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Unit 1:

Ch-2 LPP formulation and graphical method

Linear Programming Problem
➢It is a technique for choosing the best alternate from a set of
feasible alternatives, in situations in which the objective functions
as well as the constraints are expressed as linear mathematical
Linear Programming Problem
➢There should be objective function which should be clearly identifiable and measurable in
quantitative terms. E.g. the objective function can be maximization of sales, profits,
revenues or minimization of cost.
➢The activities involved should be identifiable and measurable in quantitative terms. For
example, products to be produced.
➢The resources to be allocated should be identifiable and measurable in quantitative terms.
They should be limited in supply.
➢The objective function and constraints must be linear in nature.
➢There should be series of feasible alternative courses of action available for decision
maker which are determined by resource constraints.
Case 1: Maximization Case
Question 1: A firm is engaged in production of two products A and B. Each unit
of product A requires 2 kgs of raw material and 4 labour hours for processing,
whereas each unit of product B requires 3 kg raw material and 3 hours of labour
of the same type. Every week, the firm has availability of 60 kg raw material and
96 labour hours. One unit of product A yields Rs.40 and one unit of product B
yields Rs. 35 as profit.
Formulate the above problem as LPP to determine how many units of A and B
should be produced per week so that the firm maximizes its profit.
Basic Terms
❑ Objective function
❑Decision variables
❑Non-negativity condition
Case 2: Minimization Case
Question 2: It was suggested that farmer should spread out at least 4800 kg of
special phosphate fertilizer and not less than 7200 kg of special nitrogen
fertilizer to raise productivity of crops. There are two sources of obtaining these
– mixture A and mixture B. Both are available in bags weighing 100 kg each and
they cost Rs 40 and Rs 24 respectively. Mixture A contains phosphate and
nitrogen equivalent of 20 and 80 kg respectively, while mixture B contains these
ingredients in 50 kg each.
Formulate the above problem as LPP to determine how many bags of mixture
should farmer buy to obtain the required fertilizers at minimum cost.
Assumptions of LPP
➢ continuity
➢Finite choices
Learning Points
➢Feasibility region
➢Infeasible region
➢Optimal solution
➢Binding constraint
➢Redundant constraint
Binding constraint
➢ A constraint is binding if L.H.S= R.H.S when optimal values
are put in the constraint.
➢If optimal solution of variables do not lead to an equality
between L.H.S and R.H.S, it is a non-binding constraint.
Redundant constraints
➢If a constraint is plotted and it does not form a part of boundary or
region making a feasible region, it is said to be redundant.
➢The inclusion or exclusion of redundant constraint does not effect
the optimal solution.
Ques 3:
Min Z= 6x + 14y
Subject to
5x +4y ≥ 60
3x +7y ≤ 84
x + 2y ≥ 18
X, y ≥ 0
Special cases: Graphical Method
Multiple optimal solution
➢The objective function should be parallel to the constraint that
forms an edge or boundary on the feasible region.
➢The constraint should be a binding constraint.
Ques 4:
Max Z= 8x + 16y
Subject to
x +y ≤ 200
y ≤ 125
3x + 6y ≤ 900
x, y ≥ 0
➢Solution is feasible when it satisfies all the constraints and the non-
negativity condition.
➢A situation of infeasibility comes when no feasible solution exists
for the problem.
Ques 5:
Max Z= 20x + 30y
Subject to
2x +y ≤ 40
4x - y ≤ 20
x ≥ 30
x, y ≥ 0
➢For a maximization problem, unboundedness occurs when
there is no constraint of the solution so that one or more
decision variables can be increased indefinitely without any
➢It occurs when it possible to find points in the feasible
region with arbitrarily large z values
Ques 6:
Max Z= 10x + 20y
Subject to
2x + 4y ≥ 16
x + 5y ≥ 15
x, y ≥ 0
Difference btw infeasibility and unboundedness?
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