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United Arab Emirates

School Inspection Framework

1. Students’ achievement
1.1 Attainment
1.1.1 Attainment as measured against authorised and licensed curriculum standards
1.1.2 Attainment as measured against national and appropriate international standards
1.1.3 Knowledge, skills and understanding, especially in the key subjects
1.1.4 Trends in attainment over time

Brief descriptors

Outstanding Very Good Good Acceptable Weak Very Weak

1.1.1 Attainment as measured against authorised and licensed curriculum standards
Most students attain The large majority The majority of students Most students attain Less than three- Few students attain
levels that are above of students attain attain levels that are levels that are in quarters of students levels that are in
curriculum standards. levels that are above above curriculum line with curriculum attain levels that are line with curriculum
curriculum standards. standards. standards and a few at least in line with standards.
are above. curriculum standards.
1.1.2 Attainment as measured against national and appropriate international standards
In external In external In external In external In external examinations In external
examinations, most examinations, a large examinations, the examinations, most less than three-quarters examinations, only a
students attain levels majority of students majority of students students attain of students attain levels few students attain
that are above national attain levels that are attain levels that are levels that are in line that are at least in levels that are in line
and international above national and above national and with national and line with national and with national and
standards. international standards. international standards. international standards. international standards. international standards.

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

1.1.3 Knowledge, skills and understanding, especially in the key subjects

In lessons and in their In lessons and in their In lessons and in In lessons and in their In lessons and in their In lessons and in
recent work, most recent work, a large their recent work, the recent work, most recent work, less their recent work,
students demonstrate majority of students majority of students students demonstrate than three-quarters of only a few students
levels of knowledge, demonstrate levels of demonstrate levels of levels of knowledge, students demonstrate demonstrate levels of
skills and understanding knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and skills and understanding levels of knowledge, knowledge, skills and
that are above understanding that understanding that that are in line with skills and understanding understanding that are
curriculum standards. are above curriculum are above curriculum curriculum standards. that are at least in in line with curriculum
standards. standards. line with curriculum standards. There are
standards. significant gaps in
students’ knowledge
and weaknesses
in their skills and
1.1.4 Trends in attainment over time
Over the past three Over the past three Over the past three Over the past three Over the past three Over the past three
years, the attainment years, the attainment years, the attainment years, the attainment years, the attainment years, only a few
of most students has of a large majority of a majority of of most students of most students has students have attained
been consistently of students has students has been has been broadly in been consistently levels that are in line
above national and been consistently above national and line with national and below international with national and
international standards. above national and international standards, international standards. standards or has varied international standards.
international standards. or has improved considerably.

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

The quality of attainment illustrated below would • Over the previous three years, the school has maintained
be evaluated as outstanding. or improved high standards of attainment for the majority
of students. Attainment is now broadly above the expected
• Most students’ work, as measured against the school’s levels.
curriculum standards, is consistently above the age-related
levels. The quality of attainment illustrated below would
• Using external and other appropriate benchmarks, most
be evaluated as acceptable.
students’ results are above international standards. • Most students’ work, as measured against the school’s
curriculum levels, is broadly in line with age-related standards.
• Most students demonstrate high levels of knowledge and
understanding shown in the consistently very high quality • In relation to benchmarks used by the school, most students’
of their work, which is above international standards. For test and external examination results are at least in line with
their age, they have excellent skills in literacy, numeracy and international standards.
• Most students demonstrate knowledge, skills and
• Over the previous three years, the school has maintained understanding in line with curriculum and international
consistently high standards of attainment for most students. standards. For their age, they demonstrate basic competency
in literacy, numeracy and technology.
The quality of attainment illustrated below would
be evaluated as good. • There may be variation from year to year in external test
results but, overall, students’ attainment is broadly in line
• The majority of students’ work, as measured against with curriculum and international standards.
the school’s curriculum levels, is above the age-related
• In relation to benchmarks used by the school, the majority
of students’ test and external examination results are above
international standards.
• The majority of students demonstrate knowledge, skills and
understanding that are above curriculum and international
standards. For their age, they have well developed skills in
literacy, numeracy and technology.

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

1.2 Progress
1.2.1 Progress of students, including those with special educational needs, against their starting points and over time
1.2.2 Progress in lessons
1.2.3 Progress of different groups of students

Brief descriptors

Outstanding Very Good Good Acceptable Weak Very Weak

1.2.1 Progress of students, including those with special educational needs, against their starting points and over time
Internal and external Internal and external Internal and external Internal and external Assessment information Assessment information
assessment information assessment information assessment information assessment information indicates that less than indicates that only a
indicates that most indicates that a large indicates that the indicates that most three-quarters of the few students make the
students make better majority of students majority of students students make the students make the expected progress in
than expected progress make better than make better than expected progress in expected progress in relation to individual
in relation to their expected progress in expected progress relation to individual relation to individual starting points and the
individual starting points relation to individual in relation to their starting points and the starting points and the curriculum standards.
and the curriculum starting points and the individual starting points curriculum standards. curriculum standards.
standards. curriculum standards. and the curriculum
1.2.2 Progress in lessons
In lessons, most In lessons, a large In lessons, the majority In lessons, most In lessons, only a In lessons, only a
students make majority of students of students make students make majority of students few students make
better than expected make better than better than expected expected progress in make expected expected progress in
progress in relation to expected progress in progress in relation to relation to appropriate progress in relation to relation to appropriate
appropriate learning relation to appropriate appropriate learning learning objectives appropriate learning learning objectives
objectives aligned with learning objectives objectives aligned aligned with the objectives aligned with aligned with the
the expected curriculum aligned with the with the expected expected curriculum the expected curriculum expected curriculum
standards. expected curriculum curriculum standards. standards and a few standards. standards.
standards. make better progress.

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

1.2.3 Progress of different groups of students

All groups* of students Most groups* of The majority of groups* All groups* make At least one significant There is significant
make better than students make of students make at least expected group* of students does disparity in progress
expected progress. better than expected better than expected progress, although not make the expected rates between the
progress. progress. there may be some progress. different groups* of
unevenness in progress students.
between groups*.

* “groups” refers to those identified under the section “Judging students’ attainment, progress and learning skills”

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

The quality of progress illustrated below would The quality of progress illustrated below would
be evaluated as outstanding. be evaluated as acceptable.
• Internal and external assessment information shows that, • Internal and external assessment information indicates that,
in relation to their assessed starting points, most students in relation to their starting points, most students reach the
reach higher levels of attainment than predicted. predicted levels of attainment.
• Most students make significant gains in their knowledge, • Most students make gains in knowledge, skills and
skills and understanding, as measured against the learning understanding, as measured against the learning objectives
objectives in lessons. They make links between subject areas in lessons. A few students make links to prior knowledge
demonstrating high levels of competence and applying their but a majority may lack confidence in applying their skills in
skills successfully in everyday and unfamiliar contexts. everyday contexts.
• All groups of students, including those with special • Most groups of students, including those with special
educational needs and low attainers, make similarly strong educational needs and low attainers, make expected
progress. progress.

The quality of progress illustrated below would The quality of attainment and progress illustrated
be evaluated as good. below is unlikely to be acceptable.
• Internal and external assessment information indicates that, • Students are working at a level below what is expected for
in relation to their starting points, the majority of students their ages.
reach higher levels of attainment than predicted.
• Students’ key skills in literacy, numeracy and technology are
• The majority of students make notable gains in knowledge, so limited that they find it difficult to work co-operatively or
skills and understanding, as measured against the learning independently.
objectives in lessons. They make links to prior knowledge
and are confident in applying their skills in everyday contexts. • The rate of students’ progress is too slow and a significant
minority of students do not make the progress of which they
• The majority of groups of students, including those with are capable. Few students are able to apply their skills and
special educational needs and low attainers, make similarly knowledge in everyday contexts.
strong progress.
• Not all groups of students, including those with special
educational needs and low attainers, make sufficient

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

1.3 Learning skills

Proportions of students: except where specifically stated, the descriptors that follow do not make reference to proportions of
students. It is expected that the learning skills described will be typical of those generally displayed by students in different
phases of a school.

1.3.1 Students’ engagement in, and responsibility for, their own learning
1.3.2 Students’ interactions, collaboration and communication skills
1.3.3 Application of learning to the world and making connections between areas of learning
1.3.4 Innovation, enterprise, enquiry, research, critical thinking and use of learning technologies

Brief descriptors

Outstanding Very Good Good Acceptable Weak Very Weak

1.3.1 Students’ engagement in, and responsibility for, their own learning
Students are Students are keen Students enjoy learning Students have positive Students are easily Students are very easily
enthusiastic and to learn and take and take increasing attitudes toward distracted and work distracted and work
take responsibility for responsibility for their responsibility for their learning and can only with their teachers’ only with constant
their own learning in own learning. They own learning. They work for short periods direction. Students teacher direction. They
sustained ways. They know their strengths know their strengths without their teachers’ rarely reflect on the do not show interest
focus well and reflect on and weaknesses and and weaknesses and intervention. They may quality of their learning in learning. They do
their learning to evaluate act purposefully to take steps to improve. be passive learners, but and consequently they not evaluate the quality
their strengths and improve. they know what they are unsure how to of their learning and
weaknesses accurately. have learned and how improve their work. consequently they
They take targeted to improve their work in do not know how to
actions to improve. general terms. improve their work.

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

1.3.2 Students’ interactions, collaboration and communication skills

Students interact Students interact and Students interact and Students can work Students work together Only a few students
and collaborate very collaborate purposefully collaborate well in productively in groups only with teacher can interact and
effectively in a wide and productively in a range of learning although the quality supervision. They find work together at an
range of learning a range of learning situations. They of their interactions is it difficult to interact acceptable level and
situations to achieve situations to achieve communicate their varied and collaboration and to discuss and communicate their
agreed goals. They common goals. They learning clearly. is limited. They communicate their learning.
communicate their communicate their communicate their learning.
learning very clearly. learning effectively. learning adequately.
1.3.3 Application of learning to the world and making connections between areas of learning
Students consistently Students regularly Students make clear Students make a few Students find it difficult Only a few students
make meaningful make meaningful connections between connections between to make connections are able to make
connections between connections between areas of learning and areas of learning between areas of connections between
areas of learning and areas of learning and relate these to their and relate these in learning and to relate areas of learning and
use these to deepen relate these well to their understanding of the simple ways to their knowledge to their relate knowledge to
their understanding of understanding of the world. understanding of the understanding of the their understanding of
the world. world. world. world. the world.
1.3.4 Innovation, enterprise, enquiry, research, critical thinking and use of learning technologies
Students are innovative Students are innovative Students are Students can do basic Students find it Only a few students
and enterprising. and enterprising. enterprising. They research with teachers’ difficult to do basic, can find things out
They are independent They use enquiry and can find things out direction. They use independent research independently and use
learners and can research skills, and for themselves and learning technologies or use learning learning technologies
find things out for learning technologies use technologies to in limited ways to technologies effectively. effectively. Critical
themselves using a effectively. Critical support their learning. support their learning. Critical thinking and thinking and problem-
variety of different thinking and problem- Critical thinking and Critical thinking and problem-solving skills solving skills are not
sources. They use solving skills are key problem-solving skills problem-solving skills are underdeveloped features of learning.
learning technologies features of learning. are common features of are developing features features of learning.
independently and learning. of learning.
very effectively. Critical
thinking and problem-
solving skills are intrinsic
features of learning.

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

The quality of learning skills illustrated below • Students demonstrate proficiency in finding out new
would be evaluated as outstanding. information and are able to apply successfully their critical
thinking to tasks. They are innovative and creative. They
• Students are motivated and eager participants in their hypothesise and draw inferences with ease and so their
learning. They are actively involved in their own learning and abilities to solve problems are excellent. Their work will
development, and show increasing skills as learners and often reflect maturity and independence of thought and they
assessors of their own learning. Students are very aware of readily find things out for themselves by using books and
their progress and strengths in learning. The questions they other resources, including technology. Through the effective
ask show they are making important connections between use of different sources of information, students are able to
new learning and what they already know. They are reflective make accurate and appropriate conclusions and present
and analyse learning situations in order to discover the best their learning with confidence.
solutions. Their independence shows itself particularly in the
ways they use technology. The quality of learning skills illustrated below
would be evaluated as good.
• Students choose the best ways to complete tasks within
group and individual settings both in leading and supporting • Students have a genuine interest in learning. They are
their peers. Through effective collaboration with others, by actively involved and sustain concentration in lessons. They
contributing ideas and listening to one another, students are taking increasing responsibility for their own learning and
demonstrate high levels of skills as independent thinkers and assessment of it, and are capable of working productively on
learners, and achieve common goals. their own. They do not need much guidance from teachers
and use resources, including technology, sensibly to support
• Skills, knowledge and understanding acquired are applied their work. Students know how well they are doing in their
confidently and accurately to new learning contexts. Students work. They readily understand what they need to improve
demonstrate success in applying their skills to problems and how they might succeed.
reflecting real life situations, both familiar and unfamiliar. They
make connections between their learning in different parts of • Students are comfortable working together with others. They
the curriculum. They are successful, confident, responsible are well aware of the benefits that group work produces,
learners. although they may not always initiate collaborative activity.
Students have learned not only to listen other students’ views
but also to analyse them and respond to them thoughtfully.
Their own contributions are pertinent and helpful to others.

United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework

• Students understand the connections between the different • Students work collaboratively in familiar groups. Whilst
strands of learning. They appreciate how language underpins working in groups or teams, at times students lack the skills
their learning of science, for example, and how sport is linked they need to co-operate and produce good work. They do
to health education. Similarly, students can apply aspects of not always understand the importance of listening to each
their learning to the world beyond school. As a result, they other in order to make meaningful contributions.
recognise their own knowledge and skills in these different
contexts. • Students acquire knowledge and skills from a range of
contexts but their understanding may be less well developed.
• Students are resourceful and able to find things out for Consequently, students will only demonstrate success in
themselves in a range of ways, including books and their learning in familiar contexts where they are required to
technology, although they sometimes take information at repeat a procedure. When required to apply their learning to
face value without interpreting it enough. They can think new contexts, they may need high levels of support.
for themselves and their reflection is productive, although it
may lack depth or insight. They solve problems competently, • Students demonstrate age-appropriate research and skills
whether they are working individually or with others. in technology but rarely exhibit independent thinking or
problem-solving skills. They tend to rely on adults.
The quality of learning skills illustrated below
would be evaluated as acceptable. The quality of learning skills illustrated below is
unlikely to be acceptable.
• Students occasionally take responsibility for, and are active
in, their own learning. They do what teachers ask of them • A substantial proportion of students is not engaged in lessons
but may often be passive listeners or watchers, or undertake and students are unable to explain what they are doing.
tasks which do not require much thought. While the majority • Students are unable to work collaboratively.
of students work well in the absence of close supervision,
others lack motivation or are easily distracted. They know • Students do not apply what they have learned in key subjects
what they need to do to improve, although a minority may to other aspects of their work. They do not recognise
be unclear. Students have only a general awareness of their connections between what they are learning and the world
progress and strengths as learners. beyond school.
• Students’ thinking skills are not developed well, and so
students struggle to find things out and solve problems for
themselves. Their skills in using learning technologies are
United Arab Emirates
School Inspection Framework


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