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Artificial Intelligence and its application

In the future, intelligent machines will replace or enhance human
capabilities in many areas. Artificial intelligence is the intelligence
exhibited by machines or software. It is the sub-field of computer
science. Artificial Intelligence is becoming a popular field in computer
science as it has enhanced the human life in many areas. Artificial
intelligence in the last two decades has greatly improved performance of
the manufacturing and service systems. Study in the area of artificial
intelligence has given rise to the rapidly growing technology known as
expert system. Application areas of Artificial Intelligence is having a huge
impact on various fields of life as expert system is widely used these
days to solve the complex problems in various areas as science,
engineering, business, medicine, weather forecasting. The areas
employing the technology of Artificial Intelligence have seen an increase
in the quality and efficiency.This paper will review certain approaches to
artificial intelligence research--mainly work done since 1960. An
important area of research involves designing a machine that can
adequately improve its own performance as well as solve other problems
normally requiring human intelligence. Work in heuristic programming
that seems most relevant to this goal will be discussed at length.
Important sub-problems are devising techniques for self-improvement,
the general problem of deciding what task to best work on next in a
network of tasks, and the general problem of how to mechanize learning
or inductive inference. Some work in linguistics and pattern recognition is
directly concerned with the induction problem. Another area of research
that will be treated is simulation of organic evolution.
Keywords: - Artificial intelligence, Humans, Learning systems, Machine
learning, Machine intelligence, Evolution (biology), Pattern recognition, Game
theory, Tail, Public healthcare

Submitted to:- Submitted by: -

Shashikant Gupta
B.Tech 4th yr.
Mr. Kumar Ratnakar 164254 (Mech.)

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