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Discussion posts Technology class

from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 3, 2021 11:43AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Introduction link (Links to an external site.)

A.  The virtual field trip that I took was from this Recycling Simplified: (Links to an external site.)

B.  The site is about recycling and it has videos about recycling and landfills.  

The site is very user friendly.  The site is organized by grade levels and under the grade levels
you will find a video about recycling and another video about landfills.  As you scroll to higher
grade levels the videos provided are longer and have more information.  The videos provided
start from grade 3-5 and they go all the way to high school.

I liked this field trip because it is a visual way to teach about recycling and I think it’s a good
tool to conceptualízale recycling for kids, because even when they recycle at home and they are
told how to recycle they still continue to not recycle correctly so I’m hoping that this will help
my students become better recyclers.

I teach a dual immersion classroom and I want to show these videos during our Morning
Meeting, which is when we practice mindfulness and learn about social justice.  I would show
these videos to my entire class during Morning Meeting and during English Language
Development time I would make a small group with my English Learners and make connections
to language from the video. I would also have students write a summary of the video to help
them further conceptualize what they learned and based on the writing I see, I can develop more
language lessons for my English Learners. 

from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 6, 2021 1:08PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Thank you Mary for such a thoughtful response to my posting.  Diving is such a wonderful
experience and I definitely encourage you to try it, you don’t have to be certified for anything
above 40 feet.  And yes I’m very excited to show this video to my students.

from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 6, 2021 1:12PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Amy,

I love that you still use a flip phone, I think one of the biggest contributors to pollution are our
tech companies that make a new phone every year, so good for you for sticking to a flip phone
for so long.

Also, I agree that based on the language used the M&M field trip would be more appropriate for
more advanced English Learners.

from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 6, 2021 1:17PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Heavenee,

It’s interesting that you teach English to students in China.  I assume it’s all virtual? I had no idea
that resources like this existed for little ones abroad, very cool.

I also like the Mars field trip, but agree that because of vocab it’d be better for older students.

from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 6, 2021 1:25PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Monica,

Thank you for sharing your teaching experiences.  Very interesting that you taught in the prison
system for 10 years, that must’ve been challenging, but hopefully rewarding.

I had no idea a Mob museum existed, sounds very interesting.  Also, perfect to learn new
vocabulary, but probably not appropriate for the little ones.  

from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 10, 2021 1:03PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Thank you Sara, I'm excited to create a whole week worth of lessons around the videos I found. 
from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 10, 2021 1:04PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Thank you Kris, I remember you being a diver from your introduction from the intro course last
year. Thank you for your answer. 
from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 10, 2021 1:09PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Pamela,
Luckily the technology aspect of virtual learning was not a struggle for me because I have a
pretty good technological foundation.  Also, my district was good at quickly giving us
Professional Development so that we could have ideas on how to create virtual lessons.  We
began using Google Slides for all our lessons, we split the work between the grade level.  I
prepared the Math lessons, and even though we are back in the classroom, we are still teaching
through slides and dividing the work. Which I like because it is allowing me to develop more in
depth lessons and I'm learning from my colleagues through the lessons they create. 
I think my experience with film definitely has helped me in developing my technology skills. 
Thanks to my experience with film I've used Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Maya, After Effects, etc. 
from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 10, 2021 1:14PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Wing,
Everyday we dedicate the first thirty minutes of school to Social Emotional Learning and it was
the first thing we did virtually. My SEL time is made up of four components, which I learned
from Responsive Classroom, the components are a message, greeting, share, and an activity. 
The message is usually connected to something with Social Justice.  When we greet we greet
each other in different fun and creative ways.  For sharing we share about how we feel about
something specific or something about ourselves, it is a time when we get to know each other
better.  The activity is a game or something fun. 
Thank you,
from Week 1 Discussion (#1): Introductions (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit)
1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 10, 2021 1:20PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Nicolas,
I work at a Dual Immersion school, 1/3 of my students are Spanish speakers, 1/3 English
Only, and 1/3 bilingual.  However, they've all been in the school since kindergarten, I
teach 4th grade, and they all already have some foundation in both languages.  I work in
Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.  The demographics of the school have
definitely changed since the DI program was first founded in the school.  My school is 30
years old and when the program began the population was mostly latino, which is why
they needed a DI program.  However, now it is mostly white and a constant struggle to
find Native Spanish speakers in the area, so most of the Spanish speakers are in the
school with special waivers.  Without the Spanish speakers the program could not exist,
because a true DI program has to have native speakers. 

from Week 2 Discussion: Technologies for Teaching (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full
credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 10, 2021 2:12PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Part 1
1. The tool that I chose was (Links to an external site.)
2. It is an app/website in which you can create questions for your students to quickly assess their
understanding.  They respond from their devices and you can set up the questions for groups and
make it into a game. For English Learners, I would have them watch a video or read a passage on
something and create comprehension questions. It is an informal assessment tool.  Can also be
used as an Exit Ticket. 
3. I watched this video to help me understand what Kahoot is:
works/ (Links to an external site.)
4. It is free, but there are more advanced subscriptions that you can pay for. Premium is
5. I am going to try to use it as an Exit Ticket during science or social studies or for my language
learners to assess comprehension of reading or video.  
Part 2
1. I learned that translation apps are getting better and better at translating.  My app only made
one small mistake. 
2. I translated it into Spanish.
3. I used (Links to an external site.) 
4. It was very accurate, with only one error. 
from Week 2 Discussion: Technologies for Teaching (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full
credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 13, 2021 10:55AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Pamela,

So I’ve looked more into it and I think it might be more appropriate for upper grades because it
seems it works best when students use their cell phones.  I still want to try it with my class and
use computers to see if it’s worthwhile.
from Week 2 Discussion: Technologies for Teaching (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full
credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 13, 2021 10:56AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Thank you Nicolas, I want to use it in one of my upcoming lessons.
from Week 2 Discussion: Technologies for Teaching (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full
credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 13, 2021 11:00AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Mary,

I just started using Deepl this year and I like it enough that I payed the yearly subscription.  It
translated the meaning and words.  The one part that was not translated correctly was a term
“English Learners” so that why I think it wasn’t able to successfully translate.
from Week 2 Discussion: Technologies for Teaching (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full
credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 13, 2021 11:03AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Pamela,

Thank you for sharing.  I saw Goosechasers in the list and was interested in checking it out, I
also like the idea of playing games.  I might have to browse through the pre made games to see if
there is anything I can use.  

from Week 2 Discussion: Technologies for Teaching (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full
credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 13, 2021 6:27PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Nicolas,

Last year I began using Flipgrid with my ELs as a way to monitor their reading accuracy
during virtual learning.  It is a great tool to facilitate a discussion and the students love it.

I also find that Google translate is pretty accurate, on Google docs they had a feature to
translate a whole document and it would make you a copy, but they have now removed
that feature and in my search for a translation site I found deepl.

from Week 3 Discussion: Translation apps (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full credit) 1st
post due by Wednesday
Oct 17, 2021 2:46PM
Maria Camila Mejia
1.  Please see the attached lesson plan.  I am also sharing a link to the slides that go along with
the lesson plan. I had to create slides along with the lesson plan in order to be able to visualize
what I'd actually be doing with my students. I am also sharing a link to the book I will be reading
with my students.  I would like to get some feedback on the type of language activities that I can
do from the book I am reading.  I chose to do a lesson on the sequence of events from the story
we read, but maybe there is something more obvious that I can do with it that I have not noticed. 
2. I have used the Google Translate app and I have used the picture translator when I've traveled
to countries where I don't speak the language. In my experience, it has been very useful.  In my
classroom, I would definitely use it if I had a student with whom I couldn't communicate at all.  
link to slides (Links to an external site.)
link to book (Links to an external site.)
Attached File: Lesson Plan Technology class-1.docx
from Week 3 Discussion: Translation apps (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full credit) 1st
post due by Wednesday
Oct 17, 2021 2:58PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Chien-Hui,
I agree, your lesson plan is very clear and concise, and does not need any extra detail.  I also like
the focus being getting along with peers in the US, and I notice how you approached this first
with vocabulary and flashcards.  Good work :)
from Week 3 Discussion: Translation apps (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full credit) 1st
post due by Wednesday
Oct 17, 2021 3:14PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Monica,
I liked your lesson plan.  It was simple, but a very important lesson for a beginner English
Learner.  I also liked the very cute flashcards, I think that will help lower any adult EL's affective
I agree that visual translator apps could be a way to help students participate and stay engaged. 
Thank you.
from Week 3 Discussion: Translation apps (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full credit) 1st
post due by Wednesday
Oct 20, 2021 5:41AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Thank you Marcia :)
from Week 3 Discussion: Translation apps (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full credit) 1st
post due by Wednesday
Oct 20, 2021 5:43AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Thank you Nicolas,

I like your idea.  Comics would be a great way to assess my students about this process.
Definitely going to use this tool.  Thank you for sharing the link.

from Week 3 Discussion: Translation apps (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full credit) 1st
post due by Wednesday
Oct 20, 2021 5:44AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Thank you Chien-Hui.
from Week 3 Discussion: Translation apps (Make 3 or more posts this topic for full credit) 1st
post due by Wednesday
Oct 20, 2021 5:50AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Wing,

I agree completely.  I actually ended up creating a three week recycling unit that we will
be doing during my morning meeting.  And I created a one week recycling unit around
Language development , which are the slides I shared, for my English Learners.  We will
be going on two virtual field trips, one to a recycling plant and another to a landfill.  We
will also be doing around the world Wednesday, which is when when we learn about a
different country on Wednesdays, but during the recycling unit we are learning about
the top ten recycling countries and other recycling facts around the world.  I’m very
excited to start this unit :)


from Week 5 Discussion: Educational Tools - Infographic (Make 3 or more posts this topic for
full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 31, 2021 6:57PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Attached is my infographic.  The website I used was (Links to an
external site.)
The subject I chose was vocabulary in Social Studies, introduction to the California Regions.
I thought the website was very user-friendly and it had many templates to choose from. 
However, the templates are mostly for social media platforms.
The site is free but it only allows 3 downloads per month, to have unlimited downloads you can
upgrade for $10/month. 
Attached File: Untitled Design.jpg
from Week 5 Discussion: Educational Tools - Infographic (Make 3 or more posts this topic for
full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 31, 2021 6:59PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Thank you for sharing your infographic, definitely a fun and creative way to introduce students
to vocabulary.  Good to know that the site only allows two downloads per month.
from Week 5 Discussion: Educational Tools - Infographic (Make 3 or more posts this topic for
full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 31, 2021 7:05PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Chien-Hui,
I liked your classroom rules infographic.  I liked the template you used.  I don't like that
piktochart only allows 2 downloads.  Snappa, the website I used allows three, but it seems to be
mostly social media templates.  From the infographic you shared I think I might like the
templates on piktochart better.
from Week 5 Discussion: Educational Tools - Infographic (Make 3 or more posts this topic for
full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday
Oct 31, 2021 7:07PM
Maria Camila Mejia
I loved your infographic, what a fun and creative way to introduce vocabulary.  I liked
that you specifically chose synonyms and you connected the synonyms to an emoji.  This
is a great way for students to make visual connections.

from Week 6 Discussion: Google Alert (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit) 1st post
due by Wednesday
Nov 10, 2021 5:45PM
Maria Camila Mejia

 What is your alert? My alert is English Language Development in math

 Why did you pick it? I picked it because according to data English Learners are often
lower in math than students who are not English Learners, even in a dual immersion
school where math is taught in the first language of the ELs.
 How often is the alert being sent to you? Daily? I set this alert up today, so so far I
don't know. 
 Will you be likely to use this in the future? Depends on the alerts I get about what I
set up. 
 What google alert topics can help you with teaching? math and English

2) Make a word document with all of your past discussion posts from THIS
class. Include the question and your initial response. (SAVE for the portfolio-
you do not need to attach them here)
Use this forum to discuss with your classmates the easiest way to compile your posts.

 How can you organize them so that you can refer to them later? I often just take
screenshots of my responses to discussion questions, but now I like the idea of
organizing all my screenshots in a word document. 
 Are there classmates' posts that you will also save? Why? yes, I have seen ideas of
strategies used that I will save.  For example, Nicolas shared in a discussion post a
comic template that I plan on using when teaching students about sequencing. 

3) Name one thing that you learned in this course that you will definitely use
I learned about the technology standards, which I had no idea existed.  I definitely plan on using
the standards to guide how we use technology in the classroom.  One specific way is by teaching
my students and practicing how to be digital citizens. 
from Week 6 Discussion: Google Alert (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit) 1st post
due by Wednesday
Nov 10, 2021 6:49PM
Maria Camila Mejia

I agree that setting up an alert for technology in the classroom is a good idea to stay up to date
with technology, specially since technology changes so quickly.

I also liked picktograph to create anchor charts.

from Week 6 Discussion: Google Alert (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit) 1st post
due by Wednesday
Nov 10, 2021 7:07PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Chien-Hui,

Have you found any of the alerts that you’ve received useful?

I was also taking screenshots of my discussions, but was only organizing them in a folder, hadn’t
thought about posting them in a word doc. Thank you for the idea.


Week 7

I think that using survey tools is useful because they can be used as assessments or as
fun ways to engage students. 
I initially tried using Survey Monkey, but it kept trying to charge me a lot of money for
using the text response feature, so I switched to Google Forms.
My survey is questions that I can use at the beginning of the year to get to know my
students better.
I ask about what their full name is, what they prefer to be called, where they are from,
and something they would like me to know about them.
This is my survey: to an external site.
Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Camila Mejia
Maria Camila Mejia (She/Her/Hers)
Nov 21, 2021Nov 21 at 8:54am
Manage Discussion Entry

Ah yeah, great idea, thank you. 

Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Camila Mejia

Maria Camila Mejia (She/Her/Hers)
Nov 21, 2021Nov 21 at 8:53am
Manage Discussion Entry

It's ok Fatma, thank you for your reply :).


Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Camila Mejia

Maria Camila Mejia (She/Her/Hers)
Nov 21, 2021Nov 21 at 8:59am
Manage Discussion Entry

Survey findings.
From the surveys I took in comparison to mine, I was the only one that didn't use
multiple choice and only used text option. 
5 people took my survey and it was fun reading everyone's responses and getting to
know the people that took it.  I also discovered there is a lot of diversity.  I think it is a
great tool to use to get to know my students better, and since it is though technology it
can be fun for my students and get them excited for the school year. 

Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Camila Mejia

Maria Camila Mejia (She/Her/Hers)
Nov 21, 2021Nov 21 at 9:06am
Manage Discussion Entry

Hi Patricia,
I didn't use Typeform, but I had a similar experience with Survey Monkey and also opted
for Google Forms.  I agree, Google Forms is much more user friendly and there are many
types of surveys and quizzes that can be done, one cool feature is that if you assess your
students through GF you can download the data as a spreadsheet. 
Thank you for your Thanksgiving questions, I'm now getting more excited for this holiday

Collapse SubdiscussionMaria Camila Mejia

Maria Camila Mejia (She/Her/Hers)
Nov 21, 2021Nov 21 at 9:02am
Manage Discussion Entry

I experienced the same issue with Survey Monkey and also gave up and decided to use
Google Forms.  Survey Monkey didn't even explain why exactly it was the upgraded
version, but I assume it is because we both used the text feature instead of multiple
I enjoyed taking your survey.

from Week 6 Discussion: Google Alert (Make 3 or more posts to this topic for full credit) 1st post
due by Wednesday
Nov 10, 2021 7:15PM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Monica,

I like the idea of setting alerts for language games.  I now want to set an alert for games,
so thank you for the idea.

I also liked piktochart to create anchor charts.


from Week 8 Discussion- Post your video lesson for peer review and feedback (Make 3 or more
posts this topic for full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday - Discussion Group 3
Nov 21, 2021 9:14AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Jennifer,
Great lesson.  I loved your hook it was fun, funny, and it would completely help engage English
Learners.  Great visuals and vocabulary as well.  You also had a very friendly and joyful
attitude.  The one area of improvement would be to keep the ages in mind, I think this lesson is
more for elementary kids as opposed to high school.  All in all , great work. 
from Week 8 Discussion- Post your video lesson for peer review and feedback (Make 3 or more
posts this topic for full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday - Discussion Group 3
Nov 21, 2021 10:09AM
Maria Camila Mejia
This is the link to my lesson and attached is the lesson plan. My lesson is about how to identify
sequence of events.  Also, while giving my lesson I noticed a typo in my presentation, which I've
now fixed, but you will see it in the video, and I also have changed the sentence frames.  I
initially connected the sentence frames to the reading, but as I was teaching I realized that using
the same sentence frame throughout would have been better, instead of changing it based on the
text. I say this because the text didn't use the best transition words and the initial sentence frame I
provided was more academic. For example, the book had a frame that was By the end ____ and.
And ______, whereas my initial frame was First,___ then,____. Finally___. While teaching the
lesson I realized that the lack of consistency with the frame was not as effective, just because it
didn't match the text exactly didn't mean the students couldn't identify the sequence. In fact, it
was more natural for them to use First, then, finally, than what I tried to use from the book.  Let
me know your thoughts.  
Also, while you are watching the video my students write on the slides that I am sharing on the
Smartboard, but unfortunately, this didn't show up in the recording. (Links to an external site.)

Attached File: Lesson Plan Technology class.docx
from Week 8 Discussion- Post your video lesson for peer review and feedback (Make 3 or more
posts this topic for full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday - Discussion Group 3
Nov 28, 2021 8:49AM
Maria Camila Mejia

Thank you for watching my lesson and for your suggestions.  Working in groups can be a great
way to help my students continue to create sequenced sentences.

from Week 8 Discussion- Post your video lesson for peer review and feedback (Make 3 or more
posts this topic for full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday - Discussion Group 3
Nov 28, 2021 9:01AM
Maria Camila Mejia

Thank you so much for such an in depth response, I’m glad you were engaged and were able to
observe many practices from the things to notice.  

My lesson was about 20 minutes total.  The video, unfortunately Screencastify didn’t record it
when the link was opened, was about two minutes long.

As for your comment about how I corrected my student, I will say it has been a lot of practice
learning how to redirect my students and still identifying a strength, it’s not always easy.  So, if
it’s not something that comes natural, it didn’t for me either. 

Dual immersion programs were created to help English Learners.  Now affluent communities
want their children to attend dual immersion programs because affluent families know how
powerful it is to be bilingual, but DI was created as a means to provide equity to English
Learners, so it truly is wonderful to be a teacher at a DI program.

Thank you again for watching.

from Week 8 Discussion- Post your video lesson for peer review and feedback (Make 3 or more
posts this topic for full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday - Discussion Group 3
Nov 28, 2021 9:14AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Marcia,

I noticed the many visuals your provided, you spoke clearly, you provided sentence starters,
there was role playing, and an exit ticket.  Great use of many strategies.

The only thing I can think of is the exit ticket is assessing their food knowledge and not students
ordering food.  However, I think you assessed students ordering food through the role playing.

Great work,

from Week 8 Discussion- Post your video lesson for peer review and feedback (Make 3 or more
posts this topic for full credit) 1st post due by Wednesday - Discussion Group 3
Nov 28, 2021 9:30AM
Maria Camila Mejia
Hi Fatma,
I enjoyed watching you teach, you have a very soothing and kind voice and I have no
doubt that your students would feel safe and at ease in your classroom.  I enjoyed
watching the hook, it was very funny and engaging.

I’m a little confused about when students are reading the script.  Are they supposed to
be identifying what the directions given were?

I liked your many opportunities to practice giving directions.


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