Solomon-Engaging Learning Activities 1

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Solomon-Engaging Learning Activities

Original Activity
● Course Module 4: Giving students/colleagues feedback through Google Drive
● Lesson Activity: After students view teacher modeling feedback through Google Drive
by showing how to use the comment and sharing features, students practice using these
features on their own. They will use teacher-created documents from their respective
content areas.
● Objectives:
○ Learn to use comment feature for quick feedback (highlight text you’re pointing
○ Re-open sharing ability for submitted student work so corrections based on
feedback can be made
● TKES Standards #3: Instructional Strategies and #10: Communication

Examples of TPACK Application

● This activity can easily be achieved and improved under the TPACK model. In the
content knowledge area of TPACK, An update can include having participants create an
activity using Google Drive tools that they would use in their own classrooms. This
requires them to be familiar with creating documents. They must share it with their
colleagues as well as the course instructor. they will then demonstrate their ability to use
the feedback features on Google Drive. for pedagogical content knowledge, The teacher
will model how to use the feedback features. For technological pedagogical knowledge,
the instructor will model by screen sharing using Screencast-O-Matic and demonstrating
how to use these features (for asynchronous learning). This can also be done live on the
Google Meets platform (for synchronous learning). The presentation will be presented on
Nearpod, an interactive web tool that can be used synchronously or asynchronously.

New Learning Activity with TPACK Application

● Web 2.0 Tools: NearPod for the lesson, Google Meet for the class meeting, Screencast-O-
Matic to model comment feature tools
● Instructions: Students will go to Nearpod for the lesson after entering the Google Meet.
The course instructor will model the skills in the lesson, demonstrating feedback features
in a Screencast-O-Matic. This includes highlighting the text and adding a comment and
resharing submitted work with comments. The student will then be tasked with creating
an engaging activity for their classroom students using the Google Drive tools, then share
it with a colleague. The pair will use the comment features modeled by the instructor in
the Nearpod lesson.

Explanation of New Learning Activity after TPACK Application

● What digital tools are available to you?
○ Students have access to the district network for internet, assigned chromebooks,
and access to web tools with district logins (district subscriptions to Google Suite,
Screencast-O-Matic, and Nearpod)
● Which tools do you know well enough to use, and which would be most appropriate for
the lesson at hand?
○ I have used Nearpod and Google Meet many times as a classroom teacher and
Screencast-O-Matic has a familiar, easy to learn format for screen recording. The
most appropriate for this lesson would be Nearpod seeing that not only does it
present the information, it is also interactive and will keep students engaged with
participation and visual models.
● How do your students learn best?
○ My students learn best when guided and when activities are modeled for
understanding of their task.
● What instructional strategies do you need to meet their needs and the requirements of the
lesson plan?
○ I need to provide a clear model of their activities and to provide examples of the
task they must complete.
● How do(es) your chosen technology tools help your students learn best?
○ Students are able to visually see and interact with the content that they need to be
familiar with to meet the objectives of the module.
● In what ways do you think your chosen technology tools will help you effectively deliver
your lessons?
○ These tools will assist in students being able to gain a better understanding of the
objectives by setting up a way for students to practice using the feedback tools
and interact with each other for collaborative support.

Original Activity
● Course Module 5: Is there an easier way to do this? (Shortcuts)
● Lesson Activity: After students view teacher modeling the shortcuts that can be used on
Google Drive and exploring resources on these shortcuts, students practice using these
features on their own. They can note any additional shortcuts they have found from
exploration of Google Drive. Once done, students will write a summary of their findings,
focusing on the following questions:
○ How do these shortcuts assist with ease of navigation?
○ How likely are you to use these shortcuts in application? Why or not will they be
○ Would you be willing to share these shortcuts with colleagues unfamiliar with
google drive? Explain.
● Objectives:
○ Learning link for access without going through district site (
○ Linking documents within a document so that pulling them up is easier
○ Recent tab section to get to items needed for particular lessons, professional
learning, or documentation of teacher standards
● TKES Standards #10: Communication

Examples of TPACK Application

● The TPACK model can be encompassed into this lesson quite easily. Adding web tools
like Flipgrid and Google slides (directly from our content) really helps students interact
with the objectives of the module. This hits the most if not all areas of TPACK. Students
can practice using the tools they are unfamiliar with while using the tools they are
familiar with. They can create an interactive notebook with notes and tasks from this
module and others so that they can ultimately create a portfolio at the end of the course.

New Learning Activity with TPACK Application

● Web 2.0 Tools: Flipgrid, Google Slides, Screencast-O-Matic
● Instructions: Screen record a lesson of your own using at least one of the shortcuts. Then
create an interactive google slide and insert a Flipgrid video summarizing your findings
answering the following questions:
○ How do these shortcuts assist with ease of navigation?
○ How likely are you to use these shortcuts in application? Why or not will they be
○ Would you be willing to share these shortcuts with colleagues unfamiliar with
google drive? Explain.
● This summary should include you demonstrating how you would best use the shortcuts in
your classroom.

Explanation of New Learning Activity after TPACK Application

● What digital tools are available to you?
○ Flipgrid is a free web tool and the district has subscriptions to Google Suites
(which includes Google Slides) and Screencast-O-Matic.
● Which tools do you know well enough to use, and which would be most appropriate for
the lesson at hand?
○ Screencast-O-Matic has a familiar, easy to learn format for screen recording. I
have used Google Slides most of my teaching career. Flidgrid is something I
haven’t used before but is not hard to understand how to use. The most
appropriate for this lesson would be combining Google Slides and Flipgrid. It
makes the assignment more impactful by having the student create based on their
understanding of the concepts in the module.
● How do your students learn best?
○ My students learn best when guided and when activities are modeled for
understanding of their task.
● What instructional strategies do you need to meet their needs and the requirements of the
lesson plan?
○ To meet the needs of my students, I need to provide modeling of google shortcuts
and creating Flipgrid videos to insert into a Google Slide through a Google Meet
or screen recording. I also need to provide a rubric for the summary they must
● How do(es) your chosen technology tools help your students learn best?
○ Students can demonstrate how they understand the concepts of the module.
● In what ways do you think your chosen technology tools will help you effectively deliver
your lessons?
○ These technology tools will help by allowing students to really interact with
Google Drive (with a focus on shortcuts) and demonstrate their level of
understanding of the module objectives.

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