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Democracy without education is meaningless. It is education and not freedom that make a nation great
but situation as prevailing in our country in this respect is not only distressing but disgreatful.

“A state passes a law, making education compulsory but unless people accept such laws, no state can
enforce them by military or police measures”.


“I t is the education of grown up men and women who are more than 18 years old. Education for adults
mainly those who could not get any formal education in the early days of their lives.”


 LEARNING:- Learning is a process that result in modification of behavior (J.F travers)

 ADULT LEARNING-adult learning is defined as the practice in which adult engaged in systematic
sustained self educating activities in order to gain new form of knowledge skills attitude and

According to Bryson “Adult education includes all activities with the educational purpose, carried on by
people, in the ordinary business of life, which use only part of their energy to acquire intellectual
equipment”. Earnest Bker “Adult education is a course to be taken up concurrently with work and the earning
of living”.


Malcolm knowles (1978 , 1990) is the theorist , who brought the concept of adult
He has argued that adulthood has arrived, when people behave in adult ways and believe
themselves to be adults.
He taught that adult learning was special in number of ways like
 Adult expect to have high degree of influence on what they are to be educated and
how they are to be educated.
 Adult needs to be able to see application for new learning.
 Active participation of learner should be encouraged in designing and
implementing educational programme.


i) Remedial:-adult education should provide education to those adults who could not
receive education because of certain reason. It provides opportunity to such adults to
make up their deficiency in this respect.
ii) Development of physical health:-adult education aims at educating the adult in the
fundamental principles of health for prevention of disease.
iii) Vocational development:-adult education aims at improving vocational efficiency of
individual by providing him training in his respective vocation.
iv) Development of social skills.
v) Self development:-adult education aims at training creative faculties of the adult for
their self development.
vi) Recreational aim:-adult education aim at training the adult for best use of leisure
with proper recreation.
i) Promotion of social cohesion:-it means to promote unity in diversity. Adult
education aims at creating a common culture where social cohesion can be brought at
functional and emotional level.
ii) Conversation and improvement of national resources:- adult education aims at
conversation and improvement of natural resources by creating new awakening
among the adults.
iii) Building cooperative groups:-aims at building co-operative groups for healthy
coordination and cohesion between individual happiness and social progress.
iv) Inculcation of social ideology:- in adults to prepare them to subordinate their private
welfare to national welfare.

 A new hope for the illiterate.

 Adult education is needed to broaden the political horizon of the adults i.e. value of vote.
 Adult education is needed to wider intellectual horizon of partially illiterate adults.
 Adult education is needed to complete India’s political awakening
 Adult education is needed to set the cultural tone of the community.
 Adult education is needed to train the adult in cooperating living.

1) Village level:-mahila mandals and youth club are organized for this purpose. In village
panchayats secretary of co-operative society if any, primary school teachers should combine
their efforts.
2) Block level:-there should be 2 full time officers at the block level one men and one women.
3) District level:-every district should have district social education officers whose main job
would be to supervise the work of all social education officers both male and female.
4) State level:-there should be an officer of the rank of joint or deputy director at the state level
to look after the administration of all aspects of adult education.
5) Central level:- ministry of education is in-charge of all the programmes of adult education.

 Varied , includes both formal and non formal , private and public sector
 Independent educational organization
 Educational institution
 Quasi educational organization-library and museum
 Non educational organization like industry and armed forces
 Changing social trends
 Population mobility
 Changing roles of hospital
 Health status
 Employment and empowerment of woman.
 To improve competency of life

 Primacy and regency- Generally the first and last ideas , concepts , skills or topic are
better retained by the learner
 Suitability and relevance-It is important to let the learner know how the new
information or task fits with their existing knowledge so that they understand why the
new skills or concept is being discussed.
 Motivation and support-For motivation to occur you must ensure that each learner ,
wants to learn , is ready to learn , has a reason to learn
 Two way communication-Two way communication indicate that a learning experience
should allow for interaction between facilitator or coach and the learner.
 Feedback and reinforcement-Feedback allows both the facilitator or coach and the
learner to provide information about the learning experience
 Engagement of learner-Student engagement occurs when students make a psychological
investment in learning. They try hard to learn what school offers.
 Psychomotor domain-The main principle of adult education is it develop the
psychomotor skill wherein the psychomotor domain is given major importance
 Cognitive and effective-Another important principle is to improve the cognitive
affective domain by helping them to gain knowledge in the subject taught and
developing in the passive attitude or being affective towards the subject learned
 Safety in environment-Providing security in the learning environment among candidates
, which means protecting from natural hazards and fire, making available good sheltered
environment and practicing with personal protective devices.
 Assessment of needs-Need assessment which means that based on the requirement of
students , teaching and learning curriculam are organized.
 Sound relationship-Developing good relationship between the learner and the teacher.
 Decision making-·To students in the decision making in learning.teaching should be a
two way communication with students and teachers Give respect participating thus
making learning interactive.
 Role development-·Role development is the important principle that explain the future
role that the adult learners are going to face .ex- an ideal citizen role , leaders role ,
communicator role.
 Teamwork-Adult education can be successfully implemented by teamwork where in all
development teachers cooperate with the students in achieving the goals and philosophy
of the adult education.
 Accountability-Developing the skill of being accountable to the work the students to do
through this education help that to understand and practice to be responsible and
accountable to any work they would do in there profession in future
 Active learning-Active learning encourages the learner to learn more effectively and will
assist in increasing or maintaining the learner s level of motivation.
 Multi- sense learning-Generally learners take in most information through sight ,
however a learning experience is more effective when the learner uses more than one of
their five senses.

Preparing the learners

Climate setting
Mutual planning
Identification of learning needs
Formulation of learning objectives
Learning plan execution

According to munro, the chief method of teaching the adults are,

1) Learner- dominated method:-

Trial and error method:-here experience dominates along with dril and practice.
Individual investigation method:-here the process involves thinking out a thing or
learning by insight, supplemented by use of library, use of laboratory, survey and
field trips.
Project method
2) Teacher-dominated method:-
Lecture method
Case work
3) Co-operative methods:-
Group discussion

1) Non co-operation of adults:-in the rural areas, especially in several backward regions,
there is severe orthodoxy among the adults, and they refuse to co-operate with teacher.
Solution:-to solve the problem, the help of panchayats of municipal committee should be
2) Problem of social education worker:-for a successful programme of social education it
is necessary to get honest and devoted teachers with missionary goal.
Solution:-the economic status of adult education workers should be considerably raised.
3) Problem of attendance:-the attendance of adult in adult education is generally very
poor. They do not come regularly.
Solution:-to make the programme so interesting and inspiring that adult to feel great
pleasure in attending.
4) Problem of vocational training
5) Problem of equipment
6) Problem of social backwardness
7) Problem of suitable literature
8) Problem of finance

There were Adult Education programmes before independence. For Mahatma Gandhi education was
one of his constructive programmes, and through mass campaign through his movement, tried to make
the districts completely literate.

The Adult Education programme consists of three components:

 Basic literacy

 Functionality

 Civic awareness

Projects and Programmes of Adult Education in India:-

 Social Education Program :-The First Five Year Plan (1951-56) rejected the term “adult
education” as narrowly confined to literacy work and proposed social education as a
comprehensive approach to educating adult illiterates. The major thrust of Social
Education Program was to make illiterate citizens conscious of their rights and
responsibilities for building a democratic nation, while incorporating the components of
health, recreation, and economic life.
 The Farmers’ Functional Literacy Project (FFLP):- It is known as Kisan Saksharata
Yojana, It was launched as a centrally-sponsored scheme in the Fourth Plan (1969-74) in
three districts as an experimental project under the Experimental World Literacy Project
of UNESCO. The FFLP was one of the three components of the Farmers’ Training and
Functional Literacy Project (FTFLP), which aimed at upgrading human resources to
improve agricultural productivity of the farmers.
 Functional Literacy for Adult Women (FLAW): It was started in 1975-76 in the
experimental ICDS project areas. The aim of FLAW scheme was to enable illiterate adult
women to acquire functional skills along with literacy.
 National Adult Education Programme (NAEP): The first nationwide attempt at
eradication of illiteracy was made through the National Adult Education Programme
launched on October 2, 1978. It was a massive programme which aimed at educating 100
million non-literate adults in the age group of 15-35 years within a time frame of five
 Rural Functional Literacy Project (RFLP): This was the flagship programme of NAEP
and was started as a centrally sponsored scheme in 1978 for rural areas. The erstwhile
144 Farmers’ Functional Literacy Projects and 60 Non-Formal Education Projects were
merged into it.
 Education for women’s Equality – Mahila Samakhya Mahila Samakhya programme
was launched in 1988 to fulfill the commitment of affirmative action in support of
women’s education mandated in the National Policy on Education
 National Open School (NOS) The National Open School (NOS) was established in
November, 1989 as an autonomous organization in pursuance of National Policy on
Education 1986 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),
Government of India
 Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi (Indian Education and Service Organization) The two
streams of development – literacy and science popularization – were merged together to
set up the Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samithi (BGVS) as a national level non-governmental
organizations in New Delhi in 1989
 The Total Literacy Campaigns (TLC) The campaign is now accepted as the dominant
strategy for eradication of adult illiteracy in India since 1990s. These campaigns are area-
specific, time-bound, volunteer-based, cost-effective and outcome-oriented.
 Continuing Education Programmes The National Literacy Mission designed a
programme of continuing education for neo-literates, which came into force in 1996 and
a scheme of Continuing Education Centres was launched. The main objective of the
programme is to institutionalize continuing education for neo-literates and to ensure
flexibility in design and implementation in order to cater to the needs of the neo-literates.
 Niranter Niranter is a feminist resource centre for gender education, promoting literacy,
vocational training and health education. It was established in New Delhi in 1993 under
the Societies Regulation Act
 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a historic stride towards
achieving the long cherished goal of Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE)
through a time bound integrated approach, in partnership with State. SSA has been
operational since 2000-2001 to provide for a variety of interventions for universal access
and retention, bridging of gender and social category gaps in elementary education and
improving quality of learning.

Adult education helps to improve people’s quality of life. Such education changes their life and adds
meaning to their life. Today education has been made compulsory for all the children because without
education every child will have a bleak future. Adult education is boon to every learner who has zeal to
move forward in life.


◦ P.Basheer shebeer ,Text Book of Nursing Education, 1st edition, EMMESS Medical Publishers.

◦ Bhaskara Raj D.Elakkuvana Nima ,Text Book of Nursing Education, second Edition, EMMESS
Medical Publishers.

◦ Sudha R ,nursing education principles and concepts , first edition , jaypee brothers medical
publisher , new delhi pg no-222-224.

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