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Edward, Earl of Chester, having the castles of Chester,

Lancaster, Diganwy, Caer Vaelan, Rhuddlan, Beeston, Newcastle-
under-Line, Shrewsbury, Bridgenorth, Richmond, and Tickhill.

Richard, Earl of Cornwall, having the castles of Restormel,

Tintagol, Mere (in Wilts), Okehampton, Berkhampstead, Wal-
lingford and Knaresborough.

William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, having the castles of

Goodrich, Kilgaran and Hertford.

John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey, having the castles of Lewes,

Reigate, Conisborough, Sandal, Stamford, Dinas Bran, and Leones.
From a case recorded in the Abbrev. Placit. p. 168, this Earl
seems at one time to have been Baronial, and procured a pardon

Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, having

Caldecot castle. He was Royalist at Lewes, but in the Barons'
army at Evesham.

William Mauduit, Earl of Warwick, of Warwick castle.

The families of Redvers of Devon and Fortibus of Albemarle

were represented at this time by a minor, Aveline. The
Dowager Countesses made a little private war on one another
during the troubles, and Isabella de Fortibus seems to have
leaned to the Baronial side. Abbrev. Placit. pp. 160, 173. But
the castles of the two families were probably in the King's hands.
They were, for Devon, Plympton and Carisbrook ; for Albemarle,
Cockermouth, Skipton, and Skipsea.


Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, having the castles of

Kenilworth and Odiham.

Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, having the

castles of Tonbridge, Hanley, Monmouth, TJsk, Caerleon and Trogy.

Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, having the castles of Fram-

lingham and Strigul.

Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, having the castles of

Pontefract, Clithero, Halton and Denbigh.

Robert de Yere, Earl of Oxford, having the castles of Castle

Camps and Hedingham.

Robert de Ferrars, Earl of Derby, having the castles of Peak,

Tutbury and Chartley.


Peter de Dreux, Earl of Richmond, being also Duke of

Brittany, took no part in English politics.

William Aguillon of Portingeres castle, Siiss. and Surr.
James Alditheley or Audley of Audley castle, Staff.
Eustace de Balliol of Durham, Cumb. and West.
John de Balliol of Barnard and Fotheringay castles.
William Bardolf of Line., Norf. and Suss.
Philip Basset of Wycombe, Bucks.
Warine de Bassingbourne of Benefeld castle in Nort/utnta.

John Beauchamp of Hacche in Somerset.

William Beauchamp of Elmley castle.

Nicholas de Bolteby of Northumb.

Ralf de Boteler of Oversley castle, Warw.

William de Braose (called of Gower), of Bramber and Knapp


Peter Brus of Skelton and Kendall castles.

Robert Brus of Lochmaban castle in Scotland.

John de Burg 1 , senior, of Norfolk, of Asshe in Hants, and of

Som., Northants, Ess. and Herts.

Pain Chaworth of Glouc.

Roger de Clifford of Clifford and Corfham castles.

John Comyn of Badenoch, of Crigelton and Galloway castles

in Scotland.

Thomas Corbet of Salop.

William le Deneys of Somers.

Oliver de Dynan of Dev.

John FitzAlan of Arundel, Whitchurch, Clun and Shra warden


Reginald FitzHerbert or FitzPeter of Glow., Salop, Here.,

Wales, &c.

Fulk Fitz Warren of Whittington castle.

Peter de Genevil of Ludlow castle.

J ohn de Grey of Der. and Notts.

Walter de Grey of Rotherfield, York and Line.

William de Greystoke of Cumb.

Hamo L'Estrange of Salop.

Roger Leybourn of Leybourn castle, Kent.

Philip Marmion of Leic. and Warw.

Roger de Merley of Morpeth castle.

Hugh de Mortimer of Ricard's castle.

Roger de Mortimer of Wigmore and Radnor castles.

Geoffrey de Neville of Hornby castle and of York., Lane., Line.

1 John de Burg, senior, was made ham for injuries sustained during

Sheriff of Norfolk by the Barons the war, I think he must have been

after the battle of Lewes. As, how- ostensibly Royalist. New Rymer, i.

ever, he obtained redress after Eves- p. 442. A. P. p. 157.


Robert de Neville ' of Brancepetli and Raby castles.

Henry de Percy of Northants, Sur. and Suss,

Ralph de Ribald 1 of Middleham.

Robert de St. John 2 of Basing.

Peter de Savoy of Pevensey castle.

William de Say of Kent and Norf.

Roger de Someri of Dudley and Welagh ([Forces.) castles.

Robert de Stuteville of Warw.

Robert de Tattershall 3 of Tattershall castle (Line.}, and

Buckenham castle, Norf.

Roger de Tony of Kirding castle (Camb,}, and Castle Maud in

the Welsh Marches.

Gilbert de Umfraville 4 of Prudhoe and Harbottle castles.

John of Vaux, or de Vallibus, of Norf., Northants and Sujf.

John de Verdon 4 of Brandon castle, Warw.

Robert Waleran of Kilpec castle.

Alan de la Zouch of Leicest.

To this list we may probably add, Robert Bertram of Bothale

(Nor thumb.}, who got seisin of his lands soon after Evesham : Roger
de Chandos of Snodhill castle, Here., whose son had livery in
12656 : John de Courtenay of Devon, Dorset, &c., who was made
governor of Totness in 1261-2: Robert FitzJohn or Clavering of
Northumb., son of a Balliol and ward of Will, de Valence : John
FitzHerbert of Sussex, a royal surety : William Paganel of Carl ton,
York, whose lands were restored him in 1260 : Geoffrey de Scales
of Essex, whose younger son Thomas was Royalist, Abbrev. Plac.
177 : Ralph de Sudley of Herefordshire; a royal governor in.
1269, and connected with the Beauchamps of Elmley: Gilbert
Talbot of Glouc. and Here., a Royalist governor in 1269, and grand-
son of Basset of Wycombe.

1 Ralf de Kibald, with his two sons- vernor of Porchester in 1266.

in-law Eobert de Neville and Robert 3 See note 1, preceding page,
de Tattershall, was Royalist at first, 4 Gilbert de Umfraville and John

but made his peace with the barons de Verdon seem to have been for a

after Lewes. time on the Barons' side. Dugdale's

8 I insert Robert de St John as Baronage, i. p. 505. Abbrev. Plac.

Royalist because he was allowed to p. 167.

fortify in 1260, and was made go-




Giles of Argentine of Camb., Ess., Herts and Hunts.

Thomas de Astley of Warw., Leic. and Northants.

John de Balun of Here, and Glouc.

William Bardolf of Line., Norf. and Northants.

Ralph Basset of Drayton.

Ralph Basset of Sapercote.

John Beauchamp of Bedford.

Maurice Berkeley of Berkeley castle.

Roger Bertram of Mitford castle, Northumb.

William de Blund of Norf., Stuff., Ess. and Beds.

Humphrey de Bohun of Hay, Huntington, Brecknock and

(?) Hereford castles.

Ralph de Cainoys of Camb., Hunts, Northants, &c.

Walter de Colevil of York, Leicest., Rut., &c.

Robert de Crevequer of Kent.

William de Criketot of Suffolk.

Nicholas de Cryoll of Kent.

Norman D'Arcy of Line.

Hugh le Despenser of Rut., Ess., Northants., Beds, &c.

William Devereux or De Ebroicis (?) of Lenhall castle, Here.

Walter de Dunstanvill of Salop and Wilts.

Henry Engaine of Hunts, and Northants.

John de Eyvill of Hod castle, York.

John FitzJohn or FitzGeoffrey of Evyas Lacy castle, and of


Robert FitzPayne of Somer., Dors., Wilts, <kc.

Robert Fitz Walter of Baynard's castle.

Gerard de Furnivall of Warden, Northants.

Gilbert de Gaunt of Line., &c.

John Giffard of Brinsfield and St Briavel's ? castles.

Richard de Grey of Leices.

Henry de Hastings of Bolsover castle.

Henry Hoese or Hussey of Suss.

Roger de Huntingfield of Suf.

John L'Estrange of Ruton castle.

Robert L'Isle of Rougemont, Beds.


Geoffrey de Lucy of Hants, Kent, Sur. and Suss.

Roger Luvetot of Derby and Notts.

Robert Marmion, Line.

Geoffrey de Mandevill of Mershwood, Wilts.

Eobert de Mandevill of Mershwood, Wilts.

William W. Marescal of Nor/., Line, and Somer.

William Marmion of Suff.

William de Monchensy of Norf., Northants., and Ess.

Roger de Montalt of Rising and Mold castles.

Peter de Montfort of Beaudesert and Henley-in-Arden castles.

Thomas de Multon of Egremont and Line.

Hugh de Nevill of Stoke Courcy castle.

John de Nevill of Notts.

Adam de Newmarch, Line, and York.

Henry de Porueroy of Devon.

Robert de Ros of Belvoir castle.

Roger de St John of Oxon.

Nicholas de Segrave of Warw. and Leices.

John de Stutevill of Derby.

Richard de Tany of Ess. and Herts.

Robert de Tregoz of Evyas Harold castle.

John de Vesci of Alnwick castle.

Robert de Vipont of Appleby and Burgh castles.

Baldwin Wake of York and Cumb.

Walter de Wayvill or Wahull, Beds.

In conjunction with this list we may perhaps notice, William

de Beauchamp of Chalveston or Eton in Beds, who was made she-
riff after Lewes (see however, p. 379) ; Thomas de Clinton of
Warwickshire, whose second son, John, was an insurgent; Gilbert
Peche of Brunne, two of whose brothers were on the Barons' side,
and Robert Yaloins of Suffolk, whose uncle, William le Blund, fell
fighting against the King at Lewes. Dugdale thinks that Heniy
Lovel of Castle Gary was connected with the eminent rebel, John
Lovel ; and two other Lovels, Robert and Thomas, were among
the garrison of Kenilworth.




Stephen de Bayeux of Line., Somers. and Dors. If alive,

seventy-five years of age.

George Cantilupe of Abergavenny and Kilgaran castles. Only

thirteen years old in 1265. (Compare Annals of Dunstaple, p. 257,
and Calend. Geneal. p. 197.)

Henry Delaval of Seaton in Northumb. was over 60 in 1258.

Hugh FitzRalph of Notts and Derby was probably an old

man, as he had been a governor of royal castles in 1235.
Thomas de Furnivall of Derby and Notts. Probably on pil-
grimage or dead.

Robert de Ghisnes had sold his lands in Northants, and pro-

bably was no longer counted in the English baronage.

Robert de Gresley of Manchester was a minor.

Geoffrey de Luterell was mad.


Richard Basset of Weldon in Northants.

Walter Bek of Eresby.
Philip de Columbers of Staway in Somerset.
Hugh and Stephen de Cressie of Norf. and Suff.
Maurice de Croune of Surrey.
Philip D'Albini of Berks.
Edmund D'Eyncourt of Notts.

Richard de Dover of Chilham castle in Kent. (This pedigree

is in hopeless confusion. The family descended from a bastard of
King John, but John de Chilham was on the Barons' side.)

Henry FitzRandolf of Northumb.

Ralph de Gaugi of Northumb.

Robert de Gurney of Gloucest., &c.

Henry or John de Heriz of Notts.

William Heron of Northumb.

William de Keynes of Dorset.

Philip de Kyme of Kesteven.

Henry de Longchamp of Hants. (He had married a Heringod,

and two of that name were in the rebellion.)

Henry de L'Orti of Devon and Cornwall.

Matthew de Loraine.


Nicholas Martin of Devon and Som.

William or Simon de Montacute.

Peter de Mauley of Yorkshire. His father had been godfather

to Prince Edward.

Nicholas Moels of Cadbury.

John de Mohun of Somerset and Devon.

Roger de Mowbray l of Bedford castle and York.

Ralph Musard of Musardere castle, Derb. and Gloucest.

Peter de Scoteni of Line.

William le Scrope of Bolton.

Robert de Stafford of Staff, married a daughter of the Royalist,

Thomas Corbet.

Reginald de "Valletort of Trematon castle.

John de Wolverton of Bucks.

A list of the gentry who fought on either side must obviously

be very imperfect. Only a few were important enough to be
named by the chroniclers, and the remainder are chiefly known
to us by the list of confiscations. England probably contained at
this time some twelve thousand men who had taken out their
knighthood, or might be compelled to do so ; and it is reasonable
to assume that half of these took part in the war. Nevertheless
I cannot account for more than from 390 to 400 names, and out
of these less than 100 are of royalists. Still I think we may assume
that these names fairly represent the distribution of the different
sides, and their evidence is unmistakeable. On the king's side
more than half (about 50 out of about 100) come from the North,
West, or South-West, though no names from the Counties Palatine
of Cheshire and Cornwall are included ; and though the other half
of England must have contained two-thirds of the population. On.
the Baronial side (omitting more than 30 names which I cannot
identify) more than 220 belong to the Eastern, South-Eastern,
or Midland Counties; less than 40 to the Northern, Western,
or South- Western. Northamptonshire, Kent, and Sussex contri-
bute in more than their due proportion to the constitutional cause ;
no doubt because those counties were especially the theatre of war.

1 As Eoger de Mowbray died in fortified it. In this case he was pro-

1266, in the Isle of Axholme, it bablyBoyalist, as his widow and heirs

may be that he was killed in a skir- were" not impaired in estate. But

mish of the times when the barons his father William had died there.


London was dealt with separately, and only supplies one or two
names, as of Stephen Bukerel, to my list.


* A little uncertain, f Professedly royalist but of doubtful fidelity.

County not quite certain. A. P. Abbreviatio Placitorum.

Robert de Amundeville*. Dur. Ralf de Ardern and his

father. War. Walter de Audrey*. Dur.

Hugh of Balliol. Dur. William Bagot. Staff, and Sal.

Anselm de Basset t. Som. Thomas Berkeley. Glou. Hugh
le Bigot. Tor. Three or four sons of William Beauchamp. Wor.
John Bechhampton. Wil. William de Berwickt. Som. Wil-
liam de Borham. Ess. John de Bolemer. Norf. Henry de
Bracton. Dev. Richard de Braham. Bed. Robert de Briwes.
Norf. and Lin. Walter Bryndebere 1 Bed. Henry de Bure-
whull. Norf. and Welsh Marches. Robert le Bygod. Bus.

William de Chaeny. Camb. or Welsh Marches. Robert le

Chamberlain. Hants. Walter de Caple. Glouc. and Wor. Patric
Cha worth. Glou. Robert de Cheny. Welsh Marches 1 Geoffrey
de Chesewyk. Kent. Roger de Clifford, Junior. Her. William
la Cousche. Camb.

William de Ecchynge*. A. P. 177. t same as William de

Etling. New Rymer, i. p. 455. Welsh Marches. Hugh of Elen-
court. Glou. and Wor.

Charles Fitz-Charles 1 Sus. Marmaduke Fitz-Geoffrey *. Dur.

Robert Fitz-Pain. Dev. Dor. Wil. &c. Ralf Fitz-Ralf. Northern.
Ralf Fitz-Ranulf. Norf. and Northern.

Adam de Gesemue. Northern. William de Gouiz. Dor.

Matthew de Gamages. Welsh Marclies. Osbert Gifford, Oxon.

Gilbert Hansard. Dur. Simon de Halle. Norf. and Welsh

Marches. Henry de Henfeld. Leic. Robert de Hilton*. Dur.
Tor. John of Hirlawe. Nthumb. Robert de Hovel. Suf.
William de Hugeford. Sal.

Adam de Kidmallis, or Ridmark. 1 de Ridware. York.

William de Lafford, senior. Bed. Geoffrey de Langley. War.

Nicholas de Leukenor. Mid. and Ess. Robert and Roger Le
Strange. Sal. Hugo Le Strange ?, or Hugo de Troja, of a London
family of that name.


John de Mautravers. Dor. William de Mautravers. Dor.

and Berks. Stephen de Meinill. Northern. Robert de Mere.*
Som. A. P. p. 173. Walter de Merton. Sur. and Norf. Ro-
ger de Mules. Dev. John Mussegros. Glou. and Som.

William de Napford, or Nafford. War. Peter de Neville.

Nthants. and Leic. John Norman. Ess.

John Paynel. Berks. Robert Pierpoint. Line, and Notts. 1

Alan Plukenet. Here. Hugh de Percy. Sur. and Sus.

Geoffrey le Salar. Suss. 1 Ralf le Sauser. Mid. John le

Sauvage. Sus. Thomas de Scalars. Herts. Alice de Scales.
Comb. William de St Omer. Her. and Wor. A. P. 160. Wil-
liam de Stenesby. SIM. 1 William de Suwell. Sus. ] A. P. 177.

Roger de Torny. Tor. John, Hugh and Robert de Turberville.

Welsh Marches. Marmaduke and Richard de Tweng. Tor. Ro-
bert Tybetot. Tor. and Dev.
Roger and William de Whelton. Beds. A. P. 169. William,
de Wilton. Kent.

Henry la Zouche. Herts, and Bed. William and Yvo la

Zouche. Eastern or Midland 1


William de Albaniaco. Glou. Henry de Albernare. Richard

de Amundevill. Salop. Sus. Wilts. William Angevin. James
de Appelby*. Line. ? Dev. Edmund of Ardern. War. ? Tho-
mas de Ardern. War. Nicholas le Archer. Nthants. Ralf,
Roger, and Thomas de Arcy. Line. Reginald de Argentein. Ess.
Camb. &c. William de Arundel. Ralf de Arundel 1 Cornwall.

Guncelin de Badlesmere. Kent. Ingelram de Baillol. Leic.

Roger de Balun. Nthants. Walter de Barkeswille, prob. same
as Walter de Baskerville. Her. and Sal. John of Bath. Berks.
Herts. Oxon. &c. Guy Baysselle ? same as Guydo Brussell.
John de Becclesangar. Kent. John de Belham : Monachus.
Henry and Richard de Berham. Ess. 1 John de Beufo. Line.
or Norf. 1 Henry de Bey ville. Dor. Roger le Bigot. Tor. or
Line. 1 Philip de Blakemore. Dev. Andrew le Blund. Ess. 1
Simon de Bodiham. Here. John of Bodiham. Line. John de
Bohun. Glou. John, brother of Francy de Bohun. Sus. Richard


de Borard. Line. ? Harvey de Boreham. Ess. Nicholas de

Bosco. John de Boseville. Suff. Reginald de Bottreaux. War.
Peter de Bourton. J. Boxcrisse. William de Boytune. Sujf.
John de Bracebridge. War. 1 Thomas de Bray. Bucks. R. de
Brocton. Sal. Bernard de Bras. Hunts, or Rut. Guydo Brus-
sell. Norf. Stephen Bukerel. Mid. Robert Burdet. Leic.
John de Burgh, junior. Nthants, <kc. W. de Burmugham.
Bucks. Robert Butevilayn. Notts. Bed. and Line. 1

William Camerarius (prob. Chamberlain of Hants. ?). Nicho-

las de Cantilupe. Nthants. Nicholas Carrok. Kent. Richard
de Casterton. Rut. ? John of Caston. Camb. Gregory and Hugh
de Caudewelle. ? Here. William de la Gene. ? de Chen. Line.
Robert Chadde. John de Chilham. Kent. John de Chokesfeld
or Clakesfeld. Kent. Thomas de Clare, Glou., latterly royal-
ist. Walter le Clerk. Nthants. John de Clinton. War. Richard
de Cnolle. Galfridus Cocus. Wilts. Philip de Colevile. Camb.
or Nthants. Hugo de Coleworth. Nthants. Fulk Constable.
York. 1 Richard Corbet. Hunts, and Nthants. Robert Corbet.
Sal. Richard de Corpestey. Sus. Philip de Covel. Line. ? Henry
de Cramanvile. Kent. Ess. and Suff. John and Walter de Cran-
ford. Nthants. Walter de Crepping. Ess. Richard de Crevequer.
Kent. Robert de Crevequer. Kent. Bertram del Criel. Kent.
Laurence del Crok. Thomas de Cronesley. Leic. Alan de
Crowethorne. Geoffrey de Crulefeld. Hants. Richard de Cul-
worth. Ess. John de Cumbe, of John de la Haye's household.
Robert de Cumden.

Philip de Daventre. Hunt, and Beds. ? Philip de Dayvill or

Say v ill. Yor. See Eyvill. John le Despenser. Leic. and Line.
Geoffrey de Donham. Line. John de Dovor. Hunt, and Ess.
Philip de Doyly. Line. Hiigh de Dunster. Suff. John de
Dykelinge. Ess. John de Dyne. Oxon. Ralf de Dy va. Oxon.

Gilbert Einefeld. Mid.\ Gilbert de Ellesfeld. Oxon and

Berks. John of Estregate. Mid. John Esturmy. Suf. Richard
Everard. Suf. Henry and William de Eyvill. Yor.

W. de Ferrariis. Rut. Henry Fitz-Aucher. Wilts. Robert

Fitz-Nicholas. Sus. Robert Fitz-Nigel '. Berks and Bucks.

1 Robert Fitz-Nigel (killed at Eve- Basset of Wycombe. Calend. Geneal-

sham) was heir of Agnes Basset, and I. p. 43. See p. 153, note 1.
perhaps therefore connected with


Simon Fitz-Simon 1 . Bed. Eustace de Foleville. Leic. and Line.

Henry le Fonun, Constable of Odiham. A. P. 175. William
de Furnivall. Nthants. and Notts.

John Genevile. Here. William de Gerstone. Kent. Osbert Gif-

fard. Som. Dev. and Oxon. ; changed sides. Hugo Gobyun. Leic.
and Bed. Turgis de Godwineston. Kent. 1 Walter de Gloves.
Bed. or Leic. ? W. de Goldington. Norf. Brian de Gorva. Leic.
Robert de Gotely. Sus. Hugo de Graham. John de Grey.
Leic. Richard de Grey. Kent. Adam Gurdon. Hants. John
de Gurney. Nthants. Brian de Guwiz. Dor. Som. W. de
Gyleford. Sur. ?

John de Habn. Ralf Haquet. Bucks, and Wore. William

de Harecurte. Oxon. Saer de Harcourt. Leic. Robert de
Hardres. Kent. Wil. de Hardreshill. Lin. and Nthants. Henry
de Hastings. Leic. Matthew de Hesting or Hasting. Kent. Sus.
Nicholas de Hautlo. Camb.1 Richard and John de Havering.
Hants. Richard de Havering. Dor. John de la Haye. Lin.
Nthants. Kent. Sus. and Glow. Thomas de Heyham. Kent.
Richard de Hemyngton. Norf. Simon Herin. Norf.1 Ralf de
Heryngot. Sur. William Heringod. Kent. Thomas de Hestelee.
? Astley : see p. 369. Philip de Heymile. ? Hay, miles. Hugh
de Hopville. Roger de la Hyde. Nthants.

Robert de Irland. Sus.

Andrew de Jarpenvill. Bucks.

Ralf Kaket : see Haket. William de Kekewell. Sus. Richard

de Kemsing. Kentl the same as Richard, Rector of Kemsing.
Kent. John Kyriel. Kent.

William de Lacu. Staf. William de Lafford, junior. Bed.

Leic. and War. Walter de Lecton. Camb. William of
Leicester : Clericus. Michael of Lenham. Kent 1 Sus.1 John
de la Lind. Line. Sus. Robert de L'Isle. Lin. Norf. and Suf.
Walter de London : Ctericus. Henry de Longchamp. Hants.
Robert Lovel. Dur. John Lovel. Nthants. Camb. Hunts.
and Wilts. See Luvel. Robert de Lusches. Oxon. John
Luvel. Oxon. Robert Luvel. J. Luvel. Norf. William
de Lymar. Leic. John de Lymonges. Kent or Nthants.

1 "Qui primo vcxillum erexit contra regem Henricum." MS. quoted

in Riskanger, p. 125.


Robert Maloree. Line, or Yor.1 Henry cle Manneston.

H. de la Mare. Oxon. William Martell. Leic. John and
William de Maundeville. Som. Dur. and Wilts. Thomas
Maunsel. Bucks, or Kentl William Melker de Stoke. Thomas
de Moland (Molendinis). Mid.1 Sampson de Moles. ? de Mule :
see. Surr. Roger de Monteny. Camb. Norf. and Suf. Simon,
Heniy, Guy, Amalric and Richard de Montfort. Leic. Robert
de Montfort. War. William de Montefort. Jordan de Moul-
ton. Line. John de Mucegros, Constable of Salisbury. Glouc.
Som. Nthants.1 Waleran Munceaux. Suf. Ess. and Oxon. H.
Murdak. Oxon. Robert Mutun or Motun. Leic.

Hugh and John Neville. Ess. Peter de Neville. Leic. Rut.

Stephen de Neville, Leic. Robert de Newyagton. Glou.'l
Matthew Noel and his brother. Herts, and Bed. Roger de
Noers. Bed.

Richard de Offenthone. Line. David de Oflyntone. Ralf de

Oteringdene. Kent.

John Page. Norf. or Kentl Robert Paignell. Oxon.

Grimbald Pancefot. Her. and Wor.: see p. 266. note 1. Walter
de Panes. Glou.l Symon de Pateshyll. Bed. Hunt. Line. Hugh
Peche. Camb. Robert Peche. Suf. John of Peckham. Kent.
Henry de Pembrigge. Leic. Walter Peiitheceustre. Sur. Ralf
Perot. Bed. Henry Perot. Bed. ? Henry de Pevenesse. Kent.
or Sus. 1 Hugo Peverel. Devon. Stephen de Pirie. Kent. Ralf
de Pomeroy. Dev. and Som. William de la Poyle or Puxle. Mid.
Hugo Poynz. Som. William de Preston. Leic. Simon le Prude.

Felicia de Queye. Bed. Roger Quintin. Norf.1

John de Reygate. Leic. Adam de Riddenn. Anselm

and William de Ripple. Roger Roulee. Hunt.1 Amaric de
Ruscelles. Norf. Geoffrey Russell. Sus. John de Rye. Leic.

Jordan de Sackville. Suf. Thomas de Sandwich : Clericus.

Kent. Richard St John. Oxon.1 Roger de St Philibert.
Oxon. Berks, or Suf.1 W. de St Philibert. Nthants. Henry
de Schorn. John of Scordebec. Peter de Segrave. j War. and
Leic. R. de Sepinges. Philip le Serjeant. Nthants.1 A. P.
159. Laurence de Sbauekuutewelle. Geoffrey de Skeffington.
Leic. J. de Snaves (see Suanes). John Fitz-Adam de Someri.


Herts. Sampson de Soles. Kent. Eustace de Solevill. Stephen

Soudan. ? Sodanke. Kent. John Spinard. Kent. John de
Stotevill. Northumb. Semann de Stoke. Notts. John de
Suanes. Kent. Thomas de Suthesse. Kent. John de Suthun:
Clericus. R. and Reginald de Sutton. Nthants. Notts. The
first is probably the same as Robert le Sutton. Nthants. A. P.
159. Walter and Henry de Swynesford. Norf. and Suf.%

John Talebot. Sus. Lucas de Tanny. Ess. and Herts.

Roger de Tilmanneston. Kent. William de Tracy. Glou. and
Wilt. Alan Travers. Norf.1 Robert de Trek. Sus. Roger de
Trihanipton. Kentl Edmund Trumbert. Tor. Richard and
William Trussell. War. Martin de Tunstall. Kent. William de
Turwill. Hants.1 or Wills.1 Hugo de Tywe. Som. and Ireland.

Richard de Vernon, Leic. William de Vesci. Northumb.

Reginaldus Vicecomes (1 of the Viscount family or a Sheriff).
Robert de Vipont. West. John Yissy. Glou.1

Hugo Wake. Bucks, and Nthants. 1 Nicholas Wake. Tor.

John la Warre. Glou.1 William de la Warre. Her.1 or same
as Wil. de Ware. Norf. Bartholomew de Wateringbury.
Kent. Reginald and Simon de Waterville. Nthants. A. P. 166.
Berenger de Watevile. Hunt. Eustace de Watteford. Nthants.
Robert de Weresle. 1 Wor. Osbert de Werford. Leic. Nigel
deWeston. Line. A. P. p. 164. William de Whel ton. Nthants.
Thomas de Winton: Clericus. Ralf de Wodekyme. W. de
Wortham. Suf. Geoffrey de Wrokeshall. Glou.1 John de
Wyaxvill. Nthants.^ Geoffrey de Wycheling : Clericus. Kent.
Hamo de Wycleston. Robert de Wyleby. Leic. and Cumb. Isaac
de Wylmington. Kent. Simon Wyolf. Suf.1

In connection with this list we may consider the names of

John de Aur'. Dorset. William de Bovill. Suffolk. Geoffrey
de Escudemor. Wilts. John de Mareville. West. John de
Plessets. Northumb. John de St Walery. Hants, and Robert de
Stradley. Notts. These were appointed " Custodes Pacis" in their
respective counties after the battle of Lewes. As however the
Royalists, John de Burg. Senior, Norfolk, and Oliver de Dynant,
Devon, (see p. 368), figure on the same list, we must assume that
in some cases the Barons were compelled to take officials from the
opposite ranks. Indeed John, de Aur' was superseded before the


battle of Evesham by Brian de Gowiz and Oliver de Dynant

by Hugo Peverel. New Rymer, Vol. I. pp. 442, 457.

These names in some cases have been identified from lists of

forfeitures in a particular county, like that at p. 298, note 5, or
from lists indicating the various counties to which the persons
named belonged. Where this guidance was wanting I have used
the Calendarium Genealogicum, the Rotuli Hundredorum, the
Testa de Nevill, the Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, the Abbreviatio
Placitorum, and Dugdale's Baronage. If a name appears always
in connection with the same county I think we may assume
the owner's identity. Often where there is only one mention
of a name it would be unreasonable to doubt. Thomas deSuthesse
appears only in the Testa de Nevill (p. 215), but holds part of
a fee under Simon de Montfort. I have marked Stephen Soudan
or Sodan as possibly of Kent, because his name occurs in a list
made up largely of Kentish names, and a Hugh Sodanke had land
in that county under John, while Stephen was succeeded by a sun
Hugh. But in several cases persons bearing the same surname
were so numerous and so scattered that I have oifered no con-
jecture. Lastly, it must be borne in mind that a man of pro-
perty in the 13th century often owned patches of land in several
different counties. My list does not profess to be exhaustive for
these : and it may happen that a knight's name has come down
to us in legal record associated with his least important holding.
Still this cannot often have been the case : and as the inferences, I
have tried to draw, rest on the great division of S. E. and N. W.
they will not, I hope, be much affected by any corrections that
local antiquarians might make. P.

NOTE. I am indebted to the historian of the Weald of Kent, Mr

R. Furley, for pointing out to me that Simon de Montfort held the manor
of Sutton Valence in Kent in right of his wife. (Rot. Hund. p. 323.) If
Button castle was then built, as Mr Furley thinks, it was an important
position ; and must be added to the list of baronial fortresses.


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