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Running head: Week 6 assignment: Video Clips

Week 6 assignment: Video Clips

Maria Camila Mejia

UCLA Extension: 382960: Instructional Technologies for TESOL Classrooms EDUC X 425.04
(Fall 2021)


Video URL:

I often use many types of videos in my classroom. I use videos as a way to give my
students background knowledge about what we are going to learn. Through videos I prepare my
students for the material that we are going to read and this facilitates the comprehension of the
reading. The video I am sharing is 4:49 minutes long and it is of a science experiment that is
explaining what causes earthquakes by demonstrating how the earth’s plates move and the
effects to the continents above. Jared, the demonstrator, uses spray cheese to represent the
Earth’s mantle, he uses graham crackers to represent the Earth’s plates, and rice cakes to
represent the continents. He explains what each ingredient represents and provides images of the
inside of the earth to help make connections.

Open ended questions I can ask my students are:

 What did you learn?
 What is something you already knew?
 What is something you still want to know?
 Why is this video helpful?

This particular video is specially created and chosen to teach a science lesson in
connection to a reading. Therefore, I would mostly use this particular video as a hook to the
lesson. Another way that I could use this video is to teach cause and effect. I would teach cause
and effect vocabulary and provide cause and effect sentence frames. Then, I would ask my
students about what causes earthquakes and give them an opportunity to share with a partner
while using the sentence frames provided. After, students could share whole group while using
the sentence frames. In the end, I would provide an exit slip in which students would be
assessed on content comprehension, use of academic vocabulary, and correct use of cause-and-
effect sentence frames.

The vocabulary I would teach is:

o Cause
o Effect
o As a result
The sentence frames I would provide are:
o Because of ______, ________.
o _____ causes _______.
o Due to ______, ______.
o The effect(s) of _____is/are ______.
o As a result of _____, _______.


 “What Causes Earthquakes” YouTube video (2015)

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