Happy Campers Level 4 The Language Lodge

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UNIT 5 Lesson 1

1 Match.
1. dolphin

2. fin

3. tiger

4. feather

5. tail

6. camel

7. ostrich

8. wing

Spelling Check!  Spell the animal words aloud.

Then complete.  I can spell  words.

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Lesson 2 Grammar Snapshot!

What does an ostrich have?

An ostrich has wings.

1 Look and answer.

1.               What does a dog have?

2.               What does a butterfly have?

3.               What does a lion have?

2 Draw your favorite animal. Then complete.

What a have?

A has  .

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Lesson 3
1 Write. Then complete the puzzle.

 Down  Across

1. 3.

2. 5.

4. 6.


Spelling Check!  Spell the animal habitats aloud.

Then complete.  I can spell  words.

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Lesson 4 Grammar Snapshot!

Where does a camel live?

A camel lives in the desert.

1 Complete.
1. a monkey live?

A monkey  .

2. a dolphin  ?

A dolphin  .

3. a bear  ?

A bear  .

2 Draw an animal and where it lives. Then complete.

Where does a live?

A lives in  .

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