connect-
ing the authors, the citation network connecting the publications, as well as the authorship net-
work that ties the previous two together. Their results suggest that the rankings of authors and
documents depend on each other. Zaïane et al. (2009) used an iterative random-walk algorithm to
evaluate the relevance between significant authors for the purpose of discovering research com-
munities. Their core idea is to use a random walk on the bipartite or tripartite model of DBLP data
and generate a relevance score to measure the closeness between two entities. The relevance score
is then used to rank entities based on importance of a given relationship.

4.4 Other Work

Among the numerous existing top-k significant node heuristics, the PageRank (Brin and Page
1998) and the HITS (Kleinberg 1999) algorithms are the most popular and considered as baselines
for many later techniques. As described previously in Section 3.4, PageRank is a top-k heuristic
that determines the quality and relevance of a webpage based on the search topic, which behaves
like our definition of significant node identification. The HITS algorithm queries the World Wide
Web in two steps: (1) a sampling stage that constructs a collection of webpages that are likely
to be relevant authorities and (2) a weight propagation step that iteratively estimates a hub and
authority score for each webpage and returns the highest scoring authorities of each topic. HITS
has led to a number of future works such as work by Joel et al. (2001) that enhances the original

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HITS algorithm with exponential inputs and Wu et al. (2006) that integrates collaborative tagging
to support community detection, user, and document recommendations.
Tseng and Chen (2012) proposed a novel node ranking methodology for general real-world ap-
plications. This technique contains an unsupervised learning algorithm that requires no training
data to produce a ranking list of top-k significant nodes. The authors implemented their method-
ology and experimented on a co-author network of from the DBLP computer science bibliography.
The network was structured as an undirected graph where each node represents an author, and
each edge between two nodes indicates publication collaboration between two authors. This pro-
cess consists of two parameters and major phases. The user-defined parameters are the set of
desired features and the number of significant nodes wanted. The first phase was an offline pro-
cedure where several features are extracted from each author in the network and sorted lists of
author features are prepared; these lists are used as the input of the ranking algorithm in the sec-
ond phase. The primary principle of the ranking strategy is to find top-k significant nodes with
overall ranks higher than others. The methodology was able to generate different ranking lists
when diverse sets of desired features are considered.
In addition to the ranking methodology, Tseng and Chen (2012) also claimed that the definition
of significant nodes is application dependent as it varies with circumstances in different networks
formed by diverse kinds of social connections. To accommodate different application characteris-
tics, the proposed methodology requires a set of desired features as one user-specified parameter.
While this technique provides a wide range of features to meet a variety of service demands, it
has the tradeoff of requiring more feature-related data and lowering efficiency for processing the
two separate phases. The preparation of sorted author lists demands large volumes of input data
on various features to be processed offline, which might not always be realistic for real-world ap-
plications. Additionally, adequate data might not be readily available, and the application could
require streaming data to be processed online rather than offline. The degree and closeness cen-
trality measures are the two of four desired features in the experiment evaluation, where Tseng
et al. avoid giving a specific weight on each desired feature for the purpose of providing a more
objective assessment. It is highly likely that the resulting weighting-free ranking algorithm is not
suitable for applications requiring subjective assessment.

4.5 Section Summary

From the categories described in Section 3, we found that processes for identifying top-k influential
nodes were mostly greedy-based approaches, whereas for top-k significant nodes, we find a wider
array of different methodologies adopted. Section 4.1 describes the characteristics of effectors, star
nodes, and bridge nodes in social networks. While in Section 4.2, methodologies for identifying
authoritative nodes are presented.
Additionally, we emphasized the importance of node attributes and network properties on how
they can affect the methodology and process for identifying significant nodes and studying the
network. The studies by Zhang et al. (2007) and Jurczyk and Agichtein (2007b) both contained
datasets with very specific node and edge properties that influenced the direction of their research
and heuristics.
In addition, there is a paper by Lappas et al. (2011) where more details on topics such as algo-
rithms and systems for expert location in social networks are discussed.


With the tremendous increase of usage in OSNs, research in the identification of top users of OSNs
such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn has increased over the past decade. In this section, we re-
view numerous applications of identifying top-k nodes, and some of these applications showed

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Table 6. List of Key Applications of Top-k Nodes Identification

Domain Related Research

(Cha et al. 2010) (Weng et al. 2010)
(Bakshy et al. 2011) (Drakopoulos et al. 2016)
Facebook (Heidemann et al. 2010) (Kim and Han 2009)
(Gruhl et al. 2004) (Java et al. 2006)
(Java et al. 2007) (Huang et al. 2016)
Misinformation Control (Budak et al. 2011) (Nguyen et al. 2012)
(Opsahl et al. 2010) (Zhang et al. 2007)
Community Question Answering
(Guo et al. 2008) (Pal and Konstan 2010)
(Opsahl et al. 2010) (Wei et al. 2013)
Networks with Complex Topologies
(Zhou et al. 2007)
Miscellaneous Applications (Ghosh and Lerman 2010) (Aral and Walker 2012)

how the use of content can enhance the identification process. It is evident from the discussion
of this section that top-k nodes identification is useful for a wide variety of inter-disciplinary do-
mains such as Twitter or Blogosphere. Due to the limitation of length, we focus on only a small
number of successful applications: (1) Twitter (Section 5.1), (2) Facebook (Section 5.2), (3) Blogo-
sphere (Section 5.3), (4) Misinformation Control (Section 5.4), (5) Community Question Answering
(Section 5.5), (6) Networks with complex topologies (Section 5.6), and (7) Miscellaneous Applica-
tions (Section 5.7). An overview of the key applications are summarized in Table 6.

5.1 Twitter
With the rising popularity and usage of online social networking mediums in the past decade,
knowledge on how information is shared and distributed to users on these mediums has become
increasingly valuable to many corporations that seek to advertise their products and services.
Among these networking services, one of the most common is Twitter.
The social infrastructure of one of the most notable micro-blogging services, Twitter, is com-
posed of twitterers, users who publish/provide tweets (with a limit of 140 characters) or content
to all of their connected followers. The information distributed by a few core and influential twit-
terers (or tweets) could have a much greater impact and distribution of information than a large
group of random ones. Hence, there has been an increasing interest in finding these core and in-
fluential twitterers (or tweets) from various perspectives, i.e., Weng et al. (2010) and Bakshy et al.
Weng et al. (2010) presented an approach of identifying influential twitters by employing an ex-
tension of the PageRank algorithm (Brin and Page 1998) (previously described in Section 3.4). The
proposed algorithm, TwitterRank, considers “both the topical similarity between users and the link
structure” (Weng et al. 2010). In contrast to many other existing research on Twitter datasets, the
authors pointed out that the number of followers alone may not accurately represent the influence
due to “reciprocity,” where users follow their followers as an act of social courtesy as opposed to
“homophily,” where users follow due to mutual topic interests. To establish whether “homophily”
exists in the Twitter community, the authors proposed two underlying questions:
(1) Are twitterers with “following” relationships more similar than those without according
to the topics they are interested in?
(2) Are twitterers with “reciprocal following” relationships more similar than those without
according to the topics they are interested in?

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To answer these questions, Weng et al. analyzed large volumes of unlabeled tweets (content) to
automatically distill topics and determine if the relationship between influential twitterers and fol-
lowers is due to topic sensitive influence. Their experiment results showed that, first, “homophily”
does exist in the context of Twitter, and the authors claim that they are the first to report this. Their
observation justifies that there are some twitterers who in fact “follow” someone due to common
topical interests instead of just playing a “number game.” Second, their proposed approach out-
performs the benchmark technique that is currently used by Twitter and other related algorithms,
e.g., in-degree (i.e., the number of followers) and the original PageRank (Brin and Page 1998).
In addition to TwitterRank (Weng et al. 2010), three other Twitter-specific ranking algorithms
are TunkRank (Tunkelang 2009), inDegreeRanking (Kwak et al. 2010), and IARank (Cappelletti
and Sastry 2012). TunkRank adapts PageRank (Brin and Page 1998) and defines influence as the
attention a user is able to give to the tweets he or she receives combined with the attention that
his or her followers can give to him or her. Kwak et al. (2010) proposed to rank users based on
the number of followers (in-degree) and found the produced ranking was similar to PageRank.
Unfortunately, a high in-degree could be made up by simply creating fake usernames that follow
a user whose ranking is to be increased, making it an easy loophole for spammers. The key char-
acteristic of IARank is its ability to rank users on Twitter in near real time. The basis of IARank
is information amplification potential of a user, which is evaluated by the capacity of the user to
increase the audience of a tweet or another twitter that they would find interesting, by retweeting
or mentioning.
TunkRank (Tunkelang 2009) converges to the final ranking in an iterative way. The conver-
gence time is determined by the number of users considered in the ranking process. As opposed
to IARank (Cappelletti and Sastry 2012), TunkRank is not capable of producing a ranking list in
real time. TwitterRank (Weng et al. 2010) focuses on topical-oriented influential twitters mining
by distilling available topics, and it is also not amenable to be calculated in real time.
Cha et al. (2010) compares three different measures of influence in Twitter (number of follow-
ers, number of retweets, and number of mentions) and finds that the most followed users do not
necessarily score highest on the other two measures. Number of followers (in-degree) represents
a user’s popularity; however, it is not directly correlated to other important perspectives of influ-
ence such as engaging audience. Retweets are driven by the content value of a tweet, while mentions
are driven by the name value of the user. Such subtle differences lead to dissimilar groups of the top
influential Twitter users. Focusing on retweets and mentions, the authors investigate the dynamics
of user influence across topics and time using a large amount of data collected from Twitter.
The research by Bakshy et al. (2011) studies the information propagation of influential sources
when compared to “ordinary influential users.” One of the key functionalities of Twitter is the
ability for a user to “retweet” or repost the contents of another twitterer. However, due to the
140-character limit of tweets, a common strategy adopted by twitterers is to attach content to
shortened URLs (e.g., to effectively condense content in an easily distinguishable form. Ad-
ditionally, because of these unique tokens, it is easy for the authors to identify the depth or level of
cascade from which a tweet is propagated from a single influential source. Therefore, the authors
study the URLs that twitterers add to their tweets and the overall cost-effectiveness of market-
ing through a small group of key influential twitterers as opposed to a large group of average or
under-performing ones. The focus of the Bakshy et al.’s (2011) study is explicitly on the overall
influence of a post rather than the traditional qualitative measure of user influence, and, hence,
their methodologies are based on the “influence score” of URL posts and the diffusion level of URL
reposts from the original “seed” until termination of the cascade. Their results showed that while
the majority of posted URLs do not spread (with an average cascade size of 1.14), some distinct ones
are able to spread as far as nine generations of repost. Using these results, the authors were able

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to compare the effectiveness of “seed” influencers with word-of-mouth campaigns and find that
using a quantitative approach of influence of a post has similar results to the qualitative study of
influential users. Both methodologies showed that since the majority of posts from a single source
do not spread at all, targeting certain “seeds” with high rates of diffusion as opposed to multiple
low-performing ones generates the most coverage.
Pal and Counts (2011) discovered topical authorities in Twitter. There are three steps in their ap-
proach: First, characterize Twitter users with social media-specific features, including both nodal
and topical metrics. Second, cluster the users over feature space. Last, produce a list of the impor-
tant authors for a specific topic utilizing a within-cluster ranking procedure.
In 2016, Drakopoulos et al. (2016) studied five Twitter-specific metrics for ranking Twitter in-
fluence. Based on concepts from system theory, a methodology for evaluating influence metrics is
also proposed. In addition, the authors implemented the five metrics in Java over Neo4j, which is
a graph database that provides production grade front or back-end social graph storage.

5.2 Facebook
Being the largest social network, Facebook has more than 400 million active users with an average
of 130 friends (Facebook 2017). The Facebook dataset has been utilized in various top-k nodes
identification research.
Heidemann et al. (2010) proposed an adapted PageRank algorithm to identify influential users
in a social network according to activity links. The approach was evaluated on a Facebook dataset
and found that more active users who are retained can be identified when drawing on users’ prior
communication activities or centrality measures, e.g., degree centrality. Kim and Han (2009) iden-
tify influential users in a network graph by first calculating degree centrality based on social links
and then estimating an activity index. The proposed method was evaluated by observing the influ-
ence diffusion of a Facebook game. Their experiment results show that by targeting the identified
influential users, game growth rates and number of new game adopters can be increased.
Although Facebook has been frequently used as experiment data for identifying top-k nodes, our
literature research shows that so far only a few Facebook-oriented algorithms exist. This phenom-
enon differs significantly from the Twitter domain, as a number of top-k nodes identification ap-
proaches have been designed specifically for Twitter, such as TunkRank (Tunkelang 2009), Twitter-
Rank (Weng et al. 2010), and IARank (Cappelletti and Sastry 2012).

5.3 Blogosphere
With an increasing amount of blog posters and readers, Blogospheres (a network of blogs) are an
effective and inexpensive medium for companies to evaluate their advertising campaigns. Hence,
it is interesting to observe the emerging research that has begun identifying top-k nodes in the
weblog domain.
Gruhl et al. (2004) model the diffusion of topics among blogs, determined by the textual content
of the weblog. The authors managed to characterize information propagation from two perspec-
tives: topics and individuals. The proposed model makes it possible to “identify particular indi-
viduals who are highly effective at contributing to the spread of infectious topics” (Gruhl et al.
Java et al. (2006) presented an analysis of influence models, i.e., the Linear Threshold model
(Granovetter 1987) and the Independent Cascade model (Goldenberg et al. 2001), on a large-scale
and real-world blog graph. Their evaluation results suggest that PageRank (Brin and Page 1998)
is an inexpensive approximation to the simple greedy algorithm (Kempe et al. 2003) for selecting
an influential set of bloggers, which maximizes the spread of information on the blogosphere. To

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Table 7. Comparisons of Various Techniques for Identifying Top-k Nodes in Blogosphere

Identify influential Identify Utilize blog Analyze influence

bloggers influential blogs contents diffusion models
(Gruhl et al. 2004) Yes No Yes No
(Java et al. 2006) Yes No No Yes
(Java et al. 2007) No Yes Yes No
(Huang et al. 2016) Yes No Yes No

recommend feeds and identify influential blogs automatically, the same authors (Java et al. 2007)
found “blog feeds that matter” for a specific topic using folder names and subscriber counts.
Huang et al. (2016) presented a framework that contains a heuristic quantification model for
ranking key microbloggers. The two major parts in the framework were (1) based on content of
posts, a classifying approach with sliding-window to specify interested domains of microbloggers,
and (2) a method for quantifying key microbloggers by taking both the influence and user activity
into consideration.
Overall, in the blogosphere domain, it is observed that a number of research, e.g., Gruhl et al.
(2004), Java et al. (2007), and Huang et al. (2016), utilize the contents of blogs to identify top-k nodes
in the weblog networks. We further compare the techniques discussed in this section in Table 7.

5.4 Misinformation Control

Despite the benefits of interconnectivity provided by online social networks, there are existing
threats, such as spread of misinformation, that can cause undesirable effects, such as widespread
panic to the general public. Budak et al. (2011) described the misinformation control problem as
“identifying a subset of individuals that need to be convinced to adopt the good campaign so as to
minimize the number of people that adopt the bad campaign” (Budak et al. 2011). In addition, they
formulated their description as an optimization problem, proved that it was NP-hard, and then
provided performance guarantees for a greedy strategy.
From a different aspect of controlling misinformation, Nguyen et al. (2012) focused on how
to limit rumor spread in OSNs by finding the smallest set of influential nodes whose decontam-
ination with good information helps to control the viral propagation of misinformation. Their
solution includes a greedy-based algorithm, Greedy Viral Stopper (GVS), and a community-based
heuristic method. GVS greedily adds nodes with the best influence gain to the current solution
and shows that the algorithm selects a small fraction of the total nodes from the optimal solution.
The community-based method returns a selection of nodes to decontaminate in a timely manner.
The authors verified their approaches on real-world OSNs such as Facebook.
There are two major differences in the two aforementioned research by Budak et al. (2011) and
Nguyen et al. (2012): (1) The approach by Budak et al. was limited by a k-nodes budget where k is
an constraint imposed by the user. This was not presented in Nguyen et al.’s approach, and (2) the
heuristic proposed by Budak et al. assumes a high level of propagation, where the probability
for good information spread is either 1 or zero. In contrast, Nguyen et al. accounts for arbitrary

5.5 Community Question Answering

Top-k nodes identification has also been researched widely in the Community Question Answer-
ing (CQA) domain with a number of models proposed. Users can often find detailed information
from subject-matter experts on Q&A portals such as “Stack Overflow” and “Yahoo! Answers.”

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However, the quality of information can range from detailed solutions to unconstructive criticism.
Additionally, if the feedback for a topic is sparse, it can be difficult to differentiate the different
quality of answers. Hence, the ability for users to identify the members that provide reliable and
accurate answers is critical for the CQA domain.
Fisher et al. (2006) detects key authors (“answer people”) in Usenet newsgroups. Their heuristic
network analysis methodology uses nodal features to find “answer people” with high out-degree
and low in-degree. Zhang et al. (2007) models CQA as an expertise graph and evaluates a num-
ber of ranking measures and algorithms for identifying users with high expertise in differently
structured networks. Extended from Zhang’s approach (Zhang et al. 2007), Guo et al. (2008) pro-
posed topic-based models to identify appropriate users to answer a specific question. Jurczyk and
Agichtein (2007a) presented an analysis of the link structure of a general-purpose Q&A commu-
nity to identify authoritative users. Agichtein et al. (2008) uses data from a web-scale community
question answering portal and extracts graph-based features, e.g., the degree distribution of users
and their PageRank, and hub scores to determine individual user’s relative importance. A model to
identify authoritative actors based on the number of best answers provided by users is presented
in Bouguessa et al. (2008), whereas Pal et al. (2010) discriminates experts on top of their preference
in answering position.

5.6 Networks with Complex Topologies

The majority of research described to now performs analysis on unweighted networks with very
basic properties and node-to-node relationships. However, these simple network structures will
often obfuscate many important properties of a relationship such as intensity, duration, and hu-
man emotional factors and, therefore, are unable to characterize the complexity of real-world net-
works and relationships. Barrat et al. (2004) describe weighted networks as graphs that go beyond
the topological point and underline the capacity and intensity of connections between complex
Opsahl et al. (2010) presents an approach on evaluating node centrality in weighted networks.
In this research, the authors proposed a generalized degree centrality measure that incorporates
both the number of edges and their weights on Freeman’s Electronic Information Exchange Sys-
tem (EIES) network (1978). As it is difficult to non-subjectively define a weight for each of these
properties, the authors’ analysis contains a proposed threshold value, a, that alters the weighting
of either attribute. The non-deterministic and complex nature of weighted networks can also be
seen in similar research by Wei et al. (2013). Also using Freemans EIES dataset, the authors per-
formed centrality measures based on DempsterShafer’s theory of evidence (Dempster 1967; Shafer
1976), using the degree and strength of the node. To evaluate the effects of different weightings of
an edge, the authors also applied small thresholds to their centrality measures.
Another complex network topology that we are underlining is the homogeneity of social net-
works for top-k node identification. A homogeneous network has a singular type of object and
relationship, which are represented as nodes and edges, respectively, whereas heterogeneous net-
works are those with multiple types of nodes and node-to-node relationships. The vast majority of
the research in this survey has predominately been on homogeneous networks, such as in Kempe
et al. (2003), Wang et al. (2010), and Weng et al. (2010), this is likely due to homogeneous net-
work data being more readily available and easier to analyze. However, there is very little existing
research that identifyies top-k nodes in heterogeneous networks. One example presented in this
survey is the research by Zhou et al. (2007). The requirement to co-rank two different types of enti-
ties significantly increases the complexity of their heuristic, which involves coupling two random
walks to rank authors with their respective publications in the heterogeneous network.

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:27

5.7 Miscellaneous Applications

Ghosh and Lerman (2010) are among the few researchers who study the problem of predicting
influential users in online social networks. They classified influence diffusion process as non-
conservative if it depends not only on the network structure but also on details of the dynamic
processes occurring on it. The authors experimented with the social news aggregator, Digg, which
allows users to post and vote for news stories. In their scenario, influence was defined as the dy-
namic number of in-network votes a user’s post generates, which represents non-conservative
information flow. A number of influence models were compared, and their experiment results
showed that non-conservative models that capture the actual details of the dynamic process are
better at predicting influential users on Digg. In addition, Ghoah and Lerman’s experiments also
found that the normalized α-centrality metric is one of the best predictors of influential users.
Aral and Walker (2012) conducted a randomized experiment that identifies influence and sus-
ceptibility to influence in the product adoption decisions of a representative sample of 1.3 million
Facebook users. The experiment includes “a random manipulation of influence-mediating mes-
sages sent from a commercial Facebook application” (Aral and Walker 2012), which allows users
to share information about various products. Their methodology avoids the biases inherent in
traditional estimates of social contagion by randomly manipulating who receives the influence-
mediating messages. Some interesting findings from their experiments are as follows: (1) younger
users tend to be more susceptible to influence than older users; (2) influential users are less suscep-
tible to influence than non-influential ones and they cluster in the network, while susceptible users
do not; and (3) unlike some previous research, which claim that an individual’s influence is deter-
mined only by his or her personal attributes, Aral and Walker’s experiment results showed that the
combination of influence, susceptibility, and the likelihood of spontaneous adoption contributes
to an individual’s importance to the diffusion of behaviors.

5.8 Section Summary

This section presents examples of real-world applications integrating top-k node detection tech-
niques. Several techniques that analyze OSNs such as Facebook and Twitter have been reviewed,
including those targeting social dynamics such as misinformation control. We have also reflected
on work that targets weighted and heterogeneous networks and underlined the increased complex-
ity of identifying top-k nodes in these kinds of networks when compared to traditional networks.
Emphasis on node and edge attributes can be seen throughout the research in this section.
(1) Research on Twitter, including Tunkelang (2009) and Weng et al. (2010), all contain node
attributes, such as the number of followers and retweets. (2) Community Question Answering
datasets (Fisher et al. 2006; Agichtein et al. 2008) contain integrated user voting and scoring sys-
tems. (3) Networks with complex heterogeneous structures (Zhou et al. 2007) contain multiple
types of nodes and edges, resulting in multi-layered analysis of different node and edge types.

With the abundant amount of literature published in research into identifying top-k nodes, one
may wonder whether we have solved most of the critical problems related to top-k nodes identifi-
cation such that the solutions provided are refined enough for most of the social network analysis
tasks. However, in our view, there are still several critical research problems that need to be solved
before top-k nodes identification can become a sufficient tool for analyzing social networks.
Exploration of factors that create the top k-nodes. So far, very little literature has focused on the
exploration of factors that establish the top k-nodes being the most significant and/or influential,
and this can be an interesting research area. In a situation where a social network comes with

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22:28 R. Bian et al.

some known top-k nodes, the question is as follows: What are the factors that distinguish those
top nodes from others? Understanding these factors is essential to improve interpretation and
usability of top-k nodes mining.
Devotion of more systematic research effort on top-k significant nodes. In general, more progress
has been made on the top-k influential nodes as compared to the top-k significant nodes. In-depth
research can be conducted in the future to investigate the top-k significant nodes in various do-
mains. With the proliferation of social networks, i.e., email communication networks, user inter-
active question answering networks, organization hierarchies, OSNs, and so on, more intelligent
and practical solutions can be applied to the top-k significant nodes, e.g., maximizing the quality of
identified top-k significant nodes by capturing and utilizing individuals’ skill sets and their social
interactions as well as user influence.
Identification of top-k nodes in dynamic social networks. In Section 3.5, we pointed out that iden-
tifying top-k nodes in a dynamic social network is a relatively new area. Since many social net-
works, such as Twitter, are only available in the form of social streams of user activities, there is
an increasing value of research in identifying top-k nodes in dynamic social networks.
Identification of top-k nodes for multiple topics. Based on our review, there has been very little
research into the problem of identifying top-k nodes for multiple topics. The vast majority of the
existing literature in the field identifies top-k nodes only for a single topic. However, it is more
practical and useful to perform top-k nodes mining for multiple topics, especially for companies
and organizations with heterogeneous social networks.
Enhancement of searching variety for a single topic. When dealing with top-k nodes, we are inter-
ested in the subjectively determined topic. A wide range of searching capabilities can be utilized
to identify top-k nodes for a given topic. For example, when searching for top researchers of a par-
ticular subject in an area, it is useful if the functionality of searching on subject name is integrated
within the algorithm.
Development of more efficient, scalable and performance guaranteed algorithms for top-k influen-
tial nodes. As we have categorized and summarized in Section 3, abundant research has been ded-
icated to generic algorithm development for top-k influential nodes. A number of these research
evaluated their approaches in large-scale social networks using metrics such as time consump-
tion, memory usage, and true positive rate. Therefore, one possible future direction is to focus on
efficiency, scalability, and performance guarantee improvement of such generic algorithms. This
direction is also described in a literature survey (Probst et al. 2013) on finding influential users as
“efficiency and validity are crucial.”

In this article, we present an overview of the current status and future directions of top-k nodes
identification in social networks. We reviewed and classified the existing literature in this area into
two major categories: top-k influential nodes and top-k significant nodes. In general, we feel that
considerable progress has been made on the top-k influential nodes as compared to top-k signifi-
cant nodes. The applications of top-k nodes identification in social networks are quite diverse and
have been discussed in detail.
This survey aims to show that numerous research works have attempted to solve the top-k
nodes identification problem by proposing various algorithms, methodologies, and frameworks.
An interesting scope exists in future research targeting top-k significant nodes, since the work
in this area is quite limited. Furthermore, the vast majority of the work on identifying influential
nodes is designed for static networks, and, therefore, the research area of mining top-k nodes in
dynamic networks is still relatively new.

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Identifying Top-k Nodes in Social Networks: A Survey 22:29

The authors sincerely thank the anonymous reviewers of the previous versions of this survey for
their comments that helped to improve this manuscript, the New Zealand Callaghan Innovation
and Pingar for funding the R&D Student Fellowship Grant, and Tobey Sheng-Yen Hung for pro-
viding useful suggestions and feedback on the article.

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