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Test 6 (Units 9-12)

 Reading Comprehension  (20 points) 

1 Read the letter of complaint. Then write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say) next to
the sentences below. (10 points)

Dear Mr Jones,
Following our telephone conversation yesterday, I am writing to give the details of my complaint about
your hotel. I have stayed at The Lotus Hotel many times and have always been satisfied with your
service. However, this time I was very dissatisfied with the way I was treated.
I recently booked a double room at the hotel for 28th July. When we booked the room, we told the
hotel receptionist we would be arriving at around 8 pm. Unfortunately, our flight arrived three hours
late and we didn’t get to the hotel until 11 pm. The receptionist told us that there were no rooms
available. She explained that according to hotel regulations the guests must pay for the room in
advance if they want the hotel to keep the room after the expected arrival time. She apologised and
said that someone should have told us this when we booked the room. After many phone calls, we
found a room at The Royal Hotel. However, the price was $100 more than the room we had booked at
The Lotus Hotel.
I expect to receive compensation from The Lotus Hotel for the trouble and expense we experienced.
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Smith

....... 1. Jenny usually enjoys staying at The Lotus Hotel.

....... 2. Mr Jones has already spoken to Jenny about her recent stay at The Lotus Hotel.
....... 3. Jenny’s flight arrived on time.
....... 4. The receptionist at The Lotus Hotel was rude to Jenny.
....... 5. Jenny thinks The Royal Hotel charges too much for its rooms.

2 Answer the questions. (10 points)

1. When did Jenny arrive at the hotel?
2. What was the problem?
3. What should the hotel have told Jenny?
4. What is Jenny’s complaint about The Royal Hotel?
5. What does Jenny want The Lotus Hotel to do now?

Test 6 (Units 9-12)

 Vocabulary  (50 points) 

1 Circle the correct answer. (8 points)

1. I worked a lot of specifications / insurance / overtime last month.
2. Some people don’t like to be asked their slogan / age / vendor.
3. Don’t leave your bags or luggage unattended / stored / displayed at any time.
4. We spoke to the manager about the rude / non-smoking / luxurious hotel staff.
5. The job pays a voucher / trend / salary of $50,000 a year.
6. The hotel has got a restaurant on its itinerary / premises / firewall.
7. We asked Kate to help, but she flowed / refused / solved to do anything.
8. I’m thinking of accompanying / landing / displaying Jenny to the exhibition next year.

2 The words and phrases in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct
sentences. (8 points)
1. Our company’s employees can take up to two weeks of laundry service a year. .............................................
2. A body language of the song has been watched 10,000 times on YouTube. .............................................
3. I walk at least an hour a day. I don’t need to join a standard room. .............................................
4. These planes are so small. There isn’t enough fitness centre for my luggage. .............................................
5. We took a storage space at the hotel to save money. .............................................
6. We offer our return ticket to homes, hotels, restaurants and hairdressers in the area. ............................................
7. I could tell from Alice’s unpaid leave that she was becoming impatient. .............................................
8. I’ve booked a video clip to Naples on AngelAir. .............................................

3 Circle the correct word to show you understand the underlined words. (8 points)
1. The bill doesn’t include service. Don’t forget to give the waiter a deposit / nod / tip.
2. All requests for holiday leave must be restricted / approved / rejected by your department manager.
3. You will have to show your boarding pass at the spa / gate / exhibition before you get on the plane.
4. We can’t give you a refund, but we can exchange / monitor / question the item.
5. What skills do you need to be a co-worker / passenger / chef?
6. We alerted the security guard about the man’s commercial / potential / suspicious behaviour.
7. The card reader was broken when I arrived at work, so I couldn’t clock in / take off / clock out.
8. We have vouchers for this hotel, but we can’t use them in low season / high season / maternity leave.

Test 6 (Units 9-12)

4 Match A and B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (10 points)
1. half ....... a. service
2. luxury ....... b. board
3. personal ....... c. flight
4. valued ....... d. belongings
5. room ....... e. customer
6. outbound ....... f. suite

1. Don’t forget to take your ............................................. with you when you get off the plane.
2. Does the hotel offer ............................................. ? I’m really hungry, but I’m too tired to go out
to a restaurant.
3. If I had more money, I would stay in the hotel’s ............................................. .
4. We’ll be busy touring all day, so we only need to book ............................................. at the hotel.
5. As a ............................................. , we’d like to offer you a 20% discount on your purchase.
6. Which airport does the ............................................. leave from?

5 Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (8 points)

has got a hole  at our expense  written notice  in the long run
is missing a part  be in touch  making small talk  failed to meet
1. It’s a lot of work to start a business, but ............................................. I’m sure we’ll make a big profit.
2. It was nice meeting you. Here’s my business card. Let’s ............................................. .
3. I just noticed that the dress I bought yesterday ............................................. ! I’m going to return it to the
shop right now.
4. People didn’t like the film. It ............................................. expectations.
5. If you want to leave your job, you must give 30 days ............................................. .
6. I don’t enjoy ............................................. at exhibitions. I never know what to say.
7. We will replace the broken items ............................................. . We’ve already sent them by courier.
8. We received the machine this morning, but it ............................................. . It can’t work without it.

Test 6 (Units 9-12)

6 Circle the correct response. (6 points)

1. The flight has got a stopover in Hong Kong for 4. I’d like to rent a car.
a. Can I see your driving licence, please?
an hour.
b. We offer unlimited mileage on many of our cars.
a. I’d prefer a direct flight.
c. Both a and b.
b. Make sure you do not have any overweight
luggage. 5. John has asked to take some time off next
c. Both a and b. week.
a. Tell him we’ll credit his account.
2. The Orchid is a popular award-winning
restaurant. b. Yes, I know. He has to deal with some family
a. What cuisine do they serve?
c. Both a and b.
b. I’ve heard it has got an excellent reputation.
c. Both a and b. 6. I see APS Security has got a vacancy for a
personal assistant.
3. We’re hoping to enter the European market
a. Yes, the company is expanding. It’s for the
next year.
new Manchester office.
a. We value you as a customer.
b. Yes, it’s for Susan’s job. She’s going on
b. Have you thought about how to achieve maternity leave in January.
that goal?
c. Both a and b.
c. Both a and b.

 Functional Language  (10 points) 

Match the sentences in A to the responses in B.
1. We’re checking out different hotels for a business
....... a. Certainly. Would you like to make a
trip from 17th to 19th July.
reservation now?
2. Hello, Mr Daniels. You wanted to see me.
....... b. He must notify his or her manager
3. I made a reservation for the CEO on a morning immediately.
flight to San Diego on 12th July, but I have to
....... c. Nice to meet you. I’m Matt Johnson from Eden
change the reservation.
Nature Foods.
4. We’ll also need a stand for promotional materials.
....... d. Certainly. May I have the passenger’s name
5. I should log off the computer when I leave. and flight number, please?
6. What happens if an employee forgets his swipe ....... e. Where will we put the giveaways?
card or loses it?
....... f. Yes, I’m afraid there have been complaints
7. I’d also like to know if we can book a private room from customers about you.
for a party of 12 at the hotel restaurant.
....... g. It’s $150 a night.
8. This will have serious consequences for our
....... h. How many people are we talking about?
....... i. And remember to also lock all office doors.
9. Hi, I’m Lynne Peters. I represent Allison’s Bakeries.
....... j. I’m sure we will find a way to compensate
10. What are your rates?
you for the inconvenience.

Test 6 (Units 9-12)

 Listening Comprehension  7  (20 points) 

1 Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. (10 points)

1. Cathy works at ............................................. .
2. This is Adam’s ............................................. visit to the exhibition.
3. The Thompson Hotel needs to purchase a ............................................. .
4. Adam says that the staff at APS were ............................................. .
5. Wilton Hotels’ ............................................. Manager is also at the exhibition.

2 Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points)

1. When is The Thompson Hotel going to open?
2. When did Adam see The Thompson Hotel?
3. Did the APS Security surveillance system work well at Adam’s previous workplace?
4. What does Adam manage at Wilton Hotels?
5. Which stand at the exhibition is Adam going to look at next?

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