Ganduri Ce Stau Sa Strige

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Gânduri ce stau să strige

 Home is where my heart dwels.

 Being authentic means living.
 Inimi defecte vor să creze o lume perfectă. (21.12.2008)
 Tot ce aşterni pe hârtie speri că va fi citit într-o bună zi.
 Nu există efect fără cauză.
 Cu cât te imbogăţeşti material, cu atât sărăceşti spiritual.
 Life – a stand up comedy in which sometimes you switch place with the
 Humans are terrible beings. They give advice that they don’t follow. They talk
mostly for the pleasure of being heard or for the fear of the sound of loneliness.
 Both suffeing and happiness are reasons to shout out loud about.

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