Basic Geometric Constructions

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Drawing a Line CD Through a Point P Parallel to a Line AB
Drawing a Line Parallel to a Line AB at a Given Distance CD

Dividing a Line into

APPLICATIONS Proportional Parts
Drawing a Line Through a Point P and Perpendicular to a Line AB
Drawing a Triangle with Sides Given

Drawing a Right Triangle

Equilateral Triangle
Drawing a Square

Drawing a Hexagon Drawing a Hexagon

Given: Circumscribed Circle Given: Inscribed Circle
Geometric Constructions – II

Circles, Arcs & Tangents

Finding center
of a circle.

Drawing a circle
through three
given points.

Drawing a circle tangent to a given line AB at a given point P.

Drawing a Tangent to a Circle Through a Point.
Drawing Tangents to Two Circles
Arc tangent to a line and through a point.

Given: line AB, point P, distance R

1- Draw line DE || AB at a distance R

2- From P, draw arc of radius R cutting DE at C.
3- C is the center for required arc tangent to line AB.
Arc tangent to a line and through a point.

Given: line AB and point P, tangent point Q on the line

1- Draw bisect PQ
2- At Q, draw a perpendicular.
3- Intersection C of this perpendicular and the bisector is
the center for required arc tangent to line AB.
Geometric Constructions – III

Arcs & Tangents

Arc tangent to an arc and through a point.

Given: arc with center Q of known radius G, point P and radius R.

1- Draw arc of radius R from P.

2- Draw arc of radius G+R from Q.
3- Intersection C of this two arcs is the center for required arc tangent to line AB.
Arc tangent to two lines at right angle.

Given: The right angle and the radius of required arc (fillet) R

1- Draw an arc of radius R with center at the vertex of right angle.

2- Draw two arcs of radius R with centers T as shown.
3- Intersection of these two arcs C is the center of required arc.
Arc tangent to two given lines at acute angle, of given radius R

Given: Acute angle and radius R

1- Draw lines parallel at a distance R from the lines making

the given angle.
2- Intersection of these lines C is the center of required arc.
Arc tangent to two given lines at obtuse angle, of given radius R

Given: Obtuse angle and radius R

1- Draw lines parallel at a distance R from the

lines making the given angle.
2- Intersection of these lines C is the center of
required arc.
Arc Tangent to a given Arc and a given Straight Line

Given: Line AB, arc of radius G, and radius R

1- Draw line parallel to AB at a distance R.

2- Draw arc parallel to given arc at distance R.
- or -
2- Draw an arc of radius G+R centered at O.
3- Intersection of the line and arc C is the center of
required arc.
Arc Tangent to a given Arc and a given Straight Line

Given: Line AB, arc of radius G, and radius R

1- Draw line parallel to AB at a distance R.

2- Draw arc parallel to given arc at distance R.
- or -
2- Draw an arc of radius G–R centered at O.
3- Intersection of the line and arc C is the center of
required arc.
Drawing an Arc Tangent to Two Arcs

Given: Arcs A and B, and radius R

1- Draw arcs parallel to given arcs at distance R.

2- Intersection of these arcs C is the center of required arc.
Drawing an Arc Tangent to Two Arcs

Given: Arcs A and B, and radius R

1- Draw arcs parallel to given arcs at distance R.

2- Intersection of these arcs C is the center of required arc.
Drawing an Arc Tangent to Two Arcs and Enclosing Both Arcs

Given: Arcs A of radius r, arc B of radius R and the radius of required arc HK

1- Draw arc HK – r centered at A,

2- Draw arc HK – R centered at B,
3- Intersection of these arcs G is the center of required arc of radius HK.
Drawing an Arc Tangent to Two Arcs and Enclosing One Arc Only

Given: Arcs C of radius r, arc D of radius R and the radius of required arc HK

1- Draw arc HK + r centered at C, (note the + sign for the enclosed arc)
2- Draw arc HK – R centered at D,
3- Intersection of these arcs G is the center of required arc of radius HK.
Geometric Constructions – IV

Some Special Curves

OGEE Curve

Given: Parallel line segments NA and BM

1- Draw line AB
2- Assume that equal arcs are required at both ends, the mid-point T is point of inflection.
3- At A and B draw perpendiculars to given lines.
4- Bisect line segments AT and TB.
5- Intersections F and C of bisectors with the perpendiculars, respectively, are centers of
required tangent arcs.
OGEE Curve

Given: Parallel line segment AB, line CD and radius R of arcs

1- At B draw perpendicular of length BG = R, to given line AB.

2- Draw arc of radius R centered at G.
3- Draw line SP || CD at a distance R.
4- With center G draw arc of radius 2R.
5- Intersection of this arc with SP is the center for arc of radius R at the other end C.
OGEE Curve

Given: Non-parallel lines AB and CD

1- Draw BG perpendicular to AB.

2- With G as center, draw an arc of any desired radius.
3- Draw CE = BG, perpendicular to CD.
4- Draw GE and bisect it.
5- Intersection F, of the bisector and perpendicular CE, is center of the other arc.
6- Join centers of the two arcs (G and C) to find points of tangency and inflection.
Drawing Two Curves Tangent to Three Intersecting Lines

Given: Three intersecting lines: AB, BC and CD.

1- Select any point P along the middle line BC to be the point of inflection.
2- Mark T along AB, such that BT = BP.
3- Similarly, mark S along CD, such that CS = CP.
4- Draw perpendiculars TO and SQ.
5- Draw perpendicular OPQ.
6- Intersections O and Q are the centers of required arcs.
Conic Sections:

Cutting plane is parallel to

the slant of cone.
Ellipse Construction and
Definitions of Terms
Drawing an Ellipse

Given: Major axis AB and minor axis CD.

1- With C & D as centers, mark distances equal to half major

axis R = AO = BO to find the foci E & F.
2- Select some random points (1, 2, 3 … ) between E & F,
more closely near the ends A & B.
3- Centered at the foci, draw arcs of radii A1 & B1 to find 1’, A2
& B2 to find 2’ and so on.
4- Join these intersection points 1’, 2’ … using French curves.
Drawing a Trammel Ellipse
Quick and accurate method

1- Mark half minor axis on the edge of a strip of paper (A-B).

2- Using the same starting point A, mark half major axis (A-C). (Measurements overlap.)
3- Line up the last two trammel points (B and C) on the axes and mark a small dot at the
location of the first point A.
4- Move the trammel to different positions, keeping B and C on the axes, and mark more
points at A.
5- Sketch the final ellipse through the points using French curves.
Drawing a Parabola

to reflect light or sound
forms of arches
approximate form of cables in
suspension bridges

Photo Floodlight Reflector.

Constructive Geometry

Simple Spiral

1- Draw lines through the pole C at

equal angles. Here 30 degrees apart.

2- Beginning from any line, set off any

distance such as 2mm, then set off
twice that distance (4mm) on the next
line, thrice the distance (6mm) on the
third line and so on.

3- Through all these points draw a

smooth curve.
Involute Curves

Path of a point on an
unwrapping string
Constructive Geometry

Rectifying Circular Arcs

Rectifying a Quadrant:

1- Draw AC tangent to circle.

2- Draw BC at 60º to AC.
3- Length AC is almost equal to arc length AB.

Error is only 1 in 240.

Rectifying an arc < 90º:

1- Draw tangent to circle at B.

2- Draw chord AB and bisect it..
3- Extend AB to C, such that BC = ½ AB
4- From C, draw arc of radius CA and mark D.
3- Length BD is almost equal to arc length AB.

For arc of angle 45º, error is only 1 in 2866.

Use bow dividers to mark out equal
distances along the arc AB.

Reverse direction and mark out similarly

along tangent and find length BC.

BC is only slightly less than arc length AB.

To set off length BC along a circle.

1- Draw BC tangent to circle.

2- Divide BC into four equal parts.
3- With center as first division mark 1, draw arc
of radius 1C and mark off A.

For angles < 30º, this method is very accurate.

For angle = 60º, the error is 1 in 830.

Mark out circumference as four times quadrant’s length; how?

Divide both circle and circumference into twelve equal parts; why?
Draw arcs:
Center 11’, radius 11 – P
Center 10’, radius 10 – P
Center 9’, radius 9 – P
Center 8’, radius 8 – P
Center 7’, radius 7 – P
Draw a smooth curve tangent to all these arcs using the French curves.
Small circle rolls
outside large circle.

Small circle rolls

inside large circle.

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