In Search of A Song Volume 336

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Vimary Ginorio

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A Waterways Project Publication

Richard Spiegel Barbara Fisher codirecrors

Thomas Perry
administrative assistant

Glenna Rost teacher Legacy School Haven Henderson, principal Stephen E. Phillips, superintendent, Alternative High Schools & Programs
©I997 Ten Penny Players with funding support from the NY State Council on the Arts

Silent Tries
Humble love between you and I Lust that runs deep in my mind Confides my passions denies my faith, Thicker than water deeper than hate, unfortunately you're too late. He has taken my heart and captured my mind, while whispering unspoken thoughts ., and making sweet love under heaven's shade.

In My Eyes
As my sweet lips speak of gentle prayers, your eyes touched by my fingertips, your lips a warm color of pink. Your soft hair smells of fields yet to be found. You speak of your passion but yet you have such a distant but loving frown. I shall not let you be without love, I will die a thousand times till you see what strong, and untouched love you bring into my life. You will never open your eyes again, and see nothing but an empty bed. I will fill that place with all my grace. And shall love you till the depths of all time

Undying Times
Oh sweet night whisper a gentle word of truth Which shall set me free of these chains of misery. Keeping these eyes from seeing what one can offer me. Knowing that nothing can keep me from what I deserve. You never spoke such lies in one lifetime. Your love runs through my body every waking minute of my life. Shouting out to me, one day you might slip away. My thoughts of you are pure and true, but never deceive one's heart, which can easily fall apart with such whispers can touch me not.

?Question Sanity?
Where did you go when the darkness fell upon the covered lies, tormented by all you love, and killed by all who hate your kind and loving heart? Waiting patiently justifying yourself to the faceless monsters who lurk in the deception of wasteful people, and dead comforting dreams. In the dead of winter, in the cold of night mysterious whispers capture you in hopeless screams of helplessness. -, How many times does my heart have to bleed before I fly upon your snuggled bed, floating upon your body? Death is upon your heart open the doors to your reality, and you will see nothing but a dry dead flower rotting in the scorching sun. Death is upon your heart, and salvation is miles from you and all you hope to save. What do you wish to save, your heart or your meaningless cries? Choose.

Because I loved you I dared to prove it to you in countless ways, Because I wished many times to make love to you, my nights were consumed with thoughts of you, Because I believed you,.you broke my heart. Because you told me you loved me I was filled with precious moments. Because we lasted so long we became one. Because I loved you so much I cried in your name. Because I was so foolish I was tom between love, lies, and hatred towards you. Because I miss you I still cry in your name. Because you deceived me, I feel betrayed. Because my love is so strong for you, visions float through my mind day and night. Because of you I sit covered by darkness. Because of you, I fell in love.

It Conquers
Deception and darkness fall upon the black hearts of relentless causes. Hatred is the air we breathe and the love we make. Rivers flow with empty life, as the moon shoots arrows of poison to the center of the hollow hearts of unborn miracles. Angels sing a song with no sound, as the stars continue to fall upon the pointless sacrifices. Until all is well the world is hell and spinning in an endless search for decent humanity. Killing after killing pushes you to the edge of your own sanity. Only to ask why ...? 7

For see it that it is a window of truth into your own imagination. Your dreams ofunfulftlled madness creep through you, and torment your ever loving being of life. \Vhat is this force which no power can comprehend or control. The mysterious deception of all who dare to love another will walk upon your shattered heart of glass, to blind you from your shameful and forgotten dreams. Not loving another, or piercing yourself for all eternity. I rather you fali on your knees, and take back all untrue words, which you will burn in hell with the guilt mounted upon you like death itself.

Crystal Blinds
For what shameful secret binds you in the everlasting pain, and loneliness? Why do you strive to conquer your heart? I deify all who dare not to speak a word of what was once holy in our minds. But now it pushes us to become beings that don't feel but think of endless possibilities to . keep their hearts in a constant color of black.

Obsessed With
Death has become the only link to your fear of life, and the possibility of love A dark and unruly path full of painful eyes, and deep regrets of years of torment and deception.


Desperately Seeking
In your blissful despair of uncanny lies and farfetched dreams with no shred of reality. Your heart has been stripped of all its purity, and its beating is unfamiliar to me. My screams have not reached you in this endless visual sight of hate, and in your own eyes the depths of the ocean captured, and drowned you entirely. Till you reach our once true and found unity 'Will you truly be faithful to yourself and your mind. In ease it will take control, of the uncontrollable truth of yon.

While you crept in my mind your whispers set me free, and your love brought me dreams of endless inspiration. Which way will you tum now? Weare no longer together but we fell in love with sweet considerate times and moments.

I will never regret my love, experience, pain and over powering spirit we both had as one



In Searchof a Song Volume 336

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a waterways project



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