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Ubi Cor Et Mens Conveniunt

Where the Heart and Mind Meet
Tuy, Batangas


Name: Score:
Grade & Section: Kinder – Our Lady of Caysasay Date:

I. Directions: Identify what is being asked. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. It is also called as describing words.

a. Adjectives

b. Noun


d. Pronoun

2. They are words with the same meaning.

a. Antonyms

b. Synonyms

c. Adjectives

3. They are words with opposite meaning.

a. Antonyms

b. Synonyms

c. Adjectives

4. It is the month of the year that we celebrate Christmas.

a. January

b. October

c. December
5. It is the month of the year that we usually celebrate Valentine’s Day.

a. April

b. July

c. February

6. It is what we celebrate every May.

a. New Year’s Day

b. Graduation Day

c. Flores de Mayo

7. It is the first day of the week.

a. Wednesday

b. Friday

c. Sunday

8. It is the last day of the week.

a. Saturday
b. Monday
c. Friday

9. It is the day of the week when we go to church.

a. Saturday
b. Tuesday
c. Sunday

10. It is the first day of school..

a. Saturday
b. Tuesday
c. Monday

II. Directions: Write on the lines the short form the given days and months.
11. January -- ____________________________

12. April -- ____________________________

13. Sunday -- ____________________________

14. Monday -- ____________________________

15. December -- ____________________________

16. Wednesday -- ____________________________

III. A. Directions: Write on the line the correct describing word. Choose from
the word in the box.

black triangular four sweet tall young ten

17. --- ____________________________

18. --- ____________________________

19. --- ____________________________

20. --- ____________________________

21. --- ____________________________

III. B. Directions: Encircle (O) the word with the same meaning on the word on
the left.

little huge small tall

pretty lovely ugly happy

dirty messy clean shiny

silent noisy loud quiet

sick strong healthy ill

III. C. Directions: Write on the line the antonyms of each word. Choose your
answer from the box.
smart sad long smooth cold

27. rough --- ____________________________

28. short --- ____________________________

29. hot --- ____________________________

30. happy --- ____________________________

IV. Directions: Look then box (󠅧) the action word on each sentence.

31. I feed my pet goat.

32. The members of the family pray together.

33. Grandma and I walk down the street.

34. My family goes to church every Sunday.

35. We jump high.

IV. Directions: Write on the blank come or go, there or here. Read each

36. Kinder ________________________ here inside the classroom.

37. Go ________________________, Rihanna.

38. Your sisters will come ________________________ to spend the Christmas

with us.

39. Children, you may ________________________ there in the playground.

40. Agia, ________________________ there beside your classmate.

GOD BLESS! Parent/Guardian’s Signature

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