Fieldwork Handouts

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Tips for Low Vision (Feeding/Fine motor)

Touch…our second pair of eyes

• Reduce glare: use shades over lamps, windows, or lights to reduce glare in kitchen or area of play
• Provide good lighting
o Check and modify lighting in the kitchen, bedrooms, hallways, living room, etc.
o Position lighting to reduce shadows.
o Position light source, such as a lamp, behind or close to the tasks being performed so that there is not too
much light going directly into the eyes.
• Contrasting colors will make objects and surroundings more noticeable and recognizable.
o The use of colored trays, plates, knives, and forks that contrast with the table/highchair or that contrast with
the foods being eaten.
o The use of toys that have defined contrasting colors in the location they are played with.
o Check to see that furniture contrasts with the walls, carpets, or floor.

• Arrange food on the plate, toys, or other items in groups and always store them a familiar location.
• Practice placing items in the visual field that is cut, use hand under hand to help technique teach them about their
limbs or objects/food placed in front of them in the neglected visual field to increase spatial awareness, promote
curiosity, and visual tracking.
• Remove clutter to reduce tripping or falling hazards


Hyvärinen, L. (1995). Considerations in Evaluation and Treatment of the Child with Low Vision. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 49(9), 891–897.

American Occupational Therapy Association. (2013). Living with Low Visions.
Pillow Positioning
Support for the hemiparetic side

Side lying on Unaffected side Side lying on Affected side

• Example above: Left-side affected

• 1-2 pillows placed under the head • Example above: Left-side affected
• Affected shoulder is placed forward & • 1-2 pillows placed under the head
supported by pillow • Affected shoulder is extended
• Affected leg positioned backwards forward & supported by pillow
onto pillow • Unaffected leg will be positioned
• Back supported by pillow forward onto pillow
• Back is supported by pillow

Seated in Chair Seated in Bed

• Example above: Left-side affected • Example above: Left-side affected

• Seated w/back upright in chair • The affected arm is placed forward
• The affected side is placed forward & supported w/1-2 pillows
& supported on top of 1-2 pillows

Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic. (2017, January 19). Physiotherapy management of hemiplegia.

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