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Proposal Topic Evaluating the role played by data management in

easing client handling for telemarketing
Module Title Business and Management Dissertation
Part 3 (3000 words)

Module Code (listed on  

Moodle and in LTAFP) QAB020X602S & QAB020X604H

Module Convenor

Seminar Tutor  
Academic Declaration:
Students are reminded that the electronic copy of their essay may be checked, at any point
during their degree, with Turnitin or other plagiarism detection software for plagiarised material.

Word Count 02/05/2020
2740 words Submitted
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................1


Research aims and objectives......................................................................................................1

Research questions.......................................................................................................................2

Justification and contextualization..............................................................................................3

Chapter 2: Literature review............................................................................................................5

Chapter 3: Methodology................................................................................................................11

Research method........................................................................................................................11

Research approach.....................................................................................................................11

Research design.........................................................................................................................12

Data collection...........................................................................................................................12

Data analysis..............................................................................................................................14

Ethical considerations................................................................................................................14

Research limitations...................................................................................................................15

Chapter 4: Data analysis................................................................................................................16


Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations..............................................................................31


Chapter 1: Introduction

The purpose behind the data collection and management is to achieve accuracy and reliability in
the decision-making. Entrepreneurs also need to need about the customers and market situations
to determine the possible demands and opportunities. Telemarketing is a context of marketing in
which the organisation or individual uses the phone, web conferencing or direct face to face
interaction with the customers to sell products and services. In a comparison of modern
marketing practices, the technique of marketing seems older and outdated, but it has values to
start a new business. The main advantage of the telemarketing entrepreneurship is that it is cost-
effective and provides an effective understanding with the customers and the market situations
(Moro et al., 2014). It enhances the market intelligence and increases the brand and product
awareness to the customers. It also improves customer relationships and helps to clear the
product lines. However, the entire processing of the telemarketing has the significance of data

The presented dissertation mainly focuses on the importance of data management to achieve the
goals and objectives associated with telemarketing entrepreneurship. The presented dissertation
provides a concise introduction about the topic, including the research questions and aims and
objectives. Further, it makes use of secondary sources to determine the theoretical background
and research focus. The dissertation also includes justification and contextualization section,
which is significant to generate the results and recommendations on the research. Besides it,
there is a discussion of the methodology being used on the topic to generate the desired

Research aims and objectives

The research aims to examine the role of data management in customer handling in
telemarketing entrepreneurship. The research further aims to identify the benefits and limitations
of the data management practices in the telemarketing to reach the business goals. The research
has the following major objectives:

 To examine the concept of telemarketing in comparison to traditional marketing practices

 To understand the role of the data management for business and customers during
customer and business relationship.
 To understand the potential implications of the ethics and legal practices on data
management to ensure smooth operations.

Research questions
The literature on the topic indicates that data management improves customer experience and
enhances the organisational responses to the customers. It is also significant to achieve analytical
support in the decision-making. The use of the information systems is also leading effective data
management within the business functions. Effective organisations of the operations and
handling of the customers are possible with data management (Eletter et al., 2019). However, it
depends on the business and entrepreneur how the data is being processed. For instance, the
database can contain the information such as customer name, location, mode of communication,
expectations of the customers, status to contact again or not, length of communication and status
of purchase etc. The first view of such data has no significant advantage to the business.

Still, there is a need for in-depth analysis to understand the business capabilities and customer
influences on the business (Suman et al., 2012). For instance, a large of short-duration calls and
interactions define the weakness of the marketing function to attract and engage the customers.
In contrast, lengthy calls and no purchase can help to understand the mismatch with customer
expectations, clarity issues in marketing and other aspects associated with customers.

The research questions are designed to ensure the systematic exploration of the topic with the
inclusion of the applicable dimensions and factors. Following are major research questions:

 What is telemarketing entrepreneurship?

 How is telemarketing different from other marketing practices, and what is potential
advantages and limitations?
 What is the significance of data management in telemarketing entrepreneurship?
 What are possible ethical and legal implications during data management to ensure
customer handling?

Justification and contextualization
From the literature review, it is determined that data management can guide the business for
effective client handling in telemarketing. Still, the main concern is to manage secure and
reliable information. Also, it is determined that data management needs effective data analysis
also to support telemarketing practices. The presented research has values to identify the role of
data management specific to client management. The research determines what type of data the
organisation can collect and how the processing of data can help to reduce complexities to
increase sales (Palaniappan et al., 2017). The research is important as it guides the businesses
and individuals to make proper utilisation of the available information to understand the market
and competition. It can help the organisations to understand the changes in the structure and
demands of the products and services and so that the suitable changes are easy to integrate into
strategic practices. It not only reduces the cost but also increases the focus on the target customer

The customer market is being diversified due to the introduction of new products and services.
Therefore, the market is considering the price, quality and availability as the major factors to go
for a product. In increasing competition, the organisations are seeking for alternative approaches
that can help them to reach the customers effectively. In such contexts, telemarketing is helping
them to interact directly with the customers and understand their expectations and perceptions
for the businesses. However, the effective reach to the customers with their engagement in the
purchase and business is crucial to achieve. Therefore, the organisations need to understand why
data management has a significant role and how the data management practices can help to
achieve the intended goals (Eletter et al., 2019). It is important to identify the role of data
management in telemarketing entrepreneurship because it can generate valuable support in
business decision-making and can optimise the business structure and operations to serve the
clients effectively. Further, it can leverage the financial and other advantages to the businesses.

Existing research shows that telemarketing has cost-effectiveness, easy implementation and
direct interactions with customers. Still, it is not practical to reach the millions of the customers
away physically from the business location. Also, the research shows that the use of technology,
including social media, websites chats, emails and other services, are connecting the business
with the customers. It is further reducing the cost of marketing, customer interaction and

engagement, and collecting valuable data for the businesses. Therefore, the present context has
diversified scope and risks on the telemarketing approach (Babu and Reddy, 2015). The evidence
from the research shows that telemarketing has still significance when the organisations are
using words-of-mouth and other techniques to increase the awareness of the products and
services. However, it is significant to keep in touch with customers and understand their
expectations. The data analysis of data management is critically important to generate
competitive advantages from the practices.

The presented study has utilised the available sources to generate data about the topic. The
research has used authentic sources to understand and analyse the role of data management in
client handling in telemarketing entrepreneurship. The research also uses evidence to support the
advantages of data management with consideration of the potential barriers and risks.

The existing need of the research is to improve the outcome of the telemarketing practices and
enhance the entrepreneurship values. The dissertation is on time as it makes use of the research
methodologies and techniques. The dissertation uses the Gantt chart, meeting notes and other
techniques to divide the dissertation work into manageable and small activities so that the overall
quality and performance is easy to check along with the integration of the changes effectively
within the process (Thamizhchelvan, 2012). The timely outcomes are significant to support the
decisions and help to generate the desired support on the existing work. The existing needs in the
fields are to ensure optimum use of the data during decision-making and enhance the potential
outcomes. The dissertation delivers such outcomes, and it is possible through the use of the
authenticated and well-examined sources.

Chapter 2: Literature review
The presented section is a literature review, including the key sources of the information. The
main purpose of the literature review is to understand the subject in-depth through the study of
the existing literature sources such as books, journals and authorised magazines. It helps to
understand the gap between current literature and the objectives of the research being conducted.

Telemarketing entrepreneurship

According to Thamizhchelvan(2012), telemarketing is a method to make direct sales. The

salesperson or the business owner can make calls, video conferences or face to face direct
interactions with the customers to sell the products, deliver the information or to introduce the
business. Telemarketing entrepreneurship means to the practices to use telemarketing to increase
the sales, attract the customers and generate the revenue to lead the existence of then start-up.
The organisations also can accomplish the telemarketing for other businesses, but the core
concept of the practices is to interact with customers to engage them in business practices

According to Adya Hermawati (2019), telemarketing is referred to as identifying,

contacting, qualifying and converting the prospective consumers into the organisational
customers through any kind of digital medium. It is different from traditional marketing concept
of direct mailing. It is performed on the mechanism of performing two or more calls to make
more customers or to perform follow up for retaining them within the organisation. It is
performed on both businesses to consumers as well as business to business levels. When the
telemarketing is performed directly on the consumers, then it can be said that the organisation is
performing direct sales to maximise the level of profits. B2B telemarketing is designed to
discover fresh opportunities and leads through candid conversation.

As per Bizhanova (2019), telemarketing entrepreneurship is an attractive marketing

phenomenon for the entrepreneurs to perform marketing activities from convenient places and at
very low costs. Telemarketing involves inbound and outbound marketing concepts. An
entrepreneur who is engaged in receiving calls from the customers to provide information about
the new products or service offerings is called as an inbound telemarketer. On the other side,

when a marketer calls the potential customers to attract them for maximising sales volume is
known as an outbound telemarketer. The marketer needs to manage and gather data for making
outbound Tele-calls as compare to perform inbound telemarketing activities. Without data, the
telemarketer cannot approach to the potential customers as well as sales leads to perform direct
selling of the organisational offerings.

Telemarketing and other marketing practices

According to Luga (2018), telemarketing is different from several other marketing practices,
such as mass media marketing and digital marketing. The mass media marketing techniques such
as advertising campaigns print media marketing, and promotional activities do not involve direct
communication with the consumers. Telemarketing allows the consumers to freely ask the
queries and confusion regarding the portfolio offerings as compared to the direct mailing
approach. The concept of telemarketing involves direct interaction with the consumers one by
one. It is the most compelling approach to focus on potential consumers for turning them into
loyal customers. Telemarketing entrepreneurs assist the organisation in generating high sales
leads and potential buyers by immediately resolving the doubts and developing interests’ level in
them towards the organisational offerings. 

According to Viloria (2019), various benefits, as well as disadvantages, are associated with
telemarketing. The main advantage of performing telemarketing is to promote business which
enables to immediately gauge interests of the consumers in the organisational products or
services. It helps create rapport with potential consumers. Effective telemarketing activities
contribute to developing sales territory by enabling interaction with distant consumers. It not
only involves focusing on making new customers but also retaining the existing ones by
performing regular follow-ups to know about the actual performances of the products and
services. It makes the organisation improve the product features as well as service designs by
obtaining the ideas and valuable suggestions from loyal customers. Effectively organized
telemarketing is not only crucial in accelerating sales growth but also a significant process to
assess varied technological tools to improve and optimize relationships with the customers. 

As per SHOVER (2017), telemarketing also includes some disadvantages. The
telemarketing activity becomes resented when the calls are not made within the appropriate time.

It is very complex to understand the right time of performing an interaction. It is also impossible
to determine the mood of the person to make a call and creating an effective impression. The
organisation may get massive data from the providers that become hefty for the marketer to
identify and classify the targeted segments. Poor communication and behavioural skills also may
create a poor image of the organisation through telemarketing. It is essential to overcome the
limitations for drawing out the significant usage of the telemarketing concept. Therefore the
business organisation should provide proper training to the telemarketing employees to perform
quality interaction with the consumers. Effective conversations can develop the interest of the
consumers; therefore, the telemarketer should develop effective behavioural and linguistic
capabilities to earn the trust of the customers for multiplying organisational sales. 

Importance of data management

According to Asare-Frempong and Jayabalan,(2017), telemarketing is not only a practice to

contact with customers, schedule appointments and sell the product or services. It also includes
the collection and management of the data to help the business in decision-making.
Telemarketing needs data management practices because it helps to achieve effective
understanding with customer marketing, including their purchasing behaviour, interest with
product or service and competition with other businesses. Most of the businesses are using
digital solutions such as customer relationship management, and other marketing tools but data is
at the core to support the strengths of the practices.

Data management is important to identify potential customers. According to Tekouabou et al.

(2019), the organisations can collect and manage the data and then analysis of the data can help
to determine the potential customers. It can help the organisation to render the practices and
reach directly to the potential customers. The overall efforts and cost for the telemarketing with
data management is comparatively low. Data also help the organisation to stratify the strategies
and can define the strategies that are more suitable and favourable in the particular customer
market. For instance, calls are good to reach customer market where customers are aware of
technology and selling process is also oriented to the online mechanism.

According to Yi et al. (2012), it is not preferred when product introduction and description is too
long to justify over calls. It is also not preferred if the product or service needs direct interaction

to encourage the customers for instant services. Therefore, such cases can use the data to identify
the need for door visits and other campaigns.

Data management is important to set goals as the study of the average telesales time and
strengths are significant set new goals for the products. According to Luke (2015), the data is
useful to define the products and services according to the demands and expectations of the
customers. The organisations also can define the requirements of the training and development
for the resources through the analysis of the data and results about the failures of the calls and
interactions to attract the customers. Telemarketing related performance management also helps
to define the rewards and advantages for the employees. Data management avails the required
information on time so that the supports disciplines within the practices.

As per Camilleri (2018), data management is one of the difficult tasks, especially when data
availability is high. Telemarketing involves a significant amount of information to be obtained
and managed for developing relationships with the consumers. Telemarketers call to a large
number of consumers. The information of the consumers is obtained from various informative
portals. They get information from the data providers who carry a wide array of information on
individuals. The information feed by the consumers to access multiple networking sites are
stored in the cloud network. Big data mechanism allows the marketer to get consumer data that
are stored online. With having large availability of data, the telemarketer identifies and calls the
potential customers. They have to record the responses and the information of the consumers for
future uses.

According to Koumétio (2018), telemarketing involves broadcasting product and service
information, setting appointments and nurturing leads. These processes require gathering,
organizing and managing data. Customer- business relationships is mainly concerned with
accessing and managing data. To record the information and organise them properly,
telemarketers use CRM software. CRM software is the customer relationship management
software which enables the marketer to manage the organisational interactions with the existing
and potential customers. Managing interaction is significant in streamlining the conversations as
well as tracking interactions and leads to enhance sales. CRM strategies are effective in
organising the distinguished information about varied consumers. CRM also enables to dispose

of the outdated information to maintain the robustness of the data to ensure the qualitative
performance of telemarketing.

As per Lawrence (2015), data management should be performed strategically so that
effective outcomes can be attained. The organisation failed in managing data, resulted in poor
telemarketing performances. These will not allow the organisation to make new customers.
Moreover, it also declines the overall sales by losing the interests of loyal customers.

Customer concerns and data

Data plays a vital role to define the customer market and potential advantages to the business.
Telemarketing makes use of data to understand the concerns of the customers so that the
organisation has opportunities to improve the products and services. According to Roongta and
Priya, (2017), the customisation related requirements are also easy to achieve with direct
interactions with customers. The organisation can target market with effectiveness because
telemarketing has the effective reach to customer marketing in comparison to the other
traditional marketing. Besides it, the customer concerns are easy to manage and records for the
analytical purpose.

However, collection and processing of the customer data need consideration of the ethical and
legal aspects. The data management practices need to be standard with the advancement of the
technologies to ensure security, reliability and performance. According to Shaik et al. (2014),
information security is essential to attain through well-management of the infrastructure and
other technical components. Accuracy is essential to foster to lead reliable outcomes and
supports in the decision-making. Therefore, client handling with data management practices have
strengths in the fact of how effectively data is collected. The organisations also need to legalise
the practice and standard the integration of the security mechanism to ensure success. Campaigns
and activities of telemarketing utilise the data with support and coordination of the business
resources. Without their supports, it is complex to achieve customer satisfaction.

As per Širola and Rendulić (2019), a business organisation should perform ethical and legal
marketing practices to protect the interest of the organisation as well as customers.
Telemarketing involves dealing with the information of consumers to perform interactive
marketing processes. It is the responsibility of the telemarketer entrepreneur to implement ethical

practices for preserving the rights of the consumers. The telemarketer should not store
misleading information of the consumers. They are also ethically bound to communicate
appropriate information about the products and services offered by the organisation. It is the
ethical responsibility of the telemarketing organisation to do not communicate the wrong image
of the products and services. Communicating falsify information may allow consumers to legally
claim the activities of the organisation, which will ruin the marketing efforts of the business

According to HOOKER and MCCONNELL (2018), telemarketing is the legal practices in world
places. The telemarketing activities are also legally bound to not violate the privacy laws of the
individuals. The telemarketing function should not involve asking personal questions and adopt a
promotional technique which may hurt the sentiments of the people. It is also essential to
maintain and protect the detail shared by the consumers. The business should follow the legal
norms developed by the government to protect the rights of the customers. Violating regulations
are dangerous for the organisation to lose the present customer base as well as destroying the
created brand image. Ethical and legal norms are advantageous for the organisation in managing
data to perform telemarketing activities. These help in reducing several risks arising from
misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the information communicated.

As per Shrivastava, (2019), the organisations while performing telemarketing activities should
adopt rightful behaviour to approach the potential segment. Without consent, telemarketer should
not forcefully obtain the data from the consumers. Data providers play a vital role in performing
telemarketing activities. The organisation should not leak the personal information of the
individual. The organisation should not spread the buying details of the customers to maintain
their privacy. It is essential to develop trusts within the consumers for the organisation. It will
encourage them to make purchase decisions. Therefore the ethical and legal telemarketing
functions are compelling in elevating sales motives of the potential consumers.

Chapter 3: Methodology
The dissertation makes use of the research methodology to ensure the systematic execution of the
research objectives. There is a well-defined set of the questions and objectives that are used to
modularise the research work and enhance the outcomes. Research aims are considered as the
potential deliverables and outcomes so that the overall research can meet the goals. The
presented section discusses the research methodology and associated techniques and methods
considered in the research.

Research method
In the current research, there are different methods applied as nature and requirement of the
research. Different method applied would lead to achieve relevant outcomes and perspective
results would be obtained. There are basically three types of method that are applied as per
research that include qualitative, quantitative and mixed method.

Besides it, qualitative research method is used as it has values to understand the theories and
principles about the telemarketing and data management so that theoretical knowledge and
information becomes base to validate the literature review.

Quantitative analysis or primary research method will be significant to collect quantities of data,
and for that questionnaire will be preferred (Terrell, 2012). The method is significant to correlate
the large quantitative data and analyse the valuable outcomes.

Mixed method is the application of both the methods and with that several methods would be
applied in carrying out the research.

Research approach
Approach of the research is generally the plans and a procedure that helps in effective data
collection, effective analysis and interpretation. The overall approach is the relevant study to the
topic. There is basically different approach for carrying out relevant study that includes
inductive, deductive and abductive approach. Inductive method is effectively used that starts
with inductive reasoning, starts with observation and application of theories that would help in
achieving end results. The deductive approach is being effectively applied to reach the logical
conclusions and following the same direction of the research.

The research is mainly based on the functional paradigm and uses deductive research approach.
Therefore, the research makes use of the previous works done in the field and generates the
outcome on the previous studies. It uses the sources to develop the hypothesis and conducts
primary and secondary studies to ensure that the hypothesis is accurate in the context

Research design
The design of the research is concerned with utilising effective strategy for setting the methods
and procedures that is being used in collection of data. In the current research variables are being
measured effectively. This is one of the effective methods for ensuring the research questions are
being effectively met. There are different types of research design that includes quantitative
research design that includes descriptive, co-relational, and quasi experimental and experimental.
The design is being applied to establish cause and effect relationships that occur among the
variables. The independent variables in the current research include the role played by the data
management approach in the efforts of telemarketing entrepreneurship.

In the current research, quantitative research is being applied and with that descriptive research
design is being applied for analysing the frequency analysis, measuring percentage and finding
the corrective answers to the research questions. The current research is descriptive in nature and
it helps in explaining the effective management of data. The research is all about analysis of the
quantitative data that would help in achieving relevant outcomes.

Data collection
The research will use the questionnaire as an online survey which will be distributed to the
selected sample size. It uses the convenience sample technique as it is simple and effective to
select the sample size with high flexibilities to consider the participants. Therefore, there will be
a selection of the participants who are available at that time. Questionnaire technique will help to
collect statistical data with high accuracy during the analysis. However, the last two to three
questions will be added to get theoretical data about the participants (Kumar, 2019). For
example, such questions can add a theoretical question about the concepts and ideas of the
participants, including the motivation and reasons behind the responses. It will be significant to
uncover the functional and emotional responses of the participants. The research also will take a
sample size of 50 people so that the overall performance of the data analysis is easy to process.

Survey would be conducted through online medium. The survey is done with the help of giving
questionnaire to each of the respondents and the survey would include close ended questions and
among the given options in each question, the participant has to choose the preferred option.

However, the major concern of the research design is the sample size because the research needs
a significant number of participants to gather accurate and reliable data. In contrast, a large
number of the samples also increase the complexities during data collection and analysis process.
There are also limitations as there is need of the expertise to design and distribute the
questionnaire to potential resources. There will be the use of the email addresses those are
collected from the students of the university. There will be the use of the consent to make use of
the emails and encourage the students for the participants. However, it is assumed that each
participant will be free to withdraw from the survey (Flick, 2015). Social media posts and groups
will be useful to engage the students. The research is planned to execute into groups. For
instance, there is a distribution of the questionnaire to the different groups to understand their
perspective about the role of data management in client handling during telemarketing

The research survey has well-defined time-frame to ensure that it is systematic with precedent
activities. Therefore, the surveys are designed before the 14 February 2020, and they will be
distributed from 20 February to 25 February of the year. During the time, the gap is essential as it
is assumed that students and participants will provide feedback on the questionnaire and such
feedbacks will be valuable to restructure and modify the questionnaire to ensure effective data
collection. Once the final survey is designed, the research will allocate the time of 5 days to get
responses from the participants. It is assumed that each participant provides reliable data, and
there is no failure to submit the questionnaire. However, there will be a feedback option to make
the questionnaire better in future practices. The survey would be distributed through the help of
Emails considering the restriction of COVID-19.
The primary research is being conducted with the help of questionnaire that is one of the easy
forms of gathering data. This is one of the effective methods as from multiple customers data can
be collected at same time.

The secondary research is being conducted with the help of books, journals, articles and relevant
help of Google scholar is being taken as it is reliable and authentic form of data collection. The
research is conducted through such sources and with that literature review is being effectively
done. Thus, such literature would relevantly support the analysis of the research.

Data analysis
After the procedure of information assortment through poll, the information is required to be
introduced and broke down. In this way, the information would be examined through factual
technique in which the information would be introduced through tables, charts and rate would be
determined. Based on the introduced each diagram would be examined. Tables and diagrams in
the flow research is utilized on the grounds that it prompts improve the introduction of the
examination and with that scientist can accomplish the precise results. After that information
would be end and the results are the expected responses to the examination questions.

For the flow research, the general exercises would take around £10,000 of the cost that would
incorporate all the information assortment procedure and documentation of the examination.
Along these lines, specialist would attempt to limit the expense by embracing the financially
savvy techniques.

In the writing audit, just dependable and true sources are utilized. Survey information is gathered
through the assistance of Emails. This is practical technique as it would maintain a strategic
distance from the documentation cost of the examination. What's more, earlier assent is being
taken from the respondents and with that analyst can follow solid morals.

Specialist has considered a portion of the morals that remember picking solid hotspots for the
exploration. In structuring poll, no damage to the feelings of the specialist is being caused and no
power is being given to members to partake in the examination (Flick, 2015). Information
assortment is without inclination and proper technique is being applied to lead the dependable
Ethical considerations
The research has significant importance of the ethical considerations. The main purpose of the
ethical considerations is to avoid the ethical conflicts among the participants and other
stakeholders of the research. Therefore, there is the design and distribution of the consent form,
which is filled from the participants with their signs. It binds the participants as well as the
research team to ensure that data is being used for the intended purpose, and there are effective
control and security on the private and confidential data collected from the participants (Miller et
al., 2012). The research ensures that participants are anonymous throughout the practices, and no
personal information is revealed during the research outcomes. Also, there are no questions in
the questionnaire those can make the participants uncomfortable to respond.

Research limitations
The biggest limitation of the research is the sample size. The research will consider the
significant sample size to gather the required data with high accuracy and reliability. Still, with
increasing sample size, the research is supposed to have high quality. However, due to time and
cost constraints, the research will focus on the limited sample size (Taylor et al., 2015). Also, the
research has a limitation of the authenticated and reliable sources. Due to the limited sources on
the topic, the research might face inaccuracy and performance issues.
Chapter 4: Data analysis
1. Do the organisation have telemarketing practices?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 42 84%

 No 8 16%

Total 50 100%

2. Do you agree that utilizing data leads to simplify the operations of telemarketing?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Strongly agree 18 33%

 Somewhat agree 13 24%

 Neutral 10 18%

 Somewhat disagree 5 9%

 Strongly disagree 9 16%

Total 50 100%

3. Does the organization handle data relevantly for improving marketing efforts?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 40 80%

 No 10 20%

Total 50 100%

4. Data utilization is very important in dealing with client needs?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 43 86%

 No 7 14%
Total 50 100%

5. Sales of the organization with aspects of telemarketing could be improved with data

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 41 82%

 No 9 18%

Total 50 100%

6. Marketing efforts of the business can be modified with having adequate amount of client
data in form of needs and preferences?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Strongly agree 10 20%

 Somewhat agree 14 28%

 Neutral 12 24%

 Somewhat disagree 6 12%

 Strongly disagree 8 16%

Total 50 100%

7. The aspects of data handling face challenges in terms of security and privacy?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 40 80%

 No 10 20%

Total 50 100%

8. Does organization have strict policies regarding data management?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 39 78%

 No 11 22%

Total 50 100%

9. Sales and business growth could be relevantly improvised with activities of


Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 35 70%

 No 15 30%

Total 50 100%

10. Does it require organization to bring innovation in more functioning of telemarketing?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 38 76%

 No 12 24%

Total 50 100%

11. Do you think telemarketing is better source of generating sales as compared to other
source of marketing?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 40 80%

 No 10 20%

Total 50 100%

12. Regular innovations could improve the practices of marketing in business?

Frequency Response Percentage

 Yes 45 90%
 No 5 10%

Total 50 100%


1. Do the organisation have telemarketing

·         Yes ·         No



From the above diagram, it could be deciphered that business has practices of decent variety as it
tends to be seen in the activities. On this reality, 84% of the respondents have been concurred
and rest of 16% may have distinctive desire in setting of the assorted variety rehearses. From the
analysis, it could be interpreted that efforts of telemarketing are being relevantly practiced in the
organisation and most of the respondents are being agreed with the practices of the
telemarketing. Therefore, it could be interpreted that such efforts would lead organisation to
observe the potential growth and revenues that can lead to retain more customers and marketing
practices could be relevantly improved.

It is adequate for the organisation to improvise their planning with the efforts of utilising data so
that decisions regarding enhancing the productivity from telemarketing could be improved.
2. Do you agree that utilizing data leads to
simplify the operations of telemarketing?
·         Strongly agree ·         Somewhat agree ·         Neutral
·         Somewhat disagree ·         Strongly disagree





The above chart deciphers that, 33% of the respondents are firmly concurred that association is
submitted towards practices of decent variety. 24% of the respondents are to some degree
concurred, 18% are on nonpartisan stage and different respondents are opposing this idea. With
the general reaction, it could be dissected that greater part of respondents is by and large
reasonable concurred towards practices of having effective data management. The respondents
are in supportive with the fact that data driven decision making are important for the business
and decision that are taken on such basis could lead to improve the practices of telemarketing.
The efforts of the organisation to manage the data and take decision accordingly lead to enhance
the sales and profits of the business. Organisation need to consider the importance of data that
can lead to improve decision making in form of data oriented.
Does the organization handle data relevantly
for improving marketing efforts?
·         Yes ·         No



The reaction is being accumulated with respect to advance of organisation in overseeing social
decent variety. Therefore according to reaction assembled, 80% of the respondents are concurred
and 20% are not concurred. In this way, it could be presumed that organisation is planning hard t
sustain in the competitive environment by effective utilisation of data in improving the efforts of
marketing. For example with analysis of the client needs and preferences the decision could be
taken in terms of improving the practices of marketing and also organisation can bring the
relevant change in product and services of the business. The data that is being adequately
managed is stored at the appropriate location and decisions are materialised for improving future
4. Data utilization is very important in deal-
ing with client needs?
·         Yes ·         No



86% of the respondents from the above chart said yes to the way that person from each race are
being incorporated. What's more, other 14% of the respondents said that social and conduct
decent variety is as a rule satisfactorily regarded by organisation. Selling needs information the
board rehearses in light of the fact that it assists with accomplishing successful comprehension
with client promoting, including their buying conduct, enthusiasm with item or administration
and rivalry with different organizations. The greater part of the organizations are utilizing
computerized arrangements, for example, client relationship the board, and other advertising
instruments however information is at the centre to help the qualities of the practices. The
response of the respondents is positive towards concept of telemarketing and that would
relevantly meet the needs of the customers. Therefore, planning must be associated with using
data in meeting the relevant client needs.
5. Sales of the organization with aspects of
telemarketing could be improved with data
·         Yes ·         No



From the chart, it tends to be surveyed that 82% of the respondents are fulfilled that they are
being dealt with decently with deference regardless of having other marketing. 18% of the
respondents are not fulfilled as they probably won't have delighted in utilisation of
telemarketing. Along these lines, it tends to be examined that organisation have greater part of
fulfilled respondents with respect to utilising the best data for the aspects of telemarketing. There
are efforts that are aligned with improving practices of telemarketing with relevance of data and
that would directly influence on sales of the business. Thus, profits could be easily derived and
with that sales can be materialised with aspects of increasing the customer base. For this,
marketing efforts of the business is required to be improved that would enhance the scale of
business to sustainable growth.
6. Marketing efforts of the business can be
modified with having adequate amount of
client data in form of needs and prefer-
·         Strongly agree ·         Somewhat agree ·         Neutral
·         Somewhat disagree ·         Strongly disagree

16% 20%



From the assembled reaction, it tends to be evaluated that 28%, 24% and 20% of the respondents
are on the concurred condition with respect to states of organisation in inspiring the workforce,
And according to above chart, some of them are oppose this idea. Hence, it could be surveyed
that representatives are being roused to more noteworthy degree in spite of minor departure from
ethnicity. The general endeavours and cost for the selling with information the executives is
relatively low. Information additionally helps the association to delineate the methodologies and
can characterize the techniques that are increasingly appropriate and ideal in the specific client
advertise. For example, calls are acceptable to arrive at client advertise where clients know about
innovation and selling process is likewise arranged to the online component.
7. The aspects of data handling face chal-
lenges in terms of security and privacy?
·         Yes ·         No



From the above chart, it could be deciphered that 80% of the respondents concurred that decent
variety influence on enrolment strategies of the organisation. Also, other 20% may have
distinctive assessment with respect to the effect of social assorted variety. In this way, customer
taking care of with information the executives rehearses have qualities in the reality of how
successfully information is gathered. The associations additionally need to legitimize the training
and standard the joining of the security instrument to guarantee achievement. Battles and
exercises of selling use the information with help and coordination of the business assets.
Without their backings, it is perplexing to accomplish consumer loyalty. The data could enhance
the process of decision making and better could be observed in future with respect to measuring
the customer satisfaction and meeting their needs.
8. Does organization have strict policies
regarding data management?
·         Yes ·         No



From the information accumulated, it tends to be investigated that 78% of the representatives
said that organisation approaches are lined up with advancing the uniformity and assorted variety
in the work environment. What's more, other 22% have not concurred with the organisation
arrangements. It is important for organisations to have standard conversation with the workers
that are being disappointed. In this way, the associations need to comprehend why information
the executives has a critical job and how the information the board practices can assist with
accomplishing the proposed objectives (Eletter et al., 2019). It is imperative to distinguish the
job of information the executives in selling enterprise since it can create significant help in
business dynamic and can enhance the business structure and tasks to serve the customers
successfully. Further, it can use the money related and different points of interest to the
9. Sales and business growth could be rele-
vantly improvised with activities of tele-
·         Yes ·         No



The above diagram passes on that singular conduct at organisation for the most part lead to frame
culture and fairness idea. From the above chart, 70% of the respondents are being consented to
the effect of individual conduct and other 30% may be having various suppositions. The selling
exercises are additionally legitimately bound to not abuse the protection laws of the people. The
selling capacity ought not include posing individual inquiries and embrace a limited time
strategy which may hurt the slants of the individuals. It is likewise basic to keep up and ensure
the detail shared by the shoppers. The business ought to follow the lawful standards created by
the legislature to secure the privileges of the clients. Therefore, adequacy is required to be
maintained with using the data with related laws and regulations that could adequately affect the
business sales.
10. Does it require organization to bring in-
novation in more functioning of telemarket -
·         Yes ·         No



The above diagram assists with surveying that organisation have reasonable acts of preparing
that causes workers to comprehend the parts of marketing. Having adequate efforts in marketing,
it is important to include and connect with representatives by arranging preparing programs that
would prompt upgrade efficiency of the association. As indicated by Viloria (2019),
different advantages, just as detriments, are related with selling. The principle bit of leeway of
performing selling is to elevate business which empowers to quickly check interests of the
buyers in the hierarchical items or administrations. It makes affinity with expected customers.
Compelling selling exercises add to creating deals an area by empowering collaboration with
removed customers. It includes concentrating on making new clients as well as holding the
current ones by performing customary subsequent meet-ups to think about the real exhibitions of
the items and administrations.
11. Do you think telemarketing is better
source of generating sales as compared to
other source of marketing?
·         Yes ·         No



From the assembled reaction, 80% of the respondents are concurred that organisation have the
earth of offering free condition to the workforce that can impart their insights. 20% of the
reaction may have confronted distinctive condition at organisation with respect to bringing
regular innovation in the business. Selling business enterprise intends to the practices to utilize
selling to build the deals, pull in the clients and produce the income to lead the presence of then
beginning up. The associations additionally can achieve the selling for different organizations,
yet the centre idea of the practices is to cooperate with clients to draw in them in strategic
policies straightforwardly. Therefore, efforts associated with telemarketing, any entrepreneur
would take positive decisions that are associated with always being data driven. Unconditionally,
the efforts of marketer would always define the relevant sales of the business.
12. Regular innovations could improve the
practices of marketing in business?
·         Yes ·         No



From the above diagram, it tends to be evaluated that organisation are fit for overseeing and
giving teaching to representatives to impart about the way of life and decent variety work
environment. 90% of the respondents have positive conclusion with respect to supervisors and
their working. The associations while performing selling exercises should embrace legitimate
conduct to move toward the expected fragment. Without assent, phone salesperson ought not
powerfully acquire the information from the purchasers. Information suppliers assume an
imperative job in performing selling exercises. The association ought not release the individual
data of the person. The association ought not to spread the purchasing subtleties of the clients to
keep up their security. It is fundamental to create trusts inside the customers for the association.
It will urge them to settle on buy choices. Consequently the moral and lawful selling capacities
are convincing in raising deals thought processes of the possible shoppers.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations

From the analysis, it can be concluded that selling business intends to the practices to utilize
selling to expand the deals, draw in the clients and produce the income to lead the presence of
then beginning up. The associations likewise can achieve the selling for different organizations;
however the centre idea of the practices is to collaborate with clients to connect with them in
strategic approaches legitimately.

Selling is alluded to as recognizing, reaching, qualifying and changing over the planned shoppers
into the hierarchical clients through any sort of advanced medium. It is not the same as
customary advertising idea of direct mailing. It is performed on the component of performing at
least two calls to make more clients or to perform follow ready for holding them inside the
association. It is performed on the two organizations to customers just as business to business
levels. At the point when the selling is performed legitimately on the buyers, at that point it very
well may be said that the association is performing direct deals to augment the degree of
benefits. B2B selling is intended to find new chances and leads through open discussion.


Telemarketing plays an important role in managing data of any organization. It helps the
organizations so that they can easily make contact with consumers and provide services to them.
To help the organization in decision making it provides collection of data. Telemarketing can be
improved and it will be helpful for the organization if they properly manage telemarketing
activities. By keeping phone-call blueprints of the customers so that they can make contact with
them anytime.

And by encouraging the salesperson and marketer to use a proper communication with the
customers, Telemarketing also helps in keeping data safe so that they can note the perception of
the customers towards products and services so that they can make improvements in them. More
improvements can be made in marketing by empowering the salesperson to take decisions on
their own (Koumétio 2018). The improvements can also be made if the organisation
properly understands the needs and demands of the customers. If the organization provides the
work from facilities to the salesperson and their team they will work efficiently. For making
improvements in Tele marketing one should make good relationships with the customers. The
organization should understand the views of salesperson for making improvements in

CRM leaders should take charge. Date should not leave for other like IT department. CRM
should take charge to manage the data regarding their business. IT department is only there to
helping you with hardware and software. Starting should be with one domain. The data
management you are planning should domains at once. Otherwise results can be very harmful.
One domain is the strategy where the one customer while doing telemarketing is attended at once
and then they get full attention. Telemarketing should be conducted in this strategy as to give full
attention to the customer (Adya Hermawati 2019).

Deploying the absolute technology is very helpful for managing the telemarketing. Proper
performance and conducting absolute activity is crucial in this. It department should help in this
procedure to prepare a software regarding the submission of information of all their customers.
Right data management is an important tool helps in assessing multiple domains with a single
technology, styles of architectures, firm’s need and interests. Cleaning the data in regular
procedure is very important because with the time data also become outdated and irrelevant.
Data of the firm keeps on changing and therefore regularly data should be cleaned for streaming
the data of the firm and keeping the data upgraded (Eletter 2019).

For successful telemarketing it must be integrated with the organization plan, supported at
highest level and it must be well coordinated. Another way to increase the efficiency of
telemarketing is to hire the well telemarketing agents and train them well because customers do
not want to have conversation with those agents who are not on the same wavelength. Agents
must have the deep knowledge of the industry or the product so that they can convince the
customers directly. The important factor for the agents is their ability to listen and understand the
client's requirement (Eletter 2019). Time is another factor which is becoming longer and
longer to track the people and have conversation.
Use CRM data to improve call scripts and revise. For example details such as new information
about additional products, pronunciation of a person's name etc can improve the efficiency of
telemarketing. The telemarketing agents should note the address and details of the customer so
that if the agent needs to sell his product directly to the customer, the agent can contact the
customer directly for selling the product. The agent needs to convey the message for purchasing
the product so that the customer gets attracted to the offer thrown by the agent.
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