Lost Prison of Eternity

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Lost Prison of

A High Concept 5e Adventure for Levels 16 to 20
Table Of Contents

FAQ p3
Prologue p4
Act 1 Black Skys p5
Plot Points
The Obex
Skipping the Dungeon
Act 2 Ghostly Voyage p7
Journy to the Deep
Act 3 Entering the Dream p10
Act 3a The Elysium Door
Act 3b The Door to the Outlands
Act 3c The Door to Hades
Act 4 The Triplicate Keys p18

Lead Designer: Krusk of The TTRPGFactory.com
Resources: Brush sets derived freely through the
courtesy of Denny Tang and Daniel Kamarudin.
Homebrew icon and label by AeronDrake. Footer graphic
derived, with permission, from Oakendragon. Other art
and visual assets used are DMs Guild Assets or available
in the public domain.
Context: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition by
Wizards of the Coast, LLC
The Homebrewery: An amazing tool by Scott Tolksdorf

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License.. except where stricter licenses apply


ome frequently asked questions, and best When should we level?
practices for running this adventure. Player's Level at the start of each act. 2, 3a, 3b, 3c, and maybe 4
should feel free to read this, and only this 5e stops at level 20, and this adventure is designed with
section. Unless they want major spoilers, and that in mind. Act 4 is short, and there’s no real need to level
aren't against learning the plot beats of the up before it. If you decide to run this starting at a lower
adventure. level, you should level up at act 4 as well.
If you have house rules for level 21 games, break them
I’ve never played a high level game. Is out at the start of act 4 for level 21 if you want. If they are
my PC up to snuff? any good, it will probably be fine?
There are some general expectations for level 16 PCs that
you should make sure you have accounted for as a player What magic items should we start with?
building your character or a DM giving some advice. Some? This is a dial you need to choose as a DM based on
The whole party should be able to fly, navigate in your group. The more magic items your party has access
darkness, or generally bypass most mundane obstacles. to, the less you will need to railroad and leverage helpful
They might accomplish this by one player casting a spell on NPC allies. It also directly ties to PC strength. Use the
the group, or they might all be bird people. If the party chart in the DMG on page 38 to place your group where
approaches an impossibly deep canyon, you shouldn’t need you think is best.
to call for checks. If you use some sort of Sane Magic Item Pricing, give
Warriors should have magic weapons. Most monsters your players about 15,000gp each to spend at their
resist non-magic weaponry, and the players should be able discretion.
to bypass that. They should also have easy access to silver
weaponry, but that might be a secondary weapon they keep Hard Mode: Level 5-10 High Magic Campaign. Look,
holstered. your fighter needs a magic sword. This is the stingiest
The party should have some access to teleportation or you can be to not have the adventure fall apart. You will
planeshifting magic. Could be through a player with a spell, need to leverage a lot of NPC helpers, but some groups
it could be through some magic item, or even just an ally. enjoy that style of play. You could theoretically give no
The adventure works best if the players can do it magic starting gear, but things will be such a slog that
themselves, but it's not impossible, and there are NPCs, your players will hate it. Just play a low level game
Items, and/or portals to help alleviate it. (One could even instead.
just literally walk for most of it a party really insists) Recommended and We Have a Caster: Level 11-16
The party is high level. If you google all the stuff folks Standard Campaign. This gives your players two magic
complain about that makes a high level game hard to DM, items each, a magic sword, and magic armor probably,
this module assumes your players have access to it. We are but makes them rely on their own abilities for a lot of
near the end game, and you should let your players flex and utility. If there is a spellcaster in the party, the group can
show off. probably handle this adventure just fine.
Recommended, but No Casters: Level 11-16 High
Why aren’t the gods interfering Magic Campaign. If your players are all fighter types,
Whatever mind caulk you normally use to prevent them you need to give them more than two magic items. They
from fixing problems that impact your setting. need a magic sword, and magic armor, and there’s not a
lot of ways around that without house rules. This lets
Maybe they have a non-interference pact, and can’t them have 4 magic items, a sword, armor, and 2 utility
agree that it's serious enough for them to break it. things. The 2 utility items, hopefully will allow them to
Maybe “the PC’s heroic call to action” is actually “the do some of the stuff normally done by casters.
gods working in mysterious ways” Easy Mode: Level 17-20 High Magic Campaign. The
Maybe they are working on solving some level 21 epic adventure doesn’t fall apart with more magic items or
threat the PCs don’t know about gold, so you can go all out if you want. The more the
Maybe they are jerks. players have the easier the game, but that isn’t always a
Maybe that's a real question the PCs should be asking bad thing. It also means you probably don’t need many
in game. helpful NPCs to help the players figure stuff out.
What about other adventuring groups? Do I need to know about the Forgotten
Some fairly high level adventuring parties are found as Realms?
corpses throughout the adventure, and remains of parties If you're the DM, you should have a base knowledge of the
can be found panicked and broken. Others could be trying realms, or at least the ability to google some of the names
through alternate paths that the PCs don’t know about. dropped before or during the session. If you're a player,
Ultimately this is a level 16-20 threat, and there simply you're fine.
aren’t many adventurers up to the task.


pen with a traditional start to a game like
any other. This is a monologue for the DM to
set expectations, and establish some
backstory. A friendly patron pays to send the
party on a quest. The patron should be built
up as a beloved ally who is super easy to
work with and the PCs have a long
relationship with. If you are adding this adventure to the
end of an existing game, you may have a great one to insert
right here.
Instead of launching this adventure as normal, the DM
should conduct a montage of a cool underdark exploration
showing off all sorts of big concepts to set the tone that you
want things to be big in this game. The DM should feel to
improvise as much of this as they want, and expand to
whatever level of detail they are comfortable with. For
example, they helped the Dao wranglers drive off the
Purple Worm poachers, stole the legendary Eye of the
Beholder, sealed the Hellmouth, befriended the Ant People
and [high charisma PC] even made special friends with
their queen. That short jaunt to harvest some Roper bile
certainly did get out of hand, didn’t it. Encourage the
players to add to the story and one up one another on their
imagined quest, while reminiscing on their walk back to
town to collect their reward.
If your planning to use the module as the captsone to an
existing campaign, you can skip the improvised step, and
instead start the game with the players returning from
whatever their last quest was. Presumably it was epic and
The real beginning is on their return. As they leave the
caves …

Act 1 Black Skys

he skies are black and it's raining soot and General who is Tharizdun info (DC 10), including that
embers. In the distance, they see a newly he's such a bad dude that the good and evil deities
built two tiered, black, inverted ziggurat (an teamed up to lock him away.
Obex). Demons run amok, causing havoc, Tharizdun is locked away in Demiplane of
and terrified screams echo across the Imprisonment, in the Deep Ethereal. (DC 15) Most of
landscape. his scripture, texts, relics, and “stuff” was destroyed or
Glabrezu leading squads of 3d6 Barlgura locked up with him.
and Vrock Flocks (3d4) fly about. Within the first hour of
being on the surface the PCs should encounter one. The By the end of the Obex, the PCs should have narrowed
DM can use these squads and flocks to draw the PCs down their option to “Go to the Ethereal, find Tharizdun’s
towards the nearest Obex, which is visible on the horizon, prison, and from there find some way to destroy the gems”.
and within a day's walk. During any encounter, random
meteors fall from the sky (as per a single meteor from
meteor swarm every 2d6 rounds. Easily avoidable out of
initiative provided the party travels at half speed, but in the
heat of combat they may be distracted or unable to
automatically avoid. The meteors strike randomly as
determined by the DM in some method that is fair)
The Obex is a cyclopean fortress, carved from strange
black stone. Its cubic, geometric forms are clean and
perfect, the base tier is easily a hundred yards long, and
50ft tall, while the second tier is three times that. Clearly, it
was erected suddenly and rubble surrounds the base from
where it seemingly burst from the ground itself. The base
tier has open doorways, one on each face, lazily guarded by
a Glabrezu squad whose Barlgura wrestle one another in
boredom. A Goristro lazily patrols the exterior with 4d6
chasme. They keep watch and direct him towards anything
worth smashing. From a central point high over the Obex,
you can see a beam of black energy, launching skyward, and
if you follow it with your eyes, you can see it connecting to
8 others from beyond the horizon.
Plot Points
Plot points are revealed at pivital encounters in Act 1. The
DM can improvise some, but there are also a list of some
that can be provided. This should be information shared by
an NPC, found in a journal, or whatever is best for the given
scene. They usually require a skill check approperiate to
the scenario.
Onzobeus is Tharzidun's chosen, and priests followed
willingly, believing this to be their chance to break the
chains that bind their master. Turns out that's not true,
and he had the priests locked away when they
discovered. Onzobeus is using the 333 gems of
Tharizdun not to free him, but to steal his power for
himself. (DC 10)
Onzobeus has used the gems to assemble 9
interconnected ziggurats and can probably be found at
the central one (not where the PCs are). (DC 20)
If he has the full power of Tharizdun, Onzobeus is
probably more powerful than most deities. (DC 20)
Onzobeus’s power is Nigh Infinite at his point, and it
would be like fighting a god. Only the creator of the
gems (Tharizdun) would know how to destroy them.
(DC 15)
While attuned to any gem, Onzobeus is attuned to all
the gems and can sense what's up with them. Include
general clues about not opening the field or he will
know, and being nigh omnipotent, he will probably
come check it. Stealing them drops 37/333th of his
power level. (DC 10)

Percentile Spawn
The obex 1-40 Dretch
The Obex is clean walls, and straight lines in such a way to 41-60 Barlgura
magnify, not diminish, its magnitude. Each of the four
corners is a massive open air room. The Underground 61-70 Chasme
dungeon is accessable from the demonic laboratory, and 71-75 Vrock
the setpiece encounter can be found traveling between 76-80 Hezrou
81-85 Glabrezu
Underground Dungeon 86-90 Nalfeshnee
Underground dungeon with cells and betrayed priests of 91-95 Marilith
Tharizdun (who will work with the PCs, believing they can
stop Ishan Onzobeus, and who they think will probably 96-98 Goristro
screw up and let Tharizdun free by accident. They can even 99-100 Balor
plane shift the PCs to the Ethereal if needed. They will give
out some Plot Points as well), corpses of slain adventurers
(1d4 random magic items, but if your party is lacking Skipping the Dungeon
something critical, you can insert it here), and Hezrou If the PCs avoid the dungeon crawl, or somehow avoid
torturers. gathering any of the plot points, they can go back to their
patron, who will act as a Plot Point, and can plane shift for
Demonic Laboratory them. He is shaken, and the city he is in (whichever it is,
The demons don’t use it much, but it's here, and it has although Waterdeep is a decent choice), is in ruin with
some magic items (including a scroll of planeshift and 2d4 groups of demons roving about as described earlier.
randomly determined wondrous items), Plot Points, and
the 37 gems harnessed in a magic containment field.
Setpiece Encounter
While exploring the party comes across the remnants of an
adventuring party, a desperate single sorcerer. He can
plane shift the PCs if needed, but is trying to escape. He
will share knowledge as a Plot Point and can be convinced
to overcome his fear and join the party with a Charisma
(Persuasion) check DC 25. Otherwise, he casts his spell
and flees.
Central open air courtyard, from which you can actually see
straight through the Obex if you want. Be cautious here, as
the demonic guards at each doorway will probably notice
anyone here..
Empty throne room
Onzobeus doesn’t come here, but he could. A trio of
nalfeshnee keep the area pristine, and luxurious for his
Spawning Pit
A room on the ground floor with a pit filled with viscera. A
squadron of dretch continually tend and stir the refuse with
long brass fèrro, and every 10 min (or so), they pull a
random demon out. The demon knows its marching
orders, and immediately joins with an existing group of its
kind throughout the compound or the surrounding
countryside. Pit functions as a gate, provided the dretch
tend to it and keep it full. This allows the players to travel to
the pits of the abyss surrounded by an infernal horde
preparing for war. If thats the sort of thing they want to do.
This probably results in a very tough fight for the PCs.
Demons not listed as working in patrols in the Obex, wait
until there are 3-4 or so of them pulled from the pit, and
then depart to roam the countryside as a band. Randomly
determine whats there the first time the PCs encounter the

Act 2 Ghostly Voyage

f sent by an NPC, they naturally send the party to Cartography: A wing devoted to lost and ruined maps.
The Misty Cemetery, as it's the only real landmark Spending a day allows a researcher to identify a lost
of note in the Ethereal Plane. If a player casts it, map, and determine where the map may be of use. It
that's where they end up, unless they specify only contains maps to places that are unknown, which
otherwise. Travel within the Ethereal allows you to would include the Demiplane of Imprisonment.
go wherever you know how to get with little effort, Divinity: A wing devoted to the histories of the divine.
and makes it near impossible to get somewhere Specifically, the lost and unheard stories focused on
new. Since the party probably doesn’t really know how to dead and forgotten gods. Spending a day allows a
get anywhere (unless there were prior adventures here), researcher to identify a lost tome of forbidden religious
they are naturally drawn to the Misty Cemetery after 3d6 knowledge. The researcher can change deities or
hours of travel. Even if they travel from the Cemetery, they patrons. A cleric can pick a new Domain, a paladin can
naturally return unless they have a prior destination in swear a new oath, a druid can change circles, and a
mind. The party will need someone who has been to the warlock can change patrons. Alternatively, they can gain
Deep Ethereal, to actually get there. access to a divine spell scroll of 7th level or lower from
The Misty Cemetery is the largest, and only, settlement the Player’s Handbook.
of note in the Ethereal. It's a scattering of gravestones, Arcanum: A wing devoted to lost arcane knowledge.
mausoleums, and crypts. Most spirits stay dormant, having Spending a day allows a researcher to find a scroll of a
long ago decided there was nothing worth doing, but will spell that is not contained in the Player’s Handbook.
visit anyone who lingers on or near their tombs. Even if it's Alternatively, they can attune to a teleportation circle
uncommon, it's not unheard of for planar travelers to pass that they have heard of, but may not have been to.
through. Throughout the region, there are a few crypts People and Cultures: A Wing devoted to the histories
grander than the others. of the forgotten folk. With a day of research, the user
can benefit from the lost knowledge of the ages, and
The Burned Library gains the benefit of the Contact Other Plane spell.
A massive library sacked, pillaged and burned long ago, this
echo of the material was once a sight to behold. Now, the The Reliquary of the Forgotten
burned husk is home to all sorts of tomes long lost to the An ancient and cracked agora, surrounded by crumbling
ages. The ghosts of sages that died before finishing their marble columns. This is probably the most populous area
thesis drift about endlessly refining their research. Edraele of the Misty Cemetery, and merchants can be found selling
Birel is the head librarian, and one of the eldest ghosts in the bounty of any lost trade goods. Players can buy and sell
the Cemetery. They can direct the PCs towards any of the any mundane goods here, and should have the ability to
various wings and help them with an automatic success on purchase 10 random uncommon, 5 rare, 2 very rare and 1
one wing of their choosing, if they make a good impression. legendary item rolled randomly (or chosen by the DM to
Otherwise, they are a DC 20 check with the approperiate shore up a weak spot in the party, potentially around
skill. teleportation or planar travel.)

The Proving Grounds
A massive, cracked coliseum houses the Proving Grounds, The Sunken Docks
serving as a chance for failed gladiators to regain their Ships long lost at sea dock here daily, floating endlessly on
honor. Those slain without a win to their names come here docks that sit above the dry earth. Their spectral crews go
and battle endlessly, working to earn the glory they only about their business, loading and unloading empty cargo,
glimpsed in life. Warriors can enter the daily tournaments endlessly seeking a return to the shores they left. The one
if they so desire, or potentially hire mercenaries to exception being Perry Malone, a riverboat captain and his
accompany them (use Gladiators, but they have the Paddle Steamer, Le Pompier. In life, he gave tours to
Ethereal Sight, Incorporeal Movement, and Etherealness drunken parties up and down river on the casino ship. In
abilities of a ghost.) Each mercenary has a potential to earn death, he and his crew spend their time as tour guides for
10gp per day in the arena, and the players must make a the Ethereal Plane, as one of the few ship's crews aware of
better offer, especially considering all are confident they their predicament. They can take the party to the Deep
will win big (1,000gp) tomorrow. More powerful or esoteric Ethereal, and any demiplane they desire, even the
mercenaries should be available at the DMs discretion. Demiplane of Imprisonment, for a fee. If asked about how
Random Powerful or Esoteric Mercenaries (roll once their riverboat, that toured the same river day in and out
per column) got lost at sea, things should get awkward and the subject
D10 Origin Schtick should be changed. No excuse given should be believable,
or well prepared.
1 Pixie Wields dual pistols
and smokes heavily
Hangman’s Gate
2 Gelatinous Grappling Specialist The Hangman’s Gate is a 100ft high Triumphal Arch with a
Person single dangling noose from the center. It marks the
3 Construct that is Necromancer entryway to and from the Cemetery and serves as a
somehow a Ghost gathering place for new arrivals. Anyone who planeshifts to
the Ethereal Plane, without a specific destination in mind
4 Thri-Kreen Bardic Oracle has 30% chance of arriving under the arch. Its two
5 Tiny Sized Human Rune Blessed secondary arches are teleportation circles. The first is
Barbarian attuned to the Silver Sea of Lunia, the Silver Heaven and
6 A Giant Master Fencer with a first layer of Celestia. The circle in Celestia is 10ft under
Wonderful Hat water, and travelers must swim to shore. The second is
7 Awakened Jaguar Possessed by an
attuned to The Bronze Citadel of Avernus, the first layer of
Angel Hell. Travelers appear in barracks and are quickly pushed
into groups to be tested for use as warriors in, or food for,
8 Reverse Mermaid Demolitions Expert the infernal legions.
9 Friend from home Mummy
that you didn't
know died or was
a gladiator.
10 Young Dragon With Lobster Claws
for Hands

Journy to the Deep These anchor points also serve as points of reference in
the otherwise empty Ethereal. The dull gray of the Near
If the PCs planeshift directly to the Demiplane of Ethereal has given way to the inky blackness of the Deep
Imprisonment, skip this. If they take Le Pompier, the crew Ethereal, interrupted only by the glow of the various
does a good job entertaining the party during the trip. Glad demiplanes contained within. Without a point of reference,
to be of service after a long time at dock. There are drinks, it is impossible to tell just how big a specific demiplane in
food aplenty. If desired, they will break out the table games, the distance is, but some must be truly gigantic, while
and some of the crew can even step in to fill out the empty others are no larger than a pea. Travel here has reference
seats so there is some competition. Musical and dance acts points, and the party will arrive at the Demiplane of
come on at night, and it's a rolling good time. Because of Imprisonment within 5 days. If approached from the
travel times in the Ethereal, it's an unknown duration, but outside, the Demiplane of Imprisonment is a midnight
after 2d4 days, they arrive at the border of the Deep black sphere that could almost be missed if you didn’t know
Ethereal. Within the Deep Ethereal, they are given anchor to look for it.
points, in the form of the various other Demiplanes. The
crew is more than happy to stop off at any of them. The
captain knows most of them as they sail, and can give a
little backstory. These could be good side quests if needed,
hooks for the future, or just some fun flavor.

d10 Name Description

1 Island of the An oceanic disc with a single island in the center. The island has a volcano, and the jungle on it is
Ape inhabited by all sorts of dinosaurs and one Colossal Ape.
2 Demiplane of A vast green meadow filled with every species of flower imaginable, and many that defy imagination
Flowers or comprehension in size, shape, and color. Populated with giant bee-creatures and the Abeil, a race
of bee folk.
3 Illusionary In this forest, nothing is as it seems. The idyllic wood with its peaceful creatures is nothing more
Forest than an illusion. Those who can see through it are treated to a nightmare of horrors. Powerful sages
say that too is an illusion, and beyond it, yet an even more serene paradise. Although that raises
concerns. Is there yet another layer of illusions deeper still?
4 Swirling This biconic demiplane is essentially two gigantic tornadoes of immense proportions anchored at
Vortex their base. The top spins clockwise, and the bottom counter. Anything caught in between the two is
ripped to shreds, but any manner of object can be found flying about in the winds.
5 Demiplane of While the Demiplane of Sides is a two dimensional square, beings from more traditional planes,
Sides remain in three dimensions. Travelers liken the experience to walking on top of a gigantic map, while
it moves and interacts with them.
6 Husk The Husk, is the name given to a ruined demiplane. At one point this demiplane was vibrant and lush,
but over time, the highly advanced societies disappeared, and life was destroyed. Many of the day to
day activities are still half finished as though beings left part way done. Now, the planet is bare earth
with ruined buildings.
7 Crystal Cavity This material-like plane’s major difference is the dominance of crystal based life, as opposed to flesh
and plant. These crystalline beings do not age, and reside in gemstone palaces, which are grown over
time. These rigid beings are very cautious about impacts and their potential for cracks. The plane
itself is contained in a gigantic geode, whose gems glow providing light.
8 Key City Key City is the only settlement on a very small planet within a musical demiplane. All conversation
can’t help but be sung, the birdsong is coordinated, and even footsteps fall in a rhythmic pattern. The
remainder of the planet contains such notable features as the Metal Mines, the Rocky Mountains, and
the Rivers of Soul.
9 Pancrustasia This aquatic sphere contains a central mass of brightly colored coral, and is home to a wide variety of
crab, shrimp, lobster folk with a variety of warring kingdoms.
10 Labyrinthine This spherical demiplane is said to be home to a powerful bullike quasi-deity, who protects his maze,
Domain of and the rumored treasure within ferociously. Leaving by planar travel is impossible, with the
the Mighty exception of from the treasure vault.
Bull God

Act 3 Entering the Dream

hen the players arrive within the Demiplane The players can go down whichever door they want, in
of Imprisonment, they are surprised with whichever order they want. For the sake of picking an path,
how small, ordered, and generally pleasant it we assume they go from Elysium to Sigil to Hades, but
is. The entire plane appears to be a there is no penalty for doing them in any order. There is
reception area of about 80ft square, made also no requirement to return to the Demiplane in between
from fine polished marble, with four doors. journeys, although some groups may want to do so to allow
One on each of the walls with a Solar for easier travel. This is where your group has a chance to
standing at attention beside them. When the PCs magically flex some of their high level decisions.
appear in the chamber, they are facing a solar seated at a
desk, who looks up surprised to see them. The others will
not react. Act 3a The Elysium Door
Zaphiel, the solar, is happy to explain that he is the head The door to Elysium opens into a serene pond, about a foot
jailer here, and guards the containment area from deep and filled with flowering pads and fish. Small stones
intruders. Unfortunately, he couldn’t let you into the prison lead to a central island with a small bench facing away
even if he wanted to. The door behind him is locked, (he from the doorway. The back of the bench contains a small
will even motion, as though they can try if they want). bronze plaque with the words “I would gladly wander in
Entrance requires 3 keys, from 3 realms, for 3 locks. Long Paradise” in a floral script. Those who read the inscription
entrusted to unerring servants of law, whose allegiances aloud, while seated on the bench are transported to the
cannot be swayed. The door is sealed, unless someone has Isles of Avalon, deep within the 4th layer of Elysium,
all three keys , any one of which should be impossible to Thalasia. They appear on a small island, and in the
get. This ensures that it is never opened except in the distance can see a ring of standing stones at the top of a
direist of times, by folks the forces of good, neutrality, and hill. On approach, there is a satyr who scurries off and
evil deem acceptable. The Solar is happy to share blows a horn, before running off somewhere unseen.
information about the prison, and doesn’t actually care if Shortly thereafter, a group of 4 Planetar, and a Solar fly in.
the PCs go in. His goal is to prevent folks who don’t have This council was forged long before history with a singular
the key from going in, but if they have the keys, go for it. purpose. To project the key to the Demiplane of
The prison doesn’t lock from the inside. You can leave Imprisonment. They want nothing to do with the players,
whenever you want. Tharizdun was tricked, and believes and will acknowledge they have the key, but broadly tell the
he is the sole god of this place, and has bent reality to players to leave and stop wasting everyone’s time. They will
his whim. He could probably leave, and the Solar not give it to the players, even for the causes listed out
doesn’t believe they could ever trap him. Rather, that he (without monstrous successes on checks), but with
just doesn’t want to leave. moderate success, will confirm amongst themselves. While
The 333 gems are believed to be fragments of his they cannot give up the key, they could let the PCs have a
physical manifestation, each as powerful as any god. To copy that would last for one week. In exchange, they ask
destroy them would require a ton of power. that the players deal with a problem they themselves
The other solar report to him, and they rotate every cannot. A rogue descendant of Valkur has been mucking
thousand years to keep it fresh. He was created by the place up. The angels like the quiet nothingness, and
Helm, but his companions were made by Kelemvor, peaceful serenity, and it's ruining that with its chaos. They
Lathander, and Gond. They don’t guard the chambers are also forbidden from simply driving it out themselves.
related to their domains at this time, but can give basic Convince the Empyrean to leave.
information about the deities and the planes as needed The Empyrean is having a blast wrestling some whales
(will not provide anything that isn’t common knowledge and didn’t realize, and even if told, doesn’t particularly care
for anyone trained in the Religion skill). about, the seriousness of what it's doing. The Angels need
He has no idea what Tharizdun has done inside the to lighten up. It does like a contest, and is willing to
prison, as he has never been in. undertake wagers regarding feats of strength, and will
He will tell them that the 3 doors are portals to the leave if the players can come up with a good one. If the
other realms, but he isn't sure where on the realm. He players succeed on the Empyrean quest, the Angels are
never went through them. He knows the one goes to grateful, and will escort the players to a different island’s
Elysium, one to the Outlands, and one to Hades. seaside cave, where they will remove the long sought key,
He knows that the keys were given to a council of angels and link hands. They will magically duplicate its aura onto
on Elysium, the Lady of Pain in Sigil, and Myrkul in any mundane key the players happen to possess.
Hades. Alternatively, if the players skip the standing stones, and
He knows that Myrkul was recently (to his mind) know where the key is, they can battle the angels, who
usurped by Cyric, and isn’t sure what became of the key. reside in the caves, and take it for themselves. Depending
(religion DC 15 check to know Cyric was then also on how things go, the players may also convince the
usurped by Kelemvor) Empyrean to help them steal the key, as he has no love for
The Solar standing guard are there in case someone the angels who complain about him having some fun.
comes in aggressively and tries to break in, or so that if
Tharizdun does try to leave, they can hopefully alert

The players are on their own for a way home. If the players Portico can serve as a small respite, common travel
can plane shift themselves, they can simply return directly location, or place to hire guides who escort the party via
to the Demiplane of Imprisonment. Keep in mind the one hot air balloon, and can travel along Oceanus as needed.
week time limit for the counterfeit key they may have The players can travel up the falls to Belierin the 3rd layer,
obtained. Thalasia is serene, perfect, and empty. Thalasia is Eronia the 2nd layer, or Amoria the top layer. Players with
the final resting point for the river Oceanus, forming a large astonishing athletics checks can swim up the falls, as can
ocean with a collection of small islands around the falls. those with swim speeds, or fly speeds if a guide is not
Near the base of the falls is the small town of Portico, obtained. Because of the nature of Elysium, one can also
home to many planar travelers, a powerful one may even be magically travel between layers. Each layer is about two
able to be convinced to send them to the Demiplane of miles above the previous one. Amoria, the top layer, does
Imprisonment, but most have not heard of it, and don’t allow for travel along Oceanus through the top layer of the
know how to target it. Beastlands, Krigala on its way to Arborea. Balloonist
guides would be happy to continue the journey, or players
could trek on foot. Krigala is an endless forest populated by
At this point the DM has to decide the shape of sentient animals but portals to Arborea, The Outlands, and
the rest of the campaign. If your party has plane Elysium can often be found in the trunks of trees. Tribes of
shifting abilities, they can simply return directly
to the Demiplane of Imprisonment. If not, they
Centaur live in the woods, protecting the animals, and will
need to find someone who has been, and
readily direct travelers to the Outlands, if only to be rid of
because it's so rare, they need someone near
deific power levels. If you want a shorter game, a Coincidentally, the Outlands are the location to the
traveler in Portico should offer assistance, or second Key, and this would be a big shortcut if the players
potentially a magic item allowing the players to take it. The Outlands are also home to a variety of Gate
plane shift. Alternatively, for a longer adventure, Towns, which allow planar travel to any of the major
the next paragraph outlines the broad strokes of planes. If the players continue along the river, Oceanus
what that might look like, and it could turn into a travels through The Beastlands and into the second layer of
fairly long campaign. Natural end points being Arborea, Aquallor. A massive whirlpool resides here and
whenever the players encounter a metropolis, or can potentially suck characters back through to Thalasia.
magical artifact. In depth details for each planar Otherwise, Aquallor is a massive oceanic plane with
location are outside the focus of this multiple planar metropolises, such as Elshava, a floating
sourcebook. city. With flight, or magic, players can reach the first layer,
Arvandor, which houses Mt. Olympus, the location of gates
to many other planes, including the Ethereal. If the party
still haven’t made their way back to finish the quest by this
point, the DM should take the hint, and refocus the game
around something else.

The Petitioners of Automata are Modrons, once assigned
Act 3b The Door to the to the various tasks of the town, acting as a way point for
travelers seeking to travel to Mechanus. Since Eshirova’s
Outlands occupation, none have been allowed to use the portal, and
The door to the Outlands opens revealing a barren, domed they haven’t received new instructions for at least a
chamber a hundred feet in diameter and made from steel. hundred years. As a result, they have become what is
Rising from the center of the room is a lever. When pulled known as Rogue Modrons (see the monster manual). These
towards the door, the inhabitants are plane shifted directly Modrons have essentially broken free of their coding, and
to the outskirts of Automata, a gate-town near the portal to are able to take whatever actions they desire. Unlike
Mechanus in the Outlands. normal Rogue Modrons, these long to return to the fold. It
is unclear what will happen when Primus discovers this
rogue colony, and it may range anywhere from destruction
The Lore for Automata has fast forwarded a few to rejoining the fold.
hundred years. It was a town of pristine order and Trekking from Automata to Sigil is simultaneously
lawfulness, but that has since changed. Behind straightforward, and challenging. Automata is 1,000 miles
the scenes, this change is because Automata was across flat grassland to the Great Spire in the center. The
“an exceptionally boring place to visit by most torus city of Sigil floats above and is visible from far away.
accounts” - Jeff Grubb A Player's Primer to the One can, in theory, simply walk. Geographically, the 16
Outlands (TSR, Inc.), pp. 8–9. ISBN 0-7869-
0121-7. Actually adventuring in an exceptionally
gate towns form a perimeter at 1,000 miles around the
boring place is, well, exceptionally boring. There
Great Spire. Further from the tower is an empty, plains
was a lawless undercity, but its existence was region that probably goes on forever. Without an interesting
silly in a bad way that breaks the suspension of feature, no one has bothered to map it, but it may have a
disbelief with the level of naivete required on defined limit. Once one begins walking out of the towns,
behalf of the townsfolk. towards the Spire, the various planar traits of the Outlands
make travel harder, and probably impossible, based on
distance from the Spire.
Automata was once a town of pristine lawfulness, with a Distance Effect
central gate directly to Mechanus itself. Through this gate 1,000 Level 9 spells and Legendary magic items
come the great teeth of one of the great wheels of Miles cease to function.
Mechanus, and continually provides a steady source of 900 Level 8 spells cease to function.
movement. These teeth connect to a series of smaller and
smaller gears throughout the town, and once provided a 800 Level 7 spells and Very Rare magic items cease
form of power, automating many of the tasks throughout to function.
town. From the critical, like pumping water or powering the 700 Level 6 spells and cease to function.
large central clocktower, to the ridiculous, like keeping the
blades of the windmill turning at a steady and consistent 600 Level 5 spells and Rare magic items cease to
pace regardless of wind speed. Some parts of the town
incorporated the gears into their business functions as well, 500 Level 4 spells and cease to function.
and Klanger’s Tavern was widely beloved for its automated 400 Level 3 spells and Uncommon magic items
band, dancers, and bartenders. cease to function.
This changed some years back, as Eshirova, an Erinyes,
and her war band moved into town. Originally, offering 300 Level 2 spells and cease to function.
protection from potential threats, they quickly proved to be 200 Level 1 spells and Common magic items cease
the biggest threat of them all. After assuming the mantle of to function.
sheriff, they took strict control of the gears, and through a 100 All spells fail. Chemical Reactions cease, and
permitting and taxation process drove most folks away even the gods cannot exist. Characters suffer
from their use. Even going so far as to remove smaller 1 level of exhaustion, and a scaling 1d6
gears from shops and townsfolk who would or could not damage every round they remain at this
pay for their use. Anyone traveling through this town distance. (1d6, then 2d6, then 3d6, etc)
should expect to find some form of taxation applied, and
anyone powerful, such as adventurers, is strongly
encouraged by the law-folk to move along. Some of the
local petitioners may plead for help, and if the party spends
more than a day and night in town, the group will be
approached and pleaded with for help. Eshirova and her
band have squeezed the town for most of their money, but
the petitioners know that mercenaries aren’t free, and are
willing to make a variety of promises for future payments.
They also happen to know the location of a doorway to
Sigil about 300 miles from the center, and will share it with
the PCs for assistance. Eshirova knows the location of the
portal as well, and will freely give it to the PCs, on the
condition that they leave. If she finds out that their business
is to travel to Sigil, she may even directly offer its location
as a means to get them out of town quickly.

Without powerful wizards and enchanted swords, a variety If the Party completes the Modron quest, or is given the
of megafauna thrive in the Outlands. Use the random location of the portal from Eshirova, they can travel there
encounter table once for each time the party changes and get to Sigil easily enough. If the party avoids either
distance from the Spire. After a result is rolled, change it quest, they have free reign to find another method into
out for a passive, nonthreatening encounter, such as a herd Sigil. It's called the City of Doors for a reason, and there
of Brontosaurus or titanic blue oxen. are more portals connecting to it, than any other planar
destination. The Outlands has 15 other gate cities that may
have information, or can serve as a doorway to other
planes with their metropolises and quests. As a last resort,
the 200-100 mile ring of the plane of the Outlands is a
frequent meeting place for rival powerful entities. All are on
the same foot, and no one has a hidden magical advantage.
These entities are often from Sigil and could potentially be
convinced to bring the PCs along with them in exchange
for a favor or service.
Within Sigil, the Lady of Pain reigns supreme as a deity.
The magic nullifying effects of the Outlands are
suppressed, deific powers cease to function, and she can
reshape the city to her whims. Thanks to its multitude of
portals, the City of Doors has powerful petitioners from
across the planes making a life for themselves. The all
powerful Lady of Pain has laid out bare laws forbidding
outright conflict, but otherwise rules remotely and through
D10 Encounter proxies known as Dabus. These beings occasionally pass
1 Stone Remorhaz (2d6) - Replace heated body with along the word of the Lady, and let inhabitants know when
Lightning Coil. It functions the same, but deals they have crossed a line. Giving the recipient a chance to
lightning damage as bolts of electricity arc off its correct behavior, lest they invoke her wrath.
body. To gain an audience with the Lady herself, one must be a
2 Roc Flock (2d6 Roc)
powerful entity. Luckily for the PCs, they are 3-5 such
things. They can get on a list to meet with the Lady easily
3 1d4 Purple Worms Ambush enough by asking around, and making contact with a
4 1d6 Storm Giant in a hunting party. Dabus. The list is long, and they can be seen in a month.
The PCs can simply wait it out, or one of the folks ahead
5 Lost and frantic Archmage in possession of a
variety of magical items. Willing to barter in
may be convinced to let you jump ahead.
exchange for an escort to a town. (good
opportunity to to give items the party is lacking) Sample Line Jump Quests
Bal'giketh, the Butcher, a Pit Fiend is furious that
6 Squadron of 2d4 Ice Devils on a scouting mission Sidriel, a Planetar slew his host. Sidriel claims the host
7 Goristro Rancher in search of Purple Worms. had crossed an agreed upon border street, but
Would just as soon as murder the PCs and steal Bal'giketh doesn’t care and is demanding Sidriel’s head.
their stuff as talk to them though. If the party brought it to him, he would have no need to
8 Dragon Tortoise (use Dragon Turtle stats, but its stand in line, and would gladly give up his spot.
breath weapon is Acid, not steam and it has a The Mummy Lord Masa-ka-harota lost his scepter in a
speed of 40, with no swim) game of chance at Piyali’s House of Riddles. The
9 Solar Bounty Hunter - Assigned to patrol the Androsphinx is refusing a do over. He plans to petition
Outlands in exile for some embarrassment. On the the Lady for its return, but if the players handle it for
prowl for evil, and working to put a stop to it. Note him, he would be eternally grateful.
its spellcasting may not function as normal. A pair of Iron Golems showed up and destroyed Zrikra
10 The mighty Tarrasque prowls the Outlands feasting The Serpent’s Wondrous Emporium. He seeks
on what it can. This is the singular apex predator of restitution, but does not know who sent them. (A rival
the region, and after it was awoken years ago, no Lich was jealous of his wares, but the PCs will need to
one has been able to lul it back to sleep. investigate the crime scene to determine this.) He plans
to ask the Lady who did it, but if the PCs can find out he
will swap.
The Mind Flayer trio, Vilzux, Dhasud, and Aiqnor are
livid. Someone infested their elder brain pool with
Slaadi tadpoles. Now they are breeding uncontrollably,
and they ARE NOT equipped to clean this up. The Mind
Flayers want to know who did it, and have the mess
cleaned up. If the players can solve both problems, they
will give up their meeting time.

Club Zion is an exclusive vampire nightclub. The bars
serve a variety of blood, raw flesh, and live delicacies. The
weekend Blood Raves are a hit. Music is loud, discordant,
and enhanced with a variety of illusion magic to create a
surreal, dizzying experience. A pair of Nalfeshnee stand
guard at the door, letting only the right sort of folks in.
Within, the staff consist of Lysander and Yolanthe Lupescu,
a vampire warrior and spellcaster of dubious relation, each
of whom own a 45% stake in the bar, along with 5 vampiric
bartenders, with a dozen or so thralls serving tables and
cleaning up as needed. A rotating cast of bard’s perform on
any given night.
Night Band
Monday The Attitude, a trio of newly risen vampires
featuring a wraith on vocals. Music is slow,
ethereal, and haunting.
Tuesday Sadistic Emptiness. The house band, a
Yugoloth quartet that also steps in if
something happens with one of the other
bands and they can’t go on.
An encounter with the Lady of Pain is a big event, on par
with meeting a deity. The Lady herself sits upon the Throne Wednesday The Union of the Crimson Soul. A Siren
of Blades, and seemingly doesn’t move. Her face, concealed vocalist trio who always draw a big crowd.
behind a porcelain mask devoid of emotion. She speaks as Thursday Car-Nage. A rap battle duo composed of an
one who knows her authority is absolute, and suffers no Ettin.
insolence. With a thought, she can banish those who offend Friday Scarlet Torture Orchestra. You read that
her from Sigil and bar their return. If this happens, the right! STO has a weekly Friday night show
quest can fail. Luckily, the Lady does not believe in and folks go all out to get in.
spokesmen, and judges each upon their own merits. As Saturday Infinite Gutted Despair.This hard Vrock trio
such, she will only banish the offending PC. Where to… brings down the house.
well that’s up to her. Depending on the severity, she forces
the creature to one of four locations. For the least Sunday Coldclaw Pack. A nine werewolf band that
transgression, she simply sends them beyond the gate crowds the stage. Their music comprises
mostly howls, screams, and a seemingly
towns in the Outlands. They can make their way easy random collection of drums. Their hit song
enough, and she will tell the party which gate town the involves the disembowelment of a randomly
offender is near, and that the offender is banished from selected audience member.
Sigil from here on out. For more serious offenses, she
banishes them to their home plane’s largest metropolis. Mug’thuz employes a few hundred Manes, Dretch, and
She will tell the offenders' allies this as well. They can leave Quasit skirting around the city, stealing and pickpocketing.
as normal, but it's hugely inconvenient for most, and can He also has 30 Barlgura, 20 Hezrou, 8 Glabrezu, a pair of
cause major delays for the quest. The next step is to a Nalfeshnee, and a Goristro in his employ. At any given
random plane’s biggest metropolis. She either doesn’t point, there are a dozen pickpockets, 2d6 Barlgura, 1d10
know which, or won’t reveal which, to the party, but the Hezrou, and 1d8 Glabrezu in the club with him. He keeps
specific PC could figure it out reasonably quickly by asking company in a back room, with a 50% chance of his Goristro
someone nearby. Lastly, for the most serious offenses, she lieutenant on hand. If not the Goristro, Charvia the Marilith
has manifested a series of pocket dimensions in the Deep stands in. The two lieutenant’s have an arrangement to
Astral. She is happy to tell the players what happened, but murder Mug’thuz and let Charvia take charge of the gang,
will not reveal how to find the dimension (although savvy but are waiting for the right time. If not in the back room,
groups may be able to get hints, and see if the crew of the Charvia has a 50% chance of being in the club as a patron
Le Pompier can help. The Lady does not know they have or being about town.
access to this resource, and they can’t help but brag subtly). The Lady of Pain can send the PCs back to the chamber
There is no saving throw for this ability while the Lady is in the Demiplane of Imprisonment, or most any other place
seated on the Throne of Blades. Otherwise it is a DC 28 they wish to go. They can also explore Sigil further if they
Wisdom save. would like, and there is certain to be transportation to
While all powerful, and totally confident in Sigils somewhere in the Ethereal if needed.
protection against Tharizdun, the Lady could use the help
of a few Primes. It makes life easier for her if she maintains
an appearance of neutrality at all times. Charvia, a Marilith
General, is marshalling power and seeks to overthrow her
Balor commander, Mug'thuz the Devourer. In practice, The
Lady would not normally care, but this Balor has been very
useful, and the Marilith is proving hard to control. If an
adventuring party of Primes were to kill her, well that's not
all that unusual. Mug’thuz and his gang are normally found
at Club Zion, where they act as enforcers and muscle.

Act 3c The Door to Hades Control of the Bone Castle has changed hands
many times since the key was left with Myrkul.
The door to the Hades opens revealing a clean gray During the time of troubles Cyric took over
chamber a hundred feet in diameter and made from Myrkul’s duties and fortress, only to be cast out
smooth stone and covered in a low layer of fog. Rising from by Kelemvor who renamed it The Crystal Spire.
the center of the room is a stacked stone well. Anything that Kelemvor is an ascendant adventurer that has
falls into the well finds itself transported to a stunted and brought about drastic changes for the Bone
withered gray forest. The sound of a slow river in the Castle, and Hades itself. Whereas Myrkul and
distance breaks the otherwise total silence. Cyric made the afterlife for those unpledged to a
god a fearful and terrifying thing, Kelemvor has
posited that it is a natural part of life. After the
Any who touch the waters of the river Styx make capture of the, now renamed, Crystal Spire,
a wisdom saving throw (DC 12) each round they Kelemvor established Myrkul and Cyric both as
remain in contact or have their memories erased lesser aspects and holds judgement over the
for a day. Full immersion wipes one's memories dead. Those who were wicked and evil are given
clean, and requires a saving throw per round to Myrkul or Cyric and those who were righteous
against the effect until dry. are allowed to haunt the City of the Dead, which
surrounds the castle. Myrkul and Cyric do not like
one another, and often plot to put an end to the
Winding its way through Hades, is the river Styx. One of other side, and eventually to reclaim the throne,
the few landmarks to break up the unremarkable gray, but a refusal to work together makes that
unlikely. As former gods, Myrkul and Cyric are
dead forest and scrub brush. Anyone who walks along the incredibly powerful. Use the Empyrean stats, but
river for a week is bound to find one of the great portals to they are still medium sized creatures unless they
Tarterus, Geheana, and The Outlands. These portals, and choose to grow (as a bonus action).
the river itself, are used as choke points in the great Blood
War between devils and demons and there are usually
massive iron forts protecting them. Nearing any is usually a
death sentence. Depending on who controls a given fort, The City of the Dead is home to the righteous deceased
one of the following battalions is stationed within. who have no devotion to a particular deity. Kelemvor rules
it in the abstract, but since the dead have no wants or
Demon: Demons give no warnings and slaughter any needs, and it's only occupants are righteous, his load is
who approach. A marilith is in charge, and she keeps a fairly light. The city itself is a proper city, but there is no
hezrou, a flock of 10 vrock, 12 chasme, 30 barlgura, and currency, restaurants, and most establishments as are
40 dretch. The demons fight to the death (and ressurect regularly imagined don’t really exist either. There are
at some point in the Abyss). artistic workshops set up for those who wish to practice, or
Devil: The Devils will demand surrender, and take view an art but otherwise things move at an excruciatingly
anyone approaching their base, who is not obviously a slow pace for the living.
demon or yugoloth, hostage. Their equipment is added In the center of the city is the Crystal Spire, a once
to the reserves, and the characters sold in Hell. Those wicked castle made from bone, magically transformed to
who don’t surrender, will need to contend with 2 Ice clear crystal. There are no secrets here. Myrkul rules from
Devils, a horned devil, a dozen chain devils, 20 barbed a grand entrance hall, and has no time for visitors or much
devils, 50 bearded devils, 6 or so imps, and 20 lemure. of anything beyond passing judgement on the recently
The devils are not above bargaining, and could deceased. It doesn’t take a lot of time, but the line stretches
potentially be persuaded to provide information. out the gates and through the city itself and is patrolled by
Yugoloth: Yugoloth are a mercenary faction, and have a a Death Knight and host of 50 Wraiths. One could simply
33% chance of being hired by one of the other two, or get in line, and wait for about a day, but they run the risk of
being open to work. If open to work, the PCs could being mistaken for the recently deceased. The risk here
theoretically hire them, for a princely sum of 100,000gp being that, if judged poorly, they would be sent away with
(or more likely an equivalent in gems and valuable trade Myrkul or Cyric for eternal torture. If judged well, they
goods), or a legendary item. The Yugoloth mercenaries would be welcome to stay, and be able to have a quick
are usually 1 ultroloth, 1 arcanaloth, 20 nycaloth, and audience with Kelemvor. Ultimately, Kelemvor has no idea
50 mezzoloth. They Yugoloth could also simply be about the key, and genuinely couldn’t help them. He will
interacted with and won’t cause a problem for the PCs, mention that the previous owners had a great many secrets
if they are not paid to do so. If they are paid to be in and one of them may have some insight.
service of the Demons or Devils, the Yugoloth aren’t
above negotiating a surrender if they feel they may lose,
but otherwise defend the fort normally.
Any of the iron towers not inhabited by demons could
potentially be convinced to provide information or direction
towards Myrkul, and they all know the location of the
mighty Bone Castle. It can also be found on its own
through mundane scouting means (it's a big castle,
surrounded by a city, it isn’t hidden).

Investigation about town reveals that both Myrkul and If Myrkul has the Scales, he can usurp Kelemvor’s power,
Cyric reside in the tower proper, but keep to the and reclaim his rightful throne. He gladly summons the key
subterranean depths below it for the most part and are to his hand and gives it to the party before he leaves to
rarely seen. The dungeons below the Crystal Spire are as confront the newly weakened Kelemvor. The party is on
expansive as they are labyrinthine. The major, well known their own for the return, and should leave quickly, as Hades
feature, of the dungeons is the Well of Souls. A large pool will no longer be such a welcoming place. If the party
for the evil, but not so evil that torturing them forever is a embarrasses or even kills Cyric, Myrkul again hands over
priority, souls to wait for their turn to be tortured. The Well the key, with plans to bring news to Kelemvor, and absorb
itself is at the bottom of an impossibly deep cliff, made up the additional duties and honors that Cyric had. This is a
from a swirling vortex of pale blue energy. Souls are cast very dangerous situation for the party, Myrkul will most
here, and promptly ignored. Their eternal reward, being the likely declare something like “Some adventurers just killed
company they make for themselves. Select souls are pulled that weakling Cyric” invoking Kelemvor’s wrath. The party
out for specific torture by Myrkul or Cyric as desired. Both should have a quick escape ready in this instance. If the
have obvious secret passages used to depart the room for party cannot plane shift on their own, the Iron Fortresses
their work, but the layers upon layers of illusion, physical or the River Styx are both means to traverse the planes.
trickery, and magical warding make following them into The river flows from Pandemonium, into the Abyss onto
their respective layers practically impossible, even for Carceri, then through Hades and then into Gehenna, and
Kelemvor, who has long since given up attempting to Baator before finally winding down in Acheron. Travel
discover it. along the river is dangerous, and not for the faint of heart,
Cyric hasn’t heard of the key either, but will not but it can lead a party to more populous regions than the
immediately let on. Any conversation with him on the topic Wastes of Hades.
will casually turn into an opportunity for him to learn about
the key and how he may be able to use it to embarrass or Myrkul's Maze
cast out Myrkul. Navigating Myrkul's maze is quite a challenge. It has three
Myrkul initially denies knowledge of the key, but if it primary means of defense.
becomes clear the players know of it, is all too happy to First. It's a literal maze, and DC 15 Investigation checks
reveal its location. Deep within his catacombs, far away need to be made to progress. A party needs 8 successes to
from the prying eyes of Kelemvor or Cyric, he did indeed navigate the maze. Many traps are not designed to be
stash the key. He won’t tell you anymore, and he won’t help lethal, and just discourage further exploration. An
you get it, unless you can do something for him. His initial Investigation check can be made every hour, and a random
request is for the players to steal the Scales of Power from encounter occurs at some point during that hour of
Kelemvor, which will allow him to re-ascend to godhood exploration.
and cast out “these intruders” (Kelemvor and Cyric). He Secondly. The maze magically shifts. If the party leaves
would also be willing to accept a great embarrassment for the maze through one of the magical traps, the layout of the
Cyric that would get him cast out, or a simple murder. The maze is magically rearranged, and traps are reset. This
players could attempt one of three obvious paths. happens every Sunday at midnight regardless of which
Presented below in order of complexity. traps have been triggered. If someone is in the maze when
it shifts, treat it as though they have made 0 progress, but
Murder Cyric: If the players decide to murder Cyric, its physical traps in their current room do not reset (magical
straight forward. He comes to the Well and withdrawals ones will).
a soul daily. They could challenge him here, and he Third. Literal hundreds of Wraiths. The party should
wouldn’t dare call for help, lest he suffer the encounter 2d6 anytime they enter a chamber, even if its one
embarrassment. they have seen before. These Wraiths are sentries and will
Steal the Scales of Power from Kelemvor: The flee to alert Myrkul after a single round of combat if they
Scales are towering, 20ft high scales in which a person’s are not defeated quickly. After 1d4 have escaped, the
deeds are literally weighed. Kelemvor spends almost all remainder will stay to defend the maze, assuming it ins't
of his time actively using them, as he provides obviously suicidal.
judgement on inbound souls. Kelemvor would only be The next page has 20 random encounters that would be
willing to leave the chamber, if there were a large threat suitable chambers for this maze.
to the city itself. A siege by Demons or Devils for
example would see Kelemvor take up armaments, raise
his army of the dead, martial Myrkul and Cyric, and
protect the city, leaving the Scales barricaded in the
throne room with a single Death Knight and swarm of
2d6 wraiths for defense. (up to 30 additional wraiths
can arrive at a rate of 1d6 per round if combat starts).
Find the Key Themselves: Myrkul has told them where
the key is, in general terms. This is the hardest path, but
a likely one for parties that favor brute force, but are
against murder. They could attempt to navigate Myrkul’s
labyrinth and find it themselves.

D20 Encounter aquan) results in a Tsunami (as per the spell)
blasting everyone in the room into the magma. The
1 Three Liches, in an arcane library devoted to resulting steam bath ruins everyone’s hair and
research around the ascension to godhood and makeup.
Vecna. This library should have magical books of
legendary quality or better, but the liches will 15 This room is divided by a deep chasm 100ft wide
defend it and alert Myrkul if possible. with bubbling lava at the bottom. You reminisce
about how this used to be a large challenge for the
2 A spiraling inward dead end hallway that is 10ft in group back in the day. There is an anti-magic zone
diameter (round). After 300ft of inward spiraling, 60ft wide in the middle of the chasm, stretching
the party triggers an 11ft diameter sphere of from ceiling to lava.
annihilation that is released, rolling at them. It
annihilates the stone behind it, revealing a cubic 16 This arcane trap is relatively straightforward and
wall of force tunnel upon which it rides. maddening. This room appears to be a dead end.
The center contains a raised, circular, dias, and
3 A false treasure room. Behind an overly trapped there are runes covering the walls. The runes are
and locked door, the party sees what appears to be gibberish, and can’t be translated (which is
a vault. In actuality, the doorway is a Gate that apparent after a DC 25 investigation check).
merely appears to be a treasure room, any who Anyone who steps into the dias is immediately
enter the room are transported to the Elemental teleported back to the entryway for the Well of
Plane of Fire. If the gate is dispelled, a simple stone Souls as though stepping into a Teleportation
hallway is behind it, not a room. Circle. The door on the farside of the room is
4 1d6 Death Knights in their tombs. Any sound poorly locked (DC 12).
made while passing through their room triggers a
meteor swarm trap, and then awakens the Death 17 The far wall of this room is an elaborate map of the
planes. Intricately detailed, and masterfully painted.
Knights. This relief is a valuable work of art if transported
5 A large ballroom made from the souls of the elsewhere. The first plane touched triggers a Plane
damned. The floor, ceiling, walls, and furnature Shift trap on the room. Everyone present must
absorb the soul of those who touch them (save make saves or become Plane Shifted to the plane
Charisma DC 18) vs unconsciousness + touched. This is especially worrying, as some of
exhaustion. Pass is a level of exhaustion, each the party may pass while others may fail.
round in contact)
18 One minute after this massive room is entered, a
6 Walls made from flesh, more than one of which forcecage is summoned around each creature
have eyes. These wall-eyes will alert Myrkul to (using the slatted bar configuration). Water begins
trespassers. Some of them may have darkvision or pouring from the top, and rapidly filling well above
better. the top of the cages in 6 rounds. The cages last for
an hour.
7 A rogue Demilich is whizzing down the hallway. It
almost collides with the party, and then 19 An actually empty room
immediately launches into combat during a
surprise. 20 - The Final Encounter - Reroll if the party has not
had a suitable ammount of prior encounters.
8 A Mummy Lord and their construction crew of 30 Myrkul is willing to assume that his maze and traps
Mummies are carving an immense palace. If are enough to deter the party, but once alerted to
ignored they do not engage. their exploration, will go and sit in his actual
treasure vault with the key just to be safe. While
9 A room containing 12 statues of mighty warriors there he will get reports from his minions. If the
from ages gone. 2d4 are Iron Golems which spring players make it into the treasure vault, they should
to life if the statues are touched. receive an immense horde, but also will have to
10 Goristro fight club. 4 clubs of Mephits (Magma, contend with three Death Tyrants, who fly high
Steam, Smoke, Mud) have set up a gambling ring above using their eye rays, and potentially Myrkul
around battling their captured Goristro in a form of himself (who grows to full height) and wields a
wrestling. The party can observe if they place bets. wicked vorpal scythe. The door to his vault is
If they attempt to stop it, the Goristro are sicced guarded by an Adult Red Dragon devoted to the
on them. death cult of Myrkul and should be defeated before
the door can be opened.
11 A perpetually grieving Solar is kept locked in this
chamber. He was created back when Myrkul was a
deity, and used to enforce deific laws, but now that
Myrkul has fallen he has no purpose.
12 Anyone entering this room is subject to a Maze
spell. The spell does not automatically end after 10
minutes, and those who cannot make a DC 20 Int
check remain trapped, until the spell is dispelled.
Additionally, this maze contains an angry Goristro
who encounters the player at the end of the first
13 The floor of this otherwise unremarkable room is
actually 2 inches lower than it appears. The original
floor is an illusion designed to mask the Prismatic
wall that sits 1 inch above the real floor.
14 One half of this chamber is covered by an exposed
magma stream. The opposing wall contains a door,
emblazoned with an ocean theme. Touching the
door without uttering the command word (fire in

Act 4 The Triplicate Keys

hen the party arrives with the triplicate keys,
the Angels make no effort to stop them, and Tharzidun, The Triplicate King’s power here is
make it clear (if it wasn’t) Tharizdun is not absolute. There is limited free will, but there is no
bound, does not know he is trapped, and resistance and there is no secret underground of
most likely doesn’t know he might want to rebels. The free will folks do have, is built around
leave. He thinks he won and has probably a foundation that Tharizdun’s rule is just, fair, and
been thriving in a dreamscape of his own desired. Tharizdun has seen to it that all of
creation. The keys were designed not to keep him in, but to existence is well and truly as he desires. Players
keep others out. They have no knowledge of what's going may be tempted to seek out a band of plucky
on in there, but the party should expect the worst. One rebels who run an Underground from the forest,
thing they do warn the party of, is that if they alert and in many stories that is a viable path. A few
things are in place to make that fail here. First
Tharizdun to the reality of his situation, he may want to and foremost, this is a prison designed to keep
leave. That cannot happen, and would doom all of the Tharizdun content. The central premise that
planes. Tharzidun believes is that he has won, and there
When opened, the door glows with a blinding light. They is no more fighting to be done. Rebels imply he
exit a stall into a crowded street of what can only be the was not victorious, and even if it would actually
Trade’s Ward of Waterdeep. At first glance things seem make him happier to have someone in
normal enough, but they begin to notice small adjustments opposition to him, the gods who laid the traps
as they regain their bearings and explore. The coinage, for would not allow it. The risk that in his battle, he
instance, is emblazoned with the spiral or inverted would realize his condition was too great. Lastly,
ziggurat. People go about their business, but keen eyes and most simply, all the beings and objects in
start to notice the lack of religious symbology, which is so this prison are an elaborate programmed illusion,
prevalent in the attire and jewelry of the common folks. As powered by Tharizdun himself. These literally
the players start to feel a little more confident, but before aren’t people, and they literally can’t oppose him.
too much exploration is done, the whole market quickly
drops to their knees. A processional is making its way
through the city consisting of a dozen knights in black As the players gain their bearings, they will invariably have
armor, four of which carry a black litter bedecked in red questions. One common question is to check, and confirm
jewels. Once it's well past eyesight, folks begin standing. that they can leave through the same market stall. A
This was the Triplicate King of Waterdeep and they are popular option would be to see the familiar sights and
blessed by his passing. sounds of home. They can certainly do so, but folks will
have a memory of the mirror versions of the PCs. This
should cause some confusion among the NPCs, and be a
humorous, scary, or dark encounter, depending on your
group. Remember, in this world, tolerance and kindness
aren’t virtues, power is, and the dynamic shift is felt
throughout the setting.

A friendly NPC can reveal 1. An investigator will approach from down the street
non threateningly to ask them to return to a guard
Mirror versions of the PCs work for Onzobeus as house for questioning. The guard appears to know them
Tharizdun’s personal troubleshooter squad. by name, and speaks with some familiarity. He will
Tharizdun currently, and always has ruled all of reality. explain that they heard some concerning rumors about
Their god is a living god, and created the world in which them, and just want to make sure they are OK.
we live. He is physically in each major city in the form of If the PCs run the guard will briefly give chase,
one of his divine 333 bodies. but it is assumed high level PCs can evade them
Onzobeus acts as Tharizdun’s Vizier, running the day to easily enough you shouldn’t need to roll much
day operations of Waterdeep, the Jewel of Thazidun’s and can handle this through whatever
kingdom. suggestions the players have.
Generally speaking, things run about as they did before, The guards will leave, talk to the PCs'
just with a god emperor overseeing it all. Most events mirror alternates, and alert them to the
match up, but there are certain stark differences. For doppelganger threat. The Mirror PCs will
example, no mention of a pre-tharizdun time, or the then ambush the PCs as described in 2.
concept of other deities. If the PCs go along - He, and several members of
Asking about town can reveal the guard will question the PCs. They will need
to pass 5 DC 15 Charisma checks without failing
The PCs are feared and respected for some reason. 2 (as a party) to pass scrutiny.
Folks cross the street when they recognize them, and do If they pass scrutiny, they are released. The
their best to avoid eye contact. guard will report it up, and the Onzobeus
Intimidate DC 15 will reveal that the PCs are “The will be alerted to the the PCs while they
Hand of Tharizdun” carrying out his divine will. are lose in the city. Go to encounter 3.
Generally speaking, things run about as they did before, If they do not pass, one of the guards will
just with a god emperor overseeing it all. Most events excuse himself. The others keep the PCs
match up, and there isn’t a lot of cause for concern talking, and attempt to get them to linger
(Insight DC 18 reveals that this is not quite true, and the for 1d4 hours while they key up encounter
players should still keep things vague when they can.) 2.
Tharizdun has 333 divine forms scattered around the If the PCs linger, encounter 2 is an
planes ruling the major cities. ambush in the guards house, with
Invariably an NPC will become suspicious of their guards helping out.
questions, mannerisms, or attire, and report their strange If the PCs escape the room,
ways to the city guard for investigation. Whether this is a encounter 2 is an ambush in the
known NPC’s mirror alternative they thought they could streets some hours later.
trust, or a simple merchant who noticed none of their coin 2. Mirror versions of the PCs will arrive. They work for
was the proper minting, and their priests had strange Tharizdun, as high level problem solvers, and normally
symbols. A mirror-ed friend is the best option plot wise, but handle things like rogue monsters, or random high level
a stranger will do well enough to keep things moving. threats that arise as Tharizdun’s personal adventuring
The city guard takes a fairly ordered approach to this squad.
problem with the following order of events which carries Mirror Fight: a mirror fight between the PCs and
the act to its conclusion. themselves occurs. The Mirror PCs will attempt
to capture the PCs for torture/questioning.
If the Mirror PCs win: They will knock out,
and subdue the PCs. The PCs will awaken,
without gear in a dungeon with an
interrogation by Onzobeus. Go to 4.
If the Mirror PCs lose: They will do their
best to escape when they are below 20%
health, or any Mirror PC is slain or
knocked unconscious.
If they escape: If the Mirror PCs
escape, they alert Onzobeus and he
returns to confront them with any
surviving Mirror PCs, prepared and
ready. Go to 3
If they can’t: Onzobeus comes
looking for them. He doesn’t know
what happened to his team, but is
worried about a threat that could do
this. Go to 3, with way less
information about the PCs. This
gives them plenty of time to prepare
and be on their toes.

3. Onzobeus hunts the PCs. He has spies everywhere, Onzobeus is casual about information when it is just him
powerful divination magic, and even an omniscient deity and the PCs. He assumes they know a lot more than they
on his side, although he is reluctant to ask Tharizdun might, and he is cocky thinking they can’t stop him anyway.
for help. Once Onzobeus sees the PCs, he has no No checks are required to get information from him. This is
interest in keeping them alive, does his best to deal a good method for the villain to outline his plan if your
lethal damage and will go so far as to "accidentally" kill players are a little fuzzy or forgot details. In front of
prisoners if possible. If left alone with any, he will Tharizdun and others, he is almost a caricature of a loyal
certainly kill them if able. If the Mirror-PCs are present, servant, fawning over Tharizdun at any chance. He has
he will not outright slay them, and pay lip service to the been siphoning the power of Tharizdun using the powers
idea of an interrogation. If captured alive, skip to step 4. of the 333 gems into himself, and so long as is servants on
This is a probably end game encounter. The PCs the material have the gems, Tharizdun is splintered, and
are battling mirror-verse versions of themselves, Onzobeus can rule in his stead. He will ruin one reality to
and a 1/9th demi-god in the form of Onzobeus. If rule another.
Mirror-PCs start falling, they retreat, but If slain, Onzobeus erupts in divine energy, and 37 of the
Onzobeus will not. He taps into his godlike Triplicate Kings step forth from his flesh. This is a good
powers, and it becomes apparent to all around time to remind the PCs that if Tharizdun starts thinking
him that he is more than he appears. (DM note, too hard about what's going on, he might put enough pieces
he has legendary actions that are godlike. Run together to wake up. The Kings fly skyward, and begin to
the Onzobeus if slain encounter) fuse together once more. Players can and should use this
4. This is not a great scenario for the PCs. There is a opportunity to slip back out that original market stall, and
great chance of TPK here, and it should really be a last return to the Demiplane of Imprisonment.
There isn’t a real need for the players to fight Tharizdun,
resort. Captured PCs awaken in a dungeon deep below he is still trapped, and relatively unaware of the events of
Waterdeep. They are kept in separate cells, and most the story, but players are players. Fighting a god directly,
likely chained. Since they were captured by mirror especially one who so scared the other gods they couldn’t
copies of themselves, most of their tricks should be beat him, is beyond the power scope of this book. If you
accounted for in some way, but if the players come up include it, and Tharizdun is defeated, the realm should
with something new then and there, it should probably collapse pretty immediately. It's kept alive by his will, and
work. This is hugely varied by party composition, so without it, there is simply nothing. Instead of simply
specifics can’t be given, but things like “I always keep a blacking everything out and having a TPK on a win, you
lockpick in my mouth” or “Oh, I always prepare X spell” should consider having reality rapidly shrink around
should be accounted for, and things like “I just Tharizdun giving a few rounds for the players to make it to
remembered I have this obscure ability I forgot about” their exit.
should work. Shortly after they awaken, Onzobeus and
the Mirror-PCs arrive. Onzobeus will lead the
conversation, while the PCs are restrained and unable
to interact. He will pontificate at length about duty to
Tharizdun, and getting to the bottom of these
doppelganger fiends, before leaving the room with the
Mirror-PCs. A bit later, Onzobeus will return alone. He
knows exactly who the PCs are, and what they are
doing here. His demeanor has changed completely, no
longer loud and reverent, he is direct, short and mean.
He will interrogate them, and then attempt to kill them
one by one, or through fights if someone breaks free.
Probably without gear, and probably pretty unfairly. Be
generous with letting PCs escape from their bonds as
described above, so as many as possible can participate.
If he is wounded, but wins a fight. Onzobeus will heal
between encounters.
If the PCs can escape, they should have enough
information from Onzobeus to know their
mission is accomplished. Tharizdun is now
weaker, and Onzobeus is no longer siphoning his

Ishan Onzobeus Actions
Medium humanoid, Lawful Evil
Illusory Appearance. Onzobeus covers himself and
anything he is wearing or carrying with a magical
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
illusion that makes him look like another creature of
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 36 + 18)
its general size and shape. The effect ends if the
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Onzobeus takes a bonus action to end it or if it dies.

    The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA to physical inspection. For example, Onzobeus could
appear to have no claws, but someone touching his
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) hand might feel the claws. Otherwise, a creature
must take an action to visually inspect the illusion
Saving Throws Int +12, Wis +9, Cha +12 and succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)
Skills Arcana +19, Deception +19, History +12, check to discern that Onzobeus is disguised.
Insight +9, Intimidation +12, Perception +9,
Religion +12 Explosive Growth. Onzobeus can increase his size by
Damage Immunities necrotic, radiant; bludgeoning, one category, gaining +4 strength, +4 constitution
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons (and by extension 36 hit points), and +4 natural
Condition Immunities charmed armor. He can do this until he reaches gargantuan
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19 size, with the effects stacking each time. This ability
Languages A host of local languages native to the lasts until Onzobeus dismisses it, or is slain.
demi-plane, Celestial, Common, Draconic,
Primordial Legendary Actions
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Onzobeus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
from the options below. Only one legendary action
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Onzobeus fails a option can be used at a time and only at the end of
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. another creature's turn. Onzobeus regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Divine Rejuvenation. If Onzobeus is slain, shards of
his flesh shatter, and he reforms in whirl of arcane Cantrip. Onzobeus casts a cantrip.
smoke up to 60ft away from his previous location.
Explosive Growth (Costs 2 Actions). Onzobeus uses
He returns to life but is reduced to two legendary
explosive growth.
actions per round, and 78 hit points. The second
time he is slain, he returns to life with a single Flash of Betrayal (Costs 2 Actions). Onzobeus taps into
legendary action per round and 39 hit points. The the psyche of all creatures within 100ft. Drawing
third time he is slain in a day, he returns with 10 hit upon their inner insecurities, jealousy, and fears,
points, and no legendary actions. His legendary Onzobeus inspires all creatures who fail a Charisma
actions, and hit points are restored after one week of Save DC 18 immediately use their reaction to make
seclusion, and this ability's usage is reset.
an attack against a creature of Onzobeus' choice.

Onzobeus can choose attacks from any of the

    He returns one size category smaller than he creature's abilities eligible for use as a reaction. The
previously was, with any additional hit points from target of this ability then takes 4d10 necrotic
size increases restored in addition to of the 78 or 39 damage. Those who pass the Charisma save take half
from this ability. damage.
Spellcasting. Onzobeus is an 18th-level spellcaster.
His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). Onzobeus has the
following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of


1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, magic

missile, shield

2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility,

Melf's acid arrow, Flame Blade

3rd level (3 slots): Clairvoyance, counterspell, dispel

magic, fireball

4th level (3 slots): blight, dimension door

5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, scrying

6th level (1 slot): disintegrate, globe of


7th level (1 slot): finger of death, plane shift

8th level (1 slot): dominate monster, maze

9th level (1 slot): Meteor Swarm


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