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AC1.1 Explain the purpose of resources in learning and teaching..............................................2

AC1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources from own specialist area in meeting
individual learning needs.............................................................................................................3

AC2.1. Analyse principles of resource design.............................................................................3

AC2.2 Evaluate sources that inform resource development in own specialist area....................4

AC2.3 Analyse how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be
used to inform resource development in own specialist area......................................................5

AC2.4 Analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in
own specialist area.......................................................................................................................7

AC2.5 Design resources, including those that involve new and emerging technologies, to
engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area....................................8

AC2.6 Employ resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist

AC3.1 Explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored......................................10

AC3.2 Review ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals............................11

AC4.1 Review legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of

AC4.2 Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the
development and use of resources.............................................................................................12

AC5.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of own design and use of resources to engage and meet the
individual needs of learners in own specialist area...................................................................13

AC5.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to development and use
of resources in their own specialist area....................................................................................14
AC5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in development and use of resources in own
specialist area.............................................................................................................................15



Figure 1: Bloom's taxonomy............................................................................................................6

Figure 2: Cognitive development model.........................................................................................7
Teaching is the most significant set of activities which contribute to developing knowledge
foundation as well as shaping the attitude and developing values within the individual. Effective
teaching practices are substantial in emerging knowledge level and high cognition within a
person. The compelling teaching practices involve adequate resources, appropriate curriculum
designs, technology inclusiveness, practical methodologies and legalities of using resources. As a
newly specialist teacher, the below report will demonstrate the effective use of learning and
teaching resources during personal teaching practices at the time of teacher training.

The current report is based on sharing the learning and teaching experience with the newly
qualified specialist teacher. The report is based understanding the effective use of teaching and
learning resources that generally helps in teacher training. Generally there are different sources
available that shapes teacher to learn new activities and adopt different resources for personal
development. The report would share the necessary experience with observing new role as the
teacher and that could help in developing further learning. Report would explore different
resources that include latest technologies, video and audio visual methods, networking subject
specialist and individual learners. Therefore, the learning and teaching resources would be
effective for teachers to provide relevant environment of learning to the students.


AC1.1 Explain the purpose of resources in learning and teaching

Resources play a vital role in accomplishing the entire learning process throughout the life of a
person. These play a significant role in performing teaching practices as well as learning
processes. These resources can be books, videos, textbooks, radio programmes, lectures, novels,
animations etc.

Purpose of resources in teaching

The resources assist the teacher in sharing knowledge and different perceptions of the learning
models and theories to provide a vast level of information to the learner. These help teacher to
understand and identify the knowledge level of the pupils so that the extent of data can be shared
with the learners. The teacher provides varieties of resources to the varied students based on the
level of knowledge and willingness to perform learning (Kui-Ling and Zainal, 2020).

The resources act as additional support provided to learners for developing understanding and
competencies in specialists learning areas. Resources help teachers to make classroom planning
to decide what information needs to be shared with the students. Several resources help in
developing notes which are of high significance in elevating knowledge standards. Teachers can
also improve their knowledge level by performing information reading through different
resources to communicate the applications of the particular subject related models considering
situational context to provide in-depth knowledge about the related subject.

Purpose of resources in learning

Attending classroom sessions are not only enough for the pupils to retain and elevate the
knowledge level. The explanations which are not cleared in the classroom can be covered by the
learners using additional resources. The resources serve the purpose of providing in-depth
information about the subject topic (Siddikova, 2019). Resources are effective in increasing the
focus of the teachers as well as learners to develop and communicate knowledge. The primary
purposes of the resources are also to actively engage the learners and teachers in learning activity
as the information provided by the resources are and developing learning skills and achieving

AC1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources from own specialist area in meeting
individual learning needs
Several teaching resources are used by me to perform teaching practices. It is essential to meet
the learning needs of every individual. For this, I use varieties of resources to elevate to attain
participation of every learner with through my teaching practices. These resources are mainly
PowerPoint presentations, textbooks, handouts, worksheets and whiteboards. The resources are
used to enable the learners to perform learning effectively so that the purpose of learning and
teachings can be accomplished wisely (Harrison, 2020). I often use whiteboards to increase
the level of interaction with the students in the classroom. The attributes of the whiteboards help
in catching the attention of the learners.

Textbooks are one of the significant resources to communicate the learners about the topic to be
covered in the classroom for teaching a particular chapter. Textbooks provide direction about the
extent of information to be communicated by me as per the level of understanding and
knowledge perceived by the educational authorities in designing subjects (Navarro, 2016). I
often use Powerpoint presentation as the most robust resources. The PPT technique is used by
me at the time of crucial information, the effective slide presentations, including images and
diagrams, are useful in memorising the important points covered in the classroom. The technique
helps draw the attention of the learners.

The worksheets are also provided to learners for evaluating the learners about whether they have
understood the topics covered in the teaching sessions or not (Yafeng, 2017). This act as my
performance outcomes by determining the level of interaction and understanding of the students
about the topics taught to them. Handouts are provided by me to enable the learners to revise the
subject contents to be covered in the class sessions so that the pupils become ready for the next
sessions. My peer groups and external examiners also provide me with the feedback on my
teaching ways and selecting appropriate resource material so that I can work upon improving my
teaching capabilities to fulfil the motive of performing effective teaching practices.

AC2.1. Analyse principles of resource design

Resource designing is the essential process which a teacher has to perform for accomplishing
effective learning outcomes. When I develop resources for my specialised area, I make sure that
the resources should be purposefully fit for all type of learners. For instance, the handouts

provided by me, consisting of a high level of information represented in easy languages with
specific and relevant information to avoid any barrier in understanding the subject topics. I
incorporate creativity in teaching practices so that the learners find it easy to memorise the points
and will keep in mind the shared information forever at the time of practical performances.

It is essential to perform a demonstration of the relevancies of theoretical knowledge with the

practical world (Yafeng, 2017). Therefore, I use PowerPoint presentation and relevant
youtube videos to align the theoretical knowledge with the real world to develop interest and
focus within the learners. I also ensure that my teaching practices should be linked with
resources designs to retain the effectiveness of the resources and to establish proper alignments
of the topics mentioned in the resource material that is covered in the classroom sessions.

The resources are designed by me based on the identification of the learners' behaviour to
improve the reliability and validity of the teaching practices followed by me. I ensure to fulfil my
learners' needs by incorporating the latest information and current contents that are highly
coherent and relevant in Kinaesthetic, auditory and visual learning style followed by my learners.
I perform Simple measure of gobbledygook that is SMOG test before providing resources to the
learners, which help in determining the readability level of the designed material resources. The
resources should be designed cost-effectively for accessing easily and providing to all learners
(Ko and Rossen, 2017). My resource materials are highly cost-effective and having high qualities
consisting of relevant and standardize information that assists in elevating the effectiveness of

AC2.2 Evaluate sources that inform resource development in own specialist area
It is very critical to perform an evaluation of the resource developments done by the specialised
teachers. There are various sources which help in informing the development of the resources.
These resources are categorised into two types. These are formal sources and informal sources.

Formal sources

Guidance and advises form the successful organisation and awarding bodies, online reviews,
subject journals, commercial and industrial bodies are the several formal sources. When I
perform teaching practices in developing resources, I also perform communication with the
professional bodies and awarding institutions and organisations to check and evaluate whether I

am performing standardize approach in assessing the resources developed for enabling effective
learning techniques. I also ensure that the resources I am using are absolutely under the policies
and ethical code of conduct. I perform a formal evaluation to ensure the standardising
development of resources material under the provided guidance to enable learners to attain the
appropriate specialised qualification (Leporati, 2019).

Various subject journals and textbooks allow me to perform research while designing resources
for learners. The journals also show me clear direction in implementing designing practices so
that I can develop useful resources which are of high valued for the learners to accomplish
learning objectives. Online reviews also come under the formal resources in evaluating the
designs of the resource materials. Formal forums and blogging websites allow me to review the
effectiveness of the resources (Riley-Tillman, 2020). I also attend various sessions and
seminars to elevate my skills in developing resources for improving teaching aids to be used in
sharing and communicating information.

Informal sources

I also perform an indirect way of improving resource development activity. Observation

technique is one of the best informal practices which help in gaining knowledge about how my
excellent peer groups are considering performing resource developments (Harrison, 2020). I
carefully observe and listens to the discussions helps in the staff rooms and meeting conferences
to obtain effective ideas to be kept in kind while designing resources for the learners. I also refer
to the past resource designs developed in my specialist area and modify them as per my
suitability and keen observation performed on the learners' traits. It is also useful to reinforce and
improve the essential research skill in my learners; for this, I use study centre or library provision
to support them to perform learning in a friendly environment.

AC2.3 Analyse how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used
to inform resource development in own specialist area
There are various theories and models stated by many research scholars, assists in developing
effective curriculum designs. Understanding the needs of the learners is the first and foremost
step in designing curriculum. For this, I follow Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to

understand the behavioural needs of the learners. Maslow’s motivation theory helps in
identifying the learners for developing useful resources.

The five levels of needs of the learners initiate basic form need stating the classroom
environment; the safety needs are associated with the resources needs to perform learning
practices and attainment of classroom sessions. The third level of the requirements related
learning with the co-learners and flexibility of asking questions and confusion freely in the class
(Hendriani, 2017). The esteem needs are associated with improving the classroom performance
by recognising the strengths of improving knowledge level. The last level refers to identifying
the factors creating zeal to keep enhancing knowledge and developing self-motivation to enjoy
learning practices.

Benjamin Bloom stated divisions of learning known as taxonomy. He associated this taxonomy
with three major domains. These are affective, psychomotor and cognitive learning. He also
stated levels for improving competencies of learners. These stages are remembered, understand,
apply, analyze, evaluate and create (Darwazeh and Branch, 2018). I primarily follow Bloom’s
taxonomy in developing resources. The theory helps in making groups of the learners based on
the significant abilities and needs to create specific curriculums to motivate them to participate in
the class actively. I can develop several ways by determining the varied needs and capabilities to
designs the lecture plans and question formats to be discussed and mostly emphasized in the
class session.

Figure 1: Bloom's taxonomy

(Source: author)

I also incorporate Jean Piaget’s cognitive development model for designing curriculum. The
three essential components of the model is a schema, adaptation process and cognitive
development stages (Ribeiro Piske, 2017). The resources are developed, enabling the
researcher to perform assimilations or overcome challenges and identify them based on the

schema and also perform significant improvements for the changing situations to attain an
equilibrium, as shown in the figure:

Figure 2: Cognitive development model

(Source: Saul McLeod, 2018)

I also perform Kolb's learning cycle for developing curriculums. The cycle enabled me to
undergo four relevant stages, namely, concrete experience, reflective observations, abstract
conceptualisations and active experimentations (Watson, 2019). The cycle continually
assists me in improving my effectiveness in designing curriculums for the learners to get actively
engaged in the learning processes. As discussed previously, I follow the principle of purposely
fit, meeting awarding organisational standards, coherent designs of the resources and
curriculums to encourage the learners and improving their learning capacities by making overall
learning experiences enjoyable and enthusiastic.

AC2.4 Analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own
specialist area
I develop resource materials covering the needs of all my learners. Technology is very helpful in
developing resources as it is the most attractive way of engaging the learners to perform improve
and attain systematic learning approaches. Effective and suitable resources ensure the academic
progress of the learners, which also develop a level of confidence in them to become a skilled
professional and perform effectively in their careers (Manfrin, 2020). I also take care of the
learners who are incapable or visually impaired to read the handouts. For this, I adopt specific

changes by modifying the colour of papers and increases font size to support them to perform
independent learning.

Diversity is the most common feature in my classroom. The learners coming from different
backgrounds together attend classes. Therefore while making PowerPoint presentations, I do not
perform focusing on the culture of particular communities. I keep on modifying and altering the
images to communicate the values of every religion and communities by ensuring to retain
equality environment in the classroom settings. I often use online learning platform such as VLE.
VLE stands for the virtual learning environment. The platform assists me in providing
information about the learners. It also helps in knowing the problems facing by various learners
to provide them with great assistances (Ko and Rossen, 2017). I perform data security laws
abided by the copyright and patent norms to perform, uploading the several resource materials
for the learners.

AC2.5 Design resources, including those that involve new and emerging technologies, to engage
and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area
There are different types of technologies that is being used by teacher in meeting the leaner
needs and also that is being effective in self development. For example, teacher can take
advantage of the online courses that are being uploaded on You Tube and that learning could be
further shared with further students (Anderson, 2016). Also the educational institute organise
different educational programme that are helpful for the teachers to empower their learning.
Educational institute generally provided free access to the teacher to learn from the website. Also
through that open access is being provided so that teachers can learn anytime and share their
learning with the students.

Further, internet resources are the open form of communication that leads to develop necessary
knowledge and skills and is open in the form of course material, videos, articles, etc. Such
learning platforms provide immense support to the teachers to strengthen their skills. Internet is
one of the major providers that lead to engage with the students and create interest level of
students in learning (Groff, 2013). Teachers can coordinate with the subject specialist of which
learning is required to be developed. Thus, communication and studying through the help of
technologies would be interesting and individual needs of the learners could be effectively met.

Thus, for improving the areas of public speaking, Virtual learning courses can be adopted that
help in practising the areas of learning and providing necessary skills to the students.

With emergence of technologies, education sector is being majorly benefited and that is
relevantly replacing the tools for communication. For example teachers are also benefiting with
the use of presentation, projectors and virtual learning platform that helps in targeting the
customers. For example, computers, TVs and projectors can be used as effective platform for
displaying videos and images that helps in enhancing the importance of education and subject
matter in the near future (Vinogradova 2016). For example, many of the institutions are
shifting towards using Tablets and IPads that contains learning and teaching by watching videos
and students could learn through the visual practices.

The learning in the organisation can be improved with the virtual learning platform where guide
towards the learning platform is being enhanced. The learning from the technological sources is
the part for personal development and that would lead to meet with the learning of the learner.

AC2.6 Employ resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist
Resources that include both digital and physical materials are of greater help because it shapes
the learning and teaching both. For being the specialist teacher before it is necessary for being
clear in both theoretical and practical knowledge. There are variety of resources that can be used
as the teacher for empowering the skills development and learning. There are different resources
that can be further utilised for the purpose of teaching (Pacansky-Brock, 2013).

For example, power point is one of the attractive platforms that is attractive and contains both
video and audio messages. Thus, presentations can be made on the particular subject matter and
slide presentation can give to students for enhancing the interesting theoretical knowledge.
Presentation can help to display the relevant images and diagrams that is attractive and also
might create interest for the students to participate in the learning process.

I also us Textbooks that helps in communicating theoretically about any subject matter of
particular topic. This provides direction for the learners to develop understanding about the
particular chapter and different subject knowledge could be given easily (Conde 2014). But
as compared to the use of presentation that is one of the digital forms this is ineffective and

students might not develop understanding with such method. But with such method huge content
is available for teaching and huge knowledge can be gained by students with such platform.

Another source available for teaching also includes the relevance of worksheets that helps to
maintain if the topic is being covered in the teaching sessions or not. This is one of the effective
forms of interactive method that I feel comfortable to use and understanding can be effectively
observed by the teacher in the particular aspects of learning and subject. As explored in the
section of 2.1, handouts are also the effective mode of learning and with the students could be
effectively responsible for class sessions. I would also take relevant feedback from my peers and
also try to improve my learning so that I would be able to improve my learning in taking next

Thus, all the resources explored are interesting and would help me in enhancing personal
learning and also help in providing the best of learning to the students. Thus, with the relevant
sources I would be able to improve my teaching practice and would be able to meet with the
efforts of the learners.

AC3.1 Explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored

Information classification refers to as categorising and sorting of the data into various categories,
types and distinguished groups. Classifying information or data enables data separation based on
a set of requirements for personal or varied business objectives. The process mainly follows
information managing approaches.

Teachers need to manage the information resources in a systematic order to ensure convenient
retrievals and accessibility of the data for the learners. The resources and information folders are
systematically arranged in the alphabetical orders in my computer folders. Proper names and
folders headings are allocated to every resource for recalling and relocating the folders at the
time of needs (Leporati, 2019). I also use file dividers for maintaining hard copies of the
session modules based on weekly teaching session plans. I also use Microsoft office tools for
maintaining databases. The software packages help in dividing and categorising the documents
for each class and sessions that are covered and yet to be cover in the teaching sessions. The
software also helps in separating the folders of each module to avoid any confusion and for
bringing clarity.

I mainly use varied file formats for developing resources. These are PDF, JPG, MP4, TIFF, PPT,
Doc and GIF (Benyei, 2020). I keep the proper storage of my resources. I maintain backups
of my resources as well as referred materials to perform future references. I store my data using
floppy discs and Google drives. I also use USB for storing the soft copies. For hard resources or
print materials, I keep them safe in my allotted locker, ensuring that no other can operate it to
avoid the chance of misplacing.

AC3.2 Review ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals

Teaching resources are considered as an essential tool to perform teaching practices. Developing
resources require a lot of time and costs; therefore, connecting learning professionals using
technology enables them to develop and utilise resources easily. Sharing teaching materials and
resources help mitigate the standard teaching practices as well as elevating the teaching
capabilities (Shirado, 2019). In teaching practices, my colleagues and I share the resources
via common platforms. The intranet system enables me to access the created resources developed
by the other member of creating resources for enabling others to access resources developed by
me. The resources include teaching materials, handouts and presentations. The platforms also
enable the teachers and learners to commonly share ideas via online medium. I also access the
VLE platform, such as Moodle to allow learners to perform interaction outside the classroom to
enable discussions and idea-sharing to enhance learning levels. Below are the other ways with
which the resources can be shared with other learning professionals:

 Online file sharing allows me to share and transfer files using Dropbox, emails and
YouTube. I mainly use emails to receive and share files to facilitate immediate feedback.
 VLE and LAN are the most commonly used sharing platform. The professionals share
resources using LAN and VLE to share the resources at the commonplace or within an
 Various social networking sites such as Facebook, youtube and twitters allow me to cater
to educational videos for the learners. It also helps me in uploading videos for improving
knowledge of my learners.
 There are so many publishing houses and educational authorities which publish journals
to share the resources developed by me. Many research papers and journals are published
to allow readers to review papers and research for improving the knowledge level.

 TES, formerly known as Blendspace, is also one of the emerging platforms for the
teachers to share the resources and to develop lesson plans for improving teaching

AC4.1 Review legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of
Resource development requires meeting legal responsibilities and requirements. Teachers
develop resources to improve teaching and learning practices. I develop resources for fulfilling
the learning needs of the learners. It is also essential for the teachers to protect the content
developed from the risk of copying or intellectual thefts. The teacher should ensure the legalities
to preserve the interest of developed resources. The resource performance of an individual can be
preserved and controlled by him to decide several ways with which usage of resources can be

As per the copyrights act of UK, 1988, the intellectual property is described as protecting
dramatic, literary, artistic, books and films work from other users. The person who wants to
access the resources needs to take permission for the copyrighted work performed by the teacher
(Ali, 2019). The University of Oxford has also formulated plagiarism law for protecting the
ideas stated in the teaching resources developed by the teacher. Any professional cannot access
the ideas developed by the specific teachers without consent. Reckless or intentional plagiarism
comes under the disciplinary offence committed against the resource developer.

Under the patent act formulated by the UK government, copying restrictions are also imposed for
professional applying or copying the university and school media. The stated legal regulations
help preserve the rights of writers or resource developer. Infringement or breaking of these laws
performs legal proceedings against lawbreakers. These rights are very effective in developing
motivation among teaching professionals to develop theories and perform research to retain the
interests of contributing to the entire educational field with the performed study.

AC4.2 Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the
development and use of resources
The teachers should act ethically in performing research and develop material using secondary
resources by protecting and respecting the work done by others. It is the responsibility of learners

and teachers to follow the copyrights laws and norms of intellectual property (Osler and Starkey,
2017). The owners of the resource development or authors of the journals are always cited by me
in developing resources. When I develop information in the resource materials using audio or
visual books, images and numerical data, I always support my information evidencing the
appropriate and ethical references. I always take consent of the owner of the work to use ideas
and theories developed by him for referring to the present work.

Many institutional organisations are also abided by these regulations. These educational
institutions and publication houses are responsible for protecting the work performed by the
authors (Zawacki-Richter, 2020). The person cannot claim on the others work as his own
work as it is a case of plagiarism which is totally unaccepted. I always communicate with my
learners to maintain the work originality. It helps in ensuring them to obey rules and regulations
formulated by the UK government. I instruct my learners to properly cite the work done by them
to avoid any legal complexities. The learners are also carefully instructed to not share the
prohibited work to retain effectiveness.

AC5.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of own design and use of resources to engage and meet the
individual needs of learners in own specialist area
The resources are being relevantly chosen as it is being used for meeting with the needs of the
learners. The resources help teachers to use the support material of the medium through which
learning experience could be improved. With the overall analysis, it could be planned that
technological resources are better utilised because it is easy and convenient for of providing the
learning. The student can be attracted towards using the right use of technology and learn with
the greater interest thus it could be creating the positive place for learning and positive
environment could be created. Being a teacher, it is necessary to be well trained so that if any of
the question is being raised by the students it could be effectively accomplished.

Being the effective communicator as the teacher is very important that act as the best role model
for demonstrating the relevant speaking skills. I need to be confident about speaking and
teaching about any of the suitable topic. Being a teacher is very challenging because it is
necessary for attracting students and engaging them in learning. The students mainly in the
educational institutions are attracted towards entertainment and visual activities. Thus, it is
necessary to use the best of digital technology can act as part of engaging the learning of the

students. It is relevant for the teachers to apply the relevant technology so that theoretical
learning and both practical learning can be given accordingly. It can be also effective to use the
textbooks because it is also necessary for the students to learn about the scientific terms and that
act as the part of theoretical knowledge for the students. The resources that are explored in the
above section are relevant for improving the teaching practice. I would be effective to use of
right technology and learning could be engaged by improving the experiences of the students.

AC5.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to development and use of
resources in their own specialist area
In relation with the use of resources it is necessary to analyse the personal strengths and
weakness that can be more effective to analyse which areas needs development.


I have key strengths of being an effective communicator that would help in improving the
engagement of the learners and also enhance the attention of the students. I have been relevant to
read books, read online articles and learn from many textbooks that help me in providing the
relevant practical knowledge. I have the quality of taking initiative towards learning something
new and also I have the open minded thinking of asking question freely and interacting with the
students. Public speaking and providing the learning to other individuals have always remained
by personal life choice that would help me in being a successful teacher. With improvement in
learning, I would also be able to improve my learning and would be able to provide learning to
higher sections.

Areas of improvement:

I need to develop effective understanding and learning about the practical learning. I need to
improve my skills and knowledge with utilising the best of technology. This would help me in
enhancing the engagement of the learners and using the technology for both personal and
professional development. I have also not ever learnt from online classes that have helped me in
strengthening my knowledge and I need to adopt the approach of online learning so that I would
be able to provide better learning to the students. I would adopt relevant courses and
opportunities so that new learning could be provided to the learners.

AC5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in development and use of resources in own
specialist area
With the above areas of development, I think that I am not professional towards being an
effective teacher. With this, I need to bring change in my skills that are related to improving my
engagement with the students. There are potential areas for development for being an effective
teacher. I would like to participate in different workshops and campaigns so that the subject
theoretical and practical learning could be effectively improved. I would also search for relevant
online website for having engagement with new things and that could improve my personal
learning. I would be effective for using the relevant technologies that would add effectiveness to
enhance my teaching experience.

With respect to this, I would take relevant advantage of using the Internet sources and necessary
VLE materials that would help to bring change in my learning. Technology acts as the part of
directly attracting the emotions of the people that help in learning from the visual formats
(Kirkwood and Price, 2013). The basis motives with the growing of technology would enhance
the scope of learning in the education sector. Parents with observing the attractive form of
learning in the education sector would effectively spend on the education of their children.
Technology and its usage would lead to save cost and external source of learning is effective to
improve my communication. I need to effectively take help of my peers and other support of my
VLE sources that can lead to bring the change in the way of teaching (Pacansky-Brock, 2013. ).

The resources are being explored in the above sections are of greater help and support because it
is provided the base and support to improve my learning and teaching. In today’s environment
education sector needs simple and effective improvement and also technological factors would
lead to optimise the cost and with that relevant practice could be towards bringing improvement
in the process of learning (Herrington and Parker, 2013).

The overall report concludes that all the chosen resources are one of the important for the
teachers to use relevantly so that learners need could be fulfilled. With the help of resources, the
teachers get the support in achieving outcomes and that helps in achieving the future goals. The
use of specialist resources is important to be one of the greatest teacher and students would also
be able to effectively learn. Thus, report concludes that for being the effective teacher it is
necessary to be one of the greatest learners so that personal learning is also development and
objective of teacher could also be fulfilled. The report concludes that with growing technologies
it is necessary for utilising the best of technology and that would help in enhancing the
engagement with the learners. The learning can be engaged in the education sector because it is
the part of giving and sharing learning to the different individual.

The learning that is being personally developed would help in relevant development of the skills
and knowledge. The learning can be applied to improve the experience of students in any of the
educational institution and also I would be able to develop greater confidence in providing the
best of teaching that is enabling students to learn effectively.

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