1BSA-C-Pagayao, Baimonic - TOPIC 1

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Name: Baimonic M.

Course: 1BSAccy-C
Subject professor: Elangbai Dimasingkil

What is your first impression of USM?

My first impression of the university was that it is eco-friendly, looking at the tall tress
and grassy ground it sending us a message that we can freshen up our mind and inhale
pure air . The faculty and staff is approachable when we need some directions or
concerns. They provide a good quality of education to students. Prioritize the students
safety physically and mentally.

Why did you choose to study in this university?

I chose to study in university because it not just focused on providing good quality and
relevant education but also on values that can shape a person's life. They concern the
whole-being of a person and the socio-economic development of a community, and
promote harmony of different cultures. Some member of my family also studied at USM
and based on what they have experience in the university it is something good and they
told me to study there to have a good background of education. I also have personal
reasons such as this is a public institution that could help the students who are not
financially stable to still continue their education with less cost.

Activity 1
As a student, make your own mission, vision and goals.
To thrive in my journey through life and learn life lessons along the way, to learn and
develop my skills and talents, to pass and graduate from university, build a strong
connection with other people, to keep my track on positivity and never lose sight of my

To be the great version of myself as an accountant and a lawyer, Help the people in need
in times of crisis, serve as an inspiration to young people, and be a responsible person to
action committed.

To build my self-confidence and have a good study habits.
To achieve a good grades to attract better job offers.
To find an internship that could enhance my skills and talents.
I plan to graduate with a bachelor degree in accountancy after 3 years.
Become a CPA license.
Activity 2.

1. How do you plan to achieve your goals?

To accomplish such a thing is not easy to do. We can’t say we want that and get that, in
order to achieve what we desire we need to take action. Confidence is a very tough thing
to build up. In achieving that goal I need to look back to my achievements, recognize my
strength and weakness, be optimist that if others can do it why can’t I. As a student
study habits is very crucial since pandemic arises I don’t have any particular study habit
I always use my time facing my laptop or cellphone watching or scrolling news feed. I
must manage my time and balance it to the things that I need to do. Focus on thriving
my knowledge in my chosen field to have better grades and accept an internship so I
can apply my learning in actual practices. In order for me to graduate I need to pass all
of the subjects and requirements in my course. I need to be realistic and remind myself
that walking in this path is difficult. It is necessary to be strong and healthy to reach
those goals.To earn my CPA license I am now enrolled and studying at university to
keep myself on track. Achieving life goals is about making plans and commitments. I
need to embrace my imagination and turn it into reality.

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