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Names: Christina Lewis

Christopher Jones
Devontae Huggarth
Jermaine Morrison
Kevash Davis

Name of school: St. Catherine High School

Centre number: 100105
Teacher: Mrs. DaCosta- Walker
Candidates number:
Date of submission: 

Table of content

Topic/issue/Problem…………………………………………………. 4

Objectives……………………………………………… 5

Background/Overview ……………………………………….6

Methodology ……………………..7-8

Presentation and Analysis of data……………………….9-13

Analysis of

Conclusion ………………………………...16

Recommendation …………………………………………..17



The researcher would like to thank everyone who participated to make this investigation/project a
successful one, special thanks goes to the people who took the time out to answer the questionnaire
that was sent out. The researcher also sends great gratitude to his teacher Mrs Dacosta walker, who
has been consistent and determined that the most suitable topic is chosen and the assignment is done
on time, correctly and suc
A feasibility study of offering a telephone services(internet service)to my schoolmates

1. To identify why students would need this telephone service(internet service).

2. To determine if students would be interested in the service that is offered.

3.To discuss how much students will be willing to pay for this service.


According to the Ministry Of Education JamaicaOn December 31,2019 China reported a cluster of Covid-19

cases in Wuhan. Then the first country outside of China (Thailand) started to report the same disease.Soon the

world started to report cases of Covid-19.Covid-19 is a new disease caused by the novel coronavirus, this virus

has caused a worldwide pandemic which affects the respiratory system. This led to students starting online

classes around the world.During the month of March 2020, Jamaica’s society changed tremendously as a new

virus appeared. A Jamaican female who had travelled to the United Kingdom came to the island on March 4,

2020 and presented her to the public health system on March 9. This was the very first Covid-19 case that

Jamaica had ever documented/received. As more tourists came in more and more cases started to rise soon

the country was on lock down.As this lock down took effect, a lot of students had to start school online; this

led to a high demand for internet/service. As more and more students began to use the internet,the

telecommunication networks Digicel and Flow had a hard time keeping up with the demand of their services,

even the researchers themselves had a hard time with their internet service; and with some students not

being able to afford the sudden change in life this led to them missing out on school. Based on our situation

the researchers decided to come up with a business plan (telephone service) that caters mainly to students

that are having problem with their internet.This new development of offering telephone service will be vital

to the society as it would make people feel close together although they are physically far apart. Students

will also be able to do there school work and go on online classes and also able to do online research when
given or necessary. And this will also benefit the society by slowing down the virus from spreading since

there will be less social gatheting and more virtual communication.

According to wikipedia, an online site. A research methodology is a contextual framework for research, a

coherent and logical scheme based on views, beliefs and values that guides the choices researchers [or other

user]make.In a research paper, the methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study’s

overall validity and reliability. The methodology section answers two main questions: How was the data

collected or generated? How was it analyzed? The researchers used a mix methodology to carry out their

investigation. The researchers interview the Vice Principal on January 15, 2021 to find out how many students

come to the school and the numbers of students that went to online classes .The primary source was used use

to retrieve the data.Primary source is the original data or factual data given first-handed information. Calm,

patients and consistentcy was the attitude/behavior of the research .The students were given

questionnaires and also interviewd because the theme was all about them,and to get there perspective

and opinion on the service to be offered.A questionnaire is set of written or printed questions with a

choice of answers normally use the purpose of survey or statically study;its also have its advantages:(1) it

takes liltle time to complete (2) it guarantees total confidentiality of the repondents. (3)effective data

accuracy, and also holds convenience to people to respond to.While on the other hand a interview is a face

to face conversation in which a series of needed to know questions are ask.The questionnaire was chosen so

that they could answer the questions so that we could have an estimate data to work after. The questionnaire
was informative, straight to point and confidential as the respondent didn't have to state their name or

address or any other personal information which would make them more comfortable on answering the

questions.An interview was chosen so that the researcher could interact with the students and vice

principal more, and also has to get more in-depth opinion on the situation/issue… Questionnaire were

handed out to collect a sample of the population. There is approximately four hundred (400)students in

grade 11 and 5% of which were selected by the researchers.On February 15,2021 twenty(20) questionnaire

was printed and handed out randomly to students, the questionnaire consist of fifteen(15)questions, two yes

and no questions, twelve(12) close ended question and one(1) open ended question. All of the questionnaires

were collected back. The researcher also uses interview schedule which consisted of five questions. From the

eleven(11) classes in grade 11.Five students were interviewed randomly from each class The researcher faces

challenges and limitation. The limitation that affect and got the best of the researchers was of the Corona

virus pandemic,because of this the researchers had to follow the Covid-19 protocol ,the researchers were

unable to interact with students as they would of wanted, and to get the information as effectively, and also

because the researchers didn't fully understand how to use gadgets and apps eg: laptops and Microsoft Word

and also had bad internet connectivity. This can be a problem that affects the research by causing conflict

and confusion amongst group members and causing the work not to done as planned and also delaying of

data/information towards the research, causing the research to have a higher chance on not completing on

the deadline given.


Presentation and analysis of data

Figure 1

As shown in the pie above 50% of the respondents live in rural areas while the other 50% of the respondents

live in urban areas.

Figure 2
Number of respondents that are having internet problems because of the area in which they live.

As seen in Figure 2, 7 respondents living in rural areas chose that the internet has always been affected by

where they live. While 1 respondent said that the area where they live has never affected their internet

connection. 10 respondents indicated that their internet connection is sometimes being affected and 2

respondents indicated that their connection is hardly ever affected by the area they live.

Figure 3
According to figure 3, 90% of the respondents indicated that they were interested in the telephone service

and 10% indicated that they were not interested.

Table 1
If yes, why do you need a telephone service?

Reason Number of respondents Percentage

To be able to attend 10 50%
online classes
To be able to socialize 6 30%
with friends and family
To do research and 3 15%
Others 1 5%

Table 1 shows that the majority (50%) of the respondents indicated that they wanted the telephone

service to attend class, 30% said that they would like it to socialize with family and friends, 15% want

it for research and projects while 5% want it for other reasons.

Figure 4
Does the area where you live affect your internet correction?
As shown in figure 4, 25% respondents stated that they had poor internet connection, 10% of the

respondents stated their internet connection was very good, 15% of the respondents stated that they had

good internet connection, while 50% of the respondents stated that their internet connection was very poor.

Figure 5

As shown in figure 5, 50% of the respondents attended online classes between the period of 1-3 months, 25%

of the respondents attended online classes between the period of 9-12 months, 15% of the respondents

stated that they attended online classes during the period of 4-6 months while 10% of the respondents attend

online classes during the period of 6-10 months.

Table 2
How effective do you think this telephone service would be?

Number of respondents Percentag

Effective 7 38.8%
Slightly effective 6 33.3%
Not effective 2 11.1%
Very effective 3 16.6%
As shown in table 2, 7 (35%) respondents indicated that the telephone services would be
effective, 6 (33.3%) of the indicated that it would be slightly effective, while 2 (10%) respondent
stated that it would not be effective and 3 (15%) respondents indicated that it would be very

Table 3
Why do you think this telephone would be effective?

Reasons Number of respondents Percentage

Get work finished faster 3 16.6%
Able to surf the internet smooth and 10 55.5%
Other 3 16.6%
Price 2 11.1%
Table 3 shows that majority of the respondent at 55.5% stated the internet service would be
effective because they will be able to surf the internet smooth and freely , while minority of
the respondents at 11.1% stated the price was the reason why this telephone service would be
effective while 16.6% stated that it would be effective because it would get their done faster
and another 16.6% stated that it is effective for other reasons.

Figure 6

Figure 6 shows that 90% of the respondents are willing to purchase this telephone service while 10% said they
are not willing to pay.

Table 4
How much are you willing to pay

Price Number of respondents Percentage

$4000 3 16.6%
$1500 9 50%
$2000 4 22.2%
$5000 2 11.1%
The table shown above shows that majority of students when for the cheaper option of $1500
(50%), this led us to speculate that because of Covid-19 most parents would not be able to any
of the other options. 3 (16.6%) students pick the second highest price of $4000 dollars, while 4
(22.2%) students pick the highest price of $2000 and 2 (11.1%) students pick the highest price
of $5000.

Analysis of interview

The interview was done by the researcher with five student from
each class in grade eleven (11) and the vice principal (mr. Martin).
The vice principal and majority of the students strongly believes
that telephone services(internet services) being provided will put a
major increase of availability of students, Mr. Martin (the vice
principal) also stated that most of the students are not available
online because they don't own a telephone service(internet service)
or have access to a telephone service(internet service).All of the
the five students form each grade eleven(11) class agree with what
the vice principal said they also state that's the reason why them
and most of their freinds or not available online on the school
learning platform.The students and vice all seem to have a similar
mind thinking they all told the researcher in the in the interview
that:(1) being able to virtual socialize and reach out to the teachers
and students more effective and faster(2) teachers and students
will also be able to do research and project(3) and mainly to
access online class smoothly especially for those who lived in the
rural area .These are the three(3) main advantage they stated for
providing telephone service(internet service) to student. Mr
.Martin the vice principal and many of the students that were
interview also point out that offering telephone service will be a
next step of improvement to the school and also big deal, cause
majority of the student's are interesting in learning and to get a
good education by any means and for that they will need
something Like the telephone services(internet service) to achieve
that and also to learn more, get in information clearer and better
understanding of the work and also assistance from the net.Along
side the vice principal also added a disclaimer saying "you will
have students taking disadvantage of the telephone
service(internet service) puting and using it for wrong use; He
stated like playing online games and go and adult sites. The
students and Mr. Martin also gives their opinion on the telephone
service (internet service), their opinion is that they thinks its an
effective and good idea about the telephone service they see it as it
will be better and like a new beginning for everyone.The vice
principal also gives a personal belief saying"every child can learn
every child must learn!! Mr. Martin the vice principal humorously
states that his education before the pandemic was in tip top
shape/top form but during the pandemic it becomes a little rusty
he jokingly says.When the students were ask same question "how
was their education before the pandemic and during the
pandemic. They all given diffrent reason it might of been diffrent
words but quite similar to what the vice principal said.And for
some students it was the opposite some of them say their education
got better during the pandemic reason being is because they had
private tutors and they learn and funtion better at home. The final
words from the vice principal to the researcher and to all students
was to follow the covid protocol, stay safe and sanitize properly.

After a careful analysis on the information presented, it has
shown that giving students at our school telephone service
would there for be feasible. Reason been that many students
living in both urban and rural areas are affected by internet
service problems and offering them would aid them
tremendously. After an interview many students especially,
the ones in the rural areas think that the service provided by
flow/Digicel are too expensive.The research has shown that
many people have good or poor internet connection with
majority been poor. To compensate for the unfortunate
circumstances, the researcher then decided there offer the
many students that were interested in our services. Based on
the research many students plan to use our services for online
classes as well as socializing and researching projects such as
their SBA’s, and not having online help will make things way
harder. Since some students may become interested in our
offer with the aid of the vice principal many students can buy
from the offices around the campus. By the end of this process
we hope that all students will be able use services without
encountering many problems .

google Wikipedia site 2021.Retrieve on march 11,2021 from

This questionnaire is specially designed to collect data on the reason why students would need a telephone
service. This questionnaire requires you to select the options to the various questions.
1. What is your gender?
A. Male
B. Female

2. Where do you live?

A. Rural area
B. Urban area

3. Does the area where you live affect you internet correction?
A. Hardly
B. Never
C. Sometimes
D. Always

4. Do you need a telephone service

A. Yes
B. No

5. If yes, why do you need a telephone service?

A. To be able to attend online classes
B. To be able to socialize with friends and family
C. To do research and projects
D. Others

6. Did you ever attend online classes?

A. Yes
B. No

7. What do you use for internet

A. Mobile data
B. Hotspot
C. Wi-Fi
D. Injector

8. How is/was your internet connection?

A. Poor
B. Very good
C. Good
D. Very poor

9. Which device do you use

A. Tablet
B. Laptop
C. Phone
D. None of the above

10. How long have you not been going to virtual classes?
A. 1-3 months
B. 4-6 months
C. 6-9 months
D. 9-12 months

11. How effective do you think this telephone service would be?
A. Effective
B. Slightly effective
C. Not effective
D. Very effective

12. Why do you think this telephone would be effective?

A. Get work finished faster
B. Able to surf the internet smooth and freely
C. Other
D. Price

13. Which class are you in?

14. Are you willing to pay for this telephone service

A. Yes
B. No

15. How much are you willing to pay

A. $4000
B. $1500
C. $2000
D. $5000

Interview questions:

1. Do you think the availability of students will increase by using this telephone service being provided?
2. What do you think are some of the advantages of providing this telephone service to students?
3. How do you think offering telephone service to students will impact on their learning?
4. What’s your view or opinion about the telephone service?
5. How was your education before and during the pandemic?

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