Subject: Engg Drawing - Chapter: Engineering Drawing For CCCTM As Per NSQF - Total Questions: 150

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Total Questions: 150

# Question

symbol is used for

1 A. 3rd angle projection

B. 2nd angle projection
C. 1st angle projection
D. 4th angle projection

The symbol used to indicate the depth of a hole?

A. arrow in downward direction

2 B. arrow in upward direction
C. arrow in left side direction
D. arrow in right side direction

Roughness means?

A. Peak & valley generated over surface after machining

3 B. Irregularities of surface generated after machining
C. Any machined surface deviated from its ideal zero surface
D. All

Drawing sheet is so folded that the __________ is always on top?

A. Front view
4 B. Template
C. Title box
D. None

Pencil used for the initial work and construction lines?

A. 2H
5 B. H
C. 3H
D. 4H

____________ it is which type of line ?

A. continuous thick line

6 B. centre line
C. hidden line
D. wavy line

which one the A2 paper size ?

A. 841x1189
7 B. 594x841
C. 420x594
D. 220x420




The ratio of arrow head size for width to length is ?

A. 1:3
9 B. 3:1
C. 1:4
D. 4:1
In ________system the dimension is placed perpendicular to the dimension line in such way that It may be read from the
BOTTOM edge or the RIGHT HAND edge of the drawing sheet.

A. Aligned system
B. Unidirectional system
C. Vertical system
D. Horizontal System

As far as possible dimensions should be given in one unit, preferably in .

A. Milimetre
11 B. Meter
C. Kilometer
D. Centimeter

Which line should never be used as a dimension line ?

A. Centre line
12 B. Continuous thick line
C. Continuous thin line
D. Leader line

The dimension indicating a diameter should always be preceded by the symbol ?

A. ∅
13 B. Dia
C. A
D. All of these

If the allowance is positive it will result _______________ ?

A. clearence
14 B. minimum clearence
C. maximum clearence
D. tolerance

If the allowance is negative it will result ____________________ ?

A. maximum clearence
15 B. clearence
C. minimum clearence
D. tolerance

A Fit that gives either Clearance or Interference between two mating parts assembled together ?

A. clearence fit
16 B. transition fit
C. interference fit
D. fit

In Dimension ø50H7/g6 , ‘g’ represents .

A. tolerance zone for hole

17 B. tolerance zone for shaft
C. tolerance
D. allowance

Dimension lines should be drawn at least..........away from the outlines and from each other ?

A. 8mm
18 B. 10mm
C. 12mm
D. 6mm
The full scale is denoted as .

A. 1:2
19 B. 1:1
C. 1:3
D. 1:4

50:1 is coming under which scale ?

A. full scale
20 B. large scale
C. enlarged scale
D. reduced scale

1:2 is coming under which scale ?

A. enlarge scale
21 B. reduced scale
C. full scale
D. half scale

N.T.S. is known as .

22 B. not to strech
C. not to stock
D. not to scale

what is the ratio used for arrow head ?

A. 3:1
23 B. 1:2
C. 2:1
D. 4:1

The arrow head which is used in dimensioning that should be ?

A. open
24 B. close filled arrow
C. closed blank arrow
D. custom open

Drawing board is made of well seasoned wood strip of about _________________ mm thick.

A. 10
25 B. 15
C. 25
D. 30

Size of D3 drawing board is _________________.

A. 1500 X 1000 X 25
26 B. 350 X 500
C. 500 X 350 X 15
D. 700 X 500 X 15

T- square is made up of _________________.

A. Wood
27 B. Plastic
C. Mild steel
D. Teflon

T-square is used to draw _________________.

A. Vertical line
28 B. Horizontal line
C. Inclined line
D. None of these
Size of D2 drawing board is _________________.

A. 1000 X 700 X 25
29 B. 500 X 350 X 15
C. 700 X 500 X 15
D. 1500 X 1000 X 25

One of the shorter edges of drawing board provided with a ________________ fitted perfectly straight.

A. Ebony edge
30 B. Narrow edge
C. Flat edge
D. None of these

As per saying one _______________ worth than one thousand words.

A. Word
31 B. Movie
C. Picture
D. Lecture

The drawing board is designated by letter _______________ .

A. Capital
32 B. Small
C. Italic
D. None of these

Standard drawing boards are designated as per _______________ .

33 B. ISO
C. IS:1444-1989
D. None of these

Standard 'T'-square is designated as per _______________ standard.

34 B. IS:1360-1989
D. None of these

Blade length of T2 'T'-square is _______________ .

A. 100
35 B. 500
C. 700
D. 900

Pencil leads are made of graphite and _______________ .

A. Wood
36 B. Plastic
C. Kaoline
D. None of these

Hard pencil is _______________ grade.

A. 9H
37 B. 2H
C. 4H
D. H

Soft pencil is _______________ grade.

38 B. H
C. 2H
D. 7B
In _______________ the pencil leads become softer due to rise in temp.

A. Summer
39 B. Winter
C. Rainy
D. Spring

The set squares having one corner common of _______________ degree.

A. 30
40 B. 45
C. 60
D. 90

_______________ error will be nil or least while using thin or tapered edge scale.

A. Parallex
41 B. inclined
C. Rectangular
D. None of these

Size of A0 trimmed drawing sheet is _______________ .

A. 880 X 1230
42 B. 594 X 841
C. 841 X 1189
D. 420 X 594

_______________ is an instrument used for measuring angle.

A. Compass
43 B. Bow compass
C. Protractor
D. None of these

Trimmed size of A0 sheet is_____________________.

A. (841 X 1189)MM
44 B. (880 X 1230) MM
C. (594 X 841)MM
D. (625 X 880)MM

Sigle stroke letters used in lettering is according to ___________________ standard.

A. IS:9609-2001
B. IS:46-2003

D. IS:520-2000

Centre line can be used as_______________ in dimensioning.

A. Dimension line
46 B. Extension line
C. Both 1 & 2
D. None of the avobe

1:20 is a___________ types of scale.

A. Full scale
47 B. Enlarge scale
C. Reduced scale
Eccentricity ratio in case of parabola___________.

A. e=1
48 B. e<1
C. e>1
D. None

In isometric view outer edges of the object stays at ___________ degree angle with horizontal.

A. 30
49 B. 60
C. 120
D. 180

If eccentricity ratio e<4/5,then it is a_________

A. Parabola
50 B. Hyperbola
C. Ellipse
D. None of the avobe

In isometric view a circle is visible as _______

A. Circle
51 B. Ellipse
C. Semicircle
D. Cylinder


A. 594 X 841 MM
52 B. 841 X 1189 MM
C. 148 X 210 MM
D. 210 X 297 MM



Which line type is continuous thick & black ?

A. Visible lines
54 B. Center lines
C. Construction lines
D. All of these

Which type of line is a part of dimension ?

A. Break lines
55 B. Extension lines
C. Cutting plane lines
D. All of the above

Which set of lead grades has a grade out of sequence ?

A. H ,HB ,B,3B
56 B. 7B,H,F,3H
C. 6B,B,H,4H
D. 9H,HB,B,2B
Which type of line is particular to section drawings ?

A. Break lines
57 B. Phantom lines
C. Extension lines
D. Cutting plane lines

8 : 1 is a ------------------ scale ?

A. Full scale
58 B. Enlarged scale
C. Reduced scale
D. All of the above

Standard designation of 1m2 surface area drawing sheet is _______________ .

A. A3
59 B. A2
C. A1
D. A0

Set-squares are used with the support of ''T'' Square to draw all lines except _______________ .

A. Vertical Line
60 B. Inclined Line
C. Horizontal LIne
D. Perpendicular Line

Name the triangle in which all the three angles are less then 900

A. Acute angled triangle

B. Obtuse angled triangle
C. Scalere triangle
D. ISO sceles triangle

The line traced by a point which always changes direction is a _________ .

A. Straight Line
62 B. Corved Line
C. Inclined Line
D. Paralled Line

Which type of drawing sheet is to be used for free hand sketching ?

A. A1
63 B. A2
C. A3
D. A4

When a right angle triangle revelove on it's one of the side it generates a solid.Name the Solid .

A. Cone
64 B. Cylinder
C. Pyramid
D. Sphere

Which type of drawing sheet, having biggest area ?

A. A0
65 B. A1
C. A2
D. A4
The drawing sheets are specified by their _________ .

A. Weight
66 B. No. of sheets
C. Length x Bredth
D. Area of sheet in mm2

The section obtained by the intersection of a right circular cone by a plane in different position is called _________ section.

A. Involute
67 B. Evolute
C. Helix
D. Conic

The ratio of distance of the point from focus to the distance of the point from directrix is called.

A. Ellipse
68 B. Parabola
C. Eccentricity
D. None of these

The intersection point of the conic to axis is called ________.

A. Directrix
69 B. Focus
C. Vertex
D. None of these

The line perpendicular to axis is called ________ .

A. Directrix
70 B. Focus
C. Vertex
D. None of these

Interior or hidden edges and surfaces shown by ________ line.

A. Out
71 B. Hidden
C. Long Break
D. None of these

To remove unnecessary lines ________ is used.

A. Duster
72 B. Chalk
C. Sand Box
D. Eraser

To indicate the axes of circle,cylinder ________ line used.

A. Out line
73 B. Hidden line
C. Center line
D. None of these

The line who represent the object is called ________ .

A. Border Line
74 B. Center Line
C. Long Break Line
D. Short Break Line

The standard size of A drawing papers recommended by the B.I.S is given as ____________ ?

A. 147 x 210 mm
75 B. 210 x 297 mm
C. 841 x 1189 mm
D. 594 x 841 mm
The following is not included in the title of drawing sheet.

A. sheet no
76 B. scale
C. method
D. size of sheet

Which represent reducing scale ?

A. 1:1
77 B. 1:2
C. 9:1
D. 10:1

In First angle projection object is assumed to be in ?

A. First quadrant
B. second quadrant
C. third quadrant
D. fourth quadrant

Type of line used for visible outlines ?

A. continuous thick line

79 B. continous thin line
C. chain thin line
D. short zig-zag line

Dotted line represents ?

A. hidden edge
80 B. projection line
C. center line
D. hatching line

hatching line is drawn at____________degree.

A. 30
81 B. 45
C. 60
D. 90

Length:Width in case of an arrow head is

A. 1:1
82 B. 2:1
C. 3:1
D. 4:1

Metric thread of 10mm diameter is represented as_____.

A. 10M
83 B. M10
C. m10
D. none

The internal angle of regular pentagon is _________degree.

A. 72
84 B. 108
C. 120
D. 150
When the line is parallel to vertical plane and perpendicular to horizontal plane we can get its true length in _______

A. front view
85 B. side view
C. both A and B
D. top view

The following are the solids of revolution except_____

A. prism
86 B. sphere
C. cone
D. cylinder

If a solid is cut by cutting plane parallel to the base of the solid and top part is removed the remaining part is called_______

A. Oblique
87 B. frustrum of a solid
C. Truncated
D. None

A tetrahedron has four equal__________faces.

A. square
88 B. rectangular
C. triangular
D. all

The sectional plane are represented by_________

A. continuous thick line

89 B. continuous thin
C. chain thin line
D. chain thin line having thick edge

Which type of line has precedence over all other types of line ?

A. hidden line
centre line
90 B.

C. visible line
D. none

Line connecting to a view is known as

A. projection line
91 B. leader
C. dimension line
D. none

A mini drafter serve the purpose everything except

A. Scale
92 B. Set Square
C. Protractor
D. Compass

A section view usually shows _________ details.

A. exterior
93 B. interior
C. profile
D. fore shortened
what are the lines in section views used to show where the material is cut called ?

A. cutting plane line

94 B. section line
C. object line
D. hidden line

when are ribs sectioned ?

A. when they are perpendicular to the cutting plane

95 B. when they are parallel to the cutting plane
C. ribs are always sectioned
D. ribs are never sectioned

when a quarter of the object is removed,the section is a

A. half section
96 B. full section
C. quarter section
D. eigth section

A direction of line of sight of a section is indicated by the :

A. viewing direction of the section

97 B. offset section in the section
C. arrow at the end of the cutting plane line
D. dashed line on the section

A __________ is a section view drawing in which the cutting plane is perpendicularly bent to pass through all important
interior details :

A. full section
B. revolved
C. offset
D. broken out

A ___________section makes use of a short break line.

A. whole
99 B. offset
C. revolved
D. broken out

cutting plane lines compared to object lines are

A. lighter and thinner

100 B. darker and thinner
C. same darkness and thicker
D. same darkness and thinner

Section lines compared to object lines are

A. lighter and thinner

101 B. darker and thinner
C. same darkness and thicker
D. same darkness and thinner

In a assembly section which of the following parts are not sectioned

A. threaded fastners
102 B. plastics
C. smallest piece
D. outer piece
In a assembly section the thin washer , gasket or sheet metal is described by

A. the cast iron hatching symbol

103 B. not cross hatching it
C. not showing it
D. darkening it entirely black

A section view that shows the section superimposed on a standard view is

A. auxillary section
104 B. removed
C. revolved
D. offset

A section is identified by use of .

A. a conventional break
105 B. a reference plane
C. a reference line
D. a cutting plane

A ___________ is used mainly to expose small portions of the interior of an object.

A. revolved section
106 B. removed section
C. broken out
D. none

A __________ section is used when the section view will be placed in another drawing sheet.

A. removed
107 B. offset
C. revolved
D. phantom

The purpose of the arrow heads on a cutting plane line is to .

A. show the direction in which the imaginery cut surface is viewed

108 B. indicate the location of the cutting plane
C. identify the reference letters such as section A-A or B-B etc
D. all of the above

Which of the following is not included in Title Block of drawing sheet ?

A. Sheet No.
109 B. Scale
C. Method of Projection
D. Size of Sheet

Which of the following represent reducing scale ?

A. 1:1
110 B. 1:2
C. 2:1
D. 10:1

In first angle projection method, object is assumed to be placed in:

A. 1st Quadrant
111 B. 2st Quadrant
C. 3st Quadrant
D. 4st Quadrant

Which of the following line is used for visible outlines ?

A. Continous Thick
112 B. Continous Thin
C. Short Zig Zag Thick
D. Chain Thin Line
Which of the following line is used for dimension line ?

A. Continous Thick
113 B. Continous Thin
C. Chain Thin Line
D. Short Zig Zag Thin

The Dashed Lines represent:

A. Dimension Line
114 B. Projection Line
C. Hidden Edges
D. Centre Line

Hatching Lines are usually drawn at __________ Angle to the reference line.

A. 30
115 B. 45
C. 60
D. 90

In Aligned system of dimensioning, the dimensions may be read from:

A. Bottom & Right Hand side edges

116 B. Bottom & Left Hand side edges
C. Only from Bottom
D. Only from Left Hand side

The Ratio of Length to Width in case of Arrow Head is:

A. 1:1
117 B. 2:1
C. 3:1
D. 6:1

Metric thread of 10mm diameter is represented by

A. 10M
118 B. M^10
C. M10
D. None of These

The Internal Angle of Regular Pentagon is:

A. 90
119 B. 120
C. 108
D. 135

The Internal Angle of Regular Hexagon is:

A. 90
120 B. 108
C. 135
D. 135

what is IS code for projection methods ?

A. 9609
121 B. 3221
C. 15021
D. 11669

What is the IS code of lines ?

A. 3221
122 B. 10714
C. 1002
D. 1169
Object of the projection symbol is a __________?

A. frustrom
123 B. pyramid
C. prism
D. all

In first angle projection method, object is assumed to be placed in ?

A. First quadrant
124 B. Second quadrant
C. Third Quadrant
D. Fourth quadrant

What is the shape of cube in isometric view ?

A. Square
125 B. Rambus
C. parallelogram
D. rectangle

What is the ratio in between Isometric length and true length in pictorial view ?

A. Ö2/Ö3
126 B. 0.815
C. 9/11
D. All above

Which type of isometric view is generally used ?

127 B. WE

Compare to actual dimension isometric dimension of model .

A. Greater
128 B. Smaller
C. Equal
D. none

Angle between isometric axes is ________?

A. 90
129 B. 60
C. 30
D. 120

Drawing made of Half of actual size ?

A. 1:1
130 B. 2:1
C. 1:2
D. none

What are the line in a section view used to show where the material is cut called ?

A. cutting plane lines

131 B. section lines
C. object lines
D. hidden lines

When are ribs sectioned ?

A. When they are perpendicular to the cutting plane

132 B. When they are parallel to the cutting plane
C. Ribs are always sectioned
D. Ribs are never sectioned
When a quarter of the object is removed, the section is a:

A. full section
133 B. half section
C. quarter section
D. eighth section

The direction of line of sight of a section is indicated by the:

A. viewing direction of the section

134 B. offset section in the section
C. arrows at the end of the cutting plane line
D. dashed lines on the section

__________ gd&t symbol need two datum reference ?

A. straightness
135 B. angularity
C. position
D. total runout

Hatching lines are drawn at ___ degree to reference line ?

A. 30
136 B. 45
C. 60
D. 90

In Offset sections, angel between cutting plane is ___________ ?

A. 60 Degrees
137 B. 90 Degrees
C. 90 or 180 degrees
D. 60, or 90 degrees

__________ type section is not in direct projection from the view containing the cutting plane ?

A. Revolved section
138 B. Remove section
C. Broken out section
D. Half section

Why sectional view is required ?

A. To see interior feature

139 B. To avoid dimensioning hidden feature
C. To remove hidden line
D. All above

For symmetrical model which type of sectional view is more effective ?

A. Full section
140 B. symmetric section
C. half section
D. offset section

Which type of welding process is required for join the end of two plates ?

A. Lap joint
141 B. Butt joint
C. T-joint
D. Edge joint

Write is the abbreviation of LG ?

A. Life’s good
142 B. Long
C. large
D. none
For scale, which one is not correct?

A. 1:2
143 B. 1:20
C. 1:1/2
D. 1/2

In which angle of projection, the plane of projection must have to be transparent?

A. 1st
144 B. 3rd
C. Both a & b
D. None

The representation of a circle in an isometric view will be

A. Circle
145 B. Ellipse
C. Lobe
D. None

Which one is false about dimension rules?

A. Avoid dimensioning on hidden features

146 B. Always place dimension inside the drawing
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

The use of thick chain line is to represent

A. Extreme position of movable objects

B. Any further operation done on the surface like coating etc.
C. Sectional view
D. All of the above

Inclined letters are inclined ___________ degrees to the horizontal?

A. 60
148 B. 75
C. 30
D. 15




In.................. system all dimensions are so placed that they can be read from the bottom edge of the drawing sheet

A. aligned
150 B. unidirectinal
C. bidirectional
D. directional

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