Problems I May Face

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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems

There are many possible problems that I could theoretically encounter whilst researching and
planning for my short film. Some of them include:

Not getting enough/the right responses from If I don’t get enough survey responses, I will
surveys. send it further afield to others still in my target

Trouble finding actors First, I must be realistic with my storyline –

and by that, I mean not having a character that
I know I won’t be able to find an actor for. If
after auditions, I still can’t find an actor- I will
resort to asking the Henley College Drama

Actors being unreliable is not a problem that I

Unreliable actors want to encounter during my FMP. To make
sure that this doesn’t happen- I will choose my
actors wisely, making sure I know when they
are free and when they aren’t. Furthermore, as
this is my Final Project, and I don’t want to
risk casting unreliable actors- I will stick to
familiar faces.

Locations can be a big issue in productions,

Locations not having permission, not right for the film
etc. Before filming, I will carefully select my
locations and ask for permission to film (If
needed) well in advanced. I will also create my
location recee’s to sort out any other possible

Weather We can’t control the weather; nor can we

predict the weather for the future- which
means I don’t know what the weather is going
to be like when I film. I will make sure to have
(spare) days free in case the weather ruins the
filming day plans- for example it starts heavily
With Corona Virus (Covid-19) still present, I
Covid/illness/injuries need to be cautious how that could affect
myself, my actors and my overall production. I
will audition and cast ‘back up actors’ for if
my actor(s) fall ill and are unable to be in my
film. As for me, I must be wary over the
upcoming months, to make sure I don’t get
covid, and if I do- I need to make sure that
everything else is done to the best of my ability
whilst I am isolating.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems

Before filming, I’ll need to make sure that my

Camera battery running out of charge camera battery is fully charged, and if I’m
filming all day- possibly borrowing a spare
battery would help too.

Just like the camera battery, I will make sure to

Memory card full come prepared with enough space on my
memory card to film the required footage.
Lights not working If the lights that I am using are being
temperamental, I’ll either have to make do
with natural light and use other sources of light
(lamps, phone torch etc.)- or reschedule to film
another day.

Mid project check-up (After research)

End project review

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