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Journalof Voice

Vol.2, No. 1, pp. 51-69

©1988RavenPress, Ltd., New York

The G. Paul Moore Lecture*

Vocal Mechanisms in Singing: Laryngological and

Phoniatric Aspects

Minoru Hirano
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Kurume University, Kurume, Japan

Summary: Singers can produce great varieties of vocai quality, pitch, and in-
tensity, despite the fact that they have only one pair of vocal folds as their
sound generators. Comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the
vocal folds and the muscles that control them reveals that humans exhibit re-
markably complex control over the characteristics of their vocal folds. Alter-
ations in the length, stiffness, shape, and other characteristics combine with
changes in air flow, resonance, and other activities to permit such extraordi-
nary diversity. The voealis, cricothyroid, and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
are of particular importance. Additional interdisciplinary studies are needed to
clarify further the mysteries of the human singing voice. Key Words: Voice
quality--Voice intensity--Voice pitch--Laryngeal electromyography--
Voice control mechanisms.

Singers produce great varieties of voice in pitch, and neck surgeon, I had a very naive question:
loudness, and tonal quality with the use of only one How can singers produce such great variety of
sound generator; that is, a pair of vocal folds. voice using only a pair of vocal folds? Two decades
Any singer, however great, has never had more later, I feel that we have found some answers to this
than a pair of vocal folds. This is in surprising con- naive question.
trast to many musical instruments that require mul- There are at least six key points that explain the
tiple sound generators in order to produce a variety remarkable versatility in voice production in human
of tones. singing. (1) The human vocal fold has a unique
When I started studying singing voice about 2 de- structure that fits the task. (2) The vocal folds un-
cades ago as a hobby of an otolaryngologist-head dergo delicate adjustments executed by the laryn-
geal muscles, and therefore, they can function as
many different sound generators. (3) The vocal fold
Presented on June 4, 1987 at the 16th Symposium: Care of the adjustments are precisely and delicately controlled
Professional Voice, The Juilliard School, Lincoln Center, New by the central nervous system. (4) The respiratory
York, NY.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Minoru behavior is appropriately controlled. (5) The reso-
Hirano, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Sur- nance cavity shaping is adequately controlled. (6)
gery, Kurume University, 67 Asahi-machi, Kurume, Japan. The interaction between the sound source and the
* Editors note: The G. Paul Moore lecture is presented an-
nuallyat the Symposium on Care of the Professional Voice. The resonator is appropriately controlled.
lecture is delivered by an individual who has distinguished him- Our research works have been focused chiefly on
selfor herself by outstanding contributions to our understanding the first two: structure of the vocal fold and mus-
of voice. It usually involves an overview of an area of voice or
voice research in which the distinguished lecturer has particular cular adjustments of the vocal fold.
interests. This paper is a comprehensively summarized

52 M. H I R A N O

version of our investigations conducted over the The vocal fold is covered with a thin capsule
past 2 decades. Many of them have been reported called epithelium. Underneath the epithelium, there
on separate occasions. These investigations have is the lamina propria, which can be divided into
been performed with great contributions by many three layers. The superficial layer is called Reinke's
of my colleagues at the Department of Otolaryn- space and is loose in fibrous components. It is pli-
gology-Head and Neck Surgery, Kurume Univer- able and extremely important for the singing voice.
sity, my former colleagues at the Institute of Laryn- If this layer of a singer becomes partly or entirely
gology and Voice Disorders in Los Angeles, and stiff, he or she may lose the professional sound. It
those at the Phonetics Laboratory in UCLA. is this layer that moves most markedly during vocal
fold vibration.
STRUCTURE OF VOCAL FOLD The intermediate layer consists chiefly of elastic
fibers that are something like soft rubber bands.
The vocal folds of human adults have a very The deep layer consists primarily of collagenous
unique structure that fits singing. Other animals do fibers that can be likened to cotton thread. These
not have such a structure. Even in human children, two layers together are called the vocal ligament.
the vocal fold structure differs from that of matured Underneath the lamina propria lies the vocalis
larynges. muscle, t h e main body of the vocal fold. This
Figure 1 is a coronal section of a human adult muscle, when it contracts, can be regarded as
vocal fold at the middle of the membranous por- somewhat like a bundle of stiff rubber bands.
tion. The vocal fold is not uniform, but rather, it Thus, the vocal fold consists of multiple layers,
has a layered structure. This is in contrast to the each having different mechanical properties. The
strings of many musical instruments, which do not more superficial the layer is located, the more pli-
have such layers. able it is.
The layered structure of the vocal fold is sche-
matically shown in Fig. 2. From a mechanical point
of view, the five histological layers can be reclassi-
fied into three sections: the cover consisting of the
epithelium and the superficial layer of the lamina
propria or Reinke's space, the transition consisting
of the intermediate and deep layers of the lamina
propria or the vocal ligament, and the body con-
sisting of the muscle. The l a y e r e d structure

Stratified squamous
epithelium MUCOSA
.....~..; LAMINAPROPRIA/l cover
~ Superficiallayer J
~ ~ Intermediatelayer~
~'~ Deeplayer J Trans!tion


Ciliatecl columnar:~:::F'~\',: ~..

epithelium '<!i:~i~:.X
,. .°~,

FIG. 1. From Hirano (1). FIG. 2. From Hirano (2).

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. I, 1988


presents some variations along the length of the stiff than the cartilage. The tip of the vocal process
vocal fold. is composed of elastic cartilage, whereas the main
Figure 3 shows a horizontal section of a human portion of the arytenoid cartilage consists of hyalin
adult vocal fold. Note the unique structures at the cartilage. The elastic cartilage is less stiff than the
anterior and posterior ends of the membranous hyalin cartilage. Thus, again, there are gradual
vocal fold where it is connected to the cartilaginous changes in stiffness from the pliable membranous
framework. At the anterior end, there is a mass, vocal fold to the stiff arytenoid cartilage. These
0val in shape, called the anterior macula flava. It is gradual changes in structure may be important in
composed of a network of elastic fibers, fibro- protecting the ends of the membranous vocal fold
blasts, and stroma. It is elastic and can be regarded from m e c h a n i c a l trauma that may possibly be
as a ball cushioning the impact, or a cushion ball. caused by vibration.
Anterior to the macula flava there is a mass of col- Why is the layered structure more beneficial to
lagenous fibers that is refen'ed to as the anterior singing than a uniform structure? There could be
commissure tendon. The anterior c o m m i s s u r e many reasons from a mechanical, rheological, or
tendon may be likened to a compact pad. It is con- theoretical point of view. For certain, the different
nected to the thyroid cartilage. Thus, the stiffness layers undergo different adjustments from the la-
of the tissue increases gradually from the pliable ryngeal muscles. This results in greater varieties in
membranous vocal fold to the stiff thyroid carti- adjustments of mechanical properties of the vi-
lage. brator, that is, the vocal fold. The vocal fold can
At the posterior end of the membranous vocal become a thin string, a thick string, a long string, a
fold, there is also an oval-shaped mass that is called short string, a stiff string, a slackened string, and
the posterior macula flava, which is another elastic SO o n .
cushion ball. Posterior to this cushion ball is the
vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage. Between MUSCULAR ADJUSTMENTS OF VOCAL FOLD
these two structures, there is a small transitional
area that is stiffer than the macula flava but less In understanding the muscular adjustments of the
vocal fold, it is helpful to review the basic function
of the five major intrinsic laryngeal muscles.
The basic function of each intrinsic laryngeal
muscle was investigated with excised canine la-
rynges. Although there are some differences in
structure between human and canine larynges, the
basic gross function of the major laryngeal muscle,
that is, the cricothyroid, thyroarytenoid or vocalis,
lateral cricoarytenoid, interarytenoid, and posterior
cricoarytenoid muscles, is qualitatively the same
for the two species.
Figure 4 (left) shows a view from above when the
right cricothyroid muscle is electrically stimulated
and consequently contracts. The anterior commis-
FIG. 3. From Hirano (1).

FIG. 4. Reproduced with permission from M. Hirano, Modern

Otorhinolaryngology, © 1979, Kanehara Shuppan, Tokyo.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988

54 M. H I R A N O

sure is shifted anteriorly and to the contralateral tivity on each layer of the vocal fold. Figure 6
side, stretching the vocal folds, especially on the shows a frontal section of the vocal fold, on the
stimulated side. The vocal fold is slightly adducted stimulated side and on the contralateral side. To
to the paramedian position. Figure 4 (right) shows a obtain these histological specimens, during elec-
cast of the laryngeal cavity made of dental plastic. trical stimulation, the entire larynx was immersed
It reveals a silhouette of the vocal folds. On the in alcohol at -30°C or -20°F, frozen, and fixed.
stimulated side, the vocal fold is thinned. Histological specimens were obtained from the
Figure 5 shows a view from inside, before stimu- fixed vocal folds.
lation and during stimulation. The vocal fold is The layer structure differs in dogs from that in
stretched, elongated, and thinned. The anterior singers. First, there is no vocal ligament in dogs.
c o m m i s s u r e is l o w e r e d . Muscle c o n t r a c t i o n The elastic conus ends up in the superficial portion
brought about by direct electrical stimulation is not of the lamina propria without forming any ligamen-
physiological. In human singers, the muscular ac- tous structure. However, in human vocal folds,
tivity is controlled in much more deticate ways. there is a ligament adjacent to the muscle. In dogs,
However, this experimental model gives us a clear- the lamina propria is dense with fibers at the outer
cut idea about the basic or substantial function of part, whereas it is very loose at the inner part.
the muscle in vocal fold adjustments. From a mechanical point of view, the entire lamina
As we have emphasized the importance of the propria can be regarded as the cover.
layered structure of the vocal fold, we are very On the stimulated side, the cross-sectional area
much interested in the effect of the cricothyroid ac- of the mucosa is smaller than on the control side,
indicating that the cover is thinned and stretched.
The entire vocal fold is thinned and stretched as
Electrical stimulation of the thyroarytenoid
muscle (Fig. 7) causes adduction of the vocal fold,
and some bulging results, especially at the mem-
branous portion. In the silhouette presented in Fig.
7 (right), the vocal fold is thickened on the stimu-
lated side. Figure 8 shows views from inside. The
vocal fold is shortened and thickened, and it is low-
ered at the posterior portion. The vocal fold edge is
rounded, and the cross-sectional area of the mu-

FIG. 5. From Hirano (2). FIG. 6.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1,, 1988


FIG. 7. Reproduced with permission from M. Hirano, Modern

Otorhinolaryngology, © 1979, Kanehara Shuppan, Tokyo.

cosa and that of the muscle are increased on the

stimulated side (Fig. 9). The mucosa, that is, the
cover, appears to be slackened, while the muscle,
or the body, is stiffened by its own contraction. FIG. 9. From Hirano (2).
Thus, the cover and the body receive completely
different adjustments from the t h y r o a r y t e n o i d tenoid cartilage (Fig. 10). The vocal fold is slightly
muscle. stretched and elongated. In the silhouette, the
Stimulation of the lateral cricoarytenoid muscle vocal fold is thinned and lowered on the stimulated
causes a marked adduction of the vocal process, side.
adducting the membranous vocal fold and the ary- Figure 11 shows views from inside. The vocal
process is lowered, and the vocal fold is slightly
thinned. The elongation of the vocal fold cannot be
demonstrated in this view.
In Figure 12, the cross-sectional areas of the mu-
cosa and that of the muscle are reduced. Thus, both
cover and body appear to be passively stiffened.
Electrical stimulations of the posterior cricoary-
tenoid muscle result in a marked abduction of the
vocal fold (Fig. 13). The vocal fold is also elon-
In the silhouette, the vocal fold on the stimulated
side is elevated, lateralized, and slightly thinned.
Figure 14 demonstrates views from inside. The
vocal fold is elevated at the posterior portion and
elongated. Figure 15 shows histological specimens.
On the stimulated side, the edge of the vocal fold is
rounded, and the cross-sectional area of the cover
is reduced. When the arytenoid muscle is stimu-

FIG. 10. Reproduced with permission from M. Hirano, Modern

FIG. 8. From Hirano (2). Otorhinolaryngology, @ 1979, Kanehara Shuppan, Tokyo.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988

56 M. H I R A N O

FIG. 13. Reproduced with permission from M. Hirano, Modern

Otorhinolaryngology, © 1979, Kanehara Shuppan, Tokyo.

lated, the arytenoid cartilage is adducted, closing

the posterior part of the larynx (Fig. 16). The mem-
branous vocal fold is slightly adducted. Changes in
the inner structure of the vocal fold are minimal.
Table 1 summarizes the basic functions of the five
major laryngeal muscles.
The vocalis or thyroarytenoid, lateral cricoary-
tenoid, and interarytenoid muscles adduct the vocal
fold. The way of adduction, however, differs among

FIG. 11. From Hirano (2).

FIG. 12. From Hirano (2). FIG. 14. From Hirano (2).

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988


Control Arytenoid stimulated

FIG• 16. Reproduced with permission from M. Hirano, Modern
Otorhinolaryngology, © 1979, K a n e h a r a Shuppan, Tokyo.

most infinite number of different vibrators, assuring

the capability of singers to produce a great variety
of voice by using only one pair of vocal folds.
FIG. 15. F r o m Hirano (2). Furthermore, there are other small muscles in the
larynx, including the ventricular, thyroepiglottic,
and aryepiglottic muscles, and there are extrinsic
the three adductors. The posterior cricoarytenoid laryngeal muscles, including the suprahyoid, infra-
abducts the vocal fold. The level of the vocal fold is hyoid, pharyngeal, and tongue muscles, all of
lowered by the lateral cricoarytenoid and elevated which have some direct or indirect influence on the
by the posterior cricoarytenoid.The vocal fold is vocal folds. Now let us see how the muscles work
elongated by the cricothyroid and posterior cri- during singing, keeping the structure of the vocal
coarytenoid, whereas it is shortened by the vocalis. fold and the basic f u n c t i o n s of the laryngeal
The vocal fold is thinned by the cricothyroid and muscles in mind.
thickened by the vocalis. The edge of the vocal fold Electromyography (EMG) is the only technique
is sharpened by the cricothyroid, whereas it is that directly demonstrates muscular activities.
rounded by the vocalis. The body of the vibrator is When muscles are activated, they produce elec-
passively stiffened by the cricothyroid and actively trical signals called action potentials• These poten-
stiffened by the vocalis, that is, the body itself. The tials are very smalll about 1/10ooto 1/10,00oof the elec-
cover of the vibrator is stiffened by the crico- tric potential of a small battery for automatic
thyroid, whereas it is slackened by the vocalis. cameras. Very thin wire electrodes are used to pick
In addition to these primary functions, each up the small electric potentials from muscles. Two
muscle has some other effects on the vocal fold. thin, insulted wires are placed in a hypodermic
Therefore, there are almost infinite numbers of needle. The wires are bent at the tip, forming a
combinations of the activities of the five major la- small hook.
ryngeal muscles. The vocal fold can act as an al- The electrodes are inserted into the muscle to be

T A B L E 1. Functions o f the five major laryngeal muscles in vocal fold adjustment


Position Paramed Adduct c Adduct c Adduct c Abduct c

Level Lower Lower Lower~ 0" Elevate c
Length Elongate c Shorten ~ Elongate (Shorten) b Elongate ¢
Thickness Thin ~ Thicken c Thin (Thicken) b Thin
Edge Sharpen c Round c Sharpen 0a Round
Muscle (body) Stiffen ~ Stiffen c Stiffen (Slacken) b Stiffen
Mucosa (cover and transition) Stiffen c Slacken c Stiffen (Slacken) b Stiffen

Reproduced with permission from Clinical examination of the voice © 1981, Springer-Verlag, N e w York.
a0, no effect, b Slight effect, c Marked effect.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988

58 M. H I R A N O

studied with the needle, then the needle is re-

moved. The wire electrodes remain in the muscle
because of the hook.
We have investigated five singers and four un-
trained subjects. There is no doubt that varying
singing techniques are associated with different
muscular control, and slight differences in muscular
activity can cause subtle variations of voice quality.
There are individual differences among singers.
However, we shall focus on functions of laryngeal
muscles that are common to the subjects we have
FIG. 17.
First, we will discuss the role of the laryngeal
muscles in vocal register control. ~Two types of (IA), investigated in only one subject, is slightly
studies were performed: comparison of muscular greater for the heavier register. The activity of the
activity among different registers at the same pitch cricotfiyroid (CT) does not show any consistent re-
and studies of muscular activity pattern in response lationship to changes in vocal register.
to register shift during singing. Table 2 is a sum- Figure 17 shows EMG of the CT, LCA, and VOC
mary of the first part of the vocal register studies. when a bass singer phonated at the pitch Ca in three
As is apparent from this table, the heavier the reg-
ister, the greater the vocalis (VOC) activity in all
four subjects investigated. The only exception is
observed at pitch G3 of subject W.V., in whom the
vocalis activity is approximately the same for the
head and chest registers. The lateral cricoarytenoid
(LCA) activity is greater for the chest than for the
head register.
The lateral cricoarytenoid muscle tends also to
be more active for the heavier register, but not as
consistently as the vocalis. In addition, the differ-
ence in LCA activity is not as marked as that in
VOC activity. The activity of the interarytenoid

T A B L E 2. Degree o f m u s c u l a r activity as s h o w n in
rank order

Subject pitch Register CT LCA VOC IA

J.R. G4 Head 2 3 3
(soprano) Mid 3 2 2
Chest l 1 1
M.M. C4 Falsetto 2 3 3
(tenor) Head 2 2 2
Chest 2 1 1
T.M. C4 Falsetto 3 3 3
(tenor) Mid 1 1.5 2
Chest 2 1.5 1
W.V. G3 Falsetto 3 3 3
(bass) Head 1.5 2 1.5
Chest 1.5 1 1.5
C4 Falsetto 2.5 2.5 '3
Head 1 1 2
Chest 2.5 2.5 1

From Hirano (2). FIG. 18.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. i, 1988


T A B L E 3. Changes in muscular activity in response to

register shift during singing


L. C. (soprano) (+) or - + or - +
J. R. (soprano) (+) or - +
M. M. (tenor) (+) or - + or - +
T. M. (tenor) (+) or - + or - +
W. V. (bass) (+) or - + or - + +

From H i r a n o (2).
+, Change f o u n d ; ( ) , n o t f r e q u e n t ; - , change not found. - " " • d~

F I G . 20.
different registers: falsetto, head, and chest. The
VOC activity is the strongest for the chest and
weakest for the falsetto. The CT and LCA activities nied by register shifts are observed less consis-
are the strongest for the head in this case. tently, and changes in cricothyroid activity are even
Figure 18 compares the muscular activity at G 4 in less consistent. The interarytenoid muscle, investi-
a tenor. Again, the VOC activity is greatest for the gated in one subject, also shows changes in activi-
chest and smallest for falsetto. The LCA is slightly ties associated with register shifts.
more active for the head and chest than for the fal- Figure 19 is a two-octave scale descending from
setto. The CT activity does not differ very much Db5 to Db3 sung by a bass singer, starting with fal-
among the three registers. setto, then changing suddenly into chest voice at
Table 3 summarizes the second part of the vocal the arrow. The vocalis activity increases markedly
register studies. As shown, the vocalis muscle at the register change. An increase in activity is
always presents a marked change in activity in re- also observed in CT and LCA.
sponse to register shifts. Register shifts from heavy Figure 20 is a three-octave scale descending from
to light are accompanied by a decrease in vocalis F5 to F2 sung by a tenor, starting with falsetto, then
activity, whereas shifts to heavier register are asso- gradually changing into head and then chest voice.
ciated with an increase in vocalis activity. The di- The m u s c u l a r activity, including the vocalis,
rection of the changes in the lateral cricoarytenoid, changes gradually and very smoothly. A good reg-
cricothyroid, and interarytenoid activity are the ister transition is usually not clearly noted by the
same as in the case of the vocalis. However, in the audience. Such a transition can be achieved by a
lateral cricoarytenoid, changes in activity accompa- gradual muscular adjustment, as shown here.
The vocal register is basically regulated by the
ratio of the vocalis and cricothyroid activities (Fig.
21). When the ratio is changed very gradually, the
register change is not clearly noted. If the ratio
;~ ,re~m-~
changes abruptly as shown in Fig. 21 (right), the


CT/ Falsetto


'r . . . . .
.r~ F - O . -
• mr • it"
/ VOC Mid

F I G . 19. F I G . 21.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988

60 M. H I R A N O

register shift is clearly heard. When this is asso-

ciated with a discontinuity of vocal fold vibrations,
a " b r e a k " results.
The vocal register is also controlled by many
other factors, including activities of other muscles
and supraglottic and subglottic resonance. These
factors are also very important in singing tech-
niques, but the basic register agent appears to be
the interaction of the vocalis and the cricothyroid ~.. at.
~ ~
--~-+ ~ , . . . . . .i tlil~
Now let us consider fundamental frequency con- FIG. 22.
trol in singing. There is no doubt that the cricothy-
roid muscle is the principal agent controlling funda-
mental f r e q u e n c y . What actually h a p p e n s in At high tones, PCA is slightly activated. This ac-
singers' larynges, however, is fairly complicated. tivity of PCA is presumably required in order to
The mechanism of fundamental frequency control brace the arytenoid cartilage against the strong an-
is different between the heavy or modal register terior pull of the CT. Case examples help clarify
and the light or falsetto register: these findings as seen in Figs. 22-26.
First, we will discuss fundamental frequency (F0) Figure 22 is a two-octave scale, descending from
F 4 to F2, sung in modal register by a tenor. The ac-
control in modal register. The relationship between
muscular activities and F0 was investigated in five tivity of the cricothyroid, lateral cricoarytenoid,
singers and four untrained male subjects. Table 4 and vocalis muscles decreases gradually with de-
summarizes the results. In the modal register, the scending fundamental frequency.
activities of CT, LCA, and VOC are always posi- Figure 23 is a phrase, do mi sol mi do, in the key
tively related to F0. In other words, the activity in- of F, sung by a bass singer in chest register. CT,
creases with rising F0 and decreases with falling LCA, and VOC shows activities proportional to
F0. IA presents greater activity at the higher F0. F0.
However, there are no gradual changes in IA ac- Figure 24 shows the activity of IA together with
tivity closely related to F0. The posterior cricoary- that of LCA when a bass singer sang a two-octave
tenoid (PCA) was investigated in two subjects. In scale descending in chest register. LCA presents
one professional singer, PCA is inactive throughout activities proportional to F0, as has been seen in
phonation. In the other subject, who is an untrained the previous slides. IA shows a marked activity at
man, PCA is usually inactive during phonation, high notes. The activity decreases slightly as the
with the exception of high tones in modal register. pitch goes down, but it remains at almost an iden-
tical level for lower notes. IA does not contribute
greatly to F0 control.
T A B L E 4. Relation o f muscular activity to fundamental Figure 25 shows activity of PCA together with
frequency in the modal register

Professional L.C.
singers (soprano) + + +
(soprano) + +
(tenor) + + +
(tenor) + + + 0
(bass) + + + + or 0
Untrained J.O. + + + + or 0
D.B. + +
J.A. + +
H.H. + + + + or0 + or0

+ , P o s i t i v e l y related; 0, not related. FIG. 23.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988


fects on F0. When CT contracts, the vocal fold

edge is located along the line between the anterior
commissure and the posterior cricoarytenoid liga-
ment, or in the paramedian position, as shown in
Fig. 27. In other words, CT can abduct the vocal
fold and open the glottis when the vocal fold is lo-
cated on the midline. The simultaneous increase in
LCA and VOC activity during F0 increase should
be necessary to prevent vocal fold abduction pas-
sively caused by the increased cricothyroid ac-
FIG. 24. tivity.
Furthermore, as mentioned above, VOC is antag-
onistic to CT in register control (Fig. 21). If VOC
that of CT and VOC when an untrained man sang does not increase its activity when CT activity in-
ascending and descending scales in the modal reg- creases to raise F0, the balance between the two
ister. CT and VOC activity increases as the pitch muscles will shift to a lighter register. In order to
goes up and decreases as the pitch comes down. keep the same register, simultaneous increase in
PCA is generally inactive during phon~/tion. How- VOC activity is necessary.
ever, it presents some activity at high pitches, In the falsetto or light register, the mechanism of
where CT is markedly activated. F0 control is slightly different from that in the
Figure 26 shows PCA activity together with CT modal register. F0 regulation in falsetto was inves-
and VOC activity when a tenor sang ascending and tigated in five singers. Table 5 summarizes the re-
descending scales. In contrast to Fig. 25, there is sults. In contrast to the case in modal register, the
no PCA activity throughout. Further studies are activity of CT, LCA, and VOC is not always posi-
needed on the participation of PCA in the vocal tively related to F0 in falsetto. However, in a given
mechanism in singing. singing sample, it is rare that none of these three
The data presented so far clearly demonstrate muscles show activities positively related to F0. It
that the activity of CT, LCA, and VOC is positively is worth noting that CT, which plays the m0s.t im-
related to F0. CT stretches and tenses the vocal portant role in F0 control in t h e m o d a l register,
fold, increasing F0 directly; but what are the other does not always contribute in falsetto. The IA ac-
two muscles doing? LCA stretches and tenses the tivity is greater at the higher F0, but it is not closely
vocal fold to some extent. Therefore, LCA presum- related to F0.
ably has some direct influence on F0. VOC Figure 28 shows a sample in which the CT, LCA,
shortens the vocal fold and loosens the mucosa. and VOC activities are positively related to F0 as in
This should decrease F0. However, when VOC the case of modal register. This is a two-octave
contracts isometrically, in other words, without scale descending, sung in falsetto by a tenor.
changing the vocal fold length, F0 may go up. This Figure 29 is an octave scale up and down sung by
is possible if CT contracts simultaneously. There- a bass singer in falsetto. The CT activity is not
fore, VOC can increase F0 under certain condi- clearly related to F0, but the LCA and VOC do ap-
tions. pear to be related to F0.
However, it seems that LCA and VOC have Figure 30 shows an IA activity during singing of a
some additional functions other than the direct ef- two-octave scale descending in falsetto. The IA is

FIG. 25. From Hirano (2).

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988



I , ~ h 1 H I HI]~I I I H I I.I I I H I I [I I I~ 1 3 ~ . , 1 1 1 4 III kl j

~ "T~ ~'fl'l" t.ITl-FI I F[ TI t H I I HIT ............ J~

[1,ItHIt!IIIII! ~!t'l]!l!l ] ~ - ~ !! [ ~ Fi i'r:]i[ ~ T 4 ~ i ~ $ ~ i ~
A~ A4

A4 A2
FIG. 26. FIG. 28.

A." a n t e r i o r

• cricoarytenoid
ligament FIG. 29. R e p r o d u c e d with permission from M. Hirano, Folia
L L Phoniat, 1970;22:1-20 © 1970 Karger, Basel.

FIG. 27. F r o m Hirano (5).

T A B L E 5. Relation o f muscular activity to fundamental

frequency in the falsetto register

L. C. (soprano) + or 0 + + or 0
J. R. (soprano) + or 0 +
M. M. (tenor) + or 0 + or 0 + or 0
T. M. (tenor) + + 0
W. V. (bass) + or 0 + + + or 0

+ , Positively related; 0, not related. FIG. 30.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. '1, 1988


very active at high notes, but its activity is not very register. There were great inter- and intrasubject
closely related to F0. The LCA activity is de- variations in the EMG data in this latter case. The
creased parallel to F0. Both LCA and IA increase expiratory effort appeared to vary more substan-
activity toward the end of phonation. This type of tially and in less systematic ways than in the case of
adductor activity is occasionally observed near the gradual intensity changes. Therefore, only the re-
end of any long phonation. sults of the first study will be presented here.
One of the most important facts in F0 regulation The mechanism of intensity control is somewhat
is that the CT always participates in fundamental different between the modal and falsetto registers.
frequency control in modal register, whereas in fal- Let us start with the modal register.
setto, it does not always participate. Further Table 6 shows the results of the regulation of in-
studies are needed to clarify the F0 agent and func- tensity in the modal register. The muscle that ex-
tions of various muscles in those cases. hibits the greatest variation in activity with changes
Now let us consider vocal intensity control. It is in intensity is VOC. Especially in singers, the ac-
well known that the vocal intensity is positively re- tivity of VOC changes markedly in proportion to
lated to subglottic pressure. The subglottic pres- the vocal intensity, irrespective of the F0 level. In
sure, in turn, is determined by the air flow and untrained subjects, a similar kind of change is ob-
glottic resistance. The air flow is regulated chiefly served for low F0. However, the degree of change
by the pulmonary pressure, in other words, the re- in activity is not so great as in the case of singers.
spiratory muscles. The glottic resistance is con- For high F0, VOC does not contribute to intensity
trolled primarily by the laryngeal muscles. There- regulation in untrained subjects. These findings
fore, the vocal intensity involves both pulmonary suggest that a good command of VOC control is
and laryngeal controls. one of the most important factors in the proficiency
Two types of studies were conducted. First, mus- of voice technique.
cular activity was investigated when the vocal in- LCA and IA activity increases with the vocal in-
tensity was changed gradually, as in crescendo, de- tensity, but less consistently than VOC.
crescendo, and swelltone at the same F0 level. CT activity is often inversely related to the vocal
Second, in some subjects, comparisons were at- intensity. Why does this happen? The expiratory air
tempted among separate tones produced at dif- pressure and activity of the adductor muscle
ferent intensities, but at same F0 and in the same changes that accompany vocal intensity increases

TABLE 6. Relation o f muscular activity to intensity o f voice in the modal register

Subject pitch CT LCA VOC IA PCA

Professional s i n g e r L.C. (soprano) D4 - 0 +

G4 - - - + +
D5 - _ _ + +
J. R . ( s o p r a n o ) C4 - or 0 + or 0
G4 - + or 0
C 5 - _
M. M. (tenor) C4 - + +
G 4 - - ~ + + +
T. M . ( t e n o r ) F3 - - +
F4 - _ +
A 4 - _ +
W. V. ( b a s s ) C3 0 + + -
G3 0 + + +
Ca - - or 0 + 0

Untrained J.O. C3 + +
G3 + or 0 +
C4 0 +
H.H. low 0 + 0
high - 0 -

From H i r a n o (2).
+ , P o s i t i v e l y r e l a t e d ; 0, n o t r e l a t e d ; -, negatively related; - - +, negatively related at a lesser intensity and positively related at a
greater i n t e n s i t y .

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988

64 M. H I R A N O

can also cause a rise in F0. As such, CT activity

! '
may have to be proportionally reduced to maintain
a constant F0 level.
PCA was investigated in only one untrained sub-
ject. It is activated only at high F0 and shows ac-
tivity level changes similar to CT.
Figure 31 shows a swelltone at the pitch C3 in the
chest register sung by a bass singer. The LCA and i .
VOC activities increase with increasing intensity FIG. 32.
and decrease with decreasing intensity. The CT is
not very active throughout because of the low
pitch. tensity should have been almost exclusively con-
Figure 32 is a swelltone at the pitch G 3 in the trolled by respiratory effort.
chest register. Again, the LCA a n d V O C activities Figure 35 shows changes in air flow rate for cre-
are proportional to the vocal intensity. The CT does scendo in modal or heavy voice and in falsetto or
not markedly change the activity. Vibrato is asso- light voice sung by a tenor. The air flow increases
ciated with the rhythmic changes in the CT and with crescendo in both. However, the air flow is
LCA activities seen in this example. very closely related in the falsetto. The relationship
Figure 33 is a swelltone at the pitch C4 in the is less close in heavy voice.
modal register sung by the same bass singer. In this So far, we have discussed the control mecha-
case, he started with head voice, changing into nisms of vocal register, F0, and intensity sepa-
chest with crescendo, and came back to head with rately. However, they are not independent, but in-
decrescendo. The VOC activity increases with cre- terdependent, in singers.
scendo. The CT and LCA activities decrease, espe- For example, when a singer wants to raise the
cially for chest voice. pitch, he or she increases CT activity. This makes
Again, vibrato can be seen. This time, it is ac- the effect of VOC small, as there is an antagonism
companied by rhythmic activities of all the three between CT and VOC. As a result, the register
muscles. tends to become light. Based on the same principle,
Intensity control in falsetto or light register is dif- when the pitch is lowered, the register tends to be-
ferent from that in modal register. Table 7 summa- come heavy (Fig. 36). Trained singers are capable
rizes the results for intensity regulation in falsetto. of modifying this tendency in varying ways. Some-
In falsetto, none of the laryngeal muscles shows times they change the register with the pitch,
any evidence of a significant contribution to inten- whereas at other times they do not change the reg-
sity control. This indicates that vocal intensity is ister while the pitch is changed.
regulated almost exclusively by the respiratory Vocal register and intensity are also interdepen-
system. As in the modal register, CT activity varies dent. If a singer contracts the adductor muscles,
inversely with the vocal intensity, probably to especially VOC, forcefully in order to increase the
maintain F0 at a constant level, as discussed above.
Figure 34 is a swelltone at the pitch G 4 in falsetto
c rlcottlyroid
sung by a bass singer. CT, LCA, and VOC show an
inverse relationship to the vocal intensity. The in- ill _ tl~
lateral cricoarytenoid
Illl --T.-~ .... -il _2 "J;., ; !~I I[11/Ill 2~ ............................... [

.... [[ [rl j - ......... 2"-- _- ........... ~" JIJLIJ ............ "-: 2:':'::

AUDIO audio

FIG. 31. FIG. 33. From Hirano (5).

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, Nd, 1, 1988


T A B L E 7. Relation o f muscular activity to intensity o f voice in the falsetto register

Subject pitch CT LCA VOC IA

Professional singer L . C . (soprano) E 6 - 0 0

J. R. (soprano) C6 - or 0 +
M. M. (tenor) G4 - 0 + or 0
C5 - 0 0
T. M. (tenor) F4 - - 0
W. V. (bass) C4 - - 0
G4 . . . .
Untrained J.O. A4 0

From Hirano (2).

+, Positively related; 0, not related; - , negatively related.

Interrelation between pitch and r e g i s t e r

h e a. y . .[~I sr~j x i ght

great effect of small

T vocalis I
weak cricothyroid--forceful

1 ~ high

FIG. 34. FIG. 36. From Hirano(5).

air flow rate in c.c. during crescendo

F4 20
heavy ~/ '~.

Interrelation between intensity and register

I ight Im ~ s ' r ~ ] ,, heavz

light t
weak adductor
. . . .

..... I

~c '

FIG. 35. From Hirano (5). FIG. 37. From Hirano(5).

Journal of Voice, VoL 2, No. 1, 1988

66 M. H I R A N O

vocal intensity, the register tends to become heavy. TABLE 8.

Likewise, a decrease in intensity tends to be asso- Register F0 Intensity

ciated with lightening of the vocal register (Fig. 37).
CT + + Light + -
Again, trained singers can modify this tendency in
Heavy + +
varying ways. They can shift or they can sustain VOC + + Light _+ -
the register when they change the vocal intensity. Heavy + + +
LCA + Light _+ -
Figure 38 shows an example of the general ten- Heavy + -+
dency. A tenor sang a swelltone at the pitch G 4. All IA + Light _+ -
I requested him to do was to start with very soft Heavy + -+
PCA - Light - -
voice, then make a crescendo, followed by a decre- Heavy _+
scendo. I did not specify the vocal register. He
started with falsetto, changed into head then chest muscles - - + +
voice as he made the crescendo. Dui-ing the decre-
scendo, the vocal register came back to falsetto. + + , M a r k e d c o n t r i b u t i o n ; + , s o m e c o n t r i b u t i o n ; _+, occa-
s i o n a l c o n t r i b u t i o n ; - , little o r n o c o n t r i b u t i o n .
Changes in VOC activity match the intensity
change and the concomitant register change.
Table 8 summarizes the contribution of the laryn-
geal muscles to the regulation of vocal register, F0, match very well the results of the experiments con-
and intensity. CT contributes greatly to the register ducted with excised canine larynges.
and F0. VOC contributes to the register and inten- Now we shall consider vocal onset. Muscular ac-
sity to a great extent and to F0 to some extent. tivities of three singers were investigated for four
LCA contributes to the register, F0, and intensity types of vocal onsets: soft, hard, breathy, and
to some extent. IA contributes to the register, F0, imaginary H onset. The imaginary H onset, to the
and intensity, but to a lesser extent. The primary best of my knowledge, was first employed in voice
function of IA seems to be vocal fold adduction, training by the late William Vennard in order to
whereas the other adductors, that is, VOC and correct undesirable vocal onsets, including hard
LCA, have important functions other than adduc- onset and breathy onset. This can be achieved by
tion of the vocal fold. PCA is the abductor of the trying to say " h a " without audible " h " sound.
vocal fold and does not contribute greatly to voice The subjects produced the v o w e l / a / a t their ha-
control in singing. The respiratory muscles contrib- bitual F0 and intensity following signals given with
ute greatly to the vocal intensity regulation. a baton. The timing of the prephonatory inspiration
The results of the EMG studies in Jiving subjects and the voice onset was controlled in this way.
Each onset was repeated 10 times.
Table 9 shows duration of the prephonatory mus-
cular activity in each singer. No systematic differ-
ences in the duration of the prephonatory activity
are found among different onset types or among the
Table 10 compares the amplitude of muscular ac-
tivities before and during phonation; as well as
among different voice onset types. The adductor
muscles, i.e., LCA and VOC, present unique ac-
tivity patterns for the hard onset. Their prephona-
tory activity is greater than the activity during
phonation for the hard onset. Their prephonatory
activity is also greater for the hard onset than for
Alll111rl the other onset types.
Figure 39 shows a soft onset. The activity of CT,
LCA, and VOC increases gradually and reaches the
maximum level around the vocal onset. The audio
signal, that is the voice, starts slowly.
F I G . 38. Figure 40 is a hard onset. The activity of VOC

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988


TABLE 9. Duration of prephonatory muscular activity for different voice onset types: mean value and range
(in parentheses) for 10 utterances
Subject Onset CT LCA VOC
L. C. (soprano) Soft 1,050 1,170 890
(720- 1,240) (840-1,720) (640- l, 120)
Hard 1,020 1,130 810
(720-1,360) (720-1,600) (560-1,000)
Breathy 1,210 1,220 1,080
(720-1,600) (800-1,680) (680-1,360)
Imaginary H 1,010 1,010 850
(720-1,320) (720-1,280) (720-1,040)
J. R. (soprano) Soft 990 1,030
(560-1,360) (800-1,320)
Hard 890 740
(640-1,120) (600-1,040)
Breathy 860 320
(480- 1,200) ( 160- 640)
Imaginary H 920 860
(720-1,600) (440-1,520)
W.V. (bass) Soft 390 585 470
(345-425) (505-690) (345-660)
Hard 385 450 410
(290-530) (370-530) (290-500)
Breathy 460 520 425
(330-635) (370-610) (320-530)
Imaginary H 370 480 430
(320-450) (400-530) (345-660)

From Hirano (7).

TABLE 10. Maximum amplitude of muscular activity before and during phonation for different Voice Onset Types:
mean value and range (in parentheses) for I0 utterances
Subject Onset Before During Before During Before During
L.C.(soprano) SoR 80 85 170 150 220 220
(60-90) (75-90) (140-230) (110-230) (180-270) (180-270)
Hard 90 70 230 170 460 350
(75-100) (60-90) (180-250) (140-200) (400-540) (270-400)
Breathy 80 80 170 150 26O 260
(60-90) (60-90) (140-200) (110-180) (220-27O) (220-270)
Imaginary H 75 75 140 140 220 230
(60-90) (60-90) (110-160) (110-160) (180-270) (200-270)
J. R. (soprano) So~ 105 105 240 24O
(100-110) (100-110) (190-290) (220-290)
Hard 110 110 250 2OO
(100-130) (110-130) (200-290) (160-260)
Breathy 100 105 200 25O
(100-110) (100-110) (190-220) (220-290)
Imaginary H 110 105 210 215
(100-160) (100-155) (190-220) 190-260)
W.~ (bass) SoL 90 115 85 155 100 175
(50-130) (100-135) (70-105) (85-110) (100-210) (150-200)
Hard 130 135 160 90 370 165
(100-150) (115-170) (140-175) (80-105) (335-430) (140-190)
Breathy 90 135 75 90 125 155
(60-120) (115-155) (60-90) (75-90) (100-155) (130-190)
Imaginary H 85 120 70 90 120 145
(70-95) (110-140) (65-80) (75-105) (100-140) (115-165)

From Hirano (7).

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988

68 M. H I R A N O


cricolhyroid 0.1 my cricothyroid 0.1 mV

lateral lateral
c ricoary tenoi d 0.1 mV cricoarytenoid o.1 mV

vocalis 0.3my vocalis 0.3mY

audio audio

1 sec I sec
FIG. 39. From Hirano (7). FIG. 41. From Hirano (7).

and LCA increases rapidly to reach a markedly and not as abrupt as in the hard onset. There is no
high level. The activity decreases abruptly immedi- audible aspiration before the onset.
ately before the voice onset, and then increases to Recently, especially since 1984 when we started
the level during phonation. The voice onset is using s t r o b o f i b e r s c o p i c video in r e s e a r c h of
abrupt. singing, we have noted great contributions of the
In breathy onset (Fig. 41), the activity of CT, supraglottic structures to the vocal mechanism in
LCA, and VOC increases gradually to reach the singing. However, the muscles in the supraglottis,
phonation level. Occasionally, the activity of LCA including the ventricular, aryepiglottic, and thyro-
and VOC shows a temporary weakening during the epiglottis muscles, are too small to be studied elec-
gradual increase. The vocal onset is naturally asso- tromyographically. Furthermore, the supraglottis
ciated with aspiration. receives adjustments from some extrinsic laryngeal
In the imaginary H onset (Fig. 42), the activity of muscles. Therefore, we have not been able to con-
all three muscles increases gradually and reaches duct electromyographic studies on the supraglottic
the maximum level around the vocal onset. The adjustments, yet. We do not have any conclusive
vocal initiation is not as slow as in the soft onset evidence about the supraglottic contributions to the


cricothyroid 0.1 mV cricothyroid 0.1 mV
cricoarytenoid crico ar y t e n o id 0.1 mV
. 0.1 mV

vocal is 0.3my vocalis 0.3 mV

audio audio

1 sec I sec ~---

FIG. 40. From Hirano (7). FIG. 42. From Hirano (7).

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. I, 1988


singing mechanism. However, they seem to be im- useful to make reasonable conjectures about the
portant and merit further research. vocal mechanism in singing.
There are many questions left for future investi-
gations. Close cooperation among different disci-
plines is clearly essential if we are ever to solve the
Finally, we admit that the science is far behind mysteries of the singing voice.
the art. In spite of many investigations conducted
by many researchers throughout the world, our
knowledge of the vocal mechanism in singing is
quite limited. There are two major bottlenecks: lim- 1. Hirano M. Structure of the vocal fold in normal and disease
itation in subjects and limitation in techniques. states. Anatomical and physical studies. A S H A Report
Many singers, quite understandably, are afraid of 2. Hirano M. Phonosurgery. Basic and clinical investigations.
being subjects for physiological studies, a s many Otologia Fukuoka 1975;21:239-442.
physiological studies employ more or less invasive 3. Hirano M. Physiology of Voice and speech. In: Hinoki M.
ed. M o d e r n O t o r h i n o l a r y n g o l o g y . Tokyo: K a n e h a r a
techniques. Shuppan, 1979.
The techniques available are also limited. Even 4. Hirano M: Clinical examination o f Voice. New York:
with the most advanced instrumentation, we are Springer-Verlag, 1981.
5. Hirano M. Regulatory mechanism of voice in singing. (16
not able to obtain directly all the information we mm film) Kurume University, Kurume, 1970.
need. 6. Hirano M, Vennard W, Ohala J. Regulation of register, pitch
Some indirect methods, including studies on an- and intensity of voice. An electromyographic investigation
of intrinsic laryngeal muscles. Folia Phoniat 1970;22:1-20.
imal models, excised larynges, computer simula- 7. Hirano M. Laryngeal adjustment for different vocal onset. J.
tions, and theoretical discussions, are somewhat Otolaryngol Jpn 1971 ;74:1572-9.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988

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